#and i don't have enough short sleeved things for the summer because i only have long sleeved shirts
catinfroghat · 1 year
Just spent a lot of money on work clothes... I'm ordering them to the store to try them anyway I'm not sure if I'll like them because I wanted to try some slightly different styles
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mjolnirswriststrap · 11 months
“It's getting dark and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake”
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Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Reader escapes her abusive ex and moves to the alps. Bucky is in denial about some things, like what the year is, and if he’s dead. Part 1/6
Warnings: Mentions of an abusive boyfriend, Ghosts.
Masterlist Pt.Two
You shiver as a freezing cold breeze finds its way through the cracks of the window. The train is old, insulation and heat are nowhere to be found. You sit back in your seat cupping your hands for warmth, looking around at all the empty seats, you’re sure its only you on the train, no one wants to go to this tiny village in Austrian Alps. You made sure when you picked it, population of only 200, no one would find you there.
Some people might say you’re crazy for moving halfway across the world because of a crazy ex, but it wasn’t just that. You couldn’t shake the feeling of disappearing. How freeing it would be, to live just for yourself. You know it was the right thing to do, you had to much emotional baggage and you left it in the taxi at the airport in New York. It was also who you left in that taxi, they are the reason you walked into an airport with nothing but the clothes on your back and a purse.
They didn’t know you were hidden underneath three layers of shirts, pants, underwear, socks. You looked like a hobo, but no one could tell you had shorts, leggings, and jeans underneath your baggy sweats. No one noticed the sports bra overtop the strapless one, or the doubling of tank tops. Maybe they noticed the light blue of your favorite t-shirt popping out of the collar of your grandma's cable knit sweater. Did they notice the amount of gold bracelets or the diamond rings on your fingers? He didn’t, you hid your hands in your sleeves around him. TSA didn’t bat an eye though. Your purse contains everything, your whole life stuffed into a school bag you’d been pretending was a new purse. You made up the excuse that you needed more organization. You practically brought nothing; he’d notice if it was stuffed to the gills.
You told him you were picking up your cousin from the airport, you knew he wouldn’t let you go by yourself, so you couldn’t pack a bag. You just got extremely lucky when he said he’d wait in the taxi. That was 10 hours ago, and it was night then, it’s somehow 2 pm here. You were exhausted and freezing, you just wanted to get to your cabin.
You bought it in secret when your aunt died last year. Instead of putting you in her will, she left cash behind in the cat food container. She knew your situation, and she knew you’d be the only one to think about her cats after she died. When you found the money, it had a note saying to make a secret savings account, never tell a soul, one day the moment would come when you’d had enough. You know your aunt didn’t mean move to Austria, but what can you do when your abusive boyfriend is a secret agent for shield. You have to be this dramatic, taking chances wasn’t an option now. You had to go as far as you could. Even though disappearing excited you, it was very necessary. The chance was minimal that he would ever find you, but it was enough to keep you looking around the train.
When you make it to the tiny town you don't realize there is a welcome parade waiting for you. It really only consists of some local women and pies. They keep you entertained with their broken English, as you all hike your way up to your new cabin. They tell you how lucky they are to have you, how excited they are for summer and to be able to show you around more properly.
You thank one of the women as she hands you a key, "The bank sent this from the city.". You wave them off, turning the key and stepping inside. Once you're in the door you're standing in the kitchen, a countertop that doubles as a bar separates it from the open concept living room. A wooden staircase leads to a loft bedroom. You smile at the thought of no more slamming doors.
You do see one door, making your way towards it. Opening it reveals an outdated bathroom that needed some tlc. You covered your nose at the stench of mildew. There was a major leak, you need to find where it comes from so it doesn't get worse. You make your way up the stairs, and you search around for the cause of your grief. A sizable patch of mold is found behind your bed, under the windowsill. The realtor's photos did not disclose this damage.
As you’re bent over accessing the costs, you hear a loud creak come from downstairs. It's enough for you to jump up and run to the banister, searching for what caused it. You find nothing, you tell yourself it's just the wind and shake it off. It's too early to be getting spooked. This cabin is so old, there's bound to be creaks and whispers ever once and a while.
You make your way downstairs to have a closer look around. You check the cupboards to find that the women stocked you up with the basic necessities, sugar, flour, salt. You find farm fresh milk, cheese, and eggs in the fridge. You close the tin door; the women were nice enough to give you food but not enough to dust the place. You find some supplies under the sink and get to work.
You dust old pictures of strangers, as you're knocking down cobwebs in the corners a powerful scent clouds your mind. You stand against the wall, steadying yourself. Pine and mint, it is gone before it was truly there. No matter how hard you try to find the smell again, it's gone. You try to explain it away to yourself.
You're done by the time the sun finishes setting. The cabin envelopes you in a dim yellow glow from the old lamps. Ornate rugs where found, rolled up inside an armoire. The leather of the couch gleamed due to the scrubbing and polishing you did. A warmth fills the room, something you haven't felt in your own home in years. You run into the kitchen grabbing a glass of milk and a piece of pie.
You devour your pie and milk before you can find a watchable channel on the tv with an antenna. You settle on the hallmark channel. The acting is enough to make you cringe. But you know entertainment is slim pickings in the mountains. Throwing a fleece blanket around your shoulders your curl up into a ball. You start to fall asleep when the princess on the screen admits she was not who she said she was.
Right as your eyes close the front door bursts open. White flurries intrude on the warmth you created. You jump back, holding your chest. You know this is it, he found you that quick. When no one enters, you run and slam the door shut, locking it behind yourself. You can't help but laugh manically at yourself for clutching your pearls. Turning, you make your way upstairs, today was hectic, and you're too exhausted to deal with anything,
You wiggle your way into the flannel sheets. As you fall asleep you think about everything you left behind. Your family, a few friends, him. Your family was the hardest part. Your little brother Max will understand one day. You are going to miss out on so much, you just hope they don't hate you forever.
A stinging stabs your eye, and before you know it, tears are pooling on your pillow. It is all becoming overwhelming. Leaving your whole family behind, spending all of your aunt's money on a cabin, being alone in this cabin, the constant fear that he is coming. You had luxuries in New York; places to run, people that can hear everything. You don't know what he would do out here, especially because of what you did.
Before you can spiral completely you hear the faint sound of a train whistle. Strange, you think to yourself. The tracks are a mile away back in town, there's no way you should be able to hear them out here. The whistle sounds like it's getting closer and closer. You stand from the bed and look outside the window; you're greeted with darkness and still trees.
With no sights on a train, your heart jumps out of your chest when the house begins to rumble beneath your feet. It's like only the cabin was being affected by the nearby train. You walk to the center of the room, covering your ears as the whistle gets unbearably loud. The cabin starts shaking violently, causing a picture frame to crash on the ground. You let out a scream and fall to your knees.
Everything ceases. The house is silent, your rapid breathing echos off the walls. You raise your head, looking around, you half expect something to pop out at you. When nothing comes, you stand and slowly walk down the stairs. The only thing out of place, shattered glass.
You cross the room to the kitchen, grabbing the broom off the hook. You're still trying to explain it away and catch your breath as you sweep up the shards. Maybe there is a different set of tracks nearby. You're being paranoid because it's your first night. It will take time for everything to be okay again. You toss what is left of the frame, practically crawling back to bed.
You fall asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, exhaustion overtaking you. Your dreams are no reprieve from your fast-moving life. You're hurt really bad, and you're trying to flag down a soldier in the woods for help. He's running away from you, holding his shoulder, screaming a man's name. Its muffled, and his face is fuzzy, the only thing you could make out were images of dog tags.
You drift to a happier place as you smell mint and pine again. Instead of clouding your senses, this time it relaxes them. letting your dreams ease your anxiety while you slept.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
The Boys Trap Prt 6 | Luke Hughes x reader
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the boy trap masterlist - luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: “Heyy bestie can I request a follow up for yn and hallies fight? Maybe Luke and the boys end up getting really drunk one night and something happens which makes yn pack and leave before they’re all awake the next day and doesn’t say anything to anyone?! 🙏🏼”  and “I need a part 2 of the fight between Hallie and y/n? Does the boys notice and what are they doing about it? 🫶🏼🫶🏼”
word count: 1.9k
It took the guys a few days before they noticed that you and Hallie weren’t speaking to each other. In the beginning, they just chalked up Hallies absence to her visiting her friends. It wasn’t until the fourth night in a row where you guys were radio silent that Luke approached you. 
You were sitting on Luke’s bed, watching him get ready for the small party the guys were hosting. It was the end of the summer, so there were now even more hockey players and friends cramped into the house. It was decided that tonight would be the evening where everyone hung out in the backyard, drinking beers and chatting instead of going out to the bars. 
Luke was looking through his closet when he finally asked, “what’s going on with you and Hallie? The other guys and I have noticed you two haven't been as talkative”. You knew this was going to come up, and you didn’t want to talk about it. You were so embarrassed by Hallies reaction to you not wanting her to flirt with Jack. You thought it was a simple request, but her calling you insecure and even questioning why Luke was with you… it hurt. 
“She just said some stuff and… I don’t know” you were fiddling with the sleeve of one of Luke's sweatshirts that you were wearing. 
“What’d she say?” he questioned while pulling on a michigan tee. 
“I don’t want to talk about it” was all you replied and Luke frowned. 
“You can’t just not talk to her. I mean, we invited her here… she’s a guest at my house. I don't want things to be awkward” you only sighed in response. You knew that Luke was right, and you were embarrassed with how you have been acting towards Hallie, but you didn’t know if you wanted to forgive her. The way she just used your insecurities against you? All because you don't want to be constantly compared to her? It made you so upset. 
Luke continued to get ready in silence, throwing you a side glance every once and a while once you started to get ready as well. You pulled on a short summer dress, and paired it with the floral cardigan that Luke had bought you in the beginning of the summer. 
Soon enough the house was filled with college and nhl hockey players, and you quickly lost sight of your boyfriend. 
An hour went by and you still hadn’t seen Luke. The party had quickly gone out of hand with the small friendly gathering turning into a huge house party.
“you here alone?” a random boy you didn’t know slurred at you as he gripped your waist, nearly tumbling over at the effort it took to get to you. 
“uh no my boyfriends here” you said with disgust evident in your tone. Thankfully, the guy was beyond drunk so it didn’t take much force to get his hands off you.
“get off of her!” came the strong voice of Hallie as she shoved the guy even farther away from you. He stumbled backwards, and disappeared into the sea of people. “are you okay?” Hallie turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder in a form of comfort.
“uh, yeah i’m fine thanks Hallie,” you replied, gripping onto your twins arm as the two of you got shoved around by partygoers. 
“it’s getting really crazy!” Hallie shouted to which you agreed. she knew you didn’t do well at parties like this so she grabbed your hand and dragged you through the crowd and back inside the house. 
you got up to Luke's room and found a couple going crazy in his bed. they didn’t seem to notice your guys' entrance. 
Hallie quickly spun you around and outdoors, “we can just go to my car” she said, dragging you to the front of the house. 
the driveway was full, and the party was loud. police would no doubt be called to shut it down within the hour. 
you both got in Hallies car, and you sent Luke a text so he’d know you left.
there’s a couple going at it in your room
there’s too many people at the house. hallie and i left
text me back when u see this
You and Hallie drove around for about an hour, neither of you really saying much. after the initial reunion at the party, there wasn’t much to say. you watched silently as Hallie weaved between lanes, watched as she drove around town with no apparent destination in mind. 
Luke hadn’t texted you back. he hadn’t even seen your message. 
“Hey, would you care if we just stayed at my friend's house tonight?” Hallie's voice finally broke through the tense silence. she had pulled into a parking lot of a starbucks so she could pull out her phone to message her friend. 
Hallie looked up at you expectantly, and you shrugged your shoulders. “No that's fine” 
A minute went by and hallie was shoving her phone back into her bag, she pulled out of the parking lot.
“Abby said we can stay at hers” 
Abby was Hallies friend that you were not particularly fond of. She was loud, and there was a time where you thought she wanted Luke for herself. She was someone who put others down so she could look better infront of others, especially boys.
the drive to Abbys was short, and soon enough you were sitting in her basement watching as she talked and gossiped with your sister.
you checked your phone again, another half-hour going by without anything from Luke.
Are you okay?
you sent another text, before trying to busy yourself on your phone so you looked like you were doing something.
“So y/n! How’s everything going with you” Abby turned to you, addressing you for the first time since you got to her house. 
“Oh I'm good. How are you?” 
She waved a dismissing hand, “oh you know,” Abby paused, “hey, how was the party? I’ve heard Luke’s having a blast”
“Abby, what are you talking about?” Hallie cut through her friends voice,
“What? The party’s all over everyones private stories” Abby shrugged, reaching for her phone that was laying on the coffee table between everyone.
At her words, you opened your own phone. Everything seemed fine on everybody's private stories. Nothing was out of the ordinary.
“Here,” Abby passed her phone over and you saw what she was talking about. Luke was with a group of his friends, all drinking and some bordering on drunk. To Luke's credit though, he looked the most sober out of everyone. Plus, you saw him repeatedly ask duker something while looking around. It kinda looked like he was looking for you but you couldn’t really tell.
“Yeah he does look like he’s having fun,” you replied with indifference, passing Abby her phone back.
“Yeah Abs what's your point?” Hallie asked, scooching in closer so she could see Abby's phone.
“Oh nothing, I'm just really proud of you y/n. I mean, with how different you two are, it’s shocking you guys are together in the first place-”
“Abby…” Hallie warned her friend but Abby kept going,
“No really! It’s so cool that you’re the type of girlfriend that doesn’t care what her boyfriend is doing! Like you dont care at all that he’s at a party with a bunch of girls, without you!”
“Abby what the hell?” Hallie started, voice raised and upset. 
you didn’t know what to say. you didn’t keep Luke on a leash, he was allowed to hang out and drink with his friends. you couldn't help the fact that he was at a party, that was literally at his house, that had girls there. The only thing you really cared about was him not answering his texts, but you’d figure that out later.
“It’s actually really mature of you not to care! Like you literally left the party because you don’t care about him-” 
“I care about Luke? Literally what are you talking about. He’s allowed to hang out with his friends without me” you rebutted, just to try and get Abby to shut up. 
“Yeah, okay” was all Abby replied with. The tension in the room was palpable. 
Sorry duker took my phone
Are you good? I’m fine
Your phone lit up with Luke's texts, and you sighed in relief. 
You: At Hallies friends house. Shes driving me insane
Luke: do you want me to come get you?
You: you probably shouldn’t drive if you’ve been drinking
Luke: i can get quinn to come get you guys? He hasn't drank 
You: Hallie and i took her car so we can just drive back
You: is there still people over?
Luke: Nah quinny and his friends started clearing people out like 15 minutes ago
You: Okay, love you. I’ll be back soon
Luke: Love you too! Sorry about tonight. i know you hate crowds
You: it’s all good. See you soon<3
“Hallie, Luke said everyone’s clearing out now if we wanna go back” 
“Yeah okay, just let me grab my stuff” Hallie said, promptly gathering all of her stuff back into her bag.
“What? Hallie you just got here you can’t just leave!” Abby whined, grabbing onto Hallies wrist to try and stop her from grabbing her things.
Halllie shook her hand off without saying anything back to Abby.
“Come on y/n,” she said to you, grabbing onto one of your hands to direct you off of Abby's couch. 
The two of you walked out of Abby's house, ignoring her protests for Hallie to stay as intended. 
Once you two were on the road, Hallie started, “I'm really sorry about tonight y/n, about Abby, and that guy, and I'm also really sorry about our fight before. I shouldn't have said what I did” Hallie apologized, clearly upset about everything that's been happening in the past few days.
You sighed in response, “I know you're sorry. I guess I've been so distant because I just… you knew how I felt about Luke and you questioning why he was with me… I know i’m insecure but it just hurts” you felt the familiar pang in your chest, the painful lump in your throat growing as you remember the fight.
“I don't believe what I said! You and Luke are so good for each other. I just wanted to hurt you because it hurt me when you said you didn’t want to be compared to me” Hallie spoke, revealing her own hurt.
“But I don’t want to be compared to you? It sucks Hallie” 
“Wait, I didn't mean it like that! I just think sometimes that you don’t want to be close with me if that makes sense? I just… I know it doesn’t seem like it sometimes but I really depend on you. You're so different from me, you’ve always wanted to be on your own and I've always wanted to be … I don't even know the words. I guess I'm just afraid that if we’re not doing everything together you’ll just leave me one day” Hallie tearfully admitted, letting you know her own insecurities. 
By the time you two finished apologizing and sharing your feelings, you were parked outside the Hughes house. 
“Can I hug you?” Hallie asked, tears still lining her eyes.
You nodded, finally hugging your twin after what felt like weeks. 
When you two pulled apart, you noticed Luke standing by the doorway. He held up one of his thumbs, silently asking you if everything was okay. You nodded, wiping your fallen tears with the back of your hand. Everything was going to be okay.
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hobaworld7 · 2 years
MYG - Insecurities (TW) (M)
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Pairing : reader x idol/yoongi
tw: mention of eat!ng dis0rder, body dysmorphia, weight and insecurities about reader's body, like b!g or feeling not enough. there is also a lot of fluff.
PLEASE : don't read if you are underage or are struggling with ed because this could be triggering*
I feel like i'm in the right place to write about that, i've been medically diagnosed with anor3x!@ and went to many therapies for my ed. so please be comfortable to get help if you struggle or you can always talk to me, my dm are open!
a/n: I wanted to write this one since a while, so here i am a 10pm when i have to wake up at 5am tomorrow, but hope you'll enjoy and please comment some request!
disclaimer : BTS or Suga doesn't belong to me. The scenario does. Remember that it's only an imagine. I also took some of his quote about body positivity because it fits with the story. I'll put them in italic, so you know that they are not mine.
You've been struggling a lot lately. One year ago you were diagnosed with an eating disorder. You've went to therapy and since have been follow by a psychologist and your doctor. It was doing well, you've improved a lot but you were still feeling fragile. A little thing could be triggering enough to put you in some bad habits again. Summer was coming and even if your psy kept telling you to love your body that it does so much for you, just the thought of wearing and seeing yourself in short or crop top in front of people make you sick.
Here you were, in front of your full size mirror. You've tried at least 6 outfits. Nothing was okay. Your thighs were a little too big and you didn't like the way your arms fit in all of your tops. At this point, your bedroom was a mess and you were at the breaking point. You got out of your clothes, put on one of your boyfriend's hoodie and decided to call him.
-Y/N, is everything all right? I'm waiting for you at the studio.
-Yoongi, nothing looks good on me. I feel fat and ugly. I don't have anything to wear. I tried 6 outfits. I just can't get out of the house today, sorry my love...
-Babe, put anything that feel comfortable and come to the studio please. Take that long sleeve of mine that you love seeing me in. Wear it. You would look beautiful, as always, in it.
-Yoonie, I really don't feel like going out...
-Please jagiya, I'll wait for you now.
He hung up before you could say anything. He knows it was the only way to make you go out of your apartment. You went to his wardrobe, grab the long sleeve he was talking about and some legging too. You put your favorite white adidas shoes and some sunglasses before heading out. You were feeling shitty but you know you had to go see your boyfriend to feel better. He had a whole pm planned for both of you. You took the bus to his studio.
_ _ _
-Babe I'm here!
You knock slowly on the door and open it after hearing him telling you to come in. It was a little studio with all his instruments, some screens and a couch so he could rest during the busy days. You always love coming here when he was working on his album.
You hear him talking over the phone so you decided to get cozy and find your favorite spot on the couch under a blanket. You were scrolling on TikTok when Yoongi decide to come lay on you like a big bay, his head resting against your chest.
-Hello beautiful baby girl. What do you wanna eat?
-I don't feel like eating...
You wrap your arms around your belly. It was a bad day.
-I know, but you still have to take a bit or two. Now please, tell me what you wanna eat?
-I don't know, some ramen would be good?
-Perfect babe, i'll order something.
He kisses your forehead and go order food. You were a little hungry actually. But the eating disorder was like controlling your thoughts and after that body-hate morning, you didn't feel like you could eat. Like you were punishing yourself.
But Yoongi was amazing and understood how you were feeling. That's why he was forcing you to eat and get out of your apartment. He wanted you near him so he could watch over you because it was a bad day.
After you ate and he did all the work he had to do for the day, you both went home. You were feeling a little bit better. Once you arrive at your place, Yoongi went to the dressing to get changes and you went in the kitchen so you could grab something to drink.
-Babe! Y/N! Come here please.
You hears Yoongi scream from the dressing room. You let your coffee on the counter and went to the walk-in. When you open the door, you saw that he cleaned all your mess of the morning and took off the sheet that was covering the mirror. It was a full length one and he put on the sheet a week or two ago when you told him you felt ugly this day.
-Come here baby.
He reaches out for your hand. You take his hand and he slowly drag you near him. He put his hands on your shoulder and turn you around so you are facing the mirror.
-Baby, please not today..
You put your hands around your body.
-Please, let me do something okay?
You mumble as an answer. You knew he was stubborn so if you let him do what he wanted to do, it would be easier then try to leave right now.
-You are so beautiful baby.
He puts his hand on your hip and slowly pull up your hoodie.
-Raise your arm baby.
You slowly do as he said and he then slowly undress you. You were now only in your bras and legging. You rapidly put your arms around your body and turn to face him.
-Please babe, can I leave now?
Yoongi put his hands on your cheek and lift up your face toward him.
-Trust me with that okay baby? You are so beautiful and I love you so much. I just want you to know. I wanna tell you over and over again how perfect you are. Now turn around and look at yourself in the mirror, please.
You turn around slowly and he put his index under your chin and lift up your face so you can see your reflection. He cover your neck of kisses and put his hands back on your hips.
-Look at that beautiful body. He's so precious.
He take off his shirt and trow it away. Then his hands are on your hip and his lips on yours. As he kisses you, he undress you of your legging.
-I don't want you to loose weight. Just imagine, one gram of your beautifulness leaving your body. I wouldn't be able to live.
He goes sit on the couch that decorate the corner of the room. He take your hands and once he's comfortably sit, pull it so you can sit on him, facing the mirror. He start kissing your neck and shoulder. His hands touching every parts of your exposed skin. His mouth was devouring your skin. Your eyes close, just taking all this sweetness and pleasure in.
-Open your eyes baby. Look how beautiful you are.
You start feeling his lips, sucking and gently bitting your skin. Probably leaving marks all over your body like he loves to do. You didn't really mind, honestly. Yoongi loved it so much, seeing his passages on you so it kinda turned you on.
-You are so pretty baby. Look at your body. Reacting so much under my touch.
Both of his hands were touching your body and you were shaking under his touch.
-Y/N, I love you so much. You are so amazing. You are so beautiful. Please never think you aren't enough or not pretty enough. You're a piece of art.
If you want to read more, here is the link of my masterlist : https://www.tumblr.com/kimtaehyung-taetae-writing/710423978560421888/masterlist?source=sharethank you army!
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Never Mine L.W/M.F
Trigger warnings:
Cheating, mentions of self harm, sadness.
Authors note
Please take care while reading this, my inbox is always open for people if you need to talk. This isn't a request just something I came up with while listening to Cardigan and August by taylor swift. It's short but I hope people enjoy and my requests are open
"You were never mine! That's what hurts the most" Larissa tried her hardest to blink back tears while staring at the black hair goddess in front of her
"I'm sorry, mi amor, I really am"
"No! No, you don't get to call me that. I thought I had you, you promised you would be mine. All i wanted was you, wanting was enough for me"
Morticia looked shocked but didn't say anything as she knew larissa still had more to say.
"I waited and waited for your call! So much for summer love and saying us because you were never mine to lose where you?" The angry pouring out of larissa's words was so clear to morticia.
"I'm sorry, she just-"
Larissa's hand met the table cut morticia sentence in half, she knew what was coming nexted and mocked morticia's voice.
"She just gets me like no one else"
Finally giving in and letting the tears fall larissa looks at the picture of her and morticia cuddled up under a tree in the fields not far away.
"I'm sorry larissa, I'm only 17 what do you want from me?"
"I don't know! I don't know"
Larissa's words soon turned into sobs, morticia wanted to comfort her, to hold her like she always did. Morticia cursed herself for breaking the tall goddess heart, she got so lost in her thoughts she forgot larissa was sat infront of her desk studying for an upcoming test.
"You always did try to change the ending, Peter was always going to keep Wendy no matter what, you see morticia when you chase two girls you are always going to lose one and you did, you lost me. You promised forever and took it before it started, kissing in cars and down town bars was all I needed, you draw stars around my scars but now, now!"
Larissa lifted her sleeve to show the blood slowly falling down, Morticia's eyes widened, and she felt sick.
"Please let me clean you up"
Shaking her head larissa got the first aid kit and started to clean it all up.
"I knew this would happen, you coming back and begging after she left but you lost me morticia. I will never be yours again. I hope you find someone who treats you better than you did me"
Morticia tried to speak but larissa cut her off
"No, I'm going to see if I can switch rooms, have a good life morticia"
Watching larissa leave broke morticia's heart, but she knew it was her own fault. Holding the only thing she had left of larissa's, she crys into the cardigan regret and sadness filling her.
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keouil · 9 months
let me begin as a quiet thought
shoko fails her first board exam. 1k. gojo/shoko. fluff. also on ao3.
Gojo bristles, takeout bags falling to the ground in mock hurt. "But I haven't even said anything yet!"
They were in one of the hospitals Shoko was interning in for the summer, a respectable mid-size clinic doubling as a teaching school in the suburbs of Tokyo. The smell of septic and alcohol loitered around the halls, and Shoko was hyperaware they were having this conversation in full view of the transparent glass dividing the laboratory from the classrooms; that any of her superiors or colleagues could just walk in. It was the middle of the night and usually prime time for catching up on medical readings and backlogs, but evidently, Gojo didn't know the first thing about medical students and their near neurotic study routines. 
"Exactly," Shoko eyes him with irritation. She can hear some of her classmates whispering behind the door and sharpens her eyes to a menacing glare. "And nothing good ever comes out of your mouth so I'm just gonna stop you right there."
Gojo blinks. "We haven't seen each other in weeks," he says pouting, an honest to god pout, and now Shoko is positive she's hearing squealing and howling and all she wants to do is incinerate herself in the crematorium. Gojo notices none of this because of course. "And already you’re being mean."
Shoko holds up a hand. "Save the dramatics for Ijichi."
She sidesteps in front of him, trying to conceal him from prying eyes and ears. It doesn't ever work because Gojo is a 6-foot attention magnet, but she can at least try to put up an effort. Dragging him out into the hallway, she added lowly, "I told you to stop visiting me in school. You know I hate it when you just show up like this."
"I left like fifteen messages!" Gojo points out, grabbing his phone to show receipts. Shoko doesn't bother looking to confirm, knowing he was probably right, but not wanting to give him more ammunition. "I asked you just this morning if you were free!"
"Gojo," Shoko began warily, keeping her voice to a minimum. She grabs his shoulder sleeve, bringing him down with her so she can say this part eye level. "I cannot stress this enough. I am in the middle of studying for possibly the most important exam of my life and career. You'll forgive me if I don't exactly have time to reply to any one of your million invites for coffee.”
"And you don't even drink coffee!" adds Shoko accusingly, punching him on the shoulder. She feels like a highschooler again chastisting him and Getou for making her late because of yet another off-campus expedition. 
"Of course I don't drink coffee," Gojo parrots back to her easily, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Fixing the takeout bags under his arm, gestures to her, "You know this. Nanami the cafe-hopper knows this. The barista by the bistro near our school knows this and prepares milk tea for me instead."
Shoko has her mouth open ready to retort, but is stopped short by him hushing her.
"But you do, Shoko. You and the rest of the human population apparently. And since none of you ever want to go mochi shopping with me or go through Tokyo's must-try artisan shops, I have to make do and adjust, don’t I?"
"You make it sound like we're forcing you to drink the stuff," Shoko retorts. "But you're always the only one sending invites on the group chat."
"And none of you ever reply!" Gojo points out accusingly. "So really, you've kinda forced my hand here."
"I did no such thing!" Shoko hisses at him again, voice going up an octave. It was unlike her to lose her cool, but then Gojo always managed to grind her ears so easily like it was his birthright to annoy her. "And how many times do I have to remind you: I am normal here," she drops her voice to a hushed whisper, looking around. "I'm just a normal girl going to a normal medical school because it's the normal thing to do. Having my ex-classmate with white hair and blue eyes show up unprompted ruins all of the mystery I've built up!"
Gojo immediately splutters. "Mystery? And who are we trying to be mysterious for?"
He pokes his head up, trying to look around for the classmates he saw earlier: the same ones he asked for help in finding Shoko, the same ones who couldn't quite wrap their mind around who just showed up, and the same ones who were none-too-subtly trying to peer up at them from behind the glass panel.
"Show me the guy. I have to approve, of course. Unless it's a woman—then—ah, well, I trust your judgement."
Shoko wanted to split her hairs out in frustration. "There's no one, you fool!" she wacks him over the head. "And enough with that approval bullshit. Seriously, do you guys not remember how you scared Ijichi off his first year?" she shakes her head disapprovingly. "It was a fucking Valentine's card, not a bomb threat."
Gojo wasn't appeased, still craning his neck for potential culprits. "Can you really blame us? Yaga threatened us both with castration if anyone so much as damaged a strand of your hair." Shrugging, he adds non-committally, "It gets to you, you know."
None of this was helping her. 
Gojo being there at probably the most stressful week of her life and being his usual Gojo self, so far removed from the reality of life outside jujutsu sorcery, and the meagre little things: taking entrance exams for colleges, choosing your top three universities, mulling over which specialization to take. Shoko knew this wasn't the kind of life meant to contain the strongest the world had ever seen: but for her this was enough. And this was it. And by and by she's finding it hard to reconcile herself with the version of herself that existed in highschool: the body bags, the loss, the total abandonment of a belief system that told her even the mighty could fall.
Because oh, what a fall.
"You okay?" 
Shoko blinks, only just realizing there was a pregnant pause in their conversation. The teasing glint in Gojo's eye dulled now, so slightly, and because they were now each other's oldest friends: she could see, then, the thinly veiled concern. And that's how she knew.
"Who told you?"
Gojo just looked at her for a while, before sighing deeply. "Well," he starts tiredly. "Since you never talk to me about any of this, who do you think?" he pauses. "Utahime."
Shoko was going to kill Utahime.
Maybe. Not really. She's not quite sure just yet how to deliver corporate punishment on the one friend she did willingly keep tabs with, if only for the easy conversation about the lazy humdrums of Kyoto that Utahime was always more than happy to talk about. Utahime meant well, always did. And so Shoko was maybe just going to send a dead frog her way instead of flat-out murdering her.
Gojo, on the other hand. Well.
Shoko kicks him from under the table. "Spit it out," she says. "What are you really doing here."
They were now in one of the outdoor cafeterias of the hospital. It was mostly empty during this time of the night, save for the expanse of stars illuminating the open area and the welcome breeze of August evening ghosting on their skin. The entire area was cordoned off by a lake, white doves and swans loitering about.
“Ouch,” Gojo feigned hurt like he always did, rubbing at his ankles and giving her an accusing look. "Is that how you greet a friend who traveled nearly 3 hours just to bring you coffee?"
"No," Shoko says, grabbing one of the takeout bags he brought and rummaging through the pile. "That's how I greet anyone who shows up to my workplace under explicit warning not to—only to ignore it. As usual." Frowning, she clicks her tongue at him, "Where's my cigarette?"
Gojo shoves her hands out of the way. "And that is exactly why I drop by often. And unannounced. Who else is going to keep your smoking in check?" he winks at her before pulling out a can of mocha latte and an honest to god Lawson egg sandwich. "Try this instead."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Shoko deadpans.
Gojo ignores her. "No. On the contrary, I'm here to set your eating habits right."
"Says the guy who lives on a crepe and pancake diet."
Again, Gojo ignores her. "Like I said, I'm here to set your eating habits right. When was the last time you had a hot meal?"
"I eat just fine," Shoko quips back, stealing a pack of onion chips from his stash. He looks at her disapprovingly but just pushes more snacks in her direction. "And I'll have you know I don't smoke as much now. I took an oath, after all."
Gojo doesn't look convinced. "Right."
"Seriously," Shoko insists, head jutted up in pride. "Ask any of my classmates. I quit just before I started preparing for the boards."
"And who is this I'm going to ask?" Gojo looks her way, imploring. "This mystery man?"
Shoko gives him the middle finger. 
And just like that, they slip back into an ease of conversation and dynamic that feels both weighted and thin as air. There was so much violence, Shoko thought, in their world: both when she had a scalpel in her hand or cursed energy flowing from the tips of her fingers. Sometimes she feels like she just traded another unbecoming for another. But maybe it was easier, this time, to divorce herself from the expectations: it was infinitely easier to put a stranger into a body bag if she ever had to at all.
And really there are still these little pockets of lightness, like when the stars hang low on an unassuming Friday night and her lungs aren't burning with gasoline to try to keep up with the corpses and she has never felt so grounded: that Shoko remembers, for the first time, how to breathe in.
Shoko feels a chill in the air. Gojo notices. "Cold?"
"If I was," Shoko says somberly, voice small in the stillness of the night. "Are you going to give me your jacket?"
Only before she even finished the question, a jacket was shrugged into her shoulders. Gojo fastens the top button before facing back to look at the lake. It smelled like fresh laundry and vanilla.
It's quiet for a few moments, with only the sound of crickets in the distance and the steady stream of the river blanketing the silence. So quiet, in fact, that Gojo needed to strain his ears to hear it: 
"Thank you," Shoko says, and then: "For everything."
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late-nite-scholar · 1 month
Aug 12 (Day 1)- Breath/Forbidden
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Noora at-Sura is the Last Dragonborn. When she finds herself in trouble, she goes to the one person she trusts, the person who’s hard work has kept her alive time and again. Prompts by @tes-summer-fest
Redguard LDB x Balimund
Warnings- burn wounds
Wordcount- ~900    
A banging on the door jolted him out of sleep. Who in Oblivion would be looking for him in the middle of the night? As he got closer to the door, he stopped and picked up his smithing hammer. Just in case. 
Opening the door carefully, he had little time to react as a body fell through. He caught it, heart leaping into his throat as he recognized her red scarf and small twists of hair. 
“I… I didn't know where else to go.” 
He pulled her inside and shut the door again, locking it tightly. Dropping the hammer, he swept his arm under her legs and lifted her off the ground. At that moment, whatever was keeping her upright and moving melted away, and she sagged against him. 
Carrying her across the house and up to his room, he set her down in the bed he'd just leapt from. Her breath came in short, pained gasps and he could see the leg of her breeches had been torn, no burned away, her skin beneath it red, blistered, and crusted. 
“Noora, what happened? Who did this?” he demanded. 
She moaned, pulling her left arm close to her body. It was then he realized she had no shield, and her arm and sleeve were also burned. But she replied, in a shaky voice. “Cultists. Their kind have attacked me before, but this time they were smart enough to ambush. I escaped, but not unscathed.”
His blood turned cold. “Did they follow you?”
“I believe so. But I do not think they will reach the city for several hours.”
“Good. You rest, I’ve got something that’ll help.”
He bustled around, pulling together ingredients and grinding them into a paste. He must’ve woken Asbjorn, and the boy came wandering in and rubbing his eyes. “What's going on? Why are you making that in the middle of the night?” 
“Noora's here, and she's hurt. We're gonna need some clean bandages. Can you see what we've got?” 
The boy's eyes widened. “Of course! I'm on it!” 
Once everything was ready, they brought it all to where Noora waited. She gave the concoction a wary look. 
“What is this?” 
Balimund shrugged. “Just about the best payment I ever got. A poultice for treating burns. Used it myself many a time over the years and there’s nothing better. We’ll get you back on your feet in no time.” 
“Thank you.” Her soft voice had a little bit of its normal strength back as they began to apply the medicine and bandage her wounds. “It does feel a bit better. This is a most marvellous creation. You said it was a payment? Many thanks to that person, also.” 
“Don’t know who he was. This was back when I was pretty fresh at running the forge for myself. Mage headed for Winterhold came in with a half-lame horse. Said he’d got it at Cheydinhal and it started limping just past the border. Had to completely reshoe the poor beast. He paid me handsomely, and gave me this recipe as a tip. But this should just about do it.”
“Thank you, Sir Blacksmith.”
“Aw, you don’t have to be formal, Noora. Once there’s wounds bein’ patched up I think we’re past that. I’m just glad you found your way to my door.”
“I didn’t know where else to go… who I am rarely endears people to me.” 
“Why not?” 
Their eyes met and he saw golden flecks swimming in hers that he could've sworn weren't there before. “Because I'm not like them. I am the one who makes way for my people by bearing the dragon in the way of yours. As my power grows stronger I am less and less… human. I am seen as a hero, but also something to fear.” 
“I don't fear you.” 
“You are perhaps the only one brave or foolish enough not to. For that, I thank you.” 
“Well, I could think of a lot worse things to be foolish about. How do those burns feel?” 
She smiled. “They hurt, but they are better with your poultice. I appreciate this more than I can say.”
“You don’t have to say anything. Just concentrate on getting better.”
“But the cultists will come. I cannot just lie here.”
“Do you think they’ll attack the city?”
“No. But I don’t want… I don’t want you hurt if they search for me.” She reached out, touching his cheek. He leaned into it, but his voice was serious. 
“They could try. But if there’s one thing I know how to do, it’s swing a hammer. They’ll not get through me and the boy so easily. What do these cultists look like?” 
“They wear brown and gold and strange, pointed masks. They use magicka and weapons as easily as the other.”
“I’ll keep an eye out. But you’re safe here, Noora. Try and get some sleep.”
“Thank you, Sir…” her dark skin flushed, “thank you, Balimund.”
It didn’t take Noora long to fall asleep. Balimund sat up for a while after, cradling his hammer and listening for any sign of trouble. Noora’s breathing had evened out to calm and normal. He had faith in this poultice that had worked so many times for him, but to hear it in her breath itself was a relief. She was going to be alright, and he would make sure she was safe until she was healed. 
Brushing her cheek gently, he whispered a promise. “I’ll guard you with my life.”    
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Polyshipweek 2023 Day 1: Road Trip
Rotten ot4, ~1800 words of pure silliness. No warnings for this section.
"I've solved our summer problem," Evie announces breathlessly, hair bouncing over her shoulders in perfectly curled ringlets as she jogs up to their usual outdoor lunch table. She’s wearing a pastel blue tennis skirt, an unexpected blessing for Mal’s wicked eyes, borne from the spring heat wave the rest of them are suffering through in their usual leather. The news outlets are saying that it’s the hottest spring Auradon has had in years, but the actual heat only hit two days ago, and Evie’s been too busy with school and her secret project to make the rest of them anything lighter than their usual. Mal’s been sweating through her jeans, but she cut the sleeves off her jacket yesterday, so that’s been helping.  "I got us housing, and it's in our names, and we're going to have the best summer ever." 
Evie beams at them all, still pink-cheeked and breathless from running across the lawn. 
"Evie.” Mal says flatly. 
Evie beams at her directly, flipping her curls over her shoulder as she turns, a bit more dramatically than a turn of ten degrees warrants. "Yes, babe?” 
Mal wants to lick the glorious expanse of leg that Evie’s skirt shows off, but they’ve got more pressing concerns than that right now. "What did you do?" 
Evie’s practically bouncing in place. Oh gods. Whatever she’s done is either going to be the best thing in the world, and they’ll all have to tell her that she’s right and they were wrong to spend the whole week moping about the heat instead of helping and she truly is a genius, or else they’re about to have a really, really bad time. 
"I bought us a camper,” Evie exclaims, and oh, she’s still bursting with joy about the whole thing. “It's only twenty-five feet long, and it's got an absolutely terrible truck that came with it, but it’s big enough for four people to sit together in the front as long as one of them is small, and two of us have tiny little legs, so we don't have to split anyone out to drive if we don’t want to, and I got it on sale from a friend of a friend so it was super cheap, and it's going to be the greatest thing ever!” 
"Great. You bought us....a tiny house." 
"A tiny mobile house," Evie corrects, still beaming.  "And it's going to be either the best or the worst thing that's ever happened to us and I haven't decided which yet. But it's probably the best."
Mal gestures at the boys, who are just as sweaty and disgusting as she is right now. "You want all of us contained in a twenty foot box for the entire summer?" 
"Ye-es," Evie says slowly, with a somewhat pained expression, like she's only just thinking through the size constraints she's put on them. And how those constraints might play out with three people who are currently sweating through their clothes.  "But it'll be fine. It has storage space for at least six of those big plastic storage bins, and if we keep all of your clothes here at school, babe,  and each of the boys only wears two outfits, I can condense my stuff down to the other five." 
“Can I bring my laptop?” Carlos asks. His head is still on the table. Despite wearing exclusively shorts for the first fifteen years of his life, or possibly because of it, he’s been handling the heat the worst out of the four of them. “If I can fit my laptop and like, enough dog treats to bribe whatever animals we find on the way, I’m in.” 
Evie tilts her head to the side, which sends her hair tumbling off her neck again. Mal could bite the smooth, warm expanse of it. She could leave so many delicious red marks, so that everyone knows that Evie is hers, and she has the most brilliant girlfriend in the world, who does brilliant things like acquire them a place to stay for the summer that’s not on campus. 
The fact that Evie didn’t think about space is a minor concern. Mal’s small. She can compress her stuff to be small too. 
“You can bring all the computer pieces you want,” Evie declares, apparently deciding that this is not the battle she wants to fight right now. “So long as they can fit into a three-by-two storage bin, okay?” 
“Okay,” Carlos agrees, apparently too worn out to argue. “Sure. I’m in.” 
Jay raises a hand, which is hysterical and also makes something uncomfortable twist up in Mal’s chest. This time last year they were throwing bricks at the pirate kids, and now they’re the sort of people who apparently own a camper, and go to a prep school, and can afford to raise their hand instead of just screaming at each other to be heard.  “Who’s going to drive?” 
Evie leans forward over the table, which conveniently puts her chest at eye level for those sitting down. It’s definitely intentional, because this is what Evie and Jay do for fun when they’re together. Neither of them is strictly into each other, due to the whole being gay thing, but they’ve got an exception for each other. Or possibly they just like confusing the Auradon kids, but Mal can get behind it either way. 
“Weeee-ll,” Evie says slowly, drawing out the word like it’s a piece of gum she’s stretching out. She’s leaning all the way down now, and the tiny gold necklace she’s wearing is hanging loose over the table, swinging in a way that’s almost more mesmerizing than her tits. “I heard there’s this really cool guy who got an actual legal driver’s license recently, and I was hoping maybe if I asked really nicely, he’d be willing to drive for me.” 
Jay hooks a finger in the necklace. “Nicely, huh?” 
“Aren’t I being nice?” Evie asks sweetly, batting her eyes and doing something complicated and graceful with her legs that looks uncomfortable from Mal’s angle, but ends up with her sitting on the table, still leaned up close to Jay. “I could offer you something in exchange, maybe?” 
“What would that be, princess?” Jay asks, and oh, with the way he’s keeping his voice low and rough, there’s got to be some Auradon kids watching the show. 
“Maybe….a kiss?” Evie offers, still syrupy-sweet and over the top flirty. “Or I guess I could give you access to the credit card I got from this prince who wants us safely out of his way for the summer, but I’m sure you wouldn’t be interested in something like that?” 
Jay pulls back. “Who gave you a credit card?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know!” Evie says brightly. “Unfortunately that is a trade secret, and even more unfortunately, it’s connected to my bank account, so it’s not actually as useful as I implied. You can still drive the car though, and because my mother’s accounts didn’t actually go into kingdom funds when she got sent to the Isle, I do have a bit of inheritance that I’ve taken out of my investments for this.” 
Jay blinks. “You have investments?” 
“Yes,” Evie says, leaning back as well. It’s a tragic loss, because the new position puts her above the rest of them, and Mal can’t stare at her without being blinded by the sun. “I’ve had them since we set up the accounting for my business, which was well before winter formal season. So it’s been a white now and they’re doing quite well, thanks for asking.” 
“Doug drove you to the bank to get a card set up?” 
Evie pouts. “It’s not very fun when you put it that way, babe.” 
Jay grins up at her, eyes bright and mouth quirked into the uneven smile he does when he’s trying to look charming. “Oh, I’m sorry princess, let me just–” he pulls her in close again, hooking one hand around the back of her waist, and the other tangled in the chain of her necklace. “I would be honored,” he whispers into the skin of her neck. “To drive you wherever you need to go.” 
“Through treacherous terrain and up mountains fair?” Evie says softly. “From golden beach to shining sea?” 
“I’ve always wanted to see a mountain,” Jay agrees, resting his head on her shoulder for a moment before pulling back and adding, much more normally. “And beaches would be cool. I assume we’re taking the royal family of Arendelle up on their generous offer to let you magical types come up for their summer training camp?” 
“Indeed,” Evie nods, “It would be awfully rude to reject an offer from the royal family, after all, and when I asked around, everyone said that summer road trips are an Auradon tradition and it would only be right for us to go on one before we have to get serious about school next semester.” 
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” Mal groans. 
“SATs, college visits,” Carlos chants. “Finals, calculators, GPA.” 
Fucker. He’s not even graduating next year, a fun little quirk of the Auradon grade system  being tied to age instead of academic ability.
 “I can and will crush you into the dirt.” Mal says casually. She’s got to be casual about her threats now, because if she says anything that sounds truly threatening in front of Audrey and her squad of princesses who care more about their royal status than their actual friendships, she’ll be slapped with consequences for ‘breaking the school code of conduct’ and ‘threatening a fellow student’ faster than you can say bibity bobbity boo. “Try it again and I’ll punch you so hard you’ll wish you were more than just one grade behind me.”
Unfortunately, Carlos treats threats as a sort of love language. 
“Aww, is the wicked fairy scared of some little tests?” he croons, eyes sparking even though he’s still flopped out across the table. “Don’t wanna take one exam that’s gonna determine your entire future for the next five years?” 
Even Evie shudders at that one. 
“Don’t,” she says firmly. “I’m going to send you reminders of this every day next year, when it’s your turn. And you’re going to deserve it.” 
Carlos sits up at that. “You wouldn’t.” 
Evie spins around to face him. “I would, baby. You don’t get to say anything until you’re the one in that exam room, and I don’t care if you never get nervous about tests, because I have never been nervous for a test before this year, and I’ve been waking up with stress dreams for the past three weeks, and not just because I spend half of my life’s savings so far on a truly terrible camper for us to use on the most ill-advised road trip this school has ever seen.” 
“I think the road trip is great idea.” Mal interrupts. “The queen of Arendelle was super nice to offer us a place in her summer magic training camp, and like, what else are we doing for the rest of the summer?” 
“Picking a god and praying,” Evie says grimly. “That this camper won’t fall apart under us halfway to the mountains.”
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What kind of stuff do you wear to work? Is there a dress code or anything? I just wondered what the teachers wear during the grades where the students don’t have uniforms.
Hi there!
So firstly, I work at an eikaiwa rather than a school and so none of the kids wear uniforms. The junior high students often wear their PE kit, but other than that I never see any kind of uniforms.
As for me:
I wear a polo shirt with my company's logo. The company provides one free when you join and then we have the opportunity to buy more throughout the year in various colours (I have orange, blue and baby blue).
If, for whatever reason, we don't have a company polo, then any collared shirt is fine. The most important thing is that it's long enough to not ride up and show any skin if you reach up or bend over.
During the winter months I wear a long-sleeve top underneath to (a) keep me warm and (b) hide my tattoos. During the summer I have UV protection sleeves I wear over my arms to hide the tattoos. If you don't have tattoos then you don't have to wear the extras.
Trousers we're basically allowed to wear any kind of jeans/cargos/anything casual providing they're not skin-tight (no skinny jeans, no leggings) or unprofessional.
No skirts (because kids might look up them and see something they're not supposed to), no sweatpants (too unprofessional, plus a kid might just pull them down), no shorts above the knee and nothing with wide flare (because we might trip, or again, kids might look up them).
The only exception to the no tights/leggings rule is if you have leg tattoos, in which case you can wear them underneath shorts that reach below the knee during summer
No shoes in the classroom because it's Japan, but we have to wear socks (obviously nothing with holes in them, but other than that go nuts). If we have to leave the classroom (eg to take a kid to the bathroom) during the lesson then we wear the hideous company-provided plastic slippers
We're not technically allowed to wear jackets or cardigans or anything over our polo shirt, but that rule was made by some office-dweller south of Tokyo. Here in Tohoku we sometimes stick on a cardi or a hoody over our polo shirt, especially when we're taking the kids out to their parents and there's an actual snowstorm. But it does still have to be the kind of jacket/cardi/hoody that opens (not a pullover), so our polo should always be visible
Only minimal/natural makeup is allowed, and we're also asked to not wear perfume (Japanese people don't typically wear perfume). Piercings asides from ear lobes are also forbidden. Also just generally no accessories (the UV sleeves are allowed because they're plain), no caps or hats (religious headwear is fine but I think it has to be plain).
Long hair must be tied back (no restrictions as long as it looks neat and is out of our faces). Additionally, hair colour must be something natural (you can dye it but only like, brown or blonde or black or ginger. No bright green buzzcuts)
Masks aren't enforced anymore but everyone wears one anyway
Thanks for the question! Feel free to ask about anything else you're curious about 😊
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queer-mental-health · 7 months
Okay so imma go on a little ramble here, I hope you don't mind and no pressure to respond-
I identify as demigirl and lesbian, and I have an extensive history with sh, depression, anxiety, ADHD, and suicidal thoughts. About a month and a half ago, I came out to my parents (but only about being lesbian and having shitty mental health cuz I didn't know I was a demigirl back then and am still trying to figure out my gender). They seemed really supportive then, but even before I came out they always said things like "don't marry a woman" and weren't kind to lgbtqia+. Now, my dad (whom I don't have a good relationship with) has been going around saying things like "nothing's permanent" and "you can still change your mind". Maybe I'm overreacting, but is he being homophobic? I'm not going to be calling him out for it, because he has also been abusive in the past, but I still want to know if that's wrong of him to say. It probably is because it does hurt emotionally, but still. On top of that, I'm about two weeks clean from sh (not counting scratching/pinching), but I've been really wanting to hurt/kill myself lately, and I'm really struggling with those thoughts. Do you have any tips on how to avoid those? I've talked to Teen Link a few times, which is a confidential teen text line for those struggling with mental health who don't have anyone to talk to but want to talk to someone around their own age (I'll put the phone number down below) and I've found that really helpful, but it's not always enough. I need help but I don't want to reach out for it because I'm afraid of what people will say and stuff. Almost no one knows about my sh, but spring/summer is coming up, meaning warmer days and more short sleeves/swimsuits. Would you have any tips for covering up scars too?
Anyways, sorry that got a little long, also for all of you teens out there who need it, the Teen Link # is 866-833-6546. The number only works for America (I think), but if you research it you may find a similar thing for your country. Thanks for the help :)
You actually have a lot of good questions which I am more than happy to answer!
First, if your dad is saying that you can change your mind because he does not WANT you to be queer, yes that is homophobic. If he is saying that because he knows you and genuinely does not THINK you are queer, that's not exactly homophobic.
Also, I'm proud of you for bein clean for two weeks AND talking to a text line. Those are both things that show how strong you are. About the suicidal thoughts, I know a lot of ways to help with that (being someone who has struggled/is struggling). First, when you get them just distract yourself is the biggest thing. Step away from your thoughts and be around people.
Lastly, I know how hard it can be to not sh but the biggest thing is just resist it. Of course, everyone has slipups so here are some tips for covering up scars. My go to is to wear a jacket but obviously that's not gonna work during the summer, so sometimes you could use makeup if you have access to it. If there are only a few scars you could also just cover them up with bandaids and it shouldn't be too bad.
I hope this helps you!! If you have any other questions or need to vent my inbox is always open!
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mysteryhackin · 2 years
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After all these years*, finally, I have them all**
*only two **just this one thing
The Gravity Falls Vinyl finally came and it’s AMAZING! Review and spoilers under the cut:
First of all, Brad Breeck is a genius. Of course, we know that already, having watched the show and enjoyed the epic music, but hearing it by itself is awesome on a whole other level. His music conveys joy, sadness, nostalgia, adventure, creepiness, fun, excitement, suspense... it goes straight to your heart and makes you want to go on an adventure. And you hardly have to look at the track lists to know which part they go to. Like "Oh man, this is when Stan first turns on the portal and says "Here we go." " or "Ahhhh this is when Ford comes back ugh it's so good!" These instrumentals are instant seratonin.
The songs with lyrics are so great to hear on their own as well! A few from the show are missing (the ones that come to mind immediately are "Disco Girl" and the Manotaur Training Montage Song), and I'm not sure if it was due to licensing issues or artistic choices, but the ones that are included are so SO good. Like, how cool is it to own a physical copy of "Blanchin'", the song of the summer from another dimension? Or be able to sing along to Love Patrol Alpha's cover of "Taking Over Midnight"? There's also a song I didn't recognize called "My Heart is Full of Rainbows" that is clearly from Mabel Land, and I'm unironically obsessed with it (if it is actually in there and I just missed it, mea culpa). Anyway, FANTASTIC SONGS and I think I screamed every time a new one came on.
My only sadness is that the album isn't longer, but that's part of being a Gravity Falls fan- you get something perfect and short, but you know it was created that way for a reason. BUT Brad Breeck released the musical suites from each episode of season one on youtube (with some pretty fun animation), so if I'm ever hankering for more I know exactly where to go (here's hoping he releases season two in the future!)
As for the art- it's so SO cool. It's very psychedelic and weirder than the show's style, and that's the point. When I was a little kid, I liked to look at the record soundtracks that my parents had when they were little kids, and the art was SO different from the actual movie/show that the record was for. It was always some unique interpretation from an artist who was allowed to follow their vision, and sometimes the characters were almost unrecognizable, but that was part of the fun. I used to spend forever just looking at that album art, and I hope that if I have kids one day they'll do the same for this. The detail alone is absolutely mind blowing!
OK, enough of my dumb opinions, here are the spoilers:
There are three (technically four) backwards messages on the records. I used a recording app on my phone because my record player doesn't go backwards, and I didn't want to ruin the record or my player:
Side A: Soos says "Playing your record backwards is a great way to damage your record player!" Thanks, dude. Also on Side A is the Lamby Dance, but for some reason it's backwards? Makes it very creepy and I love it.
Side B: When I heard it backwards I thought it was McGucket, but it turns out it's Bill! "Jam your thumbs directly in your eyes for a free fireworks show!"
Side C: There are no backwards messages on this part of the record (THAT I KNOW OF OOoooOOOoooo. I mean, the other three are pretty obvious, so I don't know if one is hidden in the music, but no obvious ones on this side)
Side D: It's Stan telling you "Apparently if you play this record alongside Wizard of Oz, it matches perfectly." (For those of you who don't know, Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album is said to be the perfect soundtrack to The Wizard of Oz)
Physical Spoilers:
The decoder records are so fun, and there are song lyrics specific to each character hidden in the record sleeves so you get to use the vinyl to find them:
Dipper: "Disco Girl, coming through, that girl is you!"
Mabel: "Who's that girl with the pig and the braces, she puts a smile on everyone's faces!"
Stan: "I'm Stan and I was wrong, I'm singing the Stan Wrong Song"
Bill: "Eeny Meeny Miney YOU!" and he's surrounded by the zodiac symbols
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All in all, this is super wonderful and I’m so glad i was able to grab this. As someone who got into Gravity Falls only two years ago, it was really cool that there was still something special for me to have that captures the fun and weirdness of this show. Definitely something I’ll treasure for years to come.
Dqg wkdw Vwdq rq wkh vohhyh? Zkdw d ehdvw. 24 ndudw pdjlf lq wkh dlu... ;)
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mikimeiko · 11 months
To the East! Day 1&2 - from Milan to Puglia
It's time to go visit the easternmost train station in Italy, the last one!
Since Italy is really slanted the easternmost station is also pretty far south, so I decided to leave immediately after work, go as far south as I could in one afternoon, and then cover the rest of the distance on Saturday. I'm once again using regional trains with the 3 days train pass, so it's gonna take a lot of trains and a lot of time, but it's also gonna be pretty cheap.
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So first train is Milano>Bologna (pretty chill, not too crowded; kind of a boring line that I've traveled a thousand times but it's a windy sunny day and you can see the mountains near lake Garda from Parma which is... impressive).
So many people in Bologna station! I don't have enough time to find something to eat ;_;
Train 2: Bologna>Ancona is packed (I thought the train started from Bologna but it actually came from Piacenza), I had to stand for about the first hour D: When the train gets to the coast is already dark, and I'm a little sad that I can't see the sea (the rail is SO CLOSE to the sea in this part!)
My hotel is literally on the other side of the road from the station XD very nice since it's kinda late and I'm very tired.
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(view of the station from the entrance of my hotel that I took the next morning)
The train I'm supposed to take from Ancona leaves at 11:45, but checkout from the hotel is at 10:00, so I get on an earlier train shares the first half of the line with the one with Pescara, and stop somewhere along the line (Ancona is a big city, and the city center is quite far from the station - also I visited it last summer, and I might as well take a look at somewhere else!).
So train 3: Ancona>Ascoli Piceno (but not really).
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(See what I meant? The sea is JUST THERE)
I decided to stop in Grottammare, mostly because I've never been there and the station is pretty close to the sea. The old town is up the hill and it looks very pretty, but I don't have much time so I just stay in the seaside area.
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(It's almost November and I wish I brought a short sleeved t-shirt. Most things are closed because the season is over but actually it feels like mid September and the effect is jarring)
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Train 4: Grottammare>Pescara is a bit fuller, and I end up in a backward facing seat with only half a window. It doesn't look that different than when I did this route in August, but it is a little greener, and the beaches that were covered in beach umbrellas are now properly visible.
I have a very short time in Pescara to change trains, no time at all to visit anything, but honestly I didn't like it that much last time so that's fine by me. From here I'm basically tracing back the journey I made on the first day of my third leg of the Grand Tour of Italy last summer: same stops, same trains, very different time of day.
Train 5: Pescara>Termoli. The sun is on the other side of the train now, and the sea is SO blue.
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I have about an hour in Termoli before the next train, so I get something to eat later and go looking for an ice-cream in the center. In the entire corso there was not one gelateria open. I get that it's the end of October but... Really? No ice cream?
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Train 6: Termoli>Foggia. The Molisan coast south of Termoli is one of the wildest, least "developed" in the entire Adriatic coast. Lots of pines, just very long stretches with no building in sight. Beautiful and interesting, compared to everything else (or maybe I should say - compared to what's north of it. Because now that I think about it Puglia also has similar coastlines I think).
And yes, it is not summer and it's SO CLEAR! All the green intermingled with the dark terrain it's just amazingly beautiful. If you want to visit Puglia autumn might be the best season (not if you want to swim in the sea though XD)
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All I know about Foggia is that it's been mostly destroyed during WWII and rebuilt hastily, and it's considered one of the ugliest cities kn Puglia. Sadly the train station is quite far from the city center proper and I don't have a lot of time, so I only see the entrance of the Villa (the biggest municipal park) and a bit of a promenade.
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Train 7: Foggia to Bari. I'm starting to feel the travel fatigue. I'm ready to be at my destination, but I won't be there for at least another 3 hours probably more. Also it's dark, and the train is older and not very comfortable so meh. Train 7 morphs into train 8 when we get to Bari central station (of course the least comfortable train would be the one that I have to take twice XD). Just an hour, plus 10 minutes waiting for the bus, plus ten minutes on the bus and I'm finally at my uncle's house. It's been A Day. Can't wait to go to sleep XD
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meloromantics · 1 year
hey! can you give any tips on shaping garments when knitting? i made a sweater i really love and i'm more confident in my skills now, but it's definitely boxy, even though the pattern included a little shaping. now that i know more about how things will fit me, do you have any advice on sort of freewheeling it to fit your body better? like how many decreases per round or how many rounds between decreases to make it look seamless, that kind of thing? thx!
hey! i can try to help :) thank u for asking !
i will say as a disclaimer that the customizations i have figured out are particular to what makes my body unique and distinct from "standard" sizing, and part of this process will be learning your own version of that ☺️ the good news is that i have only really been making garments since the summer of 2021, and i have only been modding them to my measurements for a little over a year! and i have already learned so so much. so you can do it!
there are a couple things that have really really helped me on this journey:
figure out the key features on your body that you want or need to mod for. mine are typically my bust, my short waist, and my muscular arms. it also helps to figure out what you want to enhance on your silhouette. i'm not like, a strict Kibbe types person, but i know i'm shaped like "elizabeth taylor if she was a powerlifter," and i can look at the things she wore as a guide to what i know will work on my shape.
learn your key measurements and pick pattern sizes accordingly. my waist is ~7" in smaller than my full bust, for example. most patterns that feature waist shaping have the waist 1-2" smaller than the bust. but i also typically choose sweater sizes based on my high bust (41") rather than full bust (43-44") measurement, because i find that the shoulders and neck fit me better on garments knit for my high bust measurement. it's usually easier to either add some extra size for the full bust (more on this in a moment) or simply deal with a couple inches of negative ease at the bust than it is to knit the size for my full bust and try to narrow the shoulders.
compare your measurements to the schematics from the pattern and note where you need to make changes. if possible, see if you can chop and screw the different pattern sizes together to something that suits you better. for example—the love magick sweater i made, with the big bell sleeves? i made the size M body, but i added stitches in the underarms to get it to the size L stitch count. i then decreased back down to the size M stitch count for the waist once i was past the bust. for my big biceps, i needed to make the sleeves between the XL and XXL. doing this was WAY easier than trying to do gauge math to figure it out for myself!! other folks do this differently—i saw a lady on reddit who knit the size M back of a sweater and the size XL for the front. the first time i chopped and screwed different pattern sizes was actually an accident—i cast on the M stitches when i wanted to make the L—but it worked so well that i seek out opportunities to do it now 🤑
try your shit on as you go and don't be afraid to rip back and make changes! i bought these pony bead cords on amz that easily slide onto the tips of needles up to size US 8 and allow me to easily try things on as i go, without having to transfer things to waste yarn or extra needles. this has been transformative! i realized when making my mini vee tee that my natural waist is only like... 5.5" under my arm? so i re-worked most of the body to space the increases closer together.
a word on bust darts: horizontal bust darts are my best friend!!!! the concept of horizontal bust darts is basically this: my boobs are so big and sit so far out on my chest that most shirts i wear rise up the front. horizontal darts add length and a bit of three dimensional room right where i need it, so that the hem sits straight on my waist!! adding darts helps me make my shirts long enough to wear to work without also having a bunch of excess fabric in the back, which is what happens if i knit something without them, like my first florence polo. i first learned how to add them when making the upwards top by lilykatemakes, which included really clear instruction on how to form the short rows that make up the darts. that top was knit in fingering weight, but the next thing i added them to (the love magick sweater) was DK weight. i did some literal 9th grade algebra to adapt it....:
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bust darts cont.: ....and it worked great! because DK weight is longer, i ended up adding more length to the front of that sweater than i did on the upwards top, even though i stopped after just seven rows. this turned out fine, actually, because again—them boobies big! the upwards top was actually not enough darts for me 😅. but the lessons i learned doing this helped me to freehand them on my current wip (a second florence polo!)
a word on made-to-measure patterns: i also learned an absolute ton making patterns from oshenknits' made to measure collection. her patterns have big plug-and-play tables with stitch counts that correspond to your measurements, so it takes some of the scary part of the gauge math out. newwaveknitting also has a made-to-measure collection, and i have bought but not yet made the practically perfect raglan tee, a pattern that comes with a cool google doc for you to plug nearly a dozen measurements into to customize waist shaping and bust darts, as well as a standalone bust dart calculator. i would check it out if you're interested in shaping!
i hope this was helpful !!!
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
The door at the back of the garage banged as it closed. It echoed across the large, mostly-empty back lot, dotted here and there with cars ranging from the newer to junkers and all in between.
The figure in the doorway stood for a moment. The very edge of the sky was streaked with deep purples of a sunset just past. Golden-edged, but fast fading as stars overhead twinkled to life. The tall light poles edging the lot had flickered on, casting beams down directly under them. The figure managed to stand just out of the way of them, though they reflected brilliantly off the black shell of the motorcycle helmet firmly covering every inch of their head.
They stand, for a moment in the doorway of the darkened, closed garage. Looking up, to the plum and gilded sky of another day passed on. Little brown bats wheel overhead, catching insects in the warm summer air.
With a little huff, they stop looking, and adjust the bag slung over their shoulder, making sure its secure. Gravel crunches under their heavy, well-worn boots as they make their way to a much-secluded corner of the lot, where under a tarp, a motor bike of a past decade or several, waits.
It's loud in the ease of the evening as it rips onto the road. The trip might not be a long one, but it could be enjoyed nonetheless.
"Is there a reason we're doing this so early? Some of us would prefer not to have to rush about like a chicken without a head first thing in the night."
The question comes from a short, sturdy woman wearing a light blouse and clean but patched overalls. Her hair is light blonde and very curly, kept back with a simple tie, though already whisps are escaping its hold to hang about her round face in irritating fly-aways. She's sitting at one end of a small, fold-out table, tennis-shoed foot tapping on the shiny floor of the wide, low-ceiling gymnasium. Her two tablemates weren't in much better shape.
To her left was another woman who looked like she just crawled out of the woods not far away from the school's fence line. Long nails held enough dirt to fill a garden, hair choppy and left hanging down just past thin, hunched shoulders barely covered by a single layer of thin tee-shirt. Her washed jeans ended in edges white with age and frayed threads, and the color of the flipflops covering her feet (dirtier than her hands with even longer, sharper nails) could no longer be discerned. She too was glancing every other second towards the double doors of the room, fidgeting with a little silver ring on the table top.
At the 'head' of the gathered sat a man just past his prime and showing it in the creases of his once-dark and sun warmed face. He's dressed in a plain, white button-up, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and dark pants clean and belted. His dark hair was neatly combed, and his deep brown eyes gazed calmly over the collection of others, hands clasped together over a small stack of papers politely.
"Because the district only allows the use of school property outside of school functions until eight, and I know for a fact most of us don't manage to get up before six in the summer, Denise" he answers prefunctly.
The overalled woman flexes her jaw and looks about ready to argue the legitimacy of the supposed necessity of the time more, when the sound of a motor rings near. The three look up, and a few moments after the sound cuts off, very near the doors at the back of the gym, they open and in comes the helmeted person.
The neatly-dressed man smiles, bright and friendly, sitting taller in the chair.
"Sammy! We were beginning to worry."
"That Martin wouldn't start without you here, and wouldn't let us go 'till he'd gotten ahold of you..." mumbles the twitchy woman.
The man shoots a her a look, that isn't received, and the motorist simply sets down the shoulder bag on the table. Gloves are slipped from hands, revealing planes of scored-and-healed flesh, knuckles looking like they were set to rip through the thin, scarred skin that seemed more tears than flesh. Fingertips and palms like poorly tanned leather, and just as hard, pull out a laptop and a smart phone, which they promptly tap on and open a recording app.
They shrug at Martin, the head man, and sit, opening the laptop.
"If there is no method to the madness, it's just madness, and God knows we don't need that in this town, Frankie," Martin says to the fidgeting woman, smile a little tight now. "In fact, I like all of us here so we know how to keep that from happening the best we can."
"Maybe a little madness would liven the place up," Denise comments offhandedly.
For a moment, Martin's eyes flashed under the florescent lights of the gym. Warm, dark brown turned inky, and cold. For a moment, none moved.
The expression is gone before it could be commented on.
"Anyway," Martin says, gathering his papers together and tapping them into order as if they hadn't been arranged perfectly before. "I'm now calling this month's Elysium to order. All members of the court will rise and state their presence to the residing Prince."
Already, the long, blemished fingers are tapping away at the keys of the computer, dutifully making record.
"I thought we voted last year we weren't gonna do this anymore this year," Frankie hummed. "Not like it's needed."
"It's tradition - and I am Prince, I could order it to happen," Martin shoots back, and then sighs. "C'mon people, it is what it is. We got some stuff I'd really like to cover tonight, so let's meet in the middle, huh?"
Denise growls, an almost pretty sound, high and trilling, as she stands.
"Clan Toreador asks recognition," she says, irritated.
Martin nods to her. "You are recognized."
She sits down with a huff, arms crossed. He turns to the other woman, who stands.
"Clan Gangrel asks recognition," she says, fingers drumming on the tabletop, nails making a tight staccato beat.
Martin tilts his head for her too. "You are recognized."
Frankie sits, and the three look to their third, silent member, keeping words for them all.
The helmet looks down, to the fresh page of writing, and then up, to Martin. They stand, long, long body hunching inwards and moving seemingly so as not to make the layers of clothing move too much against the ruined skin under it.
"Clan Nosferatu...asks...recognition."
The voice seeps from under the helmet like chipping old paint from the side of a house; brittle and cracking, taking more breaths than most would need for a four word sentence.
All three others are reflected in the visor of the helmet, and their leader sees himself nod.
"You are recognized."
Sammy sits.
"Alright people, so, first to business, I just wanna get this out of the way, we all know the Fourth of July is coming up in a couple of weeks, so Frankie, I need to know where you're people are nominally gonna be when the fire department does its fireworks show so we don't have any frenzies like we did last year-"
"And I said last year, that fledgeling wasn't one of mine or anyone in the area, they wandered in from-"
So the words continue, so the night draws on.
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toychest321 · 2 years
Alright toy lovers, I finally went out to Dollar Tree and got all four Friends Forever Club dolls! Read below for a fully comprehensive review of each doll and four out of five of the available fashion packs!
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First impressions, I'm genuinely impressed with what Dollar Tree was able to accomplish with these! Some pretty good diversity for the few dolls they've released thus far, and the rubber fashions remind me of Polly Pocket. One aspect I really like is the fact that they went down the friend group doll line route, because as cheap as they are ($1.25 each) it won't be difficult for kids to afford to collect them!
I've ordered each one from favorite to least favorite left to right: Iha, Viera, Alanis, and Carina.
Iha is perfect imo, 10/10. The best example of the concept they were going for. Just by looking at her design you can immediately tell her personality and interests (Marine Biology). And all the little details in her outfit! Her sleeves resembling fins, the scale pattern on her skirt, the shell in her hair! And multiple pieces allows for more creative outfit combos
Viera certainly looks nice, no doubt about it (although her face kinda reminds me of Ferngully), but I'm not sure the design works as well as Iha's. Apparently her likes include Geology and Minerology? Her pink and green outfit meanwhile seems more fruit-like, reminiscent of strawberries or watermelon. I feel like they could've done a little bit more to get her character across
The first thing I noticed about Alanis is either because of the doll's construction, her uneven shoes, or her big ponytail, for some reason it's far more difficult to get her to stand than the others. I feel like the designers unfortunately hadn't taken the weight of her hair piece into account. I also dislike that 90% of her outfit is painted on, the only rubber pieces being her overalls (which would leave any other dolls wearing them rather bare) and her shoes. Luckily Iha's shirt works relatively well underneath them. Despite all that, her interest in robotics is clear, although like Viera's outfit they could have done more to get it across.
Carina is sadly the most dissappointing out of all of them. Im always a fan of textured hair in dolls (or at least as textured as hard plastic can be), and her glasses make her stand out from the others. Her outfit's deep colors even work in service of displaying her interest. But the number one dealbreaker is her outfit, namely the detail I hadn't noticed until she was out of the packaging: the sleeves of her hoodie are painted on. While this was an issue with Alanis, at least her sleeves were short enough to be easily covered by the available fabric fashions. But because of the length of Carina's sleeves, even though the rest of her body is completely unpainted, there isn't a single outfit you can put her in where they don't show. You can't even remove them, because her arms are made from that color of plastic with her hands painted on. This not only seems pointless, as her design could have worked just as well without sleeves, but it defeats this doll line's entire selling point of mixing and matching the dolls' styles. For this reason she is my least favorite, until I can find the time to paint over them. I hope that if they continue this line with alternate looks or different characters that they resolve this issue for her doll, as she clearly has a lot of potential.
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Similarly to the previous image, I've arranged the dolls by the fabric fashion packs they're wearing from favorite to least favorite.
The yellow dress, due to a lack of sleeves, fits very well and gives a nice summer beachy look. While I wish the blue cherry dress had velcro in the back for the skirt, the collar is nice and snug and the ribbon belt stays in place rather easily. The pink flowery dress, on the other hand, has a much looser collar and a belt that needs some stitching to keep at the waistline. Finally while I admire their attempt at a doll-sized sweater, it seems to unravel very easily (although for an off-the-shoulders casual look you can combine it with Carina'a shorts and sneakers); the corresponding skirt piece is also too low and loose to work with its shirt, I'd suggest shortening the ribbon straps.
I've also checked, and Friends Forever fashions also fit on Chelsea and Barbie Extra Mini bodies (the latter of which matches the Fashion Friends bodies almost perfectly in height and proportions)! The fabric fashions are a bit too loose for the Extra Mini bodies, and the rubber fashions the dolls come with are unfortunately too tight to fit a Chelsea. Regardless, I'd definitely suggest them for cheaper alternatives to official Chelsea fashion packs.
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Most of my nitpicks, though, can be easily forgiven by the dolls' low prices. Taking that into consideration, I can't reccomend these dolls enough! Overall I give the line a
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Miscommunication Mastelrist
Always In Spring (ao3) - loveliketheweather luke/calum M, 17k
Summary: Luke and Calum’s friendship has gone through many highs and lows, and it’s so full of parallels and full-circle moments that it’s almost like the universe is set to make sure they grow, love and stay together.
amnesia, on ice (ao3) - galacticsugar luke/calum M, 7k
Summary: Being drunk and missing Luke isn’t any better than being sober and missing Luke. Calum thought it might be, which is the only reason he decided to go out with Michael and all his artsy friends tonight. He thought maybe after a few drinks, he’d be able to stop thinking about Luke for more than a few seconds at a time, but in fact, it’s only made it worse.
Eat Me (ao3) - notonguexwithbutt michael/luke T, 14k
Summary: "Michael’s bottle green eyes are absolutely shining and Luke has to take a second to appreciate the beauty before him. Luke convinces himself it’s not weird to think things like that because it’s so obviously a fact. Michael is a beautiful boy, the prettiest Luke’s ever seen, and it makes Luke’s heart pound to think that he’s his best friend. How did he get so lucky?"
Michael is upset that none of his bandmates want to take him to a deserted island and eat him so Luke makes him feel better. In doing so, he discovers the feelings he has for his best friend are a little stronger than he ever intended.
falling fast, breathing slow (ao3) - jbhmalum michael/luke M, 2k
Summary: OR Luke wakes up next to the wrong person.
Forgetting Everything That Isn't You (I Try Not To) (ao3) - thehoundisdead luke/ashton M, 12k
Summary: Ashton gets drunk one night and suddenly Luke hates him. He just wishes he could remember why.
Gotta Be Cruel to be Kind (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 26k
Summary: "It’s just for a date or two." Calum sounds exasperated despite Michael's excuse being perfectly valid. "Ashton’s hot."
"Ashton’s a shrew," he corrects, voice biting. "I’m not going to… to tame him, or whatever, just so you can convince some twink to go on a mediocre date with you." 
i blame it on the weather (can you make it better) (ao3) - allsassnoclass (brightblackholes) michael/calum T, 6k
Summary: Michael doesn’t remember the dorm being this cold when he left in December. He doesn’t know how the space between him and Calum got that cold, either.
i know i don't know you (but i'd like to skip the small talk and romance) (ao3) - bellawritess calum/ashton, michael/luke T, 10k
Summary: “Hi,” says the bloke behind the register. Calum drops his gaze and finds himself unable to look away. The barista looks around college age, maybe a year or two older than Calum, built enough that the short sleeves of his t-shirt are hugging frankly impressive biceps. Golden-brown curls fall messily over his forehead, and there’s an easy smile on his lips as he awaits Calum’s order. Calum’s not sure he’s ever seen anyone more attractive. “What can I get for you today?”
“Uh,” Calum says, feeling flustered and taken aback. “A, uh, pumpkin spice latte?”
i'll keep on fighting (just to make you believe) (ao3) - jbhmalum michael/luke, luke/ashton T, 33k
Summary: In which Luke is finally coming home to Australia for the summer after two years, and everything should be perfect. Michael quickly realizes nothing is.
Lips Pressed Close to Mine (ao3) - FayeHunter luke/calum E, 30k
Summary: Being Luke's rebound after his breakup should have been easy, but unfortunately for Calum, he's sort of in love with Luke. It certainly makes things more complicated
more than just a neon weekend (ao3) - bellawritess luke/calum M, 8k
Summary: Calum shifts into a sitting position. The sheets fall further down his body and Luke looks down at his hands so he won’t stare. He’s still mostly naked, too, and he can feel Calum watching him, and his cheeks burn. Calum needs to leave. Calum needs to take his clothes and go and they need to never tell anyone about this and never talk about it again, because this could destroy the band if it turns into — if anything — 
“Okay,” Calum says, cutting through Luke’s catastrophizing. “That’s okay.”
Luke snaps his eyes up. “What? It’s not okay.”
taste the colors in the air you breathe (ao3) - lifewasradical luke/ashton M, 23k
Summary: “And you are?” Ashton says, a strange smugness bleeding into his tone. Luke can’t hold back a slight snarl of his lip. He really doesn’t like Ashton already for absolutely no reason.
But even if he isn’t a fan of Ashton’s, Luke can’t help but appreciate how attractive the guy is. His dyed hair falls loosely over his forehead in waves, curling slightly on rogue strands. His sun kissed skin shines under the warm sunlight filtered through the large windows adjacent to the door. Even across the room, Luke can see the way his hazel eyes exude excitement as they stare him down. Luke wants to paint using just the color palette of his very being.
“Luke,” he offers plainly before returning right back to his failed painting in front of him.
tell me what you like (it's okay, i'm curious too) (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum E, 11k
Summary: Somehow, telling Calum straight up that he may want to fuck him while he wears women’s clothing doesn’t seem like the brightest idea Michael’s ever had.
or: It’s an amalgamation of things Michael never would have considered: Ashley’s wig and a tight jean skirt.
Also: Calum.
the devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me (ao3) - oversteepedgreentea luke/calum T, 1k
Summary: calum likes lattes, even if they make him sick. (and if he's only drinking them to make luke happy, no one needs to know.)
Tongue-Tied And White Lie Addicted (ao3) - fourdrunksluts michael/ashton, luke/calum E, 50k
Summary: Michael's just finished his undergrad and is ready to stop messing around with strangers and get more serious about his studies as he prepares for his dream job. No relationships, no sex. Which is harder than it sounds when Ashton Irwin comes into his life.
Where You Go, I'll Follow (ao3) - fourdrunksluts, reversecow calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 211k
Summary: This story follows Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton on their journey to self-discovery. Through first loves, heartbreaks, and friendship, this is the behind the scenes of what the cameras didn't show through the years.
Words Have Two Meanings (ao3) - fourdrunksluts luke/ashton N/R, 22k
Summary: In a world where your soulmate is determined by their favorite song, people have gone, and continue to go, to extreme lengths to find their other half. Luke is certain Ashton's his soulmate - even if every sign in the universe is telling him no.
Your Moonlit Backseat Always Leaves Me (ao3) - reversecow calum/ashton, michael/luke E, 13k
Summary: Ashton's been completely spellbound by Calum Hood ever since he started working with Michael at the Jumping Bean. He can never tell him though, not when Calum's ridiculously, painfully out of his league.
Very very fluffy silly obligatory coffee shop AU where Ashton pines and Calum is beautiful.
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