#and i don't actually want a long term romantic partnership of any kind anyway so it's a nonissue
magdaclaire · 3 years
i wouldn’t mind getting married ONLY if my partner would let me make every single decision about the wedding to my best approximation of their tastes 
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helloamhere · 3 years
hey i was rereading your fics (love all of them you’re a genius that understands exactly my views on love and it’s expressions.....anyway) and i was wondering if you have any plans or thoughts on writing about an already established relationship, i love falling in love stories but i think i would enjoy seeing your views on “we’ve been together for a while” dynamics
thank you so much for the kind words :)))) -- love this question!! I really think that fanfic is traditionally suited to 'falling in love' stories, perhaps because fanfic just loves to lean into the emotional, the transitional, the kind of aching uncertainty of character moments. A lot of fanfic is heavily romance driven and it's fun to write falling in love stories because the happy ending is so, you know, satisfying. BUT BUT BUT. I love established relationships; the more I think about it the more I am interested in long-term relationships.
I think I approached this a little bit in This Multiplicity of Powers, because L and H in that fic have grown up together and have an intense degree of intimacy and entanglement from years of not only living in the same building (even if it is a very large building that includes a military complex), but also from being responsible for each other's lives and safety in various ways. I wanted to explore the contrast between how enmeshed and how deeply they know each other, compared to how much they've also never expressed their romantic feelings out of fear for what it might do to that trust and protection/out of a sense of not deserving it/out of the fact that all the trauma history behind L presented a barrier that he needed to solve before he was ready to understand a romantic relationship. But it's a very different love story that Saving Symphony Hall was, where you get to see the unfolding of intimacy and emotional trust from people who start as strangers already sleeping together, and then gradually learn to have that trust. So to me, SSH and TMOP are two really nice bookends to my journey of writing "fic romance."
BUT YEAH, what about HAPPY ESTABLISHED ROMANCE tho? I am actually super interested in that in two ways. 1) I think there is a lot of fun to asking questions about "what do two very complicated people do to advance their intimacy once they are already committed," and when I think about writing an Etched in Salt sequel, that's what I think about. (sometimes I think that in fanfic people don't always appreciate the fact that there is a lot of drama and adventure even in an established relationship, if you're interested in growing as a human. There are a lot of choices about what a relationship will be, what kind of relationship are we together, separate from any angst or fear of breaking up. I like writing people who are desperately in love and still wrestling with the drama of what it means to keep being vulnerable) 2) there's another kind of established relationship I love which is just, the pure unadulterated joy of watching two people tackle crazy adventures while being perfect together. I love this ish. You could provoke a lot of stakes from the plot itself while enjoying the competence porn and emotional comfort of an excellently happy couple. When I think about writing Old Guard fic for instance, or a few other fandoms where there are couples that I'm just happy to see be couples, I think more about how fun it would be to create moments between them where you can see the fluid, graceful, brilliant years of partnership between people. That kind of highly beautiful dance partnership to me would also be interesting, as interesting as conflict. Everyone who stays in a healthy and happy relationship has built it themselves imho, and is therefore an expert in living and protecting and cherishing that particular relationship, and that is a gorgeous thing to witness and also something I aspire to in my own life so I think it's as meaningful as falling in love in the first place.
SO YEAH, I do think about it! I am so committed to so many important things in my own life right now that I don't know if you'll see any of that come from me in fic form 😭but it's good stuff!!!!!
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ripples-of-thought · 3 years
Abortion in 1987
My junior year in high school I met a young man from a rival school during a New Year's Eve lock-in at a roller-skating rink. This is about what happened about 8 months later, just before my senior year.
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Since I had a steady boyfriend, I started on "The Pill". My mother knew I was having sex with him and supported my decision to use birth control. At the time I was not living with her, so I went to Planned Parenthood. Although I could not have afforded them full price, PP allowed me to purchase them on a sliding scale. It worked well for months; however, as time passed I started to get a little sloppy about taking my pill on time every day. Some nights I'd forget altogether, and the next morning I'd swallow the previous night's pill with a prayer that this one time wouldn't be the one that got me pregnant. One month at the end of the summer, my period didn't show.
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I was anxious about getting pregnant, so I got a home pregnancy test as soon as I was a week late. The next morning, I peed on the stick. One line was negative, two lines... yes, the two lines right there on the stick... that meant positive. I was pregnant. I told my boyfriend, the one I was "in love" with. He meant the world to me, and would be my rock. Since my menses were normally very regular, I was pretty sure there was no mistake, but before being able to do anything, I would need a doctor's confirmation anyway. Back to Planned Parenthood I went, where they were able to verify the results, again at a price even a high school student in the 'burbs could afford.
The fact that this doctor's visit, and the potentially life-changing nature of it, seemed so routine that, years after, I've nearly forgotten it, is a testament to the professionalism of the care I received at that clinic. Everything was calm that day. The anxiety of deliberation all came afterward.
I told my parents. Being a pregnant teenager is scary, but I had two parents who loved me, and a mother who told me she'd support whatever decision I made.
She very much wanted me to be able to follow my own heart and mind about this, and I admire and appreciate that. I knew the history of abortion in the USA, had seen Dirty Dancing, I knew other times and other families had provided neither the freedom nor support that mine did. I was, and am, grateful for that.
But to no fault of theirs, I was not able to freely choose what to do with my body - whether to use it to continue growing this other human, or have the procedure that would end my pregnancy. My choice was smashed to pieces by my "rock".
For, while I was weighing the options - whether my family, my education and means, had room for an infant at this time... whether I was strong enough to carry a baby to term only to give it up to an adoptive family to care for it beyond my ability... whether to terminate the pregnancy and carry on with life's plans (such as they were) as if I'd never been pregnant... my boyfriend was thinking about his future career in the military.
His only ambition his entire life was to be part of an elite military unit such as the US Special Forces (the Green Berets) or what he saw as their modern equivalent, the Airborne Infantry. He was already a career Boy Scout, and an Eagle Scout, something he took great pride in. He'd talked to recruiters and was ready to enlist as soon as he graduated. And he saw my pregnancy as a threat to that.
At least, that's what he told me. I really can't understand his reasoning now... and I'm not sure I even seriously questioned it then. When I told him that I was considering adoption instead of abortion, he refused to even consider it. He couldn't stand the thought of "his" child being "somewhere out there" ...raised by someone else. He told me that if I did not have an abortion, I would never see him again.
There's a lot of hurt behind that statement... hurt that actually has nothing to do with him. Because while he had plans for a career after high school, I did not. I had vague ideas about what I wanted to do... I wanted to be artistic. I wanted to paint and write... but beyond that... I had no idea. I certainly didn't have plans for university... I didn't have the money to pay for it myself and I didn't have the grades or extra-curricular activities to get me a scholarship.
I knew I wasn't cut out for the military. I lacked the discipline and the physical fitness for that kind of life, whatever the film STRIPES made it out to be. So that left ...what? Becoming someone's domestic help? Being a grocery checkout clerk? Becoming a ...housewife? And with graduation looming ahead, I knew my days as a carefree teen were numbered. My mother had said so, jokingly, a few years before. I took it way too literally and way too personally. Mom had quipped about my dad's brother living in his parents' house in his 30's... "When you turn 18, you're on your own, kiddo." She didn't mean it. Hell, she wasn't even really talking about me at all! It was about her ex-brother-in-law, but I didn't realize that at 14 and I didn't realize it at 17. And so it went until that day... My self-esteem defining me through my romantic partnerships, never as the hero of my own story. So when he said my pregnancy threatened his future, and said he'd walk if I didn't terminate, I saw my future, the only future I could envision, endangered. I saw this pregnancy as a threat to the marriage I expected and all the children he and I might have in the future.
When I told my mom about my decision to terminate, I didn't tell her why. She took it calmly, but told me years later that she had been hoping I would choose differently. She offered to be there for me, she paid for part of it, and my boyfriend paid the rest. She drove me there and took me home after.
The Planned Parenthood in Beaverton did not perform abortions, and they referred me to a clinic in Northwest Portland, close to downtown. I had to make one appointment for "counseling" in which I had to lie and say that nobody was forcing me to get an abortion, and then I could set the appointment for the procedure.
I suppose that, in my mind, it wasn't really a lie. If I had been a stronger personality at the time, I could have refused to abort the pregnancy and sued him for child support... I never think about this event without a list of "what-ifs" as long as my arm.
I remember it as quiet, clean, with a neutral palette. I don't remember any of the other young women. It was the most normal thing really... just a trip to the doctor... just an "outpatient procedure". The table, the stirrups, the speculum... just like any gynecological visit I'd ever been to. I didn't pay much attention to the aspirator (the machine that provides the suction) and just focused on breathing slowly and staying relaxed. I was given local anesthetic and it was over very quickly.
I remember waiting in the recovery room for my mom to take me home, and I was relieved that it was over with. I was sorry that I had felt the need to do it, and I remember even apologizing to the fetus. I had already started believing in reincarnation as a teenager, and hoped that in the future, the same spirit might grow within another body that mine would build, when I was ready to have children. This was just not that time.
What followed the next week was pretty much what I usually went through during my period. Cramps, bleeding, and then... life went on.
I do want to write about that arms-length list of "what-ifs"... but this post, this blog, is not about what could have happened. It's about what did happen. And what did happen was not nearly as traumatic as some would have you expect.
It didn't result in any more depression than I was already experiencing due to undiagnosed chronic conditions. It's far more truthful to say that my depression led to needing an abortion than that my abortion caused depression.
I was not wracked with guilt afterward... although years later when I went through a Christian conversion experience I did feel a sort of guilt about not feeling guilty...
One out of four women in the USA have an abortion at some point in their lives. The reasons they list for having one are usually complex, involving multiple facets of their life; most often some intersection of emotional and financial stability. My story is not rare. It's common. It's normal.
It's okay.
For more information about the effect of unwanted pregnancy and abortion on the women who experience it, I recommend reading The Turnaway Study.
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phandictioned · 7 years
can i request a prompt? a generic dan and phil like each other but they don't know that the other one does but their friends louise and pj do and they set them up and get them all dressed up and dan and phil are just really confused but pj gets phil ready and louise gets dan ready and then they meet up? thanks!!
Here you go! It turned out so much longer than I thought. Hope it’s not too long for you though it is a lot of dialogue. Hope you like it! Thanks so much for the request!
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Blind Date
“This is getting ridiculous.”Louise rolled her eyes and crossed her arms at the restaurant table. Across fromher PJ shook his head and groaned. Louise couldn’t help the smile and lightlaugh that escaped her though. They’d just finished having lunch with Dan andPhil. It had always been obvious to everyone that the two were inseparable,connected at the hip, and head over heels for one another. That is, everyoneknew it except for the two boys themselves.
Both Dan and Phil had come to PJand Louise separately to confess their attraction for their flat mate. And bothhad seemed utterly at loss at what to do about the feelings they possessed fortheir friend. It seemed obvious to Dan and Phil’s friends what they should do.TELL EACH OTHER! But Phil had explained to PJ that he didn’t think Dan wouldfeel the same way about him and he didn’t want to ruin what they did have. Danhad told Louise that him and Phil as a partnership in YouTube had too much tolose. He thought that maybe their fans enjoyed fantasizing about the idea of them together but that if theyactually were together, they’d get bored and uninterested.
Either way, both of their reasonswere ridiculous. This had been going on for a couple of years. Now though, thechemistry between them had reached a supreme high. They couldn’t hide it ifthey tried. A few times Louise had almost called them out on it right then andthere. But her and PJ had agreed to stay out of it. It wasn’t any of their business.Even if it was insane to watch.
Like tonight at dinner. The fourof them had gotten together because Dan and Phil had recently returned from atrip and they wanted to hear all about it. On the way back from the trip Philhad spent a few days with his parents in Florida while Dan returned home.Alone. The boy couldn’t keep his freaking eyes of his flat mate.
Louise knew Dan well by now. She knewthat he didn’t handle being alone all that well. Even if he was in his room forhours on end, he needed to know that someone else was in the house. And thatsomeone was always Phil.
The dinner that night had beenthe first time they’d really seen each other in four days and it was ridiculouslyobvious how badly Dan just wanted to go back to the house and catch up withPhil. Probably play video games and watch anime till four A.M. PJ and Louisehad exchanged glances, rolling their eyes and grinning at the situation.
Phil had managed to keep himselftogether a bit more. Phil had come to terms with his feelings for Dan longafter Dan himself had. He was also a few years older and his practiced self-controlwas much more evident.
“That’s it.” PJ slapped the tableand stood abruptly. “We’re doing something about this.”
“Peej…we’ve talked about this. It’snot our place.” Louise sighed, knowing how frustrated PJ was.
“I don’t care! It’s time.”
“And what do plan on doing?”Retorted Louise.
“It’s not just me. You’rehelping.”
Louise called Dan the nextafternoon. “Hey lazy, what are you up to?”
“Uh…” Dan started.
“And don’t tell me it’s somethingimportant because I know better.”
Dan snorted on the other end. “Finethen. I’m unpacking.”
“Still don’t believe it.” Danwould never unpack his bag the very next day. It was going to sit there for thenext three weeks.
“Okay. I’m laying on my bed thinkingof unpacking.”
“You’re still in bed?!” Louiseexclaimed.
“Hey! Did you call to judge theway I live my life or was there something important?”
“I set you up on a date.” Louise saidsimply. It was silent on the other end of the line for a while. She smiled toherself, knowing the panic that must be going through Dan’s mind right now.
“You what?” He said monotone.
“A date. There’s someone I knowthat’s…interested in you.”
“You’re lying.” Dan statedblankly.
“No! I’m serious! They’ve likedyou for a while but seeing as you are Dan Howell, they’ve been a little uncertain.”
“So it’s a friend of yours that’sa fan? No thanks. Absolutely not.” Dan said.
“No! Mr. Cocky. They could careless about your job title and bank account. It’s more you that’s stopped them from asking. And we’re not arguing aboutthis. You’re going.”
“Louise…” Dan whined, his voice takingon a more uneasy tone. “You know how I feel about…all that.”
“All what?” Louise said, feigningignorance.
“Don’t make me say it, come on.”Dan griped.
“I just don’t understand what you’retalking about.” Louise kept up the act.
“Phil! Louise! You know how Ifeel about Phil. I’m not interested in this date. I’m sorry.” Dan sighedthrough the phone.
“Interesting. Usually if you’reinterested in someone you tell them how you feel. I mean, eventually. Certainlyif the feelings continue after nearly six years.”
“Shut up. You know why.”
“Look, Dan. Maybe after going onthis date things will make more sense. Maybe you’re feelings for Phil willclear up, or maybe it will give you the guts to say something to him.”
It was quiet for a long timeagain but Louise let Dan think. She knew not to try and push him. That neverended well when it came to Dan. She remained patient.
Louise almost screamed with joy. “Thankyou! Thank you! Tonight, at seven, at the place by my house. Dress nicely! I’llpick you up.”
“Wait, tonight? Loui-!!!”
Louse hung up before he couldobject and quickly texted PJ. The fish ishooked.
Now it was PJ’s turn to callPhil.
“Hey Phil, how’s it going?”
“Hey Peej! Not bad. Sorry Dan andI didn’t stay longer last night. I think he was a little tired and anxious toget back.”
PJ almost burst out laughingright there. Phil was so oblivious. He loved his friend but sometimes PJ justwanted to shake him.  “Yeah, no, Iunderstand. Louise did to. What are you up to tonight?”
“Nothing much. We were going toplay Mario Kart but Dan forgot he had plans tonight so I was just going toorder a pizza and watch a scary movie.”
“Perfect. Would you mind going ona date with me tonight?”
“Uh…Peej…I mean, we’re friendsbut I never-”
“No!” PJ pulled at his hair. “I meant,I’m going on a date and I kind ofwant somebody else with me you know? Be my wing man maybe?”
“Oh, uh, wow, thanks for thinkingof me. Sure, I can do that.”
“Great! Thank you! You’re thebest. Just wear something nice and I’ll pick you up at six, okay?”
“Oh my god I can’t believe itactually worked. We actually got those two to agree to leave the house.” Louisegiggled uncontrollably on the phone with her partner in crime.
“To be honest, if you can get oneof them out of the house it’s not too difficult to convince the other.” PJreasoned.
“Everything is set up?” PJ asked.
“Okay then, see you at the restaurant.”
“Phil? I’m leaving!” Dan yelledback into the apartment at his flat mate.
“Okay! See you later!” Phil calledback.
Dan grumbled to himself as hestrode down the hall toward where Louise was waiting outside. He couldn’tbelieve he’d allowed himself to be coerced into leaving his precious cage. On adate nonetheless. What was he doing? If Phil ever found out he’d gone on a date, Dan would have even less of achance at telling him how he felt. Not that he’d ever have the guts anyway.
The feelings he’d had for hisflat mate had started six years ago. Maybe even before that, but that’s when he’dcome to realize them himself. And every year since his affection for the manhad only deepened. And he wasn’t naïve enough to convince himself that it wasthe affection you have toward just a friend. No, Dan wanted more. But, alas, he’dprobably be buried with that secret on his tongue. He wasn’t one for takingchances. And telling Phil how he really felt was that and more. There were somany bad things that could come of confessing to something as serious as that,both in his personal life as well as his YouTube career.
Dan jumped at the sound of Louise’shigh pitched voice. She was far too excited for this.
“Mmm.” He groaned as she huggedhim tightly.
“You look lovely! That suit isperfect!” She held him at arm’s length away and admired him. “Let’s go. I’m soexcited.”
Phil left the house shortly afterhid flat mate. He figured he’d be home before Dan so he hadn’t told him that hewas going out this evening too. Though he knew Dan would worry if he came homeand Phil wasn’t there.
When they’d first moved intotogether Phil had been surprised at Dan’s neediness. He wasn’t controlling or possessive.He just got worried easily when Phil wasn’t there. Though to be fair, Phil hadgotten himself lost multiple times and needed to have his friend come find him.Dan had never minded. Now though, Phil had adjusted to Dan’s needs. He was farless social than Phil was and Phil had become accustomed to even that. In fact,his favorite days were the ones where they didn’t leave the house for anything.When he’d wake up, make breakfast and coffee and they’d sit down and watch anentire anime season or movie trilogy. Sometimes he’d even convinced his friendto watch a scary movie and that was the best because Dan became extravulnerable and needy; asking Phil to turn off the lights before they went tobed or grabbing his arm and squeezing it when the anticipation became too much.
Phil was okay with the way theirrelationship was, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t wish there wassomething more between them. Phil had always loved the idea of doting oversomeone, making them feel special and safe. When Dan had come into his lifemuch of that had been satisfied. But his flat mate seemed completelyuninterested in any romantic life at all, with anyone. So, in fear of losingeverything, Phil had shoved his feelings down and moved on, choosing to admirehis friend from afar.
PJ picked him up a few minuteslater. Phil furrowed his brows when he saw his friend. “Oh,” he exclaimed. “Iguess I over dressed.”
“Nah, nah. It’s perfect trust me.”
“Then why are you in-”
“It’s fine. Come on, lets hurry.”PJ grabbed his arm and tugged him toward a taxi.
Dan sat at a four person tablealone. He leaned against the back of the chair and huffed as he looked aroundthe restaurant. He was grateful for the few sets of people scattered around theplace. This was an awkward enough situation let alone had he been watched by apacked full restaurant.
“Come on Louise, hurry up.” Hegrumbled. She’d gone to the bathroom forever ago. He did not want to be herealone when his date arrived. He took a careful sip of the glass of wine beforehim, instantly puckering at the bitterness. “Disgusting.”  Why had he ordered wine? He didn’t even likewine.
The entry doors to the restaurantopened and Dan saw PJ from his peripheral.
“What the? Peej, what are youdoing here?” Dan called to his friend, furrowing his brows. PJ shook his head,smiling and waving before backing back outside. Dan was just about to get tohis feet when the door opened again. Only this time…
“Phil?” Dan breathed out at thesite of his flat mate dressed in a nice black suit, almost identical to the onehe was wearing. He stood slowly as his friend approached. Phil wrung his handstogether and looked from side to side uneasily. “Phil,” Dan smiled. “What areyou doing here? Did Louise set you up on a date too?”
“H-hi. A date? Uh, no. Is thatwhy you’re here?” Phi’s eyes widened in surprise.
Dan felt himself bush in embarrassment.He scratched the back of his neck. “Yeah…”
Phil laughed lightly, cocking hishead. “With who?”
Louise appeared behind Dan,resting a hand on Dan’s shoulder and patting it. “You. Phil, you’re Dan’ssurprise date. I think you two have a lot to discus, so I’m going to leave.Have fun!” With that Louise swiftly walked past them and out the front doors.
Dan and Phil stood there, jawsdropped, eyes wide for several moments after Louise had disappeared. Slowly,Phil turned toward his friend.
“Well…” He said hesitantly.
“Yeah, well, sit. I guess.” Dancoughed and dropped ungracefully into his chair.
Both sat, they still didn’t lookat the other. They’re eyes focused one everything except the person on theother side of the table.
“We have to say somethingeventually.” Phil said quietly.
“What exactly is happening here?”Dan asked, using frustration as a cover up to face his friend.
“It would be easier if we couldask PJ and Louise but…I think I can guess. I think it has to do with me.” Philswallowed, anxiety prickling at his palms.
“You?” Dan raised an eyebrow buthis shoulders relaxed a little.
“I think this is there way oftrying to make me tell you something.” Phil finally forced his eyes upward tomeet Dan’s. He could see right through his friend who was trying to appearangry and confused. But his soft eyes told him he was…afraid? “I might haveconfessed something to PJ a little while ago…”
“Okay…” Dan tensed again. Why wasPhil acting weird? Why did he suddenly look so sad?
“I’m afraid though Dan. But I supposeour friends out there won’t let me leave until I confess to you too.”
“You’re freaking me out. Just sayit. Please.” Dan demanded.
Phil furrowed his brows at hisfriend. “I hate when you’re like that.”
“Like what?” Dan said bitterly.
“Defensive. How am I supposed totell you something with that angry look on your face?” Phil was suddenly verydetermined to not tell Dan anything. He heard his friend take a deep breath andflickered his gaze back over.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I guessI’m just scared too. I have something I need to tell you too.”
Phil’s eyes widened. “Really?Okay then.”
“No, you first. I’m listening.”Dan rested his elbows on the table and looked Phil dead in the eyes.
“O-okay.” He took a deep breath,preparing himself for the words that were about to leave his mouth. His tonguewas dry and heavy and he was surprised when the words came out coherent at all.“I really like you Dan. I’ve liked you for a long time.”
Dan remained still and quiet forseveral moments. He wanted to be sure Phil was done speaking. It seemed he wasby the way he hung his head and played with the napkin on the table.
“Like me as in…I’m your bestfriend?” Dan asked carefully.  
“No. I mean, yes. But no. You aremy best friend but I’ve liked as you as more than that for a long time.”
“How long?” Dan pushed. His heartbeating nervously but now for completely different reasons.
Phil laughed lightly. “I don’tknow exactly. A few years…maybe more.” Dan smiled, ducking his head indisbelief. Phil looked up from the table “What? It’s not funny Dan.”
“I know it’s not funny. That’swhy I’m laughing. Phil, I confessed to Louise about six years ago that I likedyou as way more than a friend.”
Phil perked up at that, sittingstraighter and stopping his nervous finger movements. “Are you serious?”
Dan nodded fervently “Yup.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?!”Phil exclaimed, smiling broadly.
“I thought that maybe it would affectout working relationship. I just wasn’t sure how everyone would take it.”
“Our working relationship. You’re insane. That’s the last thing it wouldaffect.”
“Well hey, I’m not the only oneto blame here. Why didn’t you say anything all this time?” Dan asked.
Phil’s cheeks turned a lightshade of pink. “I didn’t know if you would ever like me like that…I know thatyou sometimes make comments about other guys being cute but I wasn’t sure. AndI doubted it would be me. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”
“Sounds like we’ve spent a longtime worrying about nothing.” Dan grinned and Phil smiled back at him.
“It seems so. So what now?”
Dan breathed out. “What now? Goodquestion. I guess we have a lot to talk about.”
Phil nodded. They were quiet fora moment, letting all this new information sink in. Phil looked down at table,raising an eyebrow when he saw the glass of wine Dan was spinning aroundbetween his fingers. “Why on earth did you get a glass of wine?”
Dan looked down at the glass andsnorted. “Because I thought I was going on a date and I wanted to be classy.”
“But you hate wine.” Phil pointedout.
“I know! I was trying to impressyou! Well not you but you know what Imean.”
“It didn’t work.” Phil laughed. “Also,you didn’t buy me some wine.”
“I didn’t know what the other personwould like!” Dan said, defending himself.
“Well, good thing you only haveto know what I like.”
Dan grinned, waving his hand inthe air to call the waitress over. “Indeed, I do.”
Inspire me! Tell me your prompt!
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