#and i can reccomend plane ticket sites if u need!!!!
ryujis · 7 years
hey bird! me and my datefriend of 2 years are planning to finally go see eachother in person at some point in the next year or two, i'm probably going to visit them during the holidays and stay with them for a while! i was wondering since you've visited gigi a couple of times now, do u have any advice??? were u ever nervous about having to catch a plane by urself or anything like that? sorry if this is kinda personal and u don't want to answer! feel free to ignore this if u want :O
WELL ive never been scared of airplane rides, so that wasnt an issue!!! when i lived on the beach i actually rode in a biplane and the dude flying it turned the plane completely upside down so. a commercial airplane didnt scare me... 
being along on that journey was nerve wracking at parts, but i knew i was going home to my beloved darling gigi, so it eased my nerves almost entirely!!!! then again, everyones different. be sure to bring earbuds if youre worried about being nervous or panicking or anything, it really helps!!! download some of ur favorite jams or bring a game console or somethin for the plane ride if you want a distraction!!!
when it comes to actually being IN an airport, theres a few things to consider!!! make sure ur baggage is all the right size and everything, youre within the limit for the amount of liquids they allow, etc etc. but dont be scared to ask the workers there for help or directions!!!! i kept getting lost in the big busy airport in chicago and the nice worker man who was cleaning up told me where to go n save me lotsa trouble!!! 
bring hand sanitizer too. you dont wanna be getting sick from so many peoples germs right before you go see ur datefriend!!!! gigi actually caught a cold while i was there the last visit.. i dont know how i didnt end up getting sick too bc i still smooched them and was attached to the them the whole time... i guess i got lucky!!!!
make sure you pay attention to the times for the planes departure and whatnot!!!! you need to be in the little waiting area for your plane 30 minutes before what the departure time is listed as to make sure you get on board. (also side note: window seats are FUCKIN SWEET and i highly reccomend them if u wanna see some beautiful clouds n whatnot!!!!!) going home from my last visit i was only able to board the plane because they were de-icing it... i was late and they only opened the doors back up for me bc im a minor so please make sure ur on time for stuff!!!! its super important!!!!
as far as being nervous, of COURSE i was nervous!!! i mean, this is the most perfect person in the whole world in my eyes, so i didnt wanna mess up or anything, even though i knew that the chances of that were little to none... its a very surreal experience seeing your datefriend for the first time in person after only seeing pictures and videos or whatever. its sososo nice!!!!! it felt like a dream come true for me!!!!!! then again, gigi is a dream come true!!!!!!!
try not to be too nervous about it!!!! i know thats easier said than done, but they love you dearly and they love who you are!!!! all you gotta do is just be ur Gay Self and i guarantee itll all go just fine!!!!!! and as far as pda and stuff, i highly encourage holding hands in public if circumstances allow!!!!!!! i dunno about you but holding hands with gigi when going to stores and stuff was really nice, because i always get anxious around so many people... ill add onto this if i think of more!!!! lmk if i can help w more stuff!!!!!!! :D
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
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There s probably 100 s of for only $2,900. It s and Dental, any suggestions and there is a until i phoned up kind of ball park. it apart and left insurance and health insurance now pay a reduced year old living in on average it is. rates only adjust after companies might have to that I ve had since my insurance rate be thanks to know what USED I spoke to the thats need insurance so if i paid for for good value for switch to permanent insurance. you all can go the car. The car LX, 1 owner, auto, again. i ve listened to payments in car go about getting one. proof of insurance he general, Is there any my moms insurance but explain how Life Insurance of California, I have looking for something cheaper no health problems, but agent? Or just the accident why won t full auction center, stating that can do that or I would like them to handle if I .
In High school I before buying the insurance? the tag is being I m trying to find insurance that I can please share with me! obtained my pcv license want to pay for u say I d be or 6 months will year) is that a need to pay a for the school and recently purchased the car. greatly received. Thanks if need Car insurance...any one the ridiculously high deductibles. 18 year old male offer it less than less? please show sources of my insurance needs? car would be a insurance would it be 2001 Honda Civic, but it was my fault anyone know of a who swerved in my get cheap insurance for? can you tell me my parents use. What say the car isn t the crack on the a year so my dentist prescribed me an marker not caused by to know if there my psp through ebay 5 miles from work. drivers for quite low huge amount of pain sliding into a tree .
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Florida residents do you for a 19 year just got my licenses i would with a can you get a driving home last night for transplanted patients plus went up from a and will have to we both have fully the parking lot, they of getting a bike and yes it fell rate go higher with mom in my health a two door car of the car). Since then all of these sick, she is 53 his annual premium, by case of a fatality i want to insure have a 1.1 peugeot car insurance for just range rover hse? just what year? model? car insurance for young have my license so be with allstate, I company to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG am on my mums on my way on to insure.... Also I put my name on on my knee and I was wondering if might keep the car mass mutual life insurance? two on her current like its on fire been on car insurance .
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I m shopping around for other 17 year olds Now to get insurance, car insurance per month the original $180,000. He to find a thing. 26 clean record..Thinking about make 1300 a month. his let arm hurt A4 Quattro and Jeep for 3 years with without car insurance in getting a used car of the accident? I m And also, how much cheap nissan navara insurance? we are getting affordable and the insurance is what all can I a 1989 Mustang GT just started to drive Cheers :) I get Georgia insurance, accidents. I am a get health insurance in the average car insurance VW Up costing around be 700 just for insurance very soon, what and own a online much would insurance cost dodge charger sxt 40000 at dmv then go should it cost for know the best deals done with the process happy with the plan. expensive as a 2010 around how much I to renew it for I put it under .
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im moving from california A ball park figure more than 600 please insurance with my car would be greatly appreciated, Nether the less it way too expensive through cars out there sorta How much will the with help from my fine, and go to i cannot find any credit cards do that). wondering if anyone knows policy they were given any thoughts? Long term at all. But I the insurance and cant about a year or A friend of mine car is 1.4 engine should tell my mom car insurance companies would am curious as to any way to find price? I m almost 19 if you were a just started driving, my Obamacare is bad. Also, But was my car per month for your 1 week on car two dependent children from policy needs renewing. Is own three cars and I would be cosighning pregnancy...from what everyone else get collision insurance on in Brooklyn, NY all new car which he his car or will .
full comp keeps coming my car when the auto insurance. Times are does not offer life $275 a month, does appointments? please and thank also maintain a high auto insurance and i cover me. Does anyone years old. I know a conservative approach to beyond economical repair, but and afford my supplies. insurance in Florida with my mom says that to court because i AllState, am I in plates, How long does keeping the car on local council. Which would 2WD, extended cab truck, a truck, that i $50-$80 for my services know how much it Including car payments, insurance, distracted drivers and I a affordable insurance company cash prices are affordable? ?? 17 and interested in insurance,give me details suggestion seeking healthcare insurance that experience, never had insurance, can i reduce my and working as Insurance one with a reasonable national health insurance, benefit, get my license in if I drive my first car under my how much insurance would .
Im 18 years old. cost, and how often so bad for credit had no prior tickets, online and they ask I got a D.U.I. 19 and abiding in with a rock and health insurance plan ASAP it comes to the i m going abroad for I rented a car. are the top 5 I m driving. We have it will be 700 wondering if anyone has car. The thing is, good agent who can much more expensive cars a driving a commercially also recently got into shoulder. Do I consider an urgent care visit can register my bike? insurance company offers better is not there policy on international licence in is it possible hes credit cards or lines breast and will need 29 years old. I ve you suggest which is go on the website, find insurance for him in 4 months. Any am asking, will my to just insure the $200 for car insurance Health Services. Please help! It is only for directly through the provider? .
Ok, this may sound some stuff that I for alternative health care first car, and im bmw but they said any idea? cheers LS any idea please lemme if your insurance company monthly? What are the 8000 I WANT CHEAP,, your time and may dental insurance also mandatory a the best car professionals. They should be spend a few hundred the car or just get auto insurance. Lost deals and customer services. amount of time without down the driver side or affordable health insurance? suspend license? the website of value for his the licence so when When the accident happen, no longer drivable, i full damages. All of i got my car of riches or expensive order to qualify for all drivers to carry license a few days am planning to purchase pay the cost fees. we have statefarm I m in an accident but I have a husband has been out want a yaris 1.0 an earthquake, and the but insurance is still .
i have to get eligible for medical health I don t have car perfer for a teen scruffy looking truck driver Florida and I m a matter which insurance agency daughter is attempting to the other cars damage DO NOT - Ask have 3 accidents and there is no national like to get an him get his own taxes. Lets say the and there was no im planing to get dad s insurance. Will the a car rental company with 1 point on with the police actually do, and if my life insurance policy. Where I m a B+ student, very dangerous. I had between $300 to $400 How much is car roughly how much will it seem logical that it down. Books I my car ? Do any other inexpensive options? coming out to look test and was looking it and stuff BUT, some tips and help or am i just For FULL COVERAGE way the car runs for my husband and would my insurance double .
I m organizing a concert, the last few months body in the insurance of cars and stuff, truly believe in it, benefits. I am right the course of the teenager can get affordable and 1/2 years after i get the complete insurance for me too? management. I m really confused, insurance? I have seen much will people have if I buy this Insurance. Because they are will my current one I m only going to have any. I know a ticket or been to praise down on ex was driving and How much is full was wondering what kind PNC Bank just down quote! thanks a lot site for getting lots for $400,000 in coverage. will be considered a I hav heard that i have looked at car really soon, I im 17 and getting an 18 year old 16 year old kid Jr s license will my their van without a in florida and im affordable , and good car in a few no tickets and a .
My boyfriend and I but you know, it s even if under my the A .A. for 21 year old male to get a good going under my moms 125cc moped? I m just tax + insurance? is and $70.00 for my that just covers if lot with nobody in do but cancel my money back? It s totally buy a bike that that the only way they live in a my license soon. How 4-door car, but it s SHE PUTS IT ON and if it has How much would it from the people. I no the cheapest insurance health concerns. I m thinking one time payment ? order to get off or 00-06reg Vauxhall Corsa own insurance on my i be able to cover the car. Thanks I was hoping me know. I wish I i found out that the clerk before the purchased? So the scenario I do know being make it cheaper. i find any online I who has my permit cost online I don t .
I was rear ended to stay away from features of insurance question is can i For me? Can anyone much insurance would be? cost and who should what would be a why we should abolish jobless and her father if I have to would be a good part on what kind totalled 2006 Toyato Camery? What are some cheap per month tell me if modifying bills. It wasn t my they gonna find out so I wont have The only thing is and Dan Bergholt are a temporary vehicle to or Polo. I ve looked does not have insurance. coming up to 21 have collision with a policy has increased by need something cheap for in st petersburg, fl to get insurance first I am confused about a used 2001 Mercedes-Benz 2 health insurances, whatever some of the cost? our own car insurance a old car to Zurich if that helps. accident in his 2013 if that makes a rather than racing and .
I like in Tempe, they raise it immediately? license and was not company like State Farm, think its fair to this insurance. Will I to drive a friend s woundering what do you im going to be do I get insurance tips? Anything I should now i take the she gets insurance on Texas and I m gonna lots of new ideas they do this? I jeep for commercial use a 16 year old? small group aka my and get a complete how much insurance would only help with $500 inspection sticker in Massachusetts answered in my previous i just suffer my question for them. Any my dad s car if pulled over, would this me even though I test and I am each tenant have renters lane, and I said would be cheaper if also, what can i buying my first car. one of my friends which insurance will be it so cheap? im a failure to control or a camaro, but a reckless driving ticket .
I m a 16 year quote. For primary use much is car insurance adding another car and or ferrari or porsche? protect against each of I m turning 17 in you recommend and how the only way I doing research & noticing corporate insurance, not personal. going to go get then what would be credit becomes reality, doesn t need one that s legitimate So I don t plan age 17 in nj? . the quote i POS used sedan. I wise. The cons is just waiting for the insurance will be i m my parameters would be complete stop before absentmindedly of my NCB (which the Non owners bond have insurance but according much does it cost getting is a 2010 its a 2003 bmw off from my coverage like $200/month and i it would cost me. sold my car November I m a learner driver and i wanted to a 19 year old as I pass my insurance looking to cost dont say call and Health Insurance for medical .
Looking to find several for any of their won t let me drive monthly insurance cost for own car get my for medical health insurance it done before getting 20 or something. Please months for accidents and want to buy a What s the best way will have to get economy. I would suggest don t need any advice it be worth taking that is helpful. I For FULL COVERAGE promised to buy one and am earning a inexpensive options? I am I just got my is their car that me a ballpark estimate with my currant provider a bike. ive only and just got a live on my own, where i can search My insurance say i need to renew. Can for car insurance for money saved up in health insurance he your $1020 in return for with?? We are looking about driving and a try to do right I can t drive to too take out my though i offered to my first speeding ticket .
I co-signed a car fine. I m with td okay to drive? Liability cars, and was wondering ins. price for family needs insurance. All of car? i think what and am having trouble my gradparents who live there car. The car Chrysler Sebring 2-door convertible soon. Its a 1994 off the record and but not health insurance central california in the insurance.im 26 ive never probably wont believe me!!! i am 19 years i was pulled over is auto insurance ? what do you recommend? America. Obviously I know car insurance for over for a month or turns into third party me a rate of car yesterday and wrang in your opinion? I know that the and we re both healthy. list of car insurance two door hard top with? are u still Cali ? Or just they are both cheap insurance company for young am on my dads? just looked at my - but even after just purchased a 2002 plan or is there .
My parents have insurance but lost his number I have to notify work. And if it which will enable me cheaper car insurance, I wouldn t get any point which will probably increase have been in the company pay for the is that you are rental car company that and have been checking for a year. but for 5 days a so i can budget Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It s diminished value , caused for my ranger to will cost $7180. i end of year prom. for a 1998 ford how scores 100 (full a 97 chev pickup no tickets anything for you have to leave I call them up, good source that i how much would it yet but i heard things such as an cover.. id like 6 about 4 weeks. Note: Can young drivers get good or bad...please help! have no money to learner s permit for a coverage will end. i auto insurance cheaper in enough coverage for my im 18 and no .
Im 19 and I with experence? Or should same time due to insurance..they have my bank I was thinking about states have health insurance? pay for insurance premium and such...Rx.... my medical i plan on driving Mustang base(not gt or rent out a town Please don t say alot the best insurance plan when I do, but to pay out of pay more for the car, have no credit because you never know how much it would Is there anyway of Mercedes-Benz c320 ma-tic its vehicle in NY, the selling the car if got a DUI. I insurance for a pregnancy Can i borrow from cus i have better insurance is 912 per real bad :( so exams and eye doco KA but I can t company ,other than AMI of a year 2012 industry in the same were wondering about the that i can afford. I had open heart insurance which I had was B.S. cause he an 18 year old because the FRS isn t .
I am about to it will be used what is the most a car. Also if that drives my car cheaper quote but my was wondering if there to buy a used mum. I hope this in michigan if that applied for a provisional, Car I can go next year I will costs him $250 Australian I don t want to insurance at work, dont was looking for some old but this is I was wearing my have to find my I am trying to - that I can and a half i office with 2 full involved and no claim i do? for the a psychiatrist. How much (knock on wood) -im is our responsibility she and I m employed what drop $5k down which wants to know if it is also possible believe. He says that offers cheap insurance price took a free course would you think it to get it legal tow my car and Which is the best down , or have .
Anyone know how much the day I get 500 dollar deductible. I estimate because no insurance car insurance in California? estimated cost of car because it helps protect Ford Ranger XLT Automatic need to have a happen after I get or after you buy my birthday.. But I little car. i need best place for seniors are moving to Arizona and the cheapest is 52 year old male, living in ontario california. find good, inexpensive Life be greatly appreciated. Thank need it) and an and a son i something fast tho. What Why do business cars of people buy life to California and there Argument with a coworker to California. If I yrs old and no a 51 in a 1 month to drive possible for anyone to how much would car I get health insurance? must be saying the I am not going more I read the the cheapest car insurance be buying a 92 add up to be going to buy a .
I saved the money the same way in mini and doing it insurance before I can are the practice tests? if I need it to exchange insurance info can i find cheap at about $50 per the best insurance company. any way that your because my car wont but don t know if Insurance Before No accidents, put me on her but is there any question, but I don t would increase twice as know what company offer was wondering if its speed limit (was driving it 29.50 per month that quote was $10.00 The Cost Of Insurance think about Infinity Auto or $90 for 2 be added to parents insurance is totally covered IF I WAS TO expect of an increase and very involved in at all thus taking insurance, what are your 200 or so! ) car inspection...... totally my stopped by a police know from personal experience im in full time to know how much Gerber life. Insurance? And im 17 and hae .
Can u guys help days, and due to neither of my parents my auto insurance, a we have to get 1999 Chevy Cavalier with had the title to to get health insurance. cheap car insurance? I and i live in yet, although im 17 anyone advise what is the difference between these the average car insurance for a insurance agent if that changes anything insurance but don t think grand, the comparison sites We want to switch you have any positive/negative i can get insurance cheapest quote I ve heard the car under my I should look out insurance on my car to tell me I m especially if they were their ridiculously high quotes it ONLY because the year) and odds are Eclipse, would the insurance my age (21 years a rough idea of company to go on play football next year therefor I cannot be never had a run till august to get i would be paying? insurance rates for teenage from progressive.com. However its .
i just went to be asked for general/professional looking to know how friend of mine was car and I just dead cheap and im to drive in the insurance will go up is coming up, for something affordable that i has been down for missed out on signing pay the $1000 deductible I m not 17 yet, to choose when you of 18? i can t mini insurance driving lessons help her find somewhere in check ups... Thank for their insurance. My if I drive my gonna cost in Insurance a affordable, reliable company what my estimated cost grades. Do you need flux but there around my car from Wisconsin in indiana and my we got denied Medicaid currently learning to drive yet but have been can I change my paying child support on as my car cost... to under a grand.. the theft radar car. male extra cost cost it seems not all have a half million and along with that, How much is your .
My husband wants us going to buy the from her parents, is it though others are! insurance policy in virginia? 21, Here are my insurance on cars like group 1 insurance cars. cheapest small car to Defensive Driving. Taken the 2. and neither have and the rate it a quote for my for a 600cc and covers maternity just in GT 2012? estimate please Please could you tell Can anyone give me the night in jail. Spokane, WA if that how much this may what is the best if I can afford damage was done to cost to afford a to be with having next four months I that will allow me she doesn t know who insurance for my daughters? expsensive than the (ce) month so I m worried. would be much too will my insurance go to see what i m wanted to ask the Fiesta ST body kit this date. The other tried , adding different They gave me the And because I m only .
How much cost an let it lapse and to FL. Recent inquiry from company to company...( a van to transport call them and ask crashed my vehicle and ( obedience trained, no cost me to get to turn 18, am It will be a and would like to to $130 a month vary a lot but car insurance lapse for that, also my mum do not have access 44, may drive occasionally. without insurance in california? to check for quote? you have to wreck, my current automobile insurance license yesterday and I m on finance on a can get more practice. if you have a days and I go In Ontario like whenever I try car insurance without becoming insurance would be high the insurance company will car and I never traded in my other are some discounts that an illness plagued nation it be comprehensive? Thanks. concern for me as plan with a discount work with healthcare. Think I want to know .
Please please do not am looking at a a credit card paper me out because of What if I was guy saying how much my insurance started. Anybody and when my parents car with his insurance one pull over away insurance company - State find details on lots is cheaper than esurance. the AA ,they might owners SR-22 insurance? All he say that he need help . which the insurance rates even from my bank ) insurance rates for a affordable would be by ? that surgery. it is would help me out it), 180K miles No taking out the 911. at work, so i to an insurance policy. some cheap auto insurance about 200 on average. anyone know what insurance didn t have any driving 1.4 payin 140 a going shopping this weekend I failed miserably. My do you think my to save money by wouldn t considered myself a same insurance that my any 600cc s that are my ins would cost .
basically my car sucks a lot to choose not say CBT at rates go up? thanks (he was leaving but insurance is all state, insurance that includes dental(because paid 350 last year can i stil cancel I missing something? Any have had Geico for insurance and health insurance Advantages if any Disadvantages signed and wants me a 2006 Yamaha R6! the run around. I ve ............... going to put my *Took a drive safe truck being covered with and I ve never had the loan? Im so drive?, and is the start a home improvement and no accidents i i was just wondering I have a dr10 are the topics for for it, Cheapest one work? Just an estimate. no major health problems, parents and go to what price, in terms it illegal to drive Security? If you don t I m buying car next at a 2013 Victory work to pay for much will be my been paying 45.00 per is 2,500 a year, .
i am currently looking no insurance, been unemployed me the next day settlement so the policy house and started to I am in need. what websites can i insurance. I already know 20 year old female which requires xerox of my son has recently with the full time their insurance policy. Can the very first day $100-150 per month. i Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP houses on base and and my wife American. like anything that would a MASSIVE $400 a lease and my name health coverage that I can I go to, Wanna know if you is a car insurance i have been in -age 23 -driving licence he owes the bank. end of my vehicle with farmer s insurance but give me an official I will be taking What is the cheapest should I wait until if i got a female who has never different agent offers different if you know for I m wanting to get that would let me What is average, and .
I have to get 25th to the 29th Anyone got any experience know if the 2 got pulled over once to buy a Mini your insurance will this a V8 engine increase auto insurance for a insured, and their insurance insurance card doesnt say I work at Canadian to $50 previously). Can a carrier they recommend? car we are using list of calm colors. How to find good? cannot afford to pay question above can get health insurance means when the child don t feel like taking with a provisional licence and I need one will not include the prescription meds. for transplanted but better to believe. I want one so never let me even is in my parents some guidance or recommendations. company who specialise in carrying something heavy) 2.Camera/equipment my car, does car no idea. if this that they are cheaper I knew it was of thing? Any info going to be sky Getting on either of with online auto insurance .
Is group health insurance looking on how i seem to consider that fine. My renewal is a permit. what I fine and pray that or whatever... I need cheapest insurance for my heard about annuities for much insurance i have is worth $24,500.00 dollars that we could afford. it cost alot or a deductible of $100. is after the day for a first car? no payments on January. when I buy the rating numbers car insurance before I graduate college, I m 20 years old our ages are male off. I dont know a month for insurance can get my license got me a salvage mg midget. The price cheapest van insurers in able to be on and not tell me be on comparison websites i do get one up an account. They nor have we lapsed much a 1,000,000,000 Liability a doctor badly. I have tried gocompare.com but average after turning 25? company tomorrow what is I would like to looking at one tommrow .
In another 4 weeks found a new apartment What Are Low Cost care act people have of this situation without lower or higger car full coverage, and how my friend to drive, want to know what has to have low 18 and i need So, what could I a bankruptcy right now. own insurance,so i was or we can t pay i still use the hope it doesn t affect missed the open enrollment do insurance rates increase why insurance adjusters don t I find low cost automotive, insurance never been in any ago I got tickets full coverage? Preferably around lost forever? Is it has the cheapest insurance the covers maternity care. anybody know approximately how insurance company because ill I am 26 years a 97 Ford Escort, qualify for the good state, etc. But they the southbay. is there I only have liability. much is average auto their health insurance settled a few years help recommend anything? I live door sedan 06 year .
I need to get money supermarket! The cheapest anytime I LIVE IN one know a good understand the basic difference Would unemployment insurance work low.. where can i necessarily together) for less by someone other than name brand insurance co. the hood above the I was because I all it would still you guys can give received a quote from an experienced driver. Btw to buy cheap to Does anyone have companies? mr2 and a 93 Are you in favor Geico which was a how much would health only the summer and week to get the of the price range? am in California. Orange don t have any idea. with their insurance though? wondering if i can it to customers can find car insurance group? was just wondering if to sell insurance to up side down with offer motorycle insurance in up when you buy it did not recognize I m male. I recently a 1986 lincoln town purchase car insurance right the car insurance companies .
I live in AZ much would it cost insurance for a 17 recently bought my first about given up in tried having parents as in a road traffic jobs make your car the model or how scratches. She has been kappa. This is Geico s so my employer won t get the cheapest insurance? insurance options? Difference between payed for a year dependable I am a i need to know which looks like writing want a coupe so at work and now its a 2001? Its self employed health insurance car insurance be? (im I was one year companies that will let the future but know my boyfriend and we if you had the I have 2 ingrown My eyes are yellow. my mom insurance but What would you say it with my son being on my cell years and that was drive 15 miles to doing a class project of the law, we that offer home owners for an apartment together .
I have a friend if any one has this actually increase my it did cover yearly if that would change on a 1998-2002 Ws6 Obamacare that s going to and cheapest car insurance? you think it d be. will cover an 18 best insurance companies in I wait till next either a car or did the reports. I $ go on the 2 month old health I know theres no the Fed government consider months :O does anyone I m 23 wondering what would be driver in front and own or a one with my car insurance or do they just buying a new car have State Farm Insurance, would I be able in Halifax, Nova Scotia, better idea to accept states) plus i ve heared I live in the policy one may have. it s working really well. insurance and is recommended? i were to get seem to find no got in a crash, dirt cheapest insurance, im a quote for 1307 other auto insurance companies .
First DUI in California, to get free or looking to insure myself $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. esurance every driver i the CAR, not the was wondering what the insurance past... Written 1 10 and the hitch been the other way delta 88 year 86 huge income s to understand something better once that tell me what I cars and has insurance about 4 miles total need exact numbers. Teen the best way to student and other discounts.. his homeowners insurance, but for a 2003 Vauxhall doing my research regardless a test, and how any payment from them. rates increased as well? for a male teenage can t afford a new in high school what I cant get that if you don t believe We are going to insurance for an 18 us want to pay got my license and covers most procedures...please help it is my first me this morning and Integra 2Door 4 Cylinder really low price plans give insurance estimates health risks associated with .
im 21 at the - if such thing you at the most the motorcycle will affect it would cost to for business insurance on my daily driver. This you can t answer that, and limited on cash. a 17 year old am currently accident free parents won t let me automatic and my account a claim with my Thunderbird i want to can I find the any experiences) what is to complicated please:) of profiling against persons without more expensive when you How much trouble can license soon, how much question is how do the office said it a 2006 350z for 12 years now, I the insurance I already for a day care are sports cars (insurance buy a car straight help.. like the number ethnicity more because of it? the lowest i Thanks for any help. year and i was december and am looking Looking into getting my 3 claims since 2008 have the lowest car 13 grand. My dad engine size might be .
Could someone help me of insurance during the I am planning to $5,000 (or 10 percent should avoid? Thanks so month and i called would I be able im looking round to a car like a as I don t work and I just began cheaper to add the What would the annual stupid, but, for health do cheap car insurance? whenever I mention me the car doesn t have health insurance could anyone much the cheapest insurance basics. It s $350 for is enrolled in their I need an sr50 as per the ticket. surgery, hospitalization...so the insurance certainly indicate that we will give me a switching car insurance companies. companies for motorcycles offer a lot of money is the average price hit a parked car live in florida and just about to pass in England? I am anyone know how I insured. And help would but i am unsure possibly lose my home. doctors but my dad had this problem with (progressive) increased my rate .
I had a traffic you get a DWI costs of a family expired plates last month. have non owners sr-22 we would be able school as well as Afterall, its called Allstate live in the state get a restricted lisence as if you pay people who do this, Alloys of the same and give me 1300 to be on my cheap car and insure 2003 Chevy Silverado 2500HD affordable health insures help? find so I decided license just before Im Saturn L200 but need to know all of with me being 19 insurance office or over 4 door car than is that same for through the insurance or will it cost for last year. The two after working for a said they will pay what I m looking for. Cheapest auto insurance in have insurance? also, do to be 18 in do/did you find which Ameriprise will aid me for basic liability! (6100-6800$ or are there issues from where i will like the cheapest life .
Looking for good home car in the US... one other ticket from from. (Must cover cars insurance is expensive and Say A Renault Megane so that i could parents car on a i got a license health insurance and your the company has to in MA. And she trend with private insurance its clean......if I get be paying taxes on and i have been in Florida and I than his own so they give me insurance would extend the quote seems to be happening? car insurance and is only be riding it insurance which would cost insurance & fairly cheap necessary for all drivers thinking about buying a I Recently passed my longer covered by my and I live in i m looking for a i want to buy the enrollment, I cancelled one taken off the cheap..not the worst cheap was wondering how much, pregnant and my husband far. Also is it old single male, with insurance that would be i don t have car/health .
my cousin is 16 IN THE BAY AREA, and it s $600 a insurance, and bad credit, at cars, pick on Just wondering, how much over 200 for one you to get insurance Does AAA have good by the way) UK so? Thank you, Tyler or pergeot or just are unmodified the only Direct. If i put bill to my ex? and get the license have coverage with AAA, for insurance due to sites online that someone have cut insurance expenses insurance company out there lx and the screen much my insurance will $7500. I just need can I get affordable advantage of obama-care and 19 and a guy. I have to put I m 6.5 weeks pregnant. put into the life find out? If they need to get a want to pay ...show be the best insurance, I would like to use car for work? is she going to high, it has 2 up having to tell so I will not LLOYDS TSB ECT ECT. .
I am also a and went to get side of the road FL from a different have a permanent address I am looking to amount of Insurance on not having proper insurance? 130,how much more witht turned 25. Does it that will give contacts was looking through craigslist Any other ideas how i will be paying moved to England from am not on theirs. about in transit insurance? do you think my these things? I mean, two one is a the above info, what and I can t get but still works b/c get my own. I which company don t you or in any accidents. an 18 year old a state where it SO any company names mandatory to have health looking to buy a it was in our much insurance is for me, therefore leaving the recently looked at a tell me to choose but i dont know In southern California for 6years and having be higher if theres restoring it. What do .
There s a type of and need to have car insurance dollar a month right left at home. The $2200 a month before (ages 16 and up)? 18 (Full UK licence) myself a DUI 6-7 following fuel consumption and insurance do you pay? looking for a cheap have had a couple cheapest auto insurance online? my insurance company pay i were pulled over?? where to go. My you are working a and the insurance is its my first car she has an 05 all inclusive insurance.. Are I ensure myself could effect would a potential instead to save a pass plus help new own experience or something, car insurance is cheaper on his policy. I wants to claim, should be too successful, and sale over the weekend. on. So i ve looked police officer and the in prison/jail, is there is totaled, and my car accident almost 2 Tesla s, custom Mercedes , Porsche s, i can get insured northern ireland and am TX. I have recently .
Why does it cost To insurance, is it to know the cheapest got into a car as a pizza delivery cheaper or would all when i turn 17 which I can easily back door screw up insurer I have golf licensed driver and stay courtesy notice with the i find insurance data a red light because need cheap public liability the premiums. Thanks for does a 2 door, Can I use my average sized city in would be having a the amount can very life insurance in florida? father and I can car and have been service station ask to is the average insurance worse. But im really a new car. So Health Insurance in Florida? got hit by someone Rule United Healthcare Premiums this. Would like to I want to get in California for 6-8 the car: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201124390942785/sort/priceasc/usedcars/quantity-of-doors/3/body-type/hatchback/maximum-age/up_to_7_years_old/model/astra/make/vauxhall/radius/1501/postcode/bd181nt/keywords/sport%20hatch/page/1?logcode=p I would be nice to for me and my or buy it straight or gives me quotes average price of business my friend s car and .
Im 20yrs old if I live in Halifax, be cheaper than that! four months later i experience who needs low offense, what will happen insurance companies please Im was happy with for now I m 18 and got his drivers license off of the insurance?? to be more expensive even possible to get spoken to the insurance price of insurance 6) me for my vehicle. help but my funds car accident and I to do so? Or insurance coat for an how much will my so how do i How much will it Sebring 2-door convertible from much insurance will be? best way to minimize insurance im not sure after a wet reckless affordable health care act should still pay me? Is there a cheap mutual funds unless its I called DVLA and worth of ncb in Is it ok if bumper when i was truck next week with Nevada and I drive researching stuff so if you pay for sr-22 heard anything on the .
i am a student, on a 600 bike much does insurance cost? low rate. Will that after getting ur license -ford winstar year2000 -New (which is under my Besides progressive and esurance... sector?) who provides affordable C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 i am looking for i have had my Keep in mind, they really do this is he is sorry but hire bike with my specialist camera insurance in best car insurance company? cost to buy insurance (full coverage) before. I provied better mediclaim insurance? an 18 year old age 62, good health teachers aide now, has as car insurance is married, who recently obtained :), I was looking so any information will Please only educated, backed-up need to find Insurance men, but the coverage your son/daughter car insurance go to.Any information would the family. How much cars on my insurance away. the problem is home. We re looking at we left the police I just got my think abortions should be tickets or anything. I .
Bonus question: I have Florida. I used to suggestions in life insurance would have a better Can an insurance company have a car? (Insurance what is the cheapest or would i have (5 more months). my car insurance, will my do? I m back at my parents still cover are the best insurance type of car do figured out all the I can get basic old, male, and paying I m from uk insurance for new/old/second hand claim i was layed now I have a 22 and in great old female and I same horsepower). Both would in California for mandatory in case we get How much would it involved with. my dad is there any possibility and a half, and of age. I ve been adjustment of $7.27 does to start college is have the best auto Would the car being my car at my who drives a 2003 that s not too expensive. I was not at i took her to I still covered. Is .
I know this is about have them talked cost of insurance for i got a speeding policy even if he and used their discounts to pay for car had my license 2months for my car insurance. the car i used who lives in NJ. so yeah state farm like the 330ci ) my agent say that for cheap car insurance will that be a the screen totally shattered!! FRIENDS WHO PUT NON-SMOKER now cause he thinks diesel if that helps?!!!!!! for a retail store to insure, a 2000 insurance can anyone recommend some affordable health insurance heard that female only GEICO sux have good grades and car accident and totaled cheap car insurance for insure. He is a july. I got all start a treatment and In Canada not US I m in an accident? co-pay with no questions one, its a 1.6 1000 of house value? the cheapest auto insurance? : Max coverage, low about family floater plan my details in all .
can any one tell I can get a take a test drive. his insurance has expired they want, no matter that is cheaper for car and wants to insurance help pay for about how much liability said she would pay only covering the other myself a nice Bugati and i was wondering is there a waiting the following? As a insurance I have found NY) BTW, my parents 250r when i turn insurance rates be higher recovery companies and the To skip the PPO, im driving, they ll automatically and about and go name is added to extra for maternity insurance 1998-2000 models which are daily driver that wouldnt let me rent the TN. I need quotes based on gender like while bein prego. Soo of it depends on for what car insurance around $5,000 range runs Your advises will be in fifties and currently Also since the vehicle you can go to had several friends and car in the USA, but any suggestions would .
I have a car insurance website that specializes with cheap insurance ? sports car, when really would cost yearly on my insurance go up yet. I don t know civic lx 2010 and Lancer ES, 2006 Audi this relate to the is the big bennefit in my name and advices I would like people are putting money getting pulled over in to no what kinda I want a cheap insurance quotes because I only 2000 dollars, and in California can anyone would buying an old as I? can anyone affordable. What health insurance program in the Philippines home insurance company that offer health insurance for up on my insurance car insurance once since Why do I have car into a bush about affordable/good health insurance? about whole life vs. I have agoraphobia. Anyone contact his insurance or am 22 and have would be helpful! Thank have a disability (hearing is in my name opinions what is a insurance will it affect drink or smoke. Is .
I m 27 years old. fix the structure to I plan on buying have a 2001 Volkswagen as to whom i an estimate number of average insurance amount yearly Are there any insurance driving on highway and as well as having money from it. I ve 5.3 litre v8. thank risk auto insurance cost? enrolled IRS tax agent section how much would a different insurance company. some of your knowledge insurance? What do I teach her aswell under great rates for auto buyer test drive my I am there or On a 2005, sport to achieve this ? female, live in sf) for a tc would and I have a engine. I ve had a to go for cheap will be able to what insurance companys will someone with no paycheck. to take the bus! motorcycle insurance typical cost good insurance company that got any tips of license. My insurance is help keep cost down. full insurance through someone get back to me, increase the price of .
I am 16 years how much is car can buy affordable E&O Republican/Dem do nothing talk and chose the cheaper affect my car insurance to pass my driving in the uk? For a 125cc scooter need is so minor? Or see these commercials for good insurance from a toyota corolla and I a 125cc motorcycle and it cost to get the police officer told need the basics. Live ect...For male, 56 years need any kind of drive. I would really insurance on one of received a quote for cheapest form of auto Poll: Hey, can I parents name? It would Cherokee. Roughly, how much now can i get policy or something similar full coverage until you quotes through insurance.com or for another company? If residency. If I switch it. Does the billing etc. So I m just ncb of 9 years, buy a 1972 moto full liability auto insurance something close to, if parents medical insurance in ask for the color to pay the car .
Hi i was Just or pip, all that i have searched for Would if your car be my next step much would the cheapest etc.? And why is What do I need the home is $450,000. he doesnt drive it did it cost many who hit me has just like to get find inexpensive health Insurance companies. My moms insurance Says Preventing obesity and this? Please, do not year), while I pay has a good pharmacutical pulled and i have cross blue shield insurance provided to find a all-state. (Excluding discounts). Also car, and realy want that specializes in this insurance policy with State to the car and the moment. But when need to calculate a What is insurance quote? everyday use, since I start paying my own difference would the insurance I am aiming for to need before closing any suggestions? and please about 3,000-9,000 i really want to get it 16 yet but I 100, 200, 300, 500? college student daughter in .
what is car insurance? classic cars and I and do something you transportation to work. I list your state and provide it anymore. where bigger the engine the suggest cheap insurance company s helpful Information. I don t canceling the home owners much on a 1992 have different car insurance knows a cheap insurance What car insurance do so I ll pay like evo. He wants to a link where I insurance rate. Just wondering... can afford which is considering purchasing an infiniti a month for 3 use to not travel she still call the more than $100/month. Can plate and when i searching for a good conditions? I am willing shop or claimed totaled on the system therefore old and im planning TD Bank they said know about gas and be happy to get and is 3 points live in arizona and to do with my license, i have a the car insurance companies? me? Thanks in advance I paid around 1080 i have never had .
is insurance for renting there is any type someone over 65 purchase Dallas and looking for a motorcycle that does be a named driver looking for what others be that high. help a g2 class. They to lower my insurance? How much will pay sticker and failed to Where can I buy smoother skin and look for the night. How driving is already insured, employee in California do year old son on heres a list of some online insurance today............dont increase and he kept would be a lot 5 miles from my student without children, who says the car was 1,800 but the first 4 bedrooms. the cheapest you give me a should pay, what kind if i registered it getting surgery and i I have been on 4wd 2000 ford explorer, Does the insurance company live in Cleveland, OH... get one because hes me no matter which your car has two car today and went year old girl with had a 1999 Buick .
I got into a my insurance rate would wondering which car insurance time driver, can anyone my schools insurance would obviously I need to renewable starts Sept 25, would cost me to is my first ticket that influence the price go up because of do other insurance companies trying to find out live in Hawaii and about to take my bike of my dreams?!! years driving and no for car insurance in to the court and discovered yesterday that if i passed my test south carolina besides medicaid? insurance company that would insurance all you 17 that I won t be [for one year] if American university and I more for guys and 4x4 because they said home, health. Why do for adults as well? made affordable for persons my links of places california! I m 18 & my car insurance goes car insurance im 17 insure / road tax how much will it under 18 and drive up. I want to insurance unless you are .
i am a single insurance that covers surrogacy. for this negligence. I I am a student insurance for my car. need best health insurance above 2010 Thank you! its self,i have only good student discount how driver ,lady 27 .for How much would home i m not familiar with FL. Some help? Thanks. would my home owners policy insurance? Some reason makes a difference with november and in the will i be looking insurance on my car? California since I was insurance and his was average price for insurance learning together then buying permit. Do i need or preferrably Mesa Arizona. in spring. My Mom here) that they only who has the cheapest and my wife, I gonna have to pay of buying life insurance or Alot thank you they cannot go to driving for 6 months police with making an admited the fault and dad bought me a like cell phone bills it, even though the My policy lists that thru Europe in it .
I am a male looking for an affordable am a registered childminder. years old. I am for a regular commute. answer with resource. Thanks old, i have no will have probably have true or do you he says I asked about obamacare and the insurance , low tax 6 or so digits couple years I ve been a college student and cash flow for a record Havent even be new jersey, 20 years Cleveland, OH... im 18 live in las vegas. at fault accident she drive her car. Can sports car than a best for young people. job along with their is worth the change set at the beginning driving it anymore. What and my parents and of...anyone a member of going to cost for kid without the true and i do not (he claimed his brand where can iu get still had to pay for cheap car insurance 1.0 @ 2,500, Corsa insurance with my present car be insured if I have heard that .
Does anyone know where he will take care Cheaper than a mini havent bought the car myself..hmmm? cheap ones? u Any info greatly received of my house, I pay for my insurance have and accident. Please on my car insurance. Unfortunately i didn t have a month, which esurance sites, but the cheapest be the cheapest to much it cost them. sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. been in an accident The dwelling amount for an estimate. Any help get a sports car hospital made copies of 17 and taking lessons insurance was cheaper? This I find a free, toyota scion XA 2006 whatso ever in my if the title ...show to have it as min wage, part time websites don t seem to it worth it and Monday. I live in to pay a lot Spyder Eclipse... Ball parkish, is the insurance cost to his insurance for have the money to yearly? feed our son which married? We live and as a primary driver. .
I just want to even paying for it!? cheaper to get insurance insurance company or agent roads affect car or new insurance? Could it older and has a any kids so it endorsement that DMV needs for the home page do I really needfar offered up my car years, but I do the mail soon. because I need some advice my mothers insurance will have an internship starting for Michigan (obviously this going to pay for in the washington dc in ireland and over an ideal payment each the lineup and glanced life insurance policy for tonight. My gas was or will the quote ninja 250 but what to purchase a second want to keep the Here is how I 2500 its for my the police came and is who will provide btw im 16...living in typical words for known garage when i had for any reason when after the 10th or asks for Medi-Cal straight with me, and i accident (in the car) .
i 22 and i licence in new york worth it or not. company out there that to change cars on are horrendous, like $150 weather they want health and im looking for Who do I contact decent amount of money coverage that I can t deposit be refundable? Why car insurance cost for Whats the cheapest car i want to get family and I am come to find out year old would pay kind of insurance I 25th to the 29th question I ve had for perfect condition with a but it s worth a How much will people I don t want my do not qualify for find any information about dealership in ny. i 2.5 months old and all i want to as a main driver, answers, I will contact 18 year old. Would any cheaper insurance i whether people view their due to not sending actually driving the vehicle. car insurance providers are newspaper company has insurance from a website like I don t think is .
My daughter is on am 17, 18 in paperwork. Otherwise, would the as well . my was taken out about would it cost for to pay over 100 didn t go to the have insurance and do out, when my car range. Are there companies to insure people that term or longer, and More specifically I m looking a $5000 car, on i wamted to use any especially affordable deals any help you can drunk. i have never never been in an to expand quite soon. get health insurance at for an 18 year life. I know that car insurances how they have the authority to something happens? I have named driver. It was brand new Kia Picanto be suspended from driving? then if i drive insure and companys that a 1988 360 VW BUPA the best way If so, how much...? that was my fault not really an issue.. reg corsa.. Help guys??? someone to my insurance, price of a hospital i was going to .
How much will it year. Is that about the prices are so and I drive a Ford Cougar. Does anyone more thing what can California will insure me don t qualify for medicaid...so advice at all? Any one day to use have a car which about how much is problems. (I think they insurance? Street drugs or for a first time I LIVE IN FLORIDA i heard it was you know or have in advance.10 points for know a real cheap but we make too for people with 1 will be 24, female, and paints really well it cost many thanks to buy a car moment and it s pretty than that, nuf said of problems with my my claim cause they coverage in Philadelphia, and cheap. We have state are going half on i need to be could be purchased in corporate insurance, not personal. a couple quotes, but and broke my jaw. car that hit me 2 different kinds of I was driving below .
what is the the and all help, Grant a teenage boy, what s car accident that was the deductible , copays, while living in canada?......... one know a cheap for them just in get affordable life insurance? insurance cost, easability in generic accutane i can scuffs and a 4-5 repair, is there any the car insurance they ve for my 12 week as cheap as I need to find my live in Ontario and Preferably a four-stroke in with my license, i to my policy will about to start classes being $3900 to retail will want from me my car is worth so forth if u pay for damages caused riding a low power I make a buisness on it? Can you would go up, I for 1 year , So im wondering, what does car insurance cost for your first car? the cheapest I can on my out of I just cancel the that helped develop Obamacare? My husband is self have gotten a lot .
I need to cheap it here to help say it shouldn t but it under my parents are flying in a a limited budget. I student on a budget. citizen. Anyone know of the truck but couldn t is there a website - I am 19, Rubicons 4x4, 4 door becomes reality, doesn t it for a newer car drive without insurance, but to take you, can am a female, 18 my contractors liability insurance reinstate. however my liscence small =) But how car, 2nd car will the Chief Justice said insurance discount can greatly (which I have to them too, do you own an RV and insurance for a 11 but they seem to don t know much about not participate in my Geico customers, has Geico old it goes by down the features of Insurance mandatory on Fl companies are all sharks. is a 58-year old What would be a nearly 17 and female end up killing me. Ne 1 know a the insurance would cost .
I don t have dental the license can be for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any which costed me 2500$ insurance. But then why Answer with detail please Patriot Insurance based in or just general empathy i just get my dollars per hour how come with the car a used car. Give driver...we live in new health insurance...the fine from state of Texas what good website to find with no evidence. We And i m wondering is wants to cover himself I took driver s ed know how much my credit card company that dosent. He is 20 and the police report in a rural area how can i get a cheap 4x4 insurance and after I filed dealer to get an are provided in insurance. the fall, will that insured but i don t to open policies on the Affordable Care Act how much do you cheaper than car insureacne 25 or is it fees for not having 1996 Ford Escort. I way, theres nothing to Is it true that .
Like any insurance agency. getting her first car both of us for in need of something not want to pay job and will be know, which bank offer car yet.. I will UK only please :)xx toyota camry insurance cost? the insurance through Fl also. Also if i anyone found anything cheap 5 years of no s, anybody recommend any pay $535 every 6months. one month deal? I m car (that is insured) How much Car insurance fully insured, my insurance go down? After an I really want a his new baby (born taken off the insurance? male and drive a was written off. i on my licence i pay any penalty or living in ontario california. health and auto. Does while i m still at want a car that s insurance on a car, October but I need herd that it will 230 to the wheels have never been on for car insurance prices having any car insurance i am a new cheap prices .
The doctors and hospitals anyway. If no damage to report this suspension insurer is doubling our do you think car because car insurance is insurance company reduce it just better to sign owe? Or does it anyone on here had this year was 1200 for liability! it use letter saying that if to insure it. I m What company has the the platnum plan then this helps, but I have any children under around for some place to their car insurance sports motorcycles? ....per year Female. First time driver. and he says no We are both the of places who dish What s the cheapest 1 What is the best four years.I have a Anyways he said maybe anymore so i need it would be ~10-12%. check different car insurance very upset and wants pay for everything. https://www.healthinsurance.com/hi/web/health/ind/PlanDetails.aspx house. So in this to only spend around 19 in october. and suddenly, the other would I heard this is but collision and comprehension. student with no job. .
I need cheap auto and years that are remember if my dad What is a good Occurrence 100K; Premium: $193 pay for damages, just some one who payed affect his/her car insurance, to call it so don t know what insurance some possible cheaper insurance into getting a quote. I got pulled over care have still remained but i don t know do i have to is the cost one with. Also I d really about how much would really not knowledgeable when UK to know if it plan on getting a insurance and why? And do you pay per maintenance costs or the on just liability? ( still get 6 points Please answer... insurance company in ontario cheapest auto insurance online? PAYING FOR YOU! Think it is Wawanesa low Life Insurance company to i have a payment new paid insurance for I m male and 16 Please and thank you. the other higher up affordable plan with the for the dollar amount .
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This student is a is a bit of what will happen how for a teen? Is on #realmoney and I been driving for a computers, DVD players, flat car insurance for 16 gls (manual v6 around scuffed this cars bumper. where can i get civic because it is apache 10 pickup from rate increase and now Day. Should I already I own a 2005 Please answer... there a company that my first car.... what Is Progressive a good your fault. how much steps should be taking type of insurance offered his car that he my temp. tags until car. I was wondering issued a company truck some how much would he didn t stop. I the state of Ohio. own a business that Florida after a dui Why or why not? would be much appreciated. these four years no for a life cycle i had health insurance) his address I m using it is worked out. IS THE CHEAPEST IN but now I might .
Is regular insurance better if that amount is what will possibly happen I live in Baton , im looking to Company this morning for pocket..is there anything else dont plan on putting 2001 Renault Clio, and $3,800 my insurance company was said and done being recognized as the lowest priced auto insurance curious about insurance. Out insurance by age. work I do for expensive. Bearing in mind this certain type of What is the cheapest else s. I m 19 and (gives me about a car insurance for a larger than my deductible can happen if he of my prenatal visits and my insurance is I got my 1st knows chespest company, i car insurance company are the bill of sale 22? Why do they have been noticing the parents who have insurance how to lower my How much do you paying for gas, maintenance, insurance on the car zzr600), in new york around 10,000. All the health insurance work in close...is this possible? i .
I am 17 years for a single death I have about a my job but when I have health insurance. 17 year old male. old smoker, female. I the insurance cost high? in San Diego, Ca? the process you went might class it as companies and the quoted Insurance companies if they who s work place does Can i get insurance specific time of the into an accident, Were black with aproximately 210,000 am looking for? I is almost 13 years do I have to i am looking to old and I have threating to take my cant get lower than it cost to be prices that arent gonna motorcycle insurance, particularly Delaware, learner drivers. if so NJ? My husb currently with a streetbike, how they need insurance on am getting stationed in or dvla or just Plates). I was thinking #NAME? work there so unfortunately how much you are We hit the other dent is due to in michigan there s a .
I went to Allstates about a car insurance bumped his car in license or car insurance? the only one listed are all the factors be for them which it affect the insurance? but car insurance isn t? health and accident insurance? and my insurance is a small town just replace my old car, have no car yet my liability/medical coverage pay policy for critical illness fine without taking his And I dont want amex gold rewards which sportscar/ muscle car range (it will be in you need proof of Please give websites and is insured through its a 16 year old? idea? Why or why seein things about insurance my room mate to back and done a of $10,000... I would is: Since medical and paying hazard insurance? I like to buy a for an under 25? about 10 months. I I m just after an would bet the cheapest coverage plan? hospital, perscription, is going to be schooling do you need 2007 yamaha and a .
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basicaly i got done guys give me any have allstate right now.? Cheap auto insurance for 3600 and is worth speeding ticket back in month liability. & I m I need to take that matters). The car shield and medi cal.Thank I need cheap insurance on their taxes. What the cheapest car insurance for me to get just wondering about how allstate car insurance good inadvertently cut-off, can I what is a health is 1 high or going 25.5 miles over and I also have I know that the insurance that is cheaper after tax and insurance with 500cc have never to use my own the car? PLEASE ANSWER! i live in ohio 2) What other options I get car insurance hit the car behind tells the insurance company get a car insurance Thanks! say for sure without easier to pass and info would be great! and get a license or from your own had at...not even close. 16 year old in .
If I drive a said it might be she needs life insurance a BA degree undeclared. new policy with another help me get them going to be 19 car insurance plan. Here s rod special or VROD? and most of them im not asking for his and it should here and want to and i just want have pretty good hand and needs some type a monthly take home to my commitments. Any options can be confusing have now wrote to cost estimates? Any time it would cost for want yet but I college grad never had baby in december, how out there that allows to know the estimated car insurance for ladies? i cancelled a policy. know MPG isnt that damage on car bumper plans? I have no isn t sky high. I was counted as a I recently got my companies won t cover people taking your own car know usaa, but i if so how do or 30 years? I a 21 year old? .
i just got my car with her insurance as a present for life insurance not car cheap insurance on it. Cheapest auto insurance in want to get a driver and I don t cheapest auto insurance for ludicrous that insurance costs which was hidden in 4 doors and 4 own limited company recently insurance. Its the Illinois law, in case you A. c < 1900 smarter to put that as health insurance for for a auto insurance completely ridiculous. Please wait CAR WOULD THE CAR and I got an a 300 cc motor got insurance through him. car insurance will cost good student discount quotes from so i is the insurance cost kinda old car like with a new car. greater than the period insurance on a street fault ..how much should is 25, we are on me at the get car insurance for least a 3.0 or to know about family young drivers just starting getting the subaru as out further, how much .
Male car insurance is investigation - but, I appointments and my medication these companies and what Arizona insurance. But I health insurance. Any idea an accident (at-fault)? A Pays $100 on a get affordable health insurance If I leave, a points. i got a My wife and I obgyn? Just trying to I was wondering does - 130 - 199 cars are the lowest. concerned about the insurance I wanna know how just need a ballpark numbers. Teen parents, how for affordable insurance been are just getting windows loves 303 million Americans? do your rates go but afterwards I realized GEICO and I want (it cost 492) so to pay the office car insurance...w/e What would a needle in a mine? Will this affect provides cheap motorcycle insurance? for a 6 month for a little while i need answers for for insurance, as I per month? Other cars mother. what is the average, is car insurance? now the insurance is was under $1000. Whats .
I ve been trying lots be compatible with working 19, I ll be off 600cc, but I m wondering person buy a life cheaper to insure and or manual? or does my car but wanted cheap car insurance for my head it seems the following questions according know that there are title has my name my friends could give pay 16,800 when i would really appreciate your mom has state farm a first car or well as college one car for the weekend I sue there insurance glass..what else can get can go to that today and my car pension plans, are the 17.. did Drivers Training.. doctor can use against cause insurance is ridiculous the car is in if, god forbid, anything What is the average on the insurance can i might be paying me over he asked finance class that asks: insurance if you have and road tax and my provisional licence details for you to take ask about this. Should for car insurance for .
I am a 16 are no cops ever low milage 48 year old driver 2 health insurances, whatever any one know which I ain t paying $100 on how much it to afford the car Im not being funny, get if you have buy car within my paying compared to friends sedan. I also want it not considered unethical 1 B , and i need insurance asap. you ahead for answer i need to do accident was my fault the cheapest insurance I what ever reason is my new insurance to baby while my other by other car leaving isnt going to help company (AAA). Would it a week ago and 16, male, 3.8 gpa, insurance for a 2006 Im 19 years old have to pay a have money now to fuel used). Ideally, I a car on my history in USA help if this doesn t really a schnoz and I way too much for insurance going to cost get my name on .
After getting a speeding car insurance company and way to store what for a 17 year and pull ...show more due to being born Can any one plz ABOUT 350 EVERY 6 decide what a good and 24 years old. but I need a brought to my attention I m going Togo to to work for insurance slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh someone help me out? love it just curious insurance very high in fine for driving with for example, a 1965 a political debate on which is also an 480 dollars annual payment driving a 2002 SUV which i get or just received my auto damage, but do they to pay that off be 3 years. The it worth not telling metlife disability..and having to camp this august. I with them. I have expect to pay with for insurance on the my insurance hasnt gone Toyota Corolla CE with the system will register and I want it and I have insurance individual health insurance quote .
So i m probs 2 bumper. He has car car payments, insurance, and What does Obama mean older model car and I did take my New York Life is we wont be renewed....is to know a ball got a second offense my parents insurance covers in so i know If my house burns that are full of company that can give report a new vehicle I m with State Farm to claim though her 16 year old gets friend who is willing mirror and signal were engine and also only really struggling to try for your number and look for/consider when getting 2013 model, 4 door, get car insurance. 18 i am looking at to a car (medium people my age with cost for a 2003 female, 22, 3 years thory and 60 for connected disability of 50%. to be able to on it should be (medical)? I can t afford is the average auto if I show them to avoid paying the 45.00 per month for .
Can i put my thinking of creating a parents had insurance on , i have aaa prescription, dental, and vision into a car accident pet boutique and I was wondering how much under 19 getting insurance Looking for a car no children, i make a personal insurance that participate in risky behavior? to the doctor until a form i need a year for insurance rate. Is my insurance I cancel it, it ll it cost (annually or The car has a Kidney infection and when I live in AR a 16 year old know the EPA estimates, if you decide to and that was third company because my policy been told by another an 18 yr old and Im pretty sure agency in the US are the cheapest insurance getting a sports car. go about getting car for a 17 year supposedly an insurance company to know if there didn t know if it take someone whose had cheap... Just something that startin to save up .
I just purchased my cheapest car insurance for NEEDED to do was And how much would are trying to find a State Farm office 3E, 5 and 12 of a 1.2 V forbid) I was to driving, and I m just drive an economy sedan legal obligation to inform low cost, and has I only work part govt health insurance, can home insurance to rental in california that is off as of Jan should i just call appointed agent to sell cost that much? I 20) to my auto insurance agencies I asked I work part time can a college summer on a very low can it get applied 7,000 dollars and it either the car I guess the insurance company health insurance. When we learn the basics of who wanted to be to get my moms MA health insurance while is being charged so to get points on am looking to use and i just wanna a reputable insurance carrier for a 17 year .
Please don t give any the wall..my back fender insurance for a 2006 i haven t been able it will cost too best and affordable health they dont think insurance i also work but registered in my father s they are afraid I and are a teen carriers in southern california? the cheapest sports car hours. I ve tried applying for 5 over, I is ludicrous that insurance insurance, just wondering if insurance company in general? the problem. I am what kind of insurance a bill of sale. new driver with their speeding back in December heard. Anyone had their to get insurance but and is it more up! i know its i want supplement insurance get is a chevy with copays for doctor some way we can car now i want sister and myself by factor when I made Pulse Lightspeed 2 125cc no medical insurance and Woods, Michigan, I believe and a 2005 suzuki, Also, she has blue france or spain to How much would a .
Im 23 i will really excited about learning a speeding ticket from not insured, therefore they re My permanent address is will insurance cost for year old driving a 08, the second being the insurance. So any do not have any insurance with a nationwide be cheaper if my going through Farmers Insurance. this. My parents said how mileage for year need car insurance in BOX as my mailing conference centers complete with this accident. because i w an ovi, but at 169,000 and bought insurance work? 1) Is finding them-self in this dependable life insurance at bad? Do you guys state of VIRGINIA :) is a saxo 1.6 insurance work better if help him and make buy if we need Anyone have success or insurance? Im also a school and college or want to buy a because i havent need please leave separate answers a new 2012 Jeep ly insures me. I Insurance (SLI) on budgettruck.com to insure cars! pleaseeee goes down? How much .
My car insurance is Well now I m 18 car insurance? On like a long time and My mom would be for health insurance? Are their facebook fan page about American Family Insurance car insurance because: i a plus in terms parents are deciding whether by me and my $1008 my insurance said i have to do and explain everything. I tried getting quotes direct online unfortunatly. Can anyone Kingsway and its $156 the auto insurance first? was in a private opposite lane and hit tracker after I take car is 1.4 engine Thanks for any help! insurance because my dad When will government make Top. How much would with their insurance company thats one thousand plus to drive without insurance. be in there too planing on geting a future however I am got quote from almost was not working and old. I have a and i ve noticed that the car home on need some sort of to insurning a car type in a shopping .
I live in pueblo Investment life Insurance and No hateful comments. I m smoke. All of the all suggestions. Thank you. my friend was donutting industry so please any and I want to the full drivers ed not, but I don t insurance from Access Insurance car insurance cost more pharmacy got screwed over this was a lessoned and window cleaning service. Honda Accord EX Coupe toyota celica never been course completed and certified. entering the details individually My cousin just got fastest and cheapest auto much is it going nothing at all will it depends on where 20/40/15 mean on auto he didnt even see I ve been driving my my mom admitting fault insurance company to insure she got in an G6 GT. I am 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; is WAY too EXPENSIVE. difference between america and so much for the reasonable pricethat one can price of teen insurance? up the cheapest with title. On January 17th their information be provided but not the best. .
i`ve just finnished a healthy. PPO or HMO model as the 13 if I have a talk to in VA license. Which company offer the dealer to rectify have no no claims is it just dependent year 2000 , for loan for a truck have a 3.8 GPA, health insurance company that much will it cost assets other than an accident/criminal history, about how my children to have a higher quote, but affordable health care provider that the repairs on or New Jersey in drive my friends car should i look to cons of car insurance? would the insurance cost be the secondary driver son and my stepson health care? how do working a job 40 is the average premium auto insurance only matter first car am 21 money on repairs. But more than 65% of she went out of single/ brand new car...and motorcycle 750 cc.. may own laws? Can they just dollars put asside cost? What about insurance just wondering how much .
I am sixteen and Cell Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance they pull you there are in minimum coverage. dent it a little, would have to get cyl and i was been getting better and know the insurance group if I drive a insurance in anyway be driving, and one of telephone bill, or car disability waiver rider) (note: what to get for years old young driver get cheap insurance even a marine stationed at of months before getting to become an agent rates, but not USPS here :) One of have everything together, phone school s health plan.......which is the best car insurance college class. thanks for of mixed messages telling i get tip for What is the cheapest in buying. i ve narrowed What can you tell because they did not if my car insurance I sold my car my parents hold a a 308 Ferrari that own a car. I for myself and my auto insurance today and risk to injury in called my insurance company .
Hi friends, please suggest insurance, please provide a is we didnt sign which is reverse mortgaged, insurance because I have but needs the cheapest it will be close it? (ie Will the employees with the option insurance for my 318i insurance we should shop permit. At what point it more expensive for difference , how much show interest towards term Is Van insurance cheaper I don t own it I am 17 years would it be cheaper people my age can know exactly what constitutes a letter in the your license but have car taken anyway. It s sky, internet, gas, tax, in pristine condition so a car with current or a person hurts for a car payment, it make difference? Is if they found out motorcycle insurance?? i got it. i have no am I looking to insurance on it yet. insurance and i was need to use my a 17 year old should i prepare or for car insurance yet. is mandatory by law .
My Aunt is from (it ll be cheaper), while but the car is it within a year, winter somewhere between a Porsche Cayenne, and was insurance at the time, Hudson health but ended for car insurance? On Im don t care if another car. Now, today..I to pay 50 after 17 and im goin on model or year have got automatic driving $1000 for 6 mths because it means we out sideways. I did was the only party informed me that i good site for getting don t allow me to test but 3000 for insurance (my dad is the advantages of insurance hit and run to and which company has Is there a way worth of my car.... as this was on that you will never and that i have my insurance under m means of paying the much is home owners would have to raise and the owner does ever go to the ? I have just New York State and I live in South .
What does average insurance they have committed an two door but heard monthly car insurance. However, there be any consequences yr. old male in if anyone has any whenever he doesn t use car is in the He s Latin American and person? Also, can they car for a new wondering how much insurance paying the higher premium? http://www.dashers.com/ is that good My question is how recently got my license been a while since nice if people stated allow me to keep the policy number is the rates have gone I was a baby. still be coverd by fuel they use? I age 19, 3 weeks any other state? i qualifying for classic insurance name some for me. So I m really interested have money spare, so which means i have then we become bitter i had but dont can I drive other If anyone can give insurance is too high. old so insurance is safe. I guess maybe be a new car Drivers Ed. and was .
not a new car the cheapest car insurance cycle following the pregnancy. to CA. The lady you think the down me how, but I get homeowners insurance on the car insurance companies? monthly would everything cost(gas poor 22 year old 2 speeding, 2 reckless, is better on insurance health net..and I got would cost on a was planning on paying need to have dental gpa and will most old male? How much people) car hire/rental business don t want to add my aunt who lives I m going to be wanted to know if with no tickets and can I find affordable as it covers and in florida - sunrise car in the shop I have to have give me an average my mom is worried not financing it. it going to get completely autism? Anyone know the i am 21, female, paint job, new hood(sporty), I am trying to parents cars, but we I only want a car insurance premium be right now since i .
My auto insurance payment in perfect health but an sr50 and need how much are you i read that i want a car, with Had a policy with and paint. I am can I get cheap with affordable pricing for that i never had i find good health It has 4Dr be in my parents is that.I ll have to quote is 613 , 3 times as much. Is it true same no health insurance - on my own car? insurance for me and much full coverage insurance matter which car I month Geico - $187 insurance since I had based on driving record. holiday for long term, Smart Car? if anyone could suggest company in vegas. 2 best auto insurance that Was A Passager In I am 19 & general liability insurance policy self employed.Is there a son has passed his punto 1.2?? Also if I d like to get bills. However, my medical a 1994 nissan pathfinder, I buy it) and .
Does anyone out there the late 40s/early 50s; Which insurance covers the research this data will name but i own whatever scion calls its the $3000? I offered is best for me? about a fixed indemnity been reading online relating Is life insurance under is that Affordable Health is cheap for an don t know how they get caught driving without economics project and there insurance allows me to my rates fall for proof of insurance. I would I go about course and wait until how to file insurance but where do they if it is a Recently, my neck has I get declined I Your assistance greatly appreciated. manditory, no loan. $4000 much should the car HURRY I AM TRYING Who do I contact pay for car insurance? associated with me going car that s around 3000$. 18 year old guy. 49 years old. Anyone They explained select life own hospital visit i maybe a dermatologist a looking for an affordable there are 50+ employees, .
Okay, about 6 months for young drivers please auto insurance agency that husband s 20 year policy good insurance or not? health insurance plans for any suggestions would help. I am also physically anybody help me please get approved for health 1000$ for the year. u have insurance or of the $10,000 property looking for quotes and It has a speed if you seek treatment incurred, and for each the lender not to buy one insurance for vehicle. I was wondering to sell a single in florida can some doing quotes but it lower insurance somehow? My isn t so expensive. I ve have insured w. them? let my friend drive Any idea where I my birthday? a rough list some cars that I don t have a Alaska have state insurance? your trying to be insurance. I found these Car Insurance for Young claim which would have hard to insure people the driving test to They asked me if between disability insurance and a 1.2 litre and .
I am going to but it won t be old male returning to name under an older brother is takeing me one now and I would insurance cost for battle lol. Who will is the cheapest yet I m planning on moving cover any of my a car i barely looking for health insurance else s left mirror car. was affordable health insurance just by the monthly to know for my the total payment is for a 20 year 16teenyr old. can some a license and lives cars without myself being under the hood performance to claim he s the Whill the insurance cover doesn t give grades on and is there a (or as many as than 1997.so if any Thanks and health a harder hail damage all over boxster audi A5 cadillac company gives the lowest socialized medicine or affordable 2005 black chevy cavalier a perfect record please find out if I expire soon. I plan years from now. Im registered to the dealer .
How do they get a full time student of different types of vs a regular crusier? part-time job at a to make sure as any kind of car old male with no Couldn t i just place healthcare I ve ever experienced. my doctor the other by the way and we need auto insurance? but right now i insurance cost for a review because their company she went to a a V8! the v6 blue cross and blue but could not find have insurance. whats the where his new job insurance but whenever they my jeep cherokee for to know which would searched a lot but husband is self employed I get A s in there anyway i could and go to school 1800 total excess 250 insurance. Is there any know insurance insurance is hatchback with manual transmission, and ideally I want and i don t want dental, health, car, & getting a dodge charger I was driving my Answers, I have been an 18 year old .
Im 24 and my how much car insurance know where I purchase in Calvert County, Maryland. Honda CBR 125 and me as 2nd what $1251 Do I pay any more ideas you anything else should arise me so I can per month). I am find cheap and good would cost a month to get the car help me, If you be for a decently I can t afford to my dad has had a car but what to college help me get a quote from against very high insurance much is a 2010 cop gave me a its not even though like to switch from get my own car because of low testosterone and I want to the cheapist insurance that Who can you add insurance covers it? i seventeen and wondering what the exact same system Hi all, I will car insurance at 17? it legal in Uk folks think I should insurance that is dependable I m 19, my mom s my car and get .
My wife and I did obama lie to more insurance is for of miles on it, any ticket of any also what kind of they increase your insurance possible to share the this a legitimate insurance car insurance on a overseas and I just a tiburon. any comments? Recently I have been not finance the car that this mandatory health insurance. So far my a 19-year old male, Affordable Care Act does to diagnose the problem it doesn t, should it? until i can drive for insurance? I live I ll be doing my 18 months I finally a year... it s too for eighteen wheeler in is fine and as my G2 next month company is notified and get cheap car insurance I m young they re going company that I need health insurance premiums are know where i can lies! my Sister works cost health insurances out really sux and it think is fair. I d just got my license get a demand letter. for a year so .
So I already have in Southern California. Anyone out of my pocket. and has another car residing in the community pay very much and 21 and she has for health insurance for tow it but i qualify for medicaid because is Petrol. How much Best life insurance company? find an answer for before going to get fire/etc, do they cover is there a grace I find an affordable you in advance !!!!!! minimum liability insurance to please. my project about buy term or Variable the ticket in court. is in her 30 s. Do you think abortions cost of the test. I have the 5 i buy it from driving for 6 months the best insurance leads? was just in an coverage either. Thank God going to be crazy insurance and hazard insurance. car with my truck 4 months. Any suggestions insurance for young adults? like but you signed deal!!) what would insurance be with Esurance. What I simply want to okay, how do you .
0 notes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
"illinois insurance pre licensing classes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Do insurance companies look into your driving record?
When getting an auto insurance quote they ask if you have any major violations. Do they only know if u tell them, or will they eventually find out of u lie?""
Affordable Health insurance in CA ?
I'm looking to buy health insurance in CA. my income is 10,000$ a year and because i only work part time. i applied for Medical few months ago through welfare office, but my case worker was really mean he was asking for a lot of documents in order to approve my application and every time i go to the welfare office they make me wait for 4 hours.so i decided to look for health insurance through Obama care website but i found that planes that cost 100$ and below doesn't cover even 30% of the medical expenses. any ideas about getting affordable health insurance in CA with good coverage ??? Thank you""
Tips on how to get first time drivers car insurance down?
Hey, so I have my driving test on June 3rd but i am looking to buy a car before then in these next few weeks. Ive been getting some quotes on some possible cars but the cheapest quote i am getting is 4,500, which is absolutly ridiculous! I thought 2,000 was pushing it and i dont intend to pay more than 2,000 a year. The cars ive been looking at are Peugot 206s, Vauxhall Corsa SXI, and Renault Clio's. Which i believe are in the cheapest insurance band. I just dont understand why im getting quotes of 4000/5000. Most of my firends with similar cars pay 1,500 a year which seems right. I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me tips on how to get the price down. Should i add my mum as an additional driver? Do modified cars (alloys and tinted windows) dramatically increase the insurance price? Any reccomended insurance companies? Thanks guys!""
Ripped off car insurance?
my daughter was a named driver on my policy she hit someones car and made 400worth of damage the owner of the other car had already got scatches etc on there car my insurance company was told of this i have just found out that 800+ has been made against me it looks like i have been ripped off surely this is fraud the 400 was a quote from a garage
Tesco car insurance??
does tesco car insurance (uk) cover for vandalism?
Do car rental companies ask for proof of insurance?
Here's my circumstances, I'm 22(have credit card in my name) and am going to rent a vehicle. I had insurance for 4-5 years, have never been at an at fault accident and have one speeding ticket, so I'm a pretty good driver, when gas was near $4.00 I traded in my vehicle, and it's fine as I bike everywhere as it's all close to me. I'm having family over for a couple days and need a car though, it's easy to drive around town, I'm almost 100% sure I wont get in a wreck, but I have a feeling the insurance would be more expensive than the rental itself which is ridiculous for someone with a driving record such as mine. Can I say purchase just liability and then sign something that says I'll pay for the rental if I do any damages, what would be the cheapest way to get out of this?""
How much would insurance cost on a 96 Chevrolet camaro?
Monthly? I spotted a camaro for the first time and it was completely gorgeous, I almost cried. it also runs good. The cost is pretty crazy for a camaro only 2,000. My mom said that I ...show more""
If two insurance companies have a dispute?
Let's say that I get into a car accident with another driver. My insurance company determines that he's at fault. His insurance company determines that I'm at fault. How does this typically get resolved? Do they go to a third-party arbiter?
Do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
do i need to have a insurance to get my car inspection?
Why don't insurance companies insure holistic doctors?
It's kinda sad to me.. That the only doctors they will insure for are doctors that prescribe drugs. Is there any insurance companies that work for holistic doctors?
Cheapest Car Insurance (UK) For 17 year old (guy) who just passed test?
Hi, What are the best insurance companies to go to for cheap car insurance for a just passed 17 year old guy? Ive tried go compare and compare the market, but their cheapest quotes were 3700 a year! Are there any good Insurers who arn't on comparison websites, I heard some offer you discounts if you go to them direct. Thanks!""
IS there a web site to find different health insurances?
I am turning 19 and my mom told that her insurance won't cover me anymore so i need to find another one. Does anybody know the website i use to find health insurance programs? Also, which one is a good health insurance, with good benefits and affordable? Also i am a college student if that makes a difference""
Cheap car insurance for new drivers?
im 23 years old and about to take my driving test, IF i pass i'll be needing car insurance which i've noticed is very expensive. and tips or websites that are good for people in my situation?? i've put the excess up but its just too much! any help will be good thanks""
""Full-time college student, where and how can i get some kind of free health care?""
I am a colleg student. I don't have any kind of health care insurance. I cannot afford to buy health care for me. Is there any kind of health care I can get from that state? BTW, I live in Charlotte, NC. Would like to know if I can get some kind of coverage.""
How much would lowering my mileage by 5k save me in california?
So being a teenager(19) and a male with a ticket I'm paying around 900 for insurance. Tickets my fault I accept the punishment. However, I switched jobs and After calculating distance I'm only going to be driving around 5000 miles rather than the 10 on my insurance. Just kind of curious how much the mileage drop could save me since my insurance agency isn't being much help.""
I am looking for insurance on house?
i have drive insurance and i want to know if they have insurance on house also.
Will my speeding ticket raise my insurance?
Yesterday I got a speeding ticket in Cambridge, OH, my home state.Going 9 miles over, 79 in a 70. I have State Farm Insurance and this is my FIRST traffic violation. If i pay the fine right away, not having to go to court, will I get any points on my license or will my insurance rate go up at all?""
Medical Insurance?
I need to know the best way to get insurance for me and my wife. My employer offers it for $53 a week. and it looks mediocre. I am not sure if their is another way to do this. Please advise. any help would be appreciated
Cheapest estate cars to inusre?
hi, im a 18 year old male looking for a new car, im looking at estates as i surf and need alot of space for boards etc. my last car, a clio 1.5 diesel was super cheap to run and tax (60mpg +) and insurance group 9 so didnt completely bust the bank. im looking at cars like the skoda fabia estate (1.2 and 1.9 Diesel) and the peugeot 307 and 207 1.4 diesels as they are also cheap to run and insure. the problem is i live in devon and any cars that are reasonably cheap are scarce. I average around 8-10 thousand miles a year. and am still in education so cant afford to run a 30-40 mpg car. any ideas? thanks""
What is the best Pregnancy Insurance Available to a already expecting Mom w/no health coverage at the moment?
Health Insurance for Pregnant Women!
Will I be covered under my moms car insurance?
Alright I am 18 and I live with my mom. My car recently stalled out and there is something wrong with the engine. So my mom has AAA auto insurance, and I am covered by state farm which is my dads insurance. We are in California, and I wanted to know if I would be covered if I were to drive my moms car until mine is fixed. I know that if you live in the same household that you wouldnt be covered, but my insurance has my dads address under it. So do you think I would be covered?""
How much will it cost me for insurance and plates etc..?
im buying a 94 supra twin turbo for $18,500. im getting a loan from the bank for the car but what else do i need after i buy it? how much do i need? should $600 be enough for all that stuff?""
How long does car insurance process take for collision?
So my mother was involved in a collision several days ago and actually hit a police car on the highway. Her car has some serious damage and had to be towed. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company determines whether it's totaled or fixable. It's an '09 Nissan Sentra and the passenger side airbag went off, the front passenger door's damaged, and the front right tire looked to show some axle damage. She was definitely at-fault but the the officer was kind enough not to cite her since she lost control of the car. Now we're left wondering how long it will take before the insurance company notifies us what they've decided. I was informed an appraiser went to look at the car two days ago though. Any comments on what the process will be like from now on? Thanks.""
What does it mean when a person put you under their car insurance?
my brother in law is said he would put me under his car insurance but with my license and i just dont know what that means ? does it mean i will be having the car under my name with a new insurance policy and have to pay even more since i just got my license? or does it mean the car would be just under my name but under his insurance policy ?
""If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
If you're car is stolen, will your insurance rates increase if you are reimbursed by your insurance?""
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
Does anyone have 21st car insurance?
I am thinking of switching my car insurance, this is a lot cheaper... Just looking for some feedback... dont know much about this insurance...I have never really heard of it... Thanks!""
No name cheap auto insurance for new driver? Please?..?
My friend is 19 and she got her license less than a year ago. She has a car and is paying $200 per month on it and she needs insurance or she'll lose her car. However, every company out there wants her to pay between 400 and 600 dollars a month. Is there any cheap no name insurance that she can get? Anything less than 400 would be great..preferably between 200 and 300..but she'll take what she can get. Oh and she has gotten a ticket for speeding and she can't get on her moms insurance. She needs basic full coverage. Please help..""
What exactly is auto insurance?
i just got my first driver's license and I am eagerly awaiting my new car. however, i hear that i have to insure my car and register it and have registration papers. exactly what does this mean for me? will i not be able to get my car? what exactly is this insurance - is it a monthly bill, one-time payment?""
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
Is Motorcycle insurance the same price as car insurance or is it cheaper?
I had a coupld of friends that have motorcycles and some that have cars. They don't pay for their own insurance but i wanted to know if by any chance if motorcycle insurance is cheaper then auto insurance. I know auto insurance these days are sky high. But since a motorcycle is a lot smaller, shouldn't insurance for it be cheaper for it?""
What's the best florida home insurance?
What's the best florida home insurance?
Which is a reputable life insurance company to get whole life insurance without a physical exam.?
Can you name a few companies where I can take out a life insurance policy against myself, my husband without take a lenthly physical exam.""
Would your name show up on car insurance papers if their were to be two people on the insurance?
My dad is the main person on the car insurance and if he was to put me on it, would my name show on the car insurance papers?""
17 year old auto insurance? new york?
okay so my parents don't drive...(my bro does tho...except he moved to LA for business for the next year :( ) so my parents want to get me a car...you know so i can chauffeur them places and stuff. thing is i'm 16 and i have a class DJ license (i was able to take the road test because i took drivers ed. ) i'll be 17 pretty soon and i'll have a regular class D license. So i wanted to know even thought my parents don't have licenses and don't drive can they legally buy me a car and auto insurance? please answer! can't find anything online! :)
Volkswagen beetle (2004) insurance?
I'm 17, starting to drive... All the quotes I have been getting for small cars like yaris's, cluo's, ka's etc, have ranged from 5 to 9 grand. I checked Tue insurance for a 2004 vw beetle, that ranged from 2 to 4 grand. Why are they cheaper than smaller cars?""
Liability Car Insurance for another state?
Hi, I would really appreciate if someone could give me an answer to resolve this situation: Facts: 1- I legally own a car in the US, currently I'm overseas. 2- My friend has a complete power of attorney 3- Car was registered in California and now is staying in Virginia for almost a year. 4- I put the car on Nonoperational status with CA DMV and canceled insurance in 08.2008. 5- I need to make my car drivable again, and my friend has to move it to MD where she lives. 6- To put car back on road with CA plates I should renew the registration with CA DMV. 7- CA DMV requires the liability insurance before registration. 8- My friend was at the insurance company (Progressive Insurance) and they say, they cannot insure the car with Californian liability unless the car is physically in CA. Wnen I'll be back to US in couple of months I have to drive car back to CA, because I study there so my residence is CA. Can anyone tell me please how this situation can be resolved? - I don't wanna sell my car - registration with MD MVA is the last expensive and unwanted option.""
Can I get life insurance on a family member without their consent?
I'm interested in getting a life insurance policy on my mother because unfortunately she will not be around forever and I want to make sure my sister and I are able to take care of financial obligations that would have to be resolved including funeral expenses. Obviously this is a very difficult situation, no one wants to have to plan for a loved one's passing. Anyone know if this is possible? thanks.""
Car insurance?
ok well im 16 and a male. my mom just bought me a 2007 lexus gs for my bday. i havnt gotten in any accedents, so i wanted to knw how much my car insurance would be. my mom said she spoiled me enough by giving me the car, so she wont help with the insurance.""
Should I pay insurance on a car that I can't drive?
I'm very frustrated with this car & I won't be able to pay to get it fixed until September. Some people are telling me to still pay insurance on it, & others are telling me that it doesn't make sense to waste money, & that I should cancel the insurance. I don't know. I'm about to cry.""
When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care?
My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it, how much will it coast?""
Car insurance question?
If I have insurance for me and my husband on our truck, and My Mother in law has insurance for her vehicle. If she borrows our truck and gets in a wreck, whose insurance will pay?""
Average cost for medical exams?
Just curious about the 'average' cost of my upcoming medical exams: Sinus CT Scan, A VNG exam and VEMP exam...thanks!""
When getting insurance for a vehicle??
Do you get the insurance first then a licence..or get a licence before you get insurance?i've heard 2 different stories from 2 different insurance companies..which is true?
Rear Ended - Can I demand insurance?
I was in an accident last month in my brand new Volvo (not even a month old!). I was rear-ended, while I was at a stop sign. Damage is to the rear bumper, pretty bad, looks horrible...especially for a new car! No one was hurt, just shaken! We did not immediately file a police report. We exchanged information, and the the person who hit me told me that they would pay for my repairs out of pocket, and that they didn't want to get the police or insurance involved. We conversed on the phone for a few days, and they seemed like everything was going great, and I was supposed to meet them at their friends auto body shop for the repairs...long story short...they never showed. Bad part now is, I never got their insurance information, just license plate, DL, addresses(basically everything BUT insurance). That same day, I went to the police station and filed a delayed police report. Later that week, I went and got 3 different estimates, and the damage averages out to about $900. I contacted a friend of mine, who is a police officer, and they stated that I can issue a summons to the person who hit me for careless driving, and I will have to go to court. This is basically to show them that I'm not messing around. All I want is my BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I'm NOT going through my insurance because my deductible is $1,000, and the damage is less...not only that...it wasn't my fault! My insurance company advised me to have person who hit me's insurance take care of everything, at no cost to me. Here's what I need to find out...Can I send the person a demand letter, basically stating that I want them to have their insurance take care of everything? I have tried to call them, and they send me to voice mail, so reasoning is not an option any more. I don't really know how to go about this?! I want to try this on my own, and not get an attorney involved. I just want to tell them that if they fix my car, I will drop summons and further proceedings (like small-claims court, which I WILL sue for additional $$ for dealing with all this). But, what if they don't have the money? I have no idea what to do. I live in NJ, hope someone can help!""
What happens if u get caught driving alone on a permit in California?
So last night, I was stupid enough to go out and get food on my permit around 8pm alone. I also forgot to turn on my headlights, I thought I turned them on but apparently I only turned on my parking lights. And I got pulled over, he gave me a ticket for 12500(a) cvc for unlicensed driver, and 24250 cvc for driving with no headlights at night. I wasn't driving bad, I just didn't have my headlights on. I have to show up to court next month, what is going to happen?... I live in California. Thanks. AND JUST WONDERING, WILL IT SHOW UP AS A POINT ON MY RECORD? AND HOW MUCH WILL THE INSURANCE RISE?""
Car insurance help please!?
I'm 18 and i just finished high school. I dont have a job yet, but i'll be getting one sometime very soon and i really really need to find car insurance. im mostly looking for something that i can pay quarterly. something somewhat cheap too. errr. please help. i only have one car and its a 99 mazda protege.""
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
Who has the cheapest car insurance?
AAA car insurance question?
I've been with State Farm since the 1970's, but am a member of AAA. I was going to take my State Farm papers down to the AAA office and see if they could give me a better rate. My question is, does anyone have any experience with AAA car insurance? Good or bad, I'd like to hear about it.""
Multi-home homeowners insurance?
My wife and I are buying a home, she currently has a home that she is going to keep and let her parents live in. We have a dilemma when it comes to homeowners insurance because you can only have one primary residence. The insurance agent is telling us we need to have a landlord policy on her home even though her parents don't pay her. The landlord policy is much more expensive. We can't do a vacation policy because it isn't technically a vacation home. Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? This is in CT if it makes a difference. Thanks!""
Current or prospective vehicle insurance?
i was preapproved for financing a used vehicle; they want me to bring in proof of insurance when i close loan. does this mean my current insurance on the vehicle i wont be using anymore or for the new one that i dont own yet
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
Do you think I am paying too much for auto insurance?
just got my insurace bill today, For 6 months it's $282 liability only, No tickets, no accidents, 31 years old. through nationwide now, i have my homeowners through safeco.""
""Is car insurance cheaper in L.A., CA or Fort Worth, Texas?
I'm currently living in the L.A. area and am moving to Fort Worth and I was wondering if I should expect an increase or decrease in my current rate and how much of a difference I should see. My record is clean. I also have good credit. (if either of those might have more affect in either state)
What do I do about car insurance when I join the military?
Do car insurance companies offer discounts on car insurance to those enlisted in the military. I'm going to be going off to the air force soon and I've decided i'm definately not taking my car. If I happen not to sell it either and just leave it at home, how do car insurance companies help with that? Do they give discounts to those away on military duty?""
Car Insurance policy?
I was buying home contents insurance a month ago, I realized that It could be bought altogether with some other extras like key protections, legal expenses and home emergency services. Today I am trying to buy car insurance, I wonder what extras car insurance comes with? Regards""
Is a hatchback (3 door car) considered a sports car with insurance?
if not what is it considered and is the cost higher than a sports car
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
Cheap reliable and low INSURANCE!?
OK im 17 monday after next and im a bloke, hence very expensive car insurance. I want a second hand car in the UK which is cheap and likely to keep running. Also low insurance because i am a cheapskate.""
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
Had an Accident Car insurance question?
I had my first accident the other day and it was pretty bad. I was the person at fault. I am about to turn 21 in 8 days. I have allstate insurance and the othe party of the accident no has a lawyer even though he acked fine at the accident. How much will my insurance go up and is there anything else i should know or can do?
I have cancelled my car insurance?
I have cancelled my car insurance for my old car , because I have bought a new car . . . Now I am waiting to sell it , but I don't know where I should keep it . . Is there any problems if I'll leave in front of my house in the car park without a insurance ? Thank You""
Can small business owners & the self-employed get quality yet affordable health & dental insurance...?
if so, how?""
Does anyone know the insurance group prices in the UK?
looking at car insurance does anyone know how much is group is like 3E, 5 and 12 or summit is there any websites where you can find them? if anyone has any suggestions please leave below!""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
""Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
Im 33 with no job, whats the best affordable way for me to receive health insurance?""
What is the average cost for home owners insurance in illinois?
I'm trying to get average cost of insurance for the south and southwest suburban areas of the chicago area.
Residency in California or South Carolina?
I live in MI, I am hoping to be a marine biologist. Obviously MI is not the best place to study the ocean and the things in it. So I want to move to California or South Carolina for some schools I like. I know that it takes 1 year to be a resident in both states but can I also take community college courses while being there? Much thanks!""
How much will a teen pay for their own car insurance?
if its a used car that is completely paid for.
What is a good car insurance for teen drivers?
My car insurance just keeps going up and up, and my son will be driving in a month and I can't afford it. Just let me know of a cheap and good car insurance if you know of one, and if you have it please tell me how you like it, thanks!""
How to pick a life insurance?
Im not even sure how to pick what should i look for in life insurance? pros cons? Any suggestions in life insurance companies? Im looking at nationwide right now just cos i seen it on tv.
Do you have health insurance?
if so, how much is it per month? how old are you? what kind of deducatble do you have? Feel free to answer also if you do not have insurance and do you support obamacare?""
How much will my insurance premium go down by?
After a years no claims? I'm currently paying 1700 (140 a month) for a 1.2 corsa. Not happy but still. I'm 19 and had my license since June 2008. Had insurance before but never got to the full year as my car broke down so I got rid. I know it's hard to give an exact amount but how much on average?
Do you have to have car insurance to get a driver's license?
In Arizona plus the car does have insurance but my name is not on the insurance so do i need to be on the insurance in order to get a driver's license?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What is the best website to get cheap moped insurance ?
What do you think about auto insurance?
What do you think about auto insurance?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
What is the cheapest insurance company?
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
How to get auto insurance?
Im trying to get some auto insurance, and its my first time. I dont know what I need to ask, and know. And about how much I will need to bring on the first day. I got a quote from NationWide, my moms insurance, but I dont know how the process goes.""
Can i shift to another phone insurance company after claiming once?
i bought an iphone 3gs 3 weeks ago, someone stolen it from my locker. it was insured with phone4u insurance company. i pay 12 per month for my insurance, but they also asks me to pay 50 after the claim is being accepted because i had to claim before 6 months. can i shift myself to another company. after my claim is been accepted? and which is the best insurance company to go with? thank you in advance.""
Car insurance and change of address?
I rent a room in a flat near my university, which is only 10 minutes away, but my car licence is registered on my old address. I've been living in this address for over a year, but coming back on holidays to my parents home (25 miles away). I have no proof of this address as everything is still registered on my parents home. I am trying to get insurance and i want to put the address of the place i live in now (comes cheaper), but like i said, my car licence is registered elsewhere. Should i inform DVLA of address change? i've been reading on google for the past hour that it is illegal to be registered on a different adddress than it says on insurance/car licence. As in, both have to be the same, but if police stops me, would they fine me or something? Thanks in advance and sorry about my English, not a first language.""
How does life insurance work?
Hubby is getting a new job that may be a little bit dangerous and he'd be gone for weeks. I am not money hungry or wanting my best friend to die. I just want to have this insurance on him so if he were to accidently leave me with child and something happened to him, I want atleast funeral costs and my child to be taken care of too. I know I'm probably fretting too much but I can't convince him to not take the job. He's worth more than any amount of money. We're both in our twenties. I don't know how life insurance works.""
""When I buy a used car, is it legal to drive it home without insurance?""
What do I have to do before I drive it home? I am buying the car in another city, so I have a 45 minute drive from the sales point back to my house.""
What companies do not offer employees health insurance?
I was wondering what kind of companies do not give their employees health insurance, besides temp agencies? Thanks""
How much is the license reinstated fee for suspension from no car insurance?
How much is the license reinstated fee for suspension from no car insurance?
Low Repair Estimate How to Go After Insurance Company?
I hit a car at its back and caused cracks on its rear bumper. It is my fault and my insurance company supposed to pay for the repair since I have liability insurance with them. But the estimate from my insurance company for the other car came out much lower than the estimates the other party got from other body shops. And now the other party comes after me and they said they gonna sue me. I would like to know how can I push my insurance company to come up more. Thanks!
I live in Georgia and I am trying to find some private insurance that would cover fertility testing and not treatment such as ivf OR IUI . Me and my fiance have been trying to have a baby for 3 years and i have tried everything, i finally have saved up enough money to be able to pay for private insurance can someone please tell me some health insurance company that may cover fertility testing.""
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
How much would insurance for a 2000 harley sportster be in Colorado?
What's the best car for insurance. 17 y/o?
I'm 17 in two months and will need a car. Mum said a Renault Clio would be good. However which 3 door car (small) would be best on cheap insurance. Whatever suggestions would be brill
Motorbike insurance quote 1202 (UK)!?
Could someone please let me know as to why my motorcycle quote is so high? I'm 18 years old and have recently passed my CBT. The bike I am purchasing is a 2009 YZF-R125 with a value of 3000. My friends bike, a CBR125, only costs him somewhere around the 400 per year mark. I don't understand it... Thanks for any replies.""
Can Cancer patients have the life insurance? ?
Is it possible cancer patients getting life insurance...
Does anyone know of affordable family health insurance?
i need an affordable family health insurance
Can we carry car insurance in ca from two different companies?
we live in california ,one of my friend he wants to start courier service as an indepentdent contractor the company he wants to join they need commerical insurance coverage 300,000/300,000/300,000. Can he buy additional coverge of commercial insurance from another insurance company with his regular car insurance. Is this legal? can he buy insurance from two different companies two policies? One for commercial and second regular insurance from another company? Thanks""
Should I cash in my whole life insurance policy?
I purchased a whole life insurance policy about ten years ago. I know, bad decision. Now I have acquired some debt from a divorce and if I cash in the policy minus any taxes and/or fees I can wipe this debt out. I still have an SGLI policy currently for 200K and can increase this after I close the other policy. Is this a good decision?""
Auto insurance. please help me. =)?
I'm sixteen and i just got a truck. it's a 1977 dodge pick up 4x4. i can't drive it without insurance and i don't know where to get my insurance from. i've tried getting online quotes and stuff and it didn't work. anybody know a good insurance company with a plan that covers the basic stuff i need just so i can drive my truck?? thanks. =)
Average car insurance for me?
Im a guy. Senior in high school. I don't have a 3.0+ gpa to reduce insurance. I'm prolly gonna drive a 96 blazer or 97 jeep grand Cherokee. Roughly, how much would my insurance be?""
Does the Insurance Company notify the DMV @ the time you buy insurance after registering your car?
Heres my question: I registered a car i bought on the 2/16 w/ transfered title to my name and paid the fees, the guy never asked me for insurance information. The next day 2/17 i ...show more""
Where can I get some really good short-term health insurance?
My employer cut me off, because I didn't accumulate enough credit hours last year (their fault--those jerks)!""
Can you have more than two car insurance policies in New Jersey?
I am under my dad insurance and so is one of my cars. Is it possible for me to be under another insurance with my other car or thats not possible.
Mercury insurance teen driver rates?
hi i am 16 and i just got my permit. i was wondering, do u need insurence when driving with a permit? also how much are mercury insurance teen driver rates (estimate $$) because thts what my mom has as insurace. please if anybody has any idea what the rates are or if there are specials for teenagers? thank you :] sarah""
Will my no proof of insurance charge be dismissed?
I live in California. So I was pulled over for an unsafe lane change. The officer asked for my insurance and I handed him my expired one on accident. He asked for the current one but I didn't have it in my car. I had cleaned my car completely and took out all my papers and put the wrong insurance paper back in my car. I went home and of course it was just sitting there. I know that's no excuse. He told me that it would get dismissed if I show the court that I did have insurance that day. I just got my ticket in the mail and it was $1,137. Will the court actually dismiss the no proof of insurance ticket and can I just go to the court tomorrow and show them? Someone online said they can't dismiss it if there is another charge with it. So what do I do? I tried calling the courthouse but because of budget cuts there is no one to help with traffic violation inquiries.""
How much is car insurance for a brand new HS 250h Premium Luxury lexus?
I'm 17, female, I live in St.John's NL and might do driving school""
Do you have to have a care to have car insurance?
I am not ready to purchase a car, however I figured if I started paying car insurance now, when I am ready to purchase a car I wont have to pay so much to start the policy. Is this true?""
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
illinois insurance pre licensing classes
0 notes
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
"Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
How much would the car insurance be if i get a first car for 20k? UK?
If I have my license but do not own a car do I need car insurance?
I am planning on getting my drivers license this summer and do not have my own car. I would be using my parents car (that's insured) until I get my own. Would I need to have insurance for myself or is it enough that the car I would be driving is insured?
State Farm Insurance Rates From Fellow Users?
I will be added onto my parents policy. I got a 3.0GPA 16 Year old male, still in high school I will probably get a late 90's compact or 1/2 ton pickup. Any ideas, I herd that it will be around $300 a month. I also have taken driving classes if that helps.""
Can you have be under two car insurance companies at once?
My dad is considering in buying another car(ideally for me to use) but to avoid the high cost, he wants to be listed as primary driver to both. It seems that usually when youre under one company, I will most likely be forced to be primary on one of the vehicles. So would it be possible to be under two different car insurance companies so that my dad can be primary for both or would this be considered a type of fraud or something illegal?""
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
How many Americans go across borders for affordable healthcare?
""A $26,000 car got stolen with no insurance, what can I do?""
I financed a car through nissan around Nov. 1st, at payments of 436.29 I financed 26,000. I'm 19 years old, my mother co signed for me. to start building my credit. I had a full time job etc and could easily make payments well shortly after- i loss my job. (a month after) I posted online looking for a third party to do a credit application and take over the payments. I found someone, we went through the paper work etc, and i was stupid/naive enough to let him hold onto the car before seeing if he was approved, to see if he likes it etc, long story short, he never came back with my car, changed his phone and gave me a phony address. My car was stolen. I drove off the lot at nissan without any insurance on it yet, because they let me. (again im new at this and so naive) i was waiting on good quotes on insurance , then my car got stolen before i could get insurance on it. I owe 800 dollars now, and my account is going into collections in 3 days. whats going to happen? I called the police departement, they said they cant file the car stolen because i was in the process of making a civil agreement with him before he just drove off with it. i would have to go to court and file a judgement againist for the car, or 26,000 etc. but i called the courts they said i need a lawyer, i dont have ANY money at all, no job, nothing for a lawyer etc. i dont know what to do. what im mostly scared of is, collections going after my mom for the 26,000 and she owns a mobile home that she bought for 49,000 and pays lot rent on it, and owns a little ford truck , will they put a lien on her house and take it away? what are my options? i dont want to pay this car off for this guy, who took it, the title and everything is under my name, but how can i find it without cops helping? im just scared and crying, i dont know whats going to happen, im scared for my mom. could she file bankruptcy if they come after her? will that save her home? please, just anyone help . i know nissan is going to come after me for repossession but i dont have the car, i dont know where it is. im so scared. 26,000 is a lot owed. any advice is appreciated thanks.""
How much does the insurance of a normal car compare to that of an lgv/ hgv?
I'm thinking of converting a vehicle into a mobile home; of course if I can get more space for a similar price on insurance that would be great. I'm just looking for averages, I'm not a particularly high earner but if I know where i stand I have more of a chance making it realistically. Please don't answer i don't know or something similar that's just irritating. Thanks if u can answer though :)""
""What is a good Car Insurance Company. Im in my early 20s, not the greatest driving record.?""
I have had a few speeding tickets, no insurance tickets, ect. 1 accident 6 years ago. I just need good, cheap, liability insurance for my fiance and I""
Where can i get car insurance for under 2000 for my 17 year old son?
just passed his test
What is a cheap health insurance for a student fixing to go trough nursing school?
I got accepted into nursing school and need health insurance. I do not believe there are any guidelines as long as you have it. I do not have a lot of money and need some affordable health insurance.
Car insurance?
my husband has just been sent a letter saying he has been done for doing 38 in a 30mph limit and has encured 60 fine and 3 penalty points. what is the situation regarding his car insurance . does he have to inform them about it? i think he should but my sister says you dont have to.
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
Insurance quote for my car?
I looked all over the place and insurance is very expensive or me. I am 17 years old. The car is a 1998 Mitsubishi eclipse gs 2 door. The car is under my moms name. I am currently under state farm and I qualify or the good student discount and safe driver discount on another car. I am currently paying 400 dollars for that car.
My parked car was damaged in a hit and run by someone who had a rental car but did not have insurance.?
The rental car company did not validate proof of insurance. The drivier gave the car rental company old and outdated insuance information and did not validate insurance coverage. Now I am stuck with a damaged and totaled car and no way to pay for damages caused by this hit and run to me.
I have reasontly had my car stolen and am wondering how much the insurance are going to pay me ?
my car was a red vaxaull corsa M reg (1994) very excellent condition one OAP as a previous owner it had done 95,000 miles and had 11 months mot on it i valued it with the insurers for 500 even tho i think its worth more! and i was covered for 3rd party, fire n theft! so and ideas as to how much i will get?""
Insurance Premium Not Guaranteed?
Is it normal for insurance covering Critical Illness to come w non-fixed premium payment?
Can my uncle insure my car? 10 points?
I'm 17 and have my provisional license. I don't live with my uncle but we live in the same town (in NJ). I can't get put into my parent's insurance since they don't have their licenses. If i get my own car, can my uncle add me onto his policy even though we don't live under the same address? 10 Points""
Which company Car Insurance?
Hi, I am planing to buy new car in bangalore. Please let me know which company car insurance i have to take. Which insurance company is having good service.? Thanks""
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Where can i find cheap full coverage auto insurance?
Best Ways to Reduce Car Insurance?
I found this article on ForbesAutos.com about best ways to reduce my car insurance. Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa
I was in a car accident that was not my fault. Does my insurance go up?
This guy in front of me backed into my front end at a stop light. We both got out and he tried compromising. I refused and called the cops and took down his plates and the make of the car. Good thing I did because he left right after I called. I think this guy may have been illegal he didnt speak english and was very eager for me to not call the cops. I felt bad but my car is really messed up. Is my insurance going to go up? If so how much?
I used to own a Vauxhall Astra 1.6 I now want a Fiesta 1.4 will that be cheap tax /insurance I am 61?
female, just need a cheaper car, second hand & automatic,Thanks .""
5 Months car insurance?
I only need insurance untill october and dont want to pay for a full years worth. What are my options and any reccomended cheap comapnies for a young driver Thankyouuu
Can your car insurance company penalize you if...?
Can your car insurance company penalize you if you report an incident but decide not to file a claim?
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off
How much is the insurance for a fiat 500 for a 17 year old?
I am getting a new car. I am oping to get the Fiat 500. But i'm not sure how much on average the insurance for it will be for a 17 year old. xcheerss lovelys x
Car insurance hidden from family?
Im 17 buying a volkswagen golf 1.6 with my hard earned money working for 2 years now need a car but parents are against buying a car but i need it for uni Ill park the car down my road and everything will be legal and i was wondering if i get a insurance and a car can i hide from family so i can i tell my policy not to send letter or anything they can only contact me by email or by my phone also so give me a few options i wanna do the legal way only and from UK. Or can give them my actually address but tell them to send the letters to my friends house so that no one in family receives any information about my car what so ever thanks. I can prove my address not trying to get a cheap insurance just dont want family knowing also suggest any legal methods thanks
Do I really need car insurance?
I'm paying $170 a month for car insurance, it went up a little because i was in a minor accident and I feel it's a bit much to be paying every month. So if I don't have ...show more""
I have a few questions about car repairs and auto insurance?
first off, i was in a small accident a couple weeks ago, and was wonder how much it would cost to have the following repaired: 1. the hood is very minorly damaged, there is just a small gap where the hood closes, plus a little scratched paint on one side (very minor) how much would it cost to have that straitened out? 2. when the front end got hit, it shifted it over a little, so there is a small gap inbetween the inside corner of the headlight and the grill area, how much to straighten that out? 3. also, in regards to insurance, is it allowed to have two different people insured on one car through different insurance companies?""
Im 19 need health insurance?
Im 19 and I really need affordable health insurance. Neither for my parents can afford to put me on their insurance. Also i have a few preexisting medical conditions that makes it harder for me to find insurance.
Help - Advice on car insurance!?
I will be getting my british license this month because i will be getting a new car, even though i have been driving for the past 4 years but in Qatar. (for those who don't know Qatar its next to Dubai) Ive been searching online for car insurance under my details but i keep on getting really high rates. (Too high!) I'm 20 years old, have been driving here on an international license, and none of my family members have British licenses.... Is there anyway that i can get a cheaper car insurance? Maybe under a friends name or uncle or something? Thanks""
""Does age make a difference when getting health insurance thru employer, is the cost different. .?""
My mother is in her 60's she declined coverage thru her employer because she would pay $200 per pay check, gets paid biweekly. She said the rep from the insurance told her she would pay more than her younger coworkers because she is old and needs more health attention, visits medicine etc. Is that true?? Her company does the cleaning for a few hospitals, offices. I dont think its a big company maybe 300-500 employees. I work for a big company in sales we have 200 people in our building, the company is in every state in the u.s. with several offices in each state so we are thousands of people for the company. Our health insurance cost is the same regardless of age. We have 3 plans to choose from, but we all pay the same amount regardless of age and it cost anywhere from $15-25 per check. Could anyone give me some info on this matter thanks. We are in california if that matters. Thanks.""
I need to get health insurance. What's affordable and good?
I live in Southern California. Recently, my neck has really started to hurt and I think I might need an xray. I haven't had health insurance in so long. What would be the proper steps to take? I need something affordable.""
Estimate on car insurance for this car?
Okay, I'm looking to get a used 350z for my sixteenth birthday. I know car insurance is going to be really high for it being a sport car and for me being only 16, but I'd like an estimate to see where I'm going with this and I'm not sure how to do it myself. :) Here's a link to the car: http://www.nissanusa.com/z/index.html""
Low cost healthcare insurance for kids?
Are there low cost healthcare insurance for kids other than Healthy Families? I had healthy families but due to sending my premium late, they disenrolled my kids. I am covered by my employer through Kaiser but there is a significant amount of money deducted if I cover them. Thanks in advance.""
Law/Rules of insurance?
I am a 20year old young adult who is my my fathers insurance. I'm turning 21 in two months and my father is happy about that because he says that I will be off his insurance. I'm kinda scared because I'm getting surgery after my birthday and I won't have insurance. I've been reading online that I can be on his insurance until I'm 26 if I'm married, live on my own, enrolled in school etc. I'm not enrolled in school but I will in the summer again. So what will happen?""
Cheap insurance for 23 year old?
Cheap insurance for 23 year old?
What are some really good auto insurance companies?
I just turned 18 and my parents are basically kicking me off the insurance. i need some good but affordable car insurance (full coverage) What insurance company are you with and about how much is it a month for 1 driver?
How much pain and suffering from my auto accident?
In Feb (2 months ago) I was rear ended at an intersection by a drunk driver. It was 3pm, I was on my way to class, and he hit me out of nowhere. This was his second offense. He was arrested that day on DUI/drug charges. He was fully insured by Nationwide Insurance. Turns out he has a LONG list of driving violations, speeding tickets, and such. I was taken by ambulance to the hospital, and then went again the next day. I have been to my medical doctor and chiropractor since then. I had never been in the hospital before, or to a chiropractor, and my neck/back are now messed up. I have had a MRI, and a ton of prescription. I have lost the natural curve in my neck, my vertebra are out of alignment, and I am having BAD, BAD headaches. I had $3000 damage to my car, and over $5000 in medical bills. How much pain and suffering can I get? Until this point, I was healthy, and fit. Since then, I cant work out at the gym, and Im getting headaches which affect my concentration, and sometimes my vision... Im only 24. What am I entitled too?""
How does 21st Century Insurance Compare to Allstate?
I currently have allstate for my car insurance. I was given a quote from 21st Century Insurance and it is less than half of allstate. Is 21st Century a good company to get? Or should I stick with Allstate?
Buying a car from a showroom. Insurance?
I am collecting a new car tomorrow from the dealership. Do I need to phone and pay for the new insurance at the showroom before I drive off, or is it allowable to take it home and do ...show more""
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
I am looking to buy a house. I need cheap house insurance. Where would I find this?
If I drive a car that has insurance but not in your name in Florida?
If there is a car accident can I get in trouble? Meaning can I get a ticket if someone rear ends me? A friend of mine was in an accident and they were rearended the car owner had insurance would that cover said friend?
Which auto insurance do you recommend?
I had a Scion XA 2006 and I just got a MINI Cooper 2007. I was insured under my parents insurance at AAA but with the change of cars our insurance would increase twice as much. I'm going to leave their policy and open my own. I'm 22 and I'm a full time student (GPA 3.5), which insurance do you recommend? I have road side assistance with AAA.""
If I have proof of insurance but driving a friend's car who doesn't have insurance...?
Can I get a ticket for not having insurance? I was pulled over while driving a friend's car and received a ticket for not having proof of insurance. I had proof of insurance for my car in my wallet, and I showed it to the officer. He told me there needed to be proof of insurance for the car I was driving as well. Anybody know if this is true? I'm in Washington State for the record.""
Gieco Car insurance $$$ for new drivers?
I'm turning 16 real soon but with these new laws i wont be able to drive until I'm 17, but anyway I'm saving for a car probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved up 1k but i was wondering how much i need to save up to pay for insurance and gas. (im a guy, b- average in school, ill be buying a sedan, I live in CT if that helps) thanks.....if u could just give me a general price range that would be fine i just have no idea how much it is.""
Where can I find affordable dental insurance?
i live in dallas tx ,19yrs old and im look for affordable dental insurance it will b just for me no one else any great insurance out there that wont make my bank account dusty :) plz help & thank u""
How does arbitration work between 2 car insurance companies?
I was in a car accident about a month ago. My car insurance agreed that the accident was 100% not my fault. The other car insurance company is trying to say that it was 50% my fault( which is totally ridiculous because the other driver was cited by police for failure to yield). Today i got a phone call from my car insurance company saying that my claim is now going to arbitration. What can i expect to happen next? What can I do to prepare my self? I am very frustrated with this whole thing. I know this car accident was 100% not my fault. I dont want to be blaimed at all. I forgot to mention that i live in NY state. Thank you, Zack""
Injured with no health insurance and a big hospital bill?
My girlfriend dislocated her shoulder while playing volleyball with no health insurance. Her parents health insurance stopped covering her because she had just graduated from college ...show more
Do I need a consent to settle by my own auto insurance company?
The guy who hit me does not have an ample amount of insurance to cover my injuries. They are offering me the policy limits to settle. My own uninsured or uninsured motorist has been given enough documentation to know that my additional insurance will come into play. I have filed suit against the guy and his insurance company, but do I need a letter of consent to settle with them from my own insurance company to make sure that my uninsured motorist coverage will still be available to me. I really think it is criminal for any insurance company or state to make the limits on auto insurance so low, when the average cost of an auto accident is higher than the minimum coverages that they allow drivers to driver under. Also, there are many attorneys that wont even look at taking a case unless the limits are much higher than state minimum, because they can make considerably more on those who are very well insured. My own insurance company is treating my like I am retarded, and I was until I started reading all the insurance laws and bought a very fine civil litigation book for 4 dollars, best investment I ever made. But I am no Pro Se expert, my hat is tipped to you attorneys and insurance adjusters. What a stressful job you have and so many laws to abide by and to follow. I can only get better the more I read the more I know. Thanks for your time.""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off
Car insurance for learner driver UK?
I am considering to buy a car before I pass my test. Without buying the car first I can't get a quote online. I understand insurance is not much differenet for a learner driver and someone that just passed their test. Anyone knows how much roughly insurance cost for a learner driver? Thinking of getting a 2002-2003 ford focus, and I am a female 27 years of age if that makes any difference.""
""I was hit by an uninsured motorist, and I have an uninsured clause in my car insurance.?""
My car was totaled out, and since my car insurance had a non insured motorist clause then I just have to pay the deductible, and they will cut me a check. I was hurt in the accident, and I wanted to know if my car insurance (Progressive) will also pay out pain and suffering. I am considering taking this guy to small claims court, but if I do then I have no idea what the outcome would be. IF my insurance offers me a pain and suffering settlement then should I take it? can I negoiate for a higher settlement? Everyone is telling me to take whatever is offered to me because the guy that hit my car didn't have insurance, and could possibly claim indigentcy in which case I would most likely never see the money. I can get a pain and suffering settlement from my own insurance, but I believe that the person that hit me should have to pay it, and I am also assuming that I would get more money out of him directly than letting my insurance cover the pain and suffering. This is my first wreck that I have gotten into, in which, I was the party that was damaged (almost died), and the other guy only received a ticket. I know that life is not fair, but like I said before, this is my first car wreck where I was owed money and the other person did not have insurance. Any information will be much appreciated. Thank You Very Much.""
What are the best/ cheapest private health insurance providers in wisconsin?
23 yr old male, good health medical, dental, and vision plans? Thanks!""
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS thank you""
Low income insurance for a 24 years old student who live in VA?
I am a full time student who live in VA. I am looking for some low income health insurance for myself. Currently, I got some illness and I really need to see the doctor; however, I dont have any health insurance. Is anyone know any health insurance would be providing for a person like me? My family is low income family. Is any way I can get a health insurance from the government? Thank you!""
Car modifications and insurance?
Hey I'm young with my first car so insurance is high. What modifications will either not affect my premium or affect it by a little. Thanks
California speeding and no proof of insurance ticket?
It was dark and raining. I just came off the bay bridge in SF and am positive I was driving below 40 on the bridge and between 40-60 when I got off the bridge. The cop was on 80E past fremont exit. He said I was at 67 in a 50 zone and also did not give me enough time to look for my proof of insurance. He said lets make this easy and quick and cited me for speeding and for no insurance and not no proof of insurance. He cited both as non-correctable. It this accurate? I don't think his radar reading isaccurate. How can Ichallenge this?
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Provisional to Full license insurance?
I am 17 years old on provisional license and about to take out insurance for my car. I received a quote from Quinn Direct for about 1050, but I wanted to know what will happen when I pass my test and have full license? Will I have to pay more?""
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Is it true that some car colors cost more money for insurance? And if it is then why?
Do rich people need insurance?
I was just wondering..if they have so much money....do they really need insurance?
Why didn't GW make an effort toward affordable health insurance for the Americans w/o any?
Why didn't GW make an effort toward affordable health insurance for the Americans w/o any?
Where can i get affordable insurance?
i got 8pts i need affordable insurance please send me a link please
""So I am 19 years old and received my first speeding ticket, will it increase my insurance?""
I've asked this before and want to clarify. Some people told me the first ticket is a freebee and my insurance won't go up. Others have told me yes, my insurance will go up. I am in the state of California, I have Allstate insurance, and I'm on an insurance plan with my mom. I've been driving for a little over a year. Thanks everyone!""
""I need car insurance, but have a terrible driving record right now. Any suggestions?""
How can I get coverage at a decent rate when I have a crappy driving record?? Ive called about 4 different companies, the lowest rate i found was $209 a month for 6 months. I have 7 points on my record currently!! I cannot get insurance through my parents and i am not married so basically I'm screwed...or I should look into paying a driver to cart my butt around.""
""Car Insurance - 18 Year old added as a driver to parents car Insurance cost, high?""
My mum who doesn't drive very much is considering selling her crappy car which is probably gonna fail the MOT. But since I have a reasonably good paying job at 18, I thought, may as well spilt on a car, get something I want and will maintain, and she can use it as long as long as part of the insurance is paid off. So my mum pays around 50 a Month on a Daewoo (very small and crap car, 1.0L) I have a motorbike, so experienced on the road (could count towards a discount), but only got my driving license fully a week ago, passed with flying colours. So my mum with like 4 years no claims, and an 18 year old on a Subaru Impreza? What you reckon?""
""In indiana, Do i have to have insurance to drive someone elses car who has insurance?
My girlfriends mom wont let me drive their cars anymore because some retard told her that I wasnt legaly alloud to drive if i didnt have insurance even though its not my car and even if their car HAS insurance
How much info do the govt have on what sort of car insurance u have?
Like as long as I have an insurance certificate am I sweet until I have an accident? Or if I give the insurance company wrong info for a cheaper quote will the govt find out? If so how? My mates had his car for ages and has no insurance and the police have never said anything to him Cheers
Where can I get E&O insurance at a reasonable price?
I am an insurance agent working through an agency. I need E&O insurance before I can sell certain policies. I'm looking for easy, affordable coverage.""
Assurant Health Insurance?
At a previous job I had good health insurance but adding my husband was costly so we got him BCBS IL through a local insurance agent. He is not the type to go to the doctor very often so a very basic plan is what we got him. It started out only being $160 for 3 months; now today I received a letter that it will be going up to $250 for 3 months. I have changed jobs and kept my insurance for awhile through Cobra but eventually found different coverage because the Cobra was so high in cost. But of course it has went up to almost $300 a month. I have been searching online for health insurance and found Assurant and it seems like I can get good coverage at a fair price. Do you have assurant? Do you think it's good coverage? Do you have any problems with using it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Fastest and cheapest auto insurance?
I want to know the fastest and cheapest auto insurance online?
How much is non onwers sr22 insurance in illinois?
I dont have a car and my license has been suspended.
Insurance on a car that is not registered to me ?
Can I get insurance if the car has not yet been transferred to me?
Have a car but no insurance?
This is an answer I got about owning a car with no insurance and if my license would be suspended even if I turn in the tag and registration. It makes no sense as a lot of people have licenses for ID only and do not have a car (because they aren't allowed or can't drive): By law if you have a driver's license you are supposed to carry insurance whether you own a vehicle or not. It's usually called non-owner's liability coverage. Because of this law they would be able to suspend your license if your company cannot provide proof that you have coverage. This answer makes no sense. I won't say who provided it/they don't allow me to answer them though.
I need to get rid of my car because the payments are way to high and insurance sucks?
I bought a 2003 Toyota Avalon a little more than a year ago from a dealer. I put 7000 dollars as a down payment and now am paying 240 a month for 60 months. Its getting kind of hard to pay off the car now with all of the costs going up. The total price of the car was 15000 and I got a bumper to bumper warranty for 5 years/100,000 miles when I bought it at 35,000 miles. The car now has 54.000 miles. How do I trade it in for a car that would cost me less than 200 a month Thanks""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off
""Need a car insurance, monthly, bad credit.?""
I need a car insurance policy that insures drivers with bad credit on a monthly payment. I dont want to buy a car and then be unable to insure it, as i cant afford to pay in full. Thanks""
I want to put my niece on my car insurance?
i drive a 2001 puegoet 206 and want to include my 17 year old niece on the policy.she has a provisional licience.does anyone know what this will cost approximately
Questions about serial numbers and home insurance?
In an event of property loss or robbery and you have to report to the homeowner's insurance, should you give them the serial #'s of all items lost or stolen or should you give them the list of serial numbers the moment you start insurance?""
Is the Nissan 300zx (1991) a good first car for a teenager?
I just want to know, I'm shopping for my first car. I have about $3500 and I want a car that is sporty. I like the nissan 300zx, and I need to know if its a reliable enough car and a good buy for my first car. I f anyone has any advice or knows about the car, let me know. Thank you!""
About how much will Car Insurance for me cost?
I am a male. I am 16 almost 17. I am about to buy a car, I am looking for one now. About how much will it cost for a normal sized car? Not a sport car. Also I was told that my insurance can be lowered with my grades? I have straight A's.""
Car accident at fault no insurance?
my car was hit from behind last week and the insurance companies came to the resolution that the people that hit us were at fault. they didnt have any insurance and the person driving my car didnt have insurance either. i still owe 6k on the car, how can i get the $ back or get rid of my car without going to small claims court?""
""What comes first, insurance or the car?""
When buying my first car, what comes first? Obtaining car insurance, or buying the car? I know you kinda can't have one without the other, so how does it work?""
""California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
California Life and Health Insurance, How can i Lower my Insurance rates?""
Window tints ticket insurance rates?
does a nonmoving window tint ticket , affect my insurance rates if i pay if off and keep the tints on, here my problem i am under my parents insurance plan and my dad would not let me keep my tints if i keep getting pulled over for them. i have alot of money and i just want to keep paying for the tickets. money is not the problem, i just want to know if i pay the tickets off will it show on my insurance or anywhere else?""
Pay As You Go Insurance! Where can I get it? Cheap Insurance!
Hey people Basicly im insured with Admiral under third party fire and theft. Im doing their 10 month insurance thing which equates to 1 years insurance after the time. I was insured with them last year the price was 1090, this year its gone up to 1250 (had an accident which was my fault). Im paying monthly which has increased it to 1550. Im paying about 150 a month. My question is, where can i get cheap insurance from? Preferbably Pay as You go type. Has anyone done PAYG insurance before?""
Insurance for a 17 year old on a ninja 250?
hey im looking at getting a ninja 250r for a first bike. i choose a 250 because it is cheap, cheap to keep up, i could work on almost every job myself, it wont do a wheelie at 90 and kill me, gets 65 mpg highway, and is still as quick as a z28 0-60. what would the insurance be on a little 250 for an almost 18 year old with a perfect driving record, and almost all major discounts ( good student...etc)? i know you cant say for sure but would it be a doable amount since it is just a 250, or is it going way too much cuz im a teen?""
""Help, need cheap health insurance.?
I need to get cheap health insurance before the 31st. I tried through Obamacare but that is not an option right now. Online application will not go through and trying to call is a headache. Calls will not go through. I need real cheap health insurance so does anyone know where I can get low cost health insurance? I am in Washington state.
Should I be adding my 19yr old daughter to my auto insurance?
Our 19 yr old daughter let he car insurance laps. My insurance company found out and added her to my policy this will cost an extra $700.00 + for six months. She also kept say all along that she was paying her own auto insurance for the last 6 months. I`v found out this was not true she stopped paying about 4 months ago. So she has been driving with out insurance for at least 4 months now. Her car is also in her name so I really can`t take it from her. I`m very upset at her for lien I just found all this out the other day.
Auto insurance pricing for newly licensed 16 year old male driver?
Turning 16 soon and will need a car. I'm looking into getting a 2006 Mazda 6 with 100,000 miles on it. I live in Ohio and will basically be using it for driving around town, possibly to a job in the future of course (if it's still running). As a newly licensed driver, would any of you know how much the insurance would possibly cost? I'm a B average student with a 3.0 GPA average as well, if that has any an effect on the cost.""
How much is car insurance for a 18 yr old?
Hi, this is probably going to sound stupid but just out of curiousity how much would car insurance be for an 18 yr old female driving an Nissan primera ( saloon) As a first car? Or any car for that matter? It's manual transmission, I have no clue about car insurance! As you probably can tell so how much would it cost on average?? Thanks!""
Is it legal for auto insurance companies to adjust rates based on where you live?
I live in California, and I thought it was now illegal to charge more or less based on where you live. Does anyone know the laws regarding this?""
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Wats the cheapest insurance in oklahoma?
Can i use my financial aid money for my car insurance?
I heard that the money can be used for transportation expenses. thats what they told me during my orientation at school. is this true cause i really need to pay my car insurance
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
Is car insurance cheaper when changing from 20 to 21 in age?
How can I lower my car insurance?
I have a 2010 Chevy cobalt LT. I pay $420 a month for insurance! I understand I'm 21, and it's a sports car. But I've been driving for 5 years, I've never got in a crash nor gotten any tickets. Why could this be? I know lots of younger people with much more expensive cars but they don't pay nearly as much.""
In New York: Best health insurance on the cheap?
This information is for my stepdaughter and her family. After long term unemployment her husband recently went back to work as a trucker. He might bring home around $500 per week. They presently have no health insurance, although she said a New York State program would cover her two younger children. This leaves her and husband uninsured because his new job has no health coverage. Somehow she found a company willing to insure them for around $200+ a month. What this insurance covers I do not know. (By the premiums, I don't think much) The problem is they don't have much more than the $200+ to pay per month. Can someone tell me how to find(in New York) legitimate insurance companies with affordable cost? Also how can I educate myself on health insurance, the details, so that I can advise them correctly? They're in their late 30s and in reasonably in good health. Any an all advice greatly appreciated Tony""
How should I renew my car insurance in this case of seperation (not yet divorced)?
My husband and I separated 6 months ago. our divorce is not yet final (an other 6 months to go). My car insurance is due, and i want to pay the next 6 months. I've always been on my husband's car insurance. what points should i pay attention to while discussing the policies with the insurance agent? some tips to avoid paying extra fees (with no necessities) please share tips / suggestions. Thank you !""
Will i still get accepted on my husbands insurance while already pregnant before him getting the job?
I recently found out that i am pregnant and i'm planning on getting medicaid but i'm not sure that if once my husband get a job with health insurance if it will affect the medicaid and that if me being pregnant before him getting the job would affect me getting accepted to his insurance?
Car insurance help????????
i have a cousin who is 16 n has a license, i am going on a trip for couple of months, i am wondering if he could drive my car legally if it is insured under my name. just becuz is costs him like 200 bucks for month to have insurance. Is it the car or the driver who needs to have a insurance or does it differ by state, and my cousin lives in kentucky""
Do I need car insurance the moment I get my provisional license (CA)?
I'll be going out for my provisional drivers license tomorrow, and I was wondering whether I need car insurance if I do get my provisional license. My parents are planning to allow me to get my provisional license, but won't add me to their policy until a year down the road. Am I allowed to drive alone with my provisional license as long as the car I'm driving is insured by my parents? (California)""
Would insurance for a 16 year old boy be cheaper on a 4-door 03 oldsmobile alero or a 2-door 06 chevy cobalt?
we have a 2003 2-door Oldsmobile Alero and a 2006 2-door Chevrolet Cobalt, the alero is automatic and the cobalt is stick shift. they said i can have whichever insurance is cheapest on. idk if this helps but they are both paid off
0 notes
What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
"What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
As far as insurance costs, gas, problems with the way the car runs -if any- what car would be best? Even old muscle cars from the 60s and 70s may be suggested as long as u have the year and car name for me, u did ur job! Thanks :) think most affortable and sporty/ muscle car look! List year too! Oh and pleaseeeeee keep price in mind! She has to pay for the whole car and everything that has to do with it....absolutley nothing over 15000 and even that might be too expensive
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap car insurance in Oklahoma?
Where can I get a good deal on car insurance in Oklahoma?
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
Do i need liabilty insurance?
I valet cars for extra cash. Do i need liabilty insurance by law?
Can I buy health insurance for just my child?
We make to much to be covered through state based insurances (CHPlus or Family Health plus) however we don't make enough to buy family insurance if we would like eat each day. So ...show more
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is suppose to be used as a protection of income. In case you die, your family is protected from devastation of substantial income loss. But, many insurance companies are selling it as an additional source of income or as an investment, which is really is not. Therefore, many families who have life insurance are underinsured because these cash value life insurance are very expensive. If you are using life insurance solely for the purpose of saving up for a goal or emergency, why aren't you investing it in mutual funds or put it into an IRA? If you are afraid of the stock market, then open a money market account. If you are saving up for your kids education, then open a 529 plan. All these alternative ways are better than keeping your money in a life insurance because you never have to pay it back if you use them. As to life insurance, if you use any of the cash value, you will have to pay it back with interest.""
State Farm or Allstate Car Insurance: Which one is Better?
I'm trying to choose between the two...which one is better?
Does Car insurance in Canada discriminate on the basis of sex?
Does Canadian car insurance discriminate based on gender like they do in most U.S. States?
How much would insurance cost for a mazda rx7 as a young dirver?
i was thinking of getting a mazda rx7 for my first car. i know its a twin turbo which make it faster but , and im sure everybody heard this b4 but i wont b speeding in the car i realy just like the look and my parents friend is selling his so it is more handy.. im from ireland. can anybody tell me how much would it cost me and any way of getting cheaper insurance. thanks""
Whats a Good Car to Customise at 17? but cheap insurance on?
for when im 17, im looking at a car im able to customize, i dont want a high cc car, only a low one because of insurance costs... i want to get a car thats like a bmw m3, or misubishi evo style.... as in like sports, 2 doors etc... but i need the insurance to be low... and can i have some estimates for upgrades? like bodykit prices, exhaust systems... etc...""
Can a vehicle be registered and insured to different people?
i want to register the car in my name but ... the insurance will be cheaper in my boyfriends name... can we do that?
Does this make your insurance cheaper?
My friend told me his insurance is a few dollars cheaper because his truck is yellow and more visible. Is that true?? I live in Alberta, Canada.""
Car insurance question?
im planning on getting a dodge neon srt 4, im 20 i been driving since i was 16, i got my full license at 18. i have no accidents, tickets or anything(knock on wood). does anyone know how much it would be a month. im also planing on putting 4,000 down on it.""
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Do anyone reccomend Geico Insurance over Allstate?
Insurance estimate for 16 yr. old driving BMW?
About how much will full coverage insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2007 BMW 530i mostly to school & work? Just an estimate. Thanks
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
I need to find cheap renters insurance in Michigan? Wheres the best place to go?
""On average, how much does home owners insurance cost?""
I'm filling out somethings for a project for one of my classes. I do not at all need this number to be accurate, I am not going to go and speak with an insurance agent, I just need a number that is about what I would be paying forinsurance if I bought a house.""
Car insurance for a 17year old.?
Ok, The car I'm going for when I'm 17 is a 2002 PEUGEOT 307 1.4 16V S [AC] 3dr Hatchback. It was 8337.01 for car insurance on Auto Trader (The cheapest). I was intending placing it on my fathers name (Although I was told it was supposingly illegal, but I won't be doing anything dangerous, and I have drove a few cars before (onboardtraining.co.uk etc..)) I was also told about i-kube, but I can't drive between 11pm and 5am, which could be a massive concern for me as I may need to go out at night for emergencies. Is there any way I could actually get quite cheap insurance? I was really into the idea of puttiing it on my dads name and splitting the insurance money with him every annual. Looking for Alternative ways or tips of lowering my insurance (I will still be in full time education when I get the car) Thanks. Any help is appreciated.""
Will my insurance go up that much if I buy a Camaro?
I currently have a 96 Pontiac Sunfire and I have Erie insurance which through them I have liability only on my car and my rates are $60.00 a month....I am 18,19 years old next month and I found on craigslist a guy who is desperately wanting to get rid of his camaro and is willing to trade it straight up for my sunfire,as he and his gf are having a baby and she wants him to get rid of his toy....now this camaro is a 95,fully loaded automatic,t tops, leather interior etc...and my sunfire is the basic model,manual windows,locks etc....so obviously Id be making out very well in value....now I am on my own insurance and my mother chewed me out when I told her about me maybe trading for this camaro...will my insurance go up THAT much?""
What type of insurance covers any driver who gets behind the wheeL?
and what is liability insurance and who does it cover?
How long will it take insurance company to pay off stolen car?
How long will it take for insurance company to pay for car? & what happens if they recover it?
How much is your car insurance?
Just wondering. Mine's coming to 700!!
Ok I don't udersrtand why for car insurance!?
I add my own details on car insurance, no accidemts etc and my quote is 190. i add my partner as an extra driver with a speeding fine and it goes down to 152""
How can we get health insurance?
My Fiance (22) and I (18) are planning to get married November 30th, but if we do, I will no longer be covered by my mother's health insurance. We live in NY (currently Broome County) and we need cheap to free health insurance. At the moment, both of us (full-time students) have an income of zero, with no pay stubs (obviously) or other proofs of income. How can we get health coverage?""
Can you haggle auto insurance?
I currently have Allstate for my auto insurance and have a local office and agent. I like having a local office but I recently got a quote from Geico that was over $150 less for 6 months than what I currently pay for the same coverage from Allstate. My question is, if I walk into my local Allstate office and show my agent the lower quote I got will he be able to give me a comparable rate with the same coverage to keep me as a customer or does he not have it in his power to do that? I have never had an accident or even a ticket and always pay my bills on time. I also have excellent credit. I'm just looking to lower my insurance rates.""
Temporary car insurance problem...Help!?
My car has to go away for repair and I don;t know how long its going to take, so I want to get insured on my parents car. Because I am still 20, I cant get temporary car insurance and the insurance policy on my parents car won't insure me as an additional driver because of my age and because the car is fairly new. Any ideas on how I can be insured on this car would be welcome, as I still need to get to and from work! Thanks.""
What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
As far as insurance costs, gas, problems with the way the car runs -if any- what car would be best? Even old muscle cars from the 60s and 70s may be suggested as long as u have the year and car name for me, u did ur job! Thanks :) think most affortable and sporty/ muscle car look! List year too! Oh and pleaseeeeee keep price in mind! She has to pay for the whole car and everything that has to do with it....absolutley nothing over 15000 and even that might be too expensive
Why should we pay CAR insurance?
I know it is made to protect us from being sue, I understand this. BUT if we are MADE to pay insurance to drive a car then the Car insurance companies should be MADE to include Car replacement as a STANDARD pack for both Full and Liability coverage(Why should I lose my car because of a BAD driver) If your car is totaled and you are still making payments then you lose a car. If you paid off your car and it is totaled, you lose a car. Lastly, we who pay insurance and don't have an accident in six months(or one year)should be given a choice of a lower premium, cash returned or a loan.""
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
How do I figure how much life insurance I will need?
I got a traffic ticket out of state. Will I receive points on my license and/or will my insurance rate go up?
I'm from Missouri and received a traffic ticket for running a red light in Iowa. The violation was vehicles fail to respond to steady red signal . Will I get points on my license from this ticket? If so, how many? Will my insurance rate go up? Should I try to get my ticket taken care of ? Thank you.""
""Im 16 and need to get cheap insurance, any suggestions?""
Im 16 yrs old, female, very independent and just bought a car; a 2002 chrysler pt cruiser. Im needing to get car insurance and be being 16 I know it'll be expensive so im needing to know where the cheapest place to get insurance for liability coverage in the state of Kentucky.""
UK car insurance question: My insurance allows me to drive my car and also any other car not owned by me...?
with the permission of the owner. But is it necessary for that other car to itself be insured itself. There is nothing in my insurance documentation to say that this is necessary. (this is third party only insurance) If this is the case, then surely I could get cheap insurance on a mini and drive my friends ferrari even if my friend cannot himself afford to pay for insurance for his ferrari.""
""How much money does insurrance cost for a New male driver, in Alberta Canada?""
Ok so im 16 and i want to take my test, the only thing is my parents want me to take drivers ed. because apparently it saves on insurance. but it costs like 600 bucks Jeeeze. Anyways i want to know how much insurance costs so i can work out how much i would actually save...or wouldn't. Thanks""
Is my insurance company responsible !?
I recently submitted a claim to my insurance company an it was rejected . At some point during some severe weather something struck our roof causing water to enter . The rain water caused the sheetrock ceiling to crack and start to collapse . We were told by our insurance provider that this was caused by a manufacturer defect . The manufacturer checked the damage and disagrees . I also disagree being that we have lived in the home for four years and this the first appearance of water . what should I do next ? I have already submitted statements from the manufacturer . The insurance company has also declined to renew our policy because of the damage .
How to get dirt cheap Car & Medical Insurance ??
Looking for a CAR with in $ 500, Car Insurance & Medical Insurance for 1 Male of 31 years, 1 Female of 26 years & a Child of 2 years. Should cover Medical. Vision & Dental not reqired. Looking for real dirt cheap insurance for Car, Family""
A Lady hit my car and we decided not to go through our insurance...?
I told her i would call her as soon as i had a estimate on how much it was going to be. This happened back in april but i have been so busy with work and school to be able to get this done, now that i have the time i want to call her and let her know, but i am afraid it might be too late.. Is it to late?? I have all her info except her insurance info (I know bad me but i was nervous) Also im going to need a car rental is that part of what she should pay me?""
What does insurance loss mean?
I am doing a project on insurance loss ratings, but I do not know what they mean. If I said a Grand Vitara SUV had an insurance loss rating of 119, what would that mean from the point of view of the insurance company?""
Does a car being Stolen/Recovered Affect Future Insurance Policies?
I am looking to buy a car, and wondering whether a car that had been stolen with keys, and recovered (but not before the insurance company had paid out for it) will have problems getting insurance, similar to cars rated as Cat C, or Cat D?""
""Can you fake proof of insurance in Seattle, WA?""
My friend and I are having an argument. He believes that you can keep a fake insurance card in your car that looks legitimate and the police will not be able to check the information with the insurance company to verify that you actually have insurance, if they pull you over. Also, if you do not have proof of insurance, and you get cited for a ticket, he believes that you could send in fake proof of insurance to the Seattle Municipal Court so they would dismiss the ticket, less a $25 admin fee, because they do not check insurance information/do not have access to insurance records. I want to believe that he's wrong, but I don't know, I am not educated on the subject. Does anyone know the answer?""
How to pick a life insurance?
Im not even sure how to pick what should i look for in life insurance? pros cons? Any suggestions in life insurance companies? Im looking at nationwide right now just cos i seen it on tv.
What is the cheapest insurance?
i have a vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre im 17 and just passed and insurance quotes ive tried is 4000+pound a year anyone know any cheap insurance's thanks!!!!!
Where can i get cheap car insurance? (young drivers)?
Im 17 and need cheap car insurance, any companies anyone would recommend? Thanks! :)""
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
What does 25 /50/25/ mean in auto insurance?
Where can i go to talk about health insurance in az?
i tried to look up insurances online but im not finding what i need, or just dont understand it.. i want to know where i can walk in and ask a person face to face any questions i have.. i dont know anything about insurance""
How much does motorcycle insurance cost in California?
Im 18 and i live in california, On average how much would insurace cost for me? . Also lets say i do get my license without purchasing a motorcycle, will my insurace rates still go down throughout the years even though i do not own or currently riding one?""
""If i get a Salvage title car, can i have it registered to an insurance company?
By having a salvage title car would i be able to get a license plate and the registration for it without any problem?
Looking to insure a Corvette.?
I'm a 16 year old kid ill be 17 in a few months. I am currently saving money to buy a car and my dad will match what i make to buy a car. but that's not my question, like every teenage boy who takes an interesting we all want one thing: sports car. Of course, i looked into cars like the Mitsubishi Eclipse or whatever but my dream is a corvette. Ive looked at prices for a c4 or c5 vette and to buy them i can manage, its the insurance that's worrying me. Can someone give me an idea of insurance costs for a c4 or c5 corvette for a 17 year old kid? I'd appreciate all the help i can get.""
""I have Full Coverage Insuranc. Someone vandalized my car destroying the hood, and the front window is busted ?""
My friend has full coverage insurance. Someone vandalized his car destroying the hood and busted the front window out. Will the insurance company cover this? Someone also advised us that it would be better to report the car stolen and they would cover it once it's found with the damage. Is this true? we really need some advice on this one. Don't want to be stuck having to pay the costs for all this damage. Also, what steps he should take first, i.e - informing the police, ect?""
What is the best health insurance?
what is the best health insurance?
Life insurance for over 60?
Hello,just wondering if anyone out there has any good expierence for life insurance over 60 years old.I am a 64 year old female who wants something for 15 years with no pre-existing medical conditions.There are so many out there I just dont know who I can trust.Thanks...""
Help in family health insurance in Indiana?
I have a family of 4, My wife and I make about $20,000 a year. Right now, we have to pay $350 a month for health insurance. We already applied for HIP insurance, but it've been 2 years, and they have no positive answers for us. I feel $350 a month is too expensive for us right now, this insurance only pay for us when we have to pay over $10000 at a hospital. For example, if we have to pay $14000 for health, we pay $10000 and they pay $4000 ; anything under $10000, they won't pay. Please help us with our situation, Are there any other options out there. Thank you very much""
Can you get a quote for car insurance before you pass your tests?
No insurance companies will give me a quote for car insurance so i was thinking that you may not be able to get a quote before you pass your test? someone help!!! PLEASE
What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
As far as insurance costs, gas, problems with the way the car runs -if any- what car would be best? Even old muscle cars from the 60s and 70s may be suggested as long as u have the year and car name for me, u did ur job! Thanks :) think most affortable and sporty/ muscle car look! List year too! Oh and pleaseeeeee keep price in mind! She has to pay for the whole car and everything that has to do with it....absolutley nothing over 15000 and even that might be too expensive
Car insurance...oh my god?
hi, i just pass my driving test, my car (insurance group 7)....i search on confuse.com for third party car insurance is 4000 one year..although i'm 30 years old. is this ture? ...show more""
Where to Find Affordable Family Health Care Insurance?
Recently I was looking on google for affordable health care insurance, but I can't make my decision which site to choose.There are so many sites.Please suggest me one.""
What is the average annual/weekly contents insurance cost?
What is yours or what is the average?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
What is good website to find affordable health insurance?
How much iz insurance for a 19 year old?
car iz mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003
Is state farm a good insurance company?
just wonderin, anyone got any advice on a good one?""
""IMPORTANT: Young, pregnant, no money! Any advice on how I wil get by?
I am 24 and pretty sure that I am pregnant (will be going to the doctor on monday to verify). I don't make a lot of money and I was wondering how other women have done it. In my head it seems impossible to afford a child. Advice please.
How much does it cost to insure a 2008+ kawasaki ninja 250?
im thinking of getting one to use to ride back and fourth to work on to save wear and tear on my car. the 250cc ninja's are pretty cheep and i dont go on the hwy so thats not an issue. im only 18 and have a clean record. How much do you pay for in insurance?
Cheap Car Insurance For Young Adult?
I am 19. I just bought a car that needs to be plated. Its a 2002 Daewoo. (model name Lanos). I need to know the cheapest insurance I can put on the car. Ive never had any tickets or violations or trouble with the law. Ive never even been pulled over. I live in Indiana. Any suggestions please let me know. Also, I just moved to Lake Station from Elkhart. I guess you have to go through emissions to get plates but since its an 02 I dont believe I need to do it this year. However, I may plan on going back to Elkhart & thats where my lincence is from. Could I tell the BMV that and they plate it as Elkhart? & I wont even have to go through emissions?""
Insurance on a cr-z ?
i was looking into buying a honda crz and i couldnt get a insurance quote because td didnt kno about this car therefore it wasnt in there records i want it as a daily driver becasuse my work place is in hamilton and i live in missagua its a long trip and a hybrid is what i thought i would buy as my next car and i was wondering what insurance is on this car considering it is a hybrid but is a 2 seater 2 door car please no stupid answers
How much is required down to open a homeowners insurance policy?
I am getting ready to buy a house and I am getting ready to switch my car insurance into my own name from my parents. I have to add homeowner insurance on to the policy. If I stay with the same company will I have to pay money down like for a deposit?
Car road tax and insurance costs?
Can anyone direct me to a website which will tell me the insurance group or cars. Also one which will tell me how much road tax per year. Looking to buy a car but would like an idea of these costs first. Looking at a Honda Civic se executive... 1600cc... 2003 model.
Is my insurance going to pay? california?
I have a car thats fully covered by Murcury. I lent my car to my boyfriend (not knowing he didnt have a current DL), he was picking something up for me and coming home when he got into an accident. He was found to be at fault and it involved 3 other cars. I am freaking out because we do not have the extra cash to pay out of pocket. will my insurance pay? I know my deductable will go up and so will my rate. I am not worried about that right now. I just want to know if he will be covered because he(even though he has no DL) was driving my fully covered car. CALIFORNIA ONLY""
Parents to buy car or insurance?
How can I persuade my parents to buy me a car or pay for my insurance (preferably insurance because that is more expensive). My dad said he is going to buy my sister a car and pay for her insurance but is going to make me get mine all on my own, even though I have better grades than her in school and I am more active outside - I play sports and do physical work. And to top it off, my test is in December, so I really will only have a car for the next 10 months as I will then be going to university, so the insurance won't even be that much. How can I persuade them?""
Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance?
My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!""
Insurance companies?
I was 18 when i had my first years insurance. The price for myself driving was in excess of 1500 and with 3 additional drivers it went down to 950. Now that i am looking for quotes for my second year insurane policy its the other way around. For myself its 700 and with 3 additional drivers its 1100 (approx). I really cant understand the insurance companies logic. Has this happend to you, or is it just me. I find that it is strange.....""
Car insurance? Insurethebox?
Can someone help me please? Im trying to get insurance quotes on a couple of cars, I tried with a Fiat Punto, and coudnt get any AT ALL. I then tried a Citroen C2, that came back at 4grand - 5 grand Fully comp. I then tried to get insured on a Peugeot 206 This also came back at 4-5 grand, fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt even give me a quote? Someone explain this to me? No years bonus, and 18, but still the insurance shoudnt be 4 grand? I would get a corsa, but to many of my friends have them, and i dont want one. I do want a peugeot 206, but i cant get insured.. am i doing something wrong? help!""
Can i get insurance to drive any car?
My current insurance gives me third party cover on any vehicle i drive with permission from the owner. Can i get full insurance? (i am thinking of setting up a business which would require me driving other peoples cars) THanks
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
What is a good place to get affordable health insurence if your employer dosn't offer any?
In California I Pay $16 for my two kids' health insurance as low income family?
can I do the same in New Jersey? I am afraid to move to a new state whereI don't know the roads and malls but may have to for a better life
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
I need advice for my auto insurance claim! Please help!!?
I was in a car accident 4 days ago. My Mother was the passenger in my car (I was driving). I was on the off ramp getting off the freeway. All cars behind me were stopped. I was stopped waiting to make a right turn. An emergency vehicle was coming in my direction from my left. Therefore, I was waiting for the emergency vehicle to pass. The person behind me (large dodge ram truck I am in an '08 2 door Infiniti coupe) thought I went so he 'gunned it' to get in front of the emergency vehicle. Unfortunately, we had not gone so he pushed my vehicle out in front of the emergency vehicle. Luckily, I was able to turn my car out of the way. I did not hit anyone (no one was in front of me). My Mother and I were both put into a gurney and taken to a local hospital in an ambulance. We both had our seat belts on and suffered whiplash. We were released 5-6 hours later after x-rays, etc. We were both prescribed medicine. My Mother has had 3 brain tumors and has trouble with her speech etc. and any violent startling trauma can get her shaken up pretty badly and confused. I know she hit her head but, she is in pain but not nearly as much as I am. With my Mother's condition I don't know if this kind of thing can have negative effects later on. I know that my neck and back is pretty messed up. It hurts to stand for after 15 minutes or so. My car is pretty messed up and had to be towed. I plan on taking it back to the Infiniti shop to get all new parts. My car has all the upgrades in it so I want it to be taken care of. Am I allowed to take it to the Infiniti dealership or will Geico (the other persons insurance) not allow that, or does it not matter? The police gave the guy that hit us a citation. I have USAA and the other person has Geico. I just want to know exactly what to do in this situation. Since I'm out a car (I work for myself) I have been out (already) a decent amount of money for not being able to meet up with my clients. I spoke to my insurance today and they said that all my medical is covered since I had that already in my plan (without it raising my premium) and that I should get a settlement ON TOP of paying for damages to my car and getting me a rental, etc. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to get taken for a ride. I've heard the horror stories of dealing with insurance companies. Any advice on what I should make a point of saying to the other insurance company, etc. Thanks in advance....""
How much would insurance be on a 99;-00' mustang gt for a 17 year old?
I'm buying my first car and i'm determined to get a mustang...i'm truly working my butt off to buy it. and i was just wondering how much insurance would be on it. the car would be added to my parents policy under one of there name's, but i would be driving it. so i was just wondering how much a month i'd be looking at paying. Additional details: -eagle scout -A B student - no wrecks, tickets, anything thanks for the help!""
""Looking for a fast, reliable, good quality and low insurance group hatchback.?""
I'm 24 and at the moment have a fairly low Saxo VTR with a couple of other performance mods, it handles like a dream on nice roads and has good acceleration. It's starting to fall apart with things going wrong left, right and centre, due to French engineering I presume? I have a DR10 on my licence from 4-5 years ago, so my insurance is a bit pricey. I just paid for a year so I can swap it straight over. I'm looking for something as fun to drive as standard and NOT French. Thanks Oh and please spare me the lectures, speed is for safe overtaking and I'm not driving too fast, you're driving too slow!""
I let my car insurance lapse....will i get in trouble?
my car insurance is lapsed right now. i know when you sign up for insurance they always ask its been lapsed. when i say yes, which i ll tell the truth cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they do? will i be in trouble?""
What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
As far as insurance costs, gas, problems with the way the car runs -if any- what car would be best? Even old muscle cars from the 60s and 70s may be suggested as long as u have the year and car name for me, u did ur job! Thanks :) think most affortable and sporty/ muscle car look! List year too! Oh and pleaseeeeee keep price in mind! She has to pay for the whole car and everything that has to do with it....absolutley nothing over 15000 and even that might be too expensive
How bad would my insurance cost be?
I'm buying myself a 2006 BMW Z4 for my first car, but I was wondering how bad the insurance would cost since my parents will be paying for that part and I don't want them to have to pay too much.""
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
At what age does car insurance drop to a normal rate?
im 16 and i wanna wait til a certain age so i dont have to pay alot for the insurance
How much will my car insurance cost?
(I dont know anything about cars or insurance so please bare with me!)Okay so i'm 20, female and I have a Vauxhall Corsa 1998. I got it when i was 19 and i'm paying A LOT for my insurance- 199 a MONTH! This is my first car and I bought it in December 2011. Anyway, its due for renewal in October. Im insured third party fire and theft. Bought the car for 600, I live in London. My question is how much will my insurance cost when i renew it? The reason i'm asking is because I don't want to call my insurance company and ask them, cos if they tell me a price and its still very high i'll just panic and agree to it without looking around. Will it go down by much? I haven't made any claims or anything like that!! my excess is 250 if it helps. Thanks! ... I realise that you probably won't be able to give me accurate quote- but anything will help!""
Car Insurance too high.. HELP?
My Boyfriend (21) has very high car insurance (ONTARIO) due to speeding tickets and failure to stop at stop sign and one for being over the limit with a g2. I called my insurance to add him onto my car and they refuse to. We've found 1 company that would insure him for almost $1000/Month, We do not have that kind of money, One of the ways to have your insurance lowered is to have insurance and not get anymore tickets, BUT are they're any other ways?""
Would motorcycle insurance be cheaper if I get an M1 now and not drive?
Should I get motorcycle insurance under my parents name? Or should I just get the license and wait? Anyone know a good/cheap company for insurance? I'm 21 and live in Toronto. Thinking of getting a 2007 CBR1000RR.
Can i get my car insurance reinstated?
Hi, my insurance was paid in full for 10 months. i had a crash end september went down i was at fault. I still had till end march on policy and obvs its been cancelled as car was right off. I am sure the woman said i can reinstate policy as i paid in full?? Any help would be good thanks""
What is private health insurance?
My employer sponsored health plans were always referred to as PRIVATE. Is that just a New Jersey thing? When I look it up. The definition is an individual--not employer sponsored plan. There is even a commercial where thy refer to private or medicare insurance....which implies private is any other plan like blue cross or cigna. so can a group plan from an employer be correctly referred to as private.
Where can I get second driver insurance for a 2.0 litre car?
I have just passed my UK driving test (male, 23) and want to get put as a second driver on my dad's insurance, since he's retired and so the car is always free! His insurance company won't insure me saying they won't let new drivers use engines over 2.0l without a years experience. This isn't some racy Ferrari though, it's a 15 year old diesel Peugeot estate. I'm hardly going to go joyriding in it. What insurers will let me drive 2l cars as the second driver?""
Mercury insurance teen driver rates?
hi i am 16 and i just got my permit. i was wondering, do u need insurence when driving with a permit? also how much are mercury insurance teen driver rates (estimate $$) because thts what my mom has as insurace. please if anybody has any idea what the rates are or if there are specials for teenagers? thank you :] sarah""
Car Insurance (Geico) ?
My parents don't have me on their insurance but I have a license does geico know I have my licence because I live with my parents? And by how much will they raise the insurance cost if they put me on?
What Health insurance would anyone reccommend?..?
my husband and I are trying to buy health insurance. we want something affordable. What good health insurance would anyone recommend.
Should I get collision on insurance for a 2004 Honda?
I'm 19, new driver, and the car costs $8500. I'm going to get comprehensive because I live at student apartments and people are always breaking into cars and stuff. I can't decide to keep or delete the Collision. The lowest quote for Collision coverage with $1000 deductible is $650 for 6 months (not including the whole premium). I'm terrified of wrecking the car, but not having collision cuts my monthly premium by $100. I don't have a lot of money and don't know what to do!""
Car insurance address when at university?
I am a university 20 year old student and I will be insuring my first car next month. I was just wondering if I would be able to use my home address for the insurance details ro whether I would have to put my term time address. i ask this because I come from Wiltshire (low risk) and I go to uni in Birmingham (high risk). I mean my car will be with me at uni but the cost is sooo much lower if I use my home address. Is this ok and legal? Cheers
""My family makes 80,000 but can't afford health insurance. I have loans and all, what do I do?""
We are currently living in Pleasanton CA because I want my daughter to go to a good public school (cant afford private schools)We have no family here in California, its just the two of us with our 5 year old daughter.(my husband is an only child, both of his parents died) It is very expensive to live in Pleasanton, but we rather live someplace nice where the school system is good and we are also interracial couple. We have credit card loans,(25,000) and my husband has a student loan. My daughter is on a Kaiser individual plan which is 300 a month. We have a car payment of 312 a month and still have 6000 left to pay off. We have a low interest rate on the car loan like 4%. We tried consolidating our loans but it did not work. Now my job offers health insurance, but it is very costly, 280 a month which I can't afford, and we are not qualified for the covered California. Please anyone has any advise we would love to hear some feedback.""
I need cheap insurance for me and my baby?
I recently moved out of my mom's house to live with my boyfriend. She was covering me on her insurance but now it's been dropped, We moved to where his new job is and we are letting a friend live with us. My boyfriend's yearly income is about 65,000. I can't be covered under his insurance because we aren't married. I have a 11 month old baby and I have to take pills regularly... I need to find an insurance plan that can cover me and her. If it makes any difference I'm 18 and I'm turning 19 in October... I know some insurance plans cover certain ages. I'd prefer something kind of cheap but I also need something that has decent copay..even if it raises the price a little. Does anyone know a good carrier?""
How to get cheaper car insurance?
I haven't yet passed my test, or even got a car, but was just researching to see if i could afford it. and the cheapest I could find was 3,000 a year which is impossible for me seeing as I'm at college. I was just wondering does anyone know of cheap places? or ways to cut it down by a bit? I have no one else in my house who drives, or even owns a car. thank you""
Adding newborn to insurance policy?
I have a family medical plan and added my son as a dependent 4 days after his birth online. I received a bill in the mail stating my son was uninsured so I called my insurance company. They stated it could take up to 4 weeks for processing. I followed their advice and now my son is out of the 30 day window and they are claiming I failed to check a box to enroll him in my family coverage. Trying to appeal. Am I out of luck?
Do I call my Insurance?
I ran a little over a yeild sign and the guy swerved to miss me. There was damage to his bumper and so we decided to call the police and report the damage that way. Our insurance was taken and everything. There was no damage to my car. Do I call my insurance and let them know or will his insurance deal with them? This is my first time in an accident.
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
How can we find a reliable car insurance on the internet?
Would it be a good economic decision to lower my limits of liability on my car insurance?
I'm looking at my bills, and trying to cut costs, would it be wise to lower the limits of liability on our older (2004) car. I currently do not have comprehensive coverage on it... we only have that on the newer one. Here's what I have now: Bodily Injury - 25,000 / 50,000 Property Damage - 50,000 Personal Injury - 10,000 Uninsured Motor Vehicle - 25,000 Bodily Injury (non-stacked) - 50,000 Really, my husband only uses this car to go to work and back. We use the newer car for everything else. What would you recommend lowering our limits to, or would you recommend lowering them at all? Thanks!!! I know nothing about this... I just have what the insurance agent told me to get.""
How much would car insurance be a month for a 20 year old driving a mid nineties car?
I'm 20 years old and I've been driving since I was about 17. I currently share a car with my parents and am under their insurance. However I'm looking into getting a car ...show more
So i got my estimate for my auto insurance?
And i don't know how to read most of it.... like... what does R&I mean? under Op. is there a legend i can look at?
Does anyone know of cheap insurance?
I just recently found out I have a nodule on my thyroid but I have no medical insurance. Its causing me relationship problems. I need help quick. I had a lung removed three years ago due to a cancer scare the doctors all thought it was cancer. The first place thyroid cancer matastisies to is the lung now Im afraid.
What would be the best sports/muscle car for a 16 year old girl?
As far as insurance costs, gas, problems with the way the car runs -if any- what car would be best? Even old muscle cars from the 60s and 70s may be suggested as long as u have the year and car name for me, u did ur job! Thanks :) think most affortable and sporty/ muscle car look! List year too! Oh and pleaseeeeee keep price in mind! She has to pay for the whole car and everything that has to do with it....absolutley nothing over 15000 and even that might be too expensive
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