#and i am very happy with surge so theres that at least :3
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sonlc · 7 months ago
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surge and kit designs <3
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stormpainter · 6 years ago
==>Last Sunday night
Wicked Last Monday at 3:55 AM ((I am claiming this room)) She wasn't waking. Wicked lay Saness down on his couch and chewed on his lip while he tucked a blanket around her- her breathing was fine, and his magic told him there was no immediate Doom awaiting her, so he shouldn't be so worried. But he was.
Saness Last Monday at 4:29 AM Saness remains limp in what appears to be a perfectly peaceful slumber, face lacking all the tension her waking form had carried. The rise and fall of her chest remains steady and even too, no outward sign to show of Wicked's tampering. It's very likely that she'll stay this way for some time, relaxed and unconscious on her clade's couch.
Wicked, however, is in for another 'greeting' surge of twisting fate. This time it seems that the outcome presented by his opponent will come to pass if he stays put in his own home. It hasn't been very long since that initial push and the intent feels very much the same; if Wicked won't go looking for him, then he's going to come find Wicked.
Wicked Last Monday at 4:34 AM Wicked looked up from Saness, frowning at the feeling of the other god of doom, playing with his fate, he pushed back again, though he knew the other would simply persist, Wicked tried to tell fate that they would not meet tonight, but they both knew fate well. He hesitated, looking again at Saness and began to walk, taking himself up the winding staircase and out into the top of the light hive, and from there to the roof of it.
If someone must come, they will not be near her now.
This was a dangerous place for even another god to approach him, it was his own home, and he would protect it, foolishly or not.
Saness Last Monday at 4:56 AM It's very likely that Wicked is able to sense the rapid approach of the other doom god, who, upon realizing that Wicked had relented, set a swift course for Wicked's location. His presence will build like pressure coming to a head, the force of something unnatural that would potentially unnerve those unfamiliar, a tainted, eldritch shadow. He is not only of doom, but of the slithering black tentacles that line the Furthest Ring as well.
If Wicked stays put, he'll be able to see the troll in question when he arrives some short way off in an inky green light, and the overbearing pallor of his presence, of that altered fate, will slither back into repressed tension, no longer reaching out to locate Wicked.
Saness sleeps on peacefully while the becloaked invader descends unto the roof of the lighthive without a sound, outlined in the flickering bleak of grimdarkness and otherwise shrouded from sight. He makes no other move to approach, simply standing on the rooftop with Wicked, somewhere around two feet shorter than the massive nine-foot purpleblood.
Wicked Last Monday at 5:02 AM "I thought you'd be taller." Grimdark, that was interesting. There were parts of Wicked that yerned for the touch of the eldritch on his mind an heart again, for the direction and fiercity of force, for the highs and lows and everything that came with them.
{Should I address you like this} He asked casually in the language that drove some trolls to madness, the tongue of the horror terrors was one that had been whispered to him since before he was old enough to understand it.
It wasn't a wonder that his pan was a bit cracked, but at least it couldnt shatter further than it already had. Probably.
He hated the feeling of heaviness, of someone else stirring the fate of this sleepy world that had never known the game by moving through it.
Saness Last Monday at 5:13 AM It certainly looks and feels like grimdarkness, the insidious and creeping aura of the elders, but when the other troll speaks, it is entirely in a soft rasp of the common tongue, voice low.
"Since you ask, I prefer it this way."
It sounds like he hasn't spoken in some time, perhaps. It is rough, uneven. The hood of the unfamiliar troll tips and shifts in what appears to be a slow scan of the rooftop, though what he is looking at specifically cannot be easily discerned. That is, until he finally looks directly at Wicked, the rich rust of burgundy illuminated in the dark of his hood, eyes meeting eyes in the cool of night.
"She's here, isn't she? Why have you broken her so?"
Wicked Last Monday at 5:17 AM Wicked's eyes glowed in the darkness, they always glowed, though they didnt have to, he could make them go as pitch dark as the night itself if he wanted. He studied the burgondy eyes thoughtfully.
"I aint gonna pretend I don't know who you're talkin about but shes hardly fuckin broken. "
Saness Last Monday at 5:25 AM "You play a dangerous game and gamble much, sweeps and sweeps  of effort, of planning-"
The other troll breaks off in a quiet wheeze, the following cough the loudest sound yet produced by the hooded rustblood. His posture is straight and rigid, distant and confident and firm in stark contrast to the way speaking seems to be such a laborious chore. The hood tips slightly following that raspy pause, the set of his eyes now at an angle suggesting he had tilted his head.
"What for?"
Wicked Last Monday at 5:28 AM "Shes had too much taken from her." He told him bluntly.  "My powers say the path I started won't lead to doom, and open up many paths of fate for her.  Shes lost even more than I have, she barely even knows herself." Saness Last Monday at 5:36 AM The repressed tension in the background slithers in agitation, the intruder's tone shifting to something distressed, something aggressive.
"It was for the best."
Wicked Last Monday at 5:38 AM Wickeds wings appeared, flicking behind him in the moonlight. An unconscious response to the power. He was a god too.
"Yeah? How the fuck did you decide that?" Saness Last Monday at 5:42 AM The stranger doesn't back down, doesn't move from his place nor adjust the harshness of his foreign rasping. His hood is no longer tilted, the beady glow of his glare fixed on Wicked.
"It was to protect her. You haven't given her anything, you've taken it all away with this careless venture, can't you see?"
Wicked Last Monday at 5:44 AM "Taken what away? Check the feel of fate here yourself, theres no doom on the horizon, nothin horrible comin from her powers, only possibility" He shook his head. "You think I woulda messed with it if they was dangerous to her?"
Saness Last Monday at 5:52 AM There's something manic in the way the intruder looks at Wicked, something not quite right, insistence and vision.
"She was so unhappy before, just like the others. You think you know that girl? Know her heart so well, know what she wants and needs, think those possibilities are worth more than her happiness? Her safety?"
Air rattles in his lungs as he draws a rough breath, hood on one side of his face shifting eerily. The aggressive tone is drifting away, the agitated aura going sluggish once more.
"What is it you want."
Wicked Last Monday at 5:55 AM "I know her pretty damned well, yeah. Had her up in my head for a time, part of her is still there. I want her to be happy, to know herself, to fuckin..I want to teach her to make little fairy lights." he drew his magic up holding it out as a little ball of light, then closing his hand around it.  "- to share magic with her, shes so bright, and so curious about the magic, she wants to learn, and its all up inside her where she can use it, if some motherfuckers didnt get in there tamperin with who she is."
Saness Last Monday at 6:12 AM "The only meddler here is you. You seek to change her, don't you? To twist knots all throughout. She has been herself. I made sure of it, unlike the rest."
He scraggles out another cough, lifting a hand to point in Wicked's direction. It doesn't quite seem like this troll is listening, not entirely.
"You do not seem to understand, but that is alright. I do not begrudge you this mistake. You seem considerate, reasonable. You want what I want, you're just-" he wheezes, "-confused."
Wicked Last Monday at 6:16 AM "I don't wanna fuckin change her. I want her to be her best brightest self, to know herself even, you've taken parts of her away, alls I did was give it back. The fate I chose is one where everythin ends up alright, thats why I chose it." A squint
"...are you like. fuckin alright over there?"
Saness Last Monday at 6:26 AM He shakes his head, though it is not in answer to Wicked's direct question pertaining to his health. The rasp is just as low, just as wet and uneven, but something about the presentation now holds a hollow wealth of bleak emotion. His arm hangs back at his side.
"I remember... thinking the same... thing, back then. That is what I wanted, for all of us." He's distracted, perhaps, attention shifting back to the building they stood upon.
Wicked Last Monday at 6:30 AM "If you want that, let me shoot for it.  I won't let nothin happen to her, shes clade to me, She aint gonna be goin through nothin alone or without any know how. I don't wanna fight you." He held his hands out, fingers spread, showing his lack of weapons metaphorically and literally. Saness Last Monday at 6:35 AM The unreadable black of the stranger's hood returns to Wicked's hand, and then to his face.
"What is your name?"
Wicked Last Monday at 6:37 AM "I don't give my name to motherfuckers dealin with the horror terrors. You can call me Wicked."  He watched the other god thoughtfully.
Saness Last Monday at 7:03 AM "I don't deal- with horrorterrors."
It's venomous, the way he spits the words, but it dials back to the slow inkiness of before as quickly as the surge of bitter fury had risen.
"Wicked. Would you take me to see her?"
Wicked Last Monday at 7:04 AM "..Why so you can fuck her up again?" He crossed his arms.
Saness Last Monday at 7:07 AM "...I haven't seen her in a very long time, Wicked..." Wicked Last Monday at 7:08 AM "Shes restin, you don't need to see her, I don't want you hurtin her." He was deeply suspicious of this god, and his wings buzzed angrily behind him.
Saness Last Monday at 7:14 AM "I've known Psuede a lot longer than you have, I want- to make sure she is as well as you say- she is. I know why you hesitate. You and I, we are strangers, but it is not so- between she and I. Take me to see her, Wicked."
The troll before Wicked sounds deeply tired, the side of his hood fluttering strangely once more.
"I would not bring her to harm."
Wicked Last Monday at 7:18 AM "I don't trust you even a little bit, and this is my hive, you caint just fuckin show up and ask to be taken to see the person you fucked up in another motherfuckers hive." He frowned at the little weirdo.
Saness Last Monday at 7:24 AM Not that Wicked could see, but inside the hood the raspy stranger is now frowning. He doesn't seem willing to leave.
"...You wanted me to fight the host? Her host."
Wicked Last Monday at 7:26 AM "I can see that if you do she'll come to little or no harm" He shrugged. "It seemed like th' fuckin thing to do, I didn't realize you would catch me nudging that thread forward."
Saness Last Monday at 7:29 AM He doesn't deign to clarify the nature of his noticing, how he had nothing but time to devote to flitters of fate, how his own fate had remained unchanged for the longest time.
"You would send me to my death."
Wicked Last Monday at 7:32 AM "That aint true. We've fought horror terrors before, me and my session mates.  They aren't infalliable things without limits or weaknesses. You feel Strong, if you were Fated to lose the horror terror would turn on us next and that wasn't gonna happen." He shook his head.
Saness Last Monday at 7:38 AM The clown is smarter than he looks, plenty in-tune with his aspect. The rustblood exhales, whispers and darkness in the air between them.
"What will you tell Psuede?"
Wicked Last Monday at 7:42 AM If there was anything that was ever truer about Wicked it was that he was in tune with his aspect, a little bit too much so, he could coast on just doing what felt right without participating in the decision making process if he wanted, and he used to.
"Is there somethin you want her to know?"
Saness Last Monday at 7:44 AM "Less," he answers simply.
Wicked Last Monday at 7:45 AM "So don't tell her you was here?" He tilted his head.
Saness Last Monday at 7:54 AM "I suppose not."
That makes very little difference to the stranger who had not given his name away, who remained shrouded from sight within the concealment of his cloak. What would Wicked say that Saness could hope to understand? A strange god had come around to ask about her? Tch.
"Since you will not let me- see her, and I did not come here in search of violence, you leave me- no choice, save to take action against the host, or to abandon her to your reckless design. I am not appreciative, of these circumstances, Wicked."
Wicked Last Monday at 7:58 AM "If I gotta fight a horror terror for her I'll fuckin do it. I won't be as good at it as you probably but I'll play dirty pool with it and it wont get her no matter what the fuck ends up happenin to me. She won't be happy with me if I get hurted, but sometimes thats the way shit is." He shrugged.
Saness Last Monday at 7:34 PM The stranger remains still and silent for a time, not even the hiss of his labored breathing to be heard as those burgundy eyes bore upward into the steady luminous purple of Wicked's. He doesn't blink, doesn't shift an inch, but there is the sense of something unfurling around them both, a rancid grip settling around the lighthive itself.
"We could team up."
It sounds perhaps innocuous, an offer to help Wicked defeat the horrorterror, but the statement is doubled as a coin: a threat that he could team up with the 'terror if he doesn't get his way. He says it so plainly, an offer, but the insidious grasp and the coiling pressure makes clearer the dual nature, in-tune as Wicked is.
Wicked Last Monday at 7:43 PM He pushed back against the power he felt, this was His. Bards were not a class without power behind them.
"You could." His voice was carrying in the night air , but still soft, quiet. He was unafraid, it was possible he just didn't feel fear the way he should. Horror terrors can really mess up  how you respond to things.
"Will you? You seem t' want to help her. You seemed t be real insistant that you dont deal with terrors."
Saness Last Monday at 9:02 PM The pressure does not abate against Wicked's powerful retort, merely shifting around him like the vice of the sea. There is no current danger, only sickening potential leaking through the cracks, leeching into the land in lazy waves. The stranger does finally blink from within his hood; or at least, the burn of his eyes wink out for a moment, leaving only shadow before the two glowing embers rekindle themselves.
"...Assist me, in slaying Them."
It's the same choice, but this time the lick of dread is notably skewed; the rustblood will relent to a compromise as he offered before, but his preference is clearer now. He harbors no ill-intent toward Saness, he was just. Angry. At Wicked.
Wicked Last Monday at 9:05 PM Wicked was still a moment, He tried to ignore the press and shift of the other's power and intent, and tried to grasp at the threads around him. Weighing the possibility of his own doom, considering how likely that was.
Saness Last Monday at 11:09 PM The encounter with this troll, the other god of doom, has changed the flow of fate surrounding Wicked. New paths have opened ahead following his decision to delve into the potential of disabling those locks, two trolls tampering with the outline of the universe locked in opposition to one another, a dangerous mass out in the void that hungers and shifts as well.
As Wicked reaches out to get a more conscious understanding of his options, he might very well notice how the other troll slinks back, how he makes to alleviate the force of his presence so that Wicked can work more clearly. It has the weight of observation, surely, but the other god would see to it that Wicked has access to the full scope of his options without interference. Doom gods tend to look for the most favorable path, and he is confident in the force of his will that the 'best path' for Wicked will be of benefit to him as well. .
Ahead of Wicked, should he choose to go into combat with the stranger against the horrorterror that owned Saness, there is great and overbearing doom in store for Wicked specifically. The god before him plots his demise, and he does so openly. It is a pact of mutually-assured destruction, the endeavor of any promise of an Alternian highblood working with another of their kind. The odds of coming out unscathed from such a venture are incredibly miniscule, as Wicked would be working to combat a horrorterror directly as well as evade the traps of the lord of doom, his "ally," but there is a chance he could do so.
There is the option of relinquishing Saness to the stranger, which is the path of least doom for Wicked. Wicked would carry on unscathed, Saness would go stagnant and also technically unscathed; the subject of the horrorterror's influence, however, has a great many branching alternatives in this route, some far far down the line and some much closer, varying from No Trouble (a surprising Many of the branches are relatively free of trouble), to immediate 'seeking out the source of the disturbance' type troubles, dependent on if Wicked asks the other god for aid after giving up the lime or how else he handles it.
He could make a case for joining forces sincerely against the 'terror and make an effort to dissuade the god before him from sabotaging Wicked; if Wicked can convince the stranger of his good will, convince him that Wicked will cooperate similarly without intending the downfall of the stranger, then the odds of Wicked going into combat and coming out alive at the end jump up from 'miniscule' to 'still low but wow what a difference real teamwork can make!' Saness Last Monday at 11:50 PM .
Taking the stranger to Saness has the potential to end in a fight over the right to her person if Wicked isn't willing to relent or compromise on reestablishing the locks, and that route carries a moderate amount of bad idea vibes.
Should Wicked opt for diplomacy with apologies and sycophantic flattery, it could ease his transition into other favorable routes, but in and of itself the action does not seem to change much in this encounter.
Telling the stranger to fuck off almost one-hundred percent results in some form of doom or another, but it ranges from sudden danger to delayed danger, both in rather great proportions.
Perhaps surprisingly, outright attacking the stranger is not immediately damning. If Wicked tries to force the fight to an impromptu life-or-death encounter then obviously that changes things, but assault? Not Immediately Damning. There's even a chance of something good coming from it. Telling the guy to fuck off is disproportionately worse.
Wicked Last Monday at 11:55 PM "You're boxing me in." His voice was soft. "You're tryin to force me to relent her for your own designs or suffer death at your hands under the guise of askingfor my help." His eyes burned brighter and his fingers curled into a fist. A breath, two breaths, and the air boiled in the sky, clouds formed and rolled out blocking the light, while lightening flickered between them.  It started drizzling softly, and his fingers relaxed, calm.
"..I shouldn't ought to have tried to force you down the path of fate I chose, insteada talkin to you." "I didn't know what you were when I tried, only that you were strong enough to face it."
Saness Last Tuesday at 12:10 AM He blinks again, the opening of his hood tipping skyward as the presence descends back around them in formless pressure. It seems to be his default, his relaxed state is smothering. A flash of crafted lightning might illuminate the inside of his hood, if only for a moment, and what is seen within is... not entirely a face, something writhing on one side. His attention swivels back to Wicked, darkness and red light once more.
"...Perhaps so."
The stranger seems to be waiting for Wicked to continue, as such assertions are not an answer to the balance set forth.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 12:16 AM "I don't want you to die any more than anyone else, I weren't tryin to send you to your death. " He raked his hair back from his face as it started slowly sticking to his skin. "- I can't help if I can't trust you, brother."
Saness Last Tuesday at 12:21 AM Another blink - he's really racking up a tally there, we're up to three distinct blinks - and he draws the least certain breath his rattling chest can manage.
"Trust?" he rasps.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 12:24 AM "Shits a lot easier to accomplish if no ones tryina kill their partners."
Saness Last Tuesday at 12:28 AM The seething pressure flutters around them both.
"You want- to trust me? You want me-" he coughs this time, not simply wheezing, and it physically wracks his body so much so that his shoulders hunch forward, "-to trust you?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 12:29 AM "..brother are you okay, do you need somethin to drink?"
Saness Last Tuesday at 12:36 AM "..."
He spends a few moments wheezing into the rain between them, the lengths of his cloak slowly beginning to hang low with saturation.
That 'why' is several different 'whys' wrapped into one singular utterance.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 1:58 AM "..So we both live? Also cause you sound like you aint doin too well and sometimes drinkin something helps." He rubbed at the back of his neck "-Besides, even if I was all fuckin pissed and shit, Saness'd never forgive my ass for killin you or gettin killed. I aint but thats a thing."
Saness Last Tuesday at 2:05 AM His power shifts through the air again, examining the threads of fate, pressing out and around at possibility. He shifts physically, taking a step closer to Wicked.
"...You are odd."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 2:09 AM "Yeah I've heard that before." His ears twitched a bit, perked curiously  at the feel of power that wasnt his around him. He wasn't planning to betray this troll and that should be readily apparent in the search of fate.
Saness Last Tuesday at 2:20 AM "Hm."
He doesn't seem entirely satisfied, but... the power he was letting out to scope destiny comes to a stop.
"You would fight Them, with me, for her."
He seems very genuinely confused by this notion, and the reason becomes clear rather swiftly.
"She was in," - wheeze - "no danger, before. In my care." Wicked Last Tuesday at 2:28 AM "I'm not afraid of horror terrors, not like I ought to be. They're big and some of them are nasty, but I've seen them die. Shes fuckin unhappy as shit with parts of her missin and other bits locked away."
Saness Last Tuesday at 2:37 AM He remains silent at that, nothing more than rasping air and the patter of raindrops on his cloak.
"...together, then?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 2:39 AM He hesitating, feeling out the veracity of this path carefully, water sparkling on his wings as the lightening flashes above them. If he finds his doom has become significantly less assured then.. "Together."
Saness Last Tuesday at 2:47 AM A significant drop indeed without the other god gunning for Wicked's demise. It's still heavy, horrorterrors are no small threat, but... doom is less assured by far. The hooded stranger nods, his twisting aura slow and unpleasant.
"Then, ready yourself. I will- be in- touch..."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 2:50 AM "Waitin to hear from you then." He nodded at the  strange twisted god who had accosted his attention.
Saness Last Tuesday at 2:53 AM He nods, and another pause follows.
"...I still wish to see her."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 2:55 AM "Maybe after all this shit is over and theres no reason for you to fuck with her anymore."
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:04 AM He offers no further response, instead studying Wicked only a moment longer before rising off the roof to take his leave. Once he achieves some distance, the stranger vanishes in a nauseating swirl of doom-green and horror-black. The sickening pressure leaves with him, suction and then nothing, raindrops and the sense of a sigh.
Inside the lighthive on Wicked's couch, Saness's miserable and fretful rest, tainted by that wretched presence, begins to ease back to the peace of before.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:05 AM Wicked needed a fucking shower, first he'll check on Saness then he'll wash up.
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:11 AM She'll still be asleep when he enters, though by the pallor of her skin she looks like she's been sweating, and the blanket he'd used to tuck her in is disheveled like she's been tossing and turning. Now she is still, steady breathing and expression lacking tension. He can take his shower.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:16 AM He fushes gently, fixing the blanket, brushing her hair back from her face, worrying. .. Hes very glad he didn't let that guy anywhere near her. Time for that shower then he'll be back in here to sit with her till she wakes.
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:26 AM When she does wake, it is with the soft fluttering of silvery lashes and sleepy sounds as she comes to awareness. Saness rolls onto her side and rubs at her eye, looking around the room until her gaze settles on wherever Wicked decided to settle.
"Wicked? Hey..."
Pleased and then sheepish, she gives her clade a little smile.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:28 AM "Hey sis, you conked out when I got those locks outcha." Time to scoot over there and muss her hair a little.
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:32 AM She can't help but giggle just a little when Wicked ruffles her hair, raising a hand to shove at his fingers. It's a bit of a contrast to his words though, and she moves to sit up.
"Sorry about that, I bet I worried you. I feel fine now, though!"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:35 AM "Yeah but I knew you'd be okay" He sat on the edge of the couch beside her. "how're you feelin?"
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:39 AM "Um..." Saness looks down her arms and to her hands, backs and palms both, before folding them in her lap and peeking back up at Wicked. "I'm fine. The same. I feel pretty normal."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:41 AM "Good" He kissed her head. "Somethin happened while you were out, the motherfucker who did that to you was real upset with me for undoin it"
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:44 AM "What?" Confusion and distress begin a turf war across Saness's features rather immediately. That's one way to finish waking up! "Are you okay??"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:47 AM "Hey hey shh I'm alright." He patted at her shoulder and chewed his lip. "..we had a long tlak about it where I refused to let him see you"
Saness Last Tuesday at 3:51 AM She's going to have to reach over and put a hand on Wicked. It's basically a requirement, like Saness needs to touch him to make sure he's actually alright. She does quiet down though, but only because he asked it of her. "What happened? Is he gone now?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 3:52 AM "Yeah hes gone now, but he'll be back, he wants me to fight that horror terror that messed you up with him." look away from her and fiddle with his fingers.
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:02 AM Saness remains very clearly uneasy following the spike of anxiety generated by his words, brow pinched tight as she watches Wicked. His fiddling is giving her a bad feeling, it makes her want to know what he's thinking, and it takes her a moment to keep her breath rate from spiking with her pulse. Chill out... "And... you said no?" She can hope, and she can dread.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:03 AM "..its gonna be a hard fight, but its doable. N also Tarrat didn't stop me or nothin so.."
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:07 AM She's going to compulsively grab hold of him now. So much for quieting down! "Wicked-!" It's plaintive and upset.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:08 AM Oop yeah he was afraid of that. He hugged her. "I'm gonna be okay, I got all sorts of tricks and a time player who can talk to me directly no matter where I am." "..Besides Vel's always sayin if theres a horror terror ass needs kickin hes in so maybe.."
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:12 AM Okay, it's hug time apparently. Good luck shaking the little lime now that she's wrapped around your middle, Wicked. She's going to crane her little head up so she can keep fixing him with those intently focused eyes, too. "Don't."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:14 AM "Listen I gotta, the other motherfucker's stronger than me, an hes got some fuckin.. somethin all wrong with him, hes grimdark and his magics all twisted up and I barely convinced him to work with me insteada tryina kill me" This was okay they could hug.
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:18 AM "He was going to kill you??" Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:19 AM "I made him mad not lettin him get at you" "..n kinda tryin to alter his fate to get him to fight the terror by hisself.."
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:23 AM Hey! Wow! That makes Saness feel all of Zero Percent better! She can't think of anything to work against 'getting a complete stranger to go off and fight a horrible space loogie' and she honestly doesn't want to think about what that implies at all. "Couldn't we have just... put it back? Would that have worked?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:27 AM He brushed his fingers at her hair. "it didn't feel like the right path, you're all fuck.. vibrant with possibilities now, and it all goes away if its closed off again."
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:31 AM Saness looks completely miserable, because she is. "I don't want you to fight that eldritch abomination. I told you that, Wicked..."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:34 AM "I know you don't" he squeezed her. "I'm sorry"
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:39 AM It's hard not to feel a little bit betrayed by that 'sorry,' but that's not right because it's her fault for making the wrong decision in the first place, and she knew she wasn't any good at making decisions, and she should have asked for a second opinion, and ohp, she's tearing up. "Can't we do something else...?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:42 AM He kissed her head. "I already told him I would, Saness. .. besides I dont..want you to fuckin.. just go on havin bits of you stripped away from yourself, that aint fuckin right."
Saness Last Tuesday at 4:51 AM Her eyes are wet and her teeth are grit, a swallow thick in her throat. She's still hugging on tight to Wicked, but her eyebrows take on an angrier stance. Squish! "You know I have to like... try to stop you, right? That's what I said..." She doesn't sound like she wants to fight Wicked.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 4:53 AM He stroked her hair, his hands were gentle and cold, and her empathy could tell her hes worried about her, but not  for himself, hes anxious about upsetting her, but not about the fight coming. "You gonna beat me up good?"
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:00 AM After a moment of chewing her lip and 'glaring' at Wicked, Saness nods. "I'm going to have to beat you up."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:02 AM "Shit I guess its time to get my ass kicked." he was still hugging.
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:03 AM "And when I win you won't be able to run off and get yourself killed." She hasn't stopped hugging him either, even if her expression is wibbly and grim.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:05 AM "I'm not gonna die, I promise I wont let no big ass ugly squid kill me." He squeezed her again.
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:09 AM They're just clinging to each other. Or, Saness is clinging. If she holds onto him until it's too late then he can't go right? Right. "When is it? That you're supposed to meet with this... person..."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:10 AM "He'll come callin." pet pet her hair.
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:14 AM "How did he find you and not me?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:14 AM "I went up to the roof when I felt him comin to see whos powers had been fuckin with his shit."
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:16 AM "How d'you think he'll find you next time? Is he just gonna come here?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:21 AM He shrugged and shook his head. "- he'll set his fate so it is to meet me, and follow it there."
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:23 AM Fishy. Fishy fishy fishy. Saness is going to hide her face against Wicked, partly because she feels heavy, and partly to hide any sign of what she's thinking. "...I don't see what was wrong with me before... Or, I mean, I don't see... It's not worth it, and that hasn't really changed..."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:28 AM "Its changed." He brushed his hand through her hair and patted her on the back. "I can fuckin feel it, your fate is changed, and theres so many motherfuckin possibilities now where there weren't before. Its fuckin worth it. Especially if I can get yo' memories back from that fucker when we fight. Dont tell me your memories aren't worth it cause they are."
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:41 AM She can't agree, but she can't argue with him either. Saness starts to lose her nerve, the tension in her eyebrows that was trying to stay in a mad scowl instead sink into an expression of sadness and guilt. Nobody should be at risk for or because of her. Wicked is... gentle. Is that a weird descriptor? She doesn't think so, despite knowing as much about him as she does. Her little arms withdraw from the hug just enough for her to lean back and look at him again. "How can you promise... you won't die, Wicked?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:44 AM He uncurled an arm to brush her hair out of her face. "I'm a god of fate, and battle is my strongest skill, when I fight I'm one with my powers an nothin can fuckin touch me." Except it has before hasn't it, his body was scarred with near death experiances.
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:49 AM Except it has before indeed, and Saness's gaze says everything that her voice doesn't as her palm plaps down rather pointedly against the marring on his stomach. She holds her stare on his glowing purple eyes rather stubbornly, wordlessly asking 'uhh, come again?' and daring him to feed her that line twice.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:51 AM "..I wasn't a god, then. Saness. I wasn't even a fuckin adult, and all I knew was what the horror terrors wanted, and I did what they told me to do." He let out a breath slowly.  "..n they knew if I was up against a wall and dyin I'd trigger that game even with reasonable fuckin hesitation about it."
Saness Last Tuesday at 5:53 AM She tries to keep the stubbornness in place, but it softens in the background. She can't help it. "...that's not the only mark on you," she says very softly.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 5:58 AM He lifted his hand and touched his chest where the other larger scar was. "- This is from how I godtiered, I had lost the voices of m- the terrors, and I didnt yet trust my powers, an they werent real developed on their own yet.  The others stuffs just acceptable damage  taken toward my goal- cause every good path doesnt always mean its painless, an every path to life doesnt mean theres no injury."
Saness Last Tuesday at 6:06 AM Saness remains visibly unhappy. The little weenie isn't sure that any damage is an acceptable amount when it comes to the people she loves, when it's because of her greediness or carelessness. It's not like she couldn't make new memories, or couldn't make possibilities on her own. Her gaze drops to his middle, but she's only half looking at her hand on his scars, tiny uncertain shifts of not-tracing. "I wonder... which one of us is the one that doesn't get it..."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 6:12 AM "..c'n you trust me? To know whats worth it to me? to do shit I think is right? ..to help make you whole and happy in yo'self? Cause thats what I want." He pet her hair gently.
Saness Last Tuesday at 6:26 AM Saness groans and her hand drops down from his stomach to her leg with a limp little thwap. When she looks up at Wicked, her features are shaped on the sulky side. "C'mon Wicked, that's cheating."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 6:31 AM "It aint cheatin" he squeezed her. "I've been a whole assed adult for a few sweeps now I know what I'm about."
Saness Last Tuesday at 6:40 AM Hf. Saness is just about done with arguing, at this point. What else can she possibly say? Rather than pressing the matter until Wicked gets upset too, she's just going to sit close and hold onto him more softly than before, possessed by melancholy. "You're really important to me, An-" whoops no, wrong name, not allowed, "-and I hope I'm just overreacting." Sweet save, gnarly bro. "...will you tell me, when he comes to get you?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 6:43 AM "..You can call me Antony if y' want, no one does, except when I'm in trouble. You aren't over reactin, what I'm doin is super motherfuckin dangerous, an bein worried about it aint wrong." He hesitated "..yeah I aint gonna leave you hangin not knowin if I'm gone off to get in trouble or not"
Saness Last Tuesday at 6:48 AM How the FUCK did he catch her, she was sure that was smooth! Damn, now Saness is fidgety and uncomfortable. That's not so important as the rest though, and it's easier to quash than it might normally be, what with all the hellish space loogie bullshit going on. Just gonna... clear her throat and move on, maybe look at her knees when the hug ends. "...thank you."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 6:51 AM He kissed her head. "You aint gonna get rid of me super easy so fuckin jot that down."
Saness Last Tuesday at 6:56 AM She tips her face up enough to crack an eye at him, not quite smiling, but just a few hesitant inches closer to it. He's given her a lot of kisses and she is Not tall. "I'll hold you to that... Antony. I'm sorry things, uh. Dipped this way."
Wicked Last Tuesday at 7:00 AM Its a good thing clowns learn to contort themselves, and thats the gods' truth. "Yeah well, shit happens, we'll get it all fuckin sorted out."
Saness Last Tuesday at 7:07 AM "Yeah..." She's got plenty of thoughts to dwell on, but Saness is quickly running out of things to say and words to say them with.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 7:08 AM He was not exactly great at carrying on conversations by himself, so he was running out of things to say- instead he poked at her gently. "You hungry?"
Saness Last Tuesday at 7:12 AM "Uh-" Saness perks up at that gentle poke, the little 'o' on her face smoothing into a bit better of a smile as she nods. Classic Wicked. "Wanna cook with me?"
Wicked Last Tuesday at 7:13 AM "Yeah lets make somethin'" He smiled at her, that was better.
Saness Last Tuesday at 7:20 AM Together they can both abandon The Couch of Heavy Feelings and try their hand at lighter chefly endeavors until such a time as peace can descend once more, fleeting though it may be. Saness will lighten up as they go on, at least a bit. Still Stressed™ but no longer on the verge of tears.
Wicked Last Tuesday at 7:22 AM Good, the magic of food has done its job. Thus they spent the rest of their evening.
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