#and i am not gonna proof read it casue then i might have to cry for 10 years
aliciavspinnet · 7 years
ayYYYY ANYTHING TRASH is what i love 💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫💫 (I wish bitmojis worked on Tumblr I would've sent u a funny one w this) 🌝🌝😘😘😘😘😘😘
YESSS JOVVA U QUEEN (also i stilled lolled @ ur non-existent bitmoji)(that made zero sense) trash aesthetic ratehumor category thing: memes / dad jokes / sarcasm / awkward pauses and rambles one of these: …wtf / *cries* / m8 / fight me a piece of kiwi slang (this is mia’s fault): chur / shot gee / yeah nah / cuzzies / GC one line of trash: when u r the meme goddess and nothing will eva stop u from memeing the day away (u drmeme of memes ur a no 1 memeber of the amemezing meme club) and ur friends r always like ‘plz stop like actually this has gone to far and i want to cry a lot cause u r just an eternal meme whyyy jovva whyy?’ but u just don’t give a crap and ur first response is ‘cash me outside how bout dat’ and ur next one is ‘fite me m8 i shall meme’ and u keep on memeing the meme train 5eva cause that is what life is all about ammirite? no more please
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