#and i am making strides to do so 👍🏻
westywallowing · 6 months
back on my Bullshit and ranting in the tags rq
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lillianrennifer · 26 days
Title: Misunderstanding
One Piece Law x Reader
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Taking a sip of his lukewarm water, Law leans against the weathered brick wall of the convenience store he had just left. “It's too damn hot." he mutters frustrated as he sheds his jacket, wrapping it around his slender waist. Above him, the faded store sign creaks in the breeze, grating his already thin nerves.
With a sigh, he pulls up the damp fabric of his black shirt, revealing a glimpse of his toned lower stomach. Pressing it to his brow he uses the shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead, his eyes squinting in discomfort.
Feeling his phone buzz in his pocket, he retrieves it and begins to reply to Luffy's text, his thumbs moving with a practiced ease. When suddenly, he's startled into reality by a shout of, "Hey Law!"
Looking up, he sees a girl jogging toward him, her hair bouncing with each step, a bright smile spreading across her face as she waves enthusiastically. 
Skidding to a halt by his side, she grabs his hand and drags him along, her grip surprisingly strong. "Sorry for being late! You weren't waiting long, were you?" Her fingers intertwine with his as she holds his hand in a vice-like grip, pulling him down the sidewalk.
Thoroughly perplexed, Law is about to ask her, "What the hell is she doing?" when she tugs him down to whisper in his ear. Her warm breath tickling his skin, causes a shiver to run down his spine. "Please act like you know me!" The tight grip of her hand and her pleading eyes clearly implore him to play along.
A light flush rises to Law's cheeks, and his heart races as his flustered mind struggles to comprehend the situation, his thoughts whirling with questions.
What is she doing?
Why is she holding his hand?
And why does she seem familiar? 
Deciding to play along, Law responds as casually as he can, his voice laced with a hint of amusement: "No, I didn't wait long." He keeps pace beside her, his strides matching hers as they stroll down Water Seven Street.
The warm sunlight casts a golden glow on their conversation, and the sounds of the city—chatter, cars, and birds—create a lively backdrop for their exchange. The smell of freshly baked bread wafts from a nearby bakery.
As they walk, Law can't help but notice the girl's infectious energy. Her bright smile and sparkling eyes draw him in, and he finds himself smiling back at her. 
"That's a relief!" she chirps, her bright smile faltering for a moment as she checks her watch. "Work ran a little late, so I was afraid you had." Her voice is sweet and confident, with a hint of playfulness beneath the surface. 
Law raises an eyebrow, intrigued by her enigmatic behavior. "How was work?" he asks, trying to keep the conversation going, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he shows genuine interest. 
“It was good!” Peeking over her shoulder, her face pales as her eyes fall upon something that makes her heart drop. Abruptly lowering her voice, she whispers, “Oh my god, thank you so much for doing this! A creepy guy has been following me since I left work.” Her voice trembles slightly, and Law notices a faint quiver in her lip.
Glancing over her shoulder again, her eyes scan the crowded street with a hint of desperation.
Law follows her gaze and catches a glimpse of the man he thinks she is referring to - a tall figure lurking on the edge of the crowd. His cold silver eyes narrow as he takes in the man's large and intimidating physique, noting that he's close enough to keep them in his sights but far enough away that he can't quite hear their hushed conversation - a strategic distance that only adds to Law's growing unease.
The man's black mask, cap, and jacket make him almost invisible in the shadows, but Law's trained eyes pick up on the subtle details that set his instincts on high alert.
“Taller than I am, more muscular, wearing a black mask, cap, and jacket?” Law murmurs, his voice low and cautious, his eyes never leaving the man as he waits for her response.
She nods almost imperceptibly, her voice barely above a whisper. “That's him. I tried to lose him in the crowd, but he’s still there.” Her eyes lock onto Law’s, pleading for help. “Please, just keep pretending to know me until we can lose him.”
Law's instincts kick in, and he nods reassuringly, his grip on her hand tightening. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you,” He says, his voice firm and protective. 
"Seriously, thank you." Glancing up at Law, she smiles gratefully, her eyes shining with relief. “I didn’t know what I was going to do. Luckily, I spotted you. I know we don’t really know each other,” she admits, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’ve seen you in class, and you seem nice enough. I figured it didn’t hurt to try." She grips her bag tightly, her knuckles white with tension. 
Typically, Law finds talkative individuals bothersome- Luffy- but there's something curiously appealing about her rambling.
As she continues to express her gratitude, Law can't help but be drawn in by her endearing mannerisms and the way her eyes light up when she smiles. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and he finds himself smiling back at her, his initial wariness melting away.
With each passing moment, he becomes more invested in their conversation, his initial reluctance giving way to a growing sense of interest in and concern for this stranger.
Despite the tense situation, Law is charmed by her warmth and vulnerability, and he can't help but want to help her. Suppressing a smile, Law's deep voice rumbles, "It's all good. I have a little sister, and I hope if she were ever in a situation like this, someone would be kind enough to help her."
Her gaze lingers on his face, her expression softening as she senses the sincerity behind his words. His kindness is palpable, they envelop her in a warm embrace filling her with a sense of safety and calm making her feel like a a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.
She notices as he speaks, his eyes crease at the corners, causing his normally stoic face to soften which only puts her more at ease.
"I didn't know that you have a sister!" she exclaims, her eyes widening in surprise. "Though." Rubbing the back of her head, she lets out an embarrassed laugh as her cheeks flush a deep shade of pink when she admits. "To be fair, I don't really know much about you in the first place."
He can't suppress it anymore; she's too cute, with her embarrassed expression and flushed cheeks.
Letting out an airy chuckle, a gentle smile appears on his face, crinkling the corners of his eyes. "Well, to be fair, you're doing better than I am," he says, his voice tinged with amusement and a hint of warmth. "You at least know my name. I'm afraid I don't know yours," he admits. 
"Oh, I'm Y/N!" she exclaims, her eyes sparkling. "Nice to officially meet you!" she adds, her voice bright and cheerful, with a hint of playful enthusiasm.
“Y/N,” he thinks to himself, “That's a cute name.”
Law can't help but smile at the sweet sound of it and the way it suits her personality.
Once again she peeks over her shoulder and Law’s eyes follow her gaze, noting that the man is still lurking behind them. Law’s grip on Y/N's hand tightens instinctively, in a protective gesture.
"So, Y/N, what are we going to do about him?" he asks, his voice low and urgent, his eyes scanning their surroundings for a possible escape route. He tilts his head towards the man, his chin jutting out in a subtle nod. "We can't lead him to your place."
Her shoulders slump in defeat, her voice laced with exasperation. "I know! I don't know what to do! I don't want to have a confrontation." She groans, her words tumbling out in a rush.
Law's eyes soften as he witnesses her frustration boil over. He can feel her tension, her anxiety palpable as she recounts the trials of her day.
"Ugh, this has been the worst day! First, Professor Beckmann gives us homework that's hard as hell! Then I had a shit day at work, and now some creep is stalking me home!"
"The homework isn’t hard for me," he says, earning a roll of her eyes and an exasperated laugh.
Chuckling Law holds up his hands in defense as she playfully hits his arm, her tone teasing but laced with a hint of sarcasm.
"Well, of course, it's not hard for you! I may not know a lot about you, but I do know you're the smartest in our class. No need to brag though." Her words are a gentle jab, but Law knows she's right.
"I wasn't bragging," he protests, his eyes locking onto hers as she raises an eyebrow, her expression skeptical.
The look she gives him is a clear "You're not fooling me," and Law can't help but grin, his face warm with a mix of amusement and embarrassment. He knows he's caught, and her playful jab has hit its mark.
"Okay, maybe I was a little," he admits, a sly grin spreading across his face as he raises an eyebrow, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. "That wasn't my original intention though." He pauses, his gaze drifting to her school bag. "I noticed you still have your school bag. Figured I'd ask if you'd like to come to my place so I can help you with the homework?"
"Really?!" She asks, her surprise evident in her tone, her voice rising in a delighted squeak.
She can't believe her luck - not only is he offering to help her with her homework, but he's also providing a safe haven from the creepy guy following them. The warm sunlight and sweet scent of blooming flowers in the nearby park add to the sense of serenity, making her feel even more at ease.
"Yeah, might as well kill two birds with one stone," he says, his voice low and gentle. "You won't have to suffer through your assignments by yourself, and the creepy guy can't follow you home." He offers a reassuring smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
"You're the best!" She exclaims, her voice full of gratitude, as she wraps herself around his arm, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging.
This is when Law becomes aware of the fact that they've been holding hands this entire time. His heart skips a beat as he realizes how much he's enjoying her company. The gentle pressure of her hand in his, the softness of her skin, and the sweet scent of her perfume all combine to create a sense of intimacy and connection.
Unbidden Law's face blooms into varying shades of red. Quickly he turns his face in an attempt to hide his blush by covering his face with his hand. "It's no problem," he says, clearing his throat in an effort to urgently restore his composure.
His voice comes out a little gruffer than intended, but he hopes it will suffice. "As long as you're okay with my noisy ass roommates," he adds, trying to sound casual despite his inner turmoil.
"I don't mind!" She exclaims, her voice cheerful and enthusiastic.
"It's a date then," Law says, his heart racing with excitement.
He can't believe it - she's agreed to come to his place, to spend time with him in a setting that's far more intimate than a crowded classroom or sidewalk.
"A date!" She repeats, her voice rising in surprise. Quickly lowering her head, she tries to cover her face with her hand, her movements endearingly awkward. Unfortunately for her before she can, Law manages to catch a glimpse of her reddening cheeks, her embarrassment and delight plain on her face.
He feels a surge of pleasure at the sight, his heart skipping a beat as he realizes she's just as excited about this as he is. Taking pity on her, Law rewords his statement, trying to put her at ease. "A study date," he clarifies, his voice gentle and reassuring.
"Right, a study date!" Y/N exclaims, shooting her head up, her cheeks still covered in a blush. "I knew that's what you meant," she adds, her voice laced with a bashful chuckle, the sound sending a warmth through Law's chest.
He smiles, feeling a sense of connection with her, and nods in agreement, his heart still racing from the excitement of their plans.
After a few moments of walking in slight awkward silence, Y/N suddenly asks, "Oh, do you mind if we stop real quick so I can pick up dinner?" Her voice is laced with a hint of hesitation, as if she's unsure if she's imposing.
"No need," Law replies, trying to sound casual despite his growing excitement about their plans.
"You cook?" she questions, raising a brow in surprise, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Law chuckles sheepishly, feeling a warmth rise to his cheeks. "Absolutely not!" he admits, his voice laced with laughter.
Y/N giggles, the sound sending a thrill through Law's chest. "Well, then what am I supposed to do about food?" she asks, her voice playful.
Law shrugs, trying to appear nonchalant. "I may not cook, but my roommate does. He's actually in Culinary School," he explains, feeling a sense of pride in his roommate's skills.
"That's awesome! Must be nice having a roommate that cooks so well!" She exclaims, her eyes shining with enthusiasm.
Law nods in agreement, feeling grateful for his roommate's culinary talents.
"While I'd love to try his cooking, I don't want to make him cook so late at night," She says, wanting to be considerate.
Shrugging nonchalantly, he absentmindedly remarks, "He won't mind. You're a pretty girl. He'll gladly do it."
The words slip out before he can catch them, and he feels a flush rise to his cheeks as Y/N's face turns a delicate shade of pink.
Raising an eyebrow, a sly smirk spreading across her face. "Oh, you think I'm pretty?" she asks, her voice laced with playful teasing, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Law's face grows hot as he stammers, "Well, I mean... in a conventional sort of way."
He can't believe what's happening to him tonight. He's usually so calm and collected, but this girl has him flustered, his words tumbling out in a awkward jumble. No other girl has ever made him act this way, it's both alarming and exhilarating.
Y/N's smugness is etched across her face as she replies, "Right…." Her voice dripping with satisfaction. As she raises an eyebrow, her sly smirk grows wider, and Law can't help but be captivated by her playful teasing.
Her eyes sparkle with amusement, as her voice dips low and slight seductive. 'So, Law…. what do you think makes me "pretty" in a "conventional sort of way"?” she asks, her words dripping with glee.
Poor Law's face grows even hotter as he tries to stammer out an answer, but Y/N just laughs, a throaty sound that sends shivers down his spine.
“Oh, Law,” she giggles, shaking her head. “You're so adorable when you're flustered.” As they stroll down the street, Law can't help but notice how Y/N's eyes sparkle in the light of the evening.
She's enjoying this, he realizes, and he can't blame her. He's never been so thoroughly flustered in his life.
Law clears his throat, trying to compose himself, but she just laughs and playfully nudges him with her elbow.
“Oh, come on, Law. I'm dying to know.” As they turn a corner, Law's apartment building comes into view.
“Well….” he starts, trying to sound suave, “it's your smile, your eyes... your whole demeanor, really.”
Y/N raises an eyebrow, her expression skeptical, but Law can see the hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Go on,” she says, her voice dripping with amusement.
As they approach the entrance to Law's apartment building, reality comes crashing back down on him like a cold shower. "As much as I'd love to continue this, Y/N, we still have to deal with him," Law says, his eyes flicking back over his shoulder to the man who's been following them.
Y/N's smile falters, and her face falls, the fear and anxiety she's been trying to shake off this whole time comes flooding back into her eyes. "What are we gonna do?" she asks, her voice trembling.
Law sighs and pulls his phone out of his pocket, the screen flickering to life as he thumbs through his contacts.
"Four of my roommates are quite intimidating," he says, his eyes locked on Y/N's worried face. "I'll ask them to meet us outside."
Finding Zoro’s number he clicks on it, the phone ringing as he puts it to his ear. After the third ring, a gruff voice answers, "What's up, Doc?"
Law's eyes never leave Y/N's face as he speaks, his voice calm and reassuring. "Hey, Zoro. We've got a situation here. Can you and the others meet us outside the building? A friend and I’ve got a tail."
"Sure thing," Zoro agrees, already heading towards the door. "Just one problem though. Kidd isn't here. I'll grab the other two though."
Law's expression turns serious, his eyes narrowing as he processes the information. He presses his lips into a thin line before responding, "Thank you, Roronoa-ya. I'll call Eustass-ya to see if he's nearby."
Zoro's voice comes through the phone once more, "No problem, Doc," before hanging up.
Law can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. Kidd's absence is a significant blow to their plan. Out of his intimidating roommates, Kidd is the most formidable.
In fact, from what Law has seen of the man stalking Y/N, Kidd and he appear to be about the same height and build. Having the red-headed powerhouse by their side would be a significant advantage if things went south.
Law's thumb hovers over the screen as he searches for Kidd's number, his mind racing with possibilities.
He turns to Y/N, his voice reassuring, "Don't worry, help's on the way." He forces a calm smile, trying to alleviate her fears. "Zoro and the others will be here soon. We'll get you out of this, okay?"
Y/N's eyes lock onto his, her gaze searching for any sign of uncertainty. Law keeps his expression steady, hiding his concerns behind a mask of confidence.
She softly nods her head, attempting to appear confident, but secretly, she's still gripped by fear. Law's phone call with Zoro had seemed reassuring, but she can't shake off the lingering feeling of unease.
Just then, the door to the apartment building opens, and Zoro, followed by two of Law's other roommates, Killer and Sanji, exit to stand on the stoop.
Law's eyes slightly widen in surprise as his gaze fixes on a fourth man standing beside Sanji - their fifth roommate, Luffy’s, elder brother Ace.
Zoro's eyes scan the sidewalk, and upon spotting Law and Y/N mere feet away, he points at Ace and calls out, "Ace is here too, so I asked him to tag along." Law's expression reveals a mix of surprise and gratitude.
While Ace may not be Kidd, the added support of the fiery young man is a welcome surprise. Law's roommates are an unpredictable bunch, but with Ace's skills and experience, their chances of getting out of this situation unscathed have significantly improved.
Y/N feels a glimmer of hope, her heart still racing with anticipation, but with Law and his roommates by her side, she feels a sense of security she hadn't felt moments before.
The group's combined strength and determination are palpable, and for the first time since this ordeal began, Y/N dares to think they might actually make it through this alive.
Still wishing Kidd was there, Law clicks on his contact and raises his cell to his ear.
"Come on, Eustass-ya," he mutters under his breath, his frustration growing with each passing moment. "Answer the damn phone."
Just as he's about to give up, Law freezes, his eyes widening in shock. From behind him, he hears the unmistakable ringtone of Kidd's phone, followed by the echo of his gruff voice when he finally answers the call. "What do you want, Doc?"
Law's eyes widen even further as he slowly turns his head to stare back at the man who had been following them this whole time - the man who happens to be his roommate, Eustass Kidd.
"Eustass-ya!" Law exclaims, his voice laced with anger and disbelief. "You're the one stalking Y/N?!"
Dropping his hand from his ear, Kidd lets his arm hang loosely beside him, his phone still clutched in his hand. His expression contorts in a mix of shock, confusion, and anger, his eyes widening in disbelief as he explodes, "What the fuck are you talking about, Doc? I'm stalking who?!" his voice rising in indignation, the words laced with a raw, emotional intensity.
Blinking owlishly, Law stammers, his eyes darting between Kidd and Y/N. "You mean you're not stalking Y/N?" he asks caustically, his voice laced with skepticism, as he points at the confused and afraid girl beside him.
Y/N's eyes are wide with fear, her face pale, and her gaze fixed on Kidd as if searching for answers.
Lowering his mask to sit below his chin, Kidd's mouth turns down into a deep frown, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Again, who?" he questions, his voice firm, but with a hint of defensiveness. "I ain't ever seen this chick before in my life!" He cries, gesturing at Y/N with a dismissive hand, as if she's a stranger he's never laid eyes on.
Y/N takes a step forward, her voice trembling. "But...you've been following me since I left work," she accuses, her eyes welling up with tears. Her words hang in the air like a challenge, her gaze fixed on Kidd as if daring him to deny it.
On the stoop, the other guys silently watch the exchange, their faces a mix of shock, confusion, and disbelief.
Sanji, however, is flaming mad, his eyes blazing with fury, his fists clenched at his sides. He takes a step forward, his body tense, ready to pounce, but Ace quickly intervenes, grasping his arm and holding him back.
"Easy, Sanji," Ace warns, his voice low and calm, but firm. "Let's not jump to conclusions."
Sanji struggles against Ace's grip, his face red with rage. "That bastard's been stalking a girl? I'll kill him!" he growls, his voice low and menacing.
Killer and Zoro watch the scene unfolds, their faces a mask of calm, as their eyes fix on Kidd with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity. Arms crossed over their muscular chests they wait for an explanation. The tension is palpable, the air thick with unspoken questions.
"I wasn't following anyone!" Kidd reiterates, his voice rising in indignation, his eyes wide with protest. "I was walking home from work!”
Another question keeps rattling around in Law's head, his eyes narrowing in skepticism. "Also, why didn't you say something when she ran up to me shouting my name?" he asks, his voice laced with suspicion. "She was clearly loud enough for you to have heard."
Kidd's expression turns defensive, his hand Reaches up, to pull out his AirPod. "I was listening to music this whole time," he explains, his voice firm. "It only paused when you called. I didn't hear a thing until then."
The AirPod dangles from his fingers, the tiny speaker visible, a testament to his claim.
Law's gaze lingers on it, his mind processing the information. The tension between them is palpable, the air thick with unspoken questions and doubts.
Sanji's anger seems to simmer down slightly, his face still red, but his fists no longer clenched.
Ace's grip on his arm relaxes, his eyes fixed on Kidd with a mixture of curiosity and wariness.
Killer and Zoro watch the exchange, their faces somber, their eyes fixed on Kidd with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity.
Y/N's eyes, however, remain fixed on Kidd, her gaze accusatory, her expression unyielding. "Were do you work?" she asks suspiciously.
"I work at the Victoria Punk auto shop," Kidd replies, his voice firm, his eyes meeting hers with a hint of frustration.
At the revelation of where Kidd works, Law notices Y/N's eyes begin to widen, her face pale, as if she's realizing something. Her eyebrows furrow, and her lips part slightly, in shock.
Hesitantly, Law asks, "Y/N, where do you work?"
Face scrunching up in embarrassment, she whimpers, "Grand Line Bakery and Coffee Shop."
A collective cry of "Oh!" rings out amongst the group, their voices filled with understanding.
"That's right across the street from the shop!" Kidd exclaims, his eyes wide with comprehension, but still flashing with irritation. His face is red as his hair, and his large fists are clenched by his side, as he processes the situation. "I go there every day after work to grab a bite to eat."
Pulling an empty paper bag out of his coat pocket, Kidd shows the group the bag, clearly showcasing the name of the bakery in bold letters.
"I've never seen you before, though," he huffs, his tone still slightly gruff. To be fair, even if he had, he wouldn't have noticed her. Kidd isn't the most observant person.
Y/N curls in on herself, her face red with shame and mortification. "I just started there.” She murmurs as she looks down at her feet, her shoulders slumping in defeat. “I'm so sorry for the confusion!" She cries, her voice trembling.
Law's expression softens, and he takes a step forward, his hand reaching out in a comforting gesture. His eyes are filled with kindness, his voice is gentle as he comforts her. "Hey, it's okay, Y/N. We've all been there. Misunderstanding’s happen."
The tension in the air slowly begins to dissipate, replaced by a sense of understanding as the group lets out a collective sigh of relief, which seems to signal a newfound camaraderie.
Kidd's still slightly tense posture and narrowed eyes hint that he's still a little annoyed, but willing to let it go. Sighing reluctantly, he murmurs, "It's all good," his voice is still a little gruff, but his eyes show a hint of compassion. "Sorry I accidentally scared you."
“Oh no, please don’t apologize!” Y/N begs, her hands fluttering in panic as she takes a step closer to Kidd. “This is absolutely my fault!” She exclaims, her voice laced with desperation. “Is there any way I can make it up to you?” She asks, her eyes wide with sincerity.
Pursing his lips, Kidd hums as he contemplates his reply, his eyes narrowing slightly as he thinks. Finally, a sly smirk spreads across his face. “You could buy me my after-work snack for a month,” He suggests, his voice tinged with amusement.
All too eager to smooth things over, Y/N begins to shake her head in agreement before she is cut off by a sharp growl of “Eustass-ya.”
Frowning at the redheaded man, Law warns him with a gaze that making her pay for a month is way too much.
Tisking, Kidd mumbles, “Ok fine.” Sighing, he changes his mind. “One week,” He says, his voice a little softer. Glancing at Law, he makes sure that is an okay amount of time.
Nodding his head lightly, Law agrees to the arrangement.
Smiling widely, Y/N shakes her head enthusiastically. “You’ve got a deal!” She exclaims, her face flushed with relief.
“Well…” Zoro hums, his voice dripping with boredom, “Now that that's over, I'm going back inside.” Turning on his heel he heads back into the building, his broad shoulders and back flexing slightly as he moves.“Oi, curly brow,” He calls over his shoulder in a languid tone. “What's for dinner?”
Before Sanji can grumble at him, the girl's eyes light up like a lantern. “That's right!” She exclaims, clapping her hands together excitedly.
Spinning around she faces the blonde man, smiling brightly. “Law said one of his roommates is a cook, is that you?” she asks, her voice full of excitement.
“Yes, that's right!” Sanji cries. His eyes transforming into heart, pulsing with excitement. Giddily he scurries up to the girl so fast his legs become a blur.
Dropping down on one knee, his eyes fixed adoringly on hers, his face beams with a charming smile as he takes her hand in his. “That I am!” he declares. “I am your humble servant, Sanji,” his voice dripping with gallantry. “Would you give me the honor of knowing your name, my lovely?” he asks.
The girl giggles, a light blush flushing her cheeks, and replies softly, “Y/N.”
Sanji's eyes widen in delight, and he exclaims, “Oh my! Such a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady!” Bringing her hand to his lips, he presses a gentle kiss to her knuckles.
From beside them, Sanji hears a low growl, “Cook-ya,” and glances up to see Law’s piercing gray eyes fixed on him, a hint of annoyance in their depths, his sharp jawline flexing slightly as he grits his teeth.
Sanji's eyes flash with annoyance at Law's interruption. "Can't you see I'm in the middle of a beautiful moment here?" he asks, his tone slightly irritated.
Law's jaw clenches in a subtle display of jealousy. "Just making sure you don't get too carried away with your flirtations, Cook. You're not exactly known for your subtlety."
Not wanting the roommates to fight over her, Y/N intervenes, her voice gentle but firm. "Hey, let's not ruin the evening with bickering, okay?" She smiles, her eyes sparkling with amusement.
Sanji huffs, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Fine," he says, his tone slightly sulky. "But I'm still going to win her heart with my culinary skills." His confidence unwavering. "And my charm, of course." He declares, sending her a wink.
Y/N laughs, her face lighting up with delight. "I think I can handle both of your egos." She teases, her voice light and playful. "But for now, let's focus on dinner. Sanji, what's on the menu tonight?"
Sanji's face radiates excitement. "Ah, my latest masterpiece!" He exclaims, launching into a passionate description of his latest culinary creations.
Y/N listens intently, her gaze fixed on Sanji, while Law tunes him out, his eyes fixed on her with a hint of affection.
Kidd silently follows the trio inside, observing the scene with disinterest, his eyes fixed onto his phone.
A warm smile spreads across Y/N face as, the group heads towards the kitchen , ready to indulge in Sanji's culinary delights.
As they begin cooking, Law feels grateful for the lighthearted moment and the savory aromas wafting through the air. Surrounded by the comfort and camaraderie of his roommates and the sweet scent of Y/N perfume, he can’t help but feel that the earlier misunderstanding was actually a blessing in disguise.
If you liked please leave a comment (they keep me motivated), like and re-post. Thank you all I hope you enjoyed it! Love ya! 😘
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venusiangguk · 3 years
the art of craving | jjk (m)
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>>pairing: jungkook x reader / dilf!jk x grocery store clerk!oc
>>genre: friends with benefits, smut, pwp, a lil bit of fluff
>>word count: 6.9k
>>warnings: the domesticity... sob sob, the cutest baby... sob sob, dom jk, sub oc, age gap, all that good dilf jk stuff: asking for permission, saying thank you, oral (m), videotaping, sexual tension, balls in face, covering of mouth (?), a lil bit of external prostate stim bc jk deserves it 😌, dirty talk, creampie,  sex in someone else’s house (? again), omg almost all members are dad’s 🥲, so many dilfs hhhh, hobi being out of pocket, questionable breakfast in bed 👍🏻
>>notes: HE’S BACK!! also i knocked this out in one day, so I'm sorry for mistakes or if it falls short, i tried to do dilf jk justice 🤧 
>>summary: jk takes you to a bbq at his friends house. the tri-tip is good but the creampie is even better.
series masterlist, pt 1, pt 2, pt 3, pt 4
“Are you sure you’re okay with me coming?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
You turn to Jeongguk, who is kneeled down at toddler level. Nari’s got a strong grip in his hair as she uses it as leverage as well as a balancing aid as she steps one little foot at a time into her water proof pull up. He cut it recently, his long locks a little more clean cut and cropped. Still more than enough for little hands to yank, though. He winces, but takes it in stride.
“I don’t know you’re always a bit weird about us,” you say. No bitterness, more of just an observation.
Jeongguk looks up at you as best he can, before getting Nari’s bikini bottoms and repeating the same painful process he did with the pull up. “I’m not weird about it.” He can almost hear the incredulous look you’re giving him. “Okay, I’m not as weird about it,” he amends, “but this is just a group of my friends getting together, and we’ve all known each other for years so I don’t have to worry about what they think of me.”
You hum, walking to the bathroom to get your own bikini on. You’re adjusting the ties at the hip when you say loudly so he can hear you from his room, “You’re worried about what people think of us?”
The effort you put into trying to hold in your laugh when Jeongguk appears in the doorway with a disheveled baby on his hip is futile. Nari’s looking around like she doesn’t know how she got there so fast, shirtless with a half-on baby bikini top, the triangles falling down and resting on her round belly. She smiles big when she sees you though, kicks in her dad’s hold.
Jeongguk looks kind of disheveled as well, yet very serious as he says, “No I don’t care what people think about us, I just- am more worried what they think about me. I know it doesn’t matter,” he sighs dramatically, “but I’d rather people not think I’m a cradle robbing pervert.” He covers one of Nari’s ears with a big hand and pushes the other ear against his chest to plug it when he says pervert. She pops back up, unbothered like a little bobble head.
You walk over and stand in front of them both, taking the strings of Nari’s swimsuit and tying them at the back of her neck. You flick your eyes up to Jeongguk, as you make the bunny ears. “You’re not even 30 yet, relax Daddy.”
“And you’re not even 25,” he almost whines, and doesn't bother scolding you for the use of the d word. This time.
“And this one’s not even 2!” you say, over excited as you turn wide eyes to the baby in front of you, swiftly changing the subject.
Nari squeals at your excitement, leans forward in her dad’s hold till she’s got tiny, pudgy little arms around your neck. Jeongguk hands her to you with ease, tries to keep the sick adoration off of his face while doing so.
“Duuu!” she cries, holding up her hand. She’s got her middle finger and ring finger up, an awkward way to show ‘two’ but you let her have it, jiggling her a little laughing a praise.
“Oh, such a smart little flower!” Jeongguk coos, hand coming up to give her a high-five.
However, she just grips his thumb in her small hand, giggling in the infectious way that babies do, her little crescent eyes lighting up with love and glee and Jeongguk almost cries. He hopes she never stops looking at him like that or holding his hand like that.
The alarm on his phone knocks him out of his sentimental reverie as he begrudgingly frees himself from Nari’s hold. He calls into the bathroom, “We’re going to be late.”
You’re not bothered, instead just sitting Nari on the bathroom counter and doing her hair up in small piggy-tail buns atop her head. She plays with your belly ring while you do so, fascinated by the new cherry charm you have on it now.
“Did you hear me?” Jeongguk asks in the doorway.
“Yup, look at her,” you say, gesturing to the oblivious baby.
Jeongguk does, taps one of the buns. “How do you get them so symmetrical? I can never get it right.”
You hum, sitting her in the curve of your waist. You give her your manicured hand, nails decorated in crystals, to distract her. “I’ll teach you. Want me to get her baby bag ready while you load the car with her sleeper just in case she needs to nap while we are there?”
Jeongguk shoots finger guns at you, before pressing a quick kiss to your temple. You purr. “Good brain, I didn’t think of that.”
You walk out with him, set Nari down and let her toddle about. She hands you an array of things, helping you pack her bag while Jeongguk goes to his large walk-in closet grabbing the portable crib.
“Don’t forget her sock monitor,” he grunts, finally getting a good hold of it.
“Already packed,” you tell him, “Do you want me to pack her undies for after swimming?”
Nari’s speech may be a little delayed according to the doctors but her brain is big and functioning and everything else in her baby body is right on par, or even ahead of kids her age. They suggested early potty-training, and focusing on the positives as Jeongguk navigates the hurdles.
He looks contemplative before he shakes his head. “No, too much hassle, just pull-ups is fine.”
You throw him a look, but he’s already got his back to you walking out the room. “You know she’s never going to learn if you don’t stay consistent and keep a routine!”
“Yes, baby, I know!” he calls over his shoulder, “Fresh start when we get back!”
You roll your eyes. “Daddy’s so silly, huh?”
Nari babbles an affirmative, and with that, you shoulder the baby bag and carry the baby right out the door. Easy peasy.
“Hello my good bitches!”
“Hoseok!” Jeongguk whisper-scolds, a protective hand coming up to Nari’s face. For some reason he covers her eyes instead of her ears. Nari blows a blind raspberry, but is more or less content in your arms.
You’ve never met Hoseok before, but you know you like him when you watch his eyes rake over Jeongguk, a judgemental look on his face as he takes a sip from the red solo cup in his hand, eyes narrowed over the rim.
“What are you wearing?”
Jeongguk narrows his eyes back. Although his friend probably can’t see them behind the huge gold-rimmed, purple hued glasses Jeongguk is wearing. “It’s Fendi. Please move, this is heavy.”
It’s no secret that Jeongguk has a fat wallet to match his fat dilf ass, and that he likes the occasional name brand item in his closet. But he’s not frivolous, and it’s only once in a blue moon that he actually splurges on something as expensive as the bright yellow and white shirt he’s wearing currently.
If anything a good portion of his income goes to what he wine-drunkenly calls the ‘Flower Fund’. Essentially dollars put away for when Nari goes to university, or whatever she decides. Maybe she’ll start her own business like her dad. Your mouth may have dropped when he let the current balance slip. She’s not even 2 yet.
Anywho. The shirt that is the hot topic-  it’s a bit out there, different from what he usually wears, but somehow he pulls it off, the white of the trademark F’s all over compliment the white, 5in inseam swim shorts he has on. You giggled in the car when he paired the sunglasses with it, but the more you look at him, the more you grow to like the statement piece.
His sleeve is on full display, and his arm is flexed as he carries the baby sleeper, finding a wall to lean it against. You’re still staring when Hoseok starts speaking.
“So you’re the hot Nanny he goes on and on about?”
“Nanny?” you ask, raising a brow.
“Hobi? Oh my god?” He shakes his head and his hands open and jerk in a very what the fuck manner. “I do not call you the nanny,” he stresses, eyes going to you.
You keep your brow quirked.
Hoseok laughs, nudges you with his hands open, nodding towards Nari. The baby looks like it's a very tough decision, choosing between you and Hoseok, but after an encouraging nod from you she smiles. Her baby teeth are on display, and her hands are grabby.
Jeongguk’s friend hips her, “He doesn’t actually call you the nanny, but he does talk about you a lot. All good things of course.”
You smile, your heart fluttering a little in your chest but before you can say anything Jeongguk is by your side, telling Hoseok a very adamant and stern, ‘Goodbye.’
Hoseok just laughs. “Okay, okay,” he says, raising his hands in surrender. The one holding the red cup catches Nari’s attention.
She pokes it with a tiny finger before smacking her lips a little. “Joofs?”
“Joofs?” Hoseok repeats, confused for a moment before he gets it. “Juice- yeah no. Not this. Let’s get you your own joofs.”
As he’s walking towards what you assume is the kitchen you call out, “Do you need one of her cups?”
He waves a dismissive hand. “Joon keeps some in the kitchen, go outside and meet everyone! We’ve all been dying to put a face to the mysterious __!” He turns to Nari making casual conversation till his voice fades with distance, “Still nice and plump I see…”
Something warms inside you. The fact that Jeongguk’s friends are all so close, that they keep little things for each other's children at each other’s houses, is so sweet and wholesome and so tender in a way that makes your heart want to burst.
Nari’s playroom has a few leapfrog’s with grade school games on a shelf and you had always wondered why. When you asked, Jeongguk told you that he sometimes watched Taehyung’s boys when he and his wife had date night. He has all the Tinkerbell movies on bluray for Jin’s daughter, and the Harry Potter ones for Yoongi and Jimin’s. As far as you know, Namjoon doesn’t have kids of his own yet, so it’s extra touching that he keeps baby essentials for Nari around.
You lean against Jeongguk, bumping shoulders with him. “Hoseok is nice, I like him.”
He rolls his eyes. “He’s the bachelor of the group. No relationship or kids. Hence the potty-mouth and the alcoholic joofs at 1 in the afternoon.”
You smile a closed lipped laugh, eyes glinting as you look up at him. He smiles back, unable to stop himself. He gives you an inquisitive look, the arm around your waist pulling you a little closer. The hand on your hip squeezing in question.
“Hmm?” he ponders, softly.
“You talk about me?” you ask, just as soft.
He hums, eyes dropping to your lips. “Just a little. Only to them.”
You and Jeongguk aren’t official. The circumstances a bit peculiar, the steps a little harder to maneuver. But what you have is good. A nice mix between fun and serious, committed yet free. You both know what you need to, feel what’s between you, even if you don’t name it or talk about it.
On your tiptoes, you crane your neck to reach his lips, and his eyes slip shut, ready to meet you halfway.
“Ah- Jeongguk you’re on grill duty!”
Jeongguk slumps behind you, a little groan sounding. “Okay!”
He sneaks a sweet kiss, before pinching your butt quickly. “Let me introduce you to the hyungs.”
Jeongguk looks almost as edible as the tri-tip he’s grilling. He’s got tongs in his tattooed hand, his hair held back by those purpley sunglasses that he’s pushed to the top of his head. His shirt is open, his toned tummy out and flexing whenever he laughs at something Taehyung says.
His eyes constantly look for you and Nari in the pool. He has an air kiss war with Nari for a while before she gets distracted by one of the other kids, asking if they can drag her around the pool by her floaty.
You’re pretty sure it’s Jin’s daughter, around 8 or 9. Smiling you nod, telling her you’ll help her. You keep a stable hand on Nari’s circular underarm floaty as she giggles and splashes, tickled pink at being doted on. She’s the baby of the barbeque, so she’s been handed around and loved on so much, giving the whole crew a dose of baby fever.
“You know, we got special toys and a playmat for her. She’s never liked the water.”
At the sound of a woman’s voice you look over your shoulder to see Jin’s wife sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet dipped in the water. She’s beautiful, high cheekbones and kind eyes. She’s smiling, and it has a hint of knowing to it. She nods to the lawn next to the pool, and you see said playmat has been commandeered by the girls.
This gets her daughter’s attention and she jumps up and down excitedly in the shallow end of the pool where you’ve ended up.
“I’m going to go play with them for a little bit, okay Nana? I’ll come back and swim with you soon!” she gives Nari a quick kiss before speed walking to the grass after a stern warning from her mother not to run by the pool.
Nari watches, her eyes wide and curious, and you give her another kiss (she’s been absolutely smothered today). “You’ll be able to play with them soon, don’t worry little bug.”
She wiggles a little, curls in on herself like your kisses tickle before she’s giving you a wet kiss back, her chlorine hands grabbing at your cheeks. You laugh with her, finally turning back to Jin’s wife.
“I don’t know, maybe she just needed another push.”
She hums, getting fully in the water with you. She makes a ‘come hither’ motion with a wave of her hand, gesturing for you to push Nari across the water to her. The distance isn’t far so you do. You and her take turns pushing the baby back and forth and Nari loves it, soft giggles spilling from her lips as she lets her hands drag in the water.
“Jeongguk says you’re really good with her. That she really loves you.”
You feel yourself flush. “That’s sweet of him, but he’s the one that’s made her so good with people.”
She shakes her head, laughing. “Uh, she’s good with us. Kind of a nightmare for people she doesn’t like. She’s almost as picky as he is about who gets to be around her.”
Laughing with her, you speak playfully to the baby. “You? A nightmare? No way!”
Jin’s wife notices the blush, the way you brush off the comments and direct attention to other things, so as she passes Nari to you again, she says, “I get it, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I just wanted you to know that I think he trusts you and cares about you a lot. Not that he tells me of course,” she chuckles, “That’s boy talk, but Jin’s got a big mouth.”
“No,” you assure her, “I appreciate it, thank you for telling me.”
Mindless chatter ensues, baby babbles sprinkled in, Nari giving her two cents, as everyone waits for the food. Your name is yelled across the backyard, and the familiar voice is welcomed, as you make sure Nari is in good hands before swimming to meet Jeongguk at the edge of the pool. He’s got a piece of meat on a fork.
“Taste?” he asks, squatting in front of you.
You open your mouth, and he’s about to plop it in before he brings it back at the last minute, blowing on it a little. You laugh, endeared. Probably a habit due to always making sure anything he lets Nari taste isn’t too hot. He presses it to his lips quickly to test the temperature, before the fork is at your lips again, his other hand underneath making sure it doesn’t fall.
You groan, tastebuds doing a happy dance on your tongue as you chew.
“So good,” you moan, mouth still full, “I love the sauce.”
“The aioli,” he says, playfully snobby.
You roll your eyes, swallowing finally. “Whatever. I love it.”
He’s got a sweet smile on his face as his eyes search yours. They linger on your lips, and you think he may kiss you, but instead he wipes his thumb on your bottom lip. You can see a little bit of the aioli on it when he brings it to his mouth, eye contact deliberate as he sucks it off. It’s a bit naughty for him. Always careful about ‘pda’. But his doe-eyes are twinkling and he’s trying not to laugh as he says, “I love it, too.”
Sure that he can feel the spike in the air, you narrow your eyes at him as you whisper, “You’re mean.”
He shrugs, pats your head. “Food’s ready, get baby. I’ll save you guys a seat.”
Everyone around the outside table groans. Hands are on bellies and arms are behind heads and buttons are undone after devouring the food. The kids table off to the side is conspiring on how to get dessert, and little Nari is just about knocked out in your lap, the bread of her cheek smushed against your chest as she nods off.
“Jk, the iron chef,” Jimin sighs, swirling his wine in his glass.
“For real, man…”
Compliments to the chef are spouted from everyone and Jeongguk humbly accepts. The conversation dwindles into something that is lulled and lazy, casual stories about the kids being traded. How Taehyung found his twin boys’ pee drawer. You cringe. How Yoongi and Jimin’s daughter said her first curse word at kindergarten and blamed it on her dad (the one with the potty-mouth… read: Yoongi). You laugh, carefully not to wake Nari.
One of the wives notices.
She coos, “Oh, looks like someone is tuckered out.”
Jeongguk glances at his daughter, brings a finger to her pushed out bottom lip and pulls it down a little, tiny bloop noises sounding when it snaps back into place. He’s evil.
Of course she groggily wakes up, grumpy and rotten as she screeches and groans, rubbing her face into your sternum. Her chubby foot kicks at her dad. He laughs a coo at her, and she just grunts, indignant and sleepy.
“Quit it,” you say, trying not to laugh at the scene.
He hums, shoulders shaking in amusement. “Let’s set up her sleeper,” he says to you before turning to Namjoon. “Can we set it up in the guest room?”
He nods. “You’ll be able to hear her if she wakes up?”
“Of course, we brought her sock monitor.”
“Sock monitor,” Jin scoffs humorously, “Wish they had those when Jiwoo was a baby…”
The voices taper off as you follow Jeongguk back into the house and after a pitstop in the foyer for the crib and baby bag you find yourself in a pretty decently sized bedroom. It’s furnished, but there’s enough space in the far corner for the sleeper.
You sit on the bed, sway back and forth with Nari still snoozing in your arms. You rest your cheek on her head, watching as Jeongguk quickly sets up her nap station. He looks strong, arms working as he snaps each piece into place. His thighs bulge a little, his swim shorts bunching and pulled taut over the muscle as he grabs her blanket and pig stuffie from the baby bag.
“She still sleeping?” he asks, once he’s finished.
You hum an affirmative, getting to your feet and walking over to him. He takes her, and gently lowers her in, staying near until he’s sure that the move didn’t wake her. She whimpers a little in her sleep and you quietly rustle through her bag until you find her paci. Nari quiets immediately, soft baby snores that sound more like tiny little sighs fill the room.
Jeongguk brushes her flyaways off her face, tucks the wispies behind her ear being careful not to snag on her tiny earring. He then turns to you and throws himself into your arms, slumping.
You groan under his weight, but embrace him nonetheless.
“She’s getting so big,” he whines.
“Turns 2 in like 2 months right?”
He nods, face in your neck.
“You gonna do anything for it?”
Sighing, he rights himself. He bends and gets the monitor sock, un-velcroing it as quietly as he can, and then does it up around Nari’s tiny foot as carefully as possible. She’s a pretty good sleeper, never really too fussy, but you can never be too careful. He then grabs his phone from the same bag, checking the connection on the app.
“Her mom was talking about maybe getting together for it,” he says, pocketing his cell and grabbing your hand. “We can do something though. If you want, you’re not obligated of course.”
Your smile is small, but you nod. “Of course I want to.”
His ex is something you both never really touch on. One of the only tense subjects between you two, the conversation always a little formal and stilted, but you get it. And it’s not your place to question him, or how he co-parents. Not your place to question what she would think if she knew about you, because you’re sure she doesn’t. Or else you probably would have been invited to the actual birthday party.
It’s cool. You get it.
You’re wandering aimlessly around the house, hand in hand, taking the well needed break away from the commotion outside. The company is great, just a lot, and you’ve wanted to get Jeongguk alone the whole afternoon. Now’s your chance and after the birthday talk, you could use a distraction.
He’s lazily showing around the downstairs bathroom when you take your chances.
“That’s the waterfall shower, the toilet- it has a bidet, how cool is that? That’s the tub, and- that’s the lock? What are you doing?” He whispers like he’s playfully scandalized by the way you lock the both of you inside.
You shrug innocently, as you step in front of him. Trailing your index finger between the slight dip between his pecs, down to the line between his abs, all the way to the light trail of hair that disappears into his shorts.
“Dunno… What am I doing?”
He hums like he’s thinking about it. “I think you’re being a bit suggestive…” he says quietly as he toys with the tie at your hip.
“Mmm,” you hum contemplative and teasing. You take a short step, closing the small distance between you and him. You wrap your arms around his neck, scratch at the short hairs at the nape of his neck. “What am I suggesting?”
Jeongguk’s so easy. He bends some, brushing his nose against your cheek, the hands at your hips already eagerly gripping and pulling you closer. Flush against him. His voice is soft, has a slight shake to it when he says back, “Not sure… tell me?”
You sigh, pleased, when he presses gentle, wet kisses to your neck. You whine a bit when he nips, his teeth sharp and quick. Eloquently you say, “Let’s have a quickie.”
Jeongguk snorts, a harsh laugh huffing into your skin. “Smooth.”
He’s teasing but his swimsuit doesn’t do much to hide how hard he’s getting, despite not even being touched yet. You change that, hand going down to cup him through the material.
“You wanna?” you purr, squeezing him.
He nods, finally kisses you. Slow and gentle. “Yeah,” he breathes against your mouth.
You kiss him with intention, then.
Tongues curl around each other and teeth click. Hands roam, bodies on fire despite the little clothing on your frames, the dip in the pool you had not too long ago. Jeongguk seems eager, kinda desperate as he breathes harshly against your lips, hands on your ass grabbing and kneading your cheeks in his big palms, pulling them apart a little as he presses his cock into your lower belly.
You moan when you feel how hard he is, when you feel how badly he wants you. Right here in one of his best friends' bathrooms. It makes you feel a little high, kind of dreamy as he backs himself to the counter, hooks one of your legs on his hip, forcing you to rest most of your weight on him, bracing yourself against his body.
With your legs now open, Jeongguk takes advantage of the way your pussy is right over his cock, rutting up into you, his hips moving hard and slow as he drags his length against you. You gasp, resting your head on his shoulder, eyes falling shut. Your acrylics grip at his shirt for a moment, basking in the way your clit is being teased. Pleasure making your whole body tingle.
“You’re so hard,” you whimper.
He makes a needy noise, sounding a little embarrassed as he urges you to look at him with a hand on your face. He watches you, as your brows turn up every time you feel the tip of his cock. Your mouth falls open, a silent moan, and he knows you’re trying so hard to be quiet. It makes him throb, jerk against your cunt.
“You’re being so good,” he praises.
Your eyes flutter a little, rolling back some as you nod.
He kisses you again, rougher this time. Your mouths stay attached as you finally free him from the stiff material of his trunks, pushing and pulling his foreskin over his tip. He has to break the kiss so he can moan, so he can look down at your tiny hand wrapped around him, fingers not even able to wrap all the way around.
“__,” he sighs.
You’re mouthing at his neck while you pump, a questioning noise being hummed into the column of his throat.
“You know how… how I’m gonna be gone for... like a week? For that business trip?” His sentence is broken up by lewd groans.
You tell him you know, distracted by the nasty clicking noises that color the air on every upstroke.
He stays quiet for a moment, tensed in your hands. Then he speaks in that unsure voice that he takes when he asks about something he’s not sure your response will be.
“You can say no… but I just- want you, even when I’m by myself… when I can’t actually have you...”
Gently, he pushes your leg off his hip, and reaches into his pocket.
That’s when you get it.
He pulls his phone out, looks at you a little nervously. His cheeks rosy and flushed. You’re pretty sure your pussy floods your bikini bottoms. Jeongguk wants you so fucking badly that he wants to record you, because he can’t go without you- not even for a single week. He could watch porn, jerk off to the thought of you, could even get someone else because you wouldn’t ever find out. But no.
He just wants you.
“Yes,” you say quickly.
Jeongguk beams, both his hands coming to cup your face- phone and all -as he kisses you. Quick, sweet kisses until he rests his forehead on yours, his breaths hot on your face as he lets himself fuck into your palm for just a moment.
“Will you suck me, baby?” he whispers.
And fuck his voice has that tremble to it, like he’s so turned on he can barely contain it. You nod in his hands.
“Gag on it a little? Hmm?”
“Yeah, whatever you want, Jeongguk.”
And that’s how you find yourself on your knees of a bathroom floor, Jeongguk’s fat cock in your mouth, his phone recording every tear that leaks from the corner of your eyes, every gag that reverberates when his leaking tip nudges the back of your throat, every gasp you take when you pull off. The spit slick sounds that echo as you jerk him off while you catch your breath.
His phone catches the choked moans that he can’t keep in, your mouth too wet, too hot around his cock. It catches all the dirty, salacious requests he asks you.
“Lick my balls,” he whispers.
And you do. With one of your hands you jerk his cock, as you look up at him. Part of your face is covered by his cock as you lap at his balls, relishing in the way he spreads his legs a little wider, wanting to feel as good as possible.
“That spot behind my balls- yeah, fuck-”
You bring your free hand up and press two fingers into his taint, massaging lightly stimulating his prostate from the outside, while still stroking and licking him. His cock pulses in your hold and you feel when a little drop of precum dribbles to your hand that’s working over his length. You moan and rub your thighs together.
He doesn’t ask for this often but you love it when he does. You love the way he gets so breathy, so airy with his noises. How his chest stutters with short inhales until he finally releases and exhales with long groans, sometimes light whines.
Right now, his head falls back as he exhales one of those deep groans, before he looks down at you again, adjusts the camera a little, eyes so dark and heavy just dripping with lust and arousal as you make him feel so, so good.
“Don’t make me cum, wanna fuck you,” he murmurs.
It’s almost like a warning, telling you to stop because he knows he won’t be able to do it himself, the buzz thrumming through his body too blissful for him to willingly cut it off, put it to an end.
You listen to him, one last long lick from his balls to his tip, before you’re standing, hopping onto the counter. Spreading your legs, you invite Jeongguk between them.
He’s still filming, angles his phone down as he presses the thumb of his free hand in between your pussy lips over your bottoms. He kisses you while he touches you, swallowing the little whimpers you make, makes sure the shot is right when you start to rock your pussy into his touch.
Trailing his fingers from your hidden slit to the knot keeping your bikini on, he gives you a quick glance, before pulling it. He hooks a single finger under the fabric, and drags it down until your perfect, little cunt is bare.
Bending down some, Jeongguk brings his phone closer to your pussy. It’s hairless, and smooth. Pussy lips puffy. When he spreads you open, your wet center gleaming on camera, you whine, closing your legs slightly.
You’ve gotten over your shyness with him, but having a pussy close up is foreign enough for you to get bashful. But he just shushes you, coaxes your legs open again.
“Have the prettiest pussy,” he tells you, as his index finger barely pushes inside. “Can’t wait to get my cock in here…”
Something seems to click at Jeongguk’s words. He stops the video and looks up at you with his expression pained.
“What?” you ask, kinda of out of it, drunk on arousal.
All he says is, “Condom.”
Your face falls. “Are there any in the bag?”
He shakes his head. “ You packed it, and I didn’t add any. Didn’t think we would need them.”
Normally you wouldn’t push him, would settle for sucking his cock, drinking his cum. Would be good with him eating you out, cumming all over his tongue. But your pussy aches, you're not sure anything but his thick cock filling you up will suffice this time.
“Well, we don’t need them…” you whisper.
“__…” He gives you a stern look. You feel his cock kick, though, where it rests against your thigh.
“Please,” you beg, hand going to his cock stroking it over your tummy. “I have the IUD, it’s like 99% effective I’m pretty sure-”
“Pretty sure isn’t convincing-”
“I’m really sure,” you say, “I need it.”
He looks like he’s fighting with himself. Weighing the pros and cons of fucking you raw for the first time. Feeling your tight cunt sucking him in every time he pulls out, no barrier between you.
He grips the base of his cock and you sigh relieved as he wordlessly slips his tip between your folds.
You hold his gaze as he starts to push in. His mouth falls open when your pussy swallows his tip, and when he reaches the hilt, you let out the softest cry, both of you gasping into each other's mouth at the first swift thrust he rocks into you.
“Thank you,” you breathe.
Jeongguk sucks in a sharp breath. Holds his hips still as his eyes squeeze shut for the briefest of moments before his hips start to move again. You’re overwhelming, he’s never been with someone who he’s had such strong chemistry with, someone who knows exactly how to please him, someone who he knows exactly how to please.
It’s only a few thrusts into you later that Jeongguk is groaning, pushing one of your legs back so he can see your slick on his cock every time he pulls out. “Fuck, this was a bad idea…”
You shake your head, eyes closed. “No I love it like this, can feel you so much better.”
He moans, presses his cock in as far as he can, hips right up against you. “Yeah, that’s why,” he sighs, “never gonna wanna use a condom again.”
The smile that plays on your lips is wicked. “Then don’t.”
Jeongguk laughs breathlessly, fucks you a little faster as he brings a hand up to your face. He loves looking at you while he’s inside you, watching as your features shift whenever he hits that spot. “Be good,” he tells you.
You listen to him, not because you want to, but because you can’t think coherently with his cock inside you. It’s slow, the noises in the bathroom echoed and loud, slapping skin not an option today, but god. He moves his hips into you perfectly, the head of his cock rubbing on your g-spot everytime he pushes inside of you, the drag of his swollen tip against your walls is  dizzying.
He knows how to fuck you so well, having come to know your body almost as well as you do with how many times you’ve sat on his cock, how many times he’s plowed into you, how many times he’s coaxed leg shaking orgasms from your body with nothing but his cock. He knows that you like it when he gets a hold of your tits, when he flicks your nipples with the pads of his thumbs, so he finally moves your bikini top out of the way, does exactly that and he smiles when you arch into his touch.
The scolding he gives you when you accidentally knock the soap bottle over is playful. “Careful,” he whispers.
“Sorry,” you pant. When he tells you to keep it down normally, you usually have a little bit of leeway. But you don’t have that here. You know that you are a guest in the home and that this is your first time meeting everyone. You know that tainting the barbeque with sex noises is probably a bad first impression. That’s hard to remember, however, when Jeongguk fucks like he does.
He coos, his hips speeding up some. “No, don’t be sorry. So perfect. So good,” he sighs, “best I’ve ever had.”
“Just a little faster,” you plead.
The first time he fucked you, he told you he would give you whatever you wanted, and he’s never not done that. So he picks up his pace, one hand squeezing at your tits, the other at the meat of your inner thigh, and he feels how you tighten around his cock, pussy pulsing.
“Like that,” you sob.
“You have to be quiet, baby,” he pants, sweat dripping down his temple.
Like he spoke it into existence, footsteps sound outside the door. He doesn’t know how long it’s been since you both put Nari down, but it sounds like everyone is coming in from outside. Distant chatter echoes through the thin walls, the thin wood of the bathroom door. Whoever was outside seems to have just been passing by, but it lights the fire.
“Gonna make you cum,” Jeongguk tells you.
You try to respond, but the fast pace of hips knocks the breath out of you, knocks the words right out of your mouth. Your hands scramble on the counter, trying to support yourself, but its hard when he just feels so fucking good inside of you.
The slaps that start to sound are thankfully muted by the material of your swimsuit still halfway tied on, because Jeongguk doesn’t slow down, doesn’t falter a bit as he jackhammers his cock into your tiny cunt, deeming time a more pressing limitation than volume.
The frantic pace of his thrusts is an almost constant pressure on that magic, euphoric spot in your pussy. The pressure bleeds to pleasure and your arms and legs begin to shake, as your eyes are water from the effort to keep your moans silent, but you don’t know how much more you can take, if you’ll be able to keep quiet as he makes you cum on his cock.
“Can I cum?” you whisper, words fast and jumbled.
Jeongguk nods, swears as he keeps plowing his cock into you over and over again.
“Cover my mouth, cover my mouth,” you tell him, lewd urgency lacing your tone. “Oh my god, I’m gonna cum-”
The way that you look and sound when you’re about to finish with his hand over your mouth is wet dream material. Your brows are pinched, almost worried looking as you nod, letting him know that you’re there. The moans that you can’t keep in are muffled and desperate sounding under his palm, and jesus fucking christ Jeongguk can’t keep looking at you when you look like that or he’ll cum before you even get the chance to.
He leans forward, presses his face into your cheek. “C’mon, cum for me baby,” he encourages. Demanding yet so sweet as he takes what he wants from you.
You shake in his hold when you do as he says. Muffled moans turn to muffled cries as he fucks you through it, as he keeps his fat cock thrusting in and out of your convulsing cunt.
“That’s it. That’s my good girl-” Jeongguk, whispers before he buries his face into your neck.
After cumming your pussy always gets so warm, so swollen and tight and wet on the inside. And he knows he should pull out, shouldn’t risk cumming inside of you, but he feels like he physically can’t pull out. Like it would be a crime to not paint your insides white, just this once. The instinctual urge to bury his cock inside of you wins out as he loses control of his hips.
“Gonna cum inside,” he warns you.
The way you shiver in his hold at his words, just spurs him on more knowing that you crave it as much as he does. When he moves his hand from your mouth you immediately say a soft, delirious, “Please.”
He’s always had a thing for begging but that single word has never sounded as good as it does when you say with his cock buried inside of you. You sound drunk on him, on the way he fucks you and touches you and takes care of you. It only takes a few more frenzied pumps of his cock until he’s spilling inside of you, barely audible, gasped moans filling your ears.
The afterglow is short lived. The blaring knock on the door makes sure of that.
“You guys are sick, there are children in the house.”
It’s Hoseok. Because of course it is.
Jeongguk just groans, and when there are retreating footsteps outside the door, you finally let yourself laugh.
“Do you think anyone else heard?”
“God I hope not, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“They didn’t hear the end of it either…” you tease.
Jeongguk puffs out a lazy laugh, his softening cock slipping out as he backs up. He looks down at your swollen pussy, sees the little drops of leaking cum. He takes his index finger and gathers it before pushing it back in.
“Bold,” you say, with a quirked brow.
He rolls his eyes. “Are you staying for dinner after we head back?”
His subject change makes you chuckle incredulously, but still you nod. “Sure, I don’t have work tomorrow.”
“Oh, so you’re staying the night?” he asks cheekily.
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, as if you weren’t hoping he would ask.
When you wake up in his bed, Jeongguk isn’t on the right side like he usually is. Instead, there’s a note letting you know that he’s in Nari’s room with her because she was fussy, along with a plan b and some flowers.
helloooo!! long time no see im so sorry for the lack of content im having horrible writers block 😁 but anyway~~ dilf jk!! hopefully the wait for part two was worth it, and that you liked it <3 if you did, pls pls reblog, like, comment, share, send an ask >.< feedback is so appreciated and i love talking to u guys <33 smooches cuties 😚 series masterlist, pt 1, pt 2, pt 3
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