#and i am autistic so i can sort of see how i melded into adam already writing him like that. but i have no idea how i did that with belle
i headcanon adam as autistic and belle having adhd. but it’s so funny to me because i’ll read my older fics before i even thought of those headcanons and it’s like, i was writing them like that the entire gotdamn time!! it’s like:
me: adam is blunt and picky and weirdly specific about everything and lives by his own rules that only make sense to him and hates people and is only good at socializing with them because he knows how to speak their language. he hates change and plans his days very strictly. also he’s very interested in fashion and maps. and belle? oh she’s always starting projects and never finishing them. her head is a constant stream of ideas and thoughts and questions. she needs to know how everything works and WHY. she has insane time-blindness and gets distracted easily but she can also get so hyper-focused on something she'll be lost to the world for hours even days.
me, much later after having all those thoughts and just naturally writing them like that for years: ooooooohhhhhh
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