#and hp refs are all over this ep
have you seen the finale
hi friend 
I have seen the final and holy pyjama lama 
I have some thoughts.
things i liked
1- Alex!!!
I loved her suit the black and blue, nice ( it ties in well with the superAlex look) also until further notice i will be calling her ‘Blue Bird’ (although i do agree it looks nightwing ish, I just love dick grayson to much to “take the name” from him) i also like that it goes well with Nia’s white and blue. 
so in future line ups its bule and white (nia) black and blue (alex) blue and red (kara) black and red (J’onn/Megan) , so that’s cool that they have team colours mixed between them. it also make brainy stand out with his purple which is a mix of red and blue so i found all of that really neat.
another thing I adored in this ep was that Alex wanted Kara to see her in the suit first and alone (behind the curtain) it was such a nice sister moment (that i have been missing this season) and its Alex ‘returning the favour’ as being the first to know about Kara. so it was a moment that was so sweet i actually had to pause for a second cause it was just to perfect.
and everything with her and Kelly was so cool and fun
2- Nia using her dream powers, god i have missed them, and her ‘day dreaming’ was nice to see again. She was also bad ass this ep.
3- Megan!! i did not know how much i missed her until she came back. i don’t know why she showed up out of the blue but i love her to much to care (if i had to guess it was to have another strong fighter character’ so that Melissa could stay away from action scenes without the team being under powered) 
the way she talked to Nia was so sweet and nice, big space mom energy. 
and the way she talked about J’onn was nice to, talking about both of their flaws and mistakes they made (lying about being a white martian and J’onn’s reaction) so it was nice to have that acknowledged. plus she was just seamless character into this group like she has been there all season so that was great.  
4- J’onn the gossip space dad loves to chat about his girls and that is just a nice touch to his character (and his relationship with Megan)
5- and this might be a hot take but i like how Kara treated and talked to Lena in the ep, not cruel or unfair but with honesty and a bit reserved, when she went off at Lena i literally yelled “finally”. when she said something along the lines of ‘i made one mistake and then you spent all this time to hurt me in every single way’ that felt so good to hear like FUCKING YES
6- Brainy’s ( for the sake of time Meghan’s brainy is being called M-brainy)
i love and hated this part of the ep. like brainy pushing through all the pain to get the job done was soooo good and heart breaking. M-brainy was perfect to bring back for this (and a nice surprise). You could feel the sibling love between them.
the amount of pain he was willing to suffer and then Nia talking about not trusting him after his changes is so painful (in a good way).
when he said ‘i don’t want to die alone’ in the bar is such a tender moment that i could watch it a hundred times and it will still hit the same way. 
and when they held hands and had the ‘will you stay with me’ ‘until the very end’
(side note: 1-good call back ref, 2- i love that they used James line and not lily/snape’s ‘always’ i love alan rickan but snape’s character is super dice-y, plus James line always hits me in a way that i can only describe as a ‘Tolkening’ way, like gentle love that could warm a whole kingdom, kind of deal, just listen to billy boyd’s ‘the last goodbye’ that’s the feeling i’m talking about)
Lex coming in and taking the bottle is so hurtful and terrible and my heart hurts at that scene. (Lex is a bitch)  
Brainy, who’s character is built on compassion and love for others (despite outward appearances) is alone at what he thinks is the end, and no one knows what he did to protect them and is gone with out a goodbye or a even a fond ‘final memory’ of him for them to hold on to.   
he just goes into the night quietly thinking its what he deserves, it is honestly one of the reasons i love his character (comic or otherwise) is that quiet side to him, he is arrogant, smart-mouthed even insensitive but when things effect him quietly and deeply. and it is in the quiet where he shows love, even if no one understands it or even sees it. (i love him)     
(they better save him or i will burn this whole fandom to the ground.)
Ok now on to the things that bugged me
1- Lex is a bitch (Jon is killing it though) 
I hate, hate, hate that he ‘planed’ for brainy to bottle them and then take it from him like for fuck sake can someone anyone get this guy bitch-slap please 
like I was fine with him ‘winning the day’ but I wanted him to be surprised or at least bested in SOME WAY like damn no one is that good 
and brainy IS SMARTER THEN HIM!!!
it was fine for like the first half of the season (first of the second half? whatever) but to not have a SINGLE THING go wrong for him is just bullshit 
let him underestimate brainy, let people one up him but not in a way that will completely stop him but in a way that he has to rethink how he moves forward.
the perfectness of Lex is getting annoying now. (which ironically is the most common complaint about the superfam in general)
2- (Might be another hot take) Kara just forgave Lena at the end 
like what? really she does one day of probation and that’s that. after a whole season months and mouths of backstabbing and betrayal and TRYING to kill Kara and then having the nerve to BLAME her for it.
“look what you’ve done”  to Kara and not ‘look what I’ve done for you’
I’m not saying she should not have a redemption I just think it needed to be like more earned then literally just making a suit and standing in the way of like one not so good assassin.
i think Kara should have been more of ‘I can’t forgive you yet, but i want us to work towards it, if your willing.’
cause that “you proved yourself at every turn, I was not ready to forgive you yet but i am now”
like WTF,  
i am legitimately horrified by how quick that was. like work towards it, that is all i ask.    
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elecman108 · 3 years
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Man, I forgot to post 90% of my art here for the past while. I’m gonna do an art dump in this post under the cut. Enjoy the bonk emoji if you don’t click the read more, and man am I dumb and forgetful lmao.
Includes: OCs getting names, a Sonic impression, a D&D map, homosexual energies, a sheep floating in the astral sea, a birthday drawing I already posted, Hex Maniac Ender, D&D Characters, D&D Characters as Miis in Miitopia, Little Hater Axel, local Demon in the consciousness of my D&D character yelling at him, illegal plants, a necromancer being cute, an actual event that happened in a D&D game two days ago, and Mermay drawing.
That’s everything in here as a TL;DR, I guess. Enjoy your day!
I’m gonna try and sort of have them in chronological order, oldest first, but I may end up putting them in the wrong order. If I do... Whoops, I guess?
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[04/14/21] - This isn’t really new art, but I started to work on giving the four OCs of mine without a full name full names... I have not finished this bit, though. So Hunter and Akira have full names, and Warlock and Assassin only have temporary names. This may end up like Seven where I put in their names as a temporary name (7th OC I’d made at that time) and it just kind of... sticks. Lmao.
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[04/20/21] - Alone on a Friday Night? God, you’re pathetic. I didn’t colour this one because it was a half-attempt at a meme image I still like it, though, so I might end up colouring it. It’s gonna appear again whenever I do my “unfinished drawings art dump” at some point probably in... June? I know I said I’d post them last month but forget it, lmao, it’ll happen eventually.
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[04/20/21] - A D&D Map! This was to help me visualize the layout of my D&D character’s ship he used to be on. Also for my DM if they ever put us aboard the ship. The little fella in the corner is just there to vibe. This map is made of free to use assets from This Website, so while I’m gonna say DONT USE MY MAP WITHOUT PERMISSION, feel free to make your own!
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[04/26/21] - Lesbian Day of Visibility drawing of yours truly, the disapointment! That’s... really all I have to say about this, honestly. It was just for that one day and that was it, lmao. I mean, I accidentally lined it in dark pink, so.. .That’s different, I guess?
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[04/30/21] - Do Astral Seas dream of Ensorcled Sheep? Does the City know what Sheepleb is going to do? What crimes he may commit? Who knows! This was fan art of Critical Role ep. 134 if I remember correctly, right at the end when they jumped into the portal into the astral sea and Caleb was a sheep. Using my knowledge of the German language, I knew the word for “shit”, and had to use it.
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[05/07/21] - This was already posted, but it’s going in here to dilinuate that it was drawn at this point. Also, aside from playing Miitopia, this is all I have to show for myself until the 12th.
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[05/12/21] - Hex Maniac Ender challenges you to a Pokemon Battle! WIll you win against my team? My sis, who loves fairy types, pointed out to me that there’s a fairy girl and hex maniac duo, so I’d be the hex maniac. I spent... Over a week drawing this, because I basically had to redraw the Hex Maniac art from scratch in a higher quality size, and then draw myself over it. So... You can excuse the low-effort background for once. It was basically this, and then my birthday doodle from May 1st to May 12th, and then I took a break to draw up several D&D characters quickly for fullbody references.
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[05/12/21] - Remember this art I made several months ago? I finally added my other two completed characters! I have three more named but without character sheet D&D characters, so for now this is just Kara, Axel, Golden Shadow, Kau, Cecillia, and Miri. Kress, Tempest, and Melia will have to wait until I make character sheets for them to be posted, and... For when I probably make more D&D characters. I have at least 9 additional, incomplete character ideas floating around, so... I’m never gonna be done this art, huh?
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[05/12/21] - Speaking of D&D characters, did you know I’ve been making them as Miis in Miitopia? So here is their finished full body art next to their Miitopia self! Some of them look a little off (Golden Shadow, Cecillia) because of limitations of the editor and shading issues, some of them look a little off (Kau, Kress) because this is a human face canvas that I’m using to make a non-human face, and some of them (Melia, Axel) look REALLY GOOD. Common traits among my D&D characters include green eyes and tall. You wanna know why? Because I am tall and... despite having red eyes, I do have green eyes under the coloured contacts.
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[05/15/21] - More D&D stuff! This is based around my D&D group’s current Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign where our Goliath Fighter, Nioh, ends up getting a little bit of hate for being cocky, and our little (well over 6′) hater, Axel, is just a man full of irritation. These are the tallest two characters of the group at the moment. Someone send help. Nioh belongs to one of the other D&D players, Axel (and his stupid additude) belongs to me.
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[05/15/21] - This is what me playing D&D feels like. Me, the demon entity trapped inside the head of my D&D character, yelling at them to do things while the dice decide that they’re gonna get bopped a hundred times by a yeti and somehow still survive. This is also a reference to our first or second game where I just ran off like sixty feet to one side of the battle map to fight a Crag Cat and was just in Gay Baby Jail until like two turns later when I could run back to the others. I also drew him not in his winter gear even though this is a bit from when we were atop Kelvin’s Carin in an icy cave, so maybe that’s why he’s at low HP.
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[05/15/21] - Melia has good gardening tips, such as Use A Mars Mii Trap To Hide A Body Because They Are Endangered And It Is Illegal To Dig Them Up. I love her a lot, because she’s the youngest of four, all four sisters based around the different seasons. She’s based around Autumn, so she’s all orange and yellow and brown and is so cute. Also she’s Chaotic Neutral, as if she didn’t need to be mildly more threatening.
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[05/15/21] - Cecillia is my Tiefling gal who lived in a very northern town plagued by cold weather and snow, and Axel is my Pirate guy who spent most of his time further south on the high seas and warmer weather. So, naturally... I’ll use the guy more acclimatized to the hotter weather in the campaign where we spend 99% of it in the snow. She uses Tarot Cards as her spell focus, and I decided to sneak my other D&D characters onto her Tarot cards so naturally, Axel is The Hanged Man, given his backstory and personality. She’s a very cheerful and friendly Tiefling Necromancer of the Hexblade, so she’d for sure take care of those around her to ensure their success. Especially if they’re on her Tarot Cards, and their spirit comes to her aid when she asks for them.
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[05/16/21] - Content Warning; Ryma thinks too much into local stupid moron’s lack of knowing how to answer a question and thinks too much into the reputation of Pirates. Poor Axel, man doesn’t know how to socialize with people who aren’t pirates and is used to being hostile towards everyone, so when he’s asked a question that his answer to is “uhh... no?”, he panics and ends up making a mistake that leads him to think that Ryma can read his mind. Ryma belongs to another of the D&D players. I guess me drawing all those spicy Cow Costumed OCs earlier just brought me to drawing Axel being a bottom in this, huh?
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[05/16/21] - It’s Mermay, which means more OC drawings! Here’s Theo after drinking some potion that turned him into a mermaid, and Seven, tiredly, collecting his stupid boyfriend so that Lailah can fix the fact he’s turned into a mermaid. Mer!Theo is based around his sword’s colours of indigo-purple with red accents, which looks a little weird since Theo is the Blue one of the group, but... it looks cool, I guess. Seven’s just the same outfit as always, just no gloves this time.
And that’s it for the art dump! This was, frankly, MASSIVE. I’ll try and remember to upload both on Twitter and Tumblr at the same time, but... Ah... I have been drawing a fair bit. Just mostly sketches and linework that I haven’t finished and may not actually finish. If they’re not completed, I’ll dump them all into something at the end of the month or whatever. Maybe you’ll get the old sketch of the Axel face in panel 3 because in the sketch phase it was an Ahegao face, in the clean sketch it was a lip bite, and in the linework and final it’s just horny face. lmao.
Top ten things I have to remember for drawing: AXEL HAS A SCAR AND GREEN EYES. I remember his eye colour now, but if you look at his fullbody ref, he’s got brown eyes. And, naturally, I keep forgetting to put in his scar. He has more, but most of them are located in areas covered by his clothes. So if I ever draw him shirtless I guess I’ll have to place them somewhere.
Also maybe finish the reference sheets I have left to finish so I can post more of them, since I have two “Pets” completed (Roko and Mona’s nameless pet), but I have to do up Hunter, Warlock, Assassin, Akira, Myuut, and Stella. I’m betting when I do complete two more, it’ll be Hunter and Akira. Those two are the most fun to draw, at least.
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