#and however ariane would take the entire deal with that
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#signalis#ariane yeong#elster signalis#lstr 512#lilith itou#alina seo#arielster#biruesque art#doodle#comic#im so normal about elster n her gestalt#and however ariane would take the entire deal with that#the line sounds sweet but maybe she couldve been a bit jealous about it#of elster? of alina? maybe both?#im going to put them in the air fryer (affectionate)
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Yapping about the story i’m making called Hellsgate Circus, pt. 2
So, where were we?
Once Arian settled into the circus and got a private tent from Lucky to stay in, he notices the darker surroundings. Sure, it was Hell, but even Hell didn’t feel this grim. He was surely a bit confused, as he thought it’d be a whimsical circus.
He met up with the rest of the main cast; Enzo, Victor, Talon, and Texx. Enzo was a jester and a trapeze artist, Victor was a magician, Talon was a backstage medic for the performers, and Texx was both a programmer (for extras in performances, such as light and effects) and an occasional clown. They didn’t really seem fond of him at first (except for Talon, because he basically loves everyone), but in a few weeks, they warmed up to him. He also learned more about them as they hung out more;
Enzo is a strange venus flytrap man who was originally a middle school science project thrown out that somehow grew limbs and became sentient. He’s really energetic but is emotional and struggles with self-hatred.
Victor is a sinner with a regretful past- back over a century ago, he cheated on his (ex)wife, and once she found out, she killed him. For an entire century, he grieved in a deep depression. However, he found Talon, fell in love, and the two got together after knowing each other for a year or two. He usually appears sarcastic and deadpan to most people. (He’s still depressed, by the way.)
Talon is a sinner who was a cowboy and a murderer in his past life. He was a merciless killer who took the lives of the innocent, and mostly didn’t even think of it. However, his actions caught up to him one day, and he took his own life by a gun to the head. In Hell, he had a sort of redemption arc, and he’s actually a nice person now. I made a post about him a while back, so you can go see that for more info. As of now, he’s really caring and sweet, but struggles with anger issues (as you can’t fix everything from your past, of course; some things are permanent).
Texx is a hell-born (imp) robot/protogen. She, before entering the circus, was created/used as a… uh… *pleasure* bot, but she, alike Enzo, gained sentience one day. After a little while of just taking the constant abuse she was now a victim of, she ran away (and got a neck injury, damaging a speech/voice wire, causing her to have stutters/“glitches” in her speech) and ended up becoming a part-time performer in desperation of a non-s*xual purpose. She really likes pranking people (and hurting them in the process), and is a bit sadistic. She lacks connection with others, but does care in her own way.
Of course, it wasn’t all glitz and glamour. The circus ran on demon’s blood. (Lucky made a deal with an overlord named Cielle where he would supply demon’s blood, which can act like a drug/stimulant when taken in larger doses, for a TON of money in return. And Lucky, being a greedy sinner, keeps his word. (Also, if he doesn’t keep his word, he dies. Just as if Cielle didn’t keep her word, she’d die.) it’s called a soul-binding contract, and they’re made to be permanent.)
So, anyone who performs has to, well, kill people. They’re not told this until after they sign contracts and are stuck in the circus permanently (or at least until the circus shuts down). And (most of) the performers don’t like killing people, so their life sucks and so does their mental health, because there’s no getting out of performing and killing people.
Also, for Lucky’s backstory, he was a regular man, but from mental issues, he didn’t really know how to be happy other than the rush he gets from alcohol and gaining money, so it led to greed and gluttony. He died from a drunken car crash in his mid-40’s. Also’s he’s a perverted asshole who only let Arian stay in the circus with no purpose whatsoever because he (s*xually) likes Arian. (Arian’s aro-ace, by the way, so Lucky never got what he wanted. Plus, Arian would never like Lucky in that way, even if he was attracted to people.)
There’s other performers and stuff, but they’re more of background characters (as i can’t have a main cast of… like… 20 people).
Uhhh that’s it. I hope over the years this grows a fandom, even if it’s small. I really love the concept of it, and I hope you do too! I wanna hear you guys’s opinions (unless they’re REALLY critical or stuff like that)
#silly#circus#clowncore#circuscore#clown oc#ocs#circus oc#fiction#story writing#i really hope this eventually gets a fandom
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ascendant signs and projections
aries rising
they project themselves with intense energy and with primal power. their decisiveness enables them to act on their ideas the minute they are formed. arians do not waste time. they are competitive and have the urge to excel in everything they do. they must continually prove themselves to themselves through action.
with libra on the descendant, often arians marry without considering the major factors involved; and divorce is a likely result. they tend to choose gentle and vulnerable marriage partners. their mates are usually skilled in public relations and intent on presenting a good image to the world.
taurus rising
taureans can express their potential for power through their productivity, financial dealings, and structuring material and resources. they love the good things of life and often create beauty in some form.
with scorpio on the descendant, they are attracted to power and status. they seek energetic partners, those who excel in creative expression and the power to accomplish. however, they must guard against jealousy, combativeness, and possessiveness with partners. there is often a need for spiritual detachment.
gemini rising
geminis are original and creative thinkers and tend to dominate their circles intellectually. they also have the power to visualize their ideas and express them scientifically. since they tend to identify themselves with their ideas, their most dynamic form of expression is intellectual.
with sagittarius on the descendant, geminis tend to emphasize ethical, religious, and philosophical values when choosing personal relationships. they are usually lucky in marriage (jupiter ruled 7th house) and have good relations with the public.
cancer rising
cancers tend to be emotionally volatile. they expend a great deal of energy through their feelings and are romantic and dramatic in their emotional expressions. their emotions are supported by their will, however. they identify with their families and familiar concerns.
with capricorn on the descendant, there is a tendency to be cautious and reserved in forming partnerships and to be shy in public relations. since large crowds frighten them, cancers do not like to remain in a crowd for very long. they are cautious in marriage. they tend to marry late in life and sometimes for status, or because it’s the “right” thing to do.
leo rising
while leos project themselves with dignity, energy and will, they are at times abrupt and overbearing. they are determined to express themselves wherever they see fit, and they will sometimes enter into and dominate a situation without being invited.
with aquarius on the descendant, in partnerships leos like to be free. they are humanitarian in public relations and enjoy creating the image of altruism. they have an instinct to centralize things in partnerships; and when they are married they want to know, for no rational reason, the whereabouts and activities of their partner. go figure.
virgo rising
virgos' mental acuteness is projected in practical affairs. they are systematic and well-organized in developing ideas and executing them. no detail is too small for them to notice or explain; and their success is due to the careful attention to fine points and details overlooked by others. perfection is virgos' goal, and there are no flaws in what they do. quality often supersedes quantity.
with pisces on the descendant, partners are often the avenue by which the natives expand into new fields; these partners enhance virgos' human understanding and emotional involvement. virgos attract people who are not nearly so well organized as they are. they must watch out for a possible savior complex, since they might see their partner as a project they won’t quit until they get them right.
libra rising
libras project their individuality through co-operation with other people; their personalities must be focused on and mirrored in those with whom they co-operate. their actions express beauty and harmony, along with discipline, sternness, and a strong sense of justice. their strongest virtue is their ability to see any matter from the viewpoint of the people with whom they are dealing. libras do not like to be alone; they feel lost when they are forced to rely entirely on themselves.
with aries on the descendant, libras can be aggresssive in order to gain the respect and attention of others. they also have the power to motivate other people into action without even being aware of it. their partners must understand that if they want peace they must maintain a high activity level and work hard.
scorpio rising
scorpios project themselves with energy and willpower, and are willing to stake their lives to accomplish their aims. it’s futile to attempt to convince them that something cannot be done, since xcorpios will do it or die trying. they fortify their objectives with a tremendous, fixed, emotional intensity. they have the ability to draw on hidden resources of power to attain their ends.
with taurus on the descendant, scorpios attract marriage partners who have wealth and/or stability to offer. they are co-operative in partnerships but expect some practical gain as a result. they spend money on lovely things that have quality. they also spend money on their partners and take great pride in the fact that they like their gifts.
sagittarius rising
sagittarians project themselves with optimism. their ambitions are geared towards large-scale goals. they appear to be friendly, interested, and jovial. however, they have a tendency to take things for granted and to think solely in terms of their own affairs and frames of reference. their power comes from an ability to influence other people to subscribe to a system of thinking that is arranged to provide them with all the advantages. nevertheless, the sagittarians' optimism is a source of inspiration to anyone with whom they have contact.
with gemini on the descendant, frequently there is more than one marriage or partnership, since they often have their eyes on greener fields. even though sagittarians are primarily loners, they attract people who are intelligent and versatile, and who can aid them in practical ways. they are astute and intelligent in public relations. however, they often prefer that their partners represent them and their ideas instead.
capricorn rising
discipline, systematic endeavor, hard work, and patience are capricorns' projected image. everything they do has a purpose, and is designed to achieve some definite practical end. capricorns are serious, austere, somewhat melancholy, and reserved (this is not considering other aspects of the chart).
with cancer on the descendant, they are strongly attached emotionally to their significant others. however, the fact that their partners also are often emotionally dependent on them presents problems at times. capricorns are, moreover, emotional about their relations with the public and with dear friends whom they regard as members of their family.
aquarius rising
aquarians’ projections are original, creative, independent, wishing to make their own unique contribution to the common good. they are at the same time fun-loving, people-oriented, and friendly in an impersonal way. they are modest and do not like to call undue attention to themselves. they would rather be loved than admired. they find their source of power in group activity within a close circle of friends.
with leo on the descendant, marriage and business partners who are powerful and well-established are attracted to aquarians and occasionally dominate them. aquarians are very independent, however, and this domination is (hopefully) never carried to the point of repression. the marriage partners are generally warm and loving and have their own place in the sun.
pisces rising
pisceans project themselves as sympathetic, adaptable, ethereal, and visionary. their achievements are the result of their sensitivity to the subtle currents of their surroundings. their mystical insight allows them to penetrate the subtleties of human nature. they usually have artistic and musical ability.
with virgo on the descendant, some with this configuration will be so absorbed in spiritual ecstasies or daydreaming that they will want partners to manage the more trivial and mundane necessities of everyday life. sometimes the pisces will be so idealistic and romantic that unconsciously they are highly critical and condemning of others for not living up to their expectations. others derive their identity solely through rescuing or serving others (Savior Complex by Phoebe Bridgers lol).
#astrology#zodiac signs#ascendant#aries rising#taurus rising#gemini rising#cancer rising#leo rising#virgo rising#libra rising#scorpio rising#sagittarius rising#capricorn rising#aquarius rising#pisces rising
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Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
The Mahjarrat are dying, and they want answers as to why. To get them, they must journey back to Freneskae at the behest of Zaros, who promises them freedom from their Rituals once and for all. When Zamorak gets wind of his intentions, it leads to the two deities meeting for the first time since the great betrayal…
Jahaan had been informed of Ozan’s fate. He took it as well as expected.
Over the next few days, Ariane, Mary Rancour and Idria visited Jahaan in his hospital bed, but neither party welcomed the visits. Conversation was tense and weighted, with hollow pleasantries and distracted glances. After all they had been through, conversing just didn’t seem possible, let alone appropriate. Ozan’s absence choked the air around them, invading their minds. How could they talk about anything else? How could they talk about him?
They couldn’t. That’s why, before long, Mary Rancour made excuses to go back to Burthorpe, and Idria said she had business to attend to in the Guardian of Armadyl military order. Ariane stayed for a while longer. Usually the two just sat in silent, solemn contemplation. Jahaan slept through a lot of the visits, even when he wasn’t tired. He couldn’t deal with anyone, let alone her.
Soon, she too made her excuses and left for the Wizards’ Tower, saying she ought to go back and look after Coal.
Then, Jahaan was alone. It was a familiar state for him. He liked solitude, unless in the company of those he trusted. That list was growing thinner and thinner with each passing day. The only true friend he ever had was Ozan, though. Now he was gone too.
Jahaan felt angry. He felt rage, bitter, burning rage… but he was tired. Gods, he was tired. Soon, the rage became hollow. He felt empty, breathing just enough to keep living, the shallow air rattling around his insides.
That’s why he slept so much. At least in his dreams, he didn’t feel so empty.
Gaw’kara’s treatment consisted predominantly of bedrest and pain remedies. Every time he caught Jahaan attempting to walk without aid, even if it was just to stretch his legs and take in the view from the nest, he barked at him to go back to bed. Such injuries required time and relaxation, he would always repeat. Gaw’kara didn’t even allow Armadyl to see Jahaan until a good week into his recuperation.
By the time Armadyl was finally allowed to visit the World Guardian, Jahaan was growing very restless. He could walk, but not without the use of a cane, and he only had one good arm to hold that with. The pain ranged from mild and underlying, all the way up to agony if he twisted in the wrong way. Thus, pain relievers were always on hand. Still, Jahaan was looking forward to leaving the nest. He was grateful for all Gaw’kara and the Armadyleans had done for him, but he needed to leave. He needed to collect his armour from Wahisietel and rest up somewhere else, somewhere private. Not that he had much in the way of company, but still. He’d rather be recuperating on his own terms.
Jahaan was propped up in his bed when Armadyl greeted him with a warm smile. “Salutations, World Guardian. How are you feeling today?”
“Fine, thanks,” Jahaan replied, his stock reply for the question he’d been asked dozens of times by now.
“I apologise for not visiting sooner - Gaw’kara forbade it, and I daren’t cross that bird,” Armadyl chuckled, a wry smile on his beaked face. “But he told me what happened, and of your condition. You’re going to live, and make a full recovery, but only if you don’t do anything reckless.”
“Reckless is all I have,” Jahaan attempted a smile; that, and the joke, were weak. “Thanks for letting me rest here, Armadyl. I really appreciate it.”
“But of course. We don’t turn our back on the injured, World Guardian. And in spite of the horrible circumstances, I’m glad we finally got a chance to properly meet. Sliske’s ascendency didn’t exactly allow for pleasantries.”
“And the memory of the ascendency is anything but pleasant,” Jahaan retorted, wincing as the inhalation he took made his ribs ache. But instead of more small talk, Jahaan wanted to cut to the heart of the matter. He feared Armadyl might be in the business of recruiting him - the World Guardian was a powerful ally to have, some might argue - but Jahaan was in no mood to be under any god’s wing, no pun intended. Frankly, he’d had enough of the divine, and wanted nothing more than to leave the confines of the nest and lick his wounds in solitude. “Listen, while I appreciate your hospitality and all, I was hoping that-”
“You could leave?” Armadyl finished with a raised eyebrow. “Jahaan, you are not a prisoner here. You’re free to leave whenever you like. However, Gaw’kara had recommended at least another week of bedrest and observation. Allow that, and I’ll take you anywhere on Gielinor. And as an added incentive to stay, I’m hosting a banquet tomorrow to mark Taw-itsh Makaaw - it’s a holiday we celebrate twice a year. Could you be persuaded to attend?”
At the word ‘banquet’ Jahaan’s stomach started to rumble. Medic-bay food was hardly a feast fit for… well, anyone, let alone kings. It was nutritious, NOT delicious. He ate it out of sheer necessity to stay alive, and even then he wasn’t sure if it was worth it, knowing he’d have to suffer another mouthful of it the next day.
So, Jahaan accepted Armadyl’s invitation, and indeed stayed another week in the nest to appease Gaw’kara. Like Armdayl, Jahaan did not want to cross that bird. He was given an entire lecture upon the correct ways to treat his injuries, what to do and what not to do. The term ‘post-concussion syndrome’ had been bandied about, and Jahaan didn’t actively want to experience it, so he did take the advice to heart.
Once the week was up, Jahaan requested a teleport to Nardah. He was gifted with a cane to assist his walking, something Jahaan deeply wished he didn’t have to use, but begrudgingly did. It took him near five times as long to cross the room without it.
When he landed in the swelteringly familiar heat of the Nardah climate, Jahaan wished he also asked for a waterskin. Nevermind, the journey wasn’t that long. Though with his walking stick, and with every step being an adventure into achiness, it certainly felt like a long time.
Finally, mercifully, he reached the home of Ali the Wise.
It was a sight for the glamoured Mahjarrat to see; the last time Wahisietel had seen Jahaan, he was a lot more sprightly. Now, he was huddled over a cane. His left arm was in a sling, with his wrist bandaged. His nose was crooked, and a gap in his smile showed a missing tooth. Purple and blue splotches covered his cheeks.
Ushering him inside, Wahisietel demanded, “What happened to you?”
From the stony look on his face, Wahisietel had already hazarded a guess.
“I picked a fight and lost,” Jahaan replied, a half-truth at best, but he really didn’t want to get into it. Instead, he limped over to the set of armour neatly tucked into one of the corners of the room. “Thanks for holding onto this for me. I’m sorry I didn’t collect it sooner.”
“I am not so easily placated, Jahaan,” Wahisietel’s tone was stern, yet measured. “Tell me what he did.”
Rubbing the bridge of his nose, the back of Jahaan’s head was gradually starting to hurt. Headaches were commonplace, a side effect of the concussion. But just because they were expected, didn’t make them any less irritating.
Then, something troubling caught Jahaan’s eye. “Wahisietel, your hand…”
The Mahjarrat’s eyes followed Jahaan’s gaze down to his left hand; his glamoured human flesh seemed to be receding, a pale skeletal hand threatening to make its appearance known.
Pulling his sleeve down over the hand, Wahisietel was concerned, but not surprised. “This particular side effect started happening days ago, though I’ve been feeling the effects for weeks. My power… it has been draining at an alarming rate.” “But how?” Jahaan queried, his brow furrowing. “Lucien’s sacrifice should sustain the Mahjarrat for another five hundred years, right?”
“So you would think,” Wahisietel’s voice was grave and laced with concern. “If I am not the only one to suffer degrading, then that would mean another Ritual is upon us soon. That could mean…”
Shaking his head, the furrowed brow of Ali’s disguise relaxed somewhat; he gave a thin, sorrowful smile. “My apologies, I did not mean to burden you with this.”
Relaxing down into his armchair, Wahisietel motioned for Jahaan to take a seat opposite him. “Now that’s settled, it’s your turn to explain the state you are in.”
Slowly, Jahaan descended into the chair. It was a painful effort. “It’s a long story.”
“I have time. You can start by telling me why I was nearly crushed in my own home by a randomly materialising set of armour.”
Accepting that the Mahjarrat wasn’t going to budge on this, and rather enjoying taking the weight off his feet, Jahaan gave a heavily trimmed down version of events. No unnecessary information, and nothing about Ozan. He couldn’t bear to bring up the man’s name.
For the most part, Wahisietel sat there quietly, stewing. At least he spared Jahaan an ‘I told you so’, something the World Guardian was expecting more than his headaches. After Jahaan repeated the story, Wahisietel spent what felt like an eternity toying with his beard in silent contemplation. Jahaan was in no rush to break that silence.
Eventually, the Mahjarrat spoke. “Do you have somewhere to stay?”
Jahaan was caught slightly off-guard. Not the line of questioning he was anticipating. “I… I’m heading on to Menaphos. I’ll find somewhere there.”
Nodding gently, Wahisietel continued, “I’ll help you carry your armour to the bank. I doubt you can wear it in your condition, yes?”
Jahaan blinked. “R-Right… thank you.”
And that seemed to be his cue to leave. The two didn’t say a word to one another on the way to the bank, and Wahisietel left Jahaan with a very conservative, very blunt ‘farewell’ as he made his way back home. Jahaan was left utterly baffled at the Mahjarrat’s response, regaining just enough stability in his mind to take out a waterskin and some coins before heading over to the flying carpet operator, replaying the conversation in his head as he did so.
What he didn’t realise was that, upon returning home, Wahisietel smashed his desk in half with his bare hands.
Jahaan didn’t want to go back to Menaphos, but in his heart of hearts, he knew he had to.
He was going to go back to The Golden City, to walk through the imposing gates that towered into the clouds and beyond.
He was going to walk through the Merchant’s District, marvelling at the opulence of the wares for sale as he did so. He’d gaze upon the beautiful silk robes of the residents, walk across the perfectly paved streets, trying not to feel like the outsider he had become.
He was going to look up at the Golden Palace in the Imperial District, where the rich and affluent lounged in excessive luxury, either oblivious to the corruption and poverty surrounding them, or unphased by it.
He was going to walk across the city’s main plaza where the statues of the four lesser deities of the Pantheon stood proud.
If he could face it, he would return to the Port District. He might even see what became of his old house.
But for now, it seemed as if Jahaan would end up in the Worker’s District, since that's what his budget would allow. He was going to return to the dregs of the city he had spent a fair portion of his youth in, when the alcohol guided him that way. Waking up to the sound of pickaxes against rock was something he’d get used to. That is, until his ribs healed enough for him to join the workers, earn a pitiful living and pay off the debt he’d accrue renting a place to stay. It was the only part of the city with an altar, for the Pharaoh hated religion, seeing it as a threat to his authority. He went so far as imprisoning religious leaders. The ramshackle altar at the shoreline was a beacon of hope for those trapped in the monotony of a pauper’s life.
And just as the altar was a beacon of hope to the residents of the district, Menaphos was as close to salvation for Jahaan as he could get. This was because Jahaan’s life in Menaphos was a life before Ozan. For twenty-five years Jahaan had remained in Menaphos, not meeting his best friend until he left the Golden City. Therefore, he’d made no memories with the man in Menaphos. For Jahaan, Menaphos was the last place where he felt normal. Once he left the comfort of the city walls, everything changed. But normality, stability and peace… Jahaan’s injury and grief-addled mind concluded that Menaphos was the only place to find such things.
That’s why he had to go back to Menaphos.
So, bracing himself and paying the fare, Jahaan began the magic carpet ride across the desert. When he left the Golden City, the magic carpet transport system hadn’t been introduced. He had to walk from settlement to settlement, and some stretches of the overwhelming heat almost killed him. Directions to towns were hard to follow - maps didn’t account for the endless stretches of blank, sandy nothingness. You couldn’t catch your bearings in such a place. So, despite hating the nausea-inducing carpet ride, he thanked the gods for its existence.
The large golden gates slowly emerged into view over the horizon after what felt like half an eternity on the flying fabric. Once the carpet was parked, Jahaan rolled off and sunk into the sand below. He ended up having to sit down in the sand for a good fifteen minutes before the world stopped spinning enough for him to continue his journey. It also took him a solid five more minutes to stand up again, his pride making him refuse the assistance of the carpet operator at the Menaphos station. Jahaan could have sworn the man’s pet monkey was snickering at him. Why were there so many monkeys in the desert anyhow? Jahaan had passed a whole colony on his journey. He thought them a mirage at first, but this one here disproved that theory.
Brushing those thoughts to one side, as well as brushing off the sand that coated the lower part of his body, Jahaan limped over to the imposing gates of Menaphos. They were taller than he remembered, somehow. They felt taller, at least. Possibly because, with his bruised face, bandaged ribs and cane, Jahaan felt incredibly small.
After signalling to the guards, the gates were eased open, and the spectacle of Menaphos unravelled in front of him.
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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What is an Ecumenical Council?
In response to a common question: what is the Orthodox theology of Ecumenical Councils? How do Orthodox Christians identify authentic Ecumenical Councils? And in this light, how does the Orthodox Church reject the unionist councils of II Lyons and Florence, which established communion with Rome and dogmatically taught the Filioque?
The most common answer today is that of corporate, universal reception: we identify a Council as authentically ecumenical and infallible when it is received as such by the whole church- bishops and laypeople alike.
This idea ecumenical councils has become popular, but it has problems. But we need to recognize before we address those problems that the Roman Catholic notion of an ecumenical council and its relationship to defined dogma is deeply flawed.
The way that RC apologists typically frame the question is as follows:
“An Ecumenical Council is an act of the extraordinary magisterium of the Church, and as such is subject to a specific promise of infallibility through the Holy Spirit. In order for it to function as such in the life of the Church, there must be specific canonical standards by which a person can identify ecumenical councils- standards independent of the doctrine taught, for if its legitimacy turns on its doctrinal accuracy, it cannot succeed in its purpose of resolving doubt about a particular doctrine.”
Consequently, an ecumenical council is thought to be able to actually define something as dogma which had previously been an acceptable theologumenon only. Before Vatican I, you could be a Roman Catholic in good standing and reject the idea of papal infallibility. Afterwards, you would be a heretic. James Likoudis, an RC apologist, actually told me that before the Nicene definition Arian Christology was an acceptable, though problematic, theologumenon. You do not find this in the undivided Church. St. Cyril issued his Twelve Anathemas before the Council of Ephesus. Eutychianism was a heresy and recognized as such before the definitions of Chalcedon. Maximus declared that he would have no communion with monothelites because they were heretics. And this was before the Sixth Council defined monothelitism as heresy. So clearly, a doctrine’s dogmatic identity is not actually created by the decree of an Ecumenical Council. The Council does not exist to make one theologumenon a dogma and another theologumenon a heresy.
That’s point one. Point two is an historical point. The fundamental question is not what kind of Church one personally would have founded if one was Christ. The question is what kind of Church Christ actually founded. So all of the arguments about the “need” for a specified canonical standard independent of the defined doctrines need to be tossed out the window. Orthodox and RCs both claim authenticity on the basis of continuity with the undivided Church of East and West during the first thousand years. It does not matter how precise the RC idea of an EC is defined. If it is contradicted by the actual Councils of those first thousand years, it’s worthless. So let’s consider the following facts in light of the idea that papal ratification is the necessary and sufficient condition for a Council to be authoritative:
-The Second Ecumenical Council was not received in the Western Church until Chalcedon. It was presided over by Patriarch St. Meletius of Antioch who was out of communion with the Church of Rome who preferred Paulinus as patriarch. -The Fifth Ecumenical Council rendered a definitive negative judgment on Pope Vigilius of Rome, declaring that the “only way in which truth can be made manifest” is through collegial communion, not primatial authority alone.
-The 649 Lateran Synod was convoked by the Pope to be an ecumenical council- and it was confirmed by the Bishop of Rome as such. Yet it is not an ecumenical council either in Rome’s listing or our own. This is a direct falsification of the RC view.
-The Seventh Ecumenical Council was regarded by Pope Hadrian as a major and authentic Local Synod of the Church of Constantinople, but not an Ecumenical Synod. Even a century afterwards, during the papacy of Nicholas I, the Seventh Council was not received as an ecumenical council. If papal ratification is that which is necessary to identify the true Ecumenical Councils, why did the Church refer to it as authoritative before its ultimate confirmation in the Church of Rome?
-The Fourth Council of Constantinople which condemned the Filioque, affirmed the 381 Creed as the single and definitive Creed binding the whole Catholic Church into unity of faith, and rehabilitated St. Photios of Constantinople- overturning the Synod which had condemned him ten years earlier- was confirmed as authoritative by Pope John VIII of Rome and commemorated as such for the next two centuries. In the eleventh century, the Gregorian reformers erased it from history and retroactively confirmed the earlier IV Constantinople as ecumenical. So if the popes confirm two councils diametrically opposed to each other, to which do we look?
The RC view fails completely to pass the bar of history. However elegant one thinks it might be, it is not the teaching of the one Church of Christ which bound together the East and the West. Let’s consider some additional facts from the Middle Ages which raise serious questions about the coherence of the RC view:
-The Council of Constance is commemorated as an ecumenical council and was convoked by the civil authority to resolve the great Western schism with three competing lines of popes. It defined the supreme authority of the Ecumenical Council over the popes, confirming the longstanding canonical constitution of the Latin Church which the Gregorian reformers had been unable to eradicate completely. That the pope was authoritative except in the case of heresy or an attempt to violate the legislation of the Church actually remained in Latin canon law until 1917 which struck this qualification from the canon that “the first See is judged by no one.” The Council of Constance resolved the schism by deposing two popes, convincing the third to resign, and electing Martin V. Its teaching was a major school of ecclesiological thought in the West, especially but not only in the Gallican Church, until it was stamped out by Pius IX in 1870.
Martin V who confirmed the Council- obviously, as he depended on it for authority- could not condemn Haec Sancta (the dogmatic constitution on the supremacy of the general council) without compromising his own legitimacy, according to historian Francis Oakley. The reinvention of history was pushed by Eugene IV who condemned it. This is one reason why Florence failed- Eugene IV was trying to take advantage of the Eastern Church to increase the prestige of the papacy against the conciliarists, who remained a major force in RC ecclesiological doctrine. He promulgated a bull by which it was condemned.
-At the Council of Trent, many of the bishops and the entire French Church rejected the authority of the Council of Florence. Trent did not define the authority of the pope because of the persistence of the traditional teaching.
-The traditional right of appeal from the pope to a general council was only rejected after the Council of Constance sanctioned it, and yet the canon which absolves one from allegiance to the pope if he is a heretic remained on the books for centuries- such presumes that there is a legal capacity for someone other than the pope to judge him.
So the RC view not only fails the bar of the history of the undivided Church, but the bar of its own medieval tradition! For a principle supposed to provide clarity on the list of authoritative councils, it produced remarkably little clarity, with the “official” list of 21 Ecumenical Councils produced in the relatively recent past- and given Paul VI’s openness to relabeling the post-schism councils as local Western councils, it still remains something of an open question.
Let’s turn, finally, to the question of what makes an Ecumenical Council. The Sixth Session of II Nicea discussed this against the 754 robber Synod of Hieria. The Council Fathers recalled that representation was not provided to many of the major Sees, including the Apostolic See of Rome AND the patriarchal Sees of the East. So we aren’t dealing with pure receptionism here in terms of a vague notion of the whole body of faithful. We’re dealing with the ratification of specific particular Churches of longstanding prestige and authority in the canonical tradition. The locus of authority in the Church is, of course, the Spirit of Christ who makes Him present, and the locus of the Spirit is in the Eucharistic Liturgy wherein He makes Christ perfectly present in the Eucharist. The Liturgy is the event wherein a particular community of faithful, gathered around the bishop in apostolic succession, realizes the entirety of the Church Catholic in a particular locale. In the liturgy, by the Spirit, we mystically gather into one the whole universal Church, including the saints of the heavenly court.
We see in 1 Corinthians 5 and 11 that the authority of the church to render judgments is linked closely with the liturgy, as per the Apostle’s allusion to Jesus’ words in Matthew 16 and 18. The Church is “assembled in the Name of the Lord Jesus” and the Lord taught that “where two or three are gathered in my Name” He is present. He declared likewise that the authority of the keys is linked with this gathered presence, for “if two of you agree on earth about anything” the Father in Heaven will grant it. Bind on earth, bind in heaven. The Fifth Ecumenical Council cites this very text against the unilateral attempt of Pope Vigilius to act against the Council.
This mystical gathering of the whole heavenly court is rooted in the liturgy of the old covenant. When Isaiah enters the Temple, he beholds the Heavenly Court in session under the presidency of the preincarnate Word. Much more could be said about the theology of apostolic succession in light of the biblical teaching on the Heavenly Council- and indeed, the idea of the Communion of Saints is rooted and grounded in this doctrine. But I simply want to note that the conciliar gathering of bishops, whether in local or ecumenical synods, is a manifestation of the heavenly council as focused in the Divine Liturgy and as realized in the Church’s conciliar life.
This is why there are Synods of Bishops. The Bishops are the ones who preside by divine right at the Divine Liturgy where the Heavenly Throne-Room is made present. We find in Isaiah 24-25 that the Messianic Supper of the Eucharist is linked to the idea of the Divine Council, as also in Exodus 24. And indeed, Jesus Christ at the Table of the Last Supper refers to the apostolic thrones of the Kingdom in this context. In sum, this is the principle: The Spirit’s authority as the definitive witness to the Son is focused in the Liturgy- where the Holy Eucharist realizes the communion of particular Churches. The bishops commemorate their primate, the primate commemorates his synod. This liturgical and eucharistic communion is the basis for the conciliar life of the Church, so that the presence and authority of the Holy Spirit becomes operative therein. We find this in the Acts of the Apostles. The Holy Spirit falls upon Jews from every nation in Acts 2 as well as Gentiles in Acts 10. This church is defined by the obedience to the Apostles’ teaching and the Eucharistic “Breaking of Bread.” Even the two root words of “catholic” makes an appearance in Acts 9, referring to the gathering of the church into one from the ends of the earth.
And so what do we find? The Synod of Jerusalem is firmly established upon this theology. The Apostles are gathered into one at the very site of Pentecost. The issues is the standards by which Jews and Gentiles exist in the communion of the one Church. The Apostles, thus gathered together into one, manifest the authority of the Spirit made present: “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us.” Thereafter, we have the first recorded canonical legislation in the three canons of the Apostolic Synod. In the life of the universal Church, then, the canonical constitution develops through synods of bishops, gathered by the Eucharist and operative in the authority of the Holy Spirit. It is these synods which establish the legal basis for the Church’s common life. That is why Pope St. Victor of Rome called for the convokation of synods throughout the Church to establish one common date for Great and Holy Pascha. Each Eucharist, through which the Church is gathered into one, is an image of Pascha (The Paschal Liturgy is the Eucharistic Service proper, the Sunday after Pascha consecrates all Sundays of the year into miniature paschal services) and the gathering into one occurs through liturgical worship (compare 1 Corinthians 5 which refers to the paschal lamb in the context of the authoritative nature of the Church). As such, it is proper for the churches to worship according to a common pattern of time.
The supreme authority of the Church is the Ecumenical Synod. It is the Ecumenical Synod which embodies most perfectly the eucharistic gathering-into-one which occurs in each particular Church. The Dicache records the prayer of the bishop that the bread which had been scattered across the world might be gathered into one Eucharist, signifying the gathering-into-one of the Church. The gathering together of all nations into one family is described in Isaiah 2 and Isaiah 24-25, at Zion, through the Messianic Supper of the Lamb in God’s presence. The Ecumenical Council is an instance where all the churches of Christ visibly gather into a single place through the bishops who sum up and are interior to their local Churches, per the maxim of St. Cyprian: “The Church is in the Bishop and the Bishop is in the Church.
The Ecumenical Synod therefore is a special instance of the Spirit’s charismatic authority focused on the Liturgy being made present visibly. Its canonical legislation binds the universal Church together by a common pattern of life and process for healing ruptures in communion. The pope of Rome may not revoke this legislation by his own authority, as was recognized in the Western Church well into the Middle Ages. The Gallican Church powerfully objected to Gregory VII’s uncanonical interventions into their local affairs.
So how do we know when a Council is Ecumenical? The reception of “the people”? Not quite. The reception which happens occurs in a formal manner through the bishops holding primatial authority and gathering together the churches in their region into a single communion. Just as there are diptychs of the major primatial sees which commemorate each other in their Liturgy (the visible signification of the universal Church), so also the professions made by the bishops of the major Sees in their installation includes a formal oath of allegiance to the specific Ecumenical Councils which give the Church in its Communion its pattern of life. That is the visible sign of the communion.
Does this process take time? No doubt. There’s no “insta-council” tool. But so many Roman Catholic arguments implicitly assume that the Spirit does not actually guide history and preserve the Church. The pope is needed to be the final authority ensuring definitively that every bishop professes the same thing. Supposedly, without the pope, all the bishops would just be able to go their own way. But this is just not true- the Holy Spirit is real, and really works in history to create the communion which Christ gave as gift to the Church. It is the Holy Spirit who works to make manifest the common life of the Church in the patriarchal oaths of allegiance to the Holy Synods.
So the short answer here is this: an Ecumenical Council is known as such through its being recognized by the bishops of the major Sees (who hold primatial authority in their region) as the pattern of life to which they are bound to conform. Even though the Second and Seventh Councils were not received by the Popes for some time, the Popes of Rome firmly professed their Apostolic orthodoxy.
Contrast this with II Lyons and Florence. II Lyons lacked representation from most of the churches in the Orthodox communion. Florence’s decrees lacked the participation of the first hierarch of the Church, as Ecumenical Patriarch Joseph had died. By the canonical standards, St. Mark of Ephesus and most of the other hierarchs could not legally proclaim union until an Ecumenical Patriarch was elected. Moreover, the Councils provide a pattern of common life, but their authority is manifested in a sacramental, liturgical context wherein the Bishops pledge allegiance to their teaching in consecration, installation, and the sacramental commemoration of the other Sees professing this in common. After Florence, the Orthodox representatives did not partake of the chalice at Pope Eugene IV’s Mass. They stopped at Venice and celebrated the Divine Liturgy- without the commemoration of Eugene IV. Upon their return home, most of them immediately renounced the union- most of the local Churches therefore never commemorated Rome and the Council. Indeed, not even the Church of Constantinople did so until the Emperor received angry letters from the Pope, at which point a very small unionist sect arose in the city and took over the Church of Hagia Sophia until the city fell.
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@nightcrwlers / arian’s home
She spent the entire day doing inventory at the shop. There was so much to account for and Guin didn’t want to put it all on her aunt, who was already dealing with so much. But her legs were tired from bending up and down and she just wanted a glass of wine and to go to bed. Her stomach, however, had other intentions.
Rather than pick something up, she did what felt like second nature, the comforting action of rolling out the crust, the rhythmic strokes of laying out the red sauce. When she was young, she was always so methodical with how much cheese she would have on the pizzas she made. She was worried that after so long, she wouldn’t remember how to slide the pizza into the open oven, put her arm movements came naturally, and she watched as the open flames made the crust bubble.
When she entered through Arian’s door, there were two boxes in her arms. Of course, she remembered what he’d always put on his pizza, and she couldn’t imagine that his taste would change. “Please grab the wine.” She croons out into the home, stepping out of her shoes and placing the boxes on his kitchen table. “I’m starving. Here’s a pizza.” She slides his box in his direction without thought, opening her own and grabbing a slice to take an eager bite.
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Bro I have an idea
I keep seeing these cute posts w/ DA protags and their kids, so I’ve been thinking about Ayesleigh Surana and Leliana. Aside from my millions of ideas (like two) about their marriage, think of kids! I propose this:
-After their marriage, about a year after Awakenings, they mother an elven baby after the mother died in their care a few days after a human assault. The two raise the child as best they can, although it was hard. When Leliana had to start her Nightingale business, roughly when the child was two, Ayesleigh would accompany her until Leliana’s going ons were too secretive, even for her. The child was five by that time, often not seeing their human mother for months at a time. By the time the Warden disappears, the child would’ve been seven or eight. I have several ideas on what happened with the child.
A) Ayesleigh could’ve taken the child with her, but that seems like a bad mistake. Curing the Calling could be very dangerous to a child, due to short food supply, weather, bandit problems, et cetra et cetra. Hoowwever, a God of War Kratos and Atreus kinda thing goin’ on? I dig it. So much.
B) Maybe Leliana could’ve taken the child? Perhaps she could find a way to bring the child along, finally getting to see them after so long. As the Inquisition began to gather, the child would follow her as long as they were able. After Conclave, I believe Cullen, Josephine, and Cassandra would’ve had to switch off as babysitter. By Skyhold and so forth, the companions would each take care of the child if they weren’t hanging out with other people, like Chargers or some other refugee children. I think Bull, Blackwall, and Sera would be great guardians, but I’d love every companions interactions tbvh
C) Ayesleigh tracks down Morrigan and pleads with her to take in the child until she’s back. Morrigan agrees as she’s her dearest friend, although she’s hesitant to take in another child. The child and Kieran become something of siblings. By the time Morrigan and family make it to Skyhold, Leliana has a sweet reunion with the child. I think then she’d of personally taken care of the child for the next few years. If the child was a worry for her (Leliana) the entire time, she may close herself off. Too much on her to deal with. When Morrigan comes along with someone she didn’t expect, she’s settled into the bulk of everything. The child becomes a shining light, a reminder of both Ayesleigh and a reason to keep pushing.
D) Ayesleigh goes to King Alistair and Queen Anora with the child. Alistair accepts, welcoming the child. I think eventually this child would grow to favor Alistair and Anora over Ayesleigh and Leliana, which the two come to accept down the line. The child ends up becoming a powerful elven member of the royal court, leading the way for elves and pushing Ferelden to be more elf-friendly.
E) Ayesleigh gives the child to Ariane and Finn. Those two seem the most peaceful out of all of these options; I think they’d take the child in, they seem the type. Personally I think they’d be better at parenting than Ayesleigh and Leliana could, but they’d feel more like an aunt and uncle, you get me?
F) While Zevran, Wynne, Sten, and Anders seem like a good idea, they all live very busy lives and have no time to care for a child.
-Alternately, the Hero of Ferelden and Divine Victoria (Leliana) adopt an elven child and dwarven child. By that time, they’d live comfortable lives and won’t have to worry about the effects of their brutal lives on their own children.
Personally I really like C, it seems like best thing in my mind. However, D and then the alternative? Me likely
#dragon age origins#dragon age inquisition#leliana#morrigan#king alistair#ariane and finn#Brooks' Babbling#brooks' oc bits#OC: Ayesleigh Surana
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Fox news State of the Franchise: Tom Brady's Bucs have sights set on Lombardi - NFL.com

Fox news
Where does your franchise stand heading into 2020? Adam Low sets the table by providing a Convey of the Franchise explore at all 32 groups, zeroing in on essentially the most important figures to explore and atmosphere the stakes for the season to reach abet.
Contributors of the Buccaneers group, Bucs followers across the enviornment and these of you who will henceforth know Tampa Bay as Tompa Bay:
It has been a notorious offseason in Tampa, and no longer correct due to the the recent uniforms that pay homage to essentially the most productive length in franchise history. Bringing in a quarterback many imagine to be essentially the most productive in NFL history modified into all over again or much less a giant deal. Tom Brady comes to a team that has lengthy been starved for a franchise signal-caller. The history of the Buccaneers' group is stuffed with quarterbacks who own tried -- and failed -- to bring a Orderly Bowl.
Smartly, no longer you, Brad Johnson.
But briefly, here is a historic time for the Buccaneers. Let's dig in.
How the Buccaneers purchased here
Let's fetch a posthaste explore at the usaand downs of 2019.
The highs:
Jameis Winston threw for 5,000 yards and 30 touchdowns. Winston grew to turn into the eighth quarterback in NFL history to top 5,000 passing yards in a season.
The lows:
Jameis Winston also threw 30 interceptions. He modified into as soon as the fundamental player in NFL history to own each and each 30 touchdown passes and 30 interceptions in a season. Winston also had essentially the most salvage-sixes (seven) in a season since at least 1950.
Realizing, for many groups on this sequence, we exhaust more time on this portion, having a explore abet at what transpired closing one year. But you added Tom Brady. No one truly cares about the previous posthaste-witted now.
Head coach: Bruce Arians. Steal Gronkowski referred to Arians as a "football master" when he talked about his recent coach, and that fits. Arians is one among essentially the most productive coaches in the enviornment posthaste-witted now, and any team would be fortunate to own him. (I am no longer shifting into the Bears passing on him, although.) Or no longer it's humorous to own these closing couple of years practically eluded Arians, who may perhaps presumably no longer own ever gotten a head-teaching gig if the suppose did no longer hottest itself in Indianapolis about a years abet. Now he's a form of comely tales of a man who finished his most intriguing success later in his profession. Love the Bryan Cranston of the NFL. (If we're casting actors to play NFL coaches, we correct nailed it.) But I will affirm this about Arians (because that it's possible you'll presumably presumably fetch my discover for it): Brady is in Tampa Bay due to the Arians. Maybe no longer 100 p.c due to the Arians. However the coach modified into as soon as indubitably a signal in the professionals column, if TB12 stuffed out a pro-con checklist. Love Ted Mosby customary to function on How I Met Your Mom. And naturally, one among the actors to play Ted's boss in the sequence? Bryan Cranston. Sing. The Bucs are winning the Orderly Bowl. Alright, perhaps I am getting a chunk of sooner than myself.
However the Buccaneers performed successfully in some unspecified time in the future of Arians' first one year in Tampa Bay. The Bucs won 6,366 entire yards, which modified into as soon as the second-most sensible entire in club history. So, that it's possible you'll presumably presumably explore at Winston's season and acknowledge that it modified into as soon as a mixed fetch. The Bucs were third in entire offense and scoring offense. And likewise you favor to own or no longer it'd be a chunk of bit better in 2020 due to the ...
Quarterback: Tom Freaking Brady. I will be factual. I did no longer own this may occasionally ever happen. Although letting chase of essentially the most intriguing quarterback in history is so on save for Invoice Belichick. The man has the sentimentality of Thanos. He snaps his fingers and or no longer it's take care of half of of his roster disappears. The total gargantuan Patriots of the previous 20 years own moved on and completed their careers in some different blueprint, and Brady grew to turn into essentially the hottest to apply that trend, despite the truth that it looked take care of Brady and Belichick would be there forever. This occurs to many of the gargantuan quarterbacks, going abet over the span of NFL history. Joe Montana completed with the Chiefs. Peyton Manning ended up in Denver. Jay Cutler played for the Dolphins. Absolute legends finishing their careers in uncommon uniforms. It occurs.
The establish a question to is, which model of Tom Brady are we getting at 43 (what his age shall be in the starting up of the season)? Due to getting Brady at 43 would be a chunk of bit take care of exhibiting up to a occasion a jiffy sooner than it shuts down, when persons are all, "It's most sensible to quiet were here about a hours previously." Dave Grohl confirmed up and did an acoustic residing. Gordon Ramsay modified into as soon as making minute plates. Now that it's possible you'll presumably presumably be there, and there may be correct three dudes placing out in the corner, and essentially the most productive drink left is White Claw. Now, that's no longer to insist you can not own a appetizing time. And perhaps your presence is ample to accumulate the occasion going all over again. Due to at least one among the closing times we seen Brady, he modified into as soon as shedding at dwelling to Miami (which mark the team a first-round bye). And that playoff loss to Titans modified into as soon as painful to explore. Love Muhammad Ali in about a of his later fights.
But that it's possible you'll presumably also witness this knowing successfully for Brady, because there may be nothing take care of a new originate to reinvigorate you. Getting out and taking half in in the Florida sunshine later in the one year as an more than just some of the dreary chilly of New England has to relief. Plus, explore at the receiving corps. Or no longer it's miles basically the most productive Brady has had since 2007. And Gronk is joining the enjoyable. To me, it'd be a lot take care of relationship Rachel Hunter. It may perhaps perhaps well presumably no longer be Rachel Hunter when she modified into as soon as the SI swimsuit duvet lady in 1994, nonetheless or no longer it's quiet Rachel Hunter. Right here goes to be amazing.
Projected 2020 MVP: Brady. I point out, can or no longer or no longer it's any individual nonetheless Brady at this point? I will no longer even halfheartedly try to accumulate any individual else. Even supposing or no longer it's presumably going to be more crucial for the defense to reach abet thru here, nonetheless we can focus on about that in a minute.
2020 breakout giant name: Jamel Dean, cornerback. He made his upright debut later in the season against the Seattle Seahawks, when he started for the injured Carlton Davis III. It did no longer chase successfully. He gave up three touchdown passes -- and yeah, that modified into as soon as the correct section. But he did play successfully down the stretch, as the Bucs' defense truly began to excel in the secondary. He may perhaps presumably fetch one more giant step this season.
One other recent face to perceive: Steal Freaking Gronkowski. I don't ever take note in my existence seeing a rumor by surprise surface and straight away reach upright in the manner that Gronk is inviting about returning to football and taking half in with Tom Brady in Tampa Bay did. I point out, dudes were quiet tweeting "Imagine it after I witness it" when the deal modified into as soon as finalized, giving Frigid Takes Uncovered some instantaneous fabric. Or no longer it's mighty. I wish all trades may perhaps presumably happen that rapidly.
And sure, Arians has never had a prolific tight end in some unspecified time in the future of his teaching profession. He also has never had a player take care of Gronk who can upward thrust up the seam take care of essentially the most productive large receivers. What I am inflamed to explore is how Arians uses Gronk as a blocker, because that has lengthy been the more underappreciated section of the tight end's game.
The aggressive urgency index is: OFF THE CHARTS. You do no longer pull strikes take care of this to take the NFC South. You accomplish it to take the Orderly Bowl. Bruce Arians did no longer reach abet to teaching because he likes the pressed Cuban sandwiches in Ybor City. The premise is to take now. Love straight away.
Week 1 at New Orleans. We are losing no timing shifting into one among essentially the most anticipated games of 2020. Brady and Brees in the fundamental of (at least) two.
Week 7 at Las Vegas. Or no longer it has been 20 years. Jon Gruden quiet would no longer witness the humor in the Tuck Rule. And please don't bring this up to Amy Trask, either.
Week 12 vs. Kansas City. Correct to explore the Tom Brady-Patrick Mahomes contention goes to accumulate one more chance. On the very least. Maybe this may occasionally be a Orderly Bowl preview. Though even the Jags and Bearsmay perhaps presumably be a Orderly Bowl matchup. But we're being more realistic here.
Will the Bucs be ready to ...
Match the offense to Brady's hottest means residing? Each person is conscious of Arians loves to throw the ball downfield. "No possibility it, no biscuit," as the asserting goes. But this is no longer truly 2007 Tom Brady. Basically the hottest incarnation has relied on a sturdy operating game whereas throwing shorter passes. Per Subsequent Gen Stats, Brady averaged 7.6 air yards per try closing one year. Nonetheless better than quarterbacks take care of Drew Brees and Jimmy Garoppolo. But quiet successfully in the abet of Jameis Winston, who modified into as soon as second in the NFL (among these with out a longer no longer up to 200 trot attempts) with 10.7 air yards per try. The article is, Arians is no longer any dummy. He's no longer going to drive Brady to function something he's no longer cosy doing. I dwell up for the coach and quarterback working successfully together. Arians has worked successfully with different strong personalities take care of Ben Roethlisberger, Andrew Luck and Carson Palmer in recent years.
A immediate story display cover: Brady's affinity for shorter passes need to quiet accumulate Chris Godwin your first receiver off the board. Godwin had a profession-excessive 86 receptions closing one year, nonetheless I would fetch into consideration him a lock for 100 if he performs all 16 games this one year. That that it's possible you'll presumably presumably thank me later.
Cease far from the destiny of more than just a few "mountainous groups" of the previous? Quite loads of the fetch haters favor to display cover what came about in Cleveland closing one year. And whenever you happen to can own got adopted this sequence, you know the Cardinals are a better comparison to what came about with the Browns closing one year. The Bucs own essentially the most intriguing quarterback of all time. Basically the most intriguing tight end of all time. They've a venerable Coach of the Year who has won Orderly Bowls in the previous (as an assistant). That's no longer to insist there couldn't be injuries or about a of the plenty of unexpected turns that derail groups. But whenever you happen to may perhaps presumably presumably be thinking there goes to be the dysfunction that riddled the Browns closing one year, yeah, that's no longer going down in Tampa Bay. Decide up some recent fabric, trolls.
Repair the offensive line? If there may be one blueprint the establish a Browns comparison would be exact, it's on the offensive line. One among the excellent complications the Browns had modified into as soon as on the offensive line, so it'll be predominant to address these wants. Drafting Tristan Wirfs will no doubt relief offset the loss of Demar Dotson. The road may perhaps also be predominant because or no longer it's miles crucial to speed the football. And each and each the Bucs and Tom Brady will favor to utilize play-action as indispensable as imaginable. That does no longer work whenever you happen to can no longer speed the ball, or at least accumulate groups truly feel take care of that it's possible you'll presumably presumably speed the ball. That's the establish Wirfs goes to be ample.
Trudge the ball? All of us thought the Bucs were going to fetch a range of more than just a few RB possibilities early in the draft. Jonathan Taylor. Cam Akers. J.K. Dobbins. D'Andre Swift. As an more than just a few, Tampa waited till Round 3 and went with Ke'Shawn Vaughn. He may perhaps presumably find yourself shifting previous Ronald Jones II, the Bucs' lead abet closing one year, after they completed 24th in dashing. But also preserve an peer out for Dare Ogunbowale.
... persons are overlooking: The defense is more or much less correct. Clear, the Bucs completed 15th in entire defense closing one year. But they were first against the speed. And despite the truth that their final ranking modified into as soon as 30th against the trot, they were severely better at the end of the season. The Bucs' defense did no longer allow a quarterback to throw for better than 300 yards in a game from Week 11 on. This came after allowing quarterbacks to top 300 passing yards in six of the fundamental 10 games. A giant motive modified into as soon as the trot urge. The team's 47 sacks were the second-most sensible entire in club history. Shaquil Barrett had 19.5 sacks, a club story. Vita Vea has been a drive in the center. Lavonte David is a stud. And the cornerback trio of Jamel Dean (our breakout candidate), Carlton Davis and Sean Murphy-Bunting would be very correct. Silly, the uniforms don't seem like essentially the most productive thing that's starting up to resemble the Tony Dungy/Jon Gruden period.
... persons are overthinking: Conserving all people happy. I know, or no longer it's superior whereas you accumulate a quarterback take care of Brady, nonetheless he's presumably no longer going to throw for 5K take care of Jameis did. Or no longer it's gargantuan that Gronk is aboard. Who goes to accumulate the total red-zone appears to be? And I know here is mostly coming from a selfish, story-stat blueprint, nonetheless we now own viewed cases the establish gamers own complained about no longer receiving ample appears to be. I accumulate all of that. I truly accomplish. But whereas that it's possible you'll presumably presumably be taking half in with essentially the most productive quarterback of all time, that it's possible you'll presumably presumably be going to explore take care of an absolute clown whenever you happen to may perhaps presumably presumably be whining about touches whereas your team is winning games. The first complaints will seemingly reach from story managers and never more from the guys on the sphere. Due to here is a team that's no longer residing up to endure BS, nonetheless relatively to take games.
... persons are forgetting: Jameis famously threw 30 interceptions closing one year. Brady has 29 interceptions in his closing four seasons mixed.
For 2020 to be a successful season, the Bucs MUST:
Rob the Orderly Bowl. That's essentially the most productive draw that matters. Tom Brady is attempting to display cover the enviornment that he can take without Invoice Belichick. Bruce Arians would favor to take a title of his own, as a head coach. And Gronk ... Yeah, I am no longer particular what Gronk wants. But he may be the fundamental particular person to take the Orderly Bowl and the WWE 24/7 title within a one-one year length. Smartly, unless Mike Evans takes that WWE belt from him. (And I know precisely what I correct did by calling it a belt, the item Vince McMahon fully hates. Smartly, that and CM Punk.)
These are thrilling times to apply this team. It's most sensible to quiet experience it. I am partial to the Lakers, and it modified into as soon as amazing staring at LeBron James this season. Each person hottest to faux that he modified into as soon as washed, nonetheless he came out and modified into as soon as dazzling amazing even at 35. I am no longer expecting Brady to throw 50 touchdown passes, nonetheless I would no longer be surprised if he has a Peyton Manning-take care of affect and takes this team to the Orderly Bowl. These Bucs are ready to rock.
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3 trades the Bucs can make to help Tom Brady win a Super Bowl

Mark Konezny-USA TODAY Sports
The Buccaneers’ Super Bowl window is exceedingly short. Now is the time to make big moves.
The Tampa Bay Buccaneers didn’t give a soon-to-be 43-year-old quarterback $50 million so they could patiently build. The window to win a Super Bowl with Tom Brady is extraordinarily small.
That means there’s no time to waste. The Buccaneers need to turn their roster into a championship contender immediately.
Fortunately for Tampa Bay, there are a lot of pieces already in place. The offense was far too turnover-prone in 2019 — thanks mostly to Jameis Winston’s 30 interceptions and five lost fumbles — but still finished third in points scored. It has arguably the best receiver duo in the NFL in Mike Evans and Chris Godwin, each of whom had at least 1,100 receiving yards and eight touchdowns last season.
The defense lagged behind, allowing the fourth-most points in the NFL. While Winston’s seven pick-sixes contributed to that total, the secondary still allowed the third-most passing yards in the NFL. Keeping breakout pass-rushing star Shaquil Barrett was an important start to the offseason, but there’s work to be done on the pass defense even if it played well in the latter half of the season.
It’s time for the Buccaneers to push their chips all in and make sure Brady has the team around him to get a seventh Super Bowl ring. Here are three trades that could help get the job done.
1. Trade up to draft an offensive tackle in the top 10
Winston was sacked 47 times during the 2019 season. Only Matt Ryan, Kyler Murray, and Russell Wilson, who were subjected to 48 sacks each, went down more often.
However, the Buccaneers’ offensive line isn’t as shoddy as the sacks would lead you to believe. The interior was among the best in the NFL in pass protection, anchored by guard Ali Marpet and center Ryan Jensen. Left tackle Donovan Smith was given a three-year extension last year and rewarded the Buccaneers with the best season of his career. He was especially good late in the year, allowing only one sack and two hits in the back half of Tampa Bay’s schedule.
The problem area is right tackle. Demar Dotson was allowed to reach free agency and signing former Colts backup tackle Joe Haeg isn’t going to cut it. Nine-time Pro Bowler Jason Peters is an option to fill that void, but he’s 38 and missed 12 games in the last three seasons due to injuries. Finding a long-term solution is a must.
There are several offensive tackles expected to go early in the first round of the 2020 NFL Draft. In Dan Kadar’s latest mock draft, three tackles were taken in the top 10 and six were picked in the first round. Tampa Bay is projected to get one of them with its 14th overall pick: Georgia’s Andrew Thomas.
That’d be a perfect selection for the Buccaneers, who would get one of the most polished and NFL-ready prospects in the entire class. It’s such a great fit that the Buccaneers shouldn’t sit and cross their fingers that Thomas falls into their lap.
Tampa Bay should make sure it lands Thomas or one of the other top offensive tackles in the class. Parting with a draft pick or two to climb into the top 10 is a small price to pay in the long run.
2. Trade for Jets running back Le’Veon Bell
The Buccaneers need more from the running back position. Despite 2018 second-round pick Ronald Jones coming off a season with 1,033 yards from scrimmage, the team was still 28th in the NFL in yards per carry. It allowed Peyton Barber to walk in free agency and needs to add a new face to its backfield.
Tampa Bay especially needs a running back who can contribute in the passing game now that it has Brady. In three of the last four seasons, Patriots running back James White finished with at least 60 receptions and five receiving touchdowns.
Brady has a dynamic pair of wideouts and a couple of intriguing options at tight end, but he needs a running back who offers more receiving skills than Jones. While the draft is the likeliest avenue for the Buccaneers to address the position — LSU’s Clyde Edwards-Helaire in the second round, perhaps — Bell is the most substantial way to make a Super Bowl push.
Bell has averaged 4.9 receptions per game over the course of his career. It’s part of the reason the Jets gave him a four-year, $52.5 million contract. In his first season in New York, Bell had decent numbers, but didn’t quite live up to his paycheck with 1,250 yards from scrimmage, four touchdowns, and a career-low 3.2 yards per carry.
The Jets regretted the deal almost right away and would probably be interested in another team willing to take it off their hands. In Tampa Bay’s offense, Bell would have a good chance at returning to his Pittsburgh form.
If that sounds unrealistically expensive for the Buccaneers, it’s not. The Jets will have to eat much of the contract they gave Bell, leaving Tampa Bay with a pricy but relatively reasonable deal for a 28-year-old running back with two All-Pro nods.
3. Trade for Vikings safety Anthony Harris
Andrew Adams and Jordan Whitehead were the starting safety duo for Tampa Bay for most of 2019. Neither was particularly inspiring. There are a few other on the roster, with 2019 third-round pick Mike Edwards, 2017 second-round pick Justin Evans, and second-year undrafted safety D’Cota Dixon.
Bruce Arians says he’s pretty happy with that group.
“I think we could still look at a safety,” Arians said at the end of 2019, via Buccaneers.com. “But I loved D’Cota Dixon and he was possibly going to be our starting strong safety until he knocked out his shoulder, so getting him back — hopefully getting Justin Evans back — I’m not sure we do [have a need].”
Still, defensive coordinator Todd Bowles could use a jolt at the position. He was the defensive coordinator in Arizona when the Cardinals drafted Deone Bucannon in the first round in 2014. He was the head coach of the Jets when the team picked Jamal Adams and Marcus Maye with their first two picks in 2017. Clearly, he values safety play and is willing to invest resources at the position.
Options are thin on the free agent market, though. The top players remaining are Damarious Randall and Tony Jefferson, two good-not-great players who could serve as stopgap starters.
Tampa Bay can do much better. For the cost of a mid-to-late round draft pick, Minnesota would probably be willing to part with Harris, who was franchise tagged earlier in March.
Harris led the NFL last season with six interceptions (Bucs safeties collectively had two) and earned Pro Football Focus’ highest grade at the safety position.
Highest graded safeties 1. Anthony Harris - 91.1 2. Justin Simmons - 90.8 3. Marcus Williams - 88.9 4. Harrison Smith - 88.4 pic.twitter.com/PXnogJuiW1
— PFF (@PFF) March 10, 2020
The franchise tag means Harris will be due about $11.4 million for the 2020 season, and he’ll probably want an extension. That’d eat up a significant chunk of the Buccaneers’ remaining cap space, but it’s a move they could afford to make (assuming they don’t acquire Bell).
It’s also one that could round the defense into championship shape.
0 notes
Art by the awesome @tommieglenn!
Of Gods and Men Summary:
When the gods returned to Gielinor, their minds were only on one thing: the Stone of Jas, a powerful elder artefact in the hands of Sliske, a devious Mahjarrat who stole it for his own ends and entertainment. He claims to want to incite another god wars, but are his ulterior motives more sinister than that? And can the World Guardian, Jahaan, escape from under Sliske’s shadow?
Read the full work here:
Because of Jahaan’s betrayal of Zamorak during their heist of the Stone of Jas, Zemouregal takes the matter of revenge into his own hands. When Jahaan looks to get even, he enlists the help of his Mahjarrat allies to take the fight to Zemouregal…
Jahaan agreed to lay low at the temple with Azzanadra until they were ready to attack. After all, the last place Zemouregal was likely to wander into was a Zarosian Temple. If he could stay out of sight until then, they’d still have the element of surprise. Then again, how much they actually needed it was debatable, what with a three-Mahjarrat assault on their side.
The next day, at dusk, the three reconvened in the Temple to strategise.
Zemouregal's fort is a manor located east of Trollweiss Mountain, deep in the snowy realms of northern Gielinor. It was given to him by Zamorak for his assistance in overthrowing Zaros in the Second Age, and has since been used as his home and base of operations. One might think that it must be quite lonely up there, having no-one for company other than his undead minions. Well, he does have his second in command with him up there, a gargoyle by the name of Sharathteerk. Now, gargoyles aren’t usually known for their sentience, but Sharathteerk was different; his intelligence and loyalty allowed him the rank of Zemouregal’s second.
I’m sure after a few centuries, though, the two ran out of things to talk about.
The fortress itself was high towers and solid stone walls, sharp portcullises and a grand skull carved into the front, just to reiterate - if it wasn’t already apparent - that one should ‘be afraid, be very afraid’. Zombies patrolled the perimetre, slowly lumbering on anything that catches their… eye? Ear? Nose? However zombies target their prey, anyway. Now, one zombie isn’t a problem for almost anyone with a sharp enough sword and the forethought to aim for the head. Zemouregal had FUCKTONNES.
From afar it looked like a grotty ocean, the mindless movements of the zombies resembling waves crashing and falling. For zombies, the best strategy is to take them out from a distance, as they can’t really do much about an enemy with a bow and arrow or a magic spell. If you have one to hand, a canon takes them out in no time.
Alas, Jahaan and his merry band of Mahjarrat didn’t have a cannon to hand, but they did have a lot of mystic firepower.
So, for a frontal assault, they’d be no problem, right? Well, as Jahaan found out in Guthix’s chamber, Zemouregal is wise enough to at least know when he is bested, and even he wouldn’t dare take on three Mahjarrat and a bloke with a couple of swords all by himself; if he saw the assault charging over the horizon, he’d likely make a break for it, and the opportunity would be lost.
“Why not just teleport into his fortress, kill the son of a bitch and high tail it out of there?” Jahaan suggested.
A teleport block, put simply. Zemouregal and his minions can leave and enter, but no-one unauthorised can teleport inside. It’s a basic magic spell that prominent figures across Gielinor use to protect their castles, strongholds, homes, anything at all. Yet despite its simplicity, no-one has discovered a way to break it. Rumour has it that the dark wizards have been experimenting, but with little success.
“We have to cast our own teleport block around the fortress,” Azzanadra stated, sighing as he begrudgingly added, “However, this can only be done after the beacon containing his teleport block spell is broken.”
There was also another issue - Zemouregal can sense the presence of Mahjarrat around him.
“But he can’t sense me,” Jahaan was quick to declare. “If I can break that beacon, you can cast the tele-block spell. We'll then be able to storm the fortress and he won’t be able to escape.”
Wahisietel considered this. “It’s a start, but there are still many issues to this plan. For instance, how would you get inside Zemouregal’s fortress? Even with those swords of yours, you would be overrun in an instant against his undead horde.”
“Lamistard’s tunnels,” Sliske piped up, softly. He was staring at the ground, locked in quiet concentration. It was only now he regained his excited energy to explain, “Remember, the Mahjarrat who tried to tunnel his way to be underneath the Ritual Marker, but instead the damn fool accidentally wound up inside Zemouregal’s Fortress?”
“The sacrifice at the 16th Gielinorian Ritual,” Azzanadra nodded in remembrance, a smile tugging at his lips as he realised where Sliske was going with this. “Jahaan could make his way through the tunnels and bypass the horde.”
“You can’t go alone,” Wahisietel stated. “But he’ll sense one of us if we’re nearby. Sliske, does the Shadow Realm mask his Mahjarrat sensing ability?”
“Somewhat,” Sliske replied, tentatively. “But if we’re that close, he’ll notice something. My suggestion is that one of you two goes to the Ritual Marker. He’ll sense a Mahjarrat close by, but your presence will conflict with mine, and he won’t be able to tell how close the World Guardian and I are to him.”
Sternly, Wahisietel countered, “I think it best that I accompany the World Guardian.”
Trying to hide a smile, Sliske inquired, “When was the last time you entered the Shadow Realm, brother?”
“While I don’t lurk in the shadows as much as you, Sliske, I know how to navigate the Shadow Realm.”
In order to prove it, Wahisietel stepped forward, closing his eyes to concentrate deeply.
Nothing happened.
Wahisietel squinted. His proficiency with the Shadow Realm had been nothing in comparison to his half-brother, but he could at least see into the thing. But no matter how hard he focused, he couldn’t manage it.
“Sliske, have you tampered with the Shadow Realm somehow?” he accused, gruffly. It seemed like a far-out claim, but if anyone was bold enough to tamper with an entire realm, it was Sliske.
“Ah, yes,” Sliske chuckled nervously. “An unfortunate side-effect of an ongoing plan. Neither you, nor Azzanadra, nor any Mahjarrat can see into the Shadow Realm.”
“Sliske, that’s-!” Wahisietel stormed over to Sliske, who disappeared into the Shadow Realm with a click of his fingers before Wahisietel could deck him.
“Calm down, Wahi,” Sliske’s voice was echoed now that it was emanating from another realm. “Look on the bright side - Zemmy can’t get in either. Only Janny and I.”
Azzanadra crinkled his brow. “Why did you give the World Guardian access to the Shadow Realm?”
Reappearing behind Jahaan, Sliske placed two large gloved hands on Jahaan’s shoulders and shrugged. “Seemed like a fun idea at the time.”
“It’ll be fine,” Jahaan straightened up his shoulders, but didn’t shrug off the palms. “Sliske and I can handle this. If you go to the Marker, Azzanadra can cast the spell when it’s ready.”
Stepping forward, Azzanadra grew rather serious as he said, “Now listen, I know you want to take on Zemouregal alone - your tenacity would be commendable if it wasn’t so foolhardy. Yes, your armour will help protect against his magicks, and your swords can do a great deal of damage if you managed to get close enough, but the chances of you besting Zemouregal without our help is slim to none.”
“You tricked him into fighting on even ground once,” Sliske continued, “He won’t be tricked so easily this time, not when his back is against the wall. He will come at you with everything he has in order to survive.”
Wahisietel finished, “Allow us to help weaken him. If you must, you can strike the final blow in order to sate your bloodlust, but without our assistance in the battle, all of this will be in vein. You will die, and you can’t exactly enact vengeance from beyond the grave.”
Reluctantly, Jahaan let this sink in, looking between the Mahjarrat as they tried to convey the severity of what they were about to undertake. It hadn’t quite hit home for Jahaan yet, with his adrenaline and urge for revenge still at an all time high; the anger had sizzling under the surface of his skin ever since the night of the fire, though he’d kept it dormant for now. The Mahjarrat had a point, after all - if he was being honest with himself, Jahaan would admit that he got lucky against Zemouregal last time.
After contemplating this for a while, Jahaan accepted, “Okay, you’re right, I can’t face him alone. But please, let me be the one to end him for good.”
His smile growing with a hint of wickedness, Wahisietel said, “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
In the days that followed, Jahaan was getting rather restless in the Temple, for there wasn’t exactly much in the way of entertainment, and he often felt like a bother to his Mahjarrat host, who liked to spend most of his time in quiet prayer or reading one of the vast amounts of novels he'd accumulated over the years.
Jahaan was too restless to settle into a book; his mind churned at all hours, either worrying about Ozan, thinking of his bitter conversation with Ariane, seething at the memory of Zemouregal, or worse, trying to figure out exactly what Sliske wanted with his soul. Wahisietel’s theory seemed on point, that Sliske simply needed a ticket into the afterlife.
But why me? The question repeated over and over in his mind. Why go through this whole charade if that’s how you plan for it to end?
He found himself having to force the thoughts from his head as they riled him up too much. Restlessness was bad enough, and he needed to direct his anger at Zemouregal right now, not Sliske. The latter could be dealt with once Zemouregal was in a shallow grave.
So, in order to free his mind from such stresses, Jahaan focused on some training. Despite feeling like he’d asked for too much already, Jahaan buckled up the courage to ask for some runes, both of the ancient and normal variety. If he was to be cooped up for a while, he might as well make the most of his time. There was still a section of the mines yet to be cleared up from the temple’s restoration that made a perfect training ground, and Jahaan fortunately had enough prowess by now to not bring the entire cave down on top of him with a misused spell.
Azzanadra’s gifts, however, might negate the need for magic in the end, but it’s always best to be prepared.
“This material is elder rune,” Azzanadra explained, presenting the custom made armour set and dual longswords to Jahaan. “It was first discovered in limited quantities in the Third Age, but only very recently have more ore veins been unearthed. Like runite, it’s protection against conventional weaponry is unparalleled, providing significant protection against melee fighters. However, elder rune is special - it provides the same mystic protection as high tier combat mage robes, the likes of which we Mahjarrat don. Since you might be in the line of fire from Zemouregal himself, this will improve your survival odds tenfold, alongside protecting you from his undead abominations.”
Jahaan’s eyes sparkled like a kid on Wintumber’s morning. The entire armour and weapons set much have cost Azzanadra a fortune; Jahaan had never come close to any merchants selling the armour, only heard rumours about them, and let’s just say, a full set like this cost even more than a two bedroom starter home in Menaphos’ Imperial District. When armour costs more than a house, you know you mean business. Just one of the longswords alone would cost more than the entirety of his previous rune armour set.
“Azzanadra, I…” he dazily began, half-minded to refuse the set, unworthy as he felt.
The smile that Azzanadra attempted tried to be warm and soothing, bless him, but it didn’t come naturally. Nevertheless, the sentiment came across to Jahaan as the Mahjarrat assured, “This is but pocket change to me, do not fear. Like I mentioned previously, I am in your debt, World Guardian.”
Turning one of the longswords over in his hand, Jahaan dreamily replied, “Consider the debt paid in full, and then some…”
Unsurprisingly, the armour fit like a glove. Azzanadra must have sized him up pretty well, because it felt like it was tailor made. The way the armour curved to his body, never impeding his movement, like it was moulding and reforming with every strike and lunge… he’d never felt so comfortable, not even in silk. In comparison, it made his rune armour feel like iron. That was quite an unfair comparison - many warriors would kill to have a full runite set, and considering he got the thing for free, he didn’t want to sound ungrateful - but he’d be lying if he said he could go onto any other armour after wearing elder rune. There was no turning back now, and Jahaan was quite enjoying this side of being the World Guardian. Having friends in high places led to a taste of the good life.
The only weird thing about the armour was the slight tingle that tickled his skin. Azzanadra explained this was normal, that it was the side effects of a non-divine being coming into contact with high mystic protection. Mages never seemed to mention that, so they must have gotten used to it quickly, and Jahaan found that after wearing the set for a few hours, he himself barely noticed it anymore.
Naturally, the swords were a dream. They were longswords, and while Jahaan was used to shortswords, he quickly adjusted. Despite their increased length, they were lighter than what he was used to, which increased his fluid movements and made each strike more precise, for he felt he had more control over them. Not to mention they were even more deadly that his last set - some poor training dummies confirmed that. Zemouregal’s armoured zombies usually wore iron or steel, so as an experiment, Jahaan put a steel platebody on a melee training dummy.
The armour, and the dummy inside, was sliced clean in half.
He’d had more strain slicing a loaf of bread.
Jahaan was raring to go, and a good thing too, for the next day, as soon as the sun set, they would strike Zemouregal’s fort.
Wahisietel shivered as the cold air of the Ritual Site bit through his robes. Once again, he’d come to the plateau underdressed, having not learned his lesson from last time. Huddling into himself, he approached the Marker with caution. It wasn’t exactly going to attack, but its presence was so imposing and formidable that it caused the ridges on his back to rise. On the ground, partially buried among the snow, he saw the shining glimmer of something. Carefully brushing the snow away, he noticed a yellow crystal glimmering. Lucien’s crystal.
The gem was now cold to the touch, having lost the life essence that allowed it to radiate heat. Picking it up, Wahisietel couldn’t help but feel a knot in his stomach.
This is all that is left of him, he thought to himself, turning the crystal over in his palm. Delicately, he placed it back on the ground where it was found, regretting having disturbed it in the first place. Mahjarrat superstation didn’t forbid the handling of gems; many carried around the crystals of their fallen kin, and Wahisietel was no exception, keeping them in an ornate box in his Nardah home. However, Lucien was not kin.
Memories of the last Ritual flashed through Wahisietel’s mind in an unwelcome storm, and it made him think towards the next Ritual. It was many centuries away, but time seemed to flow differently for an immortal, and it would creep upon him before he knew it. The question of a suitable sacrifice was one thing that troubled him. Killing Zemouregal was, in many ways, a waste of a perfectly good sacrifice, but it had to be done. With him and Lucien gone, that left Enakhra and Khazard as the last remaining Zamorakian Mahjarrat. As far as Wahisietel was aware, no other Zamorakian Mahjarrat remained on Gielinor, or at least none had attended the last Ritual.
Enakhra was still the last surviving female, so her safety was all but guaranteed. Khazard was the youngest, and it wouldn’t take too much for the others to come around to sacrificing him next.
But what of the Ritual after that? He was thinking many Rituals in advance now, but there was no doubt in his mind every other member of his race had contemplated the exact same thing, many, many times.
Soon it would leave a Zarosian, Wahisietel thought bitterly. Akthanakos was no doubt the weakest of their tribe left; he would be a prime candidate. Azzanadra was too powerful to ever be sacrificed, and Zaros would never allow it. Sliske was too strong as well, but the rate he was going, he’d be lucky if he made it to next year, let alone the next Ritual.
With a heavy heart he realised that he would be sacrificed before long, and then, soon enough, there would come the extinction of the Mahjarrat. Zaros had promised to free them from their Rituals - it was one of the reasons the Mahjarrat left Icthlarin for the Empty Lord - but he had yet to fulfil his promise.
Because of this, they were a dying species.
Instead of getting lost in his depressing thoughts, Wahisietel removed the CommOrb from his nap sack and awaited his cue. By now, Jahaan and Sliske would be enclosing on Zemouregal’s fortress.
It wouldn’t be long now…
Once Wahisietel was in place, Sliske and Jahaan could teleport into the vicinity in the Shadow Realm. Oddly, the biting cold of Trollweiss Mountain didn’t hit as hard as Jahaan thought it would. Perhaps the Shadow Realm negated some of the material realm’s harsh climates, or perhaps the mystic armour had some bizarre temperature regulating powers? Jahaan didn’t know, and he didn’t frankly care, as long as he wasn’t getting hypothermia on this night.
“The entrance to the tunnels should be just up this ridge,” Sliske stated, hugging his robes into himself slightly as they trudged through the thick snow.
Thankfully there weren’t any trolls in sight, not that it would matter all that much, since they were hidden from view in the Shadow Realm. The footprints they left behind, on the other hand, were visible, and Jahaan chuckled at the thought of some confused and perturbed trolls scratching their skulls at the invisible men hiking through their valleys.
Troll Country was, in many ways, beautiful - a canvas of perfect snow, crisp and clean, coating the ground and all its surroundings. Evergreen trees complimented the white decoration on its thick leaves, lovingly taking on the descending snowflakes as they scattered down from the skies.
Maybe it was the kid in him, but Jahaan couldn’t help but want to go sledging.
Now was not the time.
At the top of the ridge, a cave entrance protruded out of the snow, albeit barely. It took a little bit of digging with his gloved hands - Jahaan’s that it, Sliske sat back as ‘moral support’ - before the cave in its entirety was visible, tall enough for the both of them to fit through.
Despite having a match at the ready, Jahaan wasn’t prepared for just how dark the tunnel was, forcing himself to stumble into the nearest wall and feel his way to a torch in order to bring some light to the place. Once the first torch was lit, the tunnel opened up in front of them both, a somewhat neatly dug pathway marked by unlit torches. Jahaan carried the first torch with him, lighting the others as he went.
“Well, Lamistard didn’t do a half-bad job here,” Sliske remarked, eyeing up the cavern as they rounded their first corner. “Apart from the whole, you know, ‘sense-of-direction’ thing.”
“What was he like, this Lamistard?” Jahaan inquired, lighting another torch as he did so.
Waving his hand dismissively, Sliske replied, “No-one of note or importance. Stood with Zamorak against Zaros, but even that didn’t end up doing him many favours. Guess he knew even the Zamorakians were going to sacrifice him soon enough, so he tried to circumvent the Ritual. It… didn’t go to plan. Not that I’m complaining.”
“He died so you could live,” Jahaan all-but mumbled. The words felt heavy and cloying in his throat.
Shrugging, Sliske continued, “The Mahjarrat are a kratocratically ruled tribe, and our Ritual is the epitome of that. I didn’t make the rules, and I shan’t complain when they work in my favour.”
“Don’t you ever think of him?” Jahaan pressed, somewhat more strongly than he should have. “That you sent him into an eternity of nothingness, an end to his entire existence, just so you could keep on living?”
Sliske stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing. “What are getting at, World Guardian?”
After lighting the nearest torch, Jahaan blew out the one he was holding and set it against the wall. A part of him knew he shouldn’t have said anything, but the question had been eating away at him for days, and something about Lamistard’s sorry story set him on edge. Turning to Sliske, he folded his arms over his chest, a stern and serious expression on his face. “Why do you want my soul, Sliske? Tell me the truth. Am I as disposable to you as Lamistard was to the Mahjarrat?”
Tilting his chin up, Sliske’s expression warped slightly. “So, that’s what this is about.”
“Just spit it out, Sliske,” Jahaan demanded. “I have to know - why me? Why my soul? And if you’d always planned to steal it, why toy with me all this time, acting like you care?”
“That is not your concern.”
“It’s my soul, it IS my fucking concern!” Jahaan snapped back. “You want an afterlife, don’t you? So you steal my soul and claim eternity for yourself, but I guess you don’t care where that leaves me, do you?”
“We made a deal,” Sliske countered through gritted teeth. “I help you kill Zemouregal, you give me your soul. A simple exchange.”
Sniffing a humourless laugh, Jahaan rolled his eyes and remarked, “This would make a good plot for one of your plays, Sliske.”
The pause that followed was thick and deadly, a chill in the air.
“Who told you about my plays?” Sliske demanded, low and fierce.
Straightening up his shoulders, Jahaan looked on in bafflement. He wasn’t expecting the comment to get such a strong reaction, and it knocked him for six. “Zamorak. So?”
“You weren’t supposed to know about those!” Sliske snapped, his voice like the crack of a whip.
Jahaan’s confusion warped into anger rapidly. “What, you embarrassed your perfect reputation is tarnished?” he derided. “Gods, Azzanadra was right about your mood swings...”
In hindsight, this was the worst thing Jahaan could have said.
Yellow irises danced with flickers of flame, the corners of Sliske’s mouth twitching with a cruel sneer. His voice was deathly quiet, almost a whisper, as he said, “...You’ve been talking to Azzanadra about me?”
Gulping, Jahaan regretted ever opening his mouth, but he forced his fear aside - rage was so much easier to handle. “Yeah, so? I thought you of all people would enjoy being the topic of conversation.”
“And what did he tell you?” his sneer cracked his features, morphed into something otherworldly and venomous.
Jahaan saw no reason to lie at this point. Sliske would know. “He told me that your mood has always changed like the weather, and that if you came to threaten me again he would deal with you personally.”
This caused Sliske to erupt in a roar of laughter that was full of bile and animosity. “Oh, that’s adorable,” he spat, words dripping like acid from his fanged teeth.
Stalking closer to Jahaan, Sliske watched with sadistic glee as the young man forced himself not to flinch. “Well, where’s your precious Azzanadra now, hm?” he towered over Jahaan like a looming shadow, imposing and dangerous.
The claw shot out like a bow from an arrow, latching itself tightly around Jahaan’s throat, lifting him off the ground with ease. Instantly Jahaan’s hands pushed against the offending arm, trying to pry away Sliske’s firm grip, but it was locked onto him.
“Slis-ah!” he gasped, breath hitching as he felt Sliske’s nails pierce his fragile skin, drawing blood that trickled crimson down his throat.
A brief glimpse through tear-filled eyes saw Sliske’s stoic expression, blank and deadly, the only life being the fire dancing behind his eyes. “Is this how you’d prefer me, World Guardian?” Sliske growled, flashing his teeth. “Is this easier to comprehend?”
It was a much tighter hold than the last time Jahaan found himself in this predicament; Sliske meant business, and he could pop his head like a grape if he wanted to. If Jahaan had the ability to form coherent thoughts that weren’t frantic and scattered, he would have realised this was the very first time he truly witnessed the gravitas of Sliske’s power. Gasping for air that would not come, Jahaan felt himself growing increasingly dizzy and lightheaded, the only thing keeping him stable being the immense pain of Sliske’s nails digging into his neck.
Though he felt his limbs becoming weaker and weaker, he desperately fought to reach for his dagger, but he was too slow, the movement too telegraphed. However, instead of retaliation, Jahaan felt himself released. He ragdolled to the ground, collapsing in a panting and spluttering heap. Hungrily he gasped in the warm air, scrambling over to put his back against the nearest wall.
Jahaan tried to gather his bearings, and once he managed to wipe away the tears from his eyes he realised he was no longer in the Shadow Realm - the air was too warm, the colours too vivid.
It took a long while for Jahaan to calm his breathing and ease his rapid heart rate, but once he did, he tried to look into the Shadow Realm, or at least open his mind up enough into the realm in order to sense if Sliske was still present. Thankfully, he wasn’t.
Rubbing the bruising on his neck, Jahaan could feel the swelling of welts that would turn an ugly shade of purple before long. Coupled with that, Jahaan’s fingers dripped crimson when he withdrew them, spots of dark red staining his skin. There wasn’t much blood, thankfully, and Jahaan didn’t think they’d scar. Still, one look at him and Wahisietel or Azzanadra would be able to deduce what had happened.
Sliske’s not ruining this for me, Jahaan vowed to himself, not wanting to back out despite them being a man short. But it was the lingering thought that the other Mahjarrat might withdraw that caused Jahaan not to inform them of the change in circumstance. They’d find out soon enough anyhow.
He wasn’t going to let Sliske get to him. Not now, when so much was at stake. This would be his only chance at Zemouregal for a long while. Still, the painful bruises at his neck served as a constant reminder of the enemy he’d just made.
Picking himself up off the ground, Jahaan stretched out the kinks in his neck and concentrated on shifting back into the Shadow Realm. Sliske or no Sliske, it was strategically the best way to sneak through Zemouregal’s fort.
Winding his way through the tunnels, Jahaan found himself getting turned around on more than one occasion - Lamistard had hardly created a labyrinth, but it also appeared as if not much planning had gone into the tunnelling beforehand. That’s probably why he ended up under the fort instead of where he’d intended, under the Ritual Marker.
Eventually though, Jahaan started to see the beginnings of civilisation in the form of stone paving, storage crates and more torches in close proximity to one another. Perhaps Zemouregal had attempted to make the most out of Lamistard’s labour and renovate some of the tunnels into a basement, but from the looks of it, the enormity of the task was too much and he’d long since given up. Still, it didn’t take too long to find a hatch that, when the corresponding chain was pulled, revealed a ladder which would take Jahaan up to the surface.
He’d made it inside Zemouregal’s fort undetected.
Now for the tricky part...
As Of Gods and Men is a reimagining, retelling and reworking of the Sixth Age, a LOT of dialogue/characters/plotlines/etc. are pulled right from the game itself, and this belongs to Jagex.
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The Hounds of Baskerville read-through
Pt two, Dartmoor. [pt one]
(this post is a direct continuation of pt one)
Credits to Ariane DeVere once again for her transcripts.
They head to Dartmoor in silence, and begin by scouting out the area to get an idea of what they’re dealing with here. John points out Baskerville and Dewer’s Hollow, and Sherlock asks what the skull and crossbones are. A minefield? “Guess they’ve always been keen to keep people out.” …Clearly.
Sherlock…I’m begging, why do you keep lining your hearts with explosives. 😩
They work at a distance from each other, Sherlock high above on the rocks, John alone on the ground. Playing on this thread in series 2 of a literal GULF separating the two of them, simultaneously calling back the mirror-case of The Hiker & The Driver, and foreshadowing Sherlock’s suicide off Bart’s.
Then they arrive at Cross Key’s Inn. On their way in they pass a small group of tourists gathered around young Fletcher as he goes about his business of selling them on the lurid idea of the Hound escaped from Baskerville. They share an awkward moment as Sherlock protectively adjusts his coat as they pass the group and John gives him the Eyes before looking away.
John and Sherlock enter the inn, and Fletcher dons the monster mask to excite the tourists as, elsewhere, Henry grimaces as he remembers during a session with Lousie. Another very thematic transition, as Fletcher’s lighthearted joke turns into Henry’s nightmare. Louise is positioned in this scene identically to John in 221B, in a mirror, dressed in matching colours:
Mirrors. :)
Henry (Sherlock) just says that that part of the memory doesn’t change. It’s always the same. But there’s something else now; two words. Liberty and In. Sherlock himself will complete this phrase for his mirror shortly:
Liberty in death, the only true freedom.
Back at the inn now, finally some John action! John is taking care of practicalities and getting them a room at the bar as Sherlock loiters in the background eavesdropping. I love this scene sooooooo much.
Look at this:
sldkjfnas Look they are the ones who do this all the time I am just observing. Anyway, with all the nice background undertones about food and meat and.... . cocks creating a nice ambience (and the nice phallic beer taps?? lmao) as John get’s them a room, it’s not hard to guess what...what might be on John’s mind at this prospect of sharing a room with Sherl. So of course, Gary warmly says he’s sorry they couldn’t do John and Sherlock a double room, and John starts to say (and perhaps remind himself) that things aren’t like that between them, but Gary just smiles knowingly and John gives it up and pays him. They mirror each other with their “Ta’s”, and while Gary’s back is turned John spots an invoice for the. . . . . . meat supplies.
The meat supplies for the gay owners of the vegetarian inn for feeding their (secret) ”hound” sdkjfnaksdf. John nicks the invoice for later.
Now, Billy and Gary are simple romantic mirrors for Sherlock and John, but MORE PERTINENTLY they are CLEARLY conduits for Messer's Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat, like...The curly Scottish bloke and his partner, the camp gay ginger! Not the culprits per se, just some blokes jumping on the opportunity to add some spice to their business! Playing on the local legend! Lovely amiable fellows who are nonetheless lying through their teeth about the ‘Hound’ right to the very end! The audacity! These shameless self-inserts! Also like, just more evidence that John is Steven’s self-insert and Sherlock is Mark’s asdkjf.
Anyway, John moves the subject to Baskerville (❤️) and the skull and crossbones out on the moor, hopefully asking Gary, “Pirates?”
MYCROFT: “My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher and yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?” JOHN: “I don’t know.” MYCROFT: “Neither do I. But initially, he wanted to be a pirate.”
It’s the skull and crossbones that baby Sherlock wears...when he plays pirates...
;___; JOHHHNNNNNNN. IT IS PIRATES!! He loves him!! He knows!! He just doesn’t know that he knows!! 😭 ALLOW HIMMMM!!!
But, nothing so sweet or soulful to be found at Baskerville. :( Right now, this shit IS a minefield. Gary says No no, it’s the Great Grimpen Minefield, home to the Baskerville (❤️) “testing site” that’s been going on so long unchecked that no one really knows what the hell’s in there anymore. :( Ugh, tell me about it. John takes this in and asks, a bit more warily, “Explosives?” And Gary warns him, oh no no, not just explosives, break into that heart and if you’re lucky, you just get blown up. In case you were planning a nice wee stroll. :( And unfortunately, John is not one of the lucky ones.
So…to start with this is literally ALL that is on John’s mind this entire season, he is completely obsessed and pining to DEATH because he is being tormented by some VERY strong misgivings and conflicted feelings about Sherlock which are sadly both sensible and very well founded:
SHERLOCK (rolling his eyes): Yes, if I wanted poetry, I’d read John’s emails to his girlfriends. Much funnier.
SHERLOCK: Yes, good. Skipping to the night that your dad was violently killed. Where did that happen?
SHERLOCK: ...and then there was the one with the spots; and then the one with the nose; and then ... who was after the boring teacher?
SHERLOCK: The shade of red echoes her lipstick – either an unconscious association or one that she’s deliberately trying to encourage. Either way, Miss Hooper has lurrrve on her mind. The fact that she’s serious about him is clear from the fact she’s giving him a gift at all. That would suggest long-term hopes, however forlorn...
And this is just a few examples from these two episodes, this isn’t even getting into the shit Sherlock does in series one that this is building off of, and this is also BEFORE Sherlock starts doing REALLY fucked up shit to him like attempting to drug him and gaslighting him in a lab experiment, or making John watch as he commits suicide off a building and allowing John to mourn for two whole years. Sherlock emotionally humiliates John, he humiliates other people in front of him, he manipulates him and is downright cruel to him at least once in basically every episode bar probably the first two, in which Sherlock more just takes him for granted and swings kinda relentlessly between pursuing and then rejecting him. John desperately wants Sherlock to be the the warm-hearted, caring, playful, funny (pirate ;_;) person he sometimes glimpses behind the facade, but he’s increasingly convinced he’s kidding himself, and just seeing what he wants to see because he’s besotted and lonely.
Anyway, Gary goes on to say that all that morbid Baskerville stuff buggers up tourism a bit, scares people off, so thank god for the demon Hound. God bless Henry and his hound from hell, made them a nice little industry off it. :) John then asks Gary if he’s ever seen the Hound and Gary says he hasn’t, but goes on to say that Fletcher has, motioning right at Sherlock, and by extension Fletcher who is standing just behind him in the entrance.
“He runs the walks, the monster walks.” “That’s handy. For trade.”
“Did wonders for Devon tourism.”
This gets Sherlock’s attention and he exits the inn to go after Fletcher. John is looking a bit distracted, eyes wandering around a bit as he gazes after Sherlock’s retreating figure with a rather amorous look…
God…But as Sherlock exits John’s line of vision a clear warning pops into focus:
Beware the Hound, John. Keep those wandering thoughts (and eyes) in check. Don’t want to get savaged. :(
Young Billy, the camp Sherlock mirror to John’s Gary, appears behind the bar and he and Gary start bantering their Hound (the cheek!!). John looks down and smiles to himself at their easy intimacy. Billy teases Gary about his snoring then asks John, “Is your’s a snorer?” And John immediately asks if they have any food. Crisps? Anything? It’s not like all the scenarios running through his head at the idea of sharing a room with his beau wasn’t bad enough, now he’s thinking about Sherlock softly snoring...in his arms…ugh that one made him hungry. He gets a drink to wash his chips down with (presuming he can get any...he never has much luck with food), since he’s halfway through a stout when he joins Sherlock outside. Needs a stiff drink after…all that.
Back with Sherlock, he takes a gamble on Fletcher being a gambler, he gets into ‘disguise’ and approaches Fletcher as a skeptical but intrigued tourist, attempting a blasé demeanour but just coming off as awkward as he tries to broach it, like he’s a bit scared Fletcher might actually have something. Fletcher gets very cagey and Sherlock asks if he has any proof which is enough to scare Fletcher off, until John appears and Sherlock turns it all into a game, which Fletcher can’t resist. He pulls out his phone and shows Sherlock a pic of an ordinary dog, which Sherlock sneers at, and taunts “Sorry John, I win.” Then Fletcher starts going on about the hollow, much like Henry was in 221B, but Sherlock still remains unconvinced. That is, until Fletcher tells them a Ghost Story, and pulls out a plaster cast of a large paw print. Sherlock is spooked now, and shies away from it a bit, eyeing it resentfully as he’s obliged to pay John. John takes another swig of beer as he eyes off Fletcher, and happily takes Sherlock’s money.
Approaching Baskerville, we are bombarded with signs signalling danger and secrecy, dogs roaming around, and men with guns. Baskerville has some strong parallels to Sherrinford, another top secret "facility” cum heart-dungeon that’s home to an escaped mayhem-causing monster that Sherlock has to confront. Sherrinford? Baskerville 2.0 tbh. Sherlock uses Mycroft’s ID to get them inside, which is absolute nonsense because Mycroft’s face is clearly on the ID lmao. Mycroft, of course, has full access to Baskerville (❤️) and “all areas” because he’s that aspect of Sherlock; The Clever One, the brain without a heart, the iceman persona, the detached puzzle solver, order, rationality, Mr. Caring-is-not-an-advantage etc. And this is the guy who’s In Charge. For fuck’s sake, Sherlock. Thank god he starts to reject alla that nonsense in The Sign of Three.
Anyway, John is anxious about all this, and quips
JOHN: Caught in five minutes. “Oh, hi, we just thought we’d come and have a wander round your top secret weapons base.” “Really? Great! Come in – kettle’s just boiled.” That’s if we don’t get shot.
John (rightly) does not anticipate any hospitality in Sherlock’s ‘ole heart, and is rather worried they might just get shot.
They drive on in and hop out of the car both seeming a bit trepidatious and are swiftly met by Corporal Lyons, who is a bit flustered by their presence and immediately asks if they’re “in trouble”. Because Baskerville (❤️) just doesn’t get inspected you see. It just isn’t done. John’s eyes wander over the attractive young Corporal and he swiftly pulls rank, getting them inside easily as a contrite Lyons scuttles to obey and give them the ~full tour~ and Sherlock is unable to completely hide his appreciation for his…Captain John Watson.
They go inside and Lyons takes them underground into the main lab. Sherlock asks Lyons about the animals they keep down here and gets all ominous about it as the ‘monsters’ inside Baskerville mill all around the lab.
“Phone Lestrade! Tell him there’s an escaped rabbit!”
FLUFFY FRIENDS. I like the way they frame the monkey’s and rabbits to look monstrous, really adds to the utter absurdity of it all. As the boys look around, Frankland exits the gas chamber and approaches them, all smiles and affability, hidden in plain sight, just like Moriarty.
FRANKLAND: Ah, new faces, how nice. Careful you don’t get stuck here, though. I only came to fix a tap!
SHERLOCK: James Moriarty is for hire. PROSECUTING BARRISTER: A tradesman? SHERLOCK: Yes. PROSECUTING BARRISTER: But not the sort who’d fix your heating. SHERLOCK: No, the sort who’d plant a bomb or stage an assassination, but I’m sure he’d make a pretty decent job of your boiler.
Lol. Frankland (Moriarty) only came to Baskerville (❤️) to fix a ‘leak’ but then…he got stuck in there…and now he’s a full blown virus 😩 Frankland gets some ominous villain treatment as he retreats and John then asks Lyons what it is that they actually do in this place;
LYONS: I thought you’d know, sir, this being an inspection. JOHN: Well, I’m not an expert, am I?
Lyons dodges John’s questions by acting like he should already know all that, then answers as imprecisely as possible. They head further on into Baskerville, now entering a lab in which they meet one Doctor Stapleton, another John mirror and one of my favourite instances of John’s bisexual coding lol. She’s another Doctor, same physical type, fair-haired, wearing a button-down cardigan and has a young daughter.
Sherlock asks what her role at Baskerville is, to which she snorts in amusement and says she’s not free to say, to which Sherlock reacts rather strongly?
Like even John is bewildered. Why do you suggest she remains that way Sherlock, hmm? Hmm? I have no idea if this is just a coincidence, but the phrasing along with Sherlock’s response just stuck out to me, especially since these are both Mark’s episodes.
She then says
STAPLETON: I have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. I like to mix things up – genes, mostly; now and again, actual fingers. SHERLOCK: Stapleton. Knew I knew your name. STAPLETON: Doubt it.
This quip about Stapleton’s (= John’s) name happens right after she ambiguously says she “likes to mix things up”. Genes mostly but also, actual fingers. Has a rather, wide field, you might say. And she’s (required to be) very secretive (private) about it.
And then we get to the crux of the matter, Sherlock quips dramatically about coincidence then holds up his moleskin on which he’s written…Bluebell.
In the end, Sherlock breaks into Baskerville to find out why Bluebell had to die.
SHERLOCK: Why did Bluebell have to die, Doctor Stapleton? JOHN: The rabbit? SHERLOCK: Disappeared from inside a locked hutch, which was always suggestive. JOHN: The rabbit? SHERLOCK: Clearly an inside job. STAPLETON: Oh, you reckon. SHERLOCK: Why? Because it glowed in the dark?
“Why did I have to die, John?” CLEARLY AN INSIDE JOB. OH YOU RECKON. Sherlock’s halfway there, but we'll return to this later on, as this isn’t pertinent until John speaks to Stapleton after he’s drugged. This is just set-up for that. For now, Sherlock looks at his watch and hightails it outta there with a very indignant and confused John on his heels.
JOHN: Did we just break into a military base to investigate a rabbit?
Well…………….yeah. You did. :(
Elsewhere, the ‘security breach’ slowly makes it’s way to Mycroft who apparently receives word of this ~national security breach~ via text message and literally just rolls his eyes at his phone and sends Sherlock a text. Like, I’m laughing my ass off, did people really ever think this show was ‘realistic’. It’s NONSENSE. No one but Mycroft is involved or even notified because this is all a dumb heart-metaphor, which is also why the only action Mycroft takes is to send down Sherlock’s ‘handler’ to look after him lmao. The only thing they have ever cared about are their dumb metaphors (that I love! So much!). Sherlock just laughs at the text and says Mycroft’s getting sloppy (has he ever NOT been though…this is the question) as they rush toward the elevator, in which they conveniently bump into Frankland again. Back on ground level, they run into the stern and impressive Major Barrymore, who is quite outraged that Sherlock has staged an inspection.
BARRYMORE: The whole point of Baskerville (❤️) was to eliminate this kind of bureaucratic nonsense... SHERLOCK: I’m so sorry, Major. BARRYMORE: Inspections?! SHERLOCK: New policy. Can’t remain unmonitored forever. Goodness knows what you’d get up to.
“The whole point of Baskerville (❤️) was to eliminate this kind of bureaucratic nonsense...” Like...is this some meta-fictional yelling on Mark’s part about the heartrooms or what :/ And like, I get it, the heartrooms etc WERE no doubt intended to subvert the ‘bureaucratic nonsense’ that would inevitably swamp the first gay Holmes adaptation and allow them to tell the story they wanted to tell relatively undetected, but I’m with Sherlock on this one lmao. These fuckers have been running around unmonitored for TOO LONG and they can’t keep getting away with it! Enough is enough! Um, anyway, they’re interrupted as Lyons sets the heart-alarms off despite the intruders being like, right there with them, and just says ‘ID unauthorised’. Sherlock hands over Mycroft’s ID and just as Barrymore is about to skewer them, Frankland intervenes and is able to persuade Barrymore that Sherlock is in fact Mycroft Holmes (I guess. Since Mycroft is basically just The Brain anyway), and get them off the hook. This scene is a clusterfuck to me and one of the few where I can’t really tell if there’s anything going on because there’s no context and I can’t stand watching it because of the alarms. Like the scene with Jaqui, I feel like it’s mostly just setup for the second trip to Baskerville.
Frankland walks them out and seeks to ingratiate himself with them and insert himself into the investigation although Sherlock is clearly still on edge. He gushes about the hat, saying Sherlock’s almost unrecognisable without it (tell me about it) as Sherlock crankily says that stupid hat wasn’t his hat. (I take it anyone reading this is familiar with the meaning of the hat, but if you haven’t seen it the tjlce video explains it well). He then compliments John on his blog, “the pink thing” and “that one about The Aluminium Crutch”*[1] and with the mention of THAT debacle Sherlock abruptly changes the subject. Frankland says he knew Henry’s dad better than Henry himself and that he had all sorts of “mad theories” about Baskerville (❤️) but was nonetheless a good friend. He gives Sherlock his number, and says to give him a call if he can help with Henry.
Frankland throws some shade at Stapleton after they joke about killing Sherlock again and then they part ways. As soon as they’re alone, John immediately asks Sherlock what all that about the rabbit was, and Sherlock doesn’t answer. He smirks to himself knowingly, then flips his collar up and pulls his coat protectively around himself (in my opinion). His acts of defensiveness are so tiny, man, it breaks my heart. John, (pining to DEATH!) already wound up from being led down this rabbit hole blind, blurts out
JOHN: Oh, please, can we not do this, this time. SHERLOCK: Do what? JOHN: You, being all…mysterious with your, cheekbones, ’n turning your coat collar up so you look cool. SHERLOCK: I don’t do that! JOHN: Yeah you do.
John is simultaneously endeared and exasperated by this behaviour, but mostly he’s just dying of frustration with all his own pent up desires for his friend.
But Sherlock doesn’t really take well to stuff like this, because he think’s John’s straight. And he hates himself, so obviously he’s never gonna see affection in being teased like this (at least, certainly not the kind he wants) by a ‘mate’ with whom he’s secretly in love. I’m quite sure all he see’s here is the blokey prodding, y’know; posh boy public school with your cheekbones and high collar. A joke. A laugh. It grates at him. These micro-misunderstandings? Death.
The sexual tension continues as they sit in the car together, making awkward eye-contact and immediately looking away from each other before John brings up Bluebell again. Sherlock speculates that Jaqui made Bluebell glow with a fluorescent gene and concludes that as we know she performs “secret experiments” on bunnies, the question is now whether she’s been “working on something deadlier than a bluebell”. As we know, the answer to that question is…no. So John makes a joke.
“To be fair that is quite a wide field.”
John cracks a bi joke RIGHT THERE…AT Sherlock…he’s flirting at him again! Twice in less than five minutes! Sherlock is stumped and perhaps kinda suspicious of another joke at his expense and John just looks away and smirks to himself. I am sorry but I love this so much, John is just like, I’ve had enough of this mysterious asshole it’s MY turn to be a cryptic bitch for once! Aksjndf.
Likes to mix things up….has quite a wide field…dis bisexuelle coding, Mark! ❤️
They arrive at Henry’s house and there is a pertinent moment here that’s been deleted from the episode (perhaps because it’s too obvious), but the script snippet is included in The Sherlock Chronicles:

Sherlock asks John for his money back while they wait for Henry to answer the door, and John rebuffs him, claiming Sherlock owes him. >.< You can see Sherlock is kinda crabby when they cut to him as Henry opens the door:
Uh...tense. They head inside and John looks around, quite surprised, and asks Henry a bit tactlessly,
And this is Sherlock’s reaction:
Hooo boy. TENSE.
In the kitchen, Sherlock helps himself to Henry’s sugar as Henry tells them about the words he remembers, Liberty In, and Sherlock supplies the complete phrase. Henry asks “What now then?” and Sherlock supplies them with The Plan, as he tries to drink his sweetened coffee, which he’s having some trouble swallowing. :(
It’s not to his taste! He just doesn’t do coffee ok.
SHERLOCK: We take you back out onto the moor. See if anything attacks you.
John laughs and acts peeved about Sherlock’s recklessness and Sherlock snaps at him quietly. Got any better ideas? He concludes that if there is a monster out there, the only thing to do is find out where it lives. Time to face his fears at the scene of the crime.
*[1] - writemeastoryofsolitude’s meta “The Mystery of The Aluminium Crutch, or How Sherlock Holmes Fell in Love” has a lot of great insight’s about this particular blog post, I haven’t read it in years and from what I remember I certainly wouldn’t parse it like that myself, but it gives you a pretty good idea. :)
tagging any interested parties again :) @sarahthecoat @impossibleleaf @northstargrassmaiden @devoursjohnlock @gosherlocked @love-in-mind-palace @221bloodnun, @johnlockiseternal, @tjlcisthenewsexy etc
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Mean and Skeptical Comments about the Astrological Signs

What's the Trouble with Them? Aries If you ever see a trouble seeker, he or she will surely be an Aries! If you hate an Aries for acting in whatever way, don’t bother to seek revenge. They don’t need a curse or a vicious trap to suffer like their poor victims, as Arians are masters of messing with trouble. One morning, an Arian rises up, finds himself in good shape and perfect health, so he decides to “seize the day!” Oh my! They believe so deeply in their capability to do anything that pops into their minds. They are also extremely capable of justifying their poor choices. Don’t ever try to explain to them the possible consequences of their plans. Just wait and see! An Arian will never disappoint the passionate grudge-holders that wait for the spectacular fall of the infallible hero. Taurus Any mishap that befalls Taureans will be a result of their addiction to pleasure. God forbid that I would ever deny their sensible attitude toward worldly matters. They are the unquestionable pillars of the human conscience and sanity. Indeed, their down-to-earth essence is the very quality that improves their tendency to overestimate the cravings of the flesh. Well, don’t you know that our strengths are also our weaknesses? Taureans like to collect nice things and keep them in their lives, no matter what! Unfortunately, such deep attachments are the stones that pave the Taurean road to hell. Their loved ones also take a part in this tendency to objectify. Taureans stick to their objects of desire until they get so sick and tired of them that they cannot even bear to remember their existence. The moment when they start to despise something is so worth seeing! Gemini Any misfortune that happens to them is caused by them not handling their “possessions” with due care and attention. They reach out to grab almost everything that sparkles, asking for them ceaselessly. People mostly just give them whatever they ask for, just so they can have some peace! Because they are filled with a meaningless abundance, they get dizzy and become unable to behave properly. You see? It’s not “their” fault that they cannot make good use of anything! Oh, the burden of an unmanageable pile of possessions and an unbearable amount of attention! Of course, they should fly away toward the nearest colorful flower. Geminis miss all chances to establish a strong foundation on anything just because of the overly demanding people around them. Actually, Geminis do not really give a damn about these missed opportunities, because they are already busy troubling another person with their problems. Cancer The main trouble with Cancerians is their lightheadedness … Oh yeah, sorry! I meant their unique and contemplative way of thinking! They only get a little lost while trying to perfectly define and figure out every aspect of a matter. Thanks to some “mean and unfriendly” astrologers, Cancerians are famous for lacking a proper sense of timing! Well, these are merely vicious accusations by dark souls that cannot perceive Cancer’s irresistible need for wholeness! Let me open a window to the undiscovered depths of a Cancerian’s mind with the aid of an example: A Cancerian can spend half an hour shopping for the perfect shoes to match his or her clothes for a very important meeting, a meeting that began ten minutes ago! You should never be surprised when a Cancerian comes out of the shop with a new suit that matches the old shoes. You should also never even consider criticizing this behavior, because it would be very unbalancing for such a gentle soul on the verge of such an important meeting, a meeting for which he or she is already late. Leo Well, any problem that casts a shadow on the sunny, shiny world of Leos results from their stubborn need to patronize every living soul in reach. What else should a Leo do other than to give a precise definition of the expected outcome? Why should such royal beings bother themselves with the boring technicalities of other people’s concerns and limitations? How could they possibly bear the cold reality that even the most important people in the world cannot always get what they want? Or should they just accept that they might not be that important? Seriously? Leos are merry people, but they can be ruthless when exercising power. They know best, period! Instead of arguing with them, people should get up on their humble feet and do as they are told! When life gets lonely and boring, Leos want to cheer up! The king or queen needs to feel the warmth of human closeness and the tender security of unconditional acceptance. Phrases like “Emperors can be lonely too!’’ must come from the grim moments that are experienced in the utter silence of an empty palace. Virgo Every unfortunate thing happens to Virgos by pure accident! Yes, of course, what else could it be? Virgos put every little thing in their realm under strict control, so there’s no space for unwanted errors! Whatever mishaps occur despite a Virgo’s determined efforts must come from the bad influence of outsiders or unknown factors. Virgos cannot bear the burden of doing something wrong, and if anything should go wrong, they can only be the victims! Failures shake their very souls, and they find it very hard to repair their “already low” self-esteem. Still, pure Virgos immediately start to define the evils and eliminate their effects on their perfect setup. Sometimes the Heavens feel mercy for these beloved, hardworking control freaks and decide to spoil them with minor miracles. However, Virgos don’t like surprises, and if they would find a fancy package on their doorstep, they would call the police and ask for the bomb squad. If they won a car in a competition, they would just complain about the paperwork and the additional expenses. Libra Inertia is the mother of all evils, and this is especially true for Librans. Everything happens to Librans because of their tendency to avoid any unwanted effort. Librans deliberately delay making difficult decisions and taking critical actions. They wait for things to happen, so they can keep their hands clean and make the right move to maintain their preferred position. They have many such open-ended issues, which are not seen by observers. Librans are extremely cool and calm on the surface, but internally, they are like an untidy room where no one else can find a place to sit or make a move. They freeze life in their own unique manner, so they can avoid confrontations and focus on the things that give them the most pleasure or excitement. When a crisis blows up, they skillfully mock the resulting scene! An admirer will surely soon be there to handle the situation and pamper our “poor victim.” In other words, nothing much happens to Librans, but the people who get involved with them should be ready to deal with their problems. Scorpio Boundless desires and a relentless will urge Scorpios to try any possible means to succeed. Would anyone need any other curse? Scorpios are usually coolheaded. They may take offense very easily, but they do not seek immediate revenge! While everyone is going crazy, they remain capable of observing the situation and finding a way out of trouble. The solutions they come up with may cause some unwanted complications for others, however, but hey, that’s life! They may feel guilty inside, yet they won’t shed many tears of regret or make many apologetic gestures. Know that this indifference is not the worst thing you can experience with Scorpios. When you see them in a state of total disillusionment, or reaching a point of no return, get lost! From that moment on, there is no such thing as the “Scorpio’s trouble.” Scorpios turn into Zippo lighters, and the trouble becomes entirely yours. Sagittaurus These never take no for an answer! This is why they become embroiled in every possible trouble, meaning trouble for the people who dare to refuse them. No one other than a Sagittarian could ask, ‘’Why?’’ in such a relentless manner! Even when they hear someone say no to another person, they may stop just to play their game, and say, “Hang on. Why do you reject this? Tell me, and maybe I can show you why you should say yes.” Sagittarians become tense like a bow until they find the weak point of their target. Once they discover it, the target starts to feel this tension, because Sagittarians do not limit their attacks. They hug, they bug, they beg, and they finally make you say, “YES!” And this is the turning point. Suddenly, the wind calms, the attention fades, and the intentions disappear. The Sagittarian has already set his or her mind on another target and gone! Capricorn It all happens thanks to Capricorn’s uncanny desire to play the savior. Why on earth do they have to be so dutiful? Why can they never turn down a call or, better still, switch their phones off at night and when on vacation? Why must they always have an opinion on how to do it better, even when they were never asked for an opinion? The answer is simple: They don’t know a better way of living other than trying to be useful! They must always be in charge or at least ready to take action. Capricorns are the only group of people in this world who feel weird when they are relaxed, experiencing a sort of depression when their agenda looks empty for the coming week. Under these circumstances, it seems they deserve trouble, because they subconsciously crave it! Aquarius Nothing other than their “concerns” is a source of trouble for Aquarians! It’s surprising, isn’t it? They have a weird obsession with foreseeing things, and this is because they secretly want to play God and direct events according to their own scenario. Thus, they feel a need to analyze each and every detail and take odd-looking measures to avoid unwanted twists of fate. Where an Aquarian is involved, be prepared to hear last-minute requests to correct trivial details that seem to have major importance to him or her. Aquarians may even suggest a major change in the course of something, or request it to be cancelled, for reasons not apparent to anyone else! It seems as if they look at things with the purpose of finding trouble, so they cause problems for the people they mingle with. Yeah, they’re the poorly appreciated saviors of humankind, doing good at the expense of their popularity. Pisces Oh my! It is simply goodwill paving the road to hell for Pisces. As you may well know, they look somewhat absentminded and too depressed to be interested in worldly matters. Indeed, their indifference is a gift from God! This is their natural protection that keeps them from getting messed up with trouble. Feeling good is never a good thing for a Pisces! When they feel good, their feet no longer touch the earth. They walk over the mean dirt of life as if they were floating on the holy waters of the Heavens, feeling ready to fall in love with anything they see. When Pisceans fall in love with something, the world stops turning. The moment they feel happy and lucky, Pisceans lose the ability to develop a critical approach, avoid focusing on facts, and form all their plans based on “angelic inspirations,” getting lost in the flow in the process. From that point on, anything that doesn’t come to a Piscean’s mind takes place in his or her life! Read the full article
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Black Narcissus
“Black Narcissus” was a classic perfume for men and women produced by Ahmed Soliman in the 1920s. It was based on an oil extracted from flowering plants of the genus Narcissus (daffodils and jonquils) which still is used in perfumes and colognes today. The scent is said to have been dark, musky, sultry and erotic. So why is “Black Narcissus” also the title of a 1947 movie about missionary nuns in India?
You have to wait for it, but the perfume figures prominently in a key scene that relates to the budding sexual tensions within the austere religious community. But the discussion of “Black Narcissus” ends with a bluntly racist comment that also fits the film’s underlying themes.
First, it is important to understand that the nuns in question are Anglican, rather than Roman Catholic nuns. In fact, the movie was originally released only a few months before India declared its independence from British rule. The identification with a specific national church, and nationalistic form of Christianity, explains the nuns’ confusion of the Gospel with British culture, and the taming of a “barbaric” people.
As a result of a political deal, the motherhouse in Calcutta receives property on which to establish a convent, school and clinic in a remote valley of the Himalayan Mountains. The rajah of the region has little interest in Christianity, but he wants to curry favor with the British and also wants his people to have the observable benefits of western European learning and technology, especially medicine.
So a team of sisters is dispatched to the location, led by Sister Clodagh (this was a breakthrough role for English movie star, Deborah Kerr). Yes, it’s also noteworthy that Sister Clodagh is Irish, unlike the others. It turns out that the property is a fortress on a sheer cliff overlooking the village in the valley below. The rajah’s father used it as a pleasure palace, where he housed his large harem. When the nuns move in, the walls are covered with pornographic paintings (what is shown of them is surprisingly explicit for a 1947 movie). That’s interesting, because it is also noted that some monks had previously tried to set up shop in the castle, but left after only five months. No further explanation of that matter is given.
This backstory hints at perhaps some supernatural influence at work in what happens to the nuns. All experience personal breakdowns of varying degrees of severity and their group bond begins to unravel. However, the viewer may interpret this simply as the psychological effects of immersion and isolation within a foreign culture, compounded by repressed sexuality.
It also is strongly suggested that life on the rugged, windswept mountain heightens the women’s five senses, and brings to the surface memories that they had buried beneath a comfortable routine of daily prayer and hard work. The audience only gets a glimpse of Sister Clodagh’s memories of a failed romance in Ireland. These flashbacks feature a radiant, fun-loving young woman in contrast to her severe appearance as a nun. Deborah Kerr, of course, looks gorgeous, even standing in the middle of a stream in flyfishing gear.
Then there’s the movie’s homme fatale, rather than femme fatale. Mr. Dean (David Farrar) is the “British agent” (the local ruler’s liaison with the imperial government). He is a handsome Englishman who has “gone native”. That means most of the time he wears only shorts and an open shirt (in one scene he rushes to the convent without even putting on a shirt). Mr. Dean doubts that the mission will succeed where others have not, and Sister Clodagh considers him “dissolute”. All conversations between them are charged with sexual innuendo.
In a plot twist, the old rajah dies and his son takes over. Unlike his father, the young rajah (Sabu) is sincerely interested in Jesus Christ and what He taught. The sisters fail to understand this. They also fail to pick up on his equally keen interest of another type in 17-year-old Kanchi (Jean Simmons). Kanchi is a, shall we say, precocious orphan that the nuns have taken in. She performs exotic dances when the nuns aren’t looking and otherwise conveys her mutual feelings toward the young rajah. The two elope and are then absent from the movie until the very end.
But there is some dialogue between the young rajah and Sister Clodagh that is worth examining. The sister is explaining to the rajah why the convent is only a spiritual retreat for women and not for men. The rajah points to a nearby crucifix and says, “But Jesus was a man”. Sister Clodagh replies that, “Jesus only took the form of a man.”
Which is not what the Bible and the ecumenical creeds say. The fourth Gospel, that of the Apostle John, probably was written specifically to refute the heresy of the Gnostics. Part of the false teaching of the Gnostics was that the material world, the world of our five senses, is evil. It was not created by God, the Father of Jesus Christ, but by an inferior deity.
The first chapter recaps the account of creation in Genesis, emphasizing how the Word (Logos, a designation of the Second Person of the Trinity) was with God in the beginning and was God. By this Word was everything made and for this Word everything was made. And then the Word “was made flesh and dwelled among us”. The Greek word translated “was made” signifies a change in the nature of something. In this case, what was divine became fully human, although it remained divine, and dwelled among humanity.
After John’s Gospel, the Council of Nicea in 325 AD would reject not only Arianism, the idea that Jesus was a created being inferior to God the Father, but also docetism, the teaching that the human form of Jesus was only a sort of illusion. Thus, the Nicene Creed says that Jesus “was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.” The story of the ascension shows that Jesus returned to the Father in both His human and divine natures, thus sanctifying forever our human nature.
The Athanasian Creed goes into even more detail. “For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the substance of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the substance of His Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching His Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching His Manhood. Who although He is God and Man; yet He is not two, but one Christ. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the manhood into God. One altogether; not by confusion of substance; but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man; so God and Man is one Christ.”
So Sister Clodagh expresses at the very least, a deficient Christology. Jesus became incarnate that he might experience every human feeling and every human temptation; yet at the same time blessing common human experience. So the nuns see human desires and pleasures as a threat to spirituality to an exaggerated degree. They are all the more vulnerable to the sensuality of the natural and cultural environment in which they find themselves
Yet they are not entirely wrong, because in one case, the unleashing of passion raises something darker than Sister Clodagh’s regrets. Again, there is the suggestion of something like demonic possession, although it could be explained away as jealousy and emotional instability.
At any rate, Mr. Dean is not really the serpent in the garden, although what he considers an offhand remark sets a tragic event in motion. And a simple gesture by the most open and friendliest of the nuns is misunderstood and turns the villagers against the mission.
“Black Narcissus” is filmed in beautiful Technicolor and the scenery emphasizes the vastness of the mountains and the dream-like state that overwhelms the sisters.
“Black Narcissus” was a classic perfume for men and women produced by Ahmed Soliman in the 1920s. It was based on an oil extracted from flowering plants of the genus Narcissus (daffodils and jonquils) which still is used in perfumes and colognes today. The scent is said to have been dark, musky, sultry and erotic. So why is “Black Narcissus” also the title of a 1947 movie about missionary nuns in India?
You have to wait for it, but the perfume figures prominently in a key scene that relates to the budding sexual tensions within the austere religious community. But the discussion of “Black Narcissus” ends with a bluntly racist comment that also fits the film’s underlying themes.
First, it is important to understand that the nuns in question are Anglican, rather than Roman Catholic nuns. In fact, the movie was originally released only a few months before India declared its independence from British rule. The identification with a specific national church, and nationalistic form of Christianity, explains the nuns’ confusion of the Gospel with British culture, and the taming of a “barbaric” people.
As a result of a political deal, the motherhouse in Calcutta receives property on which to establish a convent, school and clinic in a remote valley of the Himalayan Mountains. The rajah of the region has little interest in Christianity, but he wants to curry favor with the British and also wants his people to have the observable benefits of western European learning and technology, especially medicine.
So a team of sisters is dispatched to the location, led by Sister Clodagh (this was a breakthrough role for English movie star, Deborah Kerr). Yes, it’s also noteworthy that Sister Clodagh is Irish, unlike the others. It turns out that the property is a fortress on a sheer cliff overlooking the village in the valley below. The rajah’s father used it as a pleasure palace, where he housed his large harem. When the nuns move in, the walls are covered with pornographic paintings (what is shown of them is surprisingly explicit for a 1947 movie). That’s interesting, because it is also noted that some monks had previously tried to set up shop in the castle, but left after only five months. No further explanation of that matter is given.
This backstory hints at perhaps some supernatural influence at work in what happens to the nuns. All experience personal breakdowns of varying degrees of severity and their group bond begins to unravel. However, the viewer may interpret this simply as the psychological effects of immersion and isolation within a foreign culture, compounded by repressed sexuality.
It also is strongly suggested that life on the rugged, windswept mountain heightens the women’s five senses, and brings to the surface memories that they had buried beneath a comfortable routine of daily prayer and hard work. The audience only gets a glimpse of Sister Clodagh’s memories of a failed romance in Ireland. These flashbacks feature a radiant, fun-loving young woman in contrast to her severe appearance as a nun. Deborah Kerr, of course, looks gorgeous, even standing in the middle of a stream in flyfishing gear.
Then there’s the movie’s homme fatale, rather than femme fatale. Mr. Dean (David Farrar) is the “British agent” (the local ruler’s liaison with the imperial government). He is a handsome Englishman who has “gone native”. That means most of the time he wears only shorts and an open shirt (in one scene he rushes to the convent without even putting on a shirt). Mr. Dean doubts that the mission will succeed where others have not, and Sister Clodagh considers him “dissolute”. All conversations between them are charged with sexual innuendo.
In a plot twist, the old rajah dies and his son takes over. Unlike his father, the young rajah (Sabu) is sincerely interested in Jesus Christ and what He taught. The sisters fail to understand this. They also fail to pick up on his equally keen interest of another type in 17-year-old Kanchi (Jean Simmons). Kanchi is a, shall we say, precocious orphan that the nuns have taken in. She performs exotic dances when the nuns aren’t looking and otherwise conveys her mutual feelings toward the young rajah. The two elope and are then absent from the movie until the very end.
But there is some dialogue between the young rajah and Sister Clodagh that is worth examining. The sister is explaining to the rajah why the convent is only a spiritual retreat for women and not for men. The rajah points to a nearby crucifix and says, “But Jesus was a man”. Sister Clodagh replies that, “Jesus only took the form of a man.”
Which is not what the Bible and the ecumenical creeds say. The fourth Gospel, that of the Apostle John, probably was written specifically to refute the heresy of the Gnostics. Part of the false teaching of the Gnostics was that the material world, the world of our five senses, is evil. It was not created by God, the Father of Jesus Christ, but by an inferior deity.
The first chapter recaps the account of creation in Genesis, emphasizing how the Word (Logos, a designation of the Second Person of the Trinity) was with God in the beginning and was God. By this Word was everything made and for this Word everything was made. And then the Word “was made flesh and dwelled among us”. The Greek word translated “was made” signifies a change in the nature of something. In this case, what was divine became fully human, although it remained divine, and dwelled among humanity.
After John’s Gospel, the Council of Nicea in 325 AD would reject not only Arianism, the idea that Jesus was a created being inferior to God the Father, but also docetism, the teaching that the human form of Jesus was only a sort of illusion. Thus, the Nicene Creed says that Jesus “was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man; He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father.” The story of the ascension shows that Jesus returned to the Father in both His human and divine natures, thus sanctifying forever our human nature.
The Athanasian Creed goes into even more detail. “For the right Faith is, that we believe and confess; that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man; God, of the substance of the Father; begotten before the worlds; and Man, of the substance of His Mother, born in the world. Perfect God; and perfect Man, of a reasonable soul and human flesh subsisting. Equal to the Father, as touching His Godhead; and inferior to the Father as touching His Manhood. Who although He is God and Man; yet He is not two, but one Christ. One; not by conversion of the Godhead into flesh; but by assumption of the manhood into God. One altogether; not by confusion of substance; but by unity of Person. For as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man; so God and Man is one Christ.”
So Sister Clodagh expresses at the very least, a deficient Christology. Jesus became incarnate that he might experience every human feeling and every human temptation; yet at the same time blessing common human experience. So the nuns see human desires and pleasures as a threat to spirituality to an exaggerated degree. They are all the more vulnerable to the sensuality of the natural and cultural environment in which they find themselves
Yet they are not entirely wrong, because in one case, the unleashing of passion raises something darker than Sister Clodagh’s regrets. Again, there is the suggestion of something like demonic possession, although it could be explained away as jealousy and emotional instability.
At any rate, Mr. Dean is not really the serpent in the garden, although what he considers an offhand remark sets a tragic event in motion. And a simple gesture by the most open and friendliest of the nuns is misunderstood and turns the villagers against the mission.
“Black Narcissus” is filmed in beautiful Technicolor and the scenery emphasizes the vastness of the mountains and the dream-like state that overwhelms the sisters. It may be intrepreted as a cautionary tale against sending missionaries to remote areas without proper knowledge and appreciation of the local language and culture, and a false sense of spirituality.
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How to Get an Aries Woman to Want You
New Post has been published on http://aopsy.com/index.php/2017/08/23/how-to-get-an-aries-woman-to-want-you/
How to Get an Aries Woman to Want You
Adventurous, playful, enthusiastic, and headstrong – it’s simple to see why you would be drawn to an Aries woman. Things are never dull with an Aries around, which makes her the kind of woman many guys could be attracted to. Here is how you can produce the feeling reciprocal.
Measure One: The Initial Impression
First of all, you want to remember that the normal Aries lady has more manly character traits than ordinary. If you would like to capture her attention, you will want to demonstrate that not only are you able to maintain her boisterous soul, but you might also pick up things when she is off her match.
Spontaneity and imagination are your best resources now. If you are planning to ask her out, go past the mundane dinner-and-date design.
At exactly the exact same time, Aries is just one of those indications that appreciate forwardness over many others, being somewhat forthright themselves. Do not play any games using all the Aries girl; be honest with who you are, or else she will call you out in your own pretensions.
As soon as you’ve got her attention, you are going to need to understand how to pull back. The very significant to an Aries woman is your feeling of liberty. This is a girl who feels a strong desire to be the architect of her entire life, and therefore, wants to get the liberty to make her own pleasure. You are going to need to let her guide matters every now and then – if, at any stage, she feels just like you are dominating the date, then she will begin searching for ways from this snare.
Some Arians will not be too open about needing this; nonetheless, as newcomer is a quality they are inclined to look for in their spouses, also.
So long as you keep yourself open to anything she proposes, and can think of your very own intriguing recommendations, you will do fine.
Measure Three: Maintaining Interest
If you would like an Aries girl to remain hooked on you, then you are going to need to listen. Though your average Aries is quite vocal about what she desires, there’ll always be outliers who do not communicate too. Irrespective of how verbal she’s with her desires and desires, the simple fact that the majority of Aries women need to feel independent demands listening. It’s of extreme importance to her to understand that you are on exactly the exact same page.
This, however, also suggests you will require a whole lot of patience if you’d like a connection with an Aries to continue. The powerful drive to be the captain of her own ship can come off as egotistical sometimes, which means you are going to need to approach this attribute with some understanding that all this energy comes out of a huge quantity of fire within, and it is almost always a fantastic thing.
If you are able to deal with a fantastic balance between allowing her take control whilst introducing her to new experiences, however, you might realize that dating an Aries woman is just one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. It is going to always be enjoyable, enjoyable, and on top of that, passionate.
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relationship status
relationship status Are you ever feeling like blaming your relationship status? you're employed onerous to possess a healthy and happy relationship along with your partner, however, generally your inherent traits go haywire, reason being you produce the items tough for you. This all occur thanks to distinction in temperament. If you're presently battling a problem associated with your relationship, then you're not alone within the world. Fret not! we have a tendency to area unit here to assist you astrologically, however you'll build your relationship best and unforgettable with none uncommon arguments. If you are doing believe pseudoscience facts, then you'll privy to your Zodiac sign and doubtless, you'd be knowing the compatible zodiac signs too, what zodiac signs area unit compatible for you in relationship and the way you'll cause a stronger relationship standing along with your partner. Let’s perceive through Zodiac signs of astrology: Aries: Aries is that the most impatient sign of Zodiac Belt. Arians area unit spontaneous and adventures in nature. you're the one that struggle whereas stagnant life. you reside for modification and excitement and gets bored simply too. If things get in your routine or daily tasks then you almost certainly gets bored by that. you would like the fast response of something. you wish to apply most patience if you would like to measure happy sex activity. you wish to find out a way to balance things or scenario. Taurus: Taurus is that the earthy sign. therefore taureans area unit extraordinarily stubborn and set in their own ways in which. However, if there's no stability and romance in any relationship, then most likely you won’t have any of it. you have got to find out flexibility and you wish to be open minded gaga relations. Your stubbornness may be blessings yet as challenge. they're terribly slow and may mire over something for a extended amount of your time. therefore it looks that they invest on love relations for future functions. Gemini: You belong to twin nature as your sign too indicates in itself regarding duality. thanks to this, you wish someone UN agency will cope up with you in everyday tasks. Since you gets bored terribly oftentimes, that’s the issue that you must detain mind whereas selecting your partner. Gemini can act sort of a robotic in nature, and as a result, you're seen to deal your emotions automatically. thanks to this reason, your partner or several others around you see you as a chilly and distant. If you want to possess a cheerful relationship, then you wish to use serious efforts to take care of your emotional intelligence healthy. Cancer: You are additional sensitive and individual. the best relationship for cancerians is all regarding safety and nurturing. You take care of you partner. you'd be ready to categorical your feelings to your partner. Likewise everything goes right from your finish. Even after, once the time comes, you'll be wrong for that somebody, the explanation being your excessively sensitive nature, which will not be handled by everybody. it's over the foremost folks will ready to handle. Relationship is all regarding learning method and you wish to deliver plenty of affection. No have to be compelled to twiddling my thumbs, it will derive troubled introduce your relations Leo: You are terribly emotional and intense temperament. you mostly need to be a frontrunner in life yet as gaga matters. Here could things fail from your finish. you would like terribly exciting and emotional partner. Everyday isn't a really intense day, you wish to grasp this and don't expect from your partner constant excitement and fervour on each day. relationship status you're the one that like to be the middle of attention.You should learn to avoid your swollen nature gaga matters. Virgo: Virgo is all regarding reality and deals with the sensible world. you're additionally a compulsive, it's a decent quality, however, things could go tough once arrange doesn’t go per your expectation. It causes anxiety and worry. Sometimes, you overanalyze things plenty, this behaviour might not go well in your relationship matters as you may analyze totally each aspects of your partner and additionally you may highlight the issues of your partner plenty, which might be the world of concern for you. you have got to be bit versatile and chill in each aspects of life.relationship status Libra: Librans pay plenty of attention on relationship than the other zodiac sign. Libra sign is all regarding equalisation things. you'd be ready to see each side of the equation, therefore you face problem in creating selections in relationship too. you would like your partner as your similitude or we are able to say that you just obtain your characteristics among your partner. Sometimes, once Libras get bored, they begin throwing everything within the air, that isn't sensible to make healthy and happy relationship. you must learn to balance out things in associate applicable manner to avoid problems in relationship. Scorpio: Scorpions area unit the foremost mysterious folks get in the globe. You don’t trust to everybody simply and you don’t open up your secrets to the opposite person. it's therefore onerous for you to trust just in case of relationship however once you like someone then you’ll love that person with full dedication. relationship status you wish to adapt to let alone of all the secrecy and learn to open additional in relationship. you must begin trusting folks. If you don’t do therefore, you'll lose your precious one’s. Sagittarius: You like freedom. thanks to this reason, you become egotistic. you're venturesome and have kind of relationships. although freedom is very important for you, however, relationship status you must learn to cope up along with your partner’s desires yet. you must avoid stinginess or pondering yourself solely in any prospects of life. you wish to sacrifice your freedom too for your relationship. it's not suggested that you just ought to entirely surrender your freedom, however, you must get pleasure from your freedom with responsibilities. relationship status Capricorn: You want one thing that ought to last long as you're terribly stable in your approach. therefore you furthermore mght need to use your approach in relationship too. you would like to regulate your partner, somehow that turns into the unhealthy expertise for you. you must offer some area to your partner so as to feel snug. rather than dominant your partner, you must suppose them as equal in relationship. it's not your business matters, these area unit love relations. therefore you wish to find out to not dominate your partner and respect them continuously in any life’s arena.relationship status Aquarius: You are the one that believes in friendships and collaborations. Relationship is additionally called the a part of the team and you must collaborate along with your partner instead of thinking like every collaboration in business and what edges and outcomes may be. You don’t mind any special relationship over an informal one, however you furthermore mght don’t want persist with one, reason being you would like to drag away yourself with none clarification from any relationship. you wish to listen to your partner and you wish to require care of their desires yet to sustain or to measure happy and healthy relationship. relationship status Pisces: Pisces is watery sign of the zodiac and therefore, they love revery. they have to be additional all the way down to earth or have to be compelled to sleep in a true world. If you would like to mend your relationship problems, you wish to come back back to reality instead of pondering one thing that doesn't exist. Learn to remain grounded in your life and avoid creating any excuses in your relationship. relationship status

relationship status Read the full article
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7 young quarterbacks who can threaten the NFL’s passing records one day

Patrick Mahomes and Baker Mayfield have already broken records in their young careers.
The next generation is poised to leave its mark on the record books.
The NFL is about to see a lot of its established stars at quarterback head off into retirement over the next few years. Longtime starters like Drew Brees, Ben Roethlisberger, Eli Manning, Philip Rivers, and (maybe) Tom Brady are winding down their careers. That’ll open the door for the next generation of stud quarterbacks to leave their impact on the league — and the record books.
When it comes to quarterbacks, there are two records that everyone loves to focus on: passing yards and touchdowns. Brees broke the yards record last season and currently has 74,437, with at least another year to add to it. Peyton Manning is the all-time leader in passing touchdowns with 539, but Brees (520) and Brady (517) will have a chance to surpass that number this season.
Once those future Hall of Famers officially move on, it will be time for a new crop of quarterbacks to try to break those records. Here are seven recently drafted quarterbacks who have a chance rank near the top of the NFL’s all-time leaderboards.
*We used the quarterbacks’ current averages to project their stats over a 15-year career, but it’s likely that some of them will play longer than that — just like Manning, Brees, and Brady.
There are a handful of young quarterbacks who look poised to have their names littered throughout NFL record books. In fact, some of these guys are already there.
Patrick Mahomes
Mahomes, 17 games: 5,381 yards, 50 touchdowns Mahomes, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 75,967 yards, 706 touchdowns
This list has to start with Mahomes.
Mahomes only has one season under his belt as a starter for the Kansas City Chiefs, but he might already be the best quarterback in the NFL. In 2018, he threw for 5,097 yards, 50 touchdowns, and 12 interceptions on his way to winning the MVP.
It’s highly unlikely that he’ll have that type of production every season — but let’s pretend he will for a second. At that rate, it would take him about 14 more seasons to break the current all-time record for passing yards. He would only need 11 more years to break the touchdown record, as it stands now. He won’t turn 24 until September, so it’s definitely possible that he could play at least that long.
If Mahomes were able to keep up that pace for 15 seasons and then retire, he would finish his career with 75,967 yards, 706 touchdowns (the record is 539!), and just 184 interceptions. Not bad!
Deshaun Watson
Watson, 23 games: 5,864 yards, 45 touchdowns Watson, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 61,190 yards, 470 touchdowns
Watson was on pace to smash every rookie passing record in 2017 before he suffered an ACL injury that cut his season short after just seven games.
In those seven games for Houston, he threw for 19 touchdowns and scored a touchdown on 9.3 percent of his attempts. That touchdown rate was going to be impossible for him to match in year two, when it dropped to 5.1 percent. Watson was still fantastic in 2018, though, even while getting sacked a whopping 62 times. He made the most of his attempts, ranking eighth in the NFL in adjusted yards per attempt and passing for 4,165 yards and 26 touchdowns.
At his current pace, it would take him more than 15 years to reach the top of both the passing yards and touchdowns lists — but it’s not impossible, especially if the Texans can keep him upright. Still, he’s on track to dominate the league for years to come.
One record that Watson can break is the career mark for adjusted yards per attempt, which is a stat that weighs touchdowns and interceptions. Right now, Aaron Rodgers is the all-time leader among qualified passers with 8.39 adjusted yards per attempt. So far, Watson is at 8.46.
Jared Goff
Goff, 31 games in the McVay years: 8,492 yards, 60 touchdowns Goff (McVay years), per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 65,745 yards, 465 touchdowns
Not many would’ve thought Goff would be on this list after his disaster of a rookie season in LA. In seven games as a first-year starter, he only averaged 156 yards per game and threw five total touchdowns.
That all changed when the Rams hired Sean McVay as their head coach prior to the 2017 season. With McVay, Goff has averaged 4,383 yards and 31 touchdowns per 16 games.
If he’s able to maintain those numbers over a 15-year career, Goff would end up with 65,745 yards, ranking fifth at this point in time.
Like Watson, his extrapolated numbers won’t get him to the top of the yards or touchdowns leaderboards. However, quarterbacks are playing longer than ever. By the time Goff has played 15 seasons, he’ll be just 36 years old.
A lot would have to go right for that to happen, including Goff staying healthy and McVay staying with the Rams. Mahomes would have to slow down or retire early, as well. Yet despite Goff’s rocky start, he’s proven that he can put up numbers that compare with the best quarterbacks in the NFL.
Carson Wentz
Wentz, 40 games: 10,152 yards, 70 touchdowns Wentz, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 60,912 yards, 420 touchdowns
Wentz has the talent, coaching, and front office support — he just needs to stay healthy. Over the past two seasons, he has missed eight games for the Philadelphia Eagles due to a torn ACL in 2017 and a back injury at the end of 2018.
When he’s on the field, he plays like a top quarterback. Since 2017, he’s averaged 265.4 yards per game and has passed for 54 touchdowns. If those stats were extrapolated over 16 games, he’d be averaging 4,247 yards and 36 touchdowns per season.
Those numbers are undoubtedly great, but Wentz hasn’t played a full season since his rookie year in 2016. He has yet to actually hit 4,000 yards in a season even though he’s more than capable of that.
It’s impossible to predict how many games Wentz will play in the coming years. If he can stay on the field, his name should be near the top of NFL record books when it’s all said and done.
Baker Mayfield
Mayfield, 14 games: 3,725 yards, 27 touchdowns Mayfield, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 63,857 yards, 463 touchdowns
Mayfield has the smallest sample size in this group, but he was so impressive over the second half of his rookie season in Cleveland. Mayfield threw for 2,254 yards and 19 touchdowns in the eight games that new head coach Freddie Kitchens was calling plays. That puts him at a 4,508 yards and 38 touchdowns if he replicated that performance for an entire season.
In 2019, Mayfield should be able to pick up right where he left off. The Browns added Odell Beckham Jr. to an offense that already featured Jarvis Landry, David Njoku, and Nick Chubb. Health permitting, Mayfield and Beckham should light up defenses together.
If Mayfield can continue that level of play under Kitchens, he’d have 67,620 yards and 570 touchdowns after 15 seasons — the latter of which would be a present-day record.
Dark horses
These quarterbacks haven’t put up big stats yet, but they’re capable of doing so in the right situations.
Dak Prescott
Prescott, 48 games: 10,876 yards, 67 touchdowns Prescott, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 54,380 yards, 335 touchdowns
While opinions on Prescott vary, he’s slated to get an extension that will lock him down as the Cowboys’ franchise quarterback.
Even though Dallas has gone 32-16 under Prescott, he hasn’t produced monster passing numbers. He has yet to reach 4,000 yards in a season despite not missing a single game in three years. To be fair to him, he’s been a weapon on the ground for the Cowboys, with 944 yards and 18 touchdowns in his career.
Prescott might never be a high-volume passer, but it’ll be interesting to track how he grows with Amari Cooper in the coming years — assuming they both get new deals. Prescott and Cooper both benefitted from Cooper’s arrival to Dallas in the middle of last season. Prescott went from averaging 202.4 passing yards per game without Cooper to 274.2 yards in the nine remaining games with him.
Now that Prescott has his No. 1 receiver and a new playcaller in Kellen Moore, he might be able to lead a strong passing attack that racks up yards and touchdowns. It would take a lot, but if he can pump up his passing stats, it could help him rise up the leaderboard.
Jameis Winston
Winston, 56 games: 14,628 yards, 88 touchdowns Winston, per 16-game averages extrapolated over 15 years: 62,691 yards, 377 touchdowns
Winston is a talented quarterback who just can’t seem to get out of his own way. Whether it’s off-field incidents leading to suspensions or getting benched due to unbelievably bad turnovers, he’s only started 22 games in the last two seasons.
When he’s on the field, Winston has been able to put up big numbers. He passed for more than 4,000 yards in his first two years in the league and was on pace to throw for 100 touchdowns in his first four seasons — only six quarterbacks since the merger have been able to accomplish that feat.
This season, Winston will have quarterback guru Bruce Arians leading the way. Tampa Bay’s offense is also loaded with playmakers like Mike Evans, O.J. Howard, and Chris Godwin. The weapons are there for Winston and now so is the coach; he just needs to quit the boneheaded plays.
If he can stay clean on and off the field and piece together the best season of his career, he’ll likely be extended as Tampa Bay’s quarterback of the future. That would give him the chance to pile up stats and find his way into the record books.
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