#and honestly they were great? didn't bleed through the paper that much!!
phant0m-l0rd · 1 year
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have a Kyo I drew with limited art supplies while I was away from home for a couple weeks~
(ballpoint pens, water based markers, coloured pencils)
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m30wk1ttycat · 3 months
wish you were sober
pairing: newt x masc!med-jack!reader
tw: alcohol consumption, blood, mentions of newt's attempt, cussing
summary: during a bonfire, newt manages to land himself a nosebleed and a minor injury on his arm. while he gets tended to by the person he's been trying to hate since forever, he confesses, only that he's too drunk to actually process his own words.
yes, this is the enemies to lovers (sorta??) fic i've been working on. it's kinda short, i'm so sorry y'all!!
what all the gladers were aware of was the tension between you and newt. the glares he'd send you (or your patient) as he watched you tend to someone, his little remarks about you, how he'd constantly visit the med-jack hut just to talk to you or bother you in some way - none of it went unnoticed, as much as newt hoped it would/did. he hated you, he really did - it was just that he didn't hate you at all, and could never bring himself to feel any hate for the person who saved him that one day when he attempted to end it all.
like on most bonfire nights, you stayed in the med-jack hut, nose buried in some medical books that were barely used by anyone other than you.
gally would instigate brawls with any poor glader that stepped too close to the circle where the group of his builders was cheering him on, which is what made you stay here in the first place, waiting - or, rather expecting - to see one of the unfortunate boys limping their way to the homestead, where the med-jacks worked.
as you predicted, you heard a quiet knock at the makeshift door. looking up from your book, you saw the second-in-command standing in the doorway, a shaky hand over his bleeding nose.
"um, hey," he muttered, his voice sounding a lot softer than it usually did when he talked to you, "minho said i should come see you?"
you got up from your chair, setting the book down. great.
"what happened?" you asked, helping him sit down, while you looked through the shelves and cupboards to find the tissues. the perfectionist in you was annoyed at the fact that jeff and clint never allowed you to rearrange where certain items were. if they did, you'd be thankful, because where the hell were those damn tissues?
"ah.. well, you see," he paused, not knowing how to explain to you that his drunk ass thought it'd be a good idea to fight gally, much less be the one who even challenged him - which was never a good idea.
paper tissue in your hand, you make your way back to him.
"newt," you called, "can you-"
he looked up at you with eyes so glassy, you were convinced that he'd burst into tears at any moment. he almost looked like a toddler getting scolded.
sighing, you moved his hand away from his nose to try and stop the bleeding.
"don't be, i'm sure it wasn't your fault." you sounded so sure, so sure that it wasn't his fault. and, honestly, he let himself believe that, too.
"lean forwards a bit?" he nodded, doing as you requested. "now, pinch your nose here," you put the tissue in his hand, then guided his hand to the middle part of his nose.
"can you tell me what happened?" you tried again, your voice more gentle this time.
"i fought with gally?" he said in a way, almost as if questioning all of the decisions that he's made in his life so far. the decisions he remembers, anyway.
you hummed in acknowledgement, trying to keep up the small talk to distract him from the fact that you were attempting to clean the scrapes on his arm.
"yeah.. i- i mean, i don't know why i did it, i just.. i did?" he slurred, watching his feet dangle above the ground with knitted eyebrows.
"did he challenge you?" you asked, wrapping up bandages around his bicep. he flinched when he finally noticed you tending to his upper arm.
he gulped, giving you a quick glance. "uh, no.."
you finished wrapping his minor injury, sitting down beside him.
"are you mad at me?"
"of course not. i could never be mad at you," you confessed, giving him a small smile that made him smile, too.
you liked seeing him smile. the only thing ruining it was that he was intoxicated, and wouldn't remember a thing from tonight. you could only imagine the look on his face he'd have when he woke up the next morning with a horrible hangover, along with the bandages around his left arm, and a few bruises littering his body.
"how long do i have to hold my nose, again?" he inquired.
"five minutes, maybe ten," you answered, placing your hands on the makeshift cot you two were sat on.
he nodded. once again, you both went silent. the only difference was that newt was watching you, while your eyes remained on the ground. some of the floor boards were split in half, you noticed. not that you liked admitting it - or thinking about it -, but the entire homestead wasn't exactly maintained properly. you'd complain to gally if you could, but you knew how he got when someone criticized his builds. he was the reason that the glade even had buildings to begin with, so you'd just have to deal with it until the runners eventually found a way out of the maze.
".. hey?"
yout tore your gaze away from the broken wooden boards when you heard him softly call out. "yeah?"
"did i ever tell you about this one glader?"
"there's a lot of gladers in here," you pointed out.
"right.. um, i mean y/n. did i ever tell you about him?" he murmured.
holding back a laugh, you shook your head. "n- no.."
"no?" he repeated what you just said, too drunk to process that he was talking to you about you.
"no," you confirmed.
"well," he started, "he's got this really cool scar on their nose. s'cute. so, so cute. just makes 'em look even more beautiful."
"really?" you asked, covering your mouth. it was hard not to burst out into a fit of giggles when he looked so oblivious, and so happy to talk about this 'one glader' who just so happened to be you.
he nodded before continuing. "oh, and hissmile. i like his smile. i like seeing him smile," he babbled. "makes those dimples pop, and it just.. just makes my mind go all fuzzy, and my heart beat like crazy."
"makes your heart beat like crazy? maybe you should get that checked out," you jokingly suggested.
"naww," he giggled. "s'nothin' serious. i think. i wouldn't know, i'm not a med-jack like y/n is. y/n's so smart.."
feeling your cheeks heat up at the compliment coming from newt - the same newt who you were convinced hated your guts ever since you helped him recover from his broken leg -, you felt flattered, hearing him speak so sweetly of you.
"you're also smart, though," you told him.
he gave you a small shrug. "i don't know, i do stupid stuff sometimes."
"everyone does, newt," you assured him, patting his shoulder.
"but i do think you should get some rest, yeah?"
reluctantly, he agreed and flopped onto the cot, laying on his back. closing his eyes, the corners of his mouth turned up, which made you smile, too. "what're you thinking about?"
"i don't even know. just.. mostly y/n," he murmured, turning to lay on his side. "can you wake me up at, about, um, eight?"
"of course," you promised.
"thank you. g'night."
"night, newt."
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klitzcore · 2 years
can i request some headcanons for klitz who gets asked out by reader who is part of the popular kids at school?? :D
and maybe reader introduces him to everyone likes to show him off <33
character: klitz / klitzy!
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prompt: klitz gets asked out by a popular reader!
You thought most the people who hung around you were complete jackasses. Either meatheads trying get laid or other idiots.
But someone had caught your attention.
You honestly had your eyes on him for awhile. You could tell that he considered himself to be at the bottom of the food chain just by the way he weaved himself through the hallways.
He would stare longingly out of the window, begging to something to not at school anymore.
And that someone was Klitz.
He'd caught your attention when one of your "friends" tripped him in the hallway in 10th grade. Of course you immediately went over to help him up, no matter how much she glared at you. You'd offered your hand, bending down to his level.
And the face that looked up at you was absolutely beautiful. He took your hand to steady himself, and then he looked at you with a strange look in his eyes.
"Why did-" you cut him off. "I'm so sorry about that, she's a fucking ass. What's your name?" You ask him, practically blurting it all out at once.
"Klitz, my name is Klitz." He says. "Well Klitz, lts get you to the nurse. Your lip is busted and your nose is bleeding." You say.
He hadn't let go of your hand until you got him to the nurse, and he offered you a sheepish smile and a thank you.
"My name is Y/n, don't be a stranger Klitz." You say to him, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand. He nods and the two of you depart.
So when you got partnered with Klitz in chemistry, you felt over the moon! You hadn't really talked to him since, just simple waves when you saw him in the hallway.
The people you hung out with didn't see what you saw in him, though.
When he sat down next you, you felt your heart skip a beat. He looked as beautiful as always. "Hi there." You say to him. "Hey there." He says back, a smile on his face.
The class went by smoothly. When he wasn't looking, you quickly wrote your number on the edge of his paper. The bell rang and as he was going to get up, you stopped him.
He was instantly confused until you leaned in and whispered "Call me." To him, then you walked away. He looked into your eyes, that strange look in them.
Klitz felt a blush spread across his face like a wild fire.
He did later that night. You were laying in bed, doing nothing. Then your phone rang, You immediately grabbed it, flipping it open and answering.
It was silent on the other line. Until you heard ruffling of sheets. Then a "hey there." poured through the phone. It was him, he did call!
"Hi there." You say, smiling.
The two of you grew closer that night, talking into the night.
And through the following months, despite your social status, you started hanging out with him and his friends! They accepted you into the group with smiles and cheers.
Of course Eli tried to get you to get free beer from your friends for them, which you flicked his forehead and told him no.
You were still popular, somehow. You went to parties, and were very surprised to see Klitz and his friends enter. You immediately got up and ran over to him, throwing your arms around him for an embrace.
"Hi! I didn't expect to see you here, you look great!" You say, smiling. He hugs you back, looking at you with that same strange look in his eyes.
Throughout the party, you hung out with him and his friends. Eli wondered off about halfway through, Danielle and Matt had left together. Which left you and Klitz alone. You'd both gone into the house, finding a room away from everyone else. The party had gone almost quiet, people leaving or drunk off their asses.
But you and Klitz didn't have one drink the entire night. You don't know what boost of confidence suddenly rushed through you. But you sat him down on the bed, and you sat right next to him.
You looked at him and simply said "I might have a thing for you, you wanna go out with me?"
Euphoria spread through him as he looked at you. Was this a prank?
"It's really rude to joke about those things. Just go away, I know you're pretending." He said flatly.
"Klitz. I'm not joking, look at me. I can prove it."
And as soon as he looked at you, getting ready to talk, you sealed your lips over his.
You felt him tense, then soften. He hesitantly grabs your arms, pulling you closer. Once you pulled away, he didn't know what to do. He looks down you, that strange look in his eyes.
"I guess you really aren't joking, are you? I'd.. very much like to go out with you."
You felt your stomach swirl as you grinned. He said yes!
Now that you were together, you'd hold his hand all the time. You'd kiss him and hug him in public, showing him off to everyone. A big "fuck you!" to the people who picked on him.
Your friends would question, "why out of everyone, why him?"
You never answered them, they didn't deserve to know. You had your own reasons.
But slowly, they started to accept him. You'd introduced him to a couple of close friends, and they actually got along well! .
Oh yeah, and that strange look? It was love since the very beginning.
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it, IT AIN'T MINE.
Sorry for the OOC-ness
Chapter 4
"If I hear the word 'Mom' anytime in the next five minutes, you are, all three, gonna lose grandparent privilege's! Enough with the fighting. 'Kala, you need to get over there and do your homework."
"But, Mom," my younger son shouted. "I can't do it alone."
"Yes, you can, dear. All you have to do is write the words in the blanks."
Mornings here were always crazy. This year, they got worse, with all three kids home all day and me working three jobs from home, while taking a few classes to keep up my certification. But what would do my head in were the constant conflicts of scheduling the boys services around project deadlines. Especially when my childless brother was my boss...One of them.
A text came through ~'Hey, Bry, do you have those reports ready? I have to submit them to the bank this afternoon.'
Loveland Demolition was well known in the Midwest, and had been doing well before the pandemic, but now, we were expanding again. I dug around in my ever expanding pile of outgoing paperwork for the fax copy of the expense reports my brother wanted. Why everything with this end of the family business went through me, I would never know. Maybe it was because he had named me our VP of NE Operations. Like I didn't have a decent job already. I mean, I didn't get my Doctorate for it to look pretty on my wall.
Speaking of, I have a class in 15 minutes. Botany of Common Herbs.
I sent off a quick message, ~ I faxed them yesterday. Did you not get them before the boys did?~
My brothers pit bulls were notorious for grabbing the pages as they fell out of the fax machine and shredding them.
A few minutes later, he replied, ~Dammit, Pita! The Pain got 'em. Already in transit?~
~Yep. UPS grabbed it yesterday. Email?~
~Ok. No. Need hard copy. Will reschedule with the bank. Do good in class today!~
About that time I got a plastic cup thrown in my general direction with my oldest son yelling, "More water! Please, Mommy."
Thankfully, my Botany Professor understands me being a little late, as she has a Downie of her own.
I get his water, and as I am standing at the sink for a few seconds extra to breathe, I feel a cold spot on one hip and the pressure of a thumb on my cheek.
'You are amazing, my Queen. You've got this.'
I smile as the feeling, and the ghost of his smiling eyes fades. How does he always know when the stress is getting to me and just what to say; just what to do. It's like I don't have to say a word, he just knows.
Great....Now I am gonna be all giggly the rest of the day. Probably gonna get an email from my Professor, too; nosy old bat.
Kihyun PoV
It was almost 22:00 when I felt the wobble in thin silver thread that connected us. As I reached for it, I felt her stress and frustration start to bleed through and somehow, instinctively knew what to do. It bothers me when she gets this stressed, because she forgets to take care of herself. And then the tension lodges in her back, manifesting as a knot just to the left of her spine.
Settling myself into my meditation, I could almost see her standing at the sink, working on something. Always working, this girl; whether it's on her actual job, her side hustle, an Etsy store where she sells knit caps, or the boys' homework. She ALWAYS has something going on. Her brothers hare-brained decision to expand the family business does not help in the slightest.
As I settle in, I can hear the din of the kids yelling, a timer going off on something, and from some where, another louder ding. She is amazing, how she can just take it all in stride. Some how, I know, she just needs a second to breathe, so I imagine my hand on her hip; stopping her right where she stands.
I visualize my hand cupping her cheek, and whispering to her, 'You are amazing, my Queen. You've got this.' I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as I see her smile. That soft, sweet smile, that just borders on the verge of blushing. I send how I feel seeing her smile down that thread and, some how, just know that she will be smiling all day now.
Awakening from my meditation, I glance at the clock. Hmm. Time for bed. But first, I am curious about the next chapter. How in the hell, with everything else she has on her plate, did she find the time to write this.
I set back on my bed, my pillows piled up behind me, and start reading.
Still Joey
I couldn't sleep so I got up at sunrise and made coffee. Sis woke up a little while later. I heard her alarm go off and then, I heard her sniffle a little. As she stumbled to the kitchen for her morning coffee, her whole bearing was like all the wind had been sucked out of her.
My heart went out to her.
"Sis. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Joey. Just my own brain. Think I am going crazy. That's all."
I'm right there with you.
"Explain," I said.
Rather than use actual words, she put on 'Comatose' by Too Close To Touch. "This says it better than I ever could."
I set aside the story and brought up the song. As I sat there listening, I could almost feel how hurt she was. How she thought she was going crazy. I wanted, so much, to fly to her, where ever she was.
"Sissie," I sighed, "What is the matter?"
"I think I am losing my mind, Joey. I just don't want to remember, if remembering is always going to hurt. I'm afraid that it will cost me the one of the two things I am most afraid to lose; my kids or my mind."
"You aren't going crazy, Sis. Who told you that you were crazy for feeling like that?"
"Mom. According to her, I am. Apparently, it is all just a construct of my own mind. Can't be real because it's all in my head, but it is all that I could ever dream of. It makes me want to sleep until it is real. I want to forget the way his voice sounds, cause it hurts too much to hear it when I am alone. I want to forget the color of his eyes, but I see it everyday in my coffee. I want to forget it all, so it doesn't hurt anymore. There is no way he can be real. No way his smell can be real. The more I remembered, I guess, the more I want to forget."
"Bryn, tell me about him?"
"What does it matter? He is no more than a fantasy my own mind created," she said as she dug in a cabinet and added a more than generous amount of Jack Daniels to her coffee.
"Bry! Really??"
"What," she groused as she sipped on her coffee flavored whiskey.
"It is barely sun rise and you are already drinking. What would he say if he caught you?"
"Doesn't matter," she grumbled as her bottom lip pulled in a little and blinked rapidly, a sure sign she was fighting back her own tears. I could see her start to fold in around herself.
'No, my dear, I am very real. And very disappointed.'
"Bullshit," I yelled. "It does matter! I will prove you wrong. I'll prove to you that he is very real," I growled in my own temper, as I leaned over the table at her, "and I know him. He would be so disappointed in you, right now. Instead of working with the connection, you were trying to drown the memories in whis-," I came to a dead stop as I realized what was actually happening. "How long have you been fighting them? The memories, I mean."
'Told ya. Wait. What!? She'd been wrestling with our memories? Oh, my stubborn Wolf, you were never meant to carry them all yourself.'
She deflated and slid the mug away from her. Resting her head on her arms, she whispered, "I was 14 the first time I remembered anything. At the time it was no more than a whisper, a cold spot when I was upset or hurting. Which, lets be honest, was a lot of the time back then. When I was 16, I finally worked up the courage to talk to someone about my dreams. My mistake was telling Ma."
I cringed. I had heard nasty stories about her mom, but sat still and let her continue.
Is her mother really that bad? How much of this had she been keeping from me.
"She went off and let loose a litany of my supposed short-comings. I still remember it, to this day. 'You are so stupid. Why would any man, especially one like THAT, want anyone like you. Anyone else would be better than YOU; you stupid, worthless, ignorant, ugly, child.' After that, I went back to keeping it all to myself. This one," she said as she brought up Forest Blakk's 'Find Me', "Says it all."
I put on the song and knew how it had hurt her for years. My anger burned when the artist spoke of being told you were crazy. 'I want her, you Crazy Bitch. Good Mother, Please,' I started, before thinking better of the prayer that had been on my tongue a moment ago. 'Please watch over her, Grandmother.'
Hearing her own mother call her those things, was tough to listen to. But I could tell she still wasn't finished yet. I let her go, she had years of this pain to offload.
"As I got older, it changed. I was almost 26 when the burn of a kiss landed on my cheek. My ex-husband, at the time, saw the blister it left and went ballistic. Woke me up by kicking the end of the bed. 'I want a divorce. I don't know who he is, but I plan on making you pay for it. Now, get your stuff and get out.' And I paid for it, alright. Didn't even bother to ask if I had it the night before, just assumed I was sneaking out. I never did. Looking back now, maybe I should have left the first time accused me. The ink wasn't dry on the divorce papers when he got remarried. Literally, got them both done in half an hour."
"Are you kidding me? He wanted to accuse you, but he...," I will admit that I was finally starting to see just how messed up her life had been. "Did you love him?"
'Messed up,' I thought, 'No, Sir. Her life has been a craptastic shitshow of epic fucking proportions. Honestly, I would like to know what fucking moronic bastard ordered this shitastical fuckfest for my Queen! I'd like to fucking throat punch him.'
She shook her head. "No. My mother sat it all up. Literally walked into the house Friday afternoon and said, 'You are getting married on Monday at 9.' He was getting deployed and she thought he would be a good fit for me, that she would get grands out of the deal. She didn't find out he was fixed until he was already gone. That is where I learned to keep my hair really short. He used to drag me around by it and scream about all of the things I did. The next day he would scream and drag me around by it to yell about all the stuff I didn't get done."
"So it was more or less arranged?"
"Yeah. After that, I met the asshole. The day he left, I had just buried a brother, and I had lost my job; all on my birthday. After all that, I fell into a deep depression. To the point where I would wonder sometimes why I was still breathing. It was in that place that I saw him. It was no more than his eyes, the exact shade of my coffee, and that voice, but still; if not for him..." she trailed off, a haunted look in her eyes.
After a few minutes of her staring off into space, I prodded, "If not for him?"
She turned and looked at me, "I wouldn't be here. I would have cut ties with this world and willingly walked right into that darkness. I can remember him telling me once, 'Don't you give up. Don't you dare give up. Get up, keep moving.' It was those eyes though, watching them seem to burn in the darkness. They stayed with me so much that I drew them at least a thousand times."
"Yep. Dark eyes that burn," she chuckled. "Got called crazy for that one, too. 'Why do you always draw the exact same thing, ya crazy bitch? How about a tree or a nice mountain. Why is it always those damned eyes, Not that a worthless bitch like you can draw anyway.' So yeah, there's that."
"Hold it. She actually called you worthless?"
Bryn just nodded. "Multiple times, and ugly quite a few times. At the end with the ex, she told me, 'I hate that when I, and she stressed the 'I', put a block in your path, you seem to dance around it and go off into the woods and still end up on the other side. That you whip off of the beaten path, going God knows where, on some barely visible game trail, and somehow still come out on the other side, just where you meant to be'. She said nothing pissed her off more than my ability to adapt."
'That's my Ghostie,' I thought as I smiled proudly. 'Her ability to see things others miss, explodes lower minds.'
Now, I have seen pictures of her mom and old photos of Bryn when she was younger. Let me tell you, when she was young, Bryn was coltishly pretty before becoming ethereal. Not that you could tell it now. Now, she jokes that she traded looks for brains about the time she got her doctorate.
"So, how did you end up with Clark?"
"He was there and I was getting tired of waiting, tired of my Auntie's trying to set me up with whatever boy they could find. One tried to set me up with her ex-nephew. That was nothing but awkward. We are still good friends, almost family. He has said before, 'I love you to bits, but that is icky, you are like a sister to me. Now, please, go throw on a skirt, you have amazing legs and should show them off.' That boy can turn up the girlfriend vibe in 3 seconds...flat.
I know someone who can do that. Weird.
"In the end, I got tired of the pitying looks I would get at the family things. Truth be told, when I told him to either commit or get out, I thoroughly expected him to take off at a run, like he couldn't get away fast enough. Before I knew what had happened, he told everyone I had proposed and picked a Saturday. After that, it was a whirlwind and I almost took off."
"Took off? Eloped?"
She snickered. "No. Ran away. Far away."
"Oh. So you almost pulled a runner?"
"Oh yeah. Had my bestie stand up with me because I knew that if Haka showed up and objected, he would have knocked Clark to the floor to give me time to run."
'I very nearly did show up.'
I thought back to what I said when he finally left.
"What did I say?" I stood there, leaning on the doorway, arms crossed over my chest, fingers tapping on my bicep. The look on my face was thoroughly parental.
"That it would never work."
"You were right, I was wrong, I am sorry."
"You gonna listen to me from now on?" My face was passive, but there if she had looked she would have seen the anger in my eyes. I wasn't mad at her, I was more than a little upset with him, though.
"Yes, Dear."
"Good Girl. I'll be home as soon as I can." I cupped her face, kissed her forehead, and said, "Don't do it again. Next time you won't get away with it, my stubborn Wolf."
"Next time?"
I was turning to head back to my body, "First one doesn't count. It was arranged. This one, you got swept up in. Don't do it again. Now, go to sleep."
I had to breathe a minute against the anger building in my chest. Then, I went back to the story.
"You call him 'Haka'? That's cute."
"Yeah, he's Heyhaka, the Elk. Haka, for short. Then there is Sweet Pea, and the occasional Assbag."
"And is he often a jerk?"
"Nah. Only when he is making promises he has no intentions to keep."
'Listen here, Lady! I fully intend to keep them when they are made, Woman!'
"I really don't think he would make them if he didn't intend on keeping them, Sissie. Sometimes, circumstance gets in the way, and then they don't get the focus they deserve. How does he phrase it?"
"All he says is 'Soon'."
I laughed. "The word 'soon' is not a promise. It's an open guarantee."
"It's a half promise. He can't put a time on it so he just says soon. You know, sometimes you can be kind of dense."
'Exactly. You are kind of thick sometimes, Darling.'
Bryn's cheeks pinked. "Aww, shut the fuck up," She laughed.
"You've got a potty mouth!"
My jaw dropped. 'Naughty.'
"Like you didn't know or don't have one of your own. Has he not told you the extent of my sailor's mouth?"
"He doesn't know that I know you. I get to hear about everything from both sides. Kinda makes me wanna poke my ear drums out sometimes."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. You two are fuckin' perfect for each other."
'I guess we are, huh?'
About that time, the kids started waking up. Davidd was first, followed by Mattie, and then Darryn. I was sitting on the couch, getting the walkthrough of how to turn on the cartoon channels when Mattie climbed up next to me and curled up in my side.
"Morning, Munchkin," I said cheerfully.
She sagged against me and whispered, "Morning, Uncle Joey. Can I have some new milk?"
I was taken aback by the simplicity of the request. "Shouldn't you be asking your mom for that?"
"I would but Daddy called and him and mama got into another fight."
'And that just cashed out my good night.', I thought as I could have sworn I heard a knock at my door.
A-N:) Please don't shoot the messenger. Spirit put up some of the tags. Lol.
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