#and his reaction (had she been actually paying attention) was suspicious af
lilmeowmeowsagelesath · 8 months
okay but why didn’t alpha mc tell channing about the whole markus/locket thing,,, idiot 😒
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papa-evershed · 1 year
from the first episode of the show it's obvious that they are showing that Daniel is suspicious, you know with his first sort of lack of reaction to his father's death, to little things he says like "my mum" then "our mum", the banged up car, not finding out who the company's are and then needing money (and his bloody coat, maybe he's hiding something in there) ofc the show is throwing us of, when I first watched the episode I wasn't paying attention to the other characters because I was just thinking what is Daniel up to (and why is rob James collier so good looking) but I've been thinking about who the murderer could've been, it could've been the wife, the best friend, or any of the siblings or ex boyfriends, or it could be a situation where they all helped to kill the dad, and they all had their own motives. But I completely agree with you on your other post, all of them or some of them have drinking problems. Part of me feels like the murder wasn't a 1 man job tho.
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Alright guys, just for the sake of saving myself some time and people's dashes from being flooded I'mma answer all of these at once and under a read-more, hopefully that's cool. Plus, I'd probably answer them all fairly similarly and a read-more may be for the best in case anyone out there doesn't want any spoilers/speculation.
I've definitely seen a few people now speculating that there could be more than one person responsible for their father's death. And it's definitely not out of the realm of possibility. I lean away from it being all three siblings (but still could be two of them or a nonsibling involved) for a few reasons though.
First, I really don't think Daniel did it. Like one of you said, I believe we're supposed to the suspicious of him but based on a few things I just don't think it was him. I felt like his reaction to finding his father's body was more of an "oh shit, who is going to bail me out now" mixed with a bit of shock, most likely. RJC said in an interview that Daniel is quite selfish, has used his father his entire life, and has taken from the family pot on the regular. Someone else hypothesized on Discord that the accounts their father has been sending money to could very well be Daniel's and I think it's a great catch and probably likely based on RJC's quote and the fact that Daniel was quick to take those papers and offer to figure it out...while never actually doing so. If his father has been bailing him out on the regular, I don't see someone jumping to murder for more money, especially since getting an inheritance can take a long time to be sorted. Daniel really has no motive, his father was worth more to him alive than dead, and even if he'd learned of the will change, I'd definitely hold off on killing him if I needed the money asap (which Daniel clearly does).
Could it still be him? Sure. But I really hope it isn't because that just seems too easy and also nonsensical at the same time to me. I think most of his behavior can be blamed on how he's scrambling now without his financial safety net.
Which leaves Chloe and Sian for the siblings and Chloe is still sus af to me. Why was she cleaning? I feel like these small details are usually added in for very specific reasons, they're supposed to be anyway, so I wonder if 'ol girl needs to remove some evidence. 👀 And if by some chance I'm right, then I really, really don't think Daniel is in on it because he was the one to ask her why she was doing it. Plus, like I said earlier, she's just too quiet but her eyes are so knowing. Mind you, they're all supposed to have secrets according to the official plot so perhaps I'm reading too much into this girl's poor face. 😂
I still don't know what to make of Sian. She seems more detached than the others but that's just how some people grieve. Could also be a red flag. Maybe the ladies teamed up and took out dear Dad for some reason. 😅
I do really like the idea that there are clues hidden in the home videos and that sinister things were accidentally captured. The creeper in the caravan I'm still clueless on, none of the characters introduced so far seem the sort to hide out in creepy caravans, except perhaps the father's ex-best-friend. I do wonder if the caravan scenes could perhaps be on a different timeline that we need to catch up to though and in that case it could be one of the siblings or well...anyone, still.
I'm reminding myself of the fact that this is a mini series, so it's all got to be summed up in only three more episodes which seems like a lofty goal to me. But I will say the pacing on this show has been amazingly executed so far, it definitely feels like there's zero filler (although I wouldn't object to Daniel related filler) which is also why I think every tiny detail is placed there for a very specific reason. Their time is so very limited, I don't see anyone wasting time on throw away scenes or even lines. As mentioned above, even the music choice seems exceptionally intentional, more so than most shows, so I'm just going to continue to assume everything is being said or done for a reason until I'm proven wrong. 😂
Maybe we're all wrong and the dad killed himself because he was tired of these damn kids. 🤪
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minsugapie · 5 years
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The Eve: part 4 (1930 words) - Kim & Do Development
• • • • • •
Lumi is down on her luck. After graduating university with a business degree, she has yet to secure a career in that path, reluctantly working and living at an old motel instead.
Kim Jongin is on the run. He’s been framed for embezzlement, and someone faked his death while he was out of town. With only a handful of bills and a false identity, he had been only able to survive for so long until breaking down in front of an old motel, hoping that whoever found him wouldn’t report him to the authorities.
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prev // current // next
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oop and here it is...ok but like damn kyungsoo is fine af
• • • • • •
“…Mr. Do,” Kyungsoo finally heard what was coming out of the phone he held to his ear, Sehun on the other end. He’d been distracted lately, and he didn’t like it. 
Kyungsoo was walking around his office, thinking about nothing important. He should have been trying to figure out what his next plans were. But there was only one thing that he was able to focus on as of lately—the love of his life.
His longterm girlfriend broke up with him when she found out that Jongin had “died”. Apparently, that bitch had previously hooked up with Jongin and was trying constantly to get with him. That’s why she dated Kyungsoo in the first place. 
She was only using him for sex and companionship as she waited for her Jongin to see her again. Now everything that he’d done to Jongin felt like it was worth it after the love of his life left him and said she never loved him.
He should have been feeling a little better because he’d finally managed to do what he’d wanted for a while —practically an ex-communication of his business partner. But something felt off.
Jongin didn’t know it, but Kyungsoo knew exactly where he was. It worked out in his favour, however, because seeing him suffer like that was better than anything. He hadn’t actually wanted to kill him, because that would have been too easy. No, he wanted him to know what it felt like to have to live in the shadows and not have it easy. 
When Kyungsoo met Jongin in university, they’d hit it off, but Kyungsoo quickly thought there was something about Jongin that was just too perfect. He was just too nice. Even to this day, he couldn’t even put his finger on it. 
So he guessed that the fact that he started a business with Jongin was on him. It was his bad. But, what better way to bring it all to light than frame him for something? Kyungsoo needed the money for his family’s old medical bills. In fact, that was the reason for wanting to start business with Jongin anyways…there was absolutely no way that he wasn’t going to be famous. He was famous before they’d graduated. He’d come from a family of business people. He was successful before he was even successful.
And Kyungsoo needed money. More than he made. So he took some from the business, and when people started getting suspicious, he pinned it on the partner.
“Repeat,” Kyungsoo replied into the phone. Sehun had been tailing Jongin for the last week, even taking the last of his money and beating him up a bit. Jongin had been eating less and training less, so of course Sehun would be able to beat him up.
“Jongin’s being taken care of,” Sehun repeated. Kyungsoo noticed that his voice sounded a little timid, probably worried what he was going to say.
Kyungsoo’s attention was fully on Sehun now. 
“You mean he’s found someone who doesn’t know who he is?”
“I mean, maybe, but either way she’s been going in and out of the room with supplies and food.”
“It’s a woman? Interesting. Well follow her. Figure out who she is and if she’s a threat to us. We can’t have anyone giving away any information,” Kyungsoo sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Jongin finding someone to take care of him had never been in the plan. Heck, he was surprised that he’d even let himself be vulnerable in front of someone when he was in this situation. Actually, he’d never let himself be vulnerable in any situation, ever. 
“10-4. I’ll call you in a few days.”
“You better have some good information for me,” Kyungsoo threatened. Sehun was only with him because he had debts to pay off. He just happening to be in the wrong place at the right time. Kyungsoo made sure to remind him of his place every once in a while. 
• • • • • •
Sehun hung up after Kyungsoo’s last words. He decided that the best way to get to know this girl was to book a room at the motel. Jongin wouldn’t know who he was because of two important things: he started working for Kyungsoo after Jongin was framed, and he wore a mask when he beat him up the last time. Regardless, it would be stupid for him to leave the room. 
Parking his car out front, he made his way into the front office, but not before lingering beside the room Jongin was in first. The curtains were closed and it looked like the lights were off. It seemed like nobody was there. It really was the prefect place to hide. 
The girl was sitting behind the front desk, almost falling asleep in her book when he walked in. Sehun really couldn’t blame her. The motel seemed run-down and old, yet still clean. Paint was cracking, furniture was dated, but there wasn’t a spec of dust in sight. There were two cars parked outside, excluding his own, so it was dead, but not completely out of business. 
The girl’s head lifted at the sound of the bell on the door, posture perking up at the sight of a customer. 
“What can I do for you?” She asked, putting aside the book that she was reading. 
“I’d like a room, please,” Sehun replied, never taking his eyes off the lady. He had to admit that she was beautiful. Her long blonde hair framed her face as she looked at him with a warm smile. He wondered how Jongin was able to get her to help him after the found out who he was. Maybe she just didn’t know who he was?
“How many nights do you plan on staying?” She followed up, taking a key off the wall behind her, getting ready to jot his name down in the book. 
“We’ll start with two. Would it be possible to add more if needed?” He smiled at her, putting all his charm into his words to see if she was swayed at all by handsomeness. It was something that had always helped him out. He had a cool, calm personality and he knew exactly how to control the emotions of those around him when he wanted to.
“Perfect. We can definitely add more if you need. I just need your name and credit card number for the records, so if you could get those out for me, that would be great!” Her answer was diplomatic and polite, not phased at all by his flattery. 
Sehun shook his head, smiling as he took out his card and ID for her to take down the information. She seemed so nice. It made sense that she wanted to take care of someone in need.  But it made him sad that she’d gotten herself into this situation. While she was writing it down, he asked, “So is there some place good to eat in town?”
She looked up at him with a smile. “Of course! I just came back from there actually! It’s the diner on main street. Tell them Lumi sent you, and they’ll give you the best treatment!”
So her name was Lumi? Sehun thought that Lumi’s smile was contagious. 
If Sehun found out anything about Jongin from Kyungsoo, it was the fact that Jongin couldn’t resist a beautiful woman. So, he was sure to try something with her. “Will do,” he smiled, taking the key from her hand as she held it out to him. He wasn’t even going to go to his room right then. Clearly if she knew the people at the diner, they were sure to know something about her. 
“I hope you have a good supper and a good night, Sehun,” she called as he opened the door to head back to his car. 
The one thought on Sehun’s mind as he drove to the diner was that he was sad that she had to be nice. He wasn’t sure what Kyungsoo planned to do with her once he got the information, but it couldn’t have been too good. He could be a very cruel person. 
• • • • • •
The diner was pretty crowded when he walked inside, realizing that it was prime supper time. He took at seat at the bar by himself and waited for a waitress to take his order. Beside him was an old man who was doing the crossword in the back of the newspaper. He looked up at Sehun almost immediately. “What’s your business in town?” He asked, pushing his glasses back up his nose. 
“I just came from the hotel. Lumi recommended this place,” Sehun dropped her name, wanting to see the reaction it sparked in the people around him. 
“Oh! Lumi sent you! What a beautiful woman, inside and out!” The waitress spoke before Tom could. Sehun nodded his head at her as she placed a tall glass of water in front of him. 
“She seems to be,” Sehun said. “Why is someone like her working in a place like that?”
Tom sighed beside him, taking a sip of his coffee. “She went through a tough divorce after university and is stuck.”
“Oh? She had bigger plans?” 
“She doesn’t like to talk about it…but she wanted to go to the big city. She got a degree in business and had such optimistic plans!” Tom spewed, probably not knowing that he was telling Sehun everything that he would ever need to know. Poor Tom didn’t know what he was doing. “She always told us about this dream of hers to work for Kim & Do Development, but we’re all glad that that didn’t work out…especially considering…”
Sehun’s ears perked at the mention of the very familiar company. So she did know who he was!
• • • • • •
The two days passed before Sehun decided to call Kyungsoo to tell him what he had seen. He’d watched Lumi for a while, seeing how much of a smile she had on her face when she left the room with Jongin or how she brought food back from the diner for him to eat. 
Sehun had spoken to her that morning when she asked if he needed anything for his room. He couldn’t help how pretty and kind he found her. While chatting with her that morning, he’d noticed that she had some slight bruising on her neck that he hadn’t noticed when he checked in. Briefly, he wondered what had happened. 
“Ok, so I’ve found some things,” Sehun told Kyungsoo as he was lying down on the bed at the motel. He couldn’t believe that only a few rooms away, Jongin was probably lying on a bed with Lumi by his side. Who knows what they were getting up to. It was Kim Jongin after all. 
“What are you waiting for, kid, tell me,” Kyungsoo sounded less than amused.
“She’s a business graduate that actually wanted to work for your company. I got Chen to do a background check for me, and apparently she’s not from around here. She was married to a guy named Kim Junmyeon, who went by Suho, but they divorced. Parents are travelling the world in their retirement, but she hasn’t been in contact with them since she ran away to get married. No siblings.”
“Hmmmmm, I didn’t want to have to do anything, but…” Kyungsoo thought aloud on the other end of the phone.
“What are you going to do?”
“Take her, Sehun. Take her when an opportunity presents itself and bring her to the storage lockers.”
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clumsyphilip · 7 years
It’s In The Eyes
Hiding that you’re in love with your best friend can be difficult at the best of times, add in the fact that every time you’re together the internet makes endless gifs of your “heart eyes” and it can be impossible.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: None! (Well, like one swear word)
A/N: Honestly this was just an excuse to reference their constant love eyes at each other because it’s literally cute af
Dan’s been in love with Phil for as long as he’s known him.
Maybe even before that. As far as Dan can remember he’s had at least a crush on Phil from the moment he first saw him on camera and it’s never really changed. Obviously, their relationship’s developed as they have and he’s gone from being some secret internet fanboy to Phil’s best friend and whilst he’s always felt lucky to just be a part of his life, he can’t help but wish for something more.
And he’s always assumed that if they’re right together then they’ll figure it out, but the problem is that he wants Phil now, and it’s getting harder to hide.
He can’t seem to help himself. Everything that Phil does completely amazes him because he does everything so well and sometimes he just can’t stop himself from staring, he notices himself staring at Phil a lot.
But the cut of his jawline above his slender neck and broad shoulders is hard not to stare at. As are his blue eyes in harmony with his pale skin; long, dark eyelashes brushing stark cheekbones every time he blinks and Dan catches himself just taking Phil in far too often.
The problems start when it becomes second nature and he does it on camera, and the internet catches it too.
Now, he finds himself frozen part way down his tumblr dashboard, unable to scroll any further as he looks in horror at the gif set in front of him. There he is, looking at Phil as if his face is the first one he’s ever seen.
The only saving grace is that gif-set Phil seems oblivious to it as he plays The Sims, blissfully unaware that his supposed best friend is looking at him with that much intent. Though, Dan feels his fingertips turn cold at the realisation that there’s a fairly high chance that Phil might stumble on one of these gif sets and ask him about it and right on cue Phil decides to remind Dan that he’s sat in the same room as he is.
“Christ Dan, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Phil chuckles from the other end of their sofa. Dan slams his laptop lid down before he can even think about how suspicious he looks, blushing when Phil raises an eyebrow at him.
“It was nothing.” Dan laughs nervously. “Just a kind of creepy video.”
“Creepy how?”
“Like... Conspiracy theories and stuff.” He feels his blush turn deeper as he lies, knowing that he sounds completely unconvincing but trying to divert Phil’s attention for a moment. “Have you had dinner?”
“No actually, wondered if you fancied pizza?” Phil smiles easily as he looks away from Dan and back to his MacBook to edit his video. Taking a moment to marvel at him before shaking his head lightly, Dan stands up.
“I’ll grab drinks, you order.” He says, leaving the room quickly.
He sighs with relief once he’s out of Phil’s earshot, glad that he’s managed having to avoid explaining himself, for now. 
But he’ll have to be more careful.
“Are you nearly done with that video yet?” Phil asks, poking his head around the door to their gaming room and making Dan jump.
“We need to get you a bell or something.” He mumbles. “But I actually just uploaded it.”
Phil gives him a thumbs up and an exaggerated smile before ducking out of the room to presumably go and sit back down now that he doesn’t have to worry about Dan’s lazy editing habits anymore. He knows that Phil’s gotten a bit curious as to why he’s volunteered to edit every gaming video they’ve done for the past two weeks but he just needs to make sure that no more clips of him staring at Phil make it onto the internet.
Honestly, he’s seeing more and more of them and he doesn’t understand how people can be quite so perceptive but it’s a problem because it’s getting harder to hide it from Phil. Despite knowing that he shouldn’t be staring like that, it doesn’t seem to stop him and trying to prevent Phil from seeing any of the gifs, or worse seeing it in person, is becoming increasingly difficult.
The trend seems to have caught on and now people are calling him “heart eyes Howell” and they’re tweeting it to Phil, who thankfully hasn’t mentioned it.
Dan pushes him up from his desk chair and shakes his legs out as he stretches his back, walking lazily into the living room and collapsing in the seat next to Phil.
Phil looks at him and opens his mouth but quickly closes it again to look back at his laptop, then he looks back to Dan again, then away, then back again and Dan pokes him lightly.
“Have I got something on my face?” He asks jokingly, smiling as Phil looks down in slight embarrassment.
“No, no it’s nothing.” 
“Come on.” Dan encourages, poking Phil’s arm again for good measure, making him laugh.
“It really is nothing, just well- have I got something on my face?” Phil turns his laptop to face Dan as he speaks, showing him a clip of the video that he literally just uploaded where Dan is just staring contentedly at the side of Phil’s face.
Dan feels his entire stomach flip, heat flaring through his chest and arms and making its way up to his face to light up his cheeks in a hot blush, he looks up at Phil and feels his insides constrict because he can’t help but appreciate how he looks now too. A half smile sits on his face delicately and he looks at Dan with such softness that Dan could almost swear that he was trying to take him in too.
“No.” Dan forces out after a while. “I didn’t even notice that, I must have just zoned out or something.”
Phil hums as if he’s thinking about whether he’s happy with Dan’s excuse or not, looking him up and down to try and gauge whether he’s lying. Doing his best to keep a straight face, Dan relaxes when Phil finally smiles over at him, bright and beaming.
“That’s so you.” He chuckles, going back to scroll through his twitter feed.
“Are they happy with it?” Dan asks, desperate to change the subject to just about anything else. 
“I think so.” Phil mutters absentmindedly, clearly not paying that much attention to him anymore.
Dan’s body doesn’t seem to want to calm down, still tingling as Phil drops the subject that his mind can’t seem to. How had he missed that in editing when he’d been trying so hard to notice it?
Grabbing his phone, he too opens twitter to look at the reaction to the video, trying desperately to calm down the nerves he feels over being caught by Phil and using all of his will power not to look back over at him.
He’s trying so hard not to look at Phil, in fact, that he doesn’t quite catch it when Phil begins to stare back at him.
Weeks pass and nothing happens.
Nothing except that Dan notices Phil starting to coin a nickname of his own from the fans and he begins to see the term “love eyes Lester” thrown around almost as much as he see’s “heart eyes Howell”. Though when he watches the videos, and maybe he’s started following a few phan accounts “just to keep track of it all”, he can’t help but think that he looks at Phil with just more than when Phil looks at him.
It disappoints him, though he’s not sure why.
He knows Phil well enough to know that his feelings are unrequited, though it doesn’t stop him wishing otherwise. He’s been trying to talk himself out of being in love with Phil for quite literally years and come to find that it just doesn’t work like that.
Though coming to terms with it makes it hurt less every time Phil goes on a date, or calls him his “friend” or “roommate”, or leaves him on his own when he goes to see his family, Dan still occasionally feels a pang in his stomach or a tightening in his chest when he remembers the nature of their relationship. 
It’s not like he hasn’t tried to hint at more over the years. He’s tried to subtly get more touchy with Phil, only for Phil to look uncomfortable the entire time, and he’s definitely tried to make a drunken move and pass it off as the alcohol but Phil manages to just laugh it off and never mention it again. 
Eventually it made sense to stop hinting and either drop it completely or at least let Phil move at his own pace, though he hasn’t exactly decided which one of those he’s doing now.
As it is, tonight’s one of those nights where his chest feels tighter than normal because Phil’s away and he's counting down every minute that passes until he finally gets a Skype call.
He taps his fingers on the desk mindlessly as he stares at his computer, deciding that if he’s going to talk to Phil then he’s going to do it properly like he would for a liveshow. Staring at the little clock in the corner, he watches as another minute ticks by and Phil still doesn’t call him, slouching back in his chair and sighing loudly.
“Come on.” He whisper to himself, jumping when a ringtone goes off almost simultaneously, Phil’s name flashing across the monitor. “Magic.” 
He answers the call instantly, giving Phil a dorky wave and laughing as Phil mimics the gesture. 
“How’s the great north?” Dan asks, unable to take the smile off his face as Phil shakes his head at him.
“Cold and full of strange creatures.” He wriggles his fingers as he speaks before covering his mouth to hide his tongue as it pops out when he smiles at Dan again.
“And the Lester clan?” 
“All good! I actually can’t stay for long because we’re all having dinner soon but I just thought I’d check in.”
“I’m not a child.” Dan rolls his eyes, trying to hide the way that his whole mood brightened at the fact that Phil called to check that he’s okay and not just because he’s bored.
“I know, I know.”
Dan hears Phil’s mum call something from outside the room and Phil sighs as he tilts his head towards the door to hear her better. 
“Yeah, I will do!” He calls at the door, sighing even louder when he turns back to Dan. “Right so this is really embarrassing but she’s forcing me to say something to you.”
There’s a silent moment as Phil stares at the ceiling before looking back at the webcam to speak to Dan again. 
“Mum saw me staring at you in our latest video and says I should apologise because ‘staring is rude’”
As hard as he tries, Dan can’t hide the laugh that bubbles it’s way up his chest and out of his mouth, only getting louder as he sees the blush covering Phil’s face on the other end.
“Stop laughing at me!” He says exasperatedly.
“Sorry but that’s actually priceless, Phil.” Dan chokes out between laughs. “You actually got made to apologise by your mum for looking at me.”
“Please, make this more embarrassing.”
“Alright I’ll stop, but you will literally never live that down.”
They both quieten as Dan tries to stop himself from laughing anymore and Phil just watches him through the screen, he looks at Dan with one eyebrow raised for a moment before he shrugs and lowers it again.
“Maybe I can see what she means, it is kind of weird to be stared at like that.” He says.
“Like what?”
“Like you’re staring at me now.”
Dan coughs in surprise before he regains enough composure to speak again. “We’re on a video call, what are you expecting me to do?”
“Most people just look at themselves.”
“Most people are vain.”
“Alright.” Phil shrugs, tilting his head towards his door once again. “Right that’s my cue, I might call you tomorrow if I get time but I’m off for now.”
“Okay, have fun!” Dan smiles, secretly letting out a sigh of relief that Phil’s getting called away so he can’t question him anymore. They both give the same over-animated waves that they did when the conversation started and then the screen goes black and Dan’s left staring at his own face.
He goes about the rest of his evening, and it takes him nearly half an hour until the wind gets knocked out of him with the realisation that Phil’s mum had noticed Phil staring at him. Apparently, he’s that obvious too.
Just as quickly as hope began to rise in Dan’s chest, he pushes it down again because he’s not a teenager and just because his friend looks at him doesn’t mean that they’re looking at him.
He tries to put it out of his mind for the rest of the evening. Unsuccessfully.
Dan’s not sure what in the world he’s done but suddenly Phil doesn’t seem interested in him. It’s not like he’s mad or they’re not getting on but Phil just isn’t really around anymore.
They film a video and then he goes straight to his room, or he makes them both dinner but then eats it alone, saying that he needs some “quality time” to himself. Which Dan would understand, but it’s constant lately.
He’s taken to staying in his room in the evenings because waiting for Phil in their living room every night was beginning to feel desperate and he needs to feel like he’s isolating himself on purpose and not because he’s not being given any other choice. 
Also, he’s noticed that in their videos Phil seems stiff, wooden almost. Not in a way that anyone but Dan would notice but the thing that stands out the most to him is that Phil doesn’t look at him at all, doesn’t even glance in his direction for the duration of every video they’ve filmed for the past two weeks and Dan just cannot figure out what it is that’s changed.
Since they Skyped, who stares at who hasn’t been brought up once and Dan assumed that it was forgotten but Phil’s avoidance to look at Dan seems just too deliberate to be coincidental but Dan can’t think of a non-awkward way to bring the topic up.
So he just sits in his room alone, hoping that eventually Phil will go back to normal and they can forget the whole thing.
He’s halfway through a bowl of pasta before he hears a knock at his door, and he almost throws his food halfway across the room with the urgency at which he gets up to answer it, running to the door.
He pulls the door open quickly to a clearly sleepy, and frankly adorable, Phil on the other side. Phil’s staring down at his feet and wringing his hands together, long fingers entwining with one another as he drags his gaze upwards to fixate on Dan.
Their eyes meet immediately and they stare into each other. Dan does his best to control his breathing, but eventually has to break the gaze before he gives himself away.
“We need to talk about it.” Phil mumbles, dropping his own eyes back down to the floor. Dan shifts uncomfortably.
“About wha-”
“About the staring.” 
Phil looks to Dan quickly before looking away again, eyes darting around the room but not focussing on anything in particular as Dan tries to take a moment to collect his thoughts.
About the staring.
“About what staring?” He asks innocently. Maybe, he thinks, if he can downplay this one more time he can get away with it for good and it can be forgotten. Ultimately he can’t mess things up with Phil over something as simple as looking at him.
Though he knows that he doesn’t just look at him, he admires him. And it’s all over his face.
“There you go again, staring at me, it always seems like you want to...”
“Like I want to what?”
Dan’s heart hammers against his ribcage as he comes to the decision that this is his moment. It’s too late to pretend he doesn’t know anymore; all or nothing, do or die, this is it.
He mentally prepares himself for what he’s about to do and takes one more longing look at Phil to drink him in as much as he can. Ruffled hair, tired eyes and perfection in front of him, hopefully thinking the same as he is because if not... Well, best not to think about if not.
“Well.” Phil mutters, reconnecting his gaze with Dan’s and shuffling slightly closer to him. “Like you want-”
His sentence is cut short as Dan takes a final steadying breath before surging forwards to kiss Phil, bringing a hand up to cup the back of his head gently as he does so. Bracing himself for Phil to push him away. He can only try to contain his smile as Phil melts in his touch instead, taking the other step forward so that he can wrap an arm around Dan’s waist to pull him closer.
Dan feels his body ignite, warmth spreading from his fingertips into his core as Phil presses his lips against Dan’s, moving them needily as he pulls lightly on his hip, free hand resting round his neck in an attempt to pull him closer.
They kiss sweetly for a while, light brushes of their lips that leave them both tingling with goosebumps forming wherever the other one touches them before Phil breaks it, pulling away slowly and opening his eyes to meet Dan’s again.
“Like you want to do that.” He sighs happily, beaming at Dan.
“As if you can talk, love eyes Lester.” Dan teases, enjoying the way that Phil looks away from him coyly. “Don’t think I didn’t notice you too.”
“Shut up, heart eyes Howell.”
A/N: so i literally just wrote this on a complete whim because i got the idea and ran with it and now here it is, written at 1 a.m so sorry for any mistakes!
i really hope you enjoyed this one as it was fab to write, please let me know your thoughts if you like and thank you for reading!!
other fics can be found (here) ❤️
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