#and his name is Seguin like the town..
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formulanni · 2 months ago
Hi! Hope you're doing well!
So. On the note of Tyler Seguin. Tyler Seguin, current stars Center and Alternate to Captain Jamie Benn, is known a little bit as a sort of a reformed party boy, who has (had?) fun night outs and such, and immensely talented and skilled. Dallas Stars, now, but first, a little context.
He played for three, two? seasons with the Boston bruins right after he was drafted 2nd overall in 2010. who were a terrible cesspool at the time, around the 2010s seasons, and was generally treated. Not well.
The coach had his own issues, an old school "tough love" kind in the wrong way, (ahem, julien).
Seguin was a healthy scratch, in the first two playoffs of that 10-11 season, and he had scored goals and points in his first career playoff game, and they won the Stanley cup. (He contributed to immensely to it.) Amidst all this glory and insane stuff, and his Swiss league achievements and hat tricks during the lockout, was a shit ton of drama.
There was a lot of inter team below the surface conflict, while the media was basically left to rip into Seguin for without team support, talk about guarding his room, buddy systems, so he didn't go out and had wild nights, a way overblown reputation and criticism. Including from fellow teammates.
Before he got traded, rumours about his "hard party lifestyle" being the reason went around, and Gm Chiarelli (paraphrasing to shorten) said "it's about the focus, little things, play prep, not a strictly on ice decision but not about extracurricular" (massive side eye.) he took a lot of media heat for the playoffs loss in the 12-13 season.
Oh and apparently a last straw was when he missed a mandatory team breakfast because of a wrong alarm, He was a healthy scratch off the roster for the game that day.
The best thing to happen to him was him leaving the Bruins. He joined the stars, a far more supportive team, and formed a close friendship with Jamie Benn, stars captain. His production and consistent rise helped clinch the stars a playoff spot, in eighth, for the first time since 2008.
You should watch their videos with Dude Perfect, those are fun! But anyways, Tyler Seguin may be fun loving, but he is so so intensely hockey minded, and the Dallas stars was truly a much better, more supportive team to him that could give him the space to grow as both player, playmaker and person. He is currently unfortunately out on a rough IR, hip injury. He's just, so good. Leading and cheer and all that.
Point is, I love him <3, and I would adore seeing him in your art!!! I've been a long time fan of yours and it's so good to see u locked into nhl. it would be so very lovely! I'm adding some pictures below. Thank you for entertaining such a long drop, and there's so much more to him, but these are the basics. I'm feeling hype cuz the stars won today's game.
- atlas / @tynedtime
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This is so LONG LMAO but perfect…. Yes I’m moved. I will be reading his Wikipedia page before bed and adding him to my list… perhaps even searching his name on TikTok mhm mhmmmmmm
Ppl should do this more often.. lore drop in the box guys add more pookies to my roster I have nothing to draw but non f1 ppl until March feed me
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starshine-hockey-girl · 3 years ago
See You Again- Tyler Seguin Stand Alone
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Summary- When Addy meets Tyler through mutual friends, it's attraction at first sight. Tyler, however, cannot shake the sense of deja vu.
Word Count- 10.5K (sorry)
Warnings- alcohol use, public sex, SMUT, discussion of slut shaming
@fallinallincurls @newlibrary @penstxgal1968 @princessphilly @laurenairay @mattyseggy1991 @horsesandhockeyplayers
August 2022
Addy checked her reflection in the mirror and adjusted her top as she listened to her friend, Gina, go over the details for the evening. She was half-listening, as usual, when Gina mentioned that Tom may have a friend drop by the bar. "Wait, what?" she whined, "Gina, this isn't a set-up, right?"
"No, Addy, I swear-I don't even know the guy's name," Gina responded. "Show me what you're going to wear."
Addy sent the snap.
"No, absolutely not," Gina chided, "Let go of the athleisure wear. Wear a skirt at least."
Addy rolled her eyes, "I will compromise on a nice pair of shorts and crop top. It’s hotter than hell."
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Addy walked up to the bar and leaned up against it. "Hey," she called to the seasoned blonde bartender, "Can I get a drink?" She was casually dressed in a matching black gingham crop top and shorts. A diamond pendant adorned her neck. Her curly brown hair had been tossed in a loosely styled up-do to keep it off her neck. The August Texas heat was still oppressive at night and Addy’s focus was remaining as cool as possible.
The muscular man standing next to her laughed, "Good luck with that. I've been trying to get a beer for ten minutes."
Addy glanced at him before turning back to the bartender, "It's the watch. She hates flashy watches."
Tyler looked down at his watch then back at the petite brunette by his side. "Isn't that some sort of watch discrimination. What did my watch ever do to her?"
Addy turned to face him. She took note of the fitted t-shirt and casual shorts he wore. His brown hair was slicked back and his arms were covered in tattoos. The neatly trimmed beard completed the frat boy look. "It's not the watch, but the wearer. Usually those watches come attached to annoying frat boys who demand immediate service and leave shitty tips."
Tyler's eyebrows raised, "Definitely not a frat boy."
"Well, if you look like a frat boy, dress like a frat boy, you can't be shocked if she treats you well- like a frat boy." she teased. "Let me guess," she continued, "you also flashed a black AMEX to start a tab."
His eyes narrowed slightly, "And?"
She smiled, "It completed the 'I am going to be asshole' vibe thing you got going on. What are you drinking 'Mr. I am not a frat boy'?"
"At this point I will take any cold beer," he said in confusion.
Addy yelled again, "Tess, give me my usual and the poor man a beer. Put it on my tab."
Tess nodded and poured the drinks. When she sat down the drinks, she eyed Tyler suspiciously, "You vouching for him?"
Addy turned and gave Tyler the full body scan, "Yes, at least temporarily. Don't fuck it up, okay?"
"Tyler, by the way," he said casually.
"Oh and the asshole trifecta is complete," she winked as she took her drink.
They sat in an amenable silence before Tyler cleared his throat, "So are you meeting friends here or do you just like drinking alone in dive bars?"
"Meeting friends for drinks. You?" She turned to him.
"Same," he craned his head toward the door which just opened.
"Addy!" Gina called as she walked into the dimly lit bar, "Why do you always pick the grungiest bar in town to meet?"
Addy turned with a smile, "Don't knock the bar. You'll piss off Tess."
Tyler interjected, "Yeah, you don’t want to don't piss her off."
Gina raised an eyebrow towards Addy. She was greeted with a shoulder shrug.The duo greeted each other with a hug. Gina looked around the bar that looked like not a thing had been changed in at least forty years.
"So making friends already?" Regina asked jovially.
"Gina, this is “not a frat boy” Tyler. Tyler, this is Gina," Addy answered.
Tyler stretched his hand out, "Pleasure."
"Seggy," Tom called from the door.
Tyler turned, "Monty!"
The two embraced in a bro hug. "I see that you have met my fiance, Gina, and this is her friend, Addy," Tom declared.
Tyler touched Addy on the arm, "You ready for another round?"
"Sure, tell Tess to add it to my tab," she called as they moved over to the well-worn couch. He gave her body an appreciative glance as he returned with the drinks, "I tried to open my own tab, but she wouldn't do it. Strangest bartender ever."
She scooted over to make room for him. Quickly they were engrossed in conversation about Addy's job as an event planner. She casually asked Tyler about his job and he blinked slowly. "You're kidding, right?" he laughed.
"Kidding about what?" she smiled.
"I play hockey- for the Dallas Stars…" he stammered.
"Oh, I don't follow hockey too closely. I mean- I am aware of them as a team, but not the individual players," she explained.
There was an awkward pause as Tyler contemplated her words. It wasn't the fact that she was unaware of who he was, it was that she seemed thoroughly unaffected by the knowledge. Tyler came to the realization that he was staring at her face. It wasn't a particularly gorgeous face, but was naturally pretty. Her presence felt comfortable and oddly familiar. She snapped her fingers to get him out of his trance. "Hey, Not-Frat-Boy, we are going to play pool. Do you want co-ed or men against women?"
Tyler thought quickly, "Co-ed,"
Addy poked him playfully in the chest, "Try to keep up with me, okay?
Tom and Tyler played a quick game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" to determine who would break. Addy gave Tyler a wink and a smile when he won.
He made a grand gesture of bending over and bowing and indicating she should take the first shot. He walked to the opposite end of the table as she took her stick, leaned over and took the break shot. He licked his lips unconsciously as he was given a clear view of her cleavage. As the balls spread across the table, she blew him a flirtatious kiss as two balls sank. Tyler smiled when she did not sink another ball with her second shot. He stood behind her as she waited for Tom to take his shot. He whispered in her ear, "He's a great attorney, but a horrible shot." Addy felt the hairs on her arm stand up as his breath hit her neck. She shifted her weight back and forth and turned to look at him. She stared momentarily. Her gaze went to his lips. She blinked and willed her heart to stop racing. She thought of what his beard would feel like if he kissed her.
"Seggy, you're up" Tom laughed as Tyler stood, leaning on his stick, staring at Addy's neck. He imagined his mouth on the where the smooth skin of her neck met her shoulder, sucking softly.
"Snap out of it," he murmured to himself before leaning up his shot. When Addy walked away to the jukebox, the movement of her hips distracted him and the shot fizzled.
He walked up behind her and leaned over her shoulder as she made her selections. "Going old school, huh?" he joked as she made her selections.
"Can't go wrong with some Miley, " she said, laughing as the song began. "This brings back some memories." Tyler watched as she danced around the pool table between her shots, sinking a ball with each stroke as she mouthed the words.
Tyler had a memory emerge from the depths of his brain. It was fuzzy but he could feel his body respond- pulse quickened, heart rate elevated and breath slightly shallow. He was kissing a girl. She smelled like flowers and wore what he assumed was a cubic zirconia pendant around her necklace. It fell delicately on her clavicle . When they paused for breath, she smiled at him.
"Tyler," he thought he heard as he struggled to place the memory "Tyler, it's your shot."
"Huh?" He said- momentarily confused as Tom directed him to the pool table. “Oh, yeah,” he blushed.
Gina and Tom giggled as they watched Addy and Tyler get sucked into their own heads as they stared at each other, tanking their pool game. Tyler snapped out of his thoughts. He took another bad shot and promptly sunk the cue ball.
"Who wants another round?" they called as they left Addy and Tyler in the pool room, without waiting for a response.
Tyler walked up to Addy and took the stick from her hand, “Sorry about that. Normally I am much better at pool. Guess I got a little distracted.”
Addy felt her face flush and started to fan herself with her hand,"Did it get hot in here? I need some air." She turned and walked to the exit to the small patio. She pushed the door open and took a deep breath. She paced the length of the patio and ran her fingers through her hair. The desire to take Tyler's face between her hands and kiss him overwhelmed her. She was then struck by the sense of deja vu. When he emerged from the bar carrying drinks, he stopped short when she turned to face him. She stood with one hip popped up and both hands on her hips. He crossed the patio to where she stood. Her expression was almost defiant. "Are you going to kiss me or what?" she declared. When he hesitated, she took a step toward him, took his face in her hands and kissed him hard.
Tyler felt the memory come back into complete focus and the realization hit him. He stopped the kiss and asked breathlessly, "Is Addy a nickname or something?"
"Short for Addison," she replied.
His eyes opened wider, "Have you ever been to Toronto?"
"Yeah, when I was 15." she stammered.
He pressed, "Maybe to an amusement park named Canada's Wonderland?
She stepped back, "Yeah"
He stepped forward "Spend time with a hockey team there?"
She looked at him, "Yeah, with a boy named….."
Her hand went to her mouth, "Nooooo"
He nodded his head up and down.
She gasped, "You're Tyler from Toronto? No fucking way!"
He smiled, "Yep-all grown up"
She squatted low and looked up at him before crossing to him, "Kiss me again."
He did and the memory came flooding back to her. Their bodies crashed together as they kissed, the muscle memory of their first make out session came back and he pushed her against the wall. “Addison from Dallas," he moaned, "I finally found you."
Addison stood next to her friend, Juliana, in line to the Drop Tower. Juliana eyed the ride nervously as the line inched toward the loading zone. In front of them a group of ten players from a hockey team stood and joked loudly. They were enjoying a celebratory trip to the amusement park in honor of their recent championship victory. Juliana and Addison were at the front of the group from the Prestonwood Christian Academy choir. The two girls had become fast friends during Juliana’s year of study abroad in Dallas. They bonded over boys, hockey and mocking the popular girls in their class.
Juliana poked Addison in the ribs and nodded towards the tall blonde with a goofy grin on her face. Addison looked up at him and shook her head softly. Of course Juliana set her eyes on the tallest person she could find. The girl definitely had a type-tall, blonde and cute. The line inched forward and Addison locked eyes with the lanky brunette standing next to the blonde. He gave a shy smile before turning away. The blonde noticed and gave him a shove back into Addison. “Make a move Shy Ty,” the Big Rig joked.
"I'm…I'm sorry," Tyler stammered softly before he turned and slammed the blonde on the arm.
Addison gave him a smile and mouthed, “It’s okay,” before turning to Juliana.
The group landed at the loading zone together. The ride attendant shouted at the group of teens, "You four- stand here." Juliana and Addison stood in their assigned circle with Jamie and Tyler. Juliana looked up at the ride, "Addison, if I die in Canada, my mom is going to kill you."
The blonde looked down at the diminutive girl with jet black hair and laughed, "Where are you from?"
Julia smiled broadly, "Originally from Brazil, but we’re from Dallas. I'm Juliana and this is Addison. Are you from Toronto?"
"I'm Jamie and this is Seggy," the blonde elbowed Tyler in the ribs, "We're from Brampton, outside of Toronto."
"It's actually Tyler," he corrected. He looked Addison in the face and she smiled at him. He felt his stomach flip flop.
"Tell me Tyler- are you a wimp? she teased.
He looked confused, "Uhhhhh, what do you mean?"
"I mean can you handle these rides?" she laughed, "I am stuck with Wimpy McGee."
"Yeah, I can handle these rides," he grinned.
"Good," she exclaimed as the attendant directed them to the car. "Sit next to me so I don't have to hear her scream."
Tyler's eyebrows raised, "Okay." He watched her hop into her seat and start swinging her legs back and forth playfully.
After they were harnessed in, she gave him a big grin right before the ride took off, “Here we go, Tyler.” Addison laughed as the car ascended two hundred feet in the air and nervousness spread across Tyler's face, "I thought you said you weren't a wimp?"
"I'm not- I swear," he whined.
"Need to hold my hand?" she said softly and held out her hand to him.
"Yeah," he grabbed it right before the car dropped twenty one stories in a free fall.
Addison reluctantly let go of his hand when the ride attendant came to unharness them. She jumped off the ride and waited for Tyler. When he walked up with a sheepish grin, "I swear I am not a wimp on the other rides. The height on this one gets me."
Addison leaned in and whispered, "Your secret is safe with me." She looked over to Julia who was engrossed in conversation with Jamie. "I guess we are officially ride-buddies now,” she joked as she tilted her head toward Jamie and Juliana who were shamelessly flirting with each other. Addison rolled her eyes as Jamie directed the group towards the Klockwerks ride. “That’s not that scary, dude,” Addison stated once they arrived. Both Tyler and Jamie positioned themselves to be in the inside car position. As the ride began to spin, the force of the ride pulled Juliana and Addison into their sides. Jamie artfully put his arm around Juliana and pulled her tighter. Tyler sat stiffly beside Addison as the speed increased. Eventually she put her hand on his thigh and pushed to create some separation. Tyler’s eyes flashed down to Addison’s hand and then shut tightly. He thought to himself, “For the love of God, stay down, stay down,” as he willed himself not to feel any effects of Addison’s physical proximity. He said a silent prayer of thanksgiving as they exited the ride without an erection popping up.
The group flip-flopped between Team Scaredy-Cat and Team Dare-Devil deciding on which rides to ride. With each one, Addison and Tyler stood closer and closer together in line. He passionately argued that Texas didn't have actual hockey. She questioned "Oh yeah, when is the last time the Leafs have won a cup? The Stars?" Tyler objected and Addison hit him with, "Did the Leafs even make the playoffs this year? The Stars made it.” Tyler rolled his eyes and Addison playfully poked his chest. "Admit defeat," she chided as he smiled down at her, “I’m going to make you a Stars fan if it’s the last thing I do.
He bent down and laughed, “It will be a cold day in hell before I root for the Dallas Stars.” Addison blinked as his face was inches from hers. Thankfully the ride attendant ushered them to the ride.
Somewhere between the Go-Kart Racing ride and Behemoth roller coaster, Tyler made his move and went for the hand grab. Addison simply looked down at their joined hands and back up at Tyler and smiled. Tyler’s inner dialogue of “Stay Cool, be calm- it’s just a girl. Holy shit- it’s a girl and she is letting me hold her hand” simmered under the surface.
When the foursome turned the corner and Juliana saw the tall roller coaster, she simply said, “Nope, nope, nope- I am not riding that, Miss Addison.” Jamie saw his opportunity and took it, “We can go do the swings again. You liked those.” The swings were on the other side of the park and would give him a solid hour of alone time with Juliana. Tyler also did the mental math and glanced at Addison to gauge her reaction.
Addison shrugged her shoulders and pulled Tyler towards the roller coaster. “Y’all have fun. We’ll meet you at the food court in an hour,” she called back to her friend, Juliana, who stood in a bundle of excitement and nerves. Addison turned abruptly and yelled to Juliana, “Don’t forget your PCA character!” When Juliana’s mouth dropped open, Addison laughed, “Bye!” She pulled Tyler with such force that he could barely keep up. “Come on Tyler, there’s barely any line!” she screamed as she ran in front of him. She dropped his hand as they raced up the steps. Tyler slowed his pace slightly when he realized letting her pass allowed him to watch her ass as she climbed.
When they reached the top of the stairs, they were greeted by a ride attendant. “The ride’s not quite open yet,” the young man said, “How did you get up here?” In their excitement, Tyler and Addison had missed the sign that the ride was temporarily closed. Todd, the attendant looked around, “I should send you back down to wait, but we’ll open it up in about fifteen minutes. If you promise to not bother anything, I’ll let you stay up here.”
They looked at each other and smiled, then looked at Todd, “We won’t touch anything.”
Addison squealed once Todd left. She looked at Tyler who nodded. They both spoke at once
Addison- “We get dibs on the front seat.”
Tyler- “We get to be alone for fifteen minutes”
Addison laughed while Tyler blushed, “Well, there’s that too- added bonus” They looked around the ride loading area before Addison pulled out her iTouch. Tyler watched in silence as she pushed buttons. “You like to dance, Tyler?” she asked as music started playing. Miley Cyrus - See you again - With Lyrics The music started and she started to dance. A wide grin spread across his face as she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards him. “What? Hockey boys don’t dance?” she teased. “You know there isn’t anyone here. You can risk looking stupid and dance.” She dropped his hand and started dancing and singing. “I've got a way of knowin' when somethin' is right. I feel like I must have known you in another life. 'Cause I felt this deep connection when you looked in my eyes. Now I can't wait to see you again” Addison reached for his hand again and he readily took it. He sang with her, “The last time I freaked out, I just kept lookin' down. I st-st-stuttered when you asked me what I'm thinkin' 'bout. Felt like I couldn't breathe, you asked what's wrong with me. My best friend Lesley said, "Oh she's just being Miley" Tyler twirled her around the loading area with ease. When the song stopped he pulled her back and she crashed into his chest. Their faces were inches from each other. Their combined heart rates were off the charts and their chests heaved to settle their breathing.
Addison looked into Tyler’s eyes and willed his lips to move closer. They didn’t budge. He pushed a strand of hair that had crossed over into her eyes back. Internally, the lyrics of “Kiss the Girl” raced into his thoughts, “Yes, you want her. Look at her, you know you do. Possible she wants you too. There is one way to ask her. It don't take a word. Not a single word. Go on and kiss the girl” The mental image of the small, red crab singing and dancing raced front and center of his mind. Tyler laughed at the absurdity of it. Addison flinched ever so slightly and pulled back. Tyler knew immediately that he had blown his shot.
Addison dropped his hands and walked over the far wall where the loading zone to the front car was located. She placed her back against the wall and slowly slid down to sit. She didn’t look up when she felt Tyler approach and sit next to her. They didn’t speak for a long time. Tyler checked his watch, “They should be opening it up soon.” Addison nodded in affirmation. He moved his hand to the outside of his thigh and she felt it graze her skin. She glanced down and then back at his face. She smiled and grabbed his hand. Their fingers intertwined together. Addison moved slightly to her left and rested her head on his shoulder.
She fumbled for words, “Fun fact- we are both named after cities in Texas.” He laughed and said, “What?”
“Yep, there is a Tyler, Texas and an Addison, Texas too,” she said quietly, “They are not very close together.”
“That’s too bad,” he replied. She squeezed his hand and he swore that he felt butterflies in stomach. “So tell me about Dallas.”
He looked at her as her face lit up and she started chattering away. The sound of the slow drawl of her voice hypnotized him. Suddenly the idea of Dallas, Texas, was the most fascinating subject on earth. She rambled until they noticed that the loading area had filled with other riders. Tyler frowned as she stopped talking and stood up to climb into the front roller coaster car. She held out her hand and he took it. The smile returned to his face. “Maybe I’ll go to Dallas one day,”
She turned to laugh, “Maybe you’ll play for the Stars one day. I mean you should dream big,Tyler.”
Once they were both securely harnessed for the ride, Tyler grabbed her hand again. She looked at him through her eyelashes and then looked away. Addison was unsure if it was the thrill of the ride that made her heart race or the thrill of the boy next to her. As the clickety-clack of the roller coaster filled the air, she summoned her courage while the car moved higher and higher on top of the hill. She turned to Tyler right before the car went over the summit, “Are you going to kiss me or what?” Tyler turned to her with a surprised look before they fell into the freefall.
When the car came to a complete stop, both of them scrambled to get out of the car, for very different reasons. Addison ran past the crowd that made it to the exit before her. Tyler followed behind her. They raced down the steps and Tyler called her name, “Addison- wait up!” She had no intention of waiting for him. The look of shock when she asked him about kissing her had said everything she needed to know. She thought to herself, “It’s almost four now. I just have to find a place to hang out until we leave at nine. No biggie.”
Addison was completely lost in thoughts when she felt his hand on her arm, pulling her to a stop. He grabbed her hand and held it as he guided her past the ride exit. Tyler pulled her into a corner by the restroom. “Why are you running away from me?” he said breathlessly, “Is this about your question?”
Her eyes flashed up and then down and she nodded her head yes.
Tyler groaned loudly and bent over, putting his hands on his knees, “Girls are weird.”
He stood and crossed to her, “I do want to kiss you. It’s just that….. that” He hesitated before he sputtered, “I’ve never kissed a girl. I don’t know how.” He blushed as she smiled and laughed, “Don’t laugh at me, Addison.” She walked to him, put her hand on his neck and pulled his head so she could reach his face. She smiled and kissed him.
Her lips pressed against his and she sensed his tenson and hesitation. After a beat, she felt them relax and return the kiss. Their lips separated and then came back together. There was an awkward dance of head tilts, noses that collided and teeth clashing together. Each kiss became more intentional, more passionate and more intense. They found their rhythm of a series of kisses followed by a pause for two breaths and another series of kisses.
“Get it Seggy,” a loud voice called out. One of Tyler’s teammates stood at a distance, holding the hand of Reagan, a girl from Addison's choir. It seemed like international romance had blossomed for multiple couples.
Tyler broke the kiss and looked up. He smiled at his teammate before he looked at Addison. He searched her face for a sign of how to proceed. She grinned and rested her forehead against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as she whispered, “Tell me when they leave.”
He whispered, “They’re gone.” as the duo turned the corner. She looked up at him with a goofy grin that he returned. “Ummm, we should probably go find Big Rig and Juliana,” he pushed her hair away from her face, “It’s time to meet up with them and I am starving.”
“Big Rig?” she questioned.
“Jamie,” he smiled, “We call him Big Rig because well, he is big and built like a Mack truck.”
“So you don’t want to talk about what just happened?” she asked.
“Do we need to talk about it?” he asked in return.
“Did you like it?” she asked.
“Yeah,” he replied breathlessly.
“Me too,” she blushed.
“Let’s walk there. Maybe we’ll beat them to the poutine shop and we can do it again,” he spoke as he took her hand to guide her. He laughed when she questioned what the hell poutine was. Given the unspoken enticement of potential kisses, Tyler and Addison made it to the meeting place early. They were taking a post-kiss breath when Jamie and Juliana walked up, holding hands. The two sets of friends exchanged knowing looks before joining the line. Tyler stood behind Addison as she looked at the menu. He leaned over her shoulder, “You don’t have poutine in Dallas? That might be a dealbreaker.”
She turned to look at him, “No poutine, but we have nachos and tacos al pastor which makes up for it.” She ordered her food and dug in her pocket for her money. She picked up each coin and bill and examined it closely in confusion. Tyler resisted the temptation to laugh and quickly ordered his poutine while she searched for the right denomination. He handed his debit card to the cashier to pay. Her head swiveled around, “You didn’t have to pay for my food. I have money.”
“Clearly, you do. You don’t know which is which, but you have money,” he mocked.
“It’s not my fault y’all have funny colored money,” she pouted
“You’re cute when you pout,” he laughed as he guided her to the waiting area. Addison smiled and blushed as he snuck a kiss on the cheek while they waited. Tyler took her reaction as a sign and went in for a full kiss.
The foursome found a table. Juliana began talking animatedly about the swings and the attractions they saw on their walk. Jamie rolled his eyes when she described him being scrunched up in the swing before they were lifted into the air. “So how was the roller coaster?” the brown eyed girl asked. Addison and Tyler shared a shy glance before answering, “Fine. It was fine.” Juliana looked at both of them before exclaiming, “Fine, keep your secrets.”
Addison threw a french fry at her friend. “The ride was closed for repair, then it opened. We rode it. It went fast. We walked here. Exciting times!” She also gave her a look that said that she would give a better explanation later. Tyler and Jamie looked at each other and shrugged. "Are we doing more rides or what?" Addison asked as she picked at her poutine.
"There's always the theater show," Jamie suggested coolly.
Tyler looked confused, "Why would we do that? It's lame." Jamie stared at him in disbelief until he added, "Wait, there is a new show this year. Gotta check it out. It will be good to get out of the heat."
On the short walk to the theater, Juliana grabbed Addison's arm and whispered in her ear, "So what happened?"
Addison looked back at Tyler who was not so subtly staring at her ass. "So we kissed- a lot, which was good. Reagan saw us though," she said quietly.
"Oh shit," Juliana muttered. Reagan was a known gossip who played fast and loose with facts.
"How bad can it be?" She smiled, "It was just kisses. There wasn't even a tongue involved."
"Oh, I got tongue- lots and lots of tongue," the Brazilian beauty giggled. The two spoke in hushed whispers as they continued to walk.
Tyler walked behind them and strained to hear what was being said. He was certain that he was at least partially the subject of conversation and wanted to hear Addison’s opinion of their stunted make-out sessions. Jamie tapped him lightly on the arm and raised his eyebrows, "So…." Tyler nodded yes and smiled. "Me too," the blonde replied with the goofiest of grins, "Me too."
Tyler sped up and grabbed Addison's hand casually, "Hey, my ears were burning. Were you discussing my future NHL career or were you discussing my other skills?"
Addison gave him the side eye, "Tap the brakes there, dude. You don’t go from 'I don't know how to kiss a girl' to bragging about your skills in less than an hour, mmkay?" Tyler looked dejected. She continued, "I will admit that you do seem to have a certain natural skill set in that area. Since that was literally my first real kiss, I would offer that maybe we are both bad at it but don't know any better."
"Wait, that was your first kiss?" Tyler whispered, "but you kissed me like you had kissed a ton of guys. You kissed well for a first timer."
"Well, I wanted to kiss you and you weren't taking your shot so I took matters in my own hands,” Addison shrugged her shoulders. “You were pretty good yourself."
"Do you want to do it again," he nudged her as they walked.
"Yes, which is why I am letting you take me to this lame show in a darkened theater," she teased. His jaw dropped slightly. "You're cute, but the two of you weren't subtle. If you want to kiss me, just ask."
They walked the rest of the way in silence, holding hands. As the group walked into the dimly lit theater, they split up and went to opposite sides of the back row. The row was essentially a carpeted bench attached to a carpeted wall. Addison grabbed the spot nearest the right wall.
Tyler sat next to her and tapped his leg nervously while they waited for the show to begin. She placed her hand on his thigh. He stared at her hand resting casually on his leg, oblivious to the effect it was having on him. "Do you always get this nervous around girls or is it just me?" she joked. He looked down and didn't respond. "I am normally nervous around boys, but not you," she started to ramble, "Maybe I am a little nervous. They have a place like this at Six Flags. It's called the Southern Palace. Now I know why my brother also sat in the back with his girlfriend. I never understood before, but it makes sense now."
Tyler pulled her to his body and kissed her. She was mid-word as his lips met hers. When his tongue slid into her mouth, there was a moment of mutual confusion before instinct kicked into gear. Addison wasn't sure if this was reality or a dream, but she decided to savor the moment. She knew that this was one of those life moments that would be forever etched in her memory.
Tyler's eyes remained partly open as they kissed. He glanced at her in amazement every time they came up for air. They were both twisted towards each other at an awkward angle. Addison moved so that her back leaned against the far wall and swung her legs over Tyler’s legs. Both fumbled with where to put their hands. One of Tyler’s hands landed on her right hip while the other cradled her head. He murmured in her ear, “Is it okay to touch you like this?” He felt her head nod yes. Addison’s hands traveled up his arms and back down again. Each pause for air was marked by a smile or giggle. Tyler had long given up trying to control the raging erection that pressed against his shorts. He gasped when her hands slid under his shirt which added to the ever growing bulge in his lap.
“You can touch them if you want,” she whispered.
“Them?” he asked, knowing what he hoped she meant, but waited for confirmation.
“My boobs- you can touch my boobs,” she whispered as her hands roamed his chest.
His hand tentatively touched her right breast then he chuckled in her ear, “I’m touching your boob. I’m actually touching a boob.” It was a flurry of gropes and touches with a steady stream of hard and soft kisses. His hips twisted slightly and his hard-on pressed into her left thigh. Addison looked at the source and her eyes widened. “Is that a…..,” she gasped. He froze in place, unsure of what to do. “Did I do that? What does it feel like? Does it hurt?” she rambled on until he shut her up with a kiss
“You have to stop talking about it,” he moaned, “You are making it worse.”
Her face scrunched up, “Do we need to stop? Did I do something wrong?”
“We should stop- sorry,” he sat up and sighed deeply. “Fuck,” he groaned softly. He moved away from Addison and leaned forward in an effort to conceal the evidence. She inched towards him and put her head on his shoulder.
“What do you normally do when this happens?” she asked softly.
“Depends,” he answered bashfully, looking around at the rest of the crowd that was absorbed in the show. “If I am in a crowd, I try to think about stinky hockey gear or skating drills. If I am alone, I …..take care of it”
“Oh, you jack off?” she answered, “Do you think that the stinky hockey gear thing will work?”
“Not with you sitting there- smelling like flowers and your lips looking like that,” he whispered.
“Okay then, I guess we go with plan B then,” she stated matter-of-factly. “Can I touch it?” she asked as her hand moved towards it.
“Addison!” he hissed. Her hand landed firmly on his crotch. “Holy shit…. Holy shit,” he panted, “You’re touching it.” She started rubbing her palm up and down. He watched in amazement and then looked back at her face. His hips rocked softly, “That’s good. Yeah like that” Her eyes were wide with wonder and a smile spread across her face.
“Can I see it?” she asked, “Really touch it?”
Tyler’s head swiveled around. Again nobody was paying attention to them. He was pretty sure that he was about to be woken up by the sound of his mom screaming his name to get his ass out of bed for hockey practice. There was no way this was actually happening. He nodded yes and unbuttoned his shorts and freed the erection from the confines of his boxers. The tip glistened with precum. Her eyes went to it and then looked at Tyler’s face. “Okay,” she said, “Tell me what to do.”
Her fingers went to the top and played with the slickness. Her fingers rubbed in a circular motion. He grabbed her hand and placed it on the shaft. “Rub it up and down,” he grunted softly. Her hand touched the tip. Her fingers toying it while she stared at it. “Addison,” he moaned, “rub it-please.” She snapped out of her daze and started rubbing. She wrapped her hand around the shaft and moved it up and down, using the precum as a lube. “Oh God, oh God” his hips bucked quickly, “A little faster, a little harder.” She followed his instructions. His head tilted back and his eyes closed, “Oh, oh, oh.” Addison watched as he came into her hand. She continued to pump slowly until he told her to stop. She looked at her hand and then rubbed it on the carpeted bench. He adjusted himself back into his shorts quickly. Neither of them spoke for a minute and Tyler stared ahead.
“So, is it usually over that quick?” she asked.
“No,” he blushed, “You're the first non-male hand to touch it. Usually it takes me longer.”
“But you liked it?” she asked.
“Oh yeah,” he grinned.
“Can I make a suggestion?” she poked his ribs.
“Sure,” his eyebrows raised.
“When you give the explanation to anyone about why things earlier ended so quickly, just say it was the first hand that wasn’t yours. When you said the first non-male hand to touch it, it sort implied that there have been all sorts of male hands touching it. I mean not my business, but it does invoke images of locker room circle jerks.”
Tyler laughed out loud- loud enough to gather the attention of Jamie and Juliana
“Okay, MY hand. The first person other than ME to touch it,” he smirked. “You’re a brat, you know that? A very pretty brat, but a brat.”
“Can we kiss again?” she deflected.
“I think that we should skip that,” he grinned, “It might pop up again.”
“Can I put my head on your shoulder until the show is over?” she questioned.
“Yeah, I would like that,” he answered and he grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. They sat in silence for the reminder of the show.
When the show ended, Tyler stood up slowly and held out his hand to Addison. They walked out into the night air. Tyler’s phone rang as they walked out of the theater. He answered, “Hi Mom. I thought you said you were coming at nine. It’s only seven thirty now. I know.” Addison pretended to study the show poster on the wall outside the theater. She listened intently as the conversation continued. “I will be at the gate in fifteen minutes. Wait, just a second.” Tyler called to Jamie, “Hey Big Rig, do you need a ride home?” Jamie shook his head not and tossed Juliana’s hair. “Okay, I will see you in fifteen minutes. Bye Mom,” he said finally. He lowered his voice, “Love you too.”
Addison looked at Tyler and then back at Juliana and Jamie. “So you have to leave now? Your mom is picking you up?” she asked. He nodded yes. “Oh,” she replied quietly. She silently cursed herself for not thinking about the outcome of the day. Of course, it would come to an end and she was a fool for not having thought about it. “We don’t meet for the bus back to the hotel until nine PM, but I could walk with you to the front gate. I mean if you wanted,” she looked up and saw him staring at her face. He held out his hand and she took it with a smile. She called out to Juliana, “I will call you after Tyler leaves so I can find you.”
“How much longer are you in Canada?” he asked as they walked through the park.
“We leave tomorrow afternoon,” she sighed.
“I have practice tomorrow morning,” he stated as if there were any real opportunity for them to meet again before Addison left. Today would be their first and last day together. Addison felt numb about the prospect of never seeing Tyler again.
Internally Tyler was having a similar, yet far less nuanced thought process. Part of him was still in disbelief at how the day unfolded. He would never fantasize about meeting a girl like Addison and her finding him interesting enough to kiss.
As they approached the gate, reality set in for both of them. Addison spied a photo booth set among carts selling souvenirs. “Should we take pictures?” she asked. We can use up the rest of my Canadian cash.” Tyler helped her figure out the right coins and hopped into the photo booth. Addison sat on his lap and they smiled into the camera.
“Okay, silly face for pose two,” she instructed
“Kisses,” Tyler requested for pose three.
“Smile again,” she suggested for pose four. Addison looked at the camera while Tyler stared at Addison’s face. When the pictures came out of the machine, they each took a set.
“So,” he said quietly, “Should I give you my phone number or something?”
Addison studied his face, “No, I don’t think so.”
His head snapped upward, “No? Why not?”
They stopped just short of the exit gate. She looked around at the people milling about. Addison took a deep breath, “Have you seen that movie, Serendipity? It’s a chick flick.” He shook his head no. “I figured. In the movie, a girl meets a guy and they have a fantastic day together. At the end of the day, he asks for her phone number and she says no. She writes it in a book and leaves it on a bench.She tells him that if it’s fate that they meet again, it will happen.”
Tyler listened for her to continue. “I would rather leave it like that than give you my number. You’ll probably text or call a few times, but life will get in the way- hockey practices for you and choir stuff for me. I would rather have a perfect day to remember. If we are meant to meet again, we will.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. She nodded her head yes.
“Tyler,” a young blonde called from just outside the gate, “Mom’s waiting for you.”
“Okay Candace, I’m coming,” he called to her. “So this is it then I guess,” he said as he held Addison’s hands.
“Hold on,” She ran to the exit, got her hand stamped and ran back to Tyler. “I will walk you all the way out,” she proclaimed.
Together they walked through the exit hand in hand. Jackie Seguin stood waiting by the car. Her eyes widened at the sight of Tyler walking towards holding a girl’s hand. “Mom, this is Addison. She’s from Dallas,” he said calmly. “Addison, this is my mom.” He turned and gave her a hug. He whispered, “So I guess this bye, huh?”
“Yeah, this is bye,” Addison agreed. As he walked to the car, she called, “Tyler- don’t forget to find me when you come play for Dallas. You’ll look good in green.” He flashed a smile, “Will do.”
Addison waved and walked to the bench outside of the park. Tyler started to get in the car before he turned around and looked at her sitting on the bench. He sprinted towards her and she stood up. He grabbed her face and kissed her. For a moment time stopped as they stood next to the bench, glued together. No one else existed. His mom and sisters were watching from the curb, their jaws dropped in shock. For a moment, there was no risk of their hearts breaking. And for Tyler, it was if he had been a ladies man all along.
“Okay,” he breathed finally, “I have to go or my mom is going to kill me. You’re right. Let’s just leave it as the perfect day and I will find you when I come to Dallas. Deal?”
“Deal,” she smiled.
Addy felt Tyler's weight pressed against her body as she pulled him tighter to it. Her body pulsated as his mouth grazed over her bare shoulders. Her mind, however, raced with thoughts. Her Tyler from Toronto had turned into Tyler-Fucking-Seguin, noted himbo and hockey whore. She had lied to him earlier. As a single woman in Dallas, you didn't have to follow hockey to know what a playboy Tyler had turned into so she knew exactly who he was when he introduced himself. She gathered her thoughts to assess the situation. She was currently making out with the NHL superstar and about to cross the line into dry humping.
"We need to stop or we'll have a repeat of last time," he moaned. "We could stop or we could relocate to some place more private," he added eagerly. “We aren't far from my house. We can order some food and hangout."
"Tyler, we’re thirty. Let's not pretend. We are not going to ‘hang out,’" she responded. "You get an Uber. I will pay the tab."
When they went back into the tavern, Gina and Tom were playing darts. Tyler focused on his phone, ordered the Uber and looked up to see they were staring at them with bemused grins on their faces. Addy didn't make eye contact as she walked to the bar. "Tess, I need to close out my tab" she said as Tyler reached for his wallet. "Put it away, Tyler. I still owe you for my poutine." She swatted his hand away.
Tess looked up and smiled, "That'll be eight bucks, Adorable Addy."
Tyler interjected, "Eight dollars for all of it? I am coming here all the time."
Tess turned and pressed her lips together, "It's eight dollars for her. You get the Addy discount because she vouched for you. Otherwise, you would be sliding over that C-note you carry for emergencies."
Tyler pretended to be offended, "Why do you hate me?"
"You rich white boys get on my last nerves," she laughed, "but if she vouches for you, you must be good people."
Addy slapped down twenty dollars and turned to Tyler. "Let me go say my goodbyes and I'll wait for you outside," she said softly.
He pulled her to his body, "We're thirty. We don't need to pretend to leave separately."
"Says you- you won't have any consequences if people know," she pushed away and walked to her friend, "I'm heading out. Y'all have a good night." When Gina stood up, Addy whispered, "I'll text in the morning." Gina's eyebrows raised at the deviation from their standard routine. Addy shrugged her shoulders, "Not going straight home. Might be late." Gina simply nodded her head.
Tyler simply nodded his head at Tom, "Tuesday at 1? Text me the course." He placed his hand on Addy's back and followed her out of the tavern. When they arrived at the Uber, he opened the door and motioned for her to slide in first. Her leg bounced nervously as they drove off. He placed his hand on her thigh and smiled at her, "Are you always this nervous around men or is it just me?"
"It's just you," she grinned, "What about you?"
"Too early to tell," he explained, "I thought I would be less nervous this time."
"You thought about me? About meeting me again?" she asked softly.
"All the time- especially when I got traded to Dallas," he replied, suddenly serious. Both of them got quiet, not sure what to say.
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When they arrived at Tyler's house, he tried to study her face. Two thoughts emerged in his brain. First, why was he so eager to bring her to his house? It wasn't his usual MO. He usually went to other women's homes which allowed for quick exits. However, that felt unnecessary with Addison. Second, why did he feel the need to impress her? Tyler had become extremely confident. Maybe too confident, he considered, but suddenly he felt unsure and shy.
Addy tried to keep her face neutral as they walked into his large home. It was everything you would expect from a professional athlete, yet somehow felt cozy and warm. He went to check on the dogs and let them out of their crates. Marshall, Cash and Gerry sniffed Addy with mild curiosity as Tyler introduced her to them. "Boys, this is Addison," he said brightly, “Dad knew her a long time ago.”
'It's actually Addy now," she said as patted Gerry's head, "I haven't been Addison in fifteen years."
Tyler turned his head, "Why?"
She stood back up and walked away from him. He watched her intently.
"Why are you no longer Addison?" he asked. He did the mental math in his head, "What happened fifteen years ago?"
"You" she whispered to herself and turned around, "It's been a long time, Tyler. It doesn't matter now."
"I think it does matter, Addison," he stepped towards her, "Tell me."
"Just drop it," she pleaded and looked down.
"No," he answered, "Does it have anything to do with why you don't follow the Stars? Or why the name Tyler completed the asshole trifecta? What happened? I thought we were good when we said bye." He crossed to her and lifted her chin to look into her eyes.
"Addison became Easy A," she yelled.
Tyler took a step back, “Easy A? What does that mean?”
Addy crossed her arms, “What? You didn’t hear? I mean our exploits were legendary at PCA. LE-GEND-ARY.”
“Addison, what are you talking about?” he asked with the confusion showing on his face.
“I’m talking about the fact that you didn’t keep your damn mouth shut about what we did in the back of the theater, more specifically what I did.” she put her hands and pushed him away from her.
“Addison, WHAT-IN-THE-FUCK are you talking about?” he bellowed.
“My name is Addy now, dammit.” she hissed as walked past him. “Thanks to your big mouth I was labeled a slut. Addison is the easy A and the easy lay. There was also 'If you want to have some fun, be sure to call Addison.' You on the other hand? I bet you were hailed as a stud with your conquest. I became a social pariah after my behavior was found to be unladylike and unbecoming. I lost my spot in choir and most of my friends."
"You think I told someone about it?" he protested. "I never told anyone what happened in the theater. Big Rig knew that we made out, but I never told anyone else."
"How did people in Dallas find out?" he added. "The guys teased me in the locker room, but it wasn't that big of a deal."
"It wasn’t a big deal FOR YOU. What did they say in the locker room,Tyler?" she challenged, "What did they say?"
"Seggy shot and he scored," he said quietly, "I didn't think it was a big deal. I mean you were in a different country."
"And you didn't correct them? You didn't think to question why they said that? I mean if you didn't say anything to anyone, how did they get that impression that we fucked? I mean, as long as you looked good it didn't matter, right?" she peppered him with questions.
"I didn't think it went beyond the locker room. If I had known it was spread around Dallas, I would have said something. I didn't know. I SWEAR I didn't know.," Tyler argued. "Addison, you have to believe me. I would have never done anything to fuck up that day." There was a sincerity and tenderness in his voice that she paused and looked at him. She walked around the living room as he watched. She stopped when a framed picture caught her attention. There in a simple black frame was the photo strip they took in the photo booth.
"You kept them? After all this time?" She turned to him with a questioning look. "Why?"
Tyler looked down and didn't answer at first. He took a slow lap around the living room and stood in front of her. "Because you were the first and probably only girl/woman who liked me for me. You believed in me and you trusted me. It was the only tangible thing I had that you were real," he declared.
"You really didn't tell anyone" she whispered.
"I didn't tell anyone- I swear," Tyler inched closer to her.
"Swear on your dick," she held her hand out against his chest.
"Swear on your dick." she smiled, "if you are lying, may you never get another erection again."
"I swear on my dick I told no one," he stepped forward.
She stepped to him and he asked "They called you a slut?" She nodded her head yes. "I'm sorry, Addison. I didn't know. Fuck, I didn't know." He grabbed and pulled her to his chest. "It was the perfect day for me. One of the top five days of my life. I feel awful it got fucked up for you."
He held her tight and swayed slowly as she rested her head against his chest. "It really was a great day, wasn't it?" she looked up and smiled. "I can't believe it's really you-Tyler from Toronto."
"Technically, Brampton- but close enough," he sassed.
She covered his mouth with a kiss. Tyler responded and started to walk her back towards the couch. He gently guided her until they were both on the couch. The weight of his body rested on her as they kissed.
"One day you'll actually let me make the first move" he murmured in her ear.
"No one is stopping you now," she remarked, "Aren't you some sort of hockey sex god? Surely, you have some moves you’ve developed."
"Oh, I have moves now," he said as he slid his hand under her shirt.
"Then show me," she purred.
"Sit up," he ordered.
She raised an eyebrow.
She sat up and he removed her shirt. His hands went to her bra and tugged it down. His mouth went to her nipple and teased it with his teeth before drawing a circle with this tongue. Their eyes met as his tongue flicked softly. His mouth moved down her stomach. Addison placed her hand on his head as it inched lower. "Tyler," she moaned. He smiled against her skin as his finger gripped her shorts and panties. He tugged at them and she lifted her hips to allow him to pull them down. He tossed them to the side. His lips went to her hips and began to trail down. His tongue glided along the curve of her thigh. She sat up on her elbows, "Wait, wait, wait." His head shot up. "Take your clothes off. I want to see you," she implored.
He sat up and peeled off his shirt. Addison gasped as she studied his chest. His arms and chest were covered with tattoos and she felt the urge to touch them. He stood up and removed his shorts and boxers. He smiled shyly as he moved back to her. "You're bigger than I remembered," she commented.
He looked down and grinned up at her. Addison rolled her eyes, "Not your damn cock- the rest of you. You're more muscular-larger. You look different than the picture I had in my mind all these years.”
“Is that good or bad?” he asked in a moment of doubt.
“Not either good or bad. I liked fifteen year old Tyler’s body and I like thirty year old Tyler’s body. They are just different, both hotter than hell in their own ways.” she answered
“You look the same, Addison. I can't believe I didn't know it was you right away. I guess I had given up hope of finding you.” Tyler said as he moved back to her. “You have the same gorgeous eyes and the same smile that makes my heart skip a beat. You look more amazing naked than I dreamed.” He began to kiss her neck and make his way down her torso, kissing her softly as she writhed. “You’re here and you’re naked,” he said with wonder, “I can’t believe it.” When his mouth made contact with her waiting sex, Addison’s back arched off the couch. “TYLER!!!” she panted as his tongue explored.
He looked up and smirked, “Told you that I have moves.”
She sat up on her elbows, “It’s a decent start, but let’s see how you finish.”
“Still a brat, I see,” he shook his head. He began fucking her with his mouth again. It was a flurry of licks, sucks, and soft bites. Addison felt the thrill from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Each movement elicited a moan or whimper. He had dreamed of this moment for almost half of his life. He wanted to bring her to peak and he was entirely focused. When she was able to speak, Addison would call his name. It was music to Tyler’s ears. She wove her fingers through his hair and tugged to pull him closer as her hips rocked against his face. “So close, so close,” she yelped as she felt herself submit to the pleasure. Her orgasm was loud, intense and long. She rode the wave of little aftershocks and Tyler licked her juices that flowed freely.
He slowly and gently kissed his way up her body. She trembled ever-so-slightly with each touch. There was a tenderness to his touch which was not present with the other women he had been with. She continued to run her fingers through his curls.
“Your hair is different, right? It wasn’t curly last time?” she spoke softly. Her heart raced still and a thousand thoughts raced through her mind.
“Yeah, it turned curly sometime in my early twenties- not sure why,” he grinned. When he made his way to her neck, “Are you good? You liked it?”
“Oh yeah, that move was ummmmm, impressive,” she sighed.
“I have another move if you want to see it,” he nibbled her ear.
“Does it involve my long time friend?” she joked as her hand went to his cock. She stroked it casually and Tyler groaned. “It feels the same. I am glad it didn’t change.”
Tyler sat up before leaning off the couch. He grabbed his wallet out of shorts. He opened it deftly and retrieved the condom. Addison bit her lip and closed her eyes. It was a reminder that this was no longer Shy Ty, but a man who was seasoned with hook-ups. She wasn’t sure how that reality made her feel and she tried to push the thought from her mind. He looked at her as he ripped the package. “Hey,” he said softly, “Do you want to stop? We don’t have to…….” She opened her eyes and stared at him. She sat up and straddled his thighs wordlessly. Her hand went to his cheek and she caressed it. He returned the gesture. “Seriously, we can stop. I understand.” She searched his eyes, lost in her thoughts. He smiled sweetly and she saw him staring back at her. Not the NHL superstar, but the sweet boy from Toronto who she fell in love with. It might have been short-lived, but she was sure that it was love. She was also sure that it was returned.
“Hi,” she whispered.
“Hi,” he whispered in return.
“I missed you. I missed you so much,” she said as she kissed him gently.
“Me too-more than you know,” he kissed in return.
“I’m ready now,” she leaned and pulled him with her.
“Really? No pressure,” he said as he rolled on the condom.
“Yes, I’m sure,” she responded.
They both gasped as he slid into her warmth. It was a new and exciting sensation, yet somehow felt entirely familiar. The pace was slow and methodical at first as they explored to find the best angle and pressure for their mutual pleasure. There was muted conversation about hand placement on top of her clit- “A little to the left- yeah, right there” Tyler’s mind exploded with a hundred different thoughts, but the most pressing was that he was determined not to cum until she had again. The speed and the intensity of thrusting increased. Their mouths devoured each other as they fucked. Her legs wrapped around him and she used her muscles to clench down around his rock hard cock. “I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum,” they panted in unison. Addison exploded first with Tyler finishing just afterwards.
Tyler rested his body on top of hers in exhaustion. He was far more spent than his actions required. “Addison, that was…..” his voice trailed off. “Shit, can I still call you Addison?” he asked. She nodded yes as he showered her neck and face with kisses. “I don’t want to move. Stay here all night?” he moaned.
“You want me to stay all night with you?” she asked. She was pretty sure that was a deviation from his standard operating method.
“Let’s start with one night,” he said as he looked into her eyes.
“Okay, but I’m too old to sleep on the couch when I know that there has to be a bed somewhere in this house,” she teased. They sat up slowly and gathered their clothes from the floor. She followed him up the stairs and into the main bedroom. The bed was large and fitted with luxurious sheets. She put her things on the bench at the end of the bed. She glanced at her phone and smiled. Gina had sent a funny meme. Juliana had responded to her text. When she put her phone down, she looked up to him staring at her.
“Why are you smiling?” he asked.
“Just a text from Juliana,” she answered, “Remember her? I told her that I was with you tonight.”
“Of course, I remember her. Is she in Brazil or Dallas these days?” he inquired.
“Neither- she moved to Dallas after college, but just got a job in Seattle,” Addison answered.
“Huh, I’ll have to let Big Rig know,” he smiled.
“Where is he these days?” she quizzed.
“You really haven’t been paying attention. He was drafted by Dallas, but now he is in Seattle now.”
“You’re kidding me,” she laughed.
“Nope and he’s single,” Tyler smiled, “Not that I would try to set him up with any one.”
“Of course,” she giggled, “It would break bro code or something. Do you have a shirt I can throw on to sleep?” she asked. He threw the shirt in his hand to her. She caught it in her hands and brought it to her nose to smell. “I’m pretty sure that you’re never getting this shirt back,” she smiled as she inhaled.
“Oh really? Why is that?” he laughed.
She blushed as she put it over her head, “No reason.”
“No- tell me,” he pleaded as they climbed onto the bed.
“I want a memento from tonight,” she sighed.
He rolled over into his side and looked at her, “Why would you need a memento? What do you think is going to happen tomorrow morning?
She rolled to face him and shrugged.
He inched forward and kissed her, “If you think I am going to let you get away from me again, you are sadly mistaken, Addison from Dallas.
She smiled, “Is that so Tyler from Toronto?”
“Yes,” he pulled her close to rest on his chest, “I have big plans for us tomorrow.”
“You do?” she questioned as fingers traced his tattoos.
“A full day at Six Flags to relive our first day together,” he laughed, “Complete with a show at the Southern Palace.”
“Don’t think I am a girl who gives handjobs in darkened theaters these days,” she retorted.
“Yeah, I am classy. I only give blowjobs now.” she laughed.
“Is that a deal?” he asked.
“Deal!” she said as she kissed his chest.
166 notes · View notes
islesnucks · 4 years ago
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this used to be a fic for another player that i do not write for anymore, i didn’t know if i should delete it or what but so many people suggested reusing it for another player that i said whatever fuck it i loved writing this and put work into it it wont just go to waste
so if you’re reading it and think mmmm i’ve already read this is because you probably did but with another player lol
anyway hope you enjoy this new version, i made some minor changes
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: make out (?)
Summary: Tyler confesses your meet cute may not have been so much of a coincidence as you thought
Add yourself to the taglist!
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Tyler was laying on the couch, head resting comfortably in your lap. There was some comedy movie playing on the TV, or maybe it was a drama? He was too focused on you to even know. Whatever you were watching was just background noise for him as he relaxed under your touch, your fingers running through his hair, gently scraping his scalp like you knew he loved.
“You’re missing the movie.” you said teasingly. You could feel his eyes on you the whole time, not that he was trying to hide it at all.
He let out a chuckle and then raised his arm, his hand sneaking to the back of your neck pulling you down to him. A smile appeared on your face matching his as you leaned down to connect your lips on a sweet kiss. You would never get tired of that feeling, it was always like the first time. His lips were warm against yours, tasting the coffee you had enjoyed minutes ago. You gave him a final peck and pulled away.
“What’s on your mind?” you asked going back to massaging his scalp. He had been quiet for a while, something really strange for him even if you were after all watching a movie.
“I have something to confess.” he said and quickly corrected himself when he saw your worried expression. “No, no. It’s good I promise. Well I think it’s good, depends on your reaction”
He lifted himself from your lap and sat next to you, facing you. You shifted on the couch to face him too and he took your hands in his, something he’d do whenever either of you were nervous.
“Is this when you tell me this was a bet all along but you eventually fell in love with me and want me to forgive you?” you tried to joke but he knew you, he could sense the concern in your voice even when you tried to play it cool.
“First of all you watch too many movies. Secondly, relax.” He squeezed your hand on a reassuring manner and his tender gaze was enough to calm you down. It was Tyler after all, your Tyler, he’d never do anything to hurt you.
“Can you just tell me so I can stop freaking out?”
“Ok, ok. Remember how we met?” he asked and you nodded unsure where he was going.
“Yeah, at the park when Gerry came running to me.” you said remembering that afternoon almost a year ago as you looked at the Gerry and Cash sound asleep cuddling in Cash’s bed not too far from you.
It was a meet cute right out of a movie. You were new in the city and decided to go for a walk to the park near your apartment, something you had been doing quite often since it was really the only place you knew and it helped you unwind from the stress of the moving.
You were walking down the gravel path when you saw a dog running your way, followed by a really cute guy shouting what you presumed was his name with another two dogs by his side. Thinking he had probably escaped his leash, you kneeled down and brought your arms to pet him so he’d stop running.
“Hey buddy.” you said to the labrador who was already reaching to lick you making you laugh.
“I’m so sorry, he normally doesn’t break loose like that.” He crouched next to you and now that you had him closer you were sure he was even cuter than you thought.
“Oh don’t worry. I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Tyler.” he replied accompanied by his best smile. “And this are Gerry, Cash and Marshall.” He gestured to the three dogs that were already throwing themselves at you, fighting for your attention.
“A pleasure to meet you.” you said to the dogs, moving so you could pet all three of them. Tyler watched the sweet interaction and an idea came to his mind.
“Wanna join us for a walk?”
“I’d love to.” you answered, maybe a little too quickly.
That time you didn't walk around the park alone for a change, this time you were accompanied by a cute stranger and his two dogs. You spent the rest of the afternoon walking and talking, it felt strange to have someone to talk to. The moment you told Tyler you were new in town he saw his opportunity to ask you for your number with the excuse of showing you around the city. And so he did.
He texted you as soon as he got home. Next day he was already taking you to some of his favorite places and you had a wonderful time, for the first time you didn’t miss home so much. Then he took you to places he liked. Then to places he knew. And when he ran out of “new” places to take you to he decided it was time to actually ask you on a real date, to which you instantly said yes, almost too quickly again. So you went on a date, two, three. Soon enough he was introducing you to his friends and taking you to his games. Dallas started feeling like home, Tyler felt like home. And that’s how the cute stranger from the park with three dogs became your boyfriend.
“Well things may have been a little different that you thought.” Tyler’s voice brought you back to reality.
“What do you mean?” You looked at him confused.
“When Gerry went up to you, it wasn't because he suddenly decided to run away. I may have thrown his favorite toy your way …”
“No you didn’t.” You brought your hands to cover your mouth, trying to hide the smile as you realized what had happened.
“I did. I had seen you the last couple days at the park and I didn’t know how to approach you without looking like a creep so...” Tyler blushed and that only made your smile grow. Seeing him embarrassed was not something that happened often, you were really enjoying it.
“So you used your dog as bait?” you finished his sentence teasingly.
“Kind of.” he replied, raising his eyebrows.
“That’s low Seguin.”
“I mean I’d say it was brilliant.” he said, his usual witty tone coming back.
“Shut up.” you said rolling your eyes as you leaned in to give him what was supposed to be a playful peck on the lips, but Tyler had other plans.
The moment your lips touched him he started leaning more and more. You giggled into the kiss, already knowing where he was going. He moved so that you were laying on our back on the couch with him hovering over you, resting his weight on his forearm placed next to your head. His other hand grabbed you by the waist as yours met behind his neck, pulling him closer.
Tyler was about to go down your neck, already thinking about kissing that one spot under your ear just so he could hear one of his favorite sounds, that deep hum you’d let out as soon as his lips touched your skin; when a pair of paws appeared on the couch beside your heads and then he felt Gerry licking his face.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something.” he said, turning his head to face the dog with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. You giggled as you watched the stare down take place, Gerry completely oblivious to what was going on.
“Hey be nice. We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him.” you reminded him, playfully pushing his chest so he’d move to make space for the dog.
He reluctantly moved away from on top of you, falling back on his spot on the couch from before with a loud sigh trying to seem irritated but failing. Gerry happily climbed on the couch and then to your lap once you had sat up. Soon Cash was joining you and Tyler couldn’t help but smile as he watched you struggle to accommodate both dogs on your lap so neither would feel neglected.
“Thank God Marshall isn’t here.” you joked a bit out of breath as the two labs moved on top of you. But as if he had heard you, soon you felt the sound of paws against the wooden floor approaching you.
“Incoming.” Tyler said as he watched behind you the brown lab make his way to the couch and climb on top of you to join his brothers.
It was a mess as the three dogs fought to be on your lap and having only two hands to pet three dogs didn't make it easier. Watching the sweet scene unfold in front of him he made a mental note to buy some treats for his dogs next time he went out, after all if it weren’t for them you maybe wouldn’t be sitting in front of him right now, and for that he was extremely thankful.
So I hope you liked it! Likes and reblogs are always appreciated and any type of feedback really, i love reading your comment!
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hockey-x-imagines · 3 years ago
Surprise.. || Tyler Seguin Pt. 3
A/N: Here’s Tyler’s perspective. I’ll try to get another part out on this shortly. Feedback is always welcome :) Requests are also open. 
Pairing: Tyler x Reader (Siblings) 
Word Count: 1238
"Tyler we you have a letter." Rick handed me an envelope after practice. Seeing a Massachusetts address I was a bit confused. I had no clue Hadley was a town, let alone where it was. I decided to wait until I got home to open it and see what it was.
Once I was home I flopped on the couch and pulled the letter out of my pocket.
Dear Tyler,
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Y/N, I'm 17 and I live in a tiny town of Hadley Massachusetts. I'm about an hour and a half from Boston. There is about a month left in my junior year of high school, I think I'm going to look for a job this summer, but I'm really not sure. After high school, I want to travel before I go to college, if I go. I really haven't thought that far yet, I probably should start thinking about that. Anyway, I have a bit of shocking news. I'm your sister.
There are two reasons for why I've decided to reach out. The first one is for personal reasons. I would really appreciate an opportunity to get to know you. I know it's a big request after I dropped this bomb on you. The other reason, I feel you and your family deserve to know that you've got another sibling in the world.
My mom made the choice to keep me hidden because she didn't want a scandal to come out and overshadow all the hard work you've put into your career. I've chose now to reach out because I grew up knowing about you, and now I feel I'm old enough to make my own choices. My mom isn't too happy with me for reaching out.
I decided to write this letter because I felt it wasn't appropriate to drop this on you in your DMs. If you want, you can reach out to me through social media, or you can text or call me. My number is 801-867-5309. I hope this letter finds you.
Sincerely, Y/N
I had no clue what to expect, but I definitely wasn't expecting that. How is one supposed to handle finding out about a surprise sibling? Would someone joke about this? There are plenty of people looking for something from me. I've had my fair share of girls claiming they were pregnant, but never has anyone claimed to be my sister.  
"What's up Segs?" Jamie answered. I wasn't sure if I should talk to my family first or not, hell I really didn't know what to do, so I called my best friend.
"I, uh, I got a letter today." I've read this letter several times and still couldn't grasp the concept of having a sibling I didn't know about. "It contained some pretty shocking news that I don't know how to handle." That's the best way I could explain it.
"Okay? Is someone claiming to have your child again?" There was an underlying teasing in his voice. That may or may not have happened a few times.
"No, she's claiming that she's my little sister." Hearing the words out loud seemed ridiculous.
"Wait, what? There's supposedly another Seguin out in the world?"
"Apparently, and she lives in Massachusetts. People don't lie about these things, do they?"
"I don't think so. I've never heard of anyone lying about being related to someone." There was something in the back of my mind telling me she wasn't lying. I ended the call with Jamie and tried to decide if now was the right time to tell my mom about the letter. Or should I talk to my dad about it? I didn't like this feeling of not knowing. Unsure on what to do, I put the letter away and focused on anything else.
"Did you ever do anything with that letter?" Jamie asked. I had honestly forgot about it. I put it somewhere and forgot about it. That was almost a month ago. Wow. I still haven't talked to anyone other than Jamie about it.
"No, I didn't know what to do, so I put it away and kind of forgot about it." I shrug. Thinking a bit more about it, I felt a little guilty. The girl was only 17, and if she was telling the truth I've left her hanging. I decided to call my mom and get her advice.
"Hey Ty."
"Hey. I have something to talk to you about." I really didn't have the words to explain this mess. "Did dad ever say anything about a one-night stand?" I didn't want to hurt my mom, but it seemed like the right question to ask.
"How did you know?" I was stunned. "Tyler don't leave me hanging."
"Did he say anything about another sibling?" I was almost scared to ask the question. There was hesitation on my mom's end of the call. "Mom?"
"Not exactly. I had a bit of a suspicion, but no one ever came forward. Why?" I guess I couldn't blame her for not telling me about someone she really didn't know about.
"I got a letter a couple weeks ago from a girl claiming to be my little sister." Those claims seemed to be facts.
"I would say she's most likely your little sister Ty." The lack of emotion in my mom's voice was shocking. "If she reached out, maybe get to know her. I love you, but I've got to go." She disconnected the call. I'm glad the call went better than what I had thought. I should've asked if I was supposed to talk to my sisters or if my mom was going to. I decided to worry about that at another point in time. I knew I should reply in some way. I wrote her a letter, hoping I would be able to work through her news while I wrote it.
Dear Y/N,
I'm sorry I took a long time to respond, like you said your news was a bit shocking. I wanted to take some time to really understand that I had another sister. It's crazy to think I had been living an hour and a half from you. I'm beyond grateful for the thought both you and your mom put into your choice. I do wish you would've reached out sooner, I'm sure it wasn't easy growing up knowing about us.
I would love the opportunity to get to know you as well. As you know I'm sure, right now is the off season. I thought it would be nice to spend the summer getting to know you, so I sent you a ticket to fly out for the summer. It is totally up to you if you want to come out or not, and how long you stay if you come out.
My mom and our sisters are still a little unsure on how to take the news, but they all would like to get a chance to meet you as well.
I really liked your letter. It felt a bit more personal. If you want to respond, you don't need to write another letter, unless you want to.
Tyler Seguin.
I may have thrown in a few lies, but for now she didn't need to know. After putting the letter in the mail, I took a deep breath feeling a little bit better about myself. All I could do now was wait.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Bubble Wrapped - Part 1
Word Count: 2,683
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language
Notes: Ok so here is basically our introduction to the Bubble Wrapped story. I have no timeline for this thing or even if it will continue, you guys let me know. As a background, this story will be about life inside Hotel X. In case you don’t know the teams inside Hotel X are the Bruins, Capitals, Flyers, Penguins and Lightning. So here we go, Happy Reading!
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You'd been shocked when Hotel X had been picked as one of the hotels for the NHL to stay at when they resumed play in Toronto. Even more so when you were asked if you would take over the management of the place over the next several weeks. "Listen (Y/N) we know we are asking a lot. You'll have to live at the hotel with all the players as the NHL is really trying to keep everyone in this little bubble."
 "I understand. I've already talked to Carly about putting different measures in place when the Maple Leafs came to us before submitting their proposal." Carly was another member of the hotel staff, that served as one of their concierges. She knew the ins and outs of the city and could get tickets or dinner reservations on the drop of a dime. That was all before COVID though. Now, some restaurants were still closed and shows hadn't resumed yet. What once was a bustling city, had come to a dead stop over the last several months, though things were starting to get back to normal; well the new normal that is.
 "So we heard." You hoped the blush that crept up your cheeks couldn't be seen on the zoom call as that had become their new form of communication with you. "You've dealt with the players before, we know you can handle it. Though this time it'll be completely different with five or six teams staying there." Most of the players had always been super nice to the staff, though there were a few that could be demanding at times. You prayed they'd all push their egos aside, at least while in the hotel, though somehow you doubted that. "I think you're familiar with the NHL's protocol on their reopening, but we'll email you everything once we get it. Start putting together the staff that you want. Just some core people that you'll need."
 "I've got the right people in mind, don't worry."
 The call went for a bit longer going over specifics. The only benefit out of the whole thing was that they were giving you the Presidential Suite to stay in. Honestly, it was the least they could do; you thought. Of course, the called ending with them saying, "Don't let us down."
 As soon as it ended you called Carly making sure she was on board. "I'm just saying Car that many hockey players in the hotel; the testosterone is going to be flying around."
 "So what you're telling me is you've already packed an extra-large box of condoms."
 "Carly!" You shouted at your friend. "That's not what I was saying at all."
 "Come on (Y/N), I know you're one of Seguin's regulars when he's in Toronto."
 "I'm one of them because I can keep my mouth shut." It was true that when Tyler was in town during the summer or on a road trip the two of you always hooked up. Sort of a no strings attached relationship, though you did talk from time to time. "Besides he's not even going to be in Toronto. He's in the Edmonton bubble."
 "Oh, I didn't realize." Carly despite being from Canada was not a hockey lover, though she did appreciate the men who played the sport. "Well, maybe you should call him and get the scoop. You know find out who we need to be aware of."
 It wasn't a bad idea, not that you were going to ask him who to sleep with, but maybe it would help get a handle on who was going to be problematic, as there was no way you wanted to let the owners of the hotel down. You had a lot riding on this and after all, you couldn't put bitter rivals in one hotel and not expect some drama. "You're right. I am going to call him."
 "Ooo good, let me know what he says and if we should get more than one box of those condoms."
 You shook your head at your friend before hanging up and dialing Tyler's number. "Hey beautiful, long time no talk," Tyler said and you could almost hear the smile in his voice.
 "Hey Ty, how's quarantine life going?"
 "Ugh, don't get me started. I was not meant to be locked in my house without hockey for this long." Tyler wasn't meant to stay put anywhere too long, including relationships.
 "Well, hockey's almost back so there's that."
 "Yeah, I'm pumped about it, though I wish I was staying in Toronto instead. I know some fun that we could get up to since I have to stay in the bubble." He paused and you could clearly tell he was running different sex scenarios in his head. "I'm assuming your working at the hotel."
 "Yeah, it's kind of why I called. I'm one of the ones trapped in the bubble with you guys."
 Tyler groaned. "So, you called to ask me who you should hook up with? Cause babe, I'm not sure I'm willing to share you like that."
 "Shut up Ty, you know we're not like that. You couldn't stay faithful to one woman if you tried." Part of the reason the two of you got along so good, was the fact that you called him out on his bullshit.
 "I might if I could drag you with me everywhere." You giggled at the insinuation of being taken everywhere just so you could keep him satisfied. "You're definitely gifted with many talents (Y/N)."
 "You're not so bad yourself, but we're getting away from why I called."
 "You mean you didn't call to have phone sex with me," and you could hear his pout.
 "No, I didn't call for that. I was just curious if you had any idea who was going to give me problems while we're in this so-called bubble. I'm trying to be preemptive here."
 "Ok, but if I give you some information you at least have to promise to send me a pic of your tits." You mentally rolled your eyes at him; the boy was a horndog.
 "Fine, now spill some tea."
 "Spill some tea, what is this a gossip blog or something."
 "You're avoiding the question Ty, and I'm putting on a sweatshirt." He groaned.
 "Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch…or maybe do." It never ended with him. "I don't know a lot about some of the younger guys that are newer in the league, but my guess is they're all horny little bastards. Hell, I was when I first got in the league."
 "You still are."
 "Touché." He answered before continuing on. "So, like I probably don't have to mention the rivalries to you, but like Caps and Pens hate each other, the Flyers and Pens hate each other. Doesn't everyone just hate the Pens?"
 "I think you either love them or hate them."
 "That's true," he agreed with your statement. "The Flyers and the Caps hate each other as well and don't get me started with who hates the Bruins. Wow, who really put them all in your hotel?"
 "I'd like to know that as well." It seemed like whoever did, had a warped sense of humor and you were now going to be stuck handling the mess that they'd made. "So, basically what you're saying is that it'll be an all-out brawl at times that I'll have to clean up after."
 "Sorry babe, but I think it could be. On the bright side, we're supposed to stay on our own floors."
 "Like that's going to happen." Maybe you should designate elevators or something because you could just see Alex Ovechkin and Claude Giroux getting in one at the same time and by the time, they got to your lobby they'd both be bloody and beaten. "Anything else I should know?"
 "You seriously want me to go there?"
 "I mean...if you want to." You certainly weren't going to ask but if he offered the information you'd tuck it away for later that's for sure.
 He sighed heavily, "You know I hate this, but like Tom Wilson gets around that's for sure and I've heard that Travis Konecny does as well. If I'm being honest there's maybe been a girl or two that's compared us."
 "That doesn't mean you have to be one of them, though if you are…you better tell them I'm better."
 "Don't worry Ty, I'll sing your praises. I promise." Obviously, you wouldn't be doing that but it didn't hurt to stroke his ego a bit. "Anyone, to avoid?"
 "Dude, he was like one of your best friends. Why would you say that?"
 "Because I know him. Stay away he's trouble." The fact that you could almost see the look on his face as he was telling you was comical.
 "Oh and stay away from Carter Hart." The name sounded familiar.
 "The goalie from Philly? Why?"
 "Because you'll corrupt him." You burst out laughing and Ty joined you. "He's too innocent for you."
 "Dually noted, as I do not want to be known as the corruptor of innocents." You searched your mind thinking of anything else you could ask since you had him on the phone. "What about Crosby?"
 "Sid?" and he just couldn't stop laughing; you could even hear him try to catch his breath.
 "Why is that so funny? The man is hot Tyler, whether you want to admit it or not."
 He got serious as he asked, "Who's hotter him or me?"
 Thank god you weren't on FaceTime, so you could answer him without your features giving you away. "You are Ty, of course."
 "I thought so, but like the guy is hockey twenty-four seven. There's no way he's going to be thinking about getting laid."
 "That's disappointing."
 "He's about the only one that I'd give you permission to fuck, only because I know it would be impossible for you to accomplish, even given all your talents." You could hear the mischievous tone in his voice.
 "Hmmm, are you willing to bet on that?"
 "What? Like bet, you'll fuck Crosby in the bubble?"
 "Yeah." Did it really sound like such an unattainable accomplishment?
 "What's the wager?"
 "Winner flies out when this whole COVID shit is done and is the other's sex slave for twenty-four hours."
 "Oh, you are on, baby. I can already see you handcuffed to my bed in some skimpy lingerie." He cackled at the thought and it fueled your resolve to win this bet.
 "Don't be so sure about that."
 "And how am I to know that you actually slept with him?"
 Well, this would be tricky. "Well, it's not like I'm videoing it."
 "No, but that gives me ideas for when I win." Maybe you should be rethinking this gamble.
 "What do you want his underwear?"
 "Nah, you could get that in the laundry. But I'm sure you could sneak a pic of him sleeping." God that sounded creepy but if it meant you had Ty as your slave for a day, it'd be worth it and you'd never show it to anyone else but him and even then you weren't going to send it to him, though he didn't need to know that now.
 "Ok, it's a bet then."
 "Too bad we can't kiss on it."
 "Oh, you'll be doing more than kissing when I win, Seguin." Mentally you started packing sexy outfits to take into the bubble with you while thinking of all the things you'd have Tyler do the next time you saw him. "On that note, I better get my ass to work and make this hotel ready for these guys."
 "Fine, I'll let you go as long as you promise to FaceTime me at some point during this bubble thing."
 "I'm sure I'll have a night open for you at some point." You teased.
 "Woman, you better."
 "No worries Ty, you're still my main man; when you're in town."
 "That's right baby, good luck."
 "Thanks for all the info, Ty. We'll catch up soon and good luck in the playoffs."
 You were just about to hang up when you heard him yell. "Don't forget my titty picture."
 All you could do was shake your head and click end call, though you being a woman of your word, you snapped a quick pic and sent it off to him; to which he responded with a drool face emoji.
 The next couple of weeks were a literal whirlwind as you moved into the hotel's presidential suite and got things ready. Beds were moved out so that some rooms that had two queens now had one king in them. The hotel was disinfected from top to bottom. If felt like you were wearing a hazmat suit all the time during this process. A week before the players arrived the NHL staff did, making sure everything was in order and making sure you had things set up for daily COVID testing. Of course, you had everything well in hand and organized per their instructions, though with a few tweaks that made the process more efficient. Overall, they seemed impressed with everything that you had done.
 All that preparation lead up to the big day, July 26th, when the teams moved in. The league had them spread out so that no two teams were checking in at that same time. Tampa Bay was the first in as they traveled the furthest. "You look nervous. Why are you nervous?" Carly's voice came up from behind you as you saw the bus pulling in through the gates.
 "There's a lot riding on this Car, and if anything goes wrong; you know it's going to be my head that rolls."
 "You're going to do great; this whole thing is going to be smooth like a bubble." She started to giggle. "See what I did there…bubble." You rolled your eyes at your friend but did let out a little snort of laughter at her pun. "Well, here they come."
 You straightened your jacket and smoothed down your skirt, before throwing your mask up to go meet your first arrivals. "Gentlemen, welcome to Hotel X." You tried to speak a little louder than normal hoping the mask didn't muffle your words. "We're excited to have you all here. I'm (Y/N) manager here during your stay, anything you need, feel free to call me any time of day." More of the guys filtered in while you spoke to Coach Cooper and a few of the players.
 "Anytime huh?" you heard someone mumble in the background and a couple of the guys snickered. It was hard not to roll your eyes as you knew they were focusing on them with your face partially covered. Someone else said, "She can manage me anytime." That was until someone cleared their throat, effectively silencing them.
 "Now if you'll follow me, let's get you all checked in." Tables lined with a welcome packet and lanyard with their ID on it, were off to the side and you were able to shuffle them through with pretty good speed, then sent them off to their rooms before they had to head to testing. Your information was inside every packet, in case you were needed at any point during their stay. It seemed like you no sooner got them in and the area disinfected then the next team, the Capitals, were pulling in, and so the day went on until all five teams were safely ensconced in the hotel. Thankfully you made it through that process without any problems, even though the Bruins flight was late and the Flyers were pulling in right as you got the last players through.
 It wasn't until dinner, that you encountered your first dilemma, getting a text message from Alexis, who was coordinating the meals. It was a simple message, Get to conference room 3. NOW! As fast as your heels could take you, you headed down to where the Capitals were supposed to be having dinner if you remembered the schedule correctly. You never expected to see what you did though when you entered.
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everybodyscupoftea · 5 years ago
hockey!jj: road to the nhl
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the ncaa and the stress of being an nhl prospect
@sunnypogue​​ and i are back at it folks - and with this, we’ve finally established all of jj’s backstory
(the next thing we’re working on is the masterlist linking all of our hockey!jj and coho!rafe content - we’re posting on both of our blogs and @sunnypogue​ has a ton of coho!rafe stuff written already for you to catch up on his backstory)
warnings: cursing
Ward knew the Major-Junior leagues were a great opportunity and that they funneled players straight into the NHL - JJ’s end goal
The OHL came knocking as soon as JJ was draft eligible, but the idea of leaving the outer banks during high school to move somewhere way up north to play with even richer kids than he already did was intimidating to him
Then Rafe started looking at college hockey and opened the ncaa option to JJ, which he much preferred
As soon as Ward learned that JJ was considering college hockey, he started contacting coaches from the top hockey schools in the nation
Ward had a whole whiteboard full of schools and corresponding contacts posted up in his office
He sent out JJ’s highlight tape to any D1 school he could get in touch with
(JJ was oblivious - just playin’ hockey & working at the mechanics in his free time)
Actually, outside of playing hockey, JJ had very little to do with the process
Ward would send the emails, field the calls, etc.
Ward even accompanied him on a few recruiting trips, asking all the right questions.
(Did Ward miss one of Rafe’s games to attend the BU recruiting trip? Yes.)
And it paid off - JJ had a lot of college offers from some really good schools
Most of which JJ had no idea existed - Quinnipac? Northeastern? Clarkson?
Of course, there were a few he recognized - Michigan, BU, Denver
(tbh his favorite was Arizona State, but Ward refused because - “what kind of hockey did they play on the West Coast?”)
(JJ imagined it was similar to the hockey they played in North Carolina, but kept his mouth shut - for once.)
After much debate, he decided to attend University of North Dakota
JJ had grown up watching Toews & Oshie college highlights - he couldn’t help but have a soft spot for the school
Plus, the concept of living in North Dakota was hilarious to him
Ward moved JJ in mid-June, sticking around for an additional week to “keep an eye on him”
Despite Ward practically adopting JJ, he still didn’t really trust him
JJ caught Ward hovering at his practices, chatting up the coaching staff, the Athletic Director, his RA - JJ could only imagine what Ward was instructing them to do.
JJ dealt with it the way he dealt with most Ward-related things - he put his head down and played hockey.
JJ’s birthday was mid-September, so he had the luxury of being able to enroll at UND without worrying about the upcoming draft - he wasn’t eligible for another year.
UND was great, the guys were really nice and it was like a fresh start for him - no Ward, no Luke.
No one knew he was just a poor kid from some beach town on the Atlantic Coast with a deadbeat dad - he was “just JJ”
Road trips were his favorite - he’d never really gotten to travel in this region of the US before
He loved the bus rides with his teammates - even the early morning ones.
Plus, his teammates actually LIKED him - unlike his travel team back in NC, who never really embraced him as “one of their own”
(Ward said they were jealous - JJ knew better.)
The team was significantly more laidback than his travel team - despite being one of the best teams in the country
Most of the guys weren’t actively trying for the NHL and were a lot more chill which helped his nerves
Some of the older guys were already drafted, allowed to return back to UND for a year or two before joining their respective clubs
They took JJ under their wing, recognizing his talent immediately
They were always willing to hang around after practice, offering an opportunity for JJ to get a couple more drills in, or hit the gym with him a little extra.
They were full of advice for what to do and what not to do as a prospect
One thing they all advised? Attend the combine
JJ got an invite, late his freshman year, opting to attend despite being pretty unknown.
No one was really talking about him, this scrappy kid from North Carolina, who somehow got a full ride to UND.
He had a pretty impressive combine despite being on the smaller side; the physical testing went well, even though he almost threw up after the Wingate Test
(The kid before him puked twice)
The team interviews were harder, he was unfamiliar with it, unlike the junior hockey boys, his only experience coming from meeting with college coaches
JJ definitely said the Wrong Thing more than once
Ward had always handled the harder questions, the harder conversations - suddenly JJ was getting asked about his attitude issues, what he thought about legalizing marijuana, what he would do if there was a 25 foot python in a room with him - JJ was LOST.
(Also if he got ONE MORE question about his size, he was going to Lose It.)
He felt really alienated because they all seemed to know each other; it was like an exclusive clique.
Thankfully, one of his older teammates from UND was there too - they stuck together despite not really being good friends.
Somehow, he survived the combine (even after he snarked off in an interview when they questioned him about his height - JJ aptly responded with a “well, I’m taller than you, aren’t I?”)
Ward did not like that one.
His prospect status grew. Teams were very interested in him and he got on the media’s radar. Analysts predicted him going late first round, early second even.
Some of his UND teammates got wind of his newfound popularity and googled his name + elite prospects to check out his page
JJ was a little astounded to see how in depth they’d gone on his stats and a little embarrassed by all the teasing, but it was never mean-spirited
Kinda helped him feel like one of the guys which was unfamiliar after being ostracized in his younger years for not having the same economic status
JJ felt a little sick when he entered the draft.
He had been having a recurring dream where he attended the first and second rounds, only to not get picked at all, left sitting in the stands, desperately waiting to hear his name.
Deep down he knew he’d get selected by someone, but there was the inherent fear that teams hated him and would pass on him.
What if he didn’t get picked at all?
Of course, several teams were interested in him - he had a great freshman year, an excellent showing in the Frozen Four (UND lost in the semis, but JJ really put the team on his back), and his name was popping up all over Twitter as a “sleeper first round pick”
He had been in contact with scouts from Philadelphia, Columbus, Nashville and Dallas - he knew they were interested.
Ward regularly kept up with JJ, checking in to make sure his grades were good and he was getting his workouts in to stay in top form for the draft.
“Scouts are going to start attending your games, if they haven’t already.”
“They’ve even popped up at a few of Rafe’s games - they’ll be at yours.”
(That’s how JJ found out Rafe was interested in trying out for the Canes after graduation)
JJ felt stupid, but he was really praying Carolina wasn’t interested in him - he’d rather go undrafted than end up on a team with Rafe again
Hell, he was hoping they wouldn’t be in the same division, much less the same conference - the less he saw of Rafe, the better.
Silly boy thought he’d be in the AHL
JJ didn’t attend the draft because he wasn’t predicted to go super early (also, you know - the nightmares)
He ended up staying in North Dakota to keep practicing and working out with some of his teammates who stuck around
The night of the first round, the group of them ordered food and hung out in one of the boys apartments to watch together. JJ was pretty sure he wouldn’t go in the first round, but his curiosity won out.
He sat in a corner chair, staring blankly at his hands the majority of the evening, too nervous to really even watch
To his surprise, his name was called late in the first round, the Dallas Stars using the 28th pick on him.
(JJ was pretty dejected at this point - Philly and Nashville had passed him up, despite showing a ton of interest earlier in the week)
He was struck still and wordless, barely registering the boys jumping up and down, shaking him, and screaming all around him
“Fuck, dude, you get to play with Seguin and Benn”
Soon after the first round ended, the Stars GM called and he put it on speaker to talk to him
“We love your game, son, we feel you’ll be a good fit for our team. I’m calling to invite you to prospect camp this year, we want the opportunity to see what you can really do. Can’t wait to see you in a Stars uniform.”
Ward called him next, already talking about getting JJ an agent and flight details to get down to Dallas for camp. It was all a blur, and the fluttering in JJ’s stomach got stronger as he realized he’d really made it.
Well, almost made it.
Prospect camp was insane. He felt like he barely slept, it was just eating, media, and hockey. The facilities were amazing and the other guys were so talented.
The competitive atmosphere was nothing like he’d ever felt before, and he thrived, consistently rising to the challenge.
Everyone wanted an invite to training camp, but spots were limited.
The practices were on another level - JJ was bone tired the whole week, body aching from the constant skating & checking.
Scrimmages were fun - JJ loved playing with guys outside the NCAA, enjoying the challenge that came with playing with talented, older prospects.
At the end, he got an invite to training camp
Playing with actual NHLers, some that he’d even grown up watching, was insane.
He was legitimately starstruck when Joe Pavelski checked him into the boards during a practice scrimmage - it took him a couple of seconds to recover.
JJ was the youngest at training camp by far - living out of a suitcase in a random Dallas hotel, trying to figure out whether he needed to re-enroll at UND or not, fielding daily calls from Ward - it was stressful.
(And apparently, his stress was palpable, because the next day, after practice, Tyler Seguin smacked him on the head, demanding that he meet him for dinner that night at Nick & Sam’s)
(JJ did not know what the fuck Nick & Sam’s was, but he figured it out)
Tyler sat JJ down, ordered him a big ol’ steak, & told JJ to tell him what was on his mind because “you’ve been looking constipated for about a week, now.”
JJ just...unloads on him. Tells him everything he’s stressed about - leaving school, moving to Dallas, whether he’s actually good enough to stay on NHL roster - he’s nearly panting by the time he’s done talking.
Tyler, shockingly, is an excellent listener. He offers advice about signing a contract & reassures JJ that he’s talented (“dude, you’re not going down to Austin. They’d be insane.”).
They also discuss the merits of maybe playing an extra season of NCAA before committing fully to the NHL because he was young and it was intimidating
Tyler gave his perspective and mistakes he made as a bit of a warning to starting too young
If anything, the dinner made JJ more confused about his future - would he fuck everything up if he waited another year? What if he got injured at UND, and never actually made the NHL?
He didn’t sleep that night - or the night after.
Ultimately, Ward ended up deciding for him, pushing him into signing an ELC & leaving UND.
“At least you’re guaranteed some money, son. That’s gotta be enough inspiration.”
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hockeybabe87 · 5 years ago
4 Times You Loved Him + 1 Time He Loved You - Tyler Seguin Imagine
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You laid in the plush white bedding as you looked over at Tyler still sleeping so
peacefully. This was your favorite part of whatever you’d call the relationship you had with him. You could lay there and pretend that he was yours, only yours. That’s all you ever wanted. You wanted to be his one and only and you wanted him to want you as badly as you wanted him. You were jarred out of your thoughts when he began to stir and his eyes slowly fluttered open. “Morning.” He said not noticing you had just been intently staring at him.
“Morning.” You replied as he pulled you against him.
“I should go.” You said, hoping that just once he’d challenge you and ask you to stay.
You would come over, have sex, spend the night and leave in the morning like nothing ever happened. Granted, spending the night seemed like a huge step, your apartment was on the other side of town so Tyler often just offered for you to stay.
“Yeah.” Tyler agreed as he sat up and picked up his phone off of the nightstand.
You couldn’t help but sneak a glance over at his lock screen that was littered with snapchat notifications from girls who’s names you didn’t recognize.
Trying to keep yourself composed you quickly climbed out of bed and put your clothes back on. You were just about to slip out the door...
“Hey, I’ll text you, yeah?” Tyler said as he flashed you that million dollar smile that made you feel weak in the knees.
You nodded your head before you closed the door behind you and walked to your car with tears streaming down your face. As much as he hurt you, you couldn’t deny how in love with that man you were.
You walked into the arena dressed in a tight fitting navy blue gown that showed off your
body perfectly. You felt so confident to be on Tyler’s arm at a Stars event. You had your hair and makeup professionally done and Tyler was a little more handsy than normal with you which
had you feeling like you were walking on air. Tyler had his hand pressed against the small of your back as you walked around the room at his side as he began to mingle with some important stakeholders for the team and some big name sponsors. You kept a smile plastered on your face the entire time even though your feet were starting to hurt from the shoes you picked that evening. You couldn’t want to sit down, but you wanted Tyler to see how good of a girlfriend you could be for him. You made small talk with all of the important people he was speaking to and charmed them as best as you could. Finally, Tyler led you over to the designated table that you were assigned to sit at. You smiled as you sat down next to Jamie.
 “Hey, you look great.” He said as he took a sip of his cocktail.
“Thanks.” You smiled before returning your attention to Tyler.

“I’m going to go get us drinks okay?” He asked as he pointed to the bar.
You nodded your head trusting that after all this time Tyler knew what kind of drinks you liked. You soon were pulled into a conversation with Rads and Jamie while you waited for Tyler. You were laughing at something Rads said when you glanced over the bar long enough to catch Tyler whispering into a girls ear and his hand on her hip. Your blood ran cold as you watched them interact. 

“I’m sorry.” You whispered as you excused yourself to the bathroom where you collapsed into a stall as you tried to keep your emotions in check. Leave it to Tyler to ruin the one night you had where you could at least pretend you meant something to him.
It was 2am when you heard a loud knock at the door. You slowly climbed out of bed
and opened it, revealing a disheveled Tyler. He had just returned from a long road trip that did not go well for the team. You could smell the alcohol on him already.

“Please tell me you didn’t drive here.” You said as you gently pulled him inside.

“Uber.” He mumbled as he stayed close to you.
After the Stars event you tried to pull back from him a little bit, needing some space to figure out why you couldn’t stop loving a man who treated you this way.
“I suck.” He whispered.
You looked into his eyes to see the pain that was so evident across his face.
“Tyler you do not suck.” You said as you laced your fingers with his.

“How do you know?” He challenged as you led him over to the couch.

“Because I watch all of your games. You do not suck. Are you in a rough patch? Possibly. But I promise you that you do not suck.” You said as you reached up and ran your fingers through his soft brown hair.

“I just feel like I let the team down.” He sighed slumping his shoulders.
You shook your head.
“No Ty. You didn’t. You’re human, you’re not going to be perfect all the time.” You said trying so hard to get him out of this sad state.
“Are you hungry? I can make you something” You asked trying to take his mind off of things. Tyler nodded his head like a child causing you to giggle at how cute he looked. You quickly went into the kitchen and flashed him a box of Kraft macaroni and cheese.

“That’s my favorite.” He said as he sat on one of the barstools watching you begin filling the pot with water.

“I know.” You said matter of factly and he chuckled.
You spent the rest of the night doing everything you could to make him smile before you both ended up falling asleep in your bed.
You woke up to the sunlight streaming through your bedroom window. You rolled over to curl into Tyler’s warmth, but you were met with empty cold sheets. He didn’t leave you a note, didn’t text you, he didn’t even thank you for the night before. You retreated further into the blankets trying to hide from the world as you allowed that familiar feeling to rise through your chest and the tears to prick your eyes.
You were on the edge of your seat the entire game, but overtime was so much worse.
Every single time Tyler jumped on the ice your anxiety heightened. This game was the determining factor as to whether or not they were going to make it to the playoffs and you knew how bad Tyler wanted it, how bad he worked for this.
Tyler worked the puck with so much skill and intensity. He darted down the ice and through a swarm of blue jerseys as he approached the net and took a slap shot. The puck slid off of his stick and right past the St Louis goalie and hit the back of the net.
You jumped out of your seat immediately and couldn’t help the scream that flew out of your mouth as you jumped up and down cheering for Tyler. Nothing could wipe the smile off of your face as you made your way down to locker room. You waited in the hallway with the rest of the family and friends that were there to support their boys. You started to glance around the room and realized how happy everyone was, you realized how happy you were for Tyler. After everything he put you through, you couldn’t stop the love for him that bubbled up in your heart every time you saw him. You realized if you didn’t tell him how you really felt that you were going to burst. Things had been a little better with him lately, he was texting you more frequently and giving you more attention than you were used to. Plus, you were there for him during this huge moment in his life, that had to count for something right?
You leaned against the wall as you pulled out your phone to scroll through instagram as you waited for Tyler to come out. Your were pulled away from all social media when you heard his loud voice as he cheered walking out of the locker room into the hallway. You quickly put your phone into your pocket as you began to walk towards him. However, before you could quite get to him a blonde bombshell rushed past you and jumped into his arms.

“You came!” He announced as he wrapped his arms around her and she wrapped her legs around his waist.
You felt your heart shatter as you watched her press her lips to his. You knew Tyler talked to other girls, but this was the first time you actually saw him kiss another girl with your own two eyes.
Tyler set the girl down and walked over to you and smiled.

“Y/N, this is Kate.” He said as he introduced you.

You plastered a fake smile on your face as you spoke with her briefly.

“Are you coming out with all of us?” He asked.

You felt like you were going to fall apart right there in front of the entire Dallas Stars organization.

“Uhm, no. I have some things to do. I’ll talk to you later.” You said as you quickly rushed past him and out the side door hurrying to your car.
You sat in the drivers seat and leaned your forehead against the steering wheel as you felt your heart break into pieces. You looked like a mess, but you didn’t care. You were so sick and tired of being EVERYTHING for someone who had absolutely no respect for you. You kept hoping that maybe Tyler would wise up and realize how much you cared for him and how great things could be, but it’s like as time went on he got further and further from that realization. You stayed in the car crying for a few minutes when suddenly you felt a tap against your window. 

“Go away Tyler.” You said not even looking up.

“It’s me.” The man said from the other side of the glass loud enough for you to hear.
You peeled your eyes up and met the soft gaze of Jamie Benn. He looked so concerned as he took in your flustered appearance.

“I saw what happened...I just wanted to see if you were okay.” He said after you rolled the window down.
“Not really.” You scoffed trying to wipe away the tears that were staining your cheeks and ruining your makeup.

Jamie opened your car door and grabbed your hand gently pulling you from the seat.
“Let me drive you home, you can’t drive like this.” He said as he walked you around to the passenger side. 

You were too hurt and weak to argue so you just went along with it. You cried the whole way home dreaming about a boy with curly brown hair and a mess of tattoos littering his skin.
One of the WAGS ripped into Tyler at the bar that night. Telling him how awful of a person he was for treating you the way that he did. He of course didn’t believe them, thinking that the relationship he had with you was just what he thought...casual. There weren’t any real feelings there.
That was until game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. The Stars had done it. The Dallas Stars won the Stanley Cup. Tyler was drinking like a monster celebrating the accomplishment with his closest friends and family, but something was missing. As he took in the sea of people in Dallas Stars Stanely Cup Champions shirts, he realized that it was you that was missing.
After that night he introduced you to Kate, you shut him out. You wouldn’t answer his texts or his calls. You quit going to his games. You didn’t want anything to do with him.
He ended things with Kate shortly after that night. He realized she didn’t care about him, she cared about the status of being with him.
Tyler tried to suppress the burning feeling he felt in his chest all night. He lost track of how many people asked where you were. He hadn’t realized how much of an extension of himself you had been until you were gone. This was supposed to be one of the happiest moments of his life, he was a 2x Stanley Cup champion, but all he could think about was you. Part of him wanting to be mad at you in some sort of fucked up way for taking this moment from him, but he knew he was to blame. He knew that he drove you away. He sat down in an empty booth at the bar as he scrolled through the photos on his phone. He found one from the Dallas Stars
event he brought you to a few months back. One of the girls insisted that they take a photo of the two of you. You hadn’t really looked at them until right now. He remembered how beautiful you looked that night, did he even tell you how gorgeous you looked? As he scrolled through the photos, he found a candid one that made his heart drop. He was smiling at something one of the guys had said out of the camera shot, but you were staring at him with this wide smile on your face. Your face was full of so much love for him...you loved him.
“Fuck.” He muttered as he locked his phone.
He couldn’t stop his actions as he ran out of the bar and into an Uber to your apartment. He climbed the steps two at a time to get to you as fast as he could. He reached your door and took a deep breath and knocked before running his fingers through his hair.
After a few moments the door cracked open and you stood there in just an oversized tee shirt. “Tyler?” You questioned as the shock of him being in front of you surged through you.
It took Tyler a few moments to realize you were wearing a Dallas Stars Stanley Cup shirt.
 “Where did you even get that so fast?” He chuckled as he tried to walk into your apartment. However, he stopped cold when he saw the figure behind you. A shirtless Jamie Benn stood behind you with a protective hand on your waist.
“What is he doing here?” Tyler asked.
You looked back at Jamie, this was not the way you wanted this go to. Jamie could sense you were uneasy and felt the need to take over the conversation.
“We’re together Tyler.” He said as he pulled you closer to him.
“What? No! You’re with Jamie? You’re fucking my best friend?” Tyler asked as the reality set in. You let out a deep sigh that you didn’t realize you were even holding in.
“We didn’t want to tell you this way...” You whispered.
Tyler shook his head, trying to push all of this out of his mind. The girl he was hopelessly in love with was dating his best friend.
“Y/N....I love you baby.” He whispered as he took a step towards you.
Instinctively, you stepped closer to Jamie. Not wanting Tyler to even touch you. Jamie’s jaw clenched as he heard Tyler’s words.
“You need to leave.” Jamie said, trying to remain calm.
“I’m not leaving without my girl.” Tyler said, not taking his eyes off of you.
You couldn’t help it as the tears welled up in your eyes and the anger coursed through your veins.
“You know what Tyler? No. You do need to leave. I was in love with you for YEARS and you treated me like absolute shit. You took advantage of me, you used me and you didn’t even have enough respect to not embarrass me in front of all of our friends at your game. I was miserable when I was hung up on you, but then Jamie came into my life and showed me what it felt like to have someone care as much about me as I did them. You never once showed me even an ounce of compassion, meanwhile I was giving you my heart and soul. This is done Tyler, we’re done.” You shouted in his face before turning and walking down the hall towards your bedroom and slamming the door.
Jamie stayed fierce as he stared Tyler down, unsure of what his next move was going to be. Tyler took in your words and every one felt like a knife going through his chest and twisting causing so much pain. He blinked back a few tears and took a deep breath before he looked at Jamie again.
“Just take care of her.” Tyler said before turning around and leaving.
Jamie found you on the bed crying. He quickly scooped you up in his arms.

“Shh, it’s okay.” He whispered kissing your temple.
You clutched onto him as you waited for your emotions to subside.

“I love you.” You whispered as you kissed Jamie’s chest.
“I love you too, more than you could ever know.” He said as he laid down in bed, draping you across his chest where he could keep his hands on you and know you were safe.
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thebluenoteblog · 5 years ago
Summary: While your relationship with Tyler started out amazing, it didn’t stay that way.
Player: Tyler Seguin
Word Count: 3.1k
Requested: can you write something based on “selfish” by madison beer on any player 🥺
*Inspired by Madison Beer’s Selfish*
Boy, you're such a lost cause
Now your name is crossed off
How you gonna fix this?
You can't even fix yourself
You sat on the couch with your suitcase packed at your feet as you waited for Tyler to get home. You owed him that. You would show him the respect that he hadn’t shown you in over a year. You wouldn’t let him come home from New York to an empty house and all of your stuff missing.
You’d been moving your things out of the house you shared gradually and into your sisters’ home over the course of his roadie. All that remained was in the suitcase sitting at your feet. You pulled out your phone and checked the time. He should be home soon.
This would be hard. You loved Tyler, you really did. You just couldn’t put yourself through this anymore. You couldn’t put yourself through the pain of loving someone who- keys turned in the lock and three heads popped up off the couch before running to greet him.
You stayed where you were, keeping your eyes focused straight ahead at a framed picture of the two of you. It was taken just six months after you had started dating while you were on vacation in the Bahamas. You could hear Tyler greeting the dogs, talking to them in the excited way that he always did. “Did mommy feed you guys? Why am I asking you? You’ll lie to me, so you get more.”
He came around the corner into the living room and froze when he saw you sitting on the couch. “Babe, what are you doing up?”
You blinked back tears as you placed your hands on your knees and pushed yourself up. “I wanted to be here when you got home.”
“What are you talking about, you’re always here when I-,” his eyes drifted to the suitcase at your feet. “(Y/N), what’s going on?”
You didn’t meet his eyes, instead you kept your gaze locked on the picture. Remembering happier times. Simpler times. “I’m leaving, Tyler.”
“Like you’re spending the night at your sister’s house?” he asked, shaking his head, but you knew that he knew that wasn’t what was happening. You could hear the rising panic in his voice.
You shook your head slowly feeling nausea build in your throat. “I’m leaving you.”
He was walked around the couch and came to a stop in front of you, blocking your view of the picture, the only thing keeping you together. “You-,” he stopped and shook his head then brought his hands up to your face and forced you to look at him. “You can’t leave me.”
“I can, and I am,” you said quietly, and your voice cracked as you looked into his eyes for the first time in what felt like forever.
He was still shaking his head, eyes watery as he said, “Why? What did I do? How can I fix it?”
You let your eyes fall closed and with all of the strength you had, you gripped his hands and pulled them off your face, placing them at his sides. “You can’t fix this, Tyler. I’ve given you to many chances already.”
It was almost two years
That I chose to spend here
All alone on New Year's
Thinkin' "What the hell?"
Four months earlier
“Happy new year!” a chorus rang out, and all-around you couples rang in the new year together, kissing with smiles on their faces. This was the second year in a row that you were celebrating alone. Though Tyler had been out of town the year before, he was in town this year. He’d had a game earlier that night and had decided that he would rather stay at a bar closer to the rink with the boys than try to make it to the party with you.
You weren’t happy about his choice, but you weren’t surprised either. When his text came through you’d been tempted to respond with ‘guess I’ll be kissing someone else at midnight’ but you had refrained. Instead you just responded with ‘K’ and slid your phone into your purse, then went about your night. You downed a few more drinks, waited for the ball to drop, then when you were nice and drunk you called for an Uber.
You arrived home to an empty house, again, not surprised. You stripped out of your clothes and into your pajamas. Into bed you crawled, head still spinning from the tequila shots you’d thrown back with your friends.
Tyler slipped into bed behind you some time later and wrapped his arms around you, pressing his body against yours and his lips against the back of your neck. You were only halfway awake, but you could still register in your sleepy, halfway intoxicated mind, the hard on pressing into the small of your back.
You pressed your eyes closed tightly and for a moment pretended to be asleep. Then you opened them and rolled over, giving in. You gave in because you realized how thankful you were that he hadn’t gone home with someone else that night.
I don't wanna break your thread and needle
Tryna stitch you, but I can't, I refuse
Three Months Earlier
It was another night in the middle of a home stretch that you were spending alone. Tyler was somewhere in town. Somewhere out with the boys. Probably drunk. Probably making a fool of himself. You were here, cuddled up with the dogs in a bed alone.
You weren’t quite sure what to do anymore but you knew that this wasn’t working. You knew you couldn’t keep going like this. When you started dating, you thought you would be the one to change him. The one to fix him, so to say.
The longer this went on… the more nights you spent alone while he actively made the choice not to be with you… the more your trust in him faded… the more you lost sight of the man you’d fallen in love with… well, the more you realized that fixing him wasn’t your responsibility.
You heard the door open downstairs and you glanced at the clock. It was 1:30 am. Work was going to be a blast tomorrow. You buried your face in Gerry’s fur and pretended to be asleep. Pretended that you hadn’t been waiting up for him just like you did every night. He stumbled into the room, completely wasted. He knocked something off the dresser and mumbled, “Shit.”
You heard him stripping out of his clothes. “Boys, off.”
You clutched Gerry tighter, not allowing him to leave. Labs being the intuitive creatures that they are, he picked up on your distress and stayed by your side. He lifted his head and stared at Tyler. Tyler pointed at the dog bed in the corner of the room that he had bought for them when you’d moved in. They still ended up on the bed most nights, but it was worth a try. “Gerry, off.”
Again, you tightened your arms around him. Gerry loved you, but Tyler was his owner. Tyler had trained him. He was more likely to listen to him. This time, Tyler noticed your movement. “(Y/N), are you awake? Let Gerry get off the bed.”
You shook your head still leaving your face in his fur.
Tyler grumbled and yanked back the covers, “Whatever, I guess I won’t touch you at all tonight because there’s a sixty-pound dog between us.” You felt the bed dip as he laid down and faced away from you. You looked up from Gerry’s fur to focus on his back.
Why were you spending so much of your life trying to fix someone who didn’t want to be fixed?
I bet you thought you gave me real love
But we spent it all in nightclubs
All you ever wanna do is lie
Two Months Earlier
Another night, another party. Tyler pushed a drink into your hand and you took it, forcing a smile onto your face. “Babe isn’t this place awesome?” he asked.
No. No this place wasn’t awesome. Okay, it was cool. Or it would have been if it wasn’t the fourth time you’d been to a nightclub this month. You weren’t a party person. You were twenty-six years old. You were ready to get married, start a family and how did your boyfriend want to spend every waking moment you had together?
Drunk or with you bent over a piece of furniture.
It wasn’t a healthy relationship. You weren’t in the same place. You didn’t want the same things anymore. “It’s cool, Tyler.” You said, taking the drink from him and bringing it to your lips.
He nodded and turned to look around the room. You followed his gaze and were met with a very top-heavy brunette with long legs and a short skirt. You huffed and rolled your eyes, taking another drink.
“What’s wrong?” Tyler asked, slowly shifting his gaze back to you.
You shook your head, “Nothing Tyler.”
“Something is wrong,” he argued, turning to face you, dropping his drink down by his side and taking a step closer so you could hear him easier over the noise.
You realized that for the first time, you were annoyed with him for standing this close to you. You didn’t take a step back though, you just stared at his eyebrows as you said, “It isn’t a big deal. Nothing worth fighting over.”
He shook his head at you, “Just tell me what I did (Y/N).”
“Maybe that girl over there in her underwear can tell you,” you responded, nodding your head toward the woman he had been watching.
Tyler rolled his eyes, “Oh, come on. You know I wasn’t looking at her.”
“Oh yeah?” You asked, “And how do I know that?”
He sighed, like you were the one who had done something wrong. “I only ever look at you baby. You’re the only one I want. You’re the only one I need.”
You wanted to believe him. You wanted to take his words and hold them in your heart and use them to fix the parts of your relationship that were broken. You couldn’t do that though, because you knew just as well as he did that they were a lie.
So, you just nodded your head and turned your attention back to your drink, chugged it, then looked back at him and said, “I’ll be back in a bit. I’m going to go get another.”
He watched you walk away feeling as though he was missing some very important piece of a puzzle.
Baby, who you tryna run from
Me or all your problems?
You know you will never solve 'em
You don't even know yourself
One Month Earlier
You slid the last of Tyler’s untouched portion of the dinner into the refrigerator with your head hung and a frown etched into your face. You turned to the sink and began scrubbing the dishes, the water hot enough to scald your hands. You didn’t look up when you heard the door open. You didn’t acknowledge him when he walked into the kitchen and up behind you, pressing his chest against your back.
“How was your day baby?” He asked.
You frowned, blinking back tears, angry, frustrated, pissed off, because you had put so much time and effort into this meal and he knew you were cooking it. Then he just didn’t come home? Then he acted like everything was fine? He could see you scrubbing a pile of pots and pans. Even if he had forgotten, even his tiny little pea brain had to remember upon walking into the kitchen and receiving the silent treatment from someone angrily scrubbing cookware.
“What’s going on?” He tried again, pulling your hair back in his hand and he noticed the first tear on your cheek. He grabbed at your hands, “Babe, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
You pushed him off, “Tyler, just answer me one question. Can you do that?”
He looked about as confused as you had ever seen him, but he nodded his head and said, “Okay.”
“What are you running from?”
His eyebrows slammed together, and you reached your hand next to you to shut off the faucet. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m asking what you’re running from? Are you running from me? Am I just not enough for you? Or are you trying to run from your own problems.”
He stuttered for a moment, trying to find an answer, but couldn’t come up with one.
“Well, figure it out. Figure it out fast, Tyler.” You walked past him, you didn’t stomp or slam into his shoulder. You didn’t scream on your way out or slam the door when you got to the bedroom.
To Tyler, that was the scariest part of all.
But it's not possible
Plus I'm not responsible
For your self-made obstacles
Put my heart in the hospital
One Week Earlier
You sat on the bed, head in your hands as you cried. You finally let yourself break down. This was the last time that you would cry over Tyler Seguin. You couldn’t do it anymore. You couldn’t be his babysitter and his girlfriend and the person that was always shoved aside no matter how much you did for him.
It took an entire month of him not calling you during a single away game, of him going out and getting plastered every night, of you taking care of the dogs and the house while he lived like he was still single for you to realize the most important thing. You were not responsible for him. If he crashed and burned because you walked away, that was his own fault. Maybe he would do better without you. Maybe you were his problem.
He was definitely yours.
You had put so much into this relationship over the past two years. This was how it was going to end. You were going to pack all of your bags and move out while he was gone. It was cowardly, but it was the bravest thing you’d ever done.
You let yourself cry for a long time. Longer than you should have, but you were mourning. You were mourning the loss of a relationship that hadn’t ended yet. Finally, you pulled yourself out of bed and began packing your things. You had a lot to do in the next week.
Shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it
Had a feeling that you never felt it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Don't know why I looked the other way
I wanted you to change yeah
I shouldn't love you but I couldn't help it
I always knew that you were too damn selfish
Six Months Later
Tyler turned the street corner and he swore his heart stopped. It had been six months since he’d seen or heard from you. He’d called you so many times that you had eventually broken down and changed your phone number. You had blocked him on social media. You had cut him out of your life like he was nothing. Like the best two years of his life had meant nothing to you.
But there you were, standing outside a coffee shop holding the leash of a dog, a yellow lab puppy. Your hair was blowing in the wind as you crouched down to pet the dog who sat perfectly still and licked at your arm.
He knew you didn’t want to see him. He knew that after the way things had gone, you probably hated him. He could feel it every time he called you and you sent him to voicemail. Every time he texted you and you never responded. He knew it the first time he tried to stalk your Instagram and nothing came up under your username.
Still though, he needed you to know. He needed you to know that he hadn’t touched a drop of alcohol since the day you walked out his door. He needed you to know that he was sober and he hadn’t been sleeping around or hanging out in nightclubs. He needed you to know that he could change.
Never once had he been running from you. He was running from himself.
He had nothing left to run from.
He wasn’t scared anymore.
He was ready.
He was ready to get married and have a family.
He could picture the look on your face when he asked you to marry him. He could imagine you in the perfect dress, walking down the aisle toward him. He could see you nine months pregnant, stubborn as ever and insisting upon coming to his games to cheer him on. He could imagine how beautiful you would look with his baby in your arms.
He didn’t want that with anyone else. He didn’t think he was capable of wanting that with anyone else.
He took two steps toward you, watching as you stood back up. Your hair fanning out in the wind. The sun danced on your skin. You turned halfway toward the door and the most beautiful smile graced your face. It made his heart skip. God, he’d missed that smile.
Then his stride faltered. He froze in his tracks and someone almost bumped into him from behind. Just ahead of him, a man had come out of the coffee shop with two coffees in his hand. Tyler recognized one as your go to order. He handed it to you and you took it. You placed a hand on his shoulder and stood up on your toes to press a kiss to his lips. He wrapped an arm around your back and held you to him for a moment to long before letting you pull away.
You slapped his chest playfully and then took a sip of your iced coffee. He wrapped his arm around your waist and held out his hand for you, you still had the straw in your mouth as you handed him the puppy’s leash. He pressed a kiss to your temple and you started walking toward Tyler.
He panicked. He ducked his head and turned, crossing to the other side of the street before you could see him. He walked the rest of the way to meet the guys in a haze. Head in the clouds. It was a miracle he didn’t wonder into traffic. When he made it to the restaurant, he stared through the window at his friends gathered around a table, laughing and joking.
He couldn’t do it.
Not now.
He turned and began the walk back to his car.
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bqstqnbruin · 5 years ago
Hoops and Pucks
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I have more requests to do but this is something that has been on my mind for a bit so I had to write it before I wrote my lesson plan (as you can tell I’m a great student OOPS).
But please keep sending in requests! I don’t know about you, but gives me something to do other than watching TV.
Hope you like it! _________________________
“Welcome to the Palestra for a game day matchup between the Saint Joseph’s Hawks!” The announcer starts, the Penn side, booing, the Saint Joe’s side cheering, “And your University of Pennsylvania Quakers!” 
Every year, the Saint Joe’s Hawks played Penn at the Palestra. It was a Big 5 game that all the students went to; every other year it was considered a home game for the Hawks since the Palestra used to be your team’s home while Hagan was being built.
Well, they were your team. You did your undergrad work at SJU, now you’re doing your grad work at Penn. But, after four years of going to SJU games and half a semester of Penn games, you still knew the SJU cheers better.
“Oh, when the hawk!” clap, clap, “Goes flying in!” clap, clap, “Oh, when the hawk goes flying in! I wanna be in that number! Oh, when the hawk goes flying in!” clap, clap. Then it goes again to the tune of ‘Oh, when the Saints go marching in,’ followed by ‘Let’s go Saint Joe’s,’ four times. Before the start of every half, the students would be screaming that, just like they did today. You were chanting along, much quieter since you were technically no longer a Hawk, especially since you were wearing UPenn gear.
“Seem weird that you know their cheers?” the guy sitting next to you says.
“I just graduated from Saint Joe’s in May and spent the last four years as one of those students,” you point over to the student section. 54th and Airborne, the name of the group of students who were ‘in charge’ or the student section, was in front next to the dance team with the drum. You were one of the students who would walk on the court at the start of each game and beat the drum to symbolize the ‘heartbeat of the Hawk.’ 
“Wouldn’t wearing Penn gear make you a traitor?” 
You look over to him. Damn, he’s attractive, and he looks so familiar, but you start laughing, “I’m a student at Penn now. You can take the girl away from Hawk Hill, but you can’t take Hawk Hill away from the girl.” Both of you start laughing because of how corny that was. 
“I’m Tyler, by the way,” he extends his hand to you. “I just wanted to see a game.”
“What do you mean?” You ask turning back to the game. The Hawks were up 13 to 9, which was shocking considering how bad they had been while you attended. Their rebuilding phase was a long one for sure.
“I’m in town for, uh, work, and I had a free day, and I’ve heard about the Palestra and wanted to come see it. I didn’t really care who they were playing.” He explains. Just a guy who wants to see a basketball game. That was you with hockey; you didn’t care who was playing, you just want to watch a good game. You had loyalty to your hometown team, but other than that the ending score was irrelevant.
“Stop going for three’s, you never fucking make it!” You screech as the team has four failed three-point attempts in a row. “Learn how to get the rebounds instead!” 
“You know your stuff.”
“I know the team. But what do you do for work?” 
“Uh, I play for the Dallas Stars.”
Your head snaps to him so fast you practically have whiplash. You get a good look at him and finally make the connection. “Fuck, you’re Tyler Seguin, how the hell did I not recognize you? I was going to go see you play the Flyers tomorrow night but I couldn’t afford the tickets.”
“Oh, you were coming to see me?” He says, smiling at you with a stupid cheeky grin on his face. 
“Yeah. I was. You’re my favorite player on the Stars.” You shrug and blush, knowing that gives him permission to egg you on for more. 
“Oooh, favorite? The more you talk, the more I like,” he says, the grin not leaving his face.
“I’m from New Hampshire and have been a Bruins fan before I could comprehend anything else. I was even at Game 7 in 2011. I was losing my mind watching you guys win the cup. I honestly cried when you were traded.” Play stops on the court because one of the players for Penn traveled. “Wait, listen. I started the chant the student section is about to do.”
Both of you sit for a moment as you hear the students yell, “You walked, you traveled, you took too many steps,” three times as the Penn player looked over his shoulder with pure anger on his face.
“It’s not hockey, but I would love to see a fight,” Tyler says, leaning back as far as he can in his seat. The Penn player wouldn’t tear his eyes off the student section as they kept cheering. Their coach was doing everything he could to get his attention, but the student section was egging them on for being down 32-14. 
“I am definitely guilty of yelling ‘let em fight’ and almost getting thrown out of Hagan,” you admit. You were a hockey fan before you were a basketball fan, and it showed a little too much. Other things you would yell include two minutes for pushing, fine him for embellishment, and throw him in the box. 
Half time comes up and you and Tyler just keep talking. He’s being flirty and you’re having a hard time controlling yourself from flirting back. You can’t flirt with an NHL player. He’s Tyler fucking Seguin. 
“So you said you wanted to go to the game tomorrow?” he says as the second half is about to start.
“Yeah, but tickets are too expensive. I’m just going to stay in and work on a paper instead.” Tomorrow was Sunday, so you had class the next day anyway. Might as well work on the paper before your week started.
“What if I got you a ticket?” he grins, raising an eyebrow, his arm extended so that it lays on the back of your seat, begging for you to lean back into it. But you knew that NHL players get comped two tickets per game. At least Boston did that for the Bruins according to Charlie Coyle. 
“Oh, no, you don’t have to do that. How would I be able to pay you back?”
“How about you let me take out after this game and that could pay back?”
“I’ll pay for dinner if you give me free tickets? I’m down.” You lean back into your seat, just letting his arm wrap around your shoulder. The touch of his fingers sent chills down your spine. It also, oddly enough, felt comfortable, like this was just how it was supposed to be. 
“Oh, no. I’m taking you out on a date. I asked, I pay,” he smiles, pulling you in closer to him. If it weren’t for the armrest separating the seats, you would probably be cuddling right now. In public. And for some reason, that didn’t bother you at all. 
“So that just means next time you’re in Philly, I get to pay.” 
“I guess I’m coming back to Philly very soon then.” 
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wholegrainhockey · 6 years ago
my first impressions of the top 10 nhl draft picks 2019
#1: Jack Hughes
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like way too pretty how does he have all his teeth
the hughes dynasty continues
(we’re waiting luke)
#2: Kaapo Kakko
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best name in the nhl starting today!
someone on the sports net broadcast called him a “man child”!?
can i say good at hockey?
disney prince for sure
#3: Kirby Dach
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sounds very canadian
didn’t have social media! until recently! why am i ready to stan??
jk bc hawks but i really hope to see some content of him and dylan strome
#4: Bowen Byram
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the best defenseman in this draft™
another fun name!
his voice is gRaTinG
probably ate a bug but like not even on a dare
i’m bored
#5: Alex Turcotte
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another usntdp boi™
looks like the lead singer of a boy band you forgot about
sounds like any american bro you’ve ever heard
#6: Moritz Seider
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...all i know is he’s german
amazing hair
definitely the harry styles of the same boy band as the last guy
wore a bow tie to the draft so i’m assuming he has a personality?
i just KNOW he’s gonna be popular on here
#7: Dylan Cozens
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just a little string bean
Sad Eyes
i would believe he has a youtube channel dedicated to acoustic covers of pop songs
#8: Philip Broberg
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i’m so sorry you’re going to edmonton
very swedish
is this entire draft going to look like a boy band??
certified victor hedman stan
#9: Trevor Zegras
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looks like a fuckboy but who doesn’t it’s the nhl
how the heck do u pronounce his last name
his comparable is tyler seguin sksjskks
cocky vibe
#10: Vasili Podkolzin
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looks like a combo of alex alexeyek and andrei svechnikov (just his hair tho)
feisty !
looks like the star of a drama about a baker from a small town in russia who dreams of being a world-class pastry chef
rip his name that man could not say it
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puckinghell · 5 years ago
#5 with Seguin would be interesting! :)
Interesting enough for me to write a novel, apparently
One phone call, was all it took. 
Tyler liked his life. It was a life designed to just cruise along, and that’s exactly what he was best at. He went to the rink, played his heart out, hit up every party in town, came home to his dogs, and did it all over again the next day. 
It would be a lie, to say he never thought of you. It’s hard to not think about someone he shared so much with. 
He thought about you when he grilled steak, because you always teased him for how bad he was at getting it medium-rare. 
“This is as rare as it was when it was still in the cow, Ty, did I not say medium?” you’d say, and he’d roll his eyes and throw it back on the grill. 
He thought about you when he saw Marshall play with the blue ball. You never got to meet Cash and Gerry - he’d already moved at that point - but you went with him to pick up Marshall, and you’d brought that blue ball with you. 
He thought about you during many other things, too. Things that he once did with you, or that you taught him about. Like how to do laundry. That hoodie you loved to steal. The color yellow. 
But thinking about you didn’t bother him, it never did. If anything, it made him smile, because he remembers how happy he was back then. Sure, everything else in Boston was a complete shit show, but you made it bearable, and he’d sworn to never let you go. 
But when he got traded, he was mad. Mad at not only the Bruins but the city of Boston and everything that was linked to it. And unfortunately for you, you were linked to it. So he cut you out.
He’s regretted that decision every day of his life, but he never knew how to fix it.
Until that one phone call. One phone call, all it took.
“Mr Seguin? This is Ria, from Massachusetts General Hospital. I’m calling about Y/N Y/L/N?” 
“Y/N?” he repeats dumbly, because he hasn’t spoken that name in a few years. 
“Yes, sir, you’re her emergency contact.” 
His skin crawls, at those words. Not because he doesn’t want to be called about you but because that sounds like there’s been an emergency. An emergency that apparently prohibits you from telling them he’s not your emergency contact anymore.
He wonders why you never changed it. Did you forget? Or did you know, somehow, that he’d come, if they called? That he’d move heaven and earth to be what you needed? To make up for all the times he didn’t, and because after all that time, he still cares.
He still loves you. 
After all, it wouldn’t hurt so much if he didn’t love you.
“Sir,” Ria from Massachusetts General Hospital says, and Tyler manages to focus enough to catch at least half of her story.
He catches car accident and concussion and collapsed lung, and then he hears chemically induced coma and nearly passes out. 
“I’ll be there,” he says, and it’s like it’s not even his voice, speaking; he can hear the words echo in his head as he hangs up the phone, as he buys the first plane ticket he can find, as he texts Jamie to bring the dogs to a kennel. 
I’ll be there.
And he is. 
It takes him a few hours, two cab rides and a plane, and by the time he gets there he’s chewed his nails to the skin and called his mom in order to not have a full on panic attack at the airport, but then he’s walking through the doors of the hospital and someone is giving him a room number. 
“Boyfriend?” the lady behind the counter asks with an empathetic nod, and he’s too messed up to contradict her, so he just gives her a sharp nod and walks, no, runs to the room she told him.
It catches him off guard, to see you. It’s both the way you look so familiar and all the things that changed. 
You cut your hair. Your face hasn’t changed. There’s too many wires hooked up to you. Your nails are still painted yellow. Your jaw is bruised. There’s a cut on your cheekbone. You’re still wearing the bracelet he gave you for your birthday all those years ago.
It’s the last one that hits him hardest and suddenly he’s sitting on the floor next to your bed, trying his hardest to remember how to breath, and his vision is blurry and his hand catches yours but he’s too afraid to really take it, because there’s a needle in your skin and God, you could’ve died, and the last thing you would’ve remembered about him is how you texted him “how was the flight” and he never answered. 
“I’m sorry,” he brings out between shaky breaths. “I’m so sorry.” 
He leans his head down on the bed, right next to your hand, tries to get more oxygen into his lungs. 
“I should’ve never left you like I did. That’s the one thing I regret. Nothing else, not the parties, not the leaked pictures, not the way things ended with the Bruins. You. I loved you and I thought I had to let you go in order to move on but fuck, Y/N, it’s been years, and I still think about you every single day.”
Tears are burning behind his eyes but he refuses to let them fall; he’s not allowed to cry, not allowed to relieve the burden of that hurt. He has to carry it, the way he forced you to.
“I still love you every single day,” he whispers against the bed sheets, and then he closes his eyes and tries to match his breathing with yours. 
He stays there, next to your bed, for a week, and then his mom flies over because apparently Jamie called her and told her Tyler was having an ongoing mental breakdown. 
It’s fine. He deserves that breakdown, that pain. His mom doesn’t deserve the worry, though, so he tries to keep it together, but he still won’t leave the hospital. 
He allows his mom to bring him coffee and food, though. He doesn’t remember the last time he ate. 
Your family arrives too. They’re not even surprised to see Tyler there and that makes him wanna crawl into a corner and hide in shame, because they’re so nice to him, and didn’t you tell them that he left?
The doctor tells him they’ve stopped the meds that keep you under, and you could wake up any minute now. Every minute that you don’t, a little part of Tyler dies. 
“We’re going to the cafeteria, Ty, you want anything?” his mom asks. She’s given up on trying to get him to come with them. He won’t leave you. 
Not this time. 
“No thanks.” It comes out as more of a slurring mumble, nothanksss, as Tyler rests his head on the bed. He’s tired, so tired, but he doesn’t think he could sleep even if he tried.
When the room is empty, he closes his eyes, though. He thinks of that summer you took him to your family’s house on the Cape, and how often he’d considered kissing you, there. But he never did because he knew he’d fuck it up.
Turns out he did that anyway.
It’s just one word, one syllable even, and it’s so soft that for a second, Tyler thinks it’s just the wind and the fact that he hasn’t slept in 4 days. But then he becomes aware of another sensation; fingers carding through his hair, scratching his scalp.
Louder, now, the word. The voice too familiar.
His head snaps up so fast your hand falls away from his head, drops onto the bed right in front of him. 
You’re smiling at him. Smiling.
“Y/N,” he whispers; his voice is hoarse, sounds unfamiliar. Is he awake? Is he speaking? Is this a dream?
“You’re here.” Your voice is even more hoarse, barely audible. You’re looking around the room, a frown on your face. There’s so much you don’t remember, so much you don’t know, but somehow, you’re able to keep the panic that coils in your stomach stuffed down there. 
Because you know one thing. 
You heard him, you were there, even though you weren’t there, and you need to tell him, need him to understand that you don’t blame him, that you don’t hate him, that, above all, you understand.
“Don’t be sorry,” you manage to whisper, and it takes all your strength but you manage to hook your pinky through his. Instantly, he turns his hand, lacing all his fingers through yours, the pad of his palm rough against yours. 
You try to smile. Understand that you’re probably failing, as you watch Tyler’s eyes get misty. 
It hurts, to speak. But it hurts more, knowing that Tyler is beating himself up. Knowing that Tyler doesn’t understand. 
“Tyler,” you say, your voice more steady than it has been, “I still love you every single day too.”
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avengersaremyforte · 5 years ago
just learned there’s a town in Texas called Seguin and it blew my mind
Yes there is, but it’s pronounced:
The combination of listing to Texans pronounce his name like that or asking if he was named after the town kills what little part of me that was left alive from being a stars fan.
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hockey-x-imagines · 3 years ago
Surprise... || Tyler Seguin.
A/N: I decided to a switch lanes for a bit. I’m excited to start a bit off a fluff series with Tyler. I hope you enjoy this and much as Made to Last. Feedback is appreciated. 
*A little disclaimer* I'm not sure of the relationship between Tyler's parents, this in no way intended to throw shade, or disrespect either parent. This is just what came to mind for a sibling's story for him.
Requested by @user182751390
Paring: Reader x Tyler as siblings 
Word count :906
Knowing you have siblings out there that have no idea you exist, had been something you had struggled your whole life. You knew your mother's reason for hiding you from the other part of your family, it was something you agreed with. That didn't make it any easier.
Your older brother had worked his ass off for his career, for that very reason your mom hid you and how you came to be. You both were worried that a scandal would overshadow all the work he had put in to be one of the top NHL players. Again, you knew and understood why your mom has kept you a secret. Now that your older, you struggle a whole lot harder with not being able to really know Tyler aside from what you see in the media.
At 17, you felt that you were at an age to make your own choices and you deserved to know your other 3 siblings. You knew your mom still wasn't too keen on the idea of you reaching out to Tyler, but you really didn't care. On top of your personal reasons, you felt Tyler and his mom and sister deserved to know about you.
Sitting in class you kept trying to figure out the best way to reach out, you knew sliding in the DMs would be the easiest, but you felt it was a bit inappropriate with the bomb you knew was being dropped. You felt writing a letter was the best idea, you just didn't have an address for him.
"Y/N?" your teacher's voice pulls you out of your thoughts. "Can you please share you opinion on the book your supposed to be reading?" The book in question was The Great Gatsby.
"Uh, from what I've read so far. I feel Gatsby is using Nick to get to his cousin. What I can't understand, is how Gatsby knows what he knows," you hope your answer hides the fact that you had read the book, you had watched the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Spiderman. With a glare Mr. Moss seemed to buy your answer, you had let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding. As the bell rang, signaling not only the end of the class but the end of the school day, you race out to your car. You needed to get home, you wanted to start writing the letter you decided on. You really didn't know what to really say, you were going to wing it.
After what felt like hours and several papers thrown away, your letter went a little like this,
Dear Tyler,
I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Y/N, I'm 17 and I live in a tiny town of Hadley Massachusetts. I'm about an hour and a half from Boston. There is about a month left in my junior year of high school, I think I'm going to look for a job this summer, but I'm really not sure. After high school, I want to travel before I go to college, if I go. I really haven't thought that far yet, I probably should start thinking about that. Anyway, I have a bit of shocking news. I'm your sister.
There are two reasons for why I've decided to reach out. The first one is for personal reasons. I would really appreciate an opportunity to get to know you. I know it's a big request after I dropped this bomb on you. The other reason, I feel you and your family deserve to know that you've got another sibling in the world.
My mom made the choice to keep me hidden because she didn't want a scandal to come out and overshadow all the hard work you've put into your career. I've chose now to reach out because I grew up knowing about you, and now I feel I'm old enough to make my own choices. My mom isn't too happy with me for reaching out.
I decided to write this letter because I felt it wasn't appropriate to drop this on you in your DMs. If you want, you can reach out to me through social media, or you can text or call me. My number is 801-867-5309. I hope this letter finds you.
Sincerely, Y/N
Part of you felt like you had rambled, and the letter didn't make sense, but it was the best you had been able to write. Since you didn't have a mailing address for Tyler directly, you mailed the letter to the Stars head office.
"I don't want to sound like a Debbie downer, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. There's a fairly high probability that you won't hear from him." Your mom hadn't been thrilled you made the decision you did, but you had hoped she would've been a little supportive. She had always been your biggest supporter, so her lack of support was a hard to swallow. You had no response for her, so you turned and went back up to your room.
After sending off your letter, there had been a few times you had gotten unknown calls had gotten your hopes up, to only be people wanting to talk about your cars extended warranty. All though you hadn't heard anything from him, you refused to give up hope.
The last day of school you had been relieved, but you were totally clueless to the surprise that was waiting for you when you got home.
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Right One - Josh Anderson
Word Count: 4,063
POV: Josh
Warnings: Language
Notes: Just felt like writing something that wasn’t Tyler Seguin...haha So here you here’s a little Josh Anderson for anyone interested. Happy Reading!
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The game against the Devils had been hard-fought, but thankfully you guys ended up with the win. Luckily, you had a couple days before your next game. Once the media finally left the locker room, a more relaxed atmosphere filled the air. "So, where are we celebrating tonight?" You inquired of Seth.
 "Sorry man I'm out tonight. I've got plans."
 "Gettin' some tonight, huh Seth?" This from Boone, at least you could count on him to party with tonight.
 "It's not like that, man. (Y/N)'s one of my best friends and she just got a job at OSU. I'm taking her out to dinner to welcome her to town and celebrate."
 "Looks like it's just me and you then Boone. Where should we go?" You threw your jacket on and grabbed your bag, getting ready to head out the door. Seth and Boone a few steps behind you. When you opened the door, there stood the most beautiful girl you'd ever seen. She was wearing a skin-tight white sweater, that showed off her well-endowed breasts and her midriff, with a pair of skinny jeans and heeled boots. But it wasn't just her body that caught your attention it was her smile. She could literally light up a room, with that smile of hers, and at that moment it was directed at you. You felt it all the down to your toes, and at that moment you knew that she was the one you'd been praying to come into your life. That was until Seth moved past you and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a huge hug.
 "Seth, you played amazing tonight." Her voice was like an angel's, and you wondered what it would sound like simply saying your name. "Though I still think that high sticking penalty in the second was bullshit."
 "I know right. Hischier totally lifted it." Seth pulled back from their embrace before saying. "So, you got into town ok, obviously."
 "Yeah, the moving company should be here tomorrow."
 "Sorry I wasn't here when you got here yesterday." Seth apologized, then slung his arm around her shoulders. "But to make it up to you, I made dinner reservations at the best restaurant in town."
 "Excellent, because stale beer and nachos in the second period aside, I'm starving."
 They turned to walk out to the parking garage, and you felt her slipping away. You went to say something, but Boone's voice interjected. "Hey Jonsey, aren't you going to introduce us?"
 "Oh right. I totally forgot you guys never met (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Boone Jenner and Josh Anderson; guys this is (Y/F/L/N) my oldest friend."
 She held out her hand first to Boone, then to you. Her skin was soft and as you whispered hello, you realized you didn't want to let go. She was looking at you finally, her smile warm and inviting, and you found yourself smiling back in return. But then she released you and turned back to Seth. "It's nice to meet some of Seth's teammates finally."
 "And how is it that we're only meeting you now?" It was a question you had on your lips, only Boone was the one asking it, as you stood there mute.
 "Miss Smartypants here has been teaching at Oxford for the last couple years, but we were finally able to lure her back to the states, though I know she considers it slumming."
 "Haha…you're so funny Mr. Hockey. I've been wanting to come back for a while and you know it. Though you haven't convinced me yet, that you didn't make this opening at OSU happen."
 "If I was capable of that, I would've done it when I first got here and not a couple years later." You weren't entirely sure that things were platonic between Seth and (Y/N). Comments like that seemed more intimate, than just friendship. "But we can talk about that over dinner. We better get going if we're going to make those reservations."
 "You could just come out with us?" They were the first words you uttered, other than 'hi,' and though you didn't want them to leave; you felt like an idiot just standing there when she looked at you.
 "And where exactly are you two headed? Out to pick up women I suspect." She giggled. Little did she know other women were the furthest thing from your mind.
 "We hadn't really picked a place yet. Just going out to celebrate the win." Her eyes were still focused on you, and you liked having all of her attention.
 "Will there be something other than bar food at this yet to be established destination? Because this one promised me an actual meal." She playfully swatted Seth in the chest, and you wished it was you she was touching. "Hopefully that means something that isn't actually made in a deep fryer."
 Before you could say anything at all, Seth spoke up. "Why don't we compromise? Dinner first, then we can hit a club."
 The whole thing sounded perfect to you, as it meant you would get more time with (Y/N). "Sounds good, though I'm not sure I can be a wing woman for all of you." She sent you a quick wink. Was she feeling the same thing you were? That instant connection.
 "Ok now that, that's settle. Let's get going." The four of you headed out of the arena and piled into Seth's car. Luckily, the restaurant was accommodating and able to put you all in a quiet spot. The corner booth provided privacy while allowing you to be close to (Y/N), as you chose to scoot in next her. She smelled of lavender, a fragrance you normally didn't prefer but on her it was intoxicating. Though it was a struggle to just not reach out and touch her. If this was a date, your hand would be on her thigh or entwined with hers, but this wasn't a date; this was the first time you were meeting this woman.
 "So Josh, Boone, give me some scoop on this one." Her words brought you out of your musings. "Has anyone captured his attention?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively at Seth when you wanted it to be directed at you.
 "Geez (Y/N), give me a break. Don't you think I'd tell you if I'd met someone special?" She seemed to accept his answer, but Seth quickly added. "Besides I have you as a backup."
 "A backup?" The words were out of your mouth before you could take them back, but damnit you wanted to know if there was something more than friendship going on between them.
 She playfully swatted at Seth's shoulder. "Please, like you need me for a backup." She turned towards you then. "Sorry, I didn't mean to not answer you. It's a stupid promise we made when we were fourteen." She thought for a moment before continuing. "God, what was his name?"
 "Michael Billington," Seth spat out.
 "Right, I can't believe you remember that. Anyway, Michael totally broke my heart at the ripe old age of fourteen." She patted your thigh, the contact going straight to your groin. "As you can see I'm still not over it." Her hand left and you thought you'd die from the loss. "I ended up crying on Seth's shoulder that night, and we made a pact that if neither of us was married by thirty we'd get hitched."
 "By my calculations, you've only got four years to find Mr. Right or you're going to be Mrs. Jones." Seth quipped back to her.
 "Please I have until you turn thirty, which is closer to five years, and who says I'd take your last name. You'd probably take mine." They both laughed at that, though you really didn't find the conversation funny at all. Their friendship seemed to be a bit more than your original assessment. "Besides I have a feeling some puck bunny will snatch you up and you'll be her problem, not mine."
 "I save the puck bunnies for these two." Great now your best friend was throwing you under the bus. So you'd been a bit of womanizer in your past; that was only because you hadn't met the right one. Yet that might have changed tonight when you met (Y/N). Though you needed to defend yourself first.
 "Come on man, that's not fair. It's not like that, right Boone?"
 "No, Seth pretty much got it right. I mean isn't that why we're going to the club tonight?" He was going to pay for that comment at practice in the morning.
 "You don't really need to hear about these guys sexcapades." Seth quickly tried to change the subject.
 "Sexcapades huh? No, I think I definitely need to hear about this." Her curiosity was piqued and you wondered how to turn this night back around before it went south.
 "Oh no we're not going there." You added. "What about you (Y/N)? Seth said you were in England, any British men catch your fancy, so to say."
 She giggled, the sound sweet and melodic. "If they had, I wouldn't be here, surrounded by you three hunks." You were relieved to find out that she didn't have some British nob waiting for her, across the pond. The conversation at dinner flowed so easily; you almost didn't want it to end. It was nice just having her here mainly to yourself, instead of fighting off random men for her attention. It was bad enough vying for it with Seth and Boone.
 Too soon for your liking dinner ended and the four of you headed to a club that you frequented. The music was loud and the dance floor was crowded, but thankfully there was a VIP section, that you were able to make your way to. Boone ordered everyone a round of drinks and shots. "Here's to a great win tonight and to my best friend finally moving to Columbus," Seth announced, and you all cheers before slinging down the burning liquid.
 "Damn Boone, what the hell was that shit?" You asked him, coughing a bit from the bad alcohol you'd just drank. (Y/N) was already chasing it down with her other drink.
 "I did not order that shit. I specifically asked for 1942 Don Julio. I'm gonna go see what the hell happened."
 "Hold up, I'm going with you because this does not taste like what I ordered either," Seth told him before the two took off, leaving you and (Y/N) alone. She was swaying to the music as she sat on the sofa and you wondered what she'd look like when her whole body moved.
 "Do you want to dance?"
 "Took you long enough to ask Andy." She quipped, using your nickname, which out of her mouth was completely adorable. You took her hand and led her just past the roped-off area, close enough that Seth and Boone would know where you went. Dancing with a Stranger was playing and you raised your joined hands as you started to move to the beat. Her body swayed to the rhythm and you found your free hand reaching for her waist; pulling her close to you. Her hips gyrated with yours and her arm skated around your neck. She was intoxicating, the way she moved, the smile on her face; just everything about her spoke to you on some other level. You'd only had her in your arms a few moments, but you knew you never wanted to let her go.
 She spun around then, her backside now grinding into your crotch; while your arm sat low on her hips holding her close. You leaned down, half tempted to whisper in her ear how much you wanted her; but that damn lavender scent of hers engulfed you, even though the smell of alcohol and sweat permeated the air. You wanted to drink her in, and get drunk solely on being in her presence alone. Instead you were stuck holding her tight against you in a crowded club.
 The music shifted and so did she in your arms, as she twisted back around front. "Don't look now, but the girl at your two o'clock is staring at you like a starving dog." You moved your head to see who (Y/N) was talking about, even though she was the only one who you wanted to spend the rest of the night staring at. "I said not to look." (Y/N) chuckled and you joined in. "So should I be a good wing-woman and help you get her, now that you've checked her out."
 God that was the last thing that you wanted, for (Y/N) was the only woman who'd captured your attention and there was no one in this club or on the planet for that matter that you wanted to be with but her. An easy 'no' fell from your lips before you even really figured out which girl (Y/N) was talking about.  "Really? I don't think it would be a hard sell." This time when you looked your saw who she meant, a groan escaped your lips. "Ah, so that was a death glare she was giving me; I take it?"
 "Yeah, probably." (Y/N) cocked her head in question for you to explain further. "Her name is Carmen, and she's one of those puck bunnies you were talking about earlier. She's been trying to get her hooks into me for weeks."
 "Oh, well in that case let's give her a show." She wrapped her arms around your neck and grinded down on you, making your cock go from stiff to rock solid. "Put your hands on my ass." You blinked down at her, but who were you to argue with such demands. With her breasts pressed against you and the cheeks of her bottom in your hands, you were struggling not to just lift her up and take her to the nearest quiet corner. "Is she still watching?"
 You weren't even paying any attention to Carmen. Why would you, when you had everything you wanted in your arms, but for (Y/N)'s sake you looked over to check. "God, she's actually coming this way."
 "Kiss me."
 "Kiss me, so she thinks we're together." You didn't move, so she reached her hands up to the nape of your neck and brought your lips down to hers. It wasn't how you wanted your first kiss with her to be, yet her lips were soft and pliant beneath yours. You couldn't help how your hands pressed her body even closer to yours. Her lips molded to yours and you felt her melt into your arms. The kiss shifted then, it was no longer about pretending, but purely about two people that wanted each other, no needed each other. The music around you was deafening but you heard the slight moan she gave above it all. You took full advantage, sweeping your tongue inside her mouth to tangle with hers. She tasted of alcohol and faintly of the chocolate cake she'd had at dinner, and something that was purely her. You were lost in her and you never wanted to be found.
 You were so focused on (Y/N) and everything about her, that you forgot where were until some drunk bumped into the two of you spilling their drink partially on you both; causing you to break the kiss. It didn't matter that your pant leg was half soaked, all you could do was stare down at the beautiful woman in front of you. Her lips slightly swollen from the kiss, and a look of awe on her face. Neither of you recovered quickly, and you knew you should've said something but all you could think of was how badly you wanted to kiss her again.
 She cleared her throat, effectively breaking the spell going on between the two of you. "Well, um…" You weren't sure what else she was going to say, but you knew if it was negative you didn't want to hear it.
 "That had nothing to do with Carmen." You told her, being completely honest. Her mouth formed an 'O' yet no sound came out. There was so much more you wanted to say, but it didn't happen as Seth and Boone joined you then.
 "Did we miss anything?" Seth asked, as he placed a hand on your shoulder giving you a squeeze and pointedly looked at where your hands were, which happened to still be glued to (Y/N)'s ass. You immediately released her though regretted it.
 (Y/N) answered him first. "Just saving Andy here from the wolves." She skated one arm down yours to entwine with your fingers, then took the other to pull Seth nearer to her. "The wolf's name is Carmen." She stated, nodding her head in the direction Carmen previously was, but now was nowhere to be found.
 Just the mention of Carmen's name and understanding dawned on Seth, even though there was more to the story than what was being told. "Gotcha. Well we have drinks back at the table."
 "Great. I'll be right there, just going to freshen up." She squeezed your hand, then headed off, and though you knew she'd only be gone a few minutes; you felt an overwhelming desire to run after her just so you could kiss her again. Instead, you went back to the table with Seth, where Boone was flirting with some brunette.
 Taking a long swig of your drink, you sat down, only to hear Seth say. "So, care to tell me what's really going?"
 You set the glass back before you had a chance to down the entire contents. "I like her. What else can I say? But if you tell me right now that, you're secretly in love with her or something; I'll back off."
 Seth rolled his eyes. "I do love her." God, you felt your heart literally sink to the floor, and you found yourself picking the glass back up and bringing it to your lips, which still burned from kissing her. "But like a sister." Just like that you brought the drink back down, to look over at your friend. "And before you say anything, that means I won't tolerate you treating her like some one-night stand. She's special Josh."
 "You don't think I noticed that." You raked a hand through your hair, more frustrated at yourself for not being able to explain the things you were feeling for a woman you'd only just met. "I saw that the minute I came out of the locker room and she was standing there. It's only been more evident throughout the night. She's amazing Seth." You had to be sure, he knew you'd walk away if there was something between them. "You're positive it's just a brother/sister thing?"
 "Look, I won't lie. We tried it once." Now that you knew the truth, you weren't sure you wanted to hear it. "We were eighteen, and I felt like she was slipping away going off to college and all. It was awful." He chuckled and part of you felt relief that you weren't going to be competing with one of your best friends. "We realized then, that we were always going to be friends and nothing more." He slapped you on the shoulder before continuing. "But seriously man, you may be the better fighter of the two of us. Though I'm telling you now, I will literally beat the living shit out of you if you break her heart."
 "Noted." You went to say more but he stopped you yet again.
 "It took me a long time to convince her to come back to the states. Don't fuck this up."
 "Jesus, I don't even know if she likes me."
 "She does. I can see it." Now that was something that you finally wanted to hear.
 "You really think so?"
 "Dude, calm down. You sound like you're five or something." Seth took a long drink before actually answering your question, enjoying making you wait. "Yeah, I really do." He shrugged then. "I saw her kiss you and I saw the look on her face afterward, but you can find out for yourself because here she comes."
 You watched as (Y/N) moved through the crowd to make it back to your seats. "What I miss?" She asked as she took the seat next to you.
 "Oh, not much," Seth said handing her a drink, and sending you a sly glance.
 "Doesn't seem like that." She added with that cute little giggle of hers. "Please tell me you didn't have a run-in with that Carmen girl while I was gone." Actually, you'd forgotten all about her.
 "No, thank god," Seth answered. "Though I do see her and her friends staring at us." You followed Seth's vision and sure enough there she was glaring over more at (Y/N) then either him or Seth. "If this wasn't your first night out in Columbus; I'd be suggesting we call it a night." You were inclined to agree.
 "Hey no need to stay on my account. I'm literally still on London time, which means my carriage turned into a pumpkin a few hours ago. I'd rather party when I didn't think that it was six in the morning." Both you and Seth laughed at her comment. "Laugh all you want, but one of you two will be carrying me back to the hotel when I fall asleep here." You had no qualms with carrying her anywhere though your bed was your preferred choice.
 "In this noise? You'll never fall asleep. I know you and you don't even like the tv on to sleep." Seth quipped to her and you stored the knowledge away. "Let me go see what Romeo over there wants to do and I'll be back." He headed over to Boone leaving you and (Y/N) alone, which provided you the perfect opportunity to talk to her.
 "So, about earlier." You started and she nodded. "I didn't want it to be like that…kissing you that is." Her eyes widen and you could tell she misunderstood what you were trying to say. "It's not that I didn't want to kiss you…" You blew out a frustrated breath, before raking your hands through your hair. "I mean I want to kiss you…fuck…I just…well, I like you, and well…I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go out. Just the two of us, where I can kiss you properly." There you'd said it all. It was a jumbled mess, but at least you'd asked her out. The problem now was that she wasn't saying anything in return, and now you were worried you didn't make yourself clear. "So…um…would you like to go out with me?"
 A small smile spread across her features and you took that as a good sign. "You're really cute when you're flustered. Do you know that?" You could feel a blush rising to your cheeks. "I like you too Josh, but…" She looked over at Seth and then it occurred to you that maybe she had feelings for him.
 "I didn't realize there was…."
 "No!" She said quickly. "There's not. Seth is my best friend and that's all. I just don't know how he'd feel about me dating one of his teammates."
 "Well if it helps, he told me he'd kick my ass if I hurt you."
 She shook her head as a light chuckle escaped her lips. "God, he never changes. He used to say that to every guy I dated growing up, but I'll take that as him giving us his blessing. So, if that's the case, then…Yeah, I'd love to go on a date with you."
 "Really?" You were completely elated but wanted to be one hundred percent sure.
 "Yes really. I like you Josh." She reached over and kissed your cheek. "And just so you know. I don't regret kissing you on the dance floor, but I understand that you didn't want it to be our first. So let's just consider that practice, until you take me out."
 Seth came back then, with Boone falling behind. "Everyone ready to go?"
 You laced your fingers with (Y/N)'s and the four of you headed out the door. Tonight had proved to be more of a win for you than just in hockey and you couldn't wait for your next matchup with the girl on your arm, because for some reason you thought you’d finally found the right one.
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hockeygods14 · 6 years ago
Tyler Seguin - Its Always Been You
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Word count: 2,455
Inspired by: Marry me - Thomas Rhett
Tyler’s POV
She wants to get married, she wants it perfect
She wants her grandaddy preaching the service
Yeah, she wants magnolias out in the country
Not too many people, save her daddy some money
Growing up with two sisters was easy but growing up with Y/N right next door was something else. When we were younger she was always in her backyard with her stuff animals they were all sitting in rows and she would have this white dress on that was a little too big for her. She had a pearl necklace around her neck that was no doubt her mothers and the white heels were most likely her moms too. She would stand next to a bear that was wearing a black suit and I would watch her get married to the bear. I was in aw of her when I watch her the first time but when he saw me she had been dressed in a black suit and stand next to her and pretend we were getting married. Our parents loved it they still talk about it all the time when our families get together. 
Y/N sometimes would sit in my treehouse and tell me how she wanted her wedding. She didn’t want too many people only close family and friends. She wanted magnolias because her grandparents have them at their house. She wanted it to be somewhere in the country. Even at a young age, she didn’t want to spend too much.
Ooh, she got it all planned out
Yeah, I can see it all right now
I'll wear my black suit, black tie, hide out in the back
I'll do a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask
I'll try to make it through without crying so nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
But she don't wanna marry me
I would be lying right now if I said I didn’t picture marrying Y/N one day.
I would put on a black suit almost like I wore when we were younger and almost like I wear on game day but nicer. I would have a black-tie on with magnolia on the jacket. 
I would be waiting with my groomsmen to walk down the aisle. I would look over my shoulder and Jamie would be right there giving me a big smile. He would hand me a flask for one sip to get me through this and to calm my nerves. My hand would be sweating and I would be shaking a little bit. I would probably look at my mom and she would tell me that she has never seen me this away not even before I won the Stanley Cup.
As I wait for Y/N to come down I would try not to cry because then I would never herd the end of it in the locker room. I would see both my sister walk in first they both say wait till you see her. I would be a goner when I see her and her dad walking down. Her smile is big and bright It would be just her and me against the world.
She’s going to have her perfect wedding one day but she won’t be marrying me.
I messed that up when I went to Boston.
My first season in the NHL I thought I had it all. I was wrong I didn’t tag to Y/N the whole time I was there and when I got traded to Dallas I tried to call Y/N but she would answer. I asked Candice why she wasn’t answering any of my calls, she told me I messed up and I need to fix my mistake and that’s what I didn’t. I went to her house and every day for three weeks until she would talk to me. When she did start to talk to me it took us a while to get back to us being close again and to where she could trust me. I was an idiot for what I did and I don’t blame her for not wanting to see or talk to me. I don’t deserve her as a friend.
I remember the night when I almost kissed her
Yeah, I kinda freaked out, we'd been friends for forever 
And I always wondered if she felt the same way
When I got the invite, I knew it was too late
There was one night after a game everyone was going over to Jamie’s house to celebrate that we made it to playoffs. Y/N was able to make it to the game it was very last minute but I was happy knowing she was there cheering me on. As I got dressed all I could think about was she was waiting for me outside that locker room.
“When are you going to tell her?” I look over at Jamie.
“What are you talking about?”
“When are you going to tell Y/N that you love her and not just as a friend but that you are in love with her? Because if you wait too long she’s going to find someone and that someone isn’t going to be the guy that plays hockey for the Dallas Stars and wear the number 91.” He grabbed his bag and walked out of the locker room before I could say anything. 
Would she find someone who is better than me? She could find someone that isn’t gone for most of the year playing hockey and training. She should find someone better than me but I would like nothing more than that someone to be me. 
I walked out of the locker room and I see Y/N standing there in my jersey with my name and number on the back and she could look hotter. I wouldn’t want anyone else down here waiting for me in my jersey than her.
“Tyler!” She yelled my name and ran up to me and wrapped her arms roundly neck and I wrapped mine around her waist and lifted her off the floor. “You had two amazing goals tonight!” I laughed and set her back down.
“I told you if you came I would get you a goal.” I put one arm around her shoulders and while she put on roundly waist. I pulled her a little closer and kissed her on the top of her head. “Some of the guys are going to Benn’s place to celebrate us going to playoffs you want to go?” I ask her really hoping she will say yes.
“Jamie actually already asked me to come and I told him I would but not for too long. I was hoping I could get a ride with you there?” I smiled at her she didn’t have to ask she knew she could get a ride. She could ask me for anything I would give it to her.
I was driving us to Jamie’s house, Y/N was sat next to me singing whatever song that came on. She was in such a good mood today. It was nice seeing her joking around with the guys and laugh with the other girls she just fits right in with everyone.
Once we got to Jamie’s house there were a lot more people than I thought there was going to be. I thought it was just going to be the team but I guess word got out and now it's one big house party. Y/N and I were walking up to the house when I felt someone grab my hand and interlace our figures together and I look down and see that the hand it belonged to was Y/N I smiled and lend us through the house to get something to drink. As we turned a corner I was pulled back around the corner and I saw it was Y/N that pulled me back.
“That girl that tried to get with you the other night at the bar is here,” I looked at her confused there are a lot of girls that come up to me at bars. Y/N rolled her eyes “The crazy one that said she went to school with you she wore that ugly green dress.” I thought back and now I remember. 
“Oh great now-“ Before I was able to finish I was pushed into Y/N which made her step back against the wall I had both hands planted on both sides of her head. Our faces were so close all I wanted to do was kiss her and it almost seemed like she wanted the same thing. I slowly started to lean in.
“Seguin!” I felt two hands go on my shoulders I turn and see its Radulov. I sighed and turn fully to him and great him. After he left I turn back to Y/N and see that she was gone.
I looked all over for her. Jamie ended up tell me an hour later thatch got an Uber home and that she didn't feel that well.
The next time I saw her she both acted like nothing happened. 
A week after that she told me she started seeing someone.
A year and a half after that I got a text from Y/N she sent me a picture. It was a picture of a ring on her finger.
Two months later I got a wedding invite.
And I know her daddy's been dreading this day
Oh, but he don't know he ain't the only one giving her away
I went back home to visit with my family. I had a couple days off. Mom and Dad were outback cooking. Candace and Cassidy were getting the plates and drinks to go outside. 
“Candace I think you got two too many plates there.” I look at the plates that she’s holding.
“Mom and dad didn’t tell you? Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N is coming over.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of course they are.
I walk outside and see everyone out there sitting around the table. I took a seat in front of Mr. Y/L/N.
“Are you guys ready for Y/N to get married?” My mom asked 
“No.” I looked right across the table. “I’m not ready to give my little girl away.” He’s not the only one that’s not ready to give her away. 
Bet she got on her dress now, welcoming the guests now
I could try to find her, get it off of my chest now
But I ain't gonna mess it up, so I'll wish her the best now
So I'm in my black suit, black tie, hiding out in the back
Doing a strong shot of whiskey straight out the flask
I'll try to make it through without crying so nobody sees
Yeah, she wanna get married
Yeah, she gonna get married
But she ain't gonna marry me
Whoa, she ain't gonna marry me, no
She was getting married in our home town. She was having the wedding that she has always dreamed about. 
I looked at the pictures that were placed down the path to our seats I see her smile with her soon to be husband. All I can see is that it isn’t me that she’s marrying. 
All I want to do was to go find her and tell her how I fell but I know that would upset her. I couldn’t do that to her. 
I take out my flask because I wouldn’t be able to make it through this wedding without it. I see both of my sister giving me a look to put it away and I do. I stand up from where I was sitting and start to walk back up the path. I hear my mom and sisters calling out for me but I don’t turn around. I couldn’t sit there and watch the person I love marry some else. I could sit there through all that seeing her happy with someone else.
I pull up to my parent's house and walk around the back. I look up at the treehouse and I climb up and just sit there thinking about the time I would be sitting in here and Y/N would be telling me about her dream wedding that she would have one day. I take a sip from my flask. I look off to Y/N parents backyard and think about the wedding we had when we were younger. I take a sip from my flask. I look back at my parent's house and I see Y/N walking through the gate and looking up at the treehouse. She was in her beautiful white cinderella dress. I could tell she had been crying I hurried down.
“What are you doing?” I ask her leaving space between us.
“What do you mean what am I doing? What are you doing Tyler? I looked for you while was walking down the aisle and you went there.” I put my hand in my pockets and looked down at the ground.
“You came all the way to get me to your wedding?” I could look at her.
“That wasn’t my wedding Tyler,” I looked up confused. “My wedding is supposed to be with the person I love most. It's supposed to be with my best friend. That man that was waiting for me to walking down the aisle was not him. Yes, I love him but I’m in love with someone else.”
“What are you talk about Y/N?” I’m still confused.
“God Tyler when are you going to see it? I mean everyone else sees it. Your whole team knows I don’t know how you don’t. Tyler Paul Seguin you idiot I’m in love with you. I want you to be the one I marry. I want my dream wedding that I would tell you about in the treehouse. I want the wedding that I would set up and have you present to marry me but I don’t want to pretend I want to marry you for real. I want to be there when you come home for a road trip and just cuddle all night till we fall asleep in each other's arms. I want to grow old with you. I want-“ She was talking too much so I went up to her and grabbed her face and kissed her. I have waited years to kiss her and it was worth the wait.
“I love you Y/N. I have been in love with you.”
“What took you so long?” She asked me.
“I didn’t think you felt the same way.”
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going-full-shmoo · 6 years ago
Could you write one about how Tyler’s gf is a pro soccer player but in Europe and she’s having a hard time adjusting and on his bye week he comes and surprises her? And he’s really cute with her when trying to make her feel better
@kristenyascur Hi! I’ll see what I can do!
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Player: Tyler Seguin
Genre: Fluff
You had met Tyler by coincidence while you were on your off-season. Being a superstar soccer player didn’t allow you for much time off. You were in Dallas visiting some friends when you ran into him at one of the local bars. He had just come from a game to celebrate the win with some of the other guys, and sure enough he bumped into you. He bought you a drink, and the rest is history.
You were originally apprehensive to getting into a relationship, especially with Tyler. You moved around a lot for your work, being transferred from team to team, and on top of that Tyler was a professional athlete too. Neither of you really had the time to match up and get into a serious relationship. You had also heard rumors about Tyler specifically, ones that he immediately put to rest when he met you. But, after some convincing from Tyler, you officially became his girlfriend.
Unfortunately, shortly into your relationship, you got the call from your manager saying you had been traded to a team somewhere in Europe. This only meant a greater distance between you and your already long-distance boyfriend. You were going to be completely different country away from all you know, and there was nothing you could do about it. And, as much as Tyler tried, there was nothing that could make you feel better about this situation.
Sure enough, you packed your bags and moved all the way to Europe. During your very tearful goodbye in the airport, Tyler tried to reassure you that he would come visit you as much as he could, but you knew with his schedule you would likely not see him for a while. He promised to call and text you whenever he could, and told you could call him whenever, no matter the time difference. One last kiss goodbye, and you were on your way to start anew.
A few months into your season on your new European team, your anxiety and uneasiness still had not faded. Everything was so different, and you were still having so much trouble adjusting to the new team. You were also heavily missing your family and Tyler, so much that it hurt your heart every day you didn’t see them. Tyler kept to his promise and called and texted you whenever he could, but even then there were days that he was busy and couldn’t do it. You were so ready to give up on everything.
You were having an off-day to prepare for the tournament that your team had been placed in. You were happy that your team had achieved so much, but the ache in your heart was still real. Because you were all the way in Europe, there was no one there to be in the stands to root for you. You tried to block that out of your mind as you stretched in your living room of your small apartment, doing your best to keep limber. 
However, that’s when you heard a knock at the door. You were incredibly confused. None of your teammates ever came to your apartment because you usually only saw them at the practice field or out on the town. You had no idea who could be at the door. You quietly walked over, making sure you had something in your eye-line that you could use as a weapon if needed, and looked through the peephole on the door. 
There, in your hallway, stood Tyler, a small bunch of flowers in hand, and luggage behind him. You threw open the door and leaped into his arms, taking him by surprise. It didn’t take him long to reciprocate the hug, just as tightly as you were. You couldn’t help but tear up as you breathed in his familiar cologne.
“God I missed you so much” you heard him whisper. You pulled back a little to get a good look at his face. 
“What are you doing here? How are you here? Aren’t you in the middle of a season?” you asked quickly.
“Babe you gotta breathe,” he chuckled. “It’s the All-Star Break this week. I made sure everyone voted for Jamie this year, so I have the whole week to spend with you. And, even if they did try and make me go, I still would have come here anyway.”
You teared up again and gave him a soft kiss before leading him into your apartment. 
“It’s not much, but its...home...I guess,” you quickly wiped away the tears that had spilled during your reunion. 
“It’s lovely, babe,” Tyler came over and hugged you to his side, leaving a soft kiss on your temple. “Hey, are you okay?”
You took a deep breath. “I’m not really sure, Ty...believe me its not because of your wonderful surprise. In fact, it’s the best thing that has happened to me since I was moved over here.”
“Thats another reason why I flew out here, babe,” Tyler started. “See, I knew that this whole thing, moving to Europe, a new team, was going to be really hard. I could hear that you were having a rough time over the phone, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. I just had to come and see you.”
You started tearing up again, and Tyler brought you tightly into his arms. You didn’t realize how much you truly missed him, or even how outrageously stressed you were until he brought it up. You had had such a rough time trying to adjust to everything, and it was taking such a toll on you and you hadn’t even noticed.
“Its okay, babe. I’m here,” he comforted, softly rubbing your back.
“God I missed you...It’s been so hard,” you managed to choke out, slightly muffled due to your face being buried in Tyler’s soft hoodie.
“I know, babe. I know,” he pulled back just a bit so he could gently wipe the tears from your face. “By the way, did I ever tell you how insanely proud I am of you? You came all the way over here by yourself, kicked ass on a team you barely knew, and got all the way to the championship tournament? That’s so badass.”
You chuckled at his words, but you also knew that he was being incredibly genuine. 
“Thank you, Ty. For everything.” you smiled at him.
“Anything for you, babe,” he leaned in to give you another kiss before he pulled back with a bright smile. “I almost forgot! Look what I had made!”
He jogged over to his suitcase and opened it up, pulling out a familiar looking jersey - your new team’s jersey, with your last name and number on the back. 
“I figured since I’m going to be here to see you play, I might as well look the part. What do you think? Think I’ll fit in with the other spouses and significant others?” He posed goofily with the shirt, pretending to model it for you. You laughed and nodded.
“You will be the belle of the ball, babe,” you continued to giggle as he came back over with the jersey. “And, I can even sign it for you to make it official.”
“Now we’re talking,” he smiled as he pulled a sharpie from his pocket. You giggled knowing full well that this was definitely something he would do, seeing as how he did the same thing for your Seguin jersey when you got it. You signed it and handed it back to him, giving him yet another kiss.
“You’re the best,” you whispered to him.
“I know,” he smiled, kissing the tip of your nose. “Now, I gotta ask. Just how embarrassed would you be if I chanted your name at the top of my lungs during the game? Because it will happen, and you know it. I gotta root for my superstar.”
You laughed, knowing that he would, in fact, do that whether you like it or not. But honestly you wouldn’t have it any other way. You knew he was your biggest fan, and with him by your side, you could get through this. 
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