#and his flower friend Dandy (the flower on his tail) can appear all over his body or choose to appear back in his designated pot :DDDD
thelone-copper · 1 year
Shy lil guy,,,,my favorite big cat
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POV: someone called him a fat fuck
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Also here’s his colors!!!
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And his lil character sheet!!! I love my shy baby boy,,,,he will cry. A lot. If anything happens WNSNDBDBFBBC
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alisondepartedbear · 4 years
Just Breathe
Everything is not what it seems in Swellview, a kidnapper is running amok while Henry faces some challenging trials in his life. The boy most overcome what is inside to deal with major life changes.
Part One / Part Two / Part Three
Chapter Four
"Good morning, this is Cheryl Gomez with Channel Six News." says the very attractive newscaster as she does every morning. I've had a huge crush on her since I was twelve. Every time I've been interviewed by her, being Kid Danger, I blush insanely under the mask and always have the biggest toothy smile.
"At 3:30 this morning, Elena Gilbert was reported missing. She was last seen crossing the street from Melbourne to Salvatore. She's five feet tall, dark brown hair-"
Piper gasps beside me when the photo of the girl appears on screen.
"She's in my grade! She's in my 3rd block!" Piper yells.
Oh my god.
"I saw her on Friday. She walked into the store." I whisper remembering her and her family.
"That would've been the day she went missing," She says. "You know, since it takes at least 24 hours to report a person."
A chill runs through my body at the possibility of her parents, Jasper, and me being the last people to see her. I have to go talk to Ray before school. Picking up my phone for the time I see its only seven. Ray couldn't possibly be awake but this was serious.
"Uh, Piper, I gotta go swing by work." I get up and grab my keys from the console table by the door.
"What do you mean? You're my ride!"
I spin back to her and tap my foot, putting my hands on my hips. "Piper,"
She rolls her eyes and looks to her phone. "Fine, I'll get a friend to take me."
"Thank you," I bow to her before walking out.
When I pull onto Thames street, I notice a cop car outside Junk'n'Stuff. I pull in behind them and park. Walking into the store, I see Ray, a cop, and an unknown man standing at the counter.
"Hey, kid," Ray says trying to conceal a confused face.
"Hey, what goes on?" I ask. My heart starts to speed up as I near the policeman. I always have this gut feeling that they know who Ray and I are.
Both men were dressed in the classic blue slacks and button up. Their badges shine from the lights in the room, almost blinding me. A man with thick framed black glasses and an Afro smiles at me.
"I'm Detective Shapiro," His voice was smooth and soft; trusting. "How are ya this morning?"
"Henry Hart, and I'm fine. What about yourself?" I can almost see the physical cringe when he clasps his hand onto my sweat soaked one. He shakes quickly before taking his hand back and wiping it on his shirt.
"Oh, just dandy. Do you know Ray or are you just a customer?"
"He's my second-in-command." Ray says with a smile that makes me beam. I get giddy when someone brags about me. It's like a dog wagging its tail; I almost always sit up and smile. "My left hand man,"
"Oh, that's great! Ray and I go way back, went to high school together."
I glance at his partner and know he's annoyed. This guy had a five o'clock shadow and tired eyes. He kept switching his gaze from his partner and the security monitors. He looked how I felt...dead. After my family's pity party yesterday, I couldn't help but create my own in my bedroom until late in the night. Standing here under the bright lights were making objects beat and pulse, I can't imagine what it'll be like at school.
"Oh, really," I force out. "Ray doesn't talk much about high school."
"There's a reason for it." I hear Ray say under his breath.
I look at him. He has his back turned to us doing what seems to be searching in a box. "Hey, Ray, can I help?"
"Yeah, do you know where the security tapes are from yesterday? For inside and outside."
I nod and walk behind the counter to get them.
"I can't believe you still use tapes. You're probably the only guy in town." said the unnamed partner.
Ray scoffs like he knows something magical about using tapes. "Well I guess we just like doing it the original way." He leans on the glass. "So have you guys got leads on the girl yet? Heard she was headed towards a bookstore on Salvatore,"
"There's not much to say." Detective Shapiro says shrugging. I turn back to them and set the four tapes on the counter. He picks them up. "But these tapes will sure help." He tapes them a few times with his fingers.
"Well, just hit me up if anything else is needed."
Detective Shapiro winks. "Of course, of course, let's go Parker." The silent cop follows after the Detective. That wink didn't help my nerves.
"Do you think they know who we are?" I ask Ray when the door shuts.
"No," He immediately says. Ray turns to me now, looking up and down. "You look a wreck. Why are you here?"
"For Elena! I just saw on the news. We gotta do something. This is the second kidnapping-"
"I know, and I got it. I'm just thinking." Ray makes his way to the back. I follow him.
"What are you thinking?"
Ray stops at the elevator and turns back. "Fine, I don't have any thoughts. But I did make an extra copy of those surveillance tapes." He says with a wicked smile.
"Good! We can go-"
"Nope," He grabs hold of my arm before I make it passed him. "You're going to school."
"I need-"
"I'll watch the tapes with Schwoz and make highlights. There's probably nothing on them. They said she was on Salvatore Street anyway."
"Ray, ple-"
"No, get out." Ray points to the front door sternly, eyebrows raised high.
I make it to school but not into the building. Something has me rooted to the seat. Glancing up at the school, I see our security man walking the perimeter, making sure no one was leaving cigarette butts in the parking lot, and that no kids were out smoking weed, skipping class, or having a panic attack.
A gasp runs through my chest with a sharp pain that makes me clench the skin above my heart. Closing my eyes, I try to breathe through my nose and out my mouth, but each release is gasps of air. My eyes squeeze shut and I lean forward. Without a thought, I recline the seat and lay back to curl into myself. Dad's words run through my head from last night, wondering how long he knew. The tears from last night return too. They fall harder when the images of Elena pops in my mind. Wishing I could go back and tell her parents to watch her all night. Last night I found the name of the boy that was kidnapped. Trevor Millton. He's only 11. I wonder how scared they are. How fast their hearts of beating from fear. If they're being feed. Trevor's been gone for almost five days. The body can't go without water for long.
I lay curled up and crying for a while, letting my mind slip into circle thoughts. Thinking about the kids dying, and about how I want to die. I wish it were cold enough to freeze me. I wouldn't need to deal with this if I were a ghost I think. But now, right here, my eyes burn and hurt. They feel tired from all the crying from the past twelve hours. Blindly, I reach in the back floorboard for a water bottle. After finding two, I take the cold bottles and press them on my eyelids. Some shuddering breaths come out from the sudden cold but I give in to the numbness it brings and sleep.
I peek with an eye over my shoulder to see Charlotte with a pinched face. Huffing a huge breath as I flip over, I raise the seat. When I open the door a warm breeze whips through almost shutting it again, Charlotte grabs a hold to open it wider.
"What are you doing?" She doesn't miss a beat.
"Taking a nap," The sun have risen a bit and I squint my eyes at her with a little smile. "What are you doing?"
"Checking if you're dead," She crosses her arms and leans against the door. "Officer Poke saw you and rather than yell at you, called for me to."
I snicker before letting my smile fall, remembering why I was taking nap. Charlotte sits on the concrete in front me. She wore jeans and a yellow shirt marked with little white sharks. Her hair was up showing off her dangling diamond flower earrings. I raise my finger to my ear and flip the lobe.
She smiles and puts her hand to her ear too. I don't know if it's the heat outside but I could've sworn her cheeks looked tinted just then. "Thank you,"
I wave my hand at her, trying to be nonchalant. My fingers play with the frayed strings on the cut in my jeans. Another breeze comes through.
"What's going on?" She taps my shoes with her's.
I look down at her as I curl into my knees. "My-" I shield my eyes from her with my hand. "Things aren't great."
"I know, Henry. But I really believe that you and Ray-"
"Besides the obvious," I raise my voice. She's wrong. She's wrong.
Not wanting to get irritated, I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. Then the smell of orange blossoms come and I open my eyes again. Now Charlotte's standing in front of me, leaning against the door frame. Just a lot closer than before. Her doll eyes search over my face.
"What else is wrong?"
"My family," I could only manage a whisper. I didn't think she heard me until she reached with her hand and grabbed mine.
Squeezing my hand, she whispered back. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I shake my head. She steps back and lets go of my hand. Whipping my head up, not ready to let go, I see her with her arms a little open. "Hug me then,"
Stepping out of the car, my legs feel wobbly. She grabs my waist and pulls me close. I put my arms around her and lay my head against hers. My chest swells and I can't breathe again. I gasp and she starts to rub her hand on my back. With all my muscles I want to relax and let her comfort me, but a shake runs through my body and I let my head fall to her shoulder. My fingers grip her shoulders while I try to steady myself.
"Charlotte," I gasp out.
Charlotte holds me tighter, bringing me down further. "I know, I'm sorry." She repeats a few times. "I wish it wasn't like this."
A few minutes pass before I know I can look her in the eyes again. I pull away and sit back in the car. She looks down at me with soft smile and squeezes my shoulder.
"Please, talk to me when you're ready, even if it's super late. Okay?"
I nod.
"Alright," She steps back. "I'm telling Ms. Polly in the office that you need ten more minutes and then you'll be in. You cannot miss school. Ray will have you're head."
I nod returning the smile. "Thank you,"
She nods too before turning to leave.
That afternoon Charlotte, Jasper, and I went straight to Junk'n'Stuff. Jasper took his post upstairs while Charlotte and I headed down to Ray and Schwoz.
"We watched almost seventeen hours of footage, and found nothing." Schwoz says popping a cheese puff in his mouth. He looked very tired while he rested his head on the table with the couch.
Charlotte puts her hands on her hips. "You guys suck." She walks to Ray who was sitting at the computer.
"We have nothing to work off of!" Ray stands to pace about the front of the room. Charlotte takes her usual seat at the computer. "If we had all those security tapes the police do, we'd be golden."
"Well you don't." Charlotte logs into the computer and begins pulling up websites and programs.
"Little girl, we won't be friends if you keep talking like that." Schwoz snaps his fingers at her.
"Are we friends?" She asks putting an emphasis on the first word.
Schwoz scoffs in annoyance. I laugh at them as I sit next to him. When I steal a few cheese puffs, he pats my hand away. "So how was school?" He asks as he does everyday like the dad he is.
"Lame," I tell him shoving the puffs in my mouth, grabbing more.
"He's just saying that because he lost at HORSE twice." Charlotte doesn't even look back as she sasses.
"Why do you gotta tell him?" I whine. Ray passes me for a third time while pacing. "Why don't you ask your detective friend for help again? He seemed nice."
"Shapiro?" Ray scoffs. "No, he won't help. Too loyal to the force," He mocks.
"I'm not. Charlotte, you think you can get into police records?" I ask.
The phone on the desk rings. Charlotte picks up without answering me or the phone. She just sits and listens.
Ray walks up to stand behind her chair. "What are you doing?" He whispers.
She holds a finger up signaling him to be quiet. Silently, she writes a couple things on a piece of paper with her fluffy blue pen. Before too long, Charlotte puts the phone down.
"I got cop information." She says holding the paper as if it was gold. "There's a lead."
Ray snatches the paper from her to read. He smiles at Charlotte. "Good job. She found out about a tip. The person said there'd be another kidnapping at Swellview Park."
"How'd you do that?"
"There's a cop at the precinct that I pay to give me tips, as long as when he calls me I stay silent. He said there's a chance the line is recorded." She shrugs. I smile at her with pride. As always, she's three steps ahead of the rest of us.
"How much you pay him?" I ask.
"100 or 200 depending on the case,"
"That's smart," Ray nods then he whips his head to her. "Whose money are you using?"
"Yours," She says with a smile. "You don't pay me that kind of money to use my own."
"I know that's why I asked! You can't-"
"Shouldn't we go to the park?" I ask stepping in. "See if they need help,"
Ray gives up on yelling at Charlotte to grab his bubblegum. I do the same. We head to the tubes to leave.
"Wait, you need to be sneaky. He said they were planning to set up around the perimeter and put decoys in. So look for a big van or something they'd be in." Charlotte warns.
"What are you doing here?" The officer asks looking us up and down. He stood in the doorway of an unmarked black van parked near the back exit of Swellview Park. Two other cops are stuffed in behind him sitting at monitors.
"We figured you'd need the help and all." Captain Man says with a forced smile.
"Look, Captain Man," He leans against the door frame. "We don't need your help or your kid's. So go on back to the Bat Cave."
This happens a lot. We try to help and the police turn us away. They typically don't like us coming in and saving the day. Lately people have been gossiping about the police force and the hundreds of unsolved cases they set aside. Yesterday I even heard people saying Captain Man and Kid Danger were faster than the ambulances and the emergency teams. An elderly lady said we were the true heroes since we didn't get paid by the public. People in Bordertown and Neighborville were even chatting about wanting their very own Captain Man and Kid Danger.
Captain Man balls his fist before pointing a finger at the man. "Alright, loser-"
"Captain Man, how nice of you to join us?" Detective Shapiro says stepping out of an SUV. The car quickly speeds off after he shuts the door.
"Detective," He crosses his arms over his chest, looking up at the officer and smirking. "Just seeing how we could be of service,"
Detective Shapiro takes a sip from a Skyscraper Coffee cup. He smiles. "Of course, the more to help the better." He looks up at the van. "Evening, Officer Bladell,"
"Did you call him here?"
"No," Detective Shapiro pushes his glasses up his nose. "But we need the help if we want those kids back. You want those kids back, right, Officer?"
Officer Bladell says something under his breath as he backs into the van. Detective Shapiro hoists himself on the steps before turning back to us.
"How about you patrol the east side of the park near the woods? Also, if possible try to remain unseen. We don't want to tip this guy off."
Twenty minutes later, we're sitting in the woods. I found a fallen tree and took a space. We were at the edge of the woods and park, just barely hidden by low branches and leaves. For a moment I curse our red and blue suits for being so obnoxious and bright. I poke at the colorful fabric. To be honest, I don't think anything will happen tonight. The police department get tips like this all the time. But something must be different about this one. I wish Charlotte could get the written report instead of just word of mouth. We need a description of the voice. Was it a man, woman, or a child? Did they sound scared or cocky? Could they trace the call? Or was-
"Do you hear that?" Captain Man asks looking over his shoulder into the deep wood. I look with him.
Peering in the darkness, I see the over grown trees that have tangle together, vines, and even rope from old tire swings. I stare for a minute. "No, I don't hear anything."
Captain Man turns fully now to look into the woods too. I can see him really straining to mark out any noises that were animal, human, or vehicle.
"Hello," It was a far off echo. The voice was so faint I thought I made it up.
And then there's a wisp of white and I hear an echo of the word. I stand up, facing the direction. "I hear it now."
Captain Man begins marching to it and I follow him. I see another wave of white and start to move fasting.
"Hello," echoes around.
"Hello," I call back.
Branches break and another "hello" surfaces."
"Stay where you are," Captain Man calls. "Let's go, kid."
We run towards the noise and color. Thorns scratch my face and catch on my suit, I'm pretty sure ripping it harshly. My stomach feels bloated and large as I make it to a small meadow clearing. What was I expecting? I look around the area in excitement and terror. Then I notice a girl standing in a white gown near a black tree. Almost like ghost.
"Captain Man," She screams. The dark haired girl runs the remaining feet to crash into Captain Man. "Thank you. Thank you. I'm so cold! I've been running for hours."
"Shh," Captain Man hugs the girl back. "It's alright. You're safe with us."
She looks up to meet my eyes and smiles. "I knew you'd be the two to find me."
My mouth falls open and a lump forms in my throat. I force out words. "Elena Gilbert?"
Her smile doesn't falter. "Yes,"
Chapter Five
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mr-and-mr-diaz · 4 years
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Here it is! The garden party! What will happen in the secluded hedge maze...?
M/M Romance, Arranged Marriage  - Also available on AO3
Chapter 5: The Garden Party
Excerpt:  "Would you like me to lift you up a few feet so you can see better?" Henry appeared next to me, chuckling.
I got ready for the weekend's garden fete with some excitement. No longer was I the grumpy cuff shackled on the wrist of an unwanted suitor. I was on the hunt for replacements. Since I would be going as an observer, I decided against bright colors, opting instead for a light brown overcoat and trousers, a shorter hat, with an ivory shirt. A matching light brown handkerchief and emerald green cufflinks completed the ensemble. I was just fine enough to be acceptable as Henry's fiance, and just unobtrusive enough to be able to mingle.
My parents climbed aboard the carriage and we were off. It was little more than a fifteen minute drive to the large estate, and having been there recently I knew what to expect when we headed up the drive.
I was wrong. The front gardens had been transformed for the summer feat. The hedges were clipped into magnificent shapes, and flower garland was strung and twisted onto colorful poles. Servants rushed about, serving drinks to all the guests as they entered the mansion. I sat in the carriage a moment longer, overwhelmed at the spectacle.
"Philip." My mother called less-than-patiently from the ground. Then "Oh!"
I looked down quickly. Henry looked up at me with a large smile on his face and his hand held out. His tailor had earned his pay. Royal blue trousers hugged his legs, showing off their musculature, and a tailed royal blue coat trimmed in gold wrapped around his broad shoulders, ending in elaborate, gold-stitched cuffs over a snowy white shirt. His eyes were brought out by the colors and they shone in the growing evening light. Even I, who was determined not to like him, had to be impressed.
I took his offered hand and allowed him to escort me from the coach. The gathered crowd had paused to watch the spectacle, the light brown and ivory pigeon being helped down by his fiance, the peacock. It was laughable. Arm in arm we walked up the drive, Mother sighing spectacularly. I resolved all the more to find him a more suitable match. We were unfit for each other in every way.
And I didn't want him.
We wove through the crowds, exchanging greetings with the guests. I could feel my face getting red and I attempted to get away a few times, but each time was pulled back by Henry's firm grasp on my forearm.
"If we stay linked like this the whole evening, I daresay I won't have a spare chance to find you another suitable match." I whispered up to him.
He chuckled. "You'll get your chance. But until then you are here as my fiance and we must keep up appearances."
I wanted to add that such a spectacle would make it all the more awkward when we split from one another, but I refrained, instead pasting on a charmed smile and following Henry around the banquet. Inside was even more glamorous than out. Massive chandeliers gleaming with candles lit the hall and a grand set of steps carpeted in burgundy led the way up to the ballroom. Inside, couples danced, their reflections jumping at them from the floor to ceiling windows, and long tables covered in snow-white linen held all manner of delicacies, from sugared fruit and chocolates to towering cakes iced in the bright colors of spring, draped in flowers. It was truly a magnificent show.
I tore my eyes from the refreshment to assess the people in the room. My eye caught onto a few young men that passed first glance requirements--they were handsome, the right age, dressed well. I made a note of which ones to engage in conversation throughout the evening. One, a young dandy who I'd never seen before, seemed especially suited. I took a step toward him when Henry pulled me to the dance floor.
"Would you do me the honors, Philip?"
I tugged at my wrist. "Henry, I may have found just the one, give me five minutes."
His brow furrowed, but he released me. "Of course."
I made my way across the room, nodding at friends as I made eye contact with them. The young man was talking to Sir Rond, who was making quite the spectacle of himself for a forty year old married man. His scowling wife, standing a few paces away, seemed to agree. The young man in question was taller than I was, and better muscled. He was blond and green eyed, and his clothes accentuated that, a forest green ensemble with tan leather accents and a tall hat. The effect was dashing.
I held out my hand to him. "Sir Philip Mallory."
He smiled at me. "Sir Edmond Ray, at your service."
A nobleman! I silently cheered myself. "I haven't seen you locally before, are you visiting? New to town?"
He nodded. "Visiting my cousin. I haven't been here for very long but I already adore your little shire, it's so charming and warm. And the views in the evenings are stunning!"
I laughed. "To be sure. I'm sure your wife or husband would be quite happy here, you need only bring them down to see."
He chuckled. "I'm sure they would, if they existed. I'm unattached." He winked at me, letting me know he knew exactly why I had been asking. I blushed. It had been transparent. But not for my sake. He held out a hand "Might I have the honor of enjoying the next dance with you?" His smile froze at the last word, and his face was still for a moment before lighting up. I knew before turning who stood behind me.
"Sir Ray, this is Henry Shawdun. Henry, this is Sir Edmond Ray."
Henry's eyes lit up. "Edmond? By God, I didn't recognize you at first, what brings you here?"
Ray's smile rendered me unnecessary to this conversation. "Henry, you old dog, I saw your family name in the invitation. I hoped you would be here!" They gave each other firm slaps on the back and immediately fell into reminiscing about the old days. Not a spark of romance flashed between them. I sighed. One down. And he had looked so promising. So long as Henry was engaged in catching up with good ol' Sir Ray, I was free to seek out other potential suitors. Nodding in their distracted direction, I hastened back outside.
Sir Roland Maxry immediately caught my eye. His family's wealth was also on the decline. Rumor indicated that he was in talks with a number of nouveau riche about potential marriages. He would no doubt be delighted for the opportunity to catch a man like Henry. I hastened to him.
He turned, sandwich halfway to his mouth, and saw me. "Philip. Enjoying your new family's prosperity I imagine?" His grin was acid. A man after my man, huh? He's yours.
I grinned. "How could I not? Henry and I were actually thinking of holding a show of bravery in the hedge maze tonight. I refuse to walk with him since we've already done it together numerous times, and he is in search of a partner. Might you oblige us?"
Roland grinned, his teeth barred. "I would be honored."
I smiled at him once more, then hastened inside to inform Henry of what to expect.
As I reentered the ballroom, I immediately spotted Edmond, once again being assailed by Sir Rond and some of his associates. But Henry was nowhere to be seen. I stood on the tips of my toes, trying to see over the heads of all the dancers. My lesser height was no help in situations like these.
"Would you like me to lift you up a few feet so you can see better?" Henry appeared next to me, chuckling.
I scowled. "You can mock, you have height to spare."
"I just offered to lend you some, did I not?"
"No matter. Henry, tonight at the maze challenge, you will walk through with Sir Roland Maxry."
I turned to him impatiently. "To check if his coat matches the roses, you dunce!"
He laughed outright at that, his eyes seemingly larger when matched with his coat. This Godforsaken ensemble, I really must shake his tailor by the hand..! "You want me to see if he is an eligible match? You do move quickly, Sir Mallory."
"The sooner we are free of each other the better." I told him decisively. "I hope to have at least ten gentlemen lined up for you to sample before the night is out.
His eyes darkened. "Would you so accost me at my own banquet?"
I smiled at him impishly. "It's the only reason I didn't beg sickness to avoid this feat in the first place."
His mouth quirked, but his eyes were no longer smiling. They regarded me seriously for a few moments, though I couldn't figure out what it was Henry was looking for. I looked away.
"Fine." Then his hand grasped mine. "But if you are to punish me, it is only fair that I return the favor." Once again, his hand pulled me to the dance floor. "Dance with me."
I tugged against his hold. "How am I to line up ten worthy gentlemen if I am whirling about the floor with you?"
His grin restored, he pulled me against him and drew me into a waltz. "You set that lofty goal, Philip, I'm confident you'll find a way to do both."
After the waltz, Henry pulled me into a quatrain, and after that a foxtrot. It was fun dancing with him. I was a fair dancer, having practiced in school with the rest of the young men of my standing, but nothing special. He was the superior dancer, and as such, took the lead. As he caught my eye for a grin and swept me around the floor, I found myself wishing for only a moment that I could lead him just the once, sweep him away, be the reason for that sparkling smile.
And I would be. As a friend, once we were no longer shackled to each other. When Henry tried to pull me into a second waltz, I begged off, catching the eye of another young gentleman and all but throwing him into Henry's arms.
And there is two.
Eight to go.
By the time we had arrived at the hedge maze, the last event of the evening, I had only found two more eligible gentlemen, a Sir Isaac of Brent and Lord Gentry Schilts. Either one had plenty of potential--looks, manner, nobility, and a deficit of funds . All qualities agreeable with marrying into new money. I had arranged for one to accompany Henry to the horse races tomorrow afternoon, and the other would walk with him in the park come morning. To each I had fashioned a suitable excuse for why I couldn't be there and why poor Henry required the company. They were agreeable to the arrangement--another point in their favor. After each appointment was made, I hastened to Henry's side, informing him of the arrangement. Each time, he would look at me in that same searching manner, and nod quietly, before hastening off to attend to another guest. In our year of knowing each other, he had never acted toward me with such distance and it was confusing that it should come now, when we were more in agreement than ever before. I shrugged it off--surely he was simply tired from the long night or some such and would be recovered to his regular good spirits after a full night's rest. I prayed his distant manner wouldn't ruin things between him and Sir Roland.
With this in mind, I approached the hedge maze. True to his word, Henry was waiting in line with Sir Roland on his arm, the latter giggling madly at something and stealing covert glances at the whole crowd, as though waiting to see if they also agreed the two were a good match. I grinned, satisfied, and proceeded to find a seat among the spectators.
Someone caught my arm. "Would you do me the honors of accompanying me through the maze?" I looked up into Sir Edmund's green eyes.
I smiled at him. He seemed the friendly sort, even if he wasn't a suitable match. "I would be honored, Sir Edmond. Though I warn you, my sense of direction is appalling."
"Fortunate then that mine is compass precise." He grinned and tucked my hand into the crook of his arm. Together we entered the line. I watched as three couples ahead of us, Henry and Roland were given the go-ahead and vanished behind the tall walls of green. Soon enough, it was our turn. The man in charge of the maze looked between Edmond and I with a raised eyebrow, but shrugged, then waved us through.
It immediately became darker as we entered. I was okay with close spaces and so wasn't alarmed. I did feel lost as soona s we turned a corner. "You know where we are, correct?"
Edmond smiled. "We've barely moved five meters. The entire path is purportedly 78 meters until the end." His hand tightened over my wrist. "Which ought to give me ample time to get to know my old schoolmate's fiance."
I chuckled awkwardly. "You seem close, the two of you. A better match than he and I, surely."
He laughed outright at that. "Not an ounce of romantic feeling between us, I'm afraid, though I agree we make a pretty picture. But back to you," his voice lowered, "Henry tells me you are having trouble settling into a marriage."
So Henry had told this old schoolmate everything. "It's not marriage that's the issue here, though it is an issue, it's just Henry."
"Something about Henry Shawdun does not match your standards?" his tone had gone cold.
"No! No, nothing of the kind! The whole situation is so... I have no choice in the matter. No one asked me 'Hullo Philip, would you like to get married?' Nothing! No 'How about you exchange your body for your father's gambling debts?’'' I froze, embarrassed that I had let that out. "I... Oh blast it, you would have heard anyway.'' My hand tightened on Edmond's arm and I stalked forward through the maze. "I do not want to be shackled into a marriage with anyone! I am not my parents' last asset to trade away!"
"I see." Edmond appeared thoughtful. "But you told me it was Henry that was the issue here."
"He is!" I stopped where I was walking and turned to face him. "Both of us are trapped in this, not just myself, but I am alone in fighting it! When we first met, after the wedding contract was signed, I was ready to scheme with him a thousand ways to break up the engagement, but he just kissed my hand, smiled, and said 'Nice to meet you at last'!" I threw my hands up in frustration. "Useless!"
Edmond considered me silently. In the failing light, it was impossible to tell what expression was on his face. "Maybe he is not as opposed to the match as you are?"
"He should be! I am far from the most eligible man in the city, he can do far better. And it's the principal of the thing as well, the lack of choice."
"Did you ever consider if maybe he needs this marriage for reasons of his own?"
"We spoke about it. He needs my title. If I can find him another suitable match, he promised to break it off. You can imagine my disappointment when you turned out to be back-slapping, hearty friends and nothing more."
Edmond laughed at that. "And that's why he entered the maze with Sir Roland."
I looked up at him. "Do you think it's a good match?"
"I think they will not be able to survive the maze together, forget the rest of their lives. Roland is vain and, quite frankly, annoying."
"How rude!" Then I raised my eyebrows. "But I am annoying too! Maybe it doesn't matter."
Edmond laughed harder at that. "You are charming, Philip. A bit of a fool, I think, if you consider Henry and Roland a good match, but charming."
I sighed. "I'm really not. I'm quite awful when I put my mind to it. Last week--" I stopped. I suddenly didn't want to admit what I'd tried to do to Henry last week, or how badly it had failed.
"Henry told me about your parlor party gone wrong." Edmond said quietly. "Quite the vile thing you attempted there."
I nodded silently. "I know. I feel terrible for having attempted it. but I just feel so... trapped. I do, just looking at him. He'll come to visit, we'll go somewhere nice. He'll take my arm, smile down at me... and I can't breathe. All in want is to get away."
Edmond clicked his tongue sympathetically. "That's the trouble with arranged marriages. It's a shame, really. I think if you and Henry had met under different circumstances, you might have become the staunchest of lovers."
I shrugged. "Maybe. But that is neither here nor there." I brightened as a thought occurred to me. "You wouldn't happen to know of any eligible sorts for Henry, would you? Perhaps an old school friend?"
There was  rustle to our right, and a large shadow made its way toward us. "Pick a name, Edmond. Anyone would be better than Roland." Henry himself approached.
"Henry!" Edmond brightened up. "Any names come to mind?"
"Young Sivac might do the trick," Henry's tone was teasing, "He seemed to be interested in me back in the day."
"Back luck, Shawdun, he's been married two years now and a son on the way."
"Surely not!" Henry seemed genuinely delighted. "You must send my heartiest congratulations next time you see him!"
"Henry!" I interrupted impatiently. "How was your walk with Sir Roland?"
He turned back to me. "Dreadful. Not an original idea in his mind, except to pull me behind the nearest statue and claim scandal. Almost as bad as Lady Evelyn, that one." He reached out for me. "Do you truly feel so trapped by my side?"
I turned my head to Edmond, uncomfortable at having been overheard. "Um, we can talk about this later.."
"You seemed comfortable enough telling my friend all about it." His tone was dark. "Is it true?"
"...Yes." I whispered.
"Then when I am standing right here in front of you and you are all I see, you feel trapped by our arrangement?" He stepped in even closer, arms closing around my back. "When we are at a lovely party and I turn down to smile at you, you can't breathe?"
I nodded in the dark.
"Answer me."
My breath caught in my throat. I couldn't answer. His soft coat brushed against my bare forearms, his hands branding my back where they held me. His voice was a low rasp, and his warmth overwhelmed me.
"Yes." I choked out.
He was silent for a moment. "I see." He released me then, and I breathed in relief, then paused. What am I relieved about?  I looked around. Sir Edmond had left us alone. Henry sighed, then directed us to the path. "I look forward to meeting the two young men you have set me up with tomorrow. Truly, they couldn't be worse than Roland was."
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New to the Party Pt. 1
(OOC: Here’s the cuddle party story I’ve been meaning to write for a while XD It’s set in the Batman: TAS universe again. It’s turning out to be kind of long, so I decided to break it up in parts, hope no one minds waiting for the next one ;v;)
Samantha Shaw stepped out of the car and sighed as she surveyed her surroundings. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.”
There was an amused chuckle as her friend Michael got out of the driver’s side door. “Come on, lighten up!” he said cheerfully. “I mean, how often are lowly interns like us going to get invited to a billionaire’s house for a party? Lobster, champagne, foie gras....should be a swinging time!”
“That’s kind of what I’m afraid of,” Samantha said with a frown, holding out her invitation and waving it at him. “Didn’t you read the whole thing? What’s this about a.....’cuddle party’? Sounds kind of suspect if you ask me.”
“Pfft!” Michael snorted and shook his head. “It’s not what you think, I’ve heard of them before. Everyone just lounges around, there’s no funny stuff going on.”
“Hmph.” Samantha put her invitation in her purse, tossing her blonde hair over one shoulder. “Well, nevertheless, I want to leave before it starts getting weird, okay?” 
Michael grinned and sighed with mock indignation. “Yeah, okay. We’ll call it a night when the weirdness starts. Come on, I’m starving.” He gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder and started walking toward the house.
Samantha hung back a moment, leaning against the car and looking up at the gigantic house belonging to her boss. She could hear people laughing and chatting in the distance---most likely out in back. Michael had already gone inside, probably hunting for the buffet table.
She sighed with resignation. She had never been much of a party person, but these kinds of parties were especially not her thing. She had to wonder why Mr. Huggins had even wanted to invite her; it was like Michael had said, they were both just interns at the office. Then again, Mr. Huggins was always very friendly with everyone, no matter where they were in the office hierarchy. She would often see him inviting people out to lunch, or bringing people coffee, even though he was supposed to be the head honcho. 
With another sigh, she started heading for the backyard where the bulk of conversation could be heard. As she came upon the huge yard, scattered with beautiful gardens of exotic-looking flowers (that she actually was a bit impressed by), she recognized a few people among the milling and mingling crowd, but otherwise they were mostly strangers to her. Fantastic. 
“Invitation, please! No one’s allowed without an invitation!”
She turned toward the lilting, mock-snooty voice and there was Mr. Huggins, dressed in a casual button-down white shirt and black pants, and flashing his brilliant smile at her. It was really weird to see him wearing something other than a business suit. “Just pulling your leg. Good to see you, Samantha,” he said in his normal tones. She felt a blush beginning to warm her cheeks and she smiled sheepishly; it was unreal just how handsome he was, especially up close, with his long beautiful red hair, perfect teeth, and jawline that could cut diamonds. She had once joked with Dorothy, one of the secretaries, that he must have been the result of a government experiment engineered to test the tensile strength of women’s panties; Dorothy had laughed so hard that coffee had shot out of her nose.
“Hello, Mr. Huggins,” she said politely. “Thank you for---”
“Kenny! Please call me Kenny, no need for formalities in these parts.” Kenny’s dark eyes twinkled; she rather liked that aspect about him in particular. She could dryly joke about his handsomeness, but the twinkle in his eyes was genuine, like a part of his soul was always there. She felt herself blushing again and she quickly composed herself. He’s your boss for Pete’s sake, she reminded herself. 
“Right, uh, Kenny. Thanks for inviting me. Michael and I were actually kind of surprised by it. We almost thought it had been some kind of, uh....mistake.” 
“You did?” Kenny had been hunting through an hors d’oeuvres plate for the biggest crab puff, and at this he looked up, blinking in surprise. “How come?”
“Oh, uh, well,” Samantha laughed sheepishly and shrugged her shoulders. “You know, we’re interns and all that, so---”
“Ah, but you work just as hard as everyone else does,” Kenny replied matter-of-factly. He found the crab puff he was looking for and snatched it with a satisfied grin. “Actually, you probably work harder than I do. But keep that between us, okay?” He winked at her slyly. 
She found herself trying to stammer something out in reply, but before she could get herself coherent Kenny had sidled over and greeted a group of people hanging around the water fountain near the center of his yard, and they all began chatting and chuckling with each other. Samantha watched them for a moment and allowed herself a half-smile. Then she decided to find some food herself; the various rich, exotic aromas were starting to make her stomach grumble. 
There was a seafood buffet piled high with crab legs, oysters, clams, shrimp and giant succulent lobster tails; there were filet mignons being grilled by the dozens; there were mountains of fresh vegetables and fruit salads. She was disappointed that the only thing available to drink was water---she had anticipated wine and champagne galore---but it was refreshingly cold and pure, and there were huge crystal bowls of it with slices of lemon and lime and pieces of mint. There was even the biggest watermelon she had ever seen in her life, cut into neat and juicy isosceles triangles. 
“Oh my gawd, Samantha?” Dorothy appeared just as Samantha was digging into her ambrosial piece of filet mignon. “Ya made it! How are ya?”
Samantha swallowed the mouth-watering bite she had taken and smiled. “Hey, Dorothy. I’m just dandy, thank you. Hard not to be with this kind of food, huh?”
“Oh my gawd, I know,” Dorothy said enthusiastically. “This is my second time being invited to one of these.”
Samantha raised a curious eyebrow. “Really?” Perhaps she could ask her what went on during the after-party festivities.
“Gawd, he’s so sexy, isn’t he?” Dorothy sighed. She hadn’t heard Samantha’s question; she was busy making goo-goo eyes at Kenny, who seemed to be just surveying the party by himself with a content look on his face, one hand in his pocket and a glass of water in the other. “Sometimes at my desk I just fantasize about what he looks like naked, ya know.”
Samantha spluttered; she had been in the middle of drinking from her glass. “Oh my god, Dorothy, you’re terrible!” she exclaimed in a fit of coughs and laughter. 
“Whaaaat?” Dorothy innocently batted her eyelashes. “Can ya really blame me?”
“Um, yes? He’s our boss. That’s just....wrong.” 
“If it’s wrong, then I don’t wanna be right, honey.” She grinned deviously and leaned closer, speaking in a conspiratorial whisper. “Ya know, sometimes I swear he goes commando under those suit pants of his. If ya look close enough, you can almost see the size of his---”
“Hey ladies! What’s the skinny?” Michael had seemingly materialized out of nowhere, holding a plate piled with lobster. Samantha was secretly relieved by his presence; Dorothy could be fun, but she was best in small doses. 
“What’s it to ya, bean pole?” Dorothy sneered at him playfully. 
“Uh, Dorothy was just saying,” Samantha chimed in, quickly taking the wheel to the conversation, “that she’s been to one of Mr. Huggins’ parties before! So you must know about the cuddling and all that weird stuff, right?”
“Huh? Oh, yeah.” Dorothy looked uncharacteristically bewildered. “Ya know, it’s the weirdest thing, but it’s all kinda foggy? There was cuddling though, I do remember that.” She sighed heavily, and Samantha thought she detected a hint of longing in it. “It felt so nice---nothin’ like the half-hearted snuggles I get from my dates. Nah, this was....different. It was a special and safe and....all-over feeling, ya know? Like everything in the whole world was gonna be okay.” 
“Wow.” Michael looked intrigued, which made Samantha begin to worry. “You got all that from just a cuddle?”
“Uh-huh.” Dorothy smiled. “Well, anyway, I’ll catch you two later. Kinda want to grab some dessert before it’s all gone.” She gave them a saucy wink and sauntered on her way. 
“Don’t,” Samantha said as Michael barely opened his mouth to speak, “even think about it.” 
“Aw, come on, Sam, lighten up! You mean to tell me after what Dorothy said you’re not the least bit curious?”
“Yes,” Samantha said firmly. It wasn’t true by a longshot, but she didn’t want to discuss it anymore in case she changed her mind. 
Michael gave an exasperated sigh. “Fiiiiine. Hey look, they’re serving chocolate mousse over there, you want me to get you one?” Michael pointed to one of the tables on the large open back patio of the house, where people were grabbing big glass cups of the most delectable and rich chocolate dessert Samantha had ever seen. It even looked like there was candied bacon crumbled on top. 
“Yeah, okay. Just don’t go disappearing on me, it’s getting late.” 
“Roger roger!” Michael saluted her and playfully started marching toward the table. 
---End Part One---
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luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Notes: I actually had written this yesterday but I accidentally deleted it! So after screaming for a while, I rewrote it! Think it came out better, but we'll never know. Requests are open! •you lived in a cave, on a mountain, by yourself •this wasn't how you thought your life would turn out, but that what had happened •you are a dragon, and while you can use magic to turn your body to look like a human •it doesn't last very long, only eight hours, and that's if you were completely healthy •when you were in a human form, you were allowed to roam the streets, just as a human would •you could even make human friends! •which was a blessing and a curse, as you could only see them for a few hours a day •and then you would have to return to you cave, be in solitude for the remainder of the day •of course their would be dragon hunters, who wanted your scales or horns •that's why you were all alone after all, hunters had killed your mother and taken her body •you were most likely the last of your kind •and it terrified you to no end that one day you'd die and that would be the end of the dragons • •Fridays were the best day to go to to the village nearby •all of the friends you had made were there usually, all at the bar where they could get drunk and forget when you left •your human form was strange compared to other humans though, since you were a dragon •your hair was a dark purple, and your teeth were sharper than most humans •and your eyes were a silver color, which you could easily say was with the use of contacts •you had mastered the way of pretending to be a normal human •except for the way you spoke, and the way you weren't used to games that humans played in their childhood •the games you had played were about learning how to fly, or how to hunt for food •walking into the bar, you looked around for your group •spotting jun's purple hair that matched yours, you walked over to them •slinging your arm around Minghao's neck, you said hello to the group that had gathered around •"y/n! Glad you could make it!" •the bartender, mingyu happily said wiping a glass •laughing at him, you waved back as you sat down next to minghao •"didn't expect to see you here today, y/n." •Joshua said, smiling as he played a card game with Seungcheol •"wasn't sure if I was coming down, but I'm here now." •you said back to the brunette, turning your eyes to where wonwoo was sitting at the bar, talking to mingyu •"is mingyu really that clueless or is he just faking it now?" •you whispered to minghao, who shook his head laughing •"he's faking the hell out of it, he wants wonwoo to confess first" •Joining him at laughing at wonwoo's pain, you joined in conversation with Seungcheol and jeonghan who was cheating at black jack now •laughing at the obvious cheating that was going on, you thought everything was fine and dandy •before someone slammed the twin doors open, they hit the wall, making everyone's eyes turn toward the culprit •"we have reason to believe that not all the dragons are dead, that they might be hiding as humans." •a man explained, as he smirked toward your direction •as if he knew that you were here •looking at the members of the group, you waited to see what they would do, how'd they would respond •"alright, we'll be on the lookout then. Have a nice day." •Seungcheol said to the man, making himself appear larger •"…you too." •with one last glance and a smirk at you, he left the bar •there was a pause before the bar returned to the loudness from before •"hey hao? I gotta run. Bye" •you spoke quickly, leaving no room for him to speak •standing up from your chair, you could feel the gaze of people on you •taking long strides to get the door quickly, you opened them •only to have your wrist grabbed by the man who walked into the bar earlier •"I knew it was you. A dragon, more like a sitting duck." •he scoffed, holding your wrist tightly, as if you wouldn't be able to escape •looking at the group, the friends you had made, you saw the concern in their eyes but fear was first •tearing your eyes away from the group, you allowed yourself to be dragged outside •he pulled out a gun, saying that this was the same gun that killed your mom •"are you a fucking idiot?" •you asked, glaring at him •when he began to laugh, you scoffed at him and kicked him in the shins •making him let go of your wrist, once he did, you returned to your original form •your dragon self towered over him, making him shriek •choosing not to harm him, instead using this chance to escape •getting off of the ground, you flapped your wings, creating quite the breeze •flying away from everything you've ever known, you left •you flew for as long as you could, until your wings ached and your eyes couldn't stay open •you landed on a grassy field, and slept, deciding that whatever happened, happened • •feeling little toes on your tail, you started to shake awake •turning your head around so you could see what, or who was crawling on you •there a few kids were around you, climbing and dancing around your body •letting a soft roar, telling them that you were alive •the children scrambled to get off of you, and once they did you stood up •stretching your body, hearing bones crack as you moved them into place •a little girl was looking at you wide eyed, her thumb was in her mouth •"why were you sleeping on the ground?" •she asked, tilting her head to the side, the kids around her nodded, agreeing with her question •looking at them, you sighed and took a nail to draw in the dirt •drawing a more pg picture of what happened, the kids gasped as you explained •"why would he do that?" •the boy who had been climbing on you asked, sounding very offended •shrugging, you sighed once more, thinking of where you could go •they continued to ask questions, and you continued to answer them, they grew silly as they asked if you could breathe fire •of course you couldn't, you were purple, not red •you couldn't explain in great detail but a different little girl interrupted the boy who had asked •"nope! Dragons have powers according to the color of their scales. So they have magic, like spells! Kind of like a dragon witch!" •she said twirling around, her hair was a mess, it had leaves and pieces of grass in it •her clothes resembled her hair, dirty and had other stains on them •"kids! Get away from that beast!" •a male voice yelled, far away from where you were •the kids looked around for the voice, only to find a teenager running towards you •"soonyoung!" •the little girl who knew a lot about dragons yelled, running toward him •she hugged his legs, to where she reached •"soonyoung" quickly picked her up, and tried to grab the other kids •"get away from them" •the boy said, glaring at you •the girl with messed up ponytails and dirty clothes wiggled out of his arms and ran over to you •"their a nice dragon! Don't hurt them soonyoung!" •she yelled, putting her arms out as wide as she could to protect you •"yeah!" •"don't hurt them!" •"you meanie!" •the kids yelled, standing in front of your huge body •giggling at their innocence, you turned into a human, with wings though •using your wings to cover your naked body, you thanked the kids •all of their eyes were wide, as you had just turned into a HuMaN •"you're welcome!" •messy haired girl said, her eyes closed as she smiled at you •the boy was still staring at you, before running his fingers through his black hair •"you won't hurt them?" •he asked, his voice hesitant •shaking your head, you gently smiled at him hoping that would ease his worry •"can you come home with us?" •the messy haired girl, who introduced herself as jimin asked •shrugging you agreed, making the children cheer •walking along the path, to wherever they were leading you, you looked around •the path was dirt, with grass on the sides, flowers were blooming unlike where you had come from •so you flew pretty far •"what's your name?" •the boy who climbed asked, stopping as he turned to face you •"me? I'm y/n." •you said pointing at yourself, continuing walking •the kids would run up and down the hill, except for jimin who held your hand •soonyoung was following behind, probably making sure you didn't eat them or something •when you made it to the village, where the kids dispersed as soon as they walked through the walls •"cmon y/n! I'll show you my room." •jimin said, tugging on your hand •following her once more, you looked around, trying to see if there was any landmarks •there were a few signs, but nothing with information •"we're here!" •jimin said happily, letting go of your arms as she took off her shoes and ran inside •following her lead, you cast a spell to clean your feet •stepping inside the house, the first thing you saw was that the curtains didn't match, and there wasn't a door in the room jimin was in •"soonyoung and I share a room! But he lets my keep all my dragon toys out!" •she said pointing out the dragons that littered the room •White paint was chipping off of the walls, making you raise an eyebrow at soonyoung •"hey Minnie, can you play while y/n and I have a talk?" •soonyoung asked bending down to jimin's level, so they were eye to eye •she looked at him for a second before whispering something in his ear •he nodded and she agreed, sitting on her mattress that didn't have any blankets on it •stepping into the living room, you sat on the floor far away from the bedroom •he came out of the room, with a shirt and a pair of sweatpants •throwing them at you, he turned around and said to get dressed •his ears were red, making you laugh at his innocence •putting on the clothes he gave, you told him you were done once you sat back down on the floor •"listen, I don't know what you want with my sister, but you better not be planning anything. She doesn't need anyone else leaving her." •he spoke quietly, his words blunt though •you nodded, thinking of how you could explain that you weren't trying to do anything •"when I was young my mother was killed, by a dragon hunter. I'm pretty sure I'm the last of my kind, believe me in not trying to let the dragon blood line die out." •you replied hoping that he would believe you, that you held no underlying revenge plot •that all you wanted was to not be alone •he nodded, and for the first time he smiled •his eyes closed into little crescents, his cheeks popping out like a hamsters •"you didn't kick her out! You're part of the day family y/n!" •jimin yelled, hopping on your now clothed body •laughing at soonyoung's attempt if scolding the young girl, your heart doing little flip flops at her words • •with each day, soonyoung trusted you more •you had explained that you could only be in a human form for so long, before your body could take it anymore •so you'd stay up in the fields, until sunrise, where you'd walk to the house to make breakfast and get jimin ready for school •you'd all eat together, than you would walk jimin to school, while soonyoung went to work at a nearby bakery •you'd return to the fields, and become a dragon, so you wouldn't waste energy •when it was time, you'd walk back to the village to pick up jimin from school and bring her home •then the two of you would play, do homework and cook dinner •soonyoung would return, and you would eat dinner •once dinner was over, soonyoung and jimin would take a shower and get ready for bed •and then soonyoung and you would put jimin to bed •just like tonight •you flopped on the hard wooden floor •letting out a sigh, you closed your eyes •"hey don't go to sleep, I don't want a dragon shaped hole in the roof tomorrow." •soonyoung said, drying his hair with a towel •flipping him off, which made him laugh at your pathetic comeback •he laid down next to you, making your heart speed up •"remember when we met? Who would have though you'd be helping me take care of jimin?" •he said, his eyes closed as he whispered, not wanting to wake up the sleeping eight year old •"I know, you looked like you wanted to skin me." •you replied, looking up at the ceiling which had a hole right where you were laying •allowing you to see the stars as the two of you joked around •"y/n? What was life like before you met us? Where did you live?" •he asked, sounding sleepy •"well, I lived in a cave. And would go down to a nearby village to converse with the humans. They were strange, always complaining about nothing ever happening." •you spoke carefully, choosing your words slowly •he hummed, and waited for you to continue •"the bartender, Mingyu, liked the librarian, wonwoo but was waiting for him to confess. Then there was Seungcheol who owned a small market, he was dating Joshua and jeonghan. And minghao and jun who came from a far away village." •talking about them made you miss them, miss the small inside jokes, the laughing at wonwoo's pining over mingyu •you missed it all •"maybe we can visit one day." •soonyoung said before falling asleep, his breathing evening out •"yeah, maybe we can." •tip toeing inside of the bedroom, you grabbed his blanket •putting it on him, you smiled and went outside •walking to the fields, you stripped off the clothes that soonyoung gave you that first day •putting them under a nearby tree, you turned into a dragon •curling up on the grass, you fell asleep, the memory of soonyoung and jimin making you smile • •waking up, you could tell that something was off •the smell of the air felt different •using the spell you used every day, you turned into a human •getting dressed, you rushed to the house •entering the house, you felt even more wrong •the house which had become a home to you, felt cold •"looking for someone, y/n?" •a cold voice spoke to you, the same one who made you flee your old house •"what did you do to them, Seonho?" •you asked, voice wavering as you asked •"looks like Little dragon fell in love, tough luck. Your time is over." •he grabbed you by the wing, making sure that you couldn't rip it out of his grasp this time •dragging you to the square, where you saw soonyoung and jimin, their hands tied •"this is y/n! Child of Theo, who murdered an entire village." •he yelled, getting everyone's attention •"Liar, that was you seonho. You needed a scape goat." •you responded, not caring when he raised his hand and slapped you •"No manners! An unruly dragon, what happens when they become like their mother?" •he spoke with such a bravado, like he was doing such good work •snorting, you chuckled as he tried to feed nonsense into these people's minds •"that's where you're wrong seonho, I won't be like her. I won't be killed by the likes of you." •he removed his hand off of your wing as he went to hit you once more •quickly dodging it, you ran to where jimin and soonyoung was •untying the rope, you picked jimin up and ran, trusting soonyoung to follow you •hearing many footsteps behind you, but knowing he was there, you pushed yourself harder •running up to the field you put jimin down •"get on me and hold in tight!" •you spoke with an urgency, not bothering to take off your clothes, you took the spell off •turning you back to a dragon •feeling jimin quickly climb on you, and soonyoung making his way onto your back •"GET THEM!" •Seonho yelled, mobs of people running after you •once soonyoung sat down, you took off •flying as quickly as you could, until the field became a speck •you could hear soonyoung comforting jimin as she cried • •they had both fallen asleep on the journey, but once you had landed, jimin woke up •she shook her brother awake as they looked around •"y/n, where are we?" •soonyoung asked hopping down from your back, and then catching jimin who did the same •"this is the bar." •you answered once you transformed into a human, your body exhausted but this was the only way to respond •seeing your naked body, soonyoung stripped of the hoodie he was wearing, giving it to you •smiling at him in thanks you grabbed jimin's hand •walking into the bar, you saw the group there, just as you left them •except mingyu wasn't behind the counter, he was sitting on wonwoo's lap, staring at the three of you • •"we need your help."
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