#and hhHh i should have done it for the previous members
utopianvoices · 5 years
dating au | k.yeosang
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
cold as fuk
even antarctica’s shaking 
like he’ll just avoid you like you have the plague or something
which is weird because he’d be fine with you when he still hadn’t developed feelings
albeit awkward, but still okay
so when he suddenly starts avoiding you, you just accept the fact that he didn’t like you after spending some time with you
which is a shame because you really liked him
initially you try to find out why he’s avoiding you
and you ask all the members
“uH.... it’s nothing really he’s just really shy!!! he DEFINITELY likes you.”
was their response all the time
but it was just hard to believe that he liked you after seeing him avoid you as such
like he’d be sitting on the couch
and you sit on the oTHER end of the couch
and he’d still get up and leave the room
that’s because he’s scared you’ll see his face turn red
the first few times you just pretend you don’t notice it
but it gets difficult after a while
because you’re still a babie with feelings
so then you start avoiding him too
and this doesn’t go unnoticed by the members
especially wooyoung, who knows about yeosang’s crush on you
he comes up to you one day, pulling you aside saying that he had something important to talk to you about
“yeosang likes you.” 
...... say whaaaat
you’d have never guessed it tbh
even if you were the most alert person, with how much yeosang had been avoiding you, you would have zero clue
“w-what? there’s no way, he keeps avoiding me!”
cue wooyoung’s eye roll at his best friend’s dumb shyness
“he doesn’t hate you, he just avoids you because he’s scared he’s gonna make a fool out of himself in front of you. just do something about it please.”
you’re skeptical at this piece of information 
but wooyoung was your close friend as well and he’d never play a prank this bad
so you decide to get to work
how he confesses
continuing from my above point, there’s no way he’s confessing first to you
so you’ll have to do all the work for this one
you walk into the dorm, immediately spotting yeosang sitting on the couch and watching tv
the moment he sets his eyes on you, he reaches for the remote and switches off the tv, getting up to move to his room
but before he can move anymore, you take a deep breath and speak up
“yeosang, can we talk?”
and he just freezes on the spot
because it’s been a while since you directly addressed him
and ngl he really missed it
although it was his fault for avoiding you in the first place
slowly looks at you with wide eyes, them following you as you walk over to the couch and take a seat on one end
after a few seconds, he slowly moves to the other end of the couch
sitting in a position such that his body was facing away from you
his heartbeat was skyrocketing, thinking of all the possible things you were going to say
but he definitely didn’t expect the words that left your mouth
“i like you.”
whips around the moment those words leave your mouth
stares at you like
noting his silence, you continue your sentence, being cut off by a soft tiny “y-you like me?” coming from the boy seated across you
you nod slowly, playing with your fingers as you watch his face, waiting for a reaction
and just like that, you see his cold facade melt away, his little teeth showing itself, happiness seeping into his expression
seeing his expression makes you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding
feeling bad that you had to confess first because of his shyness, he slowly moves closer to you on the couch
it takes a whole minute for him to be seated next to you
and another whole minute for him to gather the courage to take your hand into his
you almost want to pull away, because your hands were sweaty from all the nerves
but he just holds onto your hands tightly, looking at you dearly 
asks you out then and there, as an apology for avoiding you for way too long
first date
is there truly any other first date with this boy
will bring you to his favourite dessert place
if you weren’t a fan of chocolate, he’d bring you to a generic dessert place so that there was a greater variety for the both of you to choose from
but if you loved chocolate as much as he did
oh boy
be ready for a trip to a chocolate buffet
he’ll spend so much time searching for the best place to bring you
because he wants everything to be top class
when he finds the place he wants to bring you, he gives you vague details, such as what to wear and what time he’ll be coming to pick you up
as promised, he’ll arrive at your place with a bouquet of your favourite flowers
if you were allergic to pollen, he’ll bring you something in replacement of flowers
basically just makes sure to bring you something when he comes
on your way to the place, he talks excitedly about how he had found the perfect place to go with you
and you’d just listen and watch him with a smile because
how does one manage to be so fricking cute
when you finally reach the place, he quietly looks at you, wanting to know if he brought you to the right place
knows he did SOMETHING right when he sees your eyes light up in excitement and your smile making an appearance 
you both go crazy at the restaurant
spending the time talking about all the things you missed out and rotting your teeth together
you both probably regret eating so many sweet things
but still would not trade it for anything else
because chocolate and the person you like with you? 
best combination ever
first kiss
will probably take another century to happen
you might be together, but that doesn’t mean he still ain’t shy
might honestly take a few months before it happens
not that he doesn’t want to
but he just doesn’t want to screw up
because first kisses are one of the most memorable things in a relationship
and he’s just a sap like that
just wants the best for you for everything
if you’re not the patient type, you’ll probably end up going in for the kiss before him
and he’d respond immediately if you do it
almost like he had been waiting for it
he has
but if you had the patience of a saint and preferred to wait for him to do it
he’ll finally make his mind up to do it
but lady luck hates him
gets the timing wrong every. single. time
(-д-;) why even
after many failed attempts, he’d give up trying to capture the surprise element
and just announce that he wanted to kiss you
you’re halfway through a movie in the dorm, sitting side by side
and you’re really engrossed in it
but the boy beside you had 120% of his concentration on you
and thinks of nice ways to tell you that he really wants to kiss you
but just blurts it out in the end
“i want to kiss you.”
and you just stare at him blankly
trying to process what he had just said
he takes your silence as rejection and starts stuttering apologies
but you take his hand, making him shut up 
“go ahead.”
and he does—finally kisses you, and maybe it was worth the wait uwu
the first few pecks are shy, but as time goes, he gains more confidence and it shows in his kisses
first fight
i see it developing because of his hesitation to open up and his shyness
he knows the main foundation of a relationship is communication
but he really hates confrontation
so will always keep it to himself if he’s upset about something that you had done
and you wouldn’t realise as well because he doesn’t say anything
so these things just build up in him and one day when he sees you hanging out with one of your guy friends
and your guy friend seems a little too close for his liking
he’ll spill out all his frustrations to you in one go
and although all he wanted to do was let you know what he was unhappy about
the fact that he had listed down everything that upset him
made it seem like he was picking on every single thing you had done
and so it blows out of proportion 
you’d make known to him that it wasn’t fair for him to bombard you with everything at one go when communication was the key to a good relationship
which makes him realise his mistake
you walk away before the fight becomes worse, with him chasing after you immediately, apologies spilling from his mouth
and even if you decide to forgive him right away, he’d still go out of his way to buy you your favourite chocolate, with the promise that he’d try his best to start opening up to you from then onwards because he really didn’t want to lose one of the best things that had happened to him
favourite things to do together
loves to go to the park with you
one hand gripping yours and the other holding onto his skateboard and drones
will always insist that he wants to teach you how to skateboard
even if you couldn’t get it no matter how many times you tried
shows off his skills on the skateboard and then bugs you to try 
but his main intention isn’t to make sure you’re learning to skateboard
oh no
this sneaky boy just wants an excuse to hold you because holding you without an excuse is too embarrassing for him at the initial stages of your relationship
somehow gets a thrill from getting to hold you so close to him in the pretence of teaching you how to skateboard
once he’s done laughing at all the times you fall on your ass while trying to skateboard, he’d set his drone up and fly it around the park
lets you fly his drone around, but slowly takes the controller away from you when you crash his drone into a tree for the third time
he loves you, but he loves his drones too
attaches a small camera to his drone and take aesthetic photos of the two of you from high up in the sky
definitely sets one of them as his wallpaper
gets teased indefinitely by the members, but he just tells them to shut up with red cheeks 
general affection
it’s always the quiet, shy ones who are wild
┴┬┴┤( ͡° ͜ʖ├┬┴┬
loves to kiss you
you have no idea
okay maybe you have an idea buT when i say he loves to kiss you, i mean he loves to kiss you
nEVER does it in front fo the members
the most he’d do is cuddle up against you maybe, and lay his head on your shoulder
but his lips are nowhere near you when the members are around
without them though........
you have a really hard time getting away from him
when he’s comfortable enough, you can see the dominant side of him coming out
not tHAT dom but just in the sense that he likes to take charge of things
only when he’s really comfortable though
i’ve emphasised the comfortable part enough hhhh
loves lazy make outs 
will take his time kissing you and it annoys the shit out of you sometimes
and he /knows/ that it annoys you
but does it on purpose
if you want the kiss to lead to something more, he’d want you to take the first step
wants to make sure you’re 100% comfortable with whatever he does
puts you first for everything
but if you’ve already crossed that milestone, will definitely be more experimental 
loves to cuddle with you while facing each other
legs tangled up and all
doesn’t talk much during cuddle sessions—he just uses that time to admire you, top to bottom
his hands wiLL explore you during your cuddle sessions, but in a very innocent way
it’s almost like you are something he has never seen before and he’s just a curious child that wants to find out everything about you
in the mornings where he wakes up before you, will leave kisses all over your face as your wake up call
and tbh you’re awake for most of the part but you don’t wanna tell him because who wouldn’t like kisses from your handsome boyfriend
and he too knows that you’re awake
but he loves kissing you as much as you love being kissed by him
can you tell i’m rly affected by the wake up call video ateez posted ;;
will call you by your name most of the time, but he’d reserve the nicknames for special occasions
ie. when he wants something
the type to call you really cheesy things when he wants something
like ‘sweet babycakes’ or something like that
and doesn’t stop till you give him what he wants
you can’t stand the idiotic names he calls you, so you’ll just do whatever he wants
it can range from getting him something from another room
to making out with him when he’s feeling a little extra unloved 
whatever it is, you’ll probably do it so that your ears don’t bleed
and therefore he always emerges victorious 
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First of all, we start off with Kokone' POV about the last episode when she was carried home. Obviously she was grateful, but just the memory of that night brings a smile to her face- and she even started the day gloomy as hell so Cure Precious REALLY turned that around for her- man only a few minutes in and we're getting major Sapphic vibes--
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Then we got these two losers having a whole pep talk because Gentle ain't doing so hot rn- Secretoru starts filling her in on what she can do to gain favor and be successful this time around (while making underhanded comments of course)...I can FEEL the frustration off this woman jfc
Yui tries to make friends with Kokone but fails after MULTIPLE attempts, to which she is at a loss to really know what to do.
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To which our not-yet third party member makes her presence known! I like how she was present in the previous episodes yet we never got a name...! Ran suggests that she should look for Kokone at lunch, to which Yui immediately heads off to find her.
And as expected, she totally ain't there. But Yui does end up finding her outside trying to move a heavy object by herself...to which she joins and says.....
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Now that they're working together, they end up succeeding in their task. Yui then asks if she and Kokone could hang out! ...That is until Pam-Pam shows up---
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Pam-Pam outta left field was actually hiding away for this particular moment to see Kokone again after the last episode. Yui takes advantage of this moment to desperately keep things underwraps by using Pam-Pam as a bribe with her ultimate cuteness...And it works-!
So they all go to a restaurant that Kokone likes to frequent, and it's there that Yui and Kokone bond more about food and even the existence of Recipepes! But of course these good times come to an end when Gentle steals the very Recipepes that were making their food taste great.
Yui immediately leaps into action, Rosemary arrives not too long after and just as they were about to go ahead and fight the Ubauzo-- Kokone witnesses this and tries to chase after Yui and Rosemary.
When she successfully makes it into the Delcious Field, she is soon informed about what this is all about, and why Yui is fighting such a horrible monster.
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BUT HOMEGIRL STICKS HER GROUND!!! With her strong feelings to protect wonderful memories and precious places with Yui, she channels that drive to finally becomeeeeeeee...Cure Spicy!!
Her special moves are actually pretty cool!! Peppery Sandwich Press and Spicy Circle were very interesting attacks...I'm starting to think the solo finisher for Cure YumYum might have another geometric shape to add to the fray djdjdjsfjjs
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When all is said and done, Kokone and Yui finally get to eat together in peace (Rosemary too since he was JEALOUS FJDMDK) and thus, bringing the episode to a close!
And in shortttttttt-
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