#and hes being influenced to attack his dad but decides. nah. dont feel like it <3
pomegranatecookiez · 2 years
everyones talked about the scene in chapter 14 where dark choco leaves the dark team but not a lot of people mention the fact that he shanks pomegranate during it which is both fully justified and also hilarious to me for some reason
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lordsireno · 8 years
As the title says, a collection of all the AUs I came up with but never got around to writing. See under the cut because oh shit there’s a few thousand words! Warning for violence/injury/death.
Build God, Then we’ll talk AU
               In a world built on secrets, a mad scientist is commissioned to build god. (Years ago people took down Death, the main god of power in the world, and witches, weapons and humans were free to rule themselves. They built a city on towers with networks stretching beneath. Some foolish people used a fragment of Deaths soul to create a weapon, however only made a beast of madness that escaped into the depths of the city. Years later and the skilled scientist and soul expert Franken Stein is commissioned to build a weapon with a smaller fragment of Deaths soul. He works and develops a vessel, but cannot awaken the soul he had sewn to it. Students Maka and Soul use their demon hunting to explore the underground, and discover the vessel. They perform a soul resonance, and Maka enters the souls room, a black void with a white skull mask. For waking him, he gives her a number and says to summon him whenever she needs. They leave, but Stein knows what happened, and now with an awake vessel he can present to the council. Other notes; Mare works as Steins assistant to keep his madness in check, but she’s fallen for him. The council is kinda upset with being presented a limited power child, but he insists it was the only way to make the soul bond and guarantee it doesn’t turn to madness, since it can be taught. Not wanting to spawn attachment, or simply call it ‘A fragment of Death’, they end up calling it Kid. They agree to the terms, giving him private tutors and letting him stay with Stein for observation. He does at one point leave from a lesson to assist Maka, who is struggling in a fight against a Clown. Once he helps in destroying it, they talk, Maka and Soul surprised at the appearance of their powerful friend. Kid returns to find his tutor mopping about how he’ll be fired. Stein learns of him running off, and when Kid states ‘He had a promise to keep’ Stein figures it was to help Maka, her being the only other outside contact. He threatens that he could disassemble him if he shows too much free will, but Kid counters that while his mind is blank, his origin and desire to help Maka is engraved in his soul, and that if they tried with a new fragment they wouldn’t have the same success. ????? Marie secretly just want this child shapped being to be treated as a child, so she does things that mothers would do and Kid is like “? Um yes uh thank you?”… ????? It comes to a major battle against Asura, and he and Kid are in a tug of war with their souls, each trying to absorb the other for power. The most drama would come from Kid losing, his soul fusing with Asuras and his body being left limp. The battle continues, but an internal battle of Order and Chaos goes on. )
“Breaking the Rules” AU from tumblr
It’s the dystopian future, and all forms of music/dancing/art/etc. have been banned due to its strong influence to lead people down ‘dangerous’ paths of life. Character A has always been a model citizen, but there’s something alluring about the artsy, suave Character B that’s making Character A reconsider the rules. (A:Maka, B:Soul)
Dark city Glory AU (Audio: Glory by Panic! at the Disco)
               Death City, the dark pool of gathering that hosts both evil and its hunters. One of the main gatherings of Demon hunters, searching for posts on the latest targets. Maka is the new kid in the city, teaming up with the strange man Soul Eater in an attempt to prove she’s as good as a hunter as her mother was. But the strength of witches is growing and the latest power trip drug ‘Black Blood’ is turning people mad, it takes a lot to survive in the cities confines. (Maka and Soul have just started as partners, and quite often team with the God hunting BlackStar and Tsubaki. They take job from mission boards to hunt down demons and witches, keeping corrupted souls and returning good ones to the pool in the town square. Pure souls corrupted by BlackBlood are getting common, giving people madness boosted power. During a mission Soul is infected when injured. Liz and Patty are deep into the cities black market and deal drugs and weapons. Death is trapped beneath the pool, collecting souls. Kid and Asura keep the balance between Order and Chaos, however after being infected with BlackBlood, Asura gains enormous power boost and takes out Kid and a massive section of living quarters. Survivers are gathered and Natsuki got to Liz for backup medical stuff. Liz personally deliveres it and gets asked to help change a patents bandages, but it’s Kid and in a delirious state he rants about what happened. Liz knocks him out and just nopes on outa there, but later Maka comes asking for information on Black Blood. “I was simply aiming to be a great demon hunter, and now I’m working with a bunch of misfits to reinstate a god. Not where I saw my career going.” )
Road Trip for Gods AU
               BlackStar convinces Maka and Soul to go on a road trip to the rare event of Gods entering the mortal realm for a few months. (Maka researches how to identify a god, Star just wants to fight one. They encounter Kid, who has already recruited Liz and Patty as his weapons and is currently just checking out how mortals live. Star goes at him, but can barely keep up, even when its Kid’s first fight with his new weapons. “You just fought a god with new weapons who has only existed for 17 years. My brother is 800 years; my father is thousands of years. Do you really think you could take on an actual god?” Anyway they both kinda stop fighting, but they start following Kid because a) Star wants to meet real gods “Not just some BABY god” and Maka and Soul are just like “Dude this happens so rarely like hell we’re not learning all we can from you” and they actually all happily travel. So then at one point Kid is meeting with his brother, so the others hide a little way away, but as Kid talks to him it seems Asura has embraced his madness and decided to actively rule the humans. Kids like “bro nah lets get you home” and Asuras like “FUCK OFF YOU CAN’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO YOURE NOT DAD” and snaps Kid’s neck, throwing him onto the ground and running off. Everyone is all OH SHIT. And they’re all in shock. They set up camp and take Kid with them, but Patty feels uncomfortable about the angle his head is at, so despite Liz’s protests she twists his head so it sits normally. A little while later and he starts to move again, one eye opening and looking around. Turns out his body just need to be properly aligned for it to heal. “Alright which one of manage to figure out how to fix me? Patty? Well, good job, your promoted to my fight hand. Liz your demoted” ”This is no time to joke around! We thought you were dead!”)
               The worlds biggest and longest running MMORPG has started a new major event. (In the game you can choose from Meister, Weapon or Witch, with some mixing exceptions. The easiest way to get stronger is to pair a meister and weapon and take on missions that way. Maka and Star are childhood friends and play the game with their internet friends Soul and Tsubaki (Soul makes fun of Maka for using her real name) they also befriend Kid along with Liz and Patty. A new story event starts with the escape of the Kishin, and subsequent missions tracking down those who let it escape, helping NPCs with madness incidents etc. Most of the main events are time based. At some point the team fails a major event and they decide that with the amount of time left on the event they wouldn’t be able to train up to a decent level. Kid is furious they’re giving up, for which they joke (“I bet you’re one of those nuts who does nothing but spend time on their computer”) and all log off. The server rolls over. When they log in the next day the world landscape has changed. Flooded by madness, the NPCs are dying and going insane. Everyone is confused and goes to the head NPC, Death, who issues all the main missions. He laments how everyone failed to stop the witches and the Kishins power has grown. A new timed mission shows up and no one can contact Kid. Asking players who were on during the server switch, the claim they saw him enter the last mission but not return. They enter a mission and fight a madness creature, the fight is tough but they scrape through. The remains reveal Kid, who had been infected himself. He admits to being an NPC, and that this isn’t just a game to him, but a literal fight for his home )
Consult with you (not so) local doctor AU
               One day Maka finds her father has been missing for a while. Being informed of his whereabouts at the local hospital, its discovered he’d had an encounter with a kidnapper who takes their victims, performs surgery and then leaves them back where they found them. Like a curious sod, Maka tells her school friends, and then convinces Soul to go out looking. They two are attacked but some random hobo, leaving soul badly injured. A man comes along and offers to help, taking him back and stitching him up. Maka is thankful and discovers that this is the kidnapper, however he only kidnaps people he thing have medical problems, such as taking her father to fix his poisoned liver. They’re free to go so long as they dont out him. They agree, however do tell their friends of the tale. BlackStar is sad it wasn’t aliens, but wonders if the doctor would give him a free check-up. Kid is dumbfounded they’d even gone out looking, and refuses to go along with their antics, however does somehow get dragged along for a visit. Stein agrees to give BlackStar a look over, and the other three meet Marie, who Stein helped, then allowed to stay so long as she helped around the house. Stein returns and does a bit of a creep, pulling up Maka’s top to remark about her skin, running his hands down Soul’s chest saying that he’ll need a check-up in a while, and grabs Kid’s head which he freaks at (“I didn’t know you were afraid of Doctors.””I’m not afraid! I just prefer to keep visits to a minim around people of those…dispositions.”) but everything is chill. Later on Soul convinces Kid to come along to his check-up, since Maka is busy. Due to the late night visit, Kid closes his eyes for a moment, only to open them and find the Doctor leaning against his chest (“?!””Is this…how your heart always sounds?”) The doctor gets excited about finding out why his heart beats at a slow rate, and promptly knocks him out, pushing Soul off the table and starting the experiment. Soul eventually wakes up to a covered body on the table, is organs laid out and even hanging from the lights. He freaks and runs from the room, finding Stein rummaging in the shelves. He asks wtf is going on, and Stein says he got a little excited with his latest subject, who had an oddly simplified organ system. When Soul wants to leave, he realises Kid isn’t there, and Stein says he can’t leave, considering what he’d done. Scared, Soul threatens with the fact his family or friends will come looking. Later, Maka and co do visit, but Stein says he hasn’t seen them. (He’s just hidden them away) more time passes and they’re being questioned about anything that might lead to where they are. Maka and Blackstar eventually admit to knowing the Surgeon, and the police go out. No one is there. (Stein moved, and eventually have comes across Maka, saying he’s disappointed she outed him. He takes her to Soul and locks them in together. Soul explains what happened and they try to think of a way to escape. Later, Stein shows up and after a “what are you planning to do with us?!” he like “Im letting you go.” He says he’s no killer and would have to release them eventually and shows them that Kid is back in one piece, they just have to promise they’ll never out him or he’ll “make them a permanent fixture of the lab”. And they leave. And a while down the road Soul freaks like what the fuck we were held prisoner by a madman and we’ve gotta pretend like nothing ever happened. And Kid doesn’t even speak he just stares and everyones freaked out. )
Fallout AU
               Soul thought he’d be stuck in his boring little life inside the boring little vault. That is until an odd group of raiders break in and take him to the outside. (His vault is filled with talented socialites, but the test was to see if weapon blood could create better people. Raiders, with Sid the ghoul at the front, come in looking for people with weapon genes. They take a few including Wes who have inactive weapon blood, but mark Soul as he had recently discovered his weapon abilities. Theyre taken to Death City, and while most are locked up, Soul is taken and spoken to by Asura and Spirit. The tell him that theyre group trains weapon, and that his options are to stay and train, or go out in the wilderness to find his way home. He’s pretty quick to decide to stay, getting away from vault life exactly what he wanted. If the other vault dwellers don’t show to be weapons, they can either live in Death City or try to make their way home. Maka is asked to show Soul around, and shes excited that she’ll get to train with an actual scythe, having dabbled in other weapons. (Okay so the conflict is the Gorgon sisters experiment on humans to create weapons. Medusa’s latest experiment gives remote control over the young reaper Kid, tapping into his soul perception to target, and then commanding him to involuntarily reap their souls. Liz and Patty work for the witches, at one point trying to recruit Soul to their side but escaping from the fight. Their other job is to guard Kid, who they befriended. When they discover that they’re planning on using Kid to attack Death City, Liz and Patty go there to ask for help, the others obviously suspicious.) 
From Tumblr: You are Death, and you have just accidentally taken someone before their time. In order to hide your mistake, you decide to live in the person’s place until the day they were supposed to die.                (Kid thought he was doing his best to lighten his father’s load, but was still just an inexperienced Reaper. He didn’t mean to reap the boy, but a taken soul was a taken soul. So now he was stuck masquerading as the boy until his death date in several weeks, however his roommate was much too clever and much too observant. (Kid has to pretend to be the cool leather jacket wearing, motorbike riding, only-if-it-interests me Soul Evens. He finds that Maka, the boys roommate, is an intelligent student who may have been questioning her feelings for Soul. He does his best to avoid people, but Maka gets nosey, and Star gets loud, so he finds himself having to befriend the boys friends. And Maka actually starts falling for the new Soul whos actually interested in hearing about her studies and who obsesses over the symmetry of their house. At one point he comes up with the lie of having hit his head when out biking, and having trouble remembering things. He keeps living and does make friends. The day before the reaping date Maka kisses him, and the next day she finds a letter asking her to meet in the park. Feeling conflicted, Kid reveals himself and tells Maa the truth, before leaving .) He convinces himself to say by thinking that having him disappare would cause to much havoc, and he refused to admit he messed up to his father. He keeps the soul on him, being able to gleam feelings and mucel memory from it. The next day, after Maka yells at him and rushes from the house he analysies the house, studing the room, the phone and computer, Makas room and then outer location he find Souls goes to. He sees its his turn to cook dinner, and does what he can with the contense in the fridge. Maka returns and is slightly surprised. He says he’s not talking due to a sore throat, and after checking for a tempriture, she berates him for staying uot late. They eat while Maka talks of her day, and Kid listens intently. ) Soul was doing online classes, so Kid des his best to get average grades, and also has to deal with his job.
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