#and hermann says thats not out of character for him
taintedmind6669 · 1 year
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Pov Hermann
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unnonexistence · 4 months
idk if there's anything in stories i get more petty about than poorly-written "main character shows up to a new place and meets everyone" character introduction scenes
#personal#they make me SO ANGRY ahglkmsfkl#it isnt just the trope of showing up and meeting everyone either#like it works for me in some things!#i think pacific rim does a really good job with characterization for example#and it's got a sequence of scenes where raleigh arrives and the audience is introduced to the shatterdome & important characters basically#my working theory until i do some more analysis is that stories that do it well leave some mystery#like in pacrim you don't find out mako's whole deal immediately upon meeting her#pentecost doesnt go ''this is mako mori. one of our brightest. her whole family was killed by a kaiju and she wants to be a pilot''#he says she's in charge of the mk 3 restoration program#and she doesn't immediately offer up her backstory because why would she. real people dont do that#the russian pilots dont show up and go ''hello we are russian''. pentecost just tells raleigh briefly who they are#etc. newt & hermann's intro scene is one of my favourite bits of characterization Ever and you don't learn that much about hermann during i#all the info you get is from newt being chatty and ridiculous and mocking hermann and putting his foot in his mouth. i.e. newt being newt#and that's what makes it good!#when chuck and herc are introduced you learn absolutely nothing about chuck. hes just there in the background#he and raleigh look at each other for a second and you kinda go ''who's that guy''#AND THATS ENOUGH TO ESTABLISH HIM AS ''PROBABLY IMPORTANT LATER''#idk idk but so many books do this kind of scene so badly that it pisses me off#so many POPULAR books too. like i either am uniquely annoyed about this or other people are way more willing to overlook it lol#as far as examples go. the house in the cerulean sea and every heart a doorway were the books where i got so annoyed i immediately DNFed#i feel like the long way to a small angry planet does it a little bit but not as bad. i cant remember for sure it's been a while#i did finish that one but i had extremely mixed feelings about it#and now im reading a big ship at the edge of the universe and. once again it is happening#aaaargh
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newtlesbian · 1 year
i have such a powerful love for hermanns aesthetics i love old tech and and how it fits with his character. finally the old fashioned archetype but still a tech genius. not enough people go that alan turing style scientist route in Every way like hermann. with their old fashioned characters its always like bleh i wear sweater so i dont know computer bleh but they fucking should because hermann………. oh hermann.
he Coded those fucken big ol robits. hes the realest dude out there i need him. im bored of that urge some people have to treat computers as more modern when the historical aspect is more interesting. plus hermann was born in 1989 anyway so like lol. and the aesthetics of the pacrim world are different than ours. earth but sexier
i love picturing him with antique machinery and old computer monitors and surrounded by rust and dust. its what guillermo del toro calls “gothic tech” and “ww2 inspired” thats the foundation of what pacific rim is visually and everything about it describes hermann exactly. all those interesting beautiful machines. i dont care about pristine unused nonpractical ugly brandnew shit what i want is some real sexy old bricks with some genuine substance and weight to them that have proved theyre worth it. again hes the realest
there are scifi holoputers but still classic pacrim. cool scifi projector but coming from that same old tech. something unexpected below the rough surface. another hermann description. also how he is newts other half. hermann is the part who works in theoretics and numbers and coding and predictions and more intangible abstractions not things that can be physically touched (hand phasing through the projection of light. this all circles back to his own rough exterior & withdrawn closed off nature) unlike newt who is slanging glowing tanks of organs and physically touching machinery assembling with dirty hands and slicing into flesh while splashing blood.
the tech is all Old and just by the fact that it exists while looking so old fashioned actually says its Sturdy and Dependable and Capable and more Meaningful underneath the layers that appear stuck in another time. it looks that way as contrast to show it has Survived and Fought long enough to get the HONOR to appear out of date. it doesnt need to change. again all words to describe hermann. the rust is her battlescars. i love u sexy old tech aka i love u hermann. and to think a five paragraph post can be inspired by me joking that he would crank it to a video of antique crank pencil sharpeners from 1890-1920 <3
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
i am so glad that its not just me who went "hans landa has some homofag shit going on"
because see you all know im constantly on that yaoi cocaine so i thought it was just me being average anime fan again but HANS LANDA FROM INGLORIOUS BASTERDS IS A HOMOSEXUAL! what tipped me off personally is the fact that the entire movie hes incredibly confident and suave and never stumbles in his speech. his actor is purposeful with what he does and the only time he stumbles is when hes doing his monologue to rainer to propose a deal and says the name "hermann". I hadnt heard his voice falter or stumble in the slightest for the entire movie it really stuck out to me. And whats more is when hermann is shot that is the only time in the entire movie that Landa expresses any degree of genuine shock and weakness. Now this can be written off as him realizing that Rainer is not making good on their deal, but the thing is that he says "I made a deal with you gentlemen for that mans life". It's a very strange thing to say, since I think that Landas selfishness and ability to turn a blind eye to others suffering by accepting things because theyre not happening to him it is a key component to his character. Landa is not the type of man who would say that he made a deal for another's life in this situation. if he was only shocked about the deal being broken, he would just say that theyre breaking the deal, but not say a line that suggests that he thinks that the deal was more for hermanns life than his own. A thing that my bro (LMV) pointed out also is that in the beginning Landa says that he knows what people can do once they abandon their dignity. This is of course meant to be taken by the farmer as him being very knowledgable with the places that Jewish people could be hiding, but in the context of him being gay this gets a greater meaning since it creates a double meaning where he also is admitting that he understands because hes a "rat" himself. Landas character is a whole 'nother enchilada, but to boil it down he is an incredibly selfish man. He's not a monster with no critical thought and only vile hatred towards Jews fueling his engines; hes a human and a monster by choice. I think that theres a common misconception that showing the humanity in a horrible person = symapthy for that person because to me I think it only makes them more terrible in my eyes. Landa is a human just like us and couldve done the right thing, but he still chose the wrong thing to do. He could've pulled a hugo and done all he could to kill the nazis around him or sacrifice his life to not be apart of the evil regime or literally anything except what he chose to do, which was undoubtedly the worst option possible; become fucking colonel nazi. when i watch a supernatural horror movie I often cant bring myself to fully hate the demon because it feels like hating a tornado. Yeah i hate it destroyed my house and im scared of it but i cant really hate it since what did I expect its a tornade it was born to do that lol it cant really do anything else. but Landa doesn't get this pass and recieves my full unadulterated hatred. He isnt a monster with no critical thought who was born with no other drive than to kill and slaughter, he's a man just like all of us who actively choses evil because he's selfish and vile. Yes, he has motives. yes, it wouldve been much harder to do the right thing. but at the end of the day he still chose the wrong thing to do. and to me that makes him so so much more incredibly sickening because he couldve done good, but he simply continues to choose evil everyday because thats easier and more advantageous to himself than doing whats right. And in essence it would be incredibly in character of him to be a "rat" who acts as a "hawk" because he was born in a hawks nest, might as well play the part and stay within it. He is mentioned as a womanizer a few times, but I personally believe that Landa would create this rumor himself to put away any and all suspicion of him being gay, since I think thats the natural first thing someone would do if they were gay and trying to hide it.
He's a master of manipulation and words, so of course he's going to be able to keep the rumor solid with no leaks.
I just think that Landa definately was homofag for Hermann and personally like the movie a lot more with that in mind. Because not only does it add more meaning to his words and give you even more insight into his motivations and ideas and character (especially with the thought that he knows how it feels to be hunted. so instead of helping those who are being hunted he becomes a hunter himself) but also it makes the ending so much more satisfying. because personally I agree with literally everything Rainer says like I dont care i think all nazis should die and be tortured with no mercy they chose this fate when they chose to be a nazi. They have motivations for why, but we all have motivations for why we do the things we do. the right thing is almost always harder to do than the wrong thing and the matter of fact is that they chose to be a nazi instead of anything else in the world so they deserve no mercy. ngl im so glad rainer carved the swatstika on Landas head because I was going to throw a fit if Landa deadass just got off scott free. And i think it's actually a fitting substitute punishment to death too since Landa has to spend the rest of his days with a permanent reminder to everyone that he's a horrible person and suffer the consequences that come with being a horrible person (everyone hates him and hopefully punches nazis everyday SO TRUE!!!!). And i think if hermann was his lover thatd make his punishment even better. Since he had to witness the love of his life be shot before him and live the rest of his life knowing that he caused his lovers demise. His plan caused the only person in the world he loved more than himself to be killed and scalped and he just has to live with that forever now. its sooo much better i think that kind of torture is soooooooooo deserved tbh to me itd be a fate worse than death because id look at my hands and think to myself "i did all of this to make sure wed live together. and i still failed. what was this all for?". its so fucking well deserved ITS SO RIGHTEOUS!!! EVERY HORRIBLE THING LANDA DID WAS FOR FUCKING NOTHING BECAUSE AT THE END OF THE DAY HERMANN STILL DIED! HIS RANK AND ACOMPLISHMENTS AND SINS MEAN NOTHING BECAUSE IT DIDNT PROTECT HIM-- IF ANYTHING IT CAUSED HERMANN TO DIE FROM A FIREY BULLET OF JUSTICE! AAUAGWHWH YES..... YES....!!!! I LOVE WELL DESERVED TORTURE. EAT SHIT AND DIE LANDA LETS FUCKING GO!!!!!! okay i need to stop myself before i get a little too into it. but yeah i think landa deserves a fate worse than death and i believe hermann being his lover solidifies that he does get that (THANK GOD)
anyways guys i really liked inglorious basterds its even better with yaoi cocaine please have a whiff before you watch for the best experience 😍
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gender-snatched · 2 years
Tell me about the Torchwood stuff
ok so basically. theres a bunch of alien fighters in wales. and theyre all bisexual. theres plot but it doesnt matter believe me
gwen: main character! not like that ethical but whatever no one in this show is. bisexual. this is true of all characters. badass woman. cop? ex cop? joins torchwood out of moral superiority and then immediately has an affair.
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jack: reason i watched the show. you know him. anyways hes worse here. also bisexual (omni? pan? something). basically hes here, he fucks, he does unethical shit, he fucks some more, he cries but hides it.
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owen: okay imagine the most annoying man ever. you hate him. okay now imagine loving him because he has genuinely touching moments. you watch this guy have a moment with aphrodiasiac, go "well that was super fucking not okay" and then watch more show and go "fuck i like this gremlin". fucks a man in the first episode (the bad aphrodisiac moment) scientist with buttons on his lab coat (very newt coded for the guy who plays hermann) hes also dead for a considerable bit. fucks gwen (her affair) but ends up (?) with tosh
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speaking of: tosh: im love her. computer genius!!! expert in everything, including being amazing and being ignored. has a very fun her-centric episode in which shes bisexual and can read thoughts but it almost made me vomit because jack is transphobic in it. seems soft spoken but could kill. if she wanted to
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ianto: you know him. looks like a cinnamon roll has the worst fetishes you can imagine. bisexual as well. dating jack after saying he hates him for killing his evil girlfriend. the reason i cant finish torchwood (and see him DIE??). has a pet pteradactyl. his job is to get coffee and stop jack from becoming a super villian
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rhys: hes here. engaged to gwen. straight but made jack say the words "homoerotic tension" on screen. i dont like him but also a god because imagine your girlfriend is running around lying and fucking other men and knows about aliens. and you marry her anyways
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and thats torchwood, the TV-MA companion to dr who! theres also a kids show companion and theyre both very good and i didnt finsih either.
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newtgeizzler · 6 years
is newmann the dynamic? i found out (but i bet you can guess the answer)
and, on a side note,  i wrote most of this when i was really tired so like, excuse any artistic liberties from me getting emotional/projecting
newt geiszler:
honestly? he's an absolute nightmare and hermann IS a sweaterboy, but to dispute any doubts, ill go through it thoroughly
the Absolute Nightmare is someone who has entirely rejected the task of trying to conform to societal norms. They know they don’t fit in. They know they’re not like everybody else. And while they are outwardly bold and defiant and confident, they’re often very lonely. They internalize their issues; they may be mistaken for aloof and uncaring when, in fact, they have Big Feelings." -The Niche
"You are an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Don’t worry, though! We mean it as a compliment. You are flamboyant and helpful and loving. You have a lot of internalized issues, so you’re often mistaken for emotionless, but you have feelings. Big feelings. And it hurts! You’re strong all the time; you have to be, just to survive. You need a partner you can be weak with." - The Niche
in the most basic sense, is newt an absolute nightmare? uhhhh yeah. has he entirely stopped attempting to conform to societal norms? oh yeah, i think the kaiju tattoos are the most physical result of that, but it's apparent everywhere else, too. outwardly bold, defiant, & confident, but actually lonely? just call him out will you. internalized issues? oh ya you betcha. i dont think the aloof part shows up in him exactly, but irt the whole kaiju/world-ending stuff he probably comes across as uncaring sometimes, though he *definitely* does have Big Feelings. he is definitely flamboyant, helpful, & loving! has to be strong all the time & needs a partner he can be weak with? Oh You Know
but just to be sure... let's compare with sweaterboy qualities
"The Sweaterboy is stable. The Sweaterboy is settled. The Sweaterboy lives within a familiar pattern, and is, in all likelihood, highly competent at what they do. But is the Sweaterboy happy? Fuck no, dude! For all the love and devotion and loyalty that the Sweaterboy puts out into the world, they rarely receive any such appreciation or recognition in return. And the Sweaterboy thinks that this is what relationships — of any kind — should look like: giving and giving and giving, and never actually asking for what they want. Because that would be selfish. The Sweaterboy would never want to burden anyone; the Sweaterboy, deep down, fears very much that they are a burden." - The Niche
"You are a SWEATERBOY. And sweaterboys can be any gender, so don’t worry about that even one iota. You are protective and fierce and loving, although your calm, plain exterior might not give it away. You’re tired. You’re sarcastic. You need a flamboyant partner to teach you not to live by the societal conventions that have constrained you all your life. You would die for your partner, but you’ve never had the luck." - The Niche
is he stable, settled, and calm/plain? have we met the same character? i can see some arguments for newt being a sweaterboy irt being giving & fiercely loving, but as a whole? he's just not a sweaterboy. he doesnt need a flamboyant partner to teach him to live outside societal conventions & routine, bc he is that partner. is he happy? probably not, but he isnt going to find that happiness with another absolute nightmare. also, i can see the arguments for what constitutes an internalized vs externalized issue where the lines blur, but the various canon and canon-adjacent info on his mental health issues really do lead me to thinking that he has mainly internalized issues, not externalized onesa
analysis 1: newt's an Absolute Nightmare
hermann gottlieb
i mean, you all know what i think of course, but for sake of retaining a semblance to the scientific method here, ill go through it again. plus, he really does have some absolute nightmare tendencies. im using the same quotes as above but i wont paste them down here for risk of making this longer than it needs to be
does he have any absolute nightmare qualities? yeah, id say so. he definitely has some internalized issues, though i think he has mostly externalized ones or ones with external origins (such as his father, or his physical disability) than ones that have like, a firmly internal origin and stay internalized. personally, i do still think he has those internalized issues and mental health problems, but i think thats mostly projection and headcanons so im keeping it out. the thing is, he isnt really “outwardly bold, defiant, or confident” in the way newt is, and certainly not in a way that rejects societal norms entirely, yknow? like i can see the part with him being mistaken for aloof where he actually has Big Feelings, but the core part of the absolute nightmare just isnt there the same way it is for newt.
now, when it comes to sweaterboy, i think he really has the core of it down. at its most basic, he really is a boy in sweaters. usually quite a few. but also, he really is the stable, settled, pattern-seeker of a scientist that fits into sweaterboy quite well. he IS tired and sarcastic, with a plain exterior, restrained by his role and society’s conventions. he really isnt happy, but he is devoted to his work and rather fierce and protective of a world he’s probably disillusioned by. he really is just trying to prove he’s worth it to this world and he needs someone to tell him he doesnt need to prove himself to anybody bc he’s already enough for them.... man i gotta stop or ill get emotional
okay okay anyway, clear enough answer. to me at least.
analysis 2: hermann’s a Sweaterboy
conclusion: theyre the fucking Dynamic babey!!!!!!
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hermannsgayhands · 6 years
i was talking abt this w my mom a few days ago and like im sure it wasnt an active, conscious decision like “hey lets take this incredibly rare physically disabled scifi action hero and this other guy (who he is definitely gay with) who is pretty undoubtedly ND and uh.......completely ruin their lives" but thats kind of. also the problem
im sure it wasnt an active conscious decision when the only disabled characters in anything ever at all were the cheesy villains in wheelchairs, but it was still a decision and these decisions have a real world impact. (if they didnt then we could basically just completely scrap the concept of representation in general, and also apparently the movie jaws never happened.) these decisions also show a lot of implicit bias, like, theres a reason that for a while (and still now to an extent) the only disabled characters in anything were evil, and it was because the people creating those characters couldnt envision a disabled character who was good and heroic or a protagonist or even just Not Evil, because they see disability as a bad thing, and it ends up being used as a shorthand to be like “this character is disabled, which is bad, so THEYRE ALSO bad.” subconscious decisions are still decisions and its important to examine and be critical of the decisions we make and why, especially when its wrt a marginalized group like this. implicit bias is a thing.
so i dont think it was conscious, but that also means that they werent considering the fact that disabled people are watching these movies too, which means theyre not considering what disabled people got out of the first one. hermann is so, so important to me as a disabled character. hermann in the first movie was and still is really special, because hes there, hes a SCIFI ACTION HERO, hes OUT THERE, hes not just behind the scenes, he can be kind of a dick (which is itself pretty refreshing when u take into account the angelic disabled person trope), he has a close relationship (literally however you want to look at it) with someone who doesnt coddle or baby him or act Uncomfortably Nice the way abled people do a lot of the time, because you know its a fake nice, and then hes ALIVE at the end, hes with his friend who he just saved the world with, and hes HAPPY
even now, when we are Starting to move past when the only disabled characters in anything are caricatures and villains, you also gotta look at the kinda thing we gotta deal with even in content ABOUT disabled characters thats marketed (for some godforsaken reason) to us: in me before you, a disabled person killing himself is framed as a romantic gesture. they want you to think its a good thing, and people did. in everything everything, the “””chronically ill””” character can only end up pursuing a relationship or feeling like her life is worth living when it turns out she was never chronically ill to begin with and it was actually just another case of munchausen by proxy (which is ~the big twist~ in SO MUCH SHIT LIKE THIS). so many movies with characters w chronic pain have them as addicts, when 1-people w chronic pain taking painkillers isnt addiction, even if they end up with a tolerance or having to adjust their doses, because that can happen with almost any medication, and 2-this is harmful both for people dealing with addiction and for people w chronic pain, because misinformation is never good for anyone, including 3-leading people to being denied treatment, INCLUDING 4-ive been told by TWO different nurse practitioners that i NEED to LIE if im ever in the ER, and say that i dont have one of my conditions because even if im there for something completely unrelated to pain, i will likely end up being denied treatment entirely because of how much stigma there is around chronic pain in general and around this specific diagnosis. basically: Shits Not Great and the media we consume has a huge impact on that.
pacific rim doesnt make hermann not disabled or try to sugarcoat it. theres no cure. theres no looking for a cure. hes treated like a real, full character the same as all the other characters. hes given fleshed-out relationships and he gets to be a hero. hes alive at the end. hes alive and hes happy and these things are so fucking small but even that is COMPLETELY beyond anything we can reasonably expect from like......anything. even stuff thats supposed to be about us. hermann is like if youve been trying to eat drawings of food for years and then suddenly someone throws you a multi-course meal just for funsies and youre like “Holy Shit This Is What Food Tastes Like, You Guys, Are You Aware Of This?? oh you are because youve already been eating this whole time BUT GUYS HOLY SHIT”
pacrim ended with a disabled action hero alive and happy with his friend, and since there was no guarantee or expectation of a sequel, that was just. how it ended. it ended and he was happy. but pr:u did a complete 180 and basically this is why im literally just making my own shit with my own disabled characters because it is genuinely exhausting having to deal with this even in a series where i thought i could expect Something, even if it was just for hermann to not be completely miserable and alone and deceived the entire movie. there is probably not going to be a third one, so we go from pacrim ending with a happy, alive disabled character to pacrim ending with a disabled character going through so much shit only to end up alone with basically no chance of any resolution, and not even bothering to show how hes reacting to everyone else being like “woo yay we stopped newt from killing everyone.” like their relationship can be important enough for the Drama but not enough for the followup to show how this is actually affecting the people involved.
basically pr:u treated the disabled character(s) the way i can expect everything else to treat disabled characters which was really disappointing and emotionally exhausting after what the first one gave us.
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so... cafe moonlight. i was looking for something for bishop and martin to do. bishop was trying to find his place and his purpose. its crazy how people go on this journey--i literally came up with bishop as a character to just be the assistant editor gretchen slept with on... was i just writing straight up desert bluffs? i guess i was. he got sent to cathode springs, and i wrote him in that world for a long time, the whole tw wilder/lark/bishop love triangle thing. he became a werewolf. bishop was never particularly ambitious career wise, and he came to england with hermann (yes, bishop is technically a night vale/pacific rim/sherlock/scp character, YEAH I DID THAT) and he didnt have a job for a long time, then he met martin who was trying to find his purpose too, and they sort of brought out in each other this desire to do something for the supernatural community. i had no idea starting out that bishop would become this community leader, if you look at bishop in cathode springs nothing about him says leader AT ALL, he was basically just a lazy alcoholic. but they opened up the cafe and he just... blossomed. like this is what bishop always was meant to do.
i know, its a fanfic cliche: ***COFFEE SHOP AU*** but what i learned from writing jarvis is just go for it man, who cares if its cliche, who cares what anyone thinks. it was the right move for them, and BAM suddenly you have a whole community of supernatural creatures. i remember the night i came up with all the employees, i was totally manic and i did it til the sun came up. creating characters is like my favorite thing. so cafe moonlight was born, and it just has this... vibe, its safe and cozy and inclusive. its a little sanctuary. i think a lot about caritas on angel, thats definitely part of the inspiration. 
so, the menu. i know, i wouldnt have needed to make a menu. its not necessary to the plot. but i love reading recipes and menus and i was like, why not. and it became a whole new manic obsession. i have... a sixteen page handwritten menu? im insane? SUPER SUPER FUN. i spent days going through menus of cool minneapolis cafes, and then i got obsessed with this blog, half-baked harvest and... now i have a lot of scenes of jarvis and deakyn getting sandwiches and writing about what they ate.
now bishop and martin have a son and he’s going to grow up in this great safe environment. blue is teaching him sign language. pacifica is a kumiho and julian is korean so they have a special bond. julian likes to watch ketakee in the kitchen. the whole community helps to raise him. the older, wiser scips help him to control his powers. i just love cafe moonlight (particularly because its where jarvis and deakyn met) and i love having a sort of home base for everybody. they go there after battles when people have been injured, and they dropped their anti-mundane ward during the sior attack to become a sanctuary for people. i absolutely do not care how cliche it is, i love it.
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