#and her brother crowclaw
Throwback to when i made all the neighbourhood cats warrior catsonas and they had their own little lore based on what i saw them do
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krowfics · 3 years
A Spider’s Shadow Chapter 5
Fandom: Warrior cats/Sander Sides
Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, Dukeceit, (eventual) Remile, otherwise platonic LAMP, familial Creativitwins+Thomas
Plot: Spiderpaw is the sole witness to a murder, due to this, he is no longer safe in Shadowclan. He soon finds himself amongst a group of secret rebels who disagree with the Warrior Code.
Words this chapter: 2152
Notes:Warriors typical violence/hunting, unsympathetic/morally gray Janus and Remus,
Chapter 1  Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Lionbright bunched up his muscles in preparation, readjusting his footing for the pounce. He lept into the air and landed with a soft thump, muted by the squirrel that now struggled against his claws, he quickly delivered the killing bite to it’s neck and silently thanked Starclan for the catch.
“Great catch!” Nettlepaw purred, standing from their position across from Lionbright.
“Ah, thanks,” He scraped a bit of dirt over his prey, “Though I think that one was a bit slow, otherwise I’m sure it would’ve ended up in your claws.” They’d done a fairly simple hunting technique involving one cat standing behind the prey in case it ran, it was extra helpful for skittish critters like squirrels, but it proved unneeded for this one. Lionbright did catch the squirrel fine on his own but his leap felt lacking, his mind distracted by the occasional wandering thought.
“Maybe.” Nettlepaw shrugged before turning their head sharply, “Oh and another good catch!” They mewed, acknowledging Whitepaw stepping through the bramble with a sparrow.
“It was nothing.” He mewed happily, his head being held high despite his words.
Lionbright flexed his claws in and out for a moment as he suppressed a sneering response. Whitepaw always got on his nerves. It was just a sparrow, nothing all too impressive. Lionbright supposed that attitude was why he earned his warrior name before Whitepaw despite the other being older. But, hunting wasn’t a contest, he shouldn’t be thinking that way. Still, he couldn’t help a small grin at the fact that he was better than the apprentice.
“Nice squirrel.” Whitepaw said once his catch joined the other, kicked a bit of earth over it.
“Lionbright caught it.” Nettlepaw stated, bumping the warrior in question with their side.
Whitepaw sniffed, “Oh really? I suppose it’s a nice change in pace from catching spiders.”
Lionbright sighed, he should’ve guessed some teasing like this was coming, “And what if it is?”
Whitepaw’s ears pressed back slightly, “He’s a Shadowclan cat.”
The warrior frankly wasn’t sure what exactly his old denmate was trying to imply but he really didn’t care at the moment, “Wow, that’s amazing I hadn’t even noticed until you pointed it out just now. Thanks for telling me.” He stood, his mew mockingly sweet.
“Whitepaw don’t be rude.” Crowclaw rolled their eyes as she approached, a wren muffling her words, “I think we should head back and get these in the pile,” they said quickly, not giving her apprentice had a chance to defend himself. Lionbright dipped his head and picked up his squirrel before following the others to another few pieces of prey they’d caught earlier and buried a bit in earth.
Soon enough, he was following the patrol through the bramble and into camp. He felt the midday sun hit his back as he swiftly made his way to the pile. His head was held high, a grin hidden behind his squirrel. Maybe Spiderpaw would eat the squirrel, Lionbright wondered, would a Shadowclan cat like squirrel? Had he even ever tried one? He had plenty of questions to remember to ask his friend later, but for now, he was stopped by an all to common sight.
Just in front of the pile was his father and brother, along with the deputy and medicine cat. Ratpaw seemed a bit puffed up, undoubtedly ready to defend his actions, whatever they may be. He hadn’t run off again had he? Lionbright wasn’t gone for that long but if he could trust anyone to vanish in a moment just to turn up later smelling of twoleg stuff, it’d be his brother.
He stepped closer, more out of curiosity than to get closer to the pile, but stopped in his tracks as he listened to Ratpaw’s hiss, “So I gave Spiderpaw a poppy seed, I did what-”
“You gave him a what?” Lionbright barely acknowledged the fact that his kill had fallen from his grip, still a fox length away from its place in the pile. The rest of his patrol stepped around the group to set their catches down in the proper place before backing away, not wanting to interfere in whatever today’s argument would be about.
Ratpaw looked to him and soon gained an amused expression, “A poppy seed. It’s what you give annoying little nuisances from enemy clans to make them sleep for a really lo-” He was cut off by sudden paws pushing him onto his back. 
The gray tom fell backwards with a satisfying huff as the air was knocked out of him. Lionbright might have used more force than strictly necessary in the given situation, he knew that poppy seeds caused no real harm, but if it got his littermate to quiet for once, then it was worth it.
“The poppy seed was necessary.” Frostpool confirmed, she’d stepped closer after a moment whilst Lionbright was still giving Ratpaw a glare as he kept him pinned down, “He’s quite bothered by what he witnessed,” She spoke in a hushed mew, “And reasonably so.”
Lionbright glanced to see Fernstorm nodding, “He couldn’t get more than a bite of wren down.”
“See?” Ratpaw said in a mockingly distressed voice from under him, “Why must you antagonize me? What have I done to deserve such rough treatment?”
“Plenty.” Redstar said in the chiding tone of a father, “Lionbright, release him.” He continued with the commanding tone of a leader, Lionbright obliged begrudgingly. Redstar watched as Ratpaw jumped up, not looking bothered in the slightest. “Ratpaw, from what I understand, you made the situation worse before offering the seed.”
Ratpaw rolled his eyes, “Yes, Redstar, we’ve been over this before. What shall we describe my actions as this time?” He hummed, “Fox-hearted? Mouse-brained? No better than a rogue’s? No better than a Dark Forest cat’s?” He gasped dramatically, “No better than a Shadowclan cat’s?” 
His father’s face lost any commanding feature, he just looked done, and Lionbright could hardly blame him. However the younger warrior could not relate to the almost forlorn look in Redstar’s eyes, for he was bristling with fury.
He flexed his claws in and out for a moment, then forced himself to breath. “Where is he?” he turned sharply to Frostpool, unable to keep his tail from flicking.
“The medicine den.” She blinked, “Asleep.”
“Right.” Lionbright flicked his ear, his paws were moving before he knew where he was going yet. He just needed to walk somewhere. Actually he felt like he needed to shred a tree of it’s bark with his claws or hunt the whole forest clean but those wouldn’t be helpful. He instead grabbed his fresh-kill between his teeth to move it to the pile.
The day dragged on slowly. Lionbright tried to force himself to lay in the sun and relax but he was in no mood to share tongues and his thoughts were to focused on his friend to let himself nap, despite his sleepless night. It was at times like these when he was restless for an apprentice. With no apprentice duties himself, he’d didn’t have much to do. When Blossomfur’s kits were of age then perhaps he’d get to be one of their mentors, but it’d be a bit before they were even born let alone six moons old.
He scoffed at his own boredom. He wanted so badly to be a warrior as a ‘paw, but he’d take apprentice duties at this point just so there was something to do. Well, not if that meant tick duty, his nose scrunched up at just the thought of mouse bile. 
If Ratpaw hadn’t gotten himself banned from leaving camp again then Lionbright would be able to offer to go hunt or gather herbs with him, but even if his littermate wasn’t in trouble at the moment, Lionbright didn’t trust himself not to get into a hissing match the second he was alone with him. 
Ratpaw was in the medicine den, right? Along with Spiderpaw. Ratpaw had been practically dragged in by Frostpool talking about drying out herbs. Lionbright felt his shackles rise and he stood, trudging over to the den. He didn’t enter, not knowing what excuse to give. He just stood by and listened for a moment, seeing if anyone was talking inside. It was silent, so Lionbright stepped away to continue his failed nap.
It wasn’t long before he was wandering back over to the medicine den again. And again. And again until Frostpool was stepping out with a frustrated huff. “Do you have a thorn in your paw?” She asked.
“Um- No?” Lionbright said, taken aback.
“Burr in you pelt? Chaffed pads? No? Then why do you keep coming back here?”
Lionbright opened his mouth to respond but with what, he had no idea. Sometimes he forgot how scary medicine cats could be while they were doing their jobs. He glanced behind her, trying to discreetly peak into the den. Frostpool closed her eyes and sighed.
“Fine.” She said, her voice losing it’s malice, “I get it, you’re worried. Why don’t you go hunt for him?” She offered, “He could use a mouse, they always go down easy, I’m sure he’d appreciate one that’s still warm.”
At that, Lionbright felt like he was buzzing with energy, “I can do that! Uh, thank you.”
Frostpool nodding, laughing fondly, “You’d better be grateful, Ratpaw was offering to come out here and bite your tail off.”
“I’d expect nothing less from him.” He said, backing away and heading to the entrance. Hunting a mouse was something he could do. He was going to get his friend plumpest, juiciest mouse in all of Thunderclan’s territory.
Lionbright headed in the direction of the old owl tree but he didn’t need to travel that far before he picked up the scent of mouse, strong and incredibly recent. He dropped to a hunter’s crouch instinctively and let his eyes trail on the ground, searching for the rustling of leaves. He spotted a disappointing, scrawny little thing and promptly decided to ignore it.
He carried on, allowing a leaf to crunch under his paw that set the mouse running.
He stopped when he smelt mouse again, this one was easily spotted grooming itself. It looked nice and plump, Lionbright found himself liking his lips. But, as hungry as he was, this wasn’t for him. Hopefully when he returned, Spiderpaw would be awake and he’d be able to give him the freshkill and grab something for himself out of the pile so he could eat with him.
He did need to catch it first.
He shuffled forward, paws low on the ground even when lifted so he could avoid any noisy leaves. The mouse didn't spot him until he was pouncing. He swiftly bit down on it’s spine and took a breath to relax. The mouse looked delicious, perfect. 
He plucked it up and trotted back to Thunderclan’s camp with a bounce in his steps. Once there, he headed straight for the medicine den, only to see his darling brother’s head poke out. 
Ratpaw caught sight of him, “Your spider’s awake.” He said.
Lionbright would prefer to doubt what the implications of that would be when said by any other cat, in fact it wouldn’t occur to him at all. But, Ratpaw seemingly only ever had very few topics in mind, and none of them respectable. The only thing keeping a hiss contained in Lionbright as he realized that Whitepaw was probably having the same thoughts as the medicine cat apprentice was the mouse Lionbright diligently held in his mouth.
The gray cat backed up so Lionbright could bring the freshkill inside. “Oh good!” Frostpool mewed at the mouse, the carrier of which had only just poked his head in, “He can eat it outside, no point in making extra work cleaning. There's already plenty of work to be done.” She sent a sharp gaze towards Ratpaw, who just shrugged in response.
Lionbright turned his attention to the small tabby still laying in his nest. Spiderpaw blinked at him with his bright blue eyes and stood slowly, taking a long step to stretch out of his sleeping position. The pretty tom hunched awkwardly as he walked, he looked like he was fighting his hackles from raising. He nodded at Frostpool who responded with a blink.
Lionbright turned to step out of the den, only pausing when he saw that Spiderpaw had, just in front of Ratpaw.
Lionbright felt a moment of panic knowing that his brother could have said absolutely anything to the Shadowclan cat while Lionbright was out, but then, “Thank you,” Spiderpaw said, “For the poppy seed and the… moss pile.”
Ratpaw, to his credit, did look a bit surprised but he shook it off quick enough with a flick of his ear, “Yeah, yeah, go eat your mouse.”
Spiderpaw nodded at him and trotted out, leaving Lionbright to follow, and follow he did.
It’s been a while!,, like a year,,
please accept this animation meme of ratpaw and snakeface as an apology (be warned it has SPOILERS ,,,,,)
Chap 6
Tags~ @perfectly-princely-emo-nightmare
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ailuronymy · 4 years
Guest Warriors-ify: Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn
Warning for mentions of violence, violent acts, and murder (nothing is described in detail but figured I’d write the warning anyways), plus spoilers for the movie itself.
Also, apologies in advance if the descriptions are a little long-winded; I rambled a touch. If you need me to fix anything before publishing, let me know :)
Harley Quinn | Wigeonstorm || A wild and eccentric dilute blue-and-cream tortoiseshell molly with uneven white under markings and a predominant splash of white on her face; she has steely blue eyes and unkempt fur that is often bristling and ruffled in different directions. Wigeonstorm is the quintessence of the -storm prefix, a ferocious, volatile, and unpredictable molly with an aggressive streak and a loud, piercing voice. However, she matches her wild side equally with a crafty mind; she’s clever, swift, and dangerous - and her hide is wanted by many around the territories. After a recent, and particularly explosive, break up with her former mate, the leader of the Clan she grew up in, Wigeonstorm abandoned her former home in hopes of finding her independence by hunkering down in a small barn just outside of the territories with a friendly older loner; unfortunately, without the protection of her former mate and Clan, Wigeonstorm became the target by countless warriors, including the dreaded Kestrelstar. In an attempt to guarantee her safety, she struck up a deal with the formidable leader to bring back a meddlesome apprentice, but once she realized what his intentions with the young molly were going to be, she teamed up with Crowclaw, Linnetwhisker, and Pipitheart to take Kestrelstar down once and for all. 
Cassandra Cain | Swiftpaw || A sly and sneaky black molly with a white throat and dark amber eyes. Swiftpaw is an apprentice from Pipitheart’s Clan, but while her clanmates prided themselves on their loyal, respected personalities, happily ignoring their own tendencies to backstab, Swiftpaw is an open and well-known troublemaker. Growing up without family in her Clan had led her to feel distanced from her fellow clanmates and resorted to doing things mainly on her own, giving her plenty of time to perfect her thievery skills. She had become infamous around her Clan - and even the neighboring Clans - for her stealing endeavors, but she got a little too bold once she started targeting Kestrelstar’s own supplies, from food to herbs. He already wasn’t exactly too thrilled about being bested by an apprentice, especially when he was attempting to pave the way for his bloody and ruthless reputation, but when Swiftpaw stole one of his most valued and prized trinkets from his old life, right from his camp site, enough was enough. Kestrelstar sent out his warriors and his secret allies from the other Clans after Swiftpaw’s tail, including Wigeonstorm, who was quick to nab her and bring her back to the barn before anyone else could get their claws into her - kicking off the beginning of their new dynamic, once Wigeonstorm officially makes the kid her own apprentice (if she and the others can survive Kestrelstar first, that is). 
Swiftpaw’s warrior name would be Swiftwhisker.
Dinah Lance | Crowclaw || A very beautiful and elegant molly with a sleek, solid black pelt and striking yellow eyes. While her beauty might make a fellow warrior consider why she wasn’t assigned the -face suffix, it does not stand a hair against the surprising fighting skills this rather calm and steady molly possesses. Her fighting skills even surprised Kestrelstar, a tom who was already completely enamored with her. Formerly a warrior from Pipitheart’s Clan, Crowclaw began to distance herself from her fellow clanmates after the death of her mother at the paws of troublesome rogues; it was then that the self-appointed Kestrelstar began to visit her, offering her a place within his new Clan he was currently building. Crowclaw accepted, initially, believing that she was only being invited into the growing Clan due to Kestrelstar’s infatuation with her, but once he caught sight of Crowclaw’s fighting skills in action during one tussle with a few rogues giving Wigeonstorm a hard time, Kestrelstar was quick to begin to drag her along for more of his rather violent visits with other enemies and rivals, as well as assigning her to attend more of his dirty work missions alongside his right-paw tom Swanfang. Crowclaw was reluctant too involved with Kestrelstar’s deeds, and began to cohort with Pipitheart once more, offering her an insider view for how the new Clan was coming to be, as well as worrying for Swiftpaw’s own safety once the duo caught wind of Kestrelstar’s demand for her head. At the realization of Crowclaw’s treachery, Kestrelstar turned on her, and Crowclaw teamed up with Wigeonstorm, Pipitheart, and Linnetwhisker to take him down and protect Swiftpaw while doing so.
Helena Bertinelli | Linnetwhisker || A typically silent and deadly brown tabby molly and keen green eyes. This young molly has a bit of an anger management problem, and a taste for vengeance; growing up with a heavy trauma has hardened her significantly, as well as stunted her social growth, so she’s a little bit awkward and difficult to interact with, and certainly doesn’t clue into social cues as easily as others may. However, she has a sympathy for kits and apprentices, and she was quick to jump to Swiftpaw’s defense once she heard of the danger the young cat was facing; she firmly believes no kit should ever grow up with the trauma Linnetwhisker witnessed. After the brutal slaughter of her family, who were the hierarchy of their Clan, and a majority of her clanmates by a raid led by the one and only self-appointed Kestrelstar and Swanfang for the territory the Clan claimed, Linnetwhisker, at the time Wrenpaw, was snuck out by one of Kestrelstar’s warriors and raised on the outskirts of the territory. She trained with the warrior and his own brother and father, until, in a hushed ceremony that only those four cats attended, Wrenpaw was renamed Linnetwhisker. With her stealth and newfound tracking abilities, Linnetwhisker vowed to hunt down the cats that killed her family, with the last one on that list being Swanfang. Once Swanfang was out of the way, Linnetwhisker turned her attention to Swiftpaw, determined to protect the young molly alongside Wigeonstorm, Crowclaw, and Pipitheart.
Renee Montoya | Pipitheart || A dedicated and passionate brown tabby molly with a white underbelly and soft green eyes; Pipitheart is a dedicated warrior of her Clan, but her work for her Clan is often overlooked or improperly credited to her fellow Clanmate she grew up with. This Clanmate even took the credit for one of their most important missions together, and was promoted to deputy and eventually graduated to leader, leaving Pipitheart in the dust. Still, she remained loyal to her Clan and even the tom who took advantage of all her work; she was most determined to work against Kestrelstar, seeing the true threat behind his growing Clan, much to the distaste of her Clanmates, who weren’t bothered much by Kestrelstar’s empire. She attempted to gain the trust of Crowclaw, having once worked with Crowclaw’s mother before the other molly’s untimely death; eventually, Crowclaw agreed to work with Pipitheart, mainly to protect Swiftpaw as the young apprentice was in danger. At first, Pipitheart attempted to take down Wigeonstorm first, someone who had been causing trouble amongst Pipitheart’s home Clan territory, but eventually, she teamed up with Wigeonstorm and the other mollies to stop Kestrelstar in his tracks. Eventually, after all is said and done, Pipitheart would leave her home Clan to start an alliance with Crowclaw and Linnetwhisker.
Roman Sionis | Kestrelstar || A thick-furred brown tom with black spotted tabby markings. A former kittypet, Kestrelstar grew up in a sheltered, cozy life, although if asked about it, he’ll spin some shady tale of how his family gave him nothing growing up. Kestrelstar was absolutely infatuated with the idea of Clans and, mainly, power, and decided to go about starting his own Clan in the most bloody, ruthless way possible in an attempt to show off his power to his kittypet family and the rest of the Clans. He began making alliances with cats of different Clans, drawing them away from their own territories and into the heart of his Clan - sometimes by manipulation and promises, and sometimes by threat thanks to his second-in-command and deputy, Swanfang. Together, they began their brutal empire, even drawing in Crowclaw, the subject of Kestrelstar’s affections. However, his soaring ego crashes as a certain apprentice continuously steals from him, making his warriors question Kestrelstar’s true power, and he grows even more savage after the revelation of Crowclaw’s betrayal. He is quick to rally his warriors and attempt to kill the group of pestering mollies, but he realizes too late that Wigeonstorm and her group are a force to be reckoned with. 
Victor Zsasz | Swanfang || A violent and empty, massive solid white tom with a scar laced pelt; every one of his scars is a souvenir of his many, many vicious escapades. He was Kestrelstar’s first alliance and his deputy, as well as his most trusted confidant, and Swanfang did not shy away from getting blood on his paws for his leader, including the massacre of Linnetwhisker’s family and Clan when she was just an apprentice. Once Crowclaw joined the Clan, he was often tasked with accompanying Crowclaw on their own missions and retrievals; because of this, Swanfang was the first to discover Crowclaw’s alliance with Pipitheart, and promptly reported it to Kestrelstar. He attempted to kill Crowclaw and Wigeonstorm during one fateful encounter, but he was interrupted by Linnetwhisker, and the three mollies ended Swanfang’s story of violence the same way he lived.
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need1etail · 5 years
WindClan Background Cats HCs
ThunderClan | ShadowClan | RiverClan | SkyClan | The Kin
- Of course, Kestrel, Hare, and Heather are all siblings. Their parents, Whitetail and Onewhisker, are close as ever in the elders’ den. They all have little family days where they just go out and hunt or sit by the lake and splash each other with water.
- Harespring and Kestrelflight always go to visit their nieces in the nursery. Harespring and Breezepelt are super close, as they trained together, and he was so excited to find out his best friend was going to be the father of his sister's kits. Kestrelflight wanted to teach them about herbs, hoping that one of them would be interested enough to want to become a medicine cat
- Ashfoot and Mudstar are the oldest cats in the Clans, which some WindClan cats see as a weakness. Crowclaw has spoken to his mother about retiring, but she’s denied that she’s ready, saying she’s still got a lot of fight left in her. But, she’s getting older and so is Mudstar. Soon, she’ll have to admit defeat, right?
- Larkpaw and Fernpaw are a couple of troublemakers. Mudstar doesn’t like admitting it, but they’re often found outside Clan territory, or on RiverClan territory. They don’t hunt on RiverClan territory or do anything bad, but Mudstar is worried Mistystar might find their scent and think they’re stealing prey.
- Oatclaw knows well that eventually he’s going to have to end his relationship with Ripplestripe and Jayclaw, but he can’t bring himself to break it off. He’s told Featherpelt about their relationship, and she’s very understanding, but she does bluntly tell him he’s not hurting anyone but himself in the end. Jayclaw and Ripplestripe mean too much to him, and he can’t break their hearts.
- Nightcloud always wanted more kits, but after her and Crowclaw decided not to be mates any longer, she realized that dream was never going to come true. She was so happy when she found out she was going to be a grandmother, and is like a second mother to them.
- Furzepelt and Sedgewhisker were both extremely close to Sunstrike, and Furzepelt and Sedgewhisker considered asking her to be consider begin their mate (neither of them knew the other was going to make a move on her), and in the end they were all in a relationship. After Sunstrike died, Furzepelt and Sedgewhisker had a falling out, but worked things out and are now happy in a relationship
- Speaking of Sedgewhisker, she’s always wanted to have kits, but after two failed pregnancies, she realized she was sterile. Furzepelt is considering carrying her kits for her.
- Flashheart is a big hopeless romantic and is constantly finding flowers for Hootwhisker. Hootwhisker happily wears Flashheart’s flower crowns around camp.
- Leaftail and Weaselfur were brothers, both very close. Their sister, Thistlepaw, passed away during the starvation in the forest territories, and it took quite a while for Leafpaw to recover. He spent most of time silent beside Weaselpaw, and only speaking to his brother. After they journeyed to the new journey, Leafpaw recovered and him and Weaselfur became warriors together. Weaselfur died of greencough and promised Leaftail he’d say hello to Thistlepaw for him.
- Sedgewhisker and Emberfoot were very close, forming a bond after Sedgewhisker’s sisters passed away. Gorsetail took a while to recover, so Sedgewhisker took refuge in Emberfoot, who was very open to talking to her. Emberfoot ended up saying he had a crush on Sedgewhisker, but she left him down easy, telling him she was still trying to figure out her current relationship. If her and Furzepelt hadn’t gotten back together, she would have gotten together with him.
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I love giving warrior names to all the neighbourhood cats i see, they all have backstories and lore its great
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ailuronymy · 8 years
Guest Warriors-ify: Les Misérables.
Descriptions are based on the 2012 movie. I can honestly say I ran out of things to write for the last few characters. This one isn’t as good as my Voltron one, but that one was also half the size of this one!
Jean Valjean: A grizzled old gray cat. Exiled from his clan for attempting to steal prey, and has been living as a loner. Ended up becoming the leader of another clan, but had to give up his power when Thrushheart realized who he was and started chasing him around again. Serves as the adopted father to Applefur. He is a very strong cat, but he rarely fights. Very generous, and kindhearted. Name: has a lot, but let’s just say Roachclaw. Myriel: An old gray tom. Sheltered Roachclaw after his exile. An old tom who believes his only purpose is to better the lives of others. Very rarely worries, rarely angry, and cares deeply for everyone. Name: Fogcloud. Cosette: A small golden she-cat with a white chest. The daughter of Elmpelt. Born a loner, and given up to Firefur when her mother realized she couldn’t take care of her. Despite the hell her kithood was, she keeps a peaceful demeanor (and barely remembers any of her kithood). Loves Rabbitpelt dearly. Name: Applefur Javert: A big, gray-brown tom. A senior warrior who believes strictly in the Code. Tries to punish Roachclaw for hanging around old clan territory and somehow becoming a leader. Does his duties, sometimes a bit too well. Has a major moral crisis after Roachclaw spares his life while he’s trapped with Morningheart pack of rogues. Name: Thrushheart Fantine: A brown cat with a white chest. Originally a loner, but joined Roachclaw’s clan… was then kicked out of it for doing something wrong. Had to give up her daughter to Firefur, because she couldn’t care for her. Gets sick after being kicked out of the clan, but manages to tell him of her daughter, who he goes off to find. Name: Elmpelt Thenardier: A disgustingly orange tabby. Was once in a clan, left to go do his own thing. Made his own little camp where loners can stay… thing is, it’s got terrible conditions, but he can always convince cats to stay. The father of Twitetail, and refuses to accept Sandpaw as his son. A scumbag all around. When the camp is destroyed, he ends up living near a clan territory with the rest of his family. He still tries to manipulate people. Name: Firefur Mme Thenardier: A light brown tabby. Fell in love with Firefur, because scum attracts scum. While her mate does the swindling, she does the stealing; she can and will steal whatever the loners have on them, even if it’s just a rock. Despite being mates, she isn’t very fond of Firefur. Raised her own daughter well, I guess. Name: Fallowflower Eponine: A brown she-cat. Lives out of clan territory with her family, and helps them do the scummy things they do, sometimes. Very resourceful. Has a deep love and longing for Rabbitpelt, and dies for him when the pack of rogues lead their attack. Knows a lot of things, like how to get around in the clan territories and how to get out of trouble in case a patrol finds you. Name: Twitetail Marius: A brown tabby with white paws. An overall awkward tom who isn’t the best at most things, but does try his best. Fairly sympathetic and supportive. Friends with most of the rogue pack, especially Rookface. Came from a well respected family in the clan. Refuses to acknowledge that he is part of that family. Dragged away by Roachclaw after being injured during the attack, and ends up being the only survivor. Loves Applefur. Name: Rabbitpelt Enjolras: A handsome golden tabby. Strongly believes that what he does, that is, leading his own attack on a terrible clan, is the right thing. The leader of his own pack of rogues. Him and these rogues were all clan members at one point, but left to create their own society when the leader started doing some not good things. Very strong willed and serious, and takes very little of Rabbitpelt’s crap regarding love. Escapes from the original attack, but is hunted down later. Name: Morningheart Courfeyrac: A fluffy black cat with incredibly curly fur. A charmer. Adores the she-cats as they adore him. Despite his flirtiness, he remains devoted to Morningheart’s cause. He means no harm when he flirts; he just likes to boost his own confidence! A good friend to Rabbitpelt. Sometimes acts as Sandpaw’s guardian. Name: Rookface Combeferre: A light brown tom. The deputy of Morningheart’s pack. While Morningheart would fight, he would rather handle situations in a civilized manner. A calm, innocent, well intending tom. Not as passionate as the others, but remains devoted to the cause. Name: Fawncloud Grantaire: A fluffy black cat with an odd looking face. His face is scarred from fights he’s been in; he’s missing an ear and has a partially crooked jaw. This tom doesn’t care very much for revolting against anything; he’d rather just sleep. The reason he stays with the pack is due to his love and respect for Morningheart. Has an easy going nature. Sleeps through the attack, but finds Morningheart as he’s about to be killed, and dies with him. Name: Ravencloud Joly: A gray brown tom with impeccably clean fur. The medicine cat in this band of rogues. A hypochondriac. Obsessed with being clean, and can always find something wrong with his health. Learned a lot about herbs trying to treat illnesses that weren’t there. Typically very anxious. All of his strange habits and thoughts culminate together and make him seem very eccentric. Wants to make sure that his friends stay healthy; if they aren’t, he might get sick, then he might die… Name: Linnetleaf Bossuet: A brown tom with very thin fur. The unluckiest cat to ever live. Nothing goes right for him; his prey escapes him, he picks up the wrong herbs, everything. Despite all of that, he’s a jolly cat who will never stop joking. A good friend to all. Seems to be content with the fact that nothing he does will ever go his way. Name: Eaglecloud Gavroche: A dirty little golden tom. The eldest son of Firefur and Fallowflower, but they don’t remember he exists. Lives as a loner with his two younger brothers. A very bold little cat, willing to stand up to those twice his size. Gets into a lot of skirmishes with clan members. Adopted into Morningheart’s pack, in a way. Before the attack, he tries to raid a clan for their herbs, and is killed returning to the pack. Name: Sandpaw, but his warrior name would’ve been Sandheart. Jehan: A gray-brown cat with a white belly. An extremely cherished member of the pack. Very shy, but with an odd bravery that shows in the best of times. With his innocence, it seems strange that he’s one of the members more comfortable with the concept of dying, isn’t it? Name: Buzzardpelt Feuilly: A black tom. An orphan, adopted by the entire clan. He’s taught himself a lot of things, on top of the training he gained in the clan. While the other members of Morningheart’s pack stay in their corner of the world, he acts as an ambassador to the outside. (I have no clue what to write for this guy I’m so sorry) Name: Swiftfur Bahorel: A big brown tom. A very bold tom, always with a witty remark or humorous statement. Will fight to defend his beliefs. Despite his humor, he can and will flaunt his more serious, stern side. A good listener. Name: Sparrowstorm
Montparnasse:  A slender black tom. A fancy cat, hired by Firefur to carry out his dirty work. Young, but with blood on his claws and a flair for murder. Even with that reputation, many cats find him to be charming. Name: Crowclaw
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ailuronymy · 8 years
Guest Warriors-ify: Jeeves & Wooster
“…Aunt is calling aunt like mastodons bellowing across premieval swamps…”
Bertram Wilberforce Wooster as Ryefur - lithe, lanky cream-pointed tom with blue eyes. Blithe and cheerful, Ryefur has a sunny view of life and sees the world and others through an optimistic lens. Though not the most intelligent of cats, he is honest, has a strong sense of honour and is generous to a fault, even if the latter trait tends to get him involved in difficult situations whenever he tries to help others at a cost to himself. He relies on his friend Rooknose to extricate him from these predicaments, and is very much in awe at Rooknose’s resourcefulness.
Reginald Jeeves as Rooknose - broad-shouldered tuxedo tom with piercing green eyes. Rooknose is brilliant, observant, and immensely capable, able to devise subtle and effective solutions to the most convoluted of problems; he is thus a frequent advisor to many cats in the Clan. His methods, however, can sometimes verge on the manipulative or even amoral, depending on the situation. He isn’t one to show much emotion, and has an omniscient knowledge of all there is to know about Clan politics and history. He is quite mannerly and notably silent in his movements, and is good friends with Ryefur.
Agatha Gregson as Sleetstorm - elderly stout grey-dappled molly with orange eyes. She is well-known for being fearsome and commanding, and there are few who won’t bend to her will. She frequently pressures her nephew Ryefur to mate with various mollies in order to continue the family line, even though he doesn’t particularly wish to, and repeatedly criticizes him for being “a wastrel”.
Dahlia Travers as Dawnwhisker - elderly light ginger molly with green eyes. A confident character (though not nearly as frightful as her sister Sleetstorm), she is Ryefur’s favourite aunt and she is likewise fond of him herself, though she tends to order him to carry out troublesome tasks for various reasons more often than not. She was an accomplished hunter in her youth and has an exceptionally loud voice.
Angela Travers as Hollyheart - light ginger molly with green eyes. Fairly friendly and no-nonsense, and has a strong set of morals. Being rather strong-willed, she gets miffed when others underestimate her character, and sees no qualms in expressing her views outspokenly. Is cousins with Ryefur and the two are amiable, and has an on-and-off relationship with Badgerpelt.
Hildebrand “Tuppy” Glossop as Badgerpelt - black and white patched tom with amber eyes. Not the most tactful, especially when it comes to matters of love, and can be prone to jealousy. Is a fairly active tom and very much enjoys eating. He once played a practical joke on Ryefur that caused the latter to fall into the river, and Ryefur is fairly resentful of this.
Richard “Bingo” Little as Willowstripe - light grey-brown tom with copper eyes and prominent tabby markings. He grew up with Ryefur and the two have been friends since kithood, though Willowstripe also uses their history as an excuse to convince Ryefur to help him with strange or inconvenient requests. Is absentminded, and to say that he falls in love a lot would be an understatement.
Claude and Eustace Wooster as Duckfur and Duskfur - brown tabby toms with orange eyes; brothers. They look alike and some have trouble telling them apart. Unruly and mischievous, they are apt to get in trouble due to their wayward conduct.
Augustus “Gussie” Fink-Nottle as Newtpelt - spotted brown tom with yellow eyes. Has been said to have a face like a fish by others. Of a somewhat nervous disposition and disinclined to speak in front of large crowds, Newtpelt became singularly fascinated by actual newts after finding them on the territory one day and now refuses to hunt them, taking time out of almost every day to go by the river and watch them.
Madeline Basset as Daisycloud - small white molly with green eyes. Dreamy and whimsical, Daisycloud is prone to vague poetic remarks that baffle her Clanmates, and is often described as being soppy. She lives in her own idealistic world and is very innocent, almost kit-like, but can be self-centred and doesn’t always stop to listen to others. After a misunderstanding involving Newtpelt, she is now convinced that Ryefur is in love with her, much to the latter’s horror.
Honoria Glossop as Emberfang - large tortoiseshell molly with green eyes. Emberfang is boisterous, outgoing, and very physically capable, being skilled in both hunting and fighting as her suffix denotes. She is intelligent, fairly formidable, and has a keen sense of humour, and is cousin to Badgerpelt.
Florence Craye as Nightface - black molly with green eyes, notably beautiful. She is quick-witted but controlling, and can get icy when her will is crossed. Has a tendency to mould prospective mates into what she views as “ideal” personalities.
Stephanie “Stiffy” Byng as Fennelfur - golden molly with amber eyes. Conniving and one of the worst offenders in forcing Ryefur to carry out tasks against his will for her own gain, she frequently uses blackmail to achieve her ends. Is mates with Rowanclaw and regularly scolds him for being “spineless”.
Harold “Stinker” Pinker as Rowanclaw - large reddish tom with golden eyes. Is incredibly clumsy except, oddly, when executing battle moves, but despite what his suffix might suggest, he is actually quite meek.
Sir Watkyn Basset as Laurelpelt - elderly white tom with yellow eyes, and father to Daisycloud. He highly dislikes Ryefur and believes him to be “half-witted”. Is very old-fashioned and fascinated by shiny objects.
Roderick Spode as Crowclaw - large black tom with amber eyes. Desires to become leader but is incredibly dictatorial, and likewise loathes Ryefur. He has an intimidating demeanour and is prone to violence, and is in love with Daisycloud.
I had a lot of fun with this. Thanks for the opportunity! :) (I mostly used the books as reference, but some show elements snuck in as well.)
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