#and her ans clown's dynamic? man
avisaurea2 · 1 year
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quick and messy sketch of clown the pierce, because i am a fan, i must say!
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chainsawcorazon · 5 years
some thoughts on AnE before i drop it for another year-long hiatus
im still not happy about the fact that it took kato almost ten years to give shiemi a relevant glowup in the greater context of the story. for all of the other characters, there was always a steady progression towards establishing them as individuals with hopes and dreams outside of the nakama, but for some reason, shiemi always got shafted to the back on that steady march. it’s annoying because kato can and has written great female characters, but for some reason, she keeps missing the ball with shiemi. even now with her being a conduit for shemihaza, she’s still not fully realized as a character because her so-called memories haven’t returned, so in the end, shiemi’s not really even shiemi, which is sorely disappointing because she has SO much potential to be more than just a vessel/love interest. im not even gonna try and decipher why amaimon wants to marry her, but i can only suspect that it’s because shemihaza is his lover and he’s waiting for her to get her memories back before they shack up again (hence, the “she’s my bride” piece). 1/5, mad as hell kato still aint get this shit right yet.
on the flipside, kudos to kato for really taking the time to deconstruct the satan/yuri dynamic. i was hesitant at first to know that satan was essentially a child in the body of an adult with demonic powers, but the way she broke down the story to show how both yuri and satan were victims of true cross order and mephistopheles was phenomenal because it really spoke to the reality that the twins’ birth wasn’t born out of love, but out of a carefully concocted plan to have a demon cavort with a human so that they can create superbabies. very aizen-esque, but still well-written because it at least planted the seed in rin’s head that his father wasn’t actually the devil, but an experiment pretty much forced into bed with the only person he thought cared about his well-being. also kudos to kato for getting the greek tragedy undertones down pat, because that was an oedipal complex from hell if i ever saw one.
yuri egin did nothing wrong and deserved a better life and a happy ending with shiro, the man she truly and honestly loved.
on another note, kato also set a pretty solid stage for a new question - is rinka actually satan, father of lucifer and the other demons, or did rinka just think he was satan because he gotta phd in one night? im actually gonna go with the latter because it’d be fascinating if rinka came back into the story and was a catalyst for rin and yukio turning on the true cross order because of rinka and yuri’s victimization at the hands of section 13.
god bless shiro fujimoto for being a good man and raising children that could have been his but were not but he still raised them!!!
props to yuri egin for naming her kids after her sidehoes, homeboy rinka and mr yukiotoko
lucifer is everybody’s dumbass cousin who thinks he’s a genius and i enjoyed every time he got clowned.
lightning/osceola is a good ship
im also probably not gonna remember half of what i read in the last week, so this post is for future!ava to read so she remembers what the fuck she binge read. but overall, the last twenty or so chapters really weren’t that bad. if anything, they’re building up to a pretty good climax that i think will be really enjoyable. i just hope kato keeps watching whatever daytime soap operas and telenovelas she’s been binging and REALLY hits it home when rin and yukio square up again. not saying i dont want yukio pulling the armumahel gun on rin, but i would LOVE to see him pull that gun on rin and then get his legs broken for actin up. if he don’t wanna go to therapy, fine, but that don’t mean he can’t catch a beating!
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