#and helga is just her soggy smad rat former childhood but still bestie that is her wife--
dorkousloris · 2 years
you know imma ramble about my old pkmn ocs since theres a possiblity that i might draw some content of them, but i also will not stop making a pkmn au with my polyship shhh once i get that game.
anyway, since i have revamped my ocs now that im geninuely older sgnsdgnsdg
rissa darrell (she/they), helga holtzer (she/her, doesn't mind all pronouns), rachel santos (they/them)
okay... now imma put a readmore bc im. they're ocs i had from waaaay back in 2013-2014???? so im just. its been a while since i talked about them and its probably long by the time i posted this sgmsdmg
Rissa Darrell, 27 years old, Bisexual, and uses she/they!
Rissa was born in Sinnoh and moves to Kalos when she was a teenager, and now travels with her wife.
Rissa is the daughter of two retired Pokemon Rangers, and growing up, she was gifted by her father, a fossil from Kalos-- who would later to be Tyrant, her little Tyrunt (that went on to be her longtime pokemon partner as a tyrantrum years later). She had beaten Kalos, Kantos and Hoenn Leagues the past decade.
Today, Rissa is traveling (or in her own words, tagging along) with Helga, her wife of two years, who is on her traveling journalist job and doesn't bother by it because it meant she get to explore with her wife and she dabbles in racing competitions with Tyrant, having been titled 'The Dino Rider' in the past. Better than being called a ex-champion, really. Still, it doesn't stop her to still try other leagues while she's there however!
Helga Hotlzer, 28 years old, Bisexual, and she/her but doesn't mind having all pronouns. She doesn't really care for gender.
Helga was born in Sinnoh, but after a awful incident that forces her family to go back to her mother's family region-- Galar. She had only beaten one league and that was Galar. It was... what makes her realized she's really not up to the type of battling through kind of challenges.
It had lead Helga to discover writing, and had became a journalist, specialized in places that had been happening in current news. It also lead her to Kalos where she was surprised to see her former childhood friend, Rissa. Let's just say, there was a lot of trying to be friends, finally talked about the incident and soon became proper friends.
But we all knew these two ended up together, and two years later, they're married.
Today, being a traveling journalist allows Helga to travel to regions, whenever she pleases as long as it is a current topic or whatever so. Sometimes, she do interview people. But the best part of her job? Her wife comes along with her and that's all Helga ever wanted.
Fun facts: - Rissa's original name is Lorissa. Yes, that is the OC who I have claimed "Lori" part of it, thanks to good people that made me realized I love that name more than ever. - There was a old design of Rissa that I actually want to carry over, that old design is now the design of Rissa's mom! - Rissa did had a crush on a boy, and had dated a few people in her past, before reuniting with Helga. Helga, on the other hand, just doesn't bother with relationships despite she does fancy people, but dating wasn't in her mind at that time.
Rachel Santos, 25 years old, they/them and nonbinary!
Rachel was born in Unova, and growing up, they were... expected by their parents. It frustrated Rachel to a point they almost run away, and as much as they had grow up in Castelia City, they did get lost. But what they discovered was... street dancing. That ignited a passion in Rachel to be a dancer. Long short story? Rachel got a title called 'Dancing Prince' which by the way, had lead them to realize they're nonbinary and finally embraced their androgynous appearance, and is actually more happier that way!
Today, Rachel had recently beaten Unova League, and Sinnoh League the past two years. Although they could've travel to any of the other regions to battle more leagues, they decided to actually travel for more dancing styles, as well as still battle whenever they want to. Because they're traveling, Rachel brought Petra-- their watchog is rather large for a watchog, and Howard, their long-time companion from the day she was born, and who stubbornly never evolved after evolving as a herdier-- which is probably why he have a everstone. He still battles for Rachel, however.
Fun Facts: - Before Anita (a oc of mine!), Rachel was my peak for oc design and for being relatable back in the day. So I guess, since now that I'm trans and nonbinary, I just. simply slaps Rachel to be trans and nonbinary because why not - Rachel is a lesbian, and they are very sweet but. Goodness, they're always on the move so relationships hadn't... come to their mind. Yet.
annnnd now that's all my ramblings of old pkmn OCs that i had revamped recently smdgMGMSDMG
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