#and he'd spam-text mutual friends begging them to tell him why
dgaftilwedie ยท 5 months
i used to be friends with this one guy who got kinda famous in a specific fandom for a (super unfunny) joke and when i tell u he was one of the most off putting individuals i've ever talked to?? h
e wasn't trans but he made a bunch of really weird jokes about trans people, like he couldn't get trans people out of his brain. he also claimed he wasn't racist because he "ate black pussy" before WHICH IS SO WILD BECAUSE LIKE?? WHAT?? THAT'S LIKE SAYING UR NOT RACIST BECAUSE U HAVE BLACK FRIENDS BUT WEIRDER ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ he was also really fatphobic and claimed it was bc he's fat, but i've seen him before and he very much was not. super weird guy.
he also made a bunch of goofy allegations about people. like he would call people groomers all the time. but in my personal experience, he would bring up nsfw topics all the time?? i just know if i'd turned 18 before i stopped being friends with him he'd try to say some whack ass shit about me when he was the one being a freak in the first place ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ like he claimed some girl groomed him because HE ASKED HER ABOUT A SEXUAL TOPIC AND SHE EXPLAINED IT TO HIM??? LIKE BRO WHAT THAT ISN'T GROOMING THAT'S EDUCATION WHY WOULD YOU ASK IF YOU DIDN'T WANNA KNOWWWWWWW
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