#and he would be understanding of the circumstances that led to his letter being unread and also ruined beyond legibility
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potato-lord-but-not · 2 months ago
I think it’s doing both
Haven't seen the "Oscar would have wanted nothing more than for his letter to have helped Arthur in whatever way he needed, and it did, by providing something for him to burn for light" post yet so I'm making it myself.
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fivenightslaughter · 4 years ago
Wicked Serpentine (Part 4)
pairing: draco malfoy x femravenclaw!oc
summary: slowburn enemies to lovers fic, multiple parts. <3
warnings: none i think
word count: 1,668
taglist: let me know if you’re interested in being added!
a/n: short severus related part 
I skipped through that night in my mind, fast forwarding to my entrance to Diagon Alley. I had looked like a scared and abandoned puppy, which made sense considering my circumstances.
I had twenty galleons in my pocket and Lily’s letters in a bag on my side. Ollivanders. All I had to do was make it to Ollivanders and buy a wand. I felt sweat bead my forehead and I tried desperately to navigate through the ridiculous amount of people here. They towered over me and swept on by, making me feel dizzy and panicked. I needed to calm down, but I couldn’t.
I spotted a rather dark and empty looking alleyway and rushed for it, attempting to regain myself in the shadows for a brief moment. I closed my eyes and slowly sucked in a breath. I counted before releasing and did this a few times before opening my eyes, sure my heart rate had finally slowed.
Seemingly for nothing, however, because as soon as I glanced around me, I noticed eyes eating me up. Hungry and yearning, greasy looking faces. People that looked ragged and not much human at all, figures with crooked smiles, closed in on me.
“What’s a pretty little girlie like you doing here?” The words sounded snake-like, as if it were a hiss. My entire body felt like a stone. I was inching down onto the ground, trying to shy away. I felt my body hit the stone bricks and felt suffocated.
As quickly as they had appeared, with a curious glance behind me, they all hurried off to the end of the alleyway. They took sharp turns into different directions, scattering like mice. A voice reverberated on the stone walls and I felt even stiffer than before.
“What are you doing... in a place like this?” He allowed me to turn my head to him and I discovered that he was a tall man, cloaked in palpable darkness. His words were nearly monotonous but still clearly a question. It felt as if every word he’d spoken had been planned decades in advance. My heart raced with more fear than before.
He had dark hair that stopped just below his ears and a lined face, as if he had suffered many years of tumultuous grief and it had etched itself onto him. He showed no sign of it, however, other than those very creases.
“ Well ?” He drawled expectantly.
I was suddenly very aware of my blinking and breathing. In a wildly nervous manner, I fumbled with the bag on my side, retrieving a parchment that came with the owl from my window. It was a long list of things I needed but likely couldn’t get. I tried handing the paper out to him as I spoke.
“Well, sir, I was trying to find Ollivander’s to buy a wand. I also need to find the things on this list but I… don’t know where to start, and I much doubt I have the funds for more than a few things.” I managed, trying my best to speak despite the immense pressure I felt in his presence.
He narrowed his eyes as he scanned me up and down, ignoring the paper.
“I’ve seen the list before… How odd you haven't a wand at… This age.”
I folded the page and pressed it back down into my bag.
 “It’s a long story, sir.”
His eyes were still narrowed as he offered me a hand. I was inches from the ground and felt like a tiny child being reprimanded for skinning her knee. I allowed his help, grabbing his outstretched hand.
It was so cold I had to keep from sucking my teeth. As soon as my legs were straight I yanked my hand away as politely as I could manage. It was a cold that sent a shiver down my spine, a feeling of fear. I was glad it hadn’t lasted more than a few seconds or I’d surely freeze to death.
He turned swiftly, his robes swishing behind him in a dramatic manner.
“You may follow me… to Ollivander’s.” He spoke with his back to me, but it was as clear and vibrating as when he spoke to my face. His words were not a request, but rather a command. I followed without hesitation, grateful I had some kind of help- however terrifying it may be.
He led me to a gorgeous shop, holding the door for me to go inside. I hurried in and immediately found myself taken with the walls and walls of boxes and papers. I carefully headed for the desk and the only other person in the store. I’d assumed this was Ollivander himself?
He looked up at me from whatever he was doing at the table and a broad grin crossed his face. “Here for a wand, eh?” He chuckled to himself. I meekly nodded and he turned to the boxes on the wall, contemplating for a moment before plucking one down.
“Here, try this.” He lifted the top of the box, gently pulling a dainty stick from its long sleep in the dark cardboard.
I hesitantly pulled it from his fingers, weighing it in my hands. My hand curled perfectly around it and it had felt so natural I wondered if I’d ever lived as a muggle at all. He seemed pleased by my reaction and slid the box back into the wall, as if it had never been touched.
“Would you like to try a spell?”
Before I could choke out a ‘no’ and explain that I hadn’t known about magic until days ago, a presence weighed heavily behind me. I had almost forgotten about the man that led me here.
“She’ll be going.” He stated plainly, placing seven gold galleons down on the table in front of me, to Ollivander.
He looked a bit jumpy in such a dark presence, his hand clasping over the money on the table. “Yes, I see.” He looked from the eerie man down to me, a smile dusting his features still.
I heard a faint “Enjoy your wand, dear!” as I was ushered out of the store.
I turned to face the man, a bit peeved he’d been so gracious and yet such a weirdly cold figure. I didn’t understand his motivations. When I reached his eyes, I found that he had been peering down at me, his face tied in a mild sneer and his head tilted back carefully as if he were above all.
It shocked me how he could look at me in such a way when his actions thus far had been wildly opposite. Sighing, I spoke carefully.
“I am incredibly grateful for your generosity and directions to Ollivander’s. Paying for my wand was not necessary, but I am appreciative of your immense kindness. Thank you.”
It was probably the only sentence I’d spoken to him so far without confusedly stuttering and I was grateful to myself for it. The sneer on his face seemed to soften, although he was still very much unreadable.
“ What is your name?” He asked yet another plain question in the same monotonous, drawn tone.
“Eris Woodwork, sir.” I replied, assuredly. He gave a curt ‘hm.’ and turned on his heel, his robes swishing grandly again. I had been ready for him to leave me and to navigate the rest of this place myself. I silently wondered to myself if I could ask people for directions to places when he cut through my thoughts.
“Severus Snape. I have business to attend to, however, we will collect your… items … Along the way.”
That was the most I’d heard him speak the rest of the day I’d spent with him, buying robes and books and the like. It was rather fun once I’d gotten used to the way air turned to ice around him in any room we entered. I didn’t even spend a galleon, which was incredibly odd to me. I had wondered how much all of it would have cost if tallied and why he’d even chosen to help me.
Pushing it all out of my head, my mind came back to the bed I now lay in. My case open and my wand in my hand. No Severus Snape, no Luna, no Malfoy or Hagrid. Just me, alone in this extravagantly empty bedroom. I pulled out my folded clothes that I’d wear tomorrow along with the books I’d need and placed them on the nightstand at the end of my bed. I latched my trunk closed and pushed it off the side of my bed, hearing it hit the floor with a soft ‘thunk’.
I stretched and eased completely back onto the pillow. Examining the wooden wand in my hands, I bit my lip in thought. This wand was real, this world was real, and magic was real. I felt as if I had to keep reminding myself or it would all slip away like a dream.
Wand in my hand, my face seemed to sink into the plushness of the blue pillowcase. I felt my hand tighten around the stick, my knuckles undoubtedly white. It was my alternative to just pinching myself. It was the only thing keeping me awake.
Tucking my free hand under the pillow, I held the wand close to my face and examined it. My scrutinous gaze absorbed every edge, lift, or pockmark. It was mostly smooth and light, fitting as perfectly in my hand as it had in Ollivander’s.
The tip began to glow, softly. It warmly illuminated my face and drew my mouth into a smile. I felt any remaining nerves unknot themselves in my stomach and I let my hand drop to the bed, the light dimming into nothing.
My grip loosened lightly as I began to wonder, ‘why stay awake?’
I felt a yawn escape me and I laughed lightly to myself. I don’t need to.
With that final thought, I drifted into a near dreamless sleep.
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omgviolette12 · 6 years ago
After hours- Chapter 4 A professor Loki Fanfic
Previous Chapter
Summary: Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.
Chapters: 4/?
Words: 2105
Tags: @milkymaidme @dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki  @little-moonbeam-666  @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear @lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet, @allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt
If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3
If Evelyn thought she would get a wink of sleep that night, she was sadly mistaken.
Her thoughts were insistent on replaying certain scenes inside her head, which led her to overthink many things regarding Professor Laufeyson.
She would get flustered when she thought about how nice it felt to sit in his lap, then she’d remember how good he’d smelt. Then the next moment, she’d want a dark hole to swallow her up when she thought about how she ended up there, and why he even bothered to hold her.
In addition to that, she also spent the majority of the time thinking about the woman he was with. While there were many striking similarities between them, there were also differences. The first being that she was much more…voluptuous.
Before the woman could hide the entirety of her lady bits behind her professor’s desk, she saw that her breasts were larger by a considerable margin; While Evelyn wasn’t small-chested, her boobs weren’t nearly as large. The lady’s backside was also quite round and plump, taking the blows of her professor’s…paddle… like jelly.
In simpler terms, the woman was thick. With not one, but three C’s.
Evelyn refused to be a hater and assume she had some work done on her assets, but she wouldn’t deny the possibility.
She continued to compare herself endlessly to the woman - and what she thought her professor’s type might be.
The woman seemed much more mature, experienced, and desirable. And unfortunately, the more she focused on those differences, the more she found the similarities to be mere coincidences.
Evelyn even began to think that she probably did mishear her name. After all, why would he say her name, of all things? Although they had grown comfortable with talking to each other over the past year, he still treated her like all his other students.
He was more attentive for sure, but she attributed that to the fact that she was just slower than the rest of her peers.
And just like that, her insecurities continued to eat at her throughout the night, and well into the morning.
Crushing on a professor really sucks ass…
Evelyn was practically dead on her feet as she went about her day - she opted to stay home and laze about, neglecting to work on her art assignments. She’d curse herself tomorrow when she has to play catch-up, but she didn’t care at the moment as she curled up on the couch to watch her favorite cooking channel.
“Eve! Come do my hair!” Candice came bouncing into the living room, hair wet and comb in tow, “Cmon, get your lazy ass up and help me.”
Evelyn did not bother to raise her head as she replied, “Leave my lazy ass alone and do it yourself.”
“Pleaasee! You know I can’t do hair…”
Candice continued to pester her until she finally gave in, “Okay! Fine! But just know you’re cooking today.”
“Yeah yeah…” Candice plopped her butt unto the couch, handing her the comb, “Bantu knots, I want my curls like yours.”
As Evelyn began to part through her hair, Candice snapped her fingers as if remembering something, “Oh..! You still a TA for professor kinkster or nah?”
Candice yelped as Evelyn combed her hair a bit too roughly, “Prof…Professor what now?”
“You know…whack whack, paddle-waddle. Professor Laufeyson, duh. Did you give him the letter?”
Evelyn gave her elder sister an exasperated look, “Can - can you not call him that? Where did that come from…”
“Eve, you said he was tenderizing some booty with a paddle. He’s kinky as shit!”
“Is.. is that a bad thing, or..?” Evelyn never questioned the oddity of what she witnessed until now, as she thought that everyone did that sort of thing during sex.
“Nah.. it depends on what you like. Some people are into it, but not me.” Candice began to casually munch on some chips that had been left on the coffee table, “You should Google it - Bondage, whips, crazy sex toys, etcetera. Like I said though, not my thing.”
“What.. what in the world are you talkin’ about?” Evelyn was flabbergasted, and it showed clearly on her face.
“Look, all I’m saying is that he’s a freak in the sheets. End of story. Now did you give him the dang letter or not?”
Her head was still reeling from what she was just informed of, but was focused enough to answer her question, “Yeah… I gave it to him.. But…” Her dark skin began to flush red as she once again recalled the events, “I kinda like…passed out? Then woke up in his lap…”
Candice began to choke on her chips, “You.. you what now..? Like…how?!”
“I mean, I didn’t really eat much that day, and then he got too close -“
” - So because he got close…you fainted? Then you woke up…in his lap? His lap sis? Don’t you think that’s a bit…intimate for a teacher to do?“
Evelyn paused, resting the comb in her hair, "Yeah, but… it didn’t really mean anything right? He was probably just worried…”
“Evelyn. Come on.” Candice turned around to give her a pointed look, “Now I know you’re not this stupid…”
“Well, apparently I am! What am I not getting here?”
Her sister looked at her oddly, “Man…mama sheltered your ass to the max. Are you actually this naive?”
Evelyn crossed her arms, a frown coming upon her brows, “Instead of patronizing me, tell me what the hell’s so wrong?”
“Eh… you’ll just get mad. Forget I said anything.”
“Tell me Candice…or you can just finish your damn hair yourself.”
Candice kissed her teeth, “Tsk, don’t get mad, okay? He just seems like…hmm… how do I say this…”
She paused, considering her words carefully, “Like he’s the type to…you know, fuck his students on the regular…have hoes on call, you know the works. Just warning you, I don’t want your feelings hurt.”
“What - No! I mean I get why you think that, but he’s… he’s not like that at all… he apologized to me, and when I asked about the girl, he said she wasn’t a student -”
“ - So she’s his girlfriend then?”
Evelyn was stumped, “No…? I mean… he didn’t really clarify…”
Candice sighed, her expression bordering on pity as she looked at her, “Look, I’m saying this for your own good…but don’t get your hopes up with this man. First of all, he’s your professor who’s like, 13 years your senior? And then -”
“ - It’s just a damn crush, it was never that serious. Drop it.” Evelyn’s voice was cracked with emotion, almost yelling.
“Okay…okay… I’m sorry. You do you.”
Candice grew silent as Evelyn rushed to finish her hair. After that conversation, she just wanted to be alone.
It had been a few hours since Evelyn hid away inside her room, sitting at her work desk. She was upset with Candice not only because of the condescending manner in which she spoke to her… but for what she assumed about the professor that she’d come to know.
From what she’d learned about him, Professor Laufeyson was anything but a womanizer. He had good looks, but she has never seen him interact with or entertain any female on campus unprofessionally - and they threw themselves at him in literal droves.
Well, until that night that is…
Evelyn wiped her eyes in frustration, as she tried to push Candice’s words to the back of her head. Sometimes she was helpful in her bits of advice, but today it felt extremely unneeded.
She opened up her laptop, intent on sucking herself into a black hole of memes and mindless entertainment to get her mind off things.
That was until a loud ping! notification flashed at the side of her screen.
It was from her outlook account, where she had set up her school email address. She had neglected to check it in the week she was absent due to a certain someone, and she regretted being so childish now. She probably missed out on a ton of important emails from her other professors, and Evelyn hoped there wasn’t anything urgent.
But when she logged in, she did not expect to see three unread emails from professor Laufeyson, the third sent to her inbox just yesterday.
Laufeyson, Loki                         Fri 4/12 TA position Evelyn, it was a very pleasant surp…
Laufeyson, Loki                        Thur 4/11 Office visitation: Please stop by at your earliest convenience
Good morning, I understand that due to certain circums…
Laufeyson, Loki                         Wed 4/10 Important: Regarding yesterday’s incident
It is imperative that we discuss…
Seeing three emails in a row from professor Laufeyson really knocked her for six. Whenever she had questions and decided to email him, he would never reply- only answering them when he saw her in person. She found it to be counter-productive, but never really dared to complain about it.
But considering the circumstances, she guessed it was understandable - he probably thought she would go around blabbing his business, so he took to damage control. Regardless, her heart started to race as she opened the email from earlier on in the week- opting to read them in order.
Laufeyson, Loki                         Wed 4/10 Important: Regarding yesterday’s incident
It is imperative that we discuss what transpired. Please visit my office at the earliest opportunity, around 11 am. I hope to see you tomorrow, and promptly.
Loki Laufeyson
It was short and sweet, as Evelyn expected it to be. She suspected that even if she saw that email at the given time, she wouldn’t have budged from her bed in the slightest. Clicking out, she moved on to the next one.
Laufeyson, Loki                        Thur 4/11 Office visitation: Please stop by at your earliest convenience
Good morning,
I understand that due to certain circumstances, you are hesitant in discussing matters with me. I have much to make clear with you, in addition to making several apologies. I would like to discuss this in person, Evelyn. It is very… unbecoming, and I do not want this situation to compromise any academic priorities you may have. If you would feel more comfortable speaking over the phone rather than in person, I will attach my number. Please, I implore you to make good use of it.
Evelyn found this one to be much more sincere, to the point that she wanted to hop down to his office right away - even though it was the weekend. She once again mentally slapped herself for acting immaturely, instead of facing the situation like an adult. She could only sigh as she opened up the latest email, which she assumed was sent after he dropped her home.
Laufeyson, Loki                         Fri 4/12 TA position
Evelyn, it was a very pleasant surprise, although in a rather odd position, to see you at my office door. I shall once again apologize for startling you, as I was unaware that you were faint of heart. Despite that, I hope that I have managed to clear the air so that we can re-establish our relationship to its previous state. Although, I am aware that you may still be uncomfortable working together with me. We will discuss things once more if that is the case, so that we may come to a resolution regarding your grade.
If you would still like to retain this position, please attend my lecture this coming Monday - I am in need of assistance, and I would love for you to take this responsibility. I will also reiterate what I said yesterday evening. I value your presence, as you are one of my most favored students.
Have a lovely weekend,
At some point in reading that email, Evelyn’s heart had turned into a beating, mushy mess. He called her his favorite student, and Evelyn was practically mind-blown with this newfound information. She knew that he found her tolerable, more so than the other students in his class - but not to this extent.
Evelyn came to a decision. Although things might still be pretty awkward with this professor of hers, she’ll make an effort to get over it, and get back to how things were. He had even attached his private number to his email, something that she never thought he would share. 
They were both adults, so she’ll try to treat the situation as a minor embarrassment. She would attend the lecture on Monday and pretend like the entire thing never happened.
But little did Evelyn know… that things were forever changed between her and professor Laufeyson, and that they would never be the same again.
A/N: Hey guys, please let me know what you thought, what you think will happen, etc! Things will be picking up next chappie, if you know what I mean. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I’ll try to get another chapter out before I leave for sleep-away camp for work on June 20th(No longer 15th, thank goodness), as I’m not sure about the internet reception there. I sincerely hope there is, since my contract ends on August 11th. I need to update! grrr! Thank you guys for reading, and I sincerely appreciate very comment. Like seriously, they make my day!
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