#and he was manipulated into taking the job by laurent and his con artist group
omnipotent-omnicube · 1 month
i'm bored so i'm gonna watch the new great pretender series/movie/whatever that apparently dropped earlier this year
#i don't think you guys understand i was obsessed with this show and the ending made me so mad i couldn't think of anything else for weeks#it was also the first thing i legitimately read fanfiction for. because the ending SUCKED#basically edamura (protag) keeps getting put into grand con artist situations despite literally just trying to make a stable living#and for the fourth case he starts off believing he's finally found a job and a stable living#and it turns out that the place he's working for is actually a front for the yakuza#and he was manipulated into taking the job by laurent and his con artist group#which okay yeah but whatever but edamura tried and failed to put an end to the yakuza's shenanigans which was uhh. child trafficking#and his plan FAILED and laurent faked his death and there was shit with edamura's dad too who ALSO faked his death after edamura shot him#meanwhile edamura is absolutely shaken and traumatized by everything that's happening#and the head of the yakuza happens to take a liking to him and starts to partake in a motherly role to edamura and ALSO manipulating him#and stuff happens but basically at the end laurent pops up and is like surprise! we're alive! and you not knowing was all part of the plan!#idk if that happened to me i'd be fuckin pissed. i wouldn't talk to anyone else ever again#but the case ends just like 'ohhh yay!!! we defeated the evil yakuza boss!!! let's all be friends again'#also there was a whole thing where villains from previous cases made a comeback in the major defeat against the yakuza boss#which i guess i didn't really care about the case 2 guy he was just manipulating bets and stuff in plane racing#but wasn't the first guy literally a rapist???#i don't remember anything about the third guy except him being racist and classist
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LGBTQIA Historical Romance Novels w/A Dose or More of Angst
** A Gentleman’s Position by KJ Charles (Book 3 of the Society of Gentleman series) - Lord Richard Vane is the man all his friends depend on, so much so that their secret group is named after him. What they don’t know is that his valet, David Cyprian, is a man that makes all this possible. Richard has depended on Cyprian for years, and both have been pining for one another since the first. But, Richard is adamant against men that abuse their employees, and Cyprian is adamant about his position in life (knowing Richard doesn’t understand). When a threat is made that could destroy everything the group of friends has built, and result in some of them being hanged for sodomy and sedition, only Cyprian can aid them...if he still wants to be there at all.
**** A Private Gentleman by Heidi Cullinan Review - Lord Wes has a stammer, but his chance first meeting with vision impaired courtesan Michael is a sweet thing. One can only write what he wishes to say, while the other struggles to understand what is written. Michael has a horrendous past, however, and Wes is intimately linked to the events. Their single time together brings on flashbacks that render Michael incapable of continuing his profession and haunt his dreams when he does manage to sleep. This has possibly the most nurturing plot line I’ve ever read, in any genre, but things get much worse before they get better.
** Stormhaven by Jordan L Hawk (Book 3 of the Whyborne & Griffin series) Review - Whyborne & Griffin have been a couple since book one, and Whyborne new his partner had horrific nightmares. In this installment, he finally learns just what happened to Griffin when he was put in the asylum, and how men like them are treated by the medical community.
*** A Scot’s Surrender by Lily Maxton (Book 3 of The Townsends series-standalone)
- Robert Townsend does his level best to see that his family his comfortable, and that matters run smoothly when his elder brother is away. Even if it does mean treading lightly around the stoic and handsome Ian Cameron. But, an unexpected arrivals results in accusations of theft and while the two men are busy trying to solve the crime, they are drawn together. One, uncertain and hiding the secret of how he spends his nights. The other, drawn to the heavens, but unwilling to yield to the temptation of his employer’s brother.
*** Memories by Ruby Moone
- Will Marsden is a man on the run from his memories and his past. Steward of Denton Manor was a good position until Captain Dearne, the owner, lost the manor on the turn of a card. When the feckless Dearne is dumped unconscious and near death on his doorstep, Will grudgingly accepts an enormous sum of money to care for him. Dearne regains consciousness but has no memories of how he came to be in the bed of a dark-haired, angry, but gorgeous man or how he came to be so badly injured. When nightmares drive Dearne into Will’s arms every night, the attraction between them explodes. As Dearne battles with lost memories, he is forced to accept the fact that someone in his family wants him dead, and Will is forced to confront his past head on. Will the revelations uncovered tear them apart? (Hint, while Dearne’s story has angst, it’s Will’s past that really adds a heavy dose.)
** The Doctor’s Discretion by EE Ottoman - Review - Doctors William Blackwood and Augustus Hill are hired to catalogue a medical library. The sparks between them fly almost immediately, but Augustus is hiding elements about himself that he knows may cost him his new romance. The pair set out to help a man sent to an asylum, his only offense being that he was assigned female at birth.
**** Captive Prince by CS Pascat (Book One of the Captive Prince series)
- Damen is the heir to his kingdom’s throne, but is sold out by the one person that should treasure him the most. He ends up owned by Prince Laurent, with whom Damen’s country has a tentative peace. Laurent seemingly encompasses all the worst his country has to offer, being manipulative, scheming, and deadly--but he’s also the most beautiful thing Damen has ever seen. When Damen discovers he must work together with Laurent to save both their kingdoms, it leads to more than he might have imagined, but he still finds that reaching freedom is a questionable thing and Laurent does not always play by familiar rules.
*** The Innocents Betrayal by Victoria Sue (Book Two of the Innocents series)
- Will is on the run from his title’s responsibilities, and an arranged marriage. Having no real plan in place, he flees his father’s house, and poses as a servant. Alex barely survived his time fighting Napoleon, and the guilt about his former wife’s death. He’s broken emotionally and physically, with no one in his own household caring. Left to rot in his bedchamber, it takes the arrival of Will to turn things around. But, the pair also have more than their pasts and futures to outrun, as their working together forms the basis of saving the lives of thousands more men in an espionage plot.
*** Gaywyck by Victor Varga - Robert Whyte is a young man wanting to be an artist, a goal family friend hopes to help him achieve by setting him up as librarian in the household of famed art collector Donough Gaylord. Robert is immediately overwhelmed by the handsome Donough, and his employer’s kindness is something Robert cannot resist. But, all is not as it seems, and several attempts are made on Robert’s life--seemingly at the hands of his beloved. The truth is ever more macabre and twisted.
*** Revolutionary Temptation by Sylvia Violet (Book 1 of the Revolutionaries series)
- Captain Jack West has just gone from invalided soldier to spy for the Continental Army. It’s not a job he relishes, but he’s at least still helping his fellows by working against the British in the colonies. He recruits charming and skillful Elias Ashfield, a bookshop owner with other interests on the side that enable him to move about more freely. Jack is cautious about his attraction to Eli, but Eli knows what he wants, and is determined to get it. Even after the two come together, however, Jack struggles with their situation and the wisdom of continuing to meet with the man that he loves. It takes Eli’s life being at risk for him to come around, and even then, it doesn’t all run smoothly (angst and misgivings continue into 2nd novel). 
*** A Light Amongst Shadows (Dark is the Night series Book 1) by Kelley York and Rowan Altwood Review - James Spencer and William Escher have been sent to the Whisperwood School for Boys. It’s a place where wealthy families can send their hard-to-manage sons, w/out having to pay too dearly for the privilege. James won’t admit why he was sent, and William is quickly revealed to be an addict. It’s only after they come together as a loving couple that James can admit that the cause of his antics stemmed from his parents refusing to believe the depths of depravity in their midst. Amid all this, one of their friends has disappeared, and ghosts begin to haunt the students as they attempt to discover the solution to an old mystery. What they find is far darker than they might have imagined.
Warning: Some novels depict child abuse, murder, dub-con, incest, suicide, drug abuse, patient abuse, and/or other potentially triggering themes.
Rating System: * Least Angst **** Most Angst
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