#and he liked it enough AND hie neighbor liked what she saw that she asked him who did ig
multifandomhoodies · 3 years
I *finally* finished the landscaping job I started last Friday. It hasn't been every day but it was 8hrs last Friday and probably five or so hours in addition to that on random days last week with finally finishing today. I'm really proud of the work I did, the guy had me cut down a small tree and cut out some bushes and clear areas out and it looks so good!! The guy I was doing it for is really happy with it and I am too it was whewww just a lot of work
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goblarsgist · 4 years
The beauty we lost
⁩While on excursion with fellow “A” level classmates back in the years, our school Bus broke down on the way to the North. I can’t remember the precise location now but I know it was a bush at the precinct of a very small community on our way to Jos from Abuja. We were coming from OSCAS, Ife. Should be around 8pm. One woman passed by us on foot with what I knew then as “lantern”. We were like 17 boys and 10 girls. The woman, about 40ish or so, greeted in the local language we couldn’t relate to, but we reckoned easily her gesture was warm even in the dimlit atmosphere. She walked away. We were there, stranded and helpless as our Bus Driver, fiddled around under the Bus with a poorly lit touch-light. It was harmattan and the cold was ripping through us. About 30 minutes later, a man walked towards us with the same woman from the direction she was earlier headed. They had a torchlight this time. The man spoke sparing pidgin. Said his wife told him “some children are in the bush on the road and in danger”.
He told us to follow him and “let us all manage my little place”.
We had no choice. That was the only flicker of hope for us or we’ll sleep in the Bus in the bush.
We all followed him to his hut as it turned out.
This man brought out two Big mats, then went to his neighbors and asked for more mats which they gladly obliged. These were spread for us right in front of the door into his Hut. Two neighbours came out, greeted us and asked where we were coming from? We said Ife. One man said “oh, *Yoroba* bah?”. (oh you’re Yorubas?)
We said Yes. He laughed delightedly and told us to “*feel free you hie*?”. We laughed and said thank you sir.
Next thing, These two people withdrew a bit from us and were having a very private conversation and then walked away together within same neighborhood. Two girls amongst us on the mat were somewhat agitated. We told them to calm down and added, “what can you really do anyway if we’re already in danger?”.
Next thing we saw. They emerged with a big goat screaming in their hands. They slaughtered the goat and our real host called his wife to do something we didn’t understand as they spoke their local dialect. But we saw the woman brought out a basket full of small small yams....almost like Irish potatoes sizes but slightly bigger. Joined by her daughter, they started peeling. Two of our fellow female students offered to join while some of us boys wanted to help, they vehemently declined telling us we are their “visitors”.
Food was ready after like an hour. Spiking hot goat meat pepper-soup and hot yams that shamed the cold. Neighbors brought out various bowls and we all ate and ate. That family fed us, children of parents they didn’t know. They fed us young lads they’ll obviously never see again. By 12 midnight, some of us slept on the mats while some others were gisting the night away.
Following morning, they were the ones that went to a neighboring village to bring a local mechanic who fixed our Bus, and told us not to pay! We thanked them but we knew that was not enough. Our traveling Team leader, a 16 year old girl there and then, got emotional and started crying. Some of us were wet-eyed too as we saw the mix of poverty around this couple and kids but laced with a contentment, joy and generosity we couldn’t fathom.
Usually, we sing in the Bus, but that day, we couldn’t sing. We were all engrossed in the conversation of such kindness towards us.
We drove off towards Jos but our minds weren’t traveling as we were stuck in thoughts with the villagers magnanimous experience.
Till date, this memory endures and refuses to depart my head. I don’t know where this family is. I don’t know if they’re still alive. I don’t know how their children then, who’ll be adults now are fairing. I don’t know how to tell them today that my modest hands are being used to do the little I can to sanitize this nation and bring intervention to the vulnerable, like they did towards me when I was vulnerable.
Nigeria is truly a beautiful place and the kidnapping and violent rein of terror of today is an abhorrent rape on our beauty of diversity.
But while you still can, always remember kindliness does not cost a fortune...It only costs a good heart. And your good heart is in your possession, only if you can muster it! ~ Akin Fadeyi 18112020
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