#and he just has major daddy issues… his dad like disowned him
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I think I need to write a long form novel again… I have a vague idea but need to flesh it out
#realizing it’s basically denji from chainsaw man but if he had a different backstory lol#my idea is a really stupid strong guy who is a hit man for a living … also has a hot trans twin sister lol#and he just has major daddy issues… his dad like disowned him#and he got picked up by a manipulative crime lord kinda guy who pays him to kill and also pretends to like him#but I realized this is the plot of csm lol#so I might change some things around#originally it was gonna be historical fantasy inspired by ff14 but I think I’ll make it modern fantasy#and the mc will be a demon#just leaning into the edginess lol
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Lloyd having an identity crisis because he realized he's always copying the people he looks up to and he believes he doesn't actually feel like "himself"
like his ideals, wants, desires, thoughts, actions, etc are copied from so many people especially if he lost them. when he's a kid he wishes to be evil and copies how his dad looks and his mannerisms, and then after he lost his father to the cursed realm he tried to follow him in being wise and good and mature like he was which also wasn't helped by the fact that during that time he was stepping more into the role as team leader so he felt like he HAD to grow up more and he tried to portray traits from someone he loved and looked up to
and then after the Oni trilogy when he gets the major daddy issues™ he stops looking up to his dad because of the hurt and betrayal he feels towards being disowned, thrown through a wall, and almost killed so many times. and during this time he also lost the ninja and after all that he starts to copy their mannerisms and because they're usually pretty immature and childish he starts to become childish too and a lot more quippy and yk??
and finally during dragons rising hes still holding a lot of these traits he has but he had lost master Wu in the merge and so he started to idolize him and his teachings and miss him which is WHY he's so desperate to copy him and follow in his footsteps. he's lost so many people over the years and been forced to take responsibility that he's just trying his best to show "good" traits even if he doesn't fully understand why and it's also why his teaching is ineffective for Arin :(
idk I also like to think that he copies a lot of his aggressive tendencies in crystalized after losing Nya because she's someone who gets angry super easily as well, and he doesn't do it on purpose either he just. does it.
#lego ninjago#ninjago#lloyd garmadon#ninjago lloyd#lloyd montgomery garmadon#ninjago dragons rising#dragons rising#this is sort of a ramble sorry but im just psychoanalyzing him rn#and also i relate to him so much in that regard and why his personaltiy shifts and changes so much over the course of the series#*slaps car shaped lloyd* this bad boy could hold so much bpd and neurodivergency#rossthinking
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You Live Like This?
Rating: E
Pairing: STONY
Mob-AU in which Steve Rogers in the head of the organized crime ring known as the Avengers. They rule New York with an iron fist and a take-no-prisoners attitude. Howard Stark has been getting in his way, bungling his deals, and selling SI weapons on the black market to the Avenger's enemies. Not to mention he is actively helping the police track down and capture his people. Steve can't let that stand. What better way to get back at man then to capture his only son? Tony is out of the frying pan and into the fire. Living under an alias in a rundown apartment in Brooklyn, it's been a little over a month since he escaped out from beneath the press of his father's thumb. Disowned for the crime of being gay, Tony has been flying under the radar and trying to keep a low profile. That is, until he is captured by his father's enemies. They want their money back, and someone is going to pay. Tony knows it won't be Howard.
Tags/Warnings: Rape/Non-con Elements, Mob Boss Steve Rogers, Twink Tony Stark, Angst, Whump, Beating, Non-Consensual Bondage, Blackmail, Humiliation, Face-Fucking, Enemies to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Homophobia
Chapter 1: Chapter One
Chapter Text
Tony stood in the doorway to his new apartment, tired whiskey eyes drinking in the sight of the amber afternoon light streaming in through the windows and dancing across the well worn parquet floors. It cast dancing shadows against the white, pock-marked, walls and across the freshly painted white kitchen cabinets. It was a studio apartment, small by most standards - Tony was actually sure one of his old closets had been bigger than this place - but it was solely his. Or, rather, it was Anton Valentino’s apartment. His new and improved alias. He shifted the small box on his hip with one hand, fingertips indenting the warped cardboard, while the other hand curled protectively around a small and rather sad looking potted fern whom Tony had named Geoff. It looked like Geoff had definitely seen better days, but then to be fair, so had Tony.
The last couple of weeks had been nothing but a series of rather unfortunate events, starting with his father catching him in flagrante delicto with Chuck, the pool boy. Well, considering that Chuck was actually thirty six to Tony’s mere twenty two, he supposed it was safe to say that his father had caught him fucking the pool man. And if he wanted to go a step further he’d suppose that, technically, he had gotten caught getting fucked by the pool man. Semantics. What could he say? He had some pretty severe Daddy issues that he was doing his damndest to work through. With sex.
Sex with older men.
Okay, so he wasn't doing jack-all to work through any perceived traumas. Daddy or otherwise. Old, young, it didn't matter. Tony just liked men.
Which, you know, was kind of a major faux pas in the Stark household. He had been able to see the vein in his father’s forehead pulsing clearly enough that he was able to gauge the old man’s heart rate. So when dear-old-dad had exploded in a fit of rage, Tony had not been surprised. His tongue darted out to wet his still sore lower lip from the backhand that had sent him sprawling to the floor. Howard had stood there, murder in his eyes, and called him all sorts of homophobic slurs before disowning his only child.
Tony rolled his eyes. How trite. Being disowned over his choice of bedpartners? Gag.
How pedestrian.
Someone call the 90’s and tell them they’re missing their textbook homophobic father-figure. The old man had even dragged out the whole “No son of mine” speech before throwing his ass out of the house with nothing but the clothes on his back.
As a teenager, and then later as a young adult, Tony had run the gamut of rebellious behavior aimed toward getting Howard to do just that. With all the underage drinking, drugs, and generalized assholery, Tony had not once ever considered that it would be his sexuality that would be the straw that broke the camel’s back.
He wasn’t complaining.
Not by a long shot.
His mother’s death ten years ago had changed his father irrevocably, turned him into some sort of control freak. Only, this particular control freak was in charge of a multi-million dollar company with endless power and money at his fingertips. Especially when he was using Tony’s original designs and formulas to turn more of a profit. Tony had been working, under the table, for his father since the time he was knee high. There weren't many pies at Stark Industries that Tony had not dipped his finger into at one point or another. Howard had been fine with that once, encouraged it even, as one day the company would fall to Tony. The heir. The golden goose who just kept laying. So Tony’s every minute of every day had been micromanaged to the nth degree.
If he had known that all it would take for his father to loosen the leash he had wrapped around Tony’s neck like a noose was to be caught in the act of sexual congress with another man then…
It didn't matter. Tony shook the thought away, lips compressing into a thin line before he stepped fully into his new home. He pinched off that spark of hurt, ground it out, refused to feel it or acknowledge it. He had a new lease on life, a chance to actually do what he wanted, to prove that he didn't need dear-old-dad or his wealth to make it in this world. How many nights had he sat up, staring at his vaulted ceiling, and dreamed of having the opportunity to do just that?
He was going to win, prove them all wrong. He didn't need his father’s name, or his vast wealth, to make it in this world on his own. He was freakishly smart, with a photographic memory and an eye for detail. His ideas were good ones, no matter what Howard said to the contrary. He was so sick of people telling him who and what he could be. Telling him his worth.
For the first time in his life he was going to be allowed to determine that on his own. He was excited at the prospect. He knew his father thought that Tony would come back eventually, tail tucked between his legs, begging for his chance to be welcomed back into the family fold.
That was never, ever, going to happen. There was no forcing the rainbow colored skeleton back into the proverbial closet. Tony wasn't going to give up who he was to pander to his father. He was done with all of that, and free for the very first time in his entire life.
Sort of.
Certified genius that he was, Tony was going to have to pump the brakes on the whole tech-savant thing. He knew that once his father calmed down he was going to realize just how much Stark Industries depended on Tony. He was, afterall, most of the R&D department. Once that happened it was going to be a matter of time before the old man started to keep tabs on him. Tried to manage him again. The last thing he needed to do was start making waves.
Hell, it had only been three days after Howard had kicked him out that Jarvis had pinged him, letting him know that the old man was looking for him - not with any real urgency, not yet. But the old man was putting feelers out there to see what cropped up. Jarvis was his new personal AI, named after the family butler who was more a father figure to him than his actual father, and although it was still a work in progress, he was far more advanced than any other AI that Stark Industries had to offer. Or anyone else, for that matter.
It was a matter of a few swift keystrokes to send his father looking westward, toward California to be exact. With the help of his AI he was able to plant a trail of false breadcrumbs, pointing Howard’s security team toward the opposite side of the country. If they ever did go looking for him, it would take weeks before they figured out that Tony wasn't where he was supposed to be.
No, he was right under his father’s nose. He had never left New York, and he had no plans to either. It was the last place Howard would come looking for him. Most people would run, if given the chance, to try to put as much distance between themselves and Howard Stark’s empire. Tony wasn't so naive. He knew exactly just how far his father’s reach extended and Oceans apart wouldn't be far enough to escape that megalomaniac’s grasp. No, it was better to hide where he’d least expect it.
Instead he had taken on an alias, Anton Valentino, and over the past couple of weeks had managed to beg barter and steal enough cash to get him a deposit on the cheapest apartment he could find. It hadn’t been easy. He already had an interview lined up at the cafe three blocks over. His plan, for now, was to keep his head low and just… live his life.
Talk to strangers. Make mistakes. Have fun. Maybe, hopefully, make some friends.
He was finally going to get to live life on his own terms. He couldn't wait.
Nudging the door closed with his foot, Tony took a deep breath before a broad, unadulterated, smile broke out across his face.
This…this was going to be great.
One Month Later…
This fucking sucked.
Tony fought off another jaw cracking yawn, his hands automatically going through the motions of wiping down the front counter of Bea’s Beanz. It was nearing eight o’clock at night, and Tony had arrived bright eyed and bushy tailed at about five am that morning to help open. The closer had never showed up, leaving Tony to pick up the slack. Again. Taylor was officially on his shit list. No sob story was going to cut it this time. Tony had barely been there for a month and he’d already had to cover for Taylor at least three times this week alone. Not that he couldn't use the extra hours, if he was being honest. Making a living in New York was exhausting when his options were so limited. The first week he had sold plasma twice so that he could actually afford to feed himself. Right now his diet consisted of ramen noodles, rice and beans, and free espresso which was miles away from the caviar and steak dinners he was used to.
But he liked his new job. Loved the smell of fresh ground beans, the scent of espresso wafting in the air. He liked that he was busy, that it was one face after the other, all perfectly unique in their own way. He liked making small talk, getting to know the people in his neighborhood, and making his customer’s laugh and blush. Especially the old ladies. Tony was a hopeless flirt, a natural born charmer, and often used that to his advantage. Even Bert, the owner, had mentioned that the tip cup seemed to fill up faster when Tony was working the register.
Working with Bert was great. Tony got to manage the counter, flirt shamelessly, and make money while doing it. At the end of his shift he got to keep all the tips - Bert never took any. With anyone else he’d have to split those tips, and potentially lose face time with some of the hot college boys and blue collar workers that rolled through the cafe.
He even had a couple of dates set up for later this week. Not that he was actually interested in the sex. If he were being honest, Tony was just looking for a meal that wasn’t rice and beans or maruchan beef ramen. If that made him a bit of a user? Well, color him shamelessly guilty then. It was well worth it, in Tony’s opinion. And it wasn’t as if he was going to dine and dash. Tony was a great conversationalist. People enjoyed talking to him as much as they enjoyed his flirtatious banter. There was no way anyone was going to leave a date with him and say they had a terrible time.
Not possible.
Making people feel good made him feel good. And hey, it just so happened that he made a mean cup of coffee. It had not taken him very long at all to master the art of coffee making. He was, afterall, a genius with a photographic memory. His latte art was, admittedly, going to take some practice though.
All and all he seemed to be doing okay. Except, right now, there was nowhere he’d rather be than at home, slurping down some noodles and munching through the three day old pastries that had been slated to be thrown out. Working at a cafe did have its perks. Bert didn't mind if he took home the pastries, happy that at least someone would get to enjoy them.
His gaze flitted over to the clock on the far wall, watching the seconds tick by with a sort of agonizing slowness. He’d already wiped down the tables, swept the floors, cleaned the machines, and restocked for the opening shift. Tomorrow would be his first day off this week, and Tony was planning on spending the majority of it sleeping.
Being poor was exhausting .
He’d have to wake up at some point though, and get ready for his date with Craig, the very nice personal trainer that had asked him out on his first day at the cafe. Big bulky muscles, broad shoulders, and a receding hairline. They were going to meet at the pizza place about a twenty minute walk from Tony’s apartment. It was Craig’s second choice of restaurant, Tony had to veto the nicer Italian place Craig had wanted to go to originally. Too close to his old haunts, and too far to walk. Tony wasn't paying money to uber anywhere. If he couldn't get there by foot, he wasn't going. His lips quirked upward at the thought. He’d become a bit of a stingy penny pincher.
He really didn't have a choice in the matter, though.
He’d gotten an air mattress a few days ago which had sadly depleted most of his funds. It would be a long time before Tony forgot the way his hands had trembled a bit as he counted out the bills. A few months ago he wouldn't even have sneezed at that amount. But he had been able to stumble across a dented, slightly wobbly, folding chair out by the dumpster. He’d get around to fixing the wobble sooner or later, and he’d also been able to slap together a table using broken wood pallets.
Was it pretty? Not by a long shot. Did he have to eat his ramen sitting on the floor? Also, no.
The rest, like a real mattress and dresser, a couch and tv… that would all come in time. There was a second hand shop that he’d stumbled across a few blocks from here that looked promising. Next paycheck Tony would see if he could find something to make his home… more home-ish. Cuz right now? It was actually rather home-ly.
But it didn't matter. Because it was his. Soon he’d fill it with things that sparked his passion, that spoke to him. Books and projects, art and tchotchkes. He didn't exactly have a five year plan lined up right now, but he liked to imagine that he wouldn’t always be in the little flat in Brooklyn. That eventually he’d find his way out from beneath the firm press of his father’s thumb. He wondered what that freedom would look like. What he would do then, completely unfettered, able to pursue whatever dream struck his fancy. He knew whatever it was, it would change the world.
He was Tony Stark, after all.
He was startled out of his thoughts by the sharp chime of the door. His eyes flicked again to the clock on the far well. 7:58pm. Tony managed to stifle the sigh that wanted to escape him. It wasn't too long ago that he would have been the type of person to just waltz into an establishment that was mere minutes from closing. He wouldn't have thought anything of it. Just smile, charm, and flash his palladium credit card. Oh, he had always been generous, leaving big tips and big smiles, but for the first time in his life Tony was realizing that he had also been kind of an asshole too.
Perspective was crazy like that.
So he did what countless other service people had done for him over the years. He simply put on a bright smile that didn't quite meet his eyes and a chipper “Good evening gentlemen, what can I get started for you?”
The gentlemen in question did not seem impressed by his cheery customer service if the scowls that marred their faces was anything to go by. There were three of them, all kind of broad of shoulder and a little rangy, dressed mostly in black. Tony wondered if that was an accident, or if they had coordinated their outfits - like some sort of grumpy looking boy band. The thought brought a smirk to his face. One of them hung back by the door, arms crossed over his chest with an irritated look on his face, as if he would rather be anywhere than right here right now. Tony felt his pain.
The two men approaching his counter moved at a steady pace, their faces unsmiling. One was blonde, with short, spiky hair and bright blue eyes. The other had deep brown eyes, and close cropped jet black hair.
“Yeah, I’ll take a salted caramel Latte.” His friend turned to stare at him, rather pointedly, to which blondie simply shrugged.
“I need coffee. I was up all night last night.Judge not lest ye be judged.”
Tony shook his head, his hands already going through the motions of preparing the latte as he listened to the two of them bicker in furtive whispers.
“Can I get anything else started for you guys?”
“No.” Stocky, dark, and handsome spoke up - his voice colored with irritation. “That’s gonna be it.”
“Though, I wouldn't mind a blueberry danish - if you’ve got one left.”
Tony slid the latte across the counter, a smile twitching at his lips. “One blueberry danish, coming up. Looks like you got the last one.”
“Shit this is some real good coffee.”
“For fucks, sake, Clint. What is wrong with you - we have a job to do.”
It was as Tony was bending down in the display case to grab the last blueberry danish that he saw, through the frosted glass of the display case, that which he had missed earlier. He’d blame it on a lot of things. The first being that he was so goddamn tired his eyes were starting to cross. The second that it had been almost two months, and he’d been given no warning of people looking for him through Jarvis. He usually prided himself on his attention to detail, both large and small. He had definitely missed the mark here, though. Both of these guys were packing heat. And the angry one actually had his fingers wrapped around the gun, safety off. It was an SI weapon. One he had designed himself five years ago.
It was him. Tony was the job. Were these his father’s men? They didn't strike him as the type of goons dear old dad usually hired. They weren't starchy enough, for one, and certainly not professional by any stretch of the imagination.
It was a monumental effort to keep a smile on his face as he took the danish out of the case with one hand, and reached for the full carafe of decaf coffee he had brewed only an hour prior. As the two turned away from their bickering, Tony threw the carafe in an arc. He didn't stay to watch as that scalding hot coffee splattered both of them. Nor to see if the danish that he had thrown at the blonde met its target. He was already bolting toward the back room.
You Live Like This? - Chapter 1 - sayah1112 - Marvel [Archive of Our Own]
#stony#tony stark#steve rogers#AU mob#mob boss steve rogers#twink tony stark#stony fanfiction#r1stonyauniverse
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it’s been a long week but at least I got this done. And now I have to get chapter fics done. Really. But the first part of the angsty Raven!Andrew soulmate not fic is done. Not that I’m already thinking of the second part. And hey! It’s a fic that’s under 40k...
Last part can be found here
Mentions of violence (being beaten) but not explicit, but I think that’s it? Oh, references to Ichirou’s past.
Waking up in pain wasn’t unusual for Andrew, not after all the years in the foster system then his time spent in juvie. He’d gotten so used to it that it had been unexpected, living with Nicky and Aaron, when he woke up most days without the sensation of pain somewhere in his body, only to be replaced with the strain from overworked muscles once he joined the Ravens (oh, and a sadistic bastard who had a thing for caning his players).
But this? The stinging throb from punches and kicks? Definitely familiar. What wasn’t? The large room with black leather couches, large, flat-screen televisions on the wall, a fancy-looking bar, and expensive artwork scattered around the place, not to mention an expanse of windows on the one side. Andrew rubbed his bound hands through the plush red carpet he lay upon and suspected that he was in the East Tower where Nathaniel spent so much time.
He’d just started to push himself into a sitting position when he heard the sound of muffled footsteps. “Looks like the runt is awake,” a deep voice called out. “Just like Junior, he bounces back fast.”
Before Andrew could turn around, he found himself jerked upright by the back of his jersey by Nathan Wesninski of all people; the bastard was dressed in black slacks and a light grey dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He barely had time to take that in before he was punched in the stomach, right where his padding was the thinnest, with enough force to make him gasp in pain, and then again in the face. As he struggled to shove the bastard away, to do something, Wesninski laughed and slammed him against the wall. “And just like Junior, you don’t know when to behave and take your punishment, you little-“
“That’s enough.”
The firmly spoken command was enough to stop Wesninski in mid-punch; the bastard grunted as he let go of Andrew’s throat and stepped away. “I was told to teach him a lesson.”
“I believe you’ve done that,” a young Asian man, dressed in a tailored black suit, told Wesninski as he stepped forward; he looked to be in his early twenties, if that, with a lean build and black hair combed back from a face which was oddly familiar.
Andrew suspected that he’d finally met Ichirou Moriyama.
“Tetsuji said-“
“And I just told you that’s enough.” Despite Ichirou not raising his voice, something in his dark gold eyes made Wesninski stiffen and bow his head. “I’ll deal with Minyard, you can leave and inform my uncle that the matter is resolved on your way out.” When Wesninski moved forward, Ichirou spoke again. “And Nathan? I’ll also deal with Nathaniel.”
Something unpleasant flashed across Wesninski’s face at the mention of his son. “It’s best if I handle my-“
Ichirou cut off the man known as ‘the Butcher’ once again as he walked over to the bar. “He’s not your anything anymore, not after you sold him to my family. You have your orders.” He looked up from pouring a drink to give Wesninski a cold look, as if daring the man to make him say anything else.
He might be a sadistic, abusive bastard, but Wesninski apparently could get the hint; he bowed his head in a curt manner then stalked out of the room.
Andrew slumped against the wall and watched him go, then focused his attention on the unknown Moriyama; well, that was partially untrue. He knew that the young man was Riko’s older brother yet had nothing to do with the asshole, and that for some reason, he tended to look out for Nathaniel.
That he appeared to be here to ‘deal’ with Andrew.
“What, no drink for me?” he drawled as he raised his bound hands to dab at his bleeding lip.
Ichirou regarded him with cool appraisal while he sipped his drink, appearing in no hurry to answer. Once the glass was empty, he set it down on the bar and refilled it. “Nat tells me that you’re intelligent, almost frighteningly so, and never forget a thing. He also says you’re very stubborn, which isn’t a surprise if you’re his soulmate.”
Andrew merely grunted in response to those facts.
“I know that you’re rather talented at Exy, considering your stats, and that you’ve been protecting Nat.” Ichirou paused to sip his drink while Andrew gazed at him with a blank expression. “And that Nat has feelings for you, because he’s never tried to sneak anything out of here before, yet he’s suddenly discovered a new appreciation for sweets, something he’s always hated before.”
“That’s quite a guess, isn’t it? Maybe he took them for Moreau,” Andrew suggested as he stared at the zip tie around his wrists as if he could will it to melt away.
Ichirou huffed as if amused and swirled the golden alcohol around in the cut crystal glass. “I’ve known Nat for years, and the only time he requests anything for his partner is when we had marzipan treats. No, this was for you, his soulmate, the man who required seven people to pry him away from Nat.”
It would have taken more than that if that prick, Riko, hadn’t smashed a racquet down on his head; only his helmet saved him from a serious injury. “I do it for all the boys who bring me cupcakes.”
“I’m sure.” The right corner of Ichirou’s mouth twitched upward as he reached into an inner pocket of his suit’s coat and pulled out a knife.
“Gonna start on that whole ‘deal with me’ thing?” Andrew asked as he eyed the weapon with care; Ichirou had a few inches on him, but he thought he could take the Japanese man even with his hands bound – at least knock him aside and get a good head’s start.
“Hmm, something like that. Hold out your hands and remain still,” Ichirou ordered as he came to a halt just out of reach. He gave Andrew a bored look while he flipped the knife in his right hand. “Unless you don’t want to have that drink and talk about something that will benefit Nat in the end.”
That… was that a trick? Andrew frowned at the Moriyama for a moment before he decided he could always beat him up if it was and held out his hands. He tensed as Ichirou slashed with the knife, but only to sever the plastic tie holding his hands bound. “What about Nat?” he asked as he rubbed his sore wrists once they were free.
“He told me that you found out about his father selling him to my family, and about what we really do,” Ichirou said as he returned to the bar and poured another glass of what turned out to be a very nice whiskey. “Don’t be upset with him, as he knows better than to lie to me.”
Andrew’s eyes narrowed at that ‘knows better’ part; he forced himself to have another sip of whiskey rather than throw it in the asshole’s impassive face. “Yes, I know.” Between Jean and his truth game with Nathaniel, he finally did know why Riko thought he could do whatever the hell he wanted, consequences be damned.
“Yes, so you understand that my father is a very powerful man, one who doesn’t tolerate weakness, and he’s raised me to be the same way,” Ichirou explained as he removed his coat, which revealed a pistol in a shoulder holster, then he began to undo the cuff of his left sleeve once the coat was draped over the back of the nearest couch.
The whiskey helped a little with the pain, so Andrew poured himself another glass. “I know you’ve a pet serial killer in your pocket, and your dad disowned your little brother for some reason, which has given the psycho some serious daddy issues. Is there a point to this?”
Ichirou’s lips twitched again. “Very much so, especially in regard to Riko.” His expression turned flat when he mentioned his brother. “As I said, we’re allowed no weakness.” He turned his left forearm to Andrew, which exposed his soulmate mark.
What was left of it, that was.
Cold washed down Andrew’s spine when he realized that the shadow-like flower petals which surrounded the sword indicated that Ichirou’s soulmate was dead, and he instinctively reached for his own mark as if to confirm that it was unmarred (that Nathaniel was still alive). Ichirou noticed the movement and nodded once before he reached for his neglected drink.
“There is to be only one Moriyama heir at a time, to avoid splitting the clan apart with rivalries. My mother, my father’s soulmate, knew that, yet….” He paused for a long swallow of whiskey then refilled the glass once it was set down. “Perhaps she felt certain the child would be a girl, or that my father wouldn’t care if it was a boy since he allowed her to bear the child. Regardless, that child was Riko, and my father chose to punish her for risking the clan’s succession.”
Andrew suspected that the woman hadn’t had her credit cards cut up or something like that, not when Ichirou had another gulp of whiskey.
“It wasn’t enough that Riko took my mother away from me, but my father confirmed at his birth that he was a boy and noticed that he had no soulmate mark. He decided that was the one way that his unwanted child was better than me and resolved to spare me his own weakness.” He held up his exposed left arm and gazed at it without emotion. “When I found my soulmate, he immediately had her killed.”
Well, this was such a fascinating story, all full of fun trauma and everything, but Andrew had a living soulmate he needed to check on (and keep out of trouble). “Can we skip to the point of this? I assume there’s a reason you’re monologuing.”
Ichirou’s eyes narrowed as he rolled down his sleeve. “Riko should never have been born, yet here he is, a thorn in my father’s side. Soon he’ll be a thorn in my side, and that I won’t allow.” The young mobster’s voice grew harsh as he tugged on his suit coat. “Unlike my father, I pay attention to what happens here, I know that Tetsuji has created a monster who is one major scandal from bringing unwanted attention our way.”
“You listen to Nathaniel,” Andrew surmised as he debated one more drink but decided against it.
“Nat,” Ichirou acknowledged with a slight bob of his head, “and I’ve placed a few of my men within the Nest in the past year. There has been an increasing amount of Ravens who’ve washed out before graduation in the last couple years due to the ‘stress’ of the program, and now Kevin Day. It’s only going to get worse by the time Riko himself graduates.”
Here came the sales pitch, Andrew thought as he pulled away from the bar. “What do you expect me to do?” Someone like Ichirou didn’t save him from a beating and ply him with expensive alcohol for nothing.
The smile that had threatened to form on Ichirou’s lips finally was allowed free, though it was a slight, cold thing. “Riko has taken much from me, so in return I want him to lose everything.” He turned around to face the expanse of windows which overlooked Castle Evermore. “Everything he holds dear, I want him to see it slip from his grasp right before the life he never should have had ends.”
Andrew thought about that for a moment while he felt out the large bump on his head. “You want me to take down Riko.” Ichirou gave a curt nod. “And the Ravens?”
“The team will need new management to undo the damage Riko and Tetsuji has done to it and allow it to be useful once more.”
Okay. “That sounds like you want me to take down Tetsuji as well.” Not that he was complaining, especially after all the canings. Especially after all the canings to Nathaniel.
Ichirou looked over his shoulder, his expression impassive once more. “It needs to be done in a manner that the main branch can control, to ensure that our people are in place to pick up the pieces once those two are removed.”
Andrew clicked his tongue as he picked up the crystal decanter filled with whiskey. “You’re not asking for much, are you?” When Ichirou remained quiet, he clicked his tongue again. “What do I get out of all this?” A million bucks would be nice.
Ichirou resumed gazing upon the Exy court below. “Other than currently not being beaten half-dead by the Butcher? There is the matter of your soulmate.”
Mention of Nathaniel made Andrew stiffen, ready to throw the decanter at the first threat uttered against him. “What about Nat?” he asked, voice harsh with warning.
“He will always belong to the Moriyamas, he’s too useful and already knows too many things,” Ichirou said, his back still turned to Andrew as if unconcerned about being attacked. “But as with all things of value, he should be treated with care, not abused and locked away. Agree to this, and he’ll formally belong to the main branch. Once you’ve completed the task? Well, we can discuss allowing Nat a bit more freedom.” He turned around to give Andrew a stern look. “Within reason. He’ll always have obligations to honor.”
Andrew would deal with those ‘obligations’ one day, the main thing was protecting Nathaniel. If it also meant getting him away from the Nest by fucking up Riko? Not a problem, not a problem at all. “Can I rely on your people for assistance?” he asked, mind already busy thinking up possibilities; his biggest challenge was being restricted to the Nest most of the time.
“Of course, Nat can assist you with that.” Ichirou cocked his head to the side as he regarded Andrew. “I assume we are in agreement?”
“Make sure the assholes leave Nat alone and yes, we’re in agreement.” Andrew would be all in to kill Riko regardless, but anything that benefited Nathaniel on top was added incentive.
Not really, that would be Andrew wiping out all the Moriyamas and the Butcher as well then riding off into the distance in a nice new Ferrari with Nathaniel beside him, but it was a start. He hummed as he walked away with the whiskey, done with the conversation (and Moriyamas) for the time being; he heard Ichirou huff behind him then speak Japanese a moment later, and found a guard waiting out in the hallway who ‘escorted’ him back to the Nest.
Ichirou might be a Moriyama bastard, but at least he knew when to pick his battles.
The halls of the Nest were unusually quiet and empty; Andrew suspected that everyone had gone to ground after their ‘king’ having a wee bit of disassociation from sanity earlier. He made his way to Nathaniel’s room and didn’t bother to knock before entering.
He found his soulmate huddled on his bed, right cheek bruised and expression startled, with Jean nowhere to be found. “Where’s Valjean?” Andrew asked as he sat down on the other end of the bed.
“Uhm, off with Toby and Leif.” Nathaniel gave him a worried look as he slowly unfurled. “Are you all right? Did Tetsuji do anything to you?”
“Just peachy.” Andrew set the bottle on the floor as he turned toward Nathaniel, sore body protesting from the movement. “Why are you alone?”
Nathaniel frowned as he reached for Andrew’s face but stopped just short of touching him. “Because Tetsuji said he called my father. I didn’t want Jean here when he comes.” He glanced at the door and shook his head. “You should go.”
Aw, was someone trying to protect him from the big, bad Butcher? “I already had the displeasure of meeting the walking sperm-bank who fathered you,” Andrew said as he got up to fetch a change of clothes, tired of wearing his uniform; he figured one of Jean’s shirts and a pair of Nathaniel’s loose cotton pants should fit. Somewhat fit.
“Wait, you did? Are you really okay?” Nathaniel asked in a rush as he got up, too (and fetched the pants once he figured out what Andrew was looking for). “Is he still here?”
“Ichirou sent him on his way and told him to leave you alone.” Andrew took the clothes and went into the bathroom to change, but left the door open a crack so they could continue to talk. He’d ache for the next couple days, but it felt good to get his gear off at last.
“Ichirou’s here, too? Great.” It sounded as if Nathaniel slumped against the wall. “Is he angry? I mean, not that he yells or anything when he’s mad, but you can tell because of how he goes all tense and fake smiley.”
Good to know. “Not with you.” If anything, Ichirou thought a little too well of ‘Nat’, especially since he didn’t have a soulmate of his own anymore, but one thing at a time.
“Oh.” Andrew stepped back into the room to find Nathaniel nibbling on his bottom lip as he dwelled on something. “Why did he talk to you, then?”
“Because he wants me to do something for him.” There was no reason to keep it a secret, not when he’d need Nathaniel’s help (and probably Jean’s as well).
And maybe a certain stubborn idiot would back down to throwing himself into trouble if he knew that there was an endgame in sight.
(Who was he kidding?)
“And what is that?” Nathaniel reached out to tug on the overlarge t-shirt Andrew wore and pull him closer, seemingly unafraid of his presence. “What does he want?”
Andrew leaned his forearms against the wall, which penned his soulmate in; Nathaniel gazed at him without fear but a growing amount of impatience. “It seems that he doesn’t care for his baby brother and wants me to take him down,” he murmured after he leaned in, his mouth close to Nathaniel’s right ear.
“You… Ichirou’s finally going to do something about Riko?” Nathaniel stared at him in disbelief. “And he wants you to help?”
Andrew clicked his tongue as he fought not to slide his fingers into his soulmate’s tousled hair. “He wants me to do all the fucking work, and he wants the psycho gone before he causes too many problems.” He’d keep quiet on the whole family drama for now, especially since Nathaniel had his own share of it.
“Oh.” Nathaniel nibbled on his bottom lip again, while Andrew struggled not to shiver in response, to lean in and suck on it to soothe the savaged flesh. “You… you don’t have to do it alone, you know. I’ll help.”
Of course he would. “I agreed to do the deal.”
“And I owe Riko for years of- I owe him,” Nathaniel argued, his voice hoarse and eyes alight with anger.
“Fine,” Andrew relented after a few seconds. “But you listen to me and don’t do anything on your own.” Nathaniel nodded and, after a moment, once more reached for his abused mouth, his fingers a scant distance away as he traced along his split lower lip.
“Are you really okay? I know… I know how my father can be.”
That was quite the understatement. “I’m fine,” Andrew insisted as he gave in and slid the fingers of his right hand into Nathaniel’s mussed curls. “What about you?”
The idiot shrugged and didn’t look away. “Tetsuji hit me a couple times but he was too busy dealing with Riko and willing to leave me to my father.” When his hand lingered near Andrew’s shoulder, Andrew caught it and rested it along the side of his neck; that time he shivered to feel his soulmate touch him.
“There and along my shoulder,” he said, his voice husky for some reason. “Yes or no?” he asked, unable to hold back when his soulmate looked at him like that, when he showed such concern, when he allowed him so close without fear. Unable to explain exactly what he meant.
Nathaniel blinked at the question, his pupils blown and reaction slow, and just when Andrew was about to pull away, used his hold on Andrew’s neck to gently pull him closer. “Yes,” he breathed out as his eyes drifted shut. “Yes.”
Later they would talk, would sit down and figure things out… but right then, all Andrew wanted to do was have Nathaniel’s lithe body against his, to do some of his own nibbling on that full bottom lip, to feel a heartbeat that pulsed in time with his own between his lips as he sucked on his soulmate’s neck…
His soulmate.
Nathaniel was addictive and almost docile in his arms, was mindful of his hands while he arched into Andrew’s touch like a cat which craved attention. He was… he was perfect, and only the aches from being hit earlier convinced Andrew that he was real.
He wanted so much more than kisses and lingering touches, but there was Nathaniel choking back on a ‘please’, was him smoothing his thumb over the ‘3’ on a flushed cheekbone. He wanted, and it seemed that his soulmate wanted, too (was it truly real?), yet he pulled away before he did something to ruin the one truly good thing that Fate had seemed to grant him in his life.
(Which he would burn the world to ash to keep safe.)
“Ohhh… wait, no,” Nathaniel breathed out as he grabbed the hem of Andrew’s borrowed shirt. “Why? Did I-“
Andrew flicked at a loose curl that fell onto his soulmate’s face. “That’s enough for now, sweetpea. Don’t want to overwhelm you with my sexiness.”
As expected, Nathaniel went from aroused to annoyed in less than two seconds. “Overwhelm me with your arrogance? Too late, hasenfürzchen.” When Andrew went to complain about his nickname, Nathaniel pushed forward and dragged him toward the bed – unfortunately, just to talk. “Now let’s figure out what to do while Jean’s not here.”
True, they’d have more time to talk about things between them on Friday, they might as well focus on getting rid of Riko as soon as possible. Part of Andrew chided him for being a fool in thinking that Nathaniel was such a ‘sure thing’, but each time his soulmate smiled at him and agreed to something long-term….
Nathaniel did the impossible and made him believe.
(Nathaniel also agreed to hide the rest of the whiskey so he didn’t have to share it with Ben, which meant he had something else to look forward to on Friday.)
He forced himself to leave eventually, aware that Jean was worried about his partner and intent on doing something before the Ravens met up for dinner. Nathaniel’s burner phone in hand (oh yes, Ichirou needed to learn some boundaries in regard to others’ soulmates very soon), he went out on court for some necessary privacy and called one of the two numbers on it (the other was going to be deleted very soon).
A familiar voice answered, sounding a bit confused. “Nat? It’s not Sunday, is everything all right?”
“Everything’s fine, but it’s not Nat,” Andrew told Kevin Day in French. “He did lend me this phone, though, if you hadn’t guessed.”
It was quiet on the end for several seconds. “Nat’s all right, yes? I mean, you’re his soulmate so-“
“Yes, he’s fine.” Andrew felt a bit insulted by the question. “Shut up with the stupid questions, I don’t have much time.”
“I- okay, what’s going on?”
Slightly better. “This is where you answer my questions and then listen as I tell you what’s going to happen if you want to remain free of the Moriyamas,” Andrew told him. “As well as pay back the friends who got you out of this hellhole.” Perhaps he was taking Ichirou a bit too literally with the whole ‘allow Nat more freedom’, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it.
(He’d kill the crime lord when he came to it, if necessary.)
All that mattered was that Kevin Day listened and obeyed, and played his part in Riko’s downfall.
(He wondered what it would take to get Nathaniel to go with him to Eden’s.)
IDFK why it removes some of my italics. IDFK.
There you go, Ichirou dealing with Andrew instead of Neil/Nathaniel. I imagine it’s a lot of blank faces all around.
It hasn’t been a good migraine week and busy w/ work, so hopefully this isn’t too much gibberish.
Thanks so much, those of you who’ve stuck with this not-fic.
#aftg#aftg au#andreil soulmates#raven!andrew#raven!neil#edgar allan ravens#andrew minyard#neil josten#andreil#jean moreau#ichirou moriyama#nathan wesninski#some dealmaking going on#andrew and his whiskey#is there a pairing for andrew and his whiskey?#kevin day#gee wonder what andrew told kevin#i have to get back to not in the stars now#that's it folks#at least for this part#the real thing fic
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Character trait meme - Hellion & Syn
Sorry im late huhuhu
I was tagged by the c o o l @chaoticspacelesbians thank you 🧡| i'm gonna tag @healering cuz i love your ocs
Time to introduce my bounty hunter Syn ! Also i might mention Aa'reia (sith inquisitor) in my lil story those 3 meet each other~
Warning : sensible subject, mention of mental illness/trauma
Darth Hellion

$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
Vette always take his money.
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
Mostly mental illness, he started with a serious ptsd,anger issue (due to his past as a slave) when he became a sith and started being corrupted by the dark side he started having something similar to a bipolar disorder but also became way more calm after following Aa'reia's teaching
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure
(it's more a mindset here) When he was a "simple sith" who follow the order of the academy or Baras for Hellion it was like he was still a slave
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other
He directly jump into the "sith life" so he got almost no education, thanks Aa'reia for trying to save this boy (also Syn but it's more uh .... "Wrong education")
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / classified
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / has adopted children
He got Vette
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ dis-organised / organised / in between
He's a real Goblin he collect things during his travel and throw them in his room, don't you dare clean his room he'll be so angry.
♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
Again there is a difference between Hellion and Darth Hellion
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
He is more a lone wolf, he hate being follower (reminds him of his life as a slave) he got a some potential as a leader but he is not interested.
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
♦ traditional / modern / in between
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between
Thanks Aa'reia for saving him
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
Loyal to the sith code (and people he likes) but not to the empire (he don't care about the republic vs empire)
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
Only to a short circle of people
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
He don't understand why people are so obsessed with this, one part of him don't care the other part is disgusted
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced
He had some relationship on korriban 👀 but in general he don't understand romance.... Also commitment issue™
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Damn berserk
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Thanks Syn for teaching him some stuff
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
It's rare
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Vette's sugar daddy
♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
One day he tried playing sabacc.....he almost loses his ship (thank force trick & Vette)

$ Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
One day she is rich,the other day there is a problem with her ship or something else and loses everything, there is no in between
✚ Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
Like Hellion it's more on the mental, mostly a serious amount of trauma who lead to depression but after meeting mako and having a new familly she slowly heal even if sometimes some stuff comes back.
✪ Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / transient / slave / unsure
She coule be in upper class due to her relationship with many sith lord but it's a no
✔ Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / classified
◒ Children : has a child or children / has no biological children / wants children / has adopted children
She is everyone's cool mom "are you lost and alone ? Come on kid join my crew i got a bed for you, skadge will sleep on the floor"
◑ Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased
Her crew = her familly
◔ Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable
*raised by her dad's team (mandalorian team) after his death (one of them became her mentor)
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between
♦ dis-organised / organised / in between
*Organized chaos
♦ closed-minded / open-minded / in between
♦ calm / anxious / in between
She goes from "i got this it's ok, chill guys" to "oh Fuck Fuck this is the end"
♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between
♦ cautious / reckless / in between
♦ patient / impatient / in between
♦ outspoken / reserved / in between
♦ leader / follower / in between
♦ empathetic / unempathetic / in between
♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
The 3 stages of Syn :
1. It look dangerous but i can do it !
2. THIS IS THE END IM NOT GONNA MAKE IT *say her last words to her team really fast*
3. See, i knew i was going to win
♦ traditional / modern / in between
Mandalorian tradition™
♦ hard-working / lazy / in between
♦ cultured / uncultured / in between
♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown
Mostly to her crew also to those who got her back/saved her life (some sith lords here)
♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
❤ Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual
❥ Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naive and clueless
♥ Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naive and/or inexperienced
❣ Sexually : adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious
⚧ Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
⚧ Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
When she talk throug holo-message she write ugly poem, nobody know if it's a joke or not
✍ Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
except painting/decorating armor she didn't have big art skill but after having her own flying garbage ship she started painting/decorate every time she had time with her team. There is a wall where everyone made a little drawing of themself or a signature (her crew + Hellion, Aa'reia and some from occasional passengers/clients who end up being friend)
✂ Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Call her bob the builder
☕ Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Only during party/special event
☁ Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
She tried once but didn't like it
✿ Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
During her "dark period"
☻ Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
$ Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Can't resist to buy gift for her team or just trying to save the flying garbage
♣ Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
She is pretty good but prefer playing when Gault is around
#oc meme#Syn#Hellion#swtor oc#yes i didn't forget to sign my drawing this time lol#bounty hunter#sith warrior#character trait meme
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WHAT IS UP, MY DUDES ? the name’s mads. short for mads mikkelsen’s #1 fan and lover —— alternatively amanda. you can call me whatever you want, though. or anytime :wink: i am twenty - three years young, and i go by she / them pronouns. my favorite movie franchise is scream and i think machine gun kelly is the best thing since sliced bread. but that’s enough about me … so, click the READ MORE below for a brief introduction to my oc’s !
ALISHA BOE, CIS WOMAN, SHE/HER … you’re looking for sawyer kinney? town as small as this, you’re bound to find them — the twenty-two year old nephilim and student with an unadulterated love for soccer, bonne bell cotton candy lip smackers, and 1980′s romcoms. with blondies′ sunday girl set as the soundtrack of their stroll, everyone can see clear as day that they’re tenacious, and yet blithe. i just hope you’re finding them for the right reasons …
MEET SAWYER KINNEY —— half angel, half fun. adopted by a nice christian pair in ‘97 after her mommy kicked the bucket. that’s what happens when you fraternise with angels, you see. so … daddy dearest dropped her off at one of eden’s many, many, many churches and said SEE YA !
since then, angelic endeavours have been stifled. for the most part. her adoptive parents died when she was thirteen years old. car crash. and it might’ve been partially sawyer’s fault. we can’t all control our divine urges. or the powers inherited from fathers we never knew.
premonition and other sorts of fun hasn’t been experienced since. partially due to the seizure meds her family feeds her like tic tacs. she’s got epilepsy ! except she like, doesn’t. but from an adult pov and an absence of telekinetic rages since childhood, sawyer accepts the diagnosis at face value. nobody said she was smart.
she’s a vet student, though ! so, she’s semi - smart. sawyer loves all animals ( bunnies mostly ) and has since she was a wee lass. same goes for soccer. nobody loves muddy balls as much as sawyer kinney, y’all.
survivor of three near death experiences, only one which was self - inflicted, sawyer’s kind of convinced herself to have a purpose. she doesn’t. but since the third incident, she’s been more connected to god than ever before. a poor idolisation considering he’d have her sniped if he knew of her existence.
another addition to sawyer’s idiocy is her lack of deep thought regarding the town she lives in. yeah, it’s quirky ! and people are superstitious ! but that’s all there is to it. but as she’s starting to engage more with the vamps of eden, as well as pushing for a release from her medication, she’ll have to unveil this creep - fest for what it is … well, a creep fest.
she’s pushy. like, very. sawyer’s very engaged with her friends and family, possibly due to middle child slash adopted child syndrome. include her or die.
competitive, too. she can get kinda mean when there’s a WINNER title on the horizon. because she has to win, she must win — she’s the best person at whatever they’re competing in. swear to satan ! ( that was me, not sawyer, don’t worry. )
on top of that, sawyer’s the epitome of a social butterfly. she’ll befriend anyone at any given opportunity, and maybe that’s why she’s gonna end up dead in an alley. either way, if there’s a person she does not know —— sawyer will know them by the end of the day. so, it goes without saying then, that she’s quite the partier. drinking is fun ! dancing is fun ! okay ? cool.
STEVEN YEUN, DEMI BOY, HE/THEY … you’re looking for wolfgang baek? town as small as this, you’re bound to find them — the thirty-seven year old human and podcast host with an unadulterated love for dario argento films, his super 8 camera, and chicken mcnuggets is easy to spot. with charles manson’s look at your game, girl set as the soundtrack of their stroll, everyone can see clear as day that they’re meddlesome, and yet voluble. i just hope you’re finding them for the right reasons …
MEET WOLFGANG BAEK —— flop movie director / screenwriter, son of a successful movie director / screenwriter, who resorted to hosting a spooky podcast. men, am i right ? always making them podcasts …
wolfie is what you call a movie buff. horror movies specifically. he loves himself a good scare ! hence why he moved to this little hell - town called eden. it was all for that sick and twisted inspiration. for what you ask — well, for his next movie, duh ! the one he started four years ago and has yet to finish … yeah, that one.
due to his father’s job he spent the majority of his childhood on the cinematic scene. both off and on screen. yeah, he got a cameo in one of his daddy’s 1980′s films ! jealous yet ? you should be. but it isn’t just because of that he has never done a sport in his life, okay … he also has heart issues, baby. a defect heart valve that got fixed ( best it could ) when he was a wee bean. it’s fine now. for the most part.
now he’s kind of obsessed with outdoing his dad even though that is the biggest cliche out of all the cliches and he’s aware of the fact. simply being introspective is not enough, is it ? he’s made a couple shorts, and one feature length — flops the whole bunch. i mean, they’re decent to OUR standards. but to this perfectionist ? nah, son. burn that shit.
wolfie can be … callous. insensitive. a bit of a prick. not in the sense of deliberate asshole - ness, but — he’s desensitised to the world’s tragedies ( too many true crime dramas ) and he’s incredibly pretentious. it’s cinema, darling.
he talks a lot, too. TOO MUCH ! nobody asked for his input regarding the rise and the decline of the slasher genre but here he is … putting it in regardless. odds are every other sentence includes either a. a movie reference, or b. a true crime reference. pick one.
because he’s all work and no play, he’s never had a serious girlfriend. i know ! shocking, right ? i mean, look at him !!!!!!!! but no. longest relationship lasted a whooping four months and we don’t talk about that one. there might be a part of him that believes he’s incapable of love … we don’t talk about that either.
AUBREY PLAZA, AGENDER, SHE/THEY … you’re looking for muriel stafford? town as small as this, you’re bound to find them — the thirty-five year old possessed human and journalist with an unadulterated love for impromptu road trips, take-out delivery food, and burt’s bees pomegranate lip balm is easy to spot. with santana’s she’s not there set as the soundtrack of their stroll, everyone can see clear as day that they’re aloof, and yet perspicacious. i just hope you’re finding them for the right reasons …
MEET MURIEL STAFFORD —— stanford graduate and general pain in the butt. disowned by her family and the whole ghost hunting community. things we don’t discuss: see above.
to make a long story incredibly short, merle grew up in a haunted house. or so they say … you see, when merle was nine years old, her sister was possessed BY THE DEVIL. or so they say … and all that trauma ? documented, darlings. because momma and poppa don’t hesitate to capitalise on their own children. sickening.
according to merle, her sister suffered a psychotic break, and her parents — previously z listers with an affinity for running ghost hunting blogs — didn’t hesitate to make the fact their latest pitch. AND TO STARDOM THEY WENT ! meanwhile, agnes delgado chugged drain - cleaner two years after it aired.
fast forward last year of college, and the anniversary of the notorious exorcism documentary comes creeping up. so merle says enough is enough ! girl puts her soon - to - be journalism degree to use and writes an extensive exposé on her own fam. that ought to show them, right ? well …
turns out : her input was not wanted. as if it wasn’t bad enough to have the remainder of the delgado clan turn on her, the anonymous identity she’d craved ever since entering the spotlight years ago — it is snatched from her ! safe to say she did not think it through.
so, what now ? well, we change our last name to our mommy’s maiden name and we escape the hell - scape that is texas and then, we hope nobody added your newly - zit - free face to memory. because it’s been * math years * ! okay ? forget it … you never read any of the above …
merle has never cared for much in general, and that’s very obvious. she has a very deadpan approach to life and all of its difficulties. plus, riveting backstory in mind — she’s unlikely to share details of her life unless it pertains recent mundane bull - crap !
going against everything previously established, her attitude towards the supernatural is not skeptical. aliens, ghosts, ghouls … all things that exist. because muriel delgado grew up in a haunted house. and while her adult mind rationalised all that was seen in her childhood, it also suffered a break of its own post her sister’s death - aversary.
it’s nice to come face to face with old friends, though, innit ? and if all she has left of her past is the demonic presence lurking in the back of her mind, then so be it. beggars cannot be choosers, merle.
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riiing riiing. you pick up the phone.. i am a fast-talking telemarketer nd im here to sell you onna piece of shit. but first!!! hi guys i’m alli aka allison (she/her), a goddess w a lip gloss nd angst addiction who can’t help. but stir up Strife and Discord. here’s my recycled intro but tl:dr…. spoiled-brat-meets-notorious-panty-dropper-meets-daddy-issues galore golden boy is him in one sentence. asdfghjk like this post + i’ll slide into your dms xx (warning: i move at the rate of a snail per hour so feel free to hmu)
『CHACE CRAWFORD ❙ CISMALE』 ⟿ looks like SEBASTIAN FITZGERALD is here for HIS JUNIOR year as a POLITICAL SCIENCE student. HE is 22 years old & known to be RESILIENT, CONFIDENT, HISTRIONIC & SELF-ASORBED. They’re living in OFF CAMPUS HOUSING, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ alli. immortal. est. she/her.
trigger warning: drugs, death, alcohol
he’s from the great state of ny where his whole life he attended only the best elite private schools. he really should’ve been kicked out for all of his antics but his parents just bought another building or donated some and he was good to go
he’s an only child but b/c of how conceited, reckless and unpredictable he is, it’s more like having 4 children in one person
i don’t wanna say he’s your resident bad boy but
he’s your resident daddy bad boy
he’s drugs, alcohols, wild parties and mr. steal yo girl all in one
he does this sort of “game” where he will pretend to like people only to break their heart on purpose + ruin their lives (think cruel intentions); he’s a casanova of sorts
now that he’s out of hs he tries to keep it on the low now because he’s going to run his father’s business by 27 (it’s p much required that he gets the family firm (that’s one of the best in the country and has been expanded all around the us in major cities) as the only legitimate child of the fitzgerald family)
otherwise he’ll lose his inheritance and be disowned. while he dislikes being apart of it all, the family has convinced him that he’s only known money and power and he would fail w/o it so now he can’t imagine being without it
oh and when i say legit i mean his dad had a child w another girl when he had just gotten married to his mom (so it was an affair that nobody knew about) and it was a surprise that it happened so when the fitzgerald group found out they were like “we can’t let this blow up into a scandal” and they basically spun it so it seemed like this was acc some long lost cousin
he’s just now started to get acquainted w her (the cousin)
in the typical rich boy sense he’s always throwing a pity party for himself
his dad and him were v close but then he died when seb was 18 and that ruined him. the murderer was never caught and seb wants to desperately find him but with every year that passes, he sinks deeper and deeper, hiding it w his confidence and obscene amount of pride
?idea: seb’s the lord henry to someone’s dorian gray… playing devil’s advocate and ruining good shell w any chance he can get… just for fun. basically a bad influence--spouting philosophies he had not even cared to practice (such as sin didn’t exist and that we must fall to our instincts rather than allowing social norms to restrict us from what we truly desire) to see them fall. a simple pastime he partook in when there was nothing to do on campus. he was the serpent in eve’s ear, barely caring to really understand them.
?idea: problematic friends to cause trouble........with
points n quick facts
fakes sick to get out of important situations sometimes (ex. faked a seizure to get out of going to his dad’s party to make contacts)
draco malfoy reincarnated
took a philosophy class once and got a c but now he thinks he knows everything
can’t be bored for too long or gets really irritated
lives for the attention but once a month he gets into a mood that he refuses to explain what the problem is
truly the biggest lad of them all; the president of lad culture i s2g
dark almost purple-y undereyes, shaky fingers, always dressed to the 9s, takes bites into cold ice cream (his teeth are practically invincible), shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine-spilled floor, murders his demons w/ a ballpoint pen and paper, jack daniels, act first, think later, fictive childhoods, feelings of satiation, forbidden desires, prep school and scruffed oxfords, lust for power and control, a corruption of confidence and living for the applause
a true scorpio™
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full name: juliana kaia dicaprio
nicknames: jules
age & dob: twenty-one , august 14th , 1998
place of birth: long island , new york .
sexuality: bisexual
bender: cisfemale
languages: english, french, some spanish.
religion: catholic
education: high school , majoring in biology at stanford
occupation: unemployed
drinks, smokes, & drugs: all of the above
zodiac sign: leo
likes: dark chocolate , tea in the morning , white roses , instigating bad situations , wine , black coffee , the smell of freshly brewed coffee , talking with strangers , long travels , adventures , being called “ angel ” , popcorn , quick tex responders , products made with silk , athletes , crime shows / films , crowded rooms , glitter .
dislikes: fake designer bags , people who don’t know how to lie , f , people who wear pearls regularly , long text messages , voicemails , men who are cheap , people who chew with their mouth open , humming , thrift shops , water-poof mascara , the smell of grass , extensive planning , and arrogance & stupidity combined .
bad habits: breaking promises to herself & others , not thinking before doing , fixating with her hair when nervous .
secret talent: juggling
fears: aging terribly , being widowed , drowning , being buried alive .
positive traits: alluring , convincing , affectionate , ambitious / devoted , systematic .
negative traits: manipulative , conniving , deceitful , dishonest , subjective .
tattoos: dagger on right index finger , “ devil ” on left index finger .
piercings: three in each ear , cartilage .
parent names: claire boucher & david dicaprio .
parent relationship: divorced .
sibling names: annalise , ashton , keller , & wade .
sibling relationship: step siblings & half .
children: none .
pets: 2 family dogs on her moms side.
i’m sorry it got long
𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄𝐑’s entire childhood was spent in the spotlight -- her father was a huge rockstar in the 70's & 80's, and her mother a model . Claire spent her childhood between Florida , California , and New York , attending red carpets , premieres , etc. Claire attended Stanford to obtain a bachelor in science but was in and out of modeling in her teens and early twenties .
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐃 𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐎 lived an affluent life more under the radar . His grandfather is CEO of JD banking , one of the four largest banks in the world . He attended Princeton as the rest of his family did . He got involved in the company business at a very young age as did his brothers , but went on to become the new CEO after his fathers unfortunate passing in 2002 .
𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 was and will forever be her parents pride & joy . her parents were high school sweethearts & got married young -- at a twenty-two / twenty-three . they had been trying for two years to start their own family but jules’ mother struggled . thanksgiving in the hamptons , a dicaprio family tradition the day is engraved in her mothers memory , in 1997 , they announced to their family that after years of trying , they were pregnant .
𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 grew up completely pampered ; bi-weekly trips to the nail salon with her mother and annual father-daughter trips . her mother was her best friend until she began morphing jules into what she thought was perfect . making sure she spoke at least one other language , was active in school , extracurriculars , how she presented herself . her mother cared about image due to her own childhood of growing up in the spotlight . besides the near brainwash to fit her mother’s image of perfect , everything was ideal & ‘ normal ’ up until the summer before her freshman year of high school . her mother discovered the affair her father had been having for months with a woman he did business with . he claimed it was due to the fact that jules’ mother had returned to some normalcy and wanted to work again , modeling and doing some traveling , therefore he ‘ just missed her around ’ . jules was aware of everything going on , heard the countless nights they spent arguing in the opposite wing of the house , she picked up on her father being late to family dinner because “ he had work to do ” . her parents tried their best to keep her in the dark for the sake of her sanity , innocence , and view on her father . jules went along with it all , the daddy’s girl in her was in denial for all of the months leading up to their divorce . at the end , her mother got full custody of her .
𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄 came two “ yes ” parents . everything became a competition between the two , trying to one up the other ; who took jules on the better summer vacation , had the most over the top christmas morning , etc . it was insanely manipulative & jules there wasn’t a time period where jules felt more alone ; not having a sibling to relate to , she was embarassed to tell her peers the real reason why her parents split , it was so cliché . both parents didn’t take too long to remarry , her father found another stay-at-home wife and her mother lucked out with a lawyer ten years older than she . her step-father had two daughtes & son with whom jules hated in the beginning – it was a lot to take in and she was used to being the only child . her father went on to have a child with his new wife two years after their marriage . it was all an immense amount of change within seven years .
𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 for jules had been constantly changing since the news of her father’s affair , she’d spend her summers & holiday’s going back & forth between each parents in the hamptons until her father moved to calabasas to be closer to his wife’s family as soon as the baby was born . jules had always been a wild , reckless child at heart and the divorce between her parents only allowed her to push her limits even more . the two-three years her parents spent processing their divorce were her golden years -- she could not get in trouble with her parents and they never got upset with her . she took advantage of it all and abused drinking , hanging out with boys , you name it . she loved the attention she received from any male figure -- it made up for the lack of attention she was getting from her father once he got the boot .
𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄 was where jules found her safe space ; she could be her wild self , far away from home and only a five hour drive from her father that she still rarely sees . she joined a sorority , joined the exec board , was forced to join french club by her mother , all while maintaining a 4.08 gpa .
* ` 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐄 jules has always been a wild child . she’s always had a desire for attention , all eyes & attention on her , though the B I R T H of her uncontrollable desire for attention from males stemmed after her parents divorce . the lack of attention from her father allowed her to realize her dad wasn’t the only one who could spoil her & every man was basically the same . she’s not super close with either of her dads at the moment and sees her father about three times a year , two of which are holidays & every now and then the spontaneous visit from him in cali .
𝐉𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 is a h u g e cry baby in the sense that she hates not getting what she wants . its not on purpose most of the time , it’s the way she was raised and the nature of her parents . she’s never had to ask for anything twice & hates doing so . though she’s a huge cry baby , she will try her best to mask her actual tears . she does a good job of seeming innocent , she’s that one friend that is super sus & lies a lot & keeps secrets but somehow is so good at convincing people other wise ? she’s a huge flirt , even when she’s not doing it on purpose , it’s sort of a weird practice or habit she’s grown into ? she feels empowered in the weirdest way of owning men and being able to form their opinion of her for them , this stems from her newly founded daddy issues it’s more so due to the fact that her relationship with her father began to diminish once he moved out . she is & has been on her “ fuck love ” rampage .
𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐖𝐈𝐋𝐋 do whatever she wants and will hide her bad intentions . she lives for chaos , loves enjoys pushing limits & boundaries . she loves a game of cat & mouse / teasing just knowing she has someone in her grip is what helps her sleep at night . she is a bit crazy . . . the type to watch someone’s snap score go up . def that type to block and unblock someone 238473 timES . she has an underlying need of approval from others and she almost needs to be liked by everyone she meets .
𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘 she wants to model & be a playboy bunny BUT her dad would literally disown her if she didn’t follow her family legacy and attend stanford or yale to use her brains for good . she’s in school to be a pediatrician because at the end of the day she loves children and always wanted to seek a job in the healthcare field . she has plans to attend yale’s medical school after her senior year is complete at stanford .
i really based her off of american beauty & angela in the movie ( if you’ve seen it omg ily ) g
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