#and he honestly probably doesn’t even care if the people at the gym give him crap for it
thecoyotescry · 3 months
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Fighter!Noah Fighter!Noah Fighter!Noah
He’s heavy on the brain right now so I have a thought for you all, gang 🤭
This is what you’re met with when you surprise him at the gym while he’s training. He’s casually talking with his coach or another fighter and he looks over just in time to see you walk in. He greets you with a big, sweet grin before making his way over to give you a hug and a big smooch.
(he’s so big i need to wrap myself around him like a koala and never let go tbh)
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tabbedtabby · 5 months
good luck, babe! | chapter 1
regina george x reader
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summary: After the Queen Bee of North Shore makes up rumors about you taking pictures of girls in the changing room, you decide to take matters into your own hands. You didn’t think that would mean coming to a reluctant agreement with Regina George.
a/n: if you couldn’t tell from the title, this fic is inspired by “good luck, babe!” by chappell roan. if you’ve never heard it, definitely check it out. updates will most likely be weekly. i don’t know how some of y’all have the time to update every day lol. as a general warning for the whole fic, it will contain homophobia, derogatory language, substance abuse, and unhealthy relationships. other than that thank you for reading and i hope you enjoy this first chapter!!
Entering your third year of high school, you assumed you knew everything there was to know about North Shore.
Well, at least, how to steer clear of infamy. More specifically, Regina George and her shadows that followed her around like a pair of lost dogs. You knew the trouble and attention they brought with them, a constant trail of destruction that was almost as potent as the stench of their perfume. The secret to avoiding it was as simple as straying from the limelight. You kept to your group, stayed quiet, kept your head down. Didn’t do anything wild enough to trigger Regina’s predatory instincts. You couldn’t say you were afraid of her and her group, but honestly, harassment is the last thing you need as North Shore’s token plug. It would be plain stupid to garner more attention to yourself than necessary.
But even with all of that in mind, here you are, sitting in the principal’s office with enough anger in your chest to probably strangle the man sitting in front of you. Because you didn’t even fucking do what you’re being penalized for. But guess who told Mr. Duvall that you were taking pictures of girls changing in gym? Regina George. She could make up whatever she wanted and even the authority figures at this school would treat it like it was the holy grail. You stare at him with venom in your eyes as he explains to you that you will have to be suspended. For something you didn’t even do.
Regina was in your gym class. You had heard around that she was spreading rumors about you being a lesbian, but that’s not new information to literally anyone, so you didn’t especially care. Then people started giving you disgusted looks in the hallways, calling you some really nasty names, and even some of your close female friends started to avoid you. You didn’t know why until about 10 minutes ago. Apparently, you were the last person to know about your supposed photo collection.
When Mr. Duvall finally lets you leave, you feel the rage boil up inside of you before you can stop it. You’re going to get in so much trouble at home, and for what? Because the world’s most spoiled brat decided your reputation was the one to ruin this week? Does she even realize how her rumors can affect people? Obviously not, because she does it all the fucking time.
You’re way late to lunch, but the moment you step into that cafeteria, it’s like a wild dog being released into the ring. You skip on the lunch line and head straight towards the table where you see Karen Shetty and Gretchen Wieners talking with wide eyes to the blonde head of hair with her back to you. Regina. You lock on like a target, not glancing at anything else surrounding you. Your hands are bunched into fists at your sides as the anger rises up in your throat like bile. How dare she? How dare she completely make up this bullshit about you, get you suspended because of it? And why hasn’t anyone actually done something about it?
You see her turn around. Two ice blue eyes look up at you. Disgusted, maybe even a little confused as she sees you approaching her table. Because no one ever dares enter her territory. She thinks she’s above that. She doesn’t look at you more than a second, though, before your hands are ripping her off the bench by the collar of her shirt.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you practically snarl, your arms already dragging her towards the wall as you slam her against it. Your hands still grip the collar of her shirt, your anger almost palpable. You hear what you think to be Gretchen scream. The cafeteria descends into chaos around you. You don’t care. The only thing you’re concerned about is what’s in front of you right now.
Regina doesn’t even look slightly bothered. In fact, she cocks an eyebrow. Her eyes seem to glow with that malice now. Your hands grip the fabric of her shirt even tighter.
“Oh, no, did I hit a nerve?” she laughs, her eyes looking you over with a newfound disgust. Like you’re simply a piece of trash a wild animal found out it could not digest and spit back up. Like you’re beneath her. You hate the woman, but it’s almost impressive how controlled she is in moments like these.
“You’re just proving me right, you know. Just admit you’re the weird freak that everyone knows you are. I can’t stand a closet lesbo.” she sneers, pushing her face close enough to yours that you can feel her breath on your face.
Something in you snaps when she says those words. Because it’s not even true, and you’re the only person who seems to believe that. The anger’s hot in your chest. Its flames seem to carry your arms as you ball your right hand into a fist.
And you punch the Queen Bee of North Shore directly in the eye.
Your suspension was extended. Obviously.
You spend the next 2 weeks cleaning the house until your fingers peel and keeping up with your school work on your computer. People are talking about your fight with Regina all over Instagram and Regina’s acting like a total victim about the whole thing. People sending her their condolences and all that bullshit. As if she was dying and didn’t only get one punch to the face before someone pulled you off of her. It was your health teacher from last year; he seemed a little too eager to grab you and pull you off of Regina.
When you return to school, it seems people still believe those rumors about you taking pictures of girls in the changing rooms, because your peers are giving you the same sort of looks as before. They clear away from you when you walk past, but not in the worshipful kind of way they do for Regina. More like they’re disgusted to be around you.
Some people are impressed you stood up to her, though. You’re the first of your time. Janis ‘Imi’ike from your AP Lit class gives you a high five in the morning and you give her a big grin in return.
You see Regina in your gym class after lunch, and she looks as good as new. You’re a little disappointed. You kind of wanted to see her with that bright purple bruise on her eye that you’d seen all over Instagram. But there she was, looking like the perfectly crafted Barbie doll that she always seemed to be. Not even a stand of flawless blonde hair out of place. It made you mad. It’s like you did it all for nothing.
To your surprise, though, Regina ignores you. She doesn’t whisper to her minions while giving you dirty looks from across the room, doesn’t send them after you with a raise of her finger. It’s like you’re invisible to her. Honestly, you prefer it that way. You’re tired enough of this whole situation as it is. It’s a godsend she’s not making it worse today.
Coach Carr takes you all outside since it’s one of the last warm days until fall. You stick your Airpods in and walk the track, still keeping an eye on Regina. It’s not like her to not torment someone who got suspended because of one of her rumors. You don’t trust it at all, but she seems content with pretending you don’t exist. Since Karen and Gretchen aren’t in this class with her, Regina resorts to talking to the girls who aren’t quite Plastic, but are still high enough on the social pyramid for Regina to tolerate. You roll your eyes as they mindlessly follow her lead like a pack of lion cubs.
After a couple of minutes, you get bored and sneak off to the woods surrounding the track. Your coach wasn’t the most attentive person in the world, so it was pretty easy. You needed to smoke or you were going to go insane. You take an Airpod out and grab the cart out of your bra. Have to keep it non-suspicious.
You only plan on taking a few hits since it’s so concentrated and you still have another class after this. You come out here so much that you don’t even think about it. Until you hear a voice behind you.
“Are you smoking weed?”
Your neck nearly snaps when you whip your head around. Your heart sinks back down to your chest from your throat when you see Regina George standing there instead of Coach Carr.
“Jesus, what the fuck?” you immediately respond, your voice wavering a bit as you hadn’t even considered someone had seen you slip out. The weed had just started to hit and you could feel it amplify the fear in your chest, even though Regina wasn’t technically immediate danger. Although, your heart begins to race faster as you realize she will definitely try to get you in deeper shit because of this.
Regina begins to open her mouth before you immediately cut her off. “Before you go and tell everyone on this side of the country, everyone already knows. It’s not gonna do anything to ruin my reputation.” Your voice shakes similarly to your legs out of the pure shock of her finding you. You hate feeling cornered, but after your little tussle with her, you know how badly Regina must want to destroy you. Her eyes stare at you unflinchingly, unaffected by what you said. She looks smug enough to make you nervous. You don’t know if it’s because of the weed or your pounding chest, but it seems like minutes pass before Regina says anything else.
“What about Mr. Duvall? Does he know?” Fuck. You’re not getting out of this, are you? Your mouth begins to dry, the spit thick on your tongue as you think of a response. Your dad was already mad enough at you. You didn’t need this.
“No. But I can’t imagine it’ll go well for you if you tell him. I sell to half the school, including Karen. Everyone will be pissed if I get caught.” you respond, already feeling defeated, but you keep your tone searing. You’re taller than her; hopefully it makes you intimidating enough for her to have mercy. Regina doesn’t respond right away. All she does is raise an eyebrow, a smug smirk on one side of her mouth as you watch her consider her options. She’s flawlessly gorgeous in a way that’s enviable. But you kind of need her to not take away your source of income.
“Look, I smoke behind the baseball field every day after school. I’ll give you some for free if you just keep your damn mouth shut for once.” Your voice is almost pleading now. You wish she wasn’t so dead-set on ruining your life.
Time only gets slower as Regina’s smirk begins to widen. It’s a win-win situation for her, and she knows it.
“Fine. But you better not try to kiss me or anything.” she says slowly, spitting out the words like they’re poisonous.
You feel the relief pool in your stomach as soon as you hear those words. It must be obvious by the look on your face, because Regina laughs at you. She has that angry, disgusted sort of look in her eyes that you can’t quite figure out the reason for. It’s a shame because she’s so beautiful. Your body takes multiple seconds to keep up with your thoughts until a question crosses your mind.
“Did you follow me?” you ask, your voice a little too loud as you see her head turn back around.
“Obviously. I knew you weren’t sneaking off to do anything good,” she shoots back, the repugnant expression back on her face. She curls her lip at you before stalking off back to the track field, blonde hair flowing behind her.
How the hell did she even see you leave? Maybe you weren’t the only one paying attention to what the other was doing after your fight with her. But, why? Did she seriously think you were going to try and swing at her on your first day back?
You guess you’ll find out at 3:00P.M. behind the baseball field.
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yeuheart · 1 year
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Notes: Finally got this out 🙏🏻
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Meguru Bachira
Matching things is what you experience the most with him. Almost everything in your shared apartment or room is the matching half to his. He never gives up dressing up on Halloween either especially if he can match with you. He definitely chooses the food costumes cause he thinks it’s funny 😭. It’s cute though so it can pass. He takes a whole lot of pictures of you both but you swear he’s never had that “storage is full” notification pop up on his phone. (the 68k photos on his phone 🙏🏻)
Chigiri Hyoma
Playing with his hair or yours is what you experience with him. You’re probably one of the few people he let’s touch his hair, but it does make you feel special. He does ask that you be careful if you’re playing with his hair and he does the same if he’s playing with your hair too. Loves doing your hair if he has the time and doesn’t mind if you do his.
Itoshi Sae
Remembering things about you is what you experience with him. He probably doesn’t care to remember anything but what he deems important about his friends, acquaintances, etc. But to you he remembers the small things even if you don’t remember even saying those yourself. You’ve definitely been surprised with a gift from him with something you like even though u hardly remember mentioning it to him.
Itoshi Rin
Doing yoga together is what you experience with him. Honestly even if you aren’t a yoga person he still tells you that you’re free to join him. You probably pushed him while he was in position. Now he incorporates couples yoga into his routine if he knows that you’re gonna participate. Sometimes if you look over to him you can catch him gazing at you with a soft smile especially if he’s helping you with a position or if you’re taking a break. He’s also cautious of you falling, which makes him kinda strict.
Kunigami Rensuke
Going to the gym together is what you experience with him. Even if you don’t like going to the gym it makes you happy that you get to spend time with him. He offers to help you with reps or your routines. Definitely cautious when you’re there with him cause he doesn’t want you getting hurt, but he’s not strict. Ong like your N1 supporter in and out of the gym.
Mikage Reo
Zipping up your dress/putting your jewelry on for you is what you experience with him. You’ve definitely got lots of gifts from him, especially jewelry/clothes. But the thing is he really likes putting them on you more so you’re jewelry. There’s something so romantic about it that makes him like it. He offers to do it for you if he catches you picking the item of you’re choice. Definitely has gotten you something with his initials on it though.
Nagi Seishiro
Sleeping on each other is what you experience with him. Gosh having a 190cm man on top of you is definitely suffocating idk about you 😭. Honestly one of the most stubborn guys out there and won’t let you get up so he will literally just flop on top of you and fall asleep. But he also likes when you’re sleeping on top of him, you’re like a weighted blanket to him. It’s cute but after a while it gets kinda uncomfortable. The only time when you’re able to get up is probably if he moves in his sleep (he definitely does!)
Oliver Aiku
Couples massage is what you experience with him. I feel like he likes massages especially if it’s from you. He’s always hoping that you’ll let him spend a couple more just for the sauna so he can relax with you there. The sauna is such a relaxing place where he doesn’t have to worry about nothing except you. Really nothing else he’d rather do than that besides soccer. You guys r defo regulars at the place and it’s most definitely the best rated place.
Shidou Ryusei
Pillow fights is what you experience with him. It’s actually really fun but sometimes he takes it a bit too far and accidentally injures you. He does apologize and bandage you up though. He hits so hard tho it hurts so it eventually becomes a competition on who can hit the other the hardest with the pillow. You’ve definitely got the air knocked out of you a few times. Let’s you win sometimes though.
Hiori Yo
Him walking you home is what you experience with him. After school, work, etc he walks you home. He says even though walking is slower than a car he gets to spend more time with you. And he even gets you a drink on the way every time. Really loves when there’s a sunset and he’s walking you home because it sets the whole thing. The talks between you two during that are nice, you’re both mostly focused on each other, and how the presence of the other is relaxing.
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pinknipszz · 11 months
modern headcanons | highschool edition
⋆✮↪ neteyam, lo’ak, kiri, ao’nung, and tsireya
he always walks you to class. he loves company, especially yours. neteyam would go the extra mile by carrying your bag or holding your stuff. and he’s so humble about it! he doesn’t even think that it’s something you should thank him for. to neteyam, it’s just the standard. he once told you that most of his childhood was spent with his mother and grandmother, two women in his life who really care about manners.
he packs extra lunch for you. neteyam is the type of guy to bring an extra lunch box just for you. if you’re not hungry or you brought your own lunch, he’ll insist you take it home. you don’t know what you did to deserve him. he would experiment with different cuisines and sneak in little notes that make you swoon. sometimes, you return the favor. when you pack his favorites, like steamed fish or grilled meat, he loses his mind. everyone finds your relationship sickeningly sweet.
he probably vaped at least once. he’s the type of guy to give into peer pressure. if someone offered him a blue razz ice elfbar at a party, he would try it without thinking twice. much to your surprise, lo’ak didn’t really get into it. he likes to brag about it though, especially to ao’nung. you scold him when he does. part of the reason why he tries to stay away from that stuff is because of you. he knows that you don’t like it when he jeopardizes his health, so he makes an honest effort to be mindful of his decisions.
he skips class. a lot. honestly, you’ve lost count of how many times he’s offered to “walk you to class” and lead you in the opposite direction. you guys usually stay on campus, like maybe in the janitor’s closet or under the gym bleachers. when you guys aren’t, though, you’re usually running off to a local gas station or even the mall. it really just depends on the class period. lo’ak isn’t exactly the best influence on you.
her favorite class is biology. it’s just the closest thing she could get to botany as a high schooler. kiri is interested in all things related to plants, to the extent that she started a club dedicated to maintaining the school garden. she doesn’t have any leadership positions like tsireya, though, but she likes it that way. kiri doesn’t want to feel the pressure of dealing with other people. she also doesn’t have the mental strength to be constantly reminded of the fact that global warming exists.
she skips class occasionally. you’re always surprised at how rebellious she’s capable of being. unlike lo’ak, she doesn’t stay on campus. she’s out the door when she gets the chance. instead of staying at places like the mall, though, kiri stays at the local park. it’s where she gets most of her work done. she usually doesn’t drag you with her against your will, because she understands that the risk isn’t always worth it. you’ve never said no to her, though.
he plays close-contact and collision sports. remember when he tackled lo’ak in that one fight scene? yeah. ao’nung would channel that energy into sports like basketball, rugby, and even wrestling. ao’nung isn’t a team captain or anything. that’s way too much commitment, but he does have the most influence. because he earns titles like “player of the game” or “star player,” ao’nung knows how to get sponsors for trips. you hate how it gets in his big head.
he sits behind you in every single class you have together. ao’nung finds it more convenient to talk to you this way. if there’s assigned seating, he’ll bribe, beg, or do literally anything else to sit behind you. it gets him in trouble most of the time, but it’s worth the effort. if it does work, though, ao’nung likes to braid small pieces of your hair or pass notes during class. your classmates give you two funny looks, but they never say anything about it. courtesy of ao’nung.
she’s the captain of the swim team. she’s a natural in the water. she’s also very good at raising team morale, so there’s really no other person fit for captain. you always attend her swim meets and cheer her on as much as possible. if you’re being honest, she doesn’t really need it since she crushes the competition every single time. she literally brings home gold every single year. your school will literally never find another swimmer as talented as her.
she’s the head of the house and grounds committee. tsireya would be an environmental activist. she’s got a big heart. she spearheads all activities related to the environment in your school and even started a conservation charity. you have no idea how this girl manages all of that on top of sports and school work. it does get in the way of your quality time with her, but it makes her happy so you don’t complain.
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rindouheart · 2 years
Thank you for the rules link!! So I was wondering about headcanons (or whatever you want tbh) about Reo falling for a reader that doesn't even give him the time of the day lol like reader thinks he's a standard rich boy, you know? So they avoid him at first until Reo manages to win them over. Take all the time you need of course, and thank you if you accept my request!! 💕
REO MIKAGE with a s/o that avoids him 🌿
content. fluffy hc about our fav rich boy + g/n reader!
author’s note. hi love! tysm for requesting, i hope you like this mix between hcs and a drabble, i’ve enjoyed writing them + reo is so cute i can’t.
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reo mikage is a rich boy. everyone knows it.
also if he’s not that “rich kid” who just flexes around how much money he has, you’ve always been quite suspicious about his behaviour.
obviously, reo is handsome, smart and also good ad football, basic characteristics of any wealthy boy.
your friends always told you that his future is already planned: reo will be the ceo of his family’s business, he will marry someone rich and he will live the life that everyone dreams.
a lot of people in your school crush on him, for real: reo is friendly, slefless and “fun to be around”, as many students say.
honestly, you’ve never spent so much time with him, just the plain small talk when you were forced to. you aren’t really interested in getting on well with him, but still, being polite is always a good thing.
until he started to try to talk to you more frequently.
“omg, i think he might like you!” these are your best friend’s words every time reo gets near you. “you should give him a chance, for real” and then you just shrug it off.
“hey, y/n, i was wondering if we could work together for the chemistry project that was assigned today” reo is always smiling. always.
“i’m sorry, yuri asked me to do it with her just about ten minutes ago” you answer, lying. you aren’t interested in going to his enormous house or in inviting him to your modest apartament.
“oh, sorry for bothering you, i’ll ask someone else then, have a nice day!” he didn’t seem too in the beginning.
“nagi, why are they avoiding me?”
he is determined to get to you, also if you reject him.
reo doesn’t know why he got so interested in you: it was probably because you’re the only one who tries to “escape” from him, and he isn’t able to find an answer.
he is quite stubborn, so if he wants something, he will do everything he can to get it.
he wants to know you. he wants to understand why you’re behaving like that when he’s around. he wants to know stupid stuff about you, like your favourite film or food. he likes you, a lot, but it seems that you don’t like him.
you’ve noticed that, recently, reo has been around you more often than usual.
paired with that, your friends have already created a ship name for you and reo.
why does he want to talk to me so much? shouldn’t he be interested in talking with other high-class students?
it has been three weeks since reo started to be around you more than required, but now you want to know why he’s doing that.
so, when he’s walking behind you, you suddenly turn and ask “reo, why do you keep following me everywhere? it’s quite annoying”
reo’s face says all: he’s astonished. he wasn’t expecting this.
“i’m really sorry, i just wanted to get to know you more”
you blink. why does he want to?
“listen, i know that i might look like the standard rich boy who is nice to everyone just because i want to be appreciated, but i really want to get to know you”
you just stand there, crossing your arms.
“please, give me just one chance. i’d like to try to change your opinion on me” he asks.
“okay, show me”
and then something *clicks*
also if it felt weird at first, reo always offers to carry your gym bag because “it’s heavy, i don’t want you to get tired”
small acts of service that make your heart melt.
he’s not treating you like a deity, he’s just doing what he’s good at besides football, being caring.
“i took an extra water bottle for you at the vending machines, it’s quite hot today, so don’t get dehydrated during lessons”
reo remembers everything about you. you’ve had a test this morning? he’ll ask you how it went and, if you said you might have failed it, he will reassure you.
he cares a lot about your mental and physical health. being an athlete has taught him a lot of things about that.
congrats! you now are the main gossip topic at school.
actually, you begin to appreciate reo more. he’s definitely not the type of person you were expecting.
he’s caring and sweet by nature, not because he’s rich and wants to be loved by everyone.
you now tend to open up with him more, and he’s very happy about that. reo is aware that you trust him much more than your first meetings.
“you know, i’m glad that you accepted to give me a chance”
you smile, “actually, i quite like you to be honest. i thought you were just a mere rich teenager who only thought of himself” you confess “that’s why i used to stay far away from you”
“you just ‘quite like’ me? i don’t believe you” he smiles back and laughs at your words. “however, i’m happy that you’ve changed opinion about me. i was curious to get to know you, but you always escaped in some way”.
“i like you, reo”
“oh, i see… so, would you like to get a coffee in a fancy place after school?” he asks, hoping for your positive answer.
“i’d love that” 🫶🏻
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@rindouheart ‘s headcanons — 01122023
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Could I request a skz reaction to their partner riding a motorcycle and loves working out?
You don't have to do this btw.
i’m obsessed with this omg
thank you so much for the request!! stay healthy <3
all the love ~ lunar
SKZ s/o Is A Gym Rat with a Motorcycle
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skz ot8 x gn!reader
Bang Chan
the first time chan sees you is at the gym
he gets there at the same time, and sees you pull up on a motorcycle
honestly he is slightly shocked when he sees you take off your helmet
love at first sight honestly
after that, he follows you into the gym, and sees you lifting
he honestly is thoroughly impressed with how well your form is, plus the weight that you are using (big boss moves)
he wont talk to you right away, honestly he is intimidated at first (if you’re like me, rbf is unaviodable at the gym)
he probably wont talk to you first, so you’ll have to make the first move
but once he gets comfortable talking with you, he cares for you like he does with the rest of stray kids
very caring and compassionate with you
thinks that you are such a badass, and wants to show you off once you two are dating (if he could he absolutely would)
knows that you can absolutely take care of yourself, though he might still try to baby you a little
every time he sees you he’s like “damn right, thats my partner”
loves everything about you honestly, and the fact that you are a gym rat is so attractive to him
asks if you can teach him how to ride a motorcycle
even asks for advice in the gym, especially on form, since yours is immaculate
asks so many questions on dates, like where you got the idea for a motorcycle, and what makes you want to be in the gym so often
gets nervous when you zoom off on your bike, he just wants you to be safe
overall, i think that chan would think you are literally the coolest person in the world, and wants to learn more about you and your interests
Lee Know
the first time lee know sees you, you’re pulling up to a cafe on your motorcycle
he’s not really intimidated, more so impressed
thinks motorcycles are super cool, though he doesn’t know enough about them to confidently have a conversation about them
I dont think he would be against talking to you, but at the same time, I don’t think that he would make a big deal out of the situation
until he sees you at the same cafe again, and lets his curiosity take over
once he does start talking to you, its probably something like “hey i think your bike is super cool.”
even after you two start dating, hes constantly asking you things about motorcycles because he wants to learn
after some time talking, when he finds out you are a gym rat, he thinks thats one of the most attractive things
he might even start going to the gym more consistently, so that he can see you more often
when he sees how strong you are, hes gonna start asking if you can lift heavy things for him (jokingly of course, even though you do it anyways lol)
he thinks that having a partner who is as strong as you is the coolest thing
low key gives him a confidence boost
like “yeah, they’re strong, and they’re mine” something like that
considers himself lucky that you even talk to him at all, though he wont admit this outloud
if he gets into an argument with anyone he would say something like “be careful, y/n would kick your ass for me” or something like that
he’s low key jealous that you are stronger than he is, he wants to be your protector, but he wont let that stop him from protecting you
no matter how long you two are together, he will never stop being impressed
having a strong partner is great for him honestly, like yes hes a protector, but having someone that others are intimidated by is so hot to him
low key the most intimidating couple, people secretly fear you until they get to know you
thinks its funny when yall walk into a cafe and people are visibly intimidated by the two of you
secretly, hes so soft for you, like even though you are stronger than he is, you’re his precious baby
overall, he is constantly impressed by you, and loves that you have the ability to seem intimidating, even if you have the softest most gentle heart
this man is in heaven omg
literally love at first sight
someone who is visibly a badass, plus a gym rat??
cupid really got him good
like chan, the first time he sees you is at the gym
though hes already inside, he sees you pull up on your motorcycle, and his jaw hits the floor when you take your helmet off
when he sees you lift, he becomes intimidated
though he would probably move somewhere closer to you, hoping that he catches your eye
also so that he can show off his own progress as a fellow gym rat
consistent gym dates when the two of you start dating
the two of you share different workouts together, and help with each others form on different lifts
even after the two of you are together, he might still be slightly intimidated, but he wont show it
likes that you can keep up with him, and match his vibe
asks you things about your motorcycle (might even consider getting one himself)
loves that you intimidate other people, even though you have a heart of gold
he’s in heaven when the two of you are able to connect on things other than the gym too!
knows that you can take care of yourself, yet he’s still your protector
refuses to let anyone hurt you, which you also do for him
truly soulmates omg
overall, yall would have a best friend type of relationship with the interests that you share, and he would be head over heels for you omg
the second he sees you, he is scared and intimidated at the same time
like he wont even look at you kind of thing
he sees your motorcycle, and your tones muscles, and just knows you could absolutely kick his ass
sees you for the first time at a coffee shop
after he orders his coffee and sees you, he spills the coffee when you make eye contact with him, which prompts you to help him clean it up
thats when he finds out you are a kind and gentle person
feels bad that he judged you for how you look, though he wont talk much about it
still wont talk much to you at first, he just doesnt want to say the wrong thing
even after the two of you start dating, he is highly intimidated
sometimes joins you at the gym, though he mostly just goes to keep you company (might join on some lifts, but not a ton)
you become his rock, he sees you as someone who protects him, and that helps him a lot, especially with his career path
people refuse to mess with him when they find out who hes dating, cause they also know that you could kick their ass
hyunjin loves the fact that even though you have a tough exterior, you are always so soft and gentle with the people you care about
he loves that you can scare others, but with him, you simply love him unconditionally
he becomes so comfortable with you, and feels like you protect him better than anyone else ever has (other than chan ofc)
he confides in you with all of his worries and insecurities, and literally anything that would be bothering him
paints and draws pictures of you, and is very detailed with them, including the tone of your muscles, and your bike
has a personal sketchbook of drawings of you, or drawings that he think somehow resemble you
could be a future tattoo that he thinks would look good, or even just your favorite flower, the whole sketchbook is dedicated to you
buys you things that he thinks would go with your bike, like if you put stickers on your bike (rare i know, but maybe lol) he’s buying all of them for you, and gives you a new one once a week
gets beyond excited when he heard your motorcycle pull up
the only time that anyone would see him excited to go to the gym is if he is going with you
honestly he just loves everything about you
overall, he would be really intimidated at first, but once he gets comfortable, he’s back to his normal self, and is beyond loving
Han would be so intimidated, but he wouldn’t let you know
the first time he sees you pull up on your motorcycle, his instant thought is “damn they could beat me up in a heart beat”
when he sees you take off your leather jacket, and he sees your toned muscles his next thought is “damn, they could snap me like a twig”
yes, he would be intimidated, but I think it would be in a more impressed sort of way ???
like he would just be drawn to you immediately, despite being intimidated
something about you is just so mysterious to him that he wants to know more about you
when he finally gets the confidence to talk to you, he finds out you’re an absolute sunshine and he’s thrown off of what he was gonna say
like his brain short circuits right then and there
after the two of you get to know each other more, he will go back to being his normal goofy self
he makes it his personal life goal to make you smile and hear your laugh
he just loves seeing you happy, but he also loves that you are intimidating as hell
the dualities that you have are so mesmerizing to him omg
would do literally anything in the world to make you feel happy
loves going to the gym with you, and asks you to teach him new lifts and techniques
like hyunjin, you become his rock
he comes to you with his anxiety and his insecurities
the two of you definitely build a relationship that is safe and comfortable, no matter what the situation is
100% the ride or die couple
asks you to teach him to ride your motorcycle
buys you a new one when he knocks yours over cause he thinks its beyond fragile and that he broke it
secretly now you have two and he can ride one of them lmao
takes the busted one though so you have a brand new one (cute)
overall, he would be hella intimidated at first, and his small bursts of confidence is what would get him to you, but once he becomes comfortable, its like dating your best friend
i think that felix would be very impressed
like I dont think that he would be intimidated necessarily, maybe a little shy
but his open mindedness lets him be intrigued in you without being intimidated
he just wants to get to know you :((
is immediately drawn to your aura, thinks you’re the coolest person the second he sees you
the first conversation the two of you have, hes probably asking about your bike, as if hes an expert already
really, that was his reason to talk to you, his curiosity led him to asking you questions, as well as three hours talking together lol
when he hears that you go to the gym, he asks which one
not because he wants to go, more so because after the two of you start dating, he shows up at the gym with flowers for you
he wants you to know that you can rely on him for anything, so hes always offering to take you places
honestly you end up driving him around on your bike instead lol
would for sure go to the gym with you, and hes your personal hype man when the two of you are there
when he breaks the walls you built up and finds out how sweet and caring you are he feels like he just won the lottery
literally thinks hes the luckiest man in the world to have someone as versatile as you
constantly invites you to the dorms, the guys dont mind either, they love you too
always has a fresh batch of brownies made (says they’re for the guys, but really he makes them for you)
takes you on the literal cutest dates
does not at all mind if you’re sweaty after the gym, he is latching to you and not letting go
would love it if you surprise him too with little gifts or things that made you think of him
he wants to be your rock, and he 100% is, but its also a mutual thing with the two of you
hes the one to hold your face in his hands and wipe away your tears, while trying to hold back his own
overall, the most loving relationship you could ever dream of. honestly it doesnt matter what you look like or what you drive, he loves you for you <3
minnie omg this menace
i feel like he would see you get off your motorcycle, and he would see your toned muscles, and no matter how intimidating you look, he would still say that he could kick your ass
doesnt make a big deal about anything
until he goes to the gym with you
when he sees the weights that you use, his jaw literally hits the floor
hes treating you like royalty for the next week
after about a week, hes back to being a menace
constantly teasing you regardless of the fact that you could easily knock him out (please dont lol, keep dandy boy dandy)
he never takes his teasing too far though, not because you intimidate him, but because he actually does have feelings for you
honestly, he treats you like a queen in the most nonchalant way
hes your rock. hes your shoulder to cry on, especially when he finds out how gentle your heart is
loves the tough exterior and soft interior kind of vibe
honestly he takes such good care of you
hes got no issues going to the gym with you, but hes not gonna lift or anything
honestly hes there to either sit in awe of you, or scroll through his phone
very supportive of you riding a motorcycle, though he still tells you not to drive like an idiot (his way of saying be safe)
gets secretly excited when people ask about you like “yeah they’re mine”
sneaks pictures of you on your bike or at the gym
the dualities you have drive him insane
like this absolute badass who has such a kind heart
basically worships the ground you walk on, but denies it when anyone says anything about it
overall, so chill once he gets to know you for you, but thinks that you are the most badass person hes ever met (big slayer hehehe)
this man omg
he would be in literal heaven
not intimidated in the slightest, honestly when he sees your bike, hes by your side before you can take off your helmet telling you how cool he thinks it is
and when he hears you are a gym rat ?!
hes immediately asking what gym you go to so that he can join you
honestly he would get so excited to have a badass s/o
like “yeah thats my s/o, best be careful, they could knock you out”
but what he loves even more is when he finds out you wouldn’t even hurt a fly
he loves your gentle caring nature
but also that you have the coolest vibes
constantly asks you opinions on his OOTD if the vibe is similar to yours
takes you shopping constantly
he just wants to pamper his baby :(
another one to nonchalantly worship the ground you walk on
like you are his baby hes not gonna let anyone talk bad about you whether you’re around or not
loves to cuddle with you, but wont tell anyone
honestly the guys get jealous when they see him cuddling you lol
hes your emotional support through everything
just wants to take care of you fr
loves that he can be himself around you
really opens up when he finds out the two of you have similar interests
offers to teach you his favorite games, in exchange for you teaching him about motorcycles
overall, the most carefree, go with the flow kind of relationship. like the two of you get along so well its too cute omg !!
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velvetroomkeeper · 7 months
My top ten Danganronpa ships
Since it’s Valentine’s Day I decided that i should show my top ten Danganronpa ships for the world to see
Now here are some rules
One all of this is my own opinion if you disagree that’s fine but no harassment
Two I do not ship same sex couples for reasons I won’t elaborate on so if you don’t see your favorite slash ship on here then tough luck
Three these ships aren’t just ranked on personal preference but other factors such as screen time chemistry or others so that should set the tone now let’s get in
I’m also tagging @hopeymchope @freezethunder and @wydstepcat to give a list of your top ten ships (you don’t have to follow my rules)
Number 10
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Nagito komaeda x Mikan tsumiki
So why do I ship these to together? Because Kodaka said they’re kokichi’s parents! UP YOURS KOMAHINA’S HAHAHA
In all seriousness these two make a surprisingly good ship because of surprisingly compatible both being some of the most mentally broken members of the class as well as nagito being one of the classmates to stick up for Mikan so there’s that and because there’s so much potential in the dynamics for this ship be it the nurse/patient dynamic or just being the insane couple. The one thing holding this ship back is the lack of interactions between the two which is why it’s so low on this list but this should be a good way to start the list right?
Number 9
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Byakuya togami x toko fukawa
If your still reading this please put down the pitchforks and hear me out
So you’re probably wondering why I’m putting a ship like this well I’ll explain
As well all know togami starts the game off as a selfish jerk who only cares about winning and doesn’t seem to care about anybody and is more than willing to use toko as a tool for his amusement so with that in mind how could I ever ship something like this.
Well most of the appeal of this ship mostly comes from the development of the two characters in general.after Sakura’s trial makes him reconsider his preconceived views about bonds he starts to treat everyone slightly better and even gives toko a few compliments (which admittedly isn’t a bit much but hey it’s progress) and later in the series we see him actually sticking his neck out for other people so admittedly most the appeal for me stems less from their current relationship and more for what it might look like after both of their development which is why it’s low on this list and honestly togami’s insults don’t seem to bug me as much since toko seems to be enjoying this a bit too much
Number 8
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Shuichi saihara x kaede akamatsu
You know it’s true love when you see a girly looking detective boy who’s scared of his own shadow fall out of a locker
In all seriousness these have a nice dynamic between the two partnering up to stop the killing game in the first chapter.kaede helps encourage shuichi out of his insecurities which makes it more tragic when she’s revealed to be the culprit through the rest of the game kaede’s death serves as one of shuichi’s biggest motivators throughout the game
Now as for why it’s so low we’ll most of their dynamic stays in chapter one so
Number 7
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Miu iruma x kiibo
News flash lusty girl falls for walking tin can
With how raunchy and egotistical miu is I didn’t think to much of this ship when I heard about it added on by the fact the kiibo was a robot (sorry that was robophobic of me) and when I see they’re dynamic it’s surprising wholesome with miu showing genuine kindness towards kiibo and kiibo being the only student who isn’t gonta to be sad she died and I haven’t even talked about the “maintenance” so yeah number 7 good ship
Number 6
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Nekomaru nidai x Akane owari
Ahh yes the gym couple
Nekomaru and akane’s relationship isn’t just fun to watch it’s also sad to think about with how much they spend training with each other (and how many sexual innuendos they have with each other) it doesn’t take long to see why people like especially when it comes to Nekomaru sacrificing himself for Akane and his death being Akanes big motivator throughout the rest of the game really shows how much these two mean to each other
Number 5
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Sonia nevermind x gundham Tanaka
What’s better than one over the top edgelord two over the top edgelord
Sonia and gundham is one of the ships that pretty much everyone can agree one (save for the yaoi/Yuri fans and the kazuichi fans crying in the corner) with just how over the top they are together and their shared interest in the occult and much like with Akane gundhams death helps drive Sonia as a motivator for the rest of the story well what do you know
Number 4
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Kaito momota x maki harukawa
The luminary of the stars and his murderous girlfriend
Kaito and maki is one of the ships that have one of the strongest developments in the series. Maki’s arc in the series revolves around her dropping the aloof assassin thing kaito is one of the biggest factors in it. Throughout the game kaito constantly tries to reach out to maki to get her to finally open up not only inviting maki to train but also pushing her to open up as well to the point of arguing with shuichi when it’s possible that kaito killed kokichi and tsumugi using kaito to break maki like she used kaede with shuichi overall this is one of the best ships in the series I just prefer these next three
Number 3
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Fuyuhiko kuzuryu x Peko Pekoyama
One of the ships we all can agree on
Honestly this ship surprised me and I didn’t like it until further examination in the beginning we see Peko seem to know kuzuryu better than most but it isn’t until chapter two when the whole story comes out.we learn that Peko is fuyuhiko’s childhood friend who was raised to be both a servant and a hitwoman for the kuzuryu clans heir (fuyuhiko) and was raised to be a tool since birth however we know that her feelings for kuzuryu are 100% genuine and she will do anything for him even take a murder out of his own hands so she can take the fall for him but what if kuzuryu well this is best displayed in chapter two when he confesses that he didn’t care that Peko was raised to be a tool and just wanted to be with her and was begging for her not to go to the point where he tried to interfere with the execution and got slashed in the process. The amount of devotion between the two is fantastic and bittersweet and the same time when you have a couple so devoted to each other they are willing to face death for the other
I’m not crying you’re crying!
Number 2
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Makoto naegi x kyoko kirigiri
The hero and the heroine but which one is which
What can I say that hasn’t already been said these two probably have the most progressive relationships in the series from unlikely Allies to devoted partners these two have earned their place in the fandom
And now for my number one pick a tragic ship that was simply never meant to be
Number one
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Hajime hinata/izuru kamakura x Chiaki nanami
This is probably the most tragic ship for me on this list by a pair with a bond so strong it transcends memory
The pair consists of a boy with no talent but wants one and girl who has a talent but sees no value in it and both end up positively impacting the other hajime started to realize talent isn’t everything and Chiaki starts to see her talent can be useful sadly thanks to someone beating(literally) it into hajime that he’s nothing more than a talentless scrub this leads hajime into the kamukura project and Chiaki suffers a tragic death impaled and betrayed by the person you loved most as she’s in tear because she didn’t want hajime to be talented she just wanted him alone (reminds you of another couple don’t it) but hajime’s love for her remains enough to get izuru to start shedding tears over her death
In 2dr2 Chiaki is hajime’s closest ally backing him up in trials and keeping him out of trouble all this comes to head when Chiaki is revealed to be the traitor and hajime is in the most denial he’s ever been in he doesn’t want to believe that his closest friend is the traitor but sadly is forced to do so
In the final chapter hajime’s memory of nanami is enough to inspire him towards the future and even helps deal the final blow to junko
Regardless of your stance on this ship its clear that these two have a strong bond that still persists regardless of it and that makes this my favorite Danganronpa ship of all time
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
pedro boys + sports headcanons
I’m sorry I’m just a weak sucker of a sports girlie and I blame @skeletoncowboys for encouraging my wild ramblings (but also love you forever eri) anyways this was fun and that’s all that matters sometimes, go team!
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Jack Daniels: ok so number one biggest sports guy, watches everything and anything and gets into it! Makes friends with anyone who sits around him at games, probably loves getting into team chants and enjoys himself a good old fashioned rivalry. Whenever his team scores Jack cheers so loud and then loves to kiss you as a celebration treat, is the biggest fan of seeing you in any team memorabilia and gets handsy whenever you wear a jersey cause “you just look so god damn cute baby!”
Joel: my pure texas football boy! Loves rooting for the University of Texas Austin, owns various longhorn merchandise (that’s their mascot) watches the games religiously and loves to go to home games! Has fond memories of taking Tommy and Sarah to games and has been raising Sarah since she was old enough to walk to do the longhorn 🤘 hand symbol. You agree to go to a game with him and even if you don’t know what’s going on, just getting to enjoy that quality time with you and seeing you laugh amused, bright, the first time you hear the team band play is when Joel realizes he loves you
Javi P: casually watches sports but really doesn’t care, says he likes the Dallas Cowboys just cause but again really doesn’t give a shit, played baseball in high school for a few years but it was just to pass the time, mainly loves to tease and joke about whatever sport is going on and has plenty of jokes about Texan sports teams (as all of us Texans like myself do) at family gatherings if any game is on he honestly just uses the entire time to flirt and be cute with you
Marcus P: basketball fan for sure, came from a big basketball loving family and proudly continues the legacy of cheering for the same team, so like…if his dad is from Boston and loves the Celtics, Marcus will forever love them too. Because to him it’s about the memories he has of watching games together with his family and associating the team with them, so yeah he is loyal forever and proud of it! Anytime you take the time to just ask how his fav team is doing he gets the biggest heart eyes. Also for some reason gives off the vibes he was a big swimmer back in high school and I see him still swimming recreationally
Din (modern au): falls asleep during any sporting event it never fails and we love and respect him for that! But��if the baby is in any sports like t-ball Din becomes the biggest fan and will completely be watching the game with an intense but endearing focus!! Also, he keeps a punching bag and a few weights in his garage and out of curiosity you ask about his makeshift gym only to learn when he was younger Din was a trained MMA fighter and it melts your brain
Ezra: at first you think he might judge sports and see them as low culture but then you find out he’s really into boxing??? And then you find out he’s a WRESTLING FAN?? Boxing is intense and he tells you he loves watching because it’s “humans engaging with their fists in the oldest sport of all my gem, and that’s fighting” then he loves wrestling because it’s outlandish and he lives for the drama of seeing people scream and throw each other around in glorious outfits
Dave: does not care for sports other than golf, religiously tries to make time to play even if it’s just by himself, enjoys the solitude and concentration it takes. Funny enough he loves a goods sports documentary and is surprisingly good at bowling which you discover during a date night with him
Javi G: doesn’t get sports but is so sincere about it, sweet baby who smiles and says “I hope the team we like wins!” But whenever the FIFA World Cup rolls around he becomes the BIGGEST Spain fan, takes you to watch it live with him at the arena and yeah he might not even know who’s playing on the team but Javi just enjoys being around so many excited people rooting for his home county and loves getting caught up in the emotions
Max P: once joked that he was around when the first ever American football game was played so he “doesn’t need to see any of this new shit” and you don’t know if he’s actually telling the truth or lying so you don’t question him
Pero (modern au): loves soccer/football, is really good and quick on his feet but does not have a big team he watches. Besides that he is also really good at tennis because he’s so light on his footwork and loves the hand eye coordination it takes, really takes ping pong/table tennis very seriously and it’s kind of hilarious and cute watching him so grumpily focus
Frankie: big NFL classic american football boy! He’s the type of guy who can watch any team play and enjoys just watching to watch!! Knows and likes a lot of teams, because he moved around with the military started to do this sweet thing of cheering and getting into supporting the state’s team of wherever he is living so he can learn to love and appreciate the place he’s living in
Oberyn (modern au): does not watch sports but stays active and enjoys a variety of things recreationally from martial arts to water polo, absolutely LOVES the Olympics and watches every single event, you also casually discover he owns a very famous European football/soccer club when he takes you on a surprise date to a game and has his own private box seats
Dieter: thinks sports are shit but loves dodgeball, during a celebrity charity event he got really into the dodgeball game and didn’t hesitate to rip his shirt in half overwhelmed with emotions (also threw the ball too hard and accidentally hit John Stamos in the face and yes there are multiple meme videos of it online) funny enough he is invite to another celebrity sports charity event but this time it’s baseball and he whines the entire time. He sits in the outfield, during the game flat out walks away to get a pretzel and then flirts with you the rest of the time saying “I’m falling in GLOVE with you hot stuff!”
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Gallavich Meta questions, part 2
More Q&A from @gallavichmeta's list of questions:
Which characters do you think suspected there was something between them before it was common knowledge?
Kevin, for sure. After Yevgeny’s christening, he gives Ian a shot and a knowing wink while he’s sitting by himself at the bar. And even after Mickey comes out, he talks with Kermit and Tommy the following day about how he wasn’t surprised.
If they had daydreams/wishes/fantasies about each other and their relationship in the early seasons, what do you think these would have been about? 
Ian had fantasies of Mickey being his boyfriend, of him being as emotionally invested in their relationship as Ian was. I think Mickey might’ve been too scared to have daydreams or fantasies about Ian during that time, maybe thinking that Terry would somehow be able to tell. If he did have wishes/fantasies during that time, I think it might’ve been that Ian would manhandle him or eat him out, take charge so Mickey didn’t have time to get in his head about what they were doing.
“Our friendship started with sex.” Do you think Ian would have been surprised to hear Mickey thought they were friends that early on? And when do you think they both started viewing the other one as a friend?
Absolutely! For the first season, Mickey treats Ian like a hook-up and nothing else. There was no way Ian was supposed to know he was anything else beyond that.
I don’t know that they did in the early seasons, honestly. Maybe when Mickey tracks Ian down at the Fairy Tail and brings him home and takes care of him. 
How do you think Ian deals with Frank’s death? How do you think Mickey supports Ian? And how do they deal with the fact it happened on their wedding anniversary?
I think he has some complicated emotions about Frank’s death. I think he’ll always grieve Monica more than he ever will Frank, but I could see him trying to be there for his family and being torn between acceptance of Frank’s death and the emotions that Lip, Carl, Debbie, and Franny will have.
I think Mickey’s probably sympathetic to losing a dad, even one as shitty as Frank, and checks in with him to see how he’s doing, if he wants to talk about anything. I could see them going out for a drink and toasting to shitty dads. I don’t think the fact that it happened on their anniversary will phase them one bit.
Do you think they stay on the West Side? If so, how long does it take for their new apartment to feel like home for them? If not, where do you think they move too?
I think they stay on the West Side for one year, then I think they split the difference between the South and West Side and get a place there. Somewhere that’s closer to where Mickey feels comfortable, but not as far into the South Side as they were.
What do you think are the most ‘out of character’ moments for them? And do you think there are any in-canon explanations that would work as interpretations? 
I keep coming back to the HOS episode and how they both acted when they fought, then left the house. Like, Ian gets in a fight with Mickey over how other people have a piece of his heart, and the first thing he does is engage in some semi-flirting with another guy at the gym? And Mickey talks about Ian’s bipolar and how his moods and emotions are all over the place? Like he doesn’t have intimate knowledge of what a struggle that’s been for him? 
For Mickey’s reaction, I could see how that was him lashing out due to being hurt, so he went for the jugular and attacked the part of Ian that he’s probably the most sensitive about. For Ian’s reaction, I guess it’s not really a secret that he has always appreciated the attention he’s gotten, especially from other men since he was mostly ignored at home while he was growing up since he was the middle child and not one of the “problem kids.” (Kinda felt like Fiona left it up to Lip to mainly take care of Ian) So, maybe it wasn’t completely out of character, but it felt like it was in that moment. 
Mickey has surprised Ian a lot over the years (first kiss, coming out, breaking out of prison, going into prison, wedding anniversary etc), how important to you think the element of surprise is to their relationship? How did these surprise moments affect their relationship?
I think Mickey’s more about the big gestures because I think he feels like Ian wants proof that Mickey loves him, and that’s how he goes about showing it. I think those moments of surprise have shown Ian just how important their relationship is to Mickey, but I also think Ian would be just as happy with smaller day-to-day moments that show him how much Mickey loves him. 
Do you think they will have kids? If so, how do you think they will go about it?
I think the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. As much as neither of them wants to, I think they need to talk about Yevgeny and that whole experience as that has to be in the back of Mickey’s mind. I think Debbie will try to take Franny to El Paso with her, then she’ll change her mind and decide to leave her with Ian and Mickey. I think she’ll be gone for months, during which time Franny comes to regard Ian and Mickey as father figures. And I could see them becoming exactly that. I don’t think I see them ever having a newborn, though. I could see them going the foster parent route (after Ian convinces Mickey) and maybe fostering to adopt a kid or two who were in a shitty home situation.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 10 months
1. 2. & 15. from the ask game for any of the “It’s Never Too Late” series please!!
also, i have a personal question… how did you come up with the nickname “osita”? it’s one of my favorite nicknames any author has givin their reader and it brings me so much joy hahah.
Heheheh hello friend!!! 🥰
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Okay so after watching Narcos for the 47th time (specifically S3E1) I was like, this man is actually such a sweet softie and he deserves happiness and peace in his life after leaving the DEA. I love 💕 love 💕 and sweet, sappy domesticity and I feel like Javi doesn’t get that a lot so my lil brain went “it’s time to give him everything he always wanted and never thought he deserved” 🥺 I also love romantic comedy so I wanted him to fall in love with someone who was just as equally stubborn and sarcastic as him, but shows him what it’s like to really be loved and cared for because he deserves it 😭
2: What scene did you first put down?
In chapter 1 where Javi and Osita first meet each other at the presentation in the gym!! I probably wrote that first chapter 17 times before finalizing on what I wanted to happen but that was my starting point!!!
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
The last time I had really written anything was years ago in college, and even then, when I wrote, it wasn’t really for me. I’ve always loved writing, and when I started NTL, I had no idea just how much it would make me fall in love with writing again 🥺 I’ve never written fan fic before, so when I started I was so nervous to post anything and genuinely thought no one would ever read it, but at least I could say that I tried. Never ever EVER in a million years did I think that this many people would have written what I’ve wrote, let alone be invested in it and want to hear what I have to say. It’s honestly crazy to me, like to this day I still can’t really comprehend it and it has made me so appreciate all of the love and support it has gotten from the wonderful people on here 💕
Where did Osita’s nickname come from?
Dude… you have NO idea how long I spent looking up Spanish nicknames when I first started writing this…. 💀 I know you can’t really claim a nickname as your own, but I didn’t want to use ones that other authors used and kind of held near and dear to their heart, and wanted something that fit with Osita’s spunky personality. My nickname was Mad Dog growing up (bc I refuse to go by Maddy) and I was okay, animal name could be cute, but even then, I couldn’t really find anything I liked. Until I was thinking about Chicago sports, and they have the Bears and the Cubs and I was like WAIT. I didn’t love osa, but add that little -ita to the end, and Osita was born 🥹🤪
Thanks for your asks!!! 😙💕
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auromelt · 10 months
szam vs knowing how to handle affection/handle each other's love language/displays of affection (referencing your szam in 5 minutes post)
tumblr's weird :/ but how's japan????
thanks for sending it again!! i saw your last ask right before my inbox imploded and i lost like almost 20 asks… mourn with me.
anyways japan is wonderful! i’m in kansai for now and i’ll be heading home some time next week ^^ honestly i really loved it. my exchange offer to tokyo for 2026 is looking more and more tempting as i spend more time here… i’m sorry ancestors.
anyways let’s get into it *cracks knuckles*
suzaki ryo, amagai kohei, and the distance between their expressions of love
the first thing to point out is that ryo isn’t vocal. he believes his actions far outweigh his words and his expressions of affection are largely hidden within the things he does and the lengths he goes to for kohei. in contrast, kohei Needs to hear affection towards him. he’s got a heavy need for words of affirmation that ryo doesn’t actually naturally fulfill because ryo thinks kohei should be able to tell how much he cares through everything he does for him.
naturally this causes problems between them. and not on ryo’s end.
ryo has never doubted kohei’s affection for him. even when kohei treated him like shit and walked over him and his heart, he never thought kohei didn’t care for him in his own little twisted nepo baby way. even though their love languages don’t match and kohei never actually does the things ryo generally requires to feel adored, he knows kohei does.
of course it’s not all fun and games because the things kohei does to try and show he cares are hard for ryo to accept. kohei places heavy emphasis of gift giving because all his life, money has been the way he’s shown his status, his power, his control. naturally, when showing his love, he also uses his money.
except kohei puts a strange amount of thought into it. it’s more than just wrapping money in an envelope and chucking it into ryo’s hands for ryo to buy anything he wants. kohei notices when ryo likes something when they’re out and he’ll discreetly buy it and wrap it nicely and give it to ryo when ryo’s least expecting it. and these items are high value, extremely pricey items that ryo doesn’t actually know what to do with. like he just thought that jacket they saw last week was cool and maybe looked at it a few times, he didn’t expect kohei to actually drop $600 buying it for him???? what is kohei’s problem
ryo wears the gifts, uses the gifts, but he’s overly careful with them because he thinks kohei might get upset if he damages them which kinda defeats the purpose of kohei giving them in the first place.
their communication is TRASH btw. they love and care for each other so much but kohei would get a hernia if he voiced how he felt and ryo exhausted all his communication skills for life during the Great Senomon Gym Fight
anyway back to kohei
kohei tries to be okay with the fact that ryo doesn’t say i love you or tell him he cares or anything. he should know it. after everything ryo has done for him it’s only logical that ryo loves him. and yet. yet.
i mentioned before i think of kohei as having problems with trust because of something that probably happened to him pre-senomon, a betrayal from people he considered friends perhaps, and that bleeds into his relationship with ryo. he’s insecure and scared that maybe ryo will never love him enough and he’ll never be enough and even if logically he knows it’s not true he can’t silence the side of his brain that keeps thinking ryo hates him because ryo won’t say i love you.
they’re so different, they’re fundamentally different. kohei is so afraid of losing ryo. he’s already lost himself before so what would he do if he kept himself and lost ryo this time? he knows he’d never recover. on the other hand, ryo tiptoes around him because he can’t adjust to kohei’s lifestyle or anything of the sort.
anyways these idiots would probably never speak about it Ever, until one day one of them moves a little to the left and everything explodes and they have a big fight. and during that fight as they scream and cry at each other all their hidden thoughts and feelings come to light
they should leave each other, they’re clearly terrible for each other
and yet. well they try. and even if it doesn’t work out in the end (it will. i’m crazy.) they’re willing to try because nobody has ever mattered more and nobody has ever meant more. they keep trying, they make promises to talk to each other even if it gives them both nausea to think about conversing about their feelings. and well, nobody really understands them but it’s fine because they do.
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benayoung · 2 years
* ❁┆the crown
call it strange, but nayoung finds a much easier time getting along with the boys in the competition. maybe it’s because they aren’t exactly competition, at least not compared to the girls. she doubts she’ll be fighting the boys to get into a group, but you never know.
either way, she’s actually happy for junho when he becomes the male center. she didn’t really know the guy that got her into boxing several months ago had any interest in music and performing, let alone that he was any good at it, but as far as nayoung is concerned, his first place position is well-deserved. she can accept when talented people do better than her; most of the time. junho is probably even more skilled than her, and she wonders how; what is his background, exactly? she found out her coworker was a former idol through this show, so everyone is full of surprises.
either way, during a break in group rehearsals for my turn, she’s happy to spot the man of the hour and scurry over to him. “junho,” she greets him with a smile and a bow. “i’m sure you’re popular, but i wanted to congratulate you on your center position. you rose a lot.”
honestly, this process is a bit stressful for her, especially now, with a challenge she thought should be her specialty only netting her eighth place. she doubts that will cut it when it comes to the judges choosing winners at the end of this. at least it’s an improvement for her first ranking, she supposes. if she rises three more spots this episode as well, she’ll make it to top five, but she doesn’t feel as confident about her rapping.
ultimately, it all makes her want to punch something, but she doesn’t know if on camera is the place to ask junho if he wants to hit the gym with her sometime after filming. that time might be better spent practicing, anyway, but nayoung has a feeling she’ll need to get some anger out of her system before she can be a proper team player anyway.
“i haven’t seen you at the gym lately,” is what she settles on instead. it’s innocuous, and gives the rolling cameras some context, should they discuss this further. granted, mnet will probably take it out of context anyway, but oh well. she wonders if junho cares about the light he’s painted in as little as she does. she can’t explain it, but she always felt like they might have more in common than they know.
something else they have in common: being on rap teams, she remembers suddenly. “it seems like we’ll be competing against each other this round,” she points out with another smile. it’s not as vicious as it usually would be.
* ❁┆ @bejun​
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allaboutabbott · 1 year
march 3, 2023
there’s like a fog over everything it feels like for the past at least 24 hours. i don’t know i guess i’m just feeling like what’s the point? the energy in the air feels really stagnant and i feel like i’m searching for something. but its weird bc I’ve been doing all the things that make me happy; going to the gym, writing, reading and taking notes, eating fruit. my instinct is to just let it pass without trying too hard to find the why of it bc i know if i try to find the why the feeling will stick around longer. i can’t help but feel unsettled though. 
it feels like a dream is cracking in front of my eyes. i don’t really know what to do about it. like, do i accept this dream as cracked and different than i hoped, or do i pivot and figure out what to do next? i feel like in the least i’m looking forward to having more down time on this next break, i really do want to start compiling my writing to be submitted and then hopefully submit it. 
thinking about what to do next is a scary thought. i haven’t thought about that in a while, i honestly thought i would want to do this for longer than it feels like i’m going to want to. i might also just be tired, this might be the sleep schedule fucking me up. 
maybe i need to do something totally new again. i feel like the tall ships would be a lot of fun, i feel like i could learn something there. and that seems like a more engaging sailing job than this. and also the rules would probably make sense then. 
it feels like i’m lacking in connection on this boat rn, and maybe that means i need to get back in touch with myself. but the trouble is i feel like i have been doing that with my morning routine that had been serving me so well this week. but this funk settled over me yesterday evening and now it feels like its back. maybe i need to cry, like have a really good cry. i also don’t feel like I’ve laughed a lot in the past few days either. 
the energy in general just feels kind of defeated, deflated. and this feels distinctly different than what i was feeling at starbucks when i could tell it was time to go, it still feels stagnant but the root of it feels different. i feel like the laughter is a big thing to touch on, i really don’t think I’ve heartily laughed in a while. i don’t think since I’ve been here. maybe i need to tire myself out enough that i get loopy. 
i don’t know, it just feels like something is dangling in the air but i can’t see it and i can’t tell if i want to let it fall or fly. 
i never felt like i was lacking connection on the last contract, and maybe I’ve pulled away from everything so that’s why its all feeling so distant. oh my god maybe that’s it. the whole experience on venture made me really question what am i doing here with these people? are these my kind of people? its like i’m distended inside a decision. do i want to engage with this life and continue to make it such a large part of my life? do i want to care about these people in the way that i have for so long? is it healthy for me to continue this way? 
i think something i need to really remember is that people are fucked up everywhere. everybody has their things that they are ashamed of and these people are not particular to the boat. 
i think something also that threw me off is the way things ended with evan. there really was no reason for him to lie to me, like at all. and i cared about him so much. i trusted him to be honest about the situation because i tried to give him every reason to be. i just don’t understand why he had to do that. it taints the whole thing it feels like. and i know that doesn’t have to be true, one ending does not determine the rest, but its hard to trust anyone again after that. because i can only control myself and my actions, and i know i’m in a really good place with all my shit. so also i don’t really know why things ended the way they did. what was i supposed to learn from all that? was it just a lesson for him? i’m tired of that, why do i get put through all these events and emotions just to not have a lesson at the end? 
although actually i think a big big lesson is to not make myself small in relationships. because i definitely did that with evan a lot. he felt so big but didn’t know how to work through it so i definitely put myself on a back-burner for him. and that’s probably another sign that it wasn’t right, i need someone who is on my level fr fr. 
i think also i might be touch deprived. feeling very much so like a hug could make me sob rn. damn i guess i’m just really not feeling a lot of outside love rn, the boat is so good for bringing out down to the bare minimum of what you need. 
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luna-indigoduh · 3 years
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Ok I’ve been gone for a bit but I’m back and got something cute for you all. This hasn’t been proof read at all and I’m just excited to finally post something now that I have more muse. So here you guys go and I hope you love it.
Ok I’ve been gone for a while but I’ve been thinking about a pro hero Bakugo who honestly never thought he would have time to date. He spends most of his time in his office or off traveling for some important mission, not ever giving himself a break or the time to even think about a significant other.
Bakugo spends his free days with a set routine. Getting up early for breakfast. Going to the gym and wondering if his friends were free. Even though he was a little rough around the edges he can’t help but to spend more time with them than he would like to admit. Most of his friends were in relationships but he didn’t care much. He doesn’t mind being a third wheel and he was sure they didn’t care. At least he thought they didn’t care. They cared a lot more than he knew.
Bakugo has been on at least four dates that weren’t his own within the last month. Tagging along with kiri and Mina where they manage to have off. He offers to cook them dinner because what’s more romantic than his food. This is the same Bakugo who forced himself in on Kaminari and Jirou movie date, doing nothing but shushing them The Who time cause he couldn’t hear the movie. They all didn’t think too much about it until he somehow found himself on Midoryas and Urakas anniversary date. Loud explosive male barged into his best friend's home telling them not to mind him as he made his way in his home. He didn’t even realize what day it was until he saw the freckled male on one knee. Once he did that they knew they had to get him out of their hair.
That was when his friends had gotten the idea. Well it was mostly seros. It started with them all complaining about how lonely and overbearing the male was. How if he just had someone of his own they probably wouldn’t have such an issue with him. That’s when Sero gave them the genius idea.
“Make him a tinder.”
Ok they all know this could get them all killed. Katsuki was definitely not the type to use tinder and they all knew but it was obvious he needed someone to spend his everyday with. So it had to be done. It took some time to make the account. What would Katsuki tinder even look like? His caption would probably have Great Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite somewhere. Would also express he should be the number one hero over ‘shitty Deku’. Was he a cat person or a dog person?
They had finished the account and very quickly started to swipe on people who they thought were katsuki’s type. It probably wasn’t the best idea to do it in their break room of the agency cause when the ashy blonde entered the room to ask if any of them had seen his phone they couldn’t find the words to speak. Rambles about how it’s just a joke and how they meant no harm were quick to leave their lips. Only earning harsh glare from the male as he snatched his phone.
Katsuki couldn’t believe that his friends thought this of him. He didn’t need a stupid app to help him find a relationship. He was Katsuki fucking Bakugo. Any one would be happy to be with him. Plus he was happily single. He wasn’t lonely. Or desperate for love he kept telling himself. He was just going to delete the app anyways once he was off. Well that’s what he thought he would do.
After finding his friends with his phone the male had a long day. It felt like he couldn’t catch a break. Stopping a robbery, helping a burning building evacuation and finding himself in an intense fight against a villain who just wouldn’t give up. He was drained and felt as if a weight that he couldn’t even hold up. The weight seemed to become even more crushing when he entered his empty apartment. Everything seemed to have been weighing on him. He decided to just sleep this feeling off. He ate dinner, showered and headed to bed. His eyes shutting with ease ready to sleep off his day
Everyone who knew Katsuki knew not to text him after work unless it was an emergency. He didn’t understand who thought they were important enough to interrupt his sleep. Deciding to quickly check it. Leaning over to his nightstand grabbing his phone as the blue light illuminated his dark room to see a notification. He had gotten a match. Wasn’t surprising. He didn’t think much of it since last he saw the app he had a few matches last he saw when he took his phone away from the idiots he calls his friends. He was going to set it down when the phone dinged again from the notification. This time a message.
“ Didn’t take the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight as a cat person.”
Katsuki blinked at the message a few times before internally sighing at the thought that now everyone who saw his profile would be quick to respond to him. Most were asking if it was the real him. Others say how he’s their favorite hero,but no one had the balls to taunt him. He would be lying if he said you didn’t spark his interest at that moment. Clicking on the notification and heading to your profile to see if you were even worthy to mock him.
The male looked through your photos and instantly became more interested. You were beautiful. Melanated skin shining like gold in every photo you allowed the world to see. He loved seeing how in each photo your hair was different. Each style brings out your features in different ways. Your gorgeous face wasn’t the only thing that caught his attention. It seemed you two had similar interests. Pictures of you hiking, at the gym, and cooking made him wonder.
One message wouldn’t be bad right. He wouldn’t get attached just texting you for a few minutes. He decided he’d send a quick reply. It’s not like one text would ruin his night of sleep. He had self control.
“I’m not,” was all he sent back to you before turning off his ringer and rolling over in bed.
The next morning Katsuki assumed you would have thought he ghosted you or that he could just ignore you but it being his day off it wasn’t exactly that easy. All his friends were busy either working or spending time with their significant other and with him being completely done with regular routine he didn’t have much to do. He sat on his couch bored aimlessly scrolling through his phone after working out. He saw the small red dot on the fire app symbolizing he had a notification and decided to check it. He ignored every message but yours seeing you already had a sly comment sent back to him.
“Ah I always figured the one and only Dynamite would be a dog person,” he said reading the first message as he saw you were typing. His face soon formed a scowl.
“You always gave me Pomeranian type energy.”
Ok now he truly did want to just ignore the message. He already thought this app was a stupid idea and now he knew for sure it was a stupid idea. To your luck though there was no way he would just let you call him some small, not badass dog and get away with it.
“A Pomeranian? If anything I’m a fucking scary one.”
“Pomeranians can be scary, plus they have fluffy hair and are cute like another blonde.”
Katsuki was a bit stunned that you actually sent him that message. He also found it amusing when you sent him a bunch of apologizes and expressing how much of a dumb pick up line it was. He decided why not text you a bit more to see where this all went.
Texting you started as a maybe you once a day thing before katsuki fell asleep where you would tease each other back and forth and maybe ask some questions just to get to know each other. Then it became texting once he woke up in the morning and before he fell asleep. It started with you sending him a cute little good morning after he had crashed after getting off from a long mission. It made him feel good to wake up to a text from someone. Especially someone who seemed to care for him.
That was around the time his friends began to notice how the male seemed to be smiling a lot more at his phone when it seemed like no one was watching. How he seemed to type so quickly on his phone seemingly being in a rush. Plus it was obvious that something or someone had him occupied since he was now out of his friends' hair and focused on talking to you more.
Though Katsuki was enjoying getting to text you everyday and what soon became late night FaceTime calls where you’d fall asleep talking to each other, he wanted to meet you in person. The thought of it made his stomach turn truly. He didn’t want to scare you off or become too much to deal with just as he did to his friends. The day you asked to see him though he couldn’t stop himself from saying yes.
You both agreed to meet up that night since he didn’t have much time off coming up and you had a busy work schedule yourself. So why not tonight? Well katsuki could think of several reasons why once he was at work.
To his luck this day just seemed like fuck over Katsuki day. Firstly Izuku wasn’t in due to him being out cake testing for his wedding with Ochako. So he was being called on basically anything they would have chosen the number one hero to do. Oh how he loved being the replacement. Thanks to having so much work to do that meant he had all the paperwork included. This meant a late night stay at the agency after he had been in meetings all day, and having villains try their best to kill him.
Once he was home he could feel that weight he had felt before by filling the room. The way it was so empty and cold didn’t help boost his excitement for your date tonight. It didn’t help that he had promised to make you dinner at his house. By the time it was he definitely wouldn’t have time to start anything so it was a pizza kind of night.
When you knocked on the door it took him some time to answer it before. When he did it was very obvious the male had been through a rough day. Dark circles make home around the males eyes. The tension on his shoulders is easy to spot with just a glance at him. Easily being able to read how his day was on his face. Oh how he wished you didn’t have to see him this way.
He apologized for not being able to make you dinner as he guided you inside which you told him it was ok. You suggested a movie, he figured that you noticed the tiredness in his face. It was unusual for him to have someone even consider if he needed rest.
You both sat on his couch as the movie started. Butterflies in both of your stomachs. While katsuki could barely keep his eyes open. The sound of the movie going in and out. His eyes becoming heavier and heavier as the weight he was trying to ignore became his main focus on his mind. Hating each second of it when he wanted to be focused on the beautiful girl by his side.
“Do you need to vent?”
It was a simple question that brought the male back to reality. The one that caused him to look over at you for a quick second then back to the tv. “I don’t vent,”was all he could respond with.
He wasn’t comfortable with venting. He was never good at putting his feelings and thoughts into words. He didn’t think he would be able to do that with you especially since it was only the first time meeting you. So he thought it was the end of your comfort.
“That’s ok, we could cuddle if you like. You look like you need some rest and don’t be stubborn either.”
He gave you another look at your statement. After just talking over text and FaceTime you knew him too well for his own good already. He let out a soft breath before finally caving in and allowing himself to get comfortable.
You assisted on being the big spoon even after the blonde argued repeatedly that he was big spoon material. So he laid against your chest as you played in his hair aimlessly. Your goal was to get the male to relax and you did just that. It didn’t take long for his eyes to flutter shut and for him to take in your scent of your vanilla perfume that took over his mind before he gently fell asleep.
Early in the morning the male woke up letting out a yawn. His home felt different. Something new about it as he woke up lashed batting as they adjusted to the scenery. He didn’t feel the heaviness of weight on his shoulder, the loneliness and cold feeling completely gone from him. He looked up from the spot he rested and smiled at the sight in front of him.
You slept peacefully. Arms loosely around the male as light snores escaped from your lips. That’s what was different. Just your comfort brough light and warmth into the males home. It was the feeling he always looked for. The feeling he stayed so close to his friends for and now he finally got it for himself. He wanted to keep it forever.
All thanks to a stupid app tinder.
Meet my stars; @pervysenpaix @tenyaiidasslut @blkchxrryblyss @nasty-quillz @sintiva @bookwormsenpai @namjoonswifeyy @bl--ankhaeji @xogabbiexo @dabilovesme @riozakii @thicksimpx @plussizeficchick
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bowiebond · 2 years
💕 could we get Tommy x Billy headcanons? If you want to of course!
Yes you may:
Tommy and Billy met at the gym first day he arrived. Billy was signing up for the team and Tommy had been stopping by to talk to the couch. He knew he was new right away and greeted him, offered him a handshake. His grip was firm and Tommy was offering him a spot at his table without even thinking about it.
Billy hears about the gossip pretty early in, especially when one of Tommy’s teammates points out Nancy and Steve being sweet on each other in the hall. He digs for more information from him and then Tommy at lunch.
After noticing his possible dislike for Steve, or general desire to out do him but taking his crown, Tommy he quickly latched onto him. He saw a potential friend, the enemy of my enemy sort of deal.
Tommy’s never been good at assessing the right moment to speak, the perfect inflection to get his jokes across. Being mean-spirited is easier, taunting needing little effort. People thought his insults were funny, so it’s easier to fall into them. He just says what everyone is thinking in his opinion.
So he comes on a little strong with Billy. Makes it obvious that he doesn’t like Steve either, is loose lipped about his ex-best friend. Beneath the resentment is a tender bruise, an ache from the lost friendship, but it’s easier to be angry than sad. Plus he recently got dumped by Carol, so he could do with a hot shot like Billy around. Might help him score a new girl.
Billy looks bored a lot. Like he doesn’t care about anything. Doesn’t do his work, just doodles dicks and tits while chewing his gum. Tommy often talks to Billy and the blond seems to ignore him mostly. It stings, but Tommy was sure he could make some leeway if he kept pushing. Billy was a guy from California, big place, a small town probably does bore him.
Tommy invites Billy to Tina’s party. Figures maybe he can get him to loosen up even though Billy feigns it well, being relaxed and uncaring. But his shoulders are still tense just like his jaw, and Tommy stares a lot so…he notices. Not in a weird way. It’s pure curiosity.
Billy is cool. Tommy’s a little enamoured honestly, and Billy does loosen up when he drinks. Gets loud and grins all sharp teeth and rosy lips. Tommy likes it. It’s nice. Billy’s nicer too, and when Tommy talks to him, he’s facing him but still looks faraway, not absorbing it. That’s fine. Tommy likes to talk. People ignore half of what he says anyway.
Billy comes to school with bruises sometimes. Always says it was a fight, and Tommy complains that he should call him next time, or give him a name so he can give the guy a lesson. It’s natural to bark and bite again like he did when he was King Steve’s dog again.
Billy doesn’t want him to be his guard dog though. Doesn’t want him to fight his fights. He’s tough, he smokes reds and drives a fancy car and has a near empty locker. He steals food off his tray and Tommy doesn’t mind all that much outside the “hey!” because Billy doesn’t seem to have lunch most days. Billy’s cool and he’s kind of weird. He’s not really King material, yet Tommy finds he doesn’t care. He’s mostly just thinking that Billy is friend material, if only he’d reciprocate Tommy’s attempts.
It’s approaching winter when Billy is still coming to school in too little. Tommy offers him the spare coat in his trunk his mother tucked in their months ago because she’s a worry wart, and he doesn’t get it back. Billy walks around with his black coat, keeping himself warm as winter approaches, the first snow fall Billy’s experienced. Tommy only knows because Billy complains about it a lot.
The quiet brooding boredom was fading over time to be replaced with a guy who is sleepy all the time, comes to school with bruises, and snarks and complains constantly. Tommy likes to think in a way, Billy is opening himself up to him, even if he still rarely looks at him when he rambles on about his day.
Tommy used to get weed for Steve from Munson, and now he does it for Billy. Steve usually shared with him, rolling them two blunts, and Billy shares too. Except he only rolls one and they just pass it back and forth at the quarry in the afternoon. He’s off babysitting duty today, and Tommy is glad for it. He needed a smoke. He tries not to think about the exchange of indirect kisses as he passes the weed back.
“And so I told Nicole that I couldn’t because I have the monthly Sunday church service with Ma and—“
“You don’t go to church.”
“What?” Tommy furrowed his brows at Billy’s interjection.
“You don’t go church. You told me you haven’t been to a service since you were fourteen.” Billy took a puff and held the smoke as Tommy stared in wonder.
“I…I did tell you that. I didn’t think you’d remember that is all.”
“I listen.” Billy’s still not looking at him, eyes focused ahead at the horizon as he blew out the smoke.
“Oh. I just…you don’t look at me so I assumed you were, like, ignoring me.” It feels dumb saying it out loud, like he’s an insecure kid, and he kind of is but he doesn’t want to admit that to Billy.
Billy turned his gaze to him and even with his impassive expression, there was a glimpse of focus. He was paying attention to him, to every word.
“Only sometimes.” The corner of his lip twitched up into a smirk, the corner of his eyes crinkling, and Tommy finds himself laughing. A heavy weight lifted off his chest, the space left behind filling with warm.
Billy starts looking at him now when he talks. Consciously makes the effort too. Looks away pointedly when he doesn’t like what Tommy’s saying and it makes Tommy laugh every time. This is another new side to Billy that’s coming into view and Tommy likes it so damn much. Maybe a little too much.
Sometimes Billy’s eyes are a bit intense though. Maybe because they’re so blue, sharp and framed by long lashes. But at times it feels like he’s really looking at Tommy, drilling into his very soul to map out his intentions, his thoughts and feelings. Likes he trying to say something without really saying it, but Tommy’s never been the brightest.
Billy likes Tommy’s freckles. Stares at them for hours as they talk, hanging out. Billy finds himself detaching further from his jock friends (if you could even call them that) to drift closer to Tommy. Tommy is like a sunflower; always doused in sunshine when he steps outside, facings towards it as the weather gets warmer just to soak it in, breathing deeply. Tanned petals with dark seeds scattered across his face, in his chestnut hair and rich chocolate eyes.
Tommy has a dopey smile when he’s genuine happy, eyes disappearing as they crinkle, gap teeth jutting into his lower lip. Stretched pink lips. He’s not a prodigy, he’s not amazing at sports, he’s not good at charming his way out of situations like Billy, he’s average. He’s something simple, something warm and familiar like home, and Billy likes that he’s got awful taste in jokes and laughs too hard at them.
Billy never intended to get soft on the guy, to actually start a friendship he tried to avoid, but it’s hard to ignore someone like Tommy, to not tune into his voice when he speaks. He doesn’t always say something new, reprising old stories, but his voice is nice despite its slight pitchiness around each word. It’s gets softer when it’s just them two, likes it’s slowly sinking into the fuzziness Billy feels around him at times.
Billy rarely comes to his house. He gets weirdly anxious about being around Tommy’s family, gruffly throwing out a hello if only to be polite when he drops Tommy home after an evening at the quarry or a party.
One day though, he comes unprompted. His eyes is an ugly molting yellow and blue, his lip spilt, and he’s only really answering Tommy in mumbled one or two word answers. Tommy doesn’t really understand why Billy came to him, why he’s even roughed up on a Tuesday at seven in the evening. But one thing Tommy has experience in is tending to a wounded pride and face. So he beckons him inside, gives him an ice pack, and insists to his fretting mother that they were fine, that Billy’s just had an altercation. She still offers to feed Billy leftovers and the blond awkwardly thanks her when she heats it up for him even after he said no, “just in case you change your mind, it’s good, Tomàs, tell him it’s good.”
Billy eats it in the end, even if he grunts that it burns his lips, and Tommy jokes about him being unable to handle a bit of spice. Billy practically licks it clean just to prove he could.
“Who got ya so early in the evening?” Tommy grabs a cloth to wipe the blood crusted around his nose, at his lip, and Billy lets him even if he doesn’t answer. When he gets to his hands, they’re bare of any swelling or blood. “…Ambushed, huh? What a coward.” He huffs, anger coiling in his chest. He’s teach the guy a damn lesson if he ever saw him.
“Sure. Ambushed. Good word for it.” Billy chuckles, voice hoarse, and it takes just a few moments to looking at Billy’s wry smile for Tommy to offer his home for the night. Billy says he’ll take the couch if he’s offering, but Tommy insists on him taking the bed, that it’s a double he got from his parents when they upgraded their own mattress.
Tommy goes to sleep first, has always dozed off easily (got him more than one dick marked on his face at parties). Billy spends half the night tossing, turning, settling on watching Tommy as he rests. His face half smooshed into his beaten in pillow, snoring softly, and for all accounts he should be ugly. He’s got an annoying little face and ugly, mean laugh to everyone else, but Billy finds he doesn’t mind much. When you’re Tommy’s friend, he cares for you. Offers to protect you. Bitches on your behalf. Opens his life and home to you. Laughs and smokes with you. He’s nice if he likes you.
He likes Billy a lot. And Billy likes him, even if he tried not too in the beginning. Didn’t have enough energy to like anyone when he came to Hawkins, angry at the world and bored to death. Tommy made this tiny hick town bearable.
Billy starts staying at Tommy’s place whenever he can. Gets him away from his dad, from his temper and his fists. Tommy doesn’t seem to mind, seems pretty damn happy to have Billy around even more.
Tommy’s parents like him well enough. His dad is a boisterous man, Sunday church goer and works with his hands. Earnest, warm like Tommy and accent thick. Billy kinda likes hearing Tommy speak Spanish with his father, the man refusing to use English in his own home unless he’s talking to Billy directly. Tommy has to translate when Billy stays for dinner, but Billy likes leaning in and listening to Tommy teeter between his English and Spanish, the same accent his father and mother has peaking through as he translated.
Tommy’s mother frets over him, usually about if he’s been eating. She doesn’t take well to his charming tactics, always smacking his hand like she does to Tommy when he tries to steal an extra cookie, pinches his cheek and calls him sweet endearments in Spanish with a sing-songy trill. Complains loudly to Tommy about his fashion, that he’s showing too much skin for the weather and Tommy laughs as Billy grumbles about them talking about him. Cause he understands some of it, picks it up over time, but it’s still hard to understand when they talk so fast.
Tommy doesn’t come to his place. They frequent the arcade together, occasionally diners, but Neil doesn’t have much of a clue about them. Nobody gossips about Tommy and Billy being friends because it’s old news.
Tommy sometimes gets grumpy with Billy, snarks and sneers, and it’s always ended up in a near brawl because Billy is mean and jaded, meaner than Tommy. He digs deep with his words and it’s instinct to grab at a guy who’s taunting him, even if he never plans to throw a fist as Billy. Didn’t even throw one with Steve. He was all bark and no bite when it came to friends.
Billy punches him once and only once when he shoves him after getting a fist full of his shirt and the fight ends there because Tommy hits the ground and the anger leaves him instantly, wide eyed. He just stares up at Billy in shock, holding his throbbing cheek, reflex tears in his eyes that he blinks away quickly. Billy is shaking so hard when he spits the words, “don’t try that shit with me, Hagan.”
They don’t talk for a week after that. Tommy is wearing a blue bruise on his cheek when he eventually shuffles up to Billy’s side at school and apologises. Though, he hates to. He wants to be resentful, to be angry with Billy, but deep down he knows he started that fight. He egged it on. Tommy’s not always a nice guy and he wishes he could be, but it’s ingrained into him to be tough, to be snarky, to hit where it hurts. Steve got to move on, to be better, and here he is trying, but it’s not easy to forget that part of himself.
Billy almost doesn’t forgive him. Is tempted to forget Tommy all together. But he threw the first punch, the evidence on his knuckles and Tommy’s cheek. It’s a sickening feeling and if he’s honest, he craves Tommy’s forgiveness more than he resents giving his.
It takes a few weeks to slip into their usual friendship again, both nervous to step on the others toes. But Tommy gets Billy tickets to a rock show in Indianapolis for his birthday and it’s like everything is good, better in fact.
Tommy’s not a fan of heavy metal, but he can stand rock, likes Elvis, Billy Joel and Beach Boys in his glovebox.
Billy likes anything with a heavy percussion and a good riff, screaming and growling. He likes to feel alive via his music and heavy metal/rock provides that.
They get piss drunk before the concert even begins and Billy is screaming along to the lyrics with the crowd, hanging off Tommy who’s a little dizzy on the energy alone.
It’s probably why he kisses him, doped up on adrenaline. And maybe Billy’s just as high because he grabs his face and keeps him there, kisses him like he’s trying to steal his voice. It’s dim and loud and the ground is trembling beneath them as the band plays, and Tommy’s brain is nonexistent as he buries his hands in Billy’s hair, keeping him just as close.
When the kiss breaks, they’re both panting and Billy is hooting like an owl with laughter, head tipped back and crooning along to the song. Like Tommy’s world hasn’t just been flipped upside and inside out, sobered by reality. Though, he should have seen this coming. He’s been drawn to Billy since the beginning, the blond was kind of his favourite person honestly.
Neither of them talk about it after the show. Billy is still humming as they get ready to sleep in their shared motel room, a little tipsy. Tommy is quiet because he doesn’t know how to even bring it up, if he should. He initiated on a drunken whim after all, even if Billy reciprocated.
Tommy turns out the light and it only takes a few moments for Billy to slink over to his side of the bed, hands fumbling over his freckled skin. And maybe Tommy’s still a little drunk, because he doesn’t push him away, accepts his misplaced kiss, then accepts the next one that slots right against his. They don’t fuck, all that is too complicated for them right now, Billy just wanting to touch, to be close. Kissing until they’re too tired to keep going, hard against each other but too lazy to get off despite their little grinds and soft sighs of pleasure.
Tommy feels new when he wakes up the next morning. Like something has slotted into place after years of a missing jigsaw piece being left on the edge of the table. It’s terrifying and exhilarating but it’s always been there, hasn’t it? Tommy always knew, just never…dared to make something of it. Was comfortable ignoring the jigsaw piece until it left his mind entirely, only coming back into focus when Billy picked it up and clicked it into place with his thumb, completing the picture. Now, Tommy couldn’t ignore it, because the puzzle was complete. Glued together and unable to be taken apart again and ignored.
He’s not sure how to bring it up. What comes next after last night. But Billy takes his hand while they’re driving back, plays with his fingers as he bobs his head to the music and Tommy’s heart is pounding the entire time. Watching Billy’s side profile for some kind of clue outside the warm hand in his, thumb caressing his. When Billy drops him off at his house, right on the curb, he kills the engine and looks at him.
“I’m going to kiss you now.” Tommy’s eyes bugged out at the bluntness of it. “We’re both sober too. You gonna be mad and hit me because you’re ‘not gay’ or some other bullshit?”
It takes a few moments for Tommy to respond, and when he does it’s with a curt nod. Billy quirks a brow but blows a huff out through his nose and leans it over his console, wetting his lips before he kissed the brunet. It’s different like this, subdued and blood no longer roaring in his ears, but it’s nice. Short and soft and Billy’s stubble scratches his lip but it’s pleasant. Tommy likes it.
“I’m dead if my dad finds out.” Billy says softly as the kiss breaks, looking at Tommy with serious eyes. “Nobody can know, okay?”
“Okay. Not exactly a fan of parents knowing either.” The idea makes his stomach churn, but his heart is still racing as Billy smiles wryly and kisses him again, a lingering press of lips.
After that they’re kind of boyfriends. Or at least, they act like boyfriends when they’re alone. They can’t do that in public. Billy still flirts occasionally with girls and Tommy gets jealous and flirts with them too just to get a raise out of Billy because Billy knows Tommy doesn’t need a cover. He went steady with Carol for half of his schooling. Tommy knows why Billy flirts, but he doesn’t have to like it, and he’s petty, and it leads to more than one angry make out session against Tommy’s bedroom door or in Billy’s backseat. Billy grabs and paws at him when he’s jealous and Tommy likes the attention if he’s honest. Always has.
Tommy kind of expects him and Billy to fuck early in. They were two horny teenagers and Tommy was finally able to explore that side of himself. Except Billy doesn’t go past a bit grinding, maybe an over the pants hand job. He seems to love kissing though. Kisses Tommy until his lips are red and sore, glossy with spit and Billy’s chapstick. Gives him hickies that make their teammates whistle and tease the brunet about his dirty little secret he won’t talk about.
Tommy doesn’t mind that they aren’t fucking, not really, he’s nervous as all hell to even approach the subject, but he’s also so fucking curious. Insanely curious. Likes the idea of seeing that ass without the jeans.
Tommy practically cums in three seconds flat when Billy blows him for the first time. Not his fault either! Billy had worked him up after all, caught him by surprise when he kissed down his stomach to wrap his lips around his dick.
Tommy’s nervous about evening the score. He’s never sucked a dick before, and honestly, he wasn’t sure if Billy had either. But he’s a Cali boy, so who knew. Maybe he had had a fling or two before Tommy. Had a boyfriend before him. That thought alone spurred him to finally do it, to take Billy’s cock in his mouth and suck him down hazardously. He’s sloppy and gags, can only get about half of his dick in his mouth, but Billy groans like he’s sucking his soul out so he’ll take it. Plus, Billy apparently gets hot for cumming on his face, which, gross, but Tommy liked how Billy looked at him with ropes of cum on his cheeks, his lips, his brow, a little caught in his hair. Opens his mouth up when the blond smooths the bitterness across his lip and onto his tongue.
Tommy takes Billy to prom as his ‘date’, jokes with his friends that he only did it so the junior could get laid and know what to expect when he was crowned prom king next year. They can’t slow dance together, but just being there, drinking punch and dancing to the songs that are constantly flooding the radio, it was worth it.
Tommy doesn’t expect to be on bottom. Though, he didn’t really think he’d be on top either. Billy’s got a real bad boy image, tough and masculine even if he’s a total baby face when he really smiles. Looks sweet when he’s happy. Tommy didn’t really consider the logistics at all, only that he really liked Billy’s butt, but apparently Billy thought the same and well…Tommy’s curious. Apprehensive and his ego weirdly bruised because he’s not a bitch, but curious.
You know that phrase, curiosity killed the cat? Tommy definitely feels like he’s died when Billy fucks him the first time. It’s slow, uncharacteristically gentle at first, but then it’s fast, hard, and Tommy’s head is spinning the entire time he’s trying to caught his breath and not moan too loud because his parents might be out but he still had neighbours. And like the cat, satisfaction brought him back, loose limbed and practically purring after he came, seconds from dozing against Billy’s chest. Billy is smoking, and he smells of sweat and cologne, and Tommy is pretty sure he’s in love to be honest.
Billy knew the moment Tommy got him those concert tickets that he was teetering on the edge of the deep end, about to splash into love, drown in it, and he has. He’s got a boyfriend he’s stupidly in love with and he’s planning his future out with Tommy in it like some sap.
Billy’s at Tommy’s graduation, congratulates him and asks if he’s considering college, and Tommy admits he probably won’t go but he might go into a trade job like his dad. Billy likes the idea of Tommy working a job where he gets dirty often and Tommy has to shove him off with a laugh to hide his red cheeks.
Tommy spends almost every day of his summer at the pool with Billy. Didn’t score the job there sadly, but he does get offered an apprenticeship under Wayne Munson who hurt his arm on the job and needed someone young and fit to help around the auto shop. Billy is very much enamoured by Tommy working on cars. Cars are his passion and seeing Tommy’s hands stained black with grease and striped down to a wife beater that clings to his chest and stomach and hips… it’s hot. Really fucking hot. Like, let’s Tommy fuck him off the hood of his Camaro one night after work kind of hot. He will never recover his lovely blue shirt, but it was worth it.
Summer goes by, and Tommy’s still in town as Billy finishes his final year. Gets a proper position even after Wayne is back in action. Billy breaks sometime in November when he can’t take Neil anymore, and spills the beans. Tommy is furious, offers to kill him or talk to the cops, but they can’t do much. Not with Max still in the house and Billy’s already rough reputation.
Tommy makes Billy stay at his house almost every day after that. Gets so mad he has to leave the room for a minute to take a breather when Billy shows up with a new bruise. Cause now he knows and it makes him sick to his stomach and…
Tommy rents out a trailer. Something small, barely fits one person in it but he can afford it. He asks Billy to live there. It’s Tommy’s home, and he sleeps there most nights since it’s closer to the shop and he kind of needs to be away from home to be his own person, to be independent, but it’s with the intention of Billy having a real sanctuary. A way out. Neil can’t harass Tommy’s family if Billy moves into the trailer into of his house, so it gets rid of that excuse. Max can visit and sleepover as much as he wants if it eases his conscious on leaving her in that house. And maybe, Tommy just likes to idea of coming home to Billy, to kissing his head when he finds him studying after a long day at the shop and eating dinner together and sharing the tiny shower that is not nearly big enough for all the naughty things they’re attempting to do. To wake up to Billy every day and cuddle him without fearing his parents walking in.
It takes Billy a few weeks to agree, and when he does, Tommy helps him pack all his things in the hour between getting home from school and Neil getting home. Max asks where Billy’s going when she notices them, and Billy pulls her aside to explain. Leaves Tommy to walk out of the house with another bag because Billy and Max need to be alone and he respects that. Gives them that time.
Max’s eyes are red when he returns, and so are Billy’s, but she threatens Tommy to treat Billy right or she’d kill him, and Tommy trusts that she will. Tells her so. It cracks a smile out of her.
Max does visit a lot, updates them of how things are at home, how livid Neil was when he saw Billy’s empty room. No one tells Neil where Billy is. Neil could only find him if he went directly to the school, and by god he had tried, but Tommy is a force to be reckoned with when put between a threat and his boyfriend. If Billy hadn’t held him back, he would have punched Neil Hargrove right in the teeth.
Billy’s eighteen. There’s no cop who could drag him back to that house and Neil knows it. Drags on his trailer door when he does find out where he lives and pops Billy’s tire when the blond refuses to open the door, Tommy holding him close as Billy crushed his hand in his.
Tommy fixes up his tire, fixes up most of the damages Neil makes in his attempts to get Billy to come back home. Until one day he just stops. It’s March, Billy is almost nineteen, and Neil has finally given up. Gone quiet. Somehow that’s even more terrifying then the screaming, the barking, the pounding.
They find out a week later that Neil had driven out of Hawkins. Ditched Susan with divorce papers and left them penniless. Tommy offers them space in his tiny, too tiny trailer, and it’s almost impossible to do so but if his parents taught him anything, it was to always offer someone a bed, a warm meal, and company.
Susan gets a job, two in fact, and Max and her take up residence in the trailer across the road, down a few. It’s for the best. Billy and Tommy were both getting antsy playing it coy around Susan and Max, for their sakes.
Billy graduates with flying colours and paces like a caged tiger as he awaits his college applications to come back. Tommy and him scream and jump around when Billy gets accepted into a college in California, the one he had dreamed of going to because his mom always spoke of it fondly.
Tommy knows he’ll miss his parents, the life he was used to in Hawkins, but Billy wants California and Tommy wants Billy. He’ll go wherever he does. He can take his skills anywhere.
So they move. They hang around Hawkins until August before packing their bags and driving over to sunny California. Tommy job hunts, snatched anything he can, and they live in Billy’s car for a bit, in motel rooms, before Tommy gets a job at a shop and Billy lands one in a cafe surprisingly. He’s charming and the hours are flexible, so he takes it with little grumbling.
Billy says ‘I love you’ for the first time when they get their new apartment. He’s marvelling at the place, the place they’d likely be for the next four years of his schooling, and he turns to Tommy and just kisses him. He’s thought it a million times, and it’s long overdue, but he says it and Tommy grins like an unfurling sunflower. It’s gorgeous.
“I love you too. Did you think I didn’t? You’re supposed to be the smart one.”
“We didn’t really say it. Too mushy for us, you know?”
“I guess I said it so much in my head I forgot to tell you. I like mushy. My whole brains mushy with you, B.”
Billy laughs and it spurs Tommy’s own and it feels good. Feels right. In October 1984, Tommy never would have thought he’d be dating Billy. Barely thought he’d be friends with him. But now it was September, 1986, almost two years later, and he was telling the guy he loved him. Tempted to get on one knee and ask him to marry him.
He’d give it another year. Maybe two. Tommy has all the time in the word to be with Billy. They could go slow and steady, work through their love over time like a jigsaw puzzle.
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kageyuji · 4 years
his teammate has a crush on his s/o
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⤷ oikawa, atsumu, akaashi, tsukishima, tanaka, kenma ; [gn!reader] — part 2
tags: jealousy, fluff(?), a few swears, the teammates had to be mischaracterized a bit for the plot, and a little sprinkle of threats as a treat
note: you’re so cute when you reblog <33
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oikawa was always protective of you, though he is terrible at swallowing his pride and will never admit to being jealous
but he couldn’t deny it to himself
not when he saw how mattsun laughed whenever you spoke to makki, how makki always seemed to have his eyes on you
then again he knew how much he could read into things, how whenever an idea got planted in his mind he’d overthink it
so he brushed it off and tried to ignore the bitter feeling he got very time you interacted with the other guy
it wasn’t until he overheard mattsun and makki talking that he realized he was right
“you can’t deny that y/n is cute, mattsun, look at them. probably cuter wearing my t-shirt though, hm?”
when i tell you he froze
he literally stopped, volleyball in hand. it seemed like he was frozen in time, holding his breath and eyes staring at nothing, but seemingly at something that scared him
then he blinked, turning his head to offer makki a confused but hostile look
“come again? i don’t think i heard you right.”
now it’s makki’s turn to freeze
eventually he’ll offer a nervous, apologetic smile and say it was nothing, but he also won’t look oikawa in the eye anymore
oikawa doesn’t walk away then, instead opting to walk over to the two of them
“y/n is my partner. not yours, ok?” “ok!”
oikawa then makes a point to have you wearing either his extra jersey or hoodie around the team, especially around makki
atsumu is another thats already protective of you, except he doesn’t mind showing it
he’ll deny that he’s doing it, but no one misses the way he puts an arm around you and pulls you close his chest, or the glares he sends the other person
he especially gets worried around other guys that you’re close with. he knows he can’t contol your friends and it’s not like he wants to
but he just wishes you wouldn’t seem to have more fun with them than with your boyfriend
what really bothered him though was the way you and suna seemed to get along — suna had always been the type to tease the people he liked and atsumu hated how he did that to you
he trusted suna though, trusted that even if suna did have feelings for you he wouldn’t do anything about it
atsumu had written off his jealousy once again, though he hated the way his teammate had made you laugh
that was until he heard suna say something like “they’re cute”
atsumu turned around quickly, jaw set and something like betrayal written on his face
“are you talking about y/n?” he says, as though he doesn’t already know the answer
suna doesn’t respond, just turns to atsumu and looks as though he’s trying to find some sort of excuse without actually having to lie
“i can’t control whether the two of you talk, but don’t you dare fucking flirt with them again.”
if you thought he was touchy before, he’s even more so now
he always makes sure that you’re either wearing something of his or that he’s touching you in some way — he’ll hold your hand, hug you, press kisses to the side of your face
though he hates it, he tends to get insecure
and he’s insecure about literally everything, but he’s especially worried that he’s not good enough for you
so him being jealous on occasion is in the package deal
he hides it well though, usually calming himself down enough by holding your hand or looking at a photo of the two of you
usually he’s good at communicating whenever he gets like that, he’ll tell you later whenever it’s just you and him
but he didn’t really know what to do about the fact that konoha had seemed to be getting more and more flirtatious with you
you were always at his practices and his games, he couldn’t expect you not to talk to konoha so much
besides, it was probably just his insecurities again... right?
he kept telling himself that, at least until bokuto had mentioned it nonchalantly
“what did you just say?”
“uh, the part about konoha liking y/n? or the other part?”
his heart drops, eyes quickly scanning the room to find you and hoping konoha wasn’t talking to you
but of course he was talking to you and cracking some dumb joke that made you laugh
and then suddenly there was akaashi beside you, wrapping his arm around you and staring at konoha with hostility in his eyes
he won’t say anything to konoha in front of you, the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable
but the second you’re gone akaashi won’t hesitate to confront him, digging his nails into his palms to keep himself calm
“i don’t control y/n or their friends, but keep in mind that you’re their friend. and i’m their boyfriend. and i get that feelings are uncontrollable but if you flirt with them again i might just feel like hitting you.”
tsukishima actually wasn’t the type to get jealous a lot. even when guys openly flirted with you, there was a feeling more like pride then jealousy
he only really got jealous when the guy posed an actual threat, and even then he played it off with a cocky smile and pitying look at the guy
but this time it was different
he never got along much with kageyama, so he wasn’t completely sure why the setter had taken to talking to you of all people
hinata was the only person that kageyama usually talked to; it was logical for tsukishima to wonder why kageyama had been starting conversations with you
so he watched the other boy with a careful eye for a while and made sure he wasn’t getting too comfortable around you
it wasn’t until he overheard kageyama and hinata talking that he had confirmation
“kageyama, you don’t have feelings for y/n, do you?”
“well... i don’t know, i mean they’re cute and they’re really nice, don’t you think? maybe if tsukishima w-”
without missing a beat, tsukishima turns and smiles at the setter, “yeah i agree. the difference between you and i though is that y/n is mine, know your place, king.”
kageyama didn’t say anything in response, just wrinkled his nose, grabbed his bag, and left the gym
tsukishima knew that you liked him as opposed to kageyama, so he wasn’t exactly worried about it
but he did try to smoothly mention that maybe you shouldn’t talk to kageyama as much (spoiler: it was not smooth and all, you ended up asking why and tsukki had to admit what happened through red-tinted cheeks)
the king of getting protective and jealous
he doesn’t mean to be, he just doesn’t understand why you chose to be with him of all people
he’s grateful that you did though, he honestly doesn’t know what he’d do without you
on the bright side though, he isn’t one to hide his jealousy either. if he deems someone to be getting a little too friendly with you, he’ll step in and let them know you’re taken
obviously if his protectiveness makes you uncomfortable he’ll tone it down, but unless you tell him that he’s going to make sure everyone knows that you’re dating
so it only takes once for someone to get what he deems flirtatious and he’s letting the other person know that they’re crossing a line
except this time it was nishinoya, and tanaka was a little torn
he trusted his best friend obviously, but then again he knew that nishinoya showed off and bragged to you a lot more than he did with other people
he watched as nishinoya grabbed your hand, kissing the back of it and then smiling
and then in no time, there was tanaka, holding the other boy by the collar of his shirt
“what the hell man?!” he says, then finally let’s go of nishinoya
“sorry...” nishinoya says quietly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. instead of saying anything else, he looks at the ground and starts walking away
“i’ll deal with him later,” tanaka says, voice much softer than it had been
he wraps you in a hug, burying his face into your neck and leaving gentle kisses there. he won’t let go for a while unless you ask him to
kenma didn’t get jealous a lot either, he could easily tell whenever someone was flirting with you as opposed to when someone was just being friendly
the only time he actually got jealous was when people flirted with you. and even then he’d just walk over to you and grab your hand, giving the other person a bored look
however, it was harder for him to tell if you were close to the other person
which was why he was a little skeptical whenever yaku seemed to be getting a little too close to you
he tried to believe it wasn’t; yaku wouldn’t flirt with someone he knew was in a relationship. especially not if the person was dating his teammate... would he?
except whenever he saw yaku blush and smile at something you’d said, then said something to make you laugh, that was his confirmation
“so what are you talking about?” kenma said, walking over to you and yaku. he wrapped his arms around you, hooking his chin over your shoulder so he could see the other guy
he saw something like concern appear on yaku’s face now
kenma couldnt help but smile, not when yaku said they were talking about nothing, though their was panic lacing his words
“hm,” kenma hummed, pressed a quick kiss to the side of your face, and then turned his eyes back to yaku
“well maybe the next time you try to flirt with my partner, invite me next time.”
“i-i wasn’t... that’s not it-“
“i’m not dense, just understand that y/n is my partner, and i’m their’s. step off.”
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© kageyuji 2021. do not copy, modify, or otherwise plagiarize in any way.
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