#and he did it alone and in rs clothes knees to his chest :(
boxwinebaddie · 1 month
hey uncle nina do u happen to have that one para where u talked abt how jersey couldn't say ily during sbst and stan was like super sad abt it? i tried looking for it on ur blog but i can't find it</3
tHE DIVORCE PARA???>?@?@?@?3/2/
noooooOOOOOOoOooOo!!!!!!!!! :'(
goddamnit, guys. what happened to 'we hope you heal, uncle nina!' wAS IT NOT ENOUGH THAT I DIED ONCE??? I GOTTA DIE TWICE?!
but....because i love you very much, i will link it for you.
edit: oh god, i am reading it rn and it is soooo rough, i'm am so sorry. cringe. goofy aa. oof. later today, i might reopen it and just so we can suffer i will have it start mid sbst ( which, assumes i can write the smut which, no promises ) and then have it end with ravenstan leaving ( fuuuck lmao, like that fight does not even end there, we're in H-E-L-L holy shit ) because i hate my life but...anyways....
without further ado,
Please Enjoy The WORST
( and i do mean THE /WOOOORST/ )
Part Of Your Day...Maybe Your Life.
-uncle nina, who is going to request a lobotomy at her doctors appointment to forgot the divorce happened.
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gwynne-fics · 6 years
31 Days of AUs: Super powers
requested by Anon
Heirs -- Rachel & Young-Do
one. Young-Do hated puberty. He woke up one more morning feeling like he was on fire, only to discover that he actually was on fire. He put himself out in the shower but it took hours to figure out how to not be on fire. He knew this happened to some people, so he searched for tricks online to stop it.
His mother helped him by making him fire resistant clothing but he quickly learned he couldn’t really touch anyone for long without burning them. He was handsome and charming but alone and it fucking sucked.
The forums online couldn’t help with that.
two. Sometimes I feel like I’ll never be warm again. The online support group for special abilities was the only place she felt comfortable being herself. Rachel loved summer fashion but the perpetual frost coming off of her made it impossible to wear cute booty shorts and tank tops.
She was known as the Ice Queen at work and she hated it.
There was one guy on the forum that had it nearly as bad as she did. She didn’t know his real name for years but that didn’t seem to matter. He was to fire what she was to ice. They commiserate a lot and it went from the forum to texting after a few years.
At times, he felt like her best friend.
It was just too dangerous to meet in person.
three. Young-Do looked at the picture of Rachel on his computer screen and tried not to despair. She was beautiful and he’d found her through the little hints of her life she let slip through. He knew he was in love with her but had no way to convince her to meet him. She was just so smart and witty about everything. She talked him through his parent’s divorce and his struggles to find his place in his company and he was able to do the same for her when her parents revealed their affairs.
He knew she didn’t want to be president of her company. She just wanted to make pretty clothes for people like them. Everyone on their forum had something Rachel made them to help get through the day without their powers interfering. She made them feel normal.
He was the only one that didn’t have anything from her because she couldn’t give him what he needed--the ability to touch another person without hurting them.
“You need a suit,” Go Nam-Il said thoughtfully as he looked over his shoulder. “That’s Yoo Rachel of RS International. If anyone can get you a proper suit for this promotion to president, it is her. I can get you in contact with her.”
Young-Do tried not to sound afraid when he cleared his throat and nodded. “Alright.”
four. Rachel looked at the request from Zeus Hotels and felt her throat go dry. She knew this was her friend. They’d exchanged given names a long time ago and she looked him up. She immediately responded, telling his assistant that she could have her best menswear director make him something fireproof and fashionable.
She didn’t tell anyone that she already had researched the perfect fabric for him and worked diligently to make sure it was indistinguishable from the usual suiting materials.
And then there was a time and place she would meet her best friend. She scrambled through her closet the night before, hating all of her clothes, and feeling the truth of the Ice Queen in her chest. She couldn’t breathe.
Ice droplets fell from her eyes and onto her pillow. Rachel was so tired of being cold.
Two days later, her assistant told her that Acting President Choi Young-Do was in her lobby. It took more courage than she cared to admit to take a deep, cold breath and walk out to meet him. He wasn’t sitting. He paced with...flowers in his hand. Yellow roses with red tips. She’d told him those were her favorite.
He saw her and smiled. “Hello, Rachel. I’m Young-Do. From the forum.”
five. Young-Do was shocked when ice fell from her eyes. But she smiled and bowed in her beautiful yellow and red dress. It came to her knees and even though it was summer, she wore stockings, gloves and a scarf. He didn’t think as he rushed to try and comfort her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. It was a relief when she hugged him back.
“I’m sorry,” she said wetly. “I didn’t mean to cry but now that you’re here, I don’t know why I was so afraid.” She took his hand and pulled him into her studio. She pointed at a screen and he handed her the flowers. “Your suit is behind there. Let me know if you need any help with it.”
He ended up needing help. Unfortunately the measurements he sent her were wrong and he needed it fitted. Rachel flitted around him and he tried not to focus on the way she smelled like sharp winter. He loved winter. He could go up into the mountains and hike deep into the snow and not worry about lighting anything on fire.
“I think I might have to take my gloves off,” she said. “Let me know if my touch gets too cold. I don’t want to give you frostbite.”
Young-Do snorted and ducked his head. “It would be the first time. Probably worth it.”
Rachel looked up at him with a wry smile and shook her head. She took off her gloves and flit around him as she made the alteration adjustments. A few times, her fingers brushed over his skin and his body reacted...predictably.
But it wasn’t cold. It was how he imagined normal might feel. Her brow furrowed as she buttoned up his shirt and she paused with her bare fingers hovering over his bare chest. Rachel licked her lips and deliberately touched him.
“I’m not cold,” she whispered.
Young-Do put his hand over hers. “I’m not three seconds from bursting into flame.”
“We should take this slow,” she said right before she kissed him.
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