#and have padme assasinated to get her out of your way?
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okay hear me out...
fan made visual novel where the reader is the new chancellor of the republic after sidious dies under mysterious circumstances. (*coughitwasyoucough*) all the various jedi and sith are alive. the clone wars continue. multiple endings, morality system, dating options. 🤓
(art credit: photomanip of imperial throne and maul from comics, cleaned up and spliced together with a ui.)
#renpy is not hard to make visual novels in#it would just need a writing team and an art team#maybe like 6-8 people total#star wars#sith#darth maul#chancellor of the republic#Coruscant#tcw#clone wars#the clone wars#commander fox#would get so much screen time#do you use the clones? ... you know the codes....#do you have the jedi? or destroy them on your path to power?#do you unite the sith into a new order?#do you haul anakin back to mortis and sit him down?#or do you fall in love with him#and have padme assasinated to get her out of your way?#... or is it padme your heart desires?#hmmmmmm
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When We Were Young- An Obitine Story- Chapter 19
Representative Jaira Deere of the Trade Federation was more than she seemed. After their morning session, which broke for lunch, the Representative was dragged unconscious into the dining room.
“Your Grace-”
Ambassador Dee stood, “Jaira, what happened?”
“We found her by Count Vizsla’s cell, talking to the prisoner,” Gorg explained, “she mentioned something about corruption, but hit her head against the cell before she could be questioned.”
The Ambassador looked deeply saddened, betrayed, almost. Satine knew the feeling.
“Put her next to the Count,” the Duchess ordered, “make sure she gets any medical attention she needs.”
Gorg bowed and went to follow Satine’s orders.
“I must apologize, Your Highness,” Trai Dee bent his knees, “I did not know this would happen.”
“I do not blame you, Ambassador,” Satine said kindly, “we all have been decided in this business.”
After lunch, the trade discussion was finalized. Certain safe trade routes between Mandalore and Coruscant could not be found, so Mandalorian cargo ships were granted access into both Seperatist and Republic space. Of course, this was only allowed when on duty and transporting goods, offending this statute was punishable by imprisonment. To further limit misbehavior, Mandalorian trade ships were only allowed to take off after an inspection and on certain days of the week. Any Mandalorian cargo ship flying on Saturday or Sunday would have its contents thoroughly examined. The Duchess would personally speak with the Dock Managers in the next few days to help smooth the transition.
“I would like to apologize again, Your Grace,” Ambassador Dee frowned, “I can’t believe about Jaira.”
“No need to apologize,” Satine frowned, “war breeds betrayal.”
After a moment of silence, Trai Dee spoke quietly.
“She’s my niece.”
“My sister leads the Death Watch with her childhood friend.”
“We are in a similar position, then.”
Satine looked down, “It is a terrible place to be.”
“If I may, Your Grace,” Ambassador Dee turned, “I would make friends with both the Separatists and the Republic, this war is going to last a long time.”
“I want to stay out of this war.” Satine countered.
“It is impossible,” Dee shook his head, “as the head of the Council of Neutral Systems that would be moral, but you need to protect your people.”
Satine nodded, “And my friendship with the senator offends some.”
The Duchess swallowed, “I will take your advice, Ambassador, but for now let’s see to your niece.”
Jaira Deere and Tarrei Vizsla had already been questioned and the Duchess and the Ambassador were given sheets with all the information the guards had gleaned.
“Representative Deere was paid on Coruscant by a Seperatist contact to cause a disruption,” Gorg frowned, “it appears that Count Dooku is invested in taking Mandalore.”
“Why?” Satine growled.
“Many people are trying to bring down Senator Amidala,” Jaym slapped a sheet on the table, “reports of new assasination attempts have just come in.”
“They want to shake her and take out your influence,” Ambassador Dee stood, “I would suggest political maneuverings. I am going to see my niece.”
Satine’s mind whirled. Count Dooku, what did she know about Count Dooku? Death Watch didn’t like him, perhaps she should contact her sister.
“An emergency meeting with my private council,” the Duchess stood, “I need the Prime Minister.”
It took five minutes to assemble everyone and inform them of the situation.
“You must contact your Jedi friends too,” the Prime Minister suggested, “get all the info on Count Dooku.”
A plan wormed into Satine’s head.
“We can give Count Dooku to the Jedi,” she grinned, “we invite him here on friendly premise, and get Death Watch to capture him and send him to the Jedi.”
“That is an ambitious plan.” an advisor sighed.
“It does hinge on many things,” Satine agreed, “but the Count has many enemies.”
While one of Satine’s aides filed to meet with the Jedi Council, Satine discussed the new trading plan with her advisors.
“I shall accompany you when Your Grace visits the docks,” Jaru Djarin decided, “we need to send a message to our people.”
“I agree.”
Satine’s comm dinged, it was Obi-Wan. The Duchess didn’t know if she was furious or enamoured.
“Your Grace, are you alright?”
“Excuse me.”
Satine hid the fresher and commed her Jedi.
“You filed a petition?” were his first words.
“We’ve a plan to capture Count Dooku.”
Obi-Wan sighed.
“It’s possible, he wants to capture Mandalore.”
“How will allying with him help that?”
“Bo will capture him before it comes to that.”
Satine could hear Obi-Wan arguing with himself mentally.
“Be careful with my children.” he rasped.
“We’ll be fine.” Satine assured, slightly surprised.
When Satine returned, her staff informed her that the Jedi Council would hear her plan.
“Good,” the Duchess nodded, steeling herself, “when?”
“This afternoon,” the Prime Minister answered, “we have much to do.”
After bidding adieu to the Ambassador, Satine contacted Padme for anything and everything that she knew about the Sith Lord. Next, Satine prepared a formal invitation to Mandalore with her ruling council.
“Inviting a Sith Lord to Mandalore?” Countess Barlor gasped.
“Friendly premises,” Governor Eldar added, “what friendly premises?”
“A celebration of our dealings with both the Separatists and the Republic.” Satine answered.
The Prime Minister shook her head, “Not good enough.”
Satine stiffened, she did, of course, have a backup plan, but she hated the idea, and she hadn’t told Obi-Wan about it.
“I will ask him if he’s interested in assuming the title of Duke Consort.”
“No!” Countess Bralor gasped.
Silence descended over the council.
“I will invite him to court me,” Satine swallowed, “that is what the visit is for.”
Governor Eldar was gaping.
“That could work.” Prime Minister Djarin said quietly.
In the silence that followed, Satine stood.
“I must speak with my sister.”
In her private parlor, Satine commed a number she hadn’t called since it was given to her.
“Sister?” “Bo,” Satine gasped, “I’m going to ask Count Dooku to court me.”
Bo-Katan Kryze muttered a string of curses that Satine hadn’t heard since they were girls.
“I need you to rally your troops and help me capture him when he comes.”
“Oh,” Bo breathed a sigh of relief, “that’s better.”
“We’re going to hand him over to the Jedi.”
Bo-Katan was silent for a moment, “That’s ambitious.”
“I won’t underestimate him.”
“Satine,” her sister groaned, “have you thought about this?”
“Yes, Bo.”
Bo-Katan was silent for a moment.
“Let me know when he’ll arrive in Sundari.”
“Thank you.”
Now, the Duchess realized, she was at the hardest part.
“Should I send him a letter first?” Satine asked Jaru.
“Send him a hologram through our Separatist Diplomat, ask to speak with him privately.” suggested the Prime Minister.
Satine recorded the hologram in her personal parlor. Running over what she would say as Parna tightened her corset, Satine found herself exceedingly nervous.
“You won’t actually marry him,” Khaami assured, “it’ll be alright.”
“Still,” Satine stiffened, “a Sith Lord?”
Khaami raised an eyebrow. Fortunately, the Duchess’ comm rang.
“Satine, tell me it’s not true!”
“Padme, I-”
“Your meeting with the Jedi Council about a Seperatist problem,” the Senator read, “do tell me what that problem is and how Count Dooku relates to it.”
Satine sighed, “We’re going to trick him and send him into Republic custody.”
“Why is that any of your business?”
“I need connections to both sides.”
“Satine, no-”
“Padme, it’s the only way to save my people,” the Duchess argued, “we need friends, not enemies.”
“Satine, this will only make you enemies.” countered Senator Amidala.
“Padme,” Satine swallowed, “I’m going to ask if he will court me.”
“What the actual, kriffing-”
“Shut up, Anakin,” Padme called, “Satine’s not serious.”
“I am,” the Duchess reiterated, “if he courts me, I will contract the Death Watch to fight for him.”
“Oh, Satine-”
“I also intend to show my support for the Jedi.”
“How?” Anakin spat.
“Satine, really?”
“Korkie will accompany our ambassador to the Republic Senate to allow the Jedi free reign of Mandalorian space and ask if Master Vos and his Padawan would appreciate an extended stay on Mandalore.”
“Satine,” Padme’s voice was shaky, “this is very dangerous.”
“I know.”
“Then why?” Padme whispered.
“Count Dooku is invested in taking Mandalore, we captured his players,” Satine explained, “and if we’re neutral, we’re in more danger than if we are tied to both sides.”
“Satine,” Anakin spoke up, “if you invite him to meet you, he might sense the twins.”
The Duchess grew cold, “What?”
“Force users can sense other force users,” Anakin swallowed, “even if they aren’t born yet.”
Satine cursed, something she almost never did.
“Another reason why this is a bad idea.” Padme added.
“He might not respond right away,” Satine stated, “he could wait.”
“Satine, I have to go,” Padme frowned, “but know I don’t like this.”
“Good luck with the Council.” Anakin added.
The Duchess sighed, “Thanks.”
Satine looked up, Khaami took back the comm.
“We’re ready.” Parna announced, stepping out of the frame.
The Duchess straightened, Khaami nodded, “Good evening, Count Dooku, I trust you know I am Duchess Satine of Mandalore. I have a proposition with for you-”
Here, she took a breath.
“My people need allies that can provide security, and I would like assistance on that matter from the Seperatist Alliance,” Satine continued, “my advisors and I were very disappointed with Jaira Deere, but we are willing to look past this and offer you the title of Duke of Mandalore.”
“Should you accept, an agreement will need to be reached and the public informed,” Satine smiled pleasantly, “I hope you consider my proposal with seniority.”
Khaami turned off the hologram, Parna heaved a sigh of relief.
“I will have this transferred to our Seperatist Ambassador,” Khaami stood, “I wish you the best of luck with the Jedi Council.”
“Thank you, Khaami,” Satine nodded, “it will be quite the day.”
Downstairs in the meeting room, Satine’s personal advisors were waiting along with Jaru. Satine sat at the head of the table and signaled to the Prime Minister she was ready.
“Duchess Satine,” a blue form of Master Windu greeted, “we have been told you wish to discuss the Separatists and Count Dooku.”
“Yes,” Satine nodded, “our recent capture of a Seperatsist informant has led us to conclude Count Dooku wants to take Mandalore-”
“Certain, are you?”
“Yes,” Satine straightened, “and we’ve sent him a hologram inviting him to visit Sundari.”
“Are you going to ally with the Separatists?” asked a familiar voice.
“No,” Satine turned to Obi-Wan, “we intend to capture him using Death Watch and turn him into you.”
“Death Watch,” Master Windu frowned, “your enemies?”
“My sister,” Satine began, “the leader of the resistance movement against me, has already agreed to the plan. Death Watch despises Count Dooku.”
There came a moment of silence.
“Sure he will come, are you?”
“The Count is an ambitious man,” Satine frowned, “we have offered him a much sought after title that would give him more power in the galaxy.”
Master Kenobi frowned, “What exactly is that title?”
Satine looked to Jaru, who nodded.
“Duke Consort of Mandalore.”
Master Windu stiffened, “If you are capable of such a plan, how do we know you are not deceiving us?”
“In a few hours,” Satine continued, “I will step down as Head of the Council of Neutral systems, my main goal is to protect my people, Master Jedi, and Death Watch and all the betrayal this war has caused my system proved that peace is not the best tactic.”
In the quiet that followed, Satine shifted. One of the twins got her father’s devious genes and was kicking her bladder. Nasty. Speaking of Obi-Wan Kenobi, his face was a mask, but the Duchess learned how to read him a long time ago. He was mad, worried, and needed time to think.
“Court you, Count Dooku will, hm?”
“Yes.” Satine nodded.
“Consider your options you must,” Master Yoda stated, “help protect your people, the Republic can.”
“That is also why, while the Count is courting me, I am willing to open up Mandalorian space to Jedi spacecraft.”
Master Yoda considered this.
“Thin line, you are walking.”
“The Duchess is more than capable of doing her duty,” Prime Minister Djarin spoke up, “I am certain she will protect Mandalore.”
“How long will it take you to get Dooku in custody?” Master Ti asked.
“It will depend on how quickly he comes to Mandalore.” Satine responded.
“I suggest we send a Jedi to Mandalore,” Master Mundi suggested after a silence, “to help Her Grace and serve as an extra guard.”
“I volunteer my services if they are needed.”
Satine looked to Obi-Wan’s blue figure, he was staring at her.
“Thank you, master Kenobi,” Master Windu frowned, “but you’ve not yet returned from the Outer Rim and even then we have a job for you.”
“Anakin, then?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Need him too, we do.” Master Yoda dissented.
“Master Vos, perhaps,” Satine offered, “I believe he’s not integrally involved in the war effort.”
Master Mundi looked to Master Yoda.
“You’ve met Master Vos?” Master Ti asked.
“I’ve had the pleasure.” Satine responded dryly.
Obi-Wan smirked, and the Duchess found herself smiling too.
“Master Vos then,” Master Windu nodded, “and I believe his Padawan is Mandalorian.”
“Yes,” Master Yoda looked to Satine, “Mandalorian, she is.”
“Then she’s not an off-worlder,” an advisor of the Duchess’ added, “so she may carry her weapon.”
Satine shifted, Baby A, who had kicked earlier, still seemed to want to wrestle.
“Thank you for your initiative, Your Highness,” Master Windu smiled to the best of his ability, “we shall send Master Vos and his Padawan once Count Dooku has made his intentions clear.”
“You are very kind, Master Jedi, thank you.”
The comm ended, Satine breathed a sigh of relief and sank in her chair.
“Who shall you nominate in your place as Head of the council of Neutral systems?” asked Jaru.
“Senator Kin Robb,” the Duchess answered without hesitation, “her help has been invaluable to me and her planet is in the process of leaving both the Republic and the Seperatist Alliance.”
“Shall I schedule a call for you, Your Grace?” asked an advisor.
“Yes, thank you,” Satine stood, “I want to make my intentions known as soon as possible.”
The Duchess took the elevator up to her floor and would’ve collapsed if Jaym had not been there to catch her.
“Your Grace?”
“I’m alright,” Satine huffed, “help me to my room, Jaym.”
The guard did as he was told.
“Bring me Nurse Hera,” Satine ordered, climbing onto her bed, “and see if you can find my ladies.”
In the meantime, the Duchess struggled to undo her corset. Fortunately, when she was about half way through, her ladies appeared with Hera in tow.
Parna rushed to help her lady with her corset strings, “Oh, Satine.”
“What are your symptoms?” Hera asked, opening her bag.
“They’re just active,” Satine sighed, “and it really hurts when they kick.”
“You're about six months and two weeks, correct?” Hera questioned.
Satine groaned and fell backward as the pressure on her stomach released. She had a significant bump now, and the Duchess ran her hands along the hump that her twins had made.
“Alright,” Hera began, hands clean, “I’m going to check their placement and movement.”
Hera did, while Khaami answered Satine’s comm for her.
“This is Lady Khaami.”
“Hello, Lady Khaami, this is the Prime Minister,” Jaru’s voice crackled, “please tell Her Grace that I scheduled a dinnertime call with the Council of Neutral systems.”
“I will, thank you.”
Satine whined as Hera hit a pressure point.
“I think you need some time away from the corset,” Hera advised, “the girls need space to grow.”
With a sigh, Satine argued that she couldn’t do that.
“Perhaps you could call in from your room,” Parna suggested, “just your upper body on camera and we could tell the palace staff you’re feeling quite tired.”
“Hm,” Satine took a second to respond, “that could work.”
“More than a few hours would be beneficial,” Hera frowned, “are there any holes in your schedule tomorrow?”
“I think we’ll just be waiting for Count Dooku’s response,” Satine confessed, “but we also have to implement the new trade guidelines.”
“Stay in as long as you can.” Hera advised. “The Prime Minister and the Ruling Council can help with that,” Khaami offered, “I think you should rest.”
Satine sighed, “So do I.”
Parna stood, “I’ll prepare a comfortable outfit for this evening.”
Suddenly, Hera frowned.
“Satine, when was the last time you ate?”
The Duchess blushed, “Breakfast.”
Hera looked to Khaami.
She stood, “I suppose that’s my cue.”
Hera laughed, nodding.
Satine sighed, “This is quite the mess I’m getting myself into.”
“Now you see it.” Parna agreed, returning with a dress.
“Parna,” Satine suddenly spoke up, “will you ask the PR Department to run a poll?”
“What do you want to ask?” questioned the lady.
“Whether or not people feel safe on Mandalore,” Satine stated, “whether or not they have confidence in the government, and what they think of the war and their Duchess.”
Parna raised an eyebrow, “Heavy questions.”
“Still.” Satine frowned.
With a sigh, Parna agreed.
“I checked on that droid you have,” Hera spoke up, “it should be able to help assist in the delivery.”
“The battery is fixed?”
Hera grinned, “We had an extra one in the med bay.”
Satine considered herself pleased.
“And Khaami showed me the birthing chamber,” Hera hesitated, “it’s primal yet functional.”
Satine laughed, “This isn’t my first experience with birth.”
Hera’s eyes went wide, but raised her hands as the Duchess went to explain.
“I already know the father’s name is Ben,” the nurse stated, “and the less I know the better.”
Satine smiled softly, “Thank you.”
Khaami came in with a huge tray then, and Satine squealed in delight.
“I know,” the lady smiled, “I asked for your favorite tea too.”
Satine took the tray on her lap, which was harder to balance than it should’ve been.
“How have the pills been going?” Hera questioned.
The Duchess blushed, “Parna has to remind me most nights.”
Hera sighed.
“But I take them.” Satine added, hopeful. “That’s good.”
The Duchess ate and Hera bid goodbye. When Parna returned and Satine had finished, she changed into a silk nightgown and wrapped elegant furs over her chest and laced shoulders.
“Let me fix your hair.” Parna offered.
While she did this, Khaami fetched Satine’s favorite silver circlet with an emerald embedded in the center. Next, she set up the call zone.
“And,” Parna put the circlet on Satine’s head, “done.”
“Thank you,” Satine stood, “let’s hope this goes down easy.”
Khaami and Parna took their ceremonial places behind Satine after the lighting in her parlor was fixed.
“We’re ready now.” Khaami whispered.
Satine pressed a button.
“Duchess Satine,” Representative Uru nodded politely, “your Prime Minister said you wished to speak with us.”
“Yes,” Satine breathed, “it is my wish to step down from my position as Head of the Council of Neutral Systems.”
A beat of silence followed.
“I am not joining the war,” Satine clarified, “but our neutral stance has been jeopardizing the safety of my people, and I have decided to remove myself from a position where Mandalore can be manipulated for malintent.”
Representative Uru spoke first, “It is a noble cause, to protect one’s people, and I believe this Council is understanding of your situation.”
“Thank you.” Satine inclined her head.
“Who do you intend to nominate as your successor?” asked a fellow Council member.
“I would like to nominate the Honorable Kin Robb,” Satine stated, looking to the former Senator, “as my understudy, I believe she knows the ins and outs of the job and will perform them to the best of her ability.”
The woman smiled at the Satine, grateful for her words.
“If there are no objections in the quorum,” Representative Uru spoke up, “then we shall begin the process of transition for you, Duchess.”
No one spoke up.
Satine placed a hand to her chest, “You have my gratitude, esteemed members of the Council.”
“You will still be a member of this body?” the farmer Senator asked.
“I shall,” Satine nodded, “but I shall take a less public role.”
After the video call, Satine had a strange craving for celery.
“Not surprising.” Khaami snorted, “I’ll go get some.”
“Thank you.” Satine grinned.
#chapter19#fanfic#fanfic.net#fanfiction#satine x obiwan#obitine#obiwan#obi wan kenobi#korkie kenobi#korkie kryze#satine kryze#Duchess Satine#starwars#clonewars
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#her stomach is still showing which is ehhh not practical at all but i get that they're still trying to keep ties to her first look
My Top Posts in 2022:
amidala’s rebellion
(so an AU where Padmé and co never found Anakin on Tatooine and consequently had a much more difficult time getting back to Naboo. The battle against the Trade Federation dragged out for years, and in the background, the galaxy fell to the Clone Wars with Palpatine rising to power as the Chancellor. In the chaos, Padmé ends up desperate enough to take on the proposed constitutional amendment to let her stay in power indefinitely and, when the Empire rises, Naboo becomes a lynchpin for the fledgling rebellion.
And Sabé becomes her assasin.)
"I know you," the Moff says. "I know what you are, girl. Do you think we do not hear the rumors? Do you think that just because we do not have the proof, we don't know what the Queen of Naboo truly is to the Empire? And you - " He spits - "her personal attack dog."
He laughs. "Doesn't it grate on you, handmaiden, to be nothing less than an animal at the beck and call of your precious Amidala? Have you ever done anything out of your own free will?"
Sabé lets the words wash over her like the waves of the lakeshore by the Naberries' villa. Lets herself remember the feeling of Padmé's painted lips brushing fleetingly against her own. There's this common misconception that the galaxy has: that Padmé is Amidala, and the handmaidens serve her unquestioningly. Padmé isn't Amidala. Amidala is Padmé's voice, Saché's poise, Rabé's gait, Yané's gaze, Sabé's heart. Amidala is a shadow, falling over the whole of Naboo, wreaking havoc on the Empire. Amidala is all of them, and Amidala is none of them. Amidala is their creation, and they are Amidala's prisoners.
And they wouldn't have it any other way.
At Sabé's cold smile, the Moff pales. He steps backwards. "Please," he says, and Sabé nearly laughs at how quickly he changes his tune. "I have a family. I have children."
It's a lie. She'd know; espionage was the first thing Sabé learned when she became a handmaiden.
But it wouldn't have made a difference.
So she really does laugh this time. "I thought you said you knew what I was."
She slits his throat like all the others.
64 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
both relationships tory enters in the show (tory x miguel and tory x robby) start with her trying to turn x guy away from sam which is really funny to me because like. the first thing she thinks of when going after a guy is SAM. not “wow I really like this guy!” but “HA you know what sam would HATE take THAT”
and also the fact that when sam and miguel kissed in s2 she was furious at sam, who was so drunk she couldn’t stand straight at the time, but barely spared a second thought for miguel, her actual boyfriend, who was dead sober. tory. were you mad that sam kissed miguel or mad that she didn’t kiss you JUST SAYING
76 notes - Posted October 28, 2022
i think that after sam and tory become besties (manifesting s6 let’s go) they still fight each other for fun and the first two times it scares the hell out of miguel and robby until they realize that no, these dumbasses aren’t ACTUALLY trying to kill each other this time they’re just PRETENDING to and they give up yeah
94 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
98 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
of disastrous proportions
Or, maybe Jedi General Anakin Skywalker is not as dead as the Rebellion thought he was. And maybe Luke and Leia, desperate not to be left out of the rescue, have inherited their parents' propensity for chaos. Just a little bit.
The Rebel Alliance briefing room is in chaos.
It always is, these days, but usually it's in a state of more affectionately-termed "organized chaos". Today is an altogether different madness. From far enough above that no one notices them, and actively shielding their presences enough so that none of the force-sensitives in the room feel the need to look up, Luke and Leia Naberrie-Skywalker hang on to every intelligible word.
"General Skywalker is dead—"
"—description matches him perfectly—"
"It's been well over a decade, even if he had survived then, it is impossible—"
"Anakin's always had a knack for the impossible—"
"—survived Order 66 then we would have known—"
"Agent Sabé's information has never been wrong before—"
The room quiets marginally. Padmé Amidala, Senator turned traitor to the Republic and General of the Rebel Alliance, steps forward. Ahsoka Tano and Obi-wan Kenobi, former Jedi dead on all official Empire records, stand steadily behind her.
Luke and Leia, perched in the vents, exchange an apprehensive glance.
"General Amidala, you must see reason," Mon Mothma says placatingly. "Obtaining the Death Star plans is of utmost importance right now. We don't have the resources to waste on such a treacherous rescue mission, not when it's likely nothing more than chasing ghosts."
"Or worse," Ackbar adds. "A trap."
"Rest assured," Padmé says smoothly, "that I have heard all of your points. But Sabé's information has been confirmed by multiple trustworthy sources. There is an extremely valuable prisoner on-board the Death Star, scheduled for execution, and he does match the allegedly late General Skywalker's description. Eerily well."
"And if it isn't him?" Mon Mothma asks. "We can't afford to send our best agents out for the sake of a 'maybe'. Not even for the father of your children, Padmé."
Even their mother, with all of her practice at keeping her expressions even and diplomatic, can't stop her gaze from narrowing sharply. Leia grips the bar she's pressed against more tightly, watching her knuckles whiten.
But it's Ahsoka that speaks this time, putting a steadying hand on Padmé's shoulder. "Any prisoner that valuable is worth our time, Skywalker or no."
"Ahsoka is correct," Obi-wan says. "Besides, it will be a simple reconnaissance mission, nothing more. Ahsoka and I will find the station and be in and out as quickly as we can."
"It's never that easy."
Obi-wan looks slightly affronted at that. "We are well-versed in these types of missions, Ahsoka and I. We will handle it."
But a puff of air besides her makes Leia miss whatever is said next.
"Shh," she snaps."I'm trying to listen."
Luke, attention torn away from the scene below, gives her an affronted look. "I'm literally just breathing."
"Well, you're breathing too loud. Cut it out."
"Oh, I'm sorry, your highness, I'll just stop breathing for your sake—"
Leia claps a hand over his mouth. Luke rolls his eyes at her.
Below, a murmur sounds.
See the full post
221 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
#year in review#LMAO @ Cobra Kai being most of my top posts despite me mainly being a star wars blog
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I should be finishing a whole heap of ficlets, but it’s been FOREVER since I participated in some high quality crack. So, I thought it’s time to bring out a concept I have been teasing @generallkenobi with. Now certain friends (*cough* @resistancepilots @asokatanos @aifsaath @forcearama @albaparthenicevelut etc) might read the following words with trepidation, but bear with me:
Sith Anakimono.
Imagine if you will, a universe where Knight Kenobi and Padawan Skywalker are unexpectedly lost on a mission, and find themselves stuck on a planet/in an ancient temple with a bevy of Sith ghosts for company.
It’s bad. There’s no way out and they are surrounded by Darkness. And Obi-Wan? Obi-Wan has lost so much, he is NOT going to lose Anakin. He will do ANYTHING to protect his Padawan, no matter the situation.
And of course, that’s the crack the Sith Ghosts use to get in.
Anakin NEEDS him. Its not wrong, not for the sake of HIS Padawan. HE can take it. HE can protect the boy. It is his DUTY, is it not ,to face it?
And of course these aren't Banite Sith Ghosts. They look at Obi-Wan in mock astonishment: “Why the goal of a Sith is not evil, it is power, power to be FREE, to do whatever one DREAMS of. And is not your dream a noble one little Jedi? To protect your apprentice?"
And even Obi-Wan Kenobi, stalwart of the Light, has his flaws. And bit by bit the ghosts chip away at him.
“Can you REALLY protect the boy as you are now?"
And well, it’s been ages, here in this Dark place, and Anakin is all he has left, the bright light in his days. And Anakin has been trying so HARD - it is not easy, and only the small boons Obi-Wan wins from the ghosts have allowed them to survive.
In the end it is Anakin, shivering, his eyes dull, his face gaunt, hiding the evidence of illness just so Obi-Wan wouldn’t worry, that breaks Obi-Wan.
If it will save Anakin, he will Fall.
And so he does.
Of course, as a Sith, Obi-Wan laps up knowledge like water - after all he has made his decision.
(the Sith Ghosts are pleased beyond measure, he is such a GOOD pupil)
Anakin though, Anakin is worried. But Obi-Wan looks at him and smiles gently and tells him that he is worth it.
And that? That pretty much seals the deal - the Chancellor was WRONG, and Obi-Wan has chosen ANAKIN over the council, over the Jedi, over EVERYTHING.
For that, he will follow his Master ANYWHERE. Even into the Dark.
Besides, if the Sith are all about freedom, maybe they WILL get around to freeing the slaves one day, together...
And thus is born Darth Solence and his Apprentice Vader
Now over time their codependence just grows. And as Obi-Wan is freer with his affections Anakin grows more used to that level of attention.
It becomes a feedback loop
Which means, by the time of the Clone Wars, there are a pair of irrationally Attached Sith roaming about who COULD destroy/conquer the galaxy but can’t be bothered and are FAR more concerned with more immediate matters.
Like each other.
Or the shortage of Anakin’s favourite conditioner. He almost committed genocide, until it was brought to his attention that there WAS sufficient supply but it was being hoarded by some high up person in order to artificially raise the price and... well this when the galaxy learns that anti-corruption measures are best enforced rather than having Lord Vader take the crusade into his own hands.
( Much later certain elements take to “aiming” Lord Vader at sources of corruption/slavery/other horrors through similar efforts. Lord Solence knows, but is too amused by it all to intervene. Besides, Obi-Wan LIKES Anakin all bloody and feral and flushed with victory...)
But we’re getting ahead of ourselves here. By the time of AOTC the galaxy is only hearing rumours about the very charming Sith and his overgrown Murdercat of a partner.
The description is rather accurate. Anakin brings Obi-Wan all sorts of bloody presents, has been known to knock ancient Sith artefacts off high ledges and go around marking people as : “Mine” “Mine” “Mine” *hiss* “Not mine!”.
Perhaps more pertinently however is his habit of lounging on his Master’s lap demanding head pets or lurking behind said Sith to unnerve those seeking an audience with the dread Lord Solence.
Obi-Wan thinks Anakin is ADORABLE.
(It’s why again, much later, he smiles indulgently as Anakin singlehandedly decimates Zygerria -literally decimates the message needs to get out about how unwise it is to run a slaving empire after all and Obi-Wan is a believer in efficiency- and why part of Nal Hutta BURNS for Anakin’s brithday one year.)
Obi-Wan will do anything for his boy.
His boy.
Not Sidious’.
Because that? That is what seals Palpatine’s fate.
A number of incidents reveal that the Chancellor has taken an interest in the new elements in play. And in Lord Vader in particular.
He wants Anakin. And Anakin? Is Obi-Wan’s. Full stop.
This simply Will Not Do.
Lord Solence is out for more than blood. He is out for complete and utter ruination.
And this is how the Jedi Order, and the Republic ends up getting the unasked for assistance of a pair of mad Sith Lords set on ridding the galaxy of the Line of Bane.
There are many tales about our codependent pair.
For a start, yes, of course there are pancakes.
Pancakes were Obi-Wan's bribe of choice all the way through Anakin's apprenticeship. And you can bet that Anakin loved every bite.
Of course, eventually puberty hit, and Anakin began implying he'd accept something else. But Obi-Wan seems to completely miss the hint and ask if he meant he wanted waffles instead.
His continued lack of clue causes Anakin's frustration to grow. Along with his power. And Anakin decides that the only way to make his intentions clear is to be strong enough to MAKE Obi-Wan accept them, as a full fledged Sith Lord.
And then one day, he completes a difficult and dangerous mission, one that challenged all his skills, one that was a WORTHY trial for a young Sith. And high on his victory he grabs Obi-Wan by the shoulders and kisses him full on.
Obi-Wan just smiles, reaches one hand up and with barely a moment’s movement severs the braid Anakin had kept for so long.
“Congratulations LORD Vader. I was wondering why you would act. Sexual frustration is a powerful motivator, is it not?"he purrs and Anakin is about to settle in for an EPIC pout until Obi-Wan pets his hair, kisses him again and informs him that he only Kisses those WORTHY of standing by his side. He wants a PARTNER. He knew Anakin would get there one day, it was just a matter of WHEN. Anakin SWOONS.
(While Anakin will ALWAYS be HIS Apprentice, Obi-Wan was not about to sleep with someone under his tutelage - he likes his partners VERY willing and knowing Anakin COULD kill him if it came to it? Super hot.)
And then there is the time they decide to thwart a certain plan to silence Senator Amidala of Naboo... And discover she has it covered. With a blaster.
Pointed at them.
While she spits out a series of breathtaking insults against the CIS, Count Dooku and his assasins (which she assumes they are).
The boys are impressed,
There may of may not be hearteyes involved.
There was... definitely some cringing and identity reveal.
( Obi-Wan lowers his hood, red eyes gleaming and smile wide “It's lovely to see you again, milady - I can assure you we mean no harm" *suave hair flick* She stutters. Padme never stutters "Ob...Knight Kenobi? You're alive!? But that means... Ani????"t *said man removes his hood, grinning* "Ani, you've.... grown" “So have you. Grown more beautiful... for a Senator I mean”)
The first bunch of flowers turns up within an hour of her getting back to Coruscant.
A few days later Padme finds a bloodied Nate Gunray tied up with a giant bow outside her apartments. A box of chocolates and a datachip containing crucial intel are stuffed in his hat.
( Anakin was originally torn between being smitten and outraged that she was pointing a blaster at HIS Obi-Wan. On the other hand, this is his Master, and he is obviously in no danger and, ooh that is his impressed beard twitch! Anakins' brain begins to put together the possibilities and HE nearly gets shot. A quick discussion afterwards and a reaffirmation that “What’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine” and the boys decide upon a joint wooing. Given that in this universe Anakin doesn’t have the padawan cut, and Obi-Wan is wearing colours other than beige, Padme is doomed.)
This mission is also the point in which they reestablish contact with Jedi Master Plo Koon, who was assigned to protect Senator Amidala alongside his new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano.
The boys think Ahsoka, who back talks to them like they AREN’T a pair of Murderous Madmen, is wonderful. They totally want to steal her. Except they’re kind of fond of Plo, who remembers the Jedi they once were, has taken a more conciliatory approach to these Sith than the rest of the Council might approve of.
("Master Plo, you appear to have acquired a pair of Sith shadows." "They followed me home. Can I..." "No. You may NOT adopt the Sith reigning destruction and mayhem across the galaxy!" "But little 'Soka likes them! )
Plo, Ahsoka and Padme form an unofficial alliance. Anakin and Obi-Wan are undeniably Dark, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be convinced to work on the side of good! Also, they’re not sure just how much of the offer to grant Padme the galaxy on a silver platter was actually a joke...
Ok, that’s it for the moment! There’s plenty more to play with because you KNOW that the boys are going to completely ruin Palpatine’s plans in the most spectacular fashion, Dooku is going to have to deal with Obi-Wan’s complete and utter disdain ( "He claims to have loved Qui-Gon and yet he serves the man responsible for his death?? How very Sith rolls eyes"), Ventress is out there to induce Anakin’s jealousy (”Don't worry pretty boy, I like my men a little more... obedient") and just generally the tale of Sith Anakimono who has NO shame and an EVEN MORE attentive Master...
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When We Were Young- Chapter 10- An Obitine Story
“I feel so stupid and worthless.”
“No, Your Grace.” Parna whispered, helping Satine into bed.
“I’ve made a fool of myself.”
“Your Grace,” her lady sighed, “Marrick is dead, you’ve been betrayed twice now.”
Satine leaned back, “It’s a terrible feeling.”
“It must be terrible, Your Grace.”
Satine patted the bed next to her.
“Have you heard anything from your brother recently, Parna?”
The lady smiled, “Apparently, Mara is quite the proficient at mind tricks.”
Satine tilted her head, “Is she?”
“Yes, Your Grace.”
That brought Satine some comfort at least, knowing that there were beings, Obi-Wan’s children, her children, that she could love without judgement.
“I’m glad your quarters are next to mine, Parna.” Satine nodded.
Parna curtsied, “I’m happy to serve, Your Grace.”
In the morning, when they arrived on Coruscant, Satine disembarked with Parna behind her as if she wasn’t shaken to the core over what transpired over the last few days.
“How surprising to meet again,” Satine said, approaching Obi-Wan involuntarily, “only to find we’re on opposing sides.”
“The needs of your people are all that matter, they couldn’t be in better hands, with you to guide their future.”
“Kind words indeed from a mindful and committed Jedi,” Satine stepped forward with a smile, “and yet-”
“I’m still not sure, about the beard.”
“Why,” Obi-Wan’s voice was garbled, “what’s wrong with it?”
“It hides too much of your handsome face.”
Then she left him, grinning as powerful as she felt. Senator Robb winked at her as she got on the transport, Satine winked back.
“Your Grace,” Parna whispered as they disembarked, “you seem happy.”
“I think he might still care for me,” Satine whispered, “deep down, somewhere.”
“Be careful, Satine.” Parna placed her hand on her lady’s.
“I will.”
A woman and two ladies came forth to greet Satine and her party, smiling gayly as she did so.
“It’s been a long time, Your Grace.” she said when she finally reached Satine.
“It certainly has Senator,” the Duchess shook Padme’s hand, “you’ve grown much since your queenly days.”
“I should hope so,” Padme winked, “I was quite small then.”
“Your contributions to your people however, are gargantuan in size.” Satine commented.
“The same could be said of yourself, Duchess,” Padme offered Satine her arm, “I am behooved to ask one of my standards to accompany me for a tour.”
The Duchess took Padme’s arm, “You are most kind, Senator.”
They dined together that night, along with Senator Onaconda Farr and Senator Bail Organa. Satine was surprised at the informal setting, but she was certainly pleased.
“Your Grace,” Senator Organa bowed, “how wonderful to see you again.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Senator,” Satine responded as he kissed her hand, “Senator Amidala tells me you have quite the help to her recently.”
“We only hope to do our duty, Duchess,” came the eloquent response, “Padme tells us it’s poor business that brings you to Coruscant.”
“Unfortunately yes,” Satine frowned, “though I appreciate the kindness you all have shown me.”
“It is our honor to finally meet you, Your Grace,” Senator Farr smiled, “Padme has spoken of you with a great deal of regard.”
Satine turned her head, “Has she now?”
The female senator blushed.
“I’m overjoyed at the notion.” the Duchess grinned.
“Let us sit down to our meal,” Padme gestured, “there is much catching up to do.”
The evening was pleasant and happy, but Satine noticed how often Padme looked towards Master Skywalker, who happened to be guarding them for the evening. The Jedi for his part, was doing a great deal of looking at her as well, but the rest of the night he spent whispering to his padawan. Satine could only wonder what they were talking about.
Senator Farr retired early, he was showing his family around Coruscant before the senate commenced. Senator Organa confessed that as an old man, he was tired.
“Oh, but Bail,” Padme laughed, “you aren’t old.”
“Still, I take my leave of you ladies.”
As the Senator left, General Skywalker did as well, likely to escort her back. His padawan stayed.
“Padme,” Satine turned, “may I speak to you as a friend.”
“Of course,” the Senator frowned, “have these assasination attempts frightened you?”
“Yes,” Satine admitted, lowering her voice, “but that’s not what I wanted to discuss.”
Padme leaned forward, so did Satine.
“Be careful with that Jedi,” the Duchess whispered, “it won’t end happily.”
Padme looked shocked, then recovered.
“Your Grace, I-”
“Please believe me,” Satine pleaded, “I know.”
After a quiet moment, Padme embraced Satine. Though it was unexpected, the Duchess welcomed it.
“Tecla,” Padme turned, “please send for the Duchess' lady.”
“Of course, My Lady.” Tecla nodded.
“Ahsoka,” the Senator turned to the padawan, “wait outside and look for Anakin a minute.”
A little suspicious, the padawan left. Padme took Satine’s hands in hers.
“I’ll be alright,” the Senator assured Satine, “I don’t know if I should tell you this, but, we’re married.”
Satine’s eyes flew to her forehead.
“It’s true, and he old me about you and-”
“It’s a secret then?” Satine wondered aloud.
The Duchess squeezed Padme’s hand, “I thank you for trusting me so, I hope you can rely on me in the future as well.”
Padme actually smiled, “And I hope your happiness rekindles.”
Tears stung Satine’s eyes, “Thank you, Padme, for your kindness.”
“Of course, Satine,” Padme winked, “we could be sisters-in-law, you know.”
Leaning her head back, the Duchess laughed.
“What’s so funny?”
“You flatter me, Senator,” Satine sighed, “although I fear I may never see that day.”
Padme grinned wickedly, “If Anakin and Ahsoka get their way, you certainly will.”
“And are you going to help them?” the Duchess asked.
With a sly smile, the Senator answered in the affirmative.
“Your Grace?”
Satine stood and kissed Padme’s cheek, “Your hospitality has been most lively, Senator, I hope to see you soon.”
“And I you, Duchess.” Padme winked.
On their way back to their rooms, Parna asked Satine how she was so close with Padme after one night.
“I have a sister in experience, Parna,” the Duchess smiled, “and she is a most talented lady.”
Once they got back to their rooms, Parna undressed her lady. Once Satine was ready for bed, she dismissed Parna to her room next store and climbed under the covers, perhaps this wouldn’t be the most terrible thing at all.
Satine was woken up too early for her liking by Parna, who’d informed her that her alarm had gone off already.
“Why’d you let me sleep then?” Satine groaned.
Parna leveled her lady a look, “You needed it.”
Satine dressed quickly, yet double checked herself in the mirror three times, she was representing her people today. She must look the part.
“Are you ready, Your Grace?” Parna asked.
Satine sighed, “I never quite got over the nerves.”
“Nerves mean your heart is in it,” Parna smiled, “I’ll be waiting for you in the wings.”
Satine nodded and headed off to the Senate Chamber, her lady trailing her.
“It grieves me to say it,” Chancellor Palpatine began, “but Death Watch, is now a significant, deadly threat.”
Satine urged her pod forward, “Mandalore is making great strides to locate this terrorist movement, they are not strong enough to overpower our government. We will resolve this without conflict.”
“If the Republic gets involved in our affairs, it would only lead to further violence,” Satine continued, “thus, I shall reassert our position of neutrality.”
“Talk of an idealist.” huffed the Chancellor’s right hand.
“No,” Satine shook her head, “those are the words of a pacifist and a people who have chosen non-violence.”
“That may be so, Duchess,” the Chancellor frowned, “however, this message was delivered to my staff just this morning. I think you shall find it most illuminating.”
Satine watched the transmission with wide eyes.
“Do you know this man, Duchess?” asked Senator Amidala, coming near her.
“Yes, Deputy Minister Jerrick,” Satine tried to keep her voice even, “he’s a good friend.”
“Stop!” Satine cried.
With earnest remorse, Satine explained that the Mandalorian Government held no secrets from its people.
“If only that were true, Duchess.” said the Chancellor sarcastically.
“Death Watch is far stronger than we once thought,” continued the hologram, “if we are to combat them directly, we must have republic assistance, instead this government acts out of pride and rejects the help of the Jedi-”
“It’s not true,” Satine ejeculated, “it is not needed-”
“Duchess Satine will ultimately cause our defeat, make no mistake,” continued Jerrick, “Republic intervention is absolutely necessary.”
“This isn’t right,” Satine cried, “something here isn’t right, I wish to speak with Deputy Minister Jerrick immediately!”
The Chancellor then had the kindness to inform the Senate that the Death Watch had bombed Krewella this morning.
“Let us insure that his death was not in vain,” the Chancellor continued, “let us commit our military might to defending the Mandalorian people.”
“Defend,” Satine scoffed, “you mean to occupy our home and trample our right to self determination.”
“We mean to save your people.” Chancellor Palpatine said calmly.
“You will turn our planet into a military target which will bring the war to us,” the Duchess, argued, “Mandalore must remain a neutral system.”
“The vote shall commence in the next session.” is all the Chancellor said in response.
Satine was fuming when she stepped off her pod, fortunately, Parna was there waiting for her.
“I know,” she said, taking Satine’s hands, “we won’t let it happen.”
Padme met Satine in the hallway soon after that exchange.
“I’ll try to convince my friends not to send troops to Mandalore.” she assured.
“He acts like I don’t know my people,” Satine shook her head, “why is he so intent on sending soldiers?”
“I won’t let it happen, Satine,” the Senator stated, “nothing good will come of it.”
“You are honest, Padme,” the Duchess smiled sadly, “I thank God you chose this line of work.”
Satine’s next interaction took place on the loading platform, when she heard her name called.
“Duchess,” the voice paused, “Satine!”
Slowing down for Obi-Wan, the Duchess felt her anger subside at his tone. No, she couldn’t let herself focus on anything but her people.
“Wait!” Obi-Wan grabbed her arm.
The royal guards pointed their scepters at the Jedi.
“I just heard what happened in the senate.” continued the Jedi tentatively.
Sighing and pushing the weapons away from Obi-Wan, Satine turned.
“You’re sweet to be concerned, but I promise I’ll be alright.”
“I am concerned,” Obi-Wan’s voice softened, “we’re friends are we not?”
“Yes,” Satine felt all her hopes crash at once, “friends and nothing more.”
“Satine, as your friend,” the Jedi continued, oblivious to her struggles, “I don’t think you should make any decisions in this state of mind.”
“This state of mind,” the Duchess dropped her formal mask, “and what state of mind would that be precisely?”
“What I’m saying is,” Obi-Wan clarified, lowering his eyes, “any person would be hysterical by now-”
“Hysterical,” Satine gasped, “the Republic is attempting to enforce its will upon innocent people-”
“I only meant-”
“Frankly,” the Duchess continued, her voice shrill, “I’m surprised you’re not hysterical, perhaps if more citizens got hysterical, they’d be more inclined to speak up when the Republic tramples on their rights.”
“Rushing in like this,” Obi-Wan’s voice tremored, “it’s foolhardy.”
“Ironic words coming from a man who spends his days running hither and yon,” Satine spat, “wielding his lightsaber with deadly force as if, on a crusade!”
“Why should I listen to someone who so frequently relies on violence,” Satine asked, “in my opinion, you’re the one who’s foolhardy!”
Storming away, Satine got on her cruiser. Obi-Wan was no longer the man she loved, he was someone new now. The Duchess cursed herself that she hadn’t seen this earlier. Saddened, Satine let her thoughts consume her. Then, the cruiser shook.
“What’s happening?” she asked.
“It’s the navigation system,” was the answer, “get her out of here!”
It sunk in, someone was trying to kill her again.
“There’s a platform over there, I’ll try to steer near it!”
“Aramis, no!” Satine shouted.
But the guards formed a phalanx around her and jumped, so did she. Sitting up just in time, Satine was just in time to see the explosion.
“Your Grace,” a guard huffed, “we must return you safely to your chambers.”
Luckily, she was housed in the same building Padme Amidala was, and by the time Satine and her entourage arrived at the sprawling tower, the Senator, her two ladies, and Parna were all waiting at the door.
“Your Grace,” Parna ran up and embraced Satine, “I’m so glad you’re safe.”
“Thank you, Parna, it warms my heart to see you.”
“Senator Amidala told me about your accident soon after it happened,” the lady turned and gestured, “she has been most worried.”
“You are a dear one, Padme,” Satine reached out and took the Senator’s hand, “I stand by my early assertion that the galaxy is lucky to have you in the business of democracy.”
“Oh, Satine,” Padme looped her arm through the Duchess’ and tugged her along, “I really think we should discuss safety precautions in these situations. I myself know the fear of assassination.”
“I will defend myself,” Satine agreed, “but I already carry a deactivator.”
“Satine,” Padme smiled, “a deactivator can only do so much.”
“I stand by my pacifist principles.” the Duchess articulated.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t teach you how to throw a punch.”
“I’m Mandalorian,” despite herself, Satine smiled, “I know how to punch people, although I find it rather grisly.”
“Dear friend,” the Senator sighed, “you are worth more to the world while you’re still in it.”
They had been walking for some time now, and Satine noticed they had crossed the bridge from the housing quarters to the senatorial offices.
“The Chancellor’s office is on the highest floor,” Padme pointed, “I believe you should report this incident to him.”
“I shall,” Satine agreed, “thank you for your wisdom, Padme.”
Parna elected to wait outside while only her guards accompanied Satine into the Chancellor’s office.
“He’s too slimy for my tastes.”
Satine snorted, “How kind.”
The door opened wide and the Chancellor turned from his window.
“Duchess, please take a seat.”
He seemed pleasant enough, but in a few minutes, Satine was riled up.
“What do you mean no charges are to be filed,” she asked, trying to keep cool, “none at all? Someone tried to kill me, the controls on my speeder were compromised.”
“Sadly, my dear, there is no proof anyone tampered with anything,” the Chancellor replied calmly, “it might’ve been just an accident.”
“An accident,” Satine’s hands curled around the armrests, “and it just happened to coincide with me defending my home world?”
“I agree with Satine,” Chancellor Palpatine’s aide interjected, “it proves what I’ve been saying all along, Death Watch is out of control, the Republic must step in and help.”
“No, wait, I didn’t-”
“You can’t keep them reigned in, obviously, so we will.”
“This is patently offensive, you can’t do this!”
“Unfortunately it is up to the senate now, I know they will make a reasoned and thoughtful decision.”
With bile rising in her throat, the Duchess smiled politely and with a steady gait, left the Chancellor’s office.
“Satine,” a familiar voice called, “I just heard about your accident.”
He was standing beside her now, yet Satine still felt cold. Her earlier realization came to mind, and she let her anger flow.
“Those two are,” Satine spat, “this government, it’s just, ugh!”
“Satine,” Obi-Wan reached out and took Satine’s arm, “tell me what happened.”
Poor Jedi, he looked so earnest.
“I’m fine, I wasn’t hurt,” Satine confessed, “I didn’t want to worry a friend.”
“Well on that count,” Obi-Wan’s eyes saddened, “you’ve failed spectacularly.”
Satine wondered if this estrangement was killing him as much as it was her. No, itt couldn’t be, he didn’t know about the children.
“Look what happened-”
“Look what happened,” Satine repeated, suddenly angry, “this attack proves I’ve upset someone! I must be on the right track.”
“This attack proves your enemies are here even on Coruscant,” Obi-Wan countered, then, his eyes widened, “you’re not going to let Republic authorities handle this are you?”
“You’re not backing down.” Obi-Wan continued to observe.
“Republic authorities, certainly not,” Satine spat, “I’m on my way to the ministry of Intelligence right now to meet my contact.”
Suddenly, Satine was whirled around, Obi-Wan’s hands rested on her arms.
“Don’t you see, you need your friends with you, not held at arm's length,” the Jedi was too earnest and involved for Satine’s liking, “in your quest to be self-reliant have you decided to cut your friends out of your life?”
“I,I,” Satine stuttered, her foolhardy heart palpating at Obi-Wan’s closeness and choice of words, “I don’t know.”
Suddenly, her Jedi stiffened.
Satine turned, “Padme, it’s good to see your face.”
“I have bad news,” the Senator frowned, “the Senate has decided in favor of occupation.”
With invigorated fire, Satine remembered her purpose, “When, how did this happen? The vote was supposed to be tomorrow!”
“It was during your meeting with the Chancellor, I’m afraid your accident accelerated the situation,” Padme stepped forward, “Republic forces are set to leave for Mandalore at sunrise tomorrow.”
“You see,” Satine sighed, devastated all at once, “I was right before, counting on the Republic is a mistake.”
Parna was most kind when Satine returned to her quarters.
“I need to be inconspicuous.” she told her lady.
Without questions, Parna nodded and picked out a plan frock.
“I will make arrangements under my time so you may get into the city.”
Later that evening, dressed in a heavy red robe, Satine met her intelligence contact.
“I don’t have much time,” he said, “they’re following me.”
“You’ve put yourself in great danger,” the Duchess said earnestly, “I will never forget it.”
“I had to come,” her contact pulled out a file drive, “this is worth it.”
“Where did you get this?” Satine gasped.
“This evidence was hidden at the ministry, it was not easy to find, believe me.”
“You were right,” her contact continued, “the recording shown to the senate wasn’t in its full form, someone faked the evidence. You must show the senate-”
“Dabu,” Satine gasped as the man was shot, “no!”
The next few minutes that followed were blurry, she was accused of murder, someone was shooting at her, and Satine had to escape. Hiding in an alleyway below a dripping air conditioner, the Duchess relinquished her pride.
“Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan come in.”
“Satine,” the Jedi responded, “where are you?”
“I need your help, Obi-Wan,” the Duchess swallowed, hating herself, “please.”
It took her twenty minutes to arrive at the meeting point, but Obi-Wan was already there.
“Nice disguise.” she heard him say.
Then he walked towards her and sat down.
“Seeing you alright,” Obi-Wan began, “well, it’s a relief.”
The Duchess melted at those words.
“You should turn yourself in-”
Satine frowned.
“We’ve both sworn a loyalty to the Republic.”
“Believe me,” Satine rolled her eyes, “neither one of us is breaking our oath, and this will prove it.”
“But Republic guards are hunting you, which means-”
“That whoever docted this recording is in the government itself.” Satine concluded.
“If you set foot inside the senate they’ll take you.” Obi-Wan added.
Satine growled, “And the disc will be destroyed before anyone can see it, which is why you must take the disc to Padme.”
A patrol came near and Obi-Wan pulled Satine up and began meandering.
“Where will you be while I’m in the senate,” Obi-Wan asked suddenly, “What if they find you?”
“They won’t,” Satine sighed, “I’m going to turn myself into them.”
“Your concern is heartwarming Obi-Wan,” Satine smiled softly, “and you’ll need a distraction to enter the senate freely. I can’t risk them searching you just because you and I are associates.”
“I’m a Jedi,” Obi-Wan crossed his arms, “they wouldn’t dare.”
“Things are changing,” Satine turned, “my dear.”
Then the bomb, and Obi-Wan thrust her forward. Groggy after the explosion, Satine reared her head just as her Jedi’s lightsaber was knocked out of his hands. Fearful, the Duchess ran up and grabbed Obi-Wan’s lightsaber.
“Obi!” she called.
The assassin escaped, but the Jedi and his Duchess made it back to the Senate just in time.
“Excuse me,” Satine smiled, removing her hood, “I believe you’re looking for me?”
With a nod, Obi-Wan disappeared into the senate building. She didn’t see Obi-Wan again until later, after the Senate voted against the occupation of Mandalore. In her joy, she reached out and embraced Obi-Wan, and because her Jedi was kind, he indulged her with a spin.
“Thank you, Ben,” Satine smiled brightly, “I know I can be stubborn-”
“Worse than you know-”
“But, thank you.” the Duchess finished.
“All in a day’s work, my dear,” Obi-Wan winked, “I keep to my oaths.”
Satine looked at the Jedi a moment longer.
“What?” he asked, suddenly self-conscious.
“I’m so grateful, Ben,” Satine placed her hand on Obi-Wan’s, “you helped me save my own people. How can I ever repay you?”
“There’s no need to repay me.”
“Well,” Satine tilted her head, “you could shave that beard.”
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