#and have convinced themselves that minthara woke up one day and chose to be the way she is
trappedinafantasy37 · 19 days
Since I LOVE your writing & I recently saw your post about why Minthara should be able to confront Orin, can I request your portrayal of how that would go down? If you're busy that's 110% okay 😊
So far, you're the third person to ask me to detail my idea of Minthara's personal quest. Right now, it's kind of just a bullet point list so it'll take me some time to actually put it into words and add it to the queue of drafts waiting to be posted.
However, if you have read my main fic, you'll kind of already have an idea of what that personal quest would look like. There were a lot of reasons why I wrote To Be Free From the Gods in the way that I did with the big ones being 1) I was mad about a no Minthara origin and 2) I was mad that there was no direct confrontation between Minthara and Orin and 3) I was mad at no Minthara personal quest. We only get to see one version of Minthara and that is of her as a companion as she will only really do what you tell her to do. But Minthara's decision making would be completely different if she was the leader of the group (although a true Minthara origin would look completely different than what I wrote in my fic).
A lot of people constantly talk and bitch that Minthara cannot be changed. What they fail to recognize is that Minthara does change, just not in the way that they want or expect. Minthara also changes for herself and without the direct influence of the player and without the intention to appeal to the player, which is something that people really do not like. There are some people that just really hate it when other people change without their explicit permission or changes in a way that does not make them feel good about themselves. However, I do understand why some people feel like Minthara doesn't change at all by the end of the game. Minthara is someone who is ruled by fear and most of the decisions she makes is informed by that fear. Perhaps Minthara is stuck in a cycle of fear because she isn't given the chance to overcome it like everyone else does.
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