#and have commitment issues and have never been in a relationship and don't wanna be in one
sparklingchim · 5 days
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#can i yap for a moment#im extremely sleepy but im feeling very upset and mad and confused#also lowkey questioning whether me feeling all that is justified or if i am overreacting#anyway#made out w a boy tonight#and he wanted to go to his place#and i was like no i wanna stay and dance with my girlies#and he gets upset??#asking why i'd kiss him if i don't wanna hook up and i said i just wanna have fun?#made me feel so stupid#that anger in me led to a little fight with another boy (who was unfortunately very cute) and i just wanted to punch him#i just hate when boys think they're so superior#so i argued with this stupid but hot man#until an ex? friend shows up and he was pretty drunk just yapping about things#anyway he basically told me he'd like to rekindle our friendship#but not in a heyy haven't talked in so long let's meet up again#it was in a heyy let's hang out again got a new big car and moved out of my parent's house 😋#which gave me the ick bc that's why we aren't friends anymore and i told him no multiple times#and got sad bc he was one of my closest friends#anyway and then we left the party#this guy pulls me aside the parking lot#and i was so embarrassed bc there were so many people and they were all looking and i could already see people gossiping about it#and i just wanted to die#and then he just CONFESSES??#gives me flowers and all which is saur saur cute#but i legit have zero feelings for him </3#and have commitment issues and have never been in a relationship and don't wanna be in one#actually grosses me out thinking about relationships </3#the confession was so random and i kinda lost another friendship? even tho i wouldn't rlly consider him a friend we just share sum classes#but yeah boys are so stupid and confusing and i dunno how and why i get myself into these situations :') m sorry just needed to rant </3
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ellieschair · 8 months
don't text me, ex ellie williams one shot
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sinopse: you and ellie broke up due to her commitment issues and you've been non contact until she calls.
cw: lowercase intended, swearing and alcohol use and "drunk"? sex, semi public sex, not explicit if reader is fem or masc. use of nicknames like babe and my love.
wc: 2,9k
nsfw/smut: tit play (r receiving), clit stim and pinching (e receiving), fingering (e receiving), cum eating (r)... i think thats it?
a/n: okay uh im gonna kms bc this was meant for @itsbecomeblue but alright.
you and ellie had broken up a few months ago. you have been no contact ever since, you blocked her everywhere except her number. you told her not to contact you if she didn't need anything.
but she'd called today.
you were in bed with your best friend kamala, she noticed you suddenly sitting up.
“what?” she touches your shoulder as you look at the screen. “ellie? don't pick up, y/n” she looks at the phone over your shoulder.
“i told her to only contact me if she needs anything…” you sigh, but the phone stops ringing and you bite your lip as you look at kamala, worried expression.
“hey, if she actually needs anything she'll either call again or text.” she pats your shoulder and you nod.
ellie doesn't call again, but you get a text.
«sorry about that, hope ur okay»
“um, i guess she didn't mean to call.” you roll your eyes after texting her back with a «don't worry, hope ur okay 2», which she saw and reacted with hearts.
“girl, yes she did, she let that thing ring for ages.” kamala scoffed.
“whatever kami, let's just forget about that. she's literally with cat.”
“it's insane that she broke up with you because she ‘couldn't be in a relationship’ and ‘felt trapped’ and now she's with cat.”
“i know but well, she just couldn't be in our relationship i guess.” you chuckle and hug kamala. “why are we still talking about this shit…?”
and then you drop this subject, and it was true… ellie broke up with you along those lines. she had met you at your house and held your hand, kissed your forehead before leaving. now, she has been going out with cat. you hadn't completely moved on but what's over it's over, you didn't want any messiness.
weeks pass by, you usually see ellie at college, you both curl your lips in an awkward smile. you do it out of respect but it hurts to act like you were never close.
today wasn't any different, film class and you're sat at the back. she got in late, she sat down at the front. you noticed her and followed her with your eyes but you didn't expect her to look around to the back of the class.
you lock eyes and she stares a little before turning back, you feel uneasy. class passed by and you don't interact in any way and you decide to talk to her after class.
she gets ready to leave and you run down the classes stairs to catch her.
“ellie.” you call out reaching for her shoulder but she turns around to face you before you can.
her green eyes pierce through yours, you hadn't seen those freckles from so close in months. you blink a few times in a roll.
“um… yeah? sorry i called.” her voice is raspy and she looks awkward, as if you don't know each other.
“you let the phone ring.” you mumble, her eyebrows almost touch as she looks confused.
“yes? i'm sorry.” she takes a step back as you do the same.
“so you meant to call. it wasn't a mistake?” you ask, you sound calmer.
“yeah, i did… but i know i shouldn't have, you did the right thing by not picking up.” she looks at your lips for a second before you curl them up in a sympathetic smile.
“i was going to. thought you might have needed something.” you hold your own shoulder. “you okay?”
“no, yeah… i'm okay i was just… i don't know.” she rambles awkwardly and you chuckle. “are… you okay?”
it felt weird talking to her, but she was still the same. she toyed with her fingers nervously as she always did.
“yeah, i am.” you breathed out before straightening your back. “what did you wanna say?”
“that, i've… been” she chokes on her words, you examine ber face, letting her speak. “thinking ‘bout you.” now it's your turn to internally choke.
“you don't need to tell me that.” you bite your lip as you start walking down the starts and she does the same as everyone's leaving the classroom.
she lowers her head to face her feet as she thinks of what to say but all she says is “i know.” you turn to face her after you leave the classroom.
“i'll see you” you say, she nods and leaves as you walk towards the bathroom.
your eyes water as soon as you enter the bathroom, you let out the breath you had been involuntarily holding. you decided this meant no contact was as rough as her as on you, even worse since she decided to call you at 3pm on a random saturday. but it didn't mean anything other than that, it's hard not to talk to someone you used to talk all the time and you understood that.
when you're walking to your next class you see cat running towards ellie and jesse. she kisses both of their cheeks and you wave to them, mostly jesse, who gives you a sympathetic look and waves back. cat doesn't see you until ellie raises her hand, cat waves at you then.
you and cat were neighbors during all your childhood, she was really nice, artistic, down to earth but still had a bubbly personality. you honestly liked her, which hurt.
kamala had texted you about this party next saturday at dina's, her cousin who ‘happened’ to be jesse's long term girlfriend and ellie's best friend. you, dina and kamala had been friends since the start of college and your breakup with ellie wouldn't change that.
ellie would obviously be there, so you decided to give it more than one thought. you didn't want to see her if it made you feel so small, but you couldn't stop doing what you usually do just to avoid her.
so you decided to go. you hadn't talked to dina that much about ellie to be honest, you didn't want this to become something where people had sides to take.
you and kamala go to the party a little later than supposed, the party was already crowded. you find dina and walk up to her to hug her.
“hey dina! nice party.” you hug her excitedly and she chuckles as she pats your back.
“it's a generic one, thanks though baby” she looks at you up and down as you back away. “you look good, girl.”
“you look hot, dee.” you smile wide and she gives you a gentle push towards her drink table. “go grab a drink, you too kamala!” she calls her cousin out.
kamala starts grabbing a drink but your eyes land on ellie, who was at the corner of the room. she saw you and stepped away from the wall she was leaning on.
“is ellie here with cat?” you ask dina as ellie walks up to you. dina nods no. “really?”
“yeah, they went out a few times but ellie said they were better off as friends…its been a while already” she shrugs.
“i see.” you tense up as ellie gets closer. “hey ellie.”
“what's up?” she smiles as she nodded at dina.
“nothing…” you shrug, your lower lip between your teeth and she clicks her tongue, staring you down.
“yeah umm, can we… maybe talk? i mean, i will text you?” she asks in a lower tone, you look around for nothing.
“sure, we can. what about?” dina had leave your side, and you were left alone with her and some strangers next to the wall.
“me. i miss you.” she breathes out and you squint your eyes. “i do. can we please talk?”
“didn't you feel trapped with me? in our relationship?” you scratch your forearm. she takes your hand off it and you look up at her.
“no, i felt trapped but it wasn't you who trapped me. you never limited me. i just wanted to get out a bit, try new things maybe.” you scoff and snap your hand from hers.
“you needed a break from me? to try out new things? like what…? cat?” you sound annoyed by all this now and she's quick to argue.
“no…no, y/n. i thought i did but… i still miss you alright? and cat… i thought could move on to something but i didn't”
“ellie, i'm sorry but… you can still move on. i'm… sorry it didn't work out with cat? but that has nothing to do with me.” you try to call down as she gulps and looks to the side.
“i'm sorry.” she mutters, she sounds embarrassed but she nods. “you're right. i can move on, i don't want to.”
“ellie, this is not the place for this but… yeah we can talk, i can text you.” you sigh and she nods.
“alright, text me when you can.” you nod and leave to find kamala.
you tell her about it and she says ellie is embarrassing herself and you can only say you feel bad but also annoyed by this behavior. you see ellie a few times during the party and you just smile at each other.
you definitely still love ellie, you do wish you had never broken up but it was her who did this and you didn't feel like you could get back together just like that. you'd let her say what she had to say, you respected her, but you didn't think this would end up in rekindling things.
you were dancing with kamala, a little drunk already, when you felt a little hot. you went into the kitchen to grab water. ellie was there, her hand on her forehead.
“hey…” she looks up, recognizing your shoes. she looked a little drunk herself, cheeks flushed. “are you okay?” she saw you stumble.
“yeah i'm fine actually, i have been drinking though, came for a water bottle.” you chuckle and she nods a little as she holds her own head. “who's driving you home?”
“ugh… actually… no one” she chuckles back and shoot her an worried look. “hey, don't worry i'll wait until i sober up a little, i know it was dumb but it's okay.”
“yeah… you better… drink some water maybe.” you walk up to her with another water bottle, she takes it and mumbles a ‘thank you’.
“i feel like the floor's kinda moving.” she looks up to you now.
“you're just light headed. and a lightweight.” you chuckle as you get closer to her.
“yeah right…” she laughs and looks at your lips as you get closer. “you smell nice.” she takes a huge sip out the water and grabs your hand pulling you closer, you let her.
“thank you, you look real good.” your drunken self speaks and she leans on your shoulder, you feel her breath against your neck, making your breath heavier.
“you've such pretty lips.” she mumbles as she lifts her head back up and her lips ghosts against yours. she holds you closer as you hold her arms.
your alcohol breaths fan eachother's lips and faces, you hands fall on her torso and she grabs your hips.
“i wanna kiss you.” you drop your face on the crook of her neck and you sigh. she puts her water bottle down on the marble you were both leaned against only to cup your face, making you face her again.
“you know i'll kiss you back.” and you kiss her, liquor tasting kiss as your tongue pass through her lips.
she moans when you do, holding you so close your leg ends in the middle of hers. you're now running your hand up and down her torso and hip. her arms wrapped around you.
“needed this.” she groans and your grab her hair tightly.
“i need you.” you reply, kissing her deeply. she moans again, her hand finds your thigh and she lifts it.
“have me” she whispers in your ear. she's thrusting her hips as he holds your leg up by your thigh.
you make out feverishly, kisses your neck and you start panting and she grins against your neck. you felt your panties damp.
“bathroom?” you suggest as she starts shamelessly grinding her clothed pussy on your thigh. she nods frantically mumbling ‘please's as she lets go of your thigh and grabs your hand.
she pushes your body with her own, grabbing your waist to turn you around, her crotch against your ass as she walks you to the bathroom.
“don't trip, babe.” she jokes and kisses your neck.
“make sure you don't either, my love.” you giggle and now she's next to you. you look at eachother.
her cheeks are flushed pink and you smile at her, she opens the bathroom door and you get in. she kisses you now, grabbing your ass.
“i want you so bad, y/n. please.” she kisses your neck and you push her back. “what?”
“block the door.” you kiss her as her back hits the door, her hand is running up and down your back and around your hips. “missed you so fucking much.” you nibble her neck and she moans.
“i missed you, this. i need you right now” her hands go up your shirt and she sounds needy as fuck, grinding poorly on your hips. your hands find her stomach. “it's been too fucking long.”
you can feel your clit throb as she talks to you. you suck her earlobe and she grinds even more.
“so eager…” she pinches your nipple when you tease her, you whine out and she kisses you again.
“take this off, babe.” she says, tugging your shirt and you do what she tells you to. she goes in on your tits immediately. “yeah? you like that?” she asks as she nibbles the skin before sucking your nipple.
you moan and whimper holding her hair, she only stops when she feels your fingers tugging her belt.
“let me touch you.” you ask, she quickly unlatches her belt and you unzip her pants.
“i can't do this anymore…” she tilts her head back and you give her what she wants, tugging her jeans down.
you cup her pussy over her boxers and she moans, head hitting your shoulder.
“wet and warm, huh?” you whisper and she starts kissing you again. groping your tits with one hand and the other on your back.
your fingers ghost her slit, but you start caressing her inner thigh and hips, opening her legs. she grunts and starts trying to grind her pussy on your hand, which makes you press her hips against the door.
“stay still, now, alright? i'll get to it… promise.” you mumble, enjoying her body and how eager she was.
she nods, now grabbing your ass and thighs. you kiss her cheek and tug her panties to the side
“good girl” she grunts when your fingers run over her sticky slit. she was soaked in her slick.
you tease her clit and entrance with your fingertips, she moans and tried to grind against you.
“fuck, be quick with it.” she grunts and you frown. “please.” you slide two fingers into her pussy when she pleads. she gasps and grips your hair, taking your lips in a sloppy kiss.
she grinds her clit against your hand as you thrust your fingers in and out at the perfect pace she never stopped thinking about.
“more.” she moans between kisses.
“more what?” you start rubbing her clit with your other hand. “this?” she moans and nods.
“yeah… thanks.” you chuckle as she thanks you, kissing her neck again.
you look up at her eyes closed and cheeks flushed pink, her hands moving from your back to your shoulders. you speed up as you look at her.
you get the vision you wanted, her closed eyes squint, broken pants leave her open lips… you moan at the sight and the feeling of her wet pussy clenching around your fingers and her legs shaking, threatening to close around your hand.
“oh… you feel so good ellie, fuck.” you pinch her clit and she moans louder “yeah, keep those legs open for me.”
she cries out as she nods, her pussy clenching hard when you moan seeing her cry.
“please i'm so close.” she grunts through gritted teeth. “don't stop.”
“relax, you're so tight…” her stomach tenses and she relaxes and you reach deeper. “god…” you moan.
she moans non stop and her legs shake even more as she cums all over your fingers. you fuck her slowly as she comes down from her orgasm, hand leaving her clit.
you're both panting and she holds you by your back as you take your fingers out of her pussy only to look down and see her creamy cum on your fingertips and around her entrance. your pussy throbs at the sight.
you weakly get on your knees, sucking her cum off your fingers to lick the cum on her pussy. she grips your shoulders.
“you're so good to me.” she mumbles as you get up, tugging her boxers and pants up.
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emo-gremlin · 1 month
SFW Mr. Puzzles x Reader!
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PDA IS A MUST. He's always holding your hand, hugging you, tapping his screen against your forehead, arm around your waist (only after you've made it clear that he can do so)
Was never in a real relationship (platonic or romantic) until you. He definitely pulls stuff he saw in romcoms when you first got together. You admired his gestures, but you did eventually sit him down and explain not every romantic relationship is like the stuff on TV.
After you guys have that conversation, he tones it down a little, but he's still quoting the cheesiest lines and he will not be stopped
Tries to spend as much time with you as he can.
Have a dream of stardom? He's doing everything he can to help you get there. Prefer to stay in the shadows? He's fine with that too.
An absolute doting sweetheart.
Very nervous about touching you at the start, he knew enough from TV that consent is key in a relationship, and didn't want you uncomfortable. So once you clarified PDA to him, he never breaches those boundaries unless you say it's OK.
He still has his temper, but has not, and WILL NOT use his power OR raise a hand against you. He told you at the beginning if he ever does that to kill him, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if he did that. He usually holds himself up in his office. You can tell he's upset if his voice glitches and he reeks of cigarette smoke.
It takes a while before he opens up to you about his childhood, and what drove him to the 'Transformation' as he calls it. It's an extreme sign of trust that he tells you about it. He tries to remain a puzzle to his audience, you are the first to get the tools to solve it.
Watching anything with him has stages.
1st time watching something: Remains quiet unless you don't understand a plot point, or need help identifying an actor.
2nd time: Fun facts about production, the tricks they used to get certain shots, gets more in depth with the Lore and explains symbols if there is any.
3rd time: Starts pointing out errors, plot holes, starts talking about how HE would have done it if he had been on the crew.
He usually stays in these guidelines unless the movie is GODAWFUL or is TRYING to be so bad it's good.
Loves having your input on his scripts, costumes (you may end up being a living mannequin for him at times if he's having trouble), set design, etc.
Will list you in the credits, but if you prefer a nickname to be used, he will use that instead.
CUDDLEBUG. My boy didn't get much physical affection as a child, and it shows. He's also a big spoon.
Absolutely adores everything about you, and it shows when he talks about you. Smiling wide, very energetic, so in love with you that you wouldn't be able to keep it a secret.
Loves being able to just slow down and enjoy being with you. Even if he's working on a script at his desk, he loves hearing a soft giggle while you look at memes on your phone on the couch.
Wanna watch something but afraid that there's content in it that might trigger something? No problem! He has no issue listing off what it includes for you. (If you still have interest in the plot, but wouldn't be able to see the media, he'll spoil the plot so it saves you the trouble.)
Always up before you, and definitely a malewife when he isn't working. He tries his best to be there when you wake up before he goes to work. If he can't, he leaves a note and fresh made coffee/tea in the pot.
You have to pull him away from watching the negative reviews, otherwise he WILL obsess over them and work himself to death trying to make them happy.
He's ready to commit various warcrimes if anyone so much as looks at you funny if you asked him to. You're the first person to actually stand by him and he's not letting anyone hurt you.
Definitely will set up private dates on his more romantic sets for the two of you. He turns all the cameras away from the set, as a way to show that this is all for you and you alone.
Will bring you with him if he's filming something in an exotic place. He makes sure you two get enough time together to see the sights.
Has invited at least one of your favorite actors/directors/writers to a birthday party. If you ask him not to, he will be a little disappointed, but respects it. (As long as he can AT LEAST get you their autograph)
Gets invited to an award show? You are going with him, but will try to convince the cameras not to point in your direction if you feel uncomfortable. He wants to share his success with you.
While he can't get props from your favorite movies, if you show interest in a particular prop from his sets, the second filming is done, it's yours. Same with costumes.
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I love him your honor
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cowboyfromh3ll · 8 months
Hcs for the boys' toxic traits. Preferably arthur, javier, john, and charles, but other boys are welcome too! I'm curious to see what you'd say Dutch's toxic traist are, though they're pretty self explanatory 😭
I just love how you write sm sorreyyyy
Van Der Linde Gang's Toxic traits
(Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, John Marston, Charles Smith, Micah Bell, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sean Macguire, Kieran Duffy, Eagle Flies)
HAHAHA THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I tried not to sugarcoat anything.
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Arthur Morgan - He definitely has some trouble communicating. Not to say he never will communicate with you but it'll be long in between and after it's been plaguing him for a milenium. As we've seen, this man is capable of having deep, well thought out conversations. He'd also be pretty prideful to some degree. Mostly depends what point in time you start dating, later in game he'd be able to see past his pride. Also, I feel like if you were dating a major point of contention in your relationship would be questioning whether it's time to move on from this life.
Javier Escuella - WAY too jealous. I don't even mean it in a cute way but in a way that would genuinely cause several arguments between you two. "Why were you looking at him that way?" "That sounded like you were flirting with him" "Why do you spend so much time around the other guys?" Would also be around you 24/7. Someone would be incapable of having a conversation with you that doesn't include Javier. You two would also argue about Dutch's leadership skills.
John Marston - Oh my God this man is so indecisive. Doesn't know what he wants ever. In a modern setting you two would be sitting in the car, asking each other back and forth "what do you wanna eat?". And his commitment issues? Good lord. At some points in your relationship it'd probably feel like you guys aren't dating at all. You'd probably have to beg him to put some effort into the relationship to be honest.
Charles Smith - It's so hard to think of ANYTHING this man can do wrong but alas, I must. You probably wouldn't be his top priority at all times. Which isn't to say you should ALWAYS be at the top of his list, but sometimes it can result in your feelings being neglected over a situation that affects you. Only when the day reaches it's end will he consult you over something, which will have you feeling incredibly frustrated.
Micah Bell - This man is a walking red flag so let's not dance around his flaws. Incredibly prideful, will ignore your warnings over something just to get his way. Also probably lies to you A LOT. Can be way too rough with you in many aspects. Also this man embodies the word sleezy. Yuck.
Dutch Van Der Linde - Do I even need to say. So fucking stubborn. He also probably thinks he's intelectually superior to you. If you bring up a concern to him he'll probably use as many flowery and big words as possible to make himself appear smarter during the discussion than he actually is. And if you advise him to do anything he'll probably just ignore you, saying you don't know what you're talking about. All in all, thinks he's better than you. Also you're probably a trophy wife since Dutch views women as accessories to his success, if you can even call it success.
Sean Macguire - He doesn't take anything seriously. If you're trying to have a genuine discussion with him he'll play it down and make it seem less important or severe than it actually is. Don't even bother trying to emphasize how serious you are because he won't take that seriously either. It's only until he feels the consequences of his actions will he listen to you, which results in a frustrating cycle.
Kieran Duffy - Also very indecisive but in the way where he can't speak up for himself because he doesn't think it's important. Has such low self esteem, he also probably thinks his emotions are less important which results in a lot of miscommunication on his behalf. Sorta just let's you take the lead all the way, always let's you have your way, with no valuable input of his own. You have to shake his shoulders and beg for him to actually speak his mind.
Eagle Flies - He's probably so childish. Like, mommy issues CEO over here. Will probably seek for you to fulfill that role in his life. Has almost no control over his emotions and has trouble identifying them, and when he does indentify them, has absolutely no idea what to do with them in terms of expression. He will make various efforts to communicate with you but will struggle immensely. Being with him will probably be like teaching a man how to experience emotions in a healthy way. I could write an entire post dedicated to what I think his toxic traits are
More eagle flies ones
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hmmm... Whatabout modern!chubby!aegon learning that the reader has issues with eating? I feel like that could be an interesting little story. Like nothing all that serious, just that the reader often skips meals to get to work earlier, or they cook Aegon dinner but don't leave much for themselves, because they want to make sure our precious babyboi is well-fed but don't care too much about themselves.
Aegon would notice this after a while, and lemme tell you he is NOT having it. Aegon grew up very spoiled, he's never been pressed for time when it comes to eating, nor has he ever dealt with food insecurity in terms of wealth (i.e. he's always had enough money to have 3 meals a day).
So Aegon decides he's gonna learn how to cook, so that he can wake up earlier than you and make you breakfast n things like that :)) you notice, and 1. It's the sweetest goddamn thing ever and you just wanna squish his chubby cheeks and give him kisses for it (cuteness aggression is a real thing, people), and 2. Seeing him in the kitchen with his stupid little apron, puttering around like a housewife kind of drives you CRAZY.
Maybe the reader literally pins him onto the kitchen counter and takes him like that, apron and all, while he's covered with sugar IDK
Aegon also becomes a bit of a hobby-chef because of this, which I think suits him so well. Little babyboi making a bunch of different dishes, asking the reader to try them out with a worried look on his face (he really values your opinion! 🥺). You always tell him his food is amazing though. You might hate seafood beyond belief, but when this boy makes you salmon the reader will eat the whole damn thing and tell him its michelin-star quality.
I can imagine he also puts on a bit more weight because of this. He's always been fluffy, but he maybe starts becoming a little insecure of himself? Like he doesn't quite know if you mind him being a little chubbier. That worry doesn't last long, cuz within 5 seconds, you're back home and squishing his cheeks and belly and laying your head on his soft thighs, and he realizes he really doesn't have to worry about it (with maybe some sweet reassurance from the reader?? Idk I love that shit istg 👀👀)
sorry this was so long! I just love hobby-chef chubby!aegon so I figured I'd spread the idea like a virus lmao 💚
GRRRRR bestie this is everything, some fluff for our fluffy boy <3 the detail in this was everything, I hope I give you justice!!!!
Seconds, Please?
PAIRING: Modern!chubby!Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 3,357.
WARNINGS: mentions of eating disorder, mentions of self-inflicted fatphobia, swearing, dry humping, smut, size difference kink, hint of food play.
A/N - I need this domestic chubby man in my life so bad, please. apologies if I changed or added a few things, it all just came to me in the moment AHAHA <3
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Domestic bliss was true, and much to your cause, you were reaping the perks that naturally came with it. Aegon was a loyal, committed partner, a considerate soul, that although many underestimated his capability in a relationship, had proven otherwise...
"Babe, you barely ate your dinner last night, and now you're off to work without having eaten a proper breakfast-" He'd worriedly confessed, remaining seated at the small, circular dining table, his mouth partially full of syrup soaked waffles, as he obediently devoured the last gulp of his breakfast.
"Aeg, baby, I only just managed to whip up something for you. Couldn't leave my big boy to starve now, could I?" You tease, as you hastily gather your belongings in your tote, cutting his soft "but" as you bid him farewell, planting a fast, hard peck on the top of his short, platinum hair.
Aegon, much to his guilt, had only just recently begun to notice how little you ate, in comparison to him. The more it played with his mind, the more sinister the thoughts would become.
Had you developed an eating disorder, that he was so blissfully ignorant to all the signs? Allowing for you to endure such a thing...
Or was it, that you had grown ashamed of his overgrown size, that you felt the need to starve yourself?
Mayhaps, the stress of work and having to care for Aegon on top, your appetite had grown weary and lesser? All because he was selfishly indulgent with the affection and attention you spoiled him with...
He stopped midway to lifting the fork into his mouth to devour the final piece, closely gazing at the slice of the delectable waffle on his fork, that you'd so thoughtfully cooked for him, before throwing it back down on the plate shamefully. The intense guilt he felt brewing in the pit of his stomach, made it feel sinful to finish it. How could he, whilst you went about your day hungry? Connecting the dots, like a pieces to a puzzle, he'd noticed how recently fatigued you were, always desperate for a nap or an early night, often having finished work late from the law firm. These past few weeks, you'd been worked to the bone. The more he dwelled on your frail appearance, he'd come to realise just how weary and thinner you'd grown [not losing an abundant amount, although enough to see how loose your clothes had grown], along with the difference in size between yourself and him, was quite noticeable.
What would others think? That he was the culprit for his girlfriend's malnourishment? Him a 'greedy hog', binging and consuming everything and anything edible on sight, of course, there'd be none left for you to eat. Many of your excuses ranged from not feeling hungry at all [your mind too preoccupied with endless amounts of deadlines], or that you were too tiresome. And in the moments that you'd spared to eat, your appetite was shortcoming, and often you'd plea for Aegon to finish off your leftovers. Now he felt even more woeful, unlike before, the guilt would devour him inside out.
In conclusion... You were too good for him, he did not deserve you. Something needed to change, he did.
"No more fucking around, Aegon, fuck-" He brutally thought to himself, as he arduously heaved himself up: belly sated and full, a pudgy, sticky hand instinctively patted over his belly, as the other grabbed the dishes, placing it in the sink. He was intent on changing his outdated habits.
He could not do much to change his appearance overnight let alone in a few hours, nor was he keen to, if he was being frank. He knew you were quite fond of his new-found softness, having not complained thus far, he was not overly big. Your affections towards him would prove just how desirous you felt, on your behalf: the way his plush body would smother and pin against you when either of you felt a little frisky. And during the cold, winter nights, the way his extra padding and natural body heat would radiate, acting like insulation, as he held you tightly in his thick arms. You felt so incredibly secure. It was a feeling unlike any other, and he refused to take that away from you.
It was time he took charge...
"Aeg, I'm home!" You tiresomely call out, breathless as you walk in with your brimful bag and more paper work clutched desperately in your hands, more than what you had initially left home with.
Yet, no response in return.
You slowly linger through the hallway, as you remove your heels, adjusting the papers in your hand, before walking down.
"Aegon-" You worringly repeat once more.
Aegon was often at home most days of the week, for his family owned a wealthy, accounting business. Growing up rich and dependent, it seemed that Aegon grew accustomed to this comfortable lifestyle, and you truly couldn't blame him, he had no part. Although, his parents financially supported him even till now, and provided maids to attend to his needs during his youth, his parents remained absent: often he'd express his discontent with them, and rightfully so. However, he'd just messed up a huge investment opportunity, and was temporarily suspended, thus, he was at home for most of the time. Sitting around, finding solace in snacking to get by the long, lonesome hours, as he eagerly awaited for your return from work. Nonetheless, you had a soft spot for him, and tried to go above and beyond for him, to prove he did not need them anymore...
"In the kitchen-" He loudly yelled, followed by thunderous clangs of metal pots/plates. Your nerves began to set in, was the meals you often prepared for lunch and left in the fridge, not enough? Perhaps, this time they were not tasteful enough for him?
"Hey, baby-" He warmly coos, as he walks over towards you, planting a soft kiss on your flustered cheek.
"Sorry, I've made a bit of a mess, not used to where everything is. I promise, I'll clean it up once I'm done-" He pleas, as he walks back towards the oven where, what appears to be a freshly made pizza is brewing.
In silence, you gradually examine the surrounding and Aegon, himself. Although the kitchen was a rightful mess, used plates, sauce, chopped vegetables, pepperoni slices, and shredded mozzarella strands spread all over the counter, like some deconstructed art piece. And Aegon, donned in a white apron that was now completely soiled, with a smidge of what seemed to be flour across his cheek, your heart was full. Placing your bag just before the entrance to the kitchen, and the papers on a clear, clean spot of the dining table, you walk towards Aegon slowly, still focused on the sight before you.
"Aeg, W-What's the meaning of all this? Did you get hungry again? Was the lunch I made not enough?"
"No, no, Y/N. You've done plenty... In fact, more than enough, it's just-" Having wiped his hands clean with a dishcloth, his hands had reached over securely gripping you by the sides. Guiding you over towards a seat by the dining table, you sit down, as he plops himself on the seat beside you, as he pulls your chair closer towards him with ease.
"Y/N, I've noticed how little you've been eating these past few days. And if I'm being honest, it's worrying me, my love-" His soft, fleshy hands reach over to grip yours, firmly holding your small hands in his, as his thumb strokes your skin.
"I-Is there something I should be concerned about, because you know you can tell me anything, right? I-I just want to help you." His low voice breaks, stuttering with concern, as his troubled eyes remain fixated on you.
You can't help although smile, as you now return the gesture, giving a reassuring squeeze of Aegon's soft hand.
"Aeg, please, I am fine, truly. You have nothing to stress about. It-It's just work, I feel like I have no time to waste doing anything really. And I guess, I've been more focused on making sure you've been fed and tended to, than myself before work takes a hold of me... I just didn't want you to think I'd neglected you. Forgive me."
"Fuck, Y/N, what are you to be sorry for? I should be the one apologising... I've been such a hog, so blind to everything you've done-"
"Aeg, please-"
"Seriously, baby... You are just-[sighs], you're just a little too good to me, but I'm willing to change. That's why I did this, trynna' learn to cook for us, princess, so I can be the one taking care of you for a change..."
Nonetheless, Aegon remained true to his word. The home-made pizza he'd so lovingly yet chaotically made that night was a complete success.You teased whether he'd cunningly ordered out and acted as though he'd actually made it.
"Aeg, this- this is seriously so good. It's fucking delicious-" You excitedly exclaim in between each mouthful, as he anxiously awaits for your response by your side. At first, he was in denial, exclaiming that it was just out of niceties, or his beginner's luck in the kitchen. Although, pleading your case, like the competent solicitor that you are, your compliments earn an immediate, genuine smile from Aegon. Beaming across his plump face, his cheeks blushing a subtle tinge of pink, as this was a first for him, and rightfully so, it was an ultimate success.
In the months coming, Aegon had grown a hearty passion for cooking, especially because it meant he could provide for you. In his spare time, he'd been searching for various popular recipes/dishes he'd heard of. Other times, he'd ask for your preferences, finding out your favourite childhood meals, eager to reminisce your youth over dinner.
Eventually, he grew more confident with his skills and even began taking risks. Daring to cook meals with ingredients, he knew you were not typically a fan favourite of, and would avoid at all costs. He often always joked about how your eating habits resembled to that of a toddler.
As he was grown spoilt and with a cultured taste, he was acquired to most things, having dined in various, fancy restaurants and fed a range of diverse cuisines. Whereas, yourself, you were not so indulgent with different delicacies and palates. He was eager to change your mind, for he was not a picky eater at all.
You'd awake to your alarm that you'd set for your daily morning walks, blaring at your ear-side from the wooden bedside table, only to stretch and be met with a cold, empty bedside and Aegon missing. Although, the faint ruckus that followed, opening the bedroom door, to a distant bright, yellow light beaming from down the hallway from the kitchen, you'd follow, only to find Aegon hard at work in the kitchen.
"Sorry, princess, did I wake you up? I just was about to cook you something for breakfast and lunch on the go. I was just thinking to make you some salmon tonight for dinner, baby. I know, I know! It's not your favourite but I found this recipe, I'm really eager to try, and I thought you'd might like to... You know, helped to expand your horizons a little."
Although it took you much convincing, Aegon noticed the disdain look on your face, unpleased by his plans, you still caved in. Those puppy eyes with those cheeks, were irresistible, you could never deny him. And yet, Aegon's cooking never ceased to disappoint you thus far, so why turn away now? As much as you had been dreading the dinner, feeling your appetite growing weaker throughout the gruelling day at work, Aegon's salmon dish was shockingly delectable. The richness and zest of the salmon infused with the spices, combined so tastefully and the texture was just right, you could've sworn you'd moan, a visceral reaction from how good it was.
"Aeg, baby, what sorcery is this? How am I enjoying this, you know how much I hate seafood...And yet, this could so be worthy of a Michelin Star!" The bewilderment set in stone in your voice, as you politely cover your mouth with your hand. Aegon always made a habit of waiting for you to eat first, before tucking in himself. He was always anxious for your approval, only to be met with countless compliments, you felt like a broken record.
"Really, baby? You mean that?" He persists, as he picks up his own cutlery, keen to unveil the taste.
"Trust me, Aeg... If I didn't like it, you'd know for sure!"
Eventually, Aegon took the reins of cooking, which much to your relief, meant one less thing to worry about, even if it took you a while to get accustomed to. Aegon insisted that you should continue to focus on work than having to feed him regularly.
"I'm not a little child anymore, Y/N, let me show you how well I can take care of the both of us now."
Although granted on your days off, after you'd have a decent, well-earned sleep in, you enjoyed helping him around the kitchen... It was a hard habit to break of Aegon's when it came to the cleaning aspect, he was a tad lazy and slow, so often, if given the chance, you'd help around washing, drying and packing away dishes and ingredients. Cleaning up his mess along the way, as you closely watched him from the sidelines, a true professional in their mastery.
It was only in these intimate moments, that you'd notice Aegon had grown a little rounder, more softer around his edges. The subtle double chin beneath his jaw was more prominent, and his jaw line now fading with mounted with flesh, his cheeks looked slightly more plump [the urge to kiss and nibble at them became exponential], and the apron he'd worn so often, how tightly snugged, barely able to tie from behind, as his stomach had protruded even more beneath. His figure could not be hidden, and yet, it made you fall for him even harder.
Aegon immediately noticed you openly eyeing him out, too deeply distracted by his figure, as your eyes fluttered over every inch of him.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What is it?"
Hastily snapping back out of your lustful thoughts, you felt flustered, being put on the spot like so. You hadn't even realised that Aegon had caught you, perhaps as you fell into silence, observing him strongly kneading the dough, preparing to trial out his attempt of focaccia.
"N-Nothing, Aeg, I-I just noticed, maybe you need a new apron... That one looks a little worn-out, and slightly uncomfortable."
Your meek attempt at subtleness was poor and Aegon knew exactly what you'd meant. He knew he had grown, putting on a few extra pounds since exercising his new found hobby, although he was foolish to think you would not notice. You should be disgusted by him, even in his efforts to tend to you, he was selfishly gorging himself. Had he no self-control?
"I get what you're saying, Y/N. I feel ashamed too, for the way I've become, I-I'll try to get out s'more and maybe I can go on those morning walks with you?" He bashfully looks back down at the dough he'd stopped kneading, trying to talk firmly with you.
"Aeg, please! That's not what I meant at all!" You urge, as you hastily leap off the chair, bounding towards Aegon as you instinctively wrap your arms around his thick waist, your small arms just barely interlinking.
"Don't you ever, ever think I could be ashamed of you, Aeg! Do you think that low of me? I love you, and if I'm being quite honest, I think I've actually fallen for you harder..."
You playfully look up at him, your head resting just below his broad shoulder, as you perk your eyebrows up and down teasingly, gesturing for something more.
"And what exactly, do you mean by that?" He questioned, as he finally covered the kneaded dough in bowel, waiting for it to rise, before turning to face you.
"Well, I mean your as soft as that dough, your cheeks, I could just squeeze, and those lips- Gods, your lips, Aeg-"
You tug him by the apron, gesturing him to lean down, as you plant a soft, long kiss, your tongues entwined as your share a passionate moment. Just as you'd expected, his lips felt so soft and moist, you had the sudden urge to gently bite down at his lower lip, and helplessly you did, tugging at it. Earning a cocky smile streaming across his face, you let go, aimlessly gazing up at one another with desire.
"Hmm, tell me more, princess."
"And this belly-" You grab a firm hold of his flesh, slightly jiggling against your rapid motions, as you eye his physique below and back up towards him, his attention following you.
"It's just calling for me to straddle you, I can't help but imagine how good it would feel to ride the fuck out of you, and these thighs- You've been so busy in the kitchen, stuffing your roasts and gorging yourself, you've forgotten about little, old me. You don't miss filling me up, big boy?"
Immediately, in such a swift motion, Aegon turns to steadily pin you against the counter instead. His full undivided attention, solely on you, licking his lips as though you were some type of dessert he'd just feasted his lilac eyes upon, as he presses his solid mass against you, feeling yourself helplessly squirm beneath his tender pressure. Adjusting himself in the right position, it didn't take a genius to realise, someone had grown a little excited by the realness of your words, and in sync, you felt a throbbing, familiar ache coursing from deep within your inner thighs.
"Look at what you're doing to me. Do you think that low of me, that I would forget my little princess, hmm? Your needs come first, always."
He plunges his soft face deep within the crook of your neck as he sucks on your floral fragranced skin, with each kiss he felt eager to devour you, you were certain by his harshness that he'd left a trail of fresh marks. His hands snaked down your waist, below to your ass, sensually massaging at your cheeks, as he pushed your body deeper into his, specifically your lower abdomen region, where you felt his bulge poking through his seems, desperate to be inside of you.
You felt your body slowly pacing up and down against Aegon's stocky frame, one of his thighs, found their way in between your legs, parting your entrance. You began to mimic the movements as you would if straddling him from atop, as he kept you supported, rocking yourself backwards and forwards against his clothed, chunky thigh. The friction beneath and Aegon's groans so close against your ear, was unnerving. You could sense the trickles of wetness beginning to ooze out of your eager cunt, soaking your sheer panties beneath.
"Aeg-Bedroom-" Moans in between your breathless words, you felt too feeble to form coherent words, as you felt his swollen gut, pressing deep against your breasts, flashing them upwards. One of your hands remained firmly tugging and pulling at his short, platinum locks, whilst the other dug nails deep into his meaty flesh, leaving a trail of marks behind.
Without hesitation or thought, Aegon picked you up with such ease, carrying you over his thick shoulder, you felt puny against his strength. Earning a small, light giggle from you, he felt invincible. Oblivious for what was to come, it seemed Aegon was keen to show you...
Just before he'd rush to make a beeline for the bedroom, he stopped by the fridge, opening the freezer door, and instantly grabbing the frozen tub of his favourite chocolate ice-cream.
"Better not waste this, we can definitely put it to some good use."
GENERAL TAGLIST - @evenstaris @chompchompluke
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janyiahsucks-blog · 1 year
Rodeo Clown
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a lyric fic inspired by rodeo clown by dijon
wc 1.9k
warnings: commitment issues, slight angst, teenagers being stupid
“Well I can't lie, I couldn't wait
But it's half-past eight and you're late again”
This is the fourth time this month miles has been late for one of your “hangouts”  if you can even call them hangouts. They’re more dates than anything. At the moment the two of you are at a stand still in the no man’s land between relationship and friendship but you can’t shake the fact that something is off. Ever since he became spider-man he’s been blowing you off but some of that is slightly expected. Now more than ever though it’s been getting worse. Like you can’t even get a hold of him and he’s always talking about this strange new friend who doesn’t seem to have any name. But you know he knows we all know everyone knows it’s Gwen. The girl he started being friends with right before all of this started. Before what you thought was a life long friendship with a completely unrequited crush turned into so much more. 
“Well, I got those high heels on, and lace
And I spent two or three hours beatin' my face” 
Tonight’s date was supposed to be special it was supposed to be something of an anniversary since the two of you started “talking” (as he called it) six months ago. You spent about two whole hours making yourself look as good as possible. Dressing up to the nines pulling out your favorite products to style your hair and maybe a bit more makeup than usual. But once again he was no where to be found. You whip out your phone and send the fourth text this hour. 
you: hey miles is everything okay? 
you: ur really late now 
you: if you’re not coming can you js tell me that 
you: don’t even bother anymore miles i’m going home. i hope wtv it was is important. 
“So why? Could you explain?
I can't lie, I'm fed up”
Sick and tired were the only words to describe how you felt walking home alone. The ghost of him lingered on the walk as if he was right beside you. But he wasn’t he was undoubtedly most likely somewhere with Gwen. She seemed to be the only topic with him recently. 
“Yeah me and my new friend we had such a fun time when we went there” “Me and my friend swung through here once it was like the highlight of my day.” “My new friend is a little quicker than you so I gotta adjust my pace when we walk together”. Though she was nameless for the past few months he used to address her by name. You never put the face to the name never even met her ,but you knew it was always her.
“I don't like being stood up
And hey, hey
What are you ashamed of?”
The only thought that could cross your mind was. “Why?” What was so wrong with you that you couldn’t be placed on the same pedestal as Gwen. It’s always Gwen this Gwen that but never you. Your name never graces the same smile that hers does. His eyes light up and his voice shifts a pitch when he talks about her. Like that’s his entire world. What is he so ashamed of when he’s with you. He hides you from the world and his parents haven’t even met you. Maybe they met Gwen though. One thing was for sure you couldn’t stand being stood up like this again. 
“So what are you so afraid of?
'Cause you're missin' out
On good, good lovin'”
“You know what if he doesn’t wanna answer me i’ll just call him” You mutter under your breath sighing out of pure frustration. 
After five rings and no answer you hear his voice “Hey it’s Miles” “Finally you’re gonna answer-“ “I’m not at the phone right now probably super busy with a bunch of cool stuff but you can leave a message. Peace” And a long aggravating beep. “If you never wanted something serious that’s all you had to say. You never had to lead me on or leave me stranded at that stupid fancy restaurant lookin all stupid Miles. Go be with that stupid Gwen girl or whatever her name is cause it’s obvious that everything we have ain’t as serious as whatever you have goin with her” Your voice cracks out of pure rage and a little (lot) of sadness. The heavy feeling in your chest returns. “All I wanted to do was love you man” You say to no one in particular just trying to put the thought into the air. Hoping and praying it would relieve some of the tension. 
“You ride those rank bulls and get first place
Eight seconds is all it takes
You got those silver spurs on
And chaps 'round your waist
Calloused hands, and dirt on your face”
You knew all it took to be spider-man. The constant late nights and beatings. Miles would come crawling through the fire escape attached to your window. Bruises and blood seeping through the suit. Patch ups and crying sessions. Either you on his shoulder begging him to be safe. Or him on yours pushing all his problems into the safe atmosphere of your arms. You knew the tolls both mental and physical that it took on him. Never knowing if the scars you see will be the worst of it all. Trying to hold onto the memories the two of you made while he was out protecting the city and putting his life on the line. 
“And hey, hey
I still wear the t-shirt that you gave me”
You finally made your way home unlocking the door and sighing before trudging to your bathroom and washing off all the makeup you took so long on stripping yourself of your cutest outfit. Putting on the shirt Miles left on the floor of your room one night. The one you thought framed him the best but he said it “look way better on you”. Pushed it on you to keep it and he could just wear his hoodie home. Reluctantly you agreed wishing you had something of his to keep you company when he was gone.
“So what are you so ashamed of?
Rodeo could kill ya”
He never really tried to bring up his spider-man duties to you. He thought it would bore you and you didn’t wanna hear some of the gory details of his day to day. You wished you could hear it all though. Just know he’s safe, know nothing out there is trying their hardest to kill him. The job is deadly and you both were fully aware of the topic yet he tried to dance around it. Never fully bringing up the whole word to you to keep you out of danger and him out of a strong headache. You were his safe space and he didn’t wanna invade that with spider-man. He didn’t want what the two of you had to be infected just like every other part of his life. 
“I just wanna kiss ya
But you won't let me near ya
But I'm here all the same”
Lately though it’s like he’s been putting up these walls. Slowly but surely placing the bricks day by day it’s like you get less and less out of him. One week it’s long heartfelt conversations all night the next it’s short one word responses to all of your texts. You just wanted to be there for him more than anything but he won’t let you close enough to do that. All you wanted to do was hold him in your arms and kiss his forehead telling him everything would work out and this is just temporary. You’d be there in all the other ways he would let you though even the smallest ones. 
“At the rodeo, I
Put my face on and smile
And you ride good”
Miles runs his hands through his hair trying not to rip it out of the roots. “Shit shit SHIT” He paces around his room trying to keep himself controlled. He was out on patrol once again forgetting about another date. He made his way home about five minutes ago with a proud smile on his face. He just defeated one of the sickest villains in Brooklyn and got him straight to jail. His smile dropped when he took out his phone and saw around seven notifications from you on his phone. “Oh fuck I’m so fucked”. He knew that keeping up with a “relationship” could be stressful especially as spider-man. But you, you handled it with such grace. Always knowing what to say and do. Being there for him without him having to say a word and nothing made him prouder than parading you around town. Telling all his friends about you and Ganke couldn’t go five minutes without hearing your name. He tried to keep up he really did but he just couldn’t. God he loved you he just really had a funny way of showing it. 
“And I get scared watchin' you
And the crowd gets wild, run to you”
He runs out of his room as soon as he sees all the texts and listens to the voicemail. He barely has enough time to put on his coat as he rushes to your house. A few minutes later he finds himself sprinting up your fire escape. The knocks on your window scared you as you tried to fall asleep. 
“Hey mi amor open the window please” 
You make no efforts to get out of bed and unlock your window and he sees that. 
“Please you gotta let me make this up to you. I’m sorry I swear just lemme explain myself” 
He placed his head against the window as tears start to pool in his eyes. You finally open the window and quickly turn your back to him trying to make some distance between the two of you. 
“So where were you Miles” 
A sigh escapes his lips quickly. “I was out on patrol” 
“With Gwen…” You cut him off quickly. 
“What…No not with Gwen. Why would it matter if I was.” He cocks his head to the side trying to get a grip on what the problem really is. 
“I dunno you just seem to be spending a lot of time with her that’s all.” She shrugs trying to make herself seem nonchalant even though this conversation was killing her on the inside. 
“Is this what this is about. Gwen….Really?” He scoffs.
“Yes Miles I mean you seem to prioritize her over whatever this is. You never even asked me out yet you’ve been taking me on dates and sneaking through my window for months. It’s like this means nothing to you. You’re always so quick to talk her up though. If you really wanna be with her go do it.”
Miles silently crossed the room and wrapped his arms around you placing his head in the crook of your neck. 
“I run to you, I run to you, I run to you
I love you, I love you”
“I’m sorry for letting these thoughts fill up your mind baby. It was never like that with her I swear to you. She’s just my friend someone I can talk to about all my spider-man stuff.
He runs his hands across his face sighing before continuing his speech.
“I love you mi amor. That’s why I’ve been acting like this. I didn’t know how to address it or if you would feel the same way and I was scared. I was so so scared. I’m sorry for letting my emotions get the better of me and not explaining. I’ll do better; I’ll be better. I promise” 
He kisses you on the cheek gently holding you like you could break if he applied any more pressure. 
“Will you let me be your boyfriend” 
sorry for the long ahh fic 💀💀 anyway u should gimme requests and stuff. thankssss
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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I wanna take things slow. Go on this date, maybe a second date, have our first real kiss. I just don't think we should jump into bed together, just because we know each other so well, right? I mean, do you…? No, I -- Agreed.
The opening sequence was not just a celebration of Tim and Lucy's story : it fully helped set the tone for their first date. All that nervous energy that was so palpable when they were getting ready, carried on at the restaurant. But not even their awkwardness can stop the scene from being riveting. As a matter of fact, it adds to the reality of the situation. The way they can barely look at each other without either smiling or giggling like teenagers on their first date is adorable. So is the way they struggle to make small talks when it has never been an issue for them. Or how, after Tim is shamelessly checking her out, Lucy does her little wiggle, the one she often makes when she can barely contain her excitement. This is so far from the type of awkwardness that emanated from Tim's first date with Rachel or during the double date with Ashley. In this case, this is due to the importance of this date, as showcased in that first segment… and as reflected by the choice of restaurant : the most romantic one in town.
Besides, this new tension between them doesn't even last long before Lucy addresses it. Tim's reaction is particularly noteworthy : the panic that she might already regret this is crystal clear. He's looking like a deer in the headlights for a second, visibly gulping… But it is also poignant that he's just as nervous and lets her see it. And admits how different this dinner is for them. His dorkiness is absolutely delightful. I don't know which part is better : the fact that he blurts naked times or his immediate reaction after saying that aloud. Either way, it does make Lucy laugh and cut through that tension between them. It allows them to fall back on familiar grounds with her teasing… But, most importantly, it also sparks a crucial conversation. It gives Lucy the opportunity to voice her desire and need to take things slow. Her voice gets significantly softer at this point, revealing her nervousness. But she doesn't back down either. She's so much more self-assured and assertive here than she was in her relationship with Chris, especially towards the end. And the way Tim listens to her intently, smiling at her checklist, and goes softer at the allusion of their first real kiss is just as significant. This is exactly what was missing from their previous relationships : Tim pays attention to what she says, reassures her when she's a bit uncertain and Lucy makes sure to check how he feels on the matter. They've always balanced each other so well at work… And they're now ensuring that it translates to their romance as well.
I, for one, appreciate their choice of taking things slow. At least, for the beginning. Not just because that means we get to see this part… But because of how they clearly want to proceed with caution and care. Their almost hook-up nearly cost them their friendship and changed their dynamic for a while. So it is perfectly understandable that Lucy would want to approach this differently, to guarantee that this time, they get this right. To preserve what they already have - their unique bond - and build from there. Add from it without losing anything. Her list is pretty straightforward : have a first date, then another one, a first real kiss… Those are early and simple milestones. But important ones. And while at first glance, it might seem that she's afraid to commit, in reality it shows how she wants to treat their relationship with the reverence they both deserve.
Besides, there's one more reason as to why taking things slow is a good idea : the issue of the chain of command at work remains. And it is immediately illustrated with how nervous Tim gets at the idea of someone from the station walking in the restaurant. Something that Lucy obviously understands as she doesn't even take umbrage and goes back to teasing him instead. The fact that she even suggests that they should come clean the morning after just reinforces how different this relationship is for her. For Tim as well, considering how he's trying his best to ignore the growing fight in the kitchen or how he looks disappointed when he hears the sirens… They are committed to this relationship and are all-in… and this is reflected in the director's choice to start the episode with their first date and end it with the second one. With their first real kiss, completing the checklist.
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lunatic-pudge · 3 months
Spy SWF Headcanons
TW for SH in the U section
A: Affection (How do they show affection? And how affectionate are they?)
Poor Spy can be iffy with affection. There are days he enjoys being able to cuddle up with his partner, and other times, he needs his space. It all really depends on how he's feeling that day. He'll usually let you know when he's having one of those "don't touch me" days. Also no PDA in front of the other mercs. If you guys were in a different area where no one knew you two, then he's a little more open to it. But only little things like hand holding, little kisses here and there, an arm around the waist, that sort of thing
B: Best Friend (What would they be like a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Good luck trying to befriend this guy. Lots of trust issues. Lots of commitment issues. Cause of his line of work, he can't just be going around befriending people, plus he's kinda an introvert. Finding comfort in being alone with some alcohol and a book. But once you do befriend him, you got yourself such a sassy queen. He's the perfect person to go to if you're looking for some juicy drama, fashion advice, or just someone to BS with. I can see him being such an unintentional mom friend too. Fussing over you while acting like he doesn't want to and has better things to do. He doesn't like showing people that he cares
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He does like a good cuddle, he really does, but remember,  there's times he just can't handle physical contact. He claims that he has to be the big spoon and how dare you wanna spoil him by being the big spoon. But with some determination and patience, you can get him to cave him and let you spoil him. It takes a while cause he's not used to being doted over like that. plz help him
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking & cleaning?)
Spy? Settling down? Such a preposterous thing! Okay, but like, he's never really let such thing come across his mind. He's like Medic in the sense where he's so dedicated to his work. It's all he's ever really known. I'm sure he's thought about settling down when he was actively with Scout's Ma. Cause think about it. He's got a baddie that loves him. He's got a son (and a bunch of step sons). But there's a reason why he wasn't there, there's a reason why he left. Imma get more into it later though.
But as for cooking and cleaning? He's def up there with Engie when it comes to who's the best cook. He just doesn't like having to cook. To go through all that work and mess, and only be made to share with everyone else. He'd rather just go to some fancy restaurant or wait for some merc to make dinner (depends on who's cooking). And he's definitely the cleanest one of all mercs. He can't stand messes. His bedroom and smoking room are in such perfect condition. The only way you can tell that someone was even in the room is from the perpetual smell of cigarettes and a bottle of alcohol/glass that's been moved
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Due to his commitment issues, it's very hard for Spy to be in a relationship. He's got too much trauma and baggage for anyone (and even himself at times) to handle. Sometimes, he does the right thing and tells the person that he can't do it anymore. Other times, he'll just up and leave, never to be seen again. Yeah, it's a real shitty thing to do, but it's what he feels he has to do. It's easier for him to just disappear and act like he never existed. He doesn't know how to cope with his issues and it shows
F: Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Yeaaah, no. Absolutely not. Never. Marriage is a line Spy doesn't have the strength to cross. Dating is one thing. Marriage is a whole other thing. He could believe he's with his soulmate and still woudn't be able to propose. The thought alone fills him with anxiety. If you wanna be with this man, you gotta understand that he ain't ever gonna pop the question. Not even as an old man on his death bed. The most he can do is get you a pretty ring and let you say that he's your husband, but even that can be a little too muc
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Spy is a lot more gentle than you think. More so physically than emotionally though. He will love all over you as much as you want. Emotionally, it can be tough. He's a good person to vent your worries to. He does give some real good advice. But if you ever want him to let his walls down and open up, that's gonna be something that would take YEARS to do. He can let little bits of info out, but nothing too big. He's trying though. It's easier for him to hold you and let you spill your worries out to him
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are only in private or if he's trying to show that he's better than the person who's trying to win your affections over. His hugs aren't the best? Like, it's basically hugging a chain-smoking skeleton in a suit. I'm also gonna go on a limb and say that he's perpetually cold (cause he ain't got no meat or fat on them bones, ya know) so he'd use hugging you as a way to warm up. You wouldn't let this poor old man freeze to death, would you? Also, homie's got some of the NICEST cologne ever. So yeah, while he's got that constant cigarette smell to him, he also smells divine? I dunno. He's weird like that
I: I Love You (How fast do they say the L-Word?)
Ain't no way in hell this man is saying I love you first. And yet at the same time when you say I love you for the first time, he might cry. Spy might think he's some bad boy who pulls bitches like no other, but deep down, he's just a boy who's been through hell his whole life, never was able to cope with it in a healthy way which led him to down a rabbit hole of essentially made everything worse (I'm trying to not derail this entire post, plz help, I'm struggling) But he will say it. It'll take a while, but it's worth it when he says it. God, he could probably write a whole ass novel on why he loves you
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I wouldn't say that Spy is a jealous person, more so he just likes being able to woo/seduce you in front of the person who's trying to flirt with you. It fuels his ego. He knows he's better than that pathetic excuse of a person that thinks they could ever be on his level. It's one of those times he gets to be so smug and prideful
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Oh boy oh boy, does this man know how to kiss. He's got the experience,  he's got the skill, he can easily make one little peck on the lips turn to a full make out session. He will leave you breathless. He will leave you wanting more. And he won't stop til he's satisfied,  gosh darn it! And I know you ain't gonna stop it. I know that you want this Frenchy, disgusting. (I'm kidding, plz, I luv u, don't leave yet)
L: Little Ones (How are they around kids?)
Now Spy has never really been much of a kid person. Like, he can tolerate kids, but only for so long before he needs to leave the room to recoup from how chaotic kids can be. Now, I'm sure that when Scout's Ma told Spy she was pregnant, he was over the moon with how happy and exciting this news was. And I bet he cried when he held Scout for the first time. I bet you he still has baby pics of Scout hidden in his room he looks at when life isn't going well. But remember, there's a reason why he left. And as he got older, dealing with kids became more of a chore to deal with. He's a mercenary! He doesn't have time to be dealing with kids, he's got a job to do, man!
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's GRUMPY in the mornings. He just wants to be left alone til he's ready to deal with everyone. And since he's an old man, he's up early. I... I don't think he sleeps to be honest
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He's got a whole ass night routine he follows every night before bed or he'll kill someone. He tends to stay up late so he tends to not get much sleep at all. He won't cuddle when he first goes to bed, but then if you wake up in the middle of the night, he's all cuddled up with you, refusing to move. It will take a while for him to let you spend the night with him. He doesn't like having to sleep with his Balaclava on. He does get frequent nightmares though so be ready to be there to comfort him
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait awhile to reveal things slowly?)
As I said before, it takes Spy a very long time for him to open up about himself. And even then, he isn't gonna tell you everything. It's just not his thing.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This is another thing that's weird. Like it's a 50/50 sort of thing, but also depends on the person? When it comes to his partner, he tends to be more lenient with them as compared to someone like Scout or Soldier. I would say he's also good at keeping a level head, unless he's stressed out, then oops
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Oh honey, this man knows EVERYTHING about you, whether you told him or not. Even the most private things like your family's medical history, he knows it already. Don't question it. As a matter of fact, why are you even questioning it? He's a spy! of course he knows all these little things about you. He never forgets >:(
R: Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
It was the moment you let him doll you up for the first time. This man wouldn't stop going on about how he wanted to dress you up and do your makeup (if that's something you're comfortable with). FInally, you gave in and let him. And boy, was he ready. He already knew you're measurements and was so quick to take you to the tailor and fit you in an outfit that costs more than your house. He'd do your hair, nails, makeup, he'd go all out for you and make you look like a GOD (or goddess)
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He can be rather protective of his partners. He will literally have you living in a luxury house, filled with security, in a country of your choosing if it means to keep you safe. And, man, if you protected him, he'd be at a loss for words. He wouldn't even know what to do. He'd be so confused as to why you would ever wanna protect him? He'd probably get upset and scold you for putting yourself in such a dangerous situation
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, and everyday tasks?)
Homie's going ALL OUT. He loves being able to go all out and show off. You guys will be dressed to the 10's, at a fancy restaurant, eating some of the finest foods, and you sure as hell are getting spoiled with gifts. Every occasion is a chance for Spy to spoil you and show off how perfect you are. Don't fight it, he won't listen
U: Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He's got a lot of bad habits. He doesn't know how to cope with trauma well. He's definitely someone who has or actively self harms. I'm sorry to say that, but it's just something I can see. Also he chain smokes. He's ALWAYS smoking, never giving himself a break
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Oh you know he is always concerned about his looks. Even if he's got his Balaclava on, he's still fussing over his appearance. He'll fuss over yours too. He wants you both to constantly look your best. Even a tiny speck of dirt if your cheek is the end of the world for him. He will fuss about it for HOURS
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Spy is very much used to being alone. He can handle it. He'll miss having you around. You were always his favorite person to complain to. But he's not worried about it. He's a tough cookie
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
Finally, I can say what I've been wanting to say. >:)
I fully believe that Spy is still in love with Scout's Ma. He most definitely is still in communication with her. Helping her out and even coming to see her when he can. That's his baby mama! He can't just abandoned her like he has with every lover he's had. He does still very much care about her, even if it's hard for him to express it and such. He only left so her and the kids could stay safe. Him being there just causes problems. She was the only one who was willing to stay with him no matter what. Even now, with Scout being an adult, she's still around, sending him letters and even gifts.
Yeah, if you couldn't tell, I'm a hard Spy x Scout's Ma defender. Their relationship may not be perfect, but God does it have me in such a chokehold, and I'm not really one for shipping
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Spy don't want no slob. He has very high standards. He doesn't want someone who's sloppy and doesn't take care of themselves (I smell some slight hypocrisy here)
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Awful sleep schedule. What even is sleep? He stays up late like a youngster, and wakes up early like an old man. I basically said what needs to be said up in the night section, oops
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thatgirl4815 · 9 months
I don't understand the need for a SandRay endgame tho, don't you think Sand deserves better than this? deserves better than to be the second choice, the one Ray goes after when Mew doesn't want him? I just can't seem to fathom wanting that for Sand and I would like someone to explain to me why would you want that haha
Ray doesn't care about him enough, when Mew was with Top, Ray stated that as long as Mew was happy, he was happy, he didn't try to break them up, with Sand tho, with Sand it seems Ray doesn't care about his happiness, about letting him move on, with Sand he is selfish and controlling and I don't think that is love.
I don't mean this to be rude (I am really sorry if my wording came across that way!) but I really wanna understand why anyone would want that for Sand haha
Hey Anon! Not rude at all--a very valid question. Ultimately: yes, I do think Sand deserves better, and that has been part of the reason why my Sand Protector heart and SandRay shipper heart have been at odds. But I'm going to use this space to rant a little, if that's alright.
If Sand and Ray was to be endgame the way their relationship is now, I would not be satisfied. Because you're right, Ray is selfish--tossing Sand around and using him when he needs him. In a lot of ways, I think Ray's relationship with Sand will be a catalyst for showing him just how selfish of a person he is.
Ray has problems. Ray is an alcoholic and a drug addict who seems to struggle with depression and self-worth issues. He's also very lonely. And I think Ray sees an out to a lot of those problems through Mew; he's constructed this fantastical aura around him. Maybe it's because Ray wants something easy: he thinks that if he can be with Mew, he doesn't have to feel unworthy of love. He's convinced himself of this so strongly that even someone like Sand, who he does care for, can't compare to the fantasy he's built up in his head.
Sand doesn't deserve to give Ray any more chances, because Ray is messing with his heart. At the same time, I think Sand struggles to blame Ray completely for this because he knows that they haven't technically committed to each other. For the moment, I think Sand blames himself more than anything. When Ray starts getting possessive is when things are really going to go downhill in the toxicity department. But amidst all of this, I am hopeful that Ray will see everything he is doing to Sand for what it is. When the euphoria of RayMew wears off, there could be clarity.
And it isn't just that Sand takes care of Ray either. It's that Sand takes care of Ray even when he doesn't have to. I've been thinking a lot about the fact that Mew came when Ray called two years ago, but Ray has never once called Sand for help, but Sand has helped anyways.
So really, when I say I want SandRay endgame, I mean that I want a SandRay endgame where Ray apologizes and, more than that, shows Sand that he was wrong. I would not blame Sand for walking away at all, but I like the thought of Ray realizing that he was caught up in a dream that was never going to be a reality. I think being with Mew will show Ray that he's been an asshole to Sand in ways that he might not have intended, even if he needs to take responsibility for them.
Does that make sense? Hopefully I'm not the only one who feels this way. Unrelated to the story, but I'm an FK stan to the ends of the earth, so I suspect that is also informing my opinion, haha.
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alittlextrathatway · 7 months
Honestly any lyric from Universe can fit brettsey but I think I’ll go with “You make me believe in something bigger than just me”
You can choose the location! Please tag me when you’re done! I think this is so cool!
And back to canon we go with this one lol.
Let's see what location shall I pick?
How about...
on the street.
He leaves again tomorrow, but not forever this time.
He'll be back and forth for the next few months as Ben finishes school and makes the transition to college. After that, he'll be back in Chicago full time to build the life with Sylvie he's been dreaming about for years.
Tonight, they're headed to Molly's to announce their engagement and say his goodbyes. But before they head in, he has more he's been wanting to say to Sylvie.
He tugs on her hand and squeezes her fingers. As she turns to look at him he nods toward the small alley next to the bar. She follows him with a concerned expression on her far too beautiful face. He takes in every inch of it, from the wrinkle between her eye brows to the downturned corners of her mouth.
He presses her against the wall, caging her in with his hands on her hips and then smiles at her, hoping to soothe her concern.
"Before we go in there and I have to share you for the rest of the night," he begins, pressing a swift kiss to her lips. "I wanted to talk a bit."
The tension melts out of her body and she leans her weight against the wall, bringing her hands and arms up to rest on his shoulders. "Well, you know I love it when you decide to use your words. It usually works out pretty well for us," she teases.
He chuckles and sends her a mock glare. "Noted."
"What topic did you have in mind this time?" She asks, smiling brighter despite his narrowed eyes.
"I know long distance isn't what either of us wants," he says, diving right in. If he's learned anything form almost losing Sylvie it's that it's better to be up front than dance around the big issues. "So, before we jump back into that for the next few months I just want to make sure you know that it's going to be different this time. I'm going to be different. I want to make more intentional choices about how I spend my time, especially my time with you."
He can tell she's about to let him off the hook for all the times he cancelled on her and didn't return her willingness to travel for the sake of their relationship so he cuts her off. "Don't say I don't need to, Sylvie, we both know that's not true."
She rolls her lips and sighs but nods, conceding his point. "Okay."
"I let our relationship slip on my priorities list and, yes, the boys are important but they shouldn't be more important than you. You and them, and now Julia too, should all be on equal footing. Until I'm back here with you permanently I'm going to make sure that's the case. Losing you again isn't an option."
"You won't," Sylvie promises. "This time if I start to feel like we're fading away then I'll tell you. I won't hold it in and try to deal with it on my own. You weren't the only problem, Matt. I failed us too. But we made it though it, we're here together now, and that's what's important. And this time, everything seems to be leading to us ending up closer together -- not further apart."
"Our stars are aligning you mean?" He asks, an affectionate grin tugging at his lips.
She sighs again, this time she sounds relieved and content, as if she's finally comfortable. Finally, in his arms again like she was always meant to be. "Yes, our stars are finally lining up."
"I never really believed in that kind of thing before you," he admits.
"What kind of thing?"
"Meant to be, fate, kismet. Whatever you wanna call it. The big picture or grand design. I just thought we search out our people and we commit to being good to them. You make the best of where you are and the people you're with. And that's it."
"And I changed your mind?" Sylvie asks.
He rests his forehead against hers while he nods. His eyes mist over as they always do when he stops to think about the gravity of his feelings for Sylvie Brett. "You changed everything. The way you love me and the boys, the way you just knew Julia was made to be yours, the timing of all of it with Ben going off to college. You're the one that brings the pieces together for me. You help me see the design amidst all the chaos. If that makes any sense."
"It makes perfect sense," she agrees, tightening her hold on him and pulling him closer. "To me anyway."
Of course it does because she understands him in a way no one else every has before. "I love you."
"I love you too."
And now he gets to spend the rest of his life reminding her of that as often as possible.
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deathmetalangel · 20 days
Tumblr media
robby keene x fem! reader
warnings: "casual" relationship", swearing, arguments, crying, heavily ldr coded, implied hookups, slut shaming, cheating, angsty
“in what world is that fair robby?"
oke so this is kinda a retconnned chapter from my wattpad book that i'm just extending and making more ambigious instead of clearly x oc. i hope y'all like it tho. i am sorry i have been gone for so long :(
Y/n plays with the ends of Robby's hair. He was laying with his head in her lap while they just relaxed in her room. It was calm, domestic. A small and very rare moment for just the two of them. No outside force would intrude and break their safe haven. There was no what if's that lingered in the air. Nor past resentments that hung over them like an ominous cloud determined to damper their moods. 
It was just Y/n and Robby. And that's all they'll ever be. No labels. She figured that much after the last time she'd brought it up. But she's become so full of him she can't even bring herself to care. She'd rather have what they have now, whatever it may be with him. Rather than risking losing him, and the routine she's started to build around him. 
She hums softly. Her mind far off. "Y/n?" She hymns in acknowledgement without turning her head. "Something happened this weekend."
He was lying. This had been going on for weeks. He had been having doubts for weeks. He'd been seeing her for weeks. "What happened? Another karate fight?" She wasn't the girl who got heartbroken. She was never the second choice. She got what she wanted. And she wanted him, however she could have him.
"I kissed Sam Larusso."
Y/n freezes. Her body betraying her as she tenses up. She has no right, she knows that. They were 'casual'. Just her and Robby. Non-commital.
"I mean big deal right? We were drunk anyways. Just felt bad not telling you. I know were not dating so it's really not your business, but don't worry about it. I mean we've fucked so often what does a kiss even mean?"
A kiss. To her it meant everything. An act of intimacy that they rarley ever shared. So innocent, so pure.
"Get out of my room Robby." Y/n mumbles, her voice above a whisper. The teen sits up from her lap and looks at her incredalously. He was only telling her to keep her in the loop. She didnt have the right to be mad. So why was she making a big deal about this?
"You heard me. Get the fuck out of my room Keene."
He furrows his brows in a toxic coctail of anger and confusion. "Why? You can't get pissed at me for this Y/n. We aren't fucking dating. Don't get all aggro on me like you're some psycho girlfriend when you're a friend with benefits at best."
Y/n stands up and pushes the boy out of her room. "Get the fuck out of here Robby! If it didn't mean anything why don't you go fuck her then? Go whine about your mommy issues and daddy issues to her and leave me the hell alone."
"You have some nerve you know that right? Don't act all high and mighty now. You're a whore. Why the hell would I ever actually take you seriously when I can get everything I want without the label or work. You're easy, I could never do that shit with Sam."
Her breath was stuck in her throat as the boy she truly thought cared began to berate her as if she was a random person on the street. The boy she suffered for. The boy that was really never her's to keep. Y/n forces herself to wipe her anrgy tears and push Robby once again.
Y/n's hands were shaky, she desprately wanted to cry. To scream. To give in and give him the satisfaction of getting to her. "Oh so you can come over whenever you want, make me listen to your shitty life, and basically force yourself into my own life, but all that means nothing right? Well guess what Kenne. You kissed her, and she still doesn't want you!" She presses her finger into his chest while her voice level rises. "That same girl is still with Miguel. So just because you wanna jump ship and 'upgrade' doesn't mean she wants anything to do with you. Face it babe, you're just white trash."
"Shut the fuck up Y/n." Robby practically spits back.
"Oh, so you can disrespect me and belittle me in my own fucking room, but when its you its a problem? Grow up Robby. You're a man baby and a hypocrite. In what world is that fair Robby? Maybe in your little made up fantasy where Sam picks you and you leave me for dead. So go stay there. Cause you're sure as hell not welcome here."
Y/n throws everything he's given her at him. Every last peice a memory they shared together. Posters, drawings, braclets, anything that adorned her room. All of it thrown to him and crashing down like victims of a violent storm. Tears streamed down her face as he backed up to her door.
She opens the door for him and grabs his sweater and keys before shoving it in his chest. The boy watches her dumbfounded.
"Stay away from me Robby. Go back to some other slut that can put up with your baggage and shitty attitude for one night stand status. Because I'm done."
He looks at her, but there wasn't the girl he knew looking back at him. Not with how she glared, not with how she stood, and not with how she felt. Her eyes, the e/c irises reflected love, now they were dark. Harbors for her contempt. The grimace on her face was unforgettable. Especially as the last thing he seen before she slammed her door on his face.
Robby swallows the spit in his mouth, a hard lump of guilt not wanting to go down. He didn't think any of this would happen. He wanted her to care, but he didn't want to fight. His temper, his father's god forsaken temper, and his own damned ego.
He wanted what he had with her, with Sam. The girl next door with a rich family and big house. Like something out of a book. Not the girl that did whatever he said for the sake of making him happy. He really did want to just abandon her, didn't he? After everything.
Choking back his frustrations the boy marches down her stairs and lets himself out. He liked what he had with her, but he wouldn't fight for her. Guys only did that for the girl they want.
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g-xix · 23 days
After seeing kennysimp’s submission about their breakup I feel like I need some advice. I’ve been wth my bf for over 2 years but I’ve been starting to doubt the relationship. We have major differences thatd be problematic long term, and we’ve also been long distance for over a year now.. idk man, idk what to do or what my feelings even are anymore :/
Heya brodie! Gonna give the best advice i can as someone who's only been in 1 relationship which lasted a total of 3 months before breakup!
So, let's see what the situation is :) (also apologies ive used male pronouns for ur partner ive j realised having written all of it - not sure whether they are a male so excuse my use of gendered pronouns)
Long distance for over a year + major differences that'd be problematic long term. Those are deffo two negatives of a relationship... Id wanna say that differences in a couple don't have to be problematic if it's just a relationship for fun and sorta vibes... But given that you two have been together for over two years - that's a pretty serious relationship, undeniably.
Like, you don't decide to date a person for 2 years just for shiggles, that clearly shows commitment.
But if there's clear differences that'd be problematic the more you stay together.... That's definitely an issue.
Thing is - it wouldn't have to be an issue you could break-up over - I value communication a lot in a relationship: aka if there's a problem/smth bothering either person - they should tell the other so that the other realises there's an issue + they can work out how to fix the issue so that both ppl are comfortable...... And if the partner doesn't try accommodate the person who's communicated n expressed an issue - then they're probably not someone you wanna be in a relationship anyways... So I think that whilst there's issues which are problematic, that doesn't have to be the catalyst to end a relationship
but that being said, major differences like you've said... If they're something which puts you off from him or makes you less inclined to be with him and want him in your future??
Chances are that you're wasting your time.
This is gonna sound so brutal but just consider and actually deep think about it... Do you feel like you're wasting your time with someone that you don't think it'll work out with?
I feel like (and this is j a very shallow assumption im making) you dislike the relationship at the moment - you have sorta grey feelings of "do i really wanna be w him?" and "there's deffo issues between us" but are stuck with the fact that you like being in a relationship?
Being in a relationship is sorta comforting i think, knowing u have some1 to talk to or fall back on - or even just loving you + knowing that they love you... But the fact that even within this ask you feel more negatively inclined + mentioned mainly negatives ("major differences" + "long distance"), i feel like you yourself realise that this isn't a plausible relationship for the long term.
Then again - what route of action you wanna take deffo also depends on your intent.
Do you want to be in a relationship to find love and marriage? Ooor just for a companion and support for this current period of your life. And does he give you what you want, or do you feel like you're missing something and he has qualities which frustrate you? > considering those questions can deffo help figure out how you feel, i reckon
My experience with a difficult relationship was being physically close but in terms of talking n contact we were just very distant - i was ignored for days on end, there was no sorta reciprocated love language, and i probably spent longer pondering on the feeling of guilt and negatives than actually being happy... and despite the fact it was a short relationship - i felt like it was a waste of time and emotions, considering that once it was ended n all over i just didn't care - it felt like i'd never even been in a relationship anyways bc it was just such a shit trial.
Consider whether you think being in a relationship has more positives and good feelings, or shit feelings. How does it make you feel - bc at the end of the day, it's your relationship and if your partner isn't reciprocating or making you happy, chances are that you'd be better off considering a breakup and seeing what else is out there in the world.
And even if you come to realise you miss them/want something different post breakup... You only live once type shit, send a message, get in touch again, try get it back together.
At the end of the day there's a solid chance that this is the only shot at living a life that every single one of us have, so if you feel like you're not enjoying + you're unhappy because of your relationship - fuck it off and start enjoying your life. Go date other people, go find happiness in others, go have fun without worrying about a relationship that makes you unhappy.
But if you are happy and you do like your relationship, there's just a lot of niggles that are problematic but can be sorted - then go and give it your best shot at sorting those with your partner - and if they don't reciprocate and equally try to mend those patches to keep in a healthy relationship with you: you're exerting yourself and trying harder within the relationship and trying to make it work more than them. Is it worth your effort? You evaluate that, understand how you feel and what you want with your partner.
It's Summer soon so hopefully you get a break and are able to spend some time thinking and either getting it together with your partner, or going out and seeing new people or just at peace with yourself and everyone.
Hope this was something helpful for you anon, and best wishes with your relationship 🙏💗
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miya-twins · 7 months
thinkin bout aro tsumu
and look he's not the smartest most self-aware of the bunch
he's just vibin. like, he's got volleyball on the brain he ain't got time for relationships, that's why he's never had any. and he's not ace, he's bi, he knows that for sure, so why think about it further when he's got his sexuality figured out? he likes sleeping around nothing wrong with that
msby's pr manager has long since accepted atsumu's image as a playboy they don't even bother him about it anymore so long as he doesn't sleep with people who are married or whatever
except one day he's 35 and retiring from volleyball and osamu's been married for years and it dawns on him that he's never had a crush once in his life
he tries dating some people he's attracted to but still doesn't get the hype and always bails before it gets too serious
complains about it to samu like, does he have commitment issues or smth? why would anyone ever wanna date and get married it's such a hassle
osamu just like "well don't do it then if you're happier not doing it"
"but everyone will think I'm a loser if I'm forever single :("
"since when do you care what other people think of you? most people who don't know you already dislike you anyway lol"
and well. that's true so atsumu just stops trying and is happy like before he realized
three months later out of the blue akaashi sends him the wikipedia link for aromanticism because osamu is a gossip and couldn't keep his mouth shut while checking up on the tokyo onigiri miya
atsumu learns a fun new word with the main purpose of shutting people up who keep asking him invasive questions about his life
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 12 days
I don't know much about poly relationships but I want to learn more so I can be educated and respectful. Do you have any misconceptions/stereotypes that really annoy/upset you? And any suggestions of good resources to learn more? No pressure to answer this of course :)
I love answering stuff like this, so it's definitely not a problem
as far as could resources? idk. I haven't come across many written by other people. I would consider myself a good resource?
maybe read my poly fics as a resource? because they are written by an actual poly person and they are written based on my experiences
No Place Like Home is THEEEE poly fic in my opinion. (small warning - the link is an AO3 link and my fics are archive locked, so you need an account to view it.) it is the one most heavily based on my personal experiences, and there is a lot of me and my partners in the fic.
from the fact that it starts with a sexual relationship and grows into emotional caring to the way that the characters lean on each other to heal their trauma, to the fact that the main central theme of the fic is "letting someone love you is hard when you feel as though you are inherently unworthy of love" - it is one of the biggest struggles I have had in my relationships - trying to push love onto someone who feels like they are unworthy of it and keeps pushing me away, and for myself - realizing how many small acts of self harm I commit through things like not eating and not sleeping, and letting someone take care of me and having that be very radical for me
a lot of my other fics have poly influences - basically any of my threesome fics have those influences and that attitude.
also, for the record - I have seen a lot of bad poly references and poly writing guides. I lost the post to the void so I can't like it right now, but I saw one a little while ago titled 'how to write poly relationships in fanfiction' and I was curious what someone else's advice on the subject would be, so I clicked on it - and it was abysmal. it was a fucking joke that was clearly written by someone who had never, ever been in a poly relationship before
they were saying that the number one things you need in poly fics are "lots and lots of clear consent and negotiation", and "lots and lots of conversations about everyone's wants and needs" - basically, every single minute of your life needs to be poly negotiation. which is not at all true. and they were also saying that poly fics should have aspects of how being poly influences 'domestic life' like having a fucking CHORE CHART and having each person have their own mug and like NO BITCH. being poly isn't about constantly negotiating and splitting the fucking chores
for us, poly 'negotiations' is like one or two conversations when someone enters the relationship. and it's not like some intense, earth shattering "I wanna address your needs" kind of thing, for us - it's like celebrating. it's like 'this person wants to be with us' and it feels like - happy. celebratory. and if there's individual issues, you address those when they come up. you don't have to talk things to death
creating an environment where open communication is welcomed is important, but constantly checking up on everyone and their 'needs' is unrealistic and just annoying
a real poly relationship is about the fact that you have a lot of intense emotions and you are a hyper emotional person and you feel that intense soulmate draw with multiple people, and so you pursue it with multiple people. it's about being someone who does not have a natural propensity towards jealousy (whenever I see people being like "how do you handle jealousy in a poly relationship?" WE DON'T. me and none of my partners are jealous people. that's why this works) - you just want your partners to have more multiple happiness through experiencing more love and more sex with other partners
also, it's important to differentiate a poly relationship from an open relationship. I have both
a poly relationship is when three people (minimum) come together and agree to all have romantic relationships with each other. and an open relationship is when people agree that their partners can have sex (or romantic relationships, dates, whatever they agree on) with anyone outside of the relationship without it having to be approved by the other poly partners first
also poly threads are a very important concept that people get wrong - people assume that a threeway poly relationship means that all three people are involved with each other, which might not necessarily be true. a poly thread essentially means 'which person is dating which person' in a poly relationship.
so for example - in No Place Like Home, there is a thread between Jason and the reader, and there is a thread between Jason and Gar, and there is a thread between Gar and the reader. which makes them a true poly triad
but I have drafted many fics that are poly Steve/Reader/Robin, but I wanted to maintain Robin's lesbian idenity, so there is a thread between Steve and the reader, and there is a thread between Robin and the reader, but there is no thread between Robin and Steve. which is still poly - two people dating the same person but not dating each other, or one person dating multiple people with permission is still poly, and a lot of people forget about that or get it wrong
I am rambling and none of this is organized omg
I think one of the big misconceptions that annoys me is that people think poly relationships are purely sexual? and for me, one of the draws is sex, but I am always, always, always drawn to a partner by emotions first. I say that I am very poly hearted. I have a heart that is naturally drawn to falling in love with someone and maintaining those intense, strong feelings - and for me, I don't usually participate in 'no strings attached' sexual activities outside the relationship because I like to have emotional sex, and I love the draw of taking care of someone emotionally and developing a connection with them and supporting them - and then having a lot of sex
for the record - there is nothing wrong with wanting an emotionless purely sexual experience. and I totally promote that for my partners if they want it. I am just saying that poly relationships are not purely sexually driven and while I am a very horny, sex driven person - I am very emotional person, and that is the root of my relationships. emotional sex
with all my partners, there was a really intense emotional connection first. I am drawn to people by their spirit and their traits and who they are as a person
also a big misconception is that if you have multiple partners, you love one of them less? which is bullshit. for me it's an infinite well of emotions and I don't start loving someone less if another person comes into the relationship
this is all I can think of for now? but if you have any more specific questions, definitely let me know. I would be happy to answer them
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sapphic-agent · 8 months
Ok into the IzuOcha ask: I bet you have come across ships where "this girl deserve better" not sure if you read naruto but sasusaku is canon aka sasuke x sakura. Now, some fans of hers (all of them) say she is a poor thing and deserve better (wont enter here how untrue it is as she got her happy ending, its sasuke who is miserable) and ...I can say Izuocha can be the sasusaku of mha.
Will be canon? Sure.
Will be happy for Izu? NO. Not in canon. Not by Hori.
They had a cute meet. Sure, but it never developed more than that.
1) she calls him deku. Do I know Japanese? No. So I give a pass and maybe deku and dekiru are similar speaking. Ok. The issue here is not that...is how Ochako sees BK calling Izu deku with 100% hostility and ...head empty. Its sus. Its also not cute Izu accept the name deku.
2) she makes no attempt to know him. Grant Izu doesn't either but he does have an excuse as social cues are smth he struggles thanks to 10 years of abuse...amazing how that is smth Hori remembers to give to Izu😒
3) the LN, it paints their relationship so bad. I dont need to point out the obvious.
4) the aftermath of Ixu vs bk. Izu was punished for defending against his abuser, Iida didnt let him see his notes and treated him as a criminal...sure it was to be comical but falls flat as Iida wanted to commited murder (hated he punched Izu) byt Ochako didnt even approach Izu and asks whats up. She also blamed him. "This is a problem of both" and runs with that.
5) Mina and Aoayama have to tell her, and subsequence us, she likes Izu. Otherwise, we wouldn't guess. She made the decision to hide her feelings for Izu...and why? Is not as if she lost a big chance to win money by blushing to Izu.
6) I dont like how the girls in class A1 are taking Ocha's side here in relation to the ship. The movie where Izu meets Melissa...when Izu returns to class A1 the girls seems upset as if he did smth wrong...I find that unfair(I never saw the movie and have 0 desire to do so as BK is there. And sure that scene may have context...)
7) She never even attempt to know Izu. But she is ok in being Toga's blood bank. Togaochako may not be canon and she may have rejected Toga...but the point is not "Ochako wants to kiss Toga" is how Ochako makes no effort for Izu...but we are supposed to see her as this great love interest. In canon, she really isnt. It kills me how she makes 0 effort for Izu...didnt smile when she corned Izu with bk and others...didnt look happy to see him...but is willing to die for Toga. Like....does Izu has a love interest?
8) she called him plain...when she has a plain design. The things she says and does could have land her "mean girl" title
9)"you wont fight quirkless are you?" While I dont subscribe to "quirkless discrimination " as everyone does...I do think it makes sense for only quirked people to be heroes...so with that in mind, Ochako is somewhat saying is ok for Izu to break bones but fight quirkless is wierd? That is intersting to explore but would make her look bad...and by consequence bk and we know who Hori loves.
Not saying Ocha should do anything and everything for Izu...but this story only allows the shallow forms of "love"
Ocha and Izu blushed? Soulmates
Ocha and Izu gifted each other? When is the wedding.
I've answered an IzuOcha asked before so if you wanna take a look at that for more of an insight feel free to.
1. It actually used to irritate me that she called him Deku too BUT someone pointed out to me that Uraraka is from the Mie (?) prefecture and can tend to mix up the pronunciation of "Deku" and "Dekiru" due to her accent. So when she wants to say "Dekiru," it comes out sounding like "Dek'u." This person also said that it gives meaning to their relationship that Izuku decided to keep this name because of this and I actually do somewhat agree. I think Horiloshi's execution of this could have been better (show don't tell Hori), but I don't mind it as much as I used to.
2. I would actually say Uraraka does make a decent attempt to get to know him at least in the beginning. Sure her questions and conversations aren't super deep, but she goes out of her way to make conversation with him and get him to open up. She is only 15/16 too after all so I give her a lot of grace.
3. For my own sanity, I choose to ignore the light novels. If I read them I'll come out disliking 98% of the characters🙂
4. Yes this... Isn't great for either Iida or Uraraka. It actually feels like flat out character regression for Iida (done for a cheap laugh). Uraraka (and all of 1A including All Might and Aizawa) has a kind of warped view on Izuku and Bakugou's relationship. I don't think she's aware that their toxic relationship goes past rivalry, probably because Izuku never says anything bad about Bakugou and doesn't open up. I'm not defending what she says here because it was wrong, but she doesn't have the full story. If she did, her reaction would be very different (she is one of the few characters that will call Bakugou out, even if it isn't as harsh as it should be). I don't even think Horikoshi himself understands the power imbalance between Izuku and Bakugou, so it makes sense that his characters don't either.
5. So Uraraka does this because she doesn't want her feelings to get in the way of becoming a good hero. It's not a bad approach to her character in theory, but Horikoshi's execution of it is horrible (which is true for most of his characters). The problem isn't necessarily that she does this, the problem is a) there was nothing leading up to her having feelings for him past admiration it just... happened, b) there's really no explanation as to how simply having/accepting her feelings would get in the way, and c) it focuses way too much on her avoiding her feelings for Izuku than her actually growing as a hero; in trying to focus her away from Izuku Hori's centering her around him even more. In another author's hands, this could have actually been a decent arc, but oh well.
6. This scene actually isn't too serious. Yaoyorozu and Jirou aren't being malicious to Izuku, they're just teasing him. And they're very nice to Melissa (so is Uraraka) and get along with her well. I don't even think Uraraka was that jealous, maybe a bit envious if anything, and she wasn't upset. The movie doesn't focus on Bakugou too much (unlike that monstrosity of a second movie) so it's not a bad watch. I enjoyed it because we learn more about All Might's time in America and Izuku's friendship with Melissa is super cute🙂
7. I think it's just a different approach to Toga and Izuku as people. I'm not saying it's wrong or right, but I am saying approaching saving them in two different ways isn't outlandish. And she did stand up for him against am angry mob so I don't think it's right to say she didn't put in effort.
8. Plain isn't really an insult. True it's not exactly nice, but I wouldn't call it mean. She also had no idea of knowing he would see that footage.
9. Interesting🤔
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Ohhh if you're comforable, can you describe how dating more people has been for you? :)
sure! keep in mind, i'm no expert lol, so don't take my word as the Absolute Law And Truth, this is just my experience. i just do what i wanna do!
calling myself polyamorous is sort of a new thing for me, even though i have always sorta acted polyamorous, if that makes sense. not in the sense that i'd cheat lol, but i'd make it clear that i am seeing other ppl and would take great care to not let it be implied that things are exclusive if i'm seeing someone.
however!! it was always expected that once i "like someone enough" i need to sorta commit and "make it serious" (a term i hate), and that's what i'd always do. i'd just like. pick one. lol. and it felt weird and unnatural and always gave me terrible anxiety, which i thought were like. commitment issues. but i actually don't really have those? like i am very happy to commit, but for me that doesn't include being romantically/sexually exclusive to that one person. i think commitment comes in many forms. i can be there for you, and also be there for others. i don't understand why me having sex with someone else would mean i don't value you. i honestly can't grasp that concept at all, never could.
to get back to "being serious abt someone" i also can't comprehend how me also being with other ppl would mean that i am not serious about someone i'm with. like, i just don't get it, i guess. and i really, really dislike that whole idea of oh, you can fuck around but then monogamy is like The Next Level That Is Expected At Some Point, which is how many of my irl friends view it. they're like yeah yeah, but you will Commit at some point, right?? and i'm like... i'm Already Committed lol, as much as i can be. bc i guess i'm in sorta ldr atm, and they're like oh yeah, so you're now poly bc she's not here so you wanna fuck right. and like.... no lol. i'd be poly even if she were right in this room with me haha. i'm not poly bc i can't control my sexual desire and my pussy would shrivel up and die unless i Fuck Someone Right Now (also it REALLY isn't just abt fucking). if i decided to be monogamous, i would be, no matter where my partner was.
like, i find the way most ppl look at relationships very perplexing, and i just always thought i was weird like that, until recently i was like...... Wait A Minute. i don't have to perform monogamy lol.
i had a gf prior to this realisation. i was in a committed relationship that lasted 3 years that wasn't the healthiest, but We Tried lol. and then after i broke up with her, the idea of being in a monogamous relationship just seemed so... unnatural to me? like, i literally made myself be monogamous. and i didn't mind it! it was a choice i consciously made. i was willing to make that sacrifice for her bc i knew she would be very uncomfortable with me seeing other ppl and i did love her very much. the relationship didn't work out for other reasons that are irrelevant rn.
however what Got Me was that each time i had to consciously decide to be monogamous. and i was like hey wait a min. if i have to Decide this every time, perhaps it's not what's natural to me? if i'm like, oof, okay, now i must Act In This Way! perhaps i should just... stop?? why WOULD i make that sacrifice for anyone if there are ppl out there who will love me as i am? i can just be polyamorous?? idk why that hasn't occurred to me before, i guess just bc i thought no one like... Does That except very Woke ppl lol. and i was like yeah idk if that's realistic for me (???? what does that even mean????).
so yeah, i guess i'm identifying as polyamorous now, even if i always have been! as for how the experience of dating (idk if i would even call anything i do dating, i just vibe with ppl while we vibe lol) more than one person is for me? natural, liberating, normal, non-stressful. i just slipped into it like it was the most natural thing in the world, bc to me, it is. i had zero angst abt it once i allowed myself to just do it. my relationships are healthier, i am happier, i feel at peace, i attract more ppl than ever. i don't have that scarcity mindset like OOF better catch One!!!! unless you wanna Die Alone!!!! thing lol. i would always be like but sadjkhfdashfdsa wdym catch one adskhdsafdshfdhjsjfdhs this is so stressful. like that part is totally gone. i'm so so so happy. i feel loved and i have much loved to give. it feels like it's always been like this.
hope that answers your question!
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