#and have a normla life?
fapper · 2 years
apparently my dick gets hard for smart people. i was bricked up in office hours storytime
and thsi guy is so funny and i have a crush on him because hes cute and i like his little antics . heres some stuff i like about him even tho he probably hates me becaus i ask the most dumbest questions and he laughs and makes fun of my intellect deep inside probably
he is consistenly fighting for his life whenever anyone asks him a question. mans literally starts standing up and walking around in deep thought. he takes his glasses off and covers his face with his hands and just stays like that for 1-5 minutes straight. its kinda crazy like thats how u know ppl who like math r mentally deranged and like torturing themselves. like he is willingly pursuing a math phd bruh. anyways. hes cute :3 but hes not single which is DEVASTATING.......... unless he just wears a ring for fun. but i doubt it tbh. ughhhgjfdhjghdj
thats it
thats everything i like about him
hes so smart ughjfghfj oh my god
what doyou guys think am i normla. is he cute do you guys think hes cute too. hes not attractive but his intellect makes up for it lmfao/
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clowncalvary · 4 months
Reviewing Every Animal Crossing New Horizons Villager (Because I Have Fallen Down The Rabbit Hole) Part 5
This really is just another deep dive into the nonsense that I get myself into. 400+ villagers is so fucking much. But I will endeavour! I will push forward!!
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Dobie: SO, my moirail has this dude on her island and every time that I see him I smile! He just seems like such a grumpy old man that has a heart of gold. 3000 Bells.
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Doc: What a goofy ass looking man. I'm going to see them at the library and they are going to compete with me over who has read the most books. And I will get stupidly invested in the argument before I realize how dumb it is. I'm going to count each individual manga I've read as a full book, Doc, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. 69 Bells. Haha.
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Dom: Awe! I love that we share a nickname and aesthetic! His horns kind of remind me of a large carnival lollipop. Unfortunately there is not enough room for the both of us on my island. 420 Bells.
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Dora: Ugly ass lookin' mouse. Can't they make at least one cute mouse? I'm begging all of you. Please. Mice can be cute! 0 Bells.
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Dotty: Why are all of the rabbit villagers (except that one) so enchanting and cute? I want a separate island just to put them all on now. 500 Bells.
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Drago: Awwww. Someone has seen one too many animes. 0 Bells.
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Drake: This is just a Scooby Doo villain. He is going to scheme to take the fortune of a bunch of weirdos that just turns out to be worthless confederate dollars. 0 Bells.
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Drift: Frog. Ugly. 0 Bells.
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Ed: Giving the horse emo hair was not going to make him better in my opinion, now we just have a blue emo horse. 0 Bells.
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Egbert: This man has never slept a day in his life. He is always staring at the sky. Not wondering, but knowing that one day it will happen. The sky will fall. 10 Bells.
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Elise: >:/ I feel like they are doing this just to taunt me at this point. -8000 Bells. Pay me for the mental damage you have caused me.
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Ellie: She has the charm of an old timey cartoon. I mean, I still don't want her on my island because I can't stand the elephants, but she is still good. 50 Bells.
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Elmer: Horses. Damn Horses. Why are there so many horses? I'm going to freaking count them at this point, but there are so many. Why even bother? 0 Bells.
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Eloise: We are right back to the elephants. Why does she look like flan? Hate that for both her and me. 10 Bells.
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Elvis: This is just the guy that was torturing animals in Robin Hood. The disney version that made all those kids into furries. 10 Bells. 12 because of taxes of course.
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Erik: Now we know what rudolph would have looked like if they removed his nose. Deffo a downgrade. 0 Bells
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Étoile: It isn't bad! I'm just not vibing! Perish! 50 Bells.
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Eugene: Oh! An ugly koala! That's new at least! 10 Bells.
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Eunice: She looks like Muriel's (Courage The Cowardly Dog) fursona that her husband made her because he thought it was cool and would make him money. 100 Bells.
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Faith: A second ugly koala! I did get suckered into scrolling through her wiki, so they did get me with that. 40 Pity Bells.
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Fang: Who gave the wolf eye shadow? Better yet, why can the wolf do better eyeshadow than I can? Love that for him actually. 777 Bells.
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Fauna: Normla is probably the best personality type for it, because that's about how I would describe her look too. 100 Bells.
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Felicity: She reminds me of a model from an old fashion magazine! I also had to look up when Tweed Dresses were in fashion, so I now think she is either really into old fashions or a time traveler. 1960 Bells.
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Filbert: This is not a real man. He is staring at you through your window at night. 0 Bells.
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Flip: -500 Bells.
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robo-nya · 4 months
“Are you excited to be working back here again” no bestie I am gonna be worked sickly again and have to do stuff that stresses me out constantly with bitchy customers. I am taking on a new form of self hatred and self destruction. I will survive working myself to nothingness so no one will have to suffer ever again. I don’t care anymore. I don’t care if I don’t ever get my hormones again I don’t ever fucking care if I don’t get food or weed or anything I ever fucking want or need ever again. Look where I ended up just for needing a surgery. I’ll never get justice for how they treated me and I won’t ever be able to do anything about it. I don’t want anything to do with people that remind me of it all. I just don’t care. Just throw me to the fucking pits and I’ll figure it out. That’s what I’ve always had to do. Figure it out for other people and myself. All my fucking life.
Oh and besides my new manager asked about my genitals before I started working there again and then my best friend said I like take dick from my wife so I have a pussy
??? The fuck? I will never forget that you fucking freaks but I have no fucking dignity remaining and need a job. I need money otherwise I wouldn’t be here I wouldn’t be here I wouldn’t BE DOUNG AJYTHING I HATE THIS I HATE THIS I WANNA RUN AWAY I WANNA OEAVE I JUSY WANNA BE RESPECTED I JUST WANNA BE TREATED NORMLA
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catboyzilla · 6 months
i just want to get better, i cant get better here, my sisters a narcissist or a sociopath or some shit, my parents js make fun of me or i js disappoint them, and my other siblings hate me, i want a normla family, i want to be a normal girl with a normal family and have a normal life 😞 i want to grow up and have my own family and make sure my children dont have to feel like this in their life, i just want audrey, i want her so bad and she hates me, i tried everything, i js wanted to grow up with her and have a future 😞 i did everything, i changed how i reacted to things for you, i always listened to you, but the times i have problems
you run away😞 i just wanted a future audrey, i didnt want to harm you, i only ever meant the best for you, i didnt ever want to betray gou, i wanted to stick by you and raise you up, i hate that the fact js being in a relationship with me was stressful, im so ipset i just want you audrey, i want a hug, i want to js lay in ur arms and forget that the world is a terrible place for one minute 😞 just one more minute
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milo-is-rambling · 1 year
Hey can we talk about sweat. Cause it’s hot. And people act like it isn’t. But it so is. The things Millie has heard me say about sweaty men having known me for like five years is crazy. Also MORE WOMEN NEED GET MORE SWEATY AROUND ME or maybe I need to look harder for sweaty women. Ha hard for sweaty women. Okay. Anyways. Having a dab on top of almost 30% THC weed was such a ballsy move but I think this is working out in my favor (watch me have a panic attack five minutes after I post this) . Also. there are pictures of Freddie mercury so sweaty that it would turn me back into my 16 year old self instantly I might go google sweaty Freddie mercury okay god what’s wrong with me no it’s normal it’s normla it’s nromal I’m normal wanting to lick him clean is normal scent kink is normla were normla it’s all normal it’s fine I need to not kinkshame myself but also I’m foaming at the mouth bc a man is drenched in sweat I need to be normal I need to suck on him like a damp washcloth oh god googling freddie mercury bad idea why does it always come back to the leather kink when did this happen to me it’s crazy to think about like I feel like I accidentally stumbled into being kinky but there had to be a moment in my life where I looked at someone’s armpit and was like yeah I wanna get my face in there for the first time that’s crazy to me. I think the next kink thing I want to get is a really thin cane like oughhh I can just imagine how much it would sting and it makes my stomach twist I love it wanting to be hurt is so hot to me but I’ve also never trusted anyone to do anything really hard with me (other than one twt mutual who slapped my cheek fairly hard and choked me (with consent obvs)) but like I know my eyes are bigger than my stomach on that one like I know I’ll be a wimp about pain in the beginning but I also know I feel so numb to everything and I have a chronic pain baseline I also feel like I could fucking take a long brutal sesh ya know. Anyways. I don’t know what this post started as but I know it definitely got off track. I’m just gonna throw some Freddie mercury images here. I want to eat him. I say that a lot and I mean it but I don’t think I mean vore I think I just mean I want to shrink him down to the size of a small pill and swallow him so his essence is inside me. Eating him is so primal to me. It is in my blood to say eating him when someone is doing something I love like existing. For example Freddie mercury live aid and leather pants. Eating him. Shrinking him down. Licking him like a sweaty lollipop. Eating him.
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bobumbo · 4 years
[this is a vent post dw]
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transscendant-blog · 5 years
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vettelcore · 5 years
@ my brain: work
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vyragosa · 2 years
the shit they have the fucking shti they have going on, anyone would have it, they’re just so normal about it so fucking normal about it
“the meaning of my life lies in those eyes” normal normal normla normal nor average city slicker speech, average s
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lostsoulaltair · 4 years
OnS Theories (12S). First Theory - Reason behind Mikaela’s hand size
As many might know, spoilers were released today, of course, if you haven’t read the latest spoilers nor want to get spoiled, remain from reading this theory.
One of the doubts that have caused a conmotion between readers is the fact that at the end of the chapter, Mikaela’s hands turned sightly smaller; so far, we’ve known that Mikaela’s age is 15-16 years old; therefore, the main question is, why did his size get reduced?
A while ago, I was talking with @sonali6661 about that issue, within the process, we analyzed that it can’t be possible for a vampire that literally died at 16 years old, to become younger; therefore, let’s take in count one of the most important factor within the story; but, which factor you might ask.
Said factor is “innocence.”
Innocence can be viewed in different aspects such as lacking knowledge in certain topics, not knowing when a joke has a double meaning, which is something that has been constantly displayed in the story; one of the characters displaying innocence is Yuichiro, whose feelings that have fed Asuramaru have been greed for growing stronger; but, if we take a look on how Raimeki feeds on Kureto’s greed, it bases on his lust towards Aoi, of course, that doesn’t mean he’s a lustful man but rather, Kureto would wish to express his emotions towards her if his family didn’t limit him or fledge him on how to be a Hiragi.
Now, if we’re talking about said innocence, why take an insight with humans?
First of all, humans make contracts with cursed gears, those cursed gears enter in the user’s heart in order to see what the user has in mind along its desires; but, there’s something that actually is interesting, what could it be?
Exactly, the knowledge of said demons related to desires. Demons forget who they were before becoming said creatures, they adquire a body figure related to when they were transformed into vampires and yet, they’re aware of the desires within a human heart, which only creates something amiss with demons and their appearance, what do I mean?
All the demons we’ve seen so far such as Noya, Asuramaru, Kiseki-O, Gekkouin, Byakkomaru, Mahiru, and Raimeki adquired their physical aspect as demons related to their life experiences when they were vampires; what do I mean?
So far, the world in previous centuries was rather more merciless in terms of what certain stuff was seen as common, other facts involve what humans knew or learnt at any age while in the current timeline, some aspects are rather talked at a certain age.
Therefore, those vampires knew how cruel and merciless the world was and yet, they were chosen by the First Progenitor to see if they could work for the future, of course, this path was hidden with other interests among lies.
But then, what does the stuff mentioned above have to do with Mikaela?
In Mikaela’s case, he was an innocent boy even when he was staying in the vampire capital; even if Ferid slayed the kids from the Orphanage, he still believed in humanity, he was aware adults could be bad and do bad deeds but the degree of knowledge he possessed about it wasn’t compared to when he was sent overseas.
Once he was sent overseas,  that perspective changed a lot, he was around 13-14 years old; at that age he literally saw what humans were capable of doing, the attrocities they commited against little kids in order to fulfill their ambitions.
At that age or time, Mikaela stopped seeing a single ray of hope towards humanity, he learnt about why they were kept alive, he learnt what humans tried to do with special kids such as Yu; and that was the very moment he lost his innocence.
Therefore, what does this mean?
That Mikaela’s size reduction was directed towards the moment he lost his innocence or more likely, his view towards humanity stopped being hopeful, the moment he fell into despair, that moment was the one that left a mark on his life
But now, you might wonder why he lost his innocence mainly when he was turned into a vampire at a younger age.
For that, it is clear that Mikaela denied he was a vampire, he cursed himself for being one, for trusting Ferid Bathory; he entered in phase that is commonly known as self denial.
Mika had to deal alone with his thoughts, he wanted to fight his insticts that told him to drink blood; he wanted to return to how days were normally and thus, this phase of self denial slowly started to change; it doesn’t mean he was happy with being a vampire but instead, he accepted he wouldn’t go back to normla, he was aware that he’d have to obey even if he wanted freedom and seek his family again.
At the end, what does this imply?
It means that Mika’s acceptance and despair started when he went overseas, he ended up learning truths that were hidden in the dust, and so, his mindset changed and focused on saving his family to the very end.
As for his memories and power, I’ll talk about it in another theory, of course, the link to unite those respective theories will be left there.
What do you think? Do you think this is actually viable or not?
Let me know!!
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silence was between him and Steve after he had entered the room. They were currently staying at a small three-room apartment in Brooklyn. Maybe not the best place for two people like them but it was enough to not cause any attention. The reason for the silence, Bucky assumed was his haircut. Yes, after all those years he had decided to give his new life a new look as well. And cutting the hair that reminded him so strongly of his past seemed like a good start. “It looks weird, doesn’t it?” he asked, a little unsure about his decision for a moment. He laid down his keys and taking off his jacket to hang it on the hanger. “The guy who cut it said it looked dope... whatever that’s supposed to mean.” he said, shaking his head a little. Yes, even now  he seemed to have trouble catching up with the most normla things. 
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yeziapanaligan · 4 years
PH seeks 148 million doses from 7 COVID-19 vaccine makers
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For me nothing’s wrong in this news, the only thing that we have to consider is the other places who don’t have budget for the vaccine. Having this idea is a good one because here there’s a pretty greate chance that we’ll be back to our normla life, the life that we’re living before this COVID-19 virus starts. We’ve waited for almost a year for this vaccine arrives.
We we’re alble to purchase 148 million doses from more or less seven manufacturers from different manufacuturers. However it will dependent on the global supply.
The government says that they’ll have portfolio in every manufacturers to ensure that we will have vaccines for everyone not the only one who has money to purchase it, but we know that it’ll cause a thousand of money to have this, we hope this vaccine will be free for the one’s who’s less fortunate.
We were one of the first countries that will take the part of solidarity trial of WHO for COVID-19 vaccine candidates that also set for this first month of 2021. We will be having a 15,000 volunteers from Metro Manila that would participate for clinical trial, imaging 15,000 who’s willingto risk their lives just to have a COVID free body.
The Philippines had earlier target 80 million doses and through it has been talking with vaccine-makers for months, the country has only 2.6 million secured. We need this because there’s news that there’s a vew virus that is spreading in other countries, when that enter our country with still having the COVID will be hard for everyone not only the normal citizen but the Government also.
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obliviousbucky · 4 years
Quarantine Survey 😷👽💌🐛🦋
Tagged by @drum-cu-naluci​ thx bb♥
~Where are you isolated? (Country or city too if you like)
In my town but i go to work to València so... not that isolated
~What are you currently reading or watching?
I started Freud the other day and I have 45646 shows to finish lmao
~If you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time?
I only go out to go to work :/ but i would love to go for a walk
~Any fascinating concept you’re studying?
How to stay calm when i really want to flip the table
~What kinds of acts of creativity/forms of art are you currently doing?
~A song/s that resonates with your state of mind at the moment?
Keiino’s new song Would I Lie and Dana Paola’s Sodio
~Favourite impulsive/’bad’ coping techniques?
None, really? I’m doing normla life except on weekends so
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fakefactory-blog · 7 years
Every day life
i asist to a catholic private school in what i like calling the M city, in the M city everyone its divided by they welth or their last names, those two things will predicate almost your future, i know its stupid af, i dont belong here, everyone thinks i do, but i dont, i dont hate my life but sometimes i feel kinda empty i thinks i got a normla life for a teenager of my age, but just now i start to realize, why im always ended up being so diffrent form the rest, is it bad?
why can’t i be so superficial like the rest?
why can i think deep down? why can i see under the covers?
and just now writing this i realized hey your just original. I’m afraid.
I’m afraid i will lose my capacity.
i don’t want to belong to the M city.
i just want to be me.
i dont want any more people telling me that i have to stick to what the father say i want to think my way.
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amane-yasuchika · 7 years
im tired, im tired and im tired and i’m so alone and fe dup with everything i haven’t elt like being alive for years but never this dangerously since 2013 and that was one hell of a yer. i think this is pretty much the same in so many different aspect. and i’m tired. i wish someone could beat the shit out of me to an inch of my life and then i could look as i feel inside everyday and im so tired what’s the point of living if im this alone always. im worthless and stupid and disguting and i wish i could tear myself apart so i stop being myself so i dont have to live with myself and how much it hurt it hurt and it’s so hard to breathe everyday and it’s so hard to wake up and keep moving and going to work and then return to be a mom and i’m tired. the only reason i’m here it’s not because i’m scared of dying but i’m terrified of my child’s suffering but i’m so tired. i’m so hurt and broken and i bit my nails to the point of bleeding and i couldn’t pretend im not suicidal todaya t work and someone mentioned i looked tired and ilaugehd and i said it wa sbecaus eit’s monday. i’m tired of being myself. of having to be strong and having the one to fix everythign to stay flawless and strong and i jsut want to be taken care of and not feel like im fucking beign swalloed up by a black hole in the inside. not having to pull myself out of panic attaks or having to run until i dont have any breathe left so i cant even scream or cry and then having to come home and clean and im nto allowed to be depressed ever. because life doesnt stop. because i have to wor. becaus ei have to take care of someone. and im so alone and i dont have friends and i try so fuckign hard. and i buy them things because i think that they are gonna stay even if its by interest and they never do because who the fuck woudl want a worthless useless broken bitch to be friend with. im disgusting aim awful i dont even want to be with myself why woudl any other human being want to. but it hurts it hurts it hurts. im sad i dont have anyoen to listen to me to give a a fuck, or if im happy or if im worried and maybe that’s why it’s so hard for me to writ ebecause i don’t know what is like to have someone coming to you in the middle of night. sleeping net to somoene that care. waking up to a smile. to someone to love me. there is nos friend help the suicidal one troope with me. if i was to kill myself my kid would be the oen fidning me. my mom would be the one orchesting a fucking funeral for no one becaus enoneone would come and then she would be pissed because i bother her even in death. and i’ve lived with her abuse for 29 years and im so done. i stopped defending myself and if i stay still if i agree to waht she wants without complain is less awful. and thats why im sitll alvie because my kid would go to her and i dont want her too live i did. and still like today when realization sinks whe i read in a story soemone gettign called by a nickname or a endearing name, that noone says my name im gonna dide and my soul is gonna die with me and there will no one to keep memy memory alive because of course, if nodone wants to be with me when alive, who is gonna care when im gone. tried fuckign everything. online counseling, homeopathic shit, actual depression medication, pain to release endorphins. and im equally miserable. and i cant take it anymore. i jsut wanna rest and not wake up anymore. i dont wanna feel like lonelinessis eating me alive as if i was at the stake beign burned alive so slowly and painfully. i wanna be able to breath without chocking i wanna breathe breathe breathe and happy things wont last because i dont have anyone to share them with either. no one is gonant ae car eof me ever. like when i read in ficiton people egttign abd bad bad and people carign and helpign them back up. i dont have that. i wont have that. and im so sure my mind has been so close to jsut fuckign snap and my self be gone forever, i’ve held back becaus ei kne there wa sno one to take care of kid. so when i saw shit people dissasoating im like fuck. is that nice? not being here? fuck i wsih i could aford that. i want to scratch myself until i can get rid of myself. until im not here anymore. until my head it’s not yelling at me how this is not going to change. that hasnt changed for years and it’s not going to get better because this is not a fuckign fiary tell, because this is not normla people tale where there are friend and where there is a fmaily or where ther eis somethign form the protagosnit to feel happy about. wher esomeoen has soemthign to look forward to, where they ahve plans, where they have fun, where they are loved.  they enver alone they always egt help. i’m rannting my fucking self intoa  fucking web where nosoneby gives a shit about me either jsut to pretend i can be listen to too. i snapped at dad today because i jsut told him i was down and that tlakign with mom ddnt work and he went on and on of how mcuh she hurt him and how mcuh im huritng him by living here and mom is jsut the absolute worst in regualr basis even more so when im weak or when i cant pretend where i cant keep my shiled on and she likes to hurt me for fun and then i have a fucking child i nee dot ake of not worry and then i child friend and im so fucking alone. everyone leaves. my students i loved wont even say hi to me anymore. im worthless and stupid and nobody gives a shit about me. one days gets mixed with another and another and another and ive tried so ahrd so so long and im sitll alone alone and i will neve rhave someone by my side, as a aprtner, because who woudl want a fucking sloppy seconds with a child, that is broken beyodn repair and is worthless and stuid and tasteless and boring and lame. nobody. nobody. nobody wants to spend time with me, let alone a life. there is no happy endign for me. can we skip forward to the epilogue. more like just closing the tab. nobody cares enough to go throgu the whole story. kiddos’s dad, my mo, every single person that didn’t stay. it’s okay. i give up. you won. i wont fight anymore. i wont resist anymore. i wont defed myself anymore. i wont try anymore. i give up. you won. 
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healthandfitness146 · 6 years
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Live updates: 20 killed in heavy rains in Kerala https://ift.tt/2B3g9Rg Many people have died as heavy rains lashed Kerala. Landslides and flash floods have hit parts of the state thus throwing normla life out of gear. Stay with us for all the live updates: from Sasta Sauda https://ift.tt/2B3g9Rg via
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