#and have a deeply unsupportive biofamily. bodily autonomy does not end after your death
strixhaven · 8 months
transphobes always have such weird shit to say about archaeologists sexing bones and a lot of it’s just outright horseshit, but for anyone who legitimately doesn’t want to dispose of their body in a way that would leave bones like that, you likely have more options than you realize. this is very much coming from a us perspective and is something that varies heavily by state, but body disposition methods like aquamation and human composting are increasingly being legalized and worth looking into if a “traditional” burial or fire cremation isn’t something you want. thinking about end of life care and your death isn’t a pleasant thing by any means for most people, but having your end of life wishes clearly stated in legal writing (advanced directives are your best friend) and having someone who you know you can trust to follow through with what you want done to your body after death is Incredibly Important not only for yourself and your own peace of mind, but also those who are dear to you and in mourning when you’re gone—grief and the loss of someone you’re close to are never easy, but having a roadmap and a clear idea of what you want done after you’re gone is one less struggle they have to deal with and makes people far less able to be exploited in the aftermath of someone’s death by parts of the funeral industry that prey upon grieving folks in order to get them to unnecessarily spend exorbitant amounts of money.
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