#and have I mentioned howuch I love teige?
seimsisk · 5 years
Comic rec: White Noise
I’ve been meaning to take advantage of my newfound following of like ten <s>good omens fans</s> people to promote some of my favorite web creators who deserve more recognition (and patrons!) then they get. So here goes.
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Do you like pretty, white-haired men with wings? Is shapeshifting into animals not a turn-off to you? Do you like monsters? Queer characters? Queer monsters?
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Or do you like stories about travelling to different worlds, about long lived, magical creatures, with different cultures, skills and genders? Or stories about being on the road, living day-to-day, fighting back bullies and punching cops?
Are you living under racist, authoritarian rulers, and would you like inspiration to fight back, or at least fantasize about it?
Do you like comics? Or written, weekly fiction?
Then you should probably be reading White Noise, by Adrien Lee aka tumblr user @thephooka (btw if you’re reading this mate sorry I didn’t ask permission to promote your wonderful, awesome creation).
White Noise is a story about surviving war and discrimination, and finding people like you in a world that would kill you. It’s two parallel stories about two kids who had their home and family taken away in violence, and who have to make themselves new lives among strange new people, and learn to tell friend from enemy, against their own prejudices. It’s also a story about figuring out who you are, and what you can be, regardless of species.
Ofc, and I can’t stress this enough, it’s a story about queer and trans shapeshifting monsters. Thecharacters are all extremely well-developed, fun and easy to empathize with, and I don’t even wanna tell you too much about them so you get to know them yourselves.
The story gets kinda heavy at times, what with it being about surviving war and all, but I think it’s good that it starts off heavy (though not in pictures), so there’s no catching you off guard. The very first page sets the tone. You can read the first page and ask yourself “am I gonna be alright when the kind of thing mentioned in text here is later partially shown in pictures?”. I think Adrien Lee made a very good job setting the tone of the story and escalating how much violence we actually see on page in such a way that it adds to the story and is meaningfull.
Another really nice thing is that each page is accompanied by a written version, which I believe makes the story more accessible.
White Noise is the comic I look forward to reading every week. I cannot reccommend it enough. It’s obvious how much planning and care and effort goes into the comic (and it’s companion blog @tape-hiss ).
Go check it out!
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