#and had to transcribe and post it immediately. Silver would be a Mac and Cheese Enjoyer!!!
bumblekastclips · 1 year
KYLE CROUSE: ChaosSonic 1 has a question. "What would Silver's favorite food be?"
IAN FLYNN: [sighs] I don't know, 'cause, y'know, he grew up in the dystopian future. Anything edible would be nice. KYLE: Is this a spoiler for the cookbook? IAN: [chuckling] No, no, no. KYLE: Okay. IAN: But... I imagine once he comes back to the present day and there's just so much abundant food, he'd be spoiled for choice, and would probably go a little nuts there for a little bit. Just sampling everything, and I think he'd come away with, y'know, a little overstimulated. He can't handle that kind of rich nourishment, all that salt and sugar and kinda just settles down for, just... somethin' nice. Something basic. Something comforting and filling, and y'know, just... wholesome and good, and... I dunno, mac and cheese. KYLE: [chuckles] Something kind of bland that reminds him of home! IAN: [laughs]
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question, the episode date, and time stamp to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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