#and graphic designer interchangeably and im not the latter
writhe · 2 years
i need ONE WEEK without something that’s high-pressure or has stakes or is otherwise in some way emotionally challenging 
#like THIS ENTIRE YEAR I SWEAR TO GOD#olive being here was wonderful but also obviously very emotional#and i feel like the weeks leading up to olive being here were hard?#now i am in absolute work hell for a week and a half#and then frank's bday! which is a fun thing to be like. worried about just in the way you want something to turn out well?#this and d&d are the only two things i not feeling active dread about actually#and then . the fucking week after .#my dad wants to get lunch#which like almost always goes fine but i like regardless really gotta prepare myself for just bc idk there's a lot of emotional baggage#with family in general yknow?#and like also next week im meeting w someone i might be doing some work for only like#i have NO IDEA what im getting into? or if i do the kind of work they want? my friend recc'ed me but like people use artist#and graphic designer interchangeably and im not the latter#oh my god and im also doing a wholesale order of shirts rn which im SUPER excited about but its like . something else that must be done#in the midst of 10000 things i dont wanna do#and like. kind of all this while im doing emotionally unwell is a lot? not gonna kms but like that's where the thought patterns are#in a scary way#like extremely self destructive with no room to like actually act on it but also no outlet to process or recharge?#and everyone around me is going through it and i feel so unable to hold it but like i am in ways that's not particularly helpful to anyone#like all the emotional work of worrying and no capability to show it#and like my god i do need help and i do need to make a safety plan but like idk what that looks like rn bc i dont think there IS support?#like i think when or if obligations slow down i dont think ill find rest i think i will find the fallout of backburner emotions & strife
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