#and gives them to hal to munch on while hes working
lemon-wedges · 8 months
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I'm back :D
Headcanons on sleepover (Boys and Girls)?
Girls First!
#1: Zee NEEDS to be Host if it's the whole group
Zee hosts as often as she can because she likes sleeping in her own bed and not having Babs' dad knocking on the door every 5 minutes.
It's also hard to coerce convince the girls into magical makeovers if she has to be alert about using her magic.
Also...she is positive that Commissioner Gordon suspects her of murder. (He doesn't, he just has the naturally narrow eyed thoughtful look)
Zee, in other words, prefers to host their sleepovers.
#2: Babs is a Wriggler, Kara is a Thrasher, Jess is a Talker
Diana, Zee and Karen are relatively quiet sleepers. Like sure Diana snores a bit and Karen might drool and Zee might shift in her sleep but they are NOTHING compared to Babs, Kara and Jess.
They are nightmares to sleep with. Babs wriggles in her sleep and babbles too. Especially if she's stressed. She'll be talking utter nonsense. Literally like 'waffles have feelings too' or 'butterfly fart machine'. No one shares a bed with Babs because she is known for stealing the covers and wrapping herself in them. Like a Babs Burrito. And if you try to take some back she will shove you off the bed. Still very much asleep.
Kara, she is a hazard to people everywhere. At least if you don't know how to control sleepy Kara. The girls know the control word 'go back to bed' but that only helps them when Kara tries to fly away. If she's kicking and or punching it's doom. Typically her erratic attacks are sparse and weak, so just like a pro-wrestler but badly aimed, but still...no one sleeps within 5 feet of Kara Danvers.
And lastly Jess. Jess is not much of a physical threat while asleep. She stays in the same position and doesn't even drool or snore or anything. But in the middle of the night you might hear a yelp, or a drawn out very loud groan. That's Jess, she groans a lot in her sleep, regularly. And if she's extremely stressed she'll even mantain conversation. Very poorly. Kara tried once. It went like this.
Jess: The moon, is just a ball of cheese.
Kara: Oh? Can your eat it?
Jess: Like a rock
Kara: What do you mean?
Jess: I'm nice, you're mean.
So yeah...they can share a bed with this chic and they have. That's why most if them sleep with headphones tucked into their ears.
#3 Movie Night
Karen hates horror movies. They creep her out and Kara is obsessed with them.
In fact while Karen and Kara argue about which genre to watch, romance or horror, the rest of the girls watch them fight.
Which is more amusing then it sounds.
#4 Diana can't cook
Diana is a girl of many talents but she can not cook. Not a bit. Not even instant mac and cheese.
Babs has tried to show her how to make a burrito- failed.
Jess a salad- failed.
Karen, some stir fry- failed.
Kara, warning up some pizza- failed.
She just can't cook. Moving on.
#5 Babs is generous with everything BUT her stuffed animals.
These are things she has said:
"Rest your feet somewhere else, Kara"
"Burrito Bat Butch hasn't cuddled with anyone but me, ever. Hands off!"
"Listen, if you wanted a pillow you can just ask- you don't have to treat General George Jennings like that!"
"Give me the bear, Karen. Give me the bear."
#6 They can't do a proper Binge Watch with each other.
Babs drinks a lot of soda and munches on a lot of snacks so she has to constantly use the bathroom. Insisting they can keep watching but of course they pause anyway.
Zee cannot step away from her phone. It's always vibrating with emails and messages and she is too invested in her rep to put it down. She is the type of gal who likes texting while watching a show. This drives the other girls up a wall because then Zee insists they catch her up.
Kara cannot, for the life of her, sit still. Even though they are curled up on the couch, one of the girls leaning into Kara's side, or having their head on Kara's lap. Or anything, really. Kara breaks the comfort because she cannot sit still. She shifts too often, changes the legs she tucked under her, stretches her back. It is annoying because then the girls around her need to shift too.
Jess gets restless quickly. She predicts the ending or loses interest when the plot becomes to predictable. So then she starts, trying to be subtle, looking through her schedule and doing school work. Its more infuriating because when the girls ask pointed questions she almost always gets it right.
Diana is of course knew to the world of man and stills doesn't get everything that is happening. Sometimes she misunderstands the plot completely and they have to rewatch the episode, explaining everything that time. This makes the watching chunky and somewhat less enjoyable. Usually Zee is the one to do the explaining. No one blames Diana of course, but still.
And Karen? She just wants to see if her ship lives. She is a fangirl through and through and has to scream into a pillow every time they have to press pause. Which is three to five time throughout a single episode.
Now for the boys,
#1 Food Competition
Barry eats a lot. Barry is never sure how much is enough. Barry can eat a supermarket out of business if he was particularly hungry. Hal knows this. Still his pride won't accept it so every time Hal challenges Barry to eating some disgusting amount of sauce or drink.
Sometimes Hal wins.
Barry has a sensitive stomach.
But usually not.
Steve doesn't really care how close any if the dudes sleep to him.
Barry doesn't either. In fact its likely he'll fall asleep on someone else's sleeping bag with his feet propped on one of his teammates stomach.
Garth will probably end up trying to cuddle up to Hal or Barry or Steve or any of the boys.
Hal will most definitely fight him on that. What can you say? He's the Type A male. But he really won't bat an eye if Garth does it when Hal is already asleep.
Oliver will sing love songs to his bro's, flirting hard as hell...up untill Hal, Carter, or Steve smack him. Where he pouts and let's Garth and Barry soothe him.
Carter doesn't like being touched in general so like hell he's going to let any of the boys near him. Or hold a conversation with him. He will just sit in the corner of the room, quietly observing. (He is most definitely trapped in the home where they are hosting the sleepover).
#3 Make Him Laugh
Another challenge.
Whoever makes Carter smile or *le gasp* laugh is deemed royalty.
Usually it's Barry. Who didn't even try. He just tripped over something.
Barry wins a lot.
#4 They Order In
Hal refuses to cook on principle. Rather be fed.
Oliver doesn't like getting butter on him since it'll 'destroy' his complexion.
Garth can't cook.
Carter refuses to feed anyone. He'll cook for himself and no one else.
Barry always offers but he is a forgetful cook and they feel bad throwing out whatever abomination he makes so they force it down. Of course, they learned to order in before Barry offers.
Steve can cook but he is very precise about the recipe, double checking and stuff so being fed takes forever if they let him start.
They arm wrestle to decide who chooses what they eat so yea...Carter always picks. Steve usually pays. Barry too. Everyone else is broke as hell.
#6 They butt heads.
All the dam time.
Hal is stubborn and Oliver is prideful.
Carter refuses to cater to anyone.
Garth is immovable if he wants to be.
Steve is trying to compromise but no one listens to the voice of reason over their own shouts.
Barry eats ice cream. They'll tire themselves out eventually.
#7 They Reprimand Hal
These are things they have definitely said at least once during a sleepover.
"Goddammit Hal! She's my science partner! How am I supposed to look her in the eye now?"
"Do you value your life? Yes? Then please refrain from speaking."
"Shut! Up!"
"Who are you calling stupid, stupid!"
"I'll tell Carol."
"The hell, man? Were you born with the unexplicable urge to be an asshole?"
"Go to bed, perv!"
Ah well, imma close it off here. Very lovely prompt. Headcannons are always fun. 👍
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kentuckywrites · 5 years
Chasing Cars
Three months after Noah’s death and Pongo’s return to NEURON, there’s a party to celebrate his achievements.
Pongo had a feeling Olive suggested this.
A party, to celebrate NEURON’s success in defending the Ark against Noah, against the chimeras. Portal activity had gone down after Noah’s death, and with it, chimeras had become a rare sighting. It was, in all essence, something to celebrate. But doing so three months after Noah’s death seemed late. The party was aligned with Pongo’s return to NEURON, which made him wonder how much Olive played a role in its planning. 
Either way, when Pongo walked into HQ after a routine checkup of Maison Forest, the tables had all been pushed aside and a space for a dancefloor had been created. The command room wasn’t a big space, but somehow it worked as a cozy party space, and everyone inside seemed to be enjoying themselves. The tables against the walls were the homes of snacks and drinks, and those who were positioned close by were munching and drinking happily. On the commander’s desk was a rather large stereo playing a song Pongo didn’t know, something upbeat and modern. He hesitated to step foot inside, but when he made eye contact with Olive inside, he felt compelled to enter.
She was standing near the back left corner, nursing a glass of red wine in her hand. Next to her stood Akira - no, no, Nessa. That was what she wanted to be called now. Somewhere in the three months he’d left, Brenda had managed to save one of Akira’s clones and restore her memories. She lived in ignorant bliss for a long time about what had happened. Pongo didn’t know the full story, but somewhere along the way, she realized she wasn’t the original Akira - she was a clone, a copy. And with that discovery, she told everyone to call her Nessa. She wasn’t Akira, she was someone new, someone who harbored Akira’s memories but would ultimately develop into a different person. It was taking some getting used to, but Pongo respected her decision. It was a way of creating her own individuality. 
“Finally back from your mission, then?” Nessa teased, her voice barely registering over the music, “About time. Jin’s gonna eat every last one of the shrimp appetizers if you don’t get in there soon.”
“I am not especially hungry,” Pongo told her, “Though I do have to ask...what exactly is this party for?”
“A part of it is for you,” Olive explained after taking a sip of her drink, “You were the one who stopped Noah, after all. You deserve a party!”
“I only did what I had to, in order to keep everyone safe. That hardly seems like the right reason to celebrate, especially when I work towards the same goal every day.”
Nessa and Olive exchanged a glance, both incredulous. Pongo sighed, knowing that there was no convincing either of them about his viewpoint. Of course, there was more beyond that simple explanation - this felt, in a way, a celebration of the day Akira died, a celebration of the last time he’d heard anything from Hal. His heart was heavy now, in this celebration of light. This was for him, but he didn’t deserve it.
“Pon.” Nessa reached out, put a gloved hand on his shoulder. She wasn’t donning her usual armor, sticking with just the dress shirt and tie underneath with the standard workpants and boots. “I know it feels weird, but you’ve done so much to help everyone. Let us give back to you.”
Pongo stared at her, into her, around her. He saw a reflection of his sister, an open book, past chapters defined. The chapters he hadn’t read were in a new language, one he couldn’t read. Was she expecting him to learn her new language, or act as if everything was okay, that he didn’t need help after everything?
A new song came on. People around him flocked to the makeshift dancefloor, except Jin, who he noticed wasn’t far away from them and was hovering around a plate of shrimp cocktails. The song was familiar, one of his favorites before joining the police force. A weight lifted off of his body as he turned back to Olive and Nessa, grinning softly.
“How long has it been since I have danced?” 
Nessa cracked a wide smile. “Oh, too long. I don’t think Olive’s had the pleasure of seeing your moves, either.”
Olive raised a curious eyebrow, but Pongo was already dragging them both into the fray, feet already bouncing as his heart became one with the song. He lost himself in the lyrics, in the way his heartbeats fused with the drums and bass, and as his hands disconnected from theirs he claimed the dancefloor as his own. This was his freedom, his escape for just a little while. It was easy to pretend that nothing was wrong, that the world was peaceful, completely healed from its battle wounds. 
His eyes closed, and somewhere along the way, he began to laugh.
How long had it been since Pongo had felt this light? Those three months of healing had given him little reprieve, and he hadn’t been able to find joy like this. How could he, when he believed everyone at NEURON hated him? He killed Akira, after all.
...I killed Akira.
The song ended abruptly and changed to something he didn’t recognize. Pongo stopped dancing, panting lightly. When had he started crying, and when had everyone left the dancefloor? Why was everyone watching him with those judgemental eyes, why were they staring at him like he was some sort of monster, why did he feel so sick inside -
Olive beckoned him back to reality. Her hands were hovering above his left arm, which had started to become static, between the material and the unknown. She looked like them, worried, judgemental, scared.
“I do not deserve this,” Pongo breathed, his voice barely a whisper above the music, “After everything...why me?”
One of Olive’s hands lowered; she kept her right hand hovering above his upper arm. She came around him so that they were looking at each other. That was when she placed her left hand on his hip, an action that startled Pongo badly enough to flinch. Her hand popped off in response, but lingered close to its former position.
“We’re celebrating all of you, Pongo,” Olive said, “We can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you, but...we can try to help, if you’ll let us.”
Her hands came down again, and she pulled herself closer, closer, until their bodies were an inch away from touching. 
“The next song’s one of my favorites. Will you dance with me?”
Pongo’s eyes widened, wiping away his tears quickly. “I, um, y-you know what the next song is?”
“Yep. And it’s a slow song, so it’s perfect for...well, a slow dance.”
Pongo’s left arm relaxed, the danger of transformation subsiding. He looked at Olive, how her hair curled around her neck, how gentle her expression was looking at him, through him, around him. To say her eyes were glowing was too much - no, her eyes were sparkling with opportunity, a dull excitement. She smelled of a familiar perfume, a clear summer day near the beach. How could he resist?
The slow song came on, plucks at a guitar soon followed by soft lyrics. Pongo placed his hands on her shoulder and hip and followed her lead; he loved to dance, of course, but he didn’t know much about ballroom dancing. She seemed to know more than him and swiftly took the lead, guiding them across the empty dancefloor. He hardly registered that it began to fill up again as the song came on, only focused on Olive, her smile, her radiance. 
“Tell me about a happy memory,” Olive said.
Pongo’s lips parted as he thought about how best to answer her question. “...In Maison Forest. We had a mission investigating that missing person, and we were trying to gather intel about her disappearance. There was a group of five brothers, all identical, and they would not give us any evidence unless we played their games. One of them was to guess which was the oldest brother after they ran around in circles. Akira got so dizzy from trying to watch them, she started spinning in circles, too.”
Olive giggled at that. “I remember her telling me about that. She said you cheated by using your IRIS.”
“Of course I did! They were too fast to keep track of, and we needed the intel!” Pongo smiled to himself, the memory made fresh in his mind, “We were never trained to solve those kinds of riddles anyways!”
She giggled again, something soft and almost sensual. She looked at him under half lidded eyes, the faintest hints of eyeshadow now fairly noticeable. Pongo felt his face heat up, biting the inside of his lip as the song climbed towards its climax. She was the first to lean in, head tilting upwards to meet him. When her eyes closed, Pongo knew was she wanted, and he knew what he wanted, and he knew that there was only one thing left to do. The song peaked, and their lips touched, lipstick sticking to his mouth as he closed his eyes and savored every moment. No wonder this was her favorite song - it was his now too, something to share together. A new happy memory.
When they separated, they opened their eyes, and Pongo saw someone new before him. An open book, with new chapters written in a language he could understand. 
Pongo smiled as the song neared its close.
“I might have another happy memory to share.”
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evolutionsvoid · 7 years
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While Stomas is the caption of the Sea Goblin, every good pirate ship needs a loyal crew. When Stomas first set out into the field of pillaging and plundering, he gathered together a group of various sea creatures to join the party. Though their reasons for joining may vary, most of the crew enjoys the pirating life and loves the thrill of the hunt. With Captain Stomas at the helm, they stalk the oceanic trade routes in search of fat, cargo-heavy prey. When the goods are taken and the opponent is sinking to the ocean floor, the crew is always sure to bust out the good times and celebrate their victory.   These are three out of the seven main crew members who follow Captain Stomas and run the dreaded Sea Goblin: Hal the Fachen - The moment Stomas pitched the idea of plundering and looting, Hal saw his destiny. When the captain talked about all the treasure and cargo they would haul in, Hal knew where is place would be. As an ambush predator, it would be perfect. Hal would be the guardian of their precious cargo, the watchman who would protect their loot from thieves and scoundrels. With his camouflaging abilities and endless patience, he would hide himself on the floor of the cargo holds, blending in seamlessly with the boards. Plunderers who slipped aboard to nab their treasure would be surprised and taken out by Hal's venomous spines and nasty iron hook. It was the perfect fit for Hal, and he eagerly took up the role, except there was one issue. Since it was a vicious pirate ship that was run by sea monsters, nobody would ever try to steal from the Sea Goblin (especially since a good chunk of their cargo is just garbage). Who would try to board a submersible ship that was filled with abyssal horrors to nick a few goodies? With that, having someone guard over the cargo was pointless, but that did not stop Hal. He believed that it was this oversight and false sense of safety that would lure in thieves, so he made it is duty to keep watch. If one did nothing to ward off robbers, then eventually one would show up to take advantage of it! So with an unbreakable determination, Hal took up post on the cargo hold floor, where he would forever keep guard of their precious loot. This is a duty that Hal takes quite seriously, as he will lay there motionless for weeks on end. No matter what happens, be it a naval battle, a port raid or a victory celebration, Hal will not move from his spot. Even when sailing on (or in) the open ocean, he will keep watch. He knows that the second he pauses from his task, someone will slink in and rob them blind. The rest of the crew know that it is impossible to convince him otherwise, so they just let him do it. They always make sure to bring down food and drink from their parties, as he won't even leave post for those. Though adamant in his duties, Hal is a pretty nice fellow. He appears to have an endless source of patience and is always happy to lend an ear. When the captain or crew need someone to vent to, they don't talk to a wall, they talk to the floor.        
Glesni the Blue Sea Slug - Glesni is the newest arrival to the Sea Goblin crew, having joined them well after they had started their business terrorizing the trade routes. Prior to this, Glesni was just your average single mother, raising several hundred larvae and trying to keep things together. Recently, though, the last of her brood grew up and moved on, leaving her with an empty burrow and nothing to do. With this empty nest, Glesni started to think about what she was doing with her life. After all these years, she had not done anything crazy or adventurous, and though she was not the type for such brash rowdiness, she started to worry that she was missing out. Though it was a silly thought, Glesni decided that she would go out of her comfort zone and finally do something wild. So when the Sea Goblin came to down for trade and barter, Glesni took the plunge and asked if she could join. The life of a pirate sounded crazy and dangerous, which was intimidating to her, but she figured she would satisfy her worry by at least asking. She assumed she would be turned down, as she was quite the timid person, but after an interview, Glesni was welcomed aboard. Now offered a position and too scared to back down, Glesni found herself swept up with the Sea Goblin crew and suddenly made a pirate. She now helps run the ship and fights in their raids, which is rather exciting though a bit intense. As a rather nervous and shy creature, Glesni does not do a lot of fighting. Rather she is the last to leave the Sea Goblin when they are boarding, preferring to stay out of the chaos and chuck jellyfish into the fray. It turns out, lobbing gooey gobs of stingers at the faces of foes is quite the legitimate strategy! Though too scared to initiate close combat, she can defend herself quite well if someone comes at her. At first it may seem pathetic when she lets out a squeak and slaps at an attacker, but then the poor sap has to realize her limbs are coated in stingers and venom. Those who try to harm her often wind up running around the deck shrieking in agony as their face swells and burns. Outside of battle, Glesni remains just as shy and nervous, worried that she will screw something up or the crew will finally realize she isn't cut out to be a pirate. She often hangs around Chrystine (when she is around), Graller (as he is such a nice gentlemen) or goes down below to talk to Hal (he is such a good listener). She does keep her distance around Stomas, mainly because she is paranoid about making a blunder in front of the captain. No doubt he would catch on that she is not pirate material and kick her off (which isn't true, but that is paranoia for ya). She does her best to be a swashbuckling pirate, though she will be the politest one you'll ever meet. Many a foe will get a jellyfish to the face, and then promptly hear an apology for the deliberate act.         Chrystine the Snail - Unlike the other crew members of the Sea Goblin, Chrystine has a rather odd arrangement. In career and passion, she is a blacksmith who loves to craft weapons and tools. She is eager to outfit everyone with her latest designs and creations (though they can be a bit strange). She even has her own blacksmith shop set up on the coast, which is how Stomas and the crew found her. Hearing about a sea denizen who made weapons on dry land, they sought her out to outfit themselves with the best gear. When she met them, she was excited to hear about tales of pirating and looting, and was eager to give such a lifestyle a shot. The problem, though, is that forging is not something that can be done on a submersible pirate ship. She would have to choose between being a blacksmith, or being a pirate. In the end, she chose both. Chrystine now has an arrangement with Stomas, where she will spend most of her time as a blacksmith, but will spend a few months out of the year riding aboard the Sea Goblin. On land, she can continue her career and make some new tools for the crew, which they can pick up with her when they swing by. Out on the seas, she can join in on the pirating fun, boarding ships and grabbing loot. As a heavily armored snail and a maker of weapons, she is quite the tough fighter. Very few weapons can injure her, and she often as a bigger weapon than her attacker. After a few months of sailing and fun, they will drop her back off at her shop, and she will take back up the hammer. As a person, she is a rather excitable and eager lady. She loves to chat and is always looking to try out new things, especially when it comes to forging. She is always coming up with new designs and techniques, often incorporating them, without permission, into client's orders. This love of experimentation also leads to some strange looking weapons, as she tries to make the next best tool. Those who don't reel her in while she is on a spree will soon find themselves armed with a hammer-axe-trident-staff, which she claims is a perfectly viable weapon. Though she likes to work with iron and metal, she also likes to eat it as well. There is a chance that when you enter her shop, she will be munching on a failed sword as she works. When with the crew, she is happy and cheery as always. She enjoys spending time with pretty much anyone, though the feeling may not always be mutual. Graller and Glesni are always welcomed company, and that Hexel thing is such a sweetheart! Lophiel always tends to be busy with other things when Chrystine is around, and Styles has given up trying to embarrass or trick her. Its hard to laugh at someone whose optimism is harder to break than a shield. Chrystine also has had some interesting customers come into her shop from time to time. A rather strange group of "knights" who are happy to have a blacksmith that serves their kind. Chrystine is always happy to have another customer, though she makes sure not to mention this new clientele to Stomas.  
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