#and getting to know the actors you're writing for in advance definitely helps with that
starfallpod · 1 year
I have to say, something I've loved about working on season two scripts is already having an established cast for most of the roles, so as I'm writing, I can so clearly imagine how these lines will sound coming from them, and that helps me feel all the more informed when it comes down to specific word choices for each character.
It's like "Yes, I know either of these words would fit for this character voice - but this one would sound so much better coming from this actor, so we're going with that one."
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hells-wasabii · 8 months
Hiiii, I just read your headcanons for Val with wife!reader and I wanted to ask if you could do a part 2 or something like that? It was nice to finally see some fluff for him and I really liked how you write him. Thanks in advance and if you don't want to it's not a problem really, have a good day ^^
A/N: Hi! i'm super happy to hear you liked it! i always love to hear feedback! and yeah, i'd be happy to!
Part 1 | Part 2
Character: Valentino
Type: Headcanons (Val x wife!reader pt. 2, Fluff)
Val trusts you. He really, truly does. But other demons? Nope. Not at all. Whether you know it or not, he's spilled blood for you and will do so again without hesitation. Did one of his actors or crew members make a comment? Fired. In more ways than one if he can help it.
Valentino would most definitely cook dishes from when he was alive, especially from his childhood. Well, he tries to at least. With Val it's usually about 50/50 whether it's edible. Please do the same with him, especially if you two didn't know each other when you were alive. He would hate that he missed out on having you in his life.
But you know what warms his heart more than that? Cooking together. You two could make whole date nights out of it whenever you want something quiet, just the two of you.
He will want to see every part of you. (get your mind out of the gutter this is fluff) He's surprisingly body-positive. After all, everyone is into something, and he's into your everything.
But it goes deeper than that. Just like how he needs a high level of trust with his wings, he wants that same level with you. He wants to see the sides of you that no one has ever seen before. And this means the good and the bad. He wants you just as you are and hopes that you'll do the same for him.
Believe it or not, at least with you, if you need to have boundaries, he'll respect them. Most of the time. If it's something you're not comfortable with, he'll do his damndest to keep work and home separate. Granted, he'll complain about it for a bit of time, but you just let him know and he'll make it happen. Be patient with him though. He'll slip up every now and then but he's trying.
Arguments. As stated in part one, Val tends to let his emotions get the better of him. Unfortunately, this does mean you're not exempt, but again, you have an uncanny ability to calm him. Arguments never last long between the two of you. He'll often be apologetic almost immediately after it has died down. He does try, with you he really does. And afterward the two of you always have a conversation to settle the argument in a more amicable manner.
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pinievsev · 1 year
Hi it's mee!! Since you always have amazing Ideas for requests, you must be amazing at fulfilling requests too!!
I'd like to request a Hunter from xikers fluff, where reader goes on a first date to the movies with Hunter and they're both nervous in the beginning but then they hit it off and get very cute with each other!!
Thank you in advance and take as much time as you need! Love you 💞💞💞
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I have, finally found motivation to write! I hope this does justice to your request! I'm not exactly the best at it, I might disappoint you but I hope you enjoy Love<3! (Could've definitely done a better job on this 😅)
{Requests are open, you can find my masterlist here!}
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Pairing: nonidol!Hunter X GN!reader
Warnings: none as far as I know.
Take a shot for every time I say a variation of the word awkward.��️
You were telling yourself not to panic, be calm, cool. You can do this! Just be yourse-
Your train of thought was cut short as you tripped on the sidewalk, barely catching yourself last second. The other day you had been asked out on a movie date by you crush!
Yeah, you were happy and excited and all that, but you were, rightfully so, nervous. You stood up properly and checked your phone. 8:15PM. You were supposed to be there 15 minutes ago!
You basically ran to the cinema a couple blocks down, a pit forming in your stomach as you saw a very uncomfortable looking hunter outside the cinema glancing around. You mentally slapped yourself and rushed over, apologising over and over "...and I lost track of time and-" he waved his hands Infront of your face, dismissing your apology.
"It's fine! It's okay! I just got here anyway!" He gave you a half smile, you could tell he lied but you nodded, not pushing any further.
"can we just- go inside?". He reached for your hand as you looked for the room you were supposed to be in, making butterflies erupt in your stomach, cliché I know, for a second you felt like you should pull your hand away but you forced yourself not to, instead letting your mind wander. You had let him pick the movie, so you didn't know what to expect.
After a couple minutes of waiting in your sits, your hands awkwardly touching, the lights inside the room finally dimmed and you focused your eyes on the screen.
Your jaw fell open as you saw the movie playing, it was one of your all time favourites! You had watched it so many times and never gotten bored of it. Forgetting the awkwardness moments prior you excitedly turned your head towards him, kind of scaring him.
"W-what-?!" He asked earning a couple of 'hushes' and 'shushes' from the people around you "You like this movie?" You asked, immediately regretting the question. He picked it! Of course he liked it! "Yeah- do you not?! We can always do something else-" "no no! It's actually one of my all time favourites, it's just. Not exactly too known that's why I'm surprised" you explained.
He quickly relaxed, squeezing your hand which you had forgotten was still in his "you scared me!" He whisper yelled this time "Sorry-?" He started at you for a couple of seconds before letting out a wheeze at how tense you looked suddenly.
So, he took it upon himself to help you relax, even though he was tense himself. Throughout the movie you talked about the plot, your favourite characters and even recited some of the lines along with the actors on screen. Laughing whenever someone shushed you.
Towards the end of the movie, you had noticed him turning to look at you quite frequently, your face was flushed red and you thanked whatever higher power was responsible for the darkness inside the room. "Hey.." you turned your head to look at him this time "yeah?" He leaned closer "You're red. Is everything okay?" Dammit. You took in a sharp breath "yep, just a little hot" you made up the stupidest excuse possible.
"yeah, you are." It was barely audible but you heard it, blinking at him repeatedly "wha- what?" "I'll tell you later" he motioned to the screen, turning to focus back on the movie that was mare seconds away from ending. Leaving you sitting there confused and flustered.
Walking out of the cinema you turned your head sharply towards him crossing your arms "Wanna tell me what that was?" He mimicked your actions "but your know what it was?" You narrowed your eyes "do I?" "Mhmmm" he gave you a toothy smile, basically melting you. How can someone he so cute?!
You were currently sitting on swings in a park, having lost track of time. You just sat there not swinging or anything you just rested your head on the chain, starting to once again feel awkward.
You felt someone standing behind you so you looked up, You saw Hunter standing over you, looking down at you "are you always this quiet?" "Maybe" you gave him a side smile, you've only been out for a couple of hours but you were starting to warm up to him even more than you already had.
He leaned down, a couple of inches away from your face "Maybe? What kind of answer is that?!" You bumped his shoulder and he laughed "ok no seriously, why are we so quiet?" Your eyes shone as you decide to have some fun "Oh? Well if that's the problem, WHY NOT BE LOUD?!" you asked raising your voice "Shhh, hey hey!" "WHAT?! I THOUGHT YOU DIDN'T WANT ME TO BE QUIET?!" "Yeah, not so loud tho!" You smiled satisfied with yourself "OH YEAH?! SORRY I DON'T REALISE" you noticed some windows light up across the street, making your eyes wide "Be quiet!" He warned playfully leaning closer "or what?" You asked not as loudly as you hoped.
Wanna take a guess on what happened next?
If you guessed a kiss, you'd be absolutely correct.
"or that" you tilted your head to the side still looking up at him from the swing you were sat on "I should be loud more often then?" "You can just ask, you know." You stood up and turned to him "can I have another one then?" "Good question. Can you?"now it was your turn to lean over, kissing him instead.
Well, that went better than you were expecting, not complaining or anything!
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fans4wga · 1 year
To any newcomer joining the industry after they graduated college or just getting into the field, what is your advice on what they should do? Like if they are in LA/NYC or not in LA/NYC, what can they do?
Sorry if this is left field!
That's a huge question with a lot of variables, but fortunately our mods are also newcomers in the industry and have been through this ourselves so hopefully this is helpful :)
A couple things you can do to prepare yourself:
Unpaid internships, though clearly and obviously exploitative of vulnerable populations, are sometimes (UGH) the only or best way to get in the door and have something legit on your resume. (The paid internships are unfortunately so much more competitive, but definitely apply if you can!) A lot of internships and jobs are posted regularly on LinkedIn. This is a good Linkedin group to see job postings for young people working in entertainment.
How do you even make a resume for Hollywood internship/entry-level positions? Great question. Highlight any media experience (yearbook, newspaper, journalism, graphic design) and leadership experience. (Unless it's like, from middle school. That's too far back.) If you have the chance to submit a cover letter, focus less on trying desperately to prove yourself and more on who you are as a person: someone who is determined, yes, but would also be a good, solid coworker; any stories that reveal your talent for narrative and showcase your skills.
If unpaid internships aren't possible for you, consider checking out adjacent jobs in podcasts or journalism or other media, which would still be good on your resume before you make the switch to film/TV.
Get a nice, recent headshot (doesn't have to be a professional shoot, you just want to look professional in your social media and email profile pics.)
Join the picket lines in LA/NY if possible (WGA has the locations here). Everyone out on the picket line is supporting the future of the entire industry. It's not only the current workers on strike, but you and your peers too, who depend on the outcome of these negotiations. Also, if you consider yourself "pre-WGA" (interested in being a writer/WGA member in the future), there are a handful of groups organizing strike support for pre-WGA folks! Get plugged in with them.
Read the trade publications daily, or at least a couple times a week, to stay on top of what's going on in Hollywood. The typical places are Deadline Hollywood, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and I also like IndieWire and the NYT movies section personally for their profiles and reviews. Basically you just want to be someone who knows what's going on in your own industry and can talk intelligently about the state of things.
Likewise, podcasts. If you're going into TV writing, I can't recommend Children of Tendu enough. If that's not your specific field, search around for what other people in your field are listening to!
I hate having to say this, but... Twitter. Lots of WGA members, directors, actors, and industry people are active on Twitter, despite the, er, problems with the platform. Look for both pre-WGA and WGA people, connect with them, start building a community, maybe join a writing feedback group. (Again, since I'm a writer, that kinda applies to just writers, but I'm sure you can find other departments there too!)
On a similar note: You've probably heard a lot about the importance of networking—getting to know people in the industry who might be your coworkers in the future. That's important advice, but even better advice than that is to network horizontally, not vertically. Translation: Don't always seek out people who are in more advanced stages of their career than you: they're probably very busy and their lack of interest in lower-level people could be discouraging, even if it's just a reflection on their lack of time and not on you. Instead, network with people at the same stage as you—people who are new in LA/NY/the industry, people who are coming up and have similar passions and goals as you, people who are your coworkers and peers. I'm coming up with a lot of really cool people and it's very likely we'll all be in a position to help or hire each other 10, 20 years from now.
That said, you could also try to find a mentor who knows more than you do, but that's tricky territory because again... Hollywood. People are busy. But if you do get the chance to apply for a formal mentorship program, or if someone you know shows interest, having a mentor to go to for questions/advice is super valuable!
Acquire skills. Microsoft Excel skills. Standard screenplay formatting skills. Final Draft skills. Graphic design skills. Website building skills. A lot of people start in the industry at the assistant level, and these things are invaluable on your resume.
For writers specifically, I've heard the advice that you need to get 5+ shitty scripts out of your system before writing something decent. And from personal experience, that adage holds true. You need to write a significant amount of crap before you find your voice and get a handle on script formatting. Online classes and writing groups can help a lot with this.
Also for writers: You should not be trying to start your career as a professional writer without 3+ SOLID, GOOD SCRIPTS in your portfolio that match your voice as a writer, fit your (ugh) writer "brand", and have been revised based on feedback from writers you trust. If you have any doubt about the state of your sample scripts, go back to the drawing board and write a new pilot script.
If you want to be a creator, watch stuff extensively! Old stuff, new stuff, award-winning stuff, stuff that you'd want to write/direct/act in someday. Pick a director and watch everything they've made (or the same for writer/actor/costume designer/cinematographer.) You need to be decently fluent in what has come before you. This industry is only 100 years old, so it's very possible with time to become someone who knows the art form inside and out. Don't watch shallowly, either; watch deeply for analysis and critical thought.
Some final words from someone who cares deeply about the overall wellness of young people in the industry. This industry terrorizes people, and there are a lot of stories of abuse and breakdowns. (Oh, another recommendation, though pace yourself because it's a difficult book with a lot of potential triggers: Burn it Down by Maureen Ryan talks about industry abuse, written by a journalist who's tackled a lot of breaking news about abuse in Hollywood. Essential reading for people going into the industry.)
So prioritize taking care of yourself, and not just in the uwu self-care way, but the bone-deep "know thyself", "if you don't take care of yourself, you will literally cease to function" way. Love yourself enough to know when to step back and take time off. Love yourself to gain good time management skills so you can live a less stressful life. Love yourself enough to build a community of people who will look out for each other.
Wishing you the best of luck. If any pre-WGA/early career folks in the industry want to continue this conversation, this mod's main is @captaincrais.
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townofcadence · 10 months
I tried to bold the important bits for anyone who'd prefer to skim. I know there's a lot here, but it's mostly the basics and some explanations! Please don't let it intimidate you too much, I promise I'm just an anxious little creature who's likely eager to meet you! I just want to make sure you know what you might be getting into ^^
-I am tracking the tag townofcadence! My ooc tag is #tristan rambles
-This is an in-character rp and ask blog for my OCs, with a focus on Artair as my main! Please don't take my OCs designs or adopt them as a muse for yourself, unless you have my explicit permission (though a writing gift would be entirely fine!).
-Reblogging my art is totally fine! You'll probably make my day if you comment on it in the tags. If it's something I don't want reblogged, I'll turn off reblogs or tag it with #do not reblog . Otherwise, feel free to interact with it!
-With RPs, if it's something ongoing with another blog that isn't yours, please don't reblog it! It doesn't bother me, but most rpers can be upset by this, so as a respect to them, I would rather avoid the issue. You can reply to rps in the notes, or send me asks about them! But please do not reblog the rp post itself! If the post is open, however, then feel free to jump in as you want if you are an rper and have a muse!
-My social anxiety is really bad-- if I follow you, I definitely want to interact! But also, I really struggle to initiate conversation. If a person reaches out I'll happily interact with them though; I'm kind of a social-vampire, and feeling invited in helps a lot. On the other hand, once I'm spoken to, I talk a LOT, so I apologize in advance and hope it isn't too overwhelming. Feel free to tell me to tone it down!
-I don't feel comfortable writing with muses that are real people. Faceclaims are fine (not for me personally, but i don't mind rping with someone using them), but rping as the actor/actress or someone else from history themselves is uncomfortable for me because they were a real person. Similarly, I don't want to do rps that revolve around real world events, historical or current.
-I think communication is vital to a hobby like this. If you have a question or issue, please let me know! Also, If I do something insensitive or hurtful, please let me know and I'll try to do better next time.
-If you softblock or hardblock me, that's fine! I will not take offense. I may be a little sad if it happens out of nowhere and i thought we had a rapport, but I will respect the boundary. I will not reach out and I will not chase or confront you in any way. I will delete any of our drafts/asks I have and move on. Your dash is free to curate how you'd like. Please feel free to unfollow or block and make your space the best one for you, and if you're afraid of a reaction for doing so, this is my gentle reminder there won't be any.
-However, to me both soft or hardblocking actions say "I no longer wish to engage with you in any capacity" just to varying degrees. So I will not chase you, i will not cross that boundary, and I will not refollow you if i was only softblocked, because I have been shown to be unwanted in your space. Especially if you did not communicate with me beforehand. If you wish to reconnect, you will have to reach out first, because you chose to sever interaction and until otherwise shown i will assume that's still what you want. So if you use this as a test of some sort, me not chasing doesn't mean I don't care. It is just me choosing to respect the implications of your decision.
-I am a person who deeply enjoys horror threads and dark themes, so please be aware there will be threads and art/writing containing that on this blog. It can involve things like blood, torture, injury, gore, kidnapping, mutilation or dying and lots in between, so please take care of yourself! I will tag things too!
-Related: this blog does not condone any bigotry, and I refuse to write anything depicting incest or pedophilia.
-Anything potentially triggering I will try to tag. The format for tagging will be ‘#cw *insert trigger here*’. Example being #cw injury. I will try to be consistent! Please feel free to ask me if I need to tag anything!
- I’ve been writing Artair for years, so Artair has a lot of background history that might get alluded to, but not actively explained. If you have questions, feel free to throw them my way and I’ll answer what I can! Additionally, I tend to keep my muse's backstory and abilities hidden, so they can be revealed naturally in threads. But if you want to know more, please hit me up and I can share whatever you'd like to know, or even the whole story! I'm happy to share and it's not a problem to ask, I just think it's fun to reveal things via narrative too.
-I am 25+, and may do mature threads, but sexual threads will not happen here. I'm fine with them, but not on this blog, I have other spaces. Here will get the fade to black treatment.
-I likely am going to be semi-selective in what I rp. I will answer asks and reply to things from anyone, so feel free to send in! But while I want to interact, I also only have so much energy. I have the right to refuse to answer RPs or starters or asks.
-I am also chronically ill in a few different ways, so sometimes I will disappear to recover or not have much energy. I have no problem waiting for replies to rp or messages, and I hope we can be patient with each other as needed to have a fun time. Take your time, and I'll get to you as soon as I'm able, too.
-A given, but No autohitting, godmodding, or metagaming. If you want something to happen specifically, talk to me and we can work out why or how.
- I can be particular about how some conflicts/issues in rp get resolved. Everything that happens to a character is important to who they become, so a fix that just undoes something important without real effort might bother me, if it's not something we agreed on and planned together. In the same vein, if I'm building tension in a plottier thread to challenge the muses and you just resolve the issue in a reply, that can really kill my interest in the thread. I don't want you to downplay your muse's abilities! But if you know it's something that would be easy for them with their skillset, we can talk and find ways to make it still an interesting struggle for both muses, or I can switch mental gears to this being a showcase of your muse's strength!
-Reiterating this, I want you to play your muse as you intended, and I'll do the same! Please don't hold your muse back, I as the mun will not take it personally whatever yours may do, and I encourage you to let your muse act as they would in the situation without worry! Mun =/= muse, so I'd rather you play them as authentically as possible. Break up with my muse! Punch them! Flirt with them or follow them around! Be free! I won't hold mine back either; hopefully it'll make for some interesting interactions!
- I will always give at least a paragraphs or two in an rp response but even if you give me several pages, my reply may be more succinct. I'm trying to break the habit of backtracking dialogue in a thread, since it gets confusing really fast. I totally get wanting to respond to everything, but doing so to every talking point ends up with the muses having like six differing conversations at once. So I might skip things I want to respond to, to avoid that, and my replies may be smaller to keep the flow of interactions smoother. Hopefully I'll give my partner enough to work with. If not, let me know!
-Please understand that if you DO rp with me, I do not ship characters unless it develops naturally. If something happens, it happens, but I won't pair anyone unless the muse legitimately develops feelings over their interactions. Those actions do not need to be written necessarily, and do not need to be on Tumblr, but they need to happen first. I feel it’s only safe to let people know, since some muns are looking to ship as their primary goal.
-All Icons I use I either have permission from the artist to use, or made myself! I will likely use icons sometimes as I begin to amass them, but I don't expect anyone to use them to write with me. I also don't format my posts except for fun on rare occasions where it feels fitting. I don't expect anyone to match my format, and I hope my simplicity won't be an issue for anyone!
If you read through this, then thank you very much! I hope to interact with you soon, and if not, then I hope your day is great and I appreciate you looking at my blog! If you want to break the ice, you can send me the password '*Gives the Trimst a scritch*'!
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Hey question, how long have you been learning hebrew / what method, I've been wanting to pick it back up for a while now, but I've been having a hard time, any recomendations?
I started sometime like a year or two ago I think, but I have been very distracted and most days not really learning.
I started with Duolingo, which has since gotten worse and worse in terms of functionality tbh, but the writing system lessons are actually really useful for learning to read unfamiliar characters (in general, not just for Hebrew). If you try the regular lessons, I highly recommend checking the discussion page for nearly every sentence you come across. There will be a lot of idiots saying idiotic things as with any public, largely unmoderated forum, but there are also a lot of helpful people there, native speakers and advanced learners answering questions, providing trasliterations, and correcting the course itself when it's wrong. A few of those are mine, but unfortunately last year Duo froze the forums permanently with no forewarning, so it's no longer possible to comment or vote, but the archive is still valuable. Not all sentences have sound but this is because no good text to speech services exist for Hebrew and therefore they hired real voice actors, which means they couldn't do all the words and sentences in the entire course.
(If you're having trouble finding the "tips & notes" section, you can find its contents at https://duome.eu/tips/en/he)
As Duolingo's quality fell and I grew frustrated with the Hebrew course's idiotic priorities (e.g. learning "import" long before "bathroom" and being forced to memorize literally a hundred verbs in a row before moving on), I looked for other solutions, but it seems like most cost money.
One decent alternative I found is Clozemaster, which isn't perfect, the free version only lets you practice 30 sentences a day and the audio is pretty bad and sometimes incorrect, but the real selling point is it lets you practice words in order of how common they are which means no more waiting years to learn past tense and other things that are immensely useful but arbitrarily labeled "advanced" a lot of the time. Additionally, it lets you say "no need to practice this again, I know it already" so you can minimize the time (and your limited sentences) you waste on repeating things that don't need repeating, as well as "I don't think I'm gonna remember this just yet, please repeat it again soon" in case you're struggling with something!
Other resources I use:
Pealim.com - a Hebrew dictionary, you can search English words, Hebrew words (in any inflected form), and roots! It doesn't give you a lot of detail on the meaning, but it does explain a lot about the inflection patterns which is super useful for understanding how roots and inflections behave. Also has some articles on grammar and such, but I haven't actually read any of them...
Wiktionary.org - Wikipedia except a dictionary, search words in any language, get definitions, etymology, pronunciation, examples, usage notes, and/or translations depending on the word and the language (just like some Wikipedia articles are more informative than others). I used it a lot today to check if I was using a word correctly after looking it up on Pealim. If there isn't a lot of information in English, chances are there's more if you change the language to Hebrew, but you'll probably need help understanding it.
Friends who are fluent. A bit harder to share this one, but I want to acknowledge that this is something I have access to. My boyfriend has lived most his life in Israel so that helps.
Avatar: The Last Airbender Hebrew Dub - Yes that's right you can literally just watch ATLA in Hebrew for free without a VPN right on Nickelodeon's own site! Iirc, there are no subtitles until season 2, and only in Hebrew, but it's great practice listening and trying to understand and if you're cool and have binged the show multiple times already, that'll help provide context and make it easier to understand what they're saying. Whenever you notice a word being said a lot, try to look it up with one of the above resources! And when you're done with that, there's a lot more shows available there! Do note that some episodes are missing, the episodes aren't perfectly in order, and there is one mislabeled episode that's actually Spongebob near the end, but the real episode is also there.
Israeli/Jewish music - I've been listening to a lot of music in Hebrew and enjoying seeing how I slowly understand more and more, also has helped me understand thick Yiddish accents instead of just Academy approved Israeli Hebrew (Hebrew voice acting is incredibly restricted and idk it's weird).
I hope some of this was helpful!
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DBD episode rewatch: EP 3!!!
yadayada, autofill, no proofreading we die like Maxine
I never realized that last ep was the first time Crystal learned about the rules of who can see dead people
WAIT EDWIN SAID IT WAS DANGEROUS okay watching these recaps IS helpful bc CK literally *knew* Edwin would be in danger in the town and therefore forced to comply with him, and pressured to get it over with quickly. Fuck him.
these ghosts have a lot of issues
I bet that foot is one of Angie's crumbs
Dorian Gray
tbh for a while I thought that since the image thing is "low magic" then it must have been the wraith who cursed the tape. at sind point I abandoned that but I don't remember why...
I really think Charles likes Crystal for reals bc until this episode she had not shown interest in him and has in fact declined his advances, so when he says "your case is still our favorite" it that voice, it isn't as if he thinks she 'needs' a man, like his people-pleaser self would have given up days ago were he not the one interested. Nobody here is really giving him pressure or advice regarding Crystal like they do in some media depicting a certain comphet boy, and even if they were, Charles has thus far given no indication that his flirting is part of his fucked up mediation tactic coping mechanism. I don't really see the reasoning behind denying his feelings for Crystal even if she isn't the only one, but I do see him all smiley around her. IDK that's just where I'm at for the moment but feel free to correct me in the askbox, and I might write something more articulate later if I feels like it.
Where do I recognize the actor of this ghost woman Susan???
If Susan inherented the house, either the wife owned it or the husband had no living family. I bet these girls didn't have any grandparents whose house they could hide out at, only the aunt.
do we ever see Susan move on?
she must have saved those coins to get herself something nice. she never got to spend it the way she intended.
OH. he feels better after exploding. he had to get it all out. OH
Also, tangibility rule loredrop!! I wonder if they can touch water to wash ask the shit out. presumably so, as his ghostly body appears to retain moisture based on the contents of his skull.
Crystal is trying a very straightforward approach to clearing the air.
she assumes he'd be 'fun'. like that is a pretty specific word. Like. she's put thought into that.
Edwin doesn't want to provide third party "conjecture", as in a baseless opinion. He won't weigh in until he's *been involved* with one of them(Charles). haha okay I'm done. But he definitely IS giving an opinion, so he was lying.
Of course you're going Niko, you're cool as hell
I want to know her top three favorite public buildings to visit
I like that she compulsively grabs the colormatched coat
Does he even register the jealousy comment? All I see is his tounge in his teeth and the collar pop. We know it's red, man.
was that a howl??
she is so DONE with that joke
where'd all that wind go whenever the other two leave the library?
So Jenny "documentaries" Green is all of a sudden weirded out and scared when it's her own town.
I like that his woman outfit matches his usual outfit
HYSTERIA mention number TWO!
and she fires right back with calling him gay. I mean, she's right.
Has Niko had a crush who lined someone else before, it is she talking about her gay manga?
Die Edwin think that Niko means Crystal instead of Charles? DOES SHE MEAN THAT!?
I mean if Edwin thinks she's talking about Crystal, no wonder he was so confused. they argue a lot.
Niko is so off-task but Edwin is watching the desk LMAO
"look what happens when you get married" you're so right Maxine. Cleaning up must be so difficult.
Maxine is so frickin cute
of COURSE this is when they introduce her. Nobody just "snaps" there's always a pattern. anyways, I'm not sure what the point of this comment is lol..
Investigators are baffled. gossipers are inventing *reasons* for him to snap. the truth practically buries itself.
"It's bad for my health"
why is esther so willing to give info??
I like how Jenny cocks her head. she is LISTENING. she's curious
NO WIND. Well, no wind at the Butcher's either. weird.
MONTY. I may be aroace but I would have kissed him right then /jk
he's so fucking adorable
I wonder if the coma thing is actually true. Like up till now I have assumed that Monty's proximity to Esther counted as a 'supernatural experience' that allowed him to see ghosts, or that he could because he isn't human. But what if Esther rehabilitated him after hitting him with her car (we already know how badly she drives) because she loves birds, and that's when she took him in as a familiar? Anyways, mother issue angst writers, eat up.
I love the little hand thing he does when he counts the cats
Niko wants him to get laid so fucking badly.
she said "he could fix him"
I think she wants Monty to explain what being with a ghost is like. /half joking
bro tf you mean "enjoys ghosts"? enjoys then how? where?
Also, being a man of science and not believing astrology is so fucking funny if you're a literal ghost who knows that he'll and the grim reaper are real. for all you know some girl is making cute little star patterns to magically control you.
the LEAN
"I have a strict reputation" of being an asshole? you're supposed to be the guy who makes clients matter, what's wrong with your boyfriend knowing you can be nice?
I fuckin love the Notary <2 I'm a whore for specificity.
those handmaidens just fuckin stand there, don't they. what is their job, exactly?? Also, working in an office building on the same assignment as my sister sounds like hell, why would they agree to that.
there's something to be said about nobody knowing what to do for decades, then the pros show up with less than a 12 hr deadline.
Edwin. listen to him.
why have the people across the street not move out after hearing that fucking song every day??
they are all wearing jackets. inside their own house.
I think the glare of the glasses helps disguise the direction Brandon is looking, but it also makes the wife(who's name I forget) eyes look whited out lmao.
the older sister guarding the younger one is soo
the younger one reminds me of Prim Everdeen. also carrying that rabbit thing at age like, thirteen, is so real.
nice use of closure, showing us the bloody stuffed bunny.
the way the girls sit still before it happens
why does the music work but the TV is static?
Has Charles said that 'sit there and watch' line twice? hold on lemme rewind (get it? like a tape?)
nvm he said a different thing the first time.
Edwin tries to stop Crystal from leaving??
Did nobody see Crystal go in earlier? no Ring camera?
Tell him Crystal. your trauma is valid!
the Prim girl asks her mom to be the one to talk to Brandon
aw that stressed and scared girl
slightly different angle, you can see his eyes this time.
is the axe fake? are those lights fake? do non-psycics see the lights turn on??
her Tounge&Tails shirt!!
They are NOT shy about the gender themes in this episode!
ofc he knows The Shining as a movie.
wait the clock got left in the house and it still works but not in a ghost way like the rest of the house, but rather tells the real time? is that what's going on??
side note: I love the aesthetic choice of not showing us the mother's death sound, but giving us four seconds of her face after dying but before falling
And during the thunder, there's a weird color filter. interesting.
I'm sure y'all don't need me to explain Charles' face
why the nose wipe?
oh wait the living (well) room has symmetrical decorations
Her heart necklace kind of reminds me of the Light of Heart (I've got Thoughts on that artifact too, but those are for later)
I love all the color choices and lighting stuff in this episode!!
fish eye shots??
Ed's at the head of the table, a seat that, according to my family members, traditionally belongs to the chef. Then again, he may just as well be at the opposite end, I don't know what the difference is.
sorry for the out of order notes, I have been going back and forth a little bit.
LITTY AND KINGHAM!! the real brotp!
why did she SHUFFLE like that??
wait who told those two about the house?
it must be so hard for them, being stuck in the dark. not being able to make choices. No, YOU'RE making it about Monty.
This house is so nice wtf?? I bet their attic is furnished.
Are those degrees on the wall?
I wonder what is the significance of only Crystal hearing the Wraith? What makes her different than those two?
Hope must be the older one because she mentís graduating high school in her diary. if that is her room, that means her mom's nightstand held the acceptance letter. Her mom was protecting her. She even played dumb when her husband was holding an axe. holy fuck I will cry
eggshell line! important because parallels!
honestly they get Charles' relationship with his dad so close to comic canon in this series, even with all the changes.
ooh it's 11:11 irl rn!! make a wish!
someone better than me at face expressions explain what's going on before Brandon shoots himself bc he is unreadable to me.
it's all about control with him. they can't leave him because he wants to control them.
Is Litty wearing ballet flats??
you didn't "almost die". these two freaks damn near killed you! why did Niko never confront them about that??
what is she grabbing from the kitchen?
circle thingy again.
wait I just saw the butterfly thingy over her closet, a symbol of transformation. Also, she has a lot of striped clothing. especially blue and horizontal.
is she growing grass in a pot?? WAIT THERE'S A NIGHTLIGHT UNDER THAT TABLE aww
what is that weird skinny door?
that is an odd place for a toaster
why does the sprites' dead flower look healthier now?? it's DEAD
wait he says Bye back even though she left aww. and look at Litty's little facceee. They actualy miss her. I'm sad for them even though they are so mean :(((
doing all of what by yourself? manipulating Niko somehow? Also these two have Issues and are taking out their anger on eachother the moment any third party leaves the room. they're so siblings.
Edwin SOUNDS like he means 'what's ur deal bruh', but listen to his voice when he says "you're not yourself at all" he is worried for Charles :((
Do you think Charles ever thought about doing that to his own father?
getting yourself stuck in the loop doesn't change the result. reacting to the cycle can't break it. what the fuck. holy crap. this show is kinda heavy.
this room makes no sense. what is that random glass door? which wall could that possibly be on??
and now Crystal brings up the cat king cagey-ness. or maybe she just had an ingrained mistrust in people. fuck, I'm sad now.
yayy for getting back in track!
doesn't Charles still have the bag??
do you think the wife knew about the secret room?
most unrealistic part of this show is that the recording that creates the loop still works. the VCR or the tape should have broken after the first time it went round.
WE could lose Charles. DAMN STRAIGHT EDDIE! W E. U S. he is learning to be a team player.
that's a weirdass lamp behind Edwin
why does it Look Like That
I love how Crystal and Edwin both said "damn it" when they realized it was David. They're so in sync.
what happy thoughts do y'all think she was thinking?
David's dialogue is so fucking funny.
Also I love that Crystal has just a little but very obvious 21st century-specific vocabulary. things like body count to mean sex not killings, and fuckboy. it adds to the fact that these characters are all from different times, different cultures and have to figure out how to communicate to eachother.
OH there's another hint here about Crystal's old personality. David thinks that he being noble is boring and that she used to be fun aka like him. actually, that kinda reminds me about what Shelby said in a later episode.
Go off, Edwin!
If Brandon was moving that bigass thing every time he went in, his wife HAD to know.
wait do any of y'all SEE the actual cameras?? DID THE POLICE EVER SEE THEM!? even if they never find the room, this cameras are physical evidence of what happened. they are "confounded" that he "suddenly" did something awful? no, they didn't care to look into it! fuck them, the deaths themselves weren't witch-related so any human had the ability to find this cameras, but nobody fucking looked.
Brandon looks like he is running away from Charles.
aww Edwinnn
aww Niko
so if she already knew to get that lid as soon as she stood up, she must have already looked it up beforehand. That's cool of her.
So I originally thought that "the sitting duck" referred to the dead duck Jenny was selling in the window, but maybe it refers to Charles not interfering with the whole thing.
some ppl are sweeping the sidewalk :) how nice
what exactly IS the "die and go seek" maneuver?
no curb, but the cement planters protect the sidewalk from cars parking onto it. Both of those things probably make the sidewalk pretty well wheelchair accessible now I think about it. no searching for curb cuts, no going into the road Brevard if an obscured pathway!
though personally, I'd like to see some benches. maybe not here, as they'd get in the way of the sidewalk, but walking that far always hurts my feet.
Crystal totally checks out Monty XD
what are those posters on the tree? and that cardboard in the alley?
"I was polite, wasn't I?" "Yeah, you did good" <- ESSAY MATERIAL
phone number=reach him whenever Esther wants?
guys what does it mean when Venus is in the fifth house? I googled it once and every result was drastically different!
hey I'm thinking about the green outfit rn. if the green doesn't actualy mean emotional stability, does it mean fear? like, Niko was afraid of the house, then she was afraid of losing her friends. Mick wanted the red glass bc he was afraid of being stuck as a man.
wait the fakey shake shack sells booze?
who gives a shit what the cat king thinks
what is Esther even doing?
like she sounds so fucking surprised. if your little spy is there already why do you need to double spy on the spy?
funky perspective
what are those doors? why are there elevators in there??
0 notes
curseofaphrodite · 3 years
could you do a blurb with Patrick Jane where the reader works with him and doesn't like physical touch because they either didn't get it growing up or a bad relationship and Jane is the only one to notice and tries to help and she finds herself gravitating towards him bc he makes her feel safe 🍄
Comfort Person
a/n: also, hi anon! definitely gonna do most of your requests but I'm terrible at writing insecure!reader so I might delete some of them. sorry in advance and thanks for requesting!
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"Hey Rigsby," Patrick walked in, that signature smile in place. "What are you doing here? Grace said she needs your help with something. I thought you'd be thrilled!"
"She does?" Rigsby was confused, rightfully so. Grace had left the building an hour ago. Even then, he stood up and went looking for her. Nobody's as easily persuadable as someone in love.
"You didn't have to lie," you said, laughing.
"You know you can tell him, right?" Patrick's question made you blink in surprise.
You had always thought of yourself as a good actor, maybe that was why Jane caught you off guard. When you had first walked into the precinct with a firm smile and guarded eyes, everyone was friendly enough but Patrick started profiling you even before saying hi.
He noticed how you had a moment of hesitation before shaking hands with someone, how you moved away just a little bit whenever someone showed you the case files, and above all, he noticed how Rigsby was openly affectionate with you, and how you never told him physical touch made you uncomfortable. Small things like hooking a hand around your shoulder like you were his annoying sibling irked you to no end, and apparently, Jane had caught on.
"I can't," you said, shaking your head. "I don't like talking about it."
"You don't have to," he replied, just as fast. "I'm just saying, tell him you like your personal space. Rigsby is a nice guy. He won't ask for further explanation."
"Oh, okay," you nodded. "Thanks, Jane. You're too nice."
Just when you thought you wouldn't be more surprised, he asked, "do you like tacos?"
"I'm sorry?"
"We could go get some. I know a great place around the corner. If you want to, I mean."
"Ah, sorry I have a lot to catch up on," you said, pointing to the files in front of you. He looked a bit sad, so you instantly added, "I bought sandwiches though. We can share 'em if you want?"
"I highly doubt they'll taste just as heavenly, but okay," he replied, sitting opposite the table with newfound excitement.
You grinned, taking out your bag. You liked how he didn't ask about your past, how he was friendly and nice — or maybe you just liked him. It was hard to tell.
For now, sandwiches sounded great.
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occasionallykettle · 2 years
it's been longer than a month since some of the cast were shown reacting to mike's monologue but i still want to briefly talk about it because i found the comments of all things oddly hilarious 💀💀
on the surface, we can tell that finn is cringing so hard at the scene. i don't know if that's just him cringing at his own acting or him cringing at the writing in this scene.
i think the other actors' reactions are kind of important as well though? because they obviously don't want to make a jab at finn's acting, but they don't seem thrilled about it either? like they're all sort of just looking at it... but the comments (OH GOD. THE COMMENTS.) seem to think that everyone is so deeply moved or something, which i disagree with completely. to me it just looks like they are all trying to not cringe visibly. caleb literally goes "aww" in a mocking tone after seeing that finn is cringing as well.
alright. the comments. i swear, the comments made me so irrationally mad, even i'm embarrassed about it. the GA/delusional mildsauce shippers (if you told me 6 years ago that i would be calling milkvan shippers delusional in the future, i would have punched you in the face and not believed you) has just hopped into the comments and saying things like "wow, that 'you're MY superhero' line was so deep and it really shows how mike feels about el 🥺🥺🥺" and i just have to. take a few deep breaths.
first of all, they argue that that this... advances milk&oreos' relationship? and when byler shippers in the comments said "el doesn't want to be a superhero", they say that mike was talking about el's personality being a superpower or something, when that was literally the exact opposite of what that means.
and then someone under the comment "the 'you're my superhero' line was a great improvisation from finn" said that... get this... milkvan is such a power couple. I AM SCREAMING. ON THE FLOOR. LAUGHING SO HARD THAT WATER IS COMING OUT OF MY EYES. they are the complete opposite of a power couple. they disempower each other in so many ways, it's unhealthy and toxic. mike became an ass towards all of his friends after spending time only making out with el in season 3, el didn't even know what she liked at the time. she had such a better time with max, and was basically glued to hopper and mike before that. and not to mention, mike wasn't even the one to help el in this scene. it was the sight of max almost dying that gave her the power to get rid of the vines. so where is the power? in what world are they helping each other?
oh my goodness, i searched up the definition of a power couple (just to be sure) and one of the answers was "a couple that compliments each other's strengths and supports each other's individuality". holy shit, that is insane how that's the exact definition of what milkvan is not.
what i love the most though (this time for real)? the bylers in the replies providing analyses. for almost every shitty mildsauce comment, there is an in-depth analysis on why whatever that milkvan said wasn't true. i love that. and the most in-depth analysis i found from milk&oreos/GA's side was basically just "we can see that mike was oBsEsSeD with el from season 1 🥺🥺🥺" (no. i'm not even joking. they literally said that mike was obsessed el since season 1, obsessed being in caps.).
SURE bud, this mike wheeler was 100% in love and obsessed with el in season 1.
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ALL IN THE SPAN OF 1 MINUTE 💀💀💀 once he thought that el wasn't useful anymore, he was not hesitant to start getting pissy towards her. yeah, totally obsessed...
wait. there's more.
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i'm sorry for this long post, i just got pissed after seeing the comments and wanted to rant somewhere lmao
anyways, i just think that some midlevens are kind of becoming a bit delusional now? they are quite clearly making up things that just aren't true just so that they can call milkvan a healthy "power couple" (that comment will never not be funny to me). i'd like to clarify that this is not all mildsauces, just the ones that make up things and post them in youtube comments in an attempt to prove byler wrong.
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jenomark · 5 years
HI! How are you? Hope you're fine! I was wondering if you could help me out with some writing advice on how to write good smut? English is not my native language and I've found some problems when I want to write smut. Like I've just finished a Kun smutty fic but I'm not sure about posting it or not cause I feel it's a little messy and not so good. So yeah, I was wondering if you had any advice on how to improve my writing? Thanks on advance, but don't worry if you don't know what advice to give!
Hello! I’m good. I’m just sitting here reading a book. 🥰 
Firstly, I want to say how amazing it is to write anything in a language that is not your first language. English is a very complicated language to learn. 
Always post the fic. I say this, because it’s a good way to grow and learn, as a writer. Not every piece of work you finish is going to be great, and not every piece of work will get the attention you want. A lot of our fears and insecurities can get in the way of posting the things we’ve worked our hardest on, so my personal advice would be to post it, even if you believe it’s messy. I can guarantee you that someone out there will still read it and love it. (Also, don’t forget to tag your work really well.)
That being said, I know it can be hard to take this advice if you’re not too happy about what you have written. As writers, we are often way too hard on ourselves! If you really think you can’t post it, rewrite it until you’re happy with it. It’s also okay if you get sick of your work, and never want to see it again. This will never make you a failure. You control your own work, and what makes you feel fulfilled as a human being. If you need to scrap it and start over, do it.
Posting your work for the public to see is very scary, and it makes you very brave. I think, if you’re not having fun and it’s stressing you out, definitely reevaluate what you’re doing it for. 
As for advice on how to improve your writing : read books. It’s the simplest way to get a bigger vocabulary, as well as to expand your imagination. Use your feelings. I always think good writers make good actors. 
As for advice on how to write better smut: watch or read p*rn. A lot of people don’t have experience in what they are writing about. If you do, that’s great! Think about how you felt while you were having sex. I know watching p*rn makes some people uncomfortable, but you have to think of it only as research. Look at how two bodies move together when they’re being romantic, or rough. If you can’t watch p*rn, just write what you know when it comes to sex. Also, there are a lot of articles on the internet about the topic!
Hope this helps!
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walsiegirl · 3 years
You don't have to answer this question if you don't want to, but it's been bothering my mind quite a bit lately - how did you come to your conclusion in believing Geoffrey to be innocent in his case? I'm not judging or hating, I'm just curious. This is all coming from a fan new to him and his work, who really admires him but is feeling unsure. Again, you don't have to answer if you're not comfortable. I've looked at both sides and I'm just very, very confused as to what the truth really is, so I figured getting an older fan's perspective would help me understand anything I might be missing. Thank you in advance.🙏
Hi Anon! Sorry it took me a while to get back to you, I’ve been away and stuff.
This is a tough one and there honestly isn’t a right or wrong answer; it’s absolutely fine to be unsure and I cannot say one hundred percent he is innocent, nor can I say he is guilty. The way the case was initially reported was unfair to both parties, and they both went through essentially a trial by media, with others jumping in either with their own accusations or opinions, before anything really came to court. From a legal perspective, yes Geoffrey has won his case against the newspaper as there was, to over simplify it, little evidence to the contrary, which was a relief for those of us who have always admired him. But does that mean he hasn’t done anything wrong at all? It’s truly impossible to say.
When I very first heard about the allegations, I was confused, devastated and I wondered if I had got him completely wrong from the start. It’s taken time, reflection, and coming to terms with the fact that even people one admires may fuck up some times (some bigger than others) to help me feel, if not sure about things, then at least able to come to terms with it all to a degree. So straight off, I’m sorry I can’t give you a definitive answer, but I can ramble around the points that are central to the reason I still feel able to enjoy his work and the memories he gave me.
Firstly, I think Geoffrey Rush has enough integrity as a person to own up if he’s fucked up. Again, I’m going on my gut, it’s fine to disagree with me and people will. When presented with the allegations, he denied them, but he also stepped down from any positions of responsibility he felt he should not hold whilst being under scrutiny, and also apologised to former co-stars if he had made them feel uncomfortable with his work methodology. That isn’t him being silent and not acknowledging the problem, it’s taking a stand to start to work through it without being arrogant enough to go on as normal. It’s about starting a discourse.
Rolling on from that, I think the “making co-stars feel uncomfortable/sexually harassing co-stars” is probably the area of contention. I don’t personally feel or believe that Geoff would intentionally go out of his way to demean, oppress or harass people - again I am open to being proved wrong, this is just gut feeling and intuition - but Geoffrey is a naturally cheeky, playful, possibly even controversial character who I could easily see pushing boundaries in professional spheres - perhaps being overly extravagant, overly touchy-feely, overly jokey. This could easily make people feel uncomfortable and harassed. I think sometimes it can be too easy when you’re successful to become complacent and forget that not everyone is onboard with your ways of doing things and ways of being, with your self confidence and ego. A lot of people, myself included, are very good at being polite and tolerating things they find uncomfortable because they’re too worried/scared/tolerant to say otherwise. If you’re faced with an A-list actor who has a lot of clout, then by all means you may feel unable to speak up about feeling uncomfortable or not enjoying the way they treat you or work with you. It’s like being faced with the person at work who has been established at your company for a long time and is being overly familiar with you - do you dare tell the boss their favourite is too much for you? Probably not, you want to keep your job. And this kind of power imbalance may be where the issue lies.
So you are saying the allegations are all true? you’re probably asking now. No but I can easily see where there are lots of grey areas in this debacle rather than two black and white possibilities of guilty and not. Things may have been taken out of context or blown out of proportion - or not, who knows? When you’re acting and in close bodily contact with other people, and in theatre/film/tv this is a constant, there is a high risk you might touch people inappropriately. Was there true harassment in this instance, or were actions misjudged? Were comments said in jest, in humour, in affection misconstrued as creepy and inappropriate, or was that their real intent? When you only have two contrasting views, it’s impossible to know the truth. Also everything an individual experiences is relative - what one person may feel is harassment, the next may think is a funny joke or not even notice. This is where consent and communication come in - it’s important people, particularly those in positions of “power”, check in on their other halves/colleagues/co-stars once in a while to make sure everything is ok. If there isn’t trust and communication, then you end up with dumpster fires like this.
So what else can I ramble about? 
People fuck up. All the time. The difference with being accused of fucking up when you’re an A-list Oscar winner is that the whole world will know about it and lynch you for it, regardless of your guilt, and the internet is very good for spreading information quickly, both truth and lies and everything in between. Though it is fine to hold people to account and question accusations, it’s worth remembering that we all have fucked up in our lives; not all to the same degree, and some things it is utterly fine to not to forgive someone for, but I think one of the reasons I came around about things was that I can think of a few occasions in my life where I have royally fucked up, and if I had been famous I would not have lived it down. As I’m not famous though, the fuck-ups were resolved to a greater or lesser degree and now are mostly forgotten - except by me who can never forgive myself and will think about it until I die. I guess I just realised that I cannot judge because I have been a dick in my time, too. It’s not an excuse, I’m not trying to say that fuck ups are excusable if they have happened, but again there has to be a point where we move on or else we just get stuck feeling suicidal and not being able to recover. The important thing is to make amends and face your mistakes if they have been made. Can we let celebrities fuck up and come back? Depends on the fuck up of course, and sometimes it may be they lose their liberties, they need to regain trust, but sometimes there can be rehabilitation and success again - like Robert Downey Jr.
And though positive past conduct does not mean a person will never do or hasn’t done wrong, a lot of people who have worked with Geoff either as a co-star, or have directed him, etc, have voiced their support for him and enjoyed working with him. On a personal note, I will always have ridiculously positive memories of meeting him and writing to him. It’s a totally different kettle of fish to working professionally with him, of course, but I can’t forget that during the 2000s he used to like to keep a distant eye on the discourse between his fans online; he liked to know if his fans would be at such-and-such an event, and he even brought me a promo book about The Golden Age as a thank you when I dragged my arse down to Norfolk in the UK to see him at an event in 2007; he often felt more friend than celebrity to us. He was polite and curious, asked little questions like what you studied at university, what dog you had, what your username meant. He was exceptionally trusting of us, too.  And I just remember how chill he could be - I remember him texting his wife when a group of us met him in NY after his play there, or he’d step out for a smoke, and you’re like that’s a normal person, he’s checking in with his fam, doing his own thing, but he’s still got time for us. He was always a down to earth, friendly guy, beyond generous with his time and we all as a fan community felt appreciated by him. It was beyond cool. And I can’t forget that kindness, the fact he made me feel that I mattered. His benevolence has naturally garnered much loyalty in me.
And finally I also ask myself, if this was a family member, or a close friend, would I abandon them in bad weather? And the answer is no. Even if they fucked up badly, you help family and friends get through things, you help them rehabilitate, you support them making amends, and support them making reparations to anyone who has been hurt or wronged if need be. When I have fucked up, I haven’t been abandoned; yes reprimanded, yes cowed, but I’ve been given the opportunity to make amends and bounce back.
So long answer is, there is no answer. I have never affirmed or denied his innocence or guilt because I can’t. It has to come down to gut feeling in the end and trying to weigh up the mass of information and misinformation. It’s about invading the professional and private lives of people we probably have no business looking into. It’s about understanding that celebrities are just people, and they can potentially fuck up as badly as we do, but they may also be innocent of accusations like we can be too. It’s accepting that we can’t know any truths unless solid evidence is presented either way. So at present, I will continue to enjoy his films, his tv shows, his legacy, and appreciate everything he ever did for me either directly, or indirectly through his work. But I am also open-minded enough that if any hard evidence ever presented itself to the contrary, there may come a day I need to reappraise my position. But hopefully he is true to his word and to his success in winning his case, and he can work toward recovery and potentially even acting again, though the blow has been great, both to him and his accuser. He may never work again. My greatest fear is that if he is genuinely completely innocent of everything, then he has had the greatest joy in his life taken from him. I try not to dwell on that too much.
I hope that diatribe helps. It’s the elephant in the room that is hard to acknowledge but no one can tell you how to feel about it. It has to come from your own heart and soul. I also appreciate there are many other elements to consider but I can’t possibly cover all bases. It’s probably worth saying that I have been a victim of being groomed by a man so I understand the importance of women or vulnerable peoples having a voice, but that doesn’t necessarily mean every accusation against men is true, either.
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