#and geneder roles etc
sphyrne · 1 year
i know we all know that monstrous regiment is good but also monstrous regiment is so good
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ncole01 · 4 years
Chapter 7 Fieldwork
While watching commercials on youtube, there were a total of 20 commercial that was played.
Beatbugs(not gendered)
PJ Masks(not gendered)
Paw Patrol(not gendered)
FurReal(not gendered)
Robo Alive(boys)
Zoomer-Enchanted Unicorn(girls)
Oonies(not gendered)
Slime diy(girls)
LOL surpirse dolls(girls)
My Little Pony(girls)
Pikmi Poms(girls)
Spirit Ride Free(girls)
Laser X(boys)
Star Wars-Bladebuilders(boys)
Razor(not gendered)
Avigo(not gendered)
Journey girls(girls)
How many commercials were aimed at boys?
- 5 commercials were aimed towards boys
How many at girls?
- 8 commercials were aimed towards girls
Were any commercials not gendered?
- 7 of the commercials were not genedered. The one that was not gendered included both boys and girls playing with the toys together.
What techniques did the ads use to attract boys or girls?
- If commercials were targeting girls, the film was very girly and items were used to grab their attention like glitter, unicorns, preppy music, bright colors, and sweet voices. The commercials that targeted boys had dark backgrounds, rock music, and kind of had an aggression in their voice with it.
In what ways do these commercials teach gendered behavior?
- They gendered behavior based on the toys the company was selling. With "My Little Pony," the girls were very soft, sweet and delicate with their toys. The little girls wore skirts with cute t shirt, with sparkles around them. For "Star Wars," of course the boys will be aggressive with the specific toy that was sold from the company. I noticed that the boys were play fighting or showing some type of aggression with each toy while the girls giggled and were less competitive.
After reading your classmates' posts, consider whether it is natural that "boys will be boys" or if we actively create gender roles.
- I think society actively create gender roles on what each gender does, how they do it, etc. but the roles will reverse in the future when the generation grows up and gain knowledge on everything and what role they think is best for them.
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wunkosaurus93 · 7 years
Can We Talk?
There’s something that’s been kinda bothering me for quite some time. Is representation of non-white and/or LGBTQIA people ALL anyone wants from their media now? I mean sure, diverse casts can be a nice change of pace and all but it sometimes feels like people will praise the worst things out there because there’s one or more Hispanic or Asian people with big roles. Yes, It’s great that they got those roles in the first place but can we make sure those roles are well written to begin with? While I know there already plenty of great not-white movies out there in the world but can we please have more made on American soil? More respectful portrayals? I don’t want different races and cultures becoming fads or gimmicks.
Honestly, I’ve never really cared what the characters in movies or TV shows looked like, I just cared that they were interesting and likable. In fact, most of the characters I’ve always tended to gravitate towards are talking animals and other non human entities (robots, aliens, living furniture, etc.) I think it’s partly because they sidestep ethnicity, and sometimes even geneder and sex are just great, believable personalities. Sometimes, that’s all you really need.
I don’t know, maybe I just don’t get excited over social justice stuff, maybe I’m just not the audience for all of the diversified movies and things (they’re mostly action movies which I don’t care for) or maybe I’ve spent so much time crusing around various animated (and even some live action) la la lands that I can barely relate to real world people outside of my immediate family.
Just food for thought .
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