#and fuck I touched Maz Greeeeeen!
murobrown · 5 years
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This is the last time I’m going to annoy you with my festival experience, I promise. I’m just so happy right now. I can’t stop talking about it. It’s a paradise on Earth. I forgot about the rest of the world for a while and it felt incredible. Nothing else matters, just music.
First day was short because we arrived pretty late (not my fault but my shitty friend). But I was still able to get a place at front row for The 1975. It was something beautiful. And I swear Matty looked at me and I think we’re in love now. And yes I cried like a baby while singing Always Wanna Die. There’s just something very emotional while screaming this chorus from the top of my lungs. I felt like a biggest loser in that crowd full of so many beautiful and stylish people but I still had so much fun. 
And I had a chance to see Skepta. I nver liked his musich that much but I liked seeing him live (shame my friend was tired and forced me to go to sleep at midnight so I didn’t even see his full set).
The biggest star of my second day was Mac Demarco. I never seen any musician enjoy their work so much. Boys had no crew and did all reharsing themselves and it was so interesting to see them in action. It all felt like just being with them at their studio, just having fun. 
And I will never forget the last day. The biggest star was Liam Gallagher. I didn’t catch a place at front row as I planned but second row still isn’t that bad (but it’s hard when you have 150 cm). He sang mostly Oasis songs but also both his new songs. I was singing so loud, I feel bad for people that were around me. And I cried while Champagne Supernova and it feels much better crying to it live. And Liam told us that we’re beautiful :) And there was a cute guy next to me and we kept bumping into each other and every time he gave such a cute smile. 
Even bigger fun begat at L.I.F.E concert. If you don’t know them please listen to them if you enjoy british punk. My friend left me there on my own because it was ToO LoUd for her :))) But I was at the front row drooling over shirtless Maz. And here comes the best part!!! After last song he stayed down with the crowd and we could take pictures with him and shake his hand. So stretched out my hand and suddenly I felt his sweaty hand touch mine and all I could say was “Thank you, I love you” and Maz looked straight into my eyes and said “I love you too, baby”. And yeah I died right after. So I guess I’m taken now boys, sorry but I am faithful girlfriend. 
Last day ended with Little Big concert. It was in a rather small tent. Me and my friend found nice places in the middle which turned out to be pretty bad idea as whole place was packed with people and no oxygen. Welll, and as music started everyone began to jump and dance and what a surprise I ended up on the floor within one minute. Luckily some guys helped me to get up. As I said...concerts are hard when you’re short. So I enjoed them from distance. And crawling on the floor was still pretty funny experience.
Yes I loved it so much and I had such a great time but I am sure I would enjoy it even more with right people. The thing is that none of my friends are so passionate about music as I am so it always ruins the fun. I mean...who goes to sleep at midnight at festival? Me and my friend have very different opinions about everything and we’re pretty much polar opposites but she was the only human willing to survive three days with me. I love her a lot but I need to find new friends for next year, the best would be some bigger group. Nevermind I am talking abut things I didn’t enjoy while there are so many things I enjoyed.
I took this pictute on the last day, as I woke up before leaving. Yes I look like a hobo, but I haven’t been this happy for years (probably two years ago at this festifal when I saw Jake). It really made me realize that music is the thing that makes me go on, it’s the thing I want to live for. And I also realized that I need new friends that would share my excitement. I just hope I’ll meet some brave volunteers until next year.
Sorry for this loooong nothing but I am still happy and excited and I need to share this with everyone I meet. Sorry for my face and thank you if you read this. I wish you all to see your favourite artists live and get as close to them as you can, get butteflies in your stomach and happy tears in your eyes. ♥
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