#and found a cold and calculating blorbo
stormvanari · 1 month
expanded info of Ethel, the Prohibition-era Golden Guard (so far):
[Bigender | He/Him, She/Her]
Best described as provident and ruthless, Ethel served as a double agent for Lord Belos and Yurei. She originally had three eyes, but one (hidden behind her hair) got burned in an alley fight and is replaced by an oracle gem provided by Yurei to establish two-way contact between it and the GG.
Due to Belos’ influence, Ethel was originally submissive and loyal to the coven and it took a while for Yurei to build trust to the GG since she was the key to acquire intel of Belos’ inner circle.
When enough trust was built, Ethel was welcomed into Yurei’s base and her mask began to slip to reveal a stammering cryptographer. Regardless, she was hesitant to work with “wild witches” until Yurei shared its perspective of them while nursing a bleeding Ethel after the alley fight mentioned above.
As a result, the GG rose through the ranks as Yurei’s right hand and her loyalty to Belos began to falter. Moreover, she dutifully gathered as much intel to take down the coven even if it means to mercilessly sweep Belos’ guards.
Unfortunately, Ethel’s work was suddenly cut when she was drugged by a fatal poison supplied by an unidentified assailant and was kidnapped back to Belos. The ex-GG was then dragged to the Skull and woke up to her new surroundings. There, a heated interrogation happened and that triggered a fight between Ethel and Belos.
The former, under the effects of the deadly poison, kept fighting until she finally succumbed to it and fell to her death into the skeleton pit.
For a century, Ethel’s ghost lurked in the pit with other dead GGs and Caleb. But she began to hunt the Skull’s main floors when Ethel learned of Yurei being inaugurated as a member of the Boiling Isles’ newest government, the Titan’s Council.
Only two TCs, Yurei and Cherry, can see Ethel’s ghost. Jasmine learned oracle magic from home to see his form. Furthermore, the GG mainly follows the Oracle Councilor around and helped it around after a tearjerking reunion. Although, Yurei insisted that Ethel takes a break and hang out in its office.
However, this inspired Caleb’s opinion for Ethel to “leave the nest” and live with the witch who had a positive impact in her life. Gleefully enthusiastic in the inside, Ethel immediately agreed with the decision and bid farewell to the skeleton pit.
Arriving to the Omikus’ house, his ghost was surprised that Yurei replaced him with a “new right hand,” Jasmine. There was an air of discomfort between her and Ethel, who didn’t hesitate to kick the Plant Councilor out of the house (spooking the shit out of her, but that failed since Jasmine is used to Yurei meeting with ghosts that come in). But this tension disturbed Yurei and it had to convince the GG that Jasmine did not pose as a threat, nor did she replace Ethel’s name.
“If you are uncomfortable at the idea of referring my daughter as your extended family, you are welcome to schedule visits with me. Your intention to push Jasmine out of the house is not ideal to make your stay here, Ethel.”
Ethel’s magenta eyes glowed at the word “daughter.” He was surprised but disappointed, yet he was willing to know more about Jasmine and her history with Yurei.
There’s an eerie similarity between their respective families, quoted for the GG: both Ethel and Jasmine came from well-respected, but strict caretakers and have dismissed their values. Additionally, they have met Yurei on their runs and took shelter with it.
So, Ethel made a deal with Jasmine to be an understanding roommate even if the Plant Councilor felt uneasy at the GG’s bloody (literally) history. For example, Ethel busied herself learning about the modern Boiling Isles such as Scrolls and Crystal Balls, which the latter drew the GG more towards.
Eventually, Ethel would form a bond with Cherry after discovering a shared disgust towards the coven’s “crap delicacy” (although alcohol is off limits for the GG) and become an honorary “10th Titan’s Councilor.”
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Anyways, storytime over! Now for the facts:
• Ethel is strictly non-alcoholic after an assassination attempt on her.
• Like Yurei, Ethel likes speaking with “proper vocabulary,” being formal words. Although this was heavily enforced by the coven, Ethel still likes learning cool words. But...she may forget the meaning and not know what she was really trying to say.
• Ethel was once requested to wear a special suit to keep her spirit in and walk around with like Yurei. She shot down the idea since the GG would look ridiculous in a spirit suit.
• Ethel is often referred as Yurei’s “secretary” at work, although he doesn’t do actual paperwork himself rather the ghost organizes, cleans, and stand guard during graveyard shifts.
• Ethel is picky.
• Ethel hates being told to speed up and prefers to work on her own pace.
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bruh-anator3000 · 1 year
To Skrill or Not to Skrill
A/n:... drag...nn... OKAY look i KNOW i should finish all my Viktor wips, esp The Lab Inspector's Daughter one BUT... um, well, skrunkly priorities have changed. My skrunkly, babygirl, the blorbo, the boi: the most insane viking in the Archieplego. Dagur the Deranged. He hath eaten the Viktor worms and started writhing on my brain himself. The madlad.
I WILL WRITE FOR VIKTOR AGAIN!! DON'T WORRY!! But Dagur wants to be written for first. For now.
Summary: Dagur didn't just... leave you, right? You led him and the Hunters to the exact spot your calculations had said the beast would be. The further you got into the cave, however, the less the others followed. Leaving you completely alone. Well, besides the dragon.
Pairing: Dagur x GN!Reader
Word Count: ~4k
Warnings: 'Trapped' in an ice cave, Hypothermia!! Near death experience? Dragons, Stupid Ryker, insert Micheal Scott's 'you've been di-frib-u-lated!,' Derangedness duh, Dagur refers to himself as 'Daddy' and the deadly dragon as 'baby,' accidental Hiccup/Dragon Riders hate (but for good reason in the story i swear), cringe stuttering, possible part 2 👀? (We all know how good I am at that)
MOST IMPORTANTLY: I haven't written for Dagur before so if he seems OOC, that's on me. Please let me know how I can make Dagur seem more like Dagur, i would love some advice on it.
Okay, that should be it! I hope you enjoy <3
"He didn't just abandon me," Your shallow breaths turned to frost in front of your face as you continuously bashed the hilt of your sword against the thinning ice. As much as you wanted to believe your words, he did ignore his father when he went missing and simply took control instead.
"I mean, I'm valuable!" You tried to convince yourself as the ice finally gave in with a sharp crack. Your hilt judded through the hole you made, numb fingers nearly dropping your blade. You couldn't feel the lower part of your body, shivering violently as you awkwardly scuffled your sword on the other side of the ice. Making the weapon parallel to the wall, you began to smash the ice from the other side, trying to pull the sword back towards you.
"I found you, after all." You looked up through your lashes, which were slowly weighing down by snow and ice. The dark purple and grey of the Skrill looked down upon you. His breath fogging the wall of ice separating you two.
He watched you, eyes narrowed but curious. From what you could see, most of his limbs were slowly breaking free of the ice he had been banished to. Wings twitching and claws curling. You hit the icy wall once more. You could feel your fingers lock up around the rod of your sword. The joints in your arms stiffening with the cold. As you yanked your arm back once more, the ice broke. Leaving you to fall on your butt.
Laying on the cold stone of rock-hard ice, you sighed. Your breath turning to ice in front of you. Maybe you should've stayed with the Dragon Riders. With another frozen sigh, you knew that would've led to this exact same situation. Well, not exactly the same.
Hiccup left you to boil and burn in a cavern deep inside an active volcano. Dagur left you to freeze up and become an artifact for the next generation to find. You weren't sure what was worse.
However, Dagur had saved you from combusting into a pile of flame and ash. Maybe Hiccup will turn the tide, and find you, trying to free the Skrill he set into ice. For Dagur.
No, he would probably let you freeze over, too.
You tried to pull yourself up to your feet. You only managed to sit up and rest against the wall. Your bones rattled against each other, you could bite your own tongue off with how hard your teeth clattered. Huddling into yourself, you prayed to Odin someone would find you before you froze to death.
Looking over your arms as you held your knees close, you saw the Skrill ram the horn on his nose against the wall he was sealed behind. You shut your eyes, breathing out once more as you felt ice build around your lungs.
Dagur stood before the cave, torch high in his hold as he waited. Eyes narrowed, he held the flame to the dark entrance.
"Where's your little friend, Dagur?" Ryker saddled up beside the Berserker with a dark chuckle. "Think the Dragon Riders finally came back for them?"
Dagur scowled. "They wouldn't do that." He stated simply. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He saved you, after all. You wouldn't just turn on him like that... right?
"Then why are my men back but not them?" Ryker watched the viking from the corner of his eye. Dagur was simply too easy to rile up. And he was waiting for the moment he slipped up, so Viggo would finally see how utterly useless he was to their mission.
"Why can't your men find my Skrilly but they can?" Dagur shot back. You had told him the only information you knew about his Skrill was the fact Hiccup had sealed it away into an iceberg. With that, you had managed to pinpoint the beast's exact location. Which none of Ryker's men seemed to even comprehend.
Ryker let out a hard huff. "You have another hour, then we leave," He leaned in close, breath rotting. "With your friend, or not."
Dagur only glared back, eyes burning in the larger viking's skull. How he wanted to bash Ryker's head open. For more than one reason, but the top contender was how he spoke of you. A Dragon Rider turned hunter wasn't a very trustworthy transformation but Dagur liked you.
The vengeance written on your face when he found you, betrayed by his brother. It reminded him of the rage he felt daily for how Hiccup had thrown him into jail for three long years. You said you were a dragon rider and his first instinct was to grab your dragon and run. But you had no dragon, only a shattered sword and the outlines of welts beginning to bubble up from the heat on your skin.
When he asked if you wanted rescuing, throwing on his best smile and pose, you laid back down and accepted your fate. That's when he knew he'd like you. So stubborn, you'd rather melt than let a devilishly handsome Berserker save you. A sense of humor he enjoyed poking at until it turned into slight aggravation.
Now, he was aggravated. The torch felt so... throwable in his clenching fist. It wasn't you... it's just that you weren't here. He needed you here, wanted you standing besides him with his Skrill in tow.
Glancing back, he watched Ryker and his lousy men riffle around. Some were walking circles around the boats. Others shoved each other around, acting like there was nothing wrong. Like this was all a game to them. Ryker may be able to dispose of his men like day old fish, but Dagur wouldn't do that - not to you, at least.
He could throw Savage overboard any day. Throw him as far as he wanted, deep into the vast blue of the ocean. He would laugh, watching him scramble back on board. But he wouldn't throw you over the deck. He's considered it, he won't lie, but he could only ever bring himself to grab the back of your shirt, threateningly.
You'd just laugh. Everytime he would grumble and yank you around by the sleeve or tunic, you would laugh. It was cute. And it was infectious, too. Whatever he was angry at, Dagur would have to let it go and laugh with you.
But now, you weren't here. He wasn't able to laugh his boiling anger off. You were still somewhere in the icy caves. And Ryker wasn't going to be any help. Like always, it looked like Dagur was going to have to do this himself.
He really hoped his Skrill was in there, or else you'd be making him look like a fool. He also really hoped you were still alive. But he also really didn't want to look like a fool.
"Where do you think you're going?" Ryker's grating voice called out, making Dagur's whole body twitch with annoyance. By the Norns, he hated that man's voice, and endless proding!
"Getting my Skrill back!" He shouted over his shoulder. If it weren't for the iron grip he had on his torch, Dagur would've sent it straight through the Dragon Hunter's head, hearing Ryker laugh at him. If only the Skrill could come barreling out of the cavern just then. Like Hiccup and his stupid Night Fury always seemed to do.
The ice cave was just as expected - long, dark, and very cold. Barely five minutes into his search, Dagur started shaking like a fish out of water. Violently trembling from the cold. He debated on turning back. Let go of this Skrill dream entirely, that perhaps it was an unhealthy obsession he developed and would benefit him in letting it go.
The thought made him laugh. Loudly and sporadically, his hysteria bounced off the endless tunnel walls. He giggled to himself when he heard his laugh come back to him. Sounded just as insane as he remembered.
Another sound followed the dying echoes of his laugh. One that sent a full body shiver through the Deranged. That same howl, like a screech of home. A dragon's. His dragon.
Bursting into a full on sprint, Dagur ran down the cave, guffawing with excitement. He's dreamt of this day for years, the situation of reuniting with his dearest Skrill playing over in his head like a bard who only knew how to play one song. He would soon use his beloved beast to destroy little Hiccup in a blast of pure lightning. Another drool-worthy ideal that he never stopped wishing for.
Dagur turned the last twist of the tunnel before the beast of royal purple and toned grey became visible. Wide mouth filled with rows of sharp teeth bared before him. The metallic spiky crown the dragon wore was even more daunting in the unusual lighting of fire reflected against frozen water. A sight so enthralling, Dagur's mind went blank.
Mind flooded with excitement, Dagur broke out into a large smile and simply gawked. The cold didn't exist in this moment as he stared at his precious baby. So giddy that he raised both his hands up with a loud, concerning cry and spun in a circle.
"That's right!" He hollered to no one in particular. "Dagur and Skrilly, reunited once more! Ohohoho!" He laughed with his entire body, moving wildly in his joy.
The ripple of dark scales had Dagur turning back around. The Skrill curled into itself as a bright white hue began to glow from his mouth. Drawing his sword, he held it pointed to the beast.
"It's alright, baby." He tried shushing the Skrill, cooing in his gravelly voice. "Daddy Dagur's here for you."
The Skrill had better ideas. He shot a bolt of lightning barely a foot away from Dagur.
He was about to shout. Ready to lose his temper that his own darling would try to hurt him, but that sharp green gaze caught on something beneath those steely purple legs. A figure lumped under the dragon. It seemed like sweet Skrilly was protecting this nearly dead thing.
As another blast of lightning began to charge in the dragon's mouth, Dagur dropped his stance for a moment. His eyes fell to a sword that was laying far from the other two. The same sword he often sparred with. Grabbed along with his own, to hand to his partner in battle. The same sword he's had to help rewrap over 10 times because, for whatever reason, you couldn't keep the yak leather tight around the hilt.
Your sword.
Wait a second. That's you?
He tried to get a better look but the Skrill opened his mouth even wider, ready to blast again. Thank Odin he was a Berserker. Directing Skrills was in his blood.
Dagur waved his sword back and forth until the Skrill could only focus on it. Making sure those slitted pupils were trained on his blade, he lowered the sword and threw it across the ice. Away from you. Unfortunately, the beast stayed put, but his eyes were trained on the sword Dagur had to sacrifice. Skrill's are painfully loyal to those who treat them well. And saving them from an icy prison would be a perfect reason why the dragon refused to move.
Dagur made a mental note to yell at you for gaining his Skrilly's trust before him. After he saved you, of course.
"Come on, baby, work with me here." Dagur tried to reason as he lowered himself closer to the ground. "They're with me. And you like them, right? So you'll like me, too."
The fire-lightning sparked back up in his mouth the second Dagur tried to take another step. He gritted his teeth, trying to think of another way to get to you. They both looked at the torch he held.
Dagur wasn't about to burn the Skrill but he desperately needed to get to you. You had been in here for hours. How long have you been unconscious for? The next place he might see you is in Valhalla. He really didn't want to risk death in order to see you again.
Waving his torch around like he'd done his sword, Dagur began to walk around his Skrill. Every time the dragon tried to lunge forward, he would jump right back at him. The fire discouraging the Skrill just enough to push him away from you. Only the strong and unbelievably gorgeous wing of him hovered above you. Dagur could work with that.
"Hey, wakey wakey!" Dagur dropped to his knees beside you, his free hand reaching for your wrist. His hands always felt so rough compared to your skin. It made him feel... embarrassed that his hold could grate on yours.
As he ran his hand down your arm, panic started seeping in. You were as cold as the floor beneath the two of you. Your fingers were beginning to turn blue. He couldn't see you breathing, not when you were so curled in on yourself.
"Hey," He set his torch on the ground. He didn't care if it was burning out, he needed you alive. "Stay with me." His voice started to raise in tone as he softly grabbed your shoulders. Rolling you on your back, you moved far too loosely. He could tell you no longer had control of your limbs.
Eyes growing wide, Dagur cupped your face with one of his hands. The apple of your cheeks - where pretty freckles, often paired with a slight red the sun always burned onto your skin - was tinting blue. And so was your precious nose. That wasn't good.
Oh Thor, this wasn't good.
Dagur pressed his ear to your chest, silently begging for a breath. He could settle for a heartbeat, a faint one, even! He just needed to know you were still alive!
His search was interrupted when he was scooped into the air. He scrambled to grab you, holding you close to his chest as he started to raise and slide backwards. Letting out an uneasy laugh, his back hit a rod that winded him.
Keeping his arms tight around your freezing torso, Dagur looked down. Sitting on purple scales against dark spikes, he realized all too late what was happening.
"Easy, dragon!" He pleaded with a yelp. The Skrill roared and stood on his hind legs. He scrambled to seat you in front of him, awkwardly sliding behind your limp self and reaching around to grab the crown of the dragon. His left hand barely gripped onto a spike when the Skrill took off with a gut-deep growl.
Dagur's screams came out like his laughs, sporadic and changing in tone. And frantic. Very- extremely frantic. The light blue colors of ice blurred past him, cold wind whipping through his red hair. Cold quickly shifted into warmer air. Ice no longer surrounding him, turning into the sand of the beach outside.
He could barely make out the shouts of the hunters over his own. His next sight was crashing face first into sand. Tumbling further until he hit one of the ship posts. Taking at least one other man down with him.
"What in Thor's name-?" Ryker ran out from his ship. He was ready to shout and yell at the morons he was given to work with for being so idiotic. His loud voice died deep in his throat when his eyes landed on the beast. He was certain Dagur had gone insane, far more insane than normal when he trusted an ex Dragon Rider to lead him to the rarest dragon besides the Night Fury.
Purple and grey scales glimmered in the sun. Sharp teeth nearly chomping one of his hunters in half for getting too close. Metallic spikes running down the dragon's back. Ryker gawked with a dropped jaw.
"It's the Skrill!" One of the hunters called out. "Chain him!" Some screamed. "Cage him!" Yelled another. But Dagur beat them all.
"No one touches MY Skrill!" He bellowed, running back over to 'his skrill.'
Instead of throwing the nets over the dragon, Ryker watched with a scowl as Dagur skidded to a stop in front of the beast. His eyebrows shot up with surprise as the Berserker pulled you off the Skrill's back. Maybe having a Dragon Rider on the team wasn't such a bad idea.
Or maybe it was, since you flopped over into Dagur's hold like a ragdoll. You didn't ride that dragon! You were simply stuck on its back.
"Come on, please." Dagur set you on the sand gently, keeping your head steady. The words stumbled past his lips before he could reign in his emotions. "I need you." His voice was barely a whisper but it still cracked with pain. He didn't want to lose you. He couldn't.
His hand rested on your chest, still desperate to find a sign of life. Yet again, the Skrill had a better idea and knocked Dagur backwards. Falling on his butt, Dagur wanted to kick the beast in the snout. He was trying to make sure you were alive! What did the dragon think it was doing?!
The sun blacked out as clouds began to accumulate above the docks. The back of the Skrill began to arch, the metal rods on his back starting to vibrate. Bright and blinding, sparking lightning burned in his mouth.
Dagur watched in horror as the Skrill roared. His eyes nearly shot out of his head when the Skrill let his head drop onto your chest. Sending a Thor's worthy amount of electricity right through your body.
Static cracked the air, loud enough to leave everyone's ears ringing. As soon as they appeared, the dark storm clouds dispersed and the Skrill stepped back. Bursts of lightning still danced on the beast, weaving between the tall stakes of metal on his back. He watched you, eyes narrowed, and the tip of his nose brushing up your legs.
A scream of pure rage began to bubble in Dagur's throat. His beast, his Skrill, had just killed you!? Sending a bolt through you and probably charing your body inside and out?! Like yak on a stick!?
The sand crunched in between his fists, arms twitching with restrained anger. His two favorite things combined, resulting in one of them dead. He was going to wear that Skrill's skull as a helmet!
The silent building tension between the hunters, Dagur, and the dragon was interrupted by a violent choke.
You sat up abruptly, gasping and choking on nothing. Your arms locked around your knees, still shivering from the ice you once laid on. Whether you were deep in shock, too literally shocked, or far too cold, you failed to realize that you were out of the cave.
It took Dagur three seconds before he was bolting to your side. He was trying to be gentle, but his desperation seemed to make his movements too rigid. You saw him from the corner of your eye, and in a blind panic, smacked the ever loving Odin out of him.
A gasp went around the surronding hunters as Dagur stood back, still facing the way you hit him with his cheek beginning redden. You blinked a couple of times before letting out a relieved cry and jumped up to hug him.
"By Thor, I thou- thought you ha- ad left m- me!" Your words were skewered by your clattering teeth. He felt far warmer in your hold than you remembered. Not that you were complaining, you simply dug yourself into him even further.
Dagur stood still for a few more moments, emerald eyes glaring at you through the corners. It was then you realized what you had just done. You let your hold on him slip as you stared up at him, trembling from the cold - and new-found fear.
Two steps back was all you made it before Dagur's thick arms caught around you. Pulling you into his chest, he squeezed you tight enough to practically crush you. With this confirmation, you wrapped your own arms around him and sighed shakily.
"I wouldn't have left you." His breath tickled your ear, beard scratching against your cheek as he spoke low enough so only you could hear. He pulled back, and set you in front of him with a firm grip on your shoulders. "Let's get you into warmer clothes, especially out of that armour." He declared with a flick to your bracers.
You glanced down at your outfit. Your arms seemed to only grow colder if you held them around your chestplate. Nodding, you fell into his side. He wrapped an arm over your shoulders and helped you move towards the boats.
A sharp poke hit you in the back, followed by a low growl. Turning around, you saw the beast you had been chasing all week.
"Is th- that the Sk- skrill?" Your eyes went wide as you stared back at the dragon. Dagur nodded.
"He likes you," He pinched your ear lightly, making you pull away slightly. He always loved your little reactions. "You were supposed to just free it, not bond with it." The red head stuck his lower lip out in a pout.
"I fr- reed it-z?" Your tongue stiffened on the last syllable, making it sound like a buzz. He laughed and patted your back, urging you to keep walking.
"Yup. He flew you out here." You looked around with new eyes, the earlier shock beginning to fade.
"We're outside?"
"ENOUGH-" You flinched at Dagur's outburst. He held his other hand out, and took a breath. "Enough questions. Just- back to the boat."
You nodded and accepted his unofficial apology by continuing to lean into him. He was so muscular, it felt like you were walking alongside a tree. A very intimidating, genuine, and passionate tree log. Dagur was far more handsome than a log, too.
Your hazy gaze stared up at him from under his arm. If he could tell you were staring, he didn't show it. He wore his usual smug smirk, a gentle squeeze around you, but nothing more.
"The Skrill comes with us." Dagur held out his hand to the oncoming hunters. They slowed to a stop, green axes and chains in their lowered hands. Sharing a confused look, they turned to Ryker, who finally got off from his post on his ship.
"What makes you think that, exactly?" Ryker asked, eyes falling behind you to the beast.
Dagur hemmed and hawed as he removed his arm from you, guiding you to rest on the Skrill for support. The dragon purred, rough and deep, as you rested your hand on his neck.
"Oh I don't know," Dagur tapped his chin, his other hand counting something on his fingers. "Maybe because, well," He chuckled. "I FOUND IT?!" He shouted in Ryker's face, green eyes bugging out of his head. His nostrils flaring in his face.
Ryker stared down at him with a bored brow. Dagur glared right back, breathing heavily. With a roll of his eyes, Ryker backed up with a raised hand. His men backed off as well.
Dagur turned back to you, nodding to the large boat. He hit Ryker's shoulder as you three passed. The Skrill bared his teeth at the lead Dragon Hunter, sensing the discomfort he was causing. Growl vibrating his throat as you patted the dragon, a gentle reminder that you were fine.
You followed Dagur to the ship with small steps. Your tremors made it hard to stay upright, and the Skrill could only help you so much. Dagur threw his head back with a sigh when he noticed the distance between you two.
He trotted back and pulled you into his side once again, keeping an arm around your shoulders. The Skrill walked along your other side, offering more support, if you needed it. Together, they helped you to the ship and into Dagur's quarters.
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happy blorbo blursday, rune! for any oc that's living in free in your brain: 8, 25, 42, and 50 from this ask game? sending good ~~ vibes ~~ and good luck to you. :3 - 🔮⛈
hello and how are you?
Happy Very Too Late, Much Belated Blorbo Blursday, Enchant! Thank you for dropping by, sorry it took us almost like, ten years to get back to you, we are doing things now, we promise. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Ask Game In Question! c:
Content Tag List (ask to be added or removed) @a-completely-normal-writer | @aalinaaaaaa | @autumnalwalker | @bardic-tales | @emersonjydestein | @enchanted-lightning-aes | @fearofahumanplanet | @howsweetthewords |@jessica-writes22 | @junypr-camus | @lockejhaven | @midnight-and-his-melodiverse | @papercutsunset | @perasperaadastrawriting | @talesofsorrowandofruin
We will be focusing on our Observer Mitch, for this one! :D
Eight: If they were an animal, which one would they be? Which one would they think they’d be?
Mitch would totally pin himself as either a cat or dog; an animal that is common and most would instantly think of bc he doesn't really note himself as fancy or any kind of version of stand-out material.
BUT we think that if Mitch were an animal, he would more than likely either be a birdie - one of prey, either a hawk or owl - or a ferret. Not sure why about the ferrets, save the one thing that I remember about them which would be that those fuckers enjoy fighting badass sneks.
Twenty-Five: What’s one thing they’re utterly incapable of doing without the help of someone else?
Tbh, this would be something for Mitch in the past, bc Mitch has been alive for a bit and honestly, he has had a lot of time to learn so many things and perfect them enough to do things by himself.
But for baby Mitch, when he was still young and new to the Worlds, one of the things that he could not do without the help of his siblings is communicate.
He was a mute child for the longest time, and a lot of the time, he didn't really know how to communicate his needs or desires or anything close to actual discussion. A lot of his thoughts were more emotions and visuals and vague thoughts that only ever could be weaved by his siblings, thanks to their Connections with one another.
A lot of the time, it was kind of playing charades with zero rules or any kind of actual phrase you were guessing.
Forty-Two: What’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
Honestly, for Mitch, most people tend to think of him as strict and more monotone and quiet. He is very much soft spoken but also very solid with his words. He tends not to mince things, or beat around the bush, and tends to come off as cold and calculating, to most people who see him for the first time.
So, first impressions are definitely normally not on the happy end for Mitch, as many people think of him as someone to simply respect and fear, than really anything else.
Fifty: Do they have any insecurities?
Mitch definitely has some insecurities, and they are mostly ones that he tries to hide very deeply in his heart and mind, so that they don't try to claw themselves out into the Worlds.
One of the main ones would be the thought that he isn't strong enough to protect the people that he cares for. He holds a lot of instances in which he couldn't protect the ones he loves. And even though a lot of the instances were out of his control, he still holds that though in his mind and it tends to show in protectiveness of those that are in his charge.
He is very much a worrying one, especially silently and especially with instances that are within his control. Bc he refuses to let his people slip through his hands again.
It ended up being thrown and hidden within our draft hoard, and we just found it again today. (/□\*)・゜
So we are so sorry, our beloved Enchant, we hope you didn't think we deleted your ask or anything, if you even remember sending this one in. Thank you for asking us, even though we were done and lost it within our drafts.
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This Ask Led To A 100 Word Drabble! ◝( ′ㅂ`)و ̑̑
Into The Word Box: 12,970
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