#and for the bad photo quality its very late here lol
autonomousxselves · 1 month
//Did I ever mention how much I love Aigis (2 pics under read more to save space)
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degenderates · 11 months
ok fuck it. ranking covers of a home at the end of the world by michael cunningham because guys some of these covers slap and some of them are the ugliest shit i've ever seen. this is the kind of post i would have used to make back in my tiktok days but there's no way im opening that app by my own will again. so mutuals read this post.
last place/ugliest cover first.
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the stock photo. literally what is going on here. the font is practically unreadable and makes no sense. the image itself looks like someone pulled it right off shutterstock. its giving my middle school vsco account. why are there three women on the front? the story is primarily about two guys and one girl. i mean there is a second female pov but she's not part of the polycule. font is clean but ugly. bye.
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the movie poster one. i have so much beef with this cover, even as a movie poster. they literally took three screenshots of the movie and overlayed them into a weird collage type thingy. why is colin farrell standing like that?? why is the character jonathan in the back?? it's giving disney channel. it's giving early 00s--in a bad way. no rights at all. 🍅🍅🍅
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the perks of being a wallflower one. i guess there was a craze for late 90s books to have typewriter font in the middle of a minimalistic cover?? i hate minimalistic, abstract covers. you could choose to tell us something about the book but no. here is an orange circle and a black circle. okay.
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the modern cover (i assume). i like the watercolor and how it's not too busy but there's still a discernable image (unlike a CERTAIN cover i just discussed...🙄). the font kind of fucks up the whole thing though. it doesn't match the vibes of the book at all. it's very new-adult-romance and just feels off. because yeah technically the book is about new adults and their relationship drama but it's not this...cute.
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the uk cover (?). the quality of this image sucks but i literally could only find it on abebooks.co.uk so. it's not bad, just really busy. the font has a shadow so it can be readable but that makes it feel even more cluttered. i like how the angel statue makes an appearance, but all the colors and how bright it is just makes it feel like a little too much.
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the color burned one. honestly while i like the vibes i'm not quite sure who this lady is supposed to be. that looks like a wing so she's probably the white angel statue, but she looks too human. and angels aren't different colors like that. i like how this is simple and black, very classy. but ultimately it doesn't really make a lot of sense.
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the grey one. this is simple, but nice. it's dark but with light shining behind the house--a nice balance of hardships but also hope, which fits the story. there's a swingset, which makes sense given the story is about growing up, in a sense. and there might have been a swingset at the actual house in the book. can't remember. the font is clean. a little sci-fi/futuristic for my taste but that's alright i guess. this is the cover i have. i guess i should be lucky it's not one of the previous ones but i really wish i had the next one...
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the first edition. look it's classy. it's gothic. the angel is there. the sky looks like it could be ohio or nyc. there's powerlines. the font is stylish but not over the top. it's not too bright. it's slaying. one of my favorite things about this cover is how it emphasizes the angel, because the book itself was written around michael cunningham's seminal short story "white angel" which i have talked about a lot on this blog. it also is in a similar pose to the actual angel statue it was based on, the black angel of iowa city (shown below). i'm a fan. i wish i had this cover soooo bad<333
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overall thoughts: most of these covers are kind of shitty lol. this book deserves better</3 if one of y'all live in the US, dont care much about covers, and want a free copy of this book i'll send my copy (the grey cover) to you for free just so i can buy the top ranked one on ebay lol. anyways if u got to the end and found this at all entertaining, tell me so. this was fun to do except when tumblr deleted the whole thing and i had to remake the entire post!!! lol!!!! and y'all should read this book because it's very good and very messy queer and i adore it deeply. <3
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jonghyunlesbian · 11 months
i am interested in your shinee concert experience pls show/tell me everything
sorry for responding late i had a Lot To Say and this took me a while! but yes !! i’ll do a read more because this will be long lol
so firstly i saw shinee in dallas for the fanmeet and for SWV! the fanmeet was july 31, 2016 (i have the official poster hanging up in my room lol) and the concert was march 24, 2017 (i get reminders that i took a lot of photos that day still).
so unfortunately i think my photos and vids from the fanmeet specifically might be lost to time? because i had a different phone and it wasnt an iphone however if i remember correctly it wasn’t very long only about an hour and a half and they only played about 5-6 songs since it was a fanmeet. they had a segment where they called fans onstage to guess what song was playing and they got to stand onstage with the members!! we also had banners we held up during the last song for taemin’s birthday ❤️ at the end end, the girl i sat next to had a poster saying she was minho’s biggest fan or something along those lines and i think shawols know he always stays onstage the longest after they finish to say goodbye to everyone lol so everyone around her was frantically waving their lightsticks to get him to see and he saw it and pointed at her and smiled it was sooooo cute!!
i dont have much merch from the fanmeet but i have the poster (its just their main photo from view with black text stating the fanmeet info on it)
i’ve had the same phone since december of 2016 so i def have the photos and vids from swv!!!! i went with some of my close friends at the time and my brother and i was SAWBING the whole time it was so embarrassing … anyway to warn anyone i was in an obstructed seat which at concerts means my view was a bit more limited (in my case i was at the very far left if the stage like last seats of the row situation). also this concert is very memorable to me because not only was it a full length concert (shineeworlds are notoriously like 3 entire hours) but i also surprised my brother with the tickets on his birthday the week before ❤️ he had literally no idea until then that we were going and we cried for like an hour when i told him LMAO
i have a BUNCH of shinee world 5 merch like i bought almost everything LOL and i’m soooooo glad i did in hindsight because i genuinely thought theyd tour more and obviously a lot has happened since march of 2017 so i’m really thankful to have had the opportunity and experience of seeing them ! if i ever want to move on from shinee merch i am 1000% raffling it off to tumblr friends !
in terms of the photos i’ll post i want to apologize because they are really bad quality 1. i had those obscured seats 2. i took most of my photos while recording too! 3. i can only post a few here but i took hundreds and a dozen videos!
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big takeaways from seeing them live were: onew sounds even better live than recorded! jonghyun is goofy and charismatic! key is so funny and spoke english the whole time and also his head was really big (i’m sorry diva but it’s true 😇 ily)! minho absolutely adores shawol and always has! taemin flows and dances like well oiled machine its beautiful! they are absolutely fucking amazing live, they put every ounce into every single song they perform and genuinely want to make the fans enjoy the experience its so fucking fun!!!
my last thing! here is the setlists from the fanmeet and from swv for archival purposes and in case anyone was curious!
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z3llous · 3 years
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This is my entry for Sanjifest! I started working on this in January, but it fit the prompt well (oof a few months put into this). It has both text and illustration (Lol I hope the difference in quality over time isn’t too bad). I hope you love it!
Prompt: “That is definitely not what I was expecting.”
I can't be late
They quickly rounded the corner only to crash into someone, the briefcase previously in their hand hitting the pavement and sliding away.
They scrambled to get up, looking to see an outstretched hand. Hesitating for a moment, they took it.
"You dropped this." The  pretty blond stranger said holding their briefcase.
"Yes, thank you. I'm sorry I really don't have time to talk." They grabbed it and turned to leave.
"Wait, what's your name?"
"It's Y/n!" They answered before rushing away.
He sighed watching them vanish in the distance.
"Y/n...Damn, they're beautiful. At least I got their name..."
Bright colors of flowers decorated the town. He was normally too busy to stop and smell the literal roses that florists put out during the first week of summer.
His eyes trailed aimlessly over the crowd and recognized a familiar form he'd been seeking every time he visited the area.
He couldn't miss such an opportunity.
"Y/n!" He waved excitedly catching their attention.
"Why hello, I didn't expect to see you again." Y/n said once they reached him.
"You remember me!"
"Of course, how could I forget. Your look is quite signature." They laughed.
"True, very true." He laughed in return and rubbed the back of his neck.
"I was in a bit of a hurry last time we met, so I didn't get a name."
"Oh, it's Sanji." He was sure they weren't from around there, but still hoped they wouldn't recognize it.
"Lovely to officially meet you, Sanji." They gently took his hand and placed a soft kiss upon his knuckles.
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 He froze. The gears had stopped turning in his mind, that was a first for him.
"Hello, Sanji?" Y/n tried not to laugh and snapped their fingers to bring him back to land of the living.
"Huh? Uh... Oh...OH! Yes?" His eyes flitted everywhere except them when he realized what happened.
"Would you like to join me for the rest of the evening?" They leaned in, looked up with a playful expression, and offered a hand.
"O-of course" He timidly accepted their hand.
I'm going to die of a heart attack before the sun sets.
Hues of pink and purple spread across the horizon, coating the atmosphere in serenity. A zephyr caressed their skin affectionately as they traversed toward the pier.
The remaining rays of the day highlighted his distant form in an ethereal manner. It left them frozen in an entranced state, thankfully he was yet to notice them.
Once Y/n returned they had to muster the confidence to approach him and begin their implied "date".
With my job you'd think this would be easy for me, but no I can't even walk up to him. Damn pretty boy, had to look angelic...
Fortunately, he turned to see them and the problem had been solved.
"Oh, Y/n! I hope your trip was pleasant. I wish you'd let me pick you up though." He said excitedly.
"Yes, the train ride was pleasant. I've told you before, the hotel I'm staying at is out of town. I'd rather not have you making such a trip over me." They stated calmly with a mild smile.
"But Y/n I want to~"
"I know you do. Alright, once I've finally quit my job and moved into a house I'll let you pick me up." They pretended to be deep in thought.
"I won't forget it!" He laughed.
"Yeah, yeah. Now, c'mon I'd like to start exploring before everything closes. I don't normally get to visit the seaside." Y/n held out their hand, trying not show the excitement bubbling within.
"I thought your job required travel." He grabbed their hand.
"It does, but not normally more relaxed areas, like here."
"You never told what you do." He thought aloud looking to the warm colored wisps of cloud.
"I would if I could.  My work often involves rich people, who don't like me talking about their business. I should be out of there soon, anyway." They sighed.
"Oh, that makes sense. I wouldn't want to get you in trouble." He lightly tightened his hold of their hand.
"Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the moment." They squeezed back.
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Their time spent in town was sweet and filled with playful teasing.
As the sun sunk into the sea they bought warm drinks from a cafe and decided to spend the remaining time together on the beach.
Sand underfoot made pleasant sound as they walked, steam from the cups swirled off into the cool night air.
"Y/n?" He stopped walking.
"I'm sure you've heard of the upcoming ball at the palace... Would you be my date?" He lifted their hand up, thumb rubbing their knuckles, and eyes glistening under moon light in anticipation.
"That's definitely not what I was expecting. Yes, of course, I'd love to be your date." Y/n gave him a soft smile.
Sanji set their drinks down carefully, before turning around to excitedly wrap his arms around and lift them slightly off the ground in an embrace. He was so happy he couldn't help but laugh a bit.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you-" He chanted.
"Alright. Alright. I get it." They laughed.
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Piano wafted through the air seductively as they took sip of the golden fluid glowing under the citrine light above. 
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A figure dressed in auburn approached from behind to sit across from them. 
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"Rue, late as always." Y/n stated swishing their drink around to admire it.
"Yes, well one doesn't wake up looking this good." She joked, her ruby nails searched through her bag.
She pulled out and slid a sheet of paper across the table top.
Y/n's eyes trailed over the words taking in the information.
"So Mr. Zero wants me to go out with a bang, huh?" They mused glancing up to meet Rue's Amber eyes.
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"It would seem so. He doesn't want you to live to tell the tale." She laughed. Her burgundy lips slowly formed a devilish smirk and she leaned forward. "Surprise him." 
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Y/n stood outside staring at the paper.
"I might not be able to keep my promise. I don't know if I'll live long enough to have a home of my own. I'm sorry, Sanji."
They took one last look before setting the page alight.
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Text of page:
The sound their shoes hitting the marble floor echoed in Y/n's mind. The crowd surrounding was nothing more than background noise. The butterflies that fluttered about inside them were far too distracting. Tonight was the night. Be it the end or the beginning, They didn't know.
The people gathered around the stage hoping to sneak a glance of the royal family behind the curtain.
A man with spiked green hair walked up, introduced himself as Bartolomeo, and began a long fangirly speech about the royal family.
Y/n took this moment to look around for Sanji and Rue.
There She was sitting and sipping a glass of wine, classic Rue. She must've sensed Their eyes, for she gave them a smile and thumbs up.
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Sanji was no where to be seen, Crowd: nope, Tables: nothing, or maybe the food table? No, not there either.
They took a deep breath and chose not to worry about it.
Finally a  foot peaked out from under the curtain and kicked him, effectively causing the ball to begin. Piano played, Bartolomeo stepped off stage, and the curtains were drawn.
One by one each butterfly once aflutter now dropped dead and began to rot.
There he was, sitting on a throne with the rest of the Straw Hats.
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The blade grew warm as their stomach twisted itself into a tight knot. The joyful music felt to be coming from another room.
They were too dazed to notice the people preparing to dance and the royal family walking off stage to join in.
"Y/n?" Sanji called their name again. When he did he get so close?
"There you are. Sorry, was that too shocking? I didn't know how to tell you." He rubbed his neck, the tile below seemed rather interesting to him.
"That's...Alright. It's not like you could've brought it up easily." They too found the tile to be interesting.
As nice as the tile was, no solutions to the new problem could be found in it.
"Um, would you allow me a dance?" He offered his hand, glancing at them.
"How could I say no?" They took his hand and smiled, sweeping the dead butterflies under the rug to be dealt with later.
They gracefully swirled around and around, hands intertwined, hearts racing, and warmth rising to their faces. Though they tried to rid of it, a dull ache lingered deep beneath.
The song met its end which led to the beginning of another.
"C'mon follow me." He whispered as they slipped through a door and into a photo filled hallway.
Y/n paused for moment to look at a picture of Sanji running with who they thought to be King Luffy on his back. Many other pictures with others just as happy surrounded it.
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I wish I had something like that
He walked ahead and opened a door.
"Here it is." He motioned for them to step through.
"Oh my-" They had lost their words.
An intricate ebony fence wrapped around the garden keeping the delicate flowers safe as they admired the ivory fountain in the center.
"Beautiful isn't it? I often come here to escape the king's insatiable hunger." He joked taking their hand and leading them to the center. "Nothing compared to you though." He smiled and traced along their cheek to move a strand of hair behind their ear.
They grew flustered and took a step forward, only for their foot to be caught on a brick in the path. They both tumbled down.
Y/n had him pinned to the ground. The two stared at each other for a moment to take in what had just happened and then burst into laughter.
Their laughter died first. The pain quickly settled in.
I can't. I can't give him up.
He noticed their expression and panicked.
"Y/n, what's wrong? Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" Concern dripped from every word.
"I- I need to tell you something." Tears welled in their eyes.
"You know that job I've been trying to get out of?"
"It's Baroque Works. They're in the assassination business. They gave me a suicide mission yesterday. I'm supposed to kill your family. I- I can't do this, but they'll kill me if I don't. I can't I don't know what to do I'm-" Their words grew messier and more fearful the longer they talked, until he cut them off from anymore scared rambling.
"It's going to be alright. Everything is going to be ok. You are going to ok."
He lifted his free hand to wipe away the tears.
"It is?" They mumbled.
"Yes, I promise we'll help you. You're not alone anymore, alright?" He lowered his hand to gently hold their wrist and rub reassuringly with his thumb.
He smiled lovingly up at them.
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"Together." They whispered leaning down catching him in sweet kiss.
"Together." He responded going in for another.
Luffy, as always, was excited to have a new member of the family. Y/n quickly grew accustomed to the chaotic crew (Pun intended).
Rue was interrogated by Nami. Which, surprisingly, went smoothly. They got along quite well, too well. Within the month of them working together they were caught making out by the unfortunate Usopp.
He never forgot it.
"To the end of Baroque Works and the Freedom of  Y/n and Rue!" They Cheered holding up their glasses together in celebration.
Rue turned to Nami and pulled her in for a kiss.
"How did you two even get together?" Usopp groaned.
"Simple, I've always loved shrewd women." Rue joked and slid an arm around her girlfriend's waist.
The devilish couple laughed while Usopp died inside, now he had to deal with two of them.
Y/n sat at the bar where poor Sanji was most frequent the whole evening. He took every chance he got to stop by with a small treat and chat with them, but the demand was high and his visits were few and far between.
Finally the sun had set, everyone had turned in for the night, and Y/n finished helping Sanji clean up, regardless of his wishes.
After preparing for bed Y/n pulled him under the covers and turned off the light.
"Shhhh You've worked hard. You must be so tired. Let me take care of you." They whispered holding him close, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.
He mewled and nuzzled into their touch.
They mumbled sweet words and ran their fingers through his hair until they both fell into peaceful slumber.
The wattpad cover:
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All the illustrations: 
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Sorry to be agitated in your asks, but I just finished catching up on V8 and I'm hung up on a LOT but one of the big things I haven't seen many people talk about is the attitude towards Atlas? The way the show has constantly beaten in that Atlas is BAD, the city as just being the wealthy (and the irl association that that brings to fill in the gaps), with no redeeming qualities and actual decent people being few and far between (hello, Cinder backstory), makes it horribly difficult for us as an audience to connect to its current peril. I had a group of fans I talk with genuinely say that the civilians of Atlas deserve to be slaughtered because, really, "are they even innocent?" - like, what??? How does a show gaff up so badly that the massacre of a city is cathartic or wanted?
You’ve come to the right place, anon, because we’ve indeed been discussing that over here! Not that I can easily point you towards any posts because my blog remains a disorganized mess lol. 
In all seriousness though, yeah. All of the above. The more I think about it, the more I’m leaning towards the claim that the current treatment of Atlas is akin to the current treatment of Ironwood. Which is to say, made illogically, simplistically evil because RWBY does not know how to write (or is simply uninterested in tackling) a situation with this much gray in it. I say this because Atlas wasn’t treated as this #evil city up until late Volume 7/Volume 8. Originally, Weiss represented Atlas, which means we came to think of Atlas as we thought of her: flawed (very much so), but with a good core. Then the Vytal festival introduced us to Atlas students and we learned that Weiss, as the privileged Schnee, really is an exception rather than the rule. Atlas is also (perhaps even mostly) made up of those who are her opposite. Here’s a working class son whose family was screwed over by the Schnees. Here’s a fun, energetic faunus decked out in rainbows. Indeed, Weiss’ comment that she expects military-focused, highly organized fighters is blown out of the water, telling us that her view of the city (and what she as an individual supposedly represents of that city) isn’t accurate. Our other characters reinforce this. Winter appears to be the strict, military official... who eagerly greets her sister and cares that she’s making friends, not succeeding in her studies. Ironwood is the scary-seeming general... who actually listens to his allies and is 100% out to help others as much as he can. Time and again Atlas was shown to be a complicated, but ultimately caring place and that was shown to us through the people it produced and sent out into the world. Even when we hit Volume 7 and were introduced to a very dystopian looking Mantle, the story undermined that simplicity by having the group realize oh, Ironwood is crafting a plan to take out Salem and taking logical precautions to ensure his kingdom survives until then. He’s not just screwing over the city because yay rich people and boo the poor. Things began to fall apart when the group assisted in perpetuating these sacrifices (Amity), became an official part of this flawed system (huntsmen working under Ironwood), and actively undermined Ironwood in his attempts to get something good out of all this (secrets, lies, betrayal) while trying to paint them as the Good Guys to his Bad Decisions, but at least that complexity existed for the viewer to engage with, even if the show refused to acknowledge it. 
But then... late Volume 7. Ironwood shoots an unarmed, allied kid for no reason and with that about-face came a slew of anti-Atlas writing. Whereas before things were a bit more balanced (such as showing us racism in Mantle too) now Atlas is the Bad City to Mantle’s Good one. See how everyone talks about how awful Atlas is, only worthwhile for the protection it can give Mantle citizen? See how the Happy Huntresses have moved from being pro-Mantle to anti-Atlas? See the lack of scenes that give Atlas a human, sympathetic face? Mantle gets that with toys lost in the streets, or abandoned family photos. Atlas has privileged folks having picnics during the end of the world and military men so stupid they run out of the room - right past the heroes! - screaming about coffee on their pants. Atlas is now the transphobic city when transphobia was never introduced in this world before, and it’s the place where our villain was sold as a slave and horrendously tortured with a shock collar for years. Are there at least other, redeeming characters in this story? Only one and the fandom has decided to hate him. 
To be clear, I’m not out to claim that Atlas wasn’t framed as “bad” prior to this, but it’s crucial that nearly everything was filtered through Jacques Schnee. Ballroom full of idiotic, privileged folk who don’t care about the Fall of Beacon? They’re all Jacques’ guests (with Weiss and Ironwood standing as their contrasts). Awful brand on Adam’s face? That’s from the Schnee Dust Company too! Atlas was a city with wealth and that wealth not only created disparity, but allowed a few really bad individuals, like Jacques, to exploit systematic problems. Major flaws to be sure, but otherwise a city like any other, producing good that the audience is meant to love even as it grapples with its problems: Weiss, Winter, the FNKI group, and yes, Ironwood. It’s only when the story decided to turn Ironwood into a villain that we likewise saw this extreme turn towards Atlas as a fully corrupt, irredeemable city. Which makes a certain amount of sense to me because Ironwood represents Atlas and the city represents him in turn. They are are intimately connected. RWBY wanted simplicity despite failing to write a simple problem, so if you’re going to claim, “Ironwood wanting to save the people he feasibly can” is an objectively bad stance, you can’t make those people sympathetic. The audience can’t want Atlas to survive because that makes Ironwood too sympathetic in turn for trying to help them. The general trying to save a city filled with plenty of good people is a hero. The general trying to save a city filled with nothing but rich, racist assholes? Oh, he’s OBVIOUSLY evil.  
You’re right that the way Atlas has been presented makes it difficult to care about its peril. I think that’s the point. It’s really easy to take what RWBY is currently saying at face value and I think that’s why so much of the fandom has reached a “are they even innocent?” mindset. You need to take that second step of asking things like, “So if Atlas is all irredeemable trash, does that mean we should hate Weiss too? If Weiss is an exception because of what Team RWBY taught her, does no one else in the city deserve the chance to learn what she did? What about Winter still working for Ironwood? What about the group’s friends still in the academy? The non-Atlas students attending school? People from other kingdoms who were in the city when the borders closed?” etc. Getting to the point of realizing, “Huh, I don’t think an entire city deserves to perish because of systematic problems largely outside of individual citizens’ control and a few, heinous assholes,” but that requires thinking past what the show is saying right here, right now. 
RWBY now banks almost entirely on its audience believe whatever the claim of the week is. Starting with Ozpin in Volume 6, the show has made a habit of arguing things that are unsupported by the writing that came before this moment, or even, sometimes, the writing that’s happening right now. The latest in this long list is Atlas and, though disappointing, at this point I can’t claim I’m surprised. 
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hangryandlazy · 3 years
africa jul 19
wow lol it’s taken me 2 years to actually put this post together. a LOT has changed since then and it makes me immensely happy to recognize how lucky we were that we’d had 2 insane years of travelling right before the pandemic hit. but this post is not to dwell on that, so let’s get on with it!!
this was our amazing 2019 africa trip~
jun 30, 19 ••• we make our way from hong kong to the netherlands on klm airlines. i distinctly remember how impressed i was with the quality of service and the comfort of the 12ish hour flight. after around 16 hours of commute, we just want to stay in and chill, so we order room service and call it a night early. i recall wearing a fun t-shirt that read, “not to be rude, but shut the fuck up” which i personally find hilarious and endearing, but which made the guy at the front desk quite uncomfortable. lollll oops!
jul 1, 19 ••• yay! we had a full day alone in amsterdam. we (i) decided to walk from the hotel to the town center, because it’s fun experience new cities by exploring them on foot!! why not? you come across many things that you just couldn’t have planned to find.
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look how beautiful the canals in amsterdam are! anywhere you turn, it’s picturesque.
we had lunch at wagamama because i saw that the avant garde vegan, gaz oakley, had done a collaboration with them at some point, so there are some guaranteed vegan options. we then walk around the bloemenmarkt and find our way to the cannabis college, which had 2 verdampers for rent! yesssss! i was so happy. 
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we explored and walked around more, then stopped by a coffee shop to smoke a bit more. there was a lovely vegan cafe right next door, which i’d been eyeing when we went in to smoke, so we had a top up on coffee and matcha there. we saw a cute frenchie across the road and missed the dogs so...
we had dinner at this place called cafe frijdag (which means Friday!) which was delicious! so happy that amsterdam had vegan options for me
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jul 2, 19 ••• we got up bright and early to meet my parents for breakfast and we go to the airport to catch our flight to kigali. about 10 hours later, we were buying sim cards at the kigali airport. we then checked in to the radisson for the night, and it was feeling very surreal to be in africa. i remember feeling anxious.
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jul 3, 19 ••• today started on a somber note. we went to the kigali genocide memorial. i cried a lot, especially at the exhibit with the photographs of only a fraction of the victims during that time.
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then we drove at turtle speed to our next hotel, which was a loooong long way away. we arrived at the lake kivu serena hotel in time for a very late lunch. the cuisine here consists of rice, tortilla-like wraps and papadum-esque crispy rolls.
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this fruit tastes disgusting... it looks like a tomato but isn’t sweet at all. i only remember spitting it out, trying another piece from another plate, and still hating it.
thankfully everyone wanted to relax and take it easy, so we ordered in for dinner and spent the rest of the night chilling.
jul 4, 19 ••• we drove out to see the border between rwanda and the democratic republic of congo. we were told to be very careful about taking photos of the police officers there, so we were. it felt strange to take photos of the border, i’m clearly very ignorant of the relations and history. it was a very busy juncture, with a sea of people crossing this way and that, lots of cars bumbling about and a lot of fruit, as i recall. hahah.
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we then drove out to see a makeshift hot spring. we were asked if we wanted to take a dip, but none of us wanted to..... felt bad saying no, but really not worth it, sorry.
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https://vimeo.com/568059672  (okay, i’m unable to embed more videos so links will have to do until i figure out something better...)
we took a boat ride along the lake, but there wasn’t that much to see around there, it was pretty dirty and murky... reminded me of the hong kong harbor, with trash floating around. it was also freezing, so i wasn’t having any fun at all.
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we went to the gym and worked out a little bit because there was a lot of time to kill in between returning to hotel and our private pre-planned bbq dinner on the beach. we were lucky enough to enjoy traditional rwandan dancing which was absolutely gorgeous.
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jul 5, 19 ••• we spent most of our morning in the car, having crossed the border to the republic of uganda. we stopped by a cute cafe along the way for lunch, but it was a grueling 4-5 hour car ride to mahogany springs, which was our hotel for the gorilla trekking. we managed to arrive around 715pm, by which time it was pretty dark and scary outside. the other car had broken down twice, once in the dark as well, so spirits were low and there was a lot of muttering and grumbling done under people’s breath. everyone was ravenous by the time dinner was served, but despite how late it was, it was absolutely delicious and i was happy! (also grateful for our car not having broken down)
jul 6, 19 ••• we woke up VERY early in anticipation of gorilla trekking. we waited around the hotel lobby after some coffee and biscuits for breakfast. it was an awful lot of waiting, but i didn’t sense anything wrong until i saw how pissed off our tour guide looked. it turns out our permits had gotten stolen! probably bribes.
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here we were mucking around, still anticipating gorilla trekking.
we didn’t let it slow us down though. i actually am grateful for how things turned out because we wouldn’t have gotten to experience uganda like that without this turn of events. we joined a community tour that showed us how tea is harvested, how coffee is grown, harvested and round, as well as how bananas may be used to make juice, beer and gin! very cool
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african tea leaves
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these are flowers from the coffee tree
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the different stages of the coffee plant
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this is henry, he owns this coffee plantation. here, henry shows us how to the use this contraption, the purpose of which is to grind coffee beans into powder
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here henry is, sifting the coffee powder
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here are my parents, having the time of their life (lol at my dad)
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fresh bananas
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these are the different stages of a banana’s life: from raw to ripe to fermenting. it can be made into juice and liquor.
we then visited a local school, where we were entertained by kids from kindergarten to 6th grade. we learned about their mission and goals to educate the younger generations by providing classrooms and a dining hall and even dorms for boarding. the singing and dancing was BRILLIANT. loved every single second of it. wish i’d joined in and not cared about what anyone thought.
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we stopped by a women’s community center and saw a lot of cool crafts and art. that was on the way to the batwa pgymy tribe. we learned how they integrated with the batwa community. they showed us some dances they have dedicated to the gorillas, for which they are very grateful because it brings tourists in and therefore gives them an income. they showed us how to use a bow and arrow to hunt, and how they weave baskets and make handicrafts.
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alan with the leader of the pgymy tribe
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one of our guides spotted 2 chameleons, which was super impressive. he even brought the chameleon down close to us so that we could see it. i won’t ever understand how he was able to spot it in the wild, and from so far away as well.
we returned to the lodge and had lunch. the veggie stir fry was pretty dang good. it was served with posho, which is a maize bread, beans, and also matate (???) which reminded me a lot of plantain. back at the hotel, we chilled (without tv or wifi) until dinner. alan fell asleep, and i kept myself busy sorting out photos. dinner was early, and our night was early because we were promised gorilla trekking in the morning!
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jul 7, 19 ••• we were up and ready to leave by 7am. we were in the clear! we drove a little bit to the bwindi impenetrable national park for some entertainment (dancing and singing) from local students and a hilarious briefing on what to expect and do’s and don’ts of the trek. 
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we then had separate meetings within our trekking groups. ours was quite big, with 10 tourists, because michael and our guides had spent HOURS the day before handling our stolen permits. an exception was made to accommodate us all, so our group consisted of the starke’s, alan, kerstin, a couple from oregon, and an english family. we had to get in another car and drive a bit to the mountain, where we met our porters and then began our trek!
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the hike up was difficult, and at times i legit feared for my life because the mud/rocks were loose and one wrong step would have had us tumbling down the edge of the mountain... and that was me at age 28!! cannot imagine how my parents were feeling...
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alan with meddie
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as we made our way to the gorilla family, we encountered a solo young male who was soooo friendly, he cut across our group, like right down the middle, and he even reached out and touched my mom on her jacket! it was wild that a gorilla was that close to us, and then he left as quickly as he had joined.
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this is the photo my mom managed to take when the young gorilla male was right next to her
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we kept on hiking and found a large. our guide, meddie, told us that we were lucky to have found such a large family doing a whole bunch of different activities: we saw mothers nursing their babies, babies swinging from the trees and playing with one another, sub adult males beating their chests and other members of the family eating and feeding. we even got to watch as a silverback gorilla pulled a very healthy poop out of its butt, and we ran into him snacking again later on.
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on the way down, it started raining a little bit. we all slipped at one point or another, but it was especially dangerous for my dad so we all had to slow down our pace a little bit to match his speed. thank god he had a porter there to help him out and save him. 
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we returned to the same place as where we had started our morning for a debriefing, and we each received a certificate to show that we had been on this trek. we waited around a little bit for the other group to arrive, and were once again very grateful that our experience was much more pleasant. one lady in the other group had to leave the trek on a stretcher, and the others were caught in the rain on their way to the gorillas, so it must have been a cold and awful experience on their end. 
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us after the successful completion of our gorilla trek!!
we headed to a local inn nearby where we had a late lunch and could change into dry clothes. we then drove a bumpy 4 hours to mweya safari lodge, located inside queen elizabeth national park. we made a couple of stops along the way (one of which was in the middle of nowhere so that people could go pee out in the open where animals are potentially roaming around?!?!?) and when we finally arrived, it was already 830/9ish pm.... we insisted to order room service because we were pooped, and we got showered and hit the hay.
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this cute sign was outside the lodge!
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this super old school cash register was at the lodge too
jul 8, 19 ••• today started off with a game drive, early in the morning! 
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we drove around the gorgeous park and saw elephants, warthogs, antelope, eagles, all sorts of bird and butterflies, buffalo and weird-looking lemur or ferret creatures. we thought it was great, but some other members of the group were underwhelmed. 
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this is the view from the car we sat in for the safari
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this gorgeous tree houses sooo many bird’s nests! do you see them?
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cute antelope we saw on the tour
after lunch at the hotel, we went on a boat tour around the kazinga channel. i think it was called lake edward? we saw many animals again, including crocodile, elephants, buffalo, all sorts of birds, and hippos.
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favorite photo of my parents ¨̮
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we followed a few elephant cuties along the bank. it drizzled for a little bit in between.
dinner was delicious. it was a great buffet, although i was severely grossed out by the ants that joined us on the dining table.
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there were so many animals on the grounds of the lodge. don’t be fooled by how cute these guys look, we saw them fight over raw meat at some point! we also saw a warthog stroll around.
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jul 9, 19 ••• we were up bright and early today for a quick breakfast before heading right on out. on the way to entebbe, we stopped by a local motel for lunch. the service was SUPER slow (maybe because we had such a huge group together!) but it was delicious and worth the wait! i ordered a coleslaw and avocado vinaigrette (this was THE HUGEST AVOCADO i’ve ever seen in my life?!?!?), a veggie biryani and some of paul’s aloo matar. we then filed back into our cars for several more hours of “african massage” to the next destination. had an early night, i think we ordered room service to the hotel room and tried to get our butts to bed as early as possible because it was another EARLY day the morning after.
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we stopped at the equator in uganda to take some photos, of course!
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i was sooo happy to be able to order room service! we felt like we were finally back to civilization... 🥺 we had wifi and tv and hot water... ugh it was amazing
jul 10, 19 ••• my alarm was set for 4am this morning.... 🥲😅 we left the hotel at 5am for the airport and obviously i was tired and grumpy and just in a crappy mood overall hahahah. our first flight was barely 45 minutes.... to mbarara i’m guessing?? i was assigned a middle seat on my own originally but no one was in the aisle seat so i moved over woohoo! our first layover was 2-3 hours, not too bad. we hung around at the lounge area. 
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our second flight was to harare. alan and i managed to snag 2 joined seats towards the back end of the plane so that we could watch conan’s traevel shows on his ipad. there was a pretty scary drop when we were descending imto harare. i think we just stayed on the plane for about half an hour so some people could get on the plane and join.
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we flew about 3 hours more to cape town, and we were EXCITED to arrive. it was a hell of a time checking in, and it was a nicer hotel in a nice area so we decided to just stay in and order room service again. we had a slow night and it was SOOOO needed. cape town felt a lot closer to the first world and we were enjoying and appreciating it to the max. we even started playing pokemon go and its harry potter-themed equivalent (oops forgot the name), but to be fair, we didn’t get cell phone service everywhere we went, so it would cut on and off.
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jul 11, 19 ••• eek, cape town was COOOOLD! luckily i brought a jacket along, we really really needed to cover up and stay warm! got to sleep in a bit, we left by 830am to drive to the pebble beach by the water to take some gorgeous photos. we stopped by chapman’s peak for another photo op, then drove to boulders beach in simon’s town to see the penguins!! it was such a dream, loved every second of it.
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i believe this was chapman’s peak??
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what a model
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this was at the pebble beach at the cape of good hope. 
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saw a cute ostrich on the way somewhere
next we went to cape point. we took the funicular to the top, then hiked up to the lighthouse. we took pots of great pics but omg it was EVEN MORE freezing there. we had lunch at the two oceans restaurant. fancy and delicious! the calamari was bomb, the arancini was alright, but the main of chickpea and mushrooms was delish. after lunch we headed right on back to the hotel.
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when i said it was cold, i wasn’t joking... it was FREEZING at the top. i had a horrible time because i don’t do that well in the cold
alan and i walked over to woolworths to get water and makeup remover and snacks. on the way back we stopped by PLANT for dinner. i was sooo excited to try out their vegan fast food, so i ordered a lot of the menu. we got the quinoa salad, mac and cheez, seitan lasagna, schawarma, pot stickers, siu mai, spag bolognese, tiramisu, milk tart and a bunch of other random vegan snacks. i was in HEAVEN. even though some of the stuff was cold by the time we got back to the hotel and ate, it still tasted DELICIOUS. i was soooo impressed.
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this was the lasagna. omfg i need an encore of this restaurant one day!!! wish i knew how to cook like this
jul 12, 19 ••• today we went to a wine blending workshop at grande provence winery. the first step was to blend 3 different mixtures. after tasting them all, we decided the last blend was the winner, with 40% zinfandel, 10% shiraz and 50% cabernet. so then we blended up a big bottle of it, corked it, thew on a hand-signed label, and then walked around the beautiful indoor and outdoor art galleries.
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this was our group!
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wine blending is literally mixing different wines together in different proportions and figuring out which you like the taste of the best
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there was a lot of cute art at the winery! i loved all the dogs and greyhounds around the property. these 3 dancing pigs came a close second
we drove a little way for lunch at another beautiful vineyard. i had a charcoal ciabatta, tomato quinoa salad, root veggie risotto and steamed veggies on the side. we skipped the wine tasting because our lunch overran a bit and our bus driver buford said that the traffic would be pretty heavy on a friday afternoon and it wouldn’t be worth it to be stuck on the bus. so we just walked around the cute little town we were at, franschhoek (??)
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there was a lot of cute art and small local shops around this town! we strolled around and got some souvenirs ¨̮
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love this
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we had a dinner booked way ahead at fyn restaurant. it was stunningly delicious. i loved every single course and was thoroughly impressed.
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UGHHHHH just soooo good.
jul 13, 19 ••• FINALLY we had a day to sleep in!!!! we let our group know the night before that we didn’t want to join the walking tour around the city. we woke up and made our way to the company’s garden, which was directly next to our hotel. we played harry potter wizards unite and ran into the tour group. my mom told me later on it was a good decision of ours not to join haha.
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we walked to addis in cape for an authentic ethiopian meal experience. we washed our hands at the table, ate the whole meal with our hands, and finally i was able to taste injera. it was 100% teff injera and it did not disappoint. i ordered a vegan platter while alan got a combo. the amount of food was PERFECT for us, we finished every single thing. 
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we ordered dessert but the hot berries never showed up and the ice cream was interestingly very gummy and very very sweet. the coffee was strong and served with a beautiful platter.
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after that, we needed to walk our full tummies off. we headed to the waterfront, where there were many shops and stalls in indoor and outdoor malls. it was just a really good time walking around there and we saw soooo many things. there was bubble tea in south africa, a yogurt bar that made me sooo happy, dogs were up for adoption, and a bootleg jabbawockeez performance at the city square. we walked back to the hotel after that and got ready for bed.
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jul 14, 19 ••• we woke up at 430am to head to the airport by 530am. we caught our first flight from cape town to johannesburg, then transferred to a direct flight back to hong kong. it was a TIRING trip but wow, the memories!! really want to go to back soon
4 notes · View notes
mocha-sim · 4 years
For a while now I’ve wanted to write out a post concerning where I stand on the whole issue with YanSim and its developer (in short: neutral, leaning heavily towards the negative side, but I like the potential of the story and characters). There are a lot of problems and I really want to throw in my two cents
This might not be necessary, but I need to get it off my chest, and hopefully make some people think about other points of view
Warning: long post ahead
1. Six years and still in development
I can really see both sides here
On one hand, six full years without even one rival - the single most important part of the game - and a game still full of placeholder assets, and terrible code on top of that, is pathetic
On the other hand, Yandev is working with only a small team of volunteers and himself, who (no matter what he claims) knows very little about game development (from what i’ve seen, he’s made one before, but it looks like a very small-scale and basic fighting game, unlike YanSim which is much more large-scale and has a lot of features)
Professional game teams do have full, high-quality games made in less than six years, but that time is also a product of game company employees being extremely overworked. Lately I’ve seen a lot more people talking about this issue, which is good, but isn’t it hypocritical to not also apply that logic to Yandev?
Again, though, I’m not sure how much time he spends actually working on the game - to me, it seems like he spends a lot of time on discord, reddit, etc. even if he does only stream for a few hours every night. Maybe the “harassment” that’s “slowing down game development” wouldn’t be such an issue if he didn’t spend so much time online interacting with these people?
2. The writing and characters
I’m not a huge fan of how the game’s story is handled, either
I don’t think it’s 100% fair to cast a final judgement with the game the way it is now - Osana not being out is in no way a good thing, but it also means that there hasn’t really been any opportunity for story or character development yet, especially for the rivals. That being said:
I feel like there’s a lot of wasted potential with characters’ individual stories and with the game’s story as a whole, like the “Aishi curse” - I just can’t think of many good stories with a main character who’s basically an empty husk. If Ayano had emotions from the beginning, and actually had to struggle with them, she could be a much more interesting character. There doesn’t even need to be a magical curse for it to run in the family - the way children are raised has a serious impact on the person they grow into. If Ayano is raised by a crazy, abusive stalker of a mother, she may well turn into the same thing.
Taro, too - he has so many contradicting character traits. He yells at Ayano for “scaring him” when she’s carrying a box cutter or laughing, but has the courage to run right up to a murderer and take off their mask?? He doesn’t care about reputations for Osoro or Oka, but won’t love Ayano if her reputation drops too low?? We’re told that he’s “friendly and respectful”, but we’re never shown that part of his personality. On top of that, we’re not really given a reason to like or pursue him as the goal of the game - when he’s not interacting with Girl of the Week, he doesn’t really do anything except sit by the fountain and read. I feel as though Taro should have a routine that involves interacting with other characters and gives us more of a feel for the personality we’re told he’s supposed to have
Raibaru as a whole makes no sense and feels like a satellite character to Osana. In Osana’s shoes, I would want to have a word with her about personal space. There’s not a lot to say about her aside from that, because... she doesn’t really do anything except follow Osana around all day and shut down the player’s attempts to kill her. She feels more like a soulless obstacle than a character
I think there should be more true pacifist options than just matchmaking - even the befriending elimination route will, in Yandev’s own words, involve someone getting hurt. If we’re supposed to have a choice on whether or not to hurt and kill people, there should be more variety in our options
3. The game’s code sucks/it’s poorly-optimized
I don’t know much about coding but the amount of awkward stretching/bending limbs on corpses, clipping through walls, low fps, etc. makes this obvious. It was definitely a bad move on Yandev’s part to start a project like this without at least taking a coding/game development class or something
I think the best course of action for Yandev would be to get a professional programmer on board after Osana is released and spend a few months fixing the game’s code before he starts work on the next rival
4. The character models are just stolen Unity models
They are just unity models, but not “stolen” at all - YanDev paid for them.
That being said, they’re sort of ugly and inexpressive, and personally i’m hoping they get replaced soon
5. The characters are all minors
They’re not. It’s in flashing red letters on the screen when you open the game. I can’t help but feel like the reason people keep insisting that the characters are minors is so that they can feel like heroes for defending them or something
It doesn’t make a lot of logical sense, but there’s still plenty of time for this to be fixed. I think it was recently confirmed that Akademi is called an “academy” now and won’t be referred to as a high school again
Imo YanDev should just change it to a post-secondary school, since that’s probably the most seamless way for all the characters to be adults
One last thing I want to say on this is that, when it gets brought up, I often see people use the excuse “the age of consent in Japan is 13″. 1: it isn’t - the Japanese government lets each prefecture decide its own age of consent, but 13 is the minimum. As far as I know, no prefecture has set it below 16. 2: even if 13 was the age of consent, that doesn’t mean we should accept and defend it as “part of a different culture”. It’s still pedophilia. 3: Japanese people actively protest against things like this
6. The uniforms are middle-school uniforms/don’t look like they belong in a prestigious school
However there are multiple uniform options, and it looks like the default uniforms will be completely changed in the final game
7. Panty shots
YanSim is an 18+ game, but there is such a thing as too far
I’ve seen people who tolerate it, but I haven’t seen a single person who actively likes the panty shots and would complain if they were removed. Imo the part that makes this bad is the fact that we, the player, actively have to point our camera up a girl’s skirt and take a photo of her underwear with it being in full view; the whole way this works makes it obvious that the feature was put in there for titillation more than anything else, and it just feels uncomfortable. If it were more like Uekiya’s key-stealing minigame where all we have to do is push a few buttons, the whole gross/uncomfortable aspect could be taken away and a lot of people would probably be fine with it
It would also be better to replace it with an expanded version of the phone-stealing feature: this would let the player get “points” for students of both genders, plus it would still make sense to gain more points for certain students, like the student council or the bullies. Maybe you could even steal teachers’ phones under certain circumstances?
8. YanDev is homophobic
Again not too sure on this one
Iirc, most of the comments people bring up on this are from years ago when he still went by EvaXephon
But speaking as a wlw, I think some of the ways I’ve seen him talk about f/f relationships are pretty creepy. And on top of that, he seems to be considering adding a “female senpai” option to the game, but no male player character? (though i guess i can see the point of view that a male mc would need a lot more new voice lines, animations, etc. while the senpai follows a mostly fixed routine and would only need so many. still, it seems wrong to have one without the other). I hope I’m wrong about this but his support of the LGBT community seems mostly focused on the L and more for his own entertainment than any actual support
9. YanDev is making more money than he should (and handles it poorly)
His Patreon may be dropping, but his YouTube channel is raking in even more money with 2M+ subscribers, and he’s making even more money from things like merch and donations... all while apparently still living with his parents (which i don’t find hard to believe). He’s also apparently bought 2 switches and a sex doll instead of using the money to hire the help he desperately needs with his game
Assuming he really does still live with his parents, I fully support the petition to get his Patreon suspended until he at least finishes Osana. Most game devs don’t make any money off of their games until they’ve finished it completely
10. YanDev wrote rape fanfics
So I did briefly check his old ffn profile some time ago, and as far as I could see everything had the proper ratings and warnings
Tagging/warning/rating is a fanfic author’s only responsibility to you. You make the choice on whether or not to read it. If everything is appropriately tagged and you read it anyway, that’s on you, not the author. If you are mature enough to be on the internet unsupervised, then you are mature enough to curate your own experience.
Fiction is the place to explore controversial themes and topics. It doesn’t mean in any way that a content creator would condone the things they write about in real life
11. YanDev steals art/assets
He does, and still hasn’t apologized for the DLC rivals thing. In fact he made a post defending himself for it, and even compared himself to Andy Warhol in the process (lol)
I’m not sure but I think I heard something recently about him continuing to do this type of thing (the grass, etc.). In which case we should continue to put pressure on him until he credits the creators of whatever art/assets he stole. Art theft is inexcusable
12. The fanbase is mostly kids
This is unfortunately true, and it’s a big problem (i’ve had to deal with it myself on my youtube channel)
However I would personally say that this problem is outside of YanDev’s control. Kids seem to be drawn to edgy/violent things, or things they shouldn’t be allowed to see (just look at Call of Duty). I put the blame for this on the parents who aren’t monitoring their kids’ computer activities. As for YanDev, he’s not a babysitter and it’s not his responsibility to censor his content for kids who shouldn’t be viewing it in the first place
Underage or not though, he should really avoid calling his fans things like “fuck kittens”. Even from the perspective of an adult that’s super creepy to hear
13. The character designs suck
Some are alright, others are absolutely awful
I think that, in a game built on anime tropes, characters should be allowed to have unnaturally-coloured hair. I mean, a lot of characters in anime do have weird hair that you wouldn’t see in real life (seemingly without any dye), and it can add a lot of personality to their designs
But some YanSim characters push that too far. The science club is the worst of the worst imo, despite being otherwise one of my favourite clubs. The neon streaks are ugly, and what’s up with the visors? Why are they allowed to wear those outside of club time? Why do they wear them during club time, as opposed to actual goggles or something? (i have this issue with a lot of club accessories, imo the accessories are unnecessary in the first place)
The bullies and the light music club also take things too far. Their designs are crowded, hard to look at, and out-of-place. Nothing against characters with multi-coloured hair, but there’s a time and a place and a “prestigious” school setting isn’t it
(also, slightly off-topic, but why does almost every “intended couple” look like they could be siblings?)
I could probably make a whole separate post on the character designs in YS, but I’ll save that for another day. (i’m just very passionate about character design)
14. YanDev has collaborated with porn games 3 times now
Once I could overlook (after all, the characters are 18+ and YS is already not for kids) but a third time? Seriously? And so soon after the last one?
Not only do I have mixed feelings about Yandev doing crossovers when his game isn’t even in the demo stage yet, isn’t this game supposed to be taken seriously as a horror game? I can’t think of a single other horror game that has willingly put its characters in porn.
Also I can’t help noticing that he advertises the porn game crossovers a lot more than he did with that one Dark Deception crossover. Did he ever even mention that one? I only ever saw it on the Dark Deception Twitter
15. YanDev is rude to his fans
I don’t have a lot to say against this one. As far as I’ve seen, he is, and he doesn’t take criticism well at all (just look at the subreddit - yes, a lot of the things that were removed deserved it (unfunny cum chalice jokes, etc.) but there have also been completely innocent questions, fanarts, jokes, and fanfics that have been removed. Not to mention mods going through peoples’ post history and banning them for being active in r/Osana. Both he and his mod team seem insanely paranoid)
I think he’s going to have to grow a thicker skin and stop censoring critiques if he wants to get anywhere with this game. Not just fans who bring up tiny details that might need changing, but also big, glaring issues like the code and character designs and such. He also doesn’t seem that professional for a game developer who wants to be taken seriously
That being said, if you’re the type to spam the discord server/subreddit/fan communities who have nothing to do with Yandev like the amino, you deserved that ban
16. YanDev defends pedophiles/the “sex license” thing
“No adult ever has any excuse to do anything sexual with a child. As soon as you touch a kid, you have crossed the line from being someone with a mental disorder to being the worst scum imaginable. Having a mental illness is involuntary, but touching a kid is a choice. If you have a mental illness, I feel bad for you. If you violate a child, I feel disgust and contempt for you, and I think you deserve the death penalty.” -From YanDev himself on this page
The sex license thing is also debunked on the same page: the whole conversation was taken out of context and the hypothetical “license” was supposed to be something that only an adult could meet the requirements for
17. “Corona-chan”
This was a really insensitive move to make in the middle of a pandemic, and I agree that the design was racist
However, YanDev listened to the fans’ complaints and removed the easter egg a day later, plus gave an apology. I think that this was the best thing he could do in that scenario and idk what else people are expecting him to do about it
18. YanDev’s general portrayal of high schoolers
Honestly, it’s not 100% realistic (especially in some of the dialogue. you know what i’m talking about)
I’m surprised that more students don’t seem to have friends outside of their clubs. It seems like all the students mostly stick within their club/group - walking to school together, spending their breaks together, etc. A lot of the ways the characters behave are very robotic, like walking in a perfectly straight line everywhere they go
That being said, a lot of the things i’ve seen criticized in regards to this are not part of the problem. By the time you’re in high school, you’ve probably hit puberty. It doesn’t make a character automatically sexualized if they have bigger breasts (though some designs in the game are over-sexualized, like a few certain staff members)
19. Muja, Mida, and Hanako
Let’s start with Hanako: Yandev has already said that she’s not romantically interested in her brother, she’s just insanely clingy and doesn’t want him to get a girlfriend out of fear that he’ll forget about her. If you still insist that she’s in love with Taro, then that’s on you
Muja and Mida I have mixed feelings on.
If every student is 18 or older, meaning that the first-years are 18, that makes Taro, a third-year, 20-21 years old. If Mida and Muja are in their early 20s as Yandev has said, that means that the age gap isn’t an issue. However, it’s still wrong for a teacher or a nurse to pursue their student/patient
I don’t think Yandev should need to spell out “hey, Mida and Muja are not good people” in flashing neon signs. The game is rated M and anyone who’s old enough to play it should be able to understand that without it being said. If you need morality in fiction spoon-fed to you, you probably shouldn’t be watching/reading/playing anything rated above PG
On the other hand, YanDev has a nasty habit of making these things into a joke, which is really insensitive and creepy. Like saying that Mida’s favourite food is “the spit of a younger man” (yikes), that she’s tried to seduce her own students 69 times (haha 69 so funney right guys XD), or that whole confession scene mess. It’s less of a problem with Muja, but it’s still there. As much as the audience shouldn’t need everything served to them on a silver platter, issues like these should still be treated with respect, not made into gags
20. Yandev wastes time on “Easter eggs”
I have to agree that he does spend time implementing unnecessary things sometimes (like the abc challenge), but as far as I know the Easter eggs are what he does in his spare time while waiting for assets from volunteers. However: snap mode, which was hyped up for years, turned out to be a flop with zero purpose, disappointing a good portion of the fanbase.
21. Love Letter
So far I’m really liking the look of this game: I like the models and the school environment they’ve shown, and it seems like they’re doing a lot of things in better or more interesting ways than YanDev, like not outright telling us who the rivals are. I don’t think it’s fair to accuse them of “stealing” anything, when it seems like most of the assets the games have in common are the things they bought from the Unity store (Love Letter even changed the base Unity model to have a more appealing look)
I'm glad to see that they actually listened to criticism from fans on things like Setsuna’s design (I love her newest look and I hope it’s the final one). From design alone she’s already a more interesting protagonist, and she looks like the sort of character you’d actually enjoy playing as
Not sure I totally buy the claim that it was all done in two weeks, but even if it was over the span of months, that’s still miles better than YanSim’s six years
Knowing that Dr. Apeis has already ditched one project I’m staying open to new information on this, but as of right now I’m looking forward to playing the demo!
Overall: A lot of the hate against the game and the dev are unnecessary, but some is justified and we shouldn’t blindly defend everything he does (seriously, you can admit that the character designs are shit. no one is going to stone you for it).  There are a lot of improvements Dev could make, both on the game and on his behaviour towards fans.
I think that the biggest improvement would be for the game to just stop taking itself so seriously. At this point, it’s so full of memes, cringy google translate names, excessive edginess, and gags that it may as well just be a fun ridiculous anime game instead of a serious horror game. I feel like taking this approach could make it more successful (plus, it doesn’t really have a lot of horror elements aside from the gore)
There are a lot of cases of people taking things too far. Like spamming YanDev with explicit gore/animal abuse, trying to swat him, spamming volunteers with weird porn, trying to hack into volunteers’ accounts (including bank accounts), etc. That is going way too far, no matter how awful or pathetic you think a person is. If you are doing these kinds of things, you are doing more harm than Dev or his volunteers
Attacking YanDev’s appearance is unnecessary and not related to his behaviour or skills. Same with the chalice memes
However, I’ve seen a lot of YanDev’s defenders lashing out against “gremlins”, lumping all of them in with the kinds of people who do these things. If you check r/Osana, you’ll see that most if not all of the people there condemn this behaviour: the gore and porn spammers are a loud minority (and i’m willing to bet most of them are the basement-dwelling losers from KiwiFarms and 4Chan)
Attacking and/or spamming fans who are just trying to enjoy the game is also unnecessary. Someone liking a video game you don’t like is not doing you any harm. Be mature and move on
I’m not sure if some of what I’ve said above is 100% accurate so if anyone actually read this and has evidence against it then feel free to add
I think that’s about all I have to say on that. Again, i don’t know if it will change anything in the fandom but i really just wanted to get this off my chest
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melodious-madrigals · 4 years
of communication and cats
Written as part of @wondertrevnet‘s Lock Out Bingo.
Fandom: Wonder Woman Pairing: Diana/Steve Prompt: texting Word Count: 2552 Rating: T Summary: Steve and Diana adopt a cat. Steve is exceptionally bad at texting. The two converge more often than you'd think. (Aka miscommunication, but like. Low stakes.) Mostly fluff. In-universe for lost love (sweeter when it’s finally found) which you can read here.
Find it below the cut or on AO3.
Notes: not really a texting fic, just a very loose definition of "fulfilling" the prompt because it includes some texts, lol. 
Don't be mad, but says the preview on her push notification from Steve's latest message. Not exactly an auspicious start, given his propensity for doing reckless things.
Diana massages the spot between her eyebrows where tension headaches start, and decides she needs to just bite the bullet and look at the text. (It can't be too bad if he's still able to text about it, right?)
Swiping down, she taps on the message.
Don't be mad, it says, but I found this little one abandoned, and I was *going* to ask if we could keep it but then I fell in love. Sorry, no takebacksies, but I will let you help me name it.
Attached is a picture of a fluffy black kitten curled up against Steve's chest. The angle is funny—clearly an attempt at a one-handed selfie while also holding the kitten—but it's one of the most precious things Diana has ever seen. The kitten's tail is wrapped tight enough to be gently touching its own nose. It's so adorable that Diana thinks she might cry.
The message is a little over an hour old, and Diana goes to text back when more messages come through.
Vet says: It's a girl! 🎈
Then, She has a great big personality, with a photo attachment of the kitten—vet office clear in the background—looking extremely indignant at her current circumstances.
I look forward to meeting her, Diana types back.
When Diana gets home, she finds a veritable explosion of cat toys and products across their living room and kitchen. At the epicenter, on the couch, is Steve, asleep, with a tiny little ball of black fur tucked up under his chin. If Diana had previously had any reservations about their new kitten (she hadn't, really), they would have been erased upon seeing them like this.
She snaps a quick picture, and then goes into the kitchen, pulling out vegetables to start dicing for the evening meal.
Twenty minutes later, Steve wanders in, the kitten now cradled against his chest.
"She's about six weeks," says Steve. "Which is a little early, but the vet says that other than needing to be fed, she looks healthy. She didn't appreciate her first round of shots, but she did appreciate the salmon pâté slurry I gave her afterwards."
"Poor thing. She was abandoned?"
"I think so," says Steve. "I actually saw her yesterday, hiding in the same spot, but they say not to move kittens, you know? because sometimes the mother is just off hunting. But she was alone yesterday and crying, and she was doing the same when I passed by today, and I couldn't just leave her there."
"You did the right thing, Steve. So, about her name."
Steve looks away guiltily, and Diana just knows that he's already named the cat.
"The vet needed a name to start her file," Steve mumbles. "I thought Bast would be cute."
Diana purses her lips, trying not to smile. "She already has you worshipping her like a goddess; it fits." Then she breaks, and starts laughing. "I'm not mad, Steve! About the cat or the name."
Steve looks relieved, like he didn't really think this would be a fight, but wasn't sure. They've talked about getting a pet before, but have always decided against it because of how much they travel.
"I already talked to Aisha and Marguerite," he says, referring to the couple who lives across the hall. "They said that they would watch her when we go out of town, as long as they also get to play with her while she's still a kitten."
"That reminds me, we should have them over for dinner this weekend. Or next, if they aren't free."
Steve shakes his head. "Next weekend's bad. I've got a work thing Friday night, and we're going to the concert at the Madeleine on Saturday with the Giraudets."
Diana makes a little humming noise as she pulls several spice jars from the cabinet. "Am I coming to your work function?"
"Only if you want, but I'd love to have you. You can't hit Floyd, though."
Diana wrinkles her nose at the mention of his co-worker. "We can go out for late night kebab afterward," she decides. "As a reward for putting up with him."  
"Génial," says Steve, at the same time that Bast wakes up and meows loudly. "Apparently we haven't been paying her enough attention."
"Hello, Bast," Diana says, and the kitten meows again.
"Here, take her; I'll finish supper," offers Steve.
The kitten squeaks as Steve transfers her, then settles into Diana's arms, looks up at her, and slowly closes her eyes and falls asleep again.
They're cat people now, apparently.
Bast, as it turns out, is a very affectionate cat. She wants to be held, constantly, and when she isn't being held, will toddle up to one of her people and scream until they finally do pick her up. She also likes sleeping tucked up under Steve's chin, which Diana finds absolutely hilarious because Steve is not—and has never been—a back sleeper, but now, more often than not, she finds him falling asleep on his back so as not to disturb Bast.
Bast is most definitely Steve's cat, but she likes Diana well enough. Often, she perches on Diana's left shoulder when she's working on her laptop, and peers at the screen like she's reading the artifact dossiers too.
Sometimes, if Diana is very lucky, Bast will curl up in her lap instead, nose still tucked into the curl of her tail, and purr. Most of the time, Bast perks up as soon as Steve gets home, and prances over to greet him with an affectionate headbutt.
"I see how it is," Diana says, one day, when Bast lifts her head at a sound outside the door that turns out not to be Steve, and Diana swears she looks disappointed. "You like him best."
Bast simply looks at Diana with her big round eyes and blinks once, which Diana suspects is cat for 'duh'.
"Oh, all right, I cannot blame you," Diana sighs, "I like him best too."
Bast presents her chin, and Diana obliges her with a scritch.
("That was a cat-kiss," Steve says later, of the blink, laughing. "Bast was basically telling you she loves and trusts you, and you thought it was sass.")
It's a perfectly ordinary day, and perfectly ordinary days are very easily ruined.
For the day in question, it's the We need to talk that shows up from Steve, causing Diana's nerves to go haywire. She really doesn't think they're fighting about anything, but 'we need to talk' is universally a bad thing, right? They're usually pretty good about handling their problems in constructive ways, and they're excellent at talking through things, but there's a certain permanent ominous quality to 'we need to talk' that fills her with dread.
But when Diana unlocks her phone, she finds: We need to talk about how adorable Bast is right now, along with a picture of the cat in question with her paws crossed over her eyes, and the tiniest tip of her tongue visible between her teeth, like she didn't quite pull it all the way in when she closed her mouth.
Diana laughs, shows the picture to her interns, and sends back She looks so angelic. Like she didn't start caterwauling at four a.m. this morning and wake me out of a dead sleep.  
She's a cat, replies Steve. They're always perfect little angels, even when they're not.
"That cat has you wrapped around its paw," Diana says that afternoon, when she comes home to find Steve making a special meal for Bast. "That had better not be the hake I bought at the market this morning."
"Of course it isn't. I filleted that and have the rest cooking down in the stock." He tilts his head toward the lidded pot on the stove. "This is just a little treat for being three months old." He says the last bit to Bast in a slightly sing-song voice.
She loves this man, she really does.
Diana is having a very long day and thinking about Bruce Wayne in a rather uncharitable way. (He is, after all, the reason she had to extend her business trip to the States and is not currently home with her husband and their cat.) She's dirty and tired, and trying desperately not to be bitter about it, because she doesn't approve of feeling bitter about things, when her phone buzzes.
The setting it's on means that the text can only be from Steve, while everyone else is filtered out by 'do not disturb'. Checking her surroundings surreptitiously, she pulls out her phone.
Diana help I'm dying reads the preview and Diana's heart drops into her stomach, body immediately prepping for a supersonic flight and going into panic mode because she's too far away, an hour or two at least from whatever Steve has gotten himself into now—
Diana help I'm dying at how fricking cute Bast is and I need you to be too, Steve has written. I can't even. Underneath is a minute long video of Bast, and Diana nearly hurls her phone across the room before the relief takes over. She almost throws up as she comes down from the adrenaline spike, too.
After a couple of deep breaths, Diana hits the dial button, and Steve picks up on the first ring, right as rain.
"Did you watch it? Isn't she just the best?" he exclaims.
"You need to work on how you start your texts, Steve," she says instead of answering. "Do you know how it popped up on my phone? 'Diana help I'm dying.'"
Steve sucks in a breath sharply enough that it's audible even across the tinny connection. "Oh, Gods. I'm so sorry, Diana."
Between his contrition and the fact that he's clearly okay, Diana feels her anger evaporate. She can't count the number of times that Barry—just for example—has used 'I'm dying' or 'DEAD' or 'deceased' to indicate various emotions that are not death-based. It's only normal that Steve would pick it up.
"No, I also overreacted," she admits. "I have not slept properly in two days and was not really thinking."
"I'll still work on it," Steve promises. "Seriously, watch the video; she's such a weirdo. It'll make your day better."
"Okay, I will."
"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to talk?"
"I am just ready to be home," Diana says. "I really shouldn't talk now, but hopefully I will be home before morning."
"Okay, Angel. Love you."
"Love you too."
The call disconnects, and then Diana hits play on the video. It's shot in their kitchen, and it's dark enough out that Steve has the overhead light on. Bast is in the middle of the floor, spinning in circles chasing her tail, or maybe the shadow of her tail, Diana can't quite tell. She suppresses a laugh as Bast starts spinning the other way. Dammit, Steve's right. She really is cute.
Day brightened, Diana taps out. Give her a kiss for me, we both know how much she loves those.
Two minutes later, a photo pops through of a very disgruntled looking Bast with the caption 'post-kiss', and Diana squashes down another laugh.
She's home by one in the morning, their time, and only has to move Bast a little bit to climb into bed next to Steve.
One of the reasons Diana was originally hesitant to get a cat was how much they both travel for work, and this month has been absolutely non-stop for her. In the past three weeks, it feels like she's only been home about three days. Fortunately, this is her last trip for another month (or at least, her last scheduled trip; JL business has a nasty way of popping up at inconvenient times), and Steve's job has been largely quiet on the travel front, lately.
She's got one more day to get through, and then it's just her normal job. She might even take a personal day or two.
She's just about to go into another meeting when her phone buzzes. Urgent! Read me NOW says the preview of Steve's message, and Diana immediately thumbs open her lockscreen, pausing before she enters the room, just in case she needs to dart back out.
We love you! ♥️💕 reads the rest of the message, and underneath is an attached photo of Steve and Bast. He's holding her up so that their faces are pressed together, and Bast has decided to be a perfect angel for Steve, looking directly into the camera. Diana swears she's even smizing next to Steve's own grin.
I know we talked about this, says another message that pops up while she's looking at the picture, but we wanted to make sure you saw that right away.
And then, We miss you.
A smile inches its way across her lips, and she sends back a quick selfie with a cat ears filter and a miss you too scrawled along the bottom before ducking back into the meeting.
It's Bast who hears her first, because when she opens the apartment door, Bast is sitting squarely in front of it. She lets out an indignant yowl, and then puts her front paws up on Diana's legs, asking to be picked up.
Diana shoves her suitcase inside the door, closes it, and obliges, and Bast settles in against her chest.
"She's clearly forsaken me," says Steve, who's just come out of the bedroom. "Hey you," he adds, leaning in over Bast to give her a kiss.
"Give it five minutes," Diana replies, because even though the cat looks comfortable now, her moods are mercurial.
"Mmm," Steve hums, clearly in agreement. "Hey, before I forget: can I see your phone?"
She shifts Bast (who looks up at her reproachfully) so that she can free a hand and pull her phone out of her pocket to give to Steve.  
"I've been fiddling with mine, and I figured out how to turn the preview off of the push notification," he says.
Diana lets out a startled laugh. "That's probably a more secure setting anyways," she says. "Go ahead. I look forward to the moment when every third text from you will no longer induce panic."
"The future is now," Steve deadpans, and Diana has to set an affronted Bast down so that she can give Steve a proper hug, because she's glad to be home.
The next morning, Diana sneaks out early to their favorite boulangerie for a couple of pain aux raisins. She's in line when her phone pings.
Swiping it open, she taps on the notification and sees (in full, this time, thankfully): Mayday, mayday, mayday, the cat has taken your spot. There's Bast—stretched out so long across the bed that it almost looks like someone put her on a medieval torture rack—looking very pleased with herself because she's taken up the entire half of the bed that is Diana's.
A small smile creeps over her face as she steps forward to order. She's got a spot to reclaim, a cat to snuggle, and a husband to kiss good morning; she hasn't got any time to waste.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? It depends on the task or situation, and how likely it is to get better. I’m rather realistic and choose whether to be positive or negative only after I weigh the pros and cons. Are you comfortable with your weight? Yeah, I’m happy with it. I do sometimes wonder why I get to maintain my weight no matter how much I eat though. How often do you listen to Classic Rock? Never? It’s not really my genre of choice in any context. What about country? Even more never, if that’s even possible haha. Do you know anyone inside and out? That’s a very grand feat to reach and I'm not really comfortable claiming that this is how I am with anyone. I do know for a fact that there are still some things I’m only learning now about my girlfriend and I know her the best out of all the people I know.
Do you have days where all you feel like doing is dancing? Not at all, I hate dancing. Have you learned anything depressing lately? Yes. I talked about it in a survey last night and I don’t feel like going over it again because I’m actually doing a little better now. Is anyone in your family sick? For some reason I’m getting bad coughs every night, but other than that no one is seriously sick. Do you worry a lot, or are you pretty much carefree? Hahahaha the first one. I’m worrying right now; I’m just answering this survey to distract myself. Do you have a lot of freckles? Nope, that’s not a common feature here. Have you ever thought someone was really interesting, but when you got to know them you realized they weren't anything special? Back when Reiven and I were applying for our org, he stood out in our batch since he was hilarious and would make everyone crack up no matter what he said or did. I found him interesting because of that; once I got to know him more he turned out a liiiiiittle bit annoying and also difficult to work with since he would never accept edits and corrections on his works and he’d always stand by his writing errors. Are you very up-front about things or do you "beat around the bush"? Upfront. Everyone who knows me in real life knows I hate nothing more than people who beat around the bush. What kind of camera do you have? I don’t have a legit camera anymore after I gave my old DSLR to my sister, but these days I just use my iPhone’s camera to take photos since its quality is very good anyway. Was today good or bad, or has it just started? It was meh. And the meh-ness is starting to get to me already, ugh. What is something you know you shouldn't do, but do anyways? Stay up criminally late. I think that and my nightly coffees are the source of my bad headaches so I’m trying to sleep earlier these nights. Last night I was in bed my midnight and I gotta say, it was heaven lol. Do you know anyone who doesn't listen to music? Like, no songs at all? That’s so weird; no I haven’t. I can’t imagine anyone never encountering music ever. Tell me the initials of the person you can't get off your mind. ADHM, only because they’re my thesis partner and I feel bad for not having touched the thesis we’re both working on for quite some time now. I did work on it yesterday for the first time in weeks so I’m really proud of myself, but there’s always a part of me thinking it’s never enough. Ever broke something really expensive? Yeah I’ve broken all the phones my parents have ever bought me, which is why they always take forever to buy me new ones, i.e. they’re always hesitant because they know I have a knack for breaking them lol. My current iPhone 8 has stayed with me the longest so far and it’s still going strong though. What is the most amount of money you have ever lost? Probably the ₱700 in the wallet that got stolen from me five years ago. Do you trust a lot of people, or very few? I do trust a lot of people but I like keeping my circle small. Is photography one of your interests? Not anymore. It just used to be. Do you know your neighbors very well? I don’t know them at all. We’re not a very close community haha. I’ll smile at a neighbor when I walk my dog, but other than that I don’t know any of their names or who has which kid. Have you ever hurt yourself just to get attention? [trigger warning] No. When I do it it’s because I loathe myself, and I proceed to cover it up with long sleeves precisely so that it doesn’t get any attention. Has anyone ever called you conceited? Probably my mom at some point. Has anyone ever called you heartless? Again, probably my mom at some point. Do you tell people what you think? Only when it’s necessary and called for. Sometimes it’s simply unnecessary to say every single thought that occurs, like for small stuff like not digging someone’s shoes or if I find their car too hot. Someone says, "I don't judge people." Do you really believe them? No. I think we all judge people initially, it’s just a matter of if we let that judgment linger or not. Do you write ever write poetry just to get your feelings out? No. Poetry has never been my outlet. Who were you last really mad at? My mom, for having been a petty little kid for the last two days. Do you miss anyone? Yeah absolutely. What is a sad song that you like? I have a Spotify playlist literally called ‘sad hours’ and it’s for all my sad songs hah. Here are some of them:
Misguided Ghosts - Paramore
I Forget Where We Were - Ben Howard
I Saw You In A Dream - The Japanese House
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Cherry Wine - Hozier
Last person you talked on the phone to? Gabie. How many bones have you broken? Zero. It’s one of my biggest fears so I’ve always been very careful lol. Are you active? I would have been if the semester went uninterrupted and I got to have PE twice a week, but I’m not these days. Last person to get on your nerves? My mom, but also tbh just the weather overall. Are you one of those people who never stops fidgeting? Only when I’m nervous. Otherwise I can stay pretty still. Do you love the Hillshire Farm commercials? (Go meat!) I’m not familiar with them.
Oops, are you a vegetarian? Nope. Are you in any pain right now? Yeah a bit. Even though I stopped drinking coffee I still feel a mild headache coming, but I’m chalking that up to how humid it is right now. My current posture is also not the best and I’m starting to feel it on my lower back. Last time you drank water? Two hours ago, over dinner. Last thing you ate? I had white rice and calamari. Who's house did you visit last? Gabie’s.
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spiffysixxsense · 4 years
Hello annoying best friend here to fulfill my duty by asking you to answer all of the cute asks
angel; do you have a nickname?
not really. my name is already short and I don't have a prominent quality to nickname me after. The only person who refers to me as anything other than my name is my boyfriend, but I don't think “babe/baby” really counts as a nickname lol
awe; how old are you?
baby; favorite color?
dark teal (blue-green? I've never found a good name for my favorite color)
bloop; spirit animal?
so because I didn't have a good answer for this, I decided to google a quiz to find out, lol. My answer was a deer. here's why;
When you have the deer as spirit animal, you are highly sensitive and have a strong intuition. By affinity with this animal, you have the power to deal with challenges with grace. You master the art of being both determined and gentle in your approach.
The deer totem wisdom imparts those with a special connection with this animal with the ability to be vigilant, move quickly, and trust their instincts to get out the trickiest situations
blossom; favorite book/movie/song?
i don't really have a favorite book, i don't read much outside of school (I wish i did)
movie: A Beautiful Mind
song: oh dear lord i cannot pick just one, but all-time favorite band of mine is Shinedown
blush; what was your stuffed animal as a child?
a little stuffed dog that looked like Kipper from the TV show, I still have him :)
breeze; most precious childhood memory?
lmao what came to mind was when i pledged to never drink, smoke, or say bad words. two out of fucking three ain't bad i guess. 
bright; mermaids or fairies?
(honestly neither but) fairies
bubbles; do you have a best friend?
given the asker, i would say yes :) also i am lame and my boyfriend is also my best friend 
buttercup; showers or baths?
S H O W E R S. hate baths!
butterfly; dream destination?
I've never had a huge desire to travel honestly. like sure i could say Italy or Greece look beautiful, but the actual act of traveling overseas really stresses me out lol. so i would have to say more like upper midwest, like Maine, in the fall time for all the pretty trees.
buttons; are you religious or spiritual?
i am neither
calm; favorite scent?
anything fruity - pineapple, mango, berries, apples. at least in terms of what candles i like lol.
candlelight; what did you dream about last night?
i do not remember anything from last night - the last dream i remember involved my boyfriend, dad and i being lost up north lol
charming; have you ever been in love?
cozy; eye/hair color?
hazel / brunette 
cuddly; what’s your favorite time period?
the 1970��s for the fashion
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
love me a good succulent
cute; what did you get on your last birthday?
well this last birthday was amidst quarantine, so I got some candles and granola (my boyfriend knows me well lol)
cutie pie; most precious item you own?
i have no idea? what an odd question? probably some stuffed animal?
cutsie; what makes you happy?
picnics, alone time, my boyfriend, my cat choosing to cuddle with me.
daisies; describe a moment when you felt free.
I really cant think of a time I've ever felt truly free. maybe when i drove myself to school earlier this year & didn't have to wait for someone to pick me up? 
daydream; how do you want to be remembered?
as a light in others lives. happy, bubbly. things i currently am not
daylight; favorite album of all time?
gosh these dang music questions. well, Nickelback - All the Right Reasons was the first album i ever bought myself. then maybe Shinedown - The Sound of Madness (i cant pick one OKAY)
dear; zodiac sign?
delightful; concerts or museums?
dimples; have you ever written a letter?
yes? this question makes me feel old, lol. 
dobby; dream job?
criminologist. some way to be reducing the mass incarceration rate in the US. 
doll; how do you like to dress?
comfy, v necks and leggings. As i have gotten older i have slowly wanted to be more feminine i think, because i really want some sundresses for summer lol
dovey; any paranormal/magical experiences?
one! when i was 12ish, i swear i saw a reflection of a uniformed man (like old school soldier uniform - blue blazer with gold cufflinks) behind me in the glass of my snakes tank at the time. it was weird because the only reason i even looked that way was because my snake started shaking his tail against the glass, something that corn snakes do when they are scared, but also something that in his entire life had never done unprompted ever. 
dreams; do you want or have any tattoos?
want yes, have no
drizzle; do you believe in aliens?
100%. no way we are alone in this universe
euphoric; talk about someone you love.
he makes my days so much better :)
fairy; do you have a pet?
I have one little old kitty :)
fluffy; ocean or mountain?
to vacation, ocean. to live, mountain
forever; where do you feel time stop?
the secretary of state? lol
froglet; are you a good plant owner?
I've never owned a plant lol
garden; how many languages do you know?
one :(
gem; who are your favorite tumblrs?
giggles; what is your aesthetic of choice?
sepia photography/old books that have yellowed into sepia. or fresh greenery on white marble. 
glittery; do you like anons? why/why not?
i don't really get any anymore, but as long as they are nice or just questions/venting, im down. don't be offended if i never answer though, for some reason i never get Tumblr notifications lol
glow; list the top 5 things you like about yourself
im compassionate
im empathetic (which is similar but im struggling to get to 5 lol)
im goal-oriented
im determined (once i have said goal. again, related lol) 
i guess i like my lips/lip shape
heart; silk or lace?
honey; coffee or tea? how do you take it?
tea. iced, black or green really, with sugar. 
hugsy; do you enjoy people watching or bird watching more? why?
bird watching because it means i am probably alone and in nature as opposed to somewhere in a crowd of people. and i wont feel creepy for watching the birds lol
hunnybunch; what sounds help you sleep?
white noise, a fan running. if that's not enough, i enjoy asmr. if i am really struggling/having anxiety, i will look up sleep stories from the headspace app on youtube (life hack to not have to pay for the app lol)
jewel; what’s your favorite kind of weather?
to be outside, i enjoy just warm enough to be comfy in pants and a t-shirt (so like 65F-ish) and sunny.To be inside, i love when it is cooler (like 50F?) and raining. I love the look, sound, and smell of rain but it is usually just inconvenient to be in. 
jiggly; what do you usually like to do on weekends?
well now all days are the same for me, #quarantine, so the same thing i do every day, just about nothing, lol
joy; do you laugh loudly or giggle more?
i guess laugh loudly because i am a loud person in general. i have a deep voice
kinky; do you blush easily?
i don't think so, my embarrassment turns into sweat, not blush, lmao
kisses; what romantic cliché do you wish for most?
i guess being proposed to someday? but i don't have a certain dream way of it happening, just the fact that its happening is enough for me lol. id enjoy if someone (cough Elle or also maybe Michael lol) were secretly filming and/or taking photos of it? I am not sure how you'd manage that though
kitty; what’s your favorite time of the day?
late at night when everything is quiet
ladybug; what’s your favorite artist to listen to when you’re sad?
old school three days grace (one-x album in particular)
love; what is your favorite season and why?
i always gravitate to fall for the leaves and pumpkin patches. but honestly, i think my favorite season is spring. i love the newly budding trees and flowers, the feeling of renewal, the release from the horrible Michigan winter lol, but most importantly, spring time for my whole life as of yet has always meant that school is over for the semester! as opposed to the fall when the semester starts. this is very long winded but spring final answer lol
lovey; what is your favorite flavor of macaron and ice cream?
I've never had a macaron and blue moon ice cream 
magic; what are five flaws you have?
ooooo boy
im short tempered/angry too much 
im unmotivated (which is confusing maybe because i said i am determined earlier. you see, once i HAVE a goal i feel determined to finish it. but i am unmotivated to create said goals, lol) 
im nonconfrontational to a fault where i always put others’ feelings before my own
i let fear of change stop me from ever taking risks/ am anxious
i am stubborn and sometimes have a hard time admitting i am wrong
moonlight; do you prefer soft pastels, warm neutrals, or cool darks?
this depends - screw pastels. warm neutrals for makeup purposes, but cool darks for aesthetic or decor purposes
munchkin; what do you look for in your significant other?
someone who feels like home. I am not entirely sure how else to explain that. you just feel peace and content with them. 
paddywack; how would you describe a perfect date?
something that allows you to only be with your date - so like a picnic or hike or just a walk even. my boyfriend and i liked to walk around in the fall for me to take pictures of leaves while he played pokemon go (man i miss the pokemon go summer and i have never even PLAYED it, it was just so fun to be with him while he played)
pebbles; how do you spend free time by yourself?
on youtube usually
precious; what is something valuable that you learned in your life?
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. if your family is toxic for whatever reason, you do not owe them your time strictly because they are family. 
pretty; do you like to cook or bake more?
cook, im not super into sweets & i want to enjoy the final product
prince; how would you describe your handwriting?
normal? like its legible but its not pretty or cute
princess; do you play any instruments? if not, are there any you wish you could play?
no:( wish i could play bass or drums
prinky; how do you relieve stress?
i don't :)
i really don't have an answer other than solving whatever is stressing me out, lol. i wish i had more mechanisms to calm me down but nothing i have tried has ever really worked
pumpkin; what is your favourite kind of fruit/vegetable?
you know these favorites questions are hard for me lol. right now, i am loving watermelon, but i also love most fruits. kiwis! vegetable, i feel like i have to say potato lol
rainbow; what was the last line of the last book you read?
lol the last thing i read had to be some academic text, so that's boring
roses; what is the most significant event in your life so far?
meeting Alex i guess, it changes my whole life path to have someone you want to do life with 
smile; what is one thing that has greatly affected you?
quarantine? lol
shine; art or music?
music is art.
shimmer; do animals tend to like you?
i think so. Elle’s dog griffin loves me for some reason lol
smitten; do you collect anything?
not really
smoochies; how many pillows do you sleep with?
snuggle; what is your favourite candy?
jolly ranchers 
snuggly; do you have a camera? if so, what kind?
sparkle; do you wear jewelry?
spooky; sunrise or sunset?
sprinkles; do you like to listen to music with headphones or no headphones?
starlight; what was your favourite show as a child?
Spongebob probably. unless we are talking like really tiny, toddler age, then Winnie the pooh
soft; describe your favourite spot in your house.
i live in a 2 bedroom apartment, there arent any spots. lol. my bed i guess
soothe; digital or vinyl?
i mean digital for convenience but vinyl for aesthetic 
squeezed; who do you miss right now?
i mean the only person i really actively miss ever is Alex. @cy-ne-fin sometimes, but i have also grown used to living away from each other
sugary; what traits do you value most in friends?
loyalty, honesty, & humor
sunshine; do you prefer for things to be practical or aesthetically pleasing?
if i must pick, practical. 
sweet; do you find it easy to open up?
absolutely not. i feel like a burden with my feelings even though i shouldn't 
sweetie; do you like kids? if so, do you ever want to have any?
honestly not really. am on the fence still about ever having any 
thimble; is there somebody you look up to? who are they?
not really
toot; what is something you find unique about yourself?
i am as average as they come man, nothing is unique about me lol
tootsie; what kind of friend are you?
like a background friend? like i am not very social, so we do not have to talk every day to be friends. so like im here if you need me, but i enjoy alone time. 
treasure; what was something that made you smile today?
the way my boyfriend looks at me, & as i was working on this my cat came to cuddle, which i gave as an answer earlier before he jumped up here :)
velvet; are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owlllllll
whiffle; if you could have a magical power, what would it be?
the power to heal those who are hurting (including myself)
whimsical; do you prefer doing stuff at home or going out?
home home home home
whiskers; do you usually wear makeup?
not anymore, i did in high school/early college years. not I've stopped caring
wiggly; are you a messy or tidy person?
messy? kinda in the middle really. 
wispy; do you like the place where you grew up? do you think you will live there when you get older?
my state, sure. my city in particular is definitely pretty boring
wobbly; have you ever wished upon a star?
I've never seen one :(
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imperiusv · 5 years
IV - Raging, This is the End
I loved that vacation on the sea just you and me, i always wanted to go to that place with someone since I was a child, it was really special to me and i loved that you enjoyed it , food was shit tho and it wasn’t as good as I remembered, but well worth it with you. After/before that i quit my job to study for the exams, i knew shitty days were coming and they were, but I had to do that, there was no other way, that job was a dead-end , draining my energy and abilities and opportunities, I had to graduate, I knew this would fuck us money wise and relationship wise, I would be way more needy,angry and would probably lead  straight down the rabbit hole , but I had to do it. In those days it was really hard for me, as you weren’t understanding at all , showed zero patience towards me and generally made me feel ever worse, that’s how i knew you weren’t the right for me , you just weren’t there for me, like you kept doubting me for everything, like doing business or having kids, that time when your period was really late, this drove me so far away from you, i was really disappointed and stopped loving you so much, i think that was the moment i started losing you for real, step by step,slowly over the course of an year. We went to Hamburg to visit my family that was nice , really thoughtful of you, I will go soon again, as i haven’t seen them ever since. Rome was good too, just that thing with the black guys was horrible, at that moment i didn’t realize what had happened, I was just so disgusted that i wanted to get away from them, I didn’t see that you got hurt or felt like that and do regret it to this day, its one of the things i really messed up.There we had a good time , we should have done more fun stuff, but i guess i was in a different mentality back then.That surprise i made for your birthday , i really put so much effort into it, I was thinking like stuff from our shared past and to make a trip down memory lane, i hope you didn’t sell the necklace, i see that you still wear the bracelet, I am happy that you do. The weekend getaway for our anniversary was nice, we should have done that way more often, i kinda regret now that i didn’t get my shit together to get a driving license, but i was just fucking worried how am i gonna cope with money and having a car, again the fucking money thing, i realize now how much of a problem not having enough money is , it gives you stress, makes you worry about a lot of stuff, stops you from doing things and prevents you from enjoying yourself, which adds up slowly over time and generates even more shit ,arguments and bad vibes. Slowly i was getting my shit together, i had graduated , my fucking internship was almost over , i was going to job interviews, which were all really bad,it was really draining on and when i finally thought i was gonna get shit done for good, like get a good law job,getting a driving license, fix my relationship with you, at which time it was already apparent to me that there was a problem i had been ignoring for quite some time and we were slipping   and finally  do what i thought i wanted to do and be happy,of course not even one of those things came to fruition ,everything came crashing down again .The whole driving test was rigged, they fucked me in the ass for money, over complicating absolutely everything, you being less and less understanding,cold and distant and increasingly more toxic and what hit the worse was the realization of post graduate life  that, you wont make any money and your life will be shit, thank you for studying for 6 long years , here is less money than a fucking cleaning lady, but yeah it says MR LAW in front of your name, shit i was gonna even be a detective, good thing i didn’t go down that path or how you were telling me to go for lawyer and we will manage with your salary and scraps from my dad, fuck what a shit show that would have been. You have no idea how shitty it was looking for a job and getting shit from interviewers and going on about ridiculous  job offers, because you and my dad were pressuring me, praise the Emperor I didn’t let that shit get to me, which was the difference between us , that i never listened to my parents, even though you always  made fun of me about being a little bitch and listening to my dad, nope, I am not you and I really really really hated how dependent on your parents opinions you were , how you made so much efforts to please them , although you thought you didn’t , you did a lot. Every time you went there for the holidays i would get pissed, because i wanted quality time with you, not to go to my fucking town and listen to my dad and his dumb as wife bullshits , it just drained me so much, being away from you, I should have embraced it and be happy for the alone time, but instead i missed you, which only shows how much I truly loved you. Standing in the cold in the frozen wind I’m leaving you behind but it’s not the end No, no, no Walking on a plane as I hold my breath It’s gonna be weeks till I breathe again How can someone not get depressed after so much shit coming their way, now when i look back I can’t blame myself that much for being like that, I mean i still blame me of course, I should have handled it better, but definitely i look with more kindness on myself going back over this period of my life, Nobody , literally nobody understood me, not even my dad, brother, friends , not even you, it was horrible , funny thing is now my friends are going through the same shit and my brother kinda is as well and they see , but back then no one even tried or made an effort, it was just nagging and bullshit and putting more and more pressure on me in a moment that i needed support and understanding.So in this shitstorm a trip with your parents was the last thing on my mind, but i could not go, you would go crazy and they would be offended, probably it would have been way better if i had not came. I really tried with them, I still can’t figure out why they never liked me. Maybe they knew i was a bad match for you and you had to keep it up with me or God knows why, it doesn’t even matter anymore of course, like most things.I was annoyed by them in that moment,but i was annoyed by everyone and everything you knew that and i still kept face and behaved, I helped them, i was useful and nice, except for groping your ass and fucking you like crazy, but WTF you were my girl, of course i would do that, Jesus fucking Christ, this was/is so  fucking ridiculous.Slowly over those months i could feel you slipping completely, you started to disrespect me a lot  and slowly  i went from your top priority, lol like that ever was true, to bottom line priority, you would prioritize time with your dumb ass bitch friends than spend time with me,the most absurd thing was that we would have fights that we don’t do anything and go anything, but so convenient, you would work on the weekends, the next one you would have lectures, the third one you would go see your mamma, and the 4th one in the month , you would be meh, lets go eat pizza, I’m tired and i wanna rest, which for me was okay , i loved taking you to restaurants, not the same five places of course, we could have tried more stuff, but every week we went out , the problem was you were bitching we don’t do shit and it was your fucking fault and i don’t blame you, i was bad company at the time , its normal to not wanting to spend time together, sadly i needed time alone, we should have split then, until i figure my shit out, that was the only way , but i was too weak to leave you, too desperate to hold on to our dying toxic relationship ,but If i had left you back then , we would still be together, how paradoxical that is, but it is God honest truth, but I’m glad that did not happen, because we would end up having kids or getting married and one day i would wake up and be like what the fuck is going on with my life and why am I with this women, who is clearly not worthy of me, as cmon you never were, not just looks and intelligence, but also your behavior , character and vibe, you are unstable , unreliable and untrustworthy and very volatile ,not someone who would want to have kids and build a future together for sure, good for some time,yes you were not right for me at all , but let me get that CRYSTAL CLEAR that doesn’t change the FACT that i loved you more than anything. Everybody around you was hating me , of course you would start to do the same ,for their own selfish reasons, your boss, he was jealous of me, the fat fucker, that i would get that ass every night and he can’t see his dick from his fat belly, but i didn’t give a damn about that porker, i have no idea why you thought i was jealous of him or whatever, an absurd notion. Back then i didn’t think you could fall so low like you are now, but to be honest you always had an affinity for gross disgusting guys , e.g Romane, Lazslo , that guy you used to date before, most of your male friends, I do believe they made you feel better and more secure, because you felt better than them and you did not have to put so much effort in it or worry about it , or feel bad and be willing to work for it. I saw that pattern even back then and from your conversations with your mom , I think you were raised like that as well, to be mediocre and settle for less , just so you don’t get burned by the fire, which is really sad, but hey , its only your life choices, so who cares. My step brother’s prom came and it was like a really weird spin of fate, two years before that was my brother’s prom and we were so happy ,not pretending, this time around,  we just looked happy in the photos and were pretending that everything was okay, which all my family noticed, sadly except for me , but to be honest i knew where we were headed , I just didn’t want to accept it , I used to talk with my dumb ass friend from my town over the phone, going on at great length , how much you are not for me and how much better it would be if we split, but i still had hope that we might get over this and things will be different , that you are different and I am not right, its only a temporary thing and so on and so on, what a fool for you and your love I was. After that your behavior grew increasingly erratic, you would pick fights with me for the slightest of things, complain about everything, nag and blab all the time. I was so worried at that time for securing employment and my upcoming last exam , that i scarcely took notice of said behavior  , which for the time was the exact thing i should have done, but as my mind cleared i focused on the things you were saying and complaining about, which was my complete downfall, trying logic and reason with you, when obviously you were doing it on purpose or perhaps you weren’t ,but it came from your deep underneath your  consciousness, in a way to force me to leave you , because you could not do it yourself. Those last months were horrible, constant bickering and fighting , i was gonna give you a meme - toxic is good , toxic is great , but we split before i managed to send it. This was quite visible and from the time we spend together or more correctly we did not, you would be at work or drinking with your slut friends , who more than anything wanted you to be single, it’s not normal for your girlfriend to get drunk, especially when she know she has a drinking problem, lol that was joke. But yeah it wasn’t normal that you would go out at noon to drink with you friends and come home at ten , knowing that this is our only free day we should rather spend it together doing something just the two us or with other people,but us together, that was my problem, not you drinking with your friends or in generally getting wasted, problem at the time of course, as I needed you, now if i was in the same situation it wouldn’t be a problem , i would just do the same with my friends or dump your disrespectful ass, you have no idea how low my tolerance for bullshit has become, if you think i was bad before, you should look at me now, I am perfectly aware of who I am, my self worth and self imagine, I am not gonna let anyone, let one some dumb ass bitch fuck with me or walk over me, its either my way or the fucking highway, you wanna be part of my life, my good vibes and self amusement mindset, have a good time, then you must contribute , you must bring something good to the table as well, if not , okay , good luck out there and hope you find what you are looking for. This has been my mindset lately and it has worked wonders for my mental state and happiness. No one cares about that tho , so lets move on  to the action part-  APOCALYPSE  Ever since i started working ,I was hoping things were gonna go improve and we might pull through , but nah, you were already set on breaking up and looking for another guy , that better looking guy from your work that split with his girl didn’t go for you, because he probably saw what you were and you took a liking into gorrila joe , he does look like a monkey to be honest or Mr. disgusting like we like to call him, he was giving you free attention, validating you and boosting your fragile ego and you decided why would you bother with me when you can have this wimp in your legs and walk over him , why try hard when you can go easy and let go of yourself and just give him the only thing you had of value, hidden between your legs. I remember when i met him for the first time, how he looked frightened, we were still together, he knew i knew what was up, but i did not believe you would fall so low and just disregarded him , i mean cmon this guy was so fucking disgusting, how could you even... Just before the end you would go into the most ridiculously arguments , like why i don’t want friends, it was none of your business and i have friends, i just didn’t seem them because of you , you would bitch and moan if I did and generally hated them and other stupid things you would fight with me, i knew the end was coming, as this shit has happened before with another , just a short explanation here, the moment we split she started writing me , sending me cringy snapchats videos of her, for the sole reason i can’t record them or SS , with stupid quesitons how are you doing and so on , my friends said i should fuck her to make you feel bad, but that whore was absolutely disgusting to me, i only entertained the idea of talking with her to get the old photos that got deleted, THAT WAS THE ONLY REASON, she was so insignificant and inconsequential to me that i wouldn’t even care if she would come butt ass naked to my doorstep begging for cock, i would laugh and go to the gym, she appeared again in this story 6 months later, but thats or the last chapter, if  she is reading this by any chance , just fuck off, you are a bad memory i erased long ago, like some dumb school project that you did ages ago, exactly can’t remember, doesn’t matter fuck off. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, we went to that nice Italian restaurant  and the whole time you were complaining and bitching about stuff , you made an effort not to agree with anything , i don’t want here i don’t want there, stupidity and disrespected pilled up with shit. I finally decided to act, so when we went home i confronted you and asked whats up, you were afraid again to tell me, didn’t have the courage to step up and say the truth , so you gave me the bullshit idk if we should be together, this was the defining moment , I showed you the door and told you to fuck off, you started crying and this was my biggest failure and mistake, that i thought you were different, i felt really bad and sorry for you and said to myself this is my girl i should try to fix it, but no dumbass , it was already unfixable and way too broken for me to repair, the only way this shit was gonna go down my way was if i had dumped you as i first told you to pack you stuff and leave,but my feelings for you again got the better of me . You picked the perfect moment for that of course, i was sick and was feverish , I couldn’t think straight at all , if i was okay , things would have been different and i wouldn’t have been that broken, but yeah my mistake again for putting my faith in you. You lied to me that you love me and said we will work things out, a blatant lie , knowing that you were gonna pack your shit and vanish the day after that , as you do best. And the most disgusting thing was that you were still making plans with me to go to Greece and on a holiday, using for the last time, before we go our separate ways, maybe your guilt got in the way or me pushing you too hard, otherwise you would have stayed for longer with me and God forbid , if we stayed together until the winter, stop me from coming here or we could have pushed through and made it ,who knows, Praise the Emperor that things went the way the did, for me to see you as the person you really are, not that perfect image i had of you.
We finally arrive to that day 29 of August, from the morning i knew something wasn’t right I could sense you, even thought , the last night we slept together i just knew this was it, I could feel it , i asked to leave work earlier and headed home ,but it was already too late as i entered the door my heart fell andwhat happened after that I will cover in the last chapter of your story.
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heartfulofsighs · 5 years
Baggage Claim Pt. 4
Tumblr media
Description: Seunghoon back from a business trip only has a mind for growing his company. You are in the middle of running from the by the book life that was drowning you. When a minor inconvenience sets you in his path will you be the reason he eases up? And could he be what you need to get serious again? 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 
I’m back and this story is still chugging along. Thank you all for your patience lol. Thanks to @negrowhat and @bbnightengale for always encouraging me! About 2.7k words
It felt like you were doing something really outside of the norm. Riding in a car with a man you barely knew. He turned on the heat for you and turned the radio down. “So where am I taking you?” He asked. You were stuck for a bit staring at his profile as the streetlights flickered by outside of the window. The silence stretched until he took a second to glance at you, “do you feel comfortable with me taking you all the way?” He asked. You looked away suddenly finding the street outside very interesting. “Or do you just want me to drop you in the neighborhood you’re staying in?” He continued. “Cause either way is fine with me.” “You can drop me there. I guess you would have killed me by now if that’s what you wanted to do.” You said. He didn’t answer right away. When you came to a stop he tapped on the touchscreen on the radio until a map came up, “put the address in here.” He said. You did as you were told while the red light dragged on. He rapped his fingers on the steering wheel. You could feel him watching you but it wasn’t a creepy feeling. More like you felt he had something he wanted to say. 
“So, how’s your vacation going so far?” He asked. “Really good.” You answered quickly. The navigation started speaking softly. He turned right, “how long are you in town for?” He spoke while he glanced from the screen to the street. He was being very careful. You appreciated that. It relaxed you and you didn’t mind sharing with him, “I’m here for a while, just short of 6 months.” He didn’t react to the length of time. You expected him to look at you sharply or ask why so long but he didn’t. The quiet in the car was only broken by the navigation voice. He guided his car along the freeway, the speed was lulling you to sleep. He didn’t stop you from drifting off. So you did.
He pulled up to a light blue tall building and turned his car off. You had dozed off and it gave him a little time to look at you. Your brows furrowed in your sleep, he was tempted to smooth them out. You sniffed, scrunching your nose before settling further into your seat. “Hey,” he said softly, “wake up, we’re here.” He added. Your face scrunched more. He watched you stretch your arms over your body with a deep groan. When you peeled your eyes open and gave him a lazy smile. He felt his heart pick up speed and looked away to the windshield. “Thanks for the ride.” You mumbled. Your voice held a sleepy quality that made him think of naps and warm covers. “Not a problem.” He answered. He waited but he didn’t hear the sound of the door opening. He fought the urge to look. He kept his eyes on the streetlights and considered what Mino had said at the party. “I think she likes you.” He rubbed his forehead and banished the sentence. He tried to think about work instead, that was a no go.All he could consider was the way you laughed with him at the booth. How that moment made him want to linger near you. He gave in and turned to you. He opened his mouth. A date. He could ask you to coffee or to lunch or dinner, something. When you glanced his way pleasantly waiting for him to speak.   “Can I ask you something before you go?” You blinked at him and nodded. He started to list the places he could take you in his mind. They all sounded reasonable. “What’s up?” You asked. He took a big breath. “Is being serious a bad thing?” He asked. How awkward would it be for you if he asked you out in his car late at night? That thought had steered his original question away. He didn’t want you to think of him as a creep. This wasn’t the question you were expecting. He didn’t know what words you had braced yourself for but those weren’t them. Once again your whole face gave it away as you processed. He liked that he could watch you think his question through. You made no effort to hide your emotions and it was refreshing. “No,” you finally said. He looked back out of the window...encouraged. It was nice to know that you didn’t consider one of his dominate qualities a bad one. “Why do you ask?” You whispered. “My friend that you met at the party...he says I’m too serious.” He explained. “He’s always nagging.” “Does your job require you to be serious?”  You asked. Did it? He didn’t have an answer for you. All jobs required seriousness right? He frowned, “Don’t all jobs require seriousness?” “Maybe, but you don’t have to carry that seriousness into your personal life.” You mused, “work bleeding out into literally everything you do is a nightmare.” You sounded like you were speaking from experience. You looked down at your hands and played with your fingers, “it can be crushing.” You whispered. He couldn’t decide if he was guilty of letting his business control his life. “I’m sure he’s just worried about your health. He’s just trying to be a good friend.” You spoke with so much positivity. He was comforted.   “Yeah, I’m sure you’re right.” He said. He could lighten up a bit. Smile more, make a few more jokes. Maybe actually go out when Mino asked him. Maybe...after the Seungyoon account was secured. “Well how about this…” you began, “if you get a free day and you want to prove to him that you can relax, text me. We’ll go someplace dumb and touristy.” You laughed as you said it but he was instantly consumed by the thought of it. Someplace dumb and touristy. Maybe a theme park? Or one of those pop-up photo instillations with the fun backgrounds. He could picture the two of you clearly. “Ok.” He said. “Dumb and Touristy?” He echoed. You nodded and your face turned serious for a moment, “yeah that’s my one stipulation...don’t forget it.” You added. He absorbed your words carefully. “Thanks for the ride.” You said as you pulled the handle, “I really appreciate it.” “No problem.” He answered. He watched you climb out and walk to the building. You climbed the stairs on the side of the building and walked in out of his sight. He sat for a moment and tried to think of your invitation as nonchalantly as you said it. It wouldn’t hurt to look up something touristy and dumb. Just in case.
The next day you woke up late. You couldn’t help but replay what you two had talked about in the car. What he said rang in your head but you also thought about the way he looked. Seunghoon’s face was distracting. You wanted to lean in. To see if he would really mind you invading his personal space. The more you thought about it the faster your heart went.   It was easy to bluff confidence at the booth because there were other people around. But all alone in a car? That was much different.   His worry about being too serious, it felt sort of familiar. Familiar enough that all your lusting thoughts had been pushed to the back of your mind. His was worried, his brows scrunched together as he thought about your answer. He reminded you just a bit of yourself.  Maybe he was in the beginning stages of what had driven you away from your life? You put your hand over your face and sighed. That crushing feeling. All that seemed so far behind you. But was it behind you and waiting or was it behind you and you were finished with it? Here you were giving advice when all you had done was run. “If you get a free day and you want to prove to him that you can relax, text me....” What was the harm in suggesting it? He probably wouldn’t text you so there wasn’t much to worry about right? You couldn’t help but groan, he probably drove home and laughed at you. Probably was too polite to tell you straight out that he wasn’t interested. You had thought he was going to ask you out when he said he wanted to ask you something. In truth you wouldn’t have disliked the idea of him asking you at. Besides being incredibly handsome, you knew the serious side of him was only one aspect. There was more, and you were so curious. You bet he was a different person once he loosened up. There was no point to doing too much imagining. You couldn’t waste the whole day.  The danger was you staying in bed all day and daydreaming about him. You didn’t give in. You hauled yourself up and decided to check on Cherry. You cracked her door and found her cocooned in her blankets.    “Cherry…” you called softly. The blankets shifted but she didn’t answer. You decided it was better to leave her be. You sat at the table and did something you hadn’t done since leaving. You opened your Facebook. You bit your lip and rocked back and forth while you waited for it to load. You hadn’t been without friends back home. On the contrary you had a wide circle. A wide circle but you still felt like you were drowning. The screen came up. Not a single message. You scrolled through your feed and found that life was proceeding normally for everyone. Your best friend had posted the same pictures she always did at your favorite bar, just without you. Another girl hung on her arm making funny faces. Of course the world would go on without you. But the pictures still made you sad. You frowned wrinkling your nose but you didn’t put your phone down. Instead of making yourself breakfast or starting to get dressed you looked up Seunghoon. His name wasn’t far down the list. You clicked on past articles incredibly curious.    “Start-up Advertising Firm turning industry on its head.” The headline was complete with a sharp picture of Seunghoon and Mino. It was only a few months old. He was wearing his usual suit, hand loosening his tie as he smirked at the camera. Mino was much looser. He smiled brightly hands shoved in the pockets, shirt untucked, and looking just the right amount of messy. You skimmed the article and went on to the next one. The thing you were searching for didn’t seem to be in any of the profiles. None of the articles mentioned if he was single or not. The sound of Cherry’s door opening made you slam your phone down face first. “How are you feeling?” You asked. She made a sound close to frustration before she sneezed. “Still feel like complete shit.” She groaned. “You want me to make you anything?” You asked sweetly. She rubbed at her nose and shook her head, “I’m gonna make myself some tea...I just wanted to ask you how last night went.” “Pretty well.” You granted. She sniffled, “how were the people? Pretty nice?” She went on. She talked as she shuffled to the kitchen, closer to you. “Yeah I got good tips.” you said, “the guy who I switched bags with happened to be there.” You confessed. She stopped walking. The was slowing her ability to process so you got a chance to brace yourself. Once her mind had sorted what you said out she shouted, voice horse from her coughing, “WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT FATE?!” “Calm down, you’re gonna start a coughing fit.” You warned. She shook her head, “did you guys talk?” She asked. You made a very put upon face and nodded. “What about?” She pushed. “His company and such...he’s nervous about being too serious.” You explained. Cherry can’t seem to control herself. You watch her fidget with her blanket. Her eyes widen, and she fights down the coughs that threaten to distract her. “You have his number right?” She asked. “Yeah but,” You pulled your hand through your hair, “I can’t just call him out of the blue...that’s weird right?” You weren’t sure. It had been a long time since you were actually interested in a guy. Back home you had no time and when you did decide to flirt it was just to distract yourself. “I don’t think it’s weird.” She said, “people call me right away.” She pointed out. “Yeah,” you agreed, “because you’re pretty.” It was meant to be something to laugh over. Of course Cherry got called back instantly, she was gorgeous. But instead of smiling or giggling her face froze over. You felt yourself instantly stiffen. “I’m sorry.” You blurted before you really knew what you were apologizing for. “I didn’t mean…” It took a moment for her to come back from where ever she had gone in her mind. But when she did it was with a body shaking sneeze. When she straightened her face was soft again,  “it’s not a big deal...maybe I’ll tell you about it later.” She finally said. You opened your mouth to respond but your phone buzzed across the table. You both stared at the black device silently. It buzzed until you picked it up and looked at the screen. “Oh.” You got out. “Is it him!?” She asked. Your grip on the phone tightened as you nodded, “answer it.” She said. For a moment you wondered what the point would even be? You were leaving eventually, wouldn’t it be a huge error on your part to encourage him? But then again, a little fling… “Hello?” You said into it. There was a pause and you could sense Hoon was gathering his thoughts. “Hi.” The pause stretched. There were some paper’s shuffling in the background. “How are you?” Conversation with him last night hadn’t been so drawn out. You waited. He sighed, “not good.” “Oh..well, is there something I can help you with then?” You asked dumbly. More papers shuffling, more sighing on the other end. Cherry crept closer to you while you waited for him to speak. “I just, I’m leaving work early, and I don’t want to think about it for a while.” He said this in a rush, “I wanna think about something fun...and would it be weird if I asked you to come with me?” He asked. You shook your head forgetting that he couldn’t see you. Cherry tapped your arm. You jolted and realized you hadn’t answered. “Well-” “Listen, please tell me if this is weird, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable...shit, be truthful with me...I know we don’t know each other,” his voice was getting farther away. He was talking himself into a frenzy. All his worries tumbling at of his mouth at once. “Wait slow down,” You begged. He did, instantly going silent. “I don’t mind going out...come get me, I’m gonna get dressed.” You said to him. You hung up. “So,” Cherry began. “I guess something went wrong at his job and he’s ditching the rest of his day.” You got up from the table and sighed. “I agreed to hang out with him.” You explained, “he was freaking out about whether it was strange or not.” Cherry shrugged, “everything to do with fate is strange.” She said. You shook your head as you walked passed her. She sounded like a greeting card.
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ratherashleigh · 5 years
yall, katie mcgrath did not one, not two, but three interviews this week. i’m shook.
obligatory supercorp content:
"I think that's why people have taken it to heart, because in us making it our own, I think people have been taking it for themselves. Yes, it's similar to what you've seen before, but only in its infancy. I think where it is now, it's become something individual and it's become something that is just theirs, and it's just the show's, and it's just the fans', which I think is what makes it compelling and what's made it so popular as a relationship, that it just exists now as its own thing."
i think what she means is the fans don’t give a shit what the show does, and that’s okay?
"I feel pretty good this year because Lena may not know, but Alex has lost her memory and if Alex doesn't know that Supergirl is her sister, then I think it's OK that Lena doesn't know," she says. "When that happened, I was like, this is amazing, it's no longer all on my shoulders. Her own sister still can't tell, so I'm fine now. I'm like walking in and feeling great now, now that I'm not the only one who doesn't know."
i can actually imagine katie seeing this and i’m cackling.
"See, this is the thing. You don't have just one person with a loaded gun behind Lena's head. The bullet is the knowledge that Kara is Supergirl, and before, it was Lillian who had that, but now you have Lex, who's even more of an unknown quantity, and he's holding that information, and it's almost the information that will completely destroy Lena. He could pull the trigger anytime, and that's an amazing dramatic point to have in a show of at any time, if that trigger's pulled, what that would mean not only for Lena, but what that would mean for Kara and Supergirl. So it's this sort of extra added switch to a bomb that could go off at any time."The common goal of finding and catching Lex helps bridge Lena's relationship with Kara and her relationship with Supergirl, McGrath says. "That kind of unifies them…so you get a more friendly relationship with Lena and Supergirl then you had for a season and a half, and then at the same time, the betrayal of Eve has had the result that I think Lena becomes a whole lot closer to the people that she does trust, and the main person she trusts is Kara, so ironically what that has done is it has brought her closer and more trusting to Kara, which from a viewer's point of view, because you know that Kara has been keeping a secret from her, is so bittersweet to watch because you see Lena start to rely on her even more, but at the same time you're going, oh god, but only if you knew. So it's just an amazing, dramatic quality and this extra sort of delicious ingredient to this whole storyline."
“If and when she finds out that Kara is Supergirl,” McGrath agrees, looms large over Lena right now. “I can’t tell you when it’s going to happen … but if it did, I think the results of that are utnold for what that could mean for Lena, her psyche, her emotional wellbeing, her friendships.” Unlike the recent betrayal by Eve, with her true friend Kara, “I think it’s a greater betrayal, and I think it will have more lasting results on her.
Ironically, what it does is, rather than make her more wary of the people she trusts, it makes her cling onto them even more. So her relationship with Kara is ultimately strengthened by it because she’s driven toward the people she trusts because she’s had yet another person taken away from her — which, especially with Kara, for the viewer watching it, is so heart-rending because she’s growing closer to the friend who she trusts when ultimately the viewers know that this person is also lying to her, for very good reasons and not to hurt her or anything.
is it stupid to hope that last bit matters?
[When we spoke to you at the end of your first season on the show, you said you were happy that Lena was the only person who didn’t know Kara’s secret because it made their relationship special. Two years later, we find out that even Lex knows her secret. Do you still feel that way, or are you dying to join the club now?] No, I still feel that one of the loveliest parts of the Lena-Kara relationship is that Kara can be human and frail and not a hero with somebody — that she can just be Kara Danvers, rather than having to be Supergirl. I think that’s a wonderful thing for Kara to not always have to be the person who has to solve every problem and face the world. I think she needs that. For as long as it may last, I’m very happy for it to be Lena that has that relationship with her. Up until Alex had her mind wiped, Lena was the only person who could have that relationship with her. For Kara, it’s not the same with Alex because Kara knows what’s missing in the relationship and Alex doesn’t.
and literally none of this answer is about how lena. rip me.
anyway, the wild part of this interview spree is that one of them was with the mary fucking sue.
One such factoid that emerged was that Lena’s birth mother was Irish, like McGrath herself. “This is an illustration about how lovely and sweet our writers are,” McGrath laughed. “They do put in little things for us to make us smile.” Further than that, McGrath gushed, “This is why we’re so lucky with this job, that everybody on it cares about you as a human being.”
mhmm, yeah. that’s why they did that.
In the most recent episode, “House of L,” we learned that Lex, like everyone but Lena at this point, knows Supergirl is Kara Danvers. How did that happen? McGrath theorizes that Lillian Luthor told him. “He didn’t figure it out on his own because he’s no smarter than Lena is,” 
S C R E A M I N G.
Lena knows how to prepare herself for hard days, even so, and some of that preparation comes down to the gorgeous fashion McGrath gets to sport (sometimes in places where a cocktail dress isn’t appropriate, but we’re not complaining). No Lena outfit has made as big an impression lately as the plum three-piece suit she wore to work with her brother: “I think, when a woman wants to feel elegant and powerful but in control, a very beautiful, tailored three-piece suit goes a long way to making you feel that … and I think that was part of what was going on there with Lena.” McGrath actually brought the idea of the suit to the costumers, inspired by photos of Cate Blanchett in suits that were “sill feminine but totally in control.” Indeed, Lex may have his “Lexo suit,” but Lena has perfect couture, and I think we all know which one is better.
this interviewer is all of us. and all of us is gaaaaay.
At the same time, though, Lena will be dealing with her guilt over, well, everything that’s happened: the mayhem that Lex’s nefarious deeds cause, Red Daughter’s existence, and James experiencing the side effects of the Harun-El serum. But she won’t let that guilt get her down.“A lot of what drives Lena in the second half of the season is this need to fix those wrongs that she feels responsible for,” McGrath says of how Lena will react to Red Daughter. “[This] is an ongoing theme within the show: Her research, [which] is created for good, is taken and perverted, and it is often the source of all evil for the series. This has happened again to her. So much of the world is dealing with the results of her actions again. So she becomes very focused to fix it, and a focused Lena is a force to reckoned with.”
not for nothing, but i keep trying to think of a real world equivalent to this specific conundrum and it’s like... people who build weapons probably don’t operate under any illusions that what they’re doing is going to hurt people if used by the wrong people (and lol that in this instance the wrong hands were lena’s. and by lol i mean holy fuck.) but like... is lena mark zuckerberg?
(also i think this interview was done by email, otherwise it’s super weird that a lot of katie’s quotes include parenthetical asides.)
[I knew Lex was playing Lena, because it’s Lex Luthor — but I found myself sort of wishing he wasn’t, especially in that moment when he tells Lena about the time he met her mother. How did you feel playing that moment?] He had me in tears. I was weeping down my face. We didn’t do that [scene] many times because I was crying so much. In that moment, I think he made Lex very human, and I don’t think we were expecting that. I don’t think we were expecting a vulnerable, human, relatable Lex Luthor, and I think that’s what’s really interesting about what Jon Cryer has done with Lex. He really [shows] all of these very different sides. There are moments, like you said, where you’re like, “Oh, maybe he isn’t a bad guy. Maybe there’s hope for him. Maybe we’re going to see a Lex Luthor that might be a hero.” (And maybe you don’t want to see another person be horrible to Lena, but that might just be me projecting.)
so anyway, i have this headcanon that lena believed using the harun-el on lex would actually fix him in the head, but this makes just feel bad for lena. like, at the end of the day when someone says they need her, she’s going to bend over backwards to provide. ugh :(
I think her confidence is completely shaken, but at the same time, it has hardened her resolve. She is a woman that when she is faced with a problem, she doesn’t retreat from it — she attacks it. Yes, this has completely shaken her, but it has focused her mind to go forward and to fix the problem. Her drive and her focus to fix this is sort of second to none.
please get this girl therapy.
Although Lena and Supergirl are coming at the same issue from different points, they ultimately have the same end goal. They both believe in helping people and the greater good and saving mankind, which are all lofty goals.
good answer. i wish this is where this answer had stopped when she was talking to e. see below.
(What I love about my job is that I can sit here and talk about this like that’s normal. Honestly, sitting here half in my pajamas talking about saving mankind is a good day. But I digress).
look, girl, you’ve put me through the ringer with this series of interviews but lmao i love you.
and finally, e! online.
warning: there’s a clip from the upcoming ep that autoplays right at the top.
"They both believe in the greater good and helping humanity," McGrath says. "They just come at it from two completely different sides, like the left wing and the right wing, but they ultimately both want the same thing and the search for Eve and this need to catch Lex sort of unites them and you see them all working together, but at the same time in doing that, Lena is still dealing with the secret that she helped Lex, and she has to carry that through as well."
i would like to go back in time and never have read this sentence with my own eyes. ms mcgrath is forbidden from interviews for another two years, thanks bye.
Lena definitely feels some guilt, but she's also been betrayed, and McGrath says we won't see her "totally deal with it.""I think she can't. I think if she starts to unpick it, she'll unravel completely, so what you get instead is it pushing Lena to be extremely focused on catching Lex and catching Eve and a focused Lena Luthor is a very dangerous thing. With her single-minded pursuit, you should be very wary, and I think that's what they've done is rather than her sitting around and unpicking straight away all the stuff that's happened, it's just lit a fire under her to go fix it, because she feels so responsible.
this part is fine. totally fine. katie has some genuinely good insight into lena’s ongoing trauma and how that drives her, BUT THEN.
But not only does she feel responsible, but she can't tell anybody truly 100% why she is responsible, because she would have to admit that she was helping Lex."
"So I will say that the Lena you get in the show is not going to be what you've expected, and a focused Lena is a very dangerous thing, but that doesn't necessarily mean what you think it might mean. Or it could!"
oh no, she’s totally drunk the kool-aid.
"I don't know if I could like, hold my own in a scene with Jon Cryer and Brenda Strong. I think I would just like, melt into a puddle of Katie on the floor and just be like, I don't know what I'm doing, you guys just talk and I'll watch over in the corner."
also whoever wrote this kept spelling it Tessmacher.
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wonderfuls-worlds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger : Day 3 ~ V Walkthrough (FULL ANSWERS)
Thank you for your support, you were all so sweet to me <3
Contributor (THANK YOU SO MUCH): @verycharismaticdragon Thank you for suggesting your help : @therosettewolf, @anasaraz
Check out their tumblr !
If you are on phone, please setting the page to be seen in the computer version! On the phone, the answers are sometimes unaligned and it can confuse you…
In order to not bother and annoy my followers who don’t play this game by this looong post, I’ll put a seperate line. Click to see.
 00 :31 : Under the Shimmering [Zen, V]
I wanted to chill out more and then go to sleep. (nothing)
I was waiting to meet you, Zen (Zen)
The beautiful are sleepy heads..? (Zen)
I think your biorhythm will break living like that. (nothing)
I actually want to see V’s photos! (V)
God, finally we’ll have some peace and silence. (nothing)
Wow, you’re even humble! Such perfection ! (nothing)
Are you in a motorcycle gang? (nothing)
Zen, riding your bike under the moonlight… (Zen)
I wonder how Jumin will look like riding the bike! (nothing)
That’s the thing, you can never find your driver’s license when needed. (nothing)
Share with me some photos of your driver’s license, if you have some. (nothing)
It’s the same thing. Just do it. (nothing)
Both are so perfect. How am I to choose?! (Zen)
Wow! It’s you when you were younger! (nothing)
You’re here to see me!! (nothing)
I want to chat with everyone together. (V)
Aren’t motorcycles dangerous? (nothing)
Zen, you had an accident? (nothing)
You feel free as a bird when you ride with the wind. (Zen)
When you’re feeling frustrated and all, playing games are the best! 0% accidents! (nothing)
What if something dangerous happens to you? (V)
How exactly did the crash occur? (nothing)
Tell me what happened back then. (nothing)
V, you’re quite persistent. (nothing)
It would have been serious if V didn’t follow you. (V)
V, you should take photos of me someday as well! (V)
Trying to deny it by myself is too hard. I need some help here. (nothing)
Flowers? V, were you Zen’s fan? (V)
Zen, what were you like back in the days? (nothing)
You still look promising. (nothing)
Life is about rebounding back when you were considering quitting lol (nothing)
Maybe you’re in a slump? (nothing)
I lie low for a while. (nothing)
Do something that brightens your mood! (nothing)
Forget about everything and let time pass by. (nothing)
V, do you normally clock in such late hours? (nothing)
You seem to be coming in at late hours… Are you okay? (V)
V, you go well with wine! (nothing but best answer for V)
Zen, I hope you get to shoot a beer commercial. (Zen)
Have you ever heard of alcohol-related dementia? (nothing)
Don’t drink too much! (V)
Good bye! (nothing)
You have a lot to worry about. (nothing)
I’m like that as well. (V)
I think I should get going now. (nothing but best answer)
I’m going to stay up late. (nothing)
Visual Mode V
  02:46 : Paradox of the Survival of the Fittest [Unknown]
 I was testing the game you gave me. (Unknown)
Ray, why aren’t you sleeping? (nothing)
We connected as I wanted to see you as well! (Unknown)
You seem to have a lot of work to do. (nothing)
If you have something to say, come over yourself. (nothing)
There’s the modern convenience called the phone. (nothing)
Then it’ll bloom twice as much flowers! (nothing)
Wonder why it grew in two stalks. (nothing)
Wouldn’t it be because only one had sunlight and the other had none? (nothing)
It could be that one of it is like an extra giveaway, since it grew into two from one stalk. (Unknown’s heartbroken!)
I feel sad for the weaker stalk... (nothing)
There’s nothing you can do, it’s nature’s way of survival of the fittest. (nothing)
I want to save the weaker stalk somehow. (Unknown)
You’re right. The weaker stalk was the one that sacrificed! (Unknown)
But for flowers to blossom, the weaker one should be stripped. (nothing)
Throw it out and buy a new pot. (nothing)
Rescue both. (nothing)
It’ll be a flower gained from the other’s sacrifice... (nothing)
Wow… I’ll look forward to it, Ray! (nothing)
Yawn. I think the game you made is more interesting. (nothing)
It was fun. With hidden morals and all... (Unknown)
Are you going back to work? (nothing)
Ray, when are you going to sleep? (nothing)
  07:00 : Take Care of Your Health [707, Jumin, Jaehee]
Why don’t you lower the brightness? (nothing)
Change your glasses into sunglasses lol (nothing)
Huh. The name’s even suspicious for a start. (nothing)
I’ll get ready to write it down! (707)
Isn’t that just a bunch of powders and not a drink? (nothing)
Can I taste it? (nothing)
Reports to police right now (nothing)
It’s not like the stakes are some kinds of market free-giveaways... (nothing)
A match of outstanding product quality!! (707)
Send in an ingredients review document as well (nothing)
Seems you have an innocent spot in you, Jumin. (Jumin)
You don’t even know the prices at convenience store? You must be joking! (nothing)
Throwing it out down the drain… of something you made with great difficulty… T_T (707)
You’re suddenly acting a bit pathetic. (Jumin)
In other words, you’re distracted. (nothing)
Catching your breath is important as well. (707)
You’re nodding to that? ;;;;; (nothing)
Tell me more of this cleaning fairy. (nothing)
Cleaning fairy sounds too suspicious... (nothing)
Awesome! Why don’t we learn it’s secret cleaning methods at the party? (nothing + answer to the email)
Huh; It’s Jaehee;; (nothing)
Jaehee, good morning! (nothing)
You are very persistent. (nothing)
Too bad, you were this close to being successful in your fabrication. (707)
Jaehee, good luck today! (Jaehee)
You just came in. Are you already leaving? (nothing)
Isn’t it enough to have one friend like V? (Jumin + V)
You really have only two friends? (707)
Can someone translate what Seven’s saying? (Jumin)
1011011…... (707)
It wasn’t too far. It was way way too far. (nothing)
I thought it was funny lol (nothing)
Stop getting distracted and get to work. (nothing)
Don’t forget to bring Sevenstar Drink Version 2 when you come back! (nothing)
  09:13 : Back in the Days [Zen, Jaehee]
Jumin’s company? (nothing)
A morning meeting of beautiful people? Lol (Zen)
Cat café (nothing)
Did you get your license renewed? (nothing)
I’m ready to hit Save. Please show it to me!!!! (Zen)
I’m actually tired of seeing it since I’ve seen it numerous times. (nothing)
When did you debut? (nothing)
Oh! I suppose the roads were familiar to you- (nothing)
You must be happy. (nothing)
And the story goes that it was your girlfriend. (nothing)
Ooh, celebrity! (Zen)
It must have been worthwhile! (Zen)
What photo did V debut with? (V)
Oh, um, yeah. Let’s put it like that. (nothing)
Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors. (nothing)
Yeah. I think its hard to compare appearances with you, Zen! (Zen)
The one with Pickachoo!? (nothing)
I wanna be - most very best - (nothing)
I will decline as Ninpendo might get us because of copyright infringements. (nothing)
Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters by inviting him to the party. (nothing + answer to the email)
Oh… sweet jesus..! (Zen)
Wow lol (nothing)
My eyes are screaming out with joy! (nothing)
Welcome! (nothing)
Jaehee, our professional Zen-critic, can you please explain to us what kind of performance it was? (Jaehee)
And like this, the number of photos in my folder increase one by one... (Jaehee)
I want to see that performance - (nothing)
AI role…? It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI role. (Unknown)
Jaehee, your Zen-intelligence is really awesome. (Jaehee)
Skin conditions are always better when you’re young… (nothing)
Truth is, I think I prefer V than Zen. (V)
Jaehee, have a glass of cold coffee right now before you run wild. (Jaehee
It’s a meeting with V’s acquaintance, right? (V)
I want to know whom he’s having the meeting with - (nothing)
It’s my father-in-law ^^ (nothing)
V’s dad… I wonder what kind of person he is. (nothing)
He would have received some hardcore education. (nothing)
Silver spoon family class... (nothing)
 I like V’s humble attitude. (V)
They have few things in common, but they’re also different - (nothing)
A virtual world of their own… (nothing)
I think their relationship is… too glorified. (nothing)
I think they pair well together ^^ (V)
You do know that beer isn’t part of brunch, right? (nothing)
Enjoy your meal- (nothing)
Are you worried? (nothing)
Does V know about this? (V)
You have one… called being a fan-girl. It’s your boyfriend and friend. (V)
I want to be friends with V too. (V ( best answer)
It kind of bothers me that there’s a secret V keeps even from his friend. (Unknown)
Bye- (nothing)
Jaehee, have a great day today! (Jaehee)
  12:22 : My Best Friend [Unknown]
  I did- (nothing)
Not yet. (nothing)
Of course! Friends are really dear. (nothing)
No… Humans betray someday. (nothing)
You’re friends with flowers ^^ (Unknown)
Aren’t you working indoors all the time? (nothing)
What’s the flower language of blue roses? (nothing)
What’s the flower language of daffodils? (nothing)
Lisianthus (nothing)
I like lily-of-the-valley! (nothing)
Um… I think I feel more close with the friends inside the game. (V)
You can! Though more time would be needed. (Unknown)
Who is it? (nothing)
I’m jealous... (Unknown)
Um, I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it… (nothing)
I don’t feel it at all… I wish you’d be obsessed with me a bit more... (nothing)
I don’t think you’re obsessed with me. I’m just glad that you seem to care for me a lot! (Unknown)
Who is this person? (nothing)
Then Ray, are you working for this person? (nothing)
When the party is held… I think I would want to leave here. (nothing)
I want to be with you…! My mind will not change. (Unknown)
Bye! (nothing)
I want to see you today, Ray ! (Unknown)
Visual Novel Jumin
  14:09 : Small Cute Adorable (707, Jaehee)
  Oh, savior of Justice!! Has a villain appeared?  (nothing)
Every day is a crossroad lol (nothing)
Is something wrong? (nothing)
What’s your real job? (nothing)
You’re a person receiving a salary. (nothing)
I secured your portrait of the deceased. Thanks. (nothing)
What a dangerous mission… I wonder if you can return safely…? (707)
I understand her. She must’ve been surprised to learn that your mission is a dangerous one… (nothing)
Condolences to Jaehee’s eyes... (Jaehee)
I think I’m already used to it now-^^ Hahaha. (nothing)
I pray for your successful mission. (nothing)
Will a nude photo be next? (nothing)
Do I need to feed the fairy with compliments? (707)
Such delicate plot… This messenger is truly awesome. (Unknown)
I am curious of the next theme. (nothing)
Is 3 days enough? Won’t you need a week? (nothing)
3 days...? (nothing)
Got it. (nothing)
...Let me hear it out first. (nothing)
Oh! Compliment from the bottom of Jaehee’s heart ! (nothing)
I was about to recommend the first one!! (707)
Jaehee… you want to get out of this fast, right? (Jaehee)
Cars are dreams! Don’t sell it! (nothing)
Seven! Sell your car to me! (nothing)
Maybe it’s duty-free business? Lol (nothing)
Since it’s largely influencing the national economy…I think it’ll be larger than what we imagine… (nothing)
Okay… Good bye. (nothing)
It’s inevitable because of its size difference. (nothing)
What is it...? (nothing
Not really. (nothing)
I pay a decent amount earnestly. Thought not as much as Jumin… (nothing)
I’m a person with a fragile wallet that gets billed with withholding tax. (nothing)
Wouldn’t V’s mother’s hair color have been mint? (nothing)
The father might have dyed his hair...(nothing)
V might have colored his hair...TT (nothing)
You’re the son of  dragon? Whatever... (Jaehee)
I wish a dragon would come to the party... (707)
Wouldn’t it be better if we invite those who can actually attend the party? (Jaehee)
Let’s make an equal world for everyone together! (707)
Lololol (nothing)
It looks like a strong name. (nothing)
Whoa... (nothing)
It’s not the right time to unveil the sealing of the dragon Smug, so I therefore decline. (nothing)
Okay! Let’s invite it! (nothing + answer to the email)
Can the party be really held properly? T_T (Jaehee)
Wow- (nothing)
So this person has nothing to do with the pilot you first mentioned! (nothing)
How is this person related to you, Jaehee?;; (nothing)
You’ve put your effort in trying to find the most ordinary person! (nothing)
We’re already too ordinary, and I don’t think we need to invite this person! (707)
We cannot decline someone like that! (Jaehee + answer to the email)
Whoa…are you going to fall now? (nothing)
What are you talking about? I’m sure you’re not really flying through the sky…. (nothing)
Sounds dangerous... (nothing)
I want to try that! (nothing)
A genius! (707)
I’d expect nothing less from someone V has appointed in charge of security. (V)
I don’t think it’s a good idea to trust all of Seven’s words. I mean, we’ve seen him playing tricks a lot… (Jaehee)
Didn’t he invite the vampire and udon…? (Jaehee)
The party might become more interesting! (Jumin)
No way- They both don’t look like bad people. (nothing)
I’m worried that V might become baffled with all this. (V)
You don’t think V told those two to recommend only the weird guests to pretend to be holding a party, do you? (Unknown)
To rest during the evening, I must continuously work.. (nothing)
I should pick up and finish up the work I was doing- (nothing)
I’ll start my grand afternoon…! (nothing)
16:32 : Precious friend [V, Jumin]
V! Hi! (nothing)
Hello. (nothing)
Do you think the members were serious with their recommendations? (nothing)
I think it’ll be fun! (nothing)
Jumin, welcome. (nothing)
Two friends gathered in a chatroom^^ (nothing)
Rich people helping each other out - what a great world they live in. (nothing)
What kind of person is V’s father? I wonder what his impression is like. (nothing)
Did you exchange any secrets? (Unknown)
Ah, then you two should enjoy your conversation through the phone ^^ (V)
Is it a humiliating secret that you can’t share with me? (nothing)
Fathers are said to be close but distant as well. Especially in  case of father-son relationship…! (nothing)
Oh… You’ve become estranged. I’m a bit like that as well. (V)
V, you have a lot of secrets... What kind of secrets are you hiding from your father? (Unknown)
 It would have been better if you’ve told V before proceeding with it… (V)
I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together. (Jumin)
Can I go to that occasion? (Unknown)
I think it’s was Jumin’s way of being considerate of you- (Jumin)
V… you seem very uncomfortable with your father. (V)
Feels like your business will be a big hit! (Jumin)
You must have seen each other often since you both lived in the same neighborhood- (V)
Do you have any stories… like secrets regarding V? (Unknown)
Impressive; (nothing)
Church..? I don’t think that type of religion can heal people. (Unknown)
I want to hear memories of you two ^^ (nothing)
Who sang better? (nothing)
Cute - !! (V)
I think V would have won... (V)
So, who won? (nothing)
Please don’t say that, V. It’s not your fault. (V)
Yes… Sometimes an emotional decision can worsen the situation. (Unknown)
It’s going to get better little by little, V. (V)
Don’t you think this sadness isn’t something you can overcome? (Unknown)
V… don’t fall into too much despair, and try to cheer up! (V)
Bye. (nothing)
Though he looks very cool on the outside… I think he’s having a hard time. (nothing)
He wouldn’t think me as a replacement of Rika, would he? (nothing)
Is there anything I can do for V? (V)
I think Rika was more unfortunate. (Unknown)
I’m going to think of V… Bye. (V)
I’m going to take a break now! Take care! (nothing)
(Jumin calls)
18:24 : Explosion of Emotions [Yoosung, Zen]
Yes, I did. (nothing)
Umm… I did see it, though I didn’t understand quite well. (nothing)
Please calm down… (nothing)
Yoosung, you must be in pain... (Yoosung)
Doesn’t it feel like everyone is hiding something? (Unknown)
Hello – (nothing)
Welcome, Zen the Gorgeous - (nothing)
We were talking about Jumin. (Yoosung)
Yoosung is currently exploding with emotions. (Zen)
You should be nice to your relatives. (nothing)
Aunt and uncle? (nothing)
Whoa… isn’t that harsh? It was their daughter’s funeral…. (Yoosung)
Don’t you think Rika’s family affected her in a bad way? (V)
There seems to be a lot of drama... (nothing)
Rika was adopted? (nothing)
They’re a family. Didn’t they keep contact with Rika? (nothing)
I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image... (nothing)
I think V’s trying hard too. Why don’t you leave him alone for a bit….? (V)
It’s not easy to trust someone with secrets. (nothing)
 Lololol (Yoosung)
I think having someone next to you would help ^^; (Zen)
Yup. It is a heal-all-potion, the panacea. (Zen)
I don’t think that’s something… Yoosung needs. (Yoosung)
Zen said that to help you… but you just shake it off… (nothing)
Don’t treat Yoosung like a child. He’s an adult. (nothing)
Zen… it might reach him later on. (Zen)
I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method. (nothing)
Everyone might become more light-hearted when everyone reveals the truth! (Unknown)
I wonder what V’s thinking... (V)
I’m glad that at least you’re acting more positively. (Zen)
His way of grieving might be out of this world! (707)
Seven maybe has a heart made of steel? (nothing)
If you ride the motorcycle, V will get worried. (V)
Riding your motorcycle? Through the wind- (nothing)
You can ride through the wind with a VR game. (nothing)
I hope you’re not taking your motorcycle for a trip around your neighborhood! (nothing)
Zen, you’ll look gorgeous even after sweating. (Zen)
  Visual Novel Yoosung
  20:11 : Reason behind the Curiosity [Unknown]
 Why does the background look different whenever you log on? (nothing)
You’re on your way here? Wow... (Unknown)
I was about to have dinner – (nothing)
I’m not in my room yet... (nothing)
I was resting. Doing this and that. (nothing)
Bzzzz! Wrong, you’ve got them all wrong! (nothing)
You’ve got a few right ^^ (nothing)
Um… don’t we need time to learn about each other? (nothing)
How much do you like me? (Unknown)
I feel… a tad suffocated. (Unknown – but not the best answer)
I actually feel good. (Unknown)
I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets. The ALs felt really natural…. (nothing)
It was fun today as well. V turned a bit more active. (V)
Give me a second... (nothing)
Yes! (nothing)
  Visual Novel :
I’ve been waiting for you! It’s great to see you. (nothing)
Aren’t you busy? (nothing)
You said you needed caffeine. (nothing)
You talked about a garden. (nothing)
I want to go to that garden fast. (nothing)
I’m not an idiot- (nothing)
It’s a little chilly. (nothing)
They’re beautiful…! (nothing)
Just what do you do here, Ray? Why are you so busy?
When will this game end? (nothing)
No, I’d like to try it some more. (nothing)
I want to finish it quickly and go home. (nothing but don’t make him cry ;-;)
But…just what is this place? (nothing)
I want to go back and rest! (nothing)
Already ? I don’t want to go back. I feel trapped in there… (nothing)
Let’s walk for few more minutes. I want to talk to you some more. (nothing)
21:49 : Powder of the Coordinator ! [707, V]
Hi-ho (nothing)
Cleaning Fairy! Have you completed all your chores? (707)
Yes, it was great talking to V and all. (V)
Yes- I went for a walk in the gardens. It was great. (Unknown)
I don’t know... (nothing)
Yes! (nothing)
This time it’s an insurance scam? (nothing)
Heartwarming.... (nothing)
When can I receive reimbursement? (nothing)
Yes^^ (V)
I’m holding the phone right now. (707)
Wow! I’m so glad! (nothing)
I’m embarrassed ^^; (nothing)
What else did you find out apart from that? (nothing)
Wow…! (nothing)
You really didn’t come in very often before lol (nothing)
And what other kinds of information did you find out? (nothing)
Sure- (nothing)
A tad later, please. (nothing)
Feels great that he’s looking out for me! (V)
I don’t know… Perhaps he’s not sincere about it. (Unknown)
Can I change the channel? (nothing)
V said not to advertise. (V)
Let’s hear it out first. (nothing)
Done with the advertisement? (nothing)
I want to buy one for V. (V)
Where did the insurance ad go? (nothing)
Yes, I’ll order one box, please… There’s someone here who needs it… (nothing)
Good luck with your convenience store thing! (707)
Bye, Mr.Advertiser. (nothing)
V calls
23:07 : Another Level of Salvation [Jaehee, Yoosung]
  Jaehee, you should have some of Sevenstar drink…! (707)
Hello, Jaehee! You’re up late! (nothing)
I believe Seven will be able to avoid them without a problem. (707)
Troubled times, these times... (Jaehee)
I have a bad feeling about this... (nothing)
Why don’t you go to a shaman? Or hire an exorcist... (nothing)
Yes… I hope they stop before they create more victims. (V)
Um… Maybe it could actually save someone… That’s probably why deeply religious people look very happy. (Unknown)
Welcome- (nothing)
Yoosung, what have you been up to? (nothing)
No… We must stop him!!! (V)
Was it effective? (Unknown)
Are you ordering Sevenstar Drink!? (707)
Did you fall into the world of gaming? (Yoosung)
Isn’t that a virus..? (nothing)
Seems like a sign. (nothing)
Sob... (nothing)
Sniff… I smell something… the smell of a spaceship burning… (707)
Weren’t there any hidden information? (Unknown)
Start binge-gaming from now on. (Yoosung)
I’m thankful that he’s become brighter...  (Jaehee)
Go back to the game. (Yoosung)
I believe it’s a problem you eventually have to return to and solve... (V)
Sounds like good words, but it’s always better to do an adequate amount of good deed. (nothing)
She’s right! (nothing)
I can see how dangerous it is just by hearing it; (V)
It may be happiness to those that want to be saved by force... (Unknown)
Why don’t we, the RFA, inherit and continue that!? (Yoosung)
Yes… But we won’t be able to do as much as before. (Unknown)
It might not be fancy like salvation, but I will do my best. (V)
Eating might help you ease that stress. (nothing)
Yoosung, it might be time for you to look for professional help. (nothing)
I’m a bit suspicious lol (nothing)
Whoa, interesting! (nothing)
He looks too fishy. I’ll decline. (nothing)
Let’s invite him! I wonder what his next costume will be after the leopard. (nothing + answer to the email)
Yoosung, you’re leaving in a speed of light. (nothing)
Vent out stress by gaming! (nothing)
I think he just needs a way to vent out like that for now. (Jaehee)
He needs true salvation... (Unknown)
I think I should get some rest too. (nothing)
If you find it, please tell me as well! (V)
 Visual Novel Jaehee
Day 4 | V is here.
229 notes · View notes
nikelyzed · 7 years
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JSeries Festival 2017 Report
Jakarta, 9th December Upperroom Annex Building 10th Floor
First of all sorry this report was written on broken English because I do believe it’ll be a total fiasco if I wrote it in Indonesian, trust me Please forgive me if there’s any grammar / spelling mistakes (´;ㅿ;`) Also, taking photos was strictly prohibited when the talk show started inside the venue, that’s why I only have 4 badly taken photos on the photo session for the report orzz
If you’re looking for certain guest artist report please just scroll down because it’s gonna be a poorly written long ass report LMAO
This is the shortest dead-lined trip I ever done in my life, like it’s less than 2 weeks & I almost surrender because of office deadlines were crammed up into 4 days Also my phone was broken when the announcement was out Jakarta is a complicated place & I’m hella afraid straying there all alone, but luckily I have some friends who offer me place to stay 。゚(゚^o^゚)゚。
Special thanks to Maya & Shadent who let me stay at their place [and I still feel bad kicking Maya from her bed LMAO I’m so sorry orzz]
December 8th 2017
So the day before I was going to Jakarta, I woke up at 4am to pack my stuff but still almost late for the train departure LOL The train supposed to depart at 7.35am & I just arrived at the station at 7.20am I was running around like an idiot I swear 😂
I arrived in Jakarta at 11am  went to the ticket venue as soon as I can I met with friends I already know & some new friends, which I forgot--😂 They even let me touch their bromide collection [& took photo of it gsxcvjgacxg]
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I’m screeching like an idiot when I saw SatoKiyo bromide because-- do I need to explain this part???  ((유∀유|||))
After exchanging email reservation with the ticket & having lunch, we went to karaoke & I almost lost my voice in the process
At night I really want to bang my head because I’m contemplating whether I should draw a gift for Ogotan or not since there’s no announcement of gift box for guest artist & I forgot to ask the staff about it too orzz But I decided to draw art gift for him in the night yet unable to finish because I was too sleepy, exhausted, & nearly heat-stroked because Jakarta heat is never a joke to begin with If you’re weak against sun-heat like me please bring umbrella / hat & put as many sunscreen & sunblock as you can, I mean it
December 9th 2017
The next day I woke up at 4am sharp but was shocked to my spine because Maya was sleeping on the floor instead on the bed  (´・_・`) Since we both still sleepy we decided to continue sleeping again but now it’s my turn to sleep on the floor ofc
We woke up again at 7am & doing satan speed preparations because the traffic is gonna be nasty if we’re late for real
We managed to arrived on the venue at 9am something I took a shortcut to get to the empty spot because my bag is hecking heavy & I can’t wait to sit, this resulting to the gate-border-thing to snap & fall, sorry security-san I’m too eager orzz
After that we sit on the line until open gate time I spend my time rolling around back & forth to some friends while waiting I even can continue the gift for Ogotan & finished it on time Since we forgot to buy envelope for the fan letter I decided to sacrifice my red folder file to contain all the letter for Ogotan
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I swear I was nervous as heck when people start staring at it like hjvghcvaxhjdvvf no I’m not cheating on Ryuji this is just a normal gift yet some people still teasing me about it until now ((유∀유|||))
Oh I also met friends from previous karaoke session Alchemilla, Caneera, Kuyo, Maya, Evelyn, Salfa, Shadent, Nopi, Ika, Nindita, Nadya, & idk the rest please remind me because my memory was as bad as Higekiri or even worse---  ┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓
2:45pm Open Gate
We’re running a little bit late from schedule but finally we entered the hall I got the first row seat on the middle wing, I sit on the left side right across to the press chair row on the left wing Never have I felt so blessed before, it’s so close to the stage I swear I can even jump over the fence if I want to, but of course I won’t do that la I still have some sanity intact
The rest of this report was based on my memory so please kindly tell me if I made any mistake over the schedule / what the artist said or do OK?  |ω・`)
The MC was Hiroaki Kato [the cool & kind oyaji] also a pretty lady who I failed to remember her name oops sorry  (´・_・`)
In the opening we have many dorama screenings, & if you’re curious the list of dorama can be found here 
Saso Yuki fangirl section
The first guest artist to appeared was Saso Yuki the P*cari Sweat girl on youtube I never think she will be this pretty up close I swear she’s prettier IRL, the photo / video you saw were nothing hvfkacvxgyuedf  (///﹏///).。oஇ
She greets & introduces herself in Indonesian. The rest of talk show was about acting & stuff. She also talk about the making of P*cari Sweat TVC Yuki Saso hope Indo & Japan can have greater relationship in the near future
IDK if it’s just me, but when I was too busy gaping like a fish & stare at her for solid minutes, she look at my direction and waved and smiled so bright AND I JUST DIED HDVGSHHJVCSJBC I swear she’s sooooooooo sooooooooooooooo pretty that you could melt when she’s smiling LOL I forgot things she said since I was dumb-strucked by her beauty
After that we had another screening time
Nano fangirl section
The next guest artist to perform was Nano She’s also gorgeous up close & she’s very happy to perform in Indonesia since she was cancelling her previous concert in Jakarta due to some circumstances She also told us that the venue her concert supposed to be held was this exact venue we’re sitting on & we’re going “whoaaa” in unison
When Nano was going to sing, the sound system died--- The audience was very supportive & cheer her up with kind words The Nano support team was amazing, you guys rocks!  (≧∇≦ ) If I’m not mistaken Nano sing “Savior of Song” & “The Crossing” It was amazing performance, we stand & sing along together
Next we have another screening time
Isomura Hayato & Yahagi Honoka fangirl section
After screening time, there’s guest artist arrived & I scream on top of my lungs because I thought it was Ogotan But false alarm, It’s actually Isomura Hayato from Kamen Rider Ghost & I still screamed anyway  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) This talk session was also attended by Yahagi Honoka-chan & I was dumb-strucked by another beauty LMAO Seriously she’s so cute up close  (灬ºωº灬)♡
Their first impression of Indonesia was it’s hot but they both like it since its freezing winter on Japan Both talk a lot of things, about acting & stuff. Both were asked if there’s drama collaboration with Indonesia will they interested or not but of course the fans said the deadpanned big big no since Indonesia soap opera quality is kinda-- well-- you decide la--😂
I don’t remember what they talk because I forgot to take notes of it But there’s this section when Hayato-kun asked why he become a Kamen Rider, he said it’s his dream to protect girls [he clearly said ‘Josei’ here] Hiroaki-san teases us “Who want to be protected by Hayato-kun?” And this dork whose name is Hayato-kun just casually stretch his hands out to audience direction while nodding, like offering a hug Of course the fangirls roars the signature “KYAAAAAAAA” including me Who don’t want to be protected by a handsome guy anyway??  (//∇//)
Another funny thing, when I was staring right into Hayato-kun [he’s so gorgeous IRL I swear] idk if he realized I was staring or he’s actually looking at the press which is right across my seat-- He look at my direction A LOT & I pretend to stare at Honoka-chan, this happened many many times it feels awkward LMAO o)-(;;; I keep chanting “Hayato-kun please don’t look over here, just lemme enjoy your gorgeous face peacefully”, but he keep looking at my direction once in a while Oh well, considered it blessings  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`)
When the times up we had another screening TADAAAAAH it’s YOWAPEDAAAAAAA I was soooooo prepared to see Ogotan but since I can see towards the backstage entrance it’s actually a female silhouette walking to the stage
Being a country field person I’m, I still scream because she was also one of my childhood fav actress on Heart movie since she’s so cute & relatable as duck LMAO
She talked a lot about acting, awards she won in Japan, & so on The funny part is, when she was asked what kind of movie she like to watch she gesture “mampus gue” with her lips which can be roughly translated as “sht I’m screwed” 😂   
No worries Yuki-chan, we understand that fangirl feeling, really 😂 😂 😂
After talk with Yuki-chan, the kameko-ninja-guy set some band property so I relax a little, thinking it was Rei performance
Never been I’d be so wrong in my life
Ogoe Yuuki massive fangirl section
When Hiroaki-san announce the next guest artist I nearly fell of my chair because FINALLY OGOTAN APPEARED HOLYDUCKXVHSVKVXHTXAKOZ
I wonder if I actually died on the spot because Ogotan look so gorgeous & cute & pure & angelic idk man I’m wheezing my life out  (´×ω×`) He wore a suit which has the same color as my attire & I got teased again orzz
First he was greeting us with a broken Indonesian along with a sheepish smile His jumbled face when he ask Hiroaki-san how to read the Indonesian language, it was soooo so cute, so pure, so angelic, so fluffy hhhnnnggghhhhhhh He continue the gibberish Indonesian greetings cutely which we all failed to understand, the audience went “???” & he also went a little “???”  😂 
Its okay Ogotan, we still love you 😂 
His first impression of Indonesia was it’s extremely hot ofc Hiroaki-san offered if he had any intention to bike around while in Indo But of course the Ogotan support team won’t let him, giving him the no gestures and chanting “dame-dame-dame” together  😂  We don’t want Ogotan to bike in these messy road & of course Indonesian sun is unhealthy for his flawless skin so NOPE  ლ(ಠ益ಠლ WE SHALL PROTECT OGOTAN AT ANY COST!! - said someone
He talked about acting, dorama, and also butai. He explained to us the differences between dorama & butai, their specialty & so on For example is when he’s on Yowapeda butai he only use bike handle, while in dorama he need to bike for real
Between the talk he sends lots lots of heart gestures, both Korean heart finger sign & full fledged love hand sign toward the audience & there goes the audible “KYAAAAA” signature roaring from back to the front including me LMAO
He keep smiling & shooting heart & sending loves & waving & idk man
I feel so attacked when he look at a folder file I was carrying earlier I decided to showed it to him when he’s looking & making “it’s for you” hand gestures He smiled at me, HE SMILED AT ME FOR DUCK SAKE & SEND ME A FULL FLEDGET HEART SIGN WITH BOTH HAND & I JUST MELT IN THE NAME OF LORD I WAS NEARLY DIED LMAO  。゚( ゚இωஇ゚)゚。
It’s hecking embarrassing so I just cover my face with the folder file but Ogotan seems to know I was a weakling & he keep shooting me heart sign & tilt his head cutely & I died again & again LMAO OGOTAN STOPPP I CAN’T HANDLE IT GXBXCHSGLGBLTFXGKHS
[I need to apologize to Ryuji later I swear]
He talks about a lot of stuff but I barely remember what he talk on stage since what I heard & remember were just "KYAAA KYAAA KYAA” from start to the end I kinda feel bad for Hiroaki-san because his translations were drowned between sea of fangirl screams  ( ;∀;)
When the talk session time is up, there goes another fangirl scream, the saddest one you’ll ever heard, it feels like you just kicked a kitten / puppy
I was also started crying without I realize because I always cry when fangirling By I mean crying was rolling literal tears from my eyes because I’m a weakling to every people I adore including actors, singers, whatever
Here comes the angst I’m so so sad because we only can see him for about 15 minutes & after that idk when will we can see him again so I started crying for real but inaudible one ofc
By the end of the talk, Ogotan said something like : “Thank you for loving me. It was my motivation & it supports me to keep going on. Thank you very much & please take care of me too in the future”
I don’t remember the exact thing he said but he does say ‘Aisarete’ something something & on here my friend who understand Japanese better was already bawling  。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚ 。
AND CAN YOU GUESS WHAT?? HE LOOK AT MY DIRECTION AGAIN & SEND ME ANOTHER HEART SIGN & OF COURSE I WAS CRYING EVEN MORE LA OMFG WHAT A WRONG MOVE OGOTAN LMAOOO CRYYYYYYYYYYY  .˚‧º·(ฅдฅ。)‧º·˚. He also kindly send me a “nakanaide” gesture with his lips & I’m sending him an OK sign while wiping my tears LMAO what am I doing with my life, really I started thinking if I’m being delusional & Ogotan never did any of these but please, just let me be 😂💖
After that Ogotan fangirl time was over & I’m still crying LMAO HAHHAHAH He keep shooting hearts & smiles so bright it can light up the whole universe The audience finally fall silent after he return to the backstage
After Ogotan talk is over, it’s Rei turn to perform At that time my soul was still flying & can’t even process what’s happening because my head hurts so much from too many screaming & crying LMAO
BUT TADAAHHHH there’s a surprise attack by the end of the event LMAO.
There’s actually some envelope attached at the bottom of each audience chair Inside each of the envelope there’s a name of guest artist written, there’re 10 envelope in total
7 of the lucky audience will get a board which autographed by the guest The other 3 was the luckiest mustard ever existed on earth who got a chance to take a photo with the guest artist LIKE (ノ-_-)ノ~┻━┻ Since I’m bad in gambling of course I don’t get any la what do you expect
I can hear envy screeching from back to the front, in this segment finally we’re allowed to took some photos, & there’s a crowd photo from the stage too but IDK Press-san tachi, I’m waiting for the better photo here  ( ˘•ω•˘ ).。oஇ
I’m unable to took more than 4 photos because I was squished to the gate from back & it’s hard balancing phone with one hand so here comes the blurry quality photos I managed to snap between the chaos
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
While taking photos we managed to catch Yuki Kato attention Being the good fangirl we’re, we keep gesturing her “THIS THING IS FOR OGOTAN” while pointing at Ogotan continuously LOL She replied with hand gestures “How should I tell him about it???”
Ogotan seems realizing what’s happening & smiles to us cutely And the front row died again LMAO
I swear Yuki Kato is a fangirl in crime, thank you for helping us Yuki-chan!  ヾ(。>﹏<。)ノ゙✧*
Finally, the event end for real  ( ´༎ຶㅂ༎ຶ`) I was running around to find a way to give Ogotan’s gift art & apparently there’s a gift box [which actually is a gift desk] prepared for it by the staff
We part our ways & I’m recharging my flying soul with friends, eating Yoshin*ya while contemplating whether is it a real life or just a fantasy
After that I went to Shadent’s home for resting, we watch some Kamen Rider episodes before finally collapsing on bed in less than 5 minutes LMAO
It was really a fun day, I’m having a great experience & I’m gonna cherish this memory forever ever ever and ever!!  。✧*。( ´∩•͈ω•͈∩` )✧*。
Otsukaresamadesu JSeries Festival Jakarta!  See you next time!!  (。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧
Please bring Ryuji in the next event, I beg you  ((유∀유|||))
8 notes · View notes
that-black-parade · 7 years
V’s Route Walkthrough (Day 3)
[Previous Day | Next Day]
00:31 Under the Shimmering. Selection 1
I was waiting to meet you, Zen. (Zen)
I wanted to chill out more and then go to sleep. (Nothing)
Selection 2
The beautiful are sleepy heads…? (Zen)
I think your biorhythm will break living like that. (Nothing)
Selection 3
God, finally we’ll have some peace and silence. (Nothing)
Wow, you’re even humble! Such perfection! (Zen)
I actually want to see V’s photos! (V)
Selection 4
Zen, riding your bike under the moonlight… (Zen)
I wonder how Jumin will look riding the bike! (Nothing)
Are you in a motorcycle gang? (Nothing)
Selection 5
That’s the thing, you can never find your driver’s license when needed. (Nothing)
Share with me some photos of your driver’s license, if you have some. (Nothing)
Selection 6
It’s the same thing. Just do it. (Nothing)
Both are so perfect. How am I to choose!? (Zen)
Wow! It’s you when you were younger! (Nothing)
Selection 7
You’re here to see me!! (Nothing)
I want to chat with everyone together. (V)
Selection 8
Aren’t motorcycles dangerous? (Nothing)
Zen, you had an accident? (Nothing)
Selection 9
When you’re feeling frustrated and all, playing games are the best! 0% accidents! (Nothing)
What if something dangerous happens to you? (V)
You feel free as a bird when you ride with the wind. (Zen)
Selection 10
How exactly did the crash occur? (Nothing)
Tell me what happened back then. (Nothing)
Selection 11
It would have been serious if V didn’t follow you. (V)
V, you’re quite persistent. (Nothing)
Selection 12
V, you should take photos of someday as well! (V)
Trying to deny it by myself is too hard. I need some help here. (Nothing)
Selection 13
Flowers? V, were you Zen’s fan? (V)
Zen, what were you like back in the days? (Nothing)
Selection 14
Maybe you’re in a slump? (Nothing)
You still look promising. (Nothing)
Life is about rebounding back when you were considering quitting lol (Nothing)
Selection 15
I lie low for a while. (Nothing)
Do something that brightens your mood! (Nothing)
Forget about everything and let time pass by. (Nothing)
Selection 16
You seem to be coming in at late hours… Are you okay? (V)
V, do you normally clock in such late hours? (Nothing)
Selection 17
Have you ever heard of alcohol-related dementia? (Nothing)
Zen, I hope you get to shoot a beer commercial. (Zen)
V, you go well with wine! (Nothing)
Selection 18
Good bye! (Nothing)
Don’t drink to much! (V)
Selection 19
You have a lot to worry about. (Nothing)
I’m like that as well. (V)
Selection 20
I’m going to stay up late. (Nothing)
I think I should get going now. (Nothing)
02:46 Paradox of the Survival of the Fittest. Selection 1
Ray, why aren’t you sleeping? (Nothing)
We  connected as I wanted to see you as well! (Ray)
You seem to have a lot of work to do. (Nothing)
I was testing the game you gave me. (Ray)
Selection 2
If you have something to say, come over yourself. (Nothing)
There’s the modern convenience called the phone. (Nothing)
Selection 3
Wonder why it grew in two stalks. (Nothing)
Then it’ll bloom twice as much flowers! (Nothing)
Selection 4
I feel sad for the weaker stalk… (Nothing)
It could be that one of its like an extra giveaway, since it grew into two from one stalk.
Wouldn’t it be because only one had sunlight and the other had none? (Nothing)
Selection 5
There’s nothing you can do, it’s nature’s way of survival of the fittest.
I want to save the weaker stalk somehow. (Ray)
Selection 6
You’re right. The weaker stalk was the one that sacrificed! (Ray)
Throw it out and buy a new pot.
But for flowers to blossom, the weaker one should be stripped.
Rescue both. (Nothing)
Selection 7
Wow…I’ll look forward to it, Ray! (Nothing)
It’ll be a flower gained from the other’s sacrifice… (Nothing)
Selection 8
Yawn. I think the game you made is more interesting.
It was fun. With hidden morals and all… (Ray)
Selection 9
Are you going back to work? (Nothing)
Ray, when are you going to sleep? (Nothing)
07:00 Take Care of Your Health. Selection 1
Change you glasses into sunglasses lol (Nothing)
Why don’t you lower the brightness? (Nothing)
Selection 2
I’ll get ready to write it down! (707)
Huh. The name’s even suspicious for a start. (Nothing)
Selection 3
Isn’t that just a bunch of powders and not a drink? (Nothing)
Can I taste it? (Nothing)
Selection 4
Reports to police right now. (Nothing)
It’s not like the stakes are some kinds of market free-giveaways… (Nothing)
Selection 5
Send in an ingredients review document as well. (Nothing)
A match of outstanding product quality!! (707)
Selection 6
You don’t even know the prices at convenience stores? You must be joking! (Nothing)
Seems you have an innocent spot in you, Jumin. (Jumin)
Selection 7
You’re suddenly acting a bit pathetic. (Jumin)
Throwing it out down the drain…of something you made with great difficulty… T_T (707)
Selection 8
Catch your breath is important as well. (707)
In other words, you’re distracted. (Nothing)
Selection 9
You’re nodding to that? ;;;;; (Nothing)
Tell me more of this cleaning fairy. (Nothing)
Selection 10
Awesome! Why don’t we learn its secret cleaning methods at the party? (Email)
Cleaning fairy sounds too suspicious… (Nothing)
Selection 11
Huh; It’s Jaehee;; (Nothing)
Jaehee, good morning! (Nothing)
Selection 12
You are very persistent. (Nothing)
Too bad, you were this close to being successful in your fabrication. (707)
Selection 13
Jaehee, good luck today! (Jaehee)
You just came in. Are you already leaving? (Nothing)
Selection 14
Isn’t it enough to have one friend like V? (Jumin)
You really have only two friends? (707)
Selection 15
Can someone translate what Seven’s saying? (Jumin)
1011011… (707)
Selection 16
I thought it was funny lol (Nothing)
It wasn’t too far. It was way way too far.  (Nothing)
Selection 17
Stop getting distracted and get to work.
Don’t forget to bring Sevenstar Drink Version 2 when you come back! (Nothing)
09:13 Back in the Days. Selection 1
Did you get your license renewed? (Nothing)
Cat cafe. (Nothing)
A morning meeting of beautiful people? lol (Zen)
Jumin’s company? (Nothing)
Selection 2
I’m actually tired of seeing it since I’ve seen it numerous times. (Nothing)
I’m ready to hit Save. Please show it to me!!!! (Zen)
Selection 3
Oh! I suppose the roads were familiar to you— (Nothing)
When did you debut? (Nothing)
Selection 4
And the story goes that it was your girlfriend. (Nothing)
You must be happy. (Nothing)
Ooh, celebrity! (Zen)
Selection 5
What did photo did V debut with? (V)
It must have been worthwhile! (Zen)
Selection 6
Zen, I invite you to the room of mirrors. (Nothing)
Oh, um, yeah. Let’s put it like that. (Nothing)
Yeah, I think its harsh to compare appearances with you, Zen! (Zen)
Selection 7
I wanna be — most very best — (Nothing)
The one with Pickachoo!? (Nothing)
Selection 8
Great! I’ll catch Backpack Monsters by inviting him to the party. (Email)
I will decline as Ninpendo might get us because of copyright infringements. (Nothing)
Selection 9
Wow lol (Nothing)
Oh…sweet jesus…! (Zen)
My eyes are screaming out with joy! (Nothing)
Selection 10
Welcome! (Nothing)
Jaehee, our professional Zen-critic, can you please explain to us what kind of performance it was? (Jaehee)
Selection 11
I want to see that performance — (Nothing)
And like this, the number of photos in my folder increase one by one… (Jaehee)
Selection 12
AI role…? It must have been easy for an AI to play an AI role. (Ray)
Jaehee, your Zen-intelligence is really awesome. (Jaehee)
Selection 13
Truth is, I think I prefer V than Zen. (V)
Skin conditions are always better when you’re young… (Nothing)
Jaehee, have a glass of cold coffee right now before you run wild. (Jaehee)
Selection 14
t’s a meeting with V’s acquaintance, right? (V)
I want to know whom he’s having the meeting with — (Nothing)
Selection 15
It’s my father-in-law ^^ (Nothing)
V’s dad…I wonder what kind of person he is. (Nothing)
Selection 16
Silver spoon family class… (Nothing)
He would have received some hardcore education. (Nothing)
Selection 17
I like V’s humble attitude. (V)
They have few things in common, but they’re also different — (Nothing)
Selection 18
A visual world of their own… (Nothing)
I think they pair well together ^^ (V)
I think their relationship is… too glorified. (Nothing)
Selection 19
You do know that beer isn’t part of brunch, right? (Nothing)
Enjoy your meal— (Nothing)
Selection 20
Are you worried? (Nothing)
Does V know about this? (V)
Selection 21
You have one…called being a fan-girl. It’s your boyfriend and friend. (V)
It kind of bothers me that there’s a secret V keeps even form his friend. (Ray)
I want to be friends with V too. (V)
Selection 22
Bye— (Nothing)
Jaehee, have a great day today! (Jaehee)
12:22 My Best Friend. Selection 1
I did— (Nothing)
Not yet. (Nothing)
Selection 2
No…humans betray someday. (Nothing)
Of course! Friends are really dear. (Nothing)
Selection 3
Aren’t you working indoors all the time? (Nothing)
You’re friends with flowers ^^ (Ray)
Selection 4
Lisianthus. (Nothing)
I like lily-of-the-valley! (Nothing)
What’s the flower language of daffodils? (Nothing)
What’s the flower language of blue roses? (Nothing)
Selection 5
Um…I think I feel more close with the friends inside the game. (V)
You can! Thought more time would be needed. (Ray)
Selection 6
I’m jealous… (Ray)
Who is it? (Nothing)
Selection 7
Um, I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it… (Nothing)
I don’t think you’re obsessed with me. I’m just glad that you seem to care for me a lot! (Ray)
I don’t feel it at all…I wish you’d be obsessed with me a bit more… (Nothing)
Selection 8
The Ray, are you working for this person? (Nothing)
Who is this person? (Nothing)
Selection 9
I want to be with you…! My mind will not change. (Ray)
When the party is held…I think I would want to leave here. (Nothing)
Selection 10
Bye! (Nothing)
I want to see you today, Ray! (Ray)
14:09 Small Cute Adorable. Selection 1
Every day is crossroad lol (Nothing)
Is something wrong? (Nothing)
Oh, Savior of Justice!! Has a villain appeared? (Nothing)
Selection 2
You’re a person receiving a salary. (Nothing)
What’s your real job? (Nothing)
Selection 3
I secured your portrait of the deceased. Thanks. (Nothing)
What a dangerous mission…I wonder if you can return safely…? (707)
Selection 4
Condolences to Jaehee’s eyes… (Jaehee)
I understand her. She must’ve been surprised to learn that your mission is a dangerous one… (Nothing)
Selection 5
Will a nude photo be next? (Nothing)
I think I’m already used to it now—^^ Hahaha. (Nothing)
I pray for your successful mission. (Nothing)
Selection 6
I’m curious of the next theme. (Nothing)
Do I need to feed the fairy with compliments? (707)
Such delicate plot…This messenger is truly awesome. (Ray)
Selection 7
Is 3 days enough? Won’t you need a week? (Nothing)
3 days…? (Nothing)
Selection 8
Got it. (Nothing)
…Let me hear it out first. (Nothing)
Selection 9
Oh! Compliment from the bottom of Jaehee’s heart! (Nothing)
I was about to recommend the first one!! (707)
Jaehee…you want to get out of this fast, right? (Jaehee)
Selection 10
Seven! Sell your car to me! (Nothing)
Cars are dreams! Don’t sell it! (Nothing)
Selection 11
Maybe it’s duty-free business? lol (Nothing)
Since it’s largely influencing the national economy…I think it’ll be larger that what we imagine… (Nothing)
Selection 12
Okay…Good bye. (Nothing)
It’s inevitable because of its size difference. (Nothing)
Selection 13
What is it…? (Nothing)
Selection 14
Not really. (Nothing)
I pay a decent amount earnestly. Thought not as much as Jumin… (Nothing)
I’m a person with a fragile wallet that gets billed with withholding tax. (Nothing)
Selection 15
Wouldn’t V’s mother hair color have been mint? (Nothing)
The father might have dyed his hair…. (Nothing)
V might have colored his hair… TT (Nothing)
Selection 16
You’re the son of a dragon? Whatever… (Jaehee)
I wish a dragon would come to the party… (707)
Selection 17
Let’s make an equal world for everyone together! (707)
Wouldn’t it be better if we invite those who can actually attend the party? (Jaehee)
Selection 18
Whoa… (Nothing)
lololol (Nothing)
It looks like a strong name. (Nothing)
Selection 19
Okay! Let’s invite it! (Nothing)
It’s not the right time to unveil the sealing of the dragon Smug, so I therefore decline. (Nothing)
Selection 20
Can the party be really held properly? T_T (Jaehee)
Wow— (Nothing)
Selection 21
You’ve put your effort in trying to find the most ordinary person! (Nothing)
So this person has nothing to do with the pilot you first mentioned! (Jaehee)
How is that person related to you, Jaehee?;; (Nothing)
Selection 22
We’re already too ordinary, and I don’t think we need to invite this person! (707)
We cannot decline someone like that! (Jaehee)
Selection 23
Whoa…are you going to fall now? (Nothing)
What are you talking about? I’m sure you’re not really through the sky… (Nothing)
Selection 24
Sound dangerous… (Nothing)
I want to try that! (Nothing)
Selection 25
I don’t think it’s a good idea to trust all of Seven’s words. I mean, we’ve seen him playing tricks a lot… (Jaehee)
A genius! (707)
I’d expect nothing less from someone V has appointed in charge of security. (V)
Selection 26
Didn’t he invite the vampire and udon…? (Jaehee)
The party might become more interesting! (Jumin)
Selection 27
I’m worried that V might become baffled with all this. (V)
You don’t think V told those two to recommend only the weird guest to pretend to be holding a party, do you? (Ray)
No way—They both don’t look like bad people. (Nothing)
Selection 28
I’ll start my grand afternoon…! (Nothing)
I should pick up and finish up the work I was doing— (Nothing)
To rest during the evening, I must continuously work. (Nothing)
16:32 Precious Friend. Selection 1
V! Hi! (Nothing)
Hello. (Nothing)
Selection 2
I think it’ll be fun! (Nothing)
Do you think the members were serious with their recommendations? (Nothing)
Selection 3
Two friends gathered in a chatroom ^^ (Nothing)
Jumin, welcome. (Nothing)
Selection 4
What kind of person is V’s father? I wonder what his impression is like. (Nothing)
Did you exchange any secrets? (Ray)
Rich people helping each other out — what a great word they live in. 
Selection 5
Is it a humiliating secret that you can’t share with me? (Nothing)
Ah, then you two should enjoy your conversation through the phone ^^ (V)
Selection 6
Fathers are said to be close but distant as well. Especially in case of a father-son relationship…! (Nothing)
V, you have a lot of secret…. What kind of secrets are you hiding from your father? (Ray)
Oh…You’ve become estranged. I’m a bit like that as well. (V)
Selection 7
It would have been better if you’ve told V before proceeding with it… (V)
I think it’ll be a good occasion to get together. (Jumin)
Can I go to that occasion? (Ray)
Selection 8
I think it was Jumin’s way of being considerate of you— (Jumin)
V…you seem very uncomfortable wit your father. (V)
Selection 9
You must have seen each other ofter since you both lived in the same neighborhood— (V)
Feels like your business will be a big hit! (Jumin)
Do you have any stories…like secrets regarding V? (Ray)
Selection 10
I want to hear memories of you two ^^ (Nothing)
Church…?! I don’t think that type of religion can heal people. (Ray)
Impressive; (Nothing)
Selection 11
Cute - !! (V)
Who sang better? (Nothing)
Selection 12
So, who won? (Nothing)
I think V would have won… (V)
Selection 13
Yes…sometimes an emotional decision can worse the situation.  (Ray)
Please don’t say that, V. It’s not your fault. (V)
Selection 14
It’s going to get better little by little, V. (V)
Don’t you think this sadness isn’t something you can overcome? (Ray)
Selection 15
V…don’t fall into too much despair, and try to cheer up! (V)
Bye.  (Nothing)
Selection 16
I think Rika was more unfortunate. (Ray)
Thought he looks very cool on the outside…I think he’s having a hard time. (Nothing)
He wouldn’t think me as a replacement of Rika, would he?
Is there anything I can do for V? (V)
Selection 18
I’m going to take a break now! Take care! (Nothing)
I’m going to think of  V… Bye. (V)
18:24 Explosion of Emotions. Selection 1
Yes, I did. (Nothing)
Umm… I did see it, though I didn’t understand quite well. (Nothing)
Selection 2
Please calm down… (Nothing)
Doesn’t it feel like everyone is hiding something? (Ray)
Yoosung, you must be in pain… (Yoosung)
Selection 3
Hello — (Nothing)
Welcome, Zen the Gorgeous — (Nothing)
Selection 4
We were talking about Jumin. (Yoosung)
Yoosung is currently exploding with emotions. (Zen)
Selection 5
You should be nice to your relatives. (Nothing)
Aunt and uncle? (Nothing)
Selection 6
Whoa…isn’t that harsh? It was their daughter’s funeral… (Yoosung)
Don’t you think Rika’s family affected her in a bad way? (V)
Selection 7
There seems be a lot of drama… (Nothing)
Rika was adopted? (Nothing)
Selection 8
I didn’t know since Rika had a bright image… (Nothing)
They’re a family. Didn’t they keep contact with Rika? (Nothing)
Selection 9
It’s not easy to trust someone with secrets. (Nothing)
I think V’s trying hard too. Why don’t you leave him alone for a bit…? (V)
Selection 10
Lololol (Yoosung)
I think having someone next to you would help ^^; (Zen)
Selection 11
Yup. It is a heal-all-potion, the panacea. (Zen)
I don’t think that’s something��Yoosung needs. (Yoosung)
Selection 12
Zen said that to help you…but you just shake it off… (Nothing)
Don’t treat Yoosung like a child. He’s an adult. (Nothing)
Selection 13
I don’t think it’s a good idea to enforce your method. (Nothing)
Zen…it might reach him later on. (Zen)
Selection 14
I wonder what V’s thinking… (V)
Everyone might become more light-hearted when everyone reveals the truth! (Ray)
I’m glad that at least you’re acting more positively. (Zen)
Selection 15
His way of grieving might be out of this world! (707)
Seven maybe has a heart made of steel? (Nothing)
Selection 16
Riding your motorcycle? Through the wind- (Nothing)
If you ride the motorcycle, V will get worried. (V)
You can ride through the wind with a VR game. (Nothing)
Selection 17
I hope you’re not taking your motorcycle for a trip around your neighborhood! (Nothing)
Zen, you’ll look gorgeous even when after sweating. (Zen)
20:11 Reason Behind the Curiosity. Selection 1
You’re on you way here? Wow… (Ray)
Why does the background look different whenever you log in? (Nothing)
Selection 2
I was about to have dinner — (Nothing)
I’m not in my room yet… (Nothing)
I was reading. Doing this and that… (Nothing)
Bzzzz! Wrong, you’ve got them all wrong! (Nothing)
You’ve got a few right ^^ (Nothing)
Selection 3
How much do you like me? (Ray)
Um…don’t we need time to learn about each other? (Nothing)
Selection 4
I feel…a tad suffocated. (Ray)
I actually feel good. (Ray)
Selection 5
It was more fun today as well. V turned a bit more active. (V)
I acted naturally, not trying to pry out secrets. The AIs felt really natural… (Nothing)
Selection 6
Yes! (Nothing)
Give me a second… (Nothing)
VNM — Selection 1
Aren’t you busy?
I’ve been waiting for you! It’s great to see you. 
Selection 2
You talked about a garden.
You said you needed caffeine. 
Selection 3
I want to go to that garden fast.
I’m not an idiot—
Selection 4
They’re beautiful…!
It’s a little chilly.
Selection 5
But…just what is this place?
Just what do you do here, Ray? Why are you so busy?
When will this game end? 
I want to finish it quickly and go home.
No, I’d like to try it some more.
Selection 6
Let’s walk for few more minutes. I want to talk to you some more. 
Already? I don’t want to go back. I feel trapped in there…
I want to go back and rest!
21:49 Power of the Coordinator. Selection 1
Cleaning Fairy! Have you completed all you chores? (707)
Hi-ho. (Nothing)
Selection 2
Yes. I went for a walk in the gardens. It was great. (Ray)
Yes, it was great talking to V and all. (V)
Selection 3
Yes! (Nothing)
I don’t know… (Nothing)
Selection 4
This time is an insurance scam? (Nothing)
When can I receive reimbursement? (Nothing)
Heartwarming… (Nothing)
Selection 5
Yes ^^ (V)
I’m holding my phone right now. (707)
Selection 6
I’m embarrassed ^^ (Nothing)
What else did you fin out apart from that? (Nothing)
Wow! I’m so glad! (Nothing)
Selection 7
And what other kinds of information did you find out? (Nothing)
You really didn’t come in very ofter before lol (Nothing)
Wow…! (Nothing)
Selection 8
A tad later, please. (Nothing)
Sure — (Nothing)
Selection 9
Feels great that he’s looking out for me! (V)
I don’t know…perhaps he’s not sincere about it. (Ray)
Selection 10
Can I change the channel? (Nothing)
V said not to advertise. (V)
Let’s hear it out first. (Nothing)
Selection 11
Done with the advertisement? (Nothing)
I want to buy one for V. (V)
Where did the insurance ad go? (Nothing)
Yes, I’ll order one box, please….there’s someone here who needs it… (Nothing)
Selection 12
Good luck with your convenience store thing! (707)
Bye, Mr.Advertiser. (Nothing)
23:07 Another Level of Salvation. Selection 1
Hello, Jaehee! You’re up late! (Nothing)
Jaehee you sould have some of Sevenstar Drink…! (707)
Selection 2
I believe Seven will be able to avoid them without a problem. (707)
Troubled times, these times… (Jaehee)
Selection 3
I have a bad feeling about this… (Nothing)
Why don’t you go to a shaman? Or hide an exorcist… (Nothing)
Selection 4
Yes…I hope they stop before they create more victims. (V)
Um…maybe it could actually save someone…that’s probably why deeply religious people look very happy. (Ray)
Selection 5
Yoosung, what have you been up to? (Nothing)
Welcome — (Nothing)
Selection 6
Was it effective? (Ray)
No…we must stop him!!! (V)
Selection 7
Did you fall into the world of gaming? (Yoosung)
Are you ordering Sevenstar Drink!? (707)
Selection 8
Seems like a sign. (Nothing)
Isn’t that a virus…! (Nothing)
Selection 9
Sniff…I smell something…the smell of spaceship burning… (707)
Weren’t there any hidden information?
Sob… (Nothing)
Selection 10
Star binge-gaming from now on. (Yoosung)
I’m thankful that he’s become brighter…. (Jaehee)
Selection 11
I believe it’s a problem you eventually have to return to and solve… (V)
Go back to the game. (Yoosung)
Selection 12
Sounds like good words, but it’s always better to do and adequate amount of good deed. (Nothing)
She’s right! (Nothing)
Selection 13
I can see how dangerous it is just by hearing it; (V)
It may be happiness to those that want to be saved by force… (Ray)
Selection 14
Why don’t we, the RFA, inherit and continue that!? (Yoosung)
Yes…but we won’t be able to do as much as before. (Ray)
It might not be fancy like salvation, but I will do my best. (V)
Selection 15
Yoosung, it might be time for you to look for professional help. (Nothing)
Eating might help you ease that stress. (Nothing)
Selection 16
I’m a bit suspicious lol (Nothing)
Whoa, interesting! (Nothing)
Selection 17
He looks too fishy. I’ll decline. (Nothing)
Let’s invite him! I wonder what his next costume will be after the leopard. (Email)
Selection 18
Yoosung, you’re leaving in a speed of light. (Nothing)
Vent out your stress by gaming! (Nothing)
Selection 19
He needs a true salvation… (Ray)
I think he just needs a way to vent out like that for now. (Jaehee)
Selection 20
If you fin it, please tell me as well!! (V)
I think I should get rest too. (Nothing)
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