#and for some reason a lot of people just cant ship/hc those without writing the boys' love interests off as homophobic/bitches/etc.
oceanwithouthermoon · 3 months
my confession as a grown ass 19 year old is that im still obsessed with those "characters reacting to the show theyre in" gacha videos, idk what it is about them but i can never stop watching them
the saiki k ones are so good because its always either like conveniently avoiding clips of saikis powers and everyone is really confused, or its a power reveal
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sagemoderocklee · 29 days
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
🍄 🍬 ❄️ 🏜️ 🦴
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
got a lot of headcanon asks today in my inbox lol... uh for this ill go with my headcanon about Tenten not being without family since ive got two asks for that levels thing i reblogged earlier to answer
so my hc and how i usually approach Tenten is that she comes from a weapon smithing clan. Her clan originally came from Dragon Kingdom, but like... so, so long ago. like a thousand years ago. they were originally trading in what is now Fire, and eventually some started to settle instead of going back to Dragon Kingdom. They established themselves as blacksmiths and as times changed, became weapon makers almost exclusively. Her clan still makes other things besides weapons, but they specialize in weapon making.
Tenten lives with her grandmother since her parents died during Obito's assault on Konoha with the kyuubi. Tenten's clan lives in the industrial district of Konoha, and Neji (who is alive thank you) moves there after he and Tenten have been dating for a bit.
Tenten, of course, prioritizes fighting with weapons, but she also is a good smith herself, and does a lot of unique work with weapons.
I gave Tenten's clan a name, of course, so her family/clan name is Nie, which means 'pattern of a sword blade'.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
drawing a blank beyond all my usual things like gaara being obsessed with naruto being stupid or like the way ppl generally approach Gaara is ableist and disregards his history prior to Yashamaru tryna kill him or lee not being anbu/akatsuki/hokage etc and also ppl making lee sexy is stupid like he's weird looking and thats fine and i think his weird looks are charming and cute... all of which ive talked about before
um i guess ill say that sakura being self-centered is actually a really important and interesting character trait. it doesn't make her an awful, irredeemable character, it's just a character flaw and i think ppl who love her tend to ignore that about her because the people who absolutely hate her are always callin her a bitch etc. like i love sakura but she can be a bitch and i think that's interesting and okay and like if you really like a character you can lean into their flaws without that being like a condemnation of the character. she doesn't have to be like sunshine and daisies to be a good character
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
the dream theme/plot for a fic is one i'd probably just write myself. not like for any reason other than if i have an idea i usually wanna execute it myself, and at this point a lot of my ideas exist within the worldbuilding ive done and not that other ppl dont or cant but my interest are always gonna lean more into the political spectrum of storytelling and i think that's generally my niche and not as many ppl write those stories.
i think if there was absolutely something i didnt wanna write id honestly probably not wanna read it either, so im always like shit at answer these kinda questions cause once i have an idea im like 'ok ill write that someday'
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
always gonna love long comments that talk about the themes of the story, that bring up things the reader thinks is foreshadowing, direct lines from the fic, and so on. i like when ppl are like rlly analyzing what ive written and telling me their thoughts and what they think is gonna happen. i think by far my fave thing is ppl tryna guess what's coming and seeing how close or how far off they are, and when ppl do pick up on foreshadowing that is just... chef's kiss.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i find inspiration in a lot of things and it rlly is gonna depend on what im writing at the time. sometimes i get inspired by music (a lot of my gaalee fics were originally inspired by Florence+the Machine song for instance), sometimes it's like a poem or a book, or a tv show, but it rlly is always gonna depend on what im writing.
but my perspective is that art begets art. art is always in a state of inspiring more art, whether its the originating artist being inspired by their own work or another being inspired by their work, i think art is at its core always birthing more art.
with fic i dont think i could pinpoint one single thing that's inspiring me at any given moment, but i am often being inspired by other things whether it's music or just like an article about something.
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kidelder · 4 years
jiley & camline for that angsty ship meme pls 🥺
okay this is so much fun actually ksdfjsdf but i think?? it’s less angsty than i originally thought lmao  🥺🥺🥺
Okay james and riley have such an interesting dynamic and i literally cannot wait to see the trust building between them and kudos to james for dealing with riley ksdjfsdf 
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
Definitely Riley especially since she is literally almost never careful enough. Like she has a butterfly knife that she constantly plays with and flicks around with a lot and bet she accidentally cuts herself a lot. 
 who worries more about the other
James skjdfsdf I think he would be the type to be more worried and persistent to get their injuries treated when it comes to injuries and stuff. Especially since Riley literally gets into trouble and gets injured way too often like every other day so he probably would get worried; while Riley would be the type that gets concerned only for people she cares about like James and the only sign that shows that is when she tosses a roll of bandages at him if he got hurt.  
 who is more afraid about the other leaving them
Both of them would be afraid of the other leaving them especially after they have spent some time together and are actually depending on each other?? and the fact that they literally only have each other to trust and lean on. Like James would probably be the one who’s more vocal about not wanting her to leave and Riley is the type who wouldn’t admit that she doesn’t want him to ever leave. 
 who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
I think both of them! At first it would definitely be Riley because she still doesn’t trust him, and she is kinda scared of actually trusting him? She feels as if that makes her vulnerable and he might become her weakness that could be exploited, and she’s scared she wouldn’t be able to protect him like how she couldn’t protect all the ones she’s lost. Which leads to her making dumb decisions that probably end up hurting him. Which causes James to leave her because any trust he has on her is definitely shattered. But both of them probably would be reluctant to actually leave each other once their broken bond is repaired stronger than ever. 
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
Riley sfsdfsdf she has a pretty loose mouth when she is drunk and she probably just says whatever that comes to mind. Once she feels comfortable enough around James, drunk Riley would be emotionally expressive Riley. She would be more honest regarding her feelings and thoughts rather than always resolving to sarcasm and humor. catch her just rambling about how she hates james for always being so disapproving of her but then he looks so hot that she wants to just both kiss and kick him for distracting her but then he has to do things that just confuse tf outta her like making sure she is safe or how he pulls the blanket over her when she kicks it off when she’s asleep-- yes she noticed that-- and how she took a peek when he showered that one time and she didnt get much sleep that night-- 
 who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
Honestly this would be Riley for a short while since there’s the whole trust thing. But also everyone she’s ever loved and cared for before all wound up getting killed so that is also another reason because she lowkey thinks she is the reason why she couldn’t protect the people she loves, and she wouldn’t want to do that to James, someone she might actually have feelings for, so she just ends up pushing him away and/or leaving. Cause seeing him getting seriously injured or dying on her watch would really break her, especially after she’s gotten way more attached to him than she would even want to admit
 who picks fights more often
Riley tbh because well, she is Riley. Skljdfsdf ok but like she will end up doing or saying insensitive things mostly because she likes to be a dramatic little shit, and to annoy James, even during inappropriate times and that would probably cause them to argue and fight a lot. 
 who usually apologizes first
I think James would be the type to apologize so they could wrap up the issue and move on and Riley would be the type to show that she is guilty and sorry rather than express it verbally. Catch her buying dinner or doing something genuine from heart after she’s done something wrong or upset James a little too far. 
 who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
I think both of them! They don’t seem to be the type to actually sit down and sort through their feelings like “okay i think i’m in love with you” but they would be showing it instead? Like they wouldn’t actually admit it but they certainly wouldn’t actually go out of their way to hide it too lmao 
 who is more likely to lash out at the other
Depends on the situation, mostly. If it’s a very serious and dangerous situation and Riley is once again trying to kill herself, I see James would get more upset than Riley, and her antics certainly doesn’t help ghjfdkg 
 who gets more jealous
i think it would be Riley most of the time. I see James as someone who has that naturally attractive and kind charm that people just get drawn to and he is just so nice to everyone that people can’t not like him. Especially those who clearly have other intentions, and that would actually annoy Riley a lot from time to time. And Riley literally flirted and did much more with James when he first came to kill her, so who’s to say she wouldn’t have done something similar with anyone else? And James definitely knows that. Riley has a certain confident sexiness vibe to her entire demeanor and she attracts just the right- or wrong kind of company.   
 who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”
Skdhfsdf i would say both but Riley would be the type to hold grudges and she will literally be so salty even though she’s moved on (if she even manages to) and James definitely seems like the type that would genuinely wish the other to be happy. 
Bonus random hc: i dont think riley is the type to ever call anyone by their actual names skdjfsf and she definitely has a bunch of weird nicknames for people that she finds funny. Like she would be calling james as “golden boy”, “goldie” cause he’s like the top agent in their agency or like “superhero” cause she think he has some sort of hero complex always trying to save everyone he can kjgfds
OK camline are literally childhood friends turned enemies and just thinking about it kinda makes me laugh cause this dynamic?? would also be so fun to write considering how they literally cant stand each other but then they both have their emotional sides that they never let anyone else see?? i cant wait for them to realize they have the other right there all along who sees through their bullshit 
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
i think neither tbH 
who worries more about the other
cameron skjdsd and he tries to always make sure that she’s okay, regardless of how she acts or what she says. 
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
i think both of them would be tbh, especially after they have grown to rely on each other 
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
celine cause i see her being wary af in getting attached to cameron and she probably keeps telling herself she is just fine with or without cameron and she probably will leave him just to prove her point ksdfsdf 
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
i would say both of them! cameron probably is just his same good-nature self when he is drunk but if he is alone, drinking with only close friends he probably will visibly relax a lot and that might result in him being more honest with what he’s actually facing?? but he will probably just brush it off like it’s not a big deal. and it will prob take celine a lot to let down her guard but mAYBE if she’s drunk and comfortable enough she will let loose a few things that she would never say sober 
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason) 
definitely celine cause i think even when they’re married, part of her still sees cameron as this playboy and also a competition and just someone she doesn’t know if she can ever fully trust?? 
who picks fights more often
both of them !! i’m pretty sure they bicker with each other at least 3 times a day over literally anything tbh but regardless if they mean it or not, it just how they function as a couple dslkfjdsf they’re used to it and i’m pretty sure if one of them starts being completely nice to the other for like the entire day, the other will start to get creeped out and get skeptical af 
who usually apologizes first 
neither tbh like if they are really feeling sorry, they would be the ones to show that they’re sorry instead of actually saying the word. but cameron will be the one more comfortable and chill with saying sorry. 
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
celine !! cameron would be more vocal and expressive when it comes to telling his feelings for her but skdjfsdf she probably doesn’t believe him
who is more likely to lash out at the other 
i think at one point both of them would get angry and upset at each other back then but it’s more like years of misunderstanding and annoyance piled up sdjfsdf 
who gets more jealous
both of them klsdjfdsf they probably get petty and salty but they also wouldn’t just say it cause they’re stubborn like that 
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy” i think celine will be the one who’s more okay with the thought of letting cam go so he would be happy and stuff like that because she probably thinks that’s for the best and cam most certainly would not be happy or okay with the thought but he is also someone who’s used to sacrificing himself so others can be happy. but both of them will definitely have the soreness remaining in their hearts for a long time. deep down they wouldn’t be happy with it, but they will gladly let the other go so they get to be happy. 
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mr-blake · 5 years
Brick, Mordecai, Tina, Hammerlock siblings, and August for the ask thingy if you want? :~D
holy hecK ohboiohboiohboi
but here we go
First impression: big funny chara in a duo dynamic, possibly recurring rival? heart of gold. too brief an appearance. (tftbl is what opened the door to borderlands for me so ye ckxbdk)
Impression now: Best Big Boi. Heart of gold. He's as full of muscle as he is full of love. I'd die for him. For the love of god let him have a dog that lives.
Favorite moment: Ohhh too many god. Like all of the commander lilith dlc. The whole "no one's ever said that to me before...I LOVE YOU MAN!!" Just. All the moments. There's also some bits at the end of the normal story of BL2 that are gold bUT one's a dirty joke so im hushity.
Idea for a story: iii got a fic/animatic idea that's been bonking around in my head for a while. It's mostly story that fills in between the gaps of the first and second bl games.
Unpopular opinion: pfbbbtt i cant rlly think of one except that he, along with the rest of the original vault hunters don't get enough love in the fandom? Granted, that's been like. Changing lately with BL3 coming out n the new Commander Lilith DLC finally being enough of a push to get some folks in the fandom lovin him.
Favorite relationship: well, obviously i ship him and mordy, but that relationship being golden is a given, so imma say the paternal bond he's got developing with Tina bc it's so fucking wholesome and sweet and also rlly funny bc they are both balls of chaos.
Favorite headcanon: oohh there's a lot of good ones. but rn the fave i can think of atm is that he has an actual living dog in bl3 bc it's what he deserves and it could very well just be missing a leg. Let him have a dozen dogs or more plz. Let the puppers be bffs with Talon too.
First impression: tall scrawny mc-pointy beardy guy in a funny lil duo dynamic. Thinks he's rlly cool, and sounds like he practices things he says to people to try and make other people think he's cool but he's wearing a blanket wrapped around him like a toga shirt thing does he have back problems wonder if that works. his interactions with muscle man are adorable and cute plz tell me we can see more of them this is too brief of an appearance come back. (again, tftbl was my intro to bl, so find my happy surprise that he n brick were in all the rest of the bl games cjxkcb)
Impression now: tired bird grandpa with a heart of gold. he's the sweetest, most caring lad. I stan him so much he's such a great dad, he deserves better im so happy he's recovering. i love his sense of humor. i love his birds. he deserves happiness and the world and his b team family. i love him i love him i love him i love h-
Favorite moment: uNGH all of them. He has so many good moments, in and outside of the games. But rn imma just say the whole of the Commander Lilith dlc bc that was chock-full of Grade A Mordy content, from sweet and wholesome to rlly funny.
Idea for a story: Aaaalll my fic/art/animatic ideas basically. im kind of a gremlin when it comes to my ideas for some reason, but like it's hard to explain them without basically infodumping a summary of some big fic idea i have. But uH ig with my latest lil art comic i did?? it def involves my idea with which Mordecai and Roland first encountering Tina when she was little bc Dad Time™️.
Unpopular opinion: iiiiii rlly am not a fan of how a lot of the fandom has basically stuck him with the personality of Old Drunk™️ bc uH. For one, he's not anymore. He's recovering. And two, he wasn't always like that and people need to take note that for the duration of the main BL2 storyline, he was at one of the lowest points of his life which led him into falling deeper and deeper into alcoholism and being actually rather out of character for himself. So like. Commander Lilith DLC was a good glimpse at Mordy being presented more in character than ever. Not the other way around.
Favorite relationship: Besides the obvious of him being married to Brick and being a dad to Tina bc i adore that a lot and they are def faves, i;;;; rlly love his bonds with Lilith and also esp Roland. Like,,,, outside of the game,, mordy n roland have had some adventures and how they click and connect with each other is rlly interesting and fun and also a big thing i wanted to explore in one of my bigger fic ideas cjdbfkfb.
Favorite headcanon: he's a great friggin dad?? but like. that's canon. i have. a lot of hcs for him. I'd have to make a whole ass post just for him with those tbh.
First impression: gremlin child
Impression now: chaos with a heart of gold (yes they all have hearts of gold chdbdkb). she's been through a lot and the whole chaotic persona she's built up seems to be a way to cover up a lot of the pain and suffering she's gone through. iiiim hype she's teamed up with her dads and she better be mcfuckin having these parents stay alive or ill die.
Favorite moment: the whole of the Commander Lilith DLC, but also the butt stallion mission that led to the origins of bl3's b team.
Idea for a story: same fic ideas ive mentioned before cjfjxkcb
Unpopular opinion: i am definitely critical with how various aspects of her character are portrayed, but that's on bad/problematic writing on gearbox's part so i kinda just. ignore those. like im sure a lot of folks who enjoy her character do.
Favorite relationship: her and all of her dads. im a sucker for found family
Favorite headcanon: it was both roland and mordecai who first found her which is why after roland's passing that she's protective of mordy. bc it was only roland and mordecai who knew her full story and had been trying to fill in paternal roles for her after the trauma of what hyperion did. and like hell she's going to lose another parent again.
also aHHH im soRRY I would do all but im such a rambler fbdkxBcfkb i hope just these 3 for this post is okay?
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gwinnetts-archive · 5 years
👀 / mac | 👀 / zetta | 👀 / elle | and for giggles, prelim 👀 / riley
insert CR/ship, receive 3 headcanons ;; still accepting | @shellheadtm
lord here we go
>  maccready & tony
1: for a long time, maccready insists on calling the cat “killer” even as tony’s out there never calling it anything other than “fatass.” maccready is the only reason why anybody remembers the cat had another name originally. but he can’t hold out against the curse of permanent tony nicknames. he tries, but he can’t. even he gives up and just calls the cat primarily “fatass” eventually. by then, the only time he calls it “killer” is when duncan’s in the room. … for all the good it does, but the first time duncan says the word “fatass,” maccready glares daggers at the back of tony’s head for like, two weeks straight
2: you know that hc i have about elle and maccready splitting sweets? with tony, mac does this with alcohol. he’ll split a bottle of pretty much whatever with tony during downtime, even as they’re clapping back at each other nonstop
3: you know how i said that the first time maccready kisses the faceplate is after tony’s woken up from a night terror and anxiety-called the suit? i’m pretty sure that eventually, maccready trying to do normal shit when tony has the suit on is just going to be a regular occurance. not that the suit gets a lot of air time in the wasteland, but like. “man, that was cool, HIGH FIVE” post-combat? stupid and reflexive attempts at affectionate touches? That One Time MacCready Went To Punch Tony’s Arm On Reflex Because Tony Said Something Stupid Only To Regret His Entire Life? you fuckin bet. also, the words “take that stupid thing off, i want to kiss my stupid boyfriend” come out of his mouth at some point
>  zetta & tony
1: i know this has been a regular topic lately, but honestly, i really do want zetta to punch someone square in the face on tony’s behalf at some point. it doesn’t have to be an important or named character, it can be some rando npc they’re having to deal with. or, hell, it could be myrna for all i care — zetta hauling off and decking ppl for her loved ones is one of my favorite things, and i’m appalled i’ve only been able to write it the one time. yes, zetta knows tony can mostly take care of himself, but it’s gonna happen during one of those times where he really isnt taking a proper stand for himself, and she’s gonna flip. (though in this circumstance, it probably wouldnt be myrna, huh…) listen, we know it’s a whole Thing for her when one of Her People wont or cant defend themselves, so she over-compensates when it happens right in front of her. but i feel like it’d be especially bad with tony, given how much they’re same hat about… almost goddamn everything. and the things they don’t share, tony shares with riley. i’m just saying it’ll be a HUGE problem, okay
2: zetta’s going to borrow one of your graphic tees one of these days, tony. without even asking. and yes, it’s real borrowing, she’ll give it back, and she’ll even wash it first, god. but it’s definitely happening. and she’ll deserve every “did you guys fuck again” joke that’ll happen when she does. (and probably maccready cranking up the snark factor with her as a result, oops.) but it’s gonna happen
3: speaking of, at some point during their one-night stand, when they’re still in the stages of drunkenly bantering and flirting, zetta absolutely quotes at him, dont hand me no lines and keep ur hands to urself, purely to be a little shit. i have a feeling that may be what escalated shit, because they’re both fucking stupid. that is the single stupidest reason for them to have a “their song,” but i’m pretty sure that’s exactly how that works out. rifp you morons
>  elle & tony
1: i’m bringing back the old headcanon about elle making stuffed animals for the people in her life. you know, the really unfortunate-looking ones. what one does tony get, you ask? well…
2: there is definitely some kind of codeword/inside joke phrase used when one of tony’s jokes goes over elle’s head, and elle takes it way too seriously. i have no idea what it’d be, but it’d cue elle in that she’s absolutely missed the joke. sometimes, this trick is necessary when elle starts getting legit upset about something because she’s too caught up in the “what if”s to notice tony’s just being stupid
3: you know what i hate? the fact that tony will literally never escape the random fucking footloose references, thanks to our goddamn movie theater gang idea and how that’s apparently gonna be canon any time elle and tony are in the commonwealth together. obviously, elle will have never seen the movie prior to that, but like. there’s no way she wouldnt think its the greatest thing EVER and wouldnt make jokes and references to it very regularly afterwards. tony escaped iw, but he didnt escape footloose. i’m sorry, tony. i’m genuinely sorry we’ve done this to you
>  riley & tony
1: i know i’ve said this before, but seriously: one of the earliest things riley does is figure out what foods tony likes most and how to prepare them. this is just… y’know. a thing he does with everyone he starts becoming friends with, and… everyone he wants to like him. and he’s really good at cooking, and noticing what people like, and doing things without being asked. so, uh, be prepared for riley tackling the “make sure tony eats food” problem in a very hands-on way, and then get really shy when called out on it or thanked
2: riley has an interest in old music, and music in general, but this means that a lot of tony’s “vintage” tunes are ones that riley would know, and know the lyrics to, and information about the bands… so don’t be surprised if riley gets caught singing along to tony’s playlists, and definitely don’t be surprised when riley starts offering up bits of trivia like a dog trying to bring a people toys he thinks they’ll like
3: listen, okay… riley would love moe. he would ADORE moe. he would relate to moe. he’d absolutely go out of his way to check on him and make sure he’s doing okay and asking if he needs anything, even though it should be the other way around. and he’d make sure to bring codsworth around in hopes that they’d be able to be friends, which… i’m not actually sure how that’d go. something tells me it wouldnt be as well as riley would be hoping, though… (yeah technically this hc isnt about riley and tony, but it’ll get there when we inevitably talk about this in DMs, i know us)
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todokori-kun · 7 years
 that sounds horrible, getting sick is the worst ;-; get as much rest as you can! I really hope you get better soon<3
(omg the pics are GORGEOUS. Like, Wow. Once I’m done writing this message I’m probably going to go back to stare at them for like an hour and silently scream over how awesome everything looks)
Don’t worry about it, I admit that Stoki is pretty much a crack ship ^^;;
And, well, the redemption fic I mentioned helped me fall deeper into Stoki hell, but I shipped it even before that XD I think part of it is just because I think they could have a really interesting dynamic- they’re just so different, complete opposites. Steve would confuse Loki so much tbh
Also, I just think that Steve (or at least, post-CW Steve) might be one of the avengers most willing to at least try to understand Loki. Partly because Steve’s just a nice guy, and then because of his relationship with Bucky- ‘cause Steve-Bucky and Thor-Loki are really, really similar and I think Steve would realize that.
And then like I said, Steve cares a lot about other people. If Thor ever told him about everything that happened between him and Loki Steve probably wouldn’t have too much difficulty in starting to see Loki as a human(?) being instead of some one-dimensional fairy tale villain.
Lastly, I feel like Steve is just the best person to handle Loki’s issues. He may not be able to personally relate to a lot of it (Tony, Bruce, maybe Natasha would be better for that) but he can take a step back and think rationally about the situation, help convince Loki that just because the rest of the world sees him as a monster, doesn’t mean he has to be one.
Hopefully this made sense? lol)
yeah, that’s pretty much how I felt about it too. It was just so freaking frustrating OTL
(And yes that letter destoyed my feelings too)
btw, can I ask what you think about T'challa? He doesn’t seem to have that many fans yet but I think he’s really cool and possibly one of the more sensible people in the CW movie (once he stops being furious at Bucky). Also the trailer for his new movie is epic and I can’t wait to see his sister…
Hisoillu is bizarre (sadistic murdery Clown with no sense of fashion + sadistic murdery needle guy with dead fish eyes) but also makes a lot of sense at the same time? Like, Hisoka got away with joking about killing Killua in front of Illumi, so…yeah. They’ve got something special LOL
omg imagine.
‘Satisfied but when you fantasize at night it’s Illumi’s eyes’
'Helpless but look into Illumi’s eyes and the sky’s the limit’
'History has its Eyes on you but it’s actually Illumi’
Why do I want these memes to be a thing
With the new revelation about who Touka was visiting at the hospital, I’m beginning to have my doubts about how this will end…maybe they might actually both survive for now???
But I’m a bit miserable rn because if one of them has to die I’d rather keep Juuzou too but it seems much more likely for Touka to survive. She’s like the main female lead, plus she has Kaneki’s baby…
R.I.P Naki, the sweetest cinnamon roll who just wanted to see his big bro again ;-;
(Also: Wow, way to go Kaneki, you finally started acting like an actual leader (in a way)! But can I just say, what absolutely perfect timing)
WTH I had no idea Soul Eater’s art style developed that much???!!! That’s actually pretty amazing! (And yeah, I know that SE has some pretty complex characters and interesting stories in it :D it’s just still a lot lighter and has different themes from the mangas I usually enjoy ^^ I might try it out though!)
Death The Kid seems really cool! (does he really have OCD in canon, though? Like, I’ve seen a lot of Soul Eater fans talking like he does but idk if it’s actually a thing? Maybe I sound weird but it just seems insensitive to say characters like DTK and Levi have 'OCD’ and talking about it jokingly when it’s actually incredibly difficult and stressful for people who actully have OCD, so I’m not sure how to feel about those fans)
Yay! Gotta go and try to find that fight scene now…
Join me in my suffering. I loved L so much ;-;
(But hey, don’t be too sad (what’s this? Is Evans actually COMFORTING Queen Luna for once instead of rubbing salt in the wound?!)! There’s always the book Death Note: Another Note (The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases)- it’s a prequel to the Death Note manga/anime with L chasing a murderer known as Beyond Birthday (…no comment on that alias). It also shows how he met Naomi Misora which is awesome if you like Naomi (I did, and kinda screamed when Light kiled her))
Eh, I think I’m one of the few people who doesn’t mind it being set in America because what’s the point of making an American adaptation if it’s going to be set in Japan anyway? I also don’t really have a problem with 'white-washing’ for this same reason (though I am disappointed because being Japanese-American would have added an interesting layer to Light’s character; despite fighting for justice, in canon, LIght’s never actually been victimized or discriminated against. He’s a handsome, intelligent young man who appears to be cisgender and heterosexual (even if it’s never confirmed) and is Japanese, just like everyone else around him. Japanese-American Light, on the other hand, would have really experienced how the 'rotten’ world could hurt people, so his acts as Kira might have more personal emotion in them)…like, it’s possible to cast a white actor as Light without it being white-washing, and since they changed the entire setting I think it’s fine to change other things too. Just, I’m cool with anything as long as they portrayed Light’s character properly…BUT THEY DIDN’T SO
I’m really just disappointed that they botched the characters and all the themes of the original Death Note story so badly. Sure, change the setting, change the circumstances, change the plot, changehe designs, but why did you have to take Death Note’s philosophy away?
But, because I might have been a bit too mean:
I will say that the movie LOOKS really good. The visuals are great. The soundtrack seems decent too. Also, though Ryuk’s motivations/role also weren’t done very well, Ryuk’s actor did an amazing job…and while I’m not happy with how L was portrayed in this movie, I do think that the actor they cast for him could have been a good L if not for the bad writing.
Well…from what I know, Light Turner ends up in a hospital at the end of the movie with his One True Love Mia(Misa) dead, so nah. The Keikaku failed.
(which just proves that Light Turner really is nothing like Light Yagami, because Light Yagami’s keikakus never fail.
Until the end of the Death note manga/anime, that is.)
Yeah, I know about SU’s terrible fandom, so I’m not going to actively participate in writing fanfic, drawing fan art or making HCs/theories with other people…I’m just gonna watch the show with my sister and look at pretty fanart XD
Tysm tho!
(Question: Which character do you think you are? And what kind of gem do you think you’d be?)
Aww, I’m so happy my awkward rambling actually made you feel better??? Like. Come on. You have no idea how much our convos helped me with anxiety and stress, so I have to thank you for that too <333
(And seriously, Queen Luna is amazing.)
For most people, they start going to elementary at seven (in international age) as far as I know, and then go to middle school at around thirteen. Then high school at…um…sixteen? Maybe? I’ve never really gone to school here so I might not be 100% correct but it’s something like that ^^;;
I really wanna try Mystic Messenger but since my phone is an old flip phone…I like my phone but sometimes this can be inconvenient LOL
(I’m totally fine with messaging here, but are you really ok with it? 'Cause if you’re not, we can try to work something else out!)
hi im luna and i wanna die.
HNNNNNNNNGH have i ever told you how much i hate school?  because i freaking hate school from the bottom of my heart i can’t feel my neck anymore from the amount of studying ive been doing that’s depressing.
anyway. heartfelt advice: do not fuck your stomach up in any way, because you will suffer if you do. take it from me, i’ve managed to develop this amazing thing called Gastritis and now i cant eat anything without getting the feeling that im gonna throw it back out which is absolutely wonderful. thankfully, i don’t throw up, but it’s freaking annoying and ive lost waay too much weight already. best part? the whole reason why i have it is apparently purely psychological,  too much stress. i got it in the middle of july. HOW my mom is also being INCREDIBLY helpful by basically telling me to ‘get over it’ like i can just snap my fingers and tell myself ‘oh yeah this is only in my head’ and it’ll all pass over. cause that’s how it works.  so is my sister by always laughing at me
oook moving on.
yep, school started and i am suffering. ive already gone through 4 tests and a bunch of oral quizzes. yay. thanks teachers for totally not putting horrible pressure on us from the start.  i stg, one of my most common thoughts these days is ‘see, this is exactly why i have a psychosomatic sickness.’ they’re sending my to a psychologist to see if i can let everything out and maybe get some advice on how to handle things better. i will laugh my ass off if i get diagnosed with a mental disorder. that’d be absolutely hilarious (I am in no way trying to make fun of people with a mental disorder, I’m just saying I honestly wouldn’t even be surprised if they said something like Burnout Syndrome or Depression (im not even joking when I say that I’ve been sleeping pretty much all afternoon + night these days, cry way too often, feel no motivation for anything, feel worthless, no apetite and also occasional suicidal thoughts which is oh so fun (ok but in my defence, the thoughts are really rare, probably caused by the fact that I feel nauseous like 90% of the time, and I would never ever do it, mostly because some people would miss me (I hope). there are moments when I go ‘wouldn’t it be easier to disappear?’ tho))
sorry about that rant
MOVING ON TO HAPPIER THEMES (and proper writing):
Yeah, Norway was truly gorgeous ^^ I don’t think I’ve ever felt more at peace than then. I fell asleep in the car at one point while watching the scenery outside, and it was one of the best sleeps in my life, despite being in the car. I’m glad you enjoyed them ^^ If you want, I can upload random pics like that every once in a whole.
Aaah, that’s pretty good reasoning! It makes a lot more sense now, thanks for explaining! 
Yeah, I kinda see why you’d ship it. Steve is a pretty understanding person and, like you said, would probably understand Loki the best ^^ Recommend me some fics and I might even start shipping it myself ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I LOVE T’CHALLA THANK YOU FOR ASKING YES.  I mean, he angery™, but also freaking cool! Not to mention crazily powerful *^* I’m pretty excited for his movie, cause more badassery from him!
Wow those sound like genuine memes. Seriously why can’t i draw XD
Also HIstory has its eyes on you but it’s actually Illumi will give me nightmares.
Yep, since I have all the volumes, I like to flip through them sometimes and I’m blown away every time by the development.  I also cosplayed the main character a while ago, so it holds a high sentimental value to me. But it is a lot lighter than your usual reads, true...
Well, uh, it’s kinda hard to explain? I mean, DTK is obsessed with symmetry and will go to crazy lengths to preserve it, get mad if someone disturbs it, will jeopardise missions if he’s not sure if he left something perfectly symmetrically at home etc, but it’s not so much as a mental illness as it is a consequence of who he is (part of the Grim Reaper)? Like i said, it’s really had to explain.
Did you manage to find the fight scene?
My reaction to Death Note in general:  FUCK YOU LIGHT YAGAMI. oooh, I’ll search that manga up!
Well, I’m not so much upset about the whitewashing, more about the fact that I feel like the japanese general ideology plays a big role in why light decided to start killing bad people? Idk how to explain it... 
Oh, Japanese-American Kira would’ve been a really interesting thing to see!
Yay, at least you found some good things? Well, it’s nice that you managed that ^^
Damnit, so it didn’t go according to Keikaku! It’s all because they didn’t include the potato chip scene.
Uuh, i don’t exactly remember much of SU, but I guess I’m most similar to Pearl? I didn’t really sympathise with any characters that much tbh. As for gem. Uuuuuh *quickly googles gem meanings* ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA.  I like Zircon because of the colour and alexandrite because it changes colour which is incredibly cool!
Your rambling always makes me feel better tbh. It gives me a looong message from a friend I appreciate incredibly much so, yeah, I always smile when I see a message from you (even though my replies are so slooooooooow)
Aaah, I see! That’s pretty interesting ^^ Quite different from our system.
Ah, shame, you would’ve liked the most recent route, there is so so so much suffering.
Yeah, I am 100% fine!! Don’t worry about it! The reason why I suggested something else is because on sites w an instant messaging system, my replies would probably be a lot quicker,
and the drawings are adorable ^^ Hide tho ;-;
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