#and for Alm? I don’t know maybe Emblem of Might I guess
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
Raise your hands if you think that the Engage Expansion Pass should’ve included Alm, Eliwood, Azura, Ryoma and/Or Xander in one of the 3rd-4th Wave DLC ✋🏻
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inversionimpulse · 2 years
So the Emblem Bracelets.
I’m sure it’s been datamined already, but don’t tell me, I want to guess.
Firstly - I expect it’ll be one bracelet to a continent. There’s too much Fire Emblem to draw from the same well more than once, maybe twice.
Second - I think they’ll focus on characters who do not use swords. There’s already a lot of those guys in the base game.
Before I get into hazy speculation based on the icons in the Ring Chamber, I’m going to guess based on other factors. Roy’s conversation with Alear after his paralogue feels like enough of a mirror to Marth’s conversation after his paralogue that I feel fairly confident that, since Tiki is the first Emblem Bracelet, Idunn will be the last.
In fact, I’m generally inclined to give more weight to characters who’ve been mentioned by name in the Paralogues, so Deirdre and Saias for example also seem plausible. Both of them would break my prediction that there won’t be more than one from each setting, though.
One of the DLC Emblems has some kind of sentimental connection to a volcano map. This is... annoying, because I can’t think of many good examples. Durandal’s hiding place in 6, in which case, Lilina? Kauku Caves, and a member of the Laguz Alliance? I think the best bet is that one map at the end of Awakening for Robin, which wasn’t a volcano map but was story-wise on a volcano.
Icons now.
One of the icons is a flame. I suspect this is connected to the volcano, in which case we have a really annoying double-requirement of both [associated with fire] and [a volcano is important to them], and I can’t think of anyone who fits that and also seems like a likely choice. Maybe Lilina, maybe maybe Robin.. If it’s not related to the volcano, then I strongly suspect that this is Saias.
Another of the icons is just a thing with four arrows pointing out from it. This is such a weirdly specific and yet vague symbol that I don’t know who it could represent. My gut says Robin, for some reason. On the other hand, I think it might represent the Loptr icon at the centre of Holy War’s blood zodiac thing, in which case Deirdre (or her kids, or Arvis) are possible.
One icon appears to be a dish containing two objects. My guess is this symbolizes either water or duality. If it’s water, that’s easy, Azura or Lilith. If it’s duality, that’s tougher. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Eirika and Ephraim from Warriors? Eliwood and Hector to complete the set? Lyon? It’s also worth noting that the dish resembles the sort that you would drink sake out of, in which case, perhaps Ryouma? And something in my gut says Pelleas, although I’m sure I could not say why.
The next resembles stylized wind, or perhaps a shooting star. I think it’s likely one of the raven, hawk, cat, or wolf laguz. Tibarn, Naesala, Ranulf, or Nailah. The herons also seem possible, but I really doubt they’re going to let you have three dancers at once.  Maybe Sephiran, though. Shooting star probably means Astra, which seems unlikely when that’s already represented by Lyn and in any case would mean another sword character, but I guess it could be Ayra, Shannan, or Mareeta. It could also represent Shez’s Shadowflash. ... it does also remind me of a dragon’s head and neck, though. Duma’s in particular. Alm?
As I’ve said, I suspect this last one is Idunn... and if it isn’t I really don’t have any guesses as to who it could represent.
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merryfortune · 3 years
Orange You Happy to See Me?
Written for 100ships on Dreamwidth
Prompt: #27 Orange
Ship: Alm/Faye
Fandom: Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia
Word Count: 1,426
Rating: T
Warnings: No Warnings Apply
Tags: Canon Compliant, Pre-Canon, Fluff, Unrequited Pining
   Faye was quiet as a mouse as she hefted herself up and onto the stable part of the fence. For the most part, it was solid stone but every time she put her hands on it, dust was left behind and she didn’t think moss made for a good mortar to hold it together but it was much better than the wooden picket bit at the front. She sat there, content, with her back to the sun and with the orange tree hanging over her. The fruits looked exceptionally juicy and plump this time of day but Faye was only peckish - thirsty, too, actually - and not yet hungry so she decided to wait before she plucked one. Besides, there was something much more satisfying to gorge herself on in front of her and that was Alm.
   There was a reason why Faye had been so quiet as she climbed up to the fence wall that surrounded Alm and Mycen’s residence; she didn’t want to disturb Alm. He took his training very seriously and he looked very good whilst doing it. So it was better for the both of them that Alm noticed that he had a visitor - and spectator - at his own pace rather than Faye’s.
   Though, he did seem to be nearing the end of his set. Sweat was sloughing off his arms and forehead as he repeated the same stroke of his wooden practice sword over and over. Faye wondered how many times Alm had done that one motion today: hundreds, thousands? And what of it over his life time, it would surely boggle the mind and even Faye, who considered herself mild and dutiful to chores and repetition, found herself reviled at the thought of doing the same thing so many times. Thus, she admired Alm’s determination.
   It practically glistened off his muscles, off his demeanour. Faye was enamoured as she watched, growing warm under her round, petal-shaped collar. He was slowly down considerably now with well earned exhaustion. He cast down his wooden sword, propping it up at an angle against the cottage and then wandered around the yard, just cooling down in what little of the breeze there was - and it wasn’t cool either.
   He wiped his brow and looked up. Faye smiled as she and Alm made eye contact. Though his exhaustion dripped off him, Alm did visibly perk up at seeing Faye. She said hello as she feebly waved at him and Alm nodded.
   With a running start, Alm lunged at the wall and propelled himself up to sit beside Faye. Faye laughed and Alm stank but neither minded. It felt good to be shoulder to shoulder in the shade of the orange tree.
   “How long have you been watching?” Alm asked.
   “Oh, not long at all.” Faye replied.
   “Where’re the others? Are they gonna come ‘round too?” Alm spoke animatedly.
   “Er, no…” Faye replied. “I thought it would be nice for us to hang out one on one for a change. You boys are always running off with secret squirrel men’s business, or so you say, I think its just boys being boys to me, always leaving me in the dust…” Faye complained and her expression quibbled, “Aren’t you happy to see me?”
   Alm panicked slightly at seeing Faye get pouty, “No, no, it's not like that at all,” he replied quickly, stammering and tripping on his own words, his hands flailed instinctively, “I didn’t consider your feelings. I’m, well, I’m an extravert, I guess. I like it when we hang out together as one big group, I didn’t realise that you feel excluded by me and the guys sometimes, either… But trust me, you wouldn’t have fun when we go off on our own like that.”
   “Oh, I do believe that,” Faye said pointedly, but her mildly irritated demeanour shifted, softened, “but I’m glad you are happy to see me. And that you want to spend time with me - er, if you have chores, or if I’m intruding, I would especially understand if you don’t want me popping in unannounced.”
   “Not at all, I have the rest of the afternoon off, thank goodness for sabbath, eh?” Alm replied.
   “Y-yes, thank goodness for the weekly break but even so, you work so hard at your swordsmanship…” Faye murmured in mild agreement to Alm’s statement.
   “It’s my pride and joy.” Alm beamed.
   “I can tell, you look very good and professional doing it.” Faye said.
   “Thanks Faye but I want to get stronger still. I know I can.” Alm continued on and it sounded like there was more he wanted to say but his voice had something in common with the stone they sat upon: it was rather… bricked out.
   “I’ll cheer you on, promise,” Faye encouraged him, “and I know just the trick. You can’t be some good village swordsman if you're on an empty stomach.”
   As though on cue, Alm’s belly rumbled. He touched his stomach and blushed. He felt as though Faye had just read his mind. She smiled as she reached up to the low hanging branches of the orange tree and pulled off an orange for Alm and then one for herself.
   “Thank you, Faye.” Alm told her as he accepted the first plucked orange from her.
   “You're welcome.” Faye replied.
   She began to roll her orange between the palms of her hands, like it was a toy and that confused Alm just as much as Alm was confusing her. He had already stabbed through the top of his orange with a finger, juice spurting everywhere, messy.
   “What are you doing?” Alm asked, blinking owlishly.
   “Mama told me it makes the rinds come off easier and with less mess so I’ve been doing it ever since.” Faye replied, also blinking owlishly.
   “Really?” Alm asked, incredulous but fascinated.
   “Yes, see?” Faye replied as she began to undress her orange with ease.
   Alm’s attention was rapt as Faye managed to create a long, winding peel from her orange’s wind. Faye kicked her boots playfully as she showed off her creation. Now she had the perfect little sphere of an orange in her other hand to nibble on. Alm gasped, impressed. It was certainly a lot more fanciful than the ripped up fragments that he torn off his orange.
   “That’s really cool, Faye.” Alm praised her, all innocently boyish. “I’ll have to try that for the next time I eat oranges, I reckon.”
   Faye giggled sweetly, “No worries.” she replied.
   “But,” Alm interpreted her playfully as a smirk began to dawn on his face, “can you do this?”
   Faye blinked and then watched as Alm stuffed his mouth not with the flesh of the fruit but with its skin. Faye giggled again as Alm beamed with his orangey mouth. It was cute and joking and never failed to be at least a little bit funny.
   “That is true.” Faye agreed through her girlish laughter. “But I can do it too.”
   She picked off the end of her peel so she could place it in her mouth. She grinned ear to ear using it. Alm laughed as Faye showed off her own orangey mouth and beneath the peel, the smile was for real. The sun was warm and the moment was carefree: Faye knew then and there that she would cherish it and aside from these already retroactive feelings of nostalgia, a flicker of hope carried too. That just maybe if she could make Alm laugh and smile enough times then she may just broach through and get her wish, that Alm would accept her and her feelings.
   But until then, Faye just let the orange peel muffle her voice and her laughter. It dawned on her, bittersweet against the sharp citrus taste of fresh oranges, that they were a lot more similar than Faye had initially thought. Maybe she would do the same thing over and over, seemingly fruitlessly and without end, if it meant that her dream would come true. She could only hope, she supposed and was glad the orange peel was there to keep her lips smiling upwards as her once pleasant thoughts soured. Maybe she ought to train herself up more too with her bow and arrow, she might just get to strike an ace that way, between an orange on Alm's head and his heart in his chest, she was certain that she would hit her mark either way if she could be just as hard working as Alm - and for Alm, she could be twice as enthused, Faye had no doubt.
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airlock · 5 years
airlock grades the Conqueror archetype
and this one will wrap up the series! or, perhaps, trample it with iron boots -- because this is the realm of the ones who declare the wars, control the huge empires, storm the protagonistic homelands!
(do note: under cut are spoilers for… everything, and also a significant amount of me criticizing or blamming characters that you might like. you’ve been warned! but all hope is lost; whether you read on or not, I will post this and you can’t stop me. ahahahahaaaa!!)
the scourge of akaneia
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Medeus is the launcher of some sort of an archetype of his own, in the sense of the big honking draconic/demonic being whose defeat seals up the plot, but he also distinguishes himself very much from that pack -- in that he’s never really idly awaiting for the endgame to come, but instead, he’s pushing the buttons and making things happen, even if his signature pose is the lazy villain slouch.
he’s easily one of the stronger villains in the Akaneia saga -- active, intense, and, quite rarely for this point in technology, a splendid realization of the motivations that drove him to villainy. it’s hard to disagree that he did the “as long as there’s evil” clincher better than Loptyr.
the scourge of valentia
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the remakes have breathed much of the good and the bad of the series’ modern instances into the man who knocked Mycen up.
there’s a frequent criticism of Rudolf in that the convoluted plots he weaves, leading up to his death, make no sense and feel like deliberate plot behavior; I’d say Shadows of Valentia does good on clarifying the need for all of his scheming, though, as he has to contend with a decadent church that steadily eclipses his crown’s influence and has the furthest possible goals from his.
the problem, of course, is that all of this clarification comes about in the fashion that these things tend to on this side of Awakening: past the point when it’d have fang. why only have the red-armored reindeer start acting like Alm’s father right at the time of the final showdown? there was plenty of time to build him up in the cutscenes before that, but we waste all of that time on him bullying his nephew instead. and that particular thing ends up making no sense at all!
it sucks not only for making Rudolf weaker as a villain, but also for how much it cheapens Alm’s subsequent drama. we’re really supposed to buy that he’s all torn up about committing patricide, when the father he killed was no father to him at all except for a half minute before croaking? and seriously, this time, all the people being like “don’t judge him too harshly” after Alm went and killed him just end up sounding fiercely insensitive to him.
and last but definitely least, seriously, his older sprite was better lookin’.
the scourge of akaneia, book II
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what, you give me a chance to use that gif, I use it, plain and simple-
ahem! so what to make of our here fallen hero? his tragic downfall is quite compelling, truly striking as a situation that no particular individual can be blamed for but was merely the sad result of the trappings of the system. alas, that much is cheapened quite a bit when the result of it in actions tends to run the gamut of arbitrary villainy; it feels like the last real character-informed action in his arc is when he finally gives in to the Darksphere, and from there, it’s all because plot.
still, having a formerly playable character turn crooked as a main plot point is a player punch that other titles have rarely shown similar bravery to pull off, and that’s very much to merit. Shadow Dragon even goes the distance in trying to strengthen the punch by giving Marth and Hardin one or two tidbits of extra dialogue with each other, but those sadly end up landing quite stifled and fail to contribute to the buildup.
it has to be said, though, I really hate how this side of the remake makes his evil self look like a lunkering zombie when old Mystery of the Emblem dodged the gonk and gave him some kind of sexy vampire look instead. that was working better. so I guess that makes Medeus the only one of the list here who didn’t strike the remake fortune with a worse character design?
the scourge of jugdral
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Arvis is my favorite Fire Emblem villain bar none. he’s the full package, and should be zenith to with any antagonist in this series aspires to.
starting off, he boasts an extensive backstory that not only establishes his motivations, but even his personality, his neuroses. but what’s better yet is that he’s such a good villain, he carries himself perfectly in the game proper despite most of the detail of what made him who he is falling to the wayside of additional material. none of that text exists to make right the deeds that he gets up to, too; it’s hard to blame him in the end, but he’s not to be absolved, anyway.
he’s also masterfully crafty, and unlike certain toadies I’ve covered earlier who dip into his pool and pretend to be the real mastermind, he’s out there doing exactly what needs to be done in order to turn the bickerings of his continent into a cycle of mutual destruction that naturally pulls him all the way to the top. you know how, if you get enough of the gang killed, you can have an ending where Seliph ends up having to take over the whole continent, leaving him stuck being Arvis 2.0? folks sometimes call that a “wtf seliph” moment, but I’d call it the crowning excellence of Arvis’s schemes -- his M.O. is never to take over the empire, but ever to undermine the existing leadership so thorougly as to make himself the only option left.
and what’s more: although the zenith of his arc is the stuff of late-term plot twists, this is that rare occasion when the plot twist is done well and doesn’t just ruin the rest of the story because of the secrecy required. the tipping point is built up to very well, with Arvis’s uncertain allegiances and sketchy character -- masterfully played so that he’s suspect, but hard to instantly point fingers at. the cherry on top is when he fakes coming to your aid at the very end, making it so look like that’s his place in the plot, until it isn’t and he betrayed you and murdered everyone. what magnificent brutality!
my god, is this long enough yet? because seriously, I could keep going. I’ll spare you all since we’re not even halfway done with this list yet, but I think I’ve made this much abundantly clear: Arvis is a master class in how to write a primary villain, and nothing less.
the scourge of leonster specifically
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technically, a conqueror per se he isn’t, but he’s very much occupying a similar role in Thracia 776, as the one who directly made possible the imperial occupation of Manster and also the one who actively pursues Leif.
as far as villains in that particular game goes, Raydrik is one of the better inserted, having been given a place in the story of Jugdral that doesn’t encroach on anyone else’s but still makes him more than relevant enough of an enemy to Leif. it’s unfortunate, however, that having to play second fiddle to a stooge like Veld dials down the extent to which he can seize on that in full.
the scourge of elibe
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the world’s sharpest fidget spinner has a fairly interesting concept going, specially with how it fits into the grand scheme of Binding Blade -- is it easy to disagree with the misanthropic antagonist, when the majority of the enemies you’ve faced up to that point were the assholes that were supposed to be on your side?
unfortunately, it’s still pretty easy to disagree with Zephiel in the end. I might be thinking of the earlier and more stifled fanslation, but he’s far too stoic to sell the bread that he’s supposedly growing. were that he ever really showed the sorrow and anger he feels at the lot he’s been dealt, and how it compels him to such drastic lenghts as attempting to erradicate humanity itself, he’d have made for a far more convincing villain; alas, depressive emotionless doesn’t really mesh all that great with the sort of arc he’s trying to build.
in fact, it weakens his impact quite a bit that so much of his backstory only ever goes through in the form of his sister lengthily expositing about it; he only gives his own words on the matter obliquely, and the thing ends up landing like it’s a sob story intended to drum up cheap sympathy, even though it actually explains what he’s doing.
Blazing Blade puts in the valiant effort of showing you in actions not words what led him down the path of villainy, but your prequel should not be tasked with the work of establishing you as the villain you are in your actual game.
credit where credit is due, though, this guy’s theme song slaps so hard, you end up in a dungeon with Sophia. in terms of audibly announcing how fucked you are when he’s in the neighborhood, he’s second only to Arvis.
the scourge of caelin specifically
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Blazing Blade is mostly about preventing conquests from taking place to begin with, but this guy fits the bill neatly enough, as someone who sparks the conflict of Lyn’s story by making moves on his ambitions.
I can’t help but feel like he could have been written to be more interesting and compelling -- like, if he didn’t look like he’s roughly as close to death’s doorstep as his brother is anyway, and/or if he’d mentioned having heirs of his own that he wished to pass Caelin down to instead of Lyn... or maybe if he dropped the cacklevillainy for a moment to seize on what a genuinely frustrating feeling it’d have to be, being all but the designated heir for 15-odd years and THEN some random granddaughter appears out of nonwhere.
that said, he wasn’t intended to be a particularly complex villain; he’s the tutorial villain, with the tutorial villainy. I ultimately can’t grade him higher than such a role merits, but it’s ultimately understandable that he wasn’t written better.
the wooden scourge of magvel
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although he’s not actually there at any point of Sacred Stones, it’s not for no reason that Lyon put his undead inflatable doll self to work -- and I mean that both in the pragmatic sense and in the character sense.
Vigarde’s presence is palpable, echoing through the backstories of a great deal of characters and informing their actions and choices for the greater part of the game; that’s a very impressive thing to accomplish without being there in the first place, and it builds him up to quite the solid character.
the scourge of tellius
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so, this guy’s motivations are kind of wack; the clear intention there to mirror and contrast the protagonist ultimately lands flat, and his ideology does little to impress meaning upon his actions. also, it’s pretty lame that he has all the cool battle quotes he has when only Ike is special enough to actually hurt him. I’m getting the criticism out of the way now because the rest of this is going to be nothing but gushing.
what an incredibly entertaining villain! his great crooked grin never feels like an affectation -- he may be theatrical and cruel, but he has his firm reasons for doing everything he does. and the plot doesn’t tell him what to do; he tells the plot what to do, with flair. and his master plan, if hard to conciliate as an entirely human thing -- again, his ideology doesn’t land that well as an explanation for the things he does -- shimmers in its sheer audacity: provoking a world war in order to intentionally enrage the gods! holy shit. and he almost succeeds, at that.
his backstory is also a point-for: it’s not the sort of backstory that explains things, per se, but it serves instead to establish that Ashnard has been Ashnard for as long as there has been Ashnard, and that’s splendid. not everything has to go all the way to the egg!
right, right, again I’m going to try not to go on forever, but I’d be remiss in not closing with one of Ashnard’s greatest strengths: the banter. this guy has the guillotine-sharp tongue to match the extent to which he doesn’t give a shit about anyone, and it makes for magnificent lines. the part where he tears Bryce a new one and still gets to deploy him to the final battle is easily one of Path of Radiance’s standout moments, in my opinion.
the scourge of valm and good arcs
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this guy gets quite compelling dialogue for what’s easily one of the most batshit villains in the whole franchise, and even Awakening itself.
as usual, the game elects to make the parts of his motivation that makes sense a secret for after you kill him -- which not only makes them irrelevant by the time they land, but also make him sound like he’s bonkers while he’s still around. all of his playing at being Rudolf 2.0 lands seriously flat in a story that has otherwise not really established the gods he keeps talking about breaking free from. and once the cards are down, well, he succeeds in being Rudolf 2.0, in that, as far as I hear, Rudolf made a lot less sense before Shadows of Valentia came about; his M.O. of imperialism to prevent the apocalypse is just one big honking what the fuck??. how hard can it be to just tell people about that? who’s going to stop you, Excellus?
and I will also never forgive him for directly influencing his ancestor’s weaker design in the remakes-
the scourgoo
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so from where I’m standing, his plot twist also sounds pretty lame, but hey, I’m not going to start rating Fates people now, right
so, how are you all enjoying your brutal subjugation under The Empire (TM)? do you welcome your new militaristic overlords, or are you already mounting the resistance? the ins and outs of what sort of catastrophe we’ll be facing in the upcoming Three Houses are yet to be revealed, but before we set about blaming the crests, what would you expect from the sort of figure who’d be pushing the lances to make it happen? comment what you will through replies and reblogs, but rest assured that you’ll never figure out the master plan behind this invasion... ahahahahahahaaaa!!
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ncfan-1 · 5 years
Putting this under a cut since there’s a fair amount of shipping-related negativity regarding some of the canonical ships of Fire Emblem Echoes, and I’d rather avoid causing unnecessary drama in the tag. (Seriously, the only canonical ships where both characters survive past the game I can say I have positive feelings towards are Mathilda x Clive and Zeke x Tatiana. Maybe give this a skip if you don’t want to see negativity directed towards your ship.)
Does… does anyone else come away from those character endings feeling really frustrated?
In general, it’s just… It’s hard to put in words. There’s a sense with the Valentian female characters that for most of them, the only happy ending possible was through marriage, like they couldn’t possibly have found self-actualization elsewhere (Though I’ll point out that marriage sure doesn’t sound like it was a happy ending for one of them). Silque found fulfillment through healing the wounded of Valentia, but the rest of them all got married, with the exception of Sonya, who is remarked to have been rumored to have become a witch.
And also in general, with a lot of the characters who are stated or implied to have gotten married, it’s all really unnecessary? Except as a desperate waving of a flag reading “Oh, yeah, these guys were definitely straight. Definitely, definitely straight.” Like Genny’s mystery husband (which just got a blank “…what” from me, because the fact that she wouldn’t let anyone meet the hubby was baffling and a bit of a red flag), and Saber getting married, and Kliff’s completely unnecessary kid, and Delthea getting married to an unnamed noble husband, which wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t in the context of nearly all the other female characters defaulting to “and, of course, she got married, because that’s what a woman does.” (And also her sealing away her magic powers. Just… why. Whhhyyyy. Yeah, I know she made noises about having expectations put on her by her magic being annoying, but she seemed to be really stoked about being “awesome” with magic, and you know if she was a male character the summation of her arc would have been her coming to terms with the responsibility that comes with her abilities, not “Welp, I’m going to dodge all of that by nerfing myself so I don’t ever have to accept the responsibility that comes with my heritage.”)
And yeah, you could make the argument that this doesn’t necessarily signal that they were meant to be canonically straight, but you know that’s what the writers meant by this. Like, for the established couples, like Alm and Celica, Mathilda and Clive, Zeke and Tatiana, mentioning marriage and a happy life together makes sense, but they couldn’t have kept things open-ended for the rest? Couldn’t have talked about their lives in the future without slotting them into neat little heterosexual boxes?
Beyond that, there’s just the fact that some of the canonical ships and some of the things related to them just give me a bad feeling inside.
Alm x Celica… The best I can say about it is that it’s blandly okay. It did absolutely nothing for me and was thoroughly unconvincing, but they’re cute together? I guess? It irritates me that like with Azura in Revelation, the fact that Celica might have a legitimate claim to the throne of Valentia is completely ignored and, at best, she rules as Queen Consort, rather than as Queen Regnant.
Mae x Boey… Oof, that trope of “oh, this couple is constantly arguing with each other and this is a sign of True Love, not that they have serious issues in their relationship and/or they’re just not compatible with one another on a basic level” grates on me so much.
I like Mathilda x Clive, but I like considerably less the idea that she just hung up her armor after marrying him and became a happy homemaker. That. Makes. No. Sense. For. Her. Character. And you know Clive wouldn’t try to force her to, and even if it was society’s expectation of her, if Mathilda had the support of her beloved husband, her reaction is basically going to be “Fuck society. I’ll continue being a warrior if I want.”
Everything about Gray and Clair’s interactions and the post-game details of their “relationship” left such a vile taste in my mouth. First, the charming starting point of Gray implying that if they rescue Clair, she’ll be so grateful she’ll practically throw herself into the arms of one of her rescuers and be his prize, which, as a certain Disney princess once reminded us, is really not okay.
Then, there’s the fact that Clair had Gray completely dead to rights about every last bit of his behavior towards her in the B support, only for all of that to be completely discounted in the A support because her tone was a bit snippy?! And then for her to do a complete 180 and be basically “Oh, forget my legitimate complaints about your jerkish, slightly creepy behavior; I only said those things because I was annoyed over something else and I was just taking it out on you; I actually kind of like your never, ever leaving me alone, no matter how many times I tell you to?” Excuse me?!
And then there’s the postgame details that all but outright states that the only reason Clair married Gray was because he wouldn’t stop pestering her until she said yes. How romantic. What a truly moving love story.
But as bad as the Gray x Clair ending is, it cannot surpass Faye’s ending for pure, concentrated Do Not Want.
Just. What the hell.
I didn’t expect a 100% happy ending for Faye, since she’s in love with someone who categorically does not return her feelings, and she’s strongly implied to have developed PTSD in a society where mental health care most likely amounts to nil. But I had expected that there would be at least the slightest ray of hope in her ending. Faye’s ending of returning to Ram Village alone, never, ever getting over Alm, marrying someone she doesn’t love out of what sounds like sheer loneliness, and then regularly disappearing for days at a time with no explanation, worrying her family, does not provide even the dimmest ray of hope.
You could have had Faye joining the One Kingdom’s knighthood and, even if she doesn’t ever get over Alm, at least find fulfillment in her work and being with her friends. You could have had a Cleric Faye do like Silque and go traveling the continent healing the wounded, and finding fulfillment in that. You could have had her canonical ending, except changing it to her eventually getting over Alm and her new husband trying to support her through her untreated PTSD. There are so many other things the writers could have done with Faye.
But they gave us this instead. They gave us a Faye whose destiny was to be left in the dust by all of her friends, to be the only one who doesn’t move on to bigger and better things, to be left by the wayside by a story that has left her behind. And while that may be something that happens often enough in real life, this is a story. And yeah, while someone being left in the dust by their friends might be realistic, so too is dying of dysentery or smallpox in a medieval setting such as this one, and yet we generally don’t regard such things as effective storytelling.
Faye deserved better than to be consigned to the fate of being the one left in the dust, without so much as the dimmest ray of hope that maybe things will get better for her in the future. Faye deserved better than this.
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mrauthor3ds · 6 years
Wild SSBU guessing
Just taking wild stabs at characters that might or might not make the roster. Most of these will be some of the popular characters that people have wanted in Smash 4 (as we’ve seen with Daisy, Ridley, Chrom, Dark Samus, and King K. Rool).
First, Echo Fighters of currently-confirmed fighters.
- Ninten (Ness): Likely uses Lucas’s PK Freeze for the standard special, since EarthBound Beginnings doesn’t have PK Flash. - Special moves: PK Freeze, PK Fire, PK Thunder, PSI Magnet - Final Smash: PK Beam Gamma - Black Shadow (Captain Falcon): I’m...not sure how to differentiate him enough from Ganondorf. Maybe just make him mostly like Melee Ganondorf? - Special moves: Shadow Punch, Dark Boost, Evil Dive, Wicked Kick - Final Smash: Black Bull - Impa (Sheik): Hopefully Skyward Sword design so she can use that blue energy to generate her tools. - Special moves: similar to Sheik’s specials - Final Smash: same as Sheik - Shadow (Sonic): Looking hopeful with Richter’s big reveal. Maybe use Chaos energy to expand the reach of his attacks - they could also be slower but stronger. Up special could be a teleport, like from Mewtwo or Palutena. - Special moves: Homing Attack, Spin Dash, Chaos Warp, Spin Charge - Final Smash: Chaos Blast - Celica (Robin): Main differences I can see are: use only Beloved Zofia (better than Bronze Sword, but weaker than Levin Sword), magic in special moves and weak attacks do some damage to herself, and use a variant of Marth’s Counter with Plenitude for refilling health. - Special moves: Ragnarok (like Arcthunder without charge), Seraphim (like Arcfire), Excalibur (pretty much just Elwind), Plenitude - Final Smash: Ragnarok Omega - Octoling (Inkling): The only real difference would be weapons. I’ll guess Octo Shot (which is exactly the same as a Splattershot, really), Octobrush, Range Blaster, Bloblobber (to add range to the smash attacks), Carbon Roller (faster than Splat Roller, but can’t bury), and Burst Bomb (explodes on contact with anything). - Special moves: Octo Shot, Carbon Roller, Super Jump, Burst Bomb - Final Smash: Tenta Missiles (works like Snake’s FS)
Now general newcomers (with possible Echo Fighters to go with them).
- Paper Mario: People have wanted him for the longest time. - He could take cues from all his starring games. Maybe Spin Smash, Tornado Jump, and Quake Hammer for smash attacks... - The spin dash from the first Paper Mario as a dash attack... - Specials moves: Hurlhammer, Paper Plane, Spring Jump, ??? - Final Smash: Fan Thing (mash button for more damage, like in Sticker Star and Color Splash) - Geno: Many found it suspect that the Geno costume in Smash 4′s DLC season got a special mention. Perhaps it’s a step closer to making Geno playable? Or Assist Trophy, but we all know what the people want. - Could be a projectile normal user for some attacks, like with Villager. - Special moves: Geno Beam, Geno Whirl, Geno Blast, Geno Boost - Final Smash: Geno Flash - Bandanna Dee: Popularity card. - Could primarily use his Spear, but might use some Parasol moves as well (like in Kirby Battle Royale). - Special moves: Spear Throw, Circus Throw (grab), Spear Copter, Parasol Twirl - Final Smash: Megaton Punch - Gardevoir: Some leak a month ago predicted King K. Rool, Richter, and Dark Samus (under Samus, he said) in some demo build, along with code names for “Mario2“, Gardevoir, and Gothitelle. Could have been coincidence, but I’ll humor it. Gardevoir does have the popularity card, after all, and can fill in that Gen-3 niche in the roster. - Side smash could be a “small black hole“, with a vacuum effect that draws foes in before sending them flying. - Special moves: Future Sight, Dazzling Gleam, Trick Room, Reflect - Final Smash: Moonblast (Mega Evolves) - Echo Fighter: Gothitelle: This would also fill the Gen-5 niche, I think. And this wouldn’t be the first time Gardevoir and Gothitelle were seen together (Black/White anime, with Anthea and Concordia). - Special moves: Future Sight, Dark Pulse, Trick Room, Reflect - Final Smash: Shattered Psyche - Primarina: Not ignoring the Gen-7 niche, either. Honestly, this could be any of the Alolan starters, but I personally REALLY want Primarina the most. - Special moves: Sparkling Aria, Disarming Voice, Aqua Jet, Icy Wind - Sparkling Aria could generate some water balloons, which Primarina can send flying around with attacks, footstool jump off of, or detonate by using Sparkling Aria again. - Disarming Voice would be a projectile. If it makes contact with a water balloon, it can split into three projectiles through it. - Icy Wind would push foes at mid-range, or freeze them at close-range. - Final Smash: Oceanic Operetta - Alm: Not a high priority, but since Ultimate brought in the lead three of Awakening, then I don’t think I could guess Celica without Alm as well. - He always has a shield, so he could use that for some super-armored normal attacks. And he might be heavier than any other Fire Emblem fighter (since he’s in full armor all the time). One special could also use a bow (which he can use as a Hero/Conqueror). - Special moves: Double Lion, Hunter Volley, Windsweep, Pavise - Pavise here isn’t a counter, but a shield bash that can parry direct attacks, leaving foes open, and maybe also nullify projectiles. - Final Smash: Scendscale - Isabelle: Popularity card. Though I’m not sure what she’d do...Maybe set things around the arena, like small buildings? - Rex: Xenoblade 2 development started in mid-2014, so there must have been plenty of time to acquire him, I’m sure. - Pyra/Mythra might not be on-stage all the time - just for certain moves, like smash attacks and throws (kinda like with Peach’s Toad). But since Rex can change their form in battle, he could use this to become a sort of stance-change fighter. - Pyra’s version of the Aegis Sword could focus on damage and range, while Mythra’s version focuses on attack speed and launch power. - Smash attacks can use Pyra and Mythra’s Blade Specials. - Side smash: Flame Nova/Lightning Buster - Up smash: Blazing End/Photon Edge - Down smash: Prominence Revolt/Ray of Punishment - Special moves: Anchor Shot (grab), Rolling Smash, Crushing Typhoon (with Roc), Blade Switch - Final Smash: Chain Attack - Wonder-Red: Popularity card. Also, there’s already two Wonderful 101 tracks in the game, so why not? - His main feature could be Unite Charge to buff up his Unite Hand’s power for certain moves, like smash attacks, throws, and at least one special. Using these moves, or taking too much damage, will weaken the duration of Unite Hand’s current level. - Smash attacks could be based on Wonderful Stinger, Wonderful Rising, and Wonderful Cyclone. A full-charged smash attack with max Unite Charge level could be dangerously powerful. - Special moves: Unite Hand Flame, Team Unite Morph, Wonder-Jump, Unite Charge - Team Unite Morph can cycle between Wonder-Red’s allies to summon for different effects (or hold to cycle through faster). - Wonder-Blue’s Unite Sword can use a broad reflecting slash. - Wonder-Green’s Unite Gun can fire a few projectiles. - Wonder-Pink’s Unite Whip can reel a foe in closer. - Wonder-Yellow’s Unite Hammer can deal a strong meteor smash. - Wonder-White’s Unite Claw can trap foes in a rapid claw combo. - Wonder-Black’s Unite Bomb can inflict slow status on foes. - Final Smash: Wonderful Forever - Spring Man: Eh, might as well throw this one in. He seems to be one of the more expected Switch characters to join, though also one of the most controversial. - Weak attack might operate differently, by throwing one ARM forth at a time and returning as soon as it hits a foe. You can throw the other ARM out while the other one is flying, and you can repeat this for a while. - Strong attacks could have variable range depending on whether you tap or hold the button. Tap deals a fast close-range punch, and hold deals a long-range punch with more power at the apex. - Smash attacks could use the Megaton ARM. Charge determines how far out it goes. - Special moves: Boomerang ARM, Grappling ARMS (grab), Bounce-Back, ARMS Charge - Boomerang ARM can be curved tightly on input. - ARMS Charge will give a temporary boost to Spring Man’s ARM attacks with different effects. The standard Toasty ARMS for his normal attacks gain damage power, the Boomerang ARM gains launch power, and the Megaton ARM becomes larger and stronger. - ARMS Charge itself can emit a shockwave to repel most attacks and let him drop quickly in midair. - Final Smash: Rush Attack - Echo Fighter: Ribbon Girl: I’ve seen so many people want Ribbon Girl either instead of Spring Man, as an alt of Spring Man, or with Spring Man. Well, with Echo Fighters, the latter could happen. - Main difference, I think, would be her Sparky ARMS and Slapamander ARM. Sparky ARMS, with ARMS Charge, wouldn’t gain damage but a light paralyzing effect. Slapamander wouldn’t curve as tightly as Boomerang, but its hitbox would be big, and its ARMS Charge effect would be extra damage. - Also, her ARMS Charge wouldn’t have the shockwave, but she could drop down even faster. - Special moves: Slapamander ARM, Grappling ARMS (grab), Bounce-Back, ARMS Charge - Final Smash: Rush Attack
And finally, a few third-party characters that I expect will be big picks.
- Shantae: With Shovel Knight in the Assist Trophies, I think Shantae is the biggest indie pick now. And WayForward has publicly given support for Shantae for Smash. - Banjo-Kazooie: There’s quite a bit of Rare stuff in Smash now - King K. Rool, Klaptrap, and Krystal in her Adventures appearance. So this duo seems quite likely. The support has also been given Microsoft’s blessings. - Sora: ...I mean, if Disney allows it, then he could happen. He’s been requested ever since Brawl, after all. But I suppose Final Fantasy would take first priority for Square-Enix in Smash - now that Cloud’s in, anything else from them goes, I guess. - Since I know so much about Kingdom Hearts, I can actually think of some Smash moves for Sora. He’s got a lot of combo steps that he can use for normal attacks and stuff. - Special moves: Strike Raid, Tornado Strike, Flowmotion, Ragnarok - Final Smash: Salvation - Echo Fighter: Riku: My wildest Echo Fighter guess, I know. Still, the two games where Riku co-starred with Sora as a playable hero debuted on Nintendo handhelds, so that could be enough significance to make him an Echo? - Special moves: Spark Raid, Gravity Strike, Flowmotion, Dark Firaga - Final Smash: Dark Aura - Amaterasu: Just another Kamiya pick thrown in just because. Okami was pretty popular on Wii and now Switch, after all, and I’ve seen her requested a lot. - She’ll likely just attack with Divine Retribution for most of her moves, but could use the Devout Beads Rosary and the Tsumugari Glaive for a few other attacks, along with Power Slash. - Special moves: Firestorm, Cherry Bomb, Greensprout, Solar Flare - With Firestorm, draw a path to set off a trail of fire. Or, draw an infinity symbol around Amaterasu to use Inferno, a strong attack focused around Amaterasu’s vicinity. - Greensprout has different effects on the ground and in the air. On the ground, it grows a small tree in front to block attacks. In the air, it uses a vine and a Konohana Blossom to pull Amaterasu to safety. - Solar Flare is primarily a reflecting move, but if it intercepts a direct attack right at the start, she’ll counterattack with an explosive flare. - Final Smash: Sunrise (might be somewhat like Rosalina & Luma’s Power Star)
...And, that is my nonsensical ramble on characters I’d like to see in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Obviously, I don’t expect ALL of these in. Just some of them, at least.
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and-cactus · 6 years
Fire emblem echoes character random headcanons
Silque is an amazing singer. It took the group a while to convince her but she sings “Heritors of Arcadia” at camp, everyone loves it
Delthea and Python bond in teasing Luthier and Forsyth. Luthier and Forsyth bond over their mutual annoyance of the other two. The 4 talk together and absolutely roast each other alive (*delthea voice* Lu can’t roast anyone, dumbass can’t even cast a fire spell)
Boey and Kamui don’t talk much but have a mutual pact of hiding in similar places when they hear necrodragons. No words. A simple nod. They both know they hate it that’s that.
Kamui is Leon’s official wingman. Leon never asked for it but Kamui joined willingly cuz Valbar is just -that damn oblivious-. The true gay ally.
Atlas is an awkward mess around women or really anyone in any social situation, especially people he might think are attractive. Jesse takes him under his wing and tries to help him be more smooth, but Jesse gives the worst advice anyone can imagine. He’s genuinely trying to help but his idea of hitting on people is far from perfect.
Python convinced Forsyth to go to a bar with him but it turns out Forsyth is the type of drunk who will just break out in tears any moment. 0 alcohol tolerance.
Mathilda can drink the whole damn army under the table.
Nomah is one of the few people who knows of Sonya’s past. They never directly speak of it but Nomah tries to help her any way he can, Sonya is a bit resentful at first but she appreciates the guy’s intentions.
Sonya is the official leader of the Genny Defense Squad
Mycen always keeps a close eye on Faye. He knows she fights for Alm and it worries him a little bit. He knows how emotional war can be and he’s worried all of it may harm Faye in the long run.
In turn, Faye does follow Mycen’s lead. Once she has her final support conversation with Alm, she looks up to Mycen for inspiration to find more to fight for besides Alm. This does lead Faye to Mathilda and the woman becomes a bit of a role model for Faye. The 2 become close, Mathilda sees a lot of potential in Faye as a leader.
When Alm and the gang first leave their village, Silque is really the only one who knows much about roughing it out in the wilderness. She’s the go to guide for building a fire or shelter or hunting.
Luthier sees Kliff’s natural potential for magic and wants to train with him. I’m turn, Kliff teaches Luthier the basics of swordplay. Luthier starts... very clumsy with a sword and it takes awhile to get past that.
Deen rarely talked to the other army members but he did begin speaking to Valbar. It is canon in the art book I believe that Deen’s backstory involved him fighting for a noble house and he fell for a noble woman but she died in an attack. Valbar is the first person to learn this and he helps console Deen, having been through a similar situation.
Genny developed a bit of a crush on Conrad. She began writing about him a lot, a mysterious masked man riding in to save the day.
Not gonna lie I kinda headcanoned Conrad as gay but that’s just me, I can’t remember how old he is but he’s about the same age as Celica so I guess maybe he could date Genny in the future? That’s out of my hands anyway
Conrad found Genny’s writings about him and was so overwhelmed. To have someone see his persona as so much is a huge honor and he tries as hard as possible to live up to her expectations. Genny did go on to be a writer and the masked Cavalier was one of her most famous characters. Conrad loves it.
Tatiana overhears how Lukas feels in his support with Clive, where he mentions he wishes he had more passionate emotions and wasn’t so stone cold. Tatiana makes it her personal mission to give him Support and Loving Friendship and the two definitely become good friends.
Est joins Kamui in Leon’s Straight Allies Squad. She’s a sucker for love stories and wants this to work out for Leon and Valbar. Palla tells her she shouldn’t be so nosy and stay out of people’s business. Catria starts out uninvolved but is amazed, once again, at just how completely oblivious Valbar is and finds herself member #3 of the Allie’s. Leon is slightly embarrassed but treats the group like a professional agency about to take on a mission. They’re determined to bring a victory for the gays. Est baked rainbow cookies with Leon to give to Valbar at some point. Valbar loves the cookies and thinks they’re cute but doesn’t add up the Big Gay Message. Catria is ready to literally knock Valbar over the head with a “LEON’S GAY 4 U” sign
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Cool Smash Possibilities #3: Captain Toad
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Welcome to another edition of this cute Tumblr series I’m writing! While personally, I would love to play as both Funky and Alm, I don’t actually think they’ll even be logically considered for Smash. But for today’s entry, I actually have a little bit of hope for this little fungi. Not only being one of the more prominent WiiU Mario spinoffs, but also being featured in quite a number of Mario games himself, there’s no better time to include Captain Toad into the Smash Brothers roster.
The Origin:
Toad’s been a pretty reoccurring character/species since the start of Mario’s Mushroom Kingdom adventures in 1985. They usually assume a minor role in the series, while also appearing in literally every spinoff game as a playable character. They even appear in Smash, though the use of Peach’s Neutral B special. I believe this makes sense, as Toad joining the Smash roster would be equal to a random Goomba or Koopa Troopa joining. Yoshi’s a special case, as the dino is sort of one of many, but he’s also starred in numerous games and has a much larger presence in both the Mario and Nintendo world. Plus, the Mario franchise sure does have a lot of playable characters as is, so having the Toad character as a special move tied to Princess Peach makes sense. So, you may be ask, what makes Captain Toad so different? Well, here’s some more backstory. During 2008′s Super Mario Galaxy on Nintendo Wii, Mario will sometimes encounter a wandering group of Toads, assisting the plumber thoughout the level. Sometimes they will give him the power stars he seeks, others they just sort of whimsically commented on the galaxies they explored. Regardless, the red Toad of this brigade wore a light on his head, and is essentially the prototype Captain Toad. They appear again in 2010′s Super Mario Galaxy 2. This exact group of Toads appear again in the next big console Mario Game, 2013′s Super Mario 3D World, with a major redesign. Not only do they show up during some stages, but you take control of the leader (now officially dubbed “Captain Toad”) of this brigade during special challenge levels. These levels have you control the Captain though diorama like obstacle courses, using the gamepad to control the camera. Captain Toad cannot jump, so he can only run to avoid obstacles in order to collect the 5 Green Stars and complete the challenge. These levels were ridiculously popular on the Miiverse Social Media community, and thus, the developers ended up using these as base for their next game. Thus, comes 2014′s Captain Toad Treasure Tracker! Captain Toad’s very own game that feature a comfy collection of diorama levels to complete, including even boss levels. Captain Toad is of course joined by Captain Toadette and the rest of the Toad Brigade, on their quest to find lots of treasure. It was announced like a month ago that it’s getting an updated port on Nintendo Switch, including levels featured in 2017′s Super Mario Odyssey... Which Captain Toad was also featured in! Hidden in the many Kingdoms, Captain Toad will give Mario a single Power Moon when found and talked to. Mario can also find Captain Toadette residing in Peach’s Castle after the game is completed, and gives Mario a Power Moon for every achievement he completes.
Smash Statistics:
So okay, before I start this, I want Toadette as an alternate skin for Captain Toad. I don’t think this should be a problem, as Corrin, Robin, and the Wii Fit Trainer have both sexes as Alternate Costumes. Now that that’s out of the way, Captain Toad should be similar to Little Mac in ways. He doesn’t have the jumping power that other Mario series characters have, but he should be very fast on the ground. That doesn’t mean he CAN’T jump, because that would cripple him severely in a game like this, but he has a hard time lifting off the ground. Captain Toad’s basic attacks would mostly involve him using his head and his feet, as they both have prominent size. Captain Toad’s Neutral Special would be a variation of Peach’s Neutral B, though while Peach’s spores shoot in front of her, Toad’s would cover his entire body. I guess it’d be similar to Corrin’s stupid Dragon counter, but not nearly as much knockback. I’d make his Forward Special a powerful Back Pack Swing. Not only would Toad use this to propel horizontally in the air, but also as a hard hitting swing attack with pretty decent range. I’m bringing back the Propeller Block from Mario 3D Land to be his Up Special, giving him a predictable recovery that causes slice damage from the propellers. Finally, his Down Special would be Turnip Pluck. While Peach’s turnips have different faces and gimmicks, Captain Toad would pull out a predictable turnip. He’d do it much faster than Peach, just to toss in a cute little nod to Super Mario Bros. 2. When Captain Toad gets the Smash Ball, he pulls from the ground his mighty Super Pickax! This cute little item is actually based off of the Hammer in Donkey Kong, and therefor will give Captain Toad all the benefits of said item, as well as invulnerability. The Pickax disappears after a while, so score your KOs!
Home Stage:
I feel like fighting on top of one of those Diorama stages would be really cute. I don’t really know which one, though. Maybe something with cute shy guys in the background, as well as the rest of the Toad Brigade hidden somewhere. Maybe the stage will change as it’s rotated around, meaning you have to adapt to new hazards you might’ve seen in the background, like those said Shy Guys. That, or toss Captain Toad’s stage into New Donk City or an Odyssey themed stage. IDK, I’ve never designed a video game before.
Reasons For!
-Captain Toad perfectly aligns within that timeframe between Smash 4 and the new Smash, and Sakurai heavily drew from that timeframe for the last game. -I feel like Captain Toad just appeals to everyone. Old School fans would love to see Toad in this game, newer fans get the major Captain Toad fanservice. Guys would find his hard hitting fast playstyle hilarious, gals would think he’s hella adorable. I can imagine all the memes just sprouting up like shrooms including this little guy. -I don’t think Captain Toad has much competition from other Mario franchise characters. Like, Pauline MAYBE, but Waluigi and Daisy haven’t appeared in as many mainline Mario games as Captain Toad has. Plus, Toad has been in the spinoffs since Super Mario Kart, I think he deserves a little more priority than those two.
Reasons Against!
-Sakurai’s usually super adamant on his choices in Smash. Toad has been Peach’s Neutral Special since Melee, and it’s unclear if Captain Toad will be enough to change his mind. -Toads have always walked that line between an Actual Character and Generic Series of Characters. I think Captain Toad is an Actual Character, but y’never know what the developers think. -Mario as a franchise has six characters and a clone already, while also semi encompassing the Donkey Kong, Yoshi, and Wario franchises. The Mario franchise has a lot of characters in Smash as is. Maybe after Rosalina and Bowser Jr., Sakurai would want to simmer down on those Mushroom Emblemed guys?
Overall, I think Captain Toad has potential. He could be really fun, if added! It just depends if Sakurai is willing to give the fungi the 12 Part Video Game franchise + Anime Adaptation he deserves. Anyway, my next Cool Smash Possibilities will be out on Sunday, but I’m going to provide an interesting twist: you guys can vote for the next Cool Smash Possibility. If you guys have any characters you’re dying to see, feel free to DM me, and the most popular one will be done on Sunday! I’m familiar with most Nintendo franchises, the 3rd Party characters I might have to do a bit of research but I mean y’know, that’s it. See ya Sunday!
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mostdontknowit · 7 years
FE Lords ranking
So these are just the ones I’ve played.
15. Eliwood- Blazing Blade: Stat wise... Eliwood is probably the most average character there is. He doesn’t excel really at anything... Which kind of reflects him as a character. He’s really... Unexciting. Let’s be real. He kind of just has a typical “I’m the main character who has no personality and just reacts” thing going on.
14. Marth- Shadow Dragon+: Marth...is kind of the same as Eliwood but he, for some reason, is a little more noble and I think he has some better lines too than Eliwood. I only played Shadow Dragon (aside from SSB) and it frustrated me he never got a promotion.
13. Lucina- Awakening: I actually have a billion complaints about Lucina. People talk about her as if she’s like the Goddess of Awakening but she’s kind of... pretty unexciting of a character story wise. She has a couple of interesting conversations but... I feel like they’re still generic conversations in terms of Awakening. Like haha there’s something slightly quirky about me being that I had to fight and be scared my entire life. On top of that this character was when I realized how sexist the FE community is and kind of creepy too.
12. Corrin- Fates: Corrin is another character who, deep down is kind of boring. And I find almost all his support conversations boring. He’s another generic hero character but has a complicated background.
11. Azura- Fates: I almost put her as last solely because... to be frank I just didn’t like her. However I thought about it more and she actually has a pretty interesting story and I think she actually saves the day in a different way than pretty much every other Lord. I kind of thought she was annoying in the game. Either by trying to keep her alive, automatically reclassing her as soon as she reached level 15. And her cut scenes were kind of just. Meh. I do like that she’s a singer, but that’s... really small. I mean Ninian (and Nils) is very similar to her in a lot of ways.
10. Eirika- Sacred Stones: Ok... So both her and Ephraim are almost tied. I think, to be honest, she’s slightly lower than Ephraim because I don’t like her design as much (really just fix the hair a little bit.) She’s kind of another generic Lord but has a certain thing that makes me like her better than those above her. I think it’s that, if I remember correctly, she still had a lot of Naivety in the beginning. I really don’t dislike her.
9. Ephraim- Sacred Stones. Ephraim kind of has a Marth meets Hector thing. He’s a lot like his sister in a lot of ways, minus her Naivity. But he also kind of has Hectors ferociousness. He’s a bit stern. But he kind of has a certain kind of nobility that Marth has. He’s kind of another generic Lord but I think he’s still kind of his own character making his own decisions.
8. Robin- Awakening: Ok so Robin has a certain kind of chipperness I don’t think we’ve really seen with other Lords. Plus he can use magic and a sword.... I think that’s the first Lord who started out being able to use multiple weapons (at least with American releases). He has significantly better conversations than Corrin and I like his personality. On top of that he’s on of the Lords I liked using in battle. Maybe since you can (sort of) customize his stats though.
7. Micaiah- Radiant Dawn: It’s been a long time since I’ve played Radiant Dawn. But I loved this game SO much. Micaiah is the first hero where it kind of seems like... it’s her party members doing the work, you know? Like she has a plan and they follow her orders... But she’s kind of in the background. I think since she’s different in that sense, it makes me like her that much more. Plus she’s the first lord I played who isn’t a weapon user. Magic instead (I really want a bow or knife Lord but I won’t complain too much).
6. Lyn- Blazing Blade: Lyn has some of the best animations out of any character. Even though Fire Emblem games are no longer 2D there’s something fantastic about the bit-animations of receiving a critical hit. On top of that, I feel like Lyn is how Lucina was aimed to be. Like the writers wanted her to be more like Lyn. I am still depressed that chances are, Lyn died (though they did make it possible for her to have her own series). She’s a twist on the Swordmaster class and I love it.
5. Celica- Echoes Shadows of Valentia: When I first started Echoes I wasn’t expecting to like Celica so much. First off I love that she can be a healer. Secondly... She doesn’t really react. I mean she does but like. She takes charge. She takes charge to make a change and in doing so she encounters stuff and fixes it. Like to me it’s not the villains leading the story in her case and her just reacting to the villains. She’s in charge of her own story, unlike many other (if not all) Lords.
4. Chrom- Awakening: Ok... him and Ike are VERY similar. In fact the beginning of Awakening is very similar to Path of Radiance. He has this little band of heroes who fights bandits. Like Ikes. The prime difference is that Ike inherits it (if I remember right) I don’t really know where the Shephards start. They even have a healer sister. Their personalities are almost the same except Chrom isn’t as innocent as Ike.
3. Ike- Path of Radiance+: Gosh dang Ike is fun to play. Which might be why he’s higher than Chrom. He’s kind of a Berserker with a sword, I guess. His personality is strong but not annoying. He’s a bit more innocent than Chrom and I think that’s why he’s higher. When a hero in FE kind of has an idea of what’s been going on or comes from royal lineage they kind of lose a certain amount of that naivety and it almost feels like they aren’t doing their own actions... They kind of become a generic character.
2. Hector- Blazing Blades+: Hector might have the strongest personalty among all the Lords. I think he’s the predecessor for some of the more recent Lords in terms of how they’re written. He’s kind of angry and wants to get shiz done. On top of that his freaking stats. He’s a tank and really strong. He’s kind of like the Incredible Hulk. I don’t think there’s ever been another tanky Lord, One who’s based off a Knight/General class.
1. Alm- Echoes Shadows of Valentia: Alm and Celica are very similar. Alm chose to do things and he gets it done. The only difference is that Alm had a knight come and he took his “grampa’s” place. On top of that he’s an under dog. People keep looking down on him and he doesn’t really think of it, or it just keeps him humble. He’s higher on this list because he is so Naive of the world. Probably the most innocent of any Lord, having grown up on a farm by his grampa who was a knight. He’s just a normal kid so he’s relatable too. And even better yet, there’s never a point where I feel like I have to protect him. I think most other Lords I have to protect aside from Hector. I can put him in the front. If anything I have to hold Alm back so he doesn’t hog all the experience.
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shadowlink720 · 7 years
How bout Nier (either one) and/or Echoes? :V
(Send me a fandom)
gonna be under a read more for obvious reasons
My all-time ultimate fave character: 
HECK uhhhh…. UHHHH……………………… Maybe 9S, Emil or Grimoire Weiss, idk
Character I didn’t used to like but now do:
Not ‘didn’t like’ per se, but I was pretty indifferent to Emil when I played Automata because it was like ‘ok so this guy’s just shown up out of nowhere and seems to be some sort of Chaos God’ BUT THEN I PLAYED GESTALT and finally found out what the heck that was all about and OHHHH BOY
Character I used to like but now don’t:
Honestly there’s not a single character I particularly dislikeexcept maybe a few npcs in Gestalt but I can’t remember who they were really soooo…… yeah
Character I’m indifferent about:
hmm……. Do Jacob and Gideon count? From the Two Brothers’ Weaponry? idk
Character who deserved better:
I don’t know if you’ve noticed but the entire NieR series is about some nerds who deserved betterso basically, they all did
Ship I’ve never been able to get into:
I don’t really feel too invested in ships of a series as dark and tragic as NieR lmao;;; 
Ship I’ve never been able to get over:
Same as above, but I guess 2B and 9S are pretty cute??
Cute, low-key ship:
I have seen 2B and 6O a few times, they’re pretty darn cute
Unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
??? idk which ones are particularly ‘popular’
Ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
again, I don’t really get too invested in that stuff
Favourite storyline/moment:
HECKhmmmm….. for Automata; probably a lot of stuff to do with 9S in the C/D routesIf you wanted something in particular, probably after A2 enters the Tower and it goes back to 9S after the explosion……. you know the bit I’m talking about(i mean that voice acting is A++++ man)
and for Gestalt; uhh……… probably any interaction between Nier, Kainé, Emil and Weiss, they all have such great b a n t e rThough if you wanted something actually from the story, probably either the scene when Weiss gets his memories back, or when Yonah wakes up when you’re fighting the Shadowlord 
Storyline that never should have been written:
The story in the NieR games are one of the best parts, I wouldn’t change any of it :Y
First thoughts on the game(s):
Automata: I’ve heard this game is Sad, let’s see how cold my heart truly is
Gestalt: ……….. Let me know what the fukc happened with Project Gestalt and the whole deal with Kainé and Emil
My thoughts now:
Automata: Wait shit no why can’t we see any more of post ending E stuff gdi Yoko Taro why can’t you let us see for sure that they’re all h a p p y a n d a l i v e
Gestalt: …………. Well shit, it really should just be called ‘local man ruins everything trying to save his daughter’
aaaaaand then Fire Emblem Echoooes
My all-time ultimate fave character:
uhhhhh……….. Gray’s pretty hecking great?
Character I didn’t used to like but now do:
Less ‘didn’t like’ more ‘was indifferent about’, almost definitely Forsytheven if the way people pronounce his name is weird that nerd is great and he’s trying his best…. I actually ended up using him more than Lukas, for some reason, and honestly if he’s gonna be doubled by everyone then I mIGHT AS WELL GIVE HIM DUMA’S LANCE, YA KNOW-
Character I used to like but now don’t:
I used to be indifferent about Faye but now I’m slightly less indifferent about her? does that count? Girl gotta stop being so god damn thirsty, that ain’t healthy
Character I’m indifferent about:
I mean…. is Mycen a prominent enough character to count? idkif he’s not, then Celica I guess
Character who deserved better:
Ship I’ve never been able to get into:
?????? idk, sometimes Alm and Celica felt kinda forced but w/e, it’s not like I’m completely against it, just indifferent as per usual
Ship I’ve never been able to get over:
idk but Gray and Clair are cuteso are Mae and Boey
Cute, low-key ship:
I know it’s more of an unrequited love thing but Leon and Valbar are pretty dang adorablealso Forsyth and Python as a Bro-ship, i guess
Unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it:
idk which ships are ‘unpopular’ sooo….
Ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened:
idk man???? i just know that Faye really needs to calm her tits the fukc down and move on
Favourite storyline/moment:
ummm……. hmm….. i’m not sureoh wait nvm BERKUT AND RINEA
Storyline that never should have been written:
…….. does the blatantly obvious way they hinted at Alm’s heritage count?like…. come on guys, I’m sure you could have hidden it better than that?or at least make it not so surprising when Alm actually found out? I guess? idk
First thoughts on the game(s):
‘time for b a d m a p d e s i g n and some teenage dorks overthrowing an empire’
My thoughts now:
fuck Upheaval, fuck Jedah, fuck Duma and fuck those appalling animated cutscenes toobut at least I got my dorks overthrowing an empire, and the voice acting was A++++, especially Berkut holy shit
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freezing-kaiju · 7 years
Stardate: 2689
PROLOGUE: Cinnamon Recovery
a prologue to me and @pupmon1‘s Fire Emblem Heroes fic Stardate: 2689
Warnings: Obsession, dysphoria, smoking weed
additional note: some of this is kinda borrowed from my own eperiences being trans and having a (way less unhealthy) crush that amounted to nothing, though the person i had a crush on was a straight girl.
It was just temporary, Faye told herself as she exited the shuttle onto the outpost. Just a temporary assignment, maybe a month. Maybe not even that. Her beloved Alm would come around soon, she was sure of it. She had done so much for him! Sacrificed so much for him. He had to love her...
Next to her, Silque was still worrying. Faye had been dangerously obsessed with Alm...so much so that she had neglected herself, her hobbies, her family...she had even put off her own transition after she heard Alm say offhand that he liked men more... to say that Silque was concerned was an understatement.
And the others in Alm’s group had apparently agreed with Silque. They agreed to assign Faye to a position far away from Alm...a place where she could recover and maybe pick up less self-destructive habits. Celica’s outpost. Clair had also been sent.
As they exited the shuttle, Celica was there to greet them. “Hello! I’m glad to see our new recruits. Welcome to the outpost. I’m running it until my actual assignment is ready.”
“We’re happy to be of help,” Silque said. “Alm told us about you, said something about knowing each other a long time ago.”
Celica nodded. “Yes, we knew each other. Dated a little.” Celica glanced away. “Then we...found each other...and broke it off. Also he was a bit of a...well...he’s unobservant as hell...”
“...he is not...” Faye muttered petulantly.
Celica stopped and glanced at Faye. “...are you...Faye?” she asked carefully, glancing at her pad. “That’s the right name, right?”
“Yes, correct.” Faye looked up at her. Celica looked...well, to put it bluntly, pretty. But...Silque did too...so she was totally still straight. Completely normal for a straight girl to think that her commanding officer or her closest friend is really cute...
Celica smiled kindly. “Please, correct any mistakes made by myself or my staff. I...remember Alm talking about his friends, but you didn’t go by Faye then. I may slip up, I apologize if I do.”
“It’s okay...” Faye said shyly. “I...don’t mind...”
“Alright,” Celica said with a smile. Then she lifted her head and called out. “Saber! Show these crewmen to their quarters!” Then she lowered her voice. “I hope you don’t mind bunking together.”
“...I suppose...” Faye said.
“Oh, that would be wonderful,” Silque said with a smile. “Will Clair be staying elsewhere?
“Yes. She’ll be with...oh! The whitewings!” Celica smiled when she looked at her pad. “Good luck...they’re molting…”
“I’ll manage,” Clair said.
Celica chuckled nervously. “You will wake up with feathers everywhere…” She stopped as a large man with an eyepatch walked up.
“Hello, I am your deputy. Get used to taking orders from me. Now let’s go.”
Faye and Silque nodded. But, as the others followed Saber, Celica grabbed Silque’s arm.
“Wait a moment…” she said softly. “I want to talk to you alone…” She watched the others walk away, then sighed. “I’ve been informed this isn’t a regular reassignment.”
Silque sighed. “Faye has had an...obsession with Alm for a while. Lately it’s gotten worse. She’s...stopped taking her hormones, sleeping irregularly, stalking him for hours on end, not eating to look pretty for him...he finds it very creepy and I’m concerned for her as a friend so...”
Celica paused, then her shoulders dropped. “She didn’t take the revelation that he’s...gay...well...did she?”
“...that’s why she stopped taking the hormones...” Silque said. “And she...cried...for about a week...”
Celica sighed and closed her eyes. “Alright...I’ll do what I can to keep her busy….” Celica scrolled through her pad and nodded. “I think I’ll set her with...Mae. I think she could use a friend like her. Is there anything else you would suggest? You know her best...beyond Kliff…”
“...keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t do anything drastic...and maybe try and make sure she’s eating regularly. I try to help her with that but she doesn’t always listen to me.”
“Alright. I’ll make sure Mae knows.” Celica stopped and smiled. “Mae is one of those people...ya know...great for picking someone up…” Celica shook the lazy smile off her face. “Alright! With that settled, you should get going back to the group.”
“She sounds fun. And yes, let’s.”
“Hey new roomies!!” Mae said as Faye and Silque entered her room. Mae darted up to Silque. “Ooo, you’re pretty.” Then her gaze flicked to Faye. “And cute!”
“Mae...stop…” Genny mumbled from her bunk.
“Thank you,” Silque said, blushing.
Faye looked away awkwardly and mumbled, “...I’m not gay...”
“It wouldn’t matter…” Genny muttered. “Mae is Mae.”
Mae put her three-fingered hands on her hips and spun around to face her friend. “Hey, can’t a girl pay someone an compliment?”
Oh no, Faye thought as she stared at Mae. She’s hot... “I...suppose so...sure...”
Mae smiled and nodded. “See? She gets it.”
Silque nodded. “Yes, definitely.”
Mae smiled and suddenly spun around and hugged Silque and Faye. “They understand me. I know we’re going to be the best of friends!”
She smells like strawberries… Faye thought.
Mae slid into the seat beside Faye, lonely Faye in the corner, and noticed she was just moving her mash around with her spork.
“Hey Faye. It looks like you haven’t eaten anything...is something wrong?” Mae asked softly.
“...Alm hasn’t replied to any of my messages...” Faye said.
“I’m sure he’s just busy, you know how higher-ups can get.” Mae batted at the air. “All ‘I have no time for fun stuff, I have to serious all the time’ and what not. It even gets to Celica sometimes. Just give him time.”
“It’s been like...a week...” Faye sighed. “I knew it...he doesn’t care about me...”
Mae frowned and poked Faye’s nose. “Hey, don’t be such a negative nelly. Just...give him some time…he might be on a big mission to save Valm again...or something.”
“...that’s the excuse he’s used six times already...” Faye pouted. “Last time he was just on vacation...”
Mae squirmed and pulled away, deflating and ducking her head down. “...please be happy…” she muttered. “...I...I don’t know what to say...but I want you to be happy…”
Faye looked at her quizzically and attempted to smile. “I uh...do you...do you have an actual kitchen on this station?”
Mae suddenly popped up and smiled. “Yep!”
“Good...cooking...cooking helps..”
Mae nodded and popped to her feet, taking Faye’s hand. “Come on, follow me! It’s in the officer’s mess.”
“Sounds good,” Faye said, standing up.
Mae smiled and pulled Faye to the officer’s mess. Saber looked up from his table with a frown, but a wave from Celica silenced him before he could complain about the two going into the kitchen.
“Here it is! An actual kitchen!” Mae said, twirling a little. “And a replicator that will make any raw ingredient you want!”
Faye’s eyes almost lit up. “Oooo, this is great! I’ll get started right away...”
“One...one moment...I need to….” Mae crept over to the replicator, glancing at the officers eating before punching something in. A strange green leaf and blue fruit appeared and she darted to the corner with it. She squeezed out the center of the blue fruit onto the green leaf, rolling it into a smoke and lighting it.
“S-sorry…” she stuttered. “I need something to block it all out for a bit…”
“Block what out?”
“I’m…” she shivered and looked down. “I’m...an empath…” Mae looked away, waiting for Faye to send her away...most do.
“Huh.” Faye said. “That’s interesting...what’s that like?”
Mae was surprised by the question, and hesitated to take a draw. “Well...it’s...hard. I feel everything around me….especially when people aren’t happy. I want to help people be happy...for a purely selfish reason...so...I guess that’s bad of me…”
“Doesn’t really sound that bad to me,” Faye said. “I’m...not really that much of a selfless person...but...I guess wanting to make others happy is a good goal.”
“Even...even if it’s so I don’t have to feel their pain?” Mae asked timidly.
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess.” Faye smiled. “Now ah...lemme try and remember the recipe...” She walked over to the replicators. “...hmm...warm milk, salted butter, salt, flour, granulated sugar, cinnamon...” She trailed off, listing ingredients.
Mae peered over Faye’s shoulder. “What are you making?”
“Cinnamon rolls,” Faye responded.
“Ooo~ Those sound good! Gargoyle loves cinnamon rolls!”
“Who- oh, right, your bug thing.”
Mae smiled as a little bug fluttered out of her shirt and landed on her head. “He helps me focus.”
“He’s...cute,” Faye said. “Can I pet him?”
Mae nodded and held out her hand, Gargoyle fluttering down to her palm. He looked up at Faye and wiggled his antene.
Faye gently stroked him with her finger. “Good lil bug.”
Mae smiled as Gargoyle nuzzled Faye’s hand. “He wants you to be happy too.”
Faye cooed. “You’re both adorable...I mean uh. He is. You’re...wait...uh..well I mean you’re ...cute but like...I...” she stuttered.
Mae chuckled and took a draw before speaking in a low voice. “It blocks my empathy...but not that much, cutie. I know what you mean to say.”
“N-no I don’t! I’m not-” The replicator dinged and Faye turned around. “Oh, my ingredients! E-excuse me...”
Mae sighed and watched Faye move around her, running to prepare her treat. “...there’s nothing wrong with what you are…” she muttered to herself. She let out a long sigh and leaned on the wall, putting her smoke in her mouth.
Silque sidled up to her and leaned on the wall. “...she’s always denied it...still, it’s...it’s nice seeing her cook again.”
“Ah! Medic!” Mae scrambled to hide the smoke that she technically wasn’t supposed to have.
“...I saw nothing.” Silque said with a slight grin.
Mae squirmed and looked down. “Don’t tell the captain…” she whispered.
“Okay. Is it bad for you? I’m not used to treating your species...”
“It...can be...addictive…” she muttered, taking a quick draw before hiding it behind her back. “...not feeling is...nice...but Celica doesn’t want me to be addicted to something...she’s afraid I’ll hurt myself…”
“She seems very nice,” Silque said. “And I can tell she cares a lot about you...are you two together?”
“Much to Saber’s disdain.” Mae giggle and grinned at Silque. “But...we’re not exclusive, if you’re wondering.”
Silque blushed. “I ah...don’t know how to respond to that...other than you could do a lot better than me...
“But you’re cute and beautiful,” Mae said with a smile. “And I can sense that you’re a good person. Good and kind and...worried about your friend.”
Silque blushed even more, then looked wistfully over at Faye. “...still...if i’m in a relationship...I’d want to bring Faye in...” She looked down.
Mae grinned and chuckled. “Gimme some time with ‘er. Empaths are really good at bringing out people’s true emotions.”
“That would be really nice,” Silque said. “...she’s already happier than I’ve seen her in months...”
“Then good! I’m doing my job right!” Mae bounced a little, sticking her smoke in her mouth. “I’m...gonna relax while she cooks...tell me if Celica is coming…” she said once she stopped moving, lowering her head and breathing in the sweet smoke as she closed her eyes.
“Alright.” Silque sighed. “...she’s quite nice...and beautiful.”
Mae hummed out an agreement and blew out some grey blue smoke. “...yeah...she is…”
A few weeks later, and Faye was...depressed doesn’t begin to describe it. Celica had received news that Alm had finally asked Gray out. She hadn’t meant for this news to reach Faye but...of course it had... and Faye hadn’t been eating, hadn’t been sleeping, hadn’t been taking her medication, hadn’t left her room since.
Silque had been very quietly panicking about it ever since. Faye had made so much progress...and now with one piece of news the whole domino set of recovery had been knocked down. Even Mae was getting worried and nervous, trying to help but not able to. Neither had been sleeping well, so when Faye suddenly got up and entered the bathroom, they woke up.
Faye flipped on the light and rubbed her eyes, turning to the mirror. She scratched her face, twitching at the stubble that scratched at her skin. She stared at the mirror and let out a long sigh. She looked like...him again.
“Maybe...Alm would like him...” she muttered to herself. “Maybe if...if I went back to being him...Alm would...would like me…”
She looked down...and felt a hand on her shoulder, and Silque’s soft, wavering voice in her ear. “Please don’t, Faye. Please. You’ve...you’ve improved so much recently, don’t throw yourself away like this.”
Faye sighed and closed her eyes. “...what does...it matter…” she muttered softly.
Two arms wrapped around her waist. “...he doesn’t make you happy…” Mae muttered, nuzzling into her back, her antena tickling her neck. “You deserve to be happy…”
“...I...” Faye looked back up at herself in the mirror. Mae and Silque were both...almost cuddling her...this was the most affection she’d received in her entire life.
Faye burst into tears. “...I...I just...great Mila, I don’t deserve you two...”
“Love isn’t something you deserve…” Mae muttered. “It’s something that comes, and you can accept it or not.”
“...I...” Oh, what was the point of denying it anymore? She’d felt this way for a while, and just buried it under more misplaced obsession for Alm. “...I-I’ll accept it...”
Mae smiled and nuzzled Faye. “...I knew you would eventually…” she said softly. Then she pulled away, taking Faye’s hand and leading her to sit on the toilet.
Silque inched over and smiled. “You mind if we… at the risk of sounding irritatingly cliched, give you a makeover?”
Mae’s atene twitched. “You deserve to feel comfortable and pretty.”
Faye hesitated before nodding. “Y-yeah...thanks…”
Mae smiled and hugged Faye. “We’ll take care of you, Faye.”
Mae then grabbed a razor as Silque started to deal with Faye’s hair.
“There we go…” Mae muttered as she pulled away.
“...wow...” Faye said, looking in the mirror. “I look...I...”
“You look beautiful,” Silque said.
Faye smiled and nodded a little. “I-I...thank you,” she muttered softly. “Thank you both of you.”
Mae nodded and took her hand. “Let’s...go lay down together.”
Faye blushed and smiled. “...yeah, that...that sounds really fantastic.”
Mae nodded and led Faye back into the bedroom, letting Silque flick off the light as she laid down on the bed, pulling Faye beside her. She nuzzled into Faye’s chest. “You’re...so warm now…”
Faye was blushing immensely. “I-if I’m making you uncomfortable I can go...”
Mae raised her gaze and her eyes narrowed. Her antennae twitched, flicking Faye on the nose. “No, you silly girl. Move and I’ll hit you with my antenna again.”
Faye giggled. “O-ok.” She snuggled closer to Mae and felt Silque nuzzle in from her back. “...this is...really nice.”
Mae smiled and closed her eyes. “...you’re so warm...I can see you with my eyes shut…” Mae nuzzled closer. “...it’s nice…”
“...I’ve actually...uh...dreamed about this for...for a while,” Silque said nervously.
Mae’s antennae twitched, one barely visible over Faye’s head. “...I can see you too...heheh…”
“...I assume that’s a good thing,” Silque said.
“Feels good,” Faye said with a little hum.
Mae nodded and sighed softly. “Yeah...it does...it’s so good…” she muttered. “Let’s get some...good long sleep...we can tell Celica in the morning.”
“...ya...” Faye murmured as she drifted off to sleep.
Celica paused in her working, hearing a very familiar sound. She turned around and held out her arms, grunting as Mae suddenly jumped into a hug.
“Ah! Hello Mae! You must be feeling better if you’re jumping around the place,” Celica said with a smile, lightly blowing on Mae’s antenna.
“Faye’s cooking again. And eating, and shaving, and taking her hormones, and...” Mae paused. “...and, uh, me and her and Silque slept together last night.”
“Wait, human slept together, or your slept together?” Celica asked carefully, knowing that means two completely different things.
Celica sighed and dropped her shoulders, setting Mae down. “I mean...physical um...pleasure...or emotional?”
“Oh ya. Emotional.”
Celica patted Mae’s head. “Ah, okay, your slept together. I’m glad for you three then.”
“They uh...said they wanted to...to share it with you, too...”
“I’d love that,” Silque said, coming out of the kitchen with an omelette and a cinnamon roll. “Faye’s cooking extra well today,” she added with a smile.
Celica smiled and nodded. “I’m glad she’s happy...and I’d love to share.” There was a pause before she glanced at Mae. “Well...if you’re going to join us, you should know about this.”
Mae noticed the grin on Celica’s face and she backed away. “N-no, don’t you da-” she was cut off when Celica reached up and gently rubbed one of her antena, her expression melting into one of dreamy happiness.
“Oh so that’s what that does,” Silque said.
“I call it her ‘relax’ switch,” Celica said with a smile. “It’s better than her smoking her powers away. And sometimes you just need her to be quiet for a little while,” she added quietly.
Mae shook her head as Celica pulled away. “Is it possible to both love and hate an action?”
“Oh definitely,” Silque said with a grimace, thinking about all the times a while ago when Faye would just...rant about Alm for hours. It was sweet to hear her talk...but still. Overall that whole experience was just sad.
“Well...I love you stroking my antenna...I hate when you do it when I’m standing…” Mae grumbled, crossing her arms. Then she sniffed the air and smiled. “...something smells really good~”
Faye walked out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and oven mitts and carrying a huge platter of cinnamon rolls. She smiled at Mae, Silque, and Celica. “I made some muffins too. I just feel like...this is good. Cooking helps...”
“Cook all the things!” Mae exclaimed with a smile. “We will eat it!”
“Hey hey hey! Don’t make promises the human metabolism can’t keep,” Celica said with a laugh.
“Well I can keep it! Cook all the things if it makes you happy.”
“Well, everyone else here can have some too, of course. And thanks, I...I think I will.” Faye grinned and set the platter down on a table. The moment it hit the table, a pink haired girl with white wings flittered over and smiled. “Cinnamon rolls!” she exclaimed before grabbing a plate full of them before darting over to her sisters, leaving feathers in her wake.
Mae frowned and wafted the air to keep the feathers away from the cinnamon rolls. “Stupid white wings and their molting feathers.”
Celica chuckled. “They can’t help it.”
Delthea snuck up behind them and put four cinnamon rolls on her plate before sneaking back to the table, muttering, “...wish Maria were here...”
Mae smiled and waved at her. “Hope you like those cinnamon rolls, Delthea!” she called out. Delthea jumped and glared at her, muttering, “...thought I was sneakier than that.”
Mae frowned and crossed her arms. Celica grabbed a plate, placed three cinnamon rolls on the plate, then took Mae’s hand. She led her to a table, and rubbed her antena, letting her relax and lean on her. Celica smiled and fed Mae as she massaged her antena.
Silque and Faye sat down to either side of them, both with plates full of cinnamon rolls. Faye was eating somewhat more hungrily than usual; like she was making up for the days recently when she hadn’t been eating. Silque was eating hers with tiny delicate bites with a spork and knife.
Faye poked Celica’s cheek. “You got a bit of icing on your face,” she said..then leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “There, I got it...I can’t believe I did that oh gosh...”
Celica giggled and leaned in, kissing Faye on the nose. “You’re so cute, Faye.”
Faye blushed, accentuating her freckles. “I...thanks, Celica..you’re way cuter than me, all three of you are.”
Celica and Slique glanced at each other and chuckled. “We disagree, Faye,” they said together.
Mae simply closed her eyes and sighed contently. “...I can see you…all of you...” She reached out and pulled all of them into a big hug.
“I guess that’s your way of saying you love us?” Silque guessed with a giggle.
Mae just nodded.
Faye grinned and sighed. “...gods, I’m happier than I’ve been in a long, long time.”
Silque smiled and nuzzled Faye gently. “Good...that’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
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spottoydog · 7 years
Thoughts on Grima origin reveal in Echoes
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The following translated text was obtained from AVEYN_KNIGHT on paste bin: (link) and some info from the fire emblem wiki
So there is this post game dungeon after the main campaign of Fe: Echoes where you go to a lovely vacation destination called Thabes, located in scenic Marmotord also known as the “Desert of Death.” Lovely... 
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Marmotord, dubbed the Desert of Death, is a vast desert covers the northwestern portion of the continent. Anri visited it on his legendary quest to obtain Falchion. It is unclaimed by any nation, and inhabited only by various barbarians and wild wyverns.
Thabes was an ancient city that now lies buried underneath the sands of Marmotord. It is supposedly the final resting place of Naga.
This region would be a small part of the wilderness of Anri’s Way, and would much later be known as Ferox. 
And would you look at that it’s where Naga’s physical remains are located. Or at least it’s where her/his first incarnation is buried? It’s really unclear with all the lore stuff added in Awakening whether or not Naga is just a title that gets passed down to various members of the divine dragon tribe that fill that role or if Naga reincarnates every thousands of years or so and pops up wherever needed. 
But anyway after Naga made the Falcion and Fire Emblem, and sealed their daughter into the Ice Temple to prevent that whole degeneration thing that was plaguing dragon-kind and made the Earth Dragons go nuts, they “died” (quote-unquote) and Thabes is where the first Naga is burried. 
Gee, I hope no one desecrates this holy site with weird magic/science!
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This is the underground labyrinth of Thabes, a place where outsiders are forbidden entry. The alchemist forneus made a name for himself at Thabes his name was later feared. 
Oh nooooooo.... Now are we talking “my potions are too strong for you, traveler” feared or...?
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During his life, Forneus researched two topics: The reanimation of corpses into soldiers that obediently followed orders. The creation of “perfect life”.
Oh good, it’s that kind of alchemy :^)
(I can’t believe Grima is Perfect Cell, you guys)
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We, the senate sent forth emissaries to reach Forneus, yet none ever returned. Even the government rallied soldiers, but they too failed to come back home.
Fire Emblem: Biohazard
(Also, why did you guys even let him set up shop in the labyrinth when his fields of study for his whole carrier were to “raise the dead” and “play God?”)((Heck, they probably funded it didn’t they? That’s usually the case for these things.))
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In the end, the government sealed away Atelier Forneus. Even after this city fades into the sand, none can lift the seal that was placed.
Apparently the seal doesn’t work because Alm and company waltz right in.
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Herein lies the sealed Atelier Forneus, as well as its demonic alchemist owner.
(Quick note: Atelier is the French word for workshop/studio and Forneus is the name of a demon.) ((Robin’s Japanese name is also a French word just so you know.))
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The most important element of the deceased masks are the shelled insects. I have named these curious creatures “Risen Bugs”. By placing Risen Bugs in a corpse, they will start to gather and take over the host.
Well, now we know what’s in Schrodinger’s reeking box. (That doesn’t explain ho w they can be controlled by magic tho.) ((Or how they just vanish into smoke upon death.)) (((OR WHY ONLY GRIMA AND THE GRIMLEAL EXCLUSIVELY USE THEM AND NOT SOME RANDO WITH A BOX OF BUGS))
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At last, the divine dragon blood has been acquired. It’s mystical power is truly wondrous!
Determination I mean, Divine Dragon Blood!
Whose blood could it be tho? Hmmm.
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I mean what divine dragon would this alchemist, who has been sealed away from the outside world...
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Could he possibly have access to...?
(So i guess that kind of explains why the Falchion can’t kill Grima permanently.)
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Thanks to the senate, all the ingredients are in place for me to create brand new life.
I think “ingredients” here means the soldiers the government sent to stop him.(I can’t believe Grima’s The Human Centipede, you guys)
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At first, it was barely the size of a thumbnail. On the 88th day, after transferring my blood, it has developed a sudden change.
One good takeaway from this new information is that Grima basically started out like one of those sponge capsules that expand when you put it in water. “Just add blood and see him grow!” (I can’t believe Grima is Mewtwo, you guys)
And now we know that it’s possible for Robin to be Forneus’ blood decedent (probably in an indirect way like how Marth is Anri’s. Because who would want to have a baby with this nerd?) Or that Robin’s ancestor made a second blood pact to revitalize Grima’s physical construct. 
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(Oh Grima, there is at least 50% of you, more or less, that is is human, and the rest of it came from Naga and the sealed earth dragons maybe, I don’t even know how they play in at this point since Forneus is no where near the Dragon’s Table.)
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Its voice resounds through my brain. Such trembling darkness, and desire to destroy, I...
Yeah that certainly sounds like Grima, all caps inner voice and all. 
Closing Thoughts:
Do we know what Grima really is now? No.
Not really. There are a lot of things implying what Grima might be, but even with all this added information that seems to contradict what was already said about Grima (like being related to earth dragons in the artbook) it’s still really vague.
Especially now that divine dragon blood (that may or may not be Naga’s) has been thrown into the mix. (It could be Duma or Mila’s blood but they both left the continent while Naga was still alive so...) 
Hell, with how Grima seems to only be able to grow from a little dragon embryo after receiving blood from papa Forneus (who didn’t know to “fear the old blood” like he should) The reason Grima is so big in Awakening could be because he has already engorged himself on the blood of the sealed earth dragons, manaketes (which is why the grimleal were going to sacrifice Nowi), and he probably ate Duma too since the “Demon’s Ingle” in Awakening is called “Duma’s Remains” in Japan (and thus taking Duma’s “Fell god” status by right of consumption).
(I can’t believe Grima is St. Aldrich of the Deep, you guys)
But if it is Naga’s blood that gave life to Grima...that’s pretty cool.
Because that means Grima isn’t Medeus or Loptyr 2.0.
But rather, Grima is what Naga would have become if she degenerated like the earth dragons.
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And that’s a pretty cool backstory if true. 
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