#and fluttershy is not dead in that one probably
firbolgfriend · 6 months
Giving fluttershy bat wings is real as fuck cos i always wondered if she was still secretly flutterbat 😭
My redesign headcanon is that they didn’t fully unvampire bat her and she’s classic vampire immortal…. And lives forever and g5 discord never happens because they live happily ever after
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lime1991 · 8 months
those mlp infection aus on tiktok have been alright but heres my idea to consider:
the main characters of the au are the cmc. theyre not the lone survivors, and heres why: the infection almost entirely affects adults. this is just like a book i read in 5th grade, thats where im stealing this from.
Applebloom is the self appointed leader, shes best at foraging for food and growing it as well as building re-enforcements for the shelter (which is the clubhouse. it's higher up so they dont have to worry about most infected ponies reaching them.)
Scootaloo is the defender of the base as well as the group in general. shes the one who handles the weapons and is first to sacrifice herself for her friends to get to safety. She says its because he doesnt want to hold them back due to her disability, they tell her she doesnt have to think like that. but its hard not to.
Sweetie Belle is... not all there. sometimes she forgets the apocalypse has happened and that most of her loved ones are dead. Scootaloo and Applebloom take turns sleeping during the night to make sure someone is always lookout. that, and they can't risk Sweetie Belle unknowingly walking into the dark trying to get home.
Partially inspired by one of the best animes ive ever seen: School Live, Scootaloo and Applebloom sometimes, when Sweetie is having an episode, pretend everything is normal. Is the most they can do for their friend, who is clearly so traumatized that her brain blocks out the reality of their situation. Sometimes, Applebloom wishes that could happen to her.
When the infection started, it slowly took over the elderly first. Granny Smith got sick, fast. Big Mac and Applejack took care of her, but only a few days later she would turn into some kid of monstrous creature. Big Mac did the unspeakable act of putting her out of her misery.
Sweetie Bell was sent to go live with Rarity while her mother was sick. Her father began to feel ill too, and didn't want her to get herself and her friends at school sick as well. She could hear over the phone the conversations her sister and father had. How mom was getting worse, how dad was getting worse. How they stopped calling altogether.
A couple days into the widespread sickness, Scootaloo's aunts took a trip to the store to stock up on groceries just incase a quarantine was issued. They were gone for hours. They were gone for days. They never came back. Eventually, Scootaloo traveled outside of her home by herself, and could never return.
Once Big Mac and Applejack started showing signs of illness, Applejack spoke to cousins in other places wondering if they would be able to let Applebloom stay with them a while. But just like everyone in Ponyville, they were experiencing the same issue. At one point, Fluttershy agreed to watch Applebloom until AJ and Big Mac started to feel better.
After hearing that Fluttershy graciously took in Applebloom, Rarity sent Sweetie Belle off to her the moment she started to cough. She didn't want Sweetie to see her like that. She didn't want her to get sick either, and in fact, she probably transported it from their parents house and into Rarity's. That made Rarity angry. Her last words to Sweetie were about how upset she was that she'd brought the illness to her.
Scootaloo went to Fluttershy herself. She couldn't find Rainbow Dash, so she settled for the next best pony. She was shocked to see her friends had been there themselves the past few days. Scootaloo only managed to stay a few hours, because during the night the crusaders awoke to a crash in another room. Upon investigation they saw Fluttershy hunched over a broken glass. There was blood on the floor.
They went to comfort her, but she wasn't herself any longer. When she turned to face them it already looked like she'd been ravened by the infection. She was so hungry. Why couldn't the jar just open? She was so... hungry. Before she could even stand back up, the crusaders grabbed their things and fled to the only place they knew they'd be safe. The clubhouse.
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tavi-the-rat · 7 months
ok since im back to my childhood hyperfixation im gonna make a rundowns of my headcanons for my equestria girls college au :3
its gonna get long so ill put it under a read more
Twilight Sparkle:
-average height (about 1,7m or so), very lean, probably the skinniest one of the group
-shoulder length hair, oftentimes just forgets to brush it
-technology major
-considered going into physics but inventions are her special interest
-autism goes hard baybee
-her hobby is mechanical engineering so she picks apart vechicles in her free time
-one time sunset allowed her to work on her motorbike and she went INSANE
-has microdontia, very insecure about it, is considering getting braces
-radiohead listener
-as bisexual as she can get
-muslim, hijabi
-second tallest of the group (1,85m), shaped like a walking stick
-often styles her hijab with hairpins and earrings
-veterinary medicine major
-when she was a kid her and rainbow dash would put bugs in jars to take care of them, that's when her love of animals started
-pets stray cats on the street
-crochet girlie
-if you're friends with her you'll likely end up with a custom crochet cardigan from her
-cane user, struggles with chronic pain
-kpop stan
-oriented aroace and happy about it
-usamerican, specifically from southwestern missouri
-tallest one of the group (im talking 1,9m she's TALL), buff as hell
-long hair always braided
-agriculture major, but also a biotechnology fan
-she doesn't even need to hit the gym she got all her muscles from working on the farm
-will ask you if you're hungry & offer food regardless of the answer
-likes urban exploring & urban legends
-probably seen mothman at least once
-listens to indie bands and im talking real indie like those kind of bands that perform exclusively in basements and like 3 people heard of them
-lesbian with hella play like cmon she pulled both rarity and rainbow dash
-reformed jewish, wears her star of david necklace all the time
-third tallest of the group (1,8m), fat and curvy
-fashion major, but already has her own boutique
-lush locks, she has a strict 10 step routine to maintain them
-started designing clothes at 16 but has had a lot of experience with sewing since she had to repair her clothes as a kid bc she grew up poor
-classic lit fan
-will go on a tangent how underappreciated and misunderstood sonya marmeladova is
-its an unskippable cutscene btw you have to listen throughout all of it
-twilight convinced her to read sci-fi as well and she's a huge fan of it
has a lot of stretch marks and cellulite and she's very proud of it
-same goes for her moles and tooth gap, she tends to compliment people on things that are usually considered insecurities
-very sensitive to heat & prone to sunburn
-classical music all the way, her favourite composer is chopin
-lesbian, in a polyamorous relationship with rainbow dash and applejack
Rainbow Dash:
-shortest one of the group (1,6m) and salty about it, very muscular but not as much as applejack, hits the gym 4 times a week
-wants to be able to lift applejack, currently to no avail
-mullet haver, cuts his own hair
-aviation major, is training to become a pilot
-adhd and dyslexic, struggled a lot in classes and at one point in life was convinced she's dumb but turns out he just needed accomodations
-has always been keen on flying, loved watching birds and dragonflies with fluttershy
-all spare money goes to piercings, currently has snake bites and an industrial
-vape girlie im so sorry but he would vape
-her pilot jacket literally never comes off
-morning person. he'll literally wake up at crack of dawn and ask you if you want to go on a jog with her
-punk rock fan, his favourite bands are dead kennedys, sex pistols and misfits
-bigender (he/she), lesbian, in a polyam relationship with rarity and applejack
-atp she started carrying around a stool to be able to kiss his girlfriends
-constantly has purple lipstick stains on his cheeks from rarity giving her kisses, not bothered enough to wipe them off
Pinkie Pie:
-second shortest after rainbow dash (1,65m), chubby
-has vitiligo
-dyed her hair many different colours before ultimately settling on pink
-LOVES trying different hairstyles, she loves having an afro but her second favourite hairstyle are bantu knots
-culinary major, dreaming of opening her own bakery
-works part-time as a kid entertainer, children absolutely love to be around her
-accesorizes every item of clothing she owns, there are more pins and patches than there is material
-pro gamer girl, has her own youtube channel
-plays minecraft with sunset shimmer
-adhd girlie
-fan of hyperpop and pixel, but listens to pink metal as well
-pansexual :3
Sunset Shimmer:
-about the same height as twilight (1,75m), fit but not exactly muscular
-has medium length hair but definitely buzzed it once or twice in their life
-ethnology/anthropology major
-really keen on historical cosplay
-rarity helps her with period-accurate costumes
-wears pressure gloves both to help with her arthritis and because they look cool
-owns a motorbike and they're very cool for it
-diy enthusiast, made her spiky choker themselves
-decorates her battle jacket along with pinkie pie
-goth & metal enthusiast, loves type o negative and scary bitches
-bisexual & nonbinary (they/she)
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polyphonetic · 6 months
Where are they now?
Twilight Sparkles is an immortal being of magic, probing into ever deeper layers of reality, searching for a solution to the energy crisis of entropy.
Fluttershy had the healthiest relationship to death, but her domestic life spent with the god of chaos meant that she didn't age in the typical fashion, but instead sort of becomes a dryad god and merges with a forest, and becomes a meditative heaven for creatures. Every couple millennia, Twilight briefly wakes her up to get some deep universal truth to help defeat some evil or problem.
At the end of her life, Rarity threw the most extravagant funeral for herself of all time because "I don't want to become old hat, so I might as well go out with a bang, darling". It was a tremendous affair. Everyone was moved to sobbing tears.
Pinkie Pie, as an immortal mirror clone, is still silly. She's also the pope now.
Rainbowdash absolutely begged Twi to turn her into a cyborg, so that she can reach ever faster speeds. She's constantly begging for upgrades, and says she wants to become "the internet, because that's the fastest thing ever" but Twilight says that's not possible yet (and maybe not the best idea).
Applejack is surprisingly also a robot, solely because "I can't move on to the apples in the sky until I finish this here farmwork project and I know I'm the only one who'll get it right". This just keeps happening perpetually, so Applebot is kind of a rusty "if it ain't broken" bot.
I didn't watch enough to see the other horses but they're all probably dead.
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danganronpa96 · 5 months
What if Monokuma and Monotora switch place
This is pretty interesting, but difficult. Considering how closely tied in Monotora is to the island and Nesos, it’s hard to put them in a completely different environment they were not intended for. Like can you image the 4’5 robot tiger stomping around a school without knocking and tearing down several things in their way? The school’s gonna be a mess before the first case has even occurred /j
I went ahead and asked Rexx about how Monotora would act around the DR69 cast, and these are some notes from them:
They’d target some like Luigi and Parappa (‘Sorry parappa even the most silliest of the goobers can't escape Monotora's wrath 😔’ <- direct Rexx quote)
They’d despise Peter (so real for that)
They’d probably end up avoiding Fluttershy with her surprising aggression towards bad animals (see: ‘the stare’ and the one scene where she “fights” a bear)
They’d make jokes about different cooked bird meals towards The Conductor and King Dedede since they like to eat livestock of chickens (‘“Aww ye this is the moment I say it's finger lickin' good” when they first see dead king dedede’ <- another lovely Rexx quote)
Regarding Sans’ jokes, Monotora would find them funny at first but eventually they get annoying around the time he dies
Miku and Teto would be a mixed bag. They’d vibe with their singing as long as they weren’t being too loud
And then we’ll end with this message here:
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Thanks Rexx 👍
Onto Monokuma as the host for DR96’s death game. Somehow I feel like Monokuma would face less of a threat towards the cast in comparison to Tora since he isn’t actively trying to tear into everyone’s organs (of course there is the idea of a Monokuma army and in that case everyone just needs to run).
Brian gets spared from the relentless torment unless Monokuma decides “hey! I’m gonna pick on the nerd lookin’ guy” and hell never ends for Brian in any AU. I think Monokuma would strike more anger and annoyance out of the group with his weirder and more jokey nature. They hear one more “puhuhu” and Jesse’s trying to find stronger drugs, Natsuki starts ripping up her manga, Saiki starts flinging Bojack people around. It’s chaos man
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this-is-fox-speaking · 8 months
who would get infected?
(from someone who has mlp: fim as a special interest and is obsessed with fucked up horror concepts)
- Rainbow Dash: absolutely one the first. she may be fast, but she’s also protective, and easily upset. most specifically is something happens to her personally or to her friends or family. something probably happens to the mane six or maybe even scootaloo and she goes to protect them, thinking she can handle it. and she learns very, very quickly- immediately- that all she is is a distraction. the next time she’s seen is when she’s mindlessly infected.
- Fluttershy: will also become infected, but definitely not as quickly or easily as rainbow dash. she cracks after seeing so many of her animals become infected, and her last straw happens with angel bunny. she goes to help him, ignoring the warnings of her friends. the moment she gets to him, she’s murdered.
- Applejack: being our most hardcore pony, we already know she’s our strongest survivor. no buts about it. she does everything in her power to protect everypony, no matter who it is. but that’s not to say she wouldn’t crack from seeing her family and friends become infected, as well. but all in all, she’d be one of the mane six who lasts the longest.
- Rarity: also one of the more longer survivors, but how she dies might depend on who she’s with. if she’s alone, she’ll most likely get cornered from panicking. if we go with the usual cartoon show idea where the characters forget about their powers for plot convenience, rarity would probably sprint and scream from a monster and very quickly get tracked down. that or if she were with another pony- like sweetie belle for example- she’ll be a distraction for the monster with her whole body trembling, horn at the ready. though she’s never had a need for stronger spells than teleportation. not like twilight. so who knows! she’s like a 50/50. depends if you hate her or not.
- Twilight: the most 50/50 option out of the entire mane six. it makes sense for her to be dead, but also for her to be a long time survivor. she’s smart, but also overly brave from everything she’s gone through. depending on at point you put the infection, anyways- pre alicorn or post alicorn. but in my head, in this post, it’s post alicorn. she’s definitely the one doing most if not all the research in the group. in her post alicorn character, she’s way more anxiety ridden than pre alicorn. but either way, she’d probably resort to a sample eventually. even if she feels bad about it post alicorn (she feels less guilty pre. stares at the sick bird episode). it entirely depends on what you personally think is most interesting!
- Pinkie: saw one post saying she’s too op to die, and they’re correct. no matter what happens, even if her mood dampens, she just. cannot die. she’s out-bouncing the infection. she probably gets sent on a few supply missions because of this, alongside her pinkie sense. but who’s to say this doesn’t become a mistake, down the road? depends what you think! that’s the fun of au’s, you can do whatever you please because none of it is canon. just canon branching.
(spike not included, but i’ll certainly think to include him in a side characters-esque post later down the line! cause i don’t think they get included enough.)
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berryblogofhorrors · 4 months
My journey into horror games (And Amnesia)
WAS supposed to be for autism awareness month, BUT I got sidetracked with other stuff!
I've decided to make a whole post talking about my journey into the horror genre, easily one of my favourite genres of game as WELL as how I found the Amnesia franchise, my main special interest!!
This is gonna be a long one so strap in
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My earliest memories of experiencing horror games was watching my dad play games such as Silent Hill: homecoming, Left 4 Dead 2, The Evil within, Resident evil, so on and so fourth.
Even though I was too young to really watch these games, I felt comfortable watching my dad play them as he'd always tell me that they're just games and not real. : )
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When I was around the age where I was allowed onto the internet, of course my morbidly curious brain would seek out more horror media, obviously regretting it because I was so easily scared.
I remember my first experience with anything Amnesia related was when I stumbled upon the My Little Amnesia videos featuring Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie as the three Suitors from Amnesia Justine. NEEDLESS TO SAY THIS SHIT ME UP, the Fluttershy in particular scared me so bad.... and also left me curious.
THAT'S when I stumbled upon the game Amnesia the dark descent, or, well. The custom stories. I remember every day after school I'd sit down and watch different playthroughs I could find. Either from Pewdiepie or CrazyShootin's (Now known as the Click) trolling the Amnesia monsters videos. Some were funny, some terrifying and yet I couldn't look away.
I would forget about Amnesia for a while, not completely as it would always pop into my mind now and then, but it never lingered.
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Years later I would play Resident evil 7, my first step into Resident evil as well as Baby's first horror game (I believe I was only 14-15 when I played it), it remains as one of my favourite horror games (and favourite Resident evil game) to this day.
My curiosity in horror games grew stronger as I started playing the games I remember watching my dad play like Resident evil, Silent Hill and The Evil within!
But it wasn't till 2020 I finally bought the games that started my fascination with horror games in the first place.
The Amnesia games.
I LOVE the Amnesia franchise, it's literally one of if not my main special interest! But when I first played it I was not expecting it to impact my life as much as it has.
I actually didn't even play Dark Decent as my first game because I was too scared, so instead I played A machine for Pigs (which to most, probably isn't the best way to get into Amnesia fgh)
I was instantly hooked despite it being one of the lesser Amnesia titles, but for me it was a good way to ease into what would await me in The Dark Descent.
Now PERSONALLY, I'm actually a fan of A machine for Pigs! I personally love the story, but what it makes up for in story, it heavily lacks in gameplay.
Now. The Dark Descent...
Oh my god. When I played this game, I truly was not ready for the ride it would put me in. Up until that point, I had only experience the game through playthroughs of custom maps and stories, never actually knowing the full story of the game.
And needless to say... yes, I was fucking terrified the first time I played the game. But I loved every second of it!! I loved it so much that I played it again. And again. And again. And again. And- you get the picture.
The collection also came with Amnesia Justine! Which.. still scares me to play to this day. For a short little DLC it still captures the same eerie vibe and intensity of The Dark Descent.
I love the collection so much that I was determined to complete it... which I did. I got every single achievement in the collection including collecting all 151 tinderboxes (Which. I had to do twice.), collecting every note in all three games AND playing Dark Descent on hard mode. I've played The Dark Descent more than I've played any other game so much to the point where I know it better than the back of mind hand and now I play it to find new ways of glitching it and to see how far I can push the AI. It's genuinely one of my favourite games (and franchises) ever made.
It was then in 2020 when Amnesia Rebirth was announced! And I was ecstatic to say the least as it would be the first Amnesia title since 2013. When I finally played the game it was.... bittersweet to say the least. Obviously I had fun playing it the first time! But I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. And that feeling persisted the more I played it. My opinions on Rebirth have slightly changed recently however. I still believe it is a rather disappointing Amnesia game, BUT I would be lying if I said I didn't think it was also fun and quite scary in places! THIS GAME GAVE ME STOCKHOLM SYNDROME IDK MAN.
Now despite the bad taste Rebirth left in my mouth for quite some time, I was... oddly content with it probably being the last Amnesia game for a good while. It didn't end with the bang I was hoping for, I wasn't upset about it.... WELL- Okay I was at first- but after a while I kinda just didn't care!
Where do I even start with this game?? I remember finding out about the game from my friend Delta and I literally freaked out (I was in a VC at the time so my friends heard my yells lol) as I was not expecting a new title, once again I was content with Rebirth being the last game for a good while if not the last title ever.
When it finally released I was NOT expecting the game to play the way it does. And honestly? it's probably the best Amnesia game in term of gameplay in my humble onion, whereas Dark Descent still has the better story! The fact the monster is an omnipresent threat is such an improvement from the AI of the other games. Honestly for a rather short game it leaves such an impact, the Halloween update is also such a fun touch!!
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In general the horror game genre and Amnesia games mean the absolute world to me. I don't usually care about game studios but FrictionalGames have become one of my favourites and I'm genuinely excited to see where they go next with their games, because at least to me, Frictional always seem so genuine with their games.. even ones like Rebirth, though disappointing I can tell it still had a lot of care and thought put into it.
Whether their next title is a horror game or not. Whether they decide to continue the Amnesia games or not. I don't care, I'm excited to see what they bring next to the table either way!
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 months
I had a dream about your runaway cultist au! It was! Something!
It started with Fluttershy pretending to join the village and then having a conversation with Starlight. She then got ownership of a really stupidly tall house and the friends could immediately tell something was up.
Jumping ahead to the confrontation on the mountains. Fluttershy still did not have her cutie mark for some reason while everyone else did. She stayed behind Starlight before suddenly jumping out, doing weird graceful swoops that were much more effective in battle than the failing around she was doing before. When she landed, we saw that her cutie mark had changed. It wasn’t the original, and it wasn’t the equality symbol; it was a dark purple square that contained a pink heart inside that pulsed slowly, making the square ripple. Twilight pointed out that cutie marks are not supposed to be animated, and Fluttershy retorted that this must mean that hers was the truest of all. She then disappeared into the tunnels at Starlight’s side.
Jumping ahead again, we’re now in Ponyville, and there’s a banquet happening. Fluttershy and Starlight infiltrate it, looking to steal the mane five’s cutie marks again. Ponies are everywhere eating fancy foods, and behind a curtain on stage, the five’s hooves can be seen poking out underneath.
We switch to Twilight’s POV. She reveals that this is actually a trap for Fluttershy. The world believed she was still a hero, and tonight, they would either save her, or reveal her for what she really is.
Back to the evil duo. After Fluttershy fails to sneak through the crowd, Starlight returns her cutie mark, just for this task. She easily finds a way up using butterflies (?) and prepares to jump Twilight.
As she falls, the curtains fly open, and Fluttershy hits the ground, her fur turning pale as Starlight hastily took away her cutie mark again. The crowd went dead silent, and the mane five stood behind her, glaring.
To save the situation, Fluttershy immediately shapeshifted into her vampire bat form, then her dragon form, then her kangaroo (form) and danced around in each one. The crowd, believing this to be a normal performance, cheered and went back to the party.
Twilight stepped forward, growling if Fluttershy had learned her lesson. Fluttershy shook her head and tried to reason with Twilight, explaining Starlight’s goals and how good it would be for the world. Twilight snapped at her to shut up, they would never stoop as low as she had.
Fluttershy started to leave, saying that she would try again at the next event, and Twilight stopped her. She declared there would never be another event, and Fluttershy and her ilk were never to return to Ponyville again. In fact, nobody else would be allowed to either, and nobody would be able to return. She was going to put a dome over the town like Trixie had, if that meant she would never target her people again.
Fluttershy swiped at her, and that was the last straw.
Starlight and Fluttershy ran through the streets as Twilight pursued, preparing a spell that would probably kill the two of them. Starlight noticed something above them and cast a spell, disguising herself as Princess Cadence. A moment later, Shining Armour flew past (he was a Pegasus now I guess) and said he knew he saw her here, and to follow him, quickly. They did.
Now we’re in the Crystal Kingdom. Princess Luna is flying above the castle, continuously casting some sort of spell, and Starlight (still disguised as Cadence) sits on her throne and thanks Shining Armour for the rescue, explaining that Twilight had gone mad and tried to kill her dear friend Fluttershy. Shining Armour believed her, and promised to keep Fluttershy safe.
They looked below the balcony, and to their surprise saw Twiling on the ground, furious. Starlight casted a spell that manifested as dark mist not unlike King Sombra’s power, and sent it down toward her. A line of power also came from Fluttershy and Shining Armour, which strengthened the spell and sent Twilight flying out of the kingdom.
Princess Luna landed and asked what was going on. Again Starlight explained that Twilight had lost her mind. Luna took this in stride and asked her about her progress with the riddle.
“Uhm, well, I don’t think it matters too much,” Starlight says, trying to hide the fact that she has no bloody clue what the princess is talking about.
Luna squints. “I rather say it does, Cadence. It’s the reason why the fog is gone. Without the fog, we cannot see the shield around the kingdom, which is why I’ve been maintaining this spell for you.”
Starlight nods hastily. “Okay, alright, that makes sense. And the riddle was…”
Luna shrugs. “Something about poodles. Have you figured out the answer?”
Starlight looked back at Fluttershy, who smiles and leans up to whisper in her ear. Starlight turns back to Luna and declares, “boars.”
With a nod, Luna flies off to find this boar. Exchanging a look, Fluttershy nods as well and follows Luna. And then immediately gets lost, but it’s a good thing, as she finds Twilight in the snow, talking to what looks like a sort of boar Minotaur.
Twilight sees Fluttershy and doesn’t hesitate, using a spell to slam her into the ground while the boar grappled her.
As Twilight shoots a magic missile spell, Luna deflects it with her own magic and puts a bubble around Twilight and the boar, which sinks with them into the ground and all the way to Tartarus.
Luna lands next to Fluttershy and puts a wing over her, telling her that she will be protected, and if there was anything else she could do to help. Fluttershy looks back at the palace and said, “yes… there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”
god i love how stupid and whack dreams are. THANK YOU PRINCESS LUNA FOR MAKING PEOPLE DREAM ABOUT MY PONY AUS 🙏🙏🙏
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minnlahzz · 6 months
ophelia and echos!
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oc by @/starrynightnight
these two are so beautiful GRAH, sorry if it was delayed by a whole day. 🙁
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Ophelia —
she's a loser (pos) very fluttershy vibes.
espeon has to calm her down, because she panics over things easily.
messenger bag definitely has tools she hasn't used before, but still brings along.
looses her glasses easily.
has an amazing sense of fashion, and always makes sure her outfit is clean and long enough! sometimes had worn things too short for her.
speaking of fashion, probably has dressed up her pokemon before. it was just bows though!
likes walking around barefoot in the grass (random)
has picnics with her pokemon in very random places.
has had many people tell her she's adorably miserable or just miserable and cute.
says sorry even though it's not her fault, and says it several times too!
easily falls asleep when laying down.
Echo —
super energetic, gives off rainbowdash energy I'd say she sounds like rainbowdash too. like raspy and all of that shabang.
very creative with her name choice, she would name her guitar gigatron to match with her weedle who's literally named general store.
has no plans of evolving weedle soon, as she likes weedle the way he is.
has probably played the guitar somewhere outside the streets of unova, and got so much coins for just playing a simple tune
likes doodling on random things, she has to make them look "cooler"
has had other guitars before, but some exploded.
refuses to buy the same item until the last one is worn down and dead, that's why she tapes her almost broken stuff.
definitely paints, and uses a big paintbrush to paint random things, like general store ruling the whole world.
still wears her shades even though it's cold outside, why? it's too look cool. you hardly even see her actually wear it, instead of putting it on top of her head.
makes small handicrafts, and made general store small shades to match with her.
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
hi hi is this ship game thingy still going ?? ignore this if it isnt lol but i <3 ur writing so im sending one in :P my name is blair, i use she/her prns, bisexual, im short, chubby, white hair, grey eyes, LOTS of facial piercings (eyebrows, bridge, septum, angelbites, snakebites, dahlias :3), and a ton of patchwork tattoos. my style is ??? uhmmm random shit i thrifted and or crocheted, i crochet a lot of clothes my typical outfit is like. crochet top, random thrifted pants. my hobbies r obv crochet, art of various forms, rollerskating, and for some reason collecting toys as a grown ass women. my personality is a bit two-faced, i come across as rather extroverted and silly online but in real life im extremely shy and suffer from selective mutism. it's kind of like you only unlock my real personality by becoming friends with me. my friends consider me funny, kind, passionate, and really really helpful. i love love love animals and my dream future is becoming a crazy cat lady, and dog lady, and rat lady, and generally having a home that could be considered an animal sanctuary. i like all sorts of people, because i cant ever really speak in public i really like to observe so i know a lot more about the people around me then they think i know. characters im very similar to would be kobeni from chainsaw man, bee from bee and puppycat, todd anderson from dead poets society, willow from the owl house, and fluttershy from my little pony c: thank youu veryyy much in advance for the matchup <33
Hi Blair!!
I ship you with Reagan Ridley
I can absolutely see the two of you getting along, her appreciating how you still have a love for things beyond the parameters of age like toys. She can’t say much with her adoration for the Space Jam dress, but finding a solidarity in how you have that same affection for things and encouraging her to do the same with stuff from her own childhood.
As someone who’s more blunt and direct but does have a lot of compassion herself, I think Reagan would enjoy your personality and demeanor, finding solace in how you both have softer halves and have to work at the other to unlock them. She may not understand the mutism immediately but would def respect it, probably researching it too to better understand it and get to know about the multiple facets that make up you.
Reagan would love placing kisses, like little kisses, over your piercings, trailing down from your brow piercing and dotting kisses over each of them, maybe even tugging with her teeth at the ones near your lips, taking her time to kiss over your snake and angel bites, paying special attention to the dahlias as well.
Note, if you ever crocheted her a top or something she’d wear it all the time at home, probably having you make extras of the same one in case she pulls a loop accidentally or stains it — Reagan would hate to ruin all the work you put into it.
She’d also not like if you ever made things for the gang, you’re hers damnit.
I’m not sure if Reagan would vibe immediately with the animal sanctuary but I do know she’d love some of the more reclusive animals and the reptiles. It’s probably a 50/50 with cats after the one she held of Dr. Skullfinger’s. If you ever listened to her talk about her childhood and get her a snake or a turtle, or some other reptile, she’d be so excited. Reagan def struggles with displaying her gratitude accurately but would try to let you know how much it meant to her.
I can see you teaching her how to roller skate and it going well or terribly, and honestly it would take a lot of encouragement to keep her going after falling or tripping in her skates — but then again, she’s got you to help catch her, and isn’t that what it’s all about?
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thebigbidea · 1 year
Media I've obsessed over throughout the years!!
2010-2019: My Little Pony: FIM
Was definitely my favorite show. I still love that show sm. Definitely has the most active fan base of them all. Making art for this show definitely inspired me to be the artist i am now. -- This show rased me, and raised me good. The older fandom is questionable, there's definitely some generational trama given to us Gen Z by them, but it was a very pro-lgbt space, and i loved this so sm.
Favorite character then: Fluttershy / Now: Trixie
2017-2021: DuckTales!! (Woo-hoo)
Always kinned Louie, and always will. I mean hell, i named my first MLP OC after Lena!! -- I really loved the episodes Quack Pack and GlomTales! (the latter if wich being because is was A. it Louie centered episode, and B. he proved to his mother that his scamming isn't all bad which i was proud of him for). I think i loved him sm just bc, well one, my favorite color has always been green, but two he's so relatable. Like the episode where he wasn't so sure and up to the idea of Della suddenly coming back and being his mom when he'd never even spoke to her once was just so good. Now i can look back and see how it was relatable, but even then when i didn't know what ik now i found him to be the most logical person in that situation.
Favorite character then: Louie (maybe i liked Lena a lot too?) Now: Louie
2019-2023: The Owl House
When MLP ended, this was the show that came in and swooped me up. As of writing, the shows only been officially over for about an hour. And while yes, DuckTales was there when MLP ended, it still definitely made me feel like something was missing. It did take about a season for me to realize TOH was filling that feeling but it got there. This show has probably effected me about as much as MLP. Like through the episode “Lost in Language”, apon watching some reviews and theories on the episode, i found out Luz was bisexual. At the time i hadn't really heard the term b4, but only about a day of finding it out, i was already comfortable going by it! It just fit too well!! I also got my preferred name/s from Emira and Edric!! Sigh, i could write sm about TOH since it literally just ended, but i don't want to be here all day.
Favorite character then: Hunter, Now: The Collector. // Kinnie: Edric and Emira all the way, baby.
2023-???: Welcome Home! @:3
And now we're here. I already know this will be the thing i obsess over for the next 3-4 years, i can smell it. If things wrap up before 2026, i know the fandom will still be alive. Like idk maybe I'll laugh at my naivete in like two years rereading this post but come on!! Everything lines up way too well!! When MLP ended, TOH was there. Not TOH is ending and, oh, what's that?? WH!? I don't think its too unrealistic to think this story can take 3 test to make.. look say DHMIS, The Mandela Catalogue, and the Walten Files!!
...And well i mean if not, South Park has been going to 25 years and strong!! So I'll probably love that.
Favorite character: Julie!!!! (And Frank) // Don't make me pick favs from SP bro they're all so great. :')
2021(-2023?): Loki
Bc of this show, i discovered i was gender fluid :]] I also found a wonderful community from it, and i love all of those people i met!!.. except for J***. You know who you are. Lmao, jokes. But yea, I'm no marvel fan or anything, but i love Greek/Norse mythology.. so it's no surprise i love Thor and Loki as much as i do!
Fav: Owen Wilson.
2021-2022: Inside Job (+ the 2000 other animated shows Netflix cancelled after one or two seasons..)
Yes there are shows that ended justly, like Kid Cosmic and CentaurWorld. They only planned on having two seasons so they ended great and with a banger. But like,, Dead End, and Glitch Techs, and give BNA another season, goddamn it!!
Fav: Brett 1000%
2020(-2023?) And 2021-2022: Animatics and The Cuphead Show respectively
I decided to add these two after ranting in the hashtags bc i just had to. :] Not much to say, i rlly love these shows. Made some art in my sketchbook and sh/t.
Fav: Wakko // Muggsie.
There's so many more shows (on tv, steaming, or online!) I'd live to acknowledge but I'm bored as hell do I'm calling it. Buhbies!!
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mlpoutofcontext · 2 years
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sonicagnt · 2 years
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First Photo finish taking a picture of this whole thing go down, like what you gone put this in the yearbook. we got Vinyl ass just running everyone over. Like girl you a dj and you barely talk you do not need that mic. She just in Mille Bobby Brown er
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Bulk doing some typa of war cry. Fluttershy is like falling wit the most hilarious face I’ve ever seen. That one trixie minion(aint nobody know her name😪) scared for her life. Like she most be seeing somethin else cuz petrified😭. Derpy practicing her crack instrument. Cheerilee (at least i think thats her) dead on the ground. And AJ just walking by wit no care in the world💀
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Pinkie done launched herself out her cannon and Sonata ass just cheering her on. But rainbow, she fighting for her life. Girl done got jumped by Pinkie. And I bet Sonata and Pinkie planned that shit💀
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Its octavia just swinging herself from her bass for me. Girl said we gone have to use some other methods. Diamond tiara hitting that “CURSE YOU PERRY THE PLATYPUS.” Just insert applebloom and you good. Flash though, he running for his LIFE. Look at the distress on that boy’s face. Bro just tryin not to get ran over by Vinyl Bobby Brown over there. On the other hand Celestia, she on a mission. Sunset better watch out cause Celestia look like she finna tackle a mf.
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Lyra and Bon Bon though💀. Lyra want all the smoke while Bon Bon look offended asf. She is taken a BACK. Lyra out here throwin elbows so they best be careful 👀. Now the CMCs they had me HOLLERIN bruh. Sweetie belle done fell over and Appleblom said fuck em. Scootaloo had the decency to at least turn back. But Applebloom, she said some “i gotta put me first😭”
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Twilight lookin like she forgot how to breathe. Like she been in a human body for a couple days give da girl a break. Adagio was not playin though , done put her ass on the ground💀. ARIA IS DEAD WRONG FOR GRABBIN SPIKE’S TAIL. Spike aint neva coming near the EQG universe again. Aria probably gave that boy PTSD. Now sunset need to watch out cuz trixie got her fist balled up. Girl does not care sunset got that mic. She said some “it ain’t over till its hers.” But naw, justice for Spike😭🙏🏾
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danganronpa96 · 10 months
What if Dangaronpa 69 Ghost AU where we follow the perpective of the dead participants (with Mario being the protagonist) on the events of the killing game (at first is just Mr. Krabs and Mario, then Dedede joins after he dies, then Ashley and Red, and so on)?
So by this I'm going to assume they are ghosts inside the school and not in some other plane watching the alive participants like previously discussed afterlife AUs.
I can see Mario keeping a close eye on Luigi very much, especially the first few days after his death. I'd like to think as well that a lot of time is spent between the ghosts trying to engage in reconciliations or prevention of fights as both the victim and killer arrive as ghosts. At first, Mario and Mr. Krabs spend some time trying to settle things, and although rocky, after witnessing the next victim-killer duo to join them (aka Dedede and Ashley) fight just like they did, they come to agree it's more important to try and get everyone else to focus on those still trying to combat the killing game.
I'm not sure if the ghosts become omnipotent, or can witness the murders as they take place/can go up to the mastermind's hideout to see who's behind the killing game, but if they can't, then I can see them getting very confused once only 2D shows up without Miku, nor Teto later. Someone probably comes up with the theory that since they're programs, it's impossible for them to come back as ghosts.
They also had a tough time trying to reconcile Sans and Peter, so they just left them as they are. Fluttershy and Brian however would quickly forgive one another much to their relief. When the mastermind and traitor are revealed, and eventually killed too... whoa things get bleak for the ghost group.
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hayley566 · 2 years
Looking at Starlight hate comments in retrospect
Warning: The following involves a grown human talking about her past experiences with a little kids cartoon and a fictional horse. Also, there will be ranting about a very popular character, Discord, and if he is your comfort character, you may want to skip this.
You know, going back to MLP, I remembered some of the old starlight hate comments from the past and couldn't help but laugh. Some of them were so not well thought out that re-reading them is kind of funny.
Here's an example. I saw reviews or posts hating on Starlight for throwing out the rule book in the season 8 premiere. One of them saying "But Chancellor Neighsay was right about it being too dangerous! Starlight is the one in the wrong for telling Twilight not to give up!"
Translation: "I hate Starlight so much that I'm going to side with an abviously racist and awful person that wants to keep schools segragated! I'm totally cheering for the right side and think the episode should've ended with Twilight listening to the racist guy and giving up!"
Or when Starlight banished Discord from the school after endangering the students several times in "matter of principals", I remember seeing the comment: "All Discord did was midly insult her and she blasted him away!"
Like...that is some impressive mental gymnastics, my friend. You should get a gold medal for that. Throughout the episode, Discord nearly killed the students several times AND sent the mane 6 on a fake mission just because he was "lonely". Starlight banishing him from the school grounds is probably the least extreme thing she could've done.
This becomes even funnier when you compare what Discord has done since his "reformation", compared to Starlight. I saw haters wanting to crucify Starlight for using magic on her friends and selling Trixie's wagon once but let's see what Discord has done:
1.) Lied about the seeds he planted in the season 4 premiere and endangered everyone, even eating the book pages that could've help them just because he's "lol random"
2.) Betrayed all of Equestria to help feed Tirek in exchange for being able to be a dick all the time with no consequence.
3.) Faked sick to ruin Cadence and Twilight's day, almost getting them killed in the process because "he just wanted attention uwu".
4.) Tried to destroy the Gala AND send Treehugger to an unknown dimension because he was being over possessive of Fluttershy.
5.) Only hung out with the rest of the mane 6 minus Twilight, just so he could brag about it to Twilight and make her feel like shit for spending one day by herself.
6.) Freed several dangerous criminals, even reviving one from the dead, and nearly destroying all of Equestria AGAIN because...he wanted to teach Twilight a lesson....what!?
I bring this up because I remember some of the more self-righteous of these critics(ones that will say you’re an abuse apologist or fascist sympatherizer for liking a fictional horse) would go on about how they care about “justice” and how the show redeeming Starlight will teach kids that you can be an evil person and etc. 
A lot of these people talk about how Starlight should've never gotten a second chance and is the most awful and irredeemable being in existence but say nothing about Discord when this shit happens. Starlight freed the Changelings from a tyrannical ruler, helped to de-segregate a school and has actually done genuine good for Equestria. Discord as a villain was actually less harmful than he was when he got "reformed".
It's actually comical seeing how they would side with far worse characters just because they weren't Starlight. Why? because her backstory was weak. That's it.
Most of them had zero issue with Starlight as a villain but one weak backstory made her absolutely the worst thing ever. Even worse than Cozy Glow, an evil little demon. Even worse than Chrysalis, someone who had her subjects use an insufficent wasy to keep surviving(feeding on love) just to keep herself in power. Even worse than Discord, a "reformed" character that nearly kills at least one person ever episode he's in.
All because.......a badly told backstory. They were all hypercritical to the point of it being hilarious and I can't believe I let some of these people make me feel lesser just for liking a fictional pony
Quick Addendum because I didn’t know where else to put this: I was actually blocked by someone because I said I liked Starlight. The user was doing a QnA about mlp stuff and I asked what headcanons they had about Starlight. The responded with “She’s my discomfort character!” and then blocked me right there.
There was also one person on DA that called me a “troglodyte with the brain of a gnat” for liking Starlight and after I blocked them, they kept making alt. accounts just to harass me because they were just “stating the facts that my waifu was trash”.
Also, while looking at MLP next gen posts and AUs, I ended up finding ones that portrayed Starlight as an abusive parent just because the creator of said AU hated her and it triggered my own past trauma from having an abusive parent. This happened twice btw. Which isn’t a lot but it’s still weird that it happened more than once. 
The point I’m trying to make is, never let someone feel awful over liking a fictional character. It says a lot more about them than it does about you. Hopefully, G5 won’t have as extreme fans. It helped me to look back at this and laugh and I hope it’ll help you.
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madame-mozart · 3 years
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200th post! 🎉
In honor of this milestone, I think it’s time I introduce you to all the godawful Mary Sue “Miss Perfect-and-can-do-no-wrong” characters I’ve had since I was quite young. Keep in mind, I’ve been making OCs since I was like four years old (and back before I even knew what an “OC” was) and I might just have more bad characters I haven’t discovered yet or have long forgotten.
Left to right are Franziska, Pandora, Jackie, Florence, Charlotte, Becky, Lucy, Marie-Anne, and Christianne!
More about them below the cut! :)
Franziska Scheinberg’s information is mostly in this post, but in short, she was a character created around 2015 that was supposed to be an “improved” self-insert/dream persona who was ironically bland and snowflake as all hell. She thinks she’s totally ✨ speeeeeeeecial ✨ because she cut her hair and dyed it blonde, and she also has like four different heritages. Super unique, right? 😂
Pandora Mae Autumnsong is a character created probably around late 2015 - early 2017 whose personality traits can literally just be summed up to “poor neglected and bullied girl who deserved better dies tragically and now wants revenge on those who wronged her”. Yeah, reeeeeeeeeeeally clichéd and nothing very special. Pretty sure she’s also a knockoff of the My Little Pony character Fluttershy as well, considering she’s supposed to be shy and speaks in a soft, whispery voice. Also, that goddamn name - can I get a “SNOWFLAKE” in the chat?
Jackie Frost, ugghhhhhhhhh, this one. She was literally just supposed to be a female version of Jack Frost from that 2012 “Rise of the Guardians” film. Well, technically, she was either supposed to be his younger sister or his daughter, I couldn’t make up my mind for some reason. Also, the fact that everyone and their mom was obsessed with Jack Frost back in the day, lmaooooo. 
Florence Donatelli Monticello was a character created in 2013 who was essentially supposed to be the teenage girl version of the archetypal “Renaissance Man”; you know, multi-talented in a variety of subjects and jack of all trades. She’s a strong and independent girl who doesn’t take no for an answer and will do anything it takes to defy societal rules and do what she does best: messing around in her dead father’s workshop and building things that I’m sure Leonardo Da Vinci has already beaten her to. Her biggest enemy in life was apparently her older sister, Liza, who pretty much existed just to look down on her and make sure she acted like the proper young lady she was supposed to be.
Charlotte Li, probably my most notorious self-insert and all around awful Mary Sue, has also previously been discussed in this post. She was first created in around 2011 and was basically the embodiment of the “not like the other girls” trope, thinking she was so special and unique just because she listened to classical music. She was often plugged as a “girlfriend” of sorts for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the composer. I wish I was joking.
Becky Willow is probably the only Sue whom I’m not sure when I exactly created her, though I think I’d pinpoint this around the late 2000s/early 2010s as she was literally just supposed to be based one of the handful of Barbie dolls I had back in the day. She was the epitome of a popular teenage girl who’s so extremely helpful and kind that everyone (and I mean everyone) just gravitates towards her for some reason. She comes from an interesting family to say the least (I might get into them in a different post) and is even a leader of some kind of Girl Scouts/science camp-type of organization. Again, I don’t know what I was thinking with that snowflake-sounding name.
Lucy was created around late 2013 and was supposed to be my earliest attempt at a “scary” Creepypasta-type character. Yeah, I had that phase too. Of course, she was clichéd as all heck as well, being a poor, once innocent girl who was thrown into an asylum for whatever reason, abused, and turned insane and killed everyone, something something. I vaguely remember basing her appearance off of Alice in that “Madness Returns” game; plus, her name was basically taken from an Elfen Lied character (as I was weirdly obsessed with that anime back in the day as well).
Lastly, Marie-Anne Emanuelle-Cendrillon LaChapelle and Christianne Emeline-Aurore LaChapelle (HOLY LONG NAMES, BATMAN) were French twins created around late 2015 and... well, that’s literally their personalities: they’re French. That’s it. And they want everyone to know it! They sort of had a little color coding going on, with Marie-Anne’s signature color being blue and Christianne’s being pink. Christianne was the more uptight of the two while Marie-Anne was kinder, and they were part of a truckload of extracurricular activities despite only being high school freshmen. BLAAAAAAAAAAND.
I just remembered I had another Sue named Iris Nephele-Tempestas, who was arguably more of a Fluttershy knockoff than Pandora and had (overpowered) elemental abilities, though Kisekae only lets you make nine characters at a time, so maybe next time, she’ll make an appearance. Ah, the Mary Sue pantheon never stops growing, does it?
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