#and eye think more games should have that
halfmoonaria · 1 day
pairing: cairo sweet x female reader
summary: cairo finds herself doing something she’s never done before.
wordcount: 3.3k
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Cairo always got what she wanted.
She knew how to bend people to her will with a well-timed glance, a dangerous smirk, or a few whispered words that could send chills down anyone's spine.
Manipulation was an art she had mastered, her every move calculated and deliberate. She could sense the shift in a room the moment she walked in, how people instinctively gravitated toward her.
There was something almost intoxicating about the way people danced around her, eager to be on her good side.
So, when you, the new student walked into the room, confident and stunning, Cairo was certain you'd be no different.
She knew she'd have your attention in no time.
However, you didn't fall into line like the others.
You didn't focus on her the way she expected. Sure, you smiled, you were kind, but you treated her just like you treated everyone else.
You were friendly with everyone.
Too friendly, in her opinion. And that didn't sit right with her.
You had a way of floating between conversations, effortlessly charming everyone with your smile, your laugh, that way you had of making people feel seen. It grated on Cairo. Not because she didn't like it—no, she was impressed. Intrigued, even. But you treated her like everyone else.
And Cairo wasn't "everyone else."
She didn't want to be just another face you smiled at before moving on.
From the moment she set her sights on you, Cairo had already mapped out the game plan.
She'd sweep in with a little subtlety, make sure you knew that your attention should be on her. That she wasn't just another person you smiled at and moved on from. But every time she tried to catch your eye, she found herself met with the same warm smile you gave to everyone else.
It drove her insane.
You weren't playing the game right.
At first, she tried to be subtle, thinking she could reel you in with a little charm.
She'd linger near your conversations, leaning in just enough to draw your attention, flashing you a smile that usually sent people stumbling over their words. But you never did.
It irked her more than she'd ever admit.
One afternoon, she caught you at your locker, her presence lingering just a bit closer than necessary.
She didn't need to say much—just enough to remind you she was there.
"You've been busy," she said casually, her voice smooth. "Making friends?"
You barely glanced at her, smiling as you stacked your books in your arms. "Yeah, everyone here's really nice. It's been fun."
Cairo's fingers tapped against the edge of your locker door, her posture relaxed, but there was something sharp in her gaze. "You've got a lot of people's attention," she added, her voice carrying a faint edge, almost teasing, like she was sharing a secret.
But you didn't pick up on it, just continued gathering your books, flashing her that friendly grin she was starting to hate. "I guess so. I just like meeting new people."
She gave a small laugh, a flicker of frustration flashing through her eyes. Was that all it was to you? Meeting new people?
"I don't usually let just anyone into my circle, you know," she said, her tone light, but the hint of something more serious was there, just beneath the surface.
You shrugged, seeming to miss the point entirely. "That's cool. Everyone needs their space sometimes."
Cairo's smile tightened, just slightly. You weren't supposed to treat her like this—like she was just someone else in the crowd.
She wasn't used to dropping hints that went unnoticed, her usual strategies failing to catch your eye the way they did with everyone else. But there you were, treating her like a casual acquaintance, and it drove her crazy.
But she didn't let it show. She wasn't about to throw away her cool, not yet. Cairo always got what she wanted, and while you were making her work for it, she wasn't about to let you slip through her fingers. Not when she knew, deep down, that she was different.
You weren't cowering, you weren't melting into her hands, and it was starting to make her want to prove herself even more.
She wasn't used to it—feeling like she was chasing someone for attention. Normally, people flocked to her, desperate for even a sliver of her approval. But with you, it was different.
You didn't need her, and that was something she wasn't sure she knew how to handle.
But Cairo wasn't going to let that stop her. If she couldn't bend you to her will immediately, she'd find another way. Because in the end, she always got what she wanted.
And right now, what she wanted was you.
And one way or another, you'd see it too.
Although it took longer than she had anticipated.
Cairo couldn't even begin to admit it—not to you, not to herself.
The pull toward you was undeniable, slowly slipping past her walls, making her do things that were beneath her usual pride.
Things like asking for help. Her, of all people, needing someone else? It was almost laughable.
Yet, here she was, waiting in the hallway after class, her stomach twisting in unfamiliar knots, even as she forced that signature smirk onto her lips—the one she knew could get her anything. Anything, except maybe you.
It was after the last bell of the day, the hallways still buzzing with students grabbing their stuff and making plans for the weekend. You were at your locker, sorting through your books when you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"Hey, Y/N," Cairo said, her tone as smooth as always, cutting through the noise around you.
You turned to see her leaning against the lockers, her usual confident smirk in place. "You think you could help me with that English assignment Mr. Miller gave us?"
You didn't think twice, returning her look with the same warm smile you always gave her. "Yeah, sure. When do you want to get together?"
The casual buzz of students chatting and lockers slamming continued around you, but Cairo's focus stayed locked on you, her expression cool as if she had all the time in the world.
That simple, unbothered answer made Cairo's chest tighten in a way she hadn't expected.
You didn't know.
You had no idea that Cairo didn't actually need help.
She was the top student—well, she had been until you showed up. Now she was fighting for her place at the top, something she never had to do before. And she hated it. But she wanted this. She wanted you.
Everyone who knew Cairo would've raised an eyebrow at the request. She had history with Mr. Miller, and all it took was one well-timed request for an A to appear in her gradebook. But this time, Cairo wasn't interested in the grade. She wasn't interested in winning over Mr. Miller.
She was interested in you.
When she arrived at your place later that evening, the sight of you waiting on the porch felt like a sucker punch to the gut.
You looked even better—relaxed, confident, more like yourself. Your hair fell effortlessly over your shoulders, and the casual way you leaned against the railing made her stomach flip.
She didn't understand this feeling. It wasn't like her to be knocked off balance. Cairo was always the one in control, the one with people tripping over themselves for her attention.
But now, she was the one who wanted your attention.
"Hey," you greeted her with a casual smile, holding the door open. "Glad you made it. Wanna head up?"
Cairo nodded, trying to mask the sudden rush of nerves that came with stepping into your space.
Your house was warm and inviting, a little messy but in a lived-in, comfortable way. It felt like you—authentic, with no need to impress anyone.
The smell of dinner still lingered in the air, and the faint hum of music from a room down the hall made it feel all cozy.
You led her to your room, where textbooks and notes were already spread out on your desk. You jumped right into the assignment, eager to help, as always.
But Cairo wasn't paying attention to the pages in front of her. She couldn't focus. All she could see was you—the way your lips moved when you explained something, the way your eyes lit up when you got excited about an idea.
The worst part was how kind you were. It was maddening. You treated her like anyone else, not the untouchable, intimidating Cairo Sweet. And somehow, that made her want you more.
As you sat next to her on the bed, pointing out sections of the text, your knee brushed against hers. It was a small touch, insignificant to you, but it sent a jolt through Cairo's body. Her pulse quickened, heat rising in her cheeks, and she hated it—hated how out of control she felt around you.
But even more than that, she hated how much she liked it.
You leaned in closer to show her a note you'd written, and your breath was warm against her skin.
She barely registered the words you were saying. All she could focus on was the way you smelled, the warmth of your body next to hers, and the soft brush of your hand as you passed the paper back and forth.
She wasn't used to feeling this way—this fluttering in her stomach, the racing heartbeat that accompanied every one of your smiles.
You were turning her on, plain and simple. Cairo wasn't used to being the one who got flustered, but there she was, chasing after your attention, craving every little bit of affection you gave without even realizing it.
And it wasn't just about how hot you were, though that was undeniable. It was the way you treated her like she was just another person—no special treatment, no fear or awe in your eyes. You treated her like a friend, and somehow, that drove her insane.
For the first time, Cairo felt like she was the one chasing after something, and she hated the feeling.
Yet she needed to be closer, to figure out why you made her feel this way—why you made her feel so out of control.
But you were all she could think about.
Even days after the study session, it was still there—on repeat in her mind. Every smile, every move you made. She couldn't stop thinking about you, no matter how much she tried. It was getting under her skin, and she hated it.
Like now, when Cairo sat on the edge of her bed, tapping ash off her cigarette into the dish beside her.
The smoke curled around her, thick and slow, as she took another drag, frustration bubbling in her chest. Ever since that night, she couldn't get you out of her head, and it was starting to piss her off.
From her spot in the corner, Winnie watched, an amused grin tugging at her lips. "You're still thinking about her, aren't you?"
Cairo shot her a sharp glare, but Winnie didn't back down. Of course she didn't; she never did.
"I'm not thinking about her," Cairo said, though the way her words rushed out betrayed her. "I just don't get it. I don't need to think about anyone. People think about me. That's how it works."
Winnie raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying it. "Uh-huh. So why are you pacing around your room, smokin' like it's the end of the world? You've been talking about her nonstop."
"I'm not pacing," Cairo snapped, even though she had been standing and moving restlessly just a moment ago. She sat back down quickly, as if to prove a point. "And I'm not talking about her."
Winnie just chuckled. "Right. You're totally not obsessed with her or anything. Must be why you asked her to help with your English assignment—because you suddenly forgot how to ace essays."
Cairo scowled, taking another drag before blowing the smoke out through her nose. "I didn't forget anything. I just wanted to see what she had to offer. You know, test the competition."
"Oh, totally. You're all about fair competition," Winnie teased, leaning back with her arms crossed. "Except you've always been top dog, Cairo. Why do you care?"
Cairo stood up again, too worked up to sit still, pacing back and forth as she waved her cigarette in the air. "I don't care! That's the point! She's just this—this girl, right? She's new, she's hot, I get it. But so what? So am I. If I wanted her, trust me, Winnie, I'd get her without even trying. It's not like she's some unattainable goddess. I mean, seriously, she's just... just... friendly!"
Winnie snorted. "Oh no, not the deadly sin of friendliness."
"I'm serious!" Cairo shot back. "It's infuriating! She's nice to everyone, and it's like she's not even trying to get on my radar. She doesn't... she doesn't treat me like. You know. Do you know how weird that is for me, Winnie? She just smiles and moves on like it's nothing. And I'm supposed to be okay with that?"
Winnie grinned, clearly enjoying Cairo's meltdown. "Sounds like you want her attention real bad."
"No!" Cairo's voice rose in frustration, and she jabbed her cigarette in the air to punctuate her point. "I don't! I just—if I wanted her attention, she'd give it to me. Trust me, I've done it a hundred times before. But it's like... I don't know. I don't need her to fawn over me, but she should at least... notice me more."
"Sure. Because that totally doesn't sound like you're into her or anything," Winnie said, leaning forward with a knowing look. "You're just mad because she doesn't act like your little fan club."
Cairo groaned, dropping back onto her bed. "I'm not into her, Winnie! God, I can't believe you're even suggesting that. She's cute, I'll give you that, but that's it. That's all it is."
"You sure about that? You've been talking about her for the last 20 minutes."
Cairo waved her off. "I'm venting! That's different. I just don't get how she can walk around acting like I'm no big deal. Like, I could snap my fingers and—"
"—and what, Cairo?" Winnie cut her off, smirking. "You can't force her to like you. And let's be real, you wouldn't even have to try this hard if you didn't care so much."
Cairo took one last drag, stubbing the cigarette out in the dish, her eyes narrowing. "I'm telling you, if I wanted her, I'd have her. She's not some puzzle I can't figure out. It's just... a challenge. That's all."
Winnie shook her head, laughing softly. "Keep telling yourself that."
But even as Cairo tried to convince herself—and Winnie—that she didn't care, deep down, there was that gnawing feeling. The one that made her think of you just a little too often, the one that made her wonder why your smile lingered in her mind long after you were gone.
The next morning, Cairo stood in front of her mirror, staring at her reflection with a level of concentration she wasn't used to.
She had always been effortless—never needing to try when it came to her looks. But now, she cared. A lot more than she wanted to admit.
The black skirt she chose hugged her hips perfectly, the tiny stripes adding just enough detail to keep it interesting. She paired it with a white shirt, left a little loose, and she made the deliberate decision to go braless underneath.
Just in case you noticed.
Her jean jacket hung over her shoulders, completing the look. It was casual but... intentional. And she hated that she was doing this. But at the same time, she didn't stop.
Winnie stood in the doorway, watching Cairo with an amused smirk. "So... this is what it's come to, huh?"
Cairo shot her a warning glance, but Winnie just laughed. "What? I'm just saying. You've been in front of that mirror for the past twenty minutes, and now you're wearing a skirt? Since when do you care about impressing anyone?"
"I don't," Cairo muttered, brushing a hand through her hair, making sure it looked just the right amount of messy. "I just like this outfit, that's all."
Winnie stepped into the room, folding her arms as she watched Cairo fuss over the details. "Sure, sure. And the whole 'no bra' thing? Totally for comfort, right?"
Cairo's eyes flickered toward Winnie in the mirror, a small frown tugging at her lips. "What's your point?"
"My point is," Winnie said with a grin, "you've never dressed like this for anyone. You're trying to impress her. It's obvious."
Cairo scoffed, straightening up. "I'm not trying to impress anyone, least of all her. I just like looking good. What's wrong with that?"
"Nothing," Winnie teased, leaning against the dresser. "Except you've always looked good without even trying, and now... you're trying. Hard."
Cairo didn't respond, choosing instead to grab her bag and sling it over her shoulder. "You don't know what you're talking about."
Winnie shook her head, still smirking. "Right. Well, good luck with your 'I don't care' look. But if I didn't know better, I'd say you're hoping she notices."
Cairo rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small flare of nerves twisting in her stomach.
She hated that Winnie was right. She was hoping you'd notice. Every time she saw you, your outfits amazed her. Whether it was something casual or a bit more dressed up, you always looked effortlessly put together. It drove her insane how you could look so good without even trying.
And now here she was, doing the exact same thing—hoping her choice of clothes might catch your eye, maybe make you see her in a different light. She was Cairo Sweet, after all. People noticed her. You were supposed to notice her.
As she left the house, Winnie's laughter echoed behind her, but Cairo shook it off. She wasn't doing this for anyone. Especially not you.
But when she saw you that day, dressed in your usual impeccable style, her heart skipped a beat. You looked perfect, as always. And despite her best efforts to play it cool, she couldn't help but wonder if you noticed her, too.
As the day progressed, Cairo tried to play it cool, but the nervous energy buzzed through her.
Each time she caught sight of you in the hall, laughter bubbling around you, she felt that familiar flutter in her stomach. Today, you looked particularly stunning, and it made her second-guess everything.
Finally, at lunch, she found herself sitting across from you, her heart racing as you casually chatted with friends. She watched you, captivated by the way you effortlessly engaged everyone around you. It was infuriating and exhilarating all at once.
"Hey," you said, turning your attention to her. "Nice outfit."
Cairo's breath caught, and for a moment, she felt the world around them fade. "Thank you," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady. The compliment, though simple, sent a rush through her, igniting that gnawing feeling in her chest.
You smiled at her, and something inside Cairo shifted. Maybe she wasn't just another face in the crowd to you. Maybe there was something more there—something she had been too scared to acknowledge until now.
As lunch continued, the laughter and chatter faded into the background. Cairo found herself lost in the moment, caught between wanting to impress you and the fear of showing too much. But as you engaged her in conversation, your eyes sparkling with interest, she felt a sense of hope blooming within her.
For the first time, she allowed herself to think that maybe—just maybe—this was the start of something special. Something that went beyond manipulation and appearances. Something real.
And in that moment, as you smiled at her, Cairo knew she was willing to take that risk.
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inkchwe · 2 days
miss americana | 𝖕𝖘𝖍
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➸ second anthology piece in "basketball (inkchwe's version)" and story-inspired playlist also can be found there too! ୨୧ pairing: park sunghoon x fem!reader ୨୧ word count: 9.8k ୨୧ genre: fluff, angst, smut ୨୧ tags: basketballplayer!heesung, cheerleader!reader, established relationship, exes to lovers au, high school au, heavy petting, marking, oral (f receiving) penetration (all characters are of age!) ୨୧ synopsis: Fed up with Sunghoon's attitude and petty games, you move on, hopefully to something better. Why did he have to realize how important you were to him once you were already gone? ➸ a/n: bless @mini-mews for being there every step of the way with this fic, it was amazing seeing all of the comments and reactions and i could not have asked for a better beta ♡
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Sunghoon could have made the winning shot if it weren’t for the praise that was placed on someone else for so long. Lee Heeseung was the best shooting guard his high school had ever seen; anyone with talent and passion for the sport could see that. At the same time, Sunghoon made a lot of calls as the small forward that were imperative to the success of the team. From scoring to handling the ball, Sunghoon could do it all and then some.
If only the captain, the old fart, saw that. And Heeseung, the sanctimonious prick, appreciated him more.
Sunghoon is so wrapped up in his bitter thoughts he can barely focus on your lips attached to his neck and your legs around his waist. You both were cramped in the driver’s side of his car, but you managed to make yourself fit on Sunghoon’s lap to straddle him. In the dark of night, only the two of you parked on the basketball court by the river, you decided to give him a reminder of what the most important thing in his life was outside of winning the championship. 
Sunghoon usually spent times like these celebrating with his other teammates, but something was sitting in the front of his mind like a fly he couldn’t swat. You can tell in the furrow of his brows and his scrunched-up mouth. He may not be able to focus on going out and drinking, but it was a benefit to you. Maybe he would finally spend some time with you like he used to.
“Heeseung acts like everyone should worship the ground he walks on. Yeah, he won the game tonight, so what? I could score as many baskets as him if I wanted. And I’ve played as many games as his ass and won. Even once when I had chicken pox.” Sunghoon continues on his rant, unbothered by your mouth and hands on him. You run both of your palms inside of his jersey and feel the skin of his abs underneath your fingers, but Sunghoon doesn’t budge.
“I think you did great, who cares?” You mumble into his neck, focused on making him feel pleasure rather than irritation. You move Sunghoon’s hands to cup your backside, the cheer shorts under your skirt riding up to expose your upper thighs.
“Whatever,” Sunghoon grumbles, eyes looking past you and towards the window.
“What do you mean ‘whatever’?” You pull away from him to look in his eyes. He’s a million miles away, not bothering to pay attention to your impending frustration. His only concerns are himself and his feelings. “Seriously, get over this attitude and talk to me if you’re not gonna at least act interested.”
Sunghoon lets out a frustrated groan and pushes you back into the passenger seat. You yelp in the process, barely landing on your ass. “What the fuck, Hoon?”
“Don’t you see I’m upset and maybe I don’t want to spend another night making out?”
“Another—“ You huff out a breath, shocked at his audacity. “When was the last time we actually spent quality time together?” Before Sunghoon can answer with a basic response, you interrupt him. “And by ‘quality time,” I don’t mean with the guys or Jongseong in attendance.”
“That’s not fair.” Sunghoon tries to hit you with his signature pout, but you don’t budge.
“What’s not fair is that I’m supposed to be your girlfriend but all you care about is huffing and puffing about basketball, complaining about not being the captain, or being a huge jackass.”
“If that’s all I do, then why the fuck are you still around?” Sunghoon bites back, venom dripping from every word.
You look at him with wide eyes, seeing him clearly for the first time in months. After the latter half of the year you’ve been together being a disappointment of epic proportions, the veil finally lifted. Sunghoon does have a point. What are you still doing with him?
“You know what? You’re right.” You exit Sunghoon’s Denali with a grunt and fix your makeup, not letting the tears that threaten to escape fall from your cheeks.
“What are you doing now?”
“You’re right. I’m not gonna waste my time anymore. I’m done.” You slam the passenger door closed and begin your walk from the basketball court to your house, determined not to look back. If he wanted to be that way, then you deserved better.
You hear the slow, incoming huff of Sunghoon’s car, and he rolls the window down to continue your conversation. His lips are in a thin line, his annoyance at an all-time high but now directed completely at you. He says, “So I guess I’ll call you when you’re not so hormonal?”
“Don’t bother. Just fuck off, Sunghoon.”
He nods his head with an angry smirk and rolls the window back up. In a sudden screech, his car races down the empty street, leaving you alone in the night to cry. You weep not just for the future you saw with him coming to a sudden end, but for the past Sunghoon who you believed would never treat you this way now.
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You shut your locker with an angry hand, a resounding slam filling the hallway. The strangers around you flinch in response and whisper, some unsure why the head cheerleader is in such a mood today.
“Didn’t you hear? Her and Sunghoon are done,” one of them speaks in a hushed tone.
“Damn. And right after his win? Heartless,” another says with the click of their tongue.
“How about you guys mind your fucking business?” You spit the words in their direction with force before walking away towards your calculus class. 
As if anyone knows anything about your relationship or how it came to end. The vipers are always ready to strike when a new hint of gossip comes around, no matter who gets hurt in the process.
To add salt to the wound, Sunghoon saunters up to you and tries to wrap his arm around your shoulder. You shrug him off with a tired grunt.
Many times before you had fought and made up as if the day prior never happened, all smiles and no tears in sight. But you’re tired of the same game you always played with each other. You think to yourself about the way he spoke to you two days ago, and how you would tell any other friend they deserve better.
And you definitely deserve better than that.
“Are you still mad?” Sunghoon asks with a whine. Typically, his childlike voice would make you laugh. Right now, you just feel vomit in the back of your throat.
“I’m not mad. We’re over.” You speak with a defeated but definitive tone, the end of your sentence falling into a whisper.
What’s the point of fighting anymore? With an outside perspective you did not have previously, you realized how exhausting it was going up and down with someone you were supposed to love.
Sunghoon doesn’t keep up with you, somehow understanding from the resignation in your voice and simple response that, as far as you were concerned, you were done with him.
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“Goddamnit,” you curse, trying to make the lighter flick to life. For all the times you tried coaxing a flame from the device, it would not budge. First you had to deal with the onslaught of rumors circulating about your sudden breakup, and now you could barely get a lighter to work. Why did Mondays always have to be so awful?
Exhausted, you throw the pack of cigarettes and lighter into the open air. Both objects fall somewhere onto the football field, but you barely notice. You’re too focused on the tears in your eyes and the sobs that leave your mouth to pay attention to anything else.
You know it’s pathetic to sit on the bleachers and cry by yourself about the breakdown of your relationship, but the cyclone of emotions didn’t ask for permission when it hit you. It just did, violently and with little care for your wellbeing. You’re just glad to have the quiet time now to deal with the storm by yourself.
Or so you thought.
Someone walks up to you with both your cigarettes and lighter in his hands. Bang Chan, head quarterback for the football team and senior, smiles at you when you do look up in his direction. He steps back an inch when he notices your puffy eyes and red face. “Sorry,” he says. “Just saw you…lost these…and didn’t know if you wanted them back or not.”
You shake your head. “Throw them out if you want.”
Chan releases a surprised sigh. “Didn’t expect a cheerleader to smoke tobacco.”
His insight makes a smile appear on your lips in spite of the tears. “I never have. I just thought since I kicked one bad habit, why not replace it with another one?”
Chan laughs. He sits down next to you, but stays mindful of your space. “Sunghoon, right?”
You nod, his name a pit in your stomach. “You know him?”
”Just his reputation. Basketball guys can be real assholes.”
”And what about football players?” You counter. “You’re all just perfect angels?”
”Well, we prefer to call ourselves ‘realists’.” You share a laugh with him, relieved to feel something other than apathy or misery. It’s been so long since you’ve been around a guy who didn’t make you doubtful of yourself. Why not enjoy it?
You give Chan your name, but he tells you he was well aware of your presence before. “I mean, you cheer at our games too, y’know, so you’re hard not to notice.”
You blush, your puffy face suddenly red from the comment. “Well, you’re hard not to notice too, Chan.”
Maybe the future for you and Sunghoon had not played out the way you intended, but your future with someone else could potentially be pretty great.
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Sunghoon feels pretty out of place every year once the end of the basketball season comes around. Now that he’s single, he wonders what could fill his spare time in a meaningful way. Besides academics, he comes up empty with ideas. 
He wouldn’t have chosen to be broken up with, but what else could he have done? He wasn’t going to grovel, not when you were the one making a big deal out of one fight. Eventually, you would come to your senses and come back. You both loved each other too much not to resolve the situation, even if weeks had rolled by without any communication.
Sunghoon is walking with Jay to second period when he sees you chatting with Chan, all smiles and body too close to the senior’s for Sunghoon’s comfort. Jay notices how tense his friend becomes seeing both you and Chan together, shoulders rigid and jaw tight.
”Would it be so bad if you just apologized? Even if you think you didn’t do anything wrong—“
”I know I didn’t,” Sunghoon cuts in, pissed off at the situation he’s in. How did Chan have any right to try and pull the charm out now that you’re available? It makes the blood inside of Sunghoon’s veins boil to a scorching temperature.
”You love her, man. Stop trying to be nonchalant about your feelings.”
The bell for late students rings, and everyone still in the hallway scatters to make it to their classes. Sunghoon feels the muscles in his body twitch seeing you walk away with Chan, arm in arm like you’re the closest of friends.
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Writing notes for your physics class is hard when your best friend Wonyoung talks the entire time, her voice projecting to a high shrill. You manage to write while listening to her impassioned speech, but you stop altogether when the subject comes to you and Chan.
”When is he going to ask you out already? Everyone sees the way he looks at you.” Wonyoung bats her eyelashes with a suggestive smirk, and you thwack her away with your notebook.
”We’re just friends. And I’m not trying to date anyone right now.”
”Come on. It’s been three weeks. Nobody would blame you for putting yourself back out there.”
The intercom blares to life, and you hear your name and the request to be seen in the front office. You take your belongings in case the request involves some sort of emergency, your thoughts racing as you head out the door.
When you make it to the front office, all you see is Sunghoon with his back against the secretary’s counter, grinning ear to ear. You’re both alone for the first time since you broke up, and the awkwardness you feel is suffocating.
”Did you do this?” You ask, eyes rolling at his nonchalant posture.
“Miss Kang owed me a favor.” His eyes are vulnerable suddenly, the cloud of indifference shredding a touch. ”Besides, I wanted to see you.”
 Those words would’ve made you melt a long time ago, the early days of your relationship marked with gestures like this and sweet nothings leaving his lips. Now, you feel so far from the girl you were when you broke up with him.
”Well I want to get my lab done, so if you’ll excuse me—“
”Wait, wait, please.” He rushes to stop you from leaving the tiny office, his arm firm against the glass door in front of you.
”Sunghoon, this is not—“
”Please, just hear me out.”
You cross your arms and straighten your posture into a firm stance, looking directly in his eyes while waiting for the usual speech to leave his mouth.
You know you’re the only one I want.
”You know you’re the only one I want.”
My intention is never to fight with you.
”My intention is never to fight with you.”
All I want is to work this out, please.
”All I want is to work this out, please.”
You can’t help the broken laugh that leaves your lips, or the well of tears that build up behind your lashes. It’s both heartbreaking and comical that he thinks after weeks of nothing to show for his sudden humility, his half-baked, used-up monologue is the best way to mend your problems.
”Is that it?” you ask, deadpan.
Sunghoon stutters, suddenly at a loss for words. “What do you mean?”
”Is that all you want to say? ‘Cause if it is, then—”
”Why are you being like this?” His pleading tone suddenly becomes one of irritation. He’s not used to you putting up a fight, and now that you are, he doesn’t know how to handle it, like a toddler who can’t find their toy.
That’s all you were to him at the end of the day. A shiny doll to play with and discard when the circumstances didn’t suit him.
“I’m being like this because this is nothing new. And in another couple of days, it’ll be the same problems and the same excuses. It’s gotten old.” You walk out of the door, but hold it open just a touch to give him the last piece of your mind.
”You know what the worst part is, Sunghoon?” You clear your throat, failing to conceal the pain in your voice. “You didn’t even say you want me back because you love me.”
”Of course I love you!”
”Why? Why do you love me?” You throw your hands up at him, voice in tatters from how loud you’re screaming.
His response is exactly what you expected: nothing. No words come to mind or are adequate enough to describe the depth of his feelings for you, or lack thereof.
”That’s what I thought,” you say before walking away. If those are the last words you ever say to him, you’re glad you got them off of your chest.
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The Spring Formal was all the talk of Sunghoon’s friends and their girlfriends once the date of the dance was announced. It was two months away, yet the hallways and classes were already littered with hearts and pink banners. Dance proposals were rampant, some even going viral on the school’s social media accounts.
It made Sunghoon sick to his stomach.
Four days ago, he thought he could win you back, but it only made you run further away from him. Was he that predictable? And what did that beefhead Chan have now that Sunghoon suddenly didn’t?
Playing video games with the guys and Heeseung’s girlfriend in attendance, he hoped it would take his mind off of things. But seeing his off-and-on adversary and partner loved up in the corner of Jake’s room didn’t help.
Sunghoon looks at the two of them laughing in each other’s arms and remembers the feeling of your body in his, the first weeks of dating being some of the best of his life. The quick texts during class, the impromptu kisses in his car before saying goodnight, and the secret drives to the beach on the weekends. He remembers them all, even if his cold nature made you think he had forgotten them with a cruel ease.
The memories pain his heart, and the image of a happy couple still basking in their newfound love does nothing but twist the knife.
“Can you guys not be all over each other in front of us? It’s disgusting.” Sunghoon remarks with sarcasm as he shoots one of Jake’s CPUs down. His friend grunts and tries to take out a person on Sunghoon’s team to even the playing field. 
Heeseung’s girlfriend quirks an eyebrow, still focused on her boyfriend but ready to throw a comeback Sunghoon’s way. “Aw, someone’s jealous, isn’t he?”
Her saying the words out loud causes the entire room to go quiet. The only sounds come from the TV and automated game dialogue.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” Sunghoon responds, his voice at a new low.
“Hey man. Watch how you speak to my girlfriend,” Heeseung interrupts, ready to jump from the beanbag he’s sitting in to put his teammate in his place.
His girlfriend places a tender hand on his forearm. “I got this, Hee.” She turns her attention back to Sunghoon, the ghost of a smirk on her lips. “I meant exactly what I said. Your girlfriend was tired of you being a complete prick to everyone, including her.”
Heeseung says his girlfriend’s name in warning, knowing she’s gone a bit too far, no matter how true her words are.
She doesn’t stop though, and Sunghoon is too shocked to form a sentence. “And seeing anyone else happy makes you realize how bad you fucked up and why she was right to drop you.”
Jake makes a face at her too, silently pleading for an end to the fight before more things are said that can’t be taken back.
Sunghoon throws the controller at the TV stand, the device breaking once it hits the wood. Jake and Heeseung curse at him for his reaction, but Sunghoon storms out of the bedroom before he lets his anger go any further.
He sits on the stairs in front of his friend’s house and feels the prick of tears in his eyes. It’s rare for him to allow himself to be vulnerable. The only person in his life who saw him this way was you, and without you, he doesn’t know how to pull himself back from the precipice. Was what Heeseung’s girlfriend said true? Were you right to leave him? Did he not deserve any more chances to do right by you, given how many times he fucked it up before, no matter how much he loved you?
In spite of everything he’s done wrong, he still does. He loves your fire, the stubbornness that mirrors his own so perfectly. He loves your crude sense of humor, the way you can make a joke out of anything, even in the worst of times to make him laugh. And he loves your sweetness, your capability to think of others before yourself, something he’s never been good at and always admired about you even if he never said it. He never said a lot of things he should’ve.
The questions and regrets flood his brain and make him wish he had a time machine. He would go back to the last hour you were together before everything fell apart. To be happy to have you in his arms and grateful to still hold your respect, your effort, and your love.
He hears someone walk up to him, but he doesn’t bother to look. “I’ll apologize later, okay, Jake? I don’t need a lecture right now.”
The feminine grumble makes Sunghoon turn his head, not expecting to see Heeseung’s girlfriend behind him.
“I came to apologize to you.”
Sunghoon looks back to the street in front of him. He decides to avoid prolonging the argument and nods his head. “It’s fine. You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”
“Doesn’t mean it was okay.” She settles down on the stairs next to him. Sunghoon wiggles further towards the railing to make room for her. “Everyone deserves a chance to make things right. Even if they’ve been wrong a lot of the time.”
He discreetly wipes his eyes with the sleeve of his sweater. “Even someone like me?”
She chuckles. “Especially someone like you.”
“I’m sorry, too.” Sunghoon doesn’t need to say the multitude of reasons why she deserves an apology. But it makes the aggression between the both of them, as well as a fragment of the guilt in Sunghoon’s heart, dissipate. All that’s left is relief.
She grins, the same feelings evident in her expression. “Apology accepted.”
Sunghoon lets a small smile appear on his lips. He has to practice apologizing more often; the feeling of making amends is pretty satisfying.
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“Wonyoung, I don’t know where it is!” You say into the receiver of your phone, one hand holding the device to your face as the other rifles through the belongings in your locker. “And I doubt your bracelet is in here.”
“It has to be! I can’t think of any other place it could’ve gone,” she whines, sniffling. It isn’t her fault she’s home sick today, but she would get through her cold just fine without her lucky bracelet. As far as she’s concerned, however, it’s a matter of life and death.
“I’m sure we’ll find it so you can get over this cold,” you coddle her, still searching past the books and bags of snacks.
“I don’t care about that!” Her stuffy, squeaky voice makes you move the phone away from your ear. “I need it for the charity auction. How else are we going to get all of the items sold if I don’t have it?”
You roll your eyes, grateful she can’t see. “Just wow the PTA and student body with your impeccable charm.”
“Yeah yeah, have you found it yet?”
As you continue your search, an array of your belongings tumble out of your locker. You curse and bend down to pick the contents up. Most of them are some old notes for your current classes, but one makes you stop cold. 
Wonyoung’s words fade into the background as you hold up the photo strip of you and Sunghoon. The snapshots captured a perfect moment in time before the last six months of your relationship made everything take a turn for the worst.
“You can’t flip off the camera, Hoon!” You giggle as the timer starts for the next picture.
“It’s our pictures, so I have every right to use my middle finger whenever I want.” He nestles his head further into your neck, kissing the spot below your ear. You may be cramped sitting on Sunghoon’s lap in the photo booth of the arcade, but there’s no other place you’d rather be than with him.
As you laugh at his subsequent joke, the shutter goes off again.
“Your laugh is one of my favorite sounds, you know.” Sunghoon moves a stray hair away from your face, smiling ear to ear.
“That’s funny,” you say with a smirk. “That smile is my favorite thing ever.”
“Fuck off.” Sunghoon suddenly becomes shy, his cheeks turning pink.
“I swear, cross my heart.” You raise your hand in salute, and Sunghoon intertwines your fingers with his own.
As you seal your promise with a tender kiss to his lips, you hear the final click of the camera, content with whatever comes next.
You muffle your mouth with your hands, stifling the sob that started to leave your lips.
“Babe, you alright?” Wonyoung asks, another sniffle ending her question.
“Yeah I-I’m okay.” You shake off your sadness and stuff the photo strip in your locker again, half-determined to throw it in the trash nearby. “I gotta go, lunch is gonna be over in like fifteen minutes.”
“Okay. Next place would probably be your car, so just let me know later if you find it. Love you,” Wonyoung says at the end of the call.
Putting your phone in your back pocket and walking back towards the courtyard, you hear the rustle of hands clapping and feet stomping. Everyone at their picnic tables, like you, look towards the sounds.
The football team, all huddled up, begin chanting once you make it closer to them.
“Hey girl, you need a date. Why not make it #8?” They say the words in a morale-boosting rhythm, repeating them with vigor until other tables around them start chanting too. When the huddle opens at the center, Chan appears with a bouquet of flowers and a huge grin.
The team stops once he’s in front of you, Chan shy but determined. Once he gives you the bouquet, he asks, “Wanna be my date to the formal?”
You hide your face in your hands, a wide grin on your face in spite of your sudden bashfulness. Public proposals were never your thing, but with how much effort the guy put into the surprise, how could you say no?
“I’d love to,” you answer, giving him a hug as the crowd around you hollers in support. You’re grateful to have had Chan these past months while dealing with your heartbreak, it seemed to be a natural progression of your relationship. And while nothing’s set in stone, you’re happy something’s on the horizon for you.
But if you’re so happy, why is Sunghoon the first thing that pops in your head after you agree to Chan’s offer?
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Thankfully, Wonyoung’s bracelet was in fact in your car behind the passenger seat. How she managed to get it back there was anyone’s guess, but hopefully that meant she would not be so freaked out about the charity auction next week.
In honor of Valentine’s Day, the high school allowed the cheerleading team to host a charity auction every year for a local nonprofit. This year’s was meant to be for the city’s homeless shelter. You worked there last summer to accumulate volunteer hours, and the people you met there had been on your mind every day since. Your goal was to make at least two thousand, but you wish you could do and earn more on your own accord for them. It was important to give back to others when you had so much and took it for granted. Some knew that better than others.
While printing pamphlets and auction tickets, your doorbell rang. You didn’t expect Wonyoung to be up to seeing anyone given her unwell state earlier on the phone, but it was her lucky bracelet. The faster she had it back in her possession the better.
Pulling the door open, the last person you expect to be waiting at your door is Sunghoon. His expression is an amalgamation of emotions, the biggest ones being disbelief and sorrow.
Any time before, back when he was your entire world, you would have pulled him into your arms and kissed away his pain. Even if you hate to admit it to yourself, a part of you still wishes you could.
But while you can be empathetic, you still have to be tough in his presence. Any sign of fragility, and he’ll see the opportunity to creep back in. “Why are you here, Sunghoon?”
“You’re dating him now?”
You furrow your brows in confusion. “What?”
“Chan. You’re together?” You see the tremble of his bottom lip and the lock of his jaw, his composure clearly hanging by a thread. It’s been a long time since you saw Sunghoon so unguarded, you’re unsure if it’s because he’s truly vulnerable or he’s on his last play to win you back.
No matter the reason, you answer with an exasperated sigh. “He just asked me to the formal, okay? He’s my friend.”
“Friends don’t ask friends to go to the dance with flowers.”
You bite your bottom lip, unsure what to say to that. “It doesn’t concern you anymore.”
Sunghoon releases a bitter chuckle, the sound of the laughter dying on his tongue midway. “It does concern me if you’re with someone else.”
“I just told you–”
“I get that.” He runs a hand through his hair, his voice frail at the edges. “But I know what it's like to want you, and I see it when Chan looks at you. And who can blame him right?”
Taking advantage of your stunned silence, Sunghoon keeps going. “When you asked me before why I love you, I didn’t realize how much I took advantage of you. I didn’t appreciate you the way I should’ve, and now I–I miss so many things. I miss the smell of your perfume in my car and the look you’d give me when you were calling me out on my bullshit, which was eighty-five percent of the time. I miss knowing you had my back even if I was in the wrong because you saw the best parts of me on days I didn’t see them at all.
“I miss you, and I love you, and I don’t know how to stop,” Sunghoon whispers. When he tries to step closer to you, you place a hand on his chest, safeguarding some sort of distance and composure between you. He presses his hand over yours, thumb rubbing across the skin on the back of your hand, making you suck in a breath.
It was every word and more that you yearned to hear from him since you parted ways. While the naysayers continued their dialogue about the demise of your relationship, nobody bothered to think about whether or not you wanted to let go in the first place. You had to, or it would’ve been the same patterns occurring over and over.
Maybe this moment, this speech, and this Sunghoon, can be a break in the chain. Maybe he’s truly adamant on turning over a new leaf for the better, for the chance to try again and do it right this time. Would it be so wrong to take the chance and give him the benefit of the doubt one more time?
But who truly knew he would change his ways except for Sunghoon himself? Could you run the risk of the cycle repeating itself again for the future you wanted? How were you meant to believe him this time with history on your side?
You retract your hand from his chest, your heart cracking in the parts he forced you to mend in the first place. “I can’t do this.”
He swallows forcefully and takes a step back, respecting your wishes. “I understand.” He walks down your driveway and to his car, leaving you with the image of his somber, close-lipped smile.
Sunghoon watches you walk back into your house, his heart in tatters. He looks at the bundle of roses sitting in the passenger seat and promises to himself to fight just a little longer. Giving up means losing you forever, and he’ll die before accepting that loss.
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A big banner for the homeless shelter hangs on one of the gymnasium walls. The cheerleaders continue placing decor around the space for tomorrow’s auction, some hand-drawn by the girls and others donated from the PTA in previous years. You look around with your clipboard, items checked off throughout the day to signal your progress. With less than twenty-four hours to go before the auction, it was imperative to create the perfect atmosphere to sell as many items as possible.
Wonyoung skips over to you, her pigtails swinging in the air and a cluster of colorful streamers dangling from her hands. “Where do you want these, babe?”
“Lining the front of the bleachers. That way once the tables are set up we don’t have to work around them.” You check off another bullet, 
“You got it boss!” She winks at you, her expression teasing. Before she can walk away though, Principal Han and Coach Chae walk into the gym. Coach Chae has a bouquet while Principal Han holds a thin piece of paper.
The two gentlemen walk up to you and Wonyoung, beaming. “Great turn of events ladies,” Principal Han says. “The auction has been canceled.”
“What,” Wonyoung yells. The two men flinch at her reaction, but Coach Chae laughs off his reaction.
“No need to worry, Miss Jang,” Coach Chae responds. “There will still be a gala. Just not an auction. Think of it as a celebratory gala, if you will.”
“What do you mean?” You ask. You press your clipboard tighter to your chest, anxiety spiking. You put your heart into this event for the success of the fundraiser. Why was it suddenly crashing down?
“Someone already donated more than enough to reach your goal. Five thousand, to be exact.”
A silent gasp leaves your lips. The clipboard almost slips from your fingers, but Wonyoung manages to catch it before it clatters onto the gym floor.
”Holy sh—sorry. Holy moly!” Wonyoung exclaims, a smile matching the ones on the older gentlemen’s faces.
“Congratulations, girls. Now you can kick your feet up and enjoy the festivities tomorrow all thanks to your mystery donor,” Principal Han says.
”Mystery donor?” The mix of emotions in your stomach morphs to confused curiosity. “They didn’t leave their name on the check?”
”No. Just the card that came with the flowers,” Coach Chae answers. He hands the bouquet of roses and the comment card to you, the floral smell suddenly wafting in your nose.
You could recognize the script anywhere, the slants and slopes of the handwriting belonging to only one person. The contents of the card make your heart swell and sink deeper, causing you to question everything once more.
For reminding me to cherish all the things I took for granted.
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On the night of the Spring Formal, a week had passed since that day in the gymnasium which upended a majority of your feelings. Your thoughts have run rampant in your mind since, regrets and doubts sitting at the forefront of your brain.
Your mother was fixing the last pieces of your hair into the intricate bun she created. Looking in the mirror, the tendrils of your bangs falling out from the hairstyle frame your face. Grace exudes from your makeup and the dress you’ve chosen, the strapless champagne gown the centerpiece of your entire look.
”You’re a vision, honey,” She says, her eyes bright in the hallway mirror behind you.
You may look beautiful, but your thoughts make you feel small, unsure of everything you thought you knew or wanted before.
You had not seen Sunghoon since that night on your front porch almost two weeks ago, your ex choosing to respect your wishes and stay away just as you requested. Now, in spite of all the ways he vexed you to no end, you missed him just like he said he missed you. Maybe you suppressed yourself from grieving the end of your relationship, jumping headfirst into a new friendship with Chan and the other priorities in your life. Or maybe it was because he still had your entire heart, even if you wished he didn’t.
”Chan should be here any minute,” your mother says, interrupting your thoughts.
You respond with a nod and small smile, fidgeting with the top of your dress to conceal some of your cleavage.
Your mother frowns. ”Honey, what’s wrong?” She puts her hands on your shoulders, her presence the right amount of concerned and warm.
”Do you think people can change?”
She gives you a knowing smile, the topic of conversation not being said out loud but obvious to the both of you. “When someone has the desire to, they can. Especially when they have a good reason to.”
The doorbell rings, and she kisses you on the cheek. “I’ll let you get that. I’m gonna run and grab the camera.”
You answer the door, half-expecting to see Chan with flowers and his signature grin. What you find, however, makes your heart constrict with surprise and longing that you didn’t expect to feel so strongly.
Sunghoon in a three-piece suit, hair slicked back, and a corsage looks like the picture-perfect man. When you envisioned this night before, the image of him in front of you always came to mind. And now, you could not be closer to and further from those expectations.
“I wanted to give you this before…I mean, I already bought it, and you deserve to have it.” He twiddles the corsage between his hands. His eyes ask for explicit permission before he places it on your wrist.
Without a second thought, you nod.
Sunghoon steps closer, relieved to have received the green light. The tension between you is palpable in the air, flickering hot and reflecting the same feelings you harbored weeks ago when you were in the same position then. He carefully puts the strap around your wrist, tightening it until it’s snug. 
The golden-trimmed roses match your dress flawlessly, so much so you wonder how he managed to remember the color of the dress you dreamed of for this night.
Like he can read your mind, he says, “You’ve been talking about this dance since the start of the school year.” He laughs, the sound hollow.
“Thank you,” you say, the two words expanding far beyond the roses on your wrist.
Thank you for the flowers. Thank you for going above and beyond with that check. Thank you for showing you’re trying.
The smile he gives you touches his eyes, the edges of his expression almost golden in the light of the sunset. “It’s the least I could do.”
Without thinking, he’s so close you can feel the rising pace of his and your breath mixing together. It would be so easy to close the distance, touch his lips with yours, and fall back into his embrace with no regard for the next minute.
Before you can contemplate it further, you see Chan out of the corner of your eye walking up your driveway. His mouth is in a firm line and his posture reflects his discomfort.
Sunghoon steps away from you. He acknowledges Chan with a nod, not terse or disrespectful, but clearly disappointed. He kisses the back of your palm quickly and lets it go. “Have fun tonight, okay?”
Before he walks away for good, leaving you and Chan alone, he finishes with, “By the way, you look breathtaking.”
As Chan gets closer and Sunghoon heads down the road to his car, you think maybe your ex is taking all of your breath with him.
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Sunghoon downs the drink in the plastic cup. The tinge of alcohol Jay put in his drink can’t seem to take away the burn of watching you and Chan dance together. The DJ for the dance is playing  an uptempo number. Thankfully you’re not holding each other close, but it’s still a punch to the stomach seeing you smiling with a guy that isn’t him. In a gym filled with so many of his peers, he’s never felt so alone.
He drove to the dance by himself, Jake and Jay too entangled in their own love lives to soften the blow of Sunghoon’s continued misery. Heeseung and his girlfriend remain loved up in their own private corner of the dance floor. Sunghoon isn’t jealous or petty, though, although he’s well-accustomed to both emotions at this point. All he feels is some semblance of gratitude for the people enjoying the festivities of the night with a person they care about.
Heeseung’s girlfriend steps away from her partner with a kiss on his lips, somehow sensing Sunghoon’s despair. She walks over to him, a sad smile on her face as she approaches the lone guy at his idle table. “No luck, huh?”
Sunghoon nods and tips his drink at her. “You could say that.”
Heeseung comes up in record time, Sunghoon’s teammate unable to stay away from his lover for too long. He clears his throat and looks toward the younger guy with quiet condolences. “Listen, Hoon. Just talk to her and be honest. Stop dancing around your feelings.”
Sunghoon scoffs into his cup, the sound echoing in the plastic. “As if I could steal her away from beefcake over there. Like your missus said, she’s better off.”
“You know I apologized for that!” Heeseung’s girlfriend mirrors Sunghoon’s reaction, puffing out a breath of air and rolling her eyes. “And if that’s the case, why has she been looking over here at least every five minutes?”
Sunghoon glances past the rim of his cup and catches you staring just as Heeseung’s girlfriend makes her point.
Your eyes are filled with a plethora of unspoken feelings, ones Sunghoon may have the words for but cannot manage to speak. Why did words hold so much more power when it was too late to say them? Did he still have time at all, or was the opportunity to be transparent long gone? It’s too much to process; all he can do is look away from you, the guilt hitting him square in his chest.
Heeseung and his girlfriend share a conspiratory look, plotting something. Sunghoon takes a gulp of air, unsure if he wants to know exactly what they’re planning.
“Be on the rooftop in ten minutes. And make sure you know what you’re gonna say, idiot,” Heeseung’s girlfriend commands, her smirk flashing wickedly under the gymnasium lights.
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“Hey!” Heeseung and his girlfriend run up to your spot by the punch bowl. You were absentmindedly staring at the fruit concoction in the tub while Chan had raced off to the bathroom, promising to be back in five.
“What’s up?” You ask, giving his girlfriend a polite and acknowledging smile.
“Something happened on the rooftop with one of the girls on the squad. I think she got food poisoning or something,”
“Yeah,” Heeseung’s girlfriend comments. “Wonyoung told us to get you ‘cause she needs some help bringing the poor girl back downstairs.”
You roll your eyes and set your cup on the plastic table in front of you. If it’s Leeseo again, you may just have to kill her.
The couple follows close behind as you make it to the stairwell door leading up to the rooftop. You wonder why the two didn’t help Wonyoung in the first place, but maybe the girl in question requested you personally and didn’t want to be embarrassed by being assisted by strangers.
Opening the rooftop entrance, you see Sunghoon standing near the edge, kicking gravel off the side of the building. Your heart seizes up, glad but caught off-guard to be seeing him right now.
In an instant, the door closes behind you, locking from the outside. You bang on it, unsure what’s happening. “What the fuck, guys?”
“You’re not coming out until we hear some talking!”
The sudden quiet is deafening, the only reprieve being the breeze passing through the trees surrounding the school. You run your hands across your arms, feeling the chill now that you’re outside but also unsure of what to do in this situation.
Sunghoon immediately sheds his jacket and walks over to you. He waits with the article in his hands before you nod meekly. He wraps it around your shoulders protectively, making sure your arms go through the sleeves. “Better?”
“Much, thank you,” you whisper.
Sunghoon looks deeply into your eyes, knocking any subsequent words from your conscious mind. You bite your lip instinctively, tense from his lack of distance between your bodies. Why did he still have the capability to steal your train of thought without trying?
He blows out a breath, the sound of his voice flimsy in the spring air. “When I first joined the basketball team, I didn’t know if and how I would measure up,” Sunghoon begins. “I was fifteen and terrified of playing next to someone as good as Heeseung and always being compared to him.
“And I took all those worries about being not good enough and took it out on everyone. I let it ruin the most perfect thing in my life because I thought acting like I didn’t care would stop me from feeling insecure. What an idiot, right?”
Sunghoon brushes a free bang from your face. His eyes are glassy, the vulnerability he’s showing you at an all-time high. “I should’ve realized the girl I love didn’t care if I was the best or the worst basketball player ever, as long as I was hers and didn’t forget it. I just didn’t know it then. And now that I’ve realized what a fool I’ve been, all I want now is to spend the rest of my time making it up to her.”
The confession knocks any remaining resolve out of you, unable to bear the pain in his face or the uncertainty that hangs in the air. You slam your lips into his, the kiss both bruising and healing in the same motion. It rejuvenates all the parts of you that had been withered away since the night you broke up and couldn’t be revived without him.
Sunghoon feels the effects of the kiss as well, his gasps and whimpers exemplifying his surprise and relief to have you back in his arms. Holding you, kissing you, being with you, you can tell he’s worried the moment’s a figment of his imagination. If he doesn’t cherish it, you’ll float away. And he can’t survive that for a second time.
You part for air, but your lips still ghost over each other’s, unable to be parted now that he’s within your reach again.
With your voice laced with the unshed tears in your eyes, you ask, “What took you so damn long, you idiot?”
Sunghoon can only respond with a joyful laugh and another kiss to your lips, making up for his unsaid apologies and shit timing with his mouth.
Now that your body is against his, your hearts beating rapidly but once-again in tune with each other, he’s certain now he’ll never be stupid enough to forget your worth and let you go again. Because the pleasure he used to call home is back in his life, and he couldn’t feel more at ease.
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Sunghoon’s laughing when he unlocks the front door of his house, his face in a permanent grin since you kissed a few hours prior. You spent the time before ending up here driving around town, too enraptured with each other to focus on your friends or the rest of the dance’s festivities. You didn’t leave without Heeseung giving Sunghoon a slap to the back and Wonyoung crying at your reconciliation.
The house is quiet, a result of Sunghoon’s parents being abroad for the past few days. “Did I tell you how beautiful you look, by the way?” Sunghoon mentions again when he closes the door behind you. He immediately pulls you in by the waist, showering the skin of your neck in kisses.
You giggle and weave your hands into his hair, a gasp leaving you when he takes your earlobe between his teeth. “Probably for the hundredth time by now.”
“Well you do.” He presses another kiss to the spot below your ear, making you shiver. “And I’m not gonna stop saying it.”
You smirk and move your hands to both sides of his face, forcing you to look at him. “I didn’t expect the night to go like this.”
“I hope that’s a good thing.” His voice is teasing, but his eyes are suddenly lined with anxiety. His body tenses in your embrace, the worry that you’re having second thoughts weighing on his happiness.
You ease his doubts with a deep kiss, holding him close and hoping that assures him you’re not going anywhere. “A great thing.”
The smile you love so much appears once he’s at peace, and peppers your entire face with kisses. You laugh out loud, but he can tell you love the adoration he’s providing you.
You could definitely get used to this new Sunghoon, the night already filled with so much magic.
“I’ll be back.” He grins wide, canines on full display. Another kiss punctuates the sentence. “Don’t go anywhere.” Another.
You laugh out loud and nod your head. He dramatically holds onto your hand until he’s forced to let go. He runs down the hallway and into his bedroom, closing the door behind him and leaving you in the sitting room of his house.
Twenty minutes later, you’re sitting on the loveseat in the sitting room when Sunghoon comes back out.
“My lady, follow me.” He bows and holds out his hand for you to take, and you smile ear to ear when you lace your fingers with his. You’re unsure what’s waiting for you on the other side of his bedroom door, but you know it must be another surprise your boyfriend has gone above and beyond to amaze you with.
Surely enough, it makes you gasp out loud and press your free hand to your chest.
Sunghoon’s bedroom is showered in a radiant glow from dozens of candles, all different sizes but the same light creating a sweet, calming ambience. Fairy lights hang on the walls, aiding in the atmosphere he’s created. Music plays at a low sound from the speakers near the television, Sunghoon’s phone hooked up to the system. To top it all off, there’s another bouquet of white roses sitting on his side table, some petals lining the edges of the floor around his bed.
When you thought about this night in your dreams, it always ended here, being so in love. He’s made those dreams come true, right down to the letter, and you could not be more in love with him than in this moment.
Sunghoon comes closer. He presses his chest to your back, encasing your body with his arms and kissing your neck once again. You try to stifle the sob that comes out, but he hears it and retracts. “Shit, do you not like it? I can blow the candles out and–”
You turn in his embrace, shaking your head furiously. “No, I love it.” You wipe your tears, laughing at the reaction he’s pulled out of you. “I’m just–it doesn’t feel like it’s real.”
“It is.” He takes the side of your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheek. “And I’ll remind you every day if you need me to.”
“I love you so much,” you respond, kissing the inside of his palm. You pull him closer, reconnecting your lips with his. You feel whole in a way you haven’t in weeks, knowing now for certain this happiness coupled with Sunghoon’s love is the perfect combination to sustain you.
“I love you too,” he says in between kisses, his mouth turning sloppy. You feel his growing hardness against you. It had been months since the last time you were intimate. You think as Sunghoon pulls you in closer than before, groaning into your mouth, that tonight’s the perfect time to reconnect in more ways than just emotionally.
“I missed you so much,” you moan, tugging his jacket from his shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. You run your arms across his chest, still covered by the cotton button up he’s wearing, but you quickly make do with the buttons on his shirt to feel the skin underneath. 
He shivers under your touch, but he manages to find the zipper of your dress and lower it down until the dress easily slips from your body. You step out of it, careful not to tread over the fabric. Your focus remains on  undressing Sunghoon until he’s as naked as you are, wearing only your underwear and shoes. He’s shirtless thanks to you undoing his buttons, but you want all of him exposed.
You try to pull down the zipper of his pants, but he stops you, his eyes lust-filled but patient. “This night is about you, baby. Not me.”
“Please, let me touch you.” You whine, holding onto the belt-loops on his pants.
“Not yet.” He moves you both back until you’re at the edge of the bed. He motions for you to sit down. Once you do, he gets onto his knees in front of you, the man you love on a mission. “Let me make you feel good first.”
He takes the heels off of your feet and sets them down beside your dress. When he does, he begins his slow torture of kissing up your ankles to the insides of your thighs. You lay your body back on his bed, whimpering and body on the verge of shaking when he finally pulls the underwear from your legs.
“Fuck, Hoon,” you say out loud when he presses a kiss to your clit, taking the nub between his lips and sucking tenderly while rubbing his hands on the curves of your hips. He takes one hand to reach out and grab one of your breasts, expertly taking your nipple between his thumb and index finger as his tongue licks along the insides of your center. “Please don’t stop,” you whisper.
“Wasn’t planning on it, my love.” His tongue moves at a faster pace, matching the writhing of your hips crashing into his face to gain every ounce of pleasure he’s giving you.
Before, you wouldn’t have imagined being back in this bedroom with him, and now there’s no other place you wanted to exist.
“Hoon, please. I want you,” you say, one hand clutching his comforter and the other entangled in his hair.
“You have me, always.” His tongue slips inside of your pussy, the feeling of the muscle against your walls causing you to cry out in pleasure.
“I’m not moving until you come, baby. I know you’re close.” The pleasure has been building since the moment he had his mouth wrapped around your neck when you stepped into his house. And now, with his mouth buried inside of you and sweet words accompanying such dirty actions fuels your body’s speedrun to your release.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you curse, your orgasm hitting you like the crash of a wave before you go underwater. But you don’t care to drown if it feels this satisfying.
You laugh breathlessly when the end of your release comes. Sunghoon wipes your essence off of his lips with the back of his hand, smiling bashfully. Every action of his before is incredibly contrary to his shy expression, but you love it.
Ridding himself of his pants, Sunghoon’s cock springs free from the constricting article of clothing. The tip is leaking with precum, but he isn’t in a rush to jump on top of you like the many times before when you both were too frustrated to worry with foreplay.
He kisses you with all he has when he crawls on top of you. His tongue inside of your mouth fills it with the taste of your slick. In a blip, he has a condom in his hand and puts it on with quick skill. There’s no need to prep you, your previous orgasm leaving you wet and waiting for him to line up with your entrance and slip inside.
He does it expertly. Both of you tremble from the feeling you long forgot felt so otherworldly, his cock making a home within your walls and your body adjusting to the delicious stretch.
The song in the background fills your ears with the sounds of a slow-strumming guitar, reflecting the thrust of Sunghoon’s hips. Your hips meet his when he’s filled you to the hilt, causing you to sigh. “Fuck, just like that.”
“You’re so beautiful,” Sunghoon whispers between thrusts, moaning sweet nothings into your mouth. “I love you so much.”
“I love you,” you whisper in kind, gasping. The tip of his cock kisses your cervix with each press of his hips, exiting slowly and pushing back inside until there’s no space left to accommodate him.
How could you be so filled, figuratively and literally, by the love he had to offer you? For anyone else who’s never known the feelings stirring inside of you, a mixture of sinful pleasure and pure happiness, you feel sorry for them. If everyone in the world did, they might have been labeled as two extra wonders of the world.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come again,” you say, clutching onto his hips. You bite down on the skin of his shoulder, releasing your moans into his skin as his pace speeds up.
“Yes, baby, give it to me,” he groans, gulping hard and body frantic to take you both to the your climaxes. You feel the stars behind your eyes when your second orgasm comes, a long cry leaving your lips. Sunghoon matches it with a broken moan, the sound coming out in fragments as he spills inside of the condom.
Sunghoon lathers your face in deep, heartfelt kisses before pulling out. He walks to the bathroom quickly, throwing away the condom in the trash and grabbing a cloth to clean you up. He runs the fabric between your legs, careful not to press down too hard and overstimulate you.
You both crawl under the covers after he throws the rag in his hamper, your body immediately snuggling into his. The crown of your head receives another blitz of kisses, your smile hurting your cheeks from how wide it goes.
“I love you,” Sunghoon says, the words coming without a second thought.
And with no regrets on your mind or in your heart, resolute in your decision to forgive him, you say, “I love you, too, Hoon. Always.”
People could always change if they had the determination and inspiration to do so, and you know that for sure now. In  the arms of the one you love, that fact could not be more true.
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@mini-mews @jayparked @heesuncore @yoursjaeyun @sungbeams @dreamiestay
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novaursa · 19 hours
req for an aegon ii x reader who has a similar role of margaery tyrell? (love-bombing him so they can be betrothed and stuff)
she very easily manipulates aegon and basically uses his mommy issues to get whtv she wants (obviously bothers alicent to no end).
Web of Gold
Requests are closed!
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- Summary: Alicent could only watch as you played with her son like a lioness does with her food.
- Paring: lannister!reader/Aegon II Targaryen
- Rating: Mild 13+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround
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It’s a beautiful morning, yet the tension between you and Alicent Hightower crackles like a summer storm. You can feel her eyes boring into you from across the room, but you’ve become quite accustomed to her watchful glares. If anything, you thrive on them.
You smile sweetly, dipping your head toward Aegon as he lounges on the Iron Throne, looking far more relaxed than any king should. He’s watching you with that same eager gleam in his eyes, waiting for whatever praise you’ll offer him next. It’s become a game for you at this point—how much can you say before he completely melts? And it’s easier than it should be.
"My king," you say softly, stepping closer, your golden Lannister curls bouncing as you move. "You look especially regal today. Like Aegon the Conqueror himself reborn. Do you know what I see when I look at you?"
Aegon straightens slightly, his eyes widening with interest. "What?" His tone is eager, as though whatever you say might be the single most important revelation of his life.
"I see a man destined for greatness. Aegon, you are so strong, so powerful, and—" you let your voice drop into a breathy whisper, "so very wise." You emphasize each word, drawing out your compliments in a way that sends a flush of pride creeping up his neck.
Aegon shifts in his seat, looking thoroughly pleased with himself. "Do you really think so, Y/N?" he asks, his voice almost boyish, seeking that reassurance from you.
"Of course I do, darling. And I would never lie to you." You reach out, letting your fingers brush against his hand in a gentle, lingering touch, just enough to make his breath hitch. "Unlike others who may have their own agendas…" You throw a quick glance toward where Alicent stands, her expression tight, lips pressed thin. The corner of your mouth twitches into a hidden smirk.
Aegon doesn’t notice. He’s too busy basking in the attention you're lavishing on him. "Mother just worries," he mumbles, though even he seems half-hearted about it.
"Worries?" You tilt your head, feigning innocence. "I think she underestimates you, my love. You’ve already proven yourself to be a far better ruler than anyone could have imagined. I can’t imagine why she continues to hover over you like you’re still a boy."
You know exactly why. Alicent cannot stand the idea of you influencing her son. It grates on her to see Aegon so smitten, so easily swayed by your honeyed words. But that’s precisely what you’re counting on.
Aegon chuckles, clearly amused. "She just doesn’t understand, does she?"
"She doesn’t," you agree, leaning in closer so your voice is only for him. "But I do." You place your hand on his chest, right over his heart. "I see you for the man you are, Aegon. A man who doesn’t need his mother whispering in his ear, telling him what to do. You’re king now. You should be able to make your own decisions. Isn’t that what you want?"
Aegon’s eyes flicker with something—desire, admiration, a need for validation. "Yes," he says, his voice firm, though you know it’s more out of wanting to please you than actual conviction. "That is what I want."
You smile, letting your fingers trail lightly down his chest before stepping back, your eyes sparkling with the satisfaction of a job well done. "Then take what’s yours, my king. Trust yourself. Trust me." You cast another glance toward Alicent, who looks like she’s about to bite through her tongue.
She’s always there, lurking like a shadow, trying to pull Aegon back into her grasp. But he slips through her fingers every time you’re around. Alicent has power, but you? You have Aegon. And he doesn’t even realize it.
You turn to face the queen mother, giving her a radiant smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. "Your Grace, you must be so proud of Aegon," you say, your voice saccharine sweet, as though you’re not fully aware of the tension between you. "He’s grown into such a strong man under your care."
Alicent stiffens, her lips twitching in a forced smile. "He has always been capable," she says, her tone clipped. "Though I think he still benefits from wise counsel."
You tilt your head, pretending to consider her words, though you already know exactly how to respond. "Of course," you agree, "but I think he’s ready to make his own choices now. Don’t you?" You let the question hang in the air, a gentle reminder that Aegon is your king now, not hers.
Alicent opens her mouth to reply, but Aegon cuts in before she can get a word out. "Mother, Y/N’s right. I don’t need to be told what to do all the time." He laughs, clearly proud of himself for standing up to her, oblivious to the fact that he’s only echoing your words.
You beam at him, eyes sparkling. "Exactly, my love. You are your own man. And no one, not even your mother, can take that from you."
Alicent’s gaze narrows, and for a moment, you think she might say something sharp, but she bites her tongue. You know it’s eating her alive inside, watching Aegon slip further under your influence, but she can’t do anything about it. Not without making herself look overbearing in front of her son.
"Come, Aegon," you say lightly, turning back to him. "Let’s take a walk in the gardens. You could use some fresh air after sitting on that throne for so long."
Aegon rises eagerly, flashing you that boyish grin that only makes him seem more malleable. "Yes, let’s."
As you link your arm through his and lead him out of the hall, you don’t bother to look back at Alicent. You can already feel the weight of her stare burning into your back. You have Aegon wrapped around your finger, and she knows it.
But as long as you continue to feed his need for affection, for someone to praise him and treat him like the king he so desperately wants to believe he is, he will never stray far from your side. And Alicent can do nothing but watch.
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em-ontv · 2 days
Get a room.
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x lover!fem!reader
Summary: After a particularly bad hunt, you were patching Dean up in the motel room, but he said he needed to be healed up the right way.
Content: fluff(?), kisses, Sam kind of being the third-wheel, no use of y/n, mentions of injury
English isn’t my first language, mistakes should be present, sorry!
Word count: 698
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You and Dean had just stumbled back to the bunker after a long, exhausting hunt. It was one of those hunts where everything that could go wrong, did. Dean had taken a hit from some nasty vamp, even after you told him to be careful, but Dean? Nah, that word wasn't in his vocabulary. And while he made no big deal of the gash, you knew it was serious enough to need a little patching up.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed, shirt off, grimacing slightly as you cleaned up the deep cut on his shoulder.
"Ow—! Careful," Dean grimaced, shooting you a mocking glare. "You trying to finish me off, sweetheart?"
"Quit being a baby," you shook your head. "You're lucky this didn't go deeper."
“I’m always lucky,” Dean responded, a smirk spreading across his face despite his slight wince when you dabbed the cloth on his wound again.
"Uh-huh. I should just leave you to bleed out next time, it would save me a whole lot of trouble." you muttered, beginning to bandage him up, nodding in approval of your work once you secured it.
Dean shifted, sighed, then flashed you a lopsided grin. "I think you missed a step, sweetheart."
"What step?" you raised an eyebrow, confused.
“For me to fully heal… there’s only one thing that’ll work.”
“What?" you almost rolled your eyes. "Lemme guess, whiskey and pie?”
He grinned wider. “Nope. Kisses. Specifically, from you. On my face. All over. Only way this wound’s gonna close up right.”
You snorted. “Right. Because that's definitely how medical science works.”
Dean winced dramatically. “You don’t believe me? It’s a foolproof healing method. I swear it.”
"C'mon, don't leave me hanging here—this is life or death." He added for good measure, tapping a finger to his cheek.
Despite yourself, you laughed. “You are so full of it, Winchester.”
“One kiss. Or like… fifty. But who's counting?” He shrugged.
You sighed, fully aware you were playing into his game but too tired to fight it. You leaned down and pressed a light kiss to his cheek, where his finger tapped relentlessly until you gave in.
“There you go,” Dean said, clearly pleased. “But you missed a spot—” He pointed to another area, so you kissed it too. “And there—” Another kiss. “And the forehead—” You kissed his forehead. “And—”
“Okay, Dean, that’s enough."
"Not enough. I can still feel the pain." He let out an over-the-top groan.
You sighed in exasperation, considering to either just punch him across the face or keep giving into him—you chose the latter.
Just as you were placing more kisses onto his face—the grin on his lips made him look like a love-drunk idiot—the door swung open.
Sam walked in with some takeout bags, he froze in the doorway, eyes widening as he took in the scene: you, practically sitting on Dean’s lap, showering his face with kisses, while Dean looked way too proud of himself.
“What did I just walk into?” Sam groaned, immediately making a beeline to the table to avoid getting another glance at the two of you.
"Hey, it's a part of the healing process, Sammy." Dean smirked, looking over to his brother.
Sam blinked, then made a face like he just swallowed something sour. “Gross. Seriously, guys, get a room.”
“We’re technically in a room, you know.” you said, getting off of Dean who seemed too reluctant to let you go.
"A room that you walked into." Dean added, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
Sam set the food down, still shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, well, next time, maybe give me a warning first so I know not to come in while you guys are having a whole smooch-fest."
"You're just jealous."
"You two are impossible."
Sam just groaned in annoyance again, starting to unpack the food.
You couldn't help but let out a soft laugh, feeling a bit guilty—though not that guilty. You glanced at Dean, who tugged on your hand with a happy expression.
"Next time, we're giving you painkillers." you said, lifting your hand up and running your finger through his hair.
"Not a chance." Dean smiled.
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puckinghischier · 2 days
I feel like Quinn is just so caring for his gf or really anyone. Like he’s the oldest brother so it just feels natural for him to make sure everyone is okay and cared for. But also probably struggles to let people fully care for him and doesn’t want to be a burden.
the first time his girlfriend ever set up something nice for him to come home to, he didn’t know how to act.
she’d set up a nice lil dinner, have his favorite dessert ready, and even built a little pillow fort to eat said dinner in because he once told her how his mom would do that for him and his brothers when they had bad days.
“you really did all of this? for me?”
“yeah. you always make sure i’m taken care of when i’m struggling, so why wouldn’t i do the same for you?”
his cheeks turned a light shade of red, not sure how to be the one comforted when he’s usually the one comforting others.
“i’m not struggling. just…a bad string of games. i promise i’m okay, really” he would insist, walking over to wrap his arms around her waist as she stands at the stove, burying his head in the crook of her neck to place a soft kiss.
she would stop what she’s doing, turning around so she’s facing him, bringing her arms up to hang around his neck. “don’t do that.”
“do what?” he brings his head back, looking down at her.
“try to downplay your struggles,” she speaks softly. “it’s okay to be frustrated and upset that you guys aren’t performing as well as you should. and i know you take it to heart, even if you act like you don’t, so yes, you’re struggling right now. i can see the gears turning in your head every night when you come home. i know you stay up watching film on the ipad. so please, just let me give you an easy evening. your only job is to relax tonight.”
quinn is taken aback at the fact she’s been able to see through him so clearly.
“i-“ he starts, blinking back the unexpected moisture in his eyes. “i don’t even know what to say other than i love you.”
quinn’s girlfriend smirks. “i love you too. now, go sit your cute little ass down in the pillow fort and i’ll bring you a plate,” she places a light pat on his butt, earning a small scoff from the brunette.
“yes ma’am” he salutes, but not before stealing a small peck on her lips.
as he sits in the pillow fort you made, smiling at the fact you used his favorite blanket as a cushion, he thinks he could get used to being the one getting taken care of more often.
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chevroletdean · 1 day
you always meet twice ── ✮⋆˙🥃📞
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pairing: dean x gn!reader genre: fluff, dash of angst if you squint to note/warnings: set around season 10, mentions of the mark of cain, dean being a grumpy old man, cute first meetings, miscommunication word count: 2.8k
a/n: this is random, i just wanted to write more fluff, since you guys were so nice about the last one. thank you again, i didn't expect so much positive feedback!
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He swore that that giggle of yours could soften a demon’s black heart. He should know, having been one himself not too long ago.
You flashed him one last mesmerizing smile and slid something across the counter before you turned around and left the bar. His eyes lingered on you until you were through the door and out of sight. Only then did he dare to glance down towards your little goodbye gift, which he swiftly grabbed and carried back to Sam’s booth.
“Seriously?” Sam scoffed, the crooked grin on his lips reflecting a mixture of disbelief and belittling. “What is this, the 2000s?”
None of that seemed to bother his older brother, who was all toothy, boyish grin and lit up eyes as he proudly flaunted the napkin in front of Sam’s nose. Numbers were scribbled on it in black ink, clearly a phone number.
Was it a little old-fashioned? Maybe, but didn’t that make it all the more charming? Dean certainly seemed to think so and even though it must’ve been about 10 years or so ago since he last had anyone write their number down for him like this, he thought he deserved a sliver of joy.
“They even wrote ‘xoxo’ next to it, dude,” Dean boasted. “What’s that mean again, love and hearts or whatever?”
“Hugs and kisses, Dean. It means hugs and kisses,” Sam corrected him with a sigh. His brother was a lost cause.
The little symbols were about as cheesy as the act of the whole number on a napkin thing and Dean was eating it up with a giddiness that could only be matched by a lovesick teenager. You’d think after about two decades of acting like a flirtatious heartthrob, he’d either mature or be harder to impress.
“Either way,” Dean beamed proudly, “I’m still in the game.”
Sam’s eyebrows shot up, but he refrained from any witty remarks and settled for a snort instead. It’s been a while since he’s seen Dean’s lips curled upwards – after a couple of rough weeks and many setbacks, it was good to see him smile again.
He’s been to hell and back, literally and figuratively, and after all the worrying about the Mark of Cain, recovering from being a literal demon, and the usual apocalyptic sense of dread, who was Sam to deny him his fun?
Turns out he’d have his little moment ruined hours later anyway, and not even by Sam or any of his teasing comments.
He must’ve slept horribly or maybe the lack of leads in this case was starting to frustrate him.
It was unclear what exactly caused the switch to flip, but the grin from last evening that had reached from one ear to another was nowhere to be seen anymore. Ever since they left the motel and drove into town, he was back to his grumpy self.
Sam nearly flinched as Dean slammed the door of the Impala shut a little harsher than necessary. Dean’s brows were furrowed in frustration as he practically stomped into the diner. His little brother followed suit, barely making it through the door while it was still open. They took a seat and ordered some breakfast.
Despite knowing he wouldn’t get an explanation, Sam tried anyway.
“What’s up with you today?”
Dean shot him a glare that not only signaled he’d refuse to answer, but could also suffice for straight up daggers. He took a demonstratively large gulp of his coffee. “Can we just focus on the case, Sammy?”
Focus on the case was rarely what Dean wanted to do, not when he had a potential fling going on anyway. Which could only mean one thing.
“No luck with your napkin sweetheart?” Sam teased, seemingly hitting a sore spot as Dean slammed the coffee cup back onto the table with a clatter.
“The case, Sam,” he repeated insistently.
Right on the money then. What else would rile him up into such an irritable mood?
Giving in — albeit he did a terrible job at concealing a gloating grin —, Sam booted up his laptop and went through the files. It was all pretty straightforward: Bunch of people went missing over the past few days, one of their bodies having turned up with their blood drained. Vampires, likely, though Sam and Dean had yet to find the nest or talk to anyone in relation to the victims.
“There’s this one college student that went missing two days ago, usually never misses a class or a shift at their part-time-job,” Sam spoke and turned the laptop around for Dean to look at the missing person alert. “We could split up, talk to one of their professors and a coworker.”
“Fabulous,” Dean grumbled, using his fork to stab holes into his slice of pie. His mind was clearly elsewhere. Presumably on a certain someone he had met last night – and was stood up by, apparently.
“Seriously, what happened?” Sam half-groaned, half-grinned. There was some genuine concern in his voice. Even if the situation was kind of amusing – it didn’t happen often that someone was able to humble Dean like this –, he knew his brother was on edge already.
Anger and bottling up feelings were always his specialty, but with the Mark of Cain still attached to his arm, they should probably not risk any major stress.
Dean grumbled something inaudible, half of his words swallowed by the coffee cup, the rim of which was pressed against his lips. Sam only thought he heard something along the lines of ‘wrong number’ and gave a confused “What was that?” in response.
“Whatever,” Dean groaned. “Any contacts, an address?”
Sam nodded and told him the address of the coworker. With Dean’s shitty mood, he’d rather not bring him to campus to scare away any freshmen. So, they separated for the time being, Sam heading to the university while Dean made his way to that address downtown.
On his way there, he fished for his phone again. And the napkin.
He had tried to dial the number earlier this morning and (much to his obvious dismay) the call had not gone through. He typed it in again, number for number, double-checking each digit individually. Maybe he had somehow gotten it mixed up in his half sleepy state earlier?
‘The number you have called is not available. Please check the number and dial again. The number you have called is n–’
Dean definitely didn’t get it wrong, comparing the number on his screen and the napkin again.
With a scoff, he shoved his phone back into his pocket, exchanging it for his F.B.I. badge instead. Grumbling to himself, his feet dragged him past a picket fence – each step heavy-footed – and up a porch, where he rang the doorbell.
As for why you’d trick him like that by giving him a wrong number, was beyond him. You could’ve just said no when he asked for your contacts, so why go through the hassle to be this mean about a rejection?
Unless he somehow had made you uncomfortable last night, although he could not for the love of it remember anything but your bright smile throughout the whole conversation. In fact, you had eagerly nodded when he offered to buy you another drink.
The soft creaking of the door disrupted his thoughts. By default habit, he already held up his badge, deciding to focus on the task at hand. Sam would be giving him a handful if he got too distracted during a case.
“Special Agent Murray, could I–?”
His introduction died on his tongue as his gaze fell upon a dazzling and oddly familiar smile. A heartbeat later and said smile vanished from those lips, which then twisted into a surprised O-shape.
“I don’t remember writing my address down,” you chuckled. Nervously. But not the kind of nervousness he would’ve expected from someone who had practically dumped him in the shittiest way possible.
The quip itself was somehow unfitting, considering those circumstances.
Who knew the coworker of the victim would be you, of all people, in a rather big town like this?
“Special Agent, huh?” Your smile was back on your lips, the intrigued spark in your eyes resembling that of last evening, and confusing him only further. “Am I in trouble, did I commit a crime?”
If handing out false numbers was a crime—
Dean cleared his throat and averted his gaze. He briefly fidgeted around with his badge, struggling to put it away again. Maybe that extra cup of coffee at the diner earlier was a mistake. As if it wasn’t already awkward enough. He wasn’t keen on making a fool out of himself further, so he decided to get this job over with as quickly as possible.
“I have a few questions about Daniel Anderson,” he said, tone dry as bone and honestly, rather hostile. “I take it you are his coworker?”
You blinked up at him, your smile fading once more. It was almost as if you were half-intimidated by his grumpy demeanor, but did you really expect a warm reunion?
“Uhm, yeah,” you mumbled, almost meekly, and opened the door further, stepping aside to make room for him. “Come on in, please. Would you like some coffee?”
Dean was led to the living room, where you gestured towards the seating options – a small couch and an armchair. Even though he just had about a gallon of it, he accepted your offer and settled on the couch.
While you were busy in the kitchen, he glanced around the room. A small but cozy living space and a pair of shoes kicked into the corner of the entrance that he definitely recognized. So you weren’t some lost twin of last night’s encounter.
“Excuse the mess,” you chuckled shyly, again with a warmth that exceeded his expectations. “I mean, you know how it is, I got home pretty late last night and have not had the chance to clean up yet.”
How come you were able to brush off this palpable tension with such ease? He was practically dying on the inside here while you, without hesitation, sat down next to him instead of the armchair and handed him the cup of coffee.
Dean once again cleared his throat, taking a sip of your coffee – as if somehow the caffeine could counteract his nerves instead of fray them further.
“About Mr. Anderson,” he began, clearly not wanting to dive into the topic of last night. If he didn’t know it any better, he swore he could see a flicker of disappointment in your eyes.
Your answers to his questions matched what Sam already found out. Your coworker was last seen coming to work three days ago, punctual as always, then wasn’t seen again. Apparently he had been the last to leave the office, which wasn’t unusual, since he’d often work overtime. A diligent guy, from the sounds of it, despite working only minimum wage and managing his studies at the same time.
“I thought I haven’t seen you around town before,” you hummed, eyeing him up and down briefly in a way that made him feel naked despite his suit. “No wonder, if you’re a federal agent working a case here. I gotta say, you can pull off a tie just as much as the flannel.”
That caught Dean off guard for several reasons. One being the fact that you were even more assertive when sober, apparently. The more obvious one, however, remained your previous rejection of course. He could not wrap his head around the concept of you flirting with him now.
You in no way looked anything remotely guilt ridden or embarrassed. If anything, your responses to his gruff attitude were mellow in fashion. And you still subtly brushed your knee against his despite everything. Were you messing with him?
“I’ve been meaning to ask,” you mumbled, hesitant for the first time today. “You can show up at my doorstep, but you can’t give me a call?”
His widened eyes and the deadpan silence in the room seemed to go straight over your head.
“Well, I guess you’re busy with work,” you sighed with a crooked grin on your lips. “You should’ve told me, giving a special agent your number is kind of embarrassing.”
That was your problem, his line of work? Well, in that regard, he couldn’t be too hypocritical. He was as much of a special agent as your number was real, after all. Still, he was done with your games.
“I did give you a call,” Dean huffed. “Or tried to anyway, but you already figured that, I bet.”
Now it was your time to look all puzzled, at least until Dean pulled out phone and pocket. He dialed your number and put his phone on speaker. If in some twisted joke the third time would be the charm now, he’d feel really stupid.
But as expected, the error announcement came through the speaker once more: ‘The number you have called is not available. Please check the number and dial again.’
The color drained from your face first, before a redness crept up your neck. Your gaze flickered back and forth between Dean’s phone and his glare.
Then you burst out into laughter. Your cheeks were flushed in a bright pink while you hastily scrambled to find your own phone.
“You think this is funny, sweetheart?” Dean sighed, damn near pouting.
You didn’t reply, just snatched the napkin out of his hands. Your fingers were warm against his, since you had them wrapped around your own coffee mug moments earlier.
“Double-awkward, I gave a special agent the wrong number, oops,” you giggled and facepalmed.
Dean was about to retort something, clearly unappreciative of the way you were still trying to make up excuses.
But you remained unfazed. More than unfazed: You reached out to his lapel, those warm fingers of yours wrapping around the pen in his chest pocket. All he could do was stay frozen in place as you crossed out the last two digits on the napkin and rewrote them above – in reverse order.
“You switched them up,” he mumbled, more of a realization than a question.
“I get clumsy when I’m nervous,” you smiled softly, rubbing the back of your neck and nodding apologetically.
You did not fail to notice how Dean’s eyes lit up again. That scowl, the harsh line on his forehead, they melted away. Some of that boyish, cheeky grin replaced his gruff facade.
“Nervous,” he echoed and his smug smirk confirmed his returned confidence. He had made you nervous last evening, huh?
“What did you think I needed that second whiskey sour for,” you giggled with that gentle edge that turned his heart into mush.
He knew right away that he wanted to see you like this more often, flustered, because of him no less. Enough to give you trouble thinking straight.
“How about you run a test-call, just to make sure I didn’t mix it up again,” you suggested.
It took him a solid three or so seconds to process your words and then he flinched, fumbling around with his inner pockets in too obvious of a desperation. Once again, he cleared his throat, realizing this must’ve been the dozenth time or so you got him this flustered. You really knew how to keep someone on their toes, whether it was on purpose or not, huh?
Dean dialed the updated number and surely enough, the buzzing vibration of your phone eased his anxiety once and for all.
“And here I was, thinking you were trying to mess with me,” he laughed breathlessly, to which your smile softened into a pout. Clearly you weren’t fond of the idea of upsetting him in this manner.
At least for a split second, before it widened into a mischievous smirk.
“I don’t know if that would go against the law,” you hummed teasingly, “But I’m an upstanding citizen and if you were to arrest me, I’d hope it would be under different circumstances.”
With that and a wink, you took the empty cups from the coffee table and made your way to the kitchen again. Like last night, Dean was left letting his gaze follow you until you weren’t to be seen anymore. As he snapped out of it, he stood up and headed towards the entrance.
“Call me if you hear anything from Daniel,” you smiled at him as you hurried to open the door for him. “Or, you know, in general.”
Dean chuckled briefly, the first time he’s laughed properly today, and gave you a nod. On his way out, he practically skipped his steps down the porch, to which you couldn’t help but grin.
By the time Dean met up with Sam again, he was humming happily to himself. Sam raised an eyebrow at his sunshine-giddy brother, scanning him up and down.
“What happened to you?”
“I’m still in the game, Sammy.”
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links/credits: ao3 ──〃★ dividers ──〃★ request here taglist: comment with a green heart 💚if you want to be added to the dean x reader taglist from now on
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brunchable · 18 hours
Winter King, Part Three : Cruel Summer. . .
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Pairings: King AU Bucky Barnes x Out of place Queen Reader Words: 17.4K Themes: Royaltycore AU, love and power, Arranged Marriage, georgian/regency era misogyny, profanity, Eventual Smut. Summary: Y/N finds herself struggling to prove that she’s more than just a pawn in this dangerous game of power. But when Winnifred demands answers, it’s not just Y/N’s loyalty to the king being tested—it’s her resolve to carve out a place for herself in a world determined to see her fail. A/N: Inspired by Queen Charlotte. I must say I love the chase scene between Steve and Y/N here HEHEHE. Let me know what's your fave scene? I'm actually curious about what ya'll want to see next ;) credits to the gif owners, it ain't mine.
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Your fingers played nervously along the rim of your teacup, your gaze flicking to the tall windows that overlooked the estate gardens. It should have been a peaceful view. Instead, it only reminded you of how small you felt within the grand expanse of this new life.
Opposite you, the Dowager Queen, Winnifred Barnes, was the very picture of feminine authority. Even in the soft light, she seemed to carry the shadows of experience with her, the weight of a crown long set aside but never truly removed. Her eyes, a steely blue that seemed to pierce through all pretenses, were trained on you with an intensity that made it impossible to look away.
“Good morning, Your Majesty,” you murmured politely, dipping your head in a respectful nod as she took her seat.
“Y/N,” she acknowledged with a curt nod, her gaze lingering on you for a beat longer than necessary. She motioned to the staff, who swiftly poured the tea and set delicate plates of pastries before you both. The clinking of porcelain was the only sound in the room until the servants exited, leaving you alone in silence.
Winnifred took a slow sip of her tea, her eyes never leaving your face. “I thought it best we have breakfast today,” she began, her tone measured but holding an edge that made your heart quicken. “After all, there’s much to discuss following last night’s... eventful proceedings.”
You tried to keep your expression neutral, but the knot in your stomach tightened. “Yes, Your Majesty.”
She set her cup down, her gaze on you sharpening. “How did you find your first night as a married woman?”
It was a simple question, and yet difficult to answer. You hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. The truth of it all was still a bitter pill to swallow—that you’d spent your wedding night alone, while Bucky had left for his estate in Annecy. A flash of disappointment coursed through you, but you tamped it down, forcing a polite smile.
“It was... different,” you said cautiously, choosing each word with care. “We still have much to learn about one another.”
Winnifred’s brow arched ever so slightly, a glimmer of disapproval, or perhaps curiosity—lighting in her gaze. 
“Different, is it?” She leaned forward slightly, her voice lowering to a deceptively soft tone. “You mean to say that he left.”
Your breath caught, but you nodded, refusing to drop your gaze. “Yes, Your Majesty. He thought it best, given the circumstances.”
For a moment, the Dowager Queen was silent, her eyes studying you. Then, slowly, she tilted her head, the corners of her lips curving into something that might have been a smile—if it weren’t so sharp. 
“And you... let him go?” she asked, each word pronounced with a chilling clarity that made your chest tighten.
You blinked, taken aback. “I—”
“You didn’t make him stay?” she pressed, her tone holding a note of challenge. “You are his wife now, Y/N. The Queen of this realm. It is your duty to keep him by your side.”
The words struck like a lash, the implications behind them sinking deep. You opened your mouth, struggling for a response that wouldn’t sound weak or defensive. 
“I... I didn’t think it was my place to—”
“Your place?” Winnifred interrupted, her voice cutting through the air like a knife. “Your place is precisely what you make of it. Do not expect him—or anyone else—to show you the respect you deserve unless you demand it.”
Her gaze bore into you, and you felt yourself shrinking. There was no malice in her words, no cruelty—only a harsh kind of truth that left you reeling.
“I didn’t want to—” You paused, taking a steadying breath. “I didn’t want to force him. We... barely know each other, Your Majesty. I thought it best to give him space.”
Winnifred leaned back slightly, her eyes never leaving your face. “Space?” she echoed, her voice low. “You have given him space, Y/N. Now watch how quickly it turns into distance.”
She was right, of course. Bucky’s absence already felt like a chasm between you, one that you weren’t sure how to bridge.
“You are a queen now,” Winnifred continued softly, the steel in her gaze tempered by something gentler—something almost like understanding. “But more importantly, you are his wife. And being a wife means more than simply standing by his side in public. It means holding your ground in private. Pushing him when he needs to be pushed. Because if you don’t...” 
She trailed off, her eyes searching yours. “If you don’t, then others will step in to fill that space you so graciously allowed.”
The implication hung in the air like a warning, and you swallowed hard, the reality of her words washing over you. This was about more than just Bucky leaving for the night. It was about control, power, and the dynamics that would shape your marriage—and the kingdom.
You straightened your spine, meeting her gaze with as much resolve as you could muster. “I understand, Your Majesty. I won’t make the same mistake again.”
Winnifred’s lips curved into a faint smile—one that was both approving and calculating. “Good,” she murmured. “Because while my son may be king, it is the queen who sets the tone of the court.”
She lifted her teacup once more, taking a measured sip. “Now, tell me what else happened last night. Did he say anything that would suggest his intentions regarding your marriage?”
You hesitated, recalling the heated exchange with Bucky, and a message passed on to you shortly after he left. “He... spoke about needing time,” you said quietly. “Time to adjust. But he assured me that I am the only one he’s loyal to.”
“Did he now?” Winnifred’s gaze darkened, but there was a glimmer of something like pride in her eyes. “That is a start, at least. But loyalty is not the same as affection.”
You nodded slowly, unsure of how to respond.
“Listen to me, Y/N,” Winnifred continued, her tone soft but unyielding. “He may keep his distance now, but do not let it remain that way. You must find a way to close that gap. The sooner you do, the sooner the court will fall in line. Show them that you are a force to be reckoned with—both as a queen and as his wife.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
Winnifred’s gaze softened just a fraction, and she set her teacup down gently, fingers tracing the delicate handle as if recalling a distant memory. 
“There was a time,” she began, her voice quieter now, “when I, too, thought loyalty was enough. When I believed that if I simply did as expected—kept quiet, remained the dutiful wife—things would naturally fall into place.”
You blinked, surprised by the sudden shift in her tone. Winnifred rarely spoke of herself, of her past. It was as if every part of her life before the crown was locked away, buried beneath layers of duty and decorum.
“But I learned,” she continued, her eyes taking on a distant, almost wistful look, “that being quiet, being passive, only serves to diminish your place in the marriage. To let others dictate your worth.”
She leaned forward slightly, her gaze locking onto yours with a newfound intensity. “So, I stopped being passive. I took control—not just for myself, but for the kingdom. And for him.” Her expression softened, but there was a sadness there, too. “Because even kings can falter. Even kings need someone to remind them of their place. Their worth. Their responsibilities.”
You stared at her, feeling as though you were seeing the Dowager Queen in a new light—a woman who had fought for her own place in a world determined to silence her.
“What I’m saying, Y/N,” she murmured softly, “is that you cannot let James dictate the course of your marriage. You must stand firm, push him if need be, and make him see you. Truly see you. If you don’t, you will always be the girl who stood in the shadows, watching others take your place.”
You swallowed hard, the force of her words settling deep within you. “Thank you, Your Majesty. I won’t forget that.”
Winnifred nodded, a small, approving smile playing on her lips. “See that you don’t. Because once you have his attention—once he realizes the strength you hold—he will never let you go.”
She straightened, the softness in her gaze receding, replaced once more by the composed authority of a queen. “Now, eat, my dear. You’ll need your strength for whatever comes next.”
And as you reached for your fork, her advice settled over you like an invisible crown—one you’d have to wear with as much grace and power as you could muster. Because from now on, this marriage would be yours to shape, yours to control.
× × × ×
High ceilings of the grand council chamber stretched above, adorned with elaborate chandeliers that cast glittering reflections onto the polished marble floors. The long, gleaming table in the center of the room was flanked by dark wooden chairs, each occupied by men whose expressions were masks of restrained curiosity and barely concealed tension.
The Dowager Queen, stood at the head of the table, her regal posture unyielding as she faced the most powerful men in the kingdom of Montelune. Prime Minister Nick Fury, with his one good eye keenly observing every subtle shift in the room, sat closest to her, his fingers steepled thoughtfully. Around him were the Duke of Hanover, Lord Pierce, and Lord Rumlow—all high-ranking noblemen with a vested interest in the stability and future of the crown.
The men exchanged uneasy glances, their eyes occasionally flickering toward the dowager as if uncertain how to broach the subject that loomed over them like a dark cloud.
Finally, it was Fury who cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Your Majesty, I trust you are well-rested?” His voice was smooth, but the weight of unspoken questions hung heavy in the air.
Winnifred’s gaze was cool as she regarded him, one eyebrow arching ever so slightly. “Rested enough,” she replied crisply. “Thank you, Prime Minister.”
Another awkward silence settled over the room, and the noblemen shifted uncomfortably in their seats. There was something almost comical about seeing men of such power and influence falter in the presence of a single woman, but Winnifred knew the source of their unease. It wasn’t just her title or her presence that made them wary—it was the nature of the matter at hand.
Lord Pierce leaned forward, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he finally managed to speak. “Your Majesty, we... we thought it prudent to gather today to, ah... discuss certain affairs.”
The Dowager Queen’s lips twitched in a faint semblance of a smile. “Affairs?” she repeated softly, her tone laced with just enough amusement to make him squirm.
“Yes, well,” Pierce continued, his face reddening slightly, “it is... as you might understand, a rather delicate matter. One that pertains to... er, ensuring the continuation of the royal line.”
Winnifred’s eyes narrowed, and she tilted her head, considering him with a look that could cut glass. “Are you inquiring whether the consummation of the marriage has taken place, Lord Pierce?” she asked bluntly.
The man’s flush deepened, and he coughed awkwardly. “Well, not in so many words, Your Majesty, but—”
“Say what you mean, Pierce,” Fury interjected dryly, his gaze unwavering as he looked between the dowager and the other noblemen. “We all know why we’re here. There’s no need to dance around it.”
“Indeed,” the Dowager Queen agreed, a steely edge creeping into her voice. “And let us dispense with the niceties, shall we? The answer is no. Nothing happened last night.”
Her words fell like a stone into a still pond, sending ripples of shock and discomfort through the room. The men exchanged uneasy looks, clearly taken aback by her directness.
Fury’s gaze remained steady, though his jaw tightened. “That is... concerning, Your Majesty. Considering the importance of securing the royal line—”
“Considering the importance of the king’s reputation,” Lord Rumlow cut in, his voice low and gruff. “If word gets out that he didn’t—”
“That he didn’t perform his marital duties?” Winnifred finished for him, her voice cold. “Yes, I am aware of the implications, Lord Rumlow.”
The silence that followed was almost suffocating. The men seemed at a loss, unsure how to proceed with such a delicate subject in the presence of a lady—no matter that the lady in question was the Dowager Queen herself.
Lord Pierce cleared his throat again, clearly floundering. “Perhaps, Your Majesty, there are... reasons for the delay. A need for time, perhaps, to... adjust?”
Winnifred’s gaze turned icy. “Time is not a luxury we have, Lord Pierce. Nor is it a cure for whatever holds my son back.”
Fury leaned forward, his expression thoughtful. “Your Majesty, with all due respect, if His Majesty is reluctant... might there be another way to ensure that the matter is handled discreetly? Some form of... encouragement?”
“Encouragement?” The Dowager Queen’s voice was deceptively calm, but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes that made the noblemen stiffen.
“What exactly are you suggesting, Prime Minister?”
Fury held her gaze, unfazed. “I’m suggesting that perhaps His Majesty needs to be reminded of his responsibilities. He must be made to understand that this is not merely about him and his bride—it is about the future of Montelune. The stability of the crown.”
Winnifred’s expression did not soften, but she gave a single, sharp nod. “I am well aware of that, Prime Minister. But James—” She paused, catching herself, and then continued more firmly. “The King has always been... stubborn.”
“Then perhaps he needs a push,” Lord Rumlow muttered under his breath.
Winnifred’s gaze snapped to him, and he immediately looked away, his bravado fading under her scrutiny.
“A push?” she echoed icily. “Do you honestly believe pushing the King of Montelune will achieve anything other than further resistance?”
The men fell silent, and Fury’s shoulders tensed, his expression tight with frustration. “What would you have us do, Your Majesty? If the King refuses to—”
“The King does not refuse,” Winnifred interrupted, her voice ringing with authority. “He hesitates. There is a difference.” She paused, drawing herself up to her full height, her gaze cutting across the room like a blade. “But as I told you, this matter has already been addressed. The Queen will handle it.”
There was a collective pause as her words sank in. The Queen? Their glances darted back and forth, disbelief and confusion clear on their faces. It was Lord Pierce who finally voiced what they were all thinking.
“Your Majesty, the Queen is... well, she’s rather—”
“Inexperienced,” Rumlow supplied curtly, a hint of disdain lacing his tone.
“Meek,” Pierce added, though he looked apologetic.
The Dowager Queen’s gaze hardened. “You underestimate her.”
The Prime Minister’s lips pressed into a thin line. “With all due respect, Your Majesty, the Queen is still unproven. This court is filled with those who would tear her down the moment they sense weakness. To place this matter in her hands—”
“Is exactly what needs to be done,” Winnifred interrupted, her voice like steel. “She is not a child. She is a queen. And she must learn to wield her power—now, not later.”
The noblemen exchanged uneasy glances, clearly unconvinced. The silence that followed was thick with skepticism, and it was all too clear that they did not share the Dowager Queen’s confidence in Y/N.
But Winnifred stood her ground, unflinching. “Mark my words, gentlemen,” she said softly, a dangerous edge to her voice. “You may doubt her now, but she will prove you wrong. She will make you see her strength.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Lord Pierce asked quietly.
“She will,” Winnifred replied, the certainty in her voice absolute. “Because I have seen it. I know what she’s capable of.”
Another tense silence fell over the room, the men still wary but unwilling to argue further.
“Very well, Your Majesty,” Fury said at last, his tone resigned but respectful. “We will... defer to your judgment. For now.”
“Good.” Winnifred’s gaze swept over the room once more, as if daring anyone to question her again. “Now, unless there are other matters to attend to, I suggest we all turn our focus back to ensuring the stability and prosperity of Montelune. The rest... will be handled in due time.”
With that, she rose gracefully from her chair, the noblemen following suit. And as she left the room, her back straight and her gaze unflinching, there was no doubt in anyone’s mind that the Dowager Queen was a force to be reckoned with—one who would see this matter resolved, no matter what it took.
Once the door closed behind her, the men shared a look of relief mixed with lingering anxiety.
Lord Pierce let out a shaky breath. “I don’t envy the queen one bit,” he muttered.
Fury nodded slowly, his gaze still fixed on the door. “No, I don’t imagine many would,” he murmured. “Because if there’s one person who can push her to act, it’s the Dowager Queen herself.”
× × × ×
It had been five long days since you’d last seen Bucky, and the estate that was meant to be your new home felt more like a gilded cage with each passing moment. Every day unfolded like clockwork, precise and unchanging, as if someone had wound up a porcelain doll and set it down to perform its routine.
You would rise from your cold, empty bed, get dressed in yet another resplendent gown chosen by the maids, and eat breakfast alone in the grand dining room. Lunch, the same—only the time of day changed, the vast silence swallowing every bite of food, every clink of porcelain against silver. Dinner was no different, the emptiness of the long table a stark reminder that you were isolated, adrift in a sea of marble and gold with no anchor in sight.
Even your attempts to fill the hours felt hollow. Books, once a source of comfort, blurred into meaningless words on a page. The piano keys beneath your fingers, no matter how delicately or forcefully you played, only echoed through the cavernous halls, sounding less like music and more like a lament. You’d tried wandering the estate, but at every turn, there was a servant or guard with polite words and unyielding eyes.
“You mustn’t go out, Your Grace. It’s for your safety.”
Your safety. The words grated against you like sandpaper, their false concern suffocating. Safety from what? From whom? No one would say. No one ever did. And every day, you could feel your sanity slipping, unraveling thread by thread, as the confines of the estate closed in around you.
And now, standing at one of the grand windows overlooking the manicured gardens, you turned abruptly, spotting Scott lingering nearby as always. The man had become a constant presence, a shadow, his careful attention both protective and irritating. You narrowed your eyes at him, frustration bubbling up like a storm.
“Scott, I want to invite Lady Natasha, Lady Wanda, and Lady Pepper for tea tomorrow morning,” you stated, your tone clipped and firm, already expecting resistance. “Make the arrangements.”
Scott’s expression shifted, a mixture of unease and hesitation. He lowered his gaze briefly before speaking, his voice quiet but unwavering. “I’m afraid that won’t be possible, Your Majesty.”
Your brow furrowed. “And why not?”
“My Queen… you’re still within the period of your honeymoon.” He chose his words carefully, as if speaking too freely might shatter the fragile peace that lingered between you. “It’s traditional for the queen to remain in seclusion during this time.”
“Traditional?” The word tasted bitter on your tongue, like bile. You let out a derisive laugh, shaking your head incredulously. “What, precisely, is there to seclude myself for? The king is nowhere to be found, and I—” You broke off, swallowing the sharp edge of your anger. “I am not permitted to invite anyone into my own home?”
Scott straightened slightly, his discomfort plain as day. “It’s not a matter of permission, Your Majesty. It’s simply how things are done. You are to stay within the estate until the period of seclusion ends.”
“Customary.” You echoed the word again, as if tasting its bitterness for the first time. You let out a short, sharp laugh that was entirely devoid of humor. “The king can do whatever he pleases while I am expected to sit idly and await his return. Is that what you mean?”
Scott’s mouth opened, but no words came. He simply stared at you, his gaze flicking nervously to the maids who were also watching, wide-eyed and tense.
You took a step closer, your voice softening into a dangerous whisper. “Tell me, Scott—how long is this period of seclusion supposed to last?”
“Until the tenth day after the wedding, Your Highness,” he murmured, lowering his gaze respectfully. “It is meant to provide you time to acclimate to your new role and… to reflect upon the responsibilities that come with it.”
“Reflect,” you repeated bitterly. “All I’ve done is reflect, Scott. Reflect on how little control I have over my own life. Reflect on how I have been shuttled around like a prized possession instead of a human being. Reflect on the fact that I have no voice, no say—no freedom.”
Silence fell over the room, the weight of your words hanging in the air like a dense fog. Scott shifted uncomfortably, his gaze darting to the floor.
“Your Majesty,” he said quietly, “these traditions are not meant to confine you, but to protect you. To ensure your position as queen is established and—”
“Stop,” you cut him off, your tone ice-cold. “If you’re going to say one more thing about traditions or customs or protection, I would rather you not speak at all.”
Scott’s mouth snapped shut, and he gave a small, stiff nod. “As you wish, my queen.”
“Good,” you murmured, turning back to the window, your gaze hard and unyielding. “Leave me.”
You didn’t look back as Scott and the maids slowly withdrew from the room, the door closing softly behind them. The silence that followed was almost suffocating, and you stood there, staring out at the gardens that were just as closed off to you as the rest of the world.
No freedom. No voice. No choices.
× × × ×
Later in the evening, as you sat restlessly by the fireplace, staring at the flames that offered no warmth, the door to the drawing room opened, and Captain Steve Rogers stepped inside. His tall frame seemed to fill the space, and for a moment, you allowed yourself a flicker of hope. Perhaps he’d brought news, or perhaps—just perhaps—he’d come to take you away from this unending monotony.
“My Queen,” he greeted formally, bowing his head slightly.
“Captain,” you acknowledged, trying to keep the edge of desperation from your voice. “It’s good to see a familiar face.”
He offered a small, sympathetic smile as he approached. “I apologize for not visiting sooner, Your Majesty. Things have been... busy.”
Busy. The word sent a fresh wave of bitterness through you. Busy for everyone but you, it seemed. You forced a smile, gesturing for him to sit. “No need to apologize, Captain. But tell me—where is the King? I haven’t heard from him since I arrived.”
Steve’s jaw tightened imperceptibly, his gaze flickering toward the floor before meeting yours again. “He’s still in Annecy, My Queen.”
“I see.” you said softly, the name foreign on your tongue. “How exactly is Annecy?”
“It’s about a quarter of a day’s ride south, through the forest and along the main road,” Steve explained, his voice careful, measured. “It’s a secluded place, one he visits often when he needs to... reflect.”
The way he spoke made something inside you snap, your control fraying at the edges. 
“Reflect,” you murmured, the word a bitter taste in your mouth. All this time, he had been in Annecy, brooding and reflecting, while you languished here, alone and forgotten. The distance between you felt more like an abyss.
“How would one get there, exactly?” you asked, feigning nonchalance. “Just in case I wanted to... send a letter, perhaps?”
Steve’s brows furrowed slightly, suspicion flickering in his blue eyes. “It’s not safe for you to travel alone, my queen. The roads can be treacherous.”
“I’m not asking for permission to travel, Captain. Merely inquiring out of curiosity,” you replied, your tone light but your heart pounding in your chest. “If I were to send a messenger, I would need to know the way.”
He hesitated, but then sighed, relenting. “It’s a straight path through the eastern gates of the estate, then along the main road until you reach the first fork. You’d take the left path, following it through the forest until you cross the river at the stone bridge. From there, it’s just another few hours until you reach the edge of Annecy.”
You nodded thoughtfully, your gaze dropping to the floor, committing his words to memory. “Thank you, Captain. That’s... very helpful.”
Steve shifted uncomfortably, his eyes narrowing slightly as he watched you. “My Queen, if you’re considering—”
“I’m not considering anything,” you interrupted smoothly, your lips curving into a placating smile. “I’m merely... curious.”
He didn’t seem convinced, but he nodded nonetheless. “Very well. If you have any other questions—”
“Actually,” you cut in, your voice suddenly brighter, almost too casual, “I was wondering if I might step outside for a moment. The fresh air might do me good.”
“My Queen, it’s already quite late,” Steve said carefully, his hand resting lightly on the hilt of his sword. “Perhaps it would be best to wait until morning.”
A flicker of frustration flared within you, but you forced yourself to remain calm, nodding graciously. “Of course. . .of course. You’re right, Captain.”
Steve’s shoulders relaxed slightly, but his gaze remained watchful as he bowed his head. “Goodnight, Your Majesty.”
You offered him a demure smile, waiting until he turned to leave before your expression hardened, determination flaring to life in your chest. You watched him leave, each step of his boots echoing down the hall, the sound growing fainter until you were sure he was gone.
And then, moving swiftly, you slipped into your chambers and changed into a riding outfit, the dark fabric molding to your form like a second skin. Your heart pounded in your ears as you quietly made your way through the estate, avoiding the servants and guards as you made your way to the stables.
It was time to take matters into your own hands.
The stables were dimly lit, the smell of hay and leather filling the air. You slipped inside, your footsteps quiet as you glanced around—and then you saw it: Steve’s horse, a powerful white spotted stallion, already saddled and prepared for his return journey. He must have left it ready to go, just in case he needed to leave in haste.
A thrill shot through you as you crept closer, your fingers trembling with both fear and excitement. This was your chance. You stroked the stallion’s neck gently, murmuring soft words of reassurance before swinging up into the saddle. Steve’s horse shifted beneath you, but you steadied him, your resolve hardening.
You turned the stallion toward the eastern gate, your heart hammering with a mix of exhilaration and dread. The estate was still and silent as you urged the horse forward, guiding him through the gates and onto the open road.
Just as you reached the edge of the estate grounds, you heard a shout—Captain Rogers, his voice laced with both alarm and disbelief. 
“Your Majesty! What are you doing?”
But before he could reach you, you dug your heels into the stallion’s sides, sending him into a gallop. The wind whipped past your face, the thrill of freedom and fear mingling as you urged him faster, faster—
“Damn it!” Steve’s curse echoed behind you, and you risked a glance over your shoulder to see him sprinting to the stables.
Within moments, he’d mounted another horse, spurring it forward with a sharp command. “Your Majesty, stop! You can’t just—”
But his words were lost to the wind as you rode, your stallion’s hooves pounding against the dirt road. For the first time in days, you felt alive, the adrenaline coursing through you like fire.
Steve was gaining on you, his horse closing the distance quickly. You could hear him shouting your name, the words muddled and frantic, but you didn’t stop. You couldn’t stop.
Not until you reached Annecy.
Not until you reached him.
× × × ×
The night was alive with the sound of hoofbeats thundering down the narrow, moonlit road. The crisp air bit at your cheeks as you leaned low over the stallion’s neck, the wind whipping past your ears in a deafening roar. The exhilaration coursing through you was intoxicating—a reckless thrill that washed away the numbness of the past days.
You were free, if only for a fleeting moment.
But behind you, not far off, you heard the determined pursuit of another horse—a powerful, steady rhythm that only a seasoned rider could command.
“Your Majesty!” Steve’s voice rang out over the pounding of hooves, a mix of frustration and exasperation lacing his words. “Stop, damn it! You’ll get yourself hurt!”
You clenched your jaw, pushing the stallion faster, your heart racing with equal parts fear and defiance. Let him chase me, you thought stubbornly. You weren’t turning back now. Not when you were this close to escaping.
The darkened forest loomed ahead, the path winding and treacherous beneath the canopy of towering trees. Shadows stretched and twisted, the moonlight barely penetrating the thick branches. But you didn’t falter. You knew how to handle a horse, knew how to navigate even the trickiest of trails. You just had to stay ahead.
A glance over your shoulder revealed Steve, his broad form hunched low over his mount, his expression tight with concentration. His horse was closing the distance, its powerful strides gaining on you inch by inch. A thrill of panic shot through you, and you urged your stallion forward, digging your heels in as you veered off the main road and plunged into the woods.
Branches clawed at your sleeves and hair, the underbrush thick and uneven beneath the horse’s hooves. But you pressed on, darting through the narrow gaps between the trees, your breath qyickening. You could hear Steve’s curses behind you, the snapping of twigs and the rustle of leaves marking his relentless pursuit.
“Your Majesty, this is madness!” he shouted, his voice closer now. “Stop now, before you hurt yourself!”
“Go back, Captain!” you called over your shoulder, the thrill of the chase making your blood sing. “I’m not turning around!”
“Damn it, woman!” Steve growled, unable to hide his frustration with you. “You’re going to regret this!”
The path ahead narrowed even further, the trees pressing in on all sides. Your horse stumbled slightly, its hooves slipping on the loose soil, but you quickly regained control, urging it onward. You could feel Steve’s presence like a shadow at your back, his horse matching yours stride for stride, the sound of their breathing harsh and heavy in the cool night air.
And then, with a burst of speed, Steve’s horse surged forward, drawing up beside yours. You stole a glance at him, your eyes meeting his briefly in the dim light. His gaze was fierce, determined—and utterly unyielding.
“Pull up, My Queen,” he commanded, his voice low and dangerous. “Now.”
You shook your head, setting your jaw stubbornly. “No. Not until I see him.”
Steve cursed under his breath, his hand darting out to grasp at your reins. “I’m not letting you—”
You yanked the reins sharply, steering the stallion to the right and away from his grasp. The horse whinnied in protest, but you held firm, pushing it onward. Steve swerved to avoid colliding with you, his horse skidding on the loose gravel before regaining its balance.
“Damn it!” he shouted again, his voice raw with a mix of anger and concern. “This isn’t a game!”
“No, it’s not!” you shot back, your voice rising with the intensity of the chase. “It’s my life, Steve!”
Something flickered in his eyes—something that looked almost like pity—but he didn’t relent. He tightened his grip on the reins and urged his horse forward, drawing up alongside you once more.
“I’m not letting you go,” he ground out, his jaw clenched. “Even if I have to drag you back myself.”
“Try it,” you dared, the words slipping out before you could think better of it. “Just try.”
His eyes flashed, and for a moment, you thought he might actually do it—might tackle you right off your horse and force you back. But instead, he gritted his teeth, his knuckles white where they gripped the reins.
“Fine,” he bit out. “You want to do this the hard way? We’ll do it the hard way.”
And with that, he urged his horse even closer, the two animals almost neck and neck now. He reached out again, his hand brushing against your arm, and you tensed, your heart hammering wildly.
But instead of pulling you back, he yanked sharply on the reins of your stallion, forcing the horse to slow and swerve, breaking your pace. You let out a cry of protest, your grip tightening on the reins as you fought to keep control. Steve’s horse blocked your path, cutting off any chance of escape.
“Let me go!” you shouted, your voice trembling with a mix of fury and desperation.
“Not happening,” Steve growled, his eyes blazing as he leaned in closer. “You think I’m going to let you ride off into the night alone, to God knows where, just because you’re stubborn?”
“You don’t understand—”
“I understand perfectly,” he interrupted, his tone harsh. “I understand that you’re hurting. That you feel trapped. But this—” he gestured to the dark woods around you, his voice rising with exasperation—“this isn’t the way to fix it.”
You glared at him, your breath coming in short, furious gasps. “And what would you know about it, Captain?”
“Enough to know that if you keep pushing like this, you’re going to get yourself hurt,” he shot back, his voice cracking slightly. “And then what? Do you think that’s what he’d want? For you to risk everything like this?”
You stared at him, your chest heaving, and for a moment, the fight drained out of you, leaving you hollow and aching. He was right. You knew he was right. But the thought of going back—of returning to that empty, suffocating house—was unbearable.
“I just... I need to see him, Steve,” you replied, your voice breaking on the words. “I need to understand.”
His expression softened, his grip on the reins loosening slightly. “I know,” he murmured. “But not like this. Not alone.”
The silence stretched between you, thick and heavy with unspoken words. And then, slowly, hesitantly, you nodded, the fire inside you dimming to a flicker.
“Okay,” you whispered. “Okay.”
Steve released a breath he seemed to have been holding, his shoulders relaxing. “Good,” he said quietly, his voice rough with relief. “Let’s head back.”
But as he turned his horse, you saw your opportunity—a split-second chance—and before he could react, you kicked Steve’s horse into a gallop, the sudden burst of speed propelling you forward, back onto the path.
“Princess—Queen—Y/N!” Steve roared, the sound of his curses following you as you tore through the woods, the wind whipping past you.
This time, you didn’t look back. You couldn’t afford to. You had to reach Bucky. You had to know why he’d left you there—alone and abandoned.
Steve’s shouts echoed through the night as he raced after you, his horse’s hooves pounding against the ground like thunder.
“Stop, damn it!” he bellowed, his voice raw and desperate.
“Enough!” you shouted back, your voice cracking with the force of it. “Stop telling me what I should and shouldn’t do!”
Steve’s horse pulled up beside yours again, his face tight with worry and anger. “This isn’t safe, Y/N!”
“Don’t you dare!” you snapped, your eyes blazing as you looked at him. “Don’t you dare tell me what’s safe. You can’t keep me locked up like a caged bird just because it’s easier for you to watch over me!”
Steve’s mouth opened as if to argue, but you cut him off, your voice trembling with fury. “I’m not turning back, Steve. Not this time. So either let me go... or help me.”
He stared at you, the conflict clear in his eyes. For a moment, it seemed like he might refuse, might force you to return despite everything.
But then he let out a harsh breath, his shoulders slumping in defeat. “Damn it, Y/N... fine.”
“What?” you breathed, barely daring to believe it.
“If you’re going to do this, then I’m coming with you,” he ground out, his jaw clenched. “Because I’m not letting you ride off into the night alone.”
You swallowed hard, the fight draining out of you as his words sank in. Slowly, you nodded, a shaky breath escaping your lips.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice barely audible over the sound of the horses’ hooves.
Steve’s gaze softened, and he gave a terse nod. “Just... try not to get us both killed, all right?”
A faint, breathless laugh escaped you, and for the first time in what felt like forever, you felt a small flicker of hope.
With one last glance at each other, you turned your horses toward the open road, the path to Annecy stretching out before you.
× × × × 
The cold night air nipped at your cheeks as you and Steve rode side by side, the rhythmic gallop of the horses’ hooves creating a steady, almost soothing cadence in the darkness. The road ahead was long, the path winding through the forest illuminated only by the pale light of the moon, casting everything in a muted, silvery glow.
Despite the tension simmering between you, there was something almost... peaceful about it. The silence that stretched between you and the captain wasn’t oppressive like before.
Steve’s gaze slid sideways, lingering on your determined profile. He wasn’t sure what he expected when he’d first seen you at the palace, but it certainly wasn’t this. A princess—no, a queen—in every sense of the word, but also something else entirely. Impulsive, stubborn, unrelenting in your resolve to push forward no matter what stood in your way. Every action you took seemed to defy the expectations of your station.
And yet, here you were, riding through the wilderness in the dead of night, your chin lifted high as if daring the stars themselves to challenge your resolve.
The corner of his mouth twitched in grudging admiration. “You ride well,” he offered, breaking the silence.
You turned to him, arching a brow. “Are you surprised?”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Maybe a little. I didn’t expect a queen to handle a horse like that.”
Your lips curved into a small, almost wry smile. “My father made sure I knew how to ride from a young age. I learned when I was six.”
Steve blinked, his gaze sharpening with curiosity. “Six? That’s... early.”
You shrugged, your expression turning thoughtful. “I suppose it is. But in my country, it wasn’t unusual. There was a lot to navigate, and horses were a necessity for both travel and safety.”
Something in your tone—a flicker of something distant, a shadow—caught his attention, and he studied you with newfound appreciation. He’d thought you reckless before—impulsive, driven by raw emotion. But perhaps he’d underestimated you. There was more to you than he’d thought, more beneath that composed surface you kept so carefully guarded.
“You’re more capable than most people give you credit for,” he murmured, his voice almost contemplative.
You glanced at him, your gaze sharp and discerning. “They don’t see what they don’t want to see, Captain. I can read, too, you know.” A dry chuckle escaped you. “I can speak three languages, play music, excel in archery. I know more about strategy and history than some of the advisors who sit in the council chamber.”
Steve’s eyebrows lifted in surprise, but he quickly schooled his features, nodding slowly. “That’s impressive.”
“Is it?” you asked softly, a hint of bitterness creeping into your tone. “It’s not impressive if no one cares to know.” You shook your head, letting out a sigh. “No one’s ever bothered to ask. Not even James.”
His chest tightened at the way you said it, the quiet hurt that laced your words. He looked down at the reins in his hands, feeling a pang of guilt. You were right. No one had asked. Steve certainly hadn’t. He’d only ever seen you through the lens of a title, a role. He hadn’t seen you—not until now.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, the words sounding inadequate even to his own ears. “I should have... I didn’t realize—”
“It’s not your fault, Captain,” you interrupted gently, your voice carrying a tired acceptance. “I’ve had to learn to hide things. If I didn’t, I’d be seen as a threat—or worse, a failure. Women aren’t supposed to read, to know things beyond sewing and dancing.” Your lips twisted wryly. “But I never liked being told what I could and couldn’t do.”
Steve couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. “I can see that.”
You rolled your eyes, though the gesture was light. “I’m serious, Captain. No one sees me for who I am, only for what they want me to be. And if they did see the real me... I wonder if they’d be disappointed.”
The raw honesty in your voice cut through him like a blade, and he swallowed, a knot forming in his throat. He couldn’t imagine anyone being disappointed by the fierce, unyielding woman riding beside him. If anything, he was completely, utterly astounded by you. Your strength, your determination—it was unlike anything he’d ever encountered.
And yet, you spoke as if it were something to be ashamed of.
“I doubt that very much,” he said quietly, his gaze steady and sincere. “If they could see what I see, they’d realize just how wrong they’ve been.”
You blinked, surprise flashing in your eyes before you looked away, your lips pressing together. “Thank you,” you murmured, the words barely audible over the sound of the horses’ hooves.
He nodded, his chest tightening again. “You deserve to be seen, My Queen. All of you.”
Silence fell between you again, but this time it was different—softer, gentler. The tension that had wound itself around you began to ease, loosening its grip ever so slightly. You stared ahead, your mind still spinning, but something in his words soothed the ache inside you, if only for a moment.
“Just... try not to run off on me again, all right?” Steve added after a moment, his tone lightening. “You’re going to give me a heart attack.”
You couldn’t help the small laugh that bubbled up at his exasperation. “No promises, Captain.”
He shook his head, a reluctant smile on his lips. “Of course not. You’d never make it that easy for me, would you?”
“Where’s the fun in that?” you teased, and for the first time since you’d left the estate, the tension in your chest began to loosen, the weight of it lifting just a little.
Steve glanced at you, his gaze warm and admiring. “You really are something else, my Queen.” He paused, his expression turning thoughtful as he murmured, “Bucky has met his match, it seems.”
Your smile softened, a faint flush rising to your cheeks. “And you, Captain Rogers, are far too kind.”
He chuckled, shaking his head. “No, I’m just speaking the truth.”
× × × ×
The flickering glow of torches cast the estate’s front steps in a soft, golden hue, and a figure stepped forward from the shadows. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and his eyes, narrowed and assessing, were locked on you as if you were an intruder. The guards flanking the entrance straightened, their hands subtly tightening on the hilts of their swords.
“Who are you?” the man asked, his voice carrying an edge of command.
You instinctively straightened in your saddle, your gaze meeting his. “I am the queen.”
His brows rose ever so slightly, a flicker of something—surprise, perhaps—passing through his expression. But he didn’t step aside. Instead, he squared his shoulders and planted himself more firmly in your path, his jaw set.
“And why is Her Majesty arriving at such an hour without an escort?” His tone was polite, but there was an undercurrent of steel that made your pulse quicken.
Before you could respond, Steve cleared his throat, guiding his horse a step forward, his gaze fixed on the man with an unflinching intensity. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Sam.”
Sam glanced at Steve, recognition sparking in his eyes, but he didn’t move. “Captain Rogers,” he said evenly, a faint smirk tugging at his lips. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”
“Didn’t expect to see you standing in the way of the queen,” Steve shot back, his tone calm but firm. “I suggest you step aside.”
The man—Sam—hesitated, his gaze sliding back to you, lingering with a mixture of wariness and something else... respect? Curiosity? You couldn’t quite tell.
“Your Majesty,” Sam said slowly, his voice measured, “I’m under strict orders to keep the estate secure.”
You squared your shoulders, lifting your chin as you met his gaze head-on. “I have come to see my husband. I am certain his orders do not extend to preventing me from entering.”
Sam’s lips twitched, as if he were fighting back a smile. For a heartbeat, you thought he might refuse again. But then he stepped aside with a graceful nod, sweeping his arm toward the entrance.
“Welcome, Your Majesty. Forgive me for the delay.” His eyes shifted to Steve, a knowing look passing between them before he turned back to you. “Shall I announce your arrival?”
You hesitated, glancing at Steve, who merely shook his head. “No,” you said softly, feeling a strange surge of determination. “I’ll find him myself.”
With a nod, Sam stepped back, gesturing for the guards to lower their weapons. As you dismounted, handing the reins to a stable boy who had appeared from the shadows, you felt Steve’s steady presence beside you—a silent pillar of support.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” he murmured under his breath, his voice barely audible over the rustle of leaves in the breeze.
You nodded, squaring your shoulders. “I didn’t ride all this way to be turned back now, Captain.”
He gave you a small, tight smile, his eyes flicking briefly to Sam before returning to you. “Then let’s go find him.”
The grand entrance of the estate opened before you like the maw of some great beast, its stone walls and towering pillars casting deep, ominous shadows. As you stepped inside, the air seemed to change—thicker, almost suffocating, like a place that held too many secrets. The floors gleamed under the flickering light of candles set in wall sconces, the polished surfaces reflecting the nervous tension tightening in your chest.
Steve followed closely behind, his hand hovering near his sword, his gaze scanning the dimly lit corridors with the sharp, alert intensity of a soldier on high alert.
“He’s this way,” he murmured, gesturing with a tilt of his head.
You nodded, your heart pounding louder with each step. The estate was grander than you had expected, the hallways long and winding. For a moment, you felt disoriented, as if you’d stumbled into a labyrinth. But you forced yourself to focus. You were here for a reason—to speak to James. To confront him, to demand answers.
After what felt like an eternity, you reached a heavy wooden door, slightly ajar, warm light spilling through the crack. Steve slowed, his hand coming up as if to stop you, but you shook your head. You needed to do this alone.
Taking a deep breath, you pushed the door open gently, stepping inside.
The heavy door creaked shut behind you as you stepped fully into the observatory. Your gaze swept over the large telescope set up at the far end, its towering structure silhouetted against the backdrop of the star-strewn sky. 
You saw him—standing beside it, a shadowed figure against the soft glow of the evening, the faint town lights far below barely piercing the darkness up here. His fingers traced the metal frame of the instrument, the careful precision of his movements almost reverent. It was unexpected—seeing him like this. Vulnerable, focused, his usual air of authority and distance replaced by something quieter, more human.
“Why are you here?” he asked, his voice clipped and cold. The question sounded more like an accusation, his grip tightening on the edge of the telescope.
“I think you know why,” you replied, your words as sharp as the air between you. “You can’t just keep sending me away like I’m some piece of unwanted baggage.”
He exhaled harshly, his shoulders shifting, but he still didn’t turn to face you. “You’re supposed to be at the estate. This is not—”
“Not what?” you cut in, your own frustration spilling over. “Not where I’m supposed to be? I’m your wife, James. Is it not my right to stand beside you, wherever you may be?”
Finally, he turned, his jaw set, eyes hardened as he stared at you across the room. “You’re making everything more complicated than it needs to be.”
“Complicated?” The word tasted bitter, and you threw it back at him like a weapon. “Complicated is this entire charade of a marriage you’ve thrown me into. You can’t even be in the same room as me, can’t look at me without acting like I’m some burden you’re forced to carry.”
He crossed his arms over his chest, his gaze never wavering. “You knew what was expected from the very beginning. I never misled you.”
“Never?” you shot back, stepping closer, heat rising beneath your skin. “What about everything you said that morning in the garden? You made me believe—” You stopped yourself, anger tightening in your throat. “You led me to believe there was more. You looked me in the eye and made promises without saying a word.”
Bucky scoffed, shaking his head sharply. “You’re twisting things, Y/N.”
“Am I?” Your voice rose, matching his, the words bursting out like they’d been waiting for this fight. “You led me on, made me think there could be something real between us. Did you really mean it? All those sweet words? Or am I just another woman you can disregard?”
His expression didn’t soften, didn’t waver. He took a step forward, eyes burning into yours. “You’re not just another woman. You’re my wife. And that’s exactly why I’m telling you to go back where it’s safe.”
You laughed, a cold, hollow sound that felt like it echoed through the observatory. “Safe. You keep saying that. But you know what’s unsafe, James? Being married to someone who treats me like a ghost. Like I’m here but not really here. Like I’m nothing more than a title to you.”
“You don’t understand,” he snapped, his voice dangerously low. “You think this is about you? It’s not. It’s about—”
“Don’t you dare tell me what this is about!” you interrupted, your anger roaring back to life. “You’ve been pushing me away since the day we married. You send me to that estate like I’m some delicate flower who can’t handle the truth. You won’t even give me the courtesy of honesty.”
“I am being honest,” he growled, his voice vibrating with suppressed rage. “You just refuse to accept it.”
“Then tell me why you shut me out!” you demanded, taking another step closer, refusing to back down. “Tell me why you can’t even bear to look at me!”
“Because it’s easier that way!” he exploded, the words crashing between you like a thunderclap. “Because every moment I spend with you, every look, every touch—it makes it harder to keep my distance. And I need that distance, Y/N. I need it.”
“Why?” The single word felt like a challenge, a dare, as you stood your ground. “Why do you need to keep your distance?”
He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes wild with something you couldn’t quite decipher. “Because if I don’t, I’ll—”
“You’ll what?” you pressed, your voice cutting through the silence like a blade. “You’ll feel something? You’ll actually let yourself care?”
“Damn it, stop twisting my words!” he snapped, his voice echoing off the walls. He pointed toward the door, his hand trembling slightly. “This conversation is over. Go home.”
But you didn’t move. Instead, you square your shoulders, staring him down with a determination that only seemed to make his fury burn hotter. “You’re just a coward, James.”
“What did you say?” His eyes darkened, the heat in his gaze scorching.
“I said you’re a coward,” you repeated, your voice unyielding. “It’s not about protecting me, is it? It’s about protecting yourself. You can’t handle feeling anything real, so you shove me away and pretend it’s for my sake—”
“Enough!” he roared, slamming his fist down on a workbench. The sound reverberated through the room, you flinched, but didn’t back away. He took a deep, shuddering breath, his voice a raw growl when he spoke again. “I’m commanding you to go home, Y/N. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
“And what if I don’t?” you shot back, your heart hammering in your chest. “What if I stay here and make you face me?”
He took a step forward, the distance between you closing until he was towering over you.
“You want me to be honest? Fine. I’m being honest now.” He leaned in, his voice a dangerous whisper. “Go. Home. Because if you stay, I can’t promise I won’t hurt you.”
The threat hung in the air, his gaze blazing with a warning you knew he meant. But even then, you didn’t move. You held his stare, refusing to look away, refusing to give in.
But then something shifted in his eyes—something dark and final.
“Leave,” he bit out, each word a sharp command. “Go back to the estate. This is not up for debate.”
“Go.” His voice cut through the room like a blade, and for the first time, you felt the full force of his resolve, the cold, impenetrable wall he had built around himself.
Slowly, you stepped back, your eyes still locked on his, the ache in your chest spreading like a poison.
“You really think you’re protecting me?” Your voice wavered, the frustration and pain that had been building over the past five days bubbling to the surface, spilling out like a torrent you could no longer contain. “But all you’re doing is pushing me away. You think that sending me back to that estate, is what’s best for me? Locking me up like some prisoner while you hide away here?”
Bucky’s jaw tightened, but he said nothing, his expression an unreadable mask of ice.
“Every morning I wake up in that empty bed, wondering if today will be the day you finally show up. If maybe, for once, you’ll decide that I’m worth more than a few fleeting words, worth more than some shadow you keep at arm’s length.” Your voice shook, but you pressed on, refusing to let the lump in your throat silence you. 
“I eat alone. I read alone. I play music for walls that don’t listen. I’m trapped in that place, surrounded by people who refuse to let me leave, because you’ve ordered it. ‘For my safety,’” you scoffed, the bitterness heavy in your tone. “But safety from what, James? From whom?”
He flinched, just barely, but you caught it. You saw the way his fingers twitched at his sides, the way his gaze flickered with something—regret, maybe—before he buried it beneath that cold, stony facade.
“Your silence is worse than anything else. Worse than the gossip, the rumors,” you continued, each word sharp, slicing through the air. “I didn’t marry a title, James. I married you—or at least, I thought I did. But the man I met in the garden… the man who promised me something more… that’s not who I see now.”
He didn’t respond, his gaze unyielding, his stance unrelenting.
“Fine. If you want to let this crumble to dust, then fine. But don’t you dare think that you’re doing it for me,” you spat, turning on your heel and heading for the door. “You want me to leave? I’ll leave.”
With that, you stormed out, slamming the door behind you, the echo of it reverberating through the silence he left behind.
And in that silence, Bucky stood alone, his hands clenched at his sides, his eyes fixed on the door you’d just walked through, the words he didn’t say choking him from the inside out.
× × × × 
You stormed down the spiral staircase until you arrived at the hallway, each step punctuated by the echo of your boots against the stone floor. You barely registered the curious glances of the servants or the soft rustling of skirts as maids darted out of your path. Everything was a blur of color and sound, your heart pounding in your ears like a war drum.
You reached the grand foyer, your breath coming in ragged, furious gasps. You hadn’t meant to let him get to you—hadn’t meant to let his coldness, his indifference, chip away at the fragile hope you’d nurtured.
But he had.
And now the hope was gone, replaced by a searing anger that burned hot and unforgiving in your chest.
“My Queen!” Steve’s voice called out urgently somewhere behind you. You didn’t stop, didn’t even glance back. “What happened? Did he—”
“I do not wish to talk about it, Steve,” you snapped, not breaking stride as you pushed through the front entrance. The cold night air hit you like a slap, the sharpness of it biting into your skin, but it was a welcome relief—anything to douse the fire raging inside you.
“Y/N, wait—”
But you ignored him, striding toward the stables where your horse was already saddled and waiting. A stable boy jumped at your sudden arrival, his eyes wide with uncertainty as you approached.
“Bring my things. I’m leaving,” you ordered, your voice taut with barely contained fury.
“But—Your Majesty—” the boy stammered, glancing nervously between you and Steve, who had followed you out.
“Do as she says,” Steve murmured, his tone resigned, though there was a hard edge to his gaze as he watched you mount the horse.
“Y/N—” Steve tried again, his hand lifting as if he might reach for you, stop you. But you jerked the reins sharply, cutting him off.
“Are you coming?”
He fell silent, his shoulders slumping slightly as he watched you, the conflict clear in his eyes. He looked like he wanted to say something else, wanted to protest—but then his gaze flicked back toward the darkened silhouette of the estate, and he let out a low, frustrated sigh.
“Yes,” he muttered, his voice tight with suppressed emotion. “I’ll escort you back to Byron—but allow me to have a word with the King.”
“Do whatever you want,” you bit out, the bitterness in your tone making his jaw clench. 
Steve approaches your horse, looking up at you with a hardened look, “Do not leave without me.”
“I won’t.”
× × × × 
Bucky stood in the center of the room, the soft, amber glow of candlelight casting deep shadows across his features. His breathing was labored, each inhale and exhale scraping through his lungs like broken glass. He stared at the closed door, his hand still clenched around the edge of the workbench, his knuckle white with the force of his grip.
“Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, his voice a harsh, broken sound in the empty room.
The door creaked open suddenly, and Bucky’s gaze snapped up, his eyes blazing with a dangerous mix of anger and fear.
Steve stepped inside, his expression tight, his shoulders squared. For a moment, the two men simply stared at each other, the air crackling with unspoken tension.
“What the hell was that?” Steve demanded, his voice low and fierce, like the growl of an animal poised to attack. He took a step forward, his gaze never leaving Bucky’s. “What the hell did you say to her?”
Bucky’s jaw tightened, a muscle ticking in his cheek as he turned away, his shoulders stiff. “That is no concern of yours.”
“Like hell it’s not,” Steve shot back, his voice rising with barely contained fury. He took another step forward, his eyes blazing. “She came here for you. She rode all the way from Byron—alone, at night—just to see you. And you turn her away like she’s nothing?”
“Watch it, Rogers,” Bucky warned, his voice a low, dangerous rumble. “This is between me and her.”
“Bullshit,” Steve spat, his fists clenching at his sides. “She is my queen. You may be her husband, but you are not acting as such. You are simply pushing her away—”
“Watch how you speak to me, Captain,” Bucky warned further, his voice low and simmering with barely controlled rage. He turned back to face Steve, his eyes flashing with a dangerous, unyielding intensity. “I am your King before I am your friend. Don't you ever forget that.”
But then Steve’s expression hardened, the muscle in his jaw flexing as he took a deliberate step closer, refusing to be cowed.
“You may be my King,” Steve ground out, his voice tight and edged with anger. “But that does not mean I will stand by and watch you destroy yourself. I know why you’re doing this. And it’s tearing her apart.”
“I’m doing what I have to,” Bucky interrupted sharply. He stepped forward, his hard gaze latching onto Steve’s. “Do not presume to know what is best for her, Steve.”
“And you do?” Steve challenged, his voice dripping with contempt. “Because from where I stand, it seems you are doing everything in your power to hurt her.”
Bucky’s expression twisted, a dark, bitter smile tugging at his lips. “You think I wish to cause her pain?”
“I think you’re terrified,” Steve replied quietly, his voice calm and unflinching. “You’re scared of what you feel for her, afraid of getting close—because losing her would destroy you. But this… pushing her away, pretending you don’t care… that’s just cowardice.”
Bucky’s eyes flared, his hand darting out to grab the front of Steve’s coat, yanking him forward until their faces were inches apart. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Then explain it to me,” Steve demanded, his voice low and unrelenting. “You are sabotaging yourself and tearing her down in the process—I am done watching you destroy the one good thing you possess.”
For a moment, they stood there, locked in a silent, seething battle of wills. Then, slowly, Bucky released his grip on Steve’s coat, his shoulders slumping as if the fight had drained out of him.
“You should leave, Steve,” Bucky muttered, his voice thick with exhaustion and defeat. He turned away, his gaze falling to the floor. “Go take her back to Byron. Make sure she’s safe.”
“Just go,” Bucky bit out, his voice rough and ragged. He didn’t look back, didn’t give Steve a chance to argue.
Steve’s gaze lingered on him for a long, tense moment, a dozen words hovering on the tip of his tongue. But then he turned sharply on his heel, his boots echoing through the silent observatory as he left, the door slamming shut behind him.
And then, slowly, he sank down onto the nearest chair, his head dropping into his hands, his shoulders shaking with the force of emotions he couldn’t quite suppress.
But no tears fell. He’d learned long ago how to bury them deep, how to lock them away where they couldn’t hurt him—or anyone else.
Because this was the price of keeping you safe. The price of keeping his distance.
Even if it destroyed him in the process.
× × × × 
The maids moved quietly, arranging fresh flowers and setting a delicate porcelain tea set on a polished table. Queen Winifred sat gracefully in her high-backed chair, sipping her morning tea, her posture as rigid and refined as ever.
She barely looked up as her lady-in-waiting, Lady Harriet, approached hesitantly. There was a slight shift in the atmosphere—something unspoken crackling between them. Harriet glanced around, making sure no one else was within earshot, before leaning in closer.
“Your Majesty, I thought you should be informed… the Queen…” She paused, choosing her words carefully. “Last night, she left the estate. Captain Rogers accompanied her.”
The Queen Dowager’s hand stilled, the delicate teacup hovering just inches from her lips. “She did what?” she asked, her voice even but laced with incredulity.
“Yes, Your Majesty,” Lady Harriet continued, her voice dropping lower as if speaking the words any louder would make them more scandalous. “She rode all the way to the King’s estate in Annecy. It caused quite a stir among the staff, even with Captain Rogers by her side.”
For a moment, a thick silence settled in the room. The Queen Dowager’s eyes narrowed slightly, as though considering the implications of such an audacious act. But then… something unexpected happened.
The corner of her lips twitched.
Lady Harriet blinked, surprised, as a soft chuckle slipped past the Queen Dowager’s lips—a sound so rare, it seemed to startle even her own maids. Winifred set the teacup down gently, a wry smile spreading across her face as she tilted her head in quiet amusement.
“She rode to Annecy,” she repeated, a hint of disbelief mingling with a spark of admiration in her eyes. “With Captain Rogers…” She shook her head slightly, as if she could scarcely believe it herself. “That girl…”
Her chuckle grew a little louder, a quiet, knowing sound. Lady Harriet exchanged a glance with one of the other maids, clearly perplexed by the Queen Dowager’s reaction. This wasn’t the disapproving reprimand they’d expected.
The Queen Dowager leaned back in her chair, her gaze turning distant as she stared out the window. 
“So, she did listen after all…” she murmured to herself, almost as if speaking the thought aloud would make it more real.
Lady Harriet hesitated, unsure whether to continue or to remain silent. “Your Majesty?”
The Queen Dowager waved a hand dismissively, still smiling to herself. “It’s nothing, Harriet.” 
She took another sip of her tea, a thoughtful look crossing her face. “The Queen may have more steel in her spine than I initially thought.”
“Should we… take any action regarding her behavior, Your Majesty?” Harriet asked tentatively, still clearly baffled.
Winifred’s smile widened, a gleam of something almost like pride flashing in her eyes. “No, Harriet. Leave her be.”
She glanced down at her teacup, swirling the liquid gently. “Let her make her bold moves. Let her surprise them all.” She lifted her gaze, the hint of a satisfied smirk tugging at her lips. “It’s about time someone shook things up around here.”
Lady Harriet shifted, still looking uncertain. “But Your Majesty, if Captain Rogers was with her, it might imply—”
“Captain Rogers may be a steadfast soldier, but he does not dictate the queen’s actions. She made her choice.” Winnifred paused, her smile deepening. “And if I’m not mistaken, that girl has enough fire to make any man, king or captain, follow her lead.”
And with that, she returned to her tea as if nothing had happened, the faintest smile lingering on her lips—a smile that spoke of a plan unfolding, of something more significant simmering beneath the surface.
Yes, the queen was proving to be quite a force, indeed.
× × × ×
You sit perched on a thick branch of the grand oak tree, high above the garden path. The cool breeze plays with the hem of your skirts and rustles the leaves around you. A delicate porcelain teacup is balanced carefully on a knot beside you, the matching saucer nestled securely on a branch above, where a glimmer of sunlight catches the floral patterns. 
Below, the world feels distant—removed. From this height, you can watch the maids flit about like little insects, pretending to ignore you while stealing glances up at your odd choice of seating.
Your book lies open in your lap, but you haven’t turned a page in a while. The words blur together as your gaze drifts away from the text, caught instead by the blue expanse of sky peeking through the foliage, your thoughts miles away.
It has been two days since you rode to Annecy in the dead of night. Two days since you confronted your husband, demanding answers he seemed unwilling—or unable—to give. And now, silence. Not a single word from him. Not even a letter. The ache of that silence lingers in your chest, tightening every time you think of him.
With a sigh, you look back at the pages, willing yourself to focus. But even now, the ache of anticipation tugs at you. A soft crunch of boots against gravel draws your attention. From your elevated position, you glance down and find Captain Rogers standing beneath the oak, his brow furrowed in a curious frown as he peers up at you.
“Your Majesty?” His voice carries a note of genuine confusion and surprise. “How did you get up there?”
You blink, taken aback, before a smile tugs at your lips. “I climbed, Captain Rogers.”
His eyes widen slightly, and then he glances at the tree trunk, scanning the branches as if trying to piece together the puzzle of how a queen—of all people—managed to scale a tree like a child escaping her governess.
“Climbed,” he repeats, disbelief tinged with admiration. “And no one stopped you?”
“No one saw me until I was already here,” you reply, a faint note of mischief coloring your tone. “And by then, what could they do? Order their queen to come down?”
The corner of his mouth lifts in a reluctant smile as he steps closer, his gaze still on you. “Well, I can’t say I expected to find you up a tree, but… may I join you?”
You raise an eyebrow, looking down at him as he places one hand on the trunk, testing his grip. “Do you think you can get up here, Captain?”
“Only one way to find out,” he murmurs.
You watch, surprised and a little amused, as he hoists himself up, his powerful arms making easy work of the climb. He’s not quite as graceful as you’d been, but soon enough, he’s straddling the branch in front of you, facing you, his legs on either side of the limb to keep himself balanced. The limb dips ever so slightly under his weight. The closeness between you makes the air seem charged, a tension simmering beneath the surface.
“Impressive,” you say softly, tilting your head to regard him. “For a soldier, you climb trees like a schoolboy.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “I suppose that’s one way of putting it.” He shifts his position slightly, leaning forward, his hands braced on either side of the branch, bringing him closer, his gaze holding yours with unsettling intensity. “But what are you doing up here? Escaping the palace? Or just trying to find some peace?”
“Perhaps both,” you reply with a small sigh. “The view is nice up here. It gives me a different perspective.”
“Perspective,” he repeats thoughtfully. “Or maybe it’s a place to hide.”
Your gaze snaps to his, a flash of irritation rising at his too-accurate guess. “And if it is?”
“Then I understand.” His voice is soft, devoid of the teasing lilt he’d used earlier. “But sometimes… sometimes what we’re running from follows us, no matter how high we climb.”
His words strike something deep within you, and you avert your gaze, looking out at the horizon instead of meeting his eyes. “What do you want, Captain? Surely you didn’t climb this tree just to talk about running away.”
He shifts closer, his knee brushing against yours, the rough bark digging into your skirts as he leans forward slightly. His proximity is dizzying, his eyes searching yours with a kind of determination that makes your pulse quicken. “I thought… perhaps some company would be welcome. It’s a lovely day, and you seem… alone.”
“Alone, but not lonely,” you lied, the words almost a whisper. “Still, I appreciate the thought.”
“But you shouldn’t have to handle things alone,” he counters gently, his gaze softening as he watches you. “Sometimes, it helps to share the burden. Or at least… know there’s someone willing to share it.”
You glance down at the garden below, where the maids are casting furtive glances up at the two of you, their curiosity barely concealed. A murmur rises among them, speculation sparking like dry kindling. You can practically hear the gossip spreading like wildfire.
“Is this... concern for my well-being or more... personal interest, Captain?” you ask, your voice laced with challenge.
He holds your gaze, his expression softening in a way that makes your heart skip a beat.
“Perhaps a bit of both,” he replies quietly.
A murmur rises among the maids, their eyes widening as they exchange knowing looks. Your gaze shifts briefly to them before returning to Steve’s, suspicion and confusion swirling in your chest.
“Captain Rogers, I—” You begin to speak but falter, unsure how to respond to this unexpected display of interest. 
He leans back slightly, his gaze never leaving yours. “It’s just... Your Majesty, you deserve someone who sees you. Not just the crown, not just the queen, but you.”
The maids’ murmurs grow louder, and you force yourself to smile, though it feels brittle on your lips.
“That’s very kind of you to say, Captain,” you reply, your voice steady despite the confusion roiling inside you. “But perhaps you should keep such thoughts to yourself. I would hate for anyone to misunderstand your intentions.”
“Misunderstand?” he echoes, his smile widening just enough to be noticed. “I’m not sure there’s any misunderstanding when a man speaks his mind.”
Your eyes narrow, a flash of irritation sparking behind them. What game is he playing? Before you can press further, one of the maids drops a basket of flowers, the sudden clatter drawing both your attention. The young woman quickly bends to pick them up, her cheeks flushed, but not before she casts another furtive glance at you and Steve.
“Let them talk, Your Majesty. Sometimes, a little attention is exactly what’s needed.”
“Attention for whom?” you ask, your voice dropping to a whisper, your suspicion growing. “For me? Or for... someone else?”
His gaze doesn’t waver. “For whoever needs it,” he murmurs softly, the words thick with unspoken meaning.
You inhale deeply, holding his gaze as you speak. “I think it’s best if we don’t continue this conversation.”
With a quiet sigh, you carefully swing your legs over the branch and drop down, landing gracefully on the grass below. Steve follows suit, descending with a thud beside you, his presence lingering too close for comfort.
“Thank you for your... company, Captain,” you say quietly, smoothing down your skirts.
He dips his head in a respectful bow. “Of course, Your Majesty. I apologize if I overstepped.”
Without another word, you turn on your heel and make your way back to the estate, leaving him and his cryptic words behind among the watchful eyes and eager whispers of the maids.
The afternoon sun cast dappled shadows across the marble floors of the corridor as you made your way back to your chambers. Each step you took felt heavier, weighted down by the encounter in the garden, by Captain Rogers’ unexpected behavior, and the murmurs that had buzzed around you like a swarm of bees.
As you turned a corner, you caught sight of Scott—your valet—hovering a few paces behind. His presence was a familiar one, but something about it now felt... different. Obtrusive. You slowed your pace until you came to a halt, turning abruptly to face him.
“Scott,” you called softly, your tone edged with irritation and confusion. “Why are you following me?”
Scott, ever the stoic presence, dipped his head in a respectful bow. “Your Majesty, it’s my duty to attend to you.”
Your eyes narrowed as you took in the determined set of his shoulders, the way his gaze remained fixed just over your shoulder, never meeting your eyes. He’d been like this ever since you returned from Annecy—hovering in the shadows, always lingering close by.
“Yes, I know that, Scott,” you said slowly, studying him with a scrutinizing gaze. “But lately, you’ve been… hovering more than usual.”
His lips twitched, a fleeting sign of discomfort. “I apologize, Your Majesty. I merely wish to ensure your safety.”
“Ensure my safety?” you echoed, suspicion prickling at the back of your mind. You glanced around the empty corridor, a sense of unease settling in your chest. “Who ordered you to follow me around like this?”
Scott hesitated, his gaze dropping to the floor before he glanced back up, his voice low. “It was the order of the king, Your Majesty.”
Your breath caught. Bucky? You frowned, confusion and frustration warring within you. Why would he do that? He hadn’t even bothered to see you, to speak to you since the night you confronted him. And yet, now he saw fit to have you followed?
“And… What of Captain Rogers?” you asked, your voice quieter now, a strange apprehension curling around your words. “Why does it seem like he’s been lingering around more often? Was that also at the king’s order?”
Scott shifted slightly, his expression remaining neutral, though there was a faint trace of something—sympathy, perhaps?—in his eyes. “Yes, Your Majesty. The king… he wanted to ensure you were… properly attended to.”
“Properly attended to?” You scoffed softly, shaking your head. The absurdity of it all threatened to choke you. “So, let me get this straight: His Majesty won’t speak to me, but he’ll send his best men to guard me as if I’m some helpless child in need of constant supervision?”
Scott stiffened slightly, but he didn’t respond, his silence speaking louder than any words could.
A bitter laugh escaped you, the sound harsh and brittle. “And here I thought I was being foolish for imagining things.” You looked back at Scott, your gaze piercing. “So, this—this is the king’s way of keeping me under lock and key?”
“It’s for your safety, Your Majesty,” Scott replied softly, his voice almost apologetic. “He wants to ensure nothing happens to you.”
“Nothing happens to me?” You shook your head, disbelief and anger simmering beneath your calm facade. “Nothing is happening to me. What does he think will happen to me? I’m not the one who’s running off and avoiding our marriage.”
Scott’s gaze dropped to the floor again, his silence confirming what you already knew. This wasn’t about your safety—at least not entirely. It was about control. About Bucky’s way of maintaining a grip on something he couldn’t seem to confront directly.
“Well,” you muttered, turning away sharply and continuing down the hall, your heart pounding in your chest. “I’ll be sure to thank him for his... consideration.”
Scott fell into step a few paces behind you, his presence a shadow that only deepened your frustration. With each step you took, the realization settled deeper into your bones.
Bucky might have ordered this, but he was still keeping his distance. Still choosing to watch from afar, rather than face you. And that, more than anything, was what made your heart ache.
You stopped abruptly, your irritation bubbling to the surface as you turned back around to face Scott, a sudden thought lighting up your eyes. 
“You know what?” you murmured, voice edged with determination as a small, dangerous smile curled your lips. “I think I’d like to shoot some arrows.”
Scott’s eyes widened, a look of surprise flickering across his face. He shifted uncomfortably, his gaze darting away before he cleared his throat. 
“Your Majesty, I—” he started, hesitation written in every line of his posture.
You raised an eyebrow, tilting your head as if considering his reaction. “Is there a problem, Scott?” Your voice remained calm, but there was a sharpness beneath it, the kind that could cut through any excuse he might offer.
Scott’s throat bobbed as he swallowed hard, struggling to keep his composure. “I, uh, I don’t believe it’s wise, Your Majesty,” he murmured carefully, his voice almost too soft, too placating. “Perhaps… a walk in the gardens or a relaxing moment in the music room instead? Or I could—”
“Scott,” you interrupted sharply, crossing your arms over your chest as you leveled him with a pointed look. “Are you refusing your queen?”
The tension between you hung heavy in the air as his shoulders tightened, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to find the right words to say.
“Of course not, Your Majesty,” he managed finally, though his voice trembled ever so slightly. “It’s just… your safety—”
“My safety,” you echoed dryly, the irritation you had been holding back spilling out now. “Tell me, Scott, how exactly do arrows pose a threat to my safety? Unless I plan on aiming at myself, I believe I’ll be fine.”
His mouth twitched, struggling between his duty to follow orders and the fear of displeasing you. “It’s not the arrows, Your Majesty,” he murmured, choosing his words carefully. “It’s just… we were instructed to keep you... away from—”
“Instructed?” you cut in, incredulity and frustration sharpening your tone. “Instructed to keep me away from what? Activities that make me feel like I have a shred of control over my own life? I can’t even invite Lady, Romanoff, Potts and Maximoff.”
Scott shifted uncomfortably, his gaze dropping to the floor as if it held all the answers. “No, Your Majesty, of course not. It’s just—”
“Just what, Scott?” Your gaze was unrelenting, your patience wearing thin. “If you’re so worried about my safety, then be a good valet and stand by as I shoot. Ensure that nothing happens to me, since that is your duty, after all.”
He blinked, clearly caught between his loyalty to the king and his loyalty to you. The silence stretched long, taut and crackling with unspoken defiance. Finally, he exhaled softly, shoulders slumping just a little in reluctant acceptance.
“Very well, Your Majesty,” he said quietly, though his eyes remained wary. “I shall arrange for the equipment to be brought to the archery range. But… might I suggest a different method for alleviating your frustrations?”
You raised an eyebrow, lips curving into a faint smirk as you glanced at him. “Such as?”
“Perhaps a ride through the woods?” he offered quickly, hope lighting up his eyes. “Or I could arrange for a music instructor, or even some time in the library. Anything that would allow you to... relax.”
You let out a soft, humorless laugh. “You think a music lesson or a book will do the trick, do you?”
Scott hesitated but nodded, his voice gentle. “You’ve had a trying few days, Your Majesty. It’s natural to feel… frustrated. But there are ways to—”
“Enough,” you interrupted, your voice firm but not unkind. “I appreciate your concern, but I know what I need. Fetch the equipment. I won’t be persuaded otherwise.”
He sighed softly, bowing his head in reluctant submission. “As you wish, Your Majesty.”
You turned away sharply, your gaze fixed on the distant view through the windows. The truth was, this wasn’t just about shooting arrows. It was about the tightness in your chest, the simmering anger beneath your skin, the need to do something other than sit around like a caged bird. Bucky had placed you under watch, yet he refused to see you.
If no one else would let you be free, then you would take what freedom you could. Even if it was just the satisfaction of a well-aimed arrow hitting its mark.
× × × ×
You stood at the archery range, your fingers gently tracing the fletching of an arrow. You could feel every set of eyes on you—Scott’s gaze wary and apprehensive, the handmaids’ murmuring softly amongst themselves, the guards standing at attention with blank faces. But most notable was Captain Rogers, his presence a solid, quiet reassurance, yet even he stood back, watching you like a hawk.
Taking a deep breath, you nocked the arrow, the smooth wood and feather a comforting weight in your hands. You narrowed your gaze, focusing on the target ahead. The world around you blurred, leaving only the taut string and the distant bullseye. And then, with a practiced release, you let it fly.
The arrow sailed through the air with a sharp hiss, striking the target with a satisfying thud. A few inches off-center, but still well within the mark. 
“Not bad,” Steve commented, a hint of admiration in his voice. “For a first shot.”
You turned to him with a raised brow, a glint of amusement in your eyes. “First shot of the day, you mean.” Then, without breaking eye contact, you nocked another arrow, your movements smooth, effortless.
Steve’s lips twitched, almost forming a smile. He crossed his arms, stepping closer, though he kept a respectful distance. “Of course. I stand corrected, Your Majesty.”
Scott cleared his throat softly, stepping forward as if to remind everyone of the gravity of the situation. “Your Majesty,” he said, his voice laced with concern, “perhaps it would be best to—”
“To what?” you interrupted, the arrow poised and ready. “Put down the bow and take up knitting? Perhaps have a nice cup of tea and read a dull novel while I bide my time?”
Scott blinked, his lips pressing into a thin line, but he said nothing. Instead, his gaze shifted to Captain Rogers, almost as if hoping for support.
“Let her be, Scott,” Steve murmured, his tone gentle but firm. “If she wants to practice, let her practice.”
With that, you turned your attention back to the target, drawing the string taut. This time, the arrow flew with a deadly precision, landing just shy of the bullseye. A small ripple of approval murmured through the handmaidens, but Scott merely sighed.
You tilted your head, a sly smile curving your lips as you glanced at him. 
“Scott,” you began casually, as if speaking of the weather, “do we keep any paintings of His Majesty around the manor? Perhaps one in full regalia?” Your tone was innocent enough, but the implication hung heavy in the air.
The handmaidens exchanged startled glances, a few stifling giggles behind their hands. Steve’s gaze shifted sharply to you, his lips twitching, but he said nothing, watching the scene unfold with a barely hidden glimmer of amusement.
Scott, however, did not find it amusing in the slightest. His eyes widened slightly, and he straightened, his voice dropping into a low, chiding tone. “Your Majesty, that is not a funny joke.”
“Isn’t it?” You tilted your head, feigning a look of mock surprise. “I find it quite humorous.”
A muscle in Scott’s jaw twitched, but he composed himself quickly, his gaze flickering to Captain Rogers as if asking for assistance.
But Steve merely shrugged, a small, almost imperceptible smile tugging at his lips. “The queen does have a unique sense of humor,” he said lightly, his gaze still on you. “One might even say it’s… refreshing.”
You shot him a grateful glance before nocking yet another arrow, this time releasing it with a force that sent it whistling through the air. The arrow struck the outer ring of the target, and you clicked your tongue, feigning disappointment.
“Perhaps I need more inspiration,” you mused aloud, not bothering to hide the bitterness in your voice. “A better target. Or maybe something a bit more… personal.”
“Your Majesty,” Scott said warningly, stepping forward as if he might dare to take the bow from your hands. “This—”
You turned on him sharply, your expression hardening. “What?” you demanded softly. “This is my one small act of freedom. This range. These arrows. This target. Would you deny me even this?”
Silence fell over the group, thick and uncomfortable. The guards shifted uneasily, glancing at one another, unsure of how to proceed. The handmaidens fidgeted, casting worried looks in your direction. But Steve held his ground, his gaze never leaving you.
Scott swallowed, his eyes darting between you and Steve, then back again. “No, Your Majesty,” he said quietly, his shoulders slumping just slightly. “I would never deny you.”
“Good,” you murmured, lifting the bow again and taking aim, your gaze focused, unyielding. “Then let me have my small comforts, if nothing else.”
And with that, you released the arrow, the force of it reverberating through your arms. It struck the very edge of the target, just shy of missing altogether. You lowered the bow slowly, your heart hammering in your chest as you stared at the arrow, frustration coiling tightly within you.
“Perhaps next time,” you said softly, almost to yourself. “I’ll find a better target.”
Scott said nothing, his silence louder than any reprimand. But as you turned away, your gaze met Steve’s once more, and the warmth in his eyes—unspoken understanding, quiet admiration—was enough to dull the edge of your anger.
× × × ×
“Have you heard?” Lady Leah’s voice, soft but carrying the weight of scandal, broke through the hushed quiet of the drawing room. She leaned forward, her eyes wide with feigned innocence. “They still haven’t consummated.”
Lady Ravonna’s teacup paused halfway to her lips, a delicate brow arching. “The king and queen?” she murmured, as if the very notion were inconceivable. “How do you know?”
Leah’s lips curved into a smug smile. “People talk,” she said simply, glancing sideways at Sharon, who sat rigid, her fingers drumming against the arm of her chair. “And apparently, they talk quite a bit.”
“Seven days,” Lady Maya added softly, her gaze flitting between the women. “A week, and still… nothing?”
A delicate scoff escaped from Sharon’s lips, though her eyes were cold, calculating. “I’m not surprised. Our queen,” she sneered, the title dripping with disdain, “is too busy batting her lashes at Captain Rogers to notice she has a husband.”
The other women exchanged startled glances, shock and intrigue flaring to life in their eyes. Ravonna set her teacup down with deliberate care, her gaze narrowing slightly. “You’re saying there’s something between them?”
“I’m saying there’s enough for people to start talking,” Sharon replied coolly, her voice a low, dangerous purr. “You know how these things start—one whispered word, one lingering glance… and suddenly, there’s a story worth telling.”
Maya’s brow furrowed slightly, a hint of concern crossing her face. “But… the queen and the captain? It seems—”
“Impossible?” Sharon cut in sharply, “Hardly. The way he hovers around her, like she’s some delicate flower in need of protection… the way she looks at him, like he’s the answer to all her problems. It’s disgusting.”
The other women exchanged wary glances, sensing the venom simmering beneath Sharon’s words.
“Sharon, you should be careful,” Leah murmured softly, her gaze darting nervously to the door. “If people hear you speak like this—”
“Like what?” Sharon snapped, her voice laced with bitterness. “Like the queen is nothing more than a conniving bitch?” Her lips curled into a cruel smile, her eyes gleaming with malice. “Because that’s exactly what she is. A lying, manipulative whore who thinks she can just—”
“Sharon!” Maya hissed, glancing around the room frantically. “You can’t say that!”
But Sharon continued, undeterred, her voice lowering to a dangerous whisper. “She’s a whore,” she repeated, the word dripping with venom. “Parading herself around like some saint, when she’s got Captain Rogers hanging on her every word. And for what? To make a fool of the king?”
Ravonna shifted uncomfortably, leaning forward to place a calming hand on Sharon’s arm. 
“Sharon, enough,” she murmured firmly, her tone gentle but insistent. “You need to calm down. Words like that will only bring trouble.”
Sharon’s gaze snapped to Ravonna’s, her eyes blazing. “No. Words like that will bring the truth to light. The truth about what she really is.”
“But you don’t know that for sure,” Maya whispered urgently. “It’s all just… whispers. Hearsay.”
Sharon let out a bitter laugh, shaking her head. “Whispers are all we need. Whispers will turn into rumors, and rumors will turn into truths, whether they’re real or not.” She straightened, her gaze steely. “I’ll make sure of it.”
The other ladies exchanged uneasy looks, their faces pale. But it was Leah who spoke up, her voice trembling slightly. “And what if this all backfires? What if the king doesn’t believe it?”
“Then we make sure he does,” Sharon said coldly, “We make sure everyone believes it. Because if she thinks she can just waltz in here and steal everything I’ve worked for… she’s got another thing coming.”
“What exactly are you saying, Sharon? What do you intend to do?” Ravonna frowned, her gaze skeptical.
Sharon’s smile was slow, almost sinister.
“Nothing. For now.” She leaned back in her seat, the picture of composed fury. “The court will tear her apart on its own, once they realize she’s unfaithful. Once they see her for what she truly is.”
“But… how?” Leah asked hesitantly, her brow furrowing. “There’s no proof. No evidence.”
“There doesn’t need to be,” Sharon said dismissively. “People love a scandal. And the more outlandish it seems, the more they’ll believe it.”
“But Sharon,” Ravonna murmured, her voice tight with unease. “You’re playing with fire. If the king finds out—”
“Let him,” Sharon snapped, cutting her off. “Let him see what his perfect queen is really like. A disloyal wife. A disgrace. He’ll thank me in the end.”
They exchanged uneasy glances, none daring to speak, none daring to question further.
Finally, it was Maya who broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. “But… what if it backfires?”
“Then it backfires,” Sharon said coolly, shrugging as if it were of no consequence. “But it won’t. Because I’ll make sure it doesn’t.” Her gaze hardened, her expression fierce. “No matter what it takes.”
× × × ×
The grand council chamber in the main palace was abuzz with tension, the air thick with barely restrained impatience and worry. High-ranking noblemen lined the long table, each one glancing nervously at the Dowager Queen as she entered the room with her head held high, her presence alone commanding silence.
Queen Winifred took her seat at the head of the table, her gaze sweeping over the gathered men. Prime Minister Fury, seated directly to her left, leaned forward, his brows knitted in frustration.
“It’s been seven days,” he began, his voice carrying a distinct edge of impatience. “Seven days, Your Majesty, and they still haven’t consummated their marriage.”
A murmur of agreement rippled through the room, voices low but urgent.
Lord Haynesworth, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, spoke up next, his tone carefully measured but no less troubled. “Your Majesty, the lack of consummation is… troubling, to say the least. The kingdom needs stability, and without a legitimate heir, we risk giving dissenters an opening to question the monarchy’s strength.”
“Indeed,” Duke Townsend of Lancaster agreed, his fingers drumming restlessly against the polished wood of the table. “There are already whispers. Rival factions are looking for any sign of weakness, and this... delay is giving them all the ammunition they need. We cannot afford to let them think the crown is vulnerable.”
Queen Winifred’s gaze narrowed slightly as she listened to their concerns, her face a mask of calm composure. She had expected this—expected the panic, the finger-pointing, the thinly veiled attempts to shift blame.
“And without an heir,” Lord Pierce added, his voice rising, “we’re risking more than just whispers. We’re risking civil unrest. There are already reports of some nobles openly questioning whether the king is... able to fulfill his duties.”
Another wave of murmured agreement swept through the chamber, the words laced with anxiety and fear. But Queen Winifred remained impassive, her fingers resting lightly on the arm of her chair.
“Gentlemen,” she said, her voice cutting through the noise like a blade, “you are all acting as if I do not understand why there needs to be an heir.” She leaned forward slightly, her gaze sharp and unyielding.
“You forget that I am the one who secured the throne for my son after the turmoil of his father’s reign. I am well aware of the consequences should there be no successor.”
A strained silence fell over the room as the noblemen shifted uncomfortably in their seats, chided by her words. But it didn’t last long.
“Then what is being done, Your Majesty?” Lord Haynesworth pressed, his voice lower now, but no less insistent. “The queen has failed to... inspire confidence in the king. If this continues, we may have to consider alternate measures.”
A tense murmur followed, the suggestion hanging ominously in the air. Queen Winifred’s gaze turned icy, her eyes boring into the man who dared to voice such a thought.
“Are you suggesting,” she said softly, dangerously, “that we undermine the queen’s position? That we destabilize her standing at court?”
Lord Haynesworth cleared his throat, looking away, but Prime Minister Fury leaned in, his voice grim.
“Your Majesty, we’re suggesting that you take action—swiftly and decisively. It’s clear that Queen Y/N is not—”
“Careful, Fury,” Queen Winifred interrupted, her voice low and lethal. “Choose your next words very carefully.”
The Prime Minister paused, visibly reining in his frustration. “Your Majesty, the queen’s actions have been... questionable. If she cannot perform her duties as a wife, how can we expect her to perform her duties as a queen?”
Another murmur of agreement rose from the table, the men nodding, emboldened by the Prime Minister’s words. But Queen Winifred’s gaze remained cold, calculating.
“There are still three days left before the period of seclusion ends,” she said firmly, cutting through their mutterings. “We will not resort to drastic measures based on impatience and rumors. The queen is more than capable of fulfilling her role, and I will not have her judged prematurely.”
“But Your Majesty—” Duke Townsend began, only to be silenced by a sharp glare from the Dowager Queen.
“Need I remind you all,” she continued icily, “that this entire situation was precipitated by the king’s absence and neglect? My son bears just as much responsibility for this situation, if not more. Do not lay the blame solely at the queen’s feet.”
“Of course not, Your Majesty.” A smooth, honeyed voice cut through the murmur of agreement, drawing all eyes to Lord Carter, seated near the middle of the table. He inclined his head slightly, his expression the picture of respectful deference. “We know the queen is… new to this role. As you said, she has shown great patience. But we must ensure she understands the gravity of her position.”
Queen Winifred’s gaze shifted to him, her expression cooling a fraction. “Are you implying that she does not?”
Lord Carter smiled gently, his fingers tapping lightly on the table in a rhythm that seemed almost contemplative. “Not at all, Your Majesty. I merely suggest that perhaps the queen might benefit from… additional guidance. From those more experienced in navigating the complexities of the court and the expectations that come with the crown.”
His tone was mild, even reasonable, but beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of something dangerous, something quietly undermining. A subtle criticism wrapped in a layer of politeness, creating ripples of doubt with each carefully chosen word.
“And what sort of guidance would you suggest, Lord Carter?” Winifred asked, her voice deceptively soft.
He spread his hands, a faint smile touching his lips. “Nothing drastic, Your Majesty. Just… an assurance that she understands the full extent of what is at stake. We would not want any misunderstandings to arise, after all.”
Queen Winifred’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she nodded once, her gaze never leaving his. “I see. Well, rest assured, Lord Carter, I will make certain that the queen is fully aware of her responsibilities. And I will remind all of you once again—there are three days left. We will revisit this matter then.”
The subtle warning in her tone was not lost on the gathered men. They shifted uncomfortably, casting uneasy glances at one another.
“Three more days,” she repeated, her gaze sweeping over each of them, daring them to argue. “Until then, I expect every one of you to refrain from spreading further discontent and to let me handle this matter. Is that understood?”
A chorus of reluctant nods and mumbled affirmations followed, but none dared to protest further.
“Good,” Queen Winifred murmured, rising to her feet with regal grace. “Because should any of you take matters into your own hands before the honeymoon period ends, you will find yourselves facing more than just my displeasure.”
With that, she turned on her heel and swept out of the room, leaving the noblemen in stunned silence. As the heavy doors closed behind her, the men exchanged wary looks, unease settling like a shroud over the council chamber.
“She’s defending the queen,” Lord Trenton muttered, disbelief etched into his features. “I never thought...”
Lord Carter, his gaze lingering thoughtfully on the closed doors, smiled faintly, his expression carefully neutral. “Three days,” he repeated softly, his voice carrying a measured tone. “We shall see if the queen can prove herself worthy of that defense.”
“Three days,” Duke Townsend muttered, shaking his head. “She expects us to wait three more days while the court fills with rumors and discontent. This cannot end well.”
“Waiting is no longer a luxury we can afford,” Lord Pierce interjected quietly, his gaze darting toward Lord Carter. “We’re already seeing signs of division among the lower houses. If this continues…”
Prime Minister Fury leaned forward, his voice a low, harsh whisper. “It’s not just the lower houses we need to worry about. Every day without an heir gives the rivals more time to gather support. We need stability now.”
“Then perhaps,” Lord Carter said softly, his tone calm amidst the brewing storm, “it is not the queen we should be questioning.” His words drew curious, cautious glances, and he smiled faintly. “There are two parties in a marriage, after all. If an heir is what we need, perhaps we should be focusing our efforts elsewhere.”
A silence settled over the group, heavy and charged with unspoken meaning.
“You mean the king,” Duke Townsend murmured, a slight frown pulling at his features. “But His Majesty—”
“—Is just as responsible,” Lord Carter finished smoothly, his gaze steady. “We’ve already seen how his absence affects the queen’s standing. Perhaps it is time we remind him of the consequences if he continues to... neglect his duties.”
“Careful, Carter,” Prime Minister Fury warned, his voice laced with tension. “Tread lightly. The queen dowager may have left, but her influence hasn’t. One wrong move, and you’ll have more than the crown’s displeasure to contend with.”
Lord Carter’s smile never wavered, but his eyes held a dangerous glint. “I assure you, Prime Minister, I am well aware of where the true power lies. But if the queen dowager wishes to protect the queen, she must remember that protection does not extend to inaction.”
The men exchanged wary looks, the conversation shifting into murmured agreement. The line had been drawn, the challenge subtly issued. And even as they debated, the weight of Lord Carter’s words lingered in the air, thick with intent and unspoken plans.
Three days. Three days to see if the queen would succeed… or if the cracks in the crown would deepen beyond repair.
tags: @theendofthematerialgworl @httpb3a @spiidergirlsworld @sebastians-love @stevesbbgorl
@targaryenhues @almosttoopizza @scott-loki-barnes @brckenmemories @vicmc624
@classicrebound @nommingonfood @greatenthusiasttidalwave @railmesebstan @annawilk
@landoslutmeout @winterslove1917 @missvelvetsstuff @s0kovianwitch
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luvzshy · 19 hours
can you do gf!billie and reader going on live together and its just cute and funny fluff💖
a/: awh i love this, so cutie 🙁💕
Drive-Thru Moments
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The phone is propped up on the dashboard, the two of you waiting in a slow-moving drive-thru line for burgers and fries. Billie’s hand is resting on the gear shift, and your legs are casually stretched out as you scroll through comments on your phone.
“Alright, you ready?” you ask with a grin, already hovering over the button to start the live.
Billie glances over at you, smirking. “Let’s do it. But don’t roast me when I mess up the order.”
You hit the button, and in seconds, the comments start to flood in. “Hey, guys!” you greet, waving at the camera. Billie leans in slightly, adjusting her hair and giving a small wave. “We’re currently stuck in this drive-thru getting food because, well, we’re hungry.”
“And the line is insanely long,” Billie adds, drumming her fingers on the wheel. “So, we figured, why not hang out with you guys for a bit?”
The comments start flying in, some asking what you’re ordering, others hyped to see the two of you live together. Billie squints at the screen to read the comments. “Okay, someone asked what we ordered. Uh, burgers, fries, and milkshakes, right?”
“Yep,” you confirm with a laugh, pointing at Billie. “She went for the double cheeseburger, and I’m keeping it classic with the single.”
Billie nods. “And extra fries for you, of course.”
“As always,” you say, reaching over to snag a fry from the bag you’ve already half-eaten while waiting in line.
Another comment catches your attention. “Someone said we should do a ‘who knows each other better’ challenge,” you read aloud, glancing at Billie with a raised eyebrow. “Wanna test our knowledge?”
Billie chuckles, sitting up straighter. “Oh, I got this. I know you better than anyone.”
“Yeah, okay, we’ll see,” you tease, rolling your eyes playfully.
Billie looks at the screen, reading out the first question that pops up. “Alright, ‘What’s her favorite thing to do on a lazy day?’” She turns to you, confidently answering. “Easy. Movie marathon, snacks all day, and no interruptions.”
“Okay, okay,” you say, nodding in approval. “I’ll give you that one. Now, for you…” You pause, pretending to think it over. “Video games or lying in bed listening to music for hours.”
Billie points at you with a grin. “Spot on. Next question!”
The live continues with you two bouncing back and forth between questions, playfully teasing each other and reading out comments. The next question comes in: ‘Who’s more likely to forget something important?’
You immediately point at Billie. “Oh, 100% you! Do we need to talk about the time you forgot to bring your ID to the airport?”
Billie groans, her face scrunching up in embarrassment. “Ugh, that was one time! And I had to go all the way back home to get it while you just sat there eating snacks, not even stressing.”
“Because I know you!” you laugh. “I knew you’d figure it out, but still—definitely you.”
Billie waves her hand dismissively, but she’s laughing too. “Okay, okay, fine. I forget things. Your turn now.”
More questions come in, one asking who’s more likely to start an argument over something silly. You laugh before answering, “Probably me. I mean, have you met me? I get fired up over the smallest things sometimes.”
Billie nods, smirking. “Yep. But it’s cute, so it’s fine.”
As the live continues, the car moves up in line, and Billie starts getting ready to order. She’s about to roll down the window when you glance at the comments again. “Wait! Someone asked if we’ve ever had a disastrous cooking experience together.”
Billie bursts out laughing, almost forgetting she’s next in line. “Oh my God, do we tell them about the pancakes?”
You shake your head, already cringing. “Okay, so we thought we’d make breakfast together one morning, right? Easy, pancakes and bacon. But someone…” you give Billie a side-eye, “… decided to eyeball the measurements for the batter.”
“I thought I knew what I was doing!” Billie defends herself, still laughing. “I had no idea pancakes could come out that thin. Like, they were almost see-through.”
“They were basically crepes,” you add, laughing too. “And the bacon was burnt because we got distracted.”
“By playing with the dog,” Billie finishes, nodding. “So, yeah, don’t let us near a kitchen unless you want a breakfast disaster.”
Finally, it’s your turn to order, and Billie rolls down the window. She gets through the order perfectly, even remembering your extra fries, and as she pulls forward, you give her a dramatic round of applause.
“Redemption,” you say, grinning. “No mistakes this time.”
Billie leans over, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. “Told you I got this.”
With the food in hand and the live still going, the two of you settle in to eat while chatting more casually about upcoming plans and reading random comments. At one point, someone asks if you have any plans for a road trip, and Billie smiles. “We’ve talked about it, maybe doing a little getaway soon. Nothing too far, but yeah, we’re thinking about it.”
“Probably somewhere with no distractions,” you add, popping a fry into your mouth. “Just us, good music, and a whole lot of snacks.”
As the live winds down, Billie glances at the screen and gives a little wave. “Alright, guys, we’re gonna head out and eat before everything gets cold, but thanks for hanging out with us!”
“Yeah, you guys are the best,” you add, blowing a quick kiss to the camera. “We’ll do this again soon. Maybe next time with less drive-thru and more… whatever this chaos is.”
With one last laugh, Billie ends the live, and the two of you sit back in the car, smiling at each other. You grab a fry, holding it up to her. “Not bad, huh?”
Billie bites the fry you’re holding and grins. “We’re kinda fun together, aren’t we?”
You laugh, leaning over to kiss her. “Totally.”
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calirph · 1 day
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𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐐𝐔𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. this quotes range in intensity so discretion is given consideration the nature of the sentences. please make sure you change pronouns, names and/or location as you see fit.
"I can feel you watching me… even when you shouldn't."
"Tell me, how long have you been wanting this?"
"Your lips are too close to mine for me to think straight."
"If you're going to tease me, you'd better follow through."
"Are you going to make me wait, or will you come closer?"
"You look like you're fighting the urge to kiss me."
"If we keep pretending this isn't happening, it might get worse."
"The way you’re looking at me… it’s driving me insane."
"You know I can't concentrate when you touch me like that."
"One step closer and I won’t be able to stop myself."
"Your breath on my skin… it's hard to ignore."
"Is this how you planned it, making me want you more?"
"I wonder if you taste as good as you look."
"You don't realize how hard it is to resist you."
"You’re enjoying this too much for me to stay calm."
"It's taking all my control not to pull you into me."
"I think we're far past pretending now."
"You're making it difficult to be the good one here."
"If you keep this up, I might just give in."
"You don't have to say a word… your eyes tell me everything."
"You shouldn’t look at me like that if you don’t want me to react."
"What if I told you I can't stop thinking about last night?"
"Are you teasing me, or do you actually want this?"
"One kiss and I might lose control of everything."
"You've made it impossible for me to think of anyone but you."
"Do you always make it this hard to stay professional?"
"Your hands feel too good for me to walk away."
"If you wanted me to leave, you wouldn’t be standing so close."
"I think we both know what you’re really asking for."
"I can feel your heartbeat… and it’s not just from excitement."
"Don't act like you don't want this as much as I do."
"Every time we're alone, the air feels… heavier, doesn't it?"
"You’re playing a dangerous game, being this close."
"I never thought I'd be this tempted by you."
"Your touch is burning through me… in the best way."
"It’s getting harder to pretend I don’t want you."
"If you keep looking at me like that, I’ll forget we have rules."
"Are you trying to test my limits, or do you just enjoy the tension?"
"You’re closer than you should be… but I’m not asking you to stop." "I can tell by the way you're looking at me… you're tempted too."
"You know what you're doing, and it’s driving me wild."
"I didn’t expect you to be this bold, but I’m not complaining." "I can't tell if you're trying to push me away or pull me closer."
"There's a fine line between teasing and giving in… which side are you on?"
"You don’t have to say it, I can feel what you want."
"Every second I stand here, I want you more."
"Tell me to stop, and I will… but only if you really mean it."
"This tension between us… it’s only a matter of time before we snap."
"You think you’re in control, but I can see how much you want this."
"One touch, one kiss, and there’s no going back from this."
"Don’t pretend like you don’t want me to touch you right now." "Every time you look at me like that, it takes everything not to rip your clothes off."
"You’re making it really hard for me to be patient."
"I don’t think you realize how badly I want to have you right here."
"If you don’t stop teasing me, I’ll make you beg for it." "I’m not going to ask twice… come here."
"Keep pushing me, and you’ll see just how much I can take."
"Your body is practically begging me to take control."
"I can hear how your breath catches when I get this close."
"If you keep tempting me like this, we won’t make it out of this room."
"Do you feel how much I want you? It’s impossible to hide now."
"You don’t know how much self-control it’s taking for me not to touch you."
"Tell me you want this as much as I do, or I’ll lose my mind."
"If you want me to stop, you’d better say it now… before it’s too late."
"I want you in ways I shouldn’t even be thinking about right now."
"If I kiss you, there’s no going back. Are you sure you’re ready?"
"Every second we’re apart, all I think about is what I’ll do to you when we’re alone."
"You’re making it impossible for me to focus on anything but you."
"I can feel how badly you want this… your body doesn’t lie."
"It’s only a matter of time before I lose control with you."
"If you get any closer, I might not be able to hold back."
"You have no idea how badly I want to tear this off you."
"One taste of you and I won’t be able to stop."
"The way you touch me makes it impossible to think straight."
"If I start, I’m not stopping until I’ve had every inch of you."
"You’re trembling… and it’s only making me want you more."
"I don’t think you understand what you do to me when you look at me like that."
"I want you so badly it’s driving me out of my mind."
"You’re not as innocent as you pretend to be, are you?"
"I can’t wait anymore… I need you, now."
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peggyao3 · 2 days
Relic - Pt. 11 "Palms of my Hands"
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PAIRING: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Unnamed Ambiguous FMC
SUMMARY: ✧ Dreams are messages from the deep ✧ A woman from the unknown comes to Feyd in his dreams and his nights become his days as he flees to the dreamscape to escape the nightmares that haunt his waking hours.
TAGS: 18+, smut, she/her AFAB FMC, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, oral sex, Porn with Plot, Feyd-Rautha's black cum and big cock, Praise Kink, Body Worship, angst/hurt and comfort, drama, fluff, Frank Herbert would frown, some politics, implied/referenced (child) abuse❗, Trauma, mentions of suicidal thoughts❗, Healing, Strangers to Lovers, falling in love, Vulnerable/Emotional/Possessive Feyd, Feyd is a sweet baby who did nothing wrong and I WILL pamper him, nurture not nature, Stockholm Syndrome but in a consensual way, lucid dreaming, implied/referenced cannibalism❗, Murder, Female rage, Teaching the Universe about Feminism, Angst with a Happy Ending
A/N: Introducing: An unexpected friend, or two <3
CW: A bit of strangulation during sexy time 🥰
Reposted from my Ao3 💕| Masterlist | Relic Masterlist
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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Day 9
A quiet resolve has settled over the engineer and she finds herself sleeping more peacefully at night and anticipating Feyd-Rautha's company with pangs of curious butterflies whenever he occupies her manifold thoughts. Like the crowns of thorns crane their heads towards the rising black sun in the mornings, she cranes her head towards the door each evening, waiting for her beloved's return.
She knew his pain, but never what it does to him, how it charges his hands with violence. Now that she knows, and without the rose-colored glasses on, she finds every soft and hard edge of him all the more beautiful. With a curious flutter of butterflies in her belly she has noticed, she is falling in love anew.
Is it immoral? For once it is she who has bigger concerns.
Earth wasn't pretty. People killed, people died. Yet people loved and so she will love him and heal what no one else can heal.
She feels oddly at peace, like she has finally arrived.
Tonight, her arms are wrapped around her blanket where Feyd had laid with her until she fell asleep. They sleep together now, since the day when she saw him paint his hands with blood, but Feyd has duties that force him out of bed when the black sun is still far from throwing its first infrared rays over the horizon. Decimating half of the palace staff at a whim is all fun and games until the time comes to fill up the empty spots and teach the new slaves how the na-Baron likes his meals seasoned and how the Baron prefers the blend for his hookah.
Feyd-Rautha has been assigned with the humiliating task to fill in the new staff about his uncle's preferences. A fair punishment, the Baron thinks, as entertaining as Feyd's temper tantrum may have been. And it gives him an excuse to dwell in his lovely nephew's company.
The relic's fingers grip sleep-drunkenly at the comforter, a sigh on her lips. A presence is disturbing her slumber, not an absence, and a sound like a broken siphon seeps into her dreamless sleep. 
Glug glug glug. 
Her brows scrunch up, fingers screwing themselves tighter around the comforter, struggling against a force that seems to be pulling against her efforts. The soft material begins to slip out of her fingers with careful slowness, but her head rolls off the pillow and so she casts her eyes open with a tired grumble.
In the dark, there are two nebulous disks staring back at her, blinking in a way that no human eyelids should move - sideways.
The only other times she was wide awake so quickly was during the bomb alerts at the ISCO vault.
She bolts upright, gripping onto the headboard as she balances on her bare feet, staring at the creature who has eight of them. Hand-feet, four of them raised on her bed and two twisted into the soft comforter.
Glug glug glug, the spider's throat oscillates.
31% human, the scanning tool offers and roiling nausea churns her belly.
"Back off!" She hisses and doesn't dare to blink. The stuffed animal is pressed to her ribs in the crook of her arm. Her gun is still safely tucked away in the sarcophagus when she would have needed it under her pillow. If she survives the night, she will put it in her nightstand, even if that means Lilia can find it.
She was an idiot for considering herself safe enough to sleep soundly just because of the tender, cautious peace between her and Feyd. Her room is still treated like a museum where everyone and everything can go as they please, gawking at her like she's an ancient thing from a curiosity cabinet to be hurt, eaten and killed.
"Have you come to kill me? I have a weapon. I'll shoot you if you try!" The creature seems neither fazed by the threat, nor does it attack. Its bulbous, dichotomous body quivers lightly and it pulls its soft treasure an inch closer towards itself, slow eyes falling to the blanket and back to her. Its features are just dimly illuminated by the nocturnal ambient glow, a round face, a compressed mouth and nose, eyes bigger than its cheeks. The skin is shiny like oil.
"Can you understand me?"
The creature's eyes lower themselves once more, milky silver scanning the soft material. It seems fascinated, testing the quality with four of its eight foot-hands, scrunching, releasing, finger-toes waddling.
"You want that? You can have it." Alertly, she balances herself on the mattress, still poised to defend herself but the first rush of adrenaline has passed through her. 
Inch by inch, the blanket slips off the mattress while she's fixed by milky-way eyes, as if to see if she'll change her mind. The final few inches are whisked away in a flash and a telltale splat splat of bare hand-feet on the tiles gives away the spider's excited advance towards the corner. The relic cranes her neck to see.
Many limbs busily handle the new treasure and drape it lopsidedly over its bulbous shape. Its front is covered but a third of its rear peeks out and when it adjusts the placement with a hearty tug, an even larger patch of its front comes out bare and the spider sings out a series of indignant glugs.
Now would be the time to dart for the cryo pod and arm herself, but the relic finds her guard down and her attention snared by the helpless attempts to build a little burrow for itself.
The being makes a ruckus of shaking the comforter, tossing it out in front of it. But what its limbs boast in number they lack in strength, and so it moans with frustration, peeking out of its unfinished nest building business fearfully. The big one doesn't like it when it makes so much noise, but the one on the bed seems gentle so far, which makes sense. The soft treasure smells faintly of Feyd-Rautha.
Glug glug glug. 
The spider accepts that this is as good as it's going to get and it folds its arm-legs  against its body, loafing on the soft but crumpled heap. 
As it lies calmly, the woman spots movement on each side of its face, two tiny extra arms with tiny hands, twiddling a loose thread on the comforter. She cocks her head to the side and the creature blinks up, fingers freezing for a second before resuming their twiddling.
Carefully, the relic lowers herself back into a sitting position. Bereft of her blanket, her legs are cold. Should she call for the new guard? Was it him who let the Baron's pet inside? A pity, he had seemed so likable so far. She would defend him against Feyd's blades regardless. Anxious fingers squeeze the plushie in her arms.
Splat splat.
The creature pads around the bed and gingerly offers the comforter back to her, lifting it with three foot-hands.
"Oh, thank you?" The woman half-expects it to yank her to the ground as soon as she comes within an arm-leg's reach, bury her under its arachnid body and devour her, but none of the like happens. Slender finger-toes release her comforter and she cautiously spreads it across her lap, leaning against the headboard, pillows propped up.
Nothing happens for a while. The spider sits poised next to the bed, or at least she assumes it does. Eventually, a single hand-foot slips silently over the edge, fingering the blanket again. It is frightening how humanoid those finger-toes look, shiny black skin, slim bones that look too slight for its voluminous body.
"I told you you could have it." Immediately, the hand retreats and a tentative glug glug glug chimes from below. "So, you do understand me." Or perhaps it only reacts to the sound of her voice.
Over the bed's soft edge, the spider's big eyes peek at her like pretty moons and she dares to look right into them without flinching. With its compressed proportions, its face reminds her of a pug's, with the roundness of a toddler's.
Innocence paints these unsightly features. It doesn't know it was born a monster or why everyone shivers when it approaches, but it knows the bed is soft and the woman hasn't kicked it in the belly yet for simply being near her.
"You like soft things, yeah? Me too." She extends her hand in a hesitant invitation, patting the blanket. The slender arm-leg sneaks across the surface, patting a spot not far away in mimicry before retreating swiftly. 
"That means come up." She curls the fingers of her hand and smiles. The spider recognizes that expression. Feyd does it sometimes when it is with him and she's the only other person it has ever seen do that.
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"What the fuck is that?" Feyd glares at the man who has been guarding his beloved's door for the past few days. He is of average height, shorter than the na-Baron, his frame wiry and poised.
"My new chair, Lord na-Baron!" He jumps up from the white, glossy plastic, saluting.
"Who gave you a fucking chair?" Feyd-Rautha is tired from the dreary work, a demeaning punishment by his uncle who's been sitting nearby and praising him with oily voice for teaching the new slaves so well.
"Yer Lady, Lord na-Baron. She insisted I have it and I wouldn't dare slight her by refusing, eh?"
What's that accent? The new Guard sounds like he's from further West, across the svart valta, Giedi Prime's biggest ocean which floods about 45% of the planet's groaning surface with toxic slop. The water body sustains no organisms bigger than microbes. Where other oceans bristle with life, Giedi Prime's becomes a sizzling graveyard for the flesh.
"What's your name?"
"Mikhail, Lord na-Baron!" The guard salutes, lips squeezed into a resolute line. Feyd notices a scar running across the dorsum of his nose. He doesn't usually take the time to cast a second glance at any of the staff. They're faceless meat dolls to him who serve him beautifully as squishy sheaths for his blades when he needs it, but he finds himself lingering, putting off the encounter with his woman - no longer betrothed. She looks at him differently. He doesn't know what to make of it, how she can love him still.
"Where did you get that?" Feyd draws his blade and taps the air in front of Mikhail's scarred nose. The man doesn't flinch, only his brows twitch lightly and he fights not to go cross-eyed from the gleaming metal. "Defeating the enemies of our House?"
"Bar fight, my Lord." A twinkle in Mikhail's eyes betrays that he's more proud than ashamed.
"Hmm. And did you win?"
"Of course, my Lord!" The guard's expression slips and for a second he bares white, unpainted teeth in a lopsided smirk. No one ever smiles around Feyd-Rautha, so the na-Baron finds his eyes blinking wide open. He's never been in a bar fight, or in a bar for that matter, and wonders momentarily what it must be like to grow up with the rest of the lowborn scum in the lower cities, to be beaten up by strangers and throw himself at men who fight back. A spark of heat has him drawing out the conversation.
"Do you think you could take me on in a bar fight?" Usually, a question like this is a set up for certain death, but Feyd is genuinely curious.
"With fists, yeah," Mikhail replies confidently. "With knives, no."
"Hmm." Feyd lowers his head, twiddling his blade handle to hide his intrigue. So, this is the man he is not supposed to kill.
Despite his confidence, a light sheen of sweat dampens Mikhail's forehead. "I can give the chair back to the Lady, my Lord na-Baron. I apologize. I stepped out of line."
Feyd-Rautha's blue gaze sweeps up to the guard's face and he fears a fleeting moment of camaraderie has just slipped out of his fingers. Mikhail also has blue eyes, only his are inset by a golden-brown ring around the pupils.
"If I found you had stepped out of line, you would know it," the na-Baron barks, whereupon Mikhail arms snap up like whips to salute him fiercely.
"Yes, my Lord! Thank ya, my Lord. I wish ya glory and blood, my Lord!" Mikhail's gaze is bolted into the opposite wall when Feyd-Rautha's eyes linger quizzically.
There is something unbecoming and untamed about the new guard who owes his quick climb up the ranks to the na-Baron's recent killing spree. Feyd finds him refreshing. He wants to beat him. He wants to know what it's like to take Mikhail's fist directly to the nose.
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"Are you up, my darling? Why is your new guard sitting on a- Oh!" Feyd freezes, spotting the quivering heap of shiny, black limbs in the lower corner of the bed, round head rising up for a gleeful tune.
Glug glug glug!
The spider's tiny face-hand is stretched out as far as it can reach and wrapped gingerly around the sleeping woman's big toe. She grumbles into her pillow. It's too early for her still, even though Feyd has been up for many hours.
"You're not allowed in here!" Feyd hisses, hoping to remove the spider before his beloved awakes. "Get out, get out! Kush!" 
It untangles its limbs with haste, swaying as it waddles to the edge of the bed. Feyd already sees it falling down in front of his inner eye and prepares himself to lunge, but his woman is quicker, halting the spider's retreat with a tired: "Nooo…"
"Morning, my darling," Feyd rasps out. He must be more fatigued than he thought because his woman shows no signs of fear of the poor Tleilaxu freak. "I apologize for my uncle's pet. I promise you, it wouldn't harm a fly." It's the opposite of Feyd-Rautha, one could say.
"Morning," she rubs her eyes and banishes the interface's morning pop-up which tells her she's been sleeping deep and well for the past few hours. "I know. It stole my blanket and then we decided to share."
"S'that right?" The spider can hardly contain its excited glugging now when Feyd addresses it and breaks into a little smile. "So you just snuck in here, huh?"
Glug glug! 
"Mikhail?" Feyd slides the door open. "Did you let a visitor inside the chambers last night?"
"A vis-visitor? Fuck, my Lord!" The man's gaze sweeps across the room and he has Feyd pushed aside quicker than the staggering na-Baron can look, sword whipped out of the sheathe with a hissing ching and his wife's insistent warning in mind: 'I'll be forever angry with you if you get yourself killed, so whatever you so, don't let anyone into the Lady's room!'
The spider squeals a high-pitched note and barges off the bed and up the wall with quick, scuttling hand-feet, seemingly defying gravity while it bolts in fear. Deftly, it shoves the latch to the ventilation shaft aside and plunges inside. Loose screws clatter to the ground.
"No need!" Feyd snaps, palm pushing against the overzealous guard's chest. "Back to your chair, soldier. That's a friend, not a foe."
"A-Ah, yes, m'lord!" Mikhail retreats, cheeks and ears visibly darkened with a fierce blush. No doubt his limbs are rattling in his armor.
"Oh my." The relic heaves herself up into a sitting position. "The poor thing. Is it okay? Is Mikhail in trouble?!" 
"It's fine." Feyd-Rautha still smirks to himself and cranes his head to the ventilation shaft, plush lips popping open a few millimeters. "Clever. Real clever. But we need to have that welded shut. If Glugo can pass through, a hunter-seeker can too."
"Yeah…" Feyd meets her warmly twinkling gaze, squaring his shoulders in defense.
"The Baron named his pet Glugo?"
"Not the Baron," he snaps back and clenches his fists.
"Aaaahh… I would like to hear that story." The look she gives him is so ridiculously soft, Feyd's belly erupts with a jittery warmth that tingles even in his fingertips - and in his cock.
"That story involves a six year old boy and his second murder," he warns her quickly. She still has time to reconsider, that he's nothing more than a pretty, pitiful monster, not the man she wants to be with. But the look of gentle interest on her face persists and the warmth in Feyd's belly throbs and expands. Her gaze flits to his jaws when he releases the mad clench he's been holding.
"You don't have to tell me right now…" She offers. "Won't you come back into bed with me?" His woman regards him with doe eyes and he catches how they slip from his angular jaws to the thick tendons of his neck that sweep under his collar.
"I'm eager to catch some more sleep," he confirms coyly and pulls the suit jacket over his head without unclasping the asymmetrical straps that keep it snug around his frame. Grunting, he frees his firm shoulders and finds his woman's eyes plastered on his abdomen, following the sharp cuts of the tapered muscles that flee from his hip bones.
"Sleep is not what I meant." Her voice hitches and Feyd's ego swells and glows from her cute flusteredness.
"I know," he purrs and prowls closer, black teeth sinking into his full bottom lip. "Will you share your blanket with me too? I'm not as peaceful a sleeper as Glugo though."
"You were quite the peaceful sleeper when I held your head on my breasts last night."
Feyd hides his eyes under long lashes, head rolling forward as he unstraps his pants, pushing them down low so that only his hip bones stop the pull of gravity. "Your bosom makes for a comfortable pillow," he purrs, rubbing his heel against his shin to rid himself of the first shoe. His trousers slip, baring an inch of smooth, milky pubic mound, not a trace of pigmentation where other breeds of humans might sport a happy trail.
"Why are you still dressed, my darling?" Feyd refers to her nightwear and she is quick to slide off her garments, hiding herself under the covers like a little present for him to unwrap and sink his cock into.
Hurriedly, she flips around to the night stand and empties a glittering vial of contraceptive, followed by a big gulp of water from the plastic bottle that has a strange mouthpiece which looks just like Mikhail's chair. Feyd loiters until she looks back to him. When removing his other shoe, his trousers finally slide down his hairless mound and give way to the base of his smooth, thick cock adorned by a swelling vein, black blood turned purple by the layers of skin.
His darling woman seems to have lost her voice, the way her pretty eyes are sizing up the tease of his cock which he intends to feed her inch by thick inch. The pants can't go down any further by themselves, halted by his stiff groin and his ass cheeks, so he shoves them down and slinks under the covers with swift grace, wrapping himself around her like a snake around soft, pretty prey.
Manhandling her into the position he likes is as easy as drawing a blade. Big hand on her ass, he pulls her pelvis flush against his and she obediently curls her leg around his narrow hip, soft flesh cushioning the bones beneath his taut muscles. With both of them lying on their sides, the blunt head of his cock pokes her belly, trapped. It kisses her navel and it is obscene to think that she can fit him. Already, her pussy weeps for him, cloying slick against his balls.
"Feyd," she mewls, arms locking around the nape or his neck.
"My darling," he responds, a low purr that brings her hips to buck, squashing his cock between their bellies. Feyd grunts.
This is how he wants to have her - every inch of him touching every inch of her, now that she finally really knows him.
"Come here," he grates out, shoving her up higher. Her tits bounce against his face and he frees his cock from between their bellies, snapping it down so it bobs against the cleft of her ass. Hotly, his thick shaft throbs against her plush cunt and slick oozes over him like honey. "Ready already?" 
"Try it out." Her pupils are blown wide and hungry.
"And if it hurts?" He purrs, hands kneading her ass, dipping low so each tug works her open, labia hugging his shaft.
"Then I know you'll kiss it better."
The stretch is decadent. It has her gripping at Feyd's thick shoulders and hissing through her teeth when he makes room for himself in her slick cunt that hasn't taken a single finger in preparation this time. A strong arm under her waist hoists her against his chest and the hand on her ass forces her to meet his pistoning pelvis.
Feyd groans. She is tight, wet, warm, greedily baring her pussy with one leg thrown over his hip. Brave girl, brave darling, he will fuck her tired, so she can sleep on, cradled in her bed when he is forced to return to his duties. And when he comes to see her again, he will wake her up with his cock.
"Does it hurt?" He moans, fingers gliding between her slick cheeks, fingering the stretched flesh where his cock plunges into her. Everything is slippery, messy and delightful.
"Yes," she admits, digging her raised knee into his taut side. The drag of his cock is slow, forcing himself to grant her the time her poor pussy needs to adjust but she doesn't want him to. She bites his shoulder and his hips snap with ferocity, pale fingers screwing themselves tight around her squishy cheek. Flesh jiggles around his tight grip.
He is marble clad in velvet, every undulating motion of his chest and pelvis a comfort, his flesh soft but hard. The mounds of his pectorals become pillows for her breasts and her lips slide against his collar bones. There used to be a crescent scar there in their dreams, mysteriously absent still. Maybe she should make a substitute instead. Her lips close around his bone, teeth catching on the thin skin. He tastes like sweat. He tastes like Feyd.
The temporary bruise she bites into existence is no crescent, but it is purple like blackberries and Feyd moans for it, sinking into her with quivering ferocity that has his sac smacking against her ass.
What this position lacks in leverage, Feyd makes up for with muscles that coil like snakes in his back, thick thighs and glutes, heels digging into the mattress. 
For the first time she fully realizes it is not just pure vanity that has his shoulders and abdomen rippling with muscles. Every corded vein is a weapon trained and whetted to kill and the realization has her limbs turning into jelly.
Is it immoral that part of her thinks of him as a wild beast now, one that has been gnashing its teeth all its life? Only she gets to soothe it, only she gets to see the boy inside the cage of brutal flesh. It makes her feel privileged.
It shouldn't excite her that the hands who had been so ruthlessly screwed around a blade handle are now handling her with abandon. He could kill with his bare hands or his vicious knife or even his teeth that sink so decadently into her soft neck. But he had chosen to love her instead and no danger comes from the drag of his incisors against her jugular.
"Feyd," she moans again, nails digging into the faded marks on his neck from a few nights ago. "Can you go harder, please?" She wants to feel all of his violence, knowing that he would never kill her. She wants to feel cherished.
The sound he lets out is feral, a grunt of released air through clenched teeth. His skull rises from the plushness of her neck, forehead pressing against hers. Hot breath rolls over her face and the perspiration from his smooth brow transfers to hers.
"Does it excite you?" He drawls, eyes simmering with some obtained forbidden knowledge. "I didn't think it would. I thought you'd run away frightened and I'd have to catch you and beg you to look at me again. But here you are, begging me because you want it hard."
"It excites me to know you."
"You still don't know everything, but you're so sweet, I never wanted to scare you."
"More secrets?" She mewls and her voice comes in choppy puffs, battered out of her lungs by his cock.
"They're not as scary in comparison. Maybe you'll like them. Maybe they'll excite you too. There are ways to make it hurt more..."
She realizes he's talking about things of leather and metal, things that steal your breath and your blood.
"You could have told me that sooner. Do you think me that prude? I'm not scared of, ahhh, a few toys."
"I didn't want to tell you." His mouth gleams with a row of black teeth when she pouts. "Aahhh, my love. Stop this. I have another secret for you." Feyd-Rautha rolls her on her back, granting the clenching muscles in his lithe flank a reprieve. His arms however remain screwed around her waist and ass and now it's up to his knees to create leverage while his weight bears down on her chest.
Feyd purrs against her mouth: "Before you, I've never had anyone without a chain wrapped around their neck or mine. I never cared about making love, I only cared about getting my cock wet and making it hurt. It was the only thing that made me forget—" He pauses, probing her eyes with a shadow washed over his own.
To forget all the ways he never wanted to be touched. 
The relic can see why. To banish memories so ghastly, one resorts to ghastly tools and extreme measures.
Maybe he can let toys be toys for the thrill and fun of it with her and not armor to prevent his vulnerability from spilling out.
"Maybe you'd like to make love to me and wrap a chain around my neck." A delicious ache flutters in her cunt and her pelvis arches against the battering, short thrusts.
Nothing beats the feeling of his woman's sweet pussy clenching around him from root to tip. Feyd moans low in his throat, stares at her with darkened eyes. The hunger below his half-lidded lashes is pure decadence and her belly reacts with blooming heat, telling her she wants everything he offers. No chain but the long, thick-knuckled fingers of his dominant hand slide home around her neck with feline grace, tendons bulging across the hard curve of his forearm.
The sharp image of blood-stained cuticles invades her mind, his graceful digits dripping with ichor, the cold-eyed stare when he had pulled viscera from a man's gut. 
He could kill me, she thinks and her lips pop open, crying for release. He won't, but he could. He loves me.
I could kill her, he thinks, but I won't. She's so sweet like this, trusting me. She loves me.
Pleasure crests and her walls bear down on his long cock, squeezing him so good that he could weep. His veined hand keeps her pretty neck in a vice, squeezing the cries of pleasure out of her in ribbons while her cunt squeezes him in return like she wants to milk him for his cum.
"Yes, my darling, yes, yeeees," Feyd moans with gravelled voice, heart in the clouds because his sweet darling can still cum around his cock like she used to.
She writhes, spine slackening. Aftershocks prickle across her frazzled nerves and she grasps at Feyd's wrist. The tiny spark of fear in her glossy eyes when he doesn't let go is enough to churn the seed in Feyd's balls. He grins, clenching his fist around her jugular, and pumps her so full of cum that it sputters past the base of his cock and drips like ink down his balls.
He holds himself there, rejoicing at how nicely her little cunt milks him dry and how his seed is nestling itself inside her womb this very second. No offspring will grow from this invasion, but the baser thought entices him no less.
She gives a meek whimper. Feyd-Rautha throttles her for another second, basking in the wild glow in her eyes. Just a bit longer, little darling. He nudges her chin up with the back of his hand, holding her gaze. Feyd's pretty face swims away in her blurry sight and that's when he releases her.
"My girl," he praises, pressing kisses to her cheek and jaw when she gasps for breath, chest heaving against the comforting weight of his hand which has trailed down to her sternum. At first he thinks she's crying, but laughter picks at her tongue.
Oh, he's fucked her senseless, he's fucked her silly.
By the time he pulls out, his cock is flushed a dark purple and even going flaccid, the length and girth of him are still delectable enough to fill one's fist thickly.
"Are you all mine now?" He repeats his question from several days prior and brushes his nose against the tip of hers. This time, the question is uttered without haste, murmured gently into the afterglow of their true homecoming. 
"More than ever, Feyd-Rautha," his woman acknowledges him by his full given name and it makes him want to sink his teeth into the collar of bruises around her neck, lest the wild butterflies gust out of his belly.
I used to be the one I used to be your place to land Under the shadows Into the palm of my hand - Running in the Night by FM-84
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A/N: GLUGO, MY BELOVED!! (I blame ClockworkSiren <3) Should we have her 3d-printing a cock cage out of plastic for him? 😩😂 Seriously debating right now. Also - fists or knives, did anyone catch the Bikeriders reference? HEEHEE 🥹
@nostalgichoya, @forgedfromthestars, @sweetiee-o, @missbingu, @minedofmoria
@sebastianswallows, @charmingballoon, @flower-frog, @welliah, @aoi-targaryen
@coastalcowgirl35, @esolean, @szapizzapanda, @tatertooted, @sunny747
71 notes · View notes
tigergirltail · 2 days
CONTENT WARNING - This chapter contains mentions of medical injections, bigotry, child abuse, self-harm, and attempted suicide. Reader beware.
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I had my six-month check-up with Dr. Erian, an online appointment just like last time. No particular medical issues this time around, bloodwork checks out, genetic reconfiguration is stable. We can't do a thorough physical exam over the internet, but according to him, I am "the very picture of health, by the standards of your species". I'm a bit curious what standards those are, given that I have yet to hear about any other tiger therians. Hopefully there ARE standards, and he's not just giving me empty reassurance.
We also spent some time going over dietary concerns - am I getting enough meat, am I reducing my fruit and grain intake appropriately, that sort of thing. I assured him that I'm eating real meat with every meal, just like the booklet said to, I've been limiting fruits and vegetables, and I don't even have an appetite for anything grain-based. I'll probably miss what fresh bread used to be like, but I just can't bring myself to want it anymore. Apparently not every therian is following the diet they're supposed to, but the doctor didn't have any concerns about me, "assuming your answers are honest, Miss Alexis". What, does he think I'm about to lie to the one person who knows how species transition works?
At one point during the discussion I thought I heard him mutter something about a "foolish undine", but I must have misheard. Undines are water spirits or elementals or something - a fictional creature. Then again, so are dragons and lamias, but the first well-known humanity remover was a dragon-girl, and I've been hanging out and playing online games with a lamia. At this point you could tell me there's someone out there transitioning to Sonic the Hedgehog, and I might actually believe you.
I've hit the point of full fur coverage, so no more awkward bald patches! Unfortunately, this does mean I need to start taking my estrogen in a form other than skin patches, because there's nowhere left to stick them. After a lot of agonizing over the pros and cons of potential liver damage from pills versus facing down my needle phobia, I opted to ask my endocrinologist to train me on injectable estrogen. She made a somewhat tone-deaf joke about not being trained in veterinary medicine, but she was otherwise very patient and reassuring, so I let it slide.
I do want to state for the record that I am a big scary tiger who's not afraid of anything and I only cried a little bit the first time I injected myself.
My ears are definitely becoming much more sensitive - I keep hearing really annoying high-pitch noises when I'm around heavy machinery, and that happens a lot more often than you might think. My office at work is right next to an elevator, and whenever someone uses it, the motor lets out this gods-awful whine and I have to plug my ears until it stops moving again. My local grocery also has a few freezer units that give off a similar sound, constantly, and I've had to start wearing earplugs to go on food runs.
As for visual changes, I can see in the dark reasonably well, but I've also started getting headaches and discomfort when I squint or try too hard to focus on something. I guess I should probably just… try to not do that. I have spent a significant portion of my life staring at a screen, so my eyes probably aren't in the best shape overall.
Now that my physical changes are pretty much done, most people just assume I'm wearing a very intricate costume - at least, until they get close. No costume has mouth movements or facial expressions this realistic, and believe me, our top furry scientists and engineers have tried.
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At one point there's a conversation on the humanity removal chat server about the political climates in our respective areas towards therians. Obviously, a lot of the right-wing talking-head shows have been shitting themselves inside-out about the idea of people giving up their humanity, especially the ones with a more religious bent. "How dare these freaks forsake God's holy image", "Humanity is a divine blessing and must be cherished", "We call on the one true God to smite these worshippers of the Beast", and so on like that. Excuse you, but I've never worshipped your discriminatory god and I'm not beholden to their 'holy image'. My goddess is one of beauty, love, and artistic expression, and the entire reason I'm changing myself in the first place is as an expression of self-love.
Most of us agree, though, that the absolute worst of the 24-hour news cycle doesn't have anything to do with how regular everyday people see us. In fact, we're rare enough still that a decent proportion of people don't believe we exist - they think that tabloids made us up to sell more copies. I don't know if that's better in terms of acceptance, but I'll take it over a torch-and-pitchfork mob running me out of town.
The conversation shifts to us sharing our locations, those of us who are comfortable doing so at least. We generally keep it vague, but most of us are at least alright with saying which country we live in. I narrow it down to a province for myself, mainly because my province alone is larger than some countries, but also because once we start to get noticed by the media and the world, there'll probably be no stopping our locations becoming known.
It's also going to get interesting if anyone starts asking how most of us are going to the same medical provider when he requires that consultations be done in person, or why the location he operates out of - Hyper City - doesn't appear on any map. Truthfully, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it myself.
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The next day, I get a private message from the girl with the corvid avatar:
"Hey I saw your post when everybody was talking about where they are! I live there too!! We should totally meet up sometime ^v^"
…This is a dilemma. Obviously, I'm worried about the optics of a teenager meeting up with a 39-year-old she met on the internet, there's all kinds of ways that could be taken the wrong way, but dammit, I still don't know anyone like me in this part of the world, who knows if I'll ever find anyone else who's local? …I really want to try, but I should at least give her a warning, and a judgement-free out.
"Uhh I get wanting to meet up, but I'm more than 20 years older than you, would your parents be anywhere near cool with that??"
There's a long pause. I see her start and stop typing multiple times. I'm worried I've upset her. Eventually, she sends another message:
"I don't give a fuck what they think"
I'm taken aback by the harshness of the reply, and don't manage to type anything before another series of messages pops up:
"and they don't care what I do anyway so it's whatever" "if anyone asks I'll just say you're my weird aunt" "you have no idea how bad I want to meet someone who GETS IT" "humanity is a curse and I want to be free"
'I want to be free'. Something about that phrase hits somewhere deep, in a source of pain that never fully healed. Freedom from pain, freedom from self-hatred, freedom at any cost, even if it meant my life. I remember how that desire for freedom feels.
The only thing I can think to do next is ask if she's okay. Her response is to ask if I can go on a voice call. I'm not sure if she wants some confirmation that I'm a real person or if she just doesn't want the next part of the conversation preserved in the text log.
"Hey…", I begin cautiously as the voice call starts. "Can you hear me okay?"
There's a suppressed sniffle on the other end. "Yeah… I hear you."
For a moment I entertain the thought of going all 'when I was your age' and explaining that I was always cautioned against talking to strangers on the internet, but it's probably not the time for that. Read the room, Alexis.
She's not saying anything. I'm going to have to start this off, I think. Something harmless, something value-neutral…
"So from your icon, I'm guessing you want crow HRT? Raven HRT, maybe?"
"Crow HRT.", she states simply. "Crows are everywhere here, and I've always loved them, always been jealous of them. They get to go anywhere they want, do anything they want…" She lets out a groaning sigh. "Augh, this is stupid. You probably think I'm stupid for wanting this."
I can't hold back from giving a little bit of a laugh. "Hah! Young lady, one year ago I went to a doctor and told him to his face that I wanted him to turn me into a recessive-gene variant of an endangered species that doesn't even live on this continent, and then I threatened to bite him if he wouldn't do it. Fantasizing about being a crow is just about the normalest thing I can imagine compared to that."
"…You said you'd BITE him?"
I grin, though without a camera set up she can't see it. "Every one of us who seeks out humanity removal therapy is already a little bit inhuman, even if we don't fully know it yet. After all, why would we remove something if we felt emotionally attached to it?"
Another audible sniffle. "Holy fuck, you DO get it…"
"I sure hope I get it, it's not like I can un-grow the fur and the tail."
She gives a laugh, then there's a long pause. "…Does it hurt? Is it scary?"
"Sometimes. My fingers were REALLY sore while my claws were developing, and having your entire facial structure rearrange is no joke. As for scary, well, I sure get stared at a lot more, but I think I scare people a lot more than they scare me."
"Heh, maybe I want to be scary."
I frown a little. "I don't. I just want to be true to myself."
There's an awkward silence. After a while, I decide to bring up something I was curious about:
"So I remember you asking if there was a way to get species HRT without your parents noticing. I'm guessing they're not exactly supportive?"
She lets out an uncomfortable groan. "Mmmngh… They watch a lot of those news shows, you know, the ones that only run angry sensationalist bullcrap? Dad gets furious at the idea of anyone changing themselves, something about the 'holy sanctity of the human body' or whatever. He even thinks tattoos are blasphemy. Mom says it's the most horrific thing she can imagine, she nearly fainted when she caught me watching a stream of this one dragon girl talking about her changes."
"And here you are, wanting to be a bird… I'm sorry, that sounds really rough."
"It… It is." I can hear her voice faltering. "Hearing nothing but how terrible a waste it is, and how awful and horrific they are, and the whole time knowing that I'd give ANYTHING for it to happen to me, I just… I'm sorry, I just…"
"Hey, you don't need to apologize… I'm not going anywhere."
"I just… don't know how much longer I can take it!"
"…Take what?" I'm afraid to ask my next question, but… I just have to. "…What are they doing to you??"
Somewhere deep inside her, the dam just… breaks. She starts sobbing as she tells me about how her parents yell at her over every single mistake, how she gets shoved or hit just for being in the way, how she hurts herself just so the pain gives her something to feel and to focus on, and how she… How she once climbed up to the roof of her building and took a flying leap off. She had every intention to end her own life, but in the moment her feet left the ground and she felt the air under her arms, she experienced a rush of euphoria, for the first time she can remember.
…And a moment later, she broke a leg and several ribs when she hit the ground.
She explains that she spent over a month in hospital, a captive audience for her parents to yell at more, when they even bothered to show up at all. I'm too stunned to even react.
She's spent the years since then chasing that high, climbing trees and jumping off, finding rooftops and hilltops to go stand in the wind, looking up online videos of parachuting and wingsuiting and hang gliding, and when she first heard rumours about medical treatments that can alter one's very species, she started frantically researching. That's how she started finding other therians to reach out to, how she got involved in the group chat.
"Have you… had an appointment with Dr. Erian yet?" I have a feeling I already know the answer - something something, 'letter from a physician, two psychologists, live as your preferred species for at least a year'. The same horseshit I had to listen to.
"No… I tried to get one, but he won't see anyone under 18 without parental consent, and fat chance of ever getting that."
Huh. I hadn't expected that, it feels surprisingly principled for him. Though at the end of the day, it's probably just another liability thing - ol' Teddy Erian covering his own ass as usual.
"I just…" She's started crying again. "I just want to turn into a beautiful black bird and fly away from all this, forever… I just want to live my life on the wind, going wherever I want, never having to see a single human again…"
I can feel my own tears welling up, and that's the moment I make my decision. I'm going to meet up with this girl, and I'm going to find a way to help her. Maybe she doesn't need humanity removal, maybe she just needs to know someone who understands.
We decide on a place and time to meet up. There's a little cafe I like nearby, run by a trio of neurodivergent queer women. It's a public place, and about as safe for weirdos like us as you can get. Corvid-girl tells me she'll be the one with a feathered headband and a crow-skull necklace. I tell her I'll be the one with white fur and a tail. That manages to get a laugh out of her. I choose to take that as a victory.
There's something about the way she laughs that sounds a bit like a crow's call. I wonder whether that's intentional on her part…
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A few days later, I'm sitting in the cafe enjoying a hot chocolate and a roast beef sandwich - extra meat, naturally. Dr. Erian said I have to start cutting chocolate out of my diet because cocoa is going to become toxic to me, but… chocolate! I did ask for a lighter mix though, so what I'm drinking is actually mostly just hot milk. Maybe there's a cocoa-free substitute out there I can look into…
I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a squeal of delight emanating from the front door. There's a teenage girl standing there, staring directly at me with a look of amazement on her face. Dark clothes, pale skin, black hair, headband with feathers in it, and hanging from her neck, an amulet in the shape of a bird skull. I smile and wave a paw at her. She practically bounces as she walks up to my table and takes a seat.
"Holy SHIT, you're… And you even have the… Your face looks just like… Can I touch your paw??"
I laugh and hold out my paw. "Haha, sure, just watch out for the claws, they don't stay all the way inside just yet."
"Oh, it's okay, I'm used to sharp things!"
I wince as I think back to our voice chat from the other day. I REALLY hope she doesn't mean what I think she means, but I can't help noticing she's wearing long sleeves, even though the weather has been getting warmer.
She turns my paw over and squeals. "OHMYGOD you even have the BEEEEANS!" I can't resist smiling as she starts poking and prodding at my pawpads. "You look SO!! AMAZING!!"
Corvid-girl starts frantically complimenting all my animalistic features - "Your stripes are so pretty!" "I love your tail!" "Ohh, your fangs, they're so COOL!!" - and I start uncontrollably blushing. I never would have thought species affirmation would feel this euphoric… Naturally, being a teenager, she takes this as an excuse to push even harder, and I start covering my face with my paws, thoroughly embarrassed.
"You look just like the tigers they have on stage for those shows in Vegas!"
"H-hey, that's actually not okay…"
"You know, I bet you'd look good up on a stage too! Everyone would love to see you!!"
Instinctually, I let out a growl, louder than I actually want to. It has the intended effect, in that she stops dead and stares at me, but so do a few other cafe patrons. Oh gods, here comes the embarrassment again… "H-hey, look, it's just…"
"Sorry." She's gone completely deadpan, and stiff as a board.
I close my eyes tightly. Gods, why did I DO that?? First the waitress at that seafood place, and now an actual CHILD. I REALLY need to start getting a handle on these predator instincts. When I open my eyes again, she's still standing there, and she looks like she's on the verge of a panic attack.
I need to calm her down, need to bring her back. "No… I'M sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I just… The animals they use for those stage shows get abused all the time, and it's kind of a sore spot for me."
Okay, she's talking, she's distracted, maybe I can still salvage this. "Yeah… Every species has baggage, it's one of the shitty parts of being therian, and tigers, white tigers especially, they're treated like show pieces, or worse."
"…Well shit, I knew they're endangered, but… fuck."
"Yeah, it's a whole thing, I try not to -"
Our conversation is interrupted by one of the staff tapping corvid-girl on the shoulder and asking to talk privately. She reluctantly agrees to go to the back of the store and talk. At first I think maybe she's being chastised for being a disturbance, but the barista who pulled her away is giving me some very pointed looks. Worried looks, I might even say.
If I angle my ears just right, I can almost hear them through the noise of the rest of the cafe.
"…other patrons were concerned… …young lady so close to a dangerous creature…"
I wonder if the barista notices the indignant look that crosses my face when they describe me as a 'creature'.
Corvid-girl lets out that bird-like laugh of hers. Her voice is a lot more distinct and easier to pick out:
"It's just my aunt! She's not a 'creature', she just takes meds to look like that!"
The barista doesn't protest as corvid-girl returns to our table, but they're still giving me a very 'You'd better not try anything' kind of look.
Corvid-girl sits down, seemingly a little more grounded, a little more sobered. "…I guess I never thought to ask, why a white tiger?"
I lean forward, head in one paw, and give a bit of a shrug. "I relate a lot to them."
"To… being treated like a show piece, or whatever you said?"
"…Yeah. When I was little, they called me 'gifted' and put me in a separate school. I remember being excited about it, but it turns out it just meant getting more homework."
I smile a little bit. "That's what I thought too! They wanted me to be some brilliant prodigy, a genius in the making, but the reality is I was just more observant and better at math than most people, that's all. I actually had to take an extra year of school because I was so bad at it."
"I KNOW, RIGHT?? But, then I went to college and graduated at the top of my class, so the joke's on them in the end."
"I wasn't even planning on staying around long enough for college…" She still has a bit of a depressed air about her, but she's not going into a panic. Maybe I'm better with kids than I thought.
"Yeah, I remember, you were going to turn into a beautiful crow and fly away forever." I try to give her a reassuring look. "But hey, the human world isn't ALL bad."
"Says the woman who's turning herself into a wild animal."
I snort quietly as I hold back a laugh. "Okay, fair, but wild animals don't get the internet, or nice little cafes where weirdos like us can just sit and talk."
"Hah, yeah… Weirdos like us." She gives a smile. An actual, genuine smile. Suddenly all the awkwardness is worth it, to see someone so deeply unhappy smile. "That reminds me, I saw on the server you're into witchcraft, can you… teach me?"
Somehow I feel like I should have expected this. The goth-looking crow girl is into witchcraft, big surprise. "I… guess? Maybe? I'm not like an expert or anything, I've just read a few books and cast a few spells is all."
"Ooh, what kind of spells??" And now she's back to her enthusiastic self.
"Just some protective charms on people who needed them, a few card readings with a tarot deck, nothing much really…"
"Does it really work??"
"I mean, the people I cast those charms on ended up safe in the end, but who knows if what I did made a difference? Some of the card readings were scary-accurate though, I think I might have a talent for divination."
She laughs. "Gonna have to get you to read my future sometime."
We end up spending the next hour or so making small talk, getting to know each other, talking about the ins and outs of humanity removal, complaining about Dr. Erian, until…
"Hey, I gotta go catch the bus back home, but… this was nice." She gives a bit of a smirk. "Cool to meet another weirdo."
Before she leaves, I ask her name - I still don't know it, I've been internally calling her 'corvid-girl' this entire time.
She gives me a disgusted grimace. "Ugh, it's 'Margaret'. I'm named for my great-grandmother, it's SUCH an old-lady name."
"Margaret, like Maggie, as in magpie?" I smile a little. "Those are corvids too, you know."
Her expression softens a little. "…Never thought of that. Still don't like it, though…"
"Well, is there a name you'd like better? I can start calling you that if you like."
She freezes. Somewhere in her eyes I can see her mind working to process what I've just said. "…Nobody ever asked me that before. I'll… think about it." She turns to leave.
"Wait, hold on a sec."
"WHAT!?" She outright glares at me, then seems to soften. "Sorry, it's… never mind."
That… was an EXTREMELY sudden mood shift. Trauma response, maybe? "I… was just going to ask if you wanted a sandwich or something to take home."
"…Didn't bring any money…"
I shake my head a little. "That doesn't answer my question. Would you like me to BUY you a sandwich or something?"
"…Egg salad if they got it I guess…"
I go up to the counter and buy her an egg salad sandwich to go. She looks like she's going to cry when I hand it to her. I… probably shouldn't make a big deal about that, but somewhere deep inside, my heart breaks a little. Does she never have anyone just… offer her food?
I'm beginning to understand why she wants to leave behind the curse of humanity. I chose this path, I wanted to be a tiger, I'm running towards something. Corvid-girl, though? She's running away from something.
I walk her outside, and she starts to walk away, but suddenly stops, and turns back to me. She walks resolutely up to me, then grabs me in a hug.
"Soft…" Her voice is muffled against both my shirt and the fur underneath. "You're very soft…"
Once I get over my surprise at the sudden gesture, I hesitantly put one arm around her shoulders and pat her on the back. She pulls away after a few short moments, and walks away down the sidewalk without another word.
I touch my shirt where her head was leaning, and notice a small wet spot.
Time to play "Spot the References!" Intentional references below:
"something about a 'foolish undine'" - welldrawnfish (Fish HRT)
"the first well-known humanity remover was a dragon-girl" - ayviedoesthings (Dragon HRT)
"I've been hanging out and playing online games with a lamia" - ariathelamia (Lamia HRT)
"someone out there transitioning to Sonic the Hedgehog" - sonic-spirit (Sonic HRT)
"watching a stream of this one dragon girl talking about her changes" - Rain, by Jocelyn Samara D. (Dragon HRT)
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cabezadeperro · 2 days
fox/cody annnd the hunger games for the movie prompt game maybe?
hiii friend!
this is less a proper hunger games au and more "but wasn't growing up on kamino kind of like the hunger games anyway?"
pre-something, kamino years. ~660w, T.
Rainwater pools within the cave entrance and trickles into the slightly drier interior, turning the dirt into mud and filling the air within with its metallic smell. It ate through the bright greens and reds of their shell, and Fox’s nose and throat sting from breathing in the fumes without his bucket. He’ll lose points for that—one of the mission objectives was keeping their shell on for the entirety of the operation. Broken bucket in his lap, Fox follows the crack in the visor with his thumb, the sharp edges threatening to cut through his gloves and find skin.
‘24 stands across from him, just within the cave. His shell is splashed brown and red, and his bucket is still on. Fox can’t see his face, but he doesn’t have to: he’ll be scowling at the wilderness beyond their improvised shelter, like he can make it stop raining, like he can will the world to change if he wants it hard enough.
Fox looks away from him and down at his own lap. He can’t remember where he left his left greave: the fuzzy panic he’s been trying and failing to ignore for the past few hours spikes. He doesn’t know if there was anything in the mission dossier about losing equipment. 
“I think it’s slowing down,” ‘24 says suddenly. Fox ignores him. He focuses on breathing in and out, the air burning like acid. “Should start thinking about how we’re going to make it to our pick up.”
Fox has a broken tibia. He’s not making it anywhere, much less to the shuttle back to Kamino. He glares at ‘24’s still-turned back, fear and dread fighting it out with the familiar frustration.
‘24 exhales, annoyed. He turns around and steps properly inside the cave. 
Fox found it completely by chance. It’s a couple hundred metres from Fox’s lookout. He was planning to spend the night there after eliminating ‘24. 
He should have paid more attention to the terrain—he should have realised how wet and unstable the edge of the cliff was getting, he should have known that acid rain would eat through dirt and rock as easily as it scours paint off plasteel plates.
‘24 closes the distance between them and kneels on the mud next to Fox. He used his own single-use anaesthetic on the mess that is now Fox’s left leg. He doesn’t touch him now, but Fox can feel the weight of his gaze on him despite the bucket. 
Fox turns his face away, pressing his lips together. A part of him just wants to—cry. He is tired and cold and everything hurts, not just his leg, and he’s scared. He’s always known there was a non-zero chance of not making it out of training, but he’s beginning to realise that he never thought that applied to him. 
They might return and pick him up after everyone’s made it back to the shuttle. He doesn’t doubt Seventeen is very capable of leaving him to die there, if only to make a point, but the longnecks hate waste. Fox’s eight, he’s almost trained, and he’s one of the best in the officer track. 
‘24 is still watching him. Fox clenches his jaw and forces himself to look ‘24 in the eye.
If this world’s atmosphere or his broken leg or the wildlife don’t kill him, shame will.
“What are you still doing here,” he spits. ‘24 shifts. “You won.”
‘24’s hands turn into fists.
“I’m not leaving you here,” he replies, too loud. His voice cracks in the middle, slightly ridiculous in the quiet within the cave. Fox has the sudden urge to laugh, something awful bubbling up from his chest.
“I would,” he says. He means it.
The main mission objective was being first. Fox can read between the lines: that means making sure no one makes it back before you do.
‘24 tilts his head. Fox wishes he could see his face. 
“I’m not you.”
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ashtavula · 8 hours
Royalty AU: Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasomnia
Start Here
-Kalim is certainly one of the wealthiest of your suitors, due to his family's large network of merchants. The Al-Asim's have ships in every harbor, and merchants plying their goods in every city. You'd think that some people would complain about how deeply Kalim's family has sunk their claws into just about every country's economy, but they're able to provide items that no one else can, so discontent is minimal. At least, in other countries. In their home country of the Scalding Sands, other merchant families resent how successful they are. The family is the frequent target of kidnappings and assassination attempts. And for Kalim, his biggest enemies are his own family members, who won't hesitate to do what it takes to seize his place as the heir apparent.
-Kalim himself is surprisingly optimistic, and nothing seems to dampen his mood. You can hear him before you see him, his jewelry ringing as he walks and gestures. It only serves to make him seem even more bright. Despite all of the backstabbing behavior from his many siblings, he is fairly trusting, and eager to lend a hand to people in need. As for how he feels about you, he's more than excited to meet you. Kalim is always eager to meet new people, but the idea of possibly meeting his soulmate? He's over the moon.
-Life is one headache after the other, serving as a vizier to Kalim. His job includes directing Kalim's servants, managing his lord's finances, and keeping the man alive through all of the attempts on his life. He's a bit resentful of the fact that his country's caste system means that he can never do better than this. Though, the possibility of Kalim marrying you makes his thoughts swirl through his brain. If he plays his cards right, then he might be able to rise above his station in your country. He grins to himself, already imagining the way he could lord over your royal court and seize more power. Kalim trusts him, so you will too, right?
-The dukedom of Pomefiore has always been beautiful, but it's reached a new peak since it came into Vil's hands. There never seems to be a single thing wrong. Even the grass seems to grow perfectly. Outwardly, the citizens of Vil's dukedom sing his praises, and seem to be utterly loyal to him. Some people say that something is a bit odd about the place, but that's preposterous. Everything is perfect, just like it should be.
-Vil is rather keen to sweep you off your feet. In his eyes, he far outclasses any one of your potential partners. He certainly believes that he is the most attractive of your potential partners. And just look at how well he manages his lands! He'd do the same for the entire kingdom if you made him your king consort. Just put a crown on his pretty head, and he'll take such good care of you, and your kingdom, all while looking utterly flawless. He promises.
-He serves Vil as a hunter, catching game for his duke's table. At least, that's his official job description. Unofficially, Rook also patrols around the dense forests and idyllic towns, keeping an eye on things for Vil. He's well known, and fairly well respected, despite his more eccentric views. He's probably the most excited to see who you pick when all's said and done. It's all so romantic! You're searching far and wide for the perfect partner! He hopes you'll pick Vil. After all, what could be better than the two most beautiful people in the kingdom getting together so he can bask in your shared radiance?
-He might live in Vil's dukedom, but he's one of the few people who doesn't seem to practically worship the man. He'd rather quietly tend to his apple orchards, and help his family make money. But someone has to actually deliver those apples to the duke, and Epel is unfortunately the one who tends to get saddled with that job. He hates it. Vil always seems to scrutinize him too closely, and will complain if there's a single bruise on any of the apples he brings. He kind of hopes you'll marry Vil, if only to get him out of the dukedom.
-Idia bears the prestigious title of being your kingdom's Royal Artificer. He's also the Acting Director of the Ignihyde Academy, which serves as a hub for those eager to immerse themselves in the sciences. Usually, someone with such power would be rather popular amongst the aristocracy. But Idia is an exception. He hates mingling with others, and has made it very clear that he shouldn't be bothered unless it's an emergency. But there is a reason for his reclusive lifestyle.
-Idia doesn't look human, despite being one. His hair is made of blue flames, and his skin has an unnatural grey pallor. Idia is the unfortunate victim of a curse, and he knows exactly how the average person reacts to such things. He's more than aware of the rumors that swirl around him, and it drives him deeper into the abyss of his own self-loathing. Idia knows that he's supposed to be one of your suitors, but he doesn't entertain the thought of being your husband. If he wasn't scared of your parents, he'd flat out refuse to meet with you at all.
-Ortho is a robotic automaton, and the only automaton that's actually sentient. He only started being seen around the capital in the past few years, but your people quickly got used to him. His main job is to run errands for Idia, and it's a duty that Ortho completes with gusto. He loves seeing what lies outside of Idia's private tower at Ignihyde Academy, and he's always curious about people. He also wants you to marry his beloved "big brother" so that you can bring Idia out of his shell.
-Malleus is the enigmatic king of Briar Valley. The country itself is shrouded in mystery, since it's supposedly impossible to reach it unless a fae guides you there. Therefore, it doesn't show up on any maps, and very little is known about it's inhabitants. One of the only things that's common knowledge is that King Malleus is a fearsome dragon, and that his people revere him like he's a god.
-Being treated like you're a living deity might sound nice, but Malleus doesn't receive warm adoration from the fae. He has only seen their fear, and their reluctance to get too close. He longs for companionship more than anything else, and it is the one thing that he can't use his immense power to obtain. Sure, he has Lilia, and his guards, but in his mind, they're obligated to stay with him. What he yearns for is someone to truly choose him solely because they love him. As he looks over the capital city of Ramshackle from a cliff, his eyes turn to your castle. You might be looking for a husband, but Malleus knows that he'd be content with just your friendship.
-He might be an old fae, but he's constantly learning new tricks. He primarily serves as an advisor and guardian for Malleus, but he's not above using his wiles to spy on others for the sake of his draconic king. It's how he learned of your search. Lilia is also the most excited about you out of the group. He's hoping that you'll not only grow close to Malleus, but also to Silver and Sebek. Lilia sighs dreamily as he thinks about the five of you being a happy, loving found family.
-People believe that only fae reside in Briar Valley, but that's not true. Some humans also reside there due to accidentally stumbling upon the country, or being taken there by the fae. Deep in the forests and mountains, there are portals to Briar Valley. And sometimes, an innocent human activates that portal. Silver himself was found in one of these portals when he was just a baby, and Lilia took him in. Later, when he was grown, Malleus allowed him to serve as a knight. Silver's grateful to both of them, and has vowed to do anything for them.
-Sebek's father is one of the humans who's been taken to Briar Valley. He was taken by Sebek's mother, and is now a loving father of three. Sebek knows the story well, and sees it as the ultimate tale of love. Therefore, he's not unhappy about the idea of his precious king marrying a human. In fact, he's sort of hoping it happens, so that his liege will turn to him for advice on half-fae children. The only thing that bothers him is that Malleus has to abide by your country's standards and court you properly instead of simply whisking you away.
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roosterforme · 1 day
Can i request some smutty bob x maria goodness pls 🙏 I'm desperate to know what happens in that apartment after hours 👉👌👅👀 thank yew
Let's not forget the first time Maria invited Bob to bed.... that's right here. But once things are established, they get at it all the time. Here's a peek at their "after hours" activities:
Maria was not one to wait around for a man. In fact, she never ever had before she started dating Bob. Now she found herself constantly waiting for him, and it didn't bother her one bit. She faithfully waited for him to return from his deployment after scaring herself into thinking he would dump her before he left. He didn't. He never planned to. And he spent hours proving to her how desperately he wanted her to still be his when he got home.
Tonight she took a shower after taekwondo and made herself a snack while her roommate turned boyfriend played his Dungeons & Dragons campaign. She noticed his copy of the Players Handbook was open on the coffee table when she took her bowl of ice cream to the couch.
"The Rope of Entanglement," she muttered, skimming the page about rare magical items. "Fascinating."
She didn't play herself, but Bob had for over a decade, and she actually found it hot. Somehow he checked her top two boxes at the same time: a strong guy who could match her enthusiasm in bed and a sweet nerd who she could make blush. He kept gifting her his favorite, most sparkly dice, and she had them lined up on the vanity in her bedroom. Well, their bedroom. The second bedroom was basically vacant once again.
When she finished her ice cream, her gaze fell to the book once again, and she smiled knowing Bob would be home soon.
"Maria?" Bob called out as soon as he got home. Her taekwondo class let out hours ago, and just as he did every week now, he contemplated skipping out on his friends to spend more time with her.
"In the bedroom," she replied, and he started kicking his shoes off. His recent deployment had been long and lonely, especially now that he had a girlfriend and an apartment that really felt like home.
When he reached the doorway, he froze. His girlfriend was laying in bed wearing his bathrobe which was way too large on her. "Hi," he murmured, licking his lips as his hand settled next to the fly of his jeans. "What are you doing?" he asked
She shifted a little bit, and Bob could see her dark, furled nipple peek out from the robe as she pulled the sash belt free. "You left your Dungeons & Dragons handbook open again," she whispered, wrapping the belt around her wrists. "I was reading about The Rope of Entanglement. I thought we could have a little fun?"
Bob swallowed hard. "Technically I should roll for a dexterity saving throw right now," he grunted, unzipping his jeans. "But I think I'd like to show you my rope trick instead."
"What's your rope trick?" Maria asked, eyes lighting up as she sat on the edge of the bed.
Bob stopped right in front of her, leaned down, and deftly tied her hands behind her back with the belt. Then he pulled himself free from his jeans, and guided his cock to her lips.
"It's a spell. You have to touch my rope and make it hard. Then it will rise up in the air."
Bob's eyes rolled back as she kissed him and lapped up the bead of precum forming. "Is this really a D&D spell?" she asked before parting her lips.
"It absolutely is," he whispered, tracing her lips with the tip of his cock.
"I can't believe you play this filthy game with your friends," she replied, taking him deep with one fluid motion.
Bob moaned and let his fingers sink into her curly hair. "Somehow it's only filthy when I tell you about it."
Once she had his cock sloppy with her saliva, Bob pushed her down onto the bed and fucked her with her hands pinned beneath her body. Her tits were bouncing beautifully, and her voice was rising in pitch as she chanted his name. Bob finally had a girlfriend who seemed to enjoy his nerdy side every bit as much as she enjoyed having sex with him.
"You look so pretty like this," he mused between labored breaths as he fucked her harder. "Gonna look even better when I cum on your tits." And she did. She really did as she writhed beneath him, hands tucked snug beneath her as he jerked off onto her chest.
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11queensupreme11 · 1 day
Hi Queen ❤️❤️❤️
But he was desperate. They all were. Poseidon was wrecking the entire ecosystem with his nonstop storms and earthquakes
As he should, for once, he's doing something I can approve of, no, that will do nothing, but it's something.
Reading about them losing their heads... well, I kinda can see why she wants to go back, like, good friends, and having Sally as mom has to be really cool.
But then Hera shows up and I remember why she just should forget about them and ride Annubi's dick. It's one of the worst characters out there and you know, I'm pretty good at blinding myself of everyone's worst character traits.
No one worst than Zeus, that's also true.
Anyway, here in Colombia, we call two persons who sleep with the same person "hermanos de leche" which translates to "Milk Siblings" So, what I'm saying, is the bond between Hades and Poseidon has just got deeper, brother by blood and milk, thanks to Percy.
(Omg, can we start calling that threesome hermanos de leche?, you know that is funny)
Adamas is a better person than me, I'd care less about who Percy should marry, I'd just take her to my home and play some video games and maybe eat pizza if we want. Boo away those lunatics who think they best way to get the girl is inappropriate touches and some gifts (I'm not complaining tho, is really funny)
Adamas should get a trophy with "The world's best uncle that doesn't fuck his niece". In a Modern AU he gets Percy's custody and they just spend their time traveling in his car.
He heaved out a sigh. “You’re as bad as Zeus. Are you sure you’re not his daughter instead?”
“You’re trying to insult me, but jokes on you, my uncle’s actually cool,” she harrumphed. “Unlike you. Loser.”
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Someone make a react fic and just make Zeus vomit at the thought of dealing with Percy's madness.
GO PERCY, CALL RA FOR HIS NEGLIGENT BULLSHIT. Maybe her showing how she cares about Anubis, is going to make him better... or worse, but. maybe he would accept her in the family. Anubis needs a captain after all.
Artemis... maybe after all of this she would try to join her, like Thalia did. Talking about her original world, here we know she would join and a few minutes later some god comes and has sex with her to stop that.
You know all of this is very traumatic, and for one, I'd never trust a man's intentions again, even if I trust him. You never know when his lust is going to attack after all.
But here Artemis is that good mix of being cautious but not afraid of men. PJ Artemis and her group were shocking to me with their behavior and at the beginning, I didn´t like them for that, is good to see her more like a protector of those who need help, rather than a misandry that wants to erase all men (at least that's how I remember her, maybe is all those fic's fault and she was very tame)
All that time with Artemis was a good rest before all going to hell (pun intended) again.
Wondering how Apolo is going to be, I don't really have an opinion about him. Yes, he's obsessed, but so are the rest, so I'm waiting for what's is going to make him different, his own kind of yandere.
He's pretty cute tho, and love being shirtless, so I'm rotting for him.
(Anyway, Nico would look amazing as Percy's companion. You know my girl needs someone who is on her side and sees why she doesn't want to marry some god. For her mental health, at least.)
we're gonna get a lil more ra later on before this act ends, so everyone's gonna see his insight to what percy said to him!!!! (ra and percy interactions are just too funny for me, i can't let him go LMAO)
and omg a pjo reacting to arsenic blues would be so funny (and also very traumatizing for the pjo characters tho) imagine pjo!zeus being so offended that percy likes ror!zeus more when, in his eyes, he's just some wrinkled lil goofball (but that's why she likes him zeus, ur a fucking piece of shit 😒)
i always love your lil end notes about nico, you want him to survive me so bad 🥺💖💖
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giveafike · 1 day
Hiii i love your dominic fike works :,) and i was wondering if you’d write a nsfw alphabet for ben shelton? preferably fem reader but if you think something else would work better then that’s cool too 🤞
TLDR: NSFW alphabet! I borrowed the format from other NSFW alphabets I've seen round here.
Warnings + Content Ahead: fem reader! NSFW, Minors DNI! There's a bit of everything in here, mentions of cum, light bondage, throatplay, fingering, masturbation, oral sex, thighriding, toys, moaning if that's anything to warn about - just read w caution if NSFW is a touchy subject! Nothing too crazy or wild here.
Azzie Notes ✚: !!! Bro, tell me why there’s actually no NSFW Ben content here?? And he’s literally so hot?? I was losing my mind during Laver Cup and now I’m losing it after seeing the sleeve on his left arm at Japan Open.
Anyways, this should go wo saying: all assumptions and guesses, girl idfk anything!!! I’m just daydreaming!! I hope I don’t repeat myself too much throughout this but erm..yeah! Enjoy!
P.S. IJBOL I'm writing this while watching Fils v Shelton rn pls im so unsrs. Do send in requests! I have a couple of ADORABLEEE ANON BEN REQS AND IM SCREAMINGGG send more, im so feral for a cute moment. The support and reception I got on my big old long Ben post has been so sweet, you all are so sweet bless u all 😽
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NSFW Alphabet - B.T.S.
A: aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I'd like to think Ben is very caring after sex, he acts first before he says anything. Things like asking if you're okay, if he was good for you, fetching some water for you, (carrying you if you can't walk after bc let's be honest here...you prob can’t walk after all that) ahem, ordering food and getting you comfy first - just a bunch of acts of service before he settles down and smothers you in kisses all over your face and shoulders and mumbling i-love-yous. He'd play with your hair with a lazy smile and smitten eyes and tell you that you're amazing and how much he cares for you and how he loves to show you just how much he loves you.
B: body part (their fave body part on their own body + fave body part on your body)
Ben knows he's handsome and he def knows what he's does to us lmao, but I think what he loves most on his own body would be his arms and his abs. Not only is it a testament to his hard work and dedication to tennis and training, but seeing how you'd react when you get a glimpse of his slick, sweaty abs halfway through a game would make him go feral. But what he loves even more is when you hold onto his bicep when you're out together, or how you dig your nails into his shoulders when he's deep in you.
If I'm being fr I think Ben is a "bit of everything" rather than an ass/boobs guy. If you are out in public, he has his arm thrown over your shoulder or tight at your waist, or you're holding onto his arm. In private, I think he loves you siting on his lap for movie nights, holding your hips while you ride him, palming your breasts when you're making out with him, tapping your ass when he walks by you, rubbing his hand over you thighs and planting soft kisses up and down your legs - like, he loves every inch of you all the time and BAD. He shows it so clearly with his deeds, he just can't keep his hands off of you. He sees you as nothing but perfect and worships you with his hands and lips.
C: cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I think when you first experiment together, he wouldn't want to cum on your face, but instead would do it on your back after doggy or on your chest or your stomach, or finish off in your mouth - something about seeing you a bit messy and decorated in his cum would turn him on even after he came. But over time and with trust, he'd find himself obsessed with finishing in you. The feeling of you both reaching your climaxes together in full height would drive him crazy - knowing he was the only one able to fill you the way he does and having your mixed arousal pool out of you was just another realm of pleasure.
Ben would be a fan of having you ride his face until you couldn't handle it anymore. Something about his face being soaked with your cum while you moan and grind down on him over and over again, and then seeing you lie down beside him afterwards with half-lidded eyes and shivering after all that would be more than enough to get him off. Same sentiment for fingering too, he'd be so pleased seeing your arousal coating his fingers, like seeing just how worked up you are for him every time would be unbelievable to him each and every time.
D: dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Ben's into car sex. But especially if you're going somewhere special. Something about dressing up for an event/date and getting his sexy partner into his sexy sports car would drive him wild with the idea of pulling you over to the driver seat and having you ride him right then and there.
I think he's also into you trying to take control or being a brat just so he can flip it around and put you in your place - especially with some spanking or teasing, making you beg for permission to cum - nothing extreme just enough to make you whimper and submit 🙂‍↕️.
E: experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I don't think Ben has tons of experience imo. He went to college for a bit but he's only 22 with a demanding schedule and doesn't seem to have much dating history either. I feel like he's too focused on himself, his family and friends and his career to be hooking up and going crazy with experimenting. In saying that, he definitely knows what he likes and needs and he can learn quick too.
F: favorite position (this goes without saying)
I think Ben would loveeee holding you in his strong arms as he fucks into you, it'd be so intimate and precious in his eyes, watching your face contort with every thrust and hearing your soft moans roll out right into his ear. He’d want you to keep your eyes locked on his but you’d keep rolling them back in pleasure. He’d love groping your ass or boobs while he held you like that. Ben would also be into doggy, like your face and arms pressed down on the mattress while he holds your hips or grips your hair, bundling it into a very messy ponytail and tugging when he feels himself getting close.
G: goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
We all know Ben's a silly, goofy guy so I believe he wouldn’t be opposed or unlikely to let out a few chuckles with you. It'd be something as silly as him struggling to unclasp your bra or him accidentally slipping out of you that would earn a few small giggles from the both of you. Or maybe you're both drunk and having giggly, sweet sex - just whispering affections, foreheads pressed together, unable to hold in your pure, raw love for each other. It wouldn't ever be out of malice or anything, it would just be how comfortable you two were with each other.
H: hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think Ben has it trimmed but not bare. He has a little happy trail down that's dark and curly so I imagine it to be the same below too.
I: intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I imagine him to be so intimate and loving. He wants to hear how good you feel, he'll make you talk to him, beg for him. He definitely mixes praise with degradation but on top of all, he loves calling you his - "my pretty slut", "my beautiful mess" , "my girl". He loves making you beg and plead for him, holds your chin and makes you look up at him and plead him to touch you over and over again before he finally gives in and gives his all. He definitely loves taking his time when he can, making sure he doesn’t skimp out on anything and make sure you can feel his pure love for you in every action.
He def would love to have a whole ambiance going; candles, fresh flowers, a bubble bath, fresh sheets, a new lingerie set for you, soft music playing, maybe even try to make a meal for you too and it wouldn't be for special days, sometimes it would be "just because". He loves to tell you that he loves you and would try his absolute best to show it too, through kisses and roaming hands all over your body and trying to make you feel like you're the only girl in the world, because to him you really are.
J: jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He loves you, just thinking about you lying in bed waiting for him would help him get off, thinking of your moans, your voice in bed begging and encouraging him, the way you look at him and hold onto him like he’s your rock; he'd be close to cumming off of the idea of you alone.
If you let him, he'd have a private album of photos and videos of you two together that he'd watch while he's on tour to help him get off, and of course he'd text you right after (sometimes with pictures of the mess he made too) telling you how much he loves and misses you, your touch and your body. If you had the time, he'd also call you while on tour and have phone sex, talking dirty to you and guiding you the entire time and watching how your face and breathy moans through the phone. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and masturbating together while away only meant that sex together would be even more intense and intimate when you reunite.
K: kink (one or more of their kinks)
Ben's huge (both height, strength and well ..size..) so seeing how you take him and how soft you look in comparison to him is a massive kink for him. That size kink of his drives him wild.
I can see light bondage or restraints as a kink too, pinning you down with his hands or using soft cloths to tie your hands together, maybe even covering your mouth or holding your throat for light breathplay at times too.
I think he'd lose it over being told how good he feels and being praised in that sense. Like I said before, he'd love mixing praise and degradation and showing you that you’re his girl, no one else's. He'd love getting you off more than anything as well.
L: location (favorite places to do the do)
In no particular order: his car, the bedroom, the living room, kitchen - hell, even the bathroom right by the sink - anywhere where he can have you all to himself for as long as possible.
I don't think he'd try anything super public, like in a changing room, but if you're both desperate and horny, maybe in a personal gym or locker room for a quickie every now and then but there will be a round 2 when you get back to your bedroom for sure.
M: motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Like I said, he loves you more than anything, literally anything you say or do would get him going. Say the word and Ben is yours and at your service.
Seeing you acting coy or feigning innocence when you’re purposefully turning him on (whether that’s by wearing his favourite sundresses or a new pair of lingerie he bought abroad, “accidentally” touching him through his pants, saying/texting something dirty in his ear while he’s supposed to be focused, list goes on) would arouse him too, especially since he gets to teach you a lesson.
N: no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I expect him to be the jealous type, he wouldn't want to share you with anyone or have anyone else invited for your intimate time together. He wouldn't want to hurt you or do anything you were uncomfortable with; he'd put you first in everything.
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves to recieve, loves to give. When you're giving him head, he holds your hair back and wants to see your pretty eyes so badly, might allow you to play with your clit as you hollow out your cheeks for him. Gently asks you to try to take him all and loves hearing the lewd gagging noises as you try to deepthroat him when you hit the back of your throat. He loves having you suck his balls too or run your tongue over his tip and down the veins of his length. He genuinely sees stars when you're working away on him.
He loves to play with you when he gives you head. Teasing licks or humming as he eats you out just to send shivers down your spine. Uses his fingers and tongue to get you off. Once he's in a rhythm and is actually eating you out, he can't help but keep going which only makes you come undone over and over and over again. He thinks you’re delicious and loves watching you writhe for him and grip his curls.
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
After tour, I think Ben would try to pace himself and make slow, deep love to you, once again trying to show you just how much he missed every single part and inch of you. Obviously, at a certain point, he'd lose his composure and his eagerness would get the better of him as he quickens his pace but he'd shower you with kisses while he does so.
After a frustrating game, he'd be fast and hold you close to him as he works at a relentless pace (nothing you wouldn't be able to handle, ofc). Lots of hair tugging, spanking, positions, marks and hickeys come with that too. He'd thank you and kiss you over your marks and hickeys after, gently massaging the skin he spanked and having lazy makeouts with you before you both find yourself falling asleep after all that.
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Quickies with Ben would be frequent as he just can't help himself! Sometimes in the mornings before practice, you'd have lazy, sloppy, sweet morning sex that always put you to sleep right after.
Maybe even in between practice and his actual games - where he'd bend you over the sofa or the kitchen table, even prop you up against the shower wall when he's supposed to be focusing on the game ahead of him - whatever or wherever it was, those quickies would have you moaning his name in no time, he knew just how to work you right.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
I didn't want to mention the locker rooms or personal gyms in the quickie section because i was saving it for this hehe 😝. Ben wouldn't risk doing it if it meant someone would actually probably walk in, he'd only want to have sex with you if you were comfortable to and if it meant it would be uninterrupted.
I imagine Ben making you spread in front of him as you sit on a bench while he kneels to eat you out, covering your mouth or making you suck his fingers to stifle your noise, so you don't get caught.
I think if he was really into it, Ben might even go as far as to buying those remote control vibrators that he can control, just to watch you squirm for him in the stands during his matches or while you were out together for some errands. He'd only take it as far as you wanted to go, though ofc.
s= stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Well, I just watched Ben battle Fils for 3 hours straight at the Japan Open while getting his leg hurt - I think he's got plenty of stamina so long as you can take it. He'd always ask for "one more?" in the sweetest softest voice, especially after you spent time away from each other.
t= toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He'd love seeing how you squirm with vibrators and try buy cutesy toys like fluffy cuffs or a small pink handheld vibrator for you to use while on tour (and to use while on video call with him). I don't think Ben would know much about toys for himself, but if you brought the idea up, he'd try anything for you.
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
LOVES to make you beg for just how much you want him. "Say please", "what do you want exactly? Use your words baby, I know you can", "You want more? beg for it", "look at me with those pretty eyes and ask. me. again". And he'd work you up so much, just to say no and watch you pout and beg even more. Ben loves to be in charge and on top, knowing you were in the palm of his hand (when really, he was wrapped around your finger).
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not too loud, he groans and grunts in your ear and lets out a few gasps and curse words out alongside his mix of praise and degradation and i-love-yous. He's vocal with telling you what he wants or needs more of, what feels good and how you feel.
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Loves, loves, LOVES you riding his thigh. He'll casually ask you to sit on his lap and watch a movie and both of you knew full well what was going to go down. Loves feeling you grinding desperately against his thigh and seeing you become a mess for a bit of friction. (I'm in the midst of writing smth about thigh riding just u wait 🤭)
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
If a picture paints a thousand words, look at the pics I've attached and look REAL close. He's called Big Ben for a reason babe.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
His sex drive is only on full blast for you. He's constantly hungry for more of you, can't get enough. Like I said, he's whipped for you.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He would hold you tight, make sure you're not hungry or thirsty or uncomfortable before you went to sleep. If something upset you, he'd make sure he understood and talked it out so he wouldn't ever do it again, you're his main priority in everything. If you were sore after, he'd apologise smiling (his ego and pride obv through the roof) and gently massage your thighs and hips, planting soft kisses on your forehead.
He'd hold you til you fell asleep and then he'd fall asleep almost immediately after, knowing you were happy and loved in his arms.
and now we go and pray after all this 🧎‍♀️😽
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