#and everything we've been doing as a party has been Heavy and Important and Exhausting
blujayonthewing · 1 year
[rereading the past two years of notes to help figure out what all Mel might want to work on during some upcoming travel time] you know what I think actually what Melliwyk needs right now is a vacation
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alj4890 · 4 years
Misfortune's Intentions
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(Liam x OC*Elisse Millan) (Drake x Riley) in a Choices The Royal Heir fan fiction
A/N We've jumped ahead in this chapter by nearly a month. Liam is returning home after the road trip and Walker family visit for Savannah's wedding. He now has to figure out how to keep moving on now that Drake and Riley are pregnant. Amalas makes a decision that keeps Elisse right where she wants her to be.
@gkittylove99 @krsnlove @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @hopefulmoonobject @yourmajesty09 @mom2000aggie
Chapter 2 Confirmation
Liam gave orders to the staff to take his bags upstairs on the way to his study.
The past few weeks spent exclusively with his friends, trapped in a rental car and small farmhouse, had exhausted him. He longed to go up to his room for a moment of solitude. No thoughts. No conversations. No reliving that moment.
He closed his eyes as he sat down behind his desk. Unbidden and unwanted, his mind brought the image of Drake and Riley to mind.
"We have something we need to tell you." Drake said once Liam, Hana, and Maxwell sat down.
"Is something wrong?" Hana asked.
Riley shook her head, unshed tears formed as Drake cuddled her closer in his arms.
The couple locked eyes before taking a deep breath.
"We're pregnant!" They shouted.
Maxwell whooped and jumped up to hug them both. Hana followed, exclaiming how happy she was.
Thankfully no one noticed the only person in the room who remained sitting down.
No, Liam thought. He wasn't sure why that denial whispered through his mind. He only knew he didn't want to hear this. See it. Be forced to witness every moment.
He made himself stand to congratulate them. Somehow the words came.
"I'm thrilled for you both." He even managed to smile. "This is the best kind of news."
"Oh! Let's go shopping for the baby to celebrate!" Hana exclaimed.
Everyone else agreed, making their way out the door. Hana paused, glancing back at Liam.
"Aren't you coming?" She asked.
"Of course." He shook himself out of his daze. "I need to retrieve something from upstairs."
She smiled at him. "Hurry."
As soon as the screen door shut, he allowed his smile to disappear. His steps were heavy as he climbed up the stairs.
He hesitated as he walked past the bedroom Drake and Riley had been using since their arrival at the Walker ranch.
The walls were thin. Too thin. He heard everything at night as he tried to sleep in the other bedroom.
There were many nights that he had to leave the house and take a walk just to escape hearing them express and demonstrate their love to one another.
If they had not gotten pregnant after all that, then they never would, he thought.
The moment he parted from them outside the palace, he felt the stress of keeping his feelings buried disappear. He was able to breathe again. Frown if he wanted to without anyone asking what was wrong. Remain silent for the next few weeks if he was so inclined.
He could focus again what was most important: running his kingdom.
Even if it is for someone else's child.
He pinched the bridge of his nose. Irritation rose within him that he even had that type of thought. He had chosen this himself. No one forced him to. Why was he now experiencing bitterness when he should be rejoicing? His best friends had done what he had asked. They were pregnant with the royal heir.
What more could I possibly ask for?
"Liam? I hope I'm not interrupting."
He stood up with a tired smile. "Not at all. How were things while I was away?"
Regina eyed him for a moment. "Everything went well. We had requests from a few of the visiting monarchs to rent some of the vacant manors outside the capital."
"Oh? Hoping to use proximity to sway Drake and Riley's decision, I take it."
"Indeed." She sat down across from him. "I gave them permission to do so." A slight smile touched her lips. "If nothing else, we will have nearly a year's worth of rent from these people."
Liam chuckled. "True."
Her expression became serious once more. "Liam, dear..."
He cocked an eyebrow when she didn't continue.
"As difficult as this must be, we will need Drake and Riley to be here for a press conference as soon as possible." She averted her eyes when she saw the brief flash of anguish on his face. "The country has been anxiously awaiting for an announcement."
"I see." He rubbed a hand down his face. "I will let them know." He cleared his throat deciding to change the subject. "Which monarchs are staying in Cordonia?"
"Many, like the King and Queen of Auvernal   are dividing their time between here and their kingdoms." She explained. "The only one needing use of a manor for the entire pregnancy is Queen Amalas."
"Really?" Liam's brow furrowed. "That’s strange. She doesn't strike me as the kind of ruler to leave her duties for so long."
"You're right. That's why she intends for her cousin, Viscountess Millan, to be here the entire time and act as her proxy when she is back in Monterisso."
Liam straightened in his chair. "Lady Elisse is moving here?"
"According to Queen Amalas." Regina replied. "As soon as she is back from America, she will be settling at Cranborne Manor."
"She's in America?" He wondered why she would be there. He knew Amalas had surprised Riley and the other ladies at Savannah's bachelorette party. Her brief visit had struck them all as odd.
Was Elisse following us? Is that how Amalas knew where we were?
"Yes, she is. Boston, I think is where the queen said Lady Elisse was going. How was the wedding?" Regina' s voice cut through his thoughts. "The papers here have spent weeks documenting every little thing." She grimaced slightly. "They are eating it up that the Walker siblings made such advantageous marriages."
That's how Amalas knew where to find us. She had seen it in the news.
Liam relaxed some at that mystery being solved.
"Forgive me." He apologized. "I think the jet lag is causing me to zone out."
"Then you need to go upstairs and rest."
"But I--"
"No arguments." She took his arm and tugged him toward the door. "There is nothing on that desk that demands your immediate attention."
He looked down at her with an affectionate smile on his lips. Once at the main stairs, she released him. Liam surprised her with a hug and kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you." He said softly. "For commanding me to do so."
She gently patted his cheek. "Anytime, dear."
Monterisso's Royal Palace...
"Don't go, Lisse." Josip rubbed his eyes before launching himself into Elisse's arms.
"I'll be back." Elisse promised, hugging him tight. "And you can come visit me when Mommy comes." She tilted his little cherub face up. "We'll have new places to play." She dropped her voice to a whisper. "And all the cupcakes we want. Your mommy will never know."
"I heard that." Amalas yelled out from Elisse's closet.
Josip giggled at his mother's tone.
"What are you looking for?" Elisse yelled back.
"That black ballgown of yours." Amalas stepped out with hands on her hips. "The one that caused Lord Ashton to trip and land in the punch bowl."
Elisse rolled her eyes. "It wasn't the dress that caused that. It was his vanity in not wanting to be seen wearing glasses."
"I think it was the dress." She returned to her search. A triumphant yell sounded after a few more minutes.
"You're packing this and wearing it." Amalas said in her queenly tone. "That is a direct order, by the way."
"Hmm." Elisse picked up the little prince. "What do you think? Should I mind mommy?"
"Yes!" He replied with another giggle.
"See." Amalas smiled, "even the prince agrees."
"Very well." Elisse set him down. "I can't fight you both."
"I want you to wear it at the next ball Liam hosts." Her cousin instructed.
"Amalas." Elisse drew out the syllables. "Stop."
"Why? You’re clearly attracted to him."
"You know why." Elisse snapped. "I can't--"
"He's already taken care of that!" Amalas argued. "You could be with him without any pressure."
Elisse zipped her suitcase. "I'm going to Cordonia to represent you, not to romance Liam."
Amalas folded her arms. "If you change your mind, know that I would be thrilled both as your cousin and queen for you to be with him."
The viscountess sighed. "I'm not going to actively pursue him."
Elisse couldn't help but think of that moment in Valtoria's ballroom when he asked her to dance. The way it felt to be in his arms. Talking to him.
A smile appeared as she faced Amalas. "But I won't say no if he decides to pursue me."
The Royal Gardens, Cordonia, a week later...
"Drake and I are so excited." Riley told reporters. "I can't wait to meet our son or daughter."
Cameras flashed as she continued to answer questions.
Liam stood off to the side with a well practiced expression of delight on his face. His eyes swept over the crowd of nobles and members of the press.
He paused when he saw Elisse.
As if sensing she was being watched, she began to turn her head from side to side.
Their eyes met. She sent a smile his way, causing his own to respond.
With a tilt of his head toward the back of the crowd, he made his way over as she did the same.
"Welcome back to Cordonia." Liam kept his voice to barely above a whisper.
"Thank you." She replied. "I am glad to be here again."
"How do you find Cranborne Manor?"
"It's beautiful." Elisse responded. "I love being right on the ocean." She glanced over at the press conference still going. "I slept with my window open last night so I could hear the waves hitting the shore."
"I haven't been to Cranborne in years." Liam slipped his hands in his pockets, relaxing his kingly stance.
"Oh?" She lowered her eyes. "You are more than welcome to stop by and see it."
Liam grinned and also looked away. "I might just take you up on that offer."
She peeked at him from beneath her lashes. "I had thought of taking advantage of the perfect weather and spending a day on the beach tomorrow."
"That sounds nice." He lifted his eyes to hers.
"It's a shame I don't know too many people in Cordonia." She clasped her hands behind her back. "I wouldn't mind some company." Her lips curved slightly. "I might even be willing to pack a picnic."
"Might be willing?" His smile turned a touch flirty. "And what should one expect from a picnic you pack?"
She bit her lip, turning slightly away. "Mostly items that no one deems healthy." Her eyes cut to him. "Everything that tastes good and probably wouldn't appear at a formal court dinner."
He shifted closer to her. "That does sound tempting."
Liam cleared his throat. "Hypothetically speaking, what time would you go out to the beach?"
"Around noon." Elisse couldn't control her smile. "Hypothetically speaking of course."
"Of course."
The crowd began to disperse. Members of the press were packing up their equipment while nobles mingled at the garden party.
"Looks like we better catch up."
Liam wondered if he was imagining the faint note of reluctance in her voice.
He offered his arm to her. "Shall we, m'lady?"
She slipped her hand into the bend of his arm. "Thank you, your majesty."
"Who is that with Liam?" Riley asked.
Maxwell craned his neck to see who she was talking about.
"Hmm. Not sure but I think I've seen her before." He muttered.
"That's Queen Amalas's cousin." Hana said once she caught a glimpse. "From what Madeleine said, she will be remaining here to act as proxy for Monterisso's monarch."
"Liam said he would spend time with her to see if the Spy Queen has any hidden motives." Drake added. His eyes narrowed somewhat at Elisse's ability to hold Liam's attention. "I don't trust her."
The group of friends watched silently as Liam made her laugh on their way to join a group of other visiting foreign nobles.
Overhearing Drake's opinion, Olivia stepped up beside Hana.
"Monterisso has been a country that keeps mostly to itself." Her sharp green eyes remained on the viscountess. "I can't recall the last time any representative from their country visited Cordonia."
"Perhaps it is time to flip the tables on them." Maxwell suggested. "Spy on the spies."
"Isn't that what Liam is doing?" Riley asked. Worry for her friend began to appear on her face. "Do you think he is safe with her?"
"Liam can take care of himself." Hana replied. Her own worry reflected in her eyes. "But I'm worried she will use him in other ways."
"Maybe we should talk to him." Riley slipped her arm around Drake. "What do you think?"
Drake's lips parted, hesitating on whether or not they should interfere. "We'll play it by ear for now. Until we see Liam acting differently, we need to stay out of his way as he tries to gain information."
The next day, Cranborne Manor's private beach...
"You look much more relaxed today."
"I am. I didn't realize how much I needed a break from everyone."
Elisse chuckled before standing up. "Everyone? I suppose that's my cue to leave."
Liam scrambled upright to snag her hand in order to stop her.
With a laugh, she dodged it and ran off toward the water.
His smile came unbidden as he chased after her.
What am I doing?
That thought caused him to falter once he was waist deep in the ocean.
Elisse popped up out of the water, beside him.
"Is something wrong?" She asked once she pushed her damp clumps of hair out of her eyes.
Liam's gaze drifted over her. The wet, coffee colored hair. Bronze skin glistening with suntan oil and drops of water. Lips that were usually turned up in a warm smile were now in a thin, concerned line. Deep brown eyes that reminded him of dark chocolate. The black bathing suit that highlighted her beauty. He took it all in within a second or two.
I really am attracted to her.
He slowly shook his head. "Nothing's wrong, m'lady."
What am I to do now?
Her smile reappeared. "M'lady? I thought a certain king insisted that today we lose all titles."
He chuckled. "He sounds very intelligent."
"I certainly think he is." She reached for his hand. "Come on. There are a number of desserts in that picnic basket that I want to eat but also need an accomplice to finish them off."
"Should I be concerned with your sugar addiction?" Liam teased.
"Only when you find me eating sugar cubes without a pot of tea or coffee nearby." She teased back.
"I'll make certain to have the Royal guards take up sentry duty by the palace pantry."
"That will cause me to have to smuggle sweet treats into your country." She shook her head sadly. "What would the punishment be for such actions?"
"The most severe one we have." His tone playfully turned sinister. "You will have to watch Cordonia's ruler eating it all in front of you without offering you a single bite."
She gasped dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. "I never knew how brutal you could be."
"One has to be with smugglers like you." He winked at her as he helped her unpack the rest of goodies she had brought.
She laughed softly, her own body relaxing in the warm sun and his company.
"I'm glad you took my hypothetical invitation and came by today."
Liam polished off the rest of a vanilla cream puff before responding. "I'm glad you offered it." His lips curved. "Hypothetically."
She opened another container filled with various chocolate covered fruits. Her teasing smile turned a touch serious. "This is my first time living somewhere other than Monterisso."
"It is?"
"Yes." She picked up a strawberry covered in white chocolate. She focused on the waves as she spoke. "I always knew there was a chance of marrying someone who lived in a different country. But, I never imagined living somewhere else alone."
Liam glanced back toward Cranborne. He knew her intimidating bodyguard was most likely watching over them. "You're not completely alone."
"You mean Felix?" She laughed softly. "True. It is hard to ignore his presence." She reclined back on her beach towel. "He's that older brother I always needed growing up."
"Keeps you out of trouble?"
"That and isn't afraid of letting me know when I do something he thinks is foolish." She closed her eyes. "He has stood by me during some difficult moments in my life."
Liam stretched out on his side after removing the picnic basket that sat between them. "It's nice to have a source of comfort."
"Yes, it is." She turned her head and met his steady blue gaze. "It seems you have quite a few that are that for you."
"Yes." Liam averted his eyes. "I suppose I do."
"Liam, may I ask you something personal?" She turned on her side facing him. "If you don't wish to answer, I won't pressure you."
"What is it you wished to ask?"
"Why did you decide to name an heir instead of marrying someone and producing your own?"
His silence made her wish she hadn't ruined this day with her curiosity. He probably despised her for the audacity of even thinking she could ask him something like that.
Though it felt like she had always known him from rereading his file every chance she got, he didn't know her.
Her lips parted to apologize and take back her question.
"I think..." Liam began. "I think I did it out of selfish reasons." He grimaced at voicing what he had hoped wasn't true about himself. "I needed a way to take some time from being pressured about my finding a queen for Cordonia." He lifted his eyes to hers. "And I've used the excuses that I secured the throne and gave an honor to my closest friends."
Liam searched her face for repulsion or disapproval.
He saw nothing but a hint of sadness and sympathy.
"It's horrible, isn't it?" He asked.
"No." She replied. "It's not. From what I know about you, you have been put in some very difficult spots these last few years. You unexpectedly being named the crown prince. Forced to choose a bride to become king. Trying to break away from such tradition. Terrorists." Elisse placed her hand on top of his and gently squeezed. "Who wouldn't want a moment to step back from all that had been asked of him?"
He turned his hand over so he could hold hers. "Thank you, Elisse."
She smiled at him. Her eyes drifted over his handsome face in contented silence.
"May I ask a personal question?"
She nodded. "Of course. It wouldn't be fair for me to be the only one allowed."
"Why didn't you take part in my social season?" Liam braced himself for her answer.
He did not expect the sight of tears forming in her eyes.
"You don't know?" Her voice cracked.
"No." He gently gripped her hand. "I'm sorry, I--"
"Your father didn't want me to take part after the results of his required health examination." Elisse closed her eyes, trying to keep from crying.
"Health examination?" Liam's brow furrowed. "Why would that have any importance?"
"Because you are a king who needs to have heirs for the throne." She said softly.
"Yes, but why would--" Realization came over Liam. "Elisse."
She nodded in a jerky manner.
He couldn't stand to see her so hurt. Ignoring the question his mind asked of why he was doing this, he gently pulled her into his arms.
She buried her face against his shoulder while she silently cried.
Liam closed his eyes, dropping his head against hers. He couldn't help but think how ironic it was. Here was a lady he might very well have realized was the one he should marry that his father kept from him. And yet, he was now a single king with no heir from his bloodline.
If Constantine was not already dead, this surely would have caused it.
Liam looked at Elisse's face when she slowly pulled away.
"I'm sorry." She bit her bottom lip. "I didn't mean to put a damper on our day at the beach.
"You didn't." He reassured her. A bittersweet smile curved his lips. "I had hoped to get to know you."
She delicately blew her nose. "I did too."
Liam tenderly cupped her cheek, drawing her attention back to him.
She lifted an eyebrow.
"I think," Liam hesistated. "I wish you had been allowed to come for that season."
She swallowed a touch nervously. "I wish I had too."
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