#and everyone laughed?? like aw baby wants to be paid uwu
queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
the thing is like, most of my colleagues used to be my teachers, so now i feel like they'll never really take me seriously. even the compliments i get sound patronising. they don't compliment other colleagues on how well they do their job, because it's like, duh. it's their job. but they compliment me. and it's because they wanna reassure me but like, i don't need to be reassured. i know i'm good at my job. i know i've earned my place here. i don't doubt that. but it sounds like they do.
and i get it, some of them have known me since i was 7 years old. of course it's weird that we're colleagues now. but idk, work on yourself. don't make me feel bad because you can't see me as anything other than a kid.
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hongism · 5 years
#10 fluffy prompt for Seonghwa pls and thank you (:
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i love seonghwa i love seonghwa i love seonghwa akjfewiojflskd he’s so precious and uwu
#10: "Are we on a date right now?"
What We Are
"Are you ready to go?" Seonghwa asks as he steps into the living room, and you look up from your spot on the couch. Wooyoung glances back at the older man at the same time you do.
"Yep! I'm ready!" He answers with a playful smile. Seonghwa scoffs.
"You weren't invited, dimwit."
"Aw, no fun." Wooyoung slumps back down against the couch. You pat his thigh before getting up to join Seonghwa by the door. "Have fun on your date or whatever!" Wooyoung calls after the two of you. You reel and stick your tongue out at him.
"It's not a date!" Seonghwa adds, but Wooyoung merely cackles from his place on the couch.
"Sure it isn't," Wooyoung sings. "We all know someone would like it to be." He sends a wink your way, one that Seonghwa can't see, and your cheeks flush at the insinuation behind his words. You send him one last half-hearted glare before following Seonghwa out the door, cold air hitting you full force.
"Are you cold? Do you wanna grab another coat before we go?"
"No, no. I'm fine, Hwa. Don't worry." You press your hand against his arm and offer a small smile, which seems to ease Seonghwa's concerns in an instant. You don't let go of his arm though, even as the two of you head for the van in front of the dorm. "Shouldn't Wooyoung be coming along?" You ask.
"He's waiting for Yunho and Yeosang to finish getting ready, then they'll head over to the studio too."
"And the others are already there?"
"Yep." Seonghwa pulls the door open for you then slips in behind you. "Are you sure you want to do this? I can't imagine this will be fun or exciting for you." You rest your hand on Seonghwa's arm again once he settles down in the seat next to you.
"I said I wanted to come, and I meant it. Besides, I owe you lunch, so this just works out perfectly for us."
"You don't owe me anything," Seonghwa insists, placing his hand over yours and squeezing it a bit. The van lurches forward a little bit, and Seonghwa leans forward to tell the driver where to go. "And you aren't paying for lunch, I hope you know that." You frown and withdraw your hand from his arm.
"Why not? You paid last time, so it's my turn now." Seonghwa shrugs but doesn't answer the question, instead turning away from you. "Seonghwa," you persist, leaning forward to get a closer look at his face.
"Let me pay for you, Y/N. I want to treat you."
"You don't have to though," you mutter.
"It's because I like you, Y/N. It's the least I can do." You flush at Seonghwa's words, the true meaning escaping you for a moment when embarrassment hits.
"I like you too obviously, I wouldn't want to spend time with you if I didn't."
"No, Y/N, I mean I like you. As in romantically." Seonghwa laughs a little and scratches his neck, most likely to hide the traces of embarrassment creeping up his skin. "I swear everyone has noticed except you. Wooyoung won't let me breathe ninety percent of the time."
"Oh! Oh, oh my, I-I..." you trail off, unable to find the proper words to describe how you're feeling. "Then are we...are we on a date right now?"
Seonghwa hums and tilts his head from side to side. "Hmm...do you want us to be?" He grins a little, glancing at you out the corner of his eye. "If you do, then why not call it that?"
"What are we, Hwa?" You ask. Seonghwa reaches over to take your hand in his.
"What we are...is whatever you want us to be. If you aren't sure, then I'm willing to wait. If you don't feel the same, then I'll accept that and take a step back. And if you do feel the same, then I'm yours." You subconsciously tighten your grip on Seonghwa's hand.
"I'd like this to be a date," you whisper without looking at Seonghwa. "And..."
"And?" Seonghwa prompts, giving your hand a little squeeze to urge you to continue speaking.
"I like you a lot."
"I'm glad to hear that, Y/N." Seonghwa hums and leans back against the car seat.
"You planned this, didn't you?" You inquire, squinting at the pleased expression on his face.
"No, of course not, why would you think that?"
"I knew it. You did plan this! Wooyoung would've invited himself otherwise!" You scoff and slap Seonghwa's arm with your free hand. He laughs in response, not bothering to dodge your attacks. "You think you're smooth or something?"
"Evidently I am or else it wouldn't have worked." Seonghwa smirks then pulls your hand to his lips and lands a quick kiss across your knuckles. "Wooyoung will be proud of himself for coming up with this plan though."
"I knew that little shit was conspiring behind my back!"
“Sure you did, baby.”
a/n: sorry for not getting these out as quickly as possible lksdjfkldjf i have been doing family things
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onisiondrama · 4 years
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Onision Breaks Silence Over Shane Dawson - Speaks, June 26, 2020
Video Summary:
James says he stopped talking about Shane because everyone would go ape shit on him when he did. They wanted to protect him.
Says Repzion defended Shane.
Says Youtube called him (James) on the phone and asked him to remove all his videos about Shane Dawson. They implied his channels would be terminated if he didn’t. He says that was after he didn’t talk about Shane for months.
He says he told Youtube if they are enforcing their new no harassment policy, then they have to take down Repzion because his whole channel is harassment.
James says he doesn’t think Shane was trying to be racist in a hateful way when he did blackface. Says he thinks he was trying to be racist in a funny way. James says it’s not ok if white people do that because we live in a society where white people oppress black people. (James made a whole video dedicated to defending blackface a day or two after Shane made headlines for apologizing for using blackface in videos in September 2014. The video was called: “Blackface” Comedy Controversy)
James says he made a video where he put black makeup on his face and said it wasn’t blackface because he didn’t “act”. (This was the video I previously mentioned, he’s leaving out a lot of info.) He says Shane did legitimate blackface. (James actually did legitimate blackface in a video called “Myths About Onision” btw.) James explains blackface.
Says he had dinner with Shane twice, had lunch with him once, and went to his house a couple times. Shane never once said he hated black people to him.
Says Shane made inappropriate jokes about people who are not adults. Says everyone has made a joke about people who aren’t adults or at least laughed about it. Says Dave Chappelle said if Michael Jackson was a predator, he would have gone after Macaulay Culkin. Says comedians do this shit on a regular basis. James says he made a joke about Skying a person while sitting on the toilet, he thought it was obvious it was a joke. People got pissed off because cancel culture is gay. (People only started bringing that up because Onision was using obvious jokes PewDiePie and Shane made to accuse them of being pedos. They were not trying to cancel him, he was trying to cancel PewDiePie and Shane.)
Says what Shane did was different because he would include minors, like his little cousin, in his jokes.
Shane made a joke about thinking a 6 year old was sexy. Says Shane threatened to sue him over talking about this.
Says he’s not happy about seeing Shane suffer, but he should be held accountable for what he did with his little cousin. (He lists things Shane said to his cousin.) Says an apology isn’t good enough for this, but he doesn’t think Shane hates black people.
Says Shane made a conspiracy video about inappropriate content on Youtube and actually searched it for his video. Says that means Shane actually downloaded pedophile shit on his computer. He said this was 6 year olds, not 16 year olds. He says 16 in legal in the UK, which is just like the US.
James says Shane admitted on his podcast he googled “baby porn”. (Shane did not say this. This is something James has been claiming for a while. Shane said he googled “naked babies”. I’m not saying what Shane said was right, but there is a BIG difference between images of naked babes, which 99% of the time are taken in a innocent context like a cute portrait or a first bath pic VS deliberately trying to find “baby porn”.) James says Shane’s co-host was there to make it seem like he wasn’t so bad. Says imagine what Shane would be like if he didn’t have a co-host.
Says it’s good Canada changed their age of consent from 14 to 16 because you shouldn’t be fucking 14 year olds, obviously. Says he lost his virginity when he was 14 to someone around his age. He says that’s too soon to bang an adult. He thinks he would be scared for life if he had sex with an adult when he was 14.
Says you guys constantly equate people who want to have sex with a 16 year old to a pedophile. Says it would be fucked up if someone his own age wants to have sex with a 16 year old because they are just learning how to drive a car versus a dinosaur.
Says if you walked into a police station and told them you find a 6 year old sexy, like Shane did, they’d find a way to arrest you. He says it’s all about time and place.
Says Shane isn’t going to be actually canceled because he gets millions of views and has millions of fans. He doesn’t think Shane would quit because he put a lot of time into this and has products and sponsorships. Says Shane is a millionaire so he could retire.
If he was Shane, he’d get therapy because he can’t imagine telling a 12 year old to twerk on camera, etc.
Says the guy who directed Guardians of the Galaxy said something about 5 year olds in the shower. He wasn’t talking about a specific child, he was just cracking a disgusting joke. No one was outraged by Dave Chappelle because he’s popular.
James says he apologized because going after Shane ruined his life, but now is a good time to talk about it.
Says if Shane wants to stay on Youtube, he should talk about why he said what he did. He should admit to the things he did that weren’t just jokes. He subjected his cousin to things a child shouldn’t be subjected to.
James says he worked with his own cousin when he was 12, but he never made sexual jokes.
James doesn’t know why you guys are so “mentally retarded” it took years to figure it out. Everyone on twitter is saying things he said 3 years ago. Keemstar is the only person who said jack shit about this. You guys are the problem, you’re all enablers. You all saw his apology ans was like “aw shane uwu”. You act like he’s the bad person when you sat there jerking him off.
Says Nicholas DeOrio is just like Chris Hansen because Hansen wouldn’t do an interview with him. When James started talking about the full story to DeOrio cut his feed and wouldn’t let him talk. (It was because the subject of the stream was about Hansen selling the Onision story. DeOrio brought James in to discuss, but James kept talking over him about his exes.) Says DeOrio is a giant hypocrite piece of shit.
James says he doesn’t want to see anything happen to Shane except for Shane apologizing for saying fucked stuff and saying he’s getting therapy. 
Says Shane had a video called “kids twerking”, but he deleted it. Says Shane deletes hundreds of millions of views worth of videos when shit hits the fan. He should private it. (I guess to keep the views and stats on his channel.)
Says he got a quarter million subscribers from Shane promoting him when he was a nobody. They both got canceled so there’s a lot of relate-ability there.
Says this stream isn’t monetized and you can’t be honest when you’re getting paid because you’re biased. They all have to worry about what they say, except Keemstar doesn’t care what people think. MyFly, a cool friend (a long time patreon) listened to his from the beginning. He lists Youtubers that defended Shane, say they’re sheep-ass clone bitches.
He says everyone said it was fine when Shane said he fucked his cat.
The most honest Youtuber is the guy who tells their audience to fuck themselves and doesn’t care. He’s a porn star now so he doesn’t need to worry about that now.
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Don't let the candles go out, and they'll protect you okay uwu
Something a little late but eh X3
The day had finally come.
Ula was finally a year older, and she was quite proud of it.
This year, she decided that she did not want some “big” celebration, but she only wanted the day to herself and her small family. Specifically the tiny clowns she called her siblings, and so, her parents allowed her to roam around town with the two of them, and of course her trusty companion Mana.
“You really like those, huh?” Ula asked with a bright smile, looking at her axolotl who practically pranced with every step he took. “I guess I did a good job for my first time.”
Mana barked up at Ula, wagging his tail in excitement before he turned to look at his back where his new bat wings harness was. His little one made a pair just for him and one for Kala, the former clearly excited and showing off his wings as he strolled with the little clowns.
“Going back to today’s lesson,” Ula cleared her throat, dragging along her red wagon while her two siblings comfortably sat inside. “The second rule of Halloween is to always wear a costume. Tradition says that wearing a costume was basically a disguise for hiding away from the bad spirits, so don’t listen to what those dummy Halloween-haters.”
“Okay.” Davey replied, tapping his tiny fingers on his belly as he enjoyed being wheeled throughout town. “Candy?”
“Oh yeah, that was rule number one.” Ula nodded before noticing that Davey made a grabbing motion with his hands, making her giggle. “But yeah, I’ll make sure to give you guys some candy too. It is October after all. I saved up some money just for the occasion.”
Davey gave a hum of content, soon laying back once more as he and Cordelia watched their surroundings.
Houses were already adorned with Halloween decorations, as were the stores that the kids now walked by.
Little Cordelia’s eyes lit up at the sight of pumpkins situated at nearly every spot she looked, smiling while gripping onto the red wagon in complete excitement. Soon she had started to make thrilled, gibberish sounds, bouncing in place while pointing to the pumpkins.
“You like the pumpkins Cordie?” Ula asked, stopping the wagon to admire the scenery. “Well, that takes me to the next rule of Halloween. You must never blow out your jack-o-lantern before midnight. That also keeps the bad spirits away.”
Cordelia continued to speak her own language, pointing at what were arrays of different sized pumpkins. At the very top were the smallest of them all, and at the very bottom were the large and heavy ones.
“Excuse me sir?” Ula called out to the vendor who turned to her with a warm smile. “How much are the pumpkins?”
“Big ones are three bucks. The tiny ones are fifty cents. It all depends.” he replied, chuckling at the sight that was Cordelia clapping her little hands while bouncing in place.
“Huh. Then can I have...three big ones and one tiny?”
“You know how much that’ll be?”
“Pay attention.” Ula whispered to her siblings before clearing her throat. “Each pumpkin is three and I want three, so three times three equals nine. Plus a tiny one, nine-fifty.”
“Nice! And you want them in the wagon?” 
“Yes please!” Ula nodded before pointing to Davey and Cordelia individually. “One in front of him, the other in front of her. The third one right here. I’ll carry the tiny one.”
“You got it.” the man helped Ula load the pumpkins into wagon, eventually saying their goodbyes after Ula paid up and resumed her birthday stroll.
“You see this Cordie?” Ula presented a candle that she had also purchased from the man. “This goes into the pumpkin after we carve it and make it look cute or scary. Like I said, you don’t blow out the jack-o-lantern before midnight. Don’t let the candles go out and they’ll protect you, okay?”
The infant gave her version of a nod, far too entranced with the pumpkin she refused to let go of. 
“Yeah, I thought you’d like that.” Ula ruffled Cordelia’s hair, immediately repeating the action with Davey who clearly felt left out less than a second later. “Anyways, I’m starting to get hungry. How about we visit uncle Pepper’s shop?”
After some more walking, Ula opened the glass door that led into the small shop where she expected to find her uncle. Instead, she saw a baby sitting on the counter, and not one that was fathered by Pepper.
“Bingo? What are you doing here?” Ula asked the baby who sat on the counter, all alone as she ate a cupcake adorned as a spider. “Where’s your mommy?”
“Right here! I’m right here!” sounded Ferry’s voice as she hurried to the front, everyone seeing as she came in with the first born of the triplets. “Hello Ula! Happy Birthday to you.~”
“Oh thank you.” Ula giggled before bringing her wagon closer, her siblings staring up at Ferry and Ally who attempted to hide behind Ferry while being carried. “Have you seen my uncle Pepper?”
“He went to go do some errands and he took Ben with him. Had to buy more supplies for all the Halloween goodies.
“Oh. Huh.”
“Were you looking to see him?”
“Not really, I just wanted to see if I could get a treat for my baby brother and sister. I was showing them around town, and teaching them the rules of Halloween.” Ula motioned to the pair, then hearing a bark from Mana. “And maaaybe something small for Mana too.”
“I can arrange that.” Ferry nodded with a grin. “I mean, we also do give out free candy to whoever comes by. I know that rule of Halloween.~”
This alone made Ula smile widely, getting quite giddy on the inside before Ferry walked more towards her.
“Do you think you could hold Ally for a bit?”
“Sure! I love Ally.” Ula reached out to grab the baby who clung onto Ferry, eventually letting go and instead clinging onto Ula who laughed to herself. 
“I’ll be right back then,” Ferry started, then looking down at the wagon to see Cordelia finally releasing her pumpkin to instead reach up towards Ferry who giggled. “And I guess I’ll be bringing a little trick-or-treater with me.”
Cordelia cooed as she was carried by Ferry, cuddling into her chest as the woman made her way to the back of the bakery.
“Those are some cool cupcakes.” Ula looked at the glass display next to the cash register, Davey looking from inside the wagon as he was brought a sense of awe at the sight of gorey cupcakes. “Uncle Pepper and Ferry make all of these. Also aunt Belinda, but she has her own job too. I wonder if Ben and Greta are gonna do this when they grow up, the twins are already learning.”
“Cupcake.” Davey stood up on the wagon, having to lean against the glass to hold himself steady as he continued to scan all of the cupcakes. “I want one.”
“I’ll tell Ferry when she’s back.” Ula leaned down to kiss Davey’s cheek, making him giggle before he plopped back down on the wagon. “You’ll get a bloody one. And Cordie will get one with gummy worms.”
“Okay.” Davey looked around, soon locking eyes with Ally who immediately hid her face on Ula’s shoulder.
“You wanna play with Ally?” Ula asked, eventually lowering Ally onto the other side of the wagon after having moved the pumpkin that was in between the infants. “I’m gonna grab Bingo.”
Bingo soon looked at Ula with a face that seemed almost offended that that thought even crossed her mind, shocked when Ula picked her up from the counter just as Ferry came in. She looked over at Ferry, almost asking for help as Ula held her against her chest.
“I brought some chocolates for Davey, and Cordelia picked out some gummy brains.” Ferry mentioned as she set Cordelia down on the counter, also placing a box in a bag beside her. “I almost forgot, your mommy made an order and I was meant to deliver it today after taking the girls with their dad. Would you mind taking it with you?”
“I don’t mind at all.” Ula shook her head while petting Bingo’s, not really realizing that Bingo kept staring at her, fully offended. “What did she order?”
“Oh, just some cookies for work. She’s giving them to her employees I guess.” Ferry gave a giggle before whispering to Ula. “And I know that rule of Halloween about the candies, but just this once, don’t check your candies okay?”
“Mmm, okay I guess.” Ula shrugged, soon trading Bingo for the box Ferry provided. “Before we leave, can I buy the treats for everyone? I want cupcakes for Davey and Cordie. And also a doughnut with sprinkles for Mana.”
“Of course!” Ferry walked behind the counter, chuckling at the sight that was Cordelia squealing and giving an unexpected hug to Bingo who’s eyes had widened greatly. “Just know, they’re on the house.~”
The day had started to come to a close, Ula realizing that the sun was close to setting and that her siblings had grown drowsy.
“We’re almost there.” Ula told the two, really only telling Cordelia who was fighting her hardest to not nap like Davey already had. Ula was smart enough to bring along pillows and blankets for the two.
“I wonder what mom and dad have been up to this entire time.” Ula pondered to herself, then petting Mana’s head as he walked alongside her while holding the bag in his mouth. “Maybe we’ll get to watch a scary movie once we’re there. I hope mom made some dinner.”
Mana, not able to bark, gave a nod and a wag of his tail before their home finally came into their line of sight. Right on the window was Kala, no doubt having been waiting for their arrival to make sure they all got home safely.
Barks were heard from inside as everybody got to the front door, with the exception of Davey and Cordelia who were still on the wagon.
“You spent quite the while outside.” Ula heard her mom after the front door opened, Jelly helping her bring the wagon over the steps before everyone was inside. “We thought Michael Myers had taken you.”
“Oh, pssh.” Ula’s cheeks turned pink as she walked inside, soon gasping at it all. “Whoa! Look at all of this!”
“While you were out, your mom and I worked on all of this.” Lennie soon appeared, ruffling Ula’s hair before kissing her cheek. “Happy Birthday Ula.”
All around the house there were Halloween decorations, the ceiling being adorned with stickers and even hanging figures like bats and spiders. The couch has orange and black pillows, a good amount of the house having similar color schemes.
“Wowie! I love it all so much!” Ula jumped in place, then seeing as Jelly came around with the box they had brought from Pepper’s bakery.
“Did Pepper or Ferry tell you what was in here?” Jelly took the box out of the bag, Ula shrugging. 
“She said some cookies for your employees.”
“Good.” Jelly nodded, soon opening up the box and angling it so that Ula could properly look inside. 
“Wait,” Ula blinked inside at the box. “That’s not cookies.”
“You are correct.”
“That’s a cake. With my name on it.”
“It sure is.”
“Ferry lied to me!” Ula gasped, eventually realizing why. “Because it’s a birthday cake for me!”
“There you go.” Lennie chuckled to himself, helping Davey and Cordelia out of the wagon before placing them on the couch to nap. “Your mom bought popcorn and other snacks so we can enjoy the cake while we watch scary movies.”
“Yes!” Ula exclaimed, hearing Mana bark excitedly. “All night?”
“Until we all pass out.” Jelly nodded, soon feeling Ula engulf her in a hug.
“I love you guys so much.”
“We love you too kiddo.” Lennie soon received a hug, hugging her back before the family got down to business.
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