#and even when he is he’s stilly jumping around and such. my lovely son
moxymaxing · 11 months
big big fan of transmasc dakota but oh my god do not put that boy in a binder. do you want his chest to die
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magalidragon · 4 years
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Tiny Dancer | a drabble set in the “It Is What It Is” universe
a/n: For @stilesssolo I said I would do a drabble of smol!Jon in ballet tights. 🤣 Here it is! Also I just threw his moodboard together in like ten min which is why it is trash.  But then again, so am I, just absolute Jonerys trash, lol.
Dany grunted, separating back the heel of her ballet shoe from the fabric, reaching down with her knife and gouging out the shank of the shoe, releasing a triumphant cry when she yanked it out, holding it into the air like a prize. She dropped it to the floor with the rest of the detritus that accumulated when she prepped her shoes. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her boyfriend frowning at her, over top of his book, his glasses glinting in the light coming off the fireplace in front of them both. “What?” she asked, chuckling, not stopping her destruction of the shoes.
“Aren’t those things rather expensive?”
“About 200 dragons a pair, yes.”
“And you just…destroy them?”
She folded the shoe backwards and forwards, easily moldable now that the shank was out. Once she had it the way she wanted, she picked up her darning needle and threaded it, beginning to work on the ribbons. She shrugged. “It’s a disposable product at the end of the day, these need to fit me perfectly.” She wiggled her toes out, so he could see the broken nails, bruises, and calluses that covered her small, yet strong, feet. It used to upset her, how she couldn’t wear sandals or get cute pedicures the way all her friends could, but she was proud of her feet. They showed how good at her profession she was, how athletic and strong. They were what kept her going. “Because they protect these, ultimately.”
“I guess I won’t understand.” He set his book aside, crawling onto the floor to sit with her. One of her cats, Drogon, was fussing with an end of her ribbons, batting it back and forth in his paws. Ghost eyed them all and she kept watch on him out of the corner of her other eye, lest he run off with one of her shoes again. He’d taken a liking to them.
Although she’d discovered one day that his chewing on one of the shoes had actually softened the toe box a little. It wasn’t a habit she wanted him to get into though. “You didn’t see your mom doing this?”
Jon laughed. “Yeah, I did, sometimes helped her. She would give me the shoes and have me bang them on the floor with her.”
“That’s actually genius.” Little boys were all about that loud noise and screaming. Lyanna getting a small tiny Jon to beat the shit out of her pointe shoes was actually a nice sight. She pursed her lips up, smacking a kiss to his cheek. “Baby Jon.”
His palm came over, pressing to the very tiny bump on her waist, his face soft and goofy. “Baby Dany.”
Her hand covered his, squeezing lightly. “Baby You and Me,” she said, accepting his kiss. He patted her belly gently and moved, getting to his feet. She glanced down at her bump, which had not deterred her from dancing; if anything she wanted to keep it up, to stay in shape throughout the pregnancy. It had been quite a shock, discovering that after only a year they were expecting, but it was only a matter of time.
The bell at the front of the house, a small cottage they’d located on the outskirts of Winterfell, rang—more like gonged—Ghost released his high-pitched whine, closest thing he could do as a mute. He jumped up and bounded after Jon to the door, while she remained on the floor, stretching out her legs to either side into a semi-splitz and forward bend, figuring maybe she’d prep for a workout later and get some stretching in.
At the front door there was a happy laugh, the sound of bags rustling, and a moment later Jon entered, smiling wide. “Mom came to visit.”
“I actually come bearing gifts.” Lyanna, who wasn’t quite as petite as her, nimbly stepped around the various objects on the floor, and held aloft two gift bags. She glanced at the shoes piled up that Dany had been working on, and chuckled. “Oh, I remember those days. Shoe prep. You know I used to get Jon to…”
“He told me,” she laughed, coming up and reaching for Lyanna. It was still amazing to her that this woman would be her mother-in-law one day, when she idolized her as a small girl. She poked at one of the bags, nudging into the tissue paper. “You didn’t need to bring anything.”
Lyanna patted her belly, which Dany pushed out a bit obnoxiously, since at five months she wasn’t quite as big as she’d expected to be. Doctor said itw as because she was an athlete, she might not pop until the end. “I did so have to bring something for my future grandchild. Also…” A devlish look crossed her face, her gray eyes twinkling. “I found something while cleaning out the house.”
Whatever it was, Jon was wary, his matching gray eyes narrowing. “Oh?”
“Hmm. Be a dear and get me some tea.”
“You don’t need tea, what is it?”
“Jon, get your mother some tea,” Dany chastised. He huffed, storming out of the room, throwing a censuring look over his shoulder. She stuck her tongue out at him. Once he was out of earshot, she whipped around to Lyanna. “Oh gods, what is it? What did you find?”
Lyanna grinned, hand diving into the other bag. She removed a DVD case, smirking. “Had to get this transferred from the recorded copy but it is so worth it.”
One of the things that Dany had wanted desperately to see when she’d begun dating Jon and after learning that his mother had forced him into ballet shoes when he was little, were ballet photos of him. Except, to Lyanna’s enduring disappointment in her son, when he was a teenager, Jon had gone through the house and purged it of any photo of him in ballet clothes, lest his friends or Robb might locate them and humiliate him. Lyanna was still pissed off at him for it.
“Didn’t leave me with one photo!” she raged, when Dany had asked her about it at their first dinner together. Jon hadn’t cared and calmly continued eating, saying it was for the best.
Lyanna hurried to the TV and plugged in what she needed. A moment later, the screen flickered and Dany was greeted with the greatest thing she ahd ever seen in her entire life. Except maybe the sonogram of her child. This was an exceptionally close second.
The footage was homemade, from someone’s old-fashioned camcorder, and from the front row of what she recognized was the main auditorium at the ballet academy. The curtain pulled open, the audience applauded, and then a line of little girls in pale pink leotards, tights, and tutus walked onto the stage, eagerly waving at their parents. They couldn’t be more than five. And then….teh greatest thing ever….Dany yelped, covering her mouth with her hands, tears springing to the corners of her eyes.
In both adoration, love, and because she thought she might start laughing nonstop.
A little Jon Snow, dark curls tangled on his head, in a white shirt and gray leotard tights, bringing up the rear of the line. He looked down at the camera and to her amusement, he scowled. Then he reluctantly lifted up his little hand and waved, before focusing his attention on the instructor, who Dany couldn’t see. He snapped to attention immediately and began to follow the program, little feet moving as they ran across the stage, prancing and doing plies and jumping here and there.
“Oh my gods,” she breathed, a hand on her belly and the over stilly over her mouth, watching the tiny Jon on the stage. She kept repeating it, while Lyanna giggled nonstop beside her.
“He’s so adorable! Oh, I forgot how tiny his frown was. Such a grumpy little boy I had.”
”What the bloody seven hells are you watching?!”
Lyanna paused the video, turning to glare at her son. “Your dance recital when you were five. It’s all I have of my only child doing ballet. Give your mother this much, you burned all the other pictures.”
Jon was flushed so red, Dany worried he’d stopped breathing. He closed his eyes. “Where did you find that?”
“The studio actually. I’m sure there’s more I can locate soon enough.” She picked upt he other bag, handing it to Dany, beaming. “And here’s your other gift.”
Dany giggled, almost jumping in place, so full of love and giddiness. She grabbed something soft from inside the bag and tugged it out, bursting into tears. “Fucking hormones,” she complained, wiping her eyes and holding up the little cotton onesie. She sniffed. “Oh Lyanna! It’s so sweet!”
Lyanna wiped at her own tears, hugging her tightly. “Well you’re having a little dancer.”
“A tiny dancer,” Jon read from the onesie, as Dany held it up, placing it over her belly. He chuckled. “Thanks Mom.” He pointed to the television, his image mid-leap in gray tights, intense focus on his small features frozen on the screen. “But not for that.”
“Oh hush and give your mother a kiss. I need to get back to the school.”
Dany couldn’t stop, wiping at her tears and saying thank you to Lyanna, for so many things. The onesie, the video, for producing Jon, even. They managed to get her out of the house, even with the tea Jon had made for her and put into a travel mug, like he knew she wouldn’t be long. He probably was hoping she wouldn’t stay long. He hugged her, wiping at her eyes. “Don’t cry,” he chuckled. “It’s just a silly little gift.”
She shook her head. “No, it’s everything. I just love yo so much.”
He softened, touching his forehead to hers. “I love you too.”
A few days later, at the studio, Dany finished with her workout and went over to the stereo to turn off her music, when the door opened. She glanced over to tell whomever it was she was almost done, when she saw Jon slip in. “Jon!” she exclaimed. He held two cups of coffee in his hand. She grinned, flicking off the music and rushed to him, shoes clomping on the hardwood. “You brought me tea!”
“Herbal, no caffeine.”
She flicked down the coffee collar, his writing scribbled out. <i>Baby might need this more than you.</i> She patted her belly, kissing him. “Yes, baby did need it. Thank you.”
“I have something else.” He shifted, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out an envelope, passing it over to her. “My mom isn’t always right. Contrary to her belief.”
Dany took the envelope, curious. She set the tea on the top of the piano and flicked opent he envelope, pulling out a few old photos, the glossy images spilling forth into her hands. She stared, mouth falling open, at the treasures she now held. “You didn’t destroy them!”
They were of little Jon, just like the video from the recital, only in these ones he was in a studio, very small and holding his mother’s hand, while she wore her ballet leotard and skirt, his little chubby feet and legs in tights. Another holding onto the barre. She beamed, flicking through them. They were bloody adorable. She looked up, pressing them to her heart. He smiled, sheepish. “I guess I subconsciously held onto those because I was going to fall in love with a dancer.”
She giggled. “Maybe you did.” She looked down at them again, shaking her head, still smiling. “They’re perfect. Thank you.” The photos returned to the envelope, she put them carefully into her bag, and bounced back up. “Come on, dance with me.”
Jon smirked. “I don’t dance.”
“You’re having a baby with a dancer. Guess what Jon? You dance.” She giggled. “I’ll hsow you my baby pictures of me in a tutu. I think my mother ingrained me young, just like yours.”
“Funny how that works,” he laughed. He spun her around, tugging her up to his chest, and kissed her softly. “Love you.”
“Love you too.” She took her coffee and together they clinked the lids together, before he spun her back around, dancing lazily around the studio, both of them laughing goofily.
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calypsoff · 4 years
Seventeen. Part 3
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Chris is really drunk, I can hear him in the background getting annoyed but who the hell has his phone “hi, it’s Clinton. I’m sorry, my son and I went to get some drinks and then ended up having too many, well Chris did. I apologise” oh my god, his dad. I am stunned but I need to say something “oh it’s ok Clinton, honestly. I’m just glad to know he is safe. That is the real point here, just get him hone. He’s stilly” he really went out drinking with his dad “I will do, I apologise for my son” he disconnected the phone and so did I, he didn’t need to apologise but the way Chris was shouting I love you, and the. I heard a female in the background, but I think he was out in a bar, I wonder the reason why and also Chris drunk, I have never had the pleasure of drunk Chris but he seems pretty fun and he remembered me, he is sweet but I am totally annoyed with him: I want more for us but he wants less, I hate that for us and it’s really upsetting me. I have been back a few hours now and I’m waiting to go into a meeting, I am tired and fell asleep on the drive here to the meeting, Mel woke me and now I am just waiting. I don’t know, I was being playful with him and assumed he would want to keep something at the home but he’s always saying no, just kind of upset me “who was that?” Mel asked, letting out an oh “Chris, a very drunk Chris. He was saying something and then shouting that he loves me, typical” shaking my head “yeah you never really said about how the Mexico trip was?” Stretching my body “good” stifling out a yawn, I am so tired.
I know Mel wants to know more so I might as well spill “we didn’t do much but have sex, we jumped off a cave. Well you know the side of a cave, and it was so good. We kissed in the pure white waters, and we have a video of us jumping in it. Then more sex, we had such a good time” I seem so fed up and the tour hasn’t even started yet “I hope he isn’t showing out knowing full well who he with” Mel said but she has got a point, I hope Chris isn’t “I am happy for you both though, it’s nice to see you are very much invested in this meaning the fact you’re willing to have a baby and pretty much halt your career” I knew she would bring that up, taking in a deep breath “I want a baby so bad, the reason I never bought this forward is because I was unhappy with the man but I’m not now, I am content. I want a family” Mel squinted her eyes at me “right and if he turns around and says no, I didn’t want the baby, so I am out. Then what?” That could happen “the so be it, I still got my love child” Mel is not amused “the help has got into you, Robyn. A baby half way through a release of an album? It’s wrong and as a friend I want you to tell him, the truth. He deserves to know, I don’t want you to be hurt until his because he can turn around and make you a single mother, you look tired and dragged down already” my eyes bulged out “ok maybe not that dramatic but still, I want the best for you” maybe Mel is right, but I want my baby, I don’t care for the rest.
Staring at Jay Brown, I don’t know but I’m just not with it “forgive me, I forgot to ask. How was your time away with Chris?” He asked “oh erm just great” I smiled lightly “that is fine, so this tour will be tiresome. We will be travelling, you get off stage and you’re out to the airport, seven days you will do this. No stopping, once we get to the city then we can check into a hotel and have a little refresh but other than that it will be none stop along with the press and fans with us, we will get fans from each city on there too, so this is very stressful very full on, Rihanna we need you to be there and on time, we need you to at least interact with the fans on the first day on the plane, after that. Then you can let loose, but we ended that first, on the day of the New York date, that is when the album will be released. I have had sleepless nights over this, I am ready. We are ready for this” this sounds long “ok, and did you add Chris to the people with us? He is entourage now” looking up at Jay Brown, I hope he has “I did, I had to move Tina on the plane. The other two will be there but not in business class with us. But he’s on there” I don’t need to argue to him about it “thanks, but yeah. I am excited for this, it’s going to be long, but it will be different” that is all I have to ask “cool, Robyn I need to speak to you alone. Goodnight to the rest” oh god, I wonder what he needs to tell me now on my own, hopefully something productive.
Everyone filed out of the room and left us to it, I wonder what it is “erm, I didn’t know your new boyfriend has a record for drugs?” I should have known “we all do stupid things Jay; he made a mistake and did his time. It was a very big mistake, trust me. I know him, I know the man I am dating so that was it?” he could have kept people here while he said that to me “it doesn’t look good on you, all the tabloids are saying is that you are with a thug, he is with you for money. He is a nobody really? An ex-convict that will be on this tour, now he is part of the entourage. I won’t be shocked if he breaks your heart Robyn, you seem sot be very much in love with him. Look I have no issues as long as you are putting work forward, that needs to be always be ahead of your list” why the fuck does this guy likes to stress me out “right” I mumbled, I really don’t need this shit from him, I really don’t “you’re clearly annoyed with me but I am looking out for my artist which is you Robyn, I have to make sure you’re good, I can’t just sit back and let it slide and not mention anything to you about it, what kind of manager would I be? Just don’t let him get between your line of work, but that was all. Just you are looking like a stupid in love girl, but I trust your judgement anyways” getting up from the seat, he is so annoying “sure, see you in New York” let me go.
I did try and call Chris but of course he will be a drunk mess so he will call when he is ready, shaking my head locking my phone “tired of this shit, a drunk Chris and a nosey ass manager” Mel hasn’t questioned what has happened at all, she knows I have a lot to think about but also I am very tired “do you have some rehearsal now?” Mel asked “I do, I also need to go and see Wale, do a little feature with him. I promised I would see him” Mel gasped “oh my god yes, you said you would do the remix! Yes bitch, ok I am excited. But I thought rehearsal?” Mel keeps mentioning that “I do have that but it’s just a meet up with the band that will be coming and then tomorrow I will get down to the mini rehearsal, then prep to go New York and then leave tomorrow night, hectic I know but it is what it is. A bitch got to work and make her muller” Mel didn’t say anything but she knows I am going to be working like a dog for these few days, and on top of that I am feeling already tired when I have done nothing yet “what did Jay want anyways? What did he mention” Mel asked “that he is a bad guy, he has a record” I shrugged “oh yeah, they are really running with it. I just saw Chris’ following shoot up and he ended up on Shade Room, I swear I cackled. They need to leave him alone, there is so many unhappy people that they project their hate onto him, like what the fuck does it got to do with them, like they are jumping to conclusions about him. Oh god, did you see his ex on there too? She made, you stole her man” I knew it “typical, I don’t care for her. I will get my lawyer on her to shut her mouth about us, cheeky bitch” I really can’t stand her, and then she is now pregnant because of TJ.
Crazy how there is always that one paparazzi here, I mean it’s random but whatever. Walking around the SUV and making my way to the studio. My driver walked alongside me, I do wonder who is here that there is paparazzi here, unless there is someone leaking something. I guess I will find out “extra as fuck, Wale would never” walking into the studio building “I know he wouldn’t, I just wonder who else is here though. Did he say second studio on the second floor?” staring at Mel “uhhh yeah, let’s take the elevator though because I am not taking the stairs” I was going to walk up the steps “you know if you didn’t go Mexico with Chris you wouldn’t be so rushed” Mel is telling me something I don’t know “I know but I wanted to take him away, I don’t regret it but it’s made me rush things” the elevator pinged open, stepping into the elevator “he should have come back with you too” I snorted laughing “we argued about that already, he fell out about his suitcase so please. Let’s not start on the coming with me part” crossing my arms across my chest, there was only a short ride up “see” eyeballing Mel, the doors pinged open “riri baby” Rakim, he is here “the hell you doing here?” I questioned “waiting on you, how are you” he hugged me, just out of nowhere “I am good, and yourself? But seriously. Is that why there is papz outside, Ferg. Looking well” moving back from the hug “oh no Marshall is here, they came with him but I am going, see you at the VMAs” stepping off the elevator “likewise” I grinned walking off “nice to see such love between you both” Mel said behind me which made me laugh.
Wale studio session ended up being an all-night thing and I am just getting home, I cancelled the meet up with the band for tomorrow afternoon “I really need to sleep, look at me. I am looking a mess” my eyes are feeling so dry “we’re nearly there, I wanted to say. It’s funny to see you and Rakim being so formal now, like you both get on so well. Better then you both did, he looked so happy to see you too” she got a point he did “yeah” my phone started ringing in my hand “oh it’s the drunk” I said laughing, answering the call “hey” I would have imagines he would be asleep for longer “you’re awake still?” Chris said, he seemed so shocked that I am “busy, like I told you but yeah. How come you’re awake? Not drunk still” Chris laughed “I am feeling it still, I just wanted to see if you was ok” I thought so “uhm yeah I am ok, I am going to bed now. Just ring me tomorrow when you’re fully feeling yourself, ok?” there is no point, he seems out of it still “sure, I love you” smiling lightly “I love you too” disconnecting the call “I am also feeling a little too tired to be conversating, get me to a bed!” Mel laughed at me.
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