#and dog park on weekends for an hour or two
slothrusts · 1 year
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Sorry all the Nellie pics are of her laying down it’s just that she’s a bulldog and that’s literally all she does 🥰
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storiesofsvu · 2 months
Bump in the Night
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Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: language, some anxiety/fear, aaron to the rescue type vibes, nothing serious, just a creeper. This was supposed to be a drabble... I do not know what happened...
While you weren’t actually part of the BAU, you were best friends with Penelope which meant that any girls night’s, baking tutorials, birthday, Christmas or Halloween celebrations, you were invited. Over all of those events you’d become a friend of everyone on the team, a happy face for them to see after a long week or more away. You regularly helped Penelope get things set up for them or were the one out running errands or picking up treats while she was finishing work. It was as if the two of you were their own personal slice of sunshine, which was exactly why Hotch always felt a blooming of warmth in his chest whenever Garcia mentioned you’d be in attendance or he’d round the corner and lay eyes on you.
The two of you clicked, he surprised himself, already coming out of his shell on the first night you’d met, something he usually reserved until he’d had time to fully profile someone and make sure their intentions were good. Instead you had him laughing by the end of the night, a sight that you definitely wanted to see again. There was a mild flirtation, but nothing that anyone else ever picked up on, and not one that ever moved past a little tease here or there, an offhand comment about how you were prettier than the girl eyeing Aaron up, or that the muscley firefighter really wasn’t your type. You were friends, which was all you really needed.
Friends morphed into good friends over the course of the year that you knew each other. First it was a run in at a coffee shop, Aaron halfway out the door in a rush to work, just enough time to flash you a warm smile and say hello before parting ways.
The second time he was pulling into a gas station, spotting you hanging up the nozzle a few pumps down before you got back into your car to peel away down the street.
The third was the produce section of the grocery store, you spotted him first, eyes darting through the items in his basket, nearly making him jump when you suddenly spoke from behind him once you’d figured out what he was making for dinner.
Number four was a bright sunny Saturday afternoon, Jack had insisted on going to the park with a few friends and Aaron ended up chaperoning. One of the kids spotted a friendly dog and when they raced of to pet it, he realized you were on the other end of the leash and made a comment that he didn’t know you had a dog. With a glittering laugh you explained you were dog sitting and the moment Jack realized you were a friend of his dad’s; Aaron was the one stuck dog sitting while you were being dragged around the playground.
The fifth was a late Friday evening, Jack was away for the weekend and Aaron had stopped to pick up a bottle of wine to have with his take out. While he stood staring at the bottles he caught a movement out of the corner of his eye but didn’t look up until he heard the familiar laugh as you snuck in front of him to grab your favourite. He asked if you had a hot date and you practically snorted, saying the only company you had that night was a pair of sweats and your couch. You then raised a playful eyebrow and teasingly asked if he’d been stalking you and his cheeks instantly tinged pink, nearly fumbling his words as he tried to explain he lived around the corner. Your hand on his elbow suddenly brought him back down to his senses and he was able to laugh it off when he clued in that you were completely joking, explaining you’d been wondering the same thing.
Upon the discovery that you were in adjacent neighbourhoods and that you worked from home, you exchanged phone numbers. On the off chance the jet was delayed, you could pick up Jack from school, stopping at the park for an hour until Aaron was home, maybe even get started on dinner and homework. If there was a last minute case and Jessica was still at work, you’d head over to be the in between buffer so Hotch could leave right away. He was insistent on you calling whenever you needed anything, he picked up your mail when you went on vacation, helped out with the leaky pipe in your laundry room and came in very handy when it came to changing the light bulbs you couldn’t even dream of reaching.
Currently, Jack was away at summer camp and Aaron was swindled into finally using up some of his vacation time. The first few days he’d deep cleaned the house from top to bottom, next it was a similar treatment for the yard. By the time he’d reached the second Tuesday he’d ran out of things to do until he ran into you at the corner store and you suggested seeing a movie considering neither of you had anything to do and the movie theatre air conditioning couldn’t be beat. With the heat on the rise, and a plethora of summer blockbusters you continued the new tradition each night that week. Most days you drove together, Aaron either picking you up or walking you home from his place depending on the weather.
Friday you’d been out with friends for a late lunch, had a handful of errands to run and were closer to the theatre than home, meeting him there. When he asked if you needed a ride you let out a small laugh, explaining that you’d driven, but thanked him anyway, the smile evident on your cheeks as he wordlessly insisted on walking you to your car at the very least.
Car windows down you had music going on the drive home, pulling into the driveway and enjoying the song for one more chorus before finally turning off the ignition and collecting your things. You made your way through the front door, relocking it behind you and tossing your keys down onto the small table in the entry way as you toed off your shoes.
You were making a beeline through the house to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water when a couple of thumps from the other side of the wall caused you to jump, your heart leaping in your chest. You left the kitchen light off, tip toeing through the room and you realized you’d left the kitchen window ajar earlier to get some fresh air in. Letting out sigh of relief you pushed it down so it was only open an inch or two, though your eyes caught movement across the yard, a clattering that sounded like your garbage bins and your brow furrowed, wondering why the automatic security light hadn’t caught what you figured was a raccoon.
Padding across to the doorway you flicked the light switch a couple of times, normally if the light was activated already that did the trick, but this time the yard remained pitch black.
“For fuck’s sake.” You muttered, digging around in a cupboard until you found a spare bulb before unlocking the back door and stepping onto the porch. Reaching up you went to unscrew the bulb and let out another annoyed sigh that it was actually just loose, so you screwed it back in, shielding your eyes as it burst to life.
The screen door swung shut behind you as you stepped back inside and you noticed a small duffle bag on the edge of the porch that at first glance didn’t look that familiar, but you didn’t really think much of it. A few people on your street often leant things to one another and you had been waiting on a couple of gardening tools, but you weren’t about to look into it now. The hairs on the back of your neck were still standing up and you were ready to be back inside behind locked doors, especially as your motion stilled and the light flicked off once again.
As you crossed through the kitchen to finally pull open the fridge you heard yet another clatter from outside and your stomach dropped when the security light flicked back on. Fridge quickly shut you backed into it, up on your toes in an attempt to peer out the window, praying it was just an animal. There was a light scuffling right at the back porch and you were so thankful for having immediately locked the door.
You were even more thankful for the lock when your eyes finally caught the movement, a hand creeping up through the railing near the duffle bag and you couldn’t help the gasp that left your lips. At the sound, the hand froze and you immediately leapt forward, slamming the kitchen window all the way shut and you saw a shadowy figure dart through the outskirts of the yard, just out of reach of the light. Your heart thundering in your chest you were honestly surprised you were able to dig your phone out of your pocket and find Aaron’s contact.
You felt a brief wave of relief wash over you at how quickly he answered, “I’m really wishing I’d taken you up on that ride now…”
“Why?” His voice immediately tensed, “what’s wrong?”
“There’s someone in my yard…” you let out a breath you’d been holding when the light outside flicked off, your shoulders starting to relax, “pretty sure he was there before I got home.” A crash echoed through the air and you jumped, your voice wavering when you spoke again “fuck he’s still here.”
“I’m already on my way, keep the doors locked, the lights off and stay away from the windows.”
“Yeah.” You muttered, heart racing as you heard his car start through the phone and he assured you he’d be right over before the phone line clicked.
Trying to keep your breath calm you kept your eyes trained on the window, backing into the pantry door so you were concealed by the fridge but could still see if the light went off again. It was only a matter of moments later you heard a car squealing to a halt out front, the door slamming shut followed by Aaron’s voice. You caught his shadow moving around the side of the house and the light in the backyard flicked back on when he announced himself, the gate booted open and you were just able to see someone launching themselves over the back fence into the alley before running off. All they needed was the threat of a federal agent and the assumption of a gun to peel off into the night.
You felt your breathing calming down as the sound of running got further and further away, finally dropping down into a chair at the kitchen table. Aaron, being Aaron, wasn’t satisfied with just running the perp off, doing a full sweep of both your front and back yards, checking the alleyway, under the porch and any nooks and crannies anything or person could possibly have been stashed. You heard him on the back step and glanced up to see him sifting though the duffle bag, a frown on his face, his lips pressed into a firm line. With a huff he scooped up the bag and sauntered across the yard, dropping it on the other side of the fence with the garbage before making his way back to the door. A brisk knock echoed through the kitchen followed by his voice,
“He’s gone, it’s just me, Aaron.”
You couldn’t help but let out a breath of a laugh, as if you hadn’t had your eyes on him the entire time, making sure everything was okay. Crossing the room you finally turned the kitchen light on, unlocking the door and letting it swing open.
“Hey.” You smiled softly, “thanks.”
“Of course.” His lips formed a tight smile as he stepped into the house, locking the door behind himself, “just to be safe I want to do a sweep inside, stay put.” His hand squeezed at your elbow as he moved past you and you were left awkwardly standing in your own kitchen until he returned.
“No psycho killers?” You asked, a shaky laugh in your throat.
“All empty.” He nodded, his features softening as he noticed the rapid rising and falling of your chest, “are you alright?”
“Yeah, sure.” You tried to wave him off but he took a step closer to you.
“Come here.” He crooked his hand and you surprised yourself with how quickly you closed the gap between the two of you, enveloping yourself in his arms. Aaron squeezed at you tightly, tucking you under his chin and just letting you breathe until he felt the tension begin to melt away from your body. “It’s alright. He’s gone and I highly doubt he’s coming back.” His lips brushed against the top of your hair as he spoke and something about it calmed you even further, finally pulling out of the embrace.
“What was in the bag?”
“Trophies.” He replied with a sigh and he only caught himself when your eyes widened. “No, no, not those kind of trophies.” His hand squeezed at your shoulder, “sorry. Keepsakes, prizes, expensive things that can be pawned or sold to the highest bidder. My guess is he was only here to get your valuables, you spooked him coming home and he just wanted the bag back, he probably hit a few houses on the block before here.”
“God he was on the porch.” You shivered, “probably right as I walked in.”
“And your instinct was to grab a light bulb?” Aaron’s lips twitched up in a teasing grin and your brow furrowed until you followed his gaze and realized you hadn’t let go of the object yet.
“No.” You huffed, “the backyard light wasn’t working, I went to change it but it just needed to be tightened.”
“You were out there?”
“Yeah.” You shivered again, this time heavier, “he was probably less than a foot away. God, that was stupid.”
“Agreed.” He frowned in your direction, “that happens again you call me right away, alright?”
“You think he loosened it?”
“Most likely. Easier to stay in the darkness, not alert the neighbours of anything weird. You’ve always said Mrs. Ferguson was a bit too nosy.” His lips flicked up into a grin again and you let out a small laugh, “he probably cased the neighbourhood, have you been keeping the same daily routine recently?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, “movies with you. But we almost always go at the same time and tonight’s movie wasn’t any shorter or anything, so why would I have been home before he expected it?”
It was Aaron’s turn to fumble over his words, his cheeks turning a pale shade of pink while he quickly ducked his gaze, letting out an awkward laugh before he glanced back up at you. “I guess now would be the proper time to admit that when I drive, I tend to take the scenic route…”
Your head titled in a curious and adorable way that didn’t help the burning in Hotch’s cheeks, “what? What’d you mean?”
God you were absolutely going to be the death of him and he knew it. This summer had finally brought something to the edge for Aaron and he’d been holding back, happy with the time he got to spend with you. The evening hangouts had began to start to feel more and more like dates with each one that went passed and he’d been hoping that you would start to think the same and be the one to break the tension. Instead, he found himself feeling flustered, standing in your kitchen at nearly midnight having to explain it to you.
“Don’t get me wrong, the movies are great, but there’s something about the way you light up afterwards that just makes me smile.” He started and you felt a fluttering begin in your stomach, one that finally wasn’t due to fear, “hearing you gush about things, delve so deep into characterization or the cinematography of it all, seeing you so passionate about it.. it just makes me happy. Honestly, it’s my favourite part of the day.”
“Oh…” you replied, the realization washing over you and for a moment Aaron was afraid you were about to step back, ask him to leave, but then you giggled and the smile broke out on your lips, “so you’re just a big ole’ softie?”
He shook his head, the smile bright on his cheeks, “I’ve grown to adore the time we spend together. I was planning on taking a detour tonight too, Pintango just launched a lavender honey flavour this week—”
“And you remembered that I couldn’t shut up about wanting to try it after the movie last week…” you felt your cheeks heat, “embarrassing on my part yet endearing on yours.”
“And lucky on life’s behalf that it didn’t happen, you’d be down a few heirlooms and pieces of technology.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” You wrapped you arms around yourself, “my adrenaline’s high enough lord knows I’m not gonna be able to sleep anytime soon.” With a sigh you glanced across at him, “don’t suppose you feel like sticking around for a bit? Keeping me company while I ramble on and on about useless facts?”
The sly smile on your cheeks nearly melted Aaron and he laughed softly, “I wasn’t planning on going anywhere.”
He followed you out to the couch, letting you get comfortable while you voted on a number of different movies before finally settling on one. A movie and a half later and you were relaxed into the crook of his arm, his hand just daring to softly play with your hair. You let out a long yawn, sinking even further into his side and he chuckled softly.
“You should get to bed, get some actual rest.”
“I’m still on edge. I don’t want to have to call you to come running for every bump in the night.”
This time Aaron did squeeze at your shoulder, shifting on the couch so you were forced to sit up straight and he could catch your gaze.
“I meant it when I said I wasn’t going anywhere, at least not until sunrise. That creep’s likely going to come back for his bag, that’s why I dumped it in the alley rather than bringing it inside. I don’t want you to be alone for that.”
“Mmm…” you hummed, a sleepy smile on your cheeks, “you’re sweet. Thank you.” Leaning in, your lips brushed against his cheek and Aaron felt his stomach do a flip flop. He squeezed at your hand, giving you a soft smile as you finally stood up off the couch. “Make yourself at home.”
“Sweet dreams.” He replied and you weren’t sure whether it was his words or the sleepiness that was making everything feel warm and fuzzy as you made your way to the bedroom.
It was a few hours later when you rolled over, only awake enough to shift your body into a more comfortable position until a thump outside had your eyes shooting open. It was very quickly followed up by the hissing of two cats and you let out a huff, rolling back onto your side.
Your bedroom door was left cracked open and there was a sliver of light and the tiniest hint of noise coming from the living room meaning Hotch was likely still awake. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed, reaching for a hoodie to tug over your head before you padded out to the living room, finding your overnight company peering out the window blinds. At the sound of your footsteps he glanced back over to you, his body relaxing.
“Did I wake you?”
“No,” you waved him off with a small yawn, “couple a cats outside my window.” You covered a second yawn with your hand and Aaron barely moved from his spot, curious as to why you were up already. You glanced from him to the couch, a mug of coffee on the coffee table, and finally to the television. “Hey…” you started, picking at the sleeves of your hoodie, “I get you’re doing the whole protective thing—and I appreciate it! I really do…but uh.. there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.” You took a breath, the butterflies in your stomach fully awake and doing laps, “might as well come to bed.”
“Oh, well I was just going to wait until morning, head home to nap…” He started, unsure of what he even wanted to say. He was pretty sure you’d just woken up, and there was a pretty high change that your choice of words weren’t exactly what you intended, “but if you’re feeling okay, I could make up the couch?”
“Aaron.” You laughed, “the sun’ll be up in a couple of hours anyways, you need to sleep too.”
“I still want to make sure you’re safe, I’ll be alert out here.” He offered and you chuckled once again.
“And if he comes in through the bedroom window? No better place to protect me than right beside me.” You extended out your hand, “c’mon, humour me? Maybe I talk in my sleep and you’ll get to listen to more of those ramblings you seem to adore so much.”
It appeared the lack of adrenaline coursing through your veins and a couple hours of sleep made you not only fully comprehend what Aaron had admitted to earlier, but much more ballsy about acting on it. He laughed softly, feeling the heat creeping up the back of his neck and after glancing between you and the couch he knew that the latter was going to do a number on his back if he actually slept on it. So he flicked off the television, scooped up his phone and your hand slid into his like a glove so you could lead him to the bedroom.
You wordlessly climbed back into your bed, curling up on your side, letting out a soft sigh as you nuzzled into the pillows. Aaron watched you for a moment in the low light, a warmth blooming through his chest at just how at peace and comfortable you were with him around and he realized maybe there was something he liked even better than your ramblings.
“If you’re just gonna stand there and stare at me all night maybe I should kick you back to the couch.” You teased, your eyes cracking open and he let out a huff of a laugh, shaking his head as he snuck under the blankets.
“This okay?” He asked, trying not to take up too much of your space.
“Yes.” You replied, a smile on your lips as your eyes fell shut again, “but I can’t be held responsible if we wake up cuddling.”
Aaron chuckled, relaxing into the pillow as his breathing finally began to slow, chest rising and falling at the same time yours did, lulling him into sleep quicker than he could have imagined.
The stream of light coming through the blinds and the chirping of a bird outside your window was what woke him up first, his eyes scrunching slightly before they finally opened. His lips curved up into a grin, as it certainly did seem like you wouldn’t be the one responsible for any cuddling. You’d barely moved from where you’d curled up the night before, just rolled over to face the window, yet Aaron found himself wrapped around your back, arm circled around your waist, his head barely on his own pillow.
He shifted slightly, attempting to stretch out the stiff parts of his body without moving entirely and waking you up. However his attempts proved futile as you let out a soft groan, eyes scrunching at the brightness of the room before you stretched out your legs and rolled over to face him, a sparkle already in your eyes.
“Morning.” You murmured.
“Morning.” He replied, smiling softly.
“So not only are you a softie, you’re a sleep cuddler… what other secrets are you hiding?” You asked with a tease and he laughed.
“Would you believe me if I said I crocheted in my downtime?”
“Not in a million years. You don’t have any downtime.” Laughing, you swatted at his chest before sitting up, fully stretching your body out with a soft groan.
“Guess that one was a little too obvious.” He replied with a chuckle, sitting up at the sound of his phone pinging. He swiped open the notification as you swung your legs out of bed, scrolling through a couple of things on your own phone as you padded toward the hallway.
“Work?” You asked, his footsteps following you down the hallway toward the kitchen, “or do you have time for coffee?”
“No.” He pocketed his phone, “but unfortunately, also no. I promised Garcia I’d help her install one of those cat wall climbing, enrichment, obstacle courses.”
“Cute.” You shot him a smile before scooping out the appropriate amount of coffee for yourself.
“But if you’re free tonight…” he stepped toward you as you turned back to face him, “maybe I could pick you up, we could go get some ice cream?” Somehow Aaron’s heart wasn’t thundering in his ears this time and the smile you looked up at him with really was about to make him melt.
“I’d like that.” You replied, the butterflies in your stomach calmed, spreading warmth through your entire body.
“Then it’s a date.” Smiling, his hand reached out, smoothing back a piece of your hair before trailing down your cheek, “I’ll see you at seven.” His hand on your chin he tilted your head to the side, lips brushing against your cheek, lingering for just a moment before he stepped back. You couldn’t help but smile at the slight blush on his cheeks as he gathered his things and headed toward the front door.
“I’ll see you at seven.” You repeated his words, “and Aaron?”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t ever be afraid to call.”
“Oh believe me, I won’t.”
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areislol · 2 months
A walk in the park
►— pairings. genshin men x gn! creator! reader
►— warnings. crack/fluff, happy sappy stuff
►— synopsis. albedo created a machine where it would bring back their creator, who was stuck in another world, back to where they belonged. but instead of bringing you here to them, it brought them to where you were.
►— a/n. the more i write the more it feels like these are more like fillers.. sigh. once the angst settles in maybe it'll feel more eventful!
►— wordcount. 6k
✧ part five | ✧ part six | ✧ part seven | more tba.. NAVIGATION
recommended to listen to: what once was - her's
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Who would've known that all 29 men would be pumped to go out for a picnic?
For a couple of weeks they've been in your home with only a selected few going out to accompany you out for shopping, and through those weeks you've felt like they lacked the sun and the outside world.
Not only that but they were curious about your world as well! So it was the best idea to take them to a park nearby your street and have a picnic as well. Not many people went to the park and if they did it was normally to walk their dogs.
You were more than happy when they all agreed to the plan to go out to the park and have a picnic.
Not only can they have more time to spend with you (ahem cross out the fact that you spend time with them every weekend) but also go out and see the view that they've been wanting to see for a while now.
You along with Diluc discussed about what you were going to bring, what snacks and meals to bring so that Thoma could prepare them with the help of Aether.
It was a nice change after a while, to be outside and having a nice little picnic with your favourite people (don't say who they'll have a fight, from your experience).
One thing that you were most excited about was how this wasn't just an ordinary park. Instead of the normal, prickly grass landscape with benches and a playground for children, there were no playground equipment and no benches at all.
Well.. you could just say that this was more of a plot of unbought land than a park. It was a comforting and quiet area that came with a river beside it, not only that but there were Willow trees near the river line.
Pretty romantic, right?
You were sure they had no feelings for you so why would you care if it was romantic or not? You had no clue as to why.
(No feelings for you? They're literally HEAD OVER HEELS for you, if their advances and courting don't work then they might as well make it obvious to you this day by doing everything they can!)
Currently, you were sitting on the floor, hands smearing sunscreen all over their face like how a mother would to their young child. It was an endearing sight.
Aether happily and quietly sat down in front of you, his eyes screwed shut as you smeared the sunscreen over his cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. You were careful not to touch his eyes with your hands.
Baizhu, Venti and Heizou stared at you in admiration and adoration, the way your brows furrowed in concentration as you tried your best to be careful and gentle with your touch.
They wouldn't wait for their turn, to feel your hands on their face... would it be just like how they imagined?
No matter what they knew they wouldn't be let down, if anything it'd be better than what they imagined from the first place!
Aether looked more than happy, you were just happy that he wasn't like Wanderer (the previous "victim" before Aether) who grumbled and scowled as he tried to swat your hand away a couple of times, he wasn't used to this type of affection.
Never in a million years would he resist his only creator who touched his face, and only after you gently told him to stay still did he listen.
"When do I need to reapply it?" Aether asked, eyes blinking open before moving to the side since you were now done with him, Tighnari came forward and sat down, waiting for his turn.
"Uhhh in like two or three hours? Don't worry I'll remind you!" You smiled, looking up at his face which was covered in white substance.
Aether happily hummed in return before walking away, proudly showing the rest of the men his sunscreen-covered face to the rest of the men. "You look quite giddy, Aether," Zhongli spoke, amused.
"I can say the same for you guys," Aether chuckled plopping down on the couch. Truth be told, they were all giddy to have your hands touch their face, most were teasing Diluc with the fact that he was blushing too hard, his cheeks almost the same colour as his hair.
"You can not be teasing me about blushing when you all are flustered as well! Don't act like you aren't."
Well... he wasn't lying.
For you to even touch them... the mere thought of it would certainly make them faint, but they needed to stay strong and pull it together, what would you think if you were just applying sunscreen on their cheeks and suddenly they passed out?
While you were busying yourself with your own job, Diluc, Kauzha, Itto and Ayato were all packing everything that they needed. You had given them a paper note with everything they needed, consisting of:
Water bottles Hats Bug spray (just in case) Snacks (no beans because of Itto) Extra pencils for Albedo and Tighnari to sketch with Tissues Sunscreen if it gets sunny Jacket just in case it gets cold
"Huh? Why's it crossed out?" Itto questioned, glaring at the scribbled-out sentence hoping that the scribbles would magically clear. Ayato shrugged, grabbing the pack of tissues that were stored in the drawers. "Guess we will never know, now get back to packing!"
Itto let out a small "ouch!" as Ayato hit him with the same packet of tissues. Ayato turned his back on Itto, a faint smile on his lips. He was a genius, minutes before he had scribbled out the last necessity, it had no need whatsoever.
Why have a spare jacket "just in case" when you can have his? A genius, he knows.
"Let's not waste time, they're probably waiting for us, you know." Diluc chimed in, both Ayato and Itto knew better than to stay idle. After a bit, they were finished packing everything.
Everything except the jacket, that is.
But Ayato dismisses it off to you being silly and writing it on accident. "Look outside, the weather is immaculate!" Ayato announced, pointing at the sun shining down onto the floor, small dust particles floating in the air in the sunlight.
Kazuha nods his head, a gentle smile on his face. "Indeed, the weather is amazing. If Y/N does need a jacket by the time we arrive at the park then we could lend them ours."
His idea was what Ayato worried the most, and now he had said it. Fuck, he wanted to be the one to have the idea to lend you his coat. But of course, Kazuha was Kazuha, a gentlemen.
After a couple of minutes they finally finished what they were supposed to do. "Is that everything?" Diluc asked after watching Itto zip up the stuffed bag. "Yup! All we have to do now is tell Y/N that—"
Itto hadn't even finished his sentence when he noticed Diluc walking away with the bags in his hand. Since when did he grab the one out of my hand?! Itto was appalled, obviously he did not expect Diluc to move so swiftly and quickly.
Diluc made his way towards the main area where everyone was, bags in his grasp as he stood near the couch where Aether, Wriothesley and Lyney sat.
Lyney gasped as he noticed the bags and coincidentally, the fresh and warm aroma of baked goods. "Does this mean we'll be going out soon? Oh I can't wait 'till I smell the fresh air..." Lyney sighed in relief, but his moment of happiness didn't last long as Aether playfully slapped his shoulder.
"Did you forget about the times you went outside in the yard? Is that not fresh air?" Aether raised his brow. Lyney rolled his eyes, nodding his head relunctantly while muttering a low "yeah yeah".
Finally, after what felt like infinity you finished applying sunscreen on all of them, it took you longer than expected but you didn't mind, the soft plush of their cheeks—the way they squinted their eyes as you carefully applied the cream near their eyes, was a sight you enjoyed.
Al haitham remained seated on the floor, and to your confusion, you cocked your head to the side. "You're the last person Al haitham, are you tired?" Ah, you were still as sweet as ever.
Your eyes scanned his face, he looked adorable with his almost white-covered face. There was no sign of discomfort at all. Al haitham shook his head, thankful for the sunscreen that covered his arising blush.
"I'm fine, thank you. I just want..." His voice trailed off, eyes darting away from yours. "Just waaannnttt?" You repeated, leaning in towards him with a curious gaze. Damn, you weren't helping at all.
Al haitham sighed, looking back up at you. "Nothing, don't worry about it." Your brows furrowed at his response, knowing that he was lying but backed away reluctantly.
You studied his expression, noting the delicate pink tainting his cheeks (the sunscreen did not justice whatsoever) and the troubled look in his eyes. "Are you sure?" you asked softly, your concern evident in your voice.
He hesitated for a moment. "Positive." he replied, his tone sounding believable for the moment. But your interaction was broken as Venti burst out laughing before yelling out something that Al haitham would most likely chase him for.
(He did.)
"Al haitham is feeling shy, Y/N~! I think he may be in L-O-V-E with you!" Venti giggled, acting drunk even though he has never drunk an ounce of wine in your world. As you turned your head towards Venti your cheeks a light pink ue.
Unbeknownst to you, Al haitham was staring daggers at the bard menacingly, deep down he did not want to deny his interested in you but now.. now was not the right time. He didn't like you, he was just... interested in you is all. Nothing more.
"Shy? Why would he—" "I am not feeling shy, Venti." Al haitham stated before he muttered a small "I apologize, Y/N" all the while his eyes were trained on Venti. The tension in the air was more than enough to get you to stand up and let out a dramatic and loud sigh.
They immediately looked at you, their gazes filled with confusion, anxiety and concern. But more of anxiety at the fact that they might have upsetted you, or more specifically, at the fact that Venti may have upset you and an upset you was definitely anxiety inducing.
Your eyes flickered between Venti and Al haitham, clearly disappointed in them. But by some miracle before they could get scolded, Diluc cleared his throat, catching the attention of you and the others.
"I'm sorry if I interrupted anything but Y/N, we're done packing. Is there anything else you want me to do?" His eyes bore into yours, too intimate for your liking. You shake your head, there was nothing else to do. "No it's fine, I'll go get ready now. Give me a couple of minutes!"
Diluc watched as you got up and scurried to your room, watching as the door closed shut. After your figure left his sight he quickly turned away, about to walk away he was suddenly smacked face front with a pillow.
The room went silent before Childe let out a small "oops.."
Clearly, that pillow wasn't meant for Diluc but for another. "Ah, Diluc. You know I didn't mean that—"
"Save it, Fatui."
Thankfully you were too busy locked in your room wondering what you should wear out. But instead of wasting time choosing and pairing up different clothes, you opted to just go for a casual look with a large straw hat for extra style.
Once you were done you stepped out of your room with your newly changed outfit, perfect for the occasion and weather. You were too busy patting your shirt down to notice the many stares being directed at you.
Despite not physically seeing the men staring at you, you could definitely feel their gaze. It was embarrassing honestly, them and the way they would stare at you. You were sure that you'd get used to them by now but every time it happens you never fail to melt into a large puddle.
You didn't have much time to walk away or prepare the others as you felt much larger and warm arms wrapping around your waist. You tensed up, looking over your shoulder to see—
"Childe!" You exclaimed, warmth creeping to your cheeks as you realised how close he was, he buried his head in your neck, arms snaked around your waist and holding you closely pressed against his stomach.
"Save me from that madman!" He pleaded, pointing to the furious red-haired male. You quirked your eyebrow, trying to grasp the situation.
Wait, was he... using you as a shield right now?
Shaking your head, you stared at Diluc, letting out a sigh before removing Childe's hand from your body and walking over to Diluc, pinching his cheeks.
"Just what are you doing to Childe?" You asked, scolding him all the while Childe watched, smirking.
Diluc muttered a small "nothing" when you stopped pinching his (chubby) cheeks, a delicate pink reaching his cheeks. Just as Childe was about to speak Venti interrupted him, much to Diluc's relief.
"Y/N! When are we going? We're all ready." You turned your head to the side and he was correct, they all looked dolled up and ready to leave. The sight itself made you smile. "Right now."
You really wanted to book a cab to save yourself some time to walk, but with 28 men? Yeah, no chance.
Currently, you are on your way with 28 men trailing behind you with Ayato and Wriothesley beside you. The park wasn't that far but since everybody had different walking paces sometimes you had to stop and wait for them (cough cough Baizhu cough cough).
Despite the occasional stops, the walk was filled with lively chatter and laughter. Venti played a cheerful tune on his lyre, and the sound of it seemed to do the opposite of lifting everyone's spirits.
When you finally reached the park, the men wowed in aw. The sun was shining, birds were singing, and a gentle breeze rustled the leaves of the trees.
You found a perfect spot under a large oak tree with ample shade and enough space for everyone. Alhaitham and Zhongli set about laying out the picnic blanket while Diluc and Kaeya carried the baskets filled with food and drinks.
Lyney and Tighnari helped you settle down, making sure you were comfortable. The others began to gather around, forming a loose circle. Xiao and Cyno were already scoping out the area, ensuring it was safe and secure. You couldn't help but smile at their actions.
"It's safe don't worry," You spoke, trying to ease their worry. Xiao nods his head. "I know… I was just making sure." He murmured, a faint blush on his cheeks though you dismiss it as the heat.
"Alright, everyone, let's settle down!" you called out, clapping your hands together.
The group erupted into action. Kazuha and Kaveh began setting out the various dishes they had prepared, each one looking more delicious than the last. Pantalone and Pierro arranged the drinks, ensuring there was something for everyone.
Albedo, Baizhu, and Thoma took charge of ensuring that the surrounding area was safe from dangerous bugs and whatnot. You wanted to help as well but they all (scarily) disagreed with a synchronized "no." and "we'll do it, you just relax and enjoy."
As everyone settled down, you found yourself sandwiched between Venti and Wanderer, who seemed intent on keeping you by their side. Across the blanket, you could see Albedo and Tighnari deep in conversation, likely discussing some fascinating "alchemical theories".
You glanced over at Baizhu, who was taking a moment to rest. Baizhu caught your eye and gave you a reassuring smile as if to say he was fine and enjoying himself.
The aroma of various dishes filled the air, making everyone’s stomachs growl in anticipation.
"Are you not going to eat?" You asked, cocking your head to the side as you watched Baizhu lie down on the blanket, seemingly bored out of his mind. He hums softly for a moment before replying.
"I'll eat later don't you worry. However, the naan and chicken curry smells delicious. You should try that first."
You nod your head. "Sure—"
"No, you should definitely try the salted chips, I ate some earlier and it was so good!" Venti intervened, a bright and wide smile on his lips as he spoke of how delicious the salt was on the chips.
"You should try the dango first," Ayato insisted, holding out a stick of the sweet treat.
"No, the chicken skewers are the best way to start," Childe countered, waving one in front of you.
"How about some fresh fruit? It's light and refreshing," suggested Tighnari, offering a bowl filled with colorful slices.
"Soup first," Diluc said firmly, presenting a thermos of warm, savory broth.
You couldn't help but laugh at their attempts to sway your decision. "Alright, alright, I'll eat everything eventually," you said, trying to calm the frenzy. But they only seemed to become more determined.
But after a little, they gave up (some merely pretended to) with low, disappointed mumbles. Everyone began to pick out their food and ate, talking amongst one another, playing cards or simply just admiring the view (you).
You were about to eat some chicken when Venti interrupted once again. "Here, try this," Venti said, playfully feeding you a bite of apple pie. You chewed and smiled, the sweetness filling your mouth.
"How about this one?" Xiao asked, gently offering a piece of grilled fish. You accepted it, savouring the flavor as the others looked on with amusement and jealousy.
"Hey, no fair, we wanted to feed them too!" Itto exclaimed, crossing his arms.
"There's enough for everyone," you reassured, reaching out to take a bit from the various dishes presented to you. Each bite brought new flavors and voices vying for your attention.
Amidst the laughter and friendly arguments, you felt a wave of happiness. This chaos, this silly competition to see who could please you the most, was very amusing to watch unravel before you.
After everyone had their fill, you wiped your mouth and looked around at the eager faces. "Alright, you can go play now," you said with a grin. Childe erupted cheers, being the first to jump up, thanking you and grabbing Ittos arm.
"Finish the chase you started," He sneered, wanting to show everyone of how much of an idiot Itto was. "Oh, you're on!" Itto replied, beginning to chase Childe like a madman while Childe taunted him.
"Those idiots.." Diluc sighed, looking away from the embarrassing sight. You hummed in response, continuing to bite down on the fruits as you watched them both. "How do you even put up with them?" Diluc asked.
You shrugged your shoulders. "I don't even know."
Albedo, Tighnari, and Cyno stayed behind, preferring a quieter afternoon. They sat with you, Albedo sketching in his notebook while Tighnari discussed botanical topics. You listened intently, occasionally asking questions there and then.
Zhongli and Wriothesley settled beside each other, munching on the snacks. and offering you some there and then. Al haitham, Kaveh and Ayato simply talked to one another, playing the game you taught them—"I Spy".
It was quite fun, it started off as a small group but others began to join after overhearing them play. It seemed fun. Needless to say, Heizou, Dottore, Gorou, Lyney, Venti and Wanderer joined in, some screamed out in excitement, their eyes scanning the area to find the answer.
The sight was funny, for you anyway. Seeing them get all riled up over the wrong answer and fighting over who would go next.
Neuvillette, Thoma, Kazuha, Kaeya, Diluc and Baizhu all did their own things, Neuvillette was staring at the lake, watching the ducks swim by and the frogs hopping on one lily pad to another.
Thoma secured each container and made sure that the rubbish was in the rubbish bag, Kazuha watched the scenery and scribbled in his book, Kaeya laid down on your legs, feeling content as you played with his hair. Diluc finally got seated down next to you and simply sat there, enjoying your presence.
And Baizhu was now seated up, snacking on some of the food that you saved for him and ChangSheng.
While watching the things around you, you felt happy, overwhelmingly happy, the aura was so positive, and everyone was having fun and that made you happy.
It made you realise that you needed to record the memories somehow so that you could always look back and remember the feelings you felt back then.
Grabbing your phone from your pocket you pressed the record button, recording the men playing I Spy, they laughed and yelled, enjoying themselves.
You took a moment to soak it all in, feeling a warm sense of contentment. Being surrounded by so many people who cared about you made your heart swell with love.
"What are you doing?" Diluc questioned, leaning towards your side and watching you record them. You don't take your eyes off the phone and just smile. "Recording memories, they look so happy."
Diluc hums, eyes glancing up at you and then down at your phone. "Do you mind if I borrow your phone for a moment?" he asked, his voice gentle.
You glanced at him, surprised but trusting. "Sure, go ahead."
He took the phone from your hand, and you expected him to record the others playing. Instead, he turned the camera towards you, your phone capturing your surprised expression. "Smile," He softly said.
"W—Wait! Not my face!" You shrieked, instinctively covering your face with your hands, your voice muffled behind your fingers. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks, embarrassed by the sudden attention.
"Why not? I think it's important to have memories of you as well," he replied, his eyes meeting yours through the screen. He gently pulled your hands away from your face, trying to coax you into letting him capture your smile.
You peeked through your fingers, feeling both shy and touched by his words. "Because… I don't know. I just prefer being behind the camera," you admitted, eyes not meeting the lens.
"Well, I think it's time you get used to being in front of it," Diluc said, his smile still so gentle and tender. He held the phone steady, patiently waiting for you to relax.
Taking a deep breath, you slowly lowered your hands, trying to muster the courage to face the camera. "Alright, but just for a moment," you said, your voice shaky yet determined.
He began recording again, and you tried to smile naturally, feeling embarrassed. "There you go," he encouraged, his eyes never leaving yours. "See? It's not so bad."
You couldn't help but laugh at his persistence, the sound light and genuine. "Fine, you win," you said, finally giving in.
Diluc laughed along with you, "Perfect," he said, his voice filled with affection. "Alright, let me record the rest of them now." You laughed, getting back your phone and making sure that you videoed everyone.
But that wasn't enough. You began to take photos of everyone, mid-eating pictures, photos of Childe and Itto panting, falling onto the ground as the passerby looked at the both of them in confusion. There was a picture for everyone.
You took some photos of the scenery as well, especially the sky and the lake although some of the photos included the faces of the men. "Is it okay if I post this on my story? It's friends only." You pointed at the photo in your gallery, waiting for Ayato's response.
Ayato smiled, nodding his head. "I don't mind, just make sure that I look good before posting" You rolled your eyes playfully. "Of course, I wouldn't do you dirty."
You took your time in picking out a good song for the picture for your story, making sure to edit it and make it look aesthetically pleasing for your friends. You posted a lot, around six or more photos, even some silly filter selfies with you and Diluc.
(Diluc would rather die than admit it but he really enjoyed the silly filters with you, especially the alien and dog ones.)
"Why do we look like that?"
"It's called a filter! Here, look.." You flipped the camera around, the lens focusing on Heizou's face as he continued guessing, unaware of the filter on his face that sharpened his features and gave him a whole facelift.
Holding back your laughter you let out small laughs, trying to not attract attention. "See?"
"Do it on Pierro."
"Oh, you're evil."
The sun began to dip lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the park, Some of the men had fallen asleep, and you were fighting the urge to just fall asleep in a click.
You felt a wave of drowsiness wash over you and leaned your head on Diluc’s shoulder, your eyes growing heavy.
Diluc, silent as ever, noticed your weariness. He adjusted himself slightly to give you a more comfortable spot, his shoulder a firm support.
Childe, who had recovered from being chased around by Itto, bounded towards you, ready to call out your name with his enthusiasm. “Hey, Y/N–”
His voice died in his throat as he caught sight of Diluc’s glare. “Wake them up and I’ll murder you,” Diluc’s eyes promised without needing to utter a word.
Childe, recognizing the threat behind those eyes, immediately clamped his mouth shut, smiling sheepishly before turning around and walking over to where the others were.
The other men, aware of your state, exchanged nods and communicated in hushed tones, not daring to wake you up.
"It's getting late, should we go back?" Kazuha questioned, his eyes scanning the sky and the park, there were fewer people and it was comfortingly quiet with the occasional chirping of the birds.
"The sun is setting…" Neuvillette pointed out, his gaze wavering on your sleepy face. It didn't take long until the rest of the men agreed that they should leave.
Diluc carefully shifted, preparing to carry you back home. With the help of Zhongli and Ayato, they managed to hoist you onto Diluc’s back without disturbing your sleep.
As they began to walk back to your place, the gentle rhythm of Diluc’s steps and the warmth of his body slowly roused you from your sleep. You blinked groggily, realizing that someone was carrying you.
Diluc’s warmth enveloped you, his warmth was comforting and he smelled good as well. You instinctively nuzzled closer to him, feeling safe and content.
“Sorry for waking you,” Diluc’s voice was soft, almost apologetic. “We’re heading back now.”
You smiled sleepily, the drowsiness still present. “No, it’s okay,” you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper.
Diluc’s hold on you tightened slightly, the others walked around you, occasionally glancing back to ensure you were alright, their faces a mixture of concern and affection.
The walk back was quiet for the most part, the earlier energy of the day giving way to a peaceful silence. The night air was filled with the sounds of crickets and the soft rustle of leaves.
Each step Diluc took was steady and deliberate, the warmth radiating off his back made you want to fall back asleep but as you lifted up your head you realised that you were near your home.
Finally, arriving at your place, Diluc gently lowered you down, ensuring you were steady on your feet. The men began to settle their things, chatting softly among themselves about the day's events.
Thoma and Aether immediately took charge of the kitchen, efficiently cleaning up and wrapping the leftovers with practised ease.
You made your way to your bedroom, grabbing a white top and shorts before walking into the bathroom, and stepping into the shower, the warm water cascaded over your skin, washing away the tiredness and leaving you feeling rejuvenated.
You let the water run along your back, letting out a sigh from the sensation. This is what you need after a day out.
The familiar scent of your body wash enveloped you, a comforting aroma that lingered even as you stepped out. Dressed in a simple white top and shorts, you felt ready to wind down for the evening. You stepped out of the bathroom and walked towards the washing machine, throwing your clothes into the machine.
"Feeling better?" Aether asked, looking up at you as he sat on the couch, reading a comic book. You nod your head, plopping down beside him. "You smell good," He crooned, leaning in towards you, his nose almost touching your neck.
You let out a whine at the ticklish sensation, pushing his head away. "It's my body wash, maybe you should try it." Aether offered you a small smile. "Hm, maybe."
One by one, the rest of the men took their turns in the shower, each emerging looking more relaxed and at ease. Despite the tiredness evident on their faces, there was an underlying sense of contentment from the day well spent. It was already 7 pm, and the house buzzed with a quiet, tired energy.
Diluc, always attentive, handed you a cup of tea. “Here, this should help you relax,” he said, his voice soft and caring. You took the cup gratefully, the warmth seeping into your hands as you sipped.
“Thanks,” you murmured, giving him a small, appreciative smile.
The living room was soon filled with the men, some lounging on the couches, others finding comfortable spots on the floor. Xiao sat nearby, his usually stern expression softened as he listened to the soft music that played on your record player.
Thoma and Cyno joined you on the couch, Thoma still drying his hair with a towel. “Today was fun,” Thoma said, his eyes sparkling with the remnants of the day’s excitement.
You hummed, taking another sip of your tea. “It really was. I’m glad we got to spend time together like this.”
Cyno smiled warmly. “We should do it more often. It’s good to take a break. And the games we played were fun as well.”
Before you could respond, the persistent buzzing of your phone pulled your attention away from the peaceful evening. You picked up your phone, noticing the flurry of notifications from friends reacting to your latest story.
Messages like
"Oh my gosh!! So pretty!" and "You didn't invite me?? :(" filled your lock screen. Some friends commented, "Looks like you had a lovely time, next time invite me xx" and "WOWW!! Who are those cuties??"
One particularly bold message read, "You gotta give me their number, mannn, they…" trailing off suggestively.
Smiling, you responded to each message, enjoying the interaction. You took a little more time replying to Elisa, your new friend who had recently joined your circle. Despite her outward friendliness, there was something about her that felt off, but you pushed that thought aside.
Perhaps she was just shy?
Her message read,
"Hey, saw your story! That looked like so much fun! Are you free tomorrow night? There's this amazing party my friends hosting at 8 PM, it's going to be epic and it lasts till the next morning. There will be plenty of boys and girls as well~ You should totally come!"
After a moment's hesitation, you replied,
"Hey Elisa! Thanks for the invite. That sounds fun! I think I'll come, no drinking though…"
Elisa's response was almost instant.
"Great! Can't wait to see you there! Wear something cute! If you can't find any I'll lend you mine, or I can help you piece 'em up together! Night!"
As you put your phone down, you couldn't help but feel excitement and slight unease about the party. "Everything okay?" Zhongli's calm voice broke your reverie. He had a knack for sensing your moods.
"Yeah, just got invited to a party tomorrow night," you replied, trying to sound nonchalant.
"Will you be going?" he asked, his eyes steady on yours.
"I think so," you said, smiling. "It might be nice to get out with my friends for a bit."
Zhongli nodded, though his gaze remained thoughtful. "Just be careful. Parties can be unpredictable."
Wriothesley, sitting nearby, chuckled. "We'll make sure you get there and back safely." You smiled gratefully at his words. "Aw, thank you! You guys are the best" Wriothesley let out a cough, looking away with a slight tint of red at the tip of his ears.
Suddenly the wall looked interesting.
The evening went on, the men gradually settled into a comfortable silence. Albedo and Kazuha were engrossed in a deep discussion about poetry and science as usual, while Kaeya and Itto exchanged playful banter, their laughter filling the room.
You found yourself gravitating towards the large window, looking out at the darkening sky. The stars were beginning to twinkle, and the moon cast a soft glow over everything.
Childe plopped down next to you, his usual boisterousness tempered by the day’s events. “You did good today, keeping everyone together,” he said, a hint of admiration in his voice.
You chuckled softly. “It’s not that hard when you have such great company.”
Childe grinned, his eyes twinkling at your words. “Still, it’s nice to see you enjoying yourself. You deserve it.”
The room gradually quieted as the tiredness caught up with everyone. Diluc suggested that everyone get some rest. “We’ve had a long day. Let’s all get some sleep,” he said, his tone gentle yet firm.
You nodded in agreement. “He’s right. We should all rest up.”
The men began to disperse, finding their respective sleeping spots. Some of them opted for the couches and floor cushions, while others made their way to the guest room or into your room.
Today, Baizhu and Lyney would be the (lucky) ones to sleep in your bed. They all made their way to your bed with Baizhu going first, you, and then Lyney. Settling in, you pulled the covers over you all, feeling snug as you immediately began to melt into your bed.
"Night guys," You yawned, sleeping on your side, closing your eyes as Thoma closed the lights and rolled the blinds down, the room fully dark now. "Good night." They responded all at different times, some had already fallen asleep.
"This week I can leave campus early, so I'll go buy some more mattresses for you guys okay" The men hummed in response. "Who's coming with you?" Wanderer asked because if you didn't have someone set in your mind, he called dibs.
You let out a sigh, thinking about your answer. "I'm not sure… anyone I guess."
"I call dibs." Wanderer quickly stated.
"Hey no fair! I was going to call dibs!" One said.
"I dibbed in my mind so I was the first one" Another said.
"It doesn't work like that, idiot!"
The house soon fell into a peaceful silence, the only sounds being the occasional rustle of blankets and the soft breathing of your companions.
But for some odd reason, you couldn't fall asleep despite how tired you felt (possibly might be because of the tea). You couldn't shake the nagging thought that… the joy you experienced might be the last time you would see them all.
You knew that they didn't belong in your world, that they would have to return one day, but in the back of your mind, you prayed that luck would be on your side. But the realization hit you like a punch to the gut, wondering what the future held for them all.
You knew better, you told yourself, "Don't get attached." but now? You could care less, even if would hurt you in the end. Instead, you chose to embrace the present moment, savouring every laugh, every smile, and every shared memory as if it were your last.
You closed your eyes, feeling the comfort of the day’s memories. Surrounded by the people you cared about, you let yourself drift off to sleep, knowing that no matter what, you were never alone.
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taglist: @tomansimp @one-offmind @miitchiji @dainsleif-when-playable @momoewn @stygianoir @irethepotato @v4an @imetsk @fiannee @sunnyf4lls @goldenglow149 @rhwm @urlocalheizousimp @hexvx @saltlovetale-blog @backintomykpopphaseagain @toramune @oreo-ren @serenity-loves-red @flooofity @minteasketches @amiaaaaaq @lovelive-animequeen1029 @roseapov @yurassia @chellazhef @fulldoves @kateybuggi @wanderingconstellations @mini-shower @160ccm @rosariashield @sickize @sarah22447 @dreamlessnight @gimmealamp @bebeluvs @caramelstarlight @sukiidreams @oceanisty @achy-boo @alhaitie @dilucragnivindr-my-beloved @that-mom-friend @v-ish @merormerry @gojoulen03 @scarletttcroww @hadischara @kithewanderingme @keiqqo @livelaughlovekuni @chirikoheina @wr1t3rfum1k0 @issacdaholi @yu-ulda @alysinbshsu @vanilla-sweets @your-locoal-reblogging-kazoo @be-gay-do-crime-ahaha @seipaws @clavichordcleffa @uhhiwassup @youdontneedtoknowlol @the-lazy-perfectionist @isaacdakknight @lucienbarkbark @bizzybkd @lazy-panther @silverstarred @blughosts @deepobservationninja @chericia @paper--angel @gtxthatonegirl @meigalaxy @blurryperrtymoonlight @creativecupcake
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queen-of-the-avengers · 2 months
Ride Of Your Life
Pairing: Biker!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.1k
Warnings: douchey ex, minor angst
Summary: After an aggressive confrontation with your ex, Bucky comes to your rescue. He takes you on the ride of your life, unknowingly giving his heart to you as much as you give yours to him.
Squares Filled: vigilante (2020) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are greatly appreciated <3
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Maybe this time will be different. Maybe this time you’ll be able to have a civilized conversation with your ex. He has been holding your shit hostage and refuses to give it back until you two sit down and have a conversation about your relationship. He was a shitty boyfriend and crazily jealous which is one of the many reasons why you broke up with him, so you’re hoping that by meeting up in public, he’d be reasonable and give you your shit back.
You look around the parking lot of the park you’re in and notice a group of guys on the other side talking and laughing with each other. Bucky hasn’t seen his friends for weeks since they kept putting off hanging out. They all live in different areas of the state so they make sure to meet up once a week and play catch up.
Bucky leans on his bike and crosses his arms as his friend talks about how great his wife is. Bucky is happy for his friends and their mushy relationships but he’s sick and tired of hearing how in love they all are. Bucky hasn’t had a steady girlfriend since he got out of college and Steve moved out to be with his girlfriend, Natasha. Maybe he’s not putting in enough effort or maybe they’re not, but his relationships never seem to work out. There’s no spark and all he wants is to find that spark with someone.
“Buck, you got the cabin for this weekend?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, all ready to go.”
“I’m so excited to get away from this all and leave everything behind for the weekend. If we’re lucky, I might be able to get my hands on some weed.”
Bucky chuckles at Sam’s comment. Ever since he tried it a few months ago, it’s all he can talk about. If that’s how he wants to unwind, then by all means. Bucky never found the appeal in smoking. If he needs to unwind, he usually likes to ride around town on the back roads for hours. There’s nothing like the thrill of the bike on an empty road. He tends to go faster than he should but he always makes it home, and he prays every day that he always makes it home.
Bucky scans the park and notices a family of four playing with their dog, a mother and her two children on the swings, and a beautiful young woman standing on the sidewalk like she’s waiting for someone. He does a double take, enthralled by her beauty. He’s met a lot of women in his day but he’s never seen someone with such raw beauty before. Why is she standing there alone? Who is she waiting for? Boyfriend? Husband? If she’s waiting for a ride, where is she going? Home to someone or to no one?
“What do you think, Buck?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you want to do,” he mutters having heard none of what Steve said.
The woman looks at her watch and then around anxiously. So, she’s waiting for someone. Husband? Boyfriend? Ex? By the look on her face, she’s not excited to meet this person. Ex, Bucky decides. She clenches her hands into fists by her side. Something isn’t right. Suddenly, the loud roar of a black Camaro comes speeding into the parking lot and stops right next to the woman.
“About time you showed,” you complain.
“Calm down. I’m here now.” Peter, your ex, gets out and walks over to you. “Come to your senses and want me back?”
“No, I want my shit back. Seriously, when can I come over and get it?”
“We’re not done. You’re just overreacting. When you’re done having a tantrum, call me and we can talk about you moving back in.”
“We’re not getting back together. I made myself perfectly clear when I broke up with you. We’re toxic and I refuse to lessen myself for you.”
Peter looks around with a smirk and leans against his precious Camaro that he’d never let you drive.
“Where are you gonna go? Your parents are living two states away and you have no friends. You gonna live alone? You can barely eat alone much less live by yourself.”
Heat flourishes on your cheeks as anger bubbles in your chest. He has no right to talk to you this way. You hate the fact that you don’t have friends. All of your friends are his, and guess who took his side in the breakup? You might have put up with his bullshit in the past but you’re done now. You didn’t call him out here to fight with him.
“Yeah, I don’t have friends. You made sure of it. Don’t worry about me. That‘s not your job anymore.”
“Oh, yeah? Who’s job is it now?”
You open your mouth to say, “me” but what comes out is something entirely different.
“My new boyfriend.”
Peter doesn’t like that. He stands to his full height and stalks to you with a scowl on his face.
“What did you just say?” You open and close your mouth like a fish, unable to form a response. “Who’s going to want to put up with you? I’m sorry sweetheart, but I’m just trying to help.”
“Try less,” you glare.
“Come on, let’s go home. We’ll talk there.”
“No, I‘m not going anywhere with you.”
“Get in the car, Y/N.”
At this point, Peter is screaming at you which you don’t like since there are other people around. Unfortunately for your ex, Bucky and his friends heard everything. They get on their bikes and ride over to where you and Peter are, and you look at them in shock. Bucky is the first off his bike and places himself between you and Peter. Bucky has at least seven inches on Peter but Peter has more muscles than he does. However, there are more of them than Peter and he realizes that.
“Are you okay?” Bucky asks you without taking his eyes of Peter.
“Yeah, because he was just leaving, weren't you, Peter?”
“Not without you.”
“I don’t think you heard her, man. She said you were leaving so leave,” Bucky glares.
“Screw this. When you come to your senses, call me.”
Peter angrily gets back into his car before peeling out of the parking lot so fast that he leaves behind rubber marks on the road. Bucky relaxes once he’s gone and turns to you with soft eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, that was my ex. He has my shit and won’t give it back to me. I’m this close to calling the police and forcing him to give it back. I thought we could be friendly and talk like adults. I guess not. Thanks for coming over.”
“No problem,” Bucky says and licks his lips.
That simple act shouldn’t have given you butterflies but it did. You’re not going to lie, Bucky is attractive in a way that makes your panties wet with a single look. Should you really get involved with a man you just met? Someone that attractive is dangerous but you’ve always loved a bit of thrill in your life. Still, you back up from the group and nod in appreciation.
“Thanks, again, but I have a dinner date with my brother and sister.”
Bucky and his friends turn away but one look at your phone tells you that calling a ride isn’t going to be as simple as it should be. Your phone is dead which means you can’t call an Uber to take you to the restaurant. You’ve never been on the back of a motorcycle but there’s a first time for everything, right?
“Hey, wait,” you call out.
Bucky turns to you and his friends walk off to the side to give you two some privacy.
“My name is Bucky,” he chuckles.
“Bucky, I wouldn’t ask this if it wasn’t my last resort but my phone died which means I can’t call an Uber to the restaurant. Can I use your phone?”
“Yeah.” Bucky starts to pull his phone from his pocket but pauses. “Or…”
“Or what?”
“I have a second helmet. I can take you where you need to go. Save your money.”
“Seriously? We just met.”
“Your point being?”
You look around and debate whether or not to trust the guy enough to get on the back of his bike. He did just save you from Peter which earns a certain level of appreciation from you.
“Okay, yeah, I could use a ride.”
“Boys, I’ll see you later,” Bucky says to his friends. They all get on their bikes and ride out of the parking lot, leaving you two alone. “Have you ever ridden a bike before?”
“Okay, first things first, when I turn, lean with me. It might feel like you’ll fall off but it’s best to do it that way. Secondly, there aren’t any handlebars so you’ll have to wrap your arms around my waist.” You could have sworn you saw the hint of a smirk on his face. “Lastly, tell me if you’re ever uncomfortable. There are mics in the helmets so we can communicate.”
“Lean, squeeze, talk. Got it,” you nod.
Bucky takes the second helmet and slides it over your head. He makes sure it’s on comfortably before tipping your head back and strapping you in securely. He takes his own helmet and slides it on over his head while keeping the visor open.
“Okay, before we get on, you realize that you’re trusting me with your life, right?”
“That doesn’t bother you?”
“Okay. Let’s ride.” Bucky gets on first and looks at you. “Grab onto my shoulders and swing your leg over.” You do as you’re told and ignore how defined his muscles feel even under his leather jacket. “You ready?”
“As ready as you.”
Both of you put your visors down before Bucky peels out of the parking lot. He loves driving fast but precious cargo is on board and he doesn’t dare scare you on your first ride. You wrap your arms tightly around his waist, again, ignoring how defined his muscles are. A feeling of complete bliss washes over you as you let the wind hit your skin. This is so much different than you thought it was going to be. It feels so much freer like you can do anything you want to do.
The drive is short since the restaurant isn’t that far away, and you’re sad that the ride is over.  Twenty minutes with Bucky has been so much better than the two years you wasted with Peter. When Bucky parks, he’s the first one off so he can help you off it. You grab his hand and swing your leg off the bike. Again, butterflies erupt in your stomach at the simple gesture. You take off your helmet and hand it back to Bucky who takes his own off.
“Thank you for the ride.”
“No problem.”
“God, I’ve never felt like that in my entire life. I never knew riding a bike could feel so… freeing. Like I can do anything right now. I feel alive.”
“Yeah, that feeling never goes away,” Bucky chuckles and leans against his bike.
“I hate to part ways but they’re waiting for me inside. Thank you again.”
Before you can take one step, you’re being pulled into Bucky. He slides his hands into your hair and presses his lips to you. Your brain short-circuits as you try to process what is happening but damn, he has such soft lips. He slips you the tongue which causes you to immediately pull away from him. You didn’t do that because you didn’t like it, only because you’re overwhelmed.
“What was that for?”
“Your ex is in the parking lot watching.” You turn your head to look for Peter but Bucky grabs your chin and keeps your gaze on him. “No, no, eyes on me.”
His eyes are so blue that it’s making your head dizzy. Peter’s Camaro starts and he drives away angrily. When Bucky knows Peter is gone, he leans in and kisses you again, this time more slow and sensual.
“That was because I’ve wanted to kiss you since the moment I saw you.”
“You think you’re charming, don’t you?” you chuckle and step back from him.
“I’d like to think so.”
“Yeah, well, you are.” He laughs and you melt for his smile. “I gotta go in.”
“This is the part where I ask you for your name and number.”
You stop by the front door and turn to him with a sly smile.
“My name is Y/N.”
“And your number?”
“You found me once, you can find me again.”
With that, you go inside and take Bucky’s heart with you.
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Want to be tagged? Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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urmomschocolatemilk · 16 days
I wrote this for a request and then scrapped it. My inbox is open for ghost headcanons as of now & part four of the Price series is underway
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Prices second daughter was ten years old, she was, in his opinion, the most adventurous of all his daughters. She would consistently drag her sisters out to play in the mud, challenge them at the monkey bars when they’d go to the park and hopped around sports.  
It was spring now. The mornings were warm and dewy, bustling with calm life and that was newly reawakened by early morning light. His little girl had always been an early morning riser, even on the weekends so it was no surprise when she sprung up from the sofa where she had quietly been watching wild crats one morning and marched her way into the kitchen where Price was drinking a cup of Coffee.  
“Dad,” she started, and Price hummed in acknowledgment looking down at the girl, “can we go on a bike ride?” Her other sisters were still asleep and her mother was just getting out of bed, it was quiet early for a bike ride. Price set down his hot mug, and turned his wrist so he could see the time on his watch.  
“And where would you want to go at this time-of-day little lady?” Price asked. His daughter paused for a moment and then she grinned as she was struck with an idea.  
“We can go get ice-cream.” She offered, looking quite pleased with her proposition. 
Price replied with a reminder, “I don't think the shops are open at this hour sweetheart.” His daughter pouted.  
“Then we can just ride around,” she said, “pleaseee.” she begged, looking up at her father with mock puppy dog eyes. Price chuckled lightly, reaching out to pinch her cheek. She flinched and pulled away.  
“Go change,” he instructed her, and she grinned. Turning on her heel and racing out of the kitchen to her room. Price finished his coffee, and washed the mug, before leaving the kitchen to go change as well. When he exited his room, his daughter was standing by the door waiting impatiently for him. 
“You’re just as slow as my sisters.” she complained as he approached her.  
“I didn't realize we were in a rush,” he retorted lightheartedly. 
“I am.” she responded. Price chuckled but didn't respond, slipping on his shoes and pocketing the keys to their flat.  
“You got your helmet?” Price asked, and she held it up with a wordless nod. He opened the door, letting her walk in-front of him. “Lead the way little lady.”  
The two biked around the block for about 30 minutes, before Price decided an early morning treat wouldn't hurt and took them to get lemonades at their favorite breakfast place. They sat outside, on the restaurant patio sipping at the cold drinks.  
“What’s your favorite season?” Price asked her as she took another cheery sip of her lemonade. 
His daughter answered surely, “probably spring.” 
“Why do you like Spring?” The girl grinned, kicking her feet under the table as she watched the a butterfly flutter by,  
“Because of the mornings.”  
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upon-a-starry-night · 7 months
Number Neighbors Pt.20
Natasha Romanoff x Fem! Reader
Natasha Masterlist Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary:  When you catch sight of the newest trend going around you know you’re all but bound to at least try it, it was harmless anyway. What could possibly stem from something so little?
When you’re finally released from the hospital they send you home with a list of instructions on how to take care of your wound and some medication. You sigh in relief at the sight of your apartment, it wasn’t the most extravagant place but it was comfortable and familiar, and you had actual food here. 
Tired of hospital food, you head straight for the kitchen when you spot the roses Leon had sent you. They’re still fresh and it doesn’t feel right to just throw them out considering you two ended on a good note. Instead, you set your bouquet from Nat on the counter and take apart the roses from Leon. You individually wrap them in some leftover tissue paper and despite your stomach grumbling you head back out of your apartment. 
You head to the park closest to your house and begin handing the roses out to random strangers you pass. An old lady sitting by herself, a man and his dog, and a group of women walking down the sidewalk. The deed makes you feel good about yourself and the smiles on their faces help remind you of all the good things in life. 
It’s a reminder you need after what happened.
You go to hand the last rose to a woman sitting on a bench on her phone when she looks up and you realize you recognize her
“Y/n! Oh my god!” You smile down at your coworker and her face lights up when you hand her the rose. “This is so sweet, thank you” You’re prepared to bid her a good weekend and leave when she stops you, grabbing your arm. 
“Wait- okay this might be kind of short notice but there’s this party coming up in a week and I really don’t want to go alone- plus you promised me we’d start hanging out” 
You do vaguely remember promising one of your coworkers that you two would start hanging out after you bonded over workplace struggles. Parties aren’t normally your thing but she’s got this bright and hopeful look in her eyes and honestly, you could probably use the socialization.
Shrugging, you figure it wouldn’t hurt to go, your habit of spending your weekends cuddled up with your TV and your snacks had been less and less appealing these past months anyway. 
“Sounds like fun! Will you text me the details?” She nods excitedly and hugs you and it makes you think of your mother. She would be so excited to hear how outgoing you’ve become and you can’t help but think it was all because of Nat. Not because she told you to go out (Although she did so very often), but because her presence just seemed to have that impact. Her sass and humor pulled you out of the slump that you’d been stuck in for what felt like forever. In the past few months, you’ve done things you hadn’t done in years and it felt amazing. 
You waved goodbye to your coworker with the promise of texting her more often and headed home. 
You didn’t know why but you had a feeling everything was going to change next weekend.
You weren’t panicking. You weren’t. You just hadn’t been to a party in a long time and your coworker definitely forgot to mention just how fancy the dress code was and now she was coming in half an hour to pick you up and you had no idea what to wear.
So obviously after a 5 minute mini-panic attack, you opened your phone to text Nat
I’m having a crisis
What’s going on?
I have a party tonight and
I’m told it’s very fancy
Look at you socializing!
Har Har
Don’t patronize me
So what’s the problem?
If you need to brush up on 
Pop culture or recent celebrity drama
I am NOT the person to ask.
I need help finding an outfit
and you sounded like someone 
with impeccable style
If I knew calling you was all I had to 
do to get you to compliment my style 
I would’ve done it a lot sooner.
I’m pretty sure all my fancy clothes 
have dust on them.
I’m surprised you have any at all.
What have you got?
Well, I’ve got a red dress, a gold strapless one,
and a black one with a thigh slit.
Black. Definitely. 
I should’ve guessed that’s what you’d choose.
Rude. black goes with everything okay?
And it hides drink stains ;)
…okay you might have a point.
But now the real crisis-
Gold or silver jewelry.
Show me your options.
*Images Attached*
Definitely that silver bracelet.
And the pearl earrings.
Is that dust on your jewelry box, Y/n?
No! Shut up!
For good measure, you send her a picture of your middle finger, to which she responds with an emoji with its tongue sticking out. It makes you chuckle until you see the time and frantically begin scrambling around your room to grab stuff for your shower. Not to mention you had to find a way to cover up your healing shoulder wound. You send Nat another brief text as the water is warming up since you know you probably won’t get the chance to text her until after the party.
I’ve got to get ready but
Thanks for your help, Nat<3
Of course.
Have a good time, Y/n ❤️
Nat had all but gotten used to the fluttering feeling she felt when she texted you until that damn phone call. Everything in her had been screaming at her not to do it, that you would recognize her voice and everything would fall apart. But after what happened to you she knew both of you needed it, maybe her more than you.
It was brief. So brief.
She was trying so hard to show you her authentic self while still making sure you didn’t recognize her but more of her actual voice slipped out than she intended. She couldn’t help it, she lost all train of thought when she heard your voice.
She loved the way you said her name. She could hear you say it a million times over but the call was cut short by her gift to you arriving. She didn’t mind though, not when you sent her photos of your flowers every day with cute captions like “longest I’ve ever kept anything alive!!” and “they still smell so good!?” and she won’t even mention the backflip her heart did when you sent her a picture of the dying flowers you pressed to keep them for longer.
She was glad you liked them. She was glad about everything when it came to you. She’d never consider herself an optimist but you were definitely changing her perspective on life.
Her mind drifted to the party you were going to tonight and she briefly wondered if it was the same one she was expected to show up to tonight, but it was a Friday night in New York and there was no way out of the hundreds of parties tonight you two would happen to be at the same one. Not to mention she didn’t see your name on Stark’s guest list. 
She sighed as she read your goodbye and looked to her closet. It was about time she got ready for her own party. God knows what Stark would have her doing this time, it was better to prepare for these things early.
A/n: Q& A in the comments while we wait for the most anticipated chapter of this series?~ Starry
@marvelwomen-simp @cd-4848 @wandanatlov3r @rebeltombraider @ctrlamira @fxckmiup @aliherreraaa @natsxwife @la-douler-ne-finite-jamais @romanoffsgal @moistblobfish @natashaswife4125 @elenimoris @how-to-disappearrr @screechcat @toouncreativeforausername @ordelixx @autorasexy @blacklightsposts @vmpnano @jono723 @sylencr @saraaahsstuff @autorasexy @gay4hotmilfs
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cmdrfupa · 4 months
Family Day
  You’ve turned a house into a home and a home into a sanctuary for Choso. He never thought he’d be given the gift of parenthood or love, so he wants to say thank you on an important anniversary.
Sfw, cute Papa Choso x reader. Fluffy, cutesy, teeth-aching sweetness. Reader called Mama but mostly gn.
a/n: I’ve been watching turtles go into the ocean after hatching, and now I’m here. Idk how I got here but we are here so let’s smile about it 😭
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Weekends were meant to rejuvenate and catch up on the hobbies you neglect during the week. Waking up just in time for brunch and pajamas all day until time to get out of the enclosure.
Weekends for Choso were meant to play battle ninja princess and make pasta because his daughters wanted it for literally any meal when you weren’t around to say otherwise. He cherished the busy days as much as the calm ones. Running across town to toy stores and the bakery was his rejuvenation today.
“Mama would want the sprinkles!”
“Yea! Sprinkles! With the cereal, too, papa!”
“Make it five!”
With an apologetic expression to the cashier on his face, Choso took his wallet out of his fanny pack while using his free hand to massage his energetic children's heads gently.
“I’m sorry. Would you please give me two of each specialty donut and a dozen matcha macarons? Oh! And if possible, one of your full-sized ube mango tarts?” The twins exchanged "thank yous" to the cashier as Choso picked up the boxes, placing them in the stroller's attached storage bag before heading home.
It wasn’t a lengthy walk home. The weather, however, proved pleasant enough to go a longer route. Early summer was always more forgiving. The blossoming trees shadowed the ground, reprieve from the hint of heat. A soft breeze carried the delicate fragrance of blossoms and mowed lawns that lingered as Choso glanced in both directions before joining the group on the crosswalk.
“Papa. What’s a tart?”
“It’s like a pie but with less crust and more tasty filling like berries or custard.” Choso focused on the pathway ahead while answering.
“Who’s gonna eat the obey tart you got?”
Choso chuckled. “Ube, birdie. And Mama likes it. It’s her favorite.”
Saturdays started with the inevitable cuddle mountain attack from Ani and Nori once they realized it was a no-school day. This promptly led to them dashing around the house as ‘Papa Kong’ chased them until breakfast was done. Perfected chaos.
On this Saturday, things were different. Choso, with the twins accompanying him, instructed you to stay in bed as he ran a few errands. You didn’t even try to protest. You nodded, turning over to go back to sleep for another hour.
While you enjoyed the morning of reading with the humming humidifier in the background, you began to miss the sound of your rowdy duo and patient husband.
When you first met Choso and a teen Yuji, weekends were filled with nothing but noise as Yuji had his 2 friends over often. The liveliness around the house reminds you of those days when you watched the three having the “Is a hot dog a sandwich” debate in your cute little apartment back then.
“We’re back!”
The energetic war cries sliced through the silence, and you sat your book down. “Well, there my little birdies are! Where did you all go?”
“We went to eat pasta! And we went to the park! Papa took us to get sweets!” Nori stated as she sat beside you, wrestling with her shoes before pulling them off.
“yeah! We got mac’rns and donuts! Ones with berries and sprinkles!” Ani added, setting her small bag down before she climbed into your lap.
You looked to see Choso heading to the sunroom. Curious, you attempt to get up, but Ani traps you with a toothy smile on her cherub face.
“No, no, sorry! Papa said to keep you here until he finished uh… Preppering for you!”
“Preparing for me?”
They nodded in unison, snickering with glee.
The raven-haired girls tugged at your heartstrings with their sweet existence. Spitting image of their father with you being seen in their mannerisms and warm smiles. “What’s happening with you three, hmm?” The pair smiled at you as they spoke in hushed tones about the super secret Kamo party in what could only be described as the loudest whisper known to man.
While your children were talking to you about the squirrel they insist said hello to them, a very familiar knock was suddenly heard at the front door. “Be right back, birdies.”
The knocking persisted, and you knew exactly who it was the moment you saw the pink hair through the door's frosted glass.
“Yuji! What on earth are you doing in town?”
Yuji embraced you tightly, his bag falling to the floor as he practically picked you up, his boyish grin never fading.
“Cho called me! He said he wanted to get together soon. Though maybe I should’ve asked when…”
“Nonsense! Now is the perfect time. It's so good to see you.” You gave his cheek a slight pinch as he closed the door behind him.
He gave you another hug, this time squeezing you like he used to when he was younger. The familial warmth set in as he pulls away, looking at you. “You have no idea how happy I am to see you all. It's been forever”
“It has been. And your nieces are going to be thrilled to see you.” On cue, the twin girls ran into the foyer, screaming with excitement as they jumped onto Yuji.
“You two have certainly grown. You'll be bigger than Uncle soon! Must be eating your veggies, hm?” They giggled as he kneeled down to be at their level, his new tattoos being their point of interest with shock and awe.
A few minutes into your mini-reunion, Choso appeared at the foyer entrance.
“Little brother!” His tone was warm, and his eyes were shining. Choso went to Yuji, kissing his forehead before subjecting him to the most suffocating hug he could. “I’m glad you could make it!”
“Of course. I’ll never miss the chance to see you guys!”
Taking in the energy from his most beloved people, he settled his eyes on the twins “Birdies? Do you mind leading the way to the back?”
“Uncle Yu, come on!” They both took one of his hands, you and Choso following behind.
  “Choso? What’s all this about?” Most of them being a much younger version of yourself and Choso; curiosity sets in as you scan over the various Polaroids that trimmed the hallway.
One in particular with you, Choso, and Yuji, eating ube tartlets after your graduation, catching your eye.
“Just wanted to do something for our family to celebrate today,” his lips landed a peck at the corner of your mouth.
“I’ve forgotten a holiday? Oh hell, Cho-cho, I’m so sorry-”
“Baby, you forgot nothing. It’s a new holiday.” Squeezing your hand, reassuring you, “One I declared and didn’t announce til today. So, do you remember what we did on this day 9 years ago?”
You pondered a moment. Your anniversary was a few months away, while birthdays were set for later in the year.
Hanging on the wall was a framed photo of Choso, Yuji, and you. Taken in front of your first apartment when Choso became Yuji’s guardian. It all clicked. “Oh Choso”
You paused at the opened French doors leading to the sunroom. Cherry blossom fairy string lights cross over the ceiling, highlighting drawings made by the twins. Sweets were arrayed on a table, and traditional tea was set in the center of the room. Yuji stood next to the setting, proudly looking at his brother's work.
“9 years ago, you stood right with me as I became his guardian. And you never left.” Yuji smiled on, remembering the moment when you welcomed him into your arms like you’d known him all his life. “You helped me grow. You became a figure in both our lives that we needed, and I haven’t properly shown how much I appreciated that.” Choso led you into the room, the girls sitting down as Yuji began to pour tea and plate their sweets. “You became my family and gave me the best gifts anyone could ever ask for.”
Speechless, you hugged him tightly, butterfly kisses to his now flushed cheeks before you looked around the room. Every detail from past dates to recent events in your lives is shown in the decor. “Thank you”
“Im pleased to say our first Kamo Family Day is officially here!”
Ani and Nori cheered as you sat with them, passing you the designated party hat as Yuji and Choso shared stories of their first years together.
Later that evening
  With both the kids and Yuji settled in for the night, you and Choso settled on the couch with the leftover tart.
Holding the fork out for him to take his bite, you peered over at him, deeply engrossed in the episode of Master Chef.
“I really feel like Gordon Ramsey would make me cry.”
“Hm?” you swallowed, trying to hide your laugh.
“I’m serious.” He glances over at you, low-lidded eyes showing a hint of melancholy. “Remember when the girls talked about how I did their space buns, which were all wonky, according to Nori? That haunted me for a week.”
He finally took a bite of tart and looked back at the TV. “Gordon would have me sobbing in our linen closet over how raw I like my burgers.”
You couldn’t help but grab the pillow, chortling into it. “I’ll protect you Cho, don’t worry.”
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gyll-yee-haw · 7 months
Heartbreakingly yours
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🌻Husband!Jake x Wife!reader (Angst/Smut)
(Bonus: our good boy Leo Gyllenhaal!)🐕
🍂Prompt: You're heartbroken, your marriage is falling apart and Jake knows it's his fault. He has to do something before it's too late.
🌿Warnings: angst (with a happy ending), broken marriage, fights, mentions of anxiety and insecurity, oral sex (f), unprotected sex, bit of spanking...
Like 5.2k words 💀
Peace filled your mind and fresh air filled your lungs as soon as you left the city. Leo surely felt that too, as he had his head out of the car window, tongue out, euphoric with the way the wind hit his face. You smiled watching the German Shepherd through the mirror, so unaware he would have the time of his life this weekend. Jake kept his eyes on the road as he drove.
It was a two hours drive to the county side, where Jake rented a house for the weekend. He had been working non-stop since the pandemics.
Working on everything but your relationship.
They say the first year is the hardest. Well, for you it wasn't. You and Jake got married a few months before COVID spread, so you spent the first year of your marriage on a never ending honeymoon. Trapped inside a brand new house the two of you decorated in the coziest way, everything turned into sex. From making bread, laughing together to vaguely looking in each other's direction, it would somehow lead to sex.
It was a calm life. That's what you missed the most: tranquility. Peace. Silence. You didn't expect things to change.
Jake went back to work before people stopped wearing masks, and you saw your honeymoon start to crumble. And you didn't think it was a bad thing, at first... Jake loved his job and you were dying to see his new projects. You were happy that things were going back to normal and married life was about to start.
You were happy, but you weren't ready.
You weren't ready for the sleepless nights waiting for him to come back. Or the nights he wouldn't come back, cause he was on another continent. For the days you'd freak out because he didn't answer your calls or replied to your texts. For the fans thirsting over him on the new promos, hating on you. For his costars who just... looked better than you. For the fact that even when he was home, it wasn't the same anymore, because he was always either too tired or rambling about things that didn't include you anymore.
And he started to grow distant. Or maybe you did. You weren't sure who's fault it was, all you knew is that you forgot what his lips tasted like... or what it felt like to be safe and loved.
You and Jake had been planning this trip before things got too bad. Because both of you missed that nothingness you tasted for a moment.
You expected it to be canceled, but now you were on your way. Anxiety filled your guts just imagining being trapped with him for a whole weekend without being able to talk. Not because you didn't have anything to say, but you just felt like everything about you was so irrelevant and boring now. You didn't remember when was the last time you two sat on a sofa and laughed at the most absurd things you said to each other... the sense of humor you shared and the inside jokes... you were afraid to bring some of that up now and earn a weird look from him. You were afraid he didn't remember what it felt like before.
Very few words were said during the car ride. Still, the air on the country side brought you peace. For now, the grass and the sight of the mountains on the horizon cleared your mind.
The first thing Jake did after parking in front of the cutest little stone cottage was open the car door for Leo, watching him run like no tomorrow. He was a senior dog now, but he acted like a puppy everytime he saw a big field... running, jumping, barking until he ran out of breath. Then he would come inside, drink water for 5 uninterrupted minutes and pass out by Jake's feet.
You sat in the car for a few moments still, watching the dog with a smile on your face. No matter how hard this weekend would be for you, at least Leo deserved it.
"Wanna come inside?" Jake's voice startled you a bit. You only realized you dissociated for a while when you saw he had already picked up the bags from the trunk and stood beside you with the keys in his hand.
"Sure." You nodded. As soon as you got out of the car, you felt nervous. The car was safe, the two of you were distracted by the road... what about now?
You followed him to the entrance. You were in awe when he opened the door. The house was somehow even cuter inside. First thing you see as you walk in is a colorful living room. You could see plants hanging from all surfaces and a rusty book shelf. An old small tv was placed in front of a terracotta colored sofa, where a few wool blankets were placed, all handmade, decorated with different patterns. A few more steps would lead you to a small kitchen with wooden cabinets painted white, filled with baby blue accessories, including a baby blue fridge, that could only be described as vintage. The dining room separated the kitchen from the living room, containing a table for six, an old record player and a bunch of candles.
"It's very pretty." You commented, looking around.
"I know." He smiled, relieved that you liked it. "There are two bedrooms upstairs. And two bathrooms too. One has a bathtub and all."
"That's lovely." You stood there awkwardly, not knowing exactly what to do. "Do you need help taking the bags upstairs?"
"Hm... yeah, that would be nice, we should do that." He handed you the smallest bag. He didn't really need help. But what was he going to say? The truth is that he was just as lost as you.
You followed him into a cozy bedroom upstairs. The biggest one. It didn't have much inside. A small wardrobe and a queen sized bed covered in white sheets, decorated with lace. On each side of the bed, a small table with a lamp.
The light coming through the window made the place look ethereal, no matter how simple it was. You wondered what would be like to wake up on that place beside someone you love. The room would look pretty boring through the eyes of someone who didn't know what being in love felt like, but you knew it. You knew it because he was looking at you, and something in that room made the eyes you knew so well never seem bluer. Fear invaded your heart as you wondered if Jake felt that too. For months you worried about how you looked through his eyes, but never more than now. He knew what being in love felt like, you were sure of that. But did that light remind him of it? Did he love you still?
"Are you tired?" He asked.
"A little." You admitted. "I... I need to stretch my legs a bit, it was a long drive."
"Yeah." He agreed. "It's a bit further than I remembered."
Remembered? You were caught by surprise.
"Have you been here before?" You asked, trying to hide how your guts told you there was something wrong.
"Yeah." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I came to have a look before bringing you here."
You stood in silence for a while. He never mentioned it. You would remember it.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" He spoke when he realized you wouldn't.
"Nothing." You lied terribly. "You just didn't mention it."
"I thought I did." He shrugged.
You tried as hard as you could to hold it in you, but the question slipped out.
"Were you alone?"
"What are you suggesting?" He looked at you absolutely incredulous.
"Answering a question with another question is trying to escape it." You would never talk back to him like that if you weren't beyond pissed. You were exhausted.
You were ready for your marriage to die of natural causes. You were ready to hear that he didn't find you attractive anymore. That he got tired of you. That he didn't really enjoy being married. Anything. Anything but being fucking cheated on.
"No. I wasn't alone, in fact." He shook his head and let out a chuckle. "The real estate agent showed me around."
"Is it funny?" Your voice cracked a little and that made you even more angry. You. weren't. going. to. cry.
"Yeah, it's a bit funny, actually." He replied, now as angry as you. "I'm being accused of cheating because I tried to do something for you."
"For me?" You raised your voice. "To keep me entertained once a year so I will keep being your stupid little obedient wife? Oh sorry, I forgot to kneel at your feet and thank you for all these wonderful crumbs of attention I've been getting!"
His eyes were wide and his mouth shut. He had no idea what to say. He simply didn't know how he felt. There was anger. Anger because of your tone. There was guilt. Guilt because of your words. But what dominated him was the deepest sadness he had ever felt. He obviously knew your marriage was falling apart. But he was a coward and all he was doing to try and save it was act like nothing happened and bring you to this stupid trip.
And there were no word to describe what he felt when you walked out of that room and he wasn't brave enough to follow you.
His body felt heavy. He sat on the bed, head in hands, wondering if that was it. Wondering how could he fail so hard at the one thing that was more important to him.
Took him 40 agonizing minutes to get out of that room. But at some point, he realized that he just couldn't do that anymore. He wanted you back. He needed you back. Your laugh, your passion, your strength, your touch. He couldn't keep hoping everything would go back to how it was. He had to earn it. And it if was too late... he had to let you go. Seeing you suffer like that was destroying him.
He walked downstairs and saw you in the living room, sitting on the rug, back against the sofa. Leo was peaceful asleep with his head on your lap. Jake approached slowly, trying not to startle any of you. You felt his presence, but didn't do anything about it. Didn't look in his direction or wiped the tears from your face. He deserved to see them.
"Y/N..." He sighed, sitting beside you on the floor.
"I'm fine, doesn't matter." You said bitterly.
He knew he would have to choose his words carefully. You weren't open for him. He needed to pave his way in.
"He always does that." He said, pointing at Leo. "He can't stand to see you cry... he'll rush to you, protect you. Even with all this space to play he..."
"I know." You interrupted him.
"I should learn from him, shouldn't I?" He admitted sadly.
"But you have all this space to play." You shrugged. "Paris. Milan. LA. All on the same week."
"Y/N, I know I've been the worst. I know I've been making a thousand mistakes..." He closed his eyes, feeling guilt consume him. "But I swear I never even looked at another woman."
"It's a matter of time." Was all you could say. "All those gorgeous costars. Models everywhere. All dying for just one night... and that would be perfect, wouldn't it? A body a thousand times better than mine and no feelings attached. You can just leave them like you did to me, except that no one will whine about it. You won't have to waste your precious time doing something like this to keep them quiet."
"Don't say that..." Those were probably the worst words ever directed to him. "I don't want that. I don't want any of that. I want all the feelings I only ever felt with you. I want to come home to you."
"But you just don't." You shrugged. "You left one day and never came back to me. I am still here, waiting for you. But you never come back..."
"No, Y/N... I never left, I promise you..." He rested his hand on top of yours and it felt like the first time in weeks you had any kind of physical contact. "The man I truly am could never leave your side. But he's just... lost inside me somewhere. I... I buried him too deep while I was trying to be the actor, the professional, the face people wanted to see and I... I just couldn't find him anymore."
"I hope it was worth it." You gave him the saddest smile.
No, those were the worst words ever directed to him.
You gently moved Leo's head so you could stand up. The poor dog was too exhausted from running, so he just adjusted himself on the rug and went back to sleep. You turned your back to Jake.
Only this time he wasn't going to let you leave.
You felt strong hands gripping your arms from behind and let out a gasp as he pushed your body against his.
"No, it wasn't fucking worth it." He grunted. His hands were shaking. "And I've learnt my fucking lesson. I'm going to dig as deep as I have to, but I'll bring him back to you, if you'll have him."
"Let me go." You tried to free yourself from his grip, but you couldn't. Maybe you didn't try that hard. Maybe you were just testing if he would put up a fight.
"I'm not letting you go. Ever." He didn't mean physically. The look in his eyes as his face was now dangerously close to yours indicated that.
"How can I trust you?" You begged internally for him not to kiss you, because if he did, you would believe every word he said.
"Because I've already started digging." He told you. "This house... when I decided to bring you here... I needed to be alone with you. Away from everything. Somewhere people don't expect anything from me."
"Right. Very nice, we spend a nice holiday fucking like rabbits once every six months..." You said sarcastically. "Then we go back to our life in New York, where it all goes to shit again. Then we come back here and it's wonderful... a never ending cycle. Seems like hell to me."
"No, baby..." His voice grew more desperate. "It's never gonna be like that again. Never. Nothing changes when we go to New York. This place is just... somewhere to run away to when it gets overwhelming."
"Jake." You kept your head high and spoke firmly. "I need you to be husband when things are hard and overwhelming, not only when everything is peaceful and quiet. I am not going to escape. I have to face a lot of shit every single day and every single day I choose to be by your side. You better do the same for me."
It was like slapping him on the face. But it made him love you more than ever. You were so brave.
"I just feel so undeserving of you all the damn time." He admitted, bringing one hand to your cheek. "Exactly because you have to face a lot of shit and it's my fault. I thought... I thought I was protecting you by pushing you away, then... then I thought I could protect you by taking you somewhere far away from all that but... but you're right. I fucked up terribly. I'm protecting you from everything but me, and I ended up hurting you the most."
"Jake..." Your heart was heavy. Maybe you were a bit hard on him... he was confused and filled with good intentions. But how could you solve anything without being rough when he built a brick wall between you?
"I will never be able to tell you how fucking sorry I am. How fucking stupid I feel." He admitted, tears filling his eyes. "I will understand if I'm not the man you need. Fuck, I know I'm not the man you deserve, but..."
"Jacob." You cut him, and he was ready for you to hurt him. "Kiss me."
He cursed under his breath. He was so divided... he didn't feel like he deserved to ever feel your lips again. But God, how he wanted to.
The moment his lips were on yours, you were filled with hope. It still felt the same. It still felt like home. And if you could bring home to this place miles away, you could take the peace that flooded the little cottage all the way back home.
But hope wasn't the only thing the kiss ignited in you. As it got deeper, Jake's hands wrapped around your body and squeezed you like you were going to disappear. Like this was all a dream and he would go mad if he woke up. The way his body felt against yours brought memories from those happy times, when the two of you were never not in contact. And you needed it back, even if only for a few hours.
Jake felt the exact same way, but he was scared to make a move and ruin everything. So he waited for you to give him a sign. And when you bit his bottom lip, letting out a moan as your hand gripped on his hair... he understood that as a sign.
The two of you were physically incapable of letting go of each other as you walked upstairs. You were desperated, yes, but this wasn't a matter for a quickie on the sofa or against a wall. Jake felt the absolute need to worship you and nothing less. Take his sweet time, even if he never got to cum that night.
He laid you on the bed and you looked at him a little less sure now. He knew that look. You were feeling insecure. A lot had changed since your honeymoon phase and that included your body. But not only that, you were distant for so long, what if something went wrong? What if the sex was terrible and you realize you lost the connection... would that be the end?
"Jake, maybe I..." You tried to find a good excuse to stop it.
"We don't have to, if you're not comfortable." He assured you. "I'll understand it."
"But..." The thought of not having him on that moment seemed more terrifying. You craved him badly, body and soul. "But I want you so bad..."
"I want you too." He felt his heart flutter and got really emotional again. "So badly. But I can stop at any moment if you need me to, okay?"
You nodded. You seemed a little more confident now, but he decided to take things very slow anyway, to make sure everything would be perfect. He knew your body better than his own and he would trust your little signs.
His kisses on your neck had you pressing your thighs together, and that was his sign to start undressing you.
He took his time. Every time a piece of clothing was discharged, he would run his fingers and spread kisses all over the newly exposed skin. He was going to apologize to every single inch of you.
"What did you say earlier about a body a thousand times better than yours? Like that's even possible..." He smirked. You hadn't changed your mind, but the look on his face made it very clear that he didn't agree with you. The look on his face made it very clear that you were a goddess in his eyes. That he was as in love with you now as he was when he saw you walk down the aisle.
He stopped just to look at you for a moment. He couldn't believe he was that lucky and he almost lost you.
"Hmm... Jake?" You moaned impatiently.
"Shhh... gonna take care of you, my sweet angel." His eyes shined from the tears he wasn't allowing to fall. "Gonna be the husband you deserve from now on, okay? Promise you..."
His hands ran down the sides of your body as he worshiped your breasts with his mouth, whispering "I promise you" over and over again.
He spread open mouth kisses all the way down your belly as he removed your panties.
"You're a fucking goddess, look at you..." The way he was adoring you didn't give your insecurities any time to speak.
He grabbed your thighs like his life depended on it. When he got his mouth on you, you remember just how much that man loved eating pussy. And by how eager he seemed, he probably remembered it at that moment as well. By the obscene noises he made. How long had it been? How long since you last felt his tongue enter you and explore your walls until your hips bucked messily against his face? How long since he last sucked your clit until your eyes rolled back like now... how long since you came that embarrassingly quick?
"Jake... please..." You tried to sit down and push his head away, painfully sensitive, but he wasn't moving.
He wasn't moving at all. He wasn't stimulating you anymore, he just kept his face pressed against your pussy as he hugged your thighs. God, he never wanted to leave that place.
"Jake, come here, baby, come here..." You called. His red eyes met your gaze. He was a mess. Tears mixed with your wetness on his face.
He was heartbreakingly yours at that moment.
He was more yours now than the moment you placed that golden ring on his finger... one he was so proud of, he didn't even want to play single characters in movies anymore, just so he didn't have to take it off.
You had to insist very much before he was brave enough to lose contact with you, even if it only lasted a few seconds until he was laying on top of you.
Your hands went to his face, half caressing him, half cleaning that mess. His eyes were so soft it hurt.
"Can I kiss you?" He murmured, barely able to make a sound.
"Right now and everyday, for the rest of our lives. Forever." You smiled at him.
He didn't waste a second, for he had already wasted too much time. His lips met yours and it was like the kiss could tell you how he felt better than his words could. He was so angry with himself. His hungry kiss, the way he desperately ate you out before, everything, every touch asked for your forgiveness, begged for all the things he craved, even though he felt deeply undeserving.
You hated it. That man, whose lips tasted like you, wasn't the man who abandoned you. That man was dead. Died of a heartbreak, right there on that bed. Now you needed your Jake back. And on that very same bed, you'd find him.
"Jake..." You moaned against his lips. "Need you to make sweet love to me, baby..."
He was obviously already rock hard from eating you out earlier, but hearing you say that absolutely broke him.
You watched him undress fully, he needed as much skin contact with you as possible, and you surely wouldn't complain about it. Jake's body has always been mindblowing, but his latest roles had demanded him to work out a lot... your eyes widened as you saw his defined abdomen. You kinda regretted having asked for sweet sex for a minute after seeing his physique, you felt like you needed him to ruin you. Nasty and loud. But the sweet look in his eyes showed you that was far from what he needed now, and you decided to wait. After all... there would be plenty of opportunities to have him however you wanted if he keeps his promise. And when you saw him remove his underwear, thick cock hitting his abdomen... his hands were very big, but didn't make his cock seem any less intimidating as he stroked himself. On that moment you were grateful for taking things slow.
He pushed the tip inside you, eyes on yours the entire time, to make sure you were okay. He saw you furrow your eyebrows and slowed down... then you let out a moan of pain, and he stopped.
"Baby?" His hand went to your cheek, caressing it lovingly.
"It's just been a while." You explained, but quickly added more words before he could get sad for not satisfying you for so long. "But I can take it... remember?"
"I remember." He chuckled. "I thought about it everytime I was away... all the things we did... hold on, baby, I'm almost all the way in..."
You nodded and took a deep breath.
He hit a spot so deep that got you arching your back before he even started moving.
"The things we did..." You smiled at him. "The things we're still going to do..."
"Yeah?" He smirked, giving you one experimental thrust, checking if you were adjusting to his size. "Tell me about them. What do you want me to do to you, honey?"
"Hmm..." You thought about it for a second. You didn't want to tell him what you were thinking minutes ago...
"Come on, pretty girl, don't get all shy now." He chuckled, keeping his hips moving very very slowly. "Tell me what's on your mind. I'll do whatever you want."
"Well... maybe... maybe some other time I... would like it rough." You admitted. It was ridiculous to be so shy at that point, when he was burried deep inside you. But you were coming from months of avoiding saying the wrong thing.
"Rough?" He repeated, his mouth going towards your neck, giving you small kisses, giving you shivers as he spoke close to your ear. "Too vague, baby, you can do better than that."
Oh? When did he go from begging for forgiveness to teasing? He was getting bold. Bold like your Jake was.
His dirty talk made you wetter and prepared for him to speed up his thrusts a bit.
"Fuck..." You wrapped your legs around him, keeping him close. "Want you to fuck me stupid from behind... don't wanna be able to walk... want..."
You got interrupted by a loud slap on your thigh. It didn't exactly hurt, but you weren't expecting it... you looked at him wide-eyed.
"Sorry, fuck..." He shut his eyes, hands gripping on the sheets on both side of your head until his knuckles went white. "You're driving me crazy, I don't want to lose control."
"Why?" You moaned as he started going a bit faster.
"Cause you asked me to make sweet love to you." He smiled. Something about his dimples when he smiled... "And I really really want to."
"Well, I..." You tried to argue, but he wasn't having it.
"Don't worry, sweetheart." He burried his face on the crook of your neck again, proceeding to go deeper inside you as he did. "We have all the time in the world. Hope you got enough sleep these last months... cause you won't get any tonight. Fuck, maybe not even tomorrow..."
"Jake..." You moaned. "It's still sweet love if you go a little faster..."
"Eager little brat." He shook his head. "Want another slap?"
"Yes..." You smirked.
"Yes?" He raised his eyebrows.
"You said whatever I want." You gave him a pleading look.
He meant it, he would do anything for you. Specially if it didn't envolve leaving that bed. So he gave your thigh another slap. You gasped, but looked at him with pure lust in your eyes.
And that did it for him. He had to go faster now. When he finally did, he got lost in pleasure, lost in you. Fuck, it had been a while and you felt so fucking good. The room was filled by moans and grunts and skin slapping. The pace was wild, but the looks you exchanged... the way his hands squeezed yours... that was sweet, sweet love making.
"Jake! Fuck..." You shut your eyes hard, feeling you were getting close again. "I'm gonna..."
"Y/N, look at me." He rested his forehead on yours, never stopping.
You tried your best to hold it. You opened your eyes and looked at him quite desperate. You thought it was one of those 'look at me while you cum' moments, but...
"I love you." He said. "I fucking love you... always have..."
"Loved you every single day since I first saw you." His movements indicated he was close too. "Will love you til the day I die..."
"I... I love you too, Jakey, love you so much..." You replied, tears in your eyes both from hearing those words you hadn't heard in so long, and from trying to hold the orgasm that was dangerously close to burst.
"Fuck, baby, cum for me, I know you need it..." He smiled, heart melting at your words, he was dying to give you the best orgasm of your life, he didn't even care about his own, and God, he was close. "Let go for me, want you to cum so good, baby..."
The thing is that you would also do anything for him. You came. Hard. Loudly. Screaming his name. The freedom, the relief you felt... it was your second orgasm of the night, but it felt different with him inside you. It felt different because you barely came down from your high and you felt his cock throbbing painfully, until he spilled himself inside of you. So much you felt like it would leak out of you for days. And you weren't even sure if he enjoyed it fully, because he was so busy admiring you.
He pulled out way to soon for your liking. But he just didn't want to waste time... he needed to kiss all over your body.
"Hey!" You chuckled, feeling too overstimulated for that. "I know we're not sleeping tonight, but I could use a break..."
"Fine." He sighed, laying down beside you. "Listen, I'm really sorry, I..."
"It's fine. Let's move on, okay?" You got closer, resting your head on his strong chest. "I forgive you."
"Thank you... you're wonderful, did you know that?" He wrapped his arms around you.
"You're wonderful too." You assured him, running your fingers through his abdomen. "Taking your time to fix things. Admitting your mistakes. Bringing me here. Mindblowing sex. The dinner you're about to cook..."
"Oh, am I?" He left out a laugh.
"Whatever I want." You shrugged. "50 years from now I'll still be using your words against you."
The idea of you being an old couple teasing each other brought him the warmest feeling ever. He promised himself he would work hard for it.
"God, I hope you are." He kissed the top of your head. "I hope you are."
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cre8inghavoc · 29 days
Can't help it...
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Part 5
inumaki x f!reader
pairing: inumaki x f!reader
summary: Transferring to a new school is tough, but having your three best friends there makes it easier. Things get even more interesting when you start falling for the mysterious boy who rides his motorcycle to school every day. What will happen next?
genre/warnings: [18+] Characters are aged up. Story contains cursing, new friends, alcohol, college!au, no curse!au, dark humour, SMAU and written parts, fluff, smut.
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You drove around together for another fifteen minutes, the city lights becoming a blur as you got lost in the ride. Finally, he guided the bike to a stop at an outdoor parking garage, driving all the way to the roof. As you arrived, you noticed it was completely empty, the perfect quiet spot. But that wasn’t the reason he brought you here. As you dismounted the bike and looked out, you understood—he wanted to share with you the stunning panoramic view of the city, the skyline glittering like a sea of stars against the dark canvas of the night. It was a sight that took your breath away all over again.
You both took off your helmets, setting them down carefully on the bike before making your way to the ledge, where the roof extended just a bit, creating a safe spot to sit with the floor of the parking garage right beneath you. The cool night air brushed against your faces as you settled down, you sat side by side, legs dangling over the edge. With the city lights twinkling around you, it felt like the world had paused just for the two of you, creating a moment that was as serene as it was unforgettable.
Minutes turned into hours as you found yourself completely engrossed in conversation with Inumaki. The words flowed effortlessly between you, each exchange filled with laughter, deep insights, and a growing sense of genuine connection. The city lights below seemed to dance in time with your dialogue, making the night feel almost magical.
“So, you’re telling me you’ve never been to an amusement park?” Inumaki asked, his eyes wide with disbelief as he leaned a bit closer, clearly amused by your confession.
“Nope, never had the chance,” you replied with a casual shrug, a smile tugging at your lips. “My family wasn’t really into that sort of thing. We were more about quiet weekends at home.”
Inumaki shook his head in mock disappointment. “That’s a tragedy. You have to experience the thrill of a roller coaster at least once. The rush, the fear, the way your stomach drops—it’s unforgettable.”
You laughed, feeling a warmth in your chest at his enthusiasm. “I don’t know if I’m brave enough for all that. Maybe the carousel is more my speed.”
“Carousel?” he repeated, pretending to be horrified. “No way. We’re going all out. I’m dragging you onto the biggest, scariest ride in the park. You’ll thank me later, I promise.”
You rolled your eyes, still smiling. “I’ll consider it. But only if you don’t laugh at me when I scream my head off.”
He grinned, clearly enjoying the banter. “Deal. But I can’t promise I won’t be laughing on the inside.”
The conversation shifted seamlessly from amusement parks to childhood memories.
“Did you have any pets growing up?” he asked, his tone softening.
“Yeah, we had a golden retriever named Max. He was the sweetest dog ever. Always there when I needed a cuddle, especially after a bad day,” you reminisced, the fondness clear in your voice. “What about you?”
Inumaki nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. “We had a cat, Momo. She was the queen of the house. Independent, a bit sassy, but she’d curl up on my lap whenever I was upset. It’s like she just knew.”
You nodded, understanding the bond that pets could create. “It’s funny how they can sense when we need them the most, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it really is,” he agreed, a thoughtful look crossing his face before he shifted the topic again. “So, what’s the wildest thing on your bucket list?”
You chuckled, slightly embarrassed to reveal it. “Honestly? I’ve always wanted to go skydiving. It’s terrifying, but I feel like it’d be the ultimate rush.”
His eyes lit up with surprise and admiration. “Skydiving? That’s intense! I wouldn’t have pegged you for an adrenaline junkie.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “I wouldn’t call myself that. It’s just something I want to do once, you know? Prove to myself that I can face my fears.”
He nodded, clearly impressed. “I get that. It’s like a way of pushing your limits. I’m not sure I’d have the guts to jump out of a plane, though.”
“Oh, come on,” you teased. “You’re dragging me onto roller coasters, but you’re scared of skydiving?”
He chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. “Okay, fair point. Maybe we’ll both conquer our fears together.”
The conversation flowed easily as you talked about dreams for the future, random thoughts that popped into your minds, and even shared some embarrassing stories that had you both laughing until your sides hurt.
“I can’t believe I’m telling you this,” you said between laughs, recounting a particularly mortifying moment from high school. “But it’s one of those things you look back on and just have to laugh at.”
Inumaki was still laughing, wiping a tear from the corner of his eye. “That’s priceless. I had a similar moment in middle school when I tried to impress a girl by joining the school talent show. Let’s just say my magic trick didn’t go as planned.”
You gasped, eager to hear more. “What happened?”
“I accidentally revealed the trick’s secret in front of everyone,” he confessed, shaking his head with a smile. “The worst part? The girl I was trying to impress was in the front row. She never let me live it down.”
You both burst into laughter again, the shared stories only deepening the connection between you. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you, caught up in the moment.
It wasn’t until you both instinctively glanced down at your phones that you realized how much time had passed. The soft glow of the screens revealed the time—midnight. Startled, you exchanged surprised looks.
“Midnight already?” you murmured, a bit incredulous.
Inumaki smiled softly, a hint of surprise in his voice too. “Guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. Feels like we just got here.”
You nodded in agreement, feeling a bit of disbelief at how quickly the night had flown by, but also a warm contentment in the connection you had shared.
“Oh, I almost forgot! I brought us some chocolate,” you exclaimed, suddenly remembering the treats you had stashed in your bag. You quickly reached in and pulled them out, a grin spreading across your face. “My friends got it for me the other day and insisted I try them. I thought we could maybe try them together.”
Inumaki’s eyes lit up with curiosity, his usual playful demeanor softened by the prospect of sharing something simple but special with you. “Sure, why not?” he replied with a warm smile.
You handed him a piece of chocolate, and he accepted it with a nod of thanks. There was a brief pause as he looked at the treat in his hand, then, with a swift and practiced motion, he lifted his mask just enough to allow the chocolate to pass through, keeping his mouth hidden from view. It was such a small, casual gesture, but something about it felt almost intimate, as if this moment of sharing something sweet had added another layer to the connection you were building.
You popped a piece of chocolate into your own mouth, savoring the rich, velvety taste as it melted on your tongue. The two of you sat there in comfortable silence for a moment, simply enjoying the treat and each other’s company. The night, with its twinkling city lights and cool breeze, felt even more perfect now, with the simple pleasure of sharing something sweet together.
“This is really good,” Inumaki commented, his voice slightly muffled by the mask. “Your friends have good taste.”
“Yeah, they do,” you replied with a smile. “I’m glad you like it.”
He nodded, his eyes meeting yours briefly before glancing back out at the city skyline. “It’s the little things like this that make moments like these even better, don’t you think?”
You couldn’t agree more. “Definitely. It’s like…everything just falls into place, you know? The view, the company, the chocolate—it all just fits.”
Inumaki chuckled softly, his gaze still fixed on the city below. “Yeah, it really does.”
“Hey, let’s get going. It’s a school day tomorrow, and we don’t want to be tired,” he says with a laugh, standing up and extending his hand to you.
You giggle softly and take his hand, feeling the warmth of his touch as he helps you to your feet. The butterflies that had settled in your stomach earlier suddenly come alive again as he walks you back to his bike, his hand never leaving yours. It’s such a simple thing, but the way he holds on, the way he doesn’t let go, sends a wave of warmth through you.
When you reach the bike, he grabs your helmet and carefully places it over your head. He’s done this before, and each time, it makes you lose your composure a little more. It feels so intimate, even though it really isn’t, but the way he does it makes you feel weak in the best way possible. It’s a small gesture, sure, but it carries so much weight, making your heart race every time.
After securing your helmet, he puts on his own and then gets on the bike, turning back to you with that familiar, comforting smile. As always, he helps you onto the bike, his hands steadying you as you take your seat behind him. Once you’re settled, you wrap your arms around his waist, and with a gentle rev of the engine, you’re off, the city lights fading behind you as you head back.
Damn… he looked so fucking good earlier… The thought hit you out of nowhere as you replayed the image of him leaning back on his motorcycle, his relaxed posture accentuating his physique in the most distracting way. God, his physique looks ughhhhh… The way the light had played off him, casting shadows that made him seem even more mysterious—and that’s kind of… hot…
Wait, what the fuck am I thinking?
As quickly as the thoughts arose, you shook your head, mentally chastising yourself for letting your mind wander in that direction. What the hell is going on with me? You tried to push the thoughts away, but they lingered stubbornly, leaving you feeling both flustered and confused. You couldn’t quite put a finger on why these feelings were surfacing now, but one thing was clear—you were in deeper than you had realized.
And just as you were wrestling with those thoughts, trying to push them out of your mind, Inumaki moved his hand back onto your leg. The touch was gentle at first, but then he slowly slid his hand up your thigh, sending a shiver through your entire body. He continued down to your knee and then further down to your ankle, his touch almost hypnotic.
The simple act made your heart race even faster, and suddenly, the thoughts you were trying so hard to suppress came rushing back with even more intensity. You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks, your mind spinning with thoughts you wouldn’t normally entertain—thoughts that were wildly out of character for you.
What is happening to me? you wondered, feeling the tension in your body build. His touch was driving you crazy, making it hard to focus on anything but the way his hand felt as it moved up and down your leg. You were more flustered than ever, your mind racing with ideas and desires you never thought you’d have. It was overwhelming, and you had no idea how to handle the sudden rush of feelings that he had unintentionally stirred within you.
Inumaki pulls into your neighborhood, the familiar surroundings slowly grounding you from the whirlwind of emotions. He stops in front of your place, and you hop off the back of his bike, taking your helmet off as you face him. “Thank you, Toge… today was really fun,” you say, feeling a slight blush creeping up your cheeks.
He quickly takes his helmet off and looks into your eyes, concern flickering in his expression. He gently places a hand on your cheek, lifting your head slightly to meet his gaze. “Hey, are you okay?” he asks, his voice soft but serious.
You blink, a bit confused. “Yeah, of course I am… what do you mean?” you respond.
“Your eyes… they’re super red and glossy,” he points out, his brow furrowed with concern.
You laugh, realizing what he’s talking about. “So are yours,” you retort, playfully pointing at him.
He chuckles lightly, but his expression remains thoughtful. “I knew it. I started feeling really weird while riding.”
You nod slightly, feeling a bit relieved to hear it wasn’t just you. “Oh, me too. I started thinking… weird things…”
Inumaki raises an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at his lips. “Oh yeah? What were you thinking about?”
Caught off guard, you stammer, “Oh… uh… NOTHING!” Your face turns bright red again as you quickly look away, embarrassed by your own thoughts.
He chuckles at your flustered reaction, but his tone shifts back to curiosity as he asks, “Okay… Y/N?”
“Mhm?” you hum, glancing back at him.
“What’s the chocolate brand you gave us?” he asks, his tone now serious.
You think for a moment, trying to recall. “Uhh, I don’t remember…? I think it started with a K… Kiva or something like that? Never heard of it, but it’s super good,” you say happily, oblivious to the significance.
Inumaki just stares at you for a moment, his expression unreadable. “What…?” you ask, curiosity getting the better of you.
“Y/N,” he says, his tone laced with amusement and something else you can’t quite place.
“Yeah?” you reply, still not understanding where this is going.
“That’s weed chocolate,” he finally says, deadpan.
“Wheat? Oh, are you allergic to wheat?” you ask, genuinely concerned.
He bursts out laughing, shaking his head in disbelief. “No, stupid, not wheat. I mean, like, edible.”
“Well… yeah, it is edible. We literally ate it,” you say, confusion evident in your voice.
He just laughs harder, clutching his stomach. “God, you’re so innocent. No, Y/N. It’s cannabis chocolate. We’re high out of our minds.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. “Whaaaaaaaaaaaa?” you exclaim, completely floored by the revelation.
Inumaki just grins at your reaction, clearly enjoying the moment. “Yeah… welcome to the world of edibles,” he says, still laughing as you try to process what just happened.
“Wait, but how—what—” you stammer, still trying to wrap your head around the situation.
Inumaki chuckles softly, shaking his head. “Clearly, your friends bought it for you and wanted you to try it out.”
“Oh god, I’m so stupid,” you mutter, shaking your head in disbelief.
“This is hilarious, but I’m gonna head home. It’s getting pretty late.”
“Wait, what?! Are you crazy? I’m not letting you drive home high out of your mind, especially on a motorcycle,” you say, your voice rising in concern.
“No, it’s okay. I’ve done it before, and I was fine,” he replies casually, as if it’s no big deal.
You stare at him in disbelief, your worry quickly turning to frustration. “First of all, don’t tell me that because I’ll literally lose my mind! Second, why the hell were you stupid enough to do that? Do you have a death wish? And third, no way under any circumstance am I letting you ride high right now. Especially not because of me. So, get your ass into my apartment.”
Inumaki blinks, taken aback by your sudden fierceness. He opens his mouth to argue but quickly realizes there’s no point. Your tone leaves no room for negotiation, and honestly, he can’t help but admire how serious you’re taking this.
“Alright, alright,” he concedes, raising his hands in surrender. “I’ll stay. But just for the record, you’re pretty scary when you’re mad.”
You roll your eyes, but a small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. “Good. Now come on, let’s get inside before we both do something else stupid.”
As you turn to head inside, Inumaki lingers for a moment, watching you with a slight smirk. He then whispers under his breath, “And pretty hot too.”
You catch the murmur of his voice and glance back at him, puzzled. “Huh? What was that?”
He straightens up quickly, his expression shifting to one of feigned innocence. “Nothing! Lead the way!” he replies, a bit too quickly, trying to hide the slight blush creeping up his cheeks.
You narrow your eyes at him for a second, suspicious, but eventually shrug it off and continue leading him into the house, completely unaware of the quiet compliment that just slipped out.
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You showed Inumaki around your apartment, pointing out the bathroom, the kitchen, and anything else he might need during his stay. As you finished the tour, he smiled warmly at you. “Your apartment is really cute. I love how the aesthetic matches your vibe,” he said, his compliment making you blush slightly.
“Thanks,” you replied, feeling a bit flustered by the praise.
He glanced around the living room before asking, “Quick question… where exactly am I going to sleep?”
You looked around, realizing that your couch was way too small for Inumaki to sleep on comfortably. Your eyes darted to your bedroom behind him, and you felt a sudden wave of nervousness. “I… haven’t thought that far…” you admitted.
Inumaki shrugged casually. “I could still go home, you know,” he suggested, though there was a hint of reluctance in his voice.
Before he could finish the thought, you quickly grabbed his hand and led him toward your bedroom. “Don’t be stupid, Toge, you’re sleeping with me tonight.”
Inumaki’s eyes widened, he smirked a bit as his face turning slightly red as he processed what you just said. You paused, suddenly realizing the implication of your words, and quickly let go of his hand. “UH… THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT… I mean, like, sleep in the same bed as me… wait, that still doesn’t sound better!”
You started to panic, fumbling over your words, but before you could continue, Inumaki smirked and placed his thumb over your lips and his hand was on your chin to gently silence you. “Shhh, I get it, don’t worry,” he said, his voice soft and reassuring. He chuckled lightly. “We’re sharing the bed, got it.”
He said it so casually, but the ease in his tone only made your face turn an even deeper shade of red. The fact that he noticed your intense blushing didn’t help either; his amused expression made it clear that he found your flustered state endearing.
You nodded, feeling a mix of embarrassment and something else you couldn’t quite place. “Okay, yeah… sharing the bed,” you mumbled, trying to regain some composure.
Inumaki just smiled, the playful glint in his eyes never fading. “Don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”
His reassurance was meant to calm you, but it only made the butterflies in your stomach flutter even more.
Inumaki’s reassuring words lingered in the air as you both stood there, the tension between you palpable. You nodded again, trying to shake off the nervous energy that had settled over you. “Right… okay, so, um… let me just grab some extra blankets,” you said, quickly turning away to busy yourself with finding something to do, anything to distract from the situation.
As you rummaged through your closet for blankets, you couldn’t help but steal a glance at Inumaki. He seemed completely at ease, which only added to your internal turmoil. How could he be so calm when you felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest?
When you finally managed to find a spare blanket, you turned back to him, forcing a smile. “Here, just in case you get cold.”
He took the blanket from you, his fingers brushing against yours in the process. “Thanks,” he said with a gentle smile, his eyes holding yours for a moment longer than usual.
You cleared your throat, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks again. “So, um, I’ll just… I guess I’ll change in the bathroom,” you mumbled, grabbing your pajamas and making a quick exit before you could embarrass yourself further.
Once inside the bathroom, you took a deep breath, trying to calm the rapid beating of your heart. Get it together, you told yourself. It’s just one night. You can handle this.
You changed into your pajamas, splashed some water on your face, and gave yourself one last pep talk before heading back out. When you returned to the bedroom, Inumaki was already sitting on the edge of the bed, his back turned to you as he adjusted the pillows.
He glanced over his shoulder as you entered, offering you a smile that made your stomach flip. “All set?”
“Yeah,” you replied, trying to sound casual as you crossed the room to join him.
You climbed into bed, feeling a bit awkward as you settled under the covers. The bed was big enough to give you both some space, but the reality of sharing it with Inumaki made the situation feel a lot more intimate than you’d anticipated.
Inumaki slid under the blankets beside you, his movements slow and careful, as if he were mindful of your nerves. He turned to face you, his expression soft and reassuring. “Comfortable?”
You nodded, though you weren’t sure if “comfortable” was the right word for how you felt. “Yeah, I’m good.”
There was a brief silence as you both adjusted to the situation, and then Inumaki spoke up, his voice low and gentle. “You know, you don’t have to be so nervous. It’s just me.”
His words were meant to be comforting, but they only made your heart race faster. “I’m not nervous,” you lied, though it was clear from your voice that you were anything but calm.
Inumaki chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Okay, maybe a little nervous.”
You laughed despite yourself, the sound easing some of the tension. “Fine, maybe a little.”
He smiled, the warmth in his gaze making you feel a bit more at ease. “Well, don’t worry. I’m not going to do anything weird. We’ll just sleep, and tomorrow we can laugh about how awkward this was.”
You nodded, appreciating his effort to lighten the mood. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Toge.”
He gave you a reassuring nod before rolling onto his back, staring up at the ceiling. You followed suit, lying flat on your back with your hands resting on your stomach, trying to calm the flurry of thoughts racing through your mind.
Minutes passed in silence, the only sound in the room being the soft rustling of the sheets and your synchronized breathing. The initial awkwardness began to fade, replaced by a quiet sense of comfort in just being near him.
Finally, you felt your eyelids grow heavy, the exhaustion of the day catching up with you. Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, you felt Inumaki’s hand brush against yours under the covers. It was a light, almost accidental touch, but it sent a small shockwave through your entire body.
You glanced over at him, but his eyes were closed, his breathing steady and calm. It could have been an innocent mistake, but the thought that it might not have been left you with a small, secret smile.
As you lay there in the soft glow of the night, the warmth of the moment surrounding you, your gaze drifted to Inumaki’s face, your eyes lingering on the mask he always wore over his mouth. It had become such a familiar part of him, something you almost never questioned, but in this relaxed, almost dreamlike state, your curiosity got the better of you.
“Toge,” you began softly, your voice a little hesitant, “can I ask you something?”
He turned his head to look at you, his expression calm and open. “Of course.”
You bit your lip, unsure of how to phrase your question. “Why do you always wear that mask? I’ve never seen you without it… not even when we’re alone like this.”
Inumaki hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with something you couldn’t quite place. Finally, he sighed softly and replied, “It’s not really a big deal… just something I’ve gotten used to. I was born with a mark next to my lips—it’s kind of like a birthmark, but it’s more noticeable. When I was a kid, people used to make fun of me for it. They’d call me names, say it looked weird, stuff like that. So, I started wearing the mask to cover it up.”
Your heart ached a little at his words, the idea of him being teased for something so personal tugging at your emotions. “That’s awful, Toge. I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
He shrugged, trying to play it off as no big deal, but you could see the lingering hurt in his eyes. “It’s fine. I got used to it, and now it just feels like a part of me, you know?”
You reached out, your fingers gently brushing against his arm, your touch soft and reassuring. “But it doesn’t have to be,” you said quietly. “Can I… can I see it? The mark?”
Inumaki hesitated again, his gaze searching yours for a moment before he slowly nodded. “Yeah… okay.”
With gentle hands, you reached up and carefully pulled down his mask, revealing the lower half of his face. Your breath caught in your throat as your eyes fell on the mark he had mentioned—a unique, almost intricate pattern beside his lips, dark and distinct against his skin. It wasn’t what you expected, but rather than seeing it as something to hide, you found it beautiful, like a hidden piece of him that only a few were allowed to see.
Without thinking, you reached out and lightly traced the pattern with your fingertips, your touch feather-light as you followed the lines. Inumaki tensed for a moment, his breath hitching at the contact, but he didn’t pull away.
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, your voice filled with sincerity. “I love it. It’s so unique, like a part of you that makes you who you are.”
He looked at you, his eyes wide with surprise and something else—something softer, more vulnerable. “You really think so?”
You nodded, a gentle smile spreading across your face. “Yeah, I do. You don’t need to hide it, Toge. It’s a part of you, and it’s special.”
For a moment, the two of you just stared at each other, the weight of the moment settling over you both. You could see the conflict in his eyes, the years of insecurity battling with the acceptance and warmth he saw in yours.
Finally, he smiled—a real, genuine smile that reached his eyes. “Thank you, Y/N. No one’s ever said that to me before.”
You smiled back, feeling a deep connection forming between you. “Well, I’m glad I could be the first.”
With a small, contented sigh, Inumaki reached up and placed his hand over yours, still resting on his cheek. “You’re something else, you know that?”
“Maybe,” you replied, your voice light with affection, “but I think you are too.”
Your heart raced as you realized just how close you were to Inumaki. The sudden awareness of the proximity made you lean back slightly, a wave of self-consciousness washing over you. “Oh my god, I’m sorry—I didn’t mean to get up in your space like that,” you blurted out, your words tumbling over each other in your haste to apologize.
Before you could retreat any further, Inumaki’s hand gently cupped your face, his touch warm and steady. “There’s nothing to be sorry about, Y/N,” he said softly, his voice carrying a reassuring tone that sent shivers down your spine.
“I think it’s just the weed taking over me—” you started to explain, trying to brush off your actions as a side effect of the high.
But he shook his head, leaning in just a little closer, his gaze locking onto yours. “No,” he interrupted, his voice firm but gentle. “High actions are sober thoughts, you know? You just get the confidence to do things you wouldn’t normally do if it weren’t for your anxiety.”
You swallowed hard, his words hitting you with a truth you couldn’t ignore. Your pulse quickened, and you could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you got even more flustered. “You’re cute when you’re nervous,” he added with a soft smile, his thumb brushing lightly against your cheek.
His words only made your heart race faster, your mind struggling to process the mix of emotions flooding through you. The closeness, the warmth of his hand on your face, the way his eyes seemed to see right through you—it was all too much, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to pull away.
“I… I don’t know what to say,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper.
Inumaki’s smile widened slightly, his expression soft and understanding. “You don’t have to say anything,” he murmured, his voice low and soothing. “Just be here, in this moment. That’s enough.”
For a few heartbeats, neither of you moved, the silence filled only by the sound of your breaths mingling in the small space between you. Then, slowly, he leaned in even closer, his eyes never leaving yours, as if asking for permission without words.
Inumaki’s eyes flickered with something intense yet tender, and you felt your breath catch in your throat. Every second stretched out, the moment hanging delicately between what was and what could be.
But just as he began to lean in, Inumaki hesitated. His gaze lingered on your lips for a moment longer before he pulled back slightly, his expression softening into something more thoughtful.
“We should sleep now,” he murmured, his voice gentle yet firm, as if he was convincing himself as much as he was telling you. “Gotta wake up early for school.”
The sudden shift in the atmosphere left you a little breathless, but you understood the unspoken reasons behind his words. He was giving you both space, not wanting to rush into something so significant, especially when the lines between your feelings and the effects of the weed were still blurred.
You nodded, offering him a small, appreciative smile. “Yeah, you’re right.”
Inumaki returned your smile, his hand still resting lightly on your cheek for a moment before he let it fall away. With that, he turned onto his back, settling into the bed beside you. The closeness was still there, the connection undeniable. You both lay there in the quiet, the earlier tension easing into a comfortable silence.
“Goodnight, Y/N,” Inumaki whispered, his voice soft in the stillness of the room.
“Goodnight, Toge,” you replied, a gentle smile tugging at your lips as you closed your eyes.
The room fell into a peaceful silence, the warmth of the shared moment lingering as you both drifted off to sleep, content in the comfort of each other’s presence.
By the time the first light of dawn began to peek through the curtains, your bodies had naturally gravitated toward each other. Your head rested near his shoulder, and one of his arms had unconsciously draped over your waist, as if protecting you even in sleep. The warmth of his presence seeped into your dreams, creating a sense of safety and peace that neither of you could fully comprehend but both embraced nonetheless.
As the first light of morning filtered softly through the curtains, you slowly began to stir from sleep. You blinked a few times, letting your eyes adjust to the gentle brightness, and as you came to full awareness, you felt the warmth of something—or rather, someone—beside you.
At the same moment, Inumaki shifted, his own eyes fluttering open. The first thing he noticed was how close you were, your head resting near his shoulder, your breaths soft and even against his skin. His arm was draped over your waist, a position that felt so natural and comforting that it took a moment for the realization to fully register.
You both froze, wide-eyed, as the reality of the situation sank in. Your faces were mere inches apart, your bodies comfortably nestled against each other as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
Inumaki’s eyes met yours, a mix of surprise and something softer passing between you. For a moment, neither of you said anything, just taking in the closeness, the way your bodies had unconsciously found their way to each other in the night.
“Uh… good morning,” you finally whispered, your voice a little shaky with the mix of emotions swirling inside you.
“Good morning,” Inumaki replied, his voice equally soft. He didn’t move his arm right away, as if he was just as caught off guard by how right it felt to be close to you.
You both shared a small, nervous laugh, the sound breaking the tension in the air.
“Uh… well, that was… cozy,” you said, your cheeks flushed as you tried to break the tension with a small laugh.
Inumaki scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, really cozy,” he agreed, his voice holding a hint of amusement. There was a glint in his eyes that suggested he wasn’t entirely unhappy about waking up that way. In fact, part of him wanted to stay close, to let the morning laziness keep you wrapped up together just a little longer.
“So, uh, I guess we should probably… get ready for school,” you finally suggested, though your voice lacked conviction.
“Yeah… school,” Inumaki echoed, though he made no move to get up. He seemed almost reluctant to break the moment, as if he was considering staying right where he was, enjoying the closeness a little longer.
You both sat there in that awkward-but-sweet limbo, neither of you really wanting to be the first to get up. Finally, Inumaki let out a small, resigned sigh, breaking the spell. “Alright, I guess we should… you know… start the day.”
“Yeah,” you agreed, though you felt a similar reluctance to move. You both stood up, the atmosphere still tinged with the remnants of the unexpected intimacy. You glanced at each other, exchanging shy, almost guilty smiles, as if you both knew you had just crossed a line but weren’t quite ready to address it yet.
Inumaki reached for his mask on the nightstand, but before he put it on, he paused and looked at you. “Hey… last night was… nice. I mean, not just the sleeping part, but… you know, everything.”
You smiled, feeling the warmth in your chest return. “Yeah, it really was. And, um… about this morning… I didn’t mind it. Like, at all.”
A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. “Good to know,” he said, clearly pleased. He hesitated for a moment, then added, “Maybe we can… do it again sometime. Not the weird part, just… hanging out together.... you know?”
You blushed, but nodded. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
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Taglist <3
@madaqueue @mikko-mikko @arabella0001
82 notes · View notes
connorsbonez · 2 years
DC/DP Crossover #9 where Damien and Danny become friends through their civilian identities and bond through their unhinged adventures, dog parks with their pets, zoos, and eating vegan food together as they chat (and maybe talk shit shoosh shoosh). Their identities aren’t revealed during this time as Damien doesn’t see why he should and Danny just doesn’t ask questions about certain mildly questionable things about his new slightly bloodthirsty friend as he has his own skewed version of what’s normal so a lot of what they do is just an average Tuesday for him.
Maybe Damien makes the guess that Danny’s a meta so he doesn’t question some things that the boy does that isn’t normal for humans. Or socially but Damien probably doesn’t realize.
The thing is that Damien never tells the Batfam where he’s going and doing for several hours.
(Dicks just happy he’s getting sun on him)
So naturally, they try to follow him.
It goes as well as you expect.
Damien manages to loss them a few times before they manage to get to wherever Damien and Danny are planning on meeting up, but they can’t really see Danny as he’s always at an angle where you can’t really see him that well, and no video recordings or pictures of him ever come out right instead going static every-time Danny’s on screen.
Maybe Danny and Damien have a continuous thing where one day either on the weekday or weekend, Danny sneaks up to Damien’s window to get let in and Damien makes the preparations to request that Alfred makes extra cookies so he can bring them up and eat them with Danny.
Duke notices this and brings it up later to the Batfam. Which leads to someone if not a few of them trying to get into Damien’s room when it’s that day and either Damien’s already in the room or they do it when he leaves.
Weird that every-time they go in it seems to be completely empty or just Damien glaring at them annoyed and currently reaching for the sharpest weapon that’s closest.
(Later, Damien asks demands how Danny managed to hide from his brothers, and the boy shows off his invisibility, this is later used for chaos)
The Batfam is tearing their hair out cause they can’t figure out who this motherfucker is and to make things worse, Damien has been missing since Friday and they can’t find him anywhere.
(Damien went to go visit Danny’s home Amity Park for once and decided to stay there for the weekend. Which leads to some ghosty mayhem and a little Phantom reveal)
He comes back and promptly lectured, grounded, and benched from Robin. Damien is super pissed about this but luckily Danny decided to come over again(just straight up flying in at this point)and they hang out a lot during Damien’s period of punishment which makes it more tolerable.
Which makes the Batfam suspicious cause, Damien? Is being rather?? Calm??? About this??? What?? The?? Fuck???? Who is this??
Tim swears he hears two voices talking in the dead of night when he lurking down the halls for another cup of coffee.
The reveal happens when one of the brothers comes down in the early morning to greet Alfred who would be making breakfast and is instead greeted by the sight of Alfred and another boy that’s roughly around Damien’s age but isn’t Damien who’s cautiously helping around with gloves on.
Or alternatively: It’s the middle of the night and they meet a Danny who’s rummaging through the fridge and snaps his head around at an inhuman angle with the fridge light reflecting off his eyes.
Either way they meet Danny in the end.
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honeygrahambitch · 9 months
Hannibal parked his Bentley in front of Will house and grabbed the bag on his passenger seat.
Will was away for the weekend and had asked him to feed his dogs. Nothing unusual. He was already used to it and didn't mind it, considering that Will rarely asks for his help.
He was used to the dogs too. He unlocked the door and didn't even flinch when they greeted him excitedly, waving their tails. The dogs were used to him too by now.
He counted them. Then counted them again. One was missing. Yeah left them the sausages and went outside to look around the house. He even made the effort to call him a few times. He surprised himself when he realized he knew his name.
After fifteen minutes, he came to the conclusion that the dog was nowhere to be found. A coyote must have caught him then.
But what about Will? How will he tell Will that one of his beloved family members is missing?
Will had been quite depressed lately. These news weren't going to help his state.
He sat in his car and made a decision. He locked Will's house and returned to Baltimore. For the next two hours he visited 5 pet shelters until he found a dog that would look almost identically.
He congratulated himself for paying attention to such little details.
Will was not going to notice this dog was different. He was pretty quiet and friendly too. He almost made no sound in Hannibal's car.
Now the issue was that the other dogs would tell that it was a different dog. Well then he would nicely introduce the dog to the other dogs just like Will.
Fortunately, no aggression was involved on either side. Hannibal spent a few hours in Will's living room until he made sure each dog was well fed and okay with the new family member.
By midnight, he finally left.
He couldn't sleep that night. What if they fought and killed each other? What if they tore each other to pieces in Will's house?
The next day he kept checking his phone, waiting for Will's call. He couldn't even cook because of the stress.
When it finally happened he even debated picking it up.
"Just wanted to thank you for feeding my dogs."
"It was absolutely no problem, Will."
Okay he was safe.
"One more thing."
He was dead.
"Why do I have two Busters now?"
317 notes · View notes
joelslegalwhre · 2 years
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Hey anon! I love the idea, thanks for your request &lt;3
Just us
pairing ⁀➷ henry cavill x fem!reader
word count ⁀➷ 2.2k
summary ⁀➷ up in the ask
warnings ⁀➷ age gap (reader is in early 20’s, henry is 38), pure fluff, drunk Henry (but not in a bad way?), H/F means Henry's Friend, paparazzi
a/n ⁀➷ thanks for the request anon this was a blast to write!
Since an anon pointed this out to me; („paparazzi get called and scheduled“) they can also get their information about the whereabouts of a celeb from bartenders, spotters, etc… Please remember that I write fiction and not everything is like real life 100% of the time 🫶
Here’s my h.c. playlist
🥤my kofi if you’d like to leave a tip🩷
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The night was truly not as you would have imagined it to be.
„Henry... c'mon bear, let's go home." you said, trying to get him off the barstool.
„You look beautiful.“ He slurred in your ear.
Goosebumps immediately spread over your entire body. You quickly kissed the corner of his lips, "Thanks. You look terribly handsome though, even drunk.“ you whispered with a chuckle, „That should be illegal."
His hands wandered to your hips, his fingers tracing shapes all the way up to your bra.
Henry was drunk as hell, and you had to get him home now before he did something in public, that he would regret later.
Luckily, one of his mates had your number and texted you about half an hour ago.
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H/F: Hey Y/N can you please pick Henry up? We might have had a little too much of…. everything...
You: I'm on my way
You instantly hoped that there would be no press around.
You couldn't use paparazzi now, but they kind of always knew where Henry was. At any time of the day… or night.
Henry's friend had sent you the address of the club right after your last message.
Usually Henry wasn't someone who partied much. You spent your weekends together on the couch, walking Kal, or cooking together. But who never went out partying on a weekend?
"Kal?" you peeked through the door into the living room. His head lifted from his big dog bed, and he looked at you, panting.
"I'm going to pick up Daddy, will you watch the house while I'm gone?" Excitedly, he wagged his tail when he trotted to you as if confirming it to you to watch out. Lovingly, you petted him behind his ears. "I won't be gone for long."
"Alright." You muttered to yourself as the car came to a hold. You thanked the cab driver who would wait for you, and got out at the back entrance of the club. You wouldn't have found a parking space in front of the club by car, so the cab was clearly the better option.
Fortunately, it wasn't very busy, and you couldn't see any paparazzi. You took your ID out of your pocket and immediately received a few strange looks from the security guards. Sure, probably very few people came here in jeans, a hoodie and sneakers.
The club was loud and sweaty, and you could feel the bass of the music pulse through your body.
Just then you realized that you didn't know where they were, and the club was quite big, so you texted Henry's friend again.
You: I'm here, where are you?
H/F: At the bar, you have to get to the back of the club
You: Thanks
Making your way through the crowd, you began to sweat in your hoodie but couldn't take it off unless you wanted to walk around in only your bra, which you obviously didn't. You saw them just a moment later, all of them looking rather drunk. A chuckle left your lips when you saw Henry on a bar stool, resting his elbow on the counter. He was clearly drunk as hell. You wondered how they managed not to get the attention of the whole club by now, usually wherever Henry went the people recognized him. Right when you thought that, two girls walked up to them.
Henry didn't even see them, too interested to get the bartender's attention for another drink. His friends did though, just for the two girls to tap Henry's shoulder and flash him a flirty smile. He turned around by the sudden touch and drew his brows together. You couldn't hear what they were saying, but you grinned when he pursed his lips, shaking his head with raised brows.
He removed the girl's hand off of his arm, and his friends suppressed a laugh.
Just then, you finally reached them and immediately caught Henry's attention. „Hi, boys.“ you greeted his friends, and immediately got smiles and waving hands back.
„Excuse me, if you'd be so nice…“ You dryly said and squeezed past the girls, „l'm going to get this drunk mountain of a man home.“
„And who are you?" One of them asked with a deprecating look, eyeing you up and down.
„Mine." Henry answered for you. He grabbed the hem of your hoodie and pulled you to his chest. „Hey baby.” He purred as he put his big hands on your cheeks and kissed you.
You could taste the alcohol on his lips but didn't mind one bit. His curls were tousled, and you wanted to run your hands through them, to make them even messier. And as much as you wanted to keep kissing him, you broke away from him.
Henry still had his hands on your cheeks.
Your hands went to his and gently withdrew them from your cheeks. "You need a bed." you laughed lightly.
"Only if you are part of the bed too." He grinned and you shook your head, giggling. "Not today, Cavill."
Henry grimaced, „C'mon baby…..please".
„How old are you anyway?" one of them interrupted the two of you. „Yeah, are you even allowed into a club?" the two girls were still giving you deprecating looks,
„I'm old enough, thanks for your concern." you tried your best to sound as nice as you could.
„Henry... c'mon bear, let's go home." you said, trying to get him off the barstool.
„You look beautiful." He slurred in your ear. Goosebumps immediately spread over your entire body.
You quickly kissed the corner of his lips, "Thanks. You look terribly handsome though, even drunk.“ you whispered with a chuckle, „That should be illegal."
His hands wandered to your hips, his fingers tracing shapes all the way up to your bra. „Stop that." you lightly chuckled. Your hands softly grabbed his and removed them from your sides. „You can do that at home. When you're sober." you whispered into his ear, knowing damn right what it would do to him.
You turned to Henry's friend who had texted you, „Thank you." you chuckled, and he just raised his glass with a smile and nodded.
„Alright, let's go." you chuckled and took Henry's large hand. „Night, boys.
"They all gave an almost harmonic, and drunken, "Ciao, y/n", which made you laugh.
On your way out, you could still feel the gazes of the two girls on your back.
The same security guards that eyed you for your unusual choice of clothes when you entered the club, were now giving you the same looks. Not because of your clothes, though. You and Henry's hands were intertwined as you two exited the club, and he continued whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
You knew that look, it wasn't the „Omg, look that's Henry Cavill!“ , but rather the „She must at least be 15 years younger than him." look.
And even though there were almost 17 years between you and Henry, you looked even younger than you really were. Something the press absolutely loved, of course.
The moment you and Henry walked out of the club, you were greeted by blinding lights, dozens of shouting paparazzi.
Henry's grip on your hand tightened and no matter how drunk he was, he immediately switched to being your protector.
Almost everyone with a camera shouted his name, the few without were shouting various questions;
„How much younger is she?"
„Is this your girlfriend, Henry?"
„Who is she?"
„What's the name of the girl, Henry?"
And so much more that got lost in all the voices and shouting.
Henry let go of your hand to wrap his arm around your shoulder, protecting you from the paparazzi. „Give us some space, goddamn." you could hear how he tried not to sound as drunk as he really was. And you loved him even more for doing his best to keep you safe even when he wasn't feeling his best.
He pressed you against his chest and continued mumbling complaints.
Normally Henry was one of the most polite celebrities you knew, he smiled and gave them answers most of the time, but today they were definitely crossing a line.
He didn't stop walking, nor taking his arm from your shoulder when he grabbed the hood on your hoodie and pulled it down to shelter your face from them. In all the hectic and flashlights, you totally forgot that you could do that. Which once more showed that Henry might have been drunk, but he was still your protector, no matter what.
You helped him by guiding the way to the cab, still waiting for you outside the club. The paparazzi were following you until both of you got in, the car door shutting out their questions and the sounds of clicking cameras. „Fuck, I'm sorry, peaches."
„It’s fine, Hen. Don’t worry about it.“
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Last night when you had made it home, Kal was impatiently waiting for you two. Whenever you didn't come home with Henry, which got rarer with each week, he got quite confused why his new mommy wasn't coming home with his dad.
Who was absolutely wasted right now. When he hit the soft bed, a moan left his mouth. „Wait a second before you fall asleep." you giggled, „l'll be right back." With Kal by your side, you went downstairs into the kitchen, getting Henry a glass of water and ibuprofen.
„Look at him, Kal." the dog looked at his dad and back up to you. A snort escaped your mouth. The mattress sank down next to Henry. „Babe... Hen." you lightly caressed his cheek. „It's better to take them now."
His eyes opened only so much to see you, he groaned but took the glass and the pill out of your hand.
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You heard the door to the living room open and close, your head turning in Henry's direction. He blinked a few times, probably because the sun was still brightly illuminating the room. You looked up at him from were you were sitting on the floor, scratching Kal behind his ears, while Henry approached you. „Morning, bear." you smiled at him.
„Good morning, peaches." The sight of you and Kal together in his home was one of the things Henry loved the most. Thus, why he always wanted you to stay at his, so much so that it wouldn't take him much longer to ask you to move out of your own apartment.
He sat down on the couch behind you and patted his broad tights. He hugged your waist as you snuggled up to him, one leg draped over his thigh. „Thanks for the painkillers." he mumbled into your hair, breathing in the scent.
They smelled like peaches, and more so like home. „lt's an old trick my cousin told me about. The headaches are much less painful if you take them at night first and then again in the morning." you grinned at him. Henry kissed your forehead, keeping his lips there a little longer.
„l love you." he whispered.
„I love you too." your hands rested on his muscular chest. You just laid there for some time, Kal sleeping on his dog pillow, and listening to the birds singing outside.
„I bet the pictures are everywhere by now.”
You raised your head to look at him. A heavy breath escaped your lungs and Henry stroked your hair.
„Let them talk." you said.
„Who are they to tell us what to do and whom to date? Martin Freeman is married to Rachel Mariam, and she is 21 years younger than him." you played with Henry's fingers, „it's not like l'm underage.” Henry chuckled at your comparison.
„But you know what you are?" Henry asked with a soft smile. You propped yourself up on his chest, „What?"
„You are the woman I love. You are the only one I will ever love and the one I want to call the mother of my children. You," he stopped and looked at you with a look of pure love, „You're all I want."
With that, he had taken all the air from your lungs. Your mouth was slightly open and tears began to run down your cheeks.
"Oh baby, don't cry." Henry grinned as he wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"How am I not supposed to cry?" you sniffled. "That was the most beautiful thing I've ever been told. And all those things, everything, I want all those things with you and only you."
As if Kal had been waiting for his moment, he put his head on Henry's thigh, looking at both of you. You giggled as you gently stroked his snout. "You too, Kal."
“l'm glad they know." Henry whispered to your hairline.
„Me too."
He wrapped his hands around you and pressed you back against his chest. His warmth wrapped around you like a blanket, and slowly your eyes closed.
Henry took out his phone to take a picture of the three of you, Kal on his pillow, you asleep on his chest. One of your hands rested on his torso while the other was resting under your head. He smiled at the picture. The sun was still shining into the room, painting everything in a golden light.
With the caption „Just us" he posted the picture. Confirming it to the whole world.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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edytae · 1 year
Best Dad-dy (smut) Kim Taehyung x reader
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Could Taehyung be any happier? He had a well-paying and satisfying job, an excellent wife, and an adorable little son. Things were difficult, but with your help, he solved every problem on his way. All of the challenges paid off and he ended up with his dream life. 
pairing: Taehyung x (female) reader  
summary: Taehyung proves that he is the best dad. 
rating: 18+, flufffy fluff, smuttty smut, mature, do not interact if you are underage
genre/warnings: DILF TAEHYUNG, Taehyung being a great dad, unprotected sex, a minor breeding kink, name calling, as always Taehyung speaks dirty. 
word count: 10.5K
A/N2: Please don’t mind spelling and grammar errors.
A/N3:  If you like to check my other work, here is my masterlist filled with Taehyung smut. 
If you like this, you will LOVE Norway, and you will like i’m mad and Spoiled. 
Your little boy ran towards his daddy’s car. It was impressive how he could recognise it in the middle of a semi-closed garage. “Appa,” the little boy called. 
“Is Appa there?” You followed him to the back of the car while your son shook his head on the verge of crying.
Your beautiful son Daehyung had a fever and spent the weekend mostly in bed with his father. You weren’t calm as you thought you would be and quickly called Taehyung’s mum to visit you. She was ever-lovely and soothed you in your worries. It was very normal for your little baby to get sick as he started to walk and play at the park. Despite all that, you were eager to check his temperature every hour and watch him all night. 
Taehyung wasn’t much different. He tried to look calm for you, but he was quite worried. Daehyun, being the dad’s best boy, only stopped crying in Taehyung’s arms; so two of your precious boys spent all weekend cuddling.
It was Monday now. Taehyung was at work, so this morning had started with a crying disaster as your son wanted his father. He had spent all morning running in the house with Yeontan on his side to look for his father. Poor Yeontan just stuck to the baby’s side, but quickly gave up and fell asleep in his corner.
After having breakfast, you tidied around the room briefly, took out two pieces of chicken to thaw and did a load of laundry. Meanwhile, Daehyun seemed occupied with the rainbow block set that Taehyung’s brother got for him. However, the quiet time didn’t last long and Daehyun started to throw a tantrum around noon. 
So you decided to take your human and dog babies for a walk. Daehyun dozed off as soon as you stepped outside, leaving you in shock. 
After 10 minute walk, you arrived at your in-laws’ house for lunch. They were excited to see you and their grandchildren. Daehyun ran up and down the corridor with his uncle and played train with his grandfather. Taehyung's family’s love seemed to entertain Daehyun as he went in circles and was adored by them. During lunch, he chased Yeontan to feed him and the poor dog climbed on the TV unit because of the crazy attention. While Daehyun ran his terror amongst the Kim family, you chat with your mother-in-law about the cleaning person that she found for help. 
You had pretty tough labour that lasted for almost two days. Taehyung was with you in every second of it. From the first entrance to the hospital to getting your epidural, counting your contractions, and having your baby boy in your arms. He felt guilty for your pain. He was there for you as a strong husband— even though he started weeping as soon as he saw Daehyun. 
Postpartum wasn’t easy either. During birth, your doctor had to push the baby herself to help you out. So she had pressed down to your left ribs, just under your lungs with all of her strength. It was a very needed move for the birth, but you still suffer the crude pain for months. Additionally, the stitches were absolutely painful. On top of everything, you were bound to an infant with all of his life depended on you. The only thing you did during that time was to eat and feed. Without your husband and his family’s help, you could never last long. 
The overall recovery lasted around 3 months challenging you both mentally and physically. The only thing Taehyung could think about was you and his baby. Even though Taehyung had to go back to work after a week, he constantly called you or just face-timed you as he worked. 
Also, his parents were always loving and supportive. Taehyung’s mother had become your holy source for motherhood knowledge. She came to your house as Taehyung was leaving for work and helped you with everything for the first three months. She did the laundry, cleaning, cooking, everything.
Taehyung’s father was active in every event as well, and he showed his affection directly— which was something you weren’t familiar with. He had taken care of many things related to the baby’s citizenship and health insurance. They were doting parents but worshipping grandparents.
However, the most perfect grandparents couldn’t keep Daehyun busy for long. The little boy was quick to remember the absence of his father. No game, no toy or no snack could replace his father. So after his noon nap, he was back to being moody.
After dropping Yeontan at your in-laws’ house —God knows that dog deserves the fattest steak on earth after bearing a crying baby for two days— you brought your baby to Taehyung’s office. The distance was a bit long, you walked 30 minutes with Daehyun in his carrier that is strapped to your chest. On the walk to his dad’s office in downtown, Daehyun looked around tentatively and pointed various things at you. Many passers-by were taken by his cuteness and playfulness.
“Let’s go to the Appa’s office!” you exclaimed. Your little son raised his arms so you could pick him up. It was 16:50 so Taehyung’s shift was going to end on a high note. You entered the main building from the garage and took the elevator to the main area. 
You introduced yourself to the young man in the reception area “Hello, I am here for Kim Taehyung. Can you let him know?” you asked politely. The receptionist nodded his head tiredly. Who knows how many people asked him the same question?
You didn’t want to stand in front of the desk as it was pretty intimidating. Also, Daehyun was trying to get himself off of his carrier.
 “You saw the fish tank, didn’t you?” Daehyun’s eyes were fixed on the bubbling fish tank that was on the wall. As soon as you let him down, his little legs ran towards the wall. His eyes got enlarged and carefully examined the colourful fishes. He tried to knock on the glass but his small hands were too weak. 
“Mr Kim awaits you in his room. 7th floor, the second room on the left. His assistant will help you.” The receptionist talked slowly and clicked on the lift for you. 
“Daehyun, let’s see Appa,” you picked your baby up again and entered the elevator. During the ride, Daehyun made funny faces and licked all the microbes on his hands.
When the lift’s door opened, you entered a fairly quiet area. Doors of two rooms out of four were opened, one of which belonged to your husband. The assistant’s desk was empty, however, there were boxes everywhere.
You timidly made your way to your husband’s open door. You saw his back standing while another man was on a stool. “Knock, knock,” you said.
Taehyung immediately turned with a big smile on his face. Daehyun just noticed his father and started squealing on your arms. “My love,” Taehyung kissed your forehead immediately whilst holding your nape. “Welcome baby,” he whispered to you. 
Daehyun squealed louder and kicked his father for attention. “Oh, my son is here to see Appa.” Taehyung picked up the crazy toddler as Daehyun kept squealing. “Hooray!” Taehyung tossed Daehyun up. 
“He will throw up, don’t do that.” You tried to intervene but both of your boys’ laughs brought a warm smile to your face. “No, my son won’t throw up on me, right baby?” 
Taehyung and his shoulders experienced endless vomiting, but you still didn’t want to get it on his work shirts, especially the ones that made him look extra hot. Taehyung tossed Daehyun up once more and watched his baby laugh warmly. Daehyun held his father’s chin with his drool-covered hands as he kept giggling at the feeling.
Right then, you realised the room was much more crowded than you expected. You hazily remembered some of them from last year’s company party. “Y/N, darling, meet my coworkers.” Taehyung gestured to three men in their early thirties. You briefly shook hands with them. Your handsome husband was promoted to be a mid-level principal architect a month ago, so these people were very much strangers to you.
Despite your smile, Taehyung sensed how tired you were. “I have some unboxing left. I want to finish them before we leave if that’s OK for you, darling.” Taehyung held your hand with one hand and Daehyun with the other. His lips curled up timidly, weighing your reaction. You couldn’t help but smile at the big bear in front of you. “Of course darling.” You approved as he brought your hand to his mouth and placed small kisses on it. 
“Here, you sit on my chair wifey, and I will take care of it quickly.” He made you sit on the large leather chair whilst holding Daehyun, his biceps bulging attractively. He was already freaking hot and being considerate was making him annoyingly sexy. “Welcome to your office again, Taehyung. We should leave now, see you tomorrow.” All of his co-workers got his cue from the eldest-looking one and left the room.
As they were leaving, two young girls and one boy rushed into the room with glasses in their hands. “We brought tea-” One of them babbled while holding the tray. The eldest co-worker led them out too. 
“Why are you serving tea at the end of the shift?!” A yell came from the corridor.  “Ladies and gents, we should clean this mess now. We will have other stuff coming up tomorrow!”
Just like that everyone left Taehyung’s room. “Baby?” Taehyung inquired. “Are you tired, my love?” he asked with a concerned face as he saw you close your eyes with a relaxed sigh. You nodded, “Daehyun is a big naysayer without you at home.” As you spoke, your son hid his face in his father’s neck. 
“Really?” Taehyung’s lips curled up, he was amused. “Yes, we looked for you around the house all morning.” You remembered Daehyun running between rooms with only a diaper on. 
“Daehyun, don’t make Mommy tired!” Taehyung said to his son ever lovingly. He was the best father ever. “No!!” Daehyun repeated and shot a smile at you. Even with a few teeth, you were gladly sure that he had his father’s boxy smile. 
Then, Taehyung put the toddler down and kept unboxing it. “Your new office looks nice,” You commented. He was promoted recently, but his office was under renovation. “They really don’t want you to quit,” 
This job was the second job he landed after university. It was a large architecture company that designed malls, residences and even city halls. The company was fairly new at that time so it needed core, hardworking employees. However, as with any corporate job, it was very stressful. During your first months of pregnancy, many of Taehyung’s school friends quit their jobs here due to fierce competition. 
You encouraged Taehyung to do the same, you were a hundred per cent sure that he could find another job, or else you guys could move back to France where your father would gladly refer him to many of his business friends.
But Taehyung couldn’t bring himself to be unemployed as there was a baby on the road. After six months of mental warfare, the company was sold to a much more modern person, and the new Board of Directors valued the employees. As a result, your hardworking husband quickly climbed the succession ladders. 
Taehyung didn’t see himself as a white-collar until retirement. At one point he was going to start his own business. However, he needed more experience and financial power to do so. 
“Apparently, I will work for 4 days a week during the winter season. At least I will not come to the office.” Taehyung announced. You smiled at your hard-working husband and your eyes teared. 
“You are amazing, Taehyung.” You quavered. All the emotions boiled up inside you. Taehyung’s shoulder shot up and quickly kneeled in front of you. “Only because I have a perfect wife.” He held your hands on your lap and looked into your eyes dearly. 
His brown bangs were beautifully covering his forehead, his defined eyebrows were relaxed. His chocolate eyes were gleaming right at you, his lips were pressed together, and his mole was waving you hello from his nose. “My love,” Taehyung held your shoulders and gave you a small kiss on the cheek. All of your tiredness was eradicated with his gentle touch. 
“You know what?” Taehyung checked your son. “You should visit me alone next time.”  His naughty tone already indicated his intentions, his arms wrapped around your thighs from where he was kneeling. 
“We have to have sex on my desk at least.” You laughed at your ever-horny husband as he kissed your knees. “Or, I should eat you out under the table. Mhmm, babygirl, my sexy baby mama…” You blushed but you were surely down for it. “Office sex?” You asked him as his eyes ran all over your body as if you were wearing the sexiest lingerie, not jeans with a basic shirt. “Mhmm, of course, I want my wife all the time.” He kissed your knuckles a bit seductively as Daehyun started to play with magazines babbling to himself. You snickered at the little baby, cock-blocking his father.
“Daehyun, come on. Help Appa put these up.” Taehyung loved spending time with his baby more than ever. As a child, he always admired his father, and now he only had one goal: to be an admirable father. 
The little baby always fascinated his father with his intelligence. Last winter, Daehyun once pointed at the snow and said “Brr”. According to Taehyung, it was a sign of high intellect and that he will become an engineer in future. 
Plus, Daehyun was energetic and goofy like his father. The little boy always did his best to make others laugh. Just today, he sat on the TV remote and told his grandfather that the remote went on a trip — what you always say when his noisy toys go missing. 
Taehyung placed the box with various stationery in front of your baby. As the little boy played with clear tape, your sexy husband dealt with the rest. “Do you want me to help?” you asked as Taetae reached for the top shelf.
“No need, my baby mama.” He talked cutely on top of a stool. As he reached up, his bubble butt looked bigger.
“Your butt looks so sexy, baby.” You blurred out the bare truth. He looked stunning in smart office outfits— much different from the weird print shirts you met him in. Formal trousers hugged perfectly at his butt and accentuated his small waist. “Hmm, be a good girl and I will let you touch it.” He shook his ass to the sides. 
“Appa,” Daehyun pointed to his father and got up as well. Two of you locked on his movements as the little boy shook his butt too. You started laughing at the cuteness. “Does Appa shake his butt?” You asked him and the little boy did it again to amuse you.
Taehyung scowled, “Do you laugh at Appa?”  He slowly approached the little boy and picked him up. Daehyun squealed with happiness. “Are you laughing at Appa?” Taehyung asked and Daehyun kept giggling.
Then, his father tossed him up — yet his hands never left Daehyun’s body. Taehyung stopped soon after. Then, he tickled the little boy and kissed him all over his tummy while holding him above his head.
“Did you know that Mommy shakes her butt better?” Taehyung playfully talked to Daehyun. The little boy, of course, didn’t understand anything at all. “She used to dance on me all night.” You rolled your eyes at him. 
You and Taehyung met when he visited France as an exchange student. One of your friends from the architecture major was assigned to show Taehyung around. Through that friend, you met Taehyung and fell in love within a month. During that semester, you dragged him to all the bars and pubs on Paris streets. Cheap alcohol and immense attraction toward each other meant there was a lot of kissing, grabbing, and grinding. Both of you would get a bit tipsy and make out in dark streets all night.
 You were crazy on the outside but totally shy inside. Despite all of your grinds on him, sometimes you couldn’t bring yourself to talk to Taehyung. 
Taehyung was completely the opposite. If you weren’t so eager, he wouldn’t touch you that aggressively. However, once he got more comfortable, the freak inside of him revealed himself.  
You still remember being warmed by Taehyung’s large arms around you and swaying your hips to the rhythm of the music. He would occasionally groan to your ear—letting you know how much he loved your little moves.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. “Mr Kim, do you need some help?” a young woman asked Taehyung, trying to avoid eye contact. “I don’t, thanks.” Taehyung's voice suddenly became ice-cold.
“What about something to drink?” she asked again. Her body was tilted against the door. 
“Do you want to drink something, my love?” Taehyung asked you. You shook your head. “I am fine. Thank you.” 
“My wife and I are good Miss…?” Taehyung didn’t know this lady’s name but saw her around a lot. “Jeon-” The girl uttered.
Taehyung let a second of silence pass. “I would be pleased if you and your intern friends didn’t wander around. You are here for work, not gossiping.” Taehyung set the distance sharply. “Also, your job isn’t coffee service, please act accordingly.” The young girl bowed quickly and left the room. 
“Ouch,” You remarked Taehyung’s bitterness.
“What?” Taehyung shrugged. “All they do is talk all day.” He sounded like your old bosses. “Yeah, because they are still students!” You exclaimed. Expecting interns to act like full professionals was dumb in your opinion. 
“They kept flirting with your husband though.” Taehyung placed a wooden pencil holder on his desk and shrugged with a pout on his lips. “Mhmm, well, I would do too if my supervisor was this hot.” You sneakily hugged his back. Your small frame tried to engulf him as your chest pressed against his broad back. 
Taehyung chuckled at your comment. “Hmm, you are feeding my office fantasy, babygirl.” He turned his face to you and whispered in your ear. “It wouldn’t take much for me to get me on my knees if you were my intern.” Taehyung turned his face to you and wrapped his arm around you. You giggled, "Oh, Mr Kim, that’s very flattering…" 
Taehyung kissed a tiny trail on your neck, “I heard that the finance department could make room for my intelligent wife,” His large hands grasped your ass. 
You brushed his nose with yours, "Yeah? Only if you promise to fuck me every lunch break." As soon as you flirted back, Taehyung's cock shifted in its confines. 
"You know I am a weak whore when it comes to you, wifey." Taehyung confessed dearly, making you laugh again.
"I know, baby, you-"  Right then, a voice belonging to a small person cut the sweet scene.
“Mommy,” Daehyun called for you. Your baby was still very much dependent on you. The little boy was still sitting next to the pile of magazines. “Milk,” he said, reaching for your arms. You smiled at his soft eyes looking at you. 
Daehyun ate solids perfectly, but he still wanted to be breastfed, and you wanted it too. It was a bonding experience you and your baby shared. Probably he was never going to remember those moments, but you had every second engraved in your brain. Also,  breastfeeding was good for his health too. With the approval of your doctor and your mother-in-law, you decided to breastfeed him as long as possible.
“Come, my baby boy.” You picked him up; however, you still had his baby carrier on. When your hands tried to lose the knots, Taehyung’s hands stopped you. “Let me help you, gorgeous,” his hands skillfully replaced yours. He got rid of the carrier and brought the blue diaper bag. It was the end of March but you still carried a blanket with you just in case.  Taehyung took the blanket out and guided you to sit on his leather chair. 
You undid your pants to release your T-shirt whilst holding your baby. Meanwhile, Taehyung closed the blinds and locked the door. You didn’t care about nudity when it came to feeding your child. Your breasts were just tools to feed your baby, not a sexual thing for you. However, Taehyung got uncomfortable when you whipped out your breast outside of the home. He was scared of someone looking at it indecently; even the possibility made his blood boil. 
Breastfeeding also introduced you to front-closure bras. They were a bit awkward at first but very convenient. As your left tit dropped out, Daehyun pushed his legs up with excitement. Taehyung chuckled, “Like father, like son.” 
You rolled your eyes and got comfortable on the chair. Breastfeeding lasted anywhere from 25 to 30 minutes when Daehyun was hungry. He could go longer if the little boy wanted attention.
“Rest your legs up, darling.” Taehyung dragged one of the visitor chairs to rest your legs up. He carefully removed your sneakers and lifted them. During your pregnancy, he massaged them for you.
 He kissed your forehead with a big content sigh. Could Taehyung be any happier? He had a well-paying and satisfying job, an excellent wife, and an adorable little son. Things were difficult, but with your help, he solved every problem on his way. All of the challenges paid off and he ended up with his dream life. 
Taehyung got back to unpacking the last two boxes before leaving: one box from his old office and the other from one box filled with printing paper. He slowly opened the second box and put a stack of paper in the printer. 
The other box was already open. His tea mug was on top with his blue and black pens in it. It also had rubber bands around them. The promotion letter was in the box too with other random papers. Then, there were framed pictures of his family: his most precious treasures. 
The first frame was from the wedding. His large arms were wrapped around your waist and your hands were on his chest — a classic wedding photo. Your angelic smile was radiating even from the picture. It was the reminder of a wonderful life he began with you.
The other frame was from Daehyun’s first trip to France. Last summer, you visited your family’s summer house in southern France. You and Taehyung travelled frequently as a young couple. Both of you usually stayed at shitty motels or camped outside. Sometimes you guys just didn’t sleep at all. 
However, with Daehyun, you had to carefully plan your holidays. This picture was from one of those carefully planned holidays, taken in a marina near a couple of tourist attractions.  You had a red summer dress and Taehyung had a tropical flowered blouse with white shorts— the biggest DILF energy. On the other hand, Daehyun had a long-sleeved shirt and long pants with a bucket head. He had sunscreen all over his face. Taehyung was holding Daehyun on his side and hugging you. It was tiring but the most fun holiday Taehyung ever had. Daehyun was still so young, but he was willing to do everything with his dad. Taehyung built sandcastles with his son on the beach and swam in the gorgeous blue sea. Plus, seeing you in your bikini with Daehyun in your arms was a splendid sight. Taehyung smacked your ass with his wet cold hands when you lay under the umbrella and showed your sexy body to everyone. 
The last picture was of you and him again, kissing each other in front of the Eiffel Tower. It was probably taken two or three months into dating. Taehyung looked at himself in the picture. What he was seeing basically seemed like a child to him. If he saw that 22 years-old-Taehyung, he would say: “Don’t give up on your love no matter what. She is going to give you a reason to live.” Then, he looked at your figure in the picture. You could get mistaken as a teenager even though you were a year younger than him. Your face was rounder in the picture. Your fingers were holding his face as both of you shared a kiss.
Taehyung reminisced about the past while a big lump sat in his throat. He still couldn’t believe that you were his wife the mother of his children, and his life partner.
“Baby,” Taehyung softly called for you. Your tired eyes found him, then the picture he was holding. 
You smiled at him as Daehyun slurped at your nipple. Taehyung chuckled and left everything on his desk to look at his baby boy.
 “Is it yummy?” Taehyung asked, resting his face on your shoulder. Daehyun’s eyes looked over his father’s face whilst innocently drinking milk. As your husband seemed to be enchanted by the little boy, you kissed his cheek. Taehyung immediately gave you his famous boxy smile. “My gorgeous wife,” he sighed to the crook of your neck and peppered a few kisses onto your skin. Then, Daehyun slurped at your nipple again. It was a sign that the little baby was feeling sleepy. 
“Okay, now I am getting jealous,” Taehyung told Daehyun who could barely open his eyes. “Sshh, he is going to sleep in seconds.” Just as you said, Daehyun released your nipple. Sometimes he would wake up from his sleep and continue drinking, so you usually waited a few minutes to make sure he was sleeping. Taehyung chuckled as his son fell asleep his mouth open, his cute double chin was, of course, covered with drool. 
“He sleeps like you,” You commented lovingly and your finger softly pushed Daehyun’s chin to close his mouth. As he felt your touch, the little boy opened his mouth and aimed for your nipple again.
“Wow,” Taehyung said dramatically. “That’s- that’s living life.” he scoffed and his brows furrowed. You looked at him confused, “Sleeping in your arms and suckling your nipples at any place without question must be good, huh.” 
This time you scoffed at his behaviour. “Do you realise he is your son?” You silently opposed. “It’s against bro code anyway!” Taehyung pouted.
After 10 minutes of breastfeeding and a catastrophic burp on Taehyung’s new chair, your son was asleep in your arms. Taehyung also finished decorating the four shelves behind his desk and watched his little man in your arms. “Darling, can you carry him to the car?” you asked while Taehyung wore his suit jacket. Your arms were tired of holding him steadily to your chest. “Of course, love.” Taehyung sounded a bit worried, thinking that he doesn’t do enough for you.
You slowly stood up and handed Daehyun to Taehyung’s large arms. He held his treasure delicately and laid him on his shoulder. Your joints cracked loudly during the process due to not moving. As Taehyung cooed Daehyun’s back, you covered his little body with a blanket; voila, the hottest dilf you have ever seen was created before you. Taehyung raised his eyebrows at your giggling, “What?”
You shrugged, “You look really hot with our baby in your arms. THE biggest dilf energy I felt ever.” you held your crotch dramatically as Taehyung giggled. “Maybe you should fuck me,” he slapped your ass with one hand as you tidied yourself up.
 Then, you took the diaper bag and pushed his chair back in place. After one last check, you opened the door to leave. 
The corridor was more crowded than you expected. Some of the co-workers were still chatting at the secretary’s desk. As you walked towards them, Taehyung’s fingers intertwined with yours. “That’s better,” he mumbled. 
“Ahh, Taehyung! Is that your son?” a high voice filled the corridor. Taehyung instinctively stepped back, checking on his son. Who could scream this loud in the workplace? You furrowed your brows. 
Taehyung shushed the screaming lady. “Uh, I am sorry,” she quickly said, completely ignoring you. Others bowed as both of you came closer. “Mrs Park, look at this cutie!” This time she was quiet with an excited voice. An older woman came over to the desk to see Daehyun. “Oh, little sleepy boy,” she said with a lower voice. “He is adorable, Mr Kim.” she continued. 
“Well, I didn’t have anything to do with that. That’s all thanks to my wife..” Taehyung pulled you close to him proudly and wrapped his hand around your waist. You blushed as everybody looked at you. “Of course,” Mrs Park nodded, you highly doubted if she meant it. 
“We should before he gets cold.” Taehyung exchanged goodbyes and both of you walked towards the lift. 
Thankfully, Daehyun was still soundly asleep in his dad’s arms. Taehyung clicked on the lift’s button and stood tall in front of you. 
“Should we get take-outs?” He asked quietly.
You immediately opposed, “No, I got some chicken out of the freezer. We will have chicken soup, you know the flu season is hard this year, and we have leftovers from yesterday.” Your chicken soup was something Taehyung could never say no to. It was his comfort food. 
“Hmm, my day goes super well. First, your visit; then, chicken soup. Oh, fuck, I love it when you wife me.” Taehyung held and kissed your knuckles slowly. 
As both of you entered the empty lift cabin Taehyung buried his nose into his baby’s cheek, “He smells so sweet. I can’t get enough.” 
Yes, Daehyun’s baby smell was incredible. You laughed at him, “He smells like milk and his gorgeous mother,” Taehyung slowly kissed Daehyun’s cheek and wrapped the blanket tightly. “You still have the baby seat, right?” You remembered Taehyung taking it off as the car went to the repair shop last week. 
“It is in the boot baby, don’t worry.” Both of you got off the lift and walked to the car. Taehyung’s face glowed under the afternoon sun, his bangs covering his gorgeous forehead. His jaw was clenched, focused on carrying Daehyun safely. The grey suit fitted him perfectly and gave off the sexiest young professional feels. The top two shirt buttons were undone, revealing his honey-coloured skin. When you got closer to the car, Taehyung clicked the button. “Do you wanna drive?” You looked at the big scary black jeep and shook your head. “Noppee.” 
You got your driving license when you were 20 years old and have probably driven about three times since then. Taehyung knew that you weren’t a confident driver, so he wanted to encourage you to start driving. With Daehyun growing up, he wanted you to have more freedom. “Come on, baby…” Taehyung tried insisting. 
“Nah, I want to watch my husband drive. Why did I marry you if you weren’t going to be my personal chauffeur?” Taehyung was more than happy to drive you anywhere you want. However, he had serious plans of getting you a car as an anniversary gift, so he was testing the waters to be sure. “Is it because Noire is large?” Taehyung asked.
And yes, he named his car Noire after the bar name he met you in Paris. He gave Daehyun to you slowly and took off the baby seat from the boot. “No, it is not that. It is just- I feel so worried even with the thought of sitting in the driver’s seat.” You complained while he secured the baby seat.
After placing Daehyun carefully, he called you. “Wait, wait.” 
“I want to open the door for my princess- for my queen.” His loving hands held you and opened the door. “Mademoiselle, please.” He politely bowed to you.
You let him help you sit on your seat, “I am a married woman, Monsieur. It should be Madame.” Your sexy role-play went immediately to his dick. Fuck, yes, you were his wife. “My apologies, Madame. Please let me make it up.” Taehyung kept playing his role. Before you can speak, his lips moulded against yours in a warm hug. You hummed into the kiss as he pulled you tighter. His sweet taste and smell filled up every bud on your body, and your brain quickly relaxed in his touch. Taehyung dipped his tongue into your mouth and scraped it against the roof of your mouth. 
"Mmhmm, tastes like my fucking wife." Taehyung licked his lips and moaned at your taste. But you couldn't care less, the only thing your mind was focused on was feeling his lips on yours again. So you pulled him down by his tie and connected your lips. Taehyung got your message and started kissing your lips even messier, caressing your boobs on the way.
You squeezed his shoulders while moaning, “Taetae, we are out.” You hid your face on his shoulders. “So? We did nastier things in public, wifey.” He whispered to your ear as you whimpered. Your body jolted against him as he dived deeper. “Mhmm, I remember.” This time you spread your legs and pull him closer. You remembered how he used to fuck you in his old red Toyota car in between lectures, or on study breaks. It was probably the steamiest sexy you guys ever had.
 “I love you, babygirl.” He kissed the top of your head and went around the car to get into his seat.
The drive back home went quiet. Taehyung occasionally grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles, his hands sometimes rubbed your thighs too. You watched your husband skillfully drive in the hectic rush hour traffic whilst listening to smooth jazz. As Taehyung parked at your apartment complex’s garage, Daehyun was looking out with his large doe eyes. “Baby, did you wake up?” Taehyung looked at his smiley son from the rear-view mirror. 
Daehyun wiggled his legs to set himself free from the seat belt. “Appa will get you, wait for me.” Your husband called. In return, Daehyun squealed with an excited toss. 
You too got out of the car whilst your two cute babies laughed. Your tiredness didn’t matter when you saw Taehyung and Daehyun having the greatest fun.
While you closed the doors, Taehyung let out a big laugh. “He has the nastiest diaper. What have you done, Daehyun?” Your little boy was laughing at his dad's reaction. “Oh no, we need air support.” Taehyung raised Daehyun up and made helicopter noises. You kept giggling at the sight.
When you entered the house, Taehyung took off his and Daehyun’s clothes and bathed him. It was the only way to get rid of that much poop, he said. Meanwhile, you heated the leftovers and finished making the chicken soup. As the soup simmered on the stove, you checked up on your boys. Of course, they were on your big bed cuddling each other. Taehyung got the heating panel up so the little baby boy could show off his tummy to his father without getting cold. Taehyung was only wearing boxers as well. His body was very distracting…
“Oh, did my two little boys have a bath?” Daehyun smiled from the bed, he was trying to roll onto his tummy.  “Did you bathe with Appa, my baby?” You lay down next to your cute baby while his father picked up the wet towels on the bed. His body was wet, abs waving hello to you. His pectorals were flexing as he noticed your gaze. His black boxers were wet. His leg muscles were to die for, all those walking during his early 20s had apparently paid off.
“My sweet baby smells amazing!” You smelt Daehyun’s arms. The little boy reached for your hair in return and playfully tugged it. “Does Appa smell nice?” Taehyung asked, lying down next to Deahyung. “Hmm, let’s see.” You rubbed your chin as the little boy between you watched tentatively. Taehyung extended his arm for you to smell it. “Yes!” You squealed. “Appa smells amazing!” Deahyung tossed his little legs up at your excitement and turned to his dad. His little arms pushed him up to his knees. Then, he buried his small face into his dad’s elbow. “Appa ama-in-” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. He imitated the way you widen your eyes as you spoke. Taehyung helped the little boy sit down. “How about Mommy?” He asked your son while winking at him. Taehyung’s large arms slowly crept on you. “I am going to smell Mommy.” He was imitating a villain’s voice.  “Mommy,” your little baby jumped on you before his dad could hug you. The hug surprised you and almost brought you to tears. “My mommy,” Daehyun laid on your chest as Taehyung caught his legs. This time Daehyun shrieked. Just like that, your husband and son started wrestling.  Daehyun giggled continuously. He extended his arms to you as Taehyung held him up with his left hand. Daehyun kept giggling and he drooled down onto his dad’s arm. 
“Oh no, Daehyun is flying again!” you snickered at the situation. Not long after, Taehyung lowered Daehyun to his chest and pulled you close to him. “Mhmm, Mommy smells amazing too!” Taehyung kissed your forehead. “My Mommy!” Again, Daehyun wrapped his arms around your neck and pulled his little body onto you. As their energy levels dropped, you got a good cuddling session with your loves. Thanks to Taehyung’s body heat and the heating panel, Daehyun was comfortably lying on your chest while Taehyung patted his bum. 
Taehyung pulled you closer to him with a deep sigh and wrapped one arm around you. Now, your head was on Taehyung's shoulder, inches away from his face. "This is the best," he mumbled as Daehyun started to move again. Daehyung came up to kiss your forehead, just like he saw his dad did, all while holding himself up with the help of Taehyung’s face. As the little boy held onto his dad's face for support, Taehyung made a snorting sound. 
“You were saying he was Appa’s boy?” Taehyung snickered and watched his little son place a drool-covered lick on your forehead. “He is!” You tried to speak but Daehyun dropped his fat belly onto your face. This time Taehyung let out a big laugh. 
“Daeyhun!! Only Daddy can choke Mommy.” Taehyung playfully scolded. You gasped scandalously as Taehyung continued laughing while holding his stomach. You lifted the chubby baby out of your face. Daehyun giggled with the two of you, very glad to be the reason for your laugh.
“My baby!” You lowered the little baby to your chest this time. Little Daehyun knew this feeling very well and he immediately snuggled you again. His one hand held your neckline with his fragile hands. You grew heart eyes at the sight of this precious scene. Taehyung was the same if not more moved. He looked at how the little part of him, his most precious son, cuddling with you. He could feel how Daehyun felt safe, looking up at you in utmost awe. 
“Like father, like son.” He looked at the big cuddle cloud containing his life treasures: his wife and son.
“Come here, Daddy.” You stretched your arm to Taehyung, which he gladly take. You released a pleasing sound when Taehyung laid his head on your shoulder. “How are you so warm?” 
You answered your own question. “My furnace.” You murmured and rubbed your face to his damp hair. Taehyung smiled just like his son at your devoted love and dirty compliment. He couldn’t hug you as tight as he would like as he didn’t want to crush Daehyun. 
“Are you hungry, my baby?” You asked quietly. Taehyung continued to watch his little son playing with the collar of your shirt.
You asked again, this time with your fingers in Taehyung’s hair. “I am talking to my man-baby.” Taehyung looked up into your eyes same as Daehyun and smiled cutely. “Yes, Mummy.” He said with an annoying voice. 
Your reaction was to die for as your face crumbled into disgust. “Oh fuck off really…” You tried to push his head on your shoulder. Taehyung was the total opposite, he cuddled you more. “My love! Don’t kink shame me.” 
You gave him a giggle as he started to kiss your neck playfully. “I am proudly kink shaming you, Daddy!” You tried to push him off just for jokes. Taehyung faked a groan, “I am still getting hard on the Daddy kink, wifey. Don’t tempt me.” He whispered into your ear as if Daehyun was going to understand. 
“Oh, you are THE temptation, Taehyung. Look at yourself…” You eyed his naked chest. 
“Mhmm, wifey…” He kissed your cheek and rose to his knees next to you. “This is me whoring myself for you… Come on, touch it.” He grabbed your hand on Daehyun and place it on his abs. 
You felt them momentarily but pulled yourself from the temptation quickly. “I hope you are free this night, Mr Kim Taehyung.” You said, pointing to Daehyun. The little boy was unaware of anything.
“Oh, the offer sound amazing, Mrs Kim Y/N. I would love to give you a little tour around the exhibition.” Taehyung ran your hand from his abs to his precious asset. You immediately gasped when your hand felt his dick.
“There is a child!” You laughed at Taehyung’s bold moves and sit up on the bed. 
Daehyun’s clothes were already laid on the side of the bed, directly in front of the heating panel like a cute bear.
Taehyung got up and sit behind you. You giggled, “Get dressed, appa bear.” He gave you shoulder kisses. As your hands move to get Daehyun’s clothes, Taehyung stopped you.  “My love,” He whispered whilst arms wrapped around your waist. “Let me take care of our baby.” He kissed your shoulder as Daehyun started to suck his own thumb. You smiled at the sight and the sensation. “You work so much during the day already…” You mumbled, giving in to Taehyung's sweet kisses.
Taehyung continued kissing you as you dropped your head to his chest. “I am working for our family, my love, so you do too. We are a perfect team together, my wife… Mhmm? My sweet wife…” Taehyung peppered your neck and shoulder with kisses until he lost his breath. “Also, it is never actually tiring to take care of Daehyun and you. I always feel so full here…” Taehyung pressed his hand to your heart. He did his best not to notice your swollen tits but sensation chased him. 
You groaned slightly when his hand almost grabbed your tit. Your boobs become sensitive a long time ago, and his large warm hand awakened more nerves than he soothed. “I will get our baby ready…” 
You nodded. Even though Taehyung thought you would go finish dinner, you lay on the bed, next to Daehyun, enclosed by his dad's long legs so he couldn’t roll off the bed. 
Taehyung smiled fatherly as Daehyun looked at you curiously as you lay next to him. The little boy wanted to get closer to you as Taehyung carefully slipped Daehyun's small arms into the soft onesie. The most difficult part was to stop Daehyun from suckling his thumb. When Taehyung tried to stop him, Daehyun let out a small whine, which Taehyung managed to stop with his low comforting voice. 
“He is about to sleep again. Maybe I shouldn’t have bathe him right away.” Taehyung said as if it was a lullaby. His low and velvety voice made you sleepy too.
“It’s okay.” You mumbled as you got comfortable on the bed. Taehyung let you as he got dressed. Before leaving the bed, he placed a few pillows around Daehyun’s empty side to provide him safety. Then, he picked up the dirty baby clothes and disappear from your hearing zone. You were sure that he went to the laundry room but you were too lazy to open your eyes or ask him. Taehyung didn’t come to the bedroom for a while. He set the table for you and him and got Daehyun’s chair ready. 
When he returned, he had worn his pyjamas and placed a wet smooch on your cheek. Taehyung slowly patted your bum, “Let’s have our dinner, my babies.” If you didn’t wake up when he called for the second time, he decided to leave you to sleep. Thankfully, you opened your eyes with a subtle smile. You pointed your cheek, “Another one, please.” 
Taehyung gladly gave you another kiss, and you hummed. “One more,” you said, pouting your lips at him. Taehyung grinned, “Mwwahh” He loudly kissed your lips.
“Perfect,” You sighed and stretched your back. Daehyun was already trying to reach for his daddy with an adorable face. “Appa!” He called for Taehyung. 
“My prince, my queen…” Taehyung picked up Daehyun and held his hand out for you. “Your dinner is ready.” He walked two of you to the kitchen with a posh butler expression slapped on his face. You let Taehyung guide your chair with his hand on your back. “Please sit down, Madame.” He continued his roleplay while earning snickering from you.  
“Thank you, Monsieur.” You planted a wet, sweet kiss onto his cheek when he pulled your chair for you. The next was Daehyun, he was placed on his feeding chair, and Kim’s dinner began. 
Taehyung’s little roleplay slowly ceased when he brought the meals to the table and thanked you. “Thank you for cooking, wifeyyy!” He kissed your hand like a gentleman after starting to feed Daehyun and himself. He insisted that you would eat your dinner uninterrupted. However, your two lovely boys were enough of a distraction. You watched them fondly as Daehyun tried to copy his dad by using his chopsticks and failed to bring the kimbap to his mouth. 
Dinner was lovely even though the little boy made a huge mess on the floor as he played with his rice. Taehyung insisted on cleaning the kitchen so you could sleep, but you had a lot more planned in your head. 
You held Taehyung by the collar as he insisted to walk you to the couch. “Go and play with our kid. Make sure he gets really tired because I will play with you later, Daddy.” Your eyes looking up at him intimidatingly, and your hand squeezing him shook Taehyung’s core so he decided to behave. “Yup, yeah, Ma’am. I will.” He picked up Taehyung while ogling your figure. “Go, go.” You pushed his hand slightly as his hand came for a sneaky grab on your ass while he looked your body up and down.  
Taehyung and Daehyun played games throughout the whole afternoon. Thanks to his dad finding new ways to play different games, Daehyun was occupied and thoroughly exhausted. Meanwhile, you did some housework that would otherwise never get done because of the energetic and curious Daehyun. 
“Look, mummy! A t-ric-era-top!” Daehyun ran towards to open kitchen from the living room, hugging your legs. He made the blueish-green dinosaur toy in his hand walk on your leg. 
“Oh, wow! He is scary!” You played along while lowering yourself to his level. “No, mummy. He is a nice dinosaur.” Daehyun rubbed his face at the small toy. You ran your hand over his hair, gosh he was so cute. “Are you friends with the dinosaur, baby?” You asked him while carefully examining the toy. 
Daehyun nodded, “Yes. He has a dad too!” Daehyun looked at his empty hand, his chubby fingers squeezing the air. “Where is the dad dinosaur?” You curiously asked. Right then Taehyung came right behind the cabinet. He was on his knees like a cat, but he was rawr-ing. 
“Rawwwrrr, I am looking for my son…. Rawrrr.” Taehyung walked on his hands and knees in slow motion, voice playfully hoarse imitating a dinosaur. 
Daehyun squealed with happiness when he saw his dad. Taehyung came towards the two of you. “I am a dad dinosaur! Did you see my son?” He asked Daehyun as he hid the toy behind his back. He pouted, “No, you are my dad!” Daehyun’s little feet stomp made you laugh. 
Taehyung, on the other hand, was mesmerized by the reaction. Before he could say anything, Daehyun hugged Taehyung’s neck and tried to climb on his back. 
“Of course, I am Daehyun’s dad!” Taehyung sat on his feet, straightened his back and picked up Daehyun, who was hugging him so tightly.
Taehyung looked up at you from where he was kneeling. His eyes were teary with love. You smiled at them fondly and ran your hair through your husband’s hair. “We should find the dinosaur’s dad too, then?” Taehyung asked after planting kisses on the little boy’s cheeks. Daehyun nodded but continued to cling to his father’s arms instead of returning to their game. Two of your boys returned to the living room while holding each other dearly. 
Mindlessly scrolling through Instagram was the best weekday night self-care you could think of. Mind off, pyjamas on, just scrolling through the endless pit of reels reseted your mind for some reason. You loved that you could just hide away from all of your responsibilities and have endless screen time. 
“Daehyun has fallen asleep.” Taehyung entered the bedroom with the baby phone in his hand. “That means special time for mummy and daddy.” 
You giggled at his puffy eyes begging to sleep. “Come to bed, baby daddy.” You called him while an endless loop of a video played on your phone. 
“OF COURSE, I AM COMING.” Taehyung took off his black basic T-shirt in one swift moment and jumped on the bed. “And I am gonna devour this mummy.” He immediately took his place on top of you and started to tug on your shorts.
“Omg Taehyung!” You playfully whined. With a toddler, you knew foreplay was boujee. 
“Yes, that’s what you will scream soon.” He said in his infamous dirty voice that made you soil your panties every time. You answered by kissing him. Kissing him sensually and endlessly was enough foreplay for you. 
“Mhmm, wifey….” Taehyung breathed out to your face with a dummy smile. “Out of breath, honey?” You asked when he resisted back as you tugged his face onto your lips back. 
“I wanna fuck you so bad, wifey.” He said, oh god, so blatantly and easily. Your nose crunched up. “Omg, how can you be still shy? You are my fucking wifeee! We literally created a human together.” Taehyung groaned, but it didn’t stop him from kissing down your neck to your chest and navel. He easily got rid of your shorts and took off your panties with them. 
“Just let me say hi for a few seconds.” He said, immediately finding his place between your legs. He latched his lips onto your cunt immediately. He kissed it the same way he kissed your lips. You sweetly hummed at the wet sensation. Even though you were very accustomed to this feeling, you were very sensitive to his mouth. 
“Nice.” Your hand was already in Taehyung’s hair, pushing and pulling his head for a perfect angle. He let you have your way with his mouth, grind against it, dirty his face. He simply took what you gave him with deep groans of pleasure.
Taehyung enjoyed getting you soaking for him before he did anything with his dick. He followed your lead and catered to you without any power play. Your pure pleasure on his tongue was enough of an award. Until you pulled his head, Taehyung kept slowly making out with your cunt. Almost the entire of his face was covered in your cream.
“Cock, please.” You breathed out. Taehyung giggled, “As you wish your Majesty.” He loved seeing you spoiled. He loved spoiling you with his big dick. 
You hummed as Taehyung ran his dick up your slit, coating himself with your juice. He hissed, “Fuck.” You were almost lulled by the action. It soothed your raging core. “My pretty wife…” Taehyung mumbled as slowly pushed himself inside you. He sighed, “Fuck- Still my pretty slut.” You were so warm around him and so wet. His cock drowned in you. 
“Ahh,” Taehyung moaned when you wrapped your legs around his waist. “So good, baby.” You mumbled to him, eyes closed. 
“Yeah?” Taehyung asked as he pushed himself deeper. It made you moan out. “Even after all these years, you are so perfect, baby.” Taehyung freed himself from your legs, goosebumps had risen all over them. He stood tall between your thighs, presenting his gorgeous dad body to yours. Your hands didn’t reach all the way up to his baby abs, only your fingertips caressed his smooth skin. 
“Still got me-” Taehyung huffed out, “breathless.” His hands gently smoothed around your body, he had to touch every inch of your skin. “My love…” He pressed a kiss on your wrist that tried to come up to his face. “My wife…” He kissed your palm, “Mother of my child.” His cloudy mouth pressed onto your knuckles gently. 
“Tae-t” Your breath hitched in your throat. Why were you this sensitive to your husband? Your twitches and whimpers were so embarrassing.  
“Y/N…” He moaned out your name and drape himself over you to fuck you on missionary. It was a classic position that he enjoyed the most. He pushed his dick into your walls with two gentle moves, they didn’t hurt but made you take deep breaths. 
Taehyung watched you sheepishly smile and tried to move your hips to fit him in. As he wordlessly got in, he continued to keep his silence when you clenched on him. He let you have your moment for awhile. Your hands came up to his shoulders, down to his biceps, caressing every inch of skin you could feel. 
Taehyung’s slightly dry skin was soothing and familiar. He had changed in throughout the years in a most handsome and mature way. Taehyung wanted to see inside your head as you touched him with gentle hands. Your body was way more perfect and powerful than his. He was still terrible at appreciating how your body was able to create a life. It was too good to be true. It was a miracle. His respect for you was always there ever since he met you, but after he saw what you went through during pregnancy, he was on his knees, bowing to you. He couldn’t even believe you were able to do any physical labour after carrying his son, let alone have him intimately again. So, Taehyung was extra gentle, caring and appreciative of you. 
“How do you want to have me, love?” Taehyung asked. “Slow? Hard? Sensual?” He asked while his lips sucked on your shoulders, breath ghosting your full breasts.
You whined under him, “Hard…” Your wet cunt agreed with a hard clench. Your hands grabbed him on the shoulders and got ready for the pounding.
Taehyung scoffed, “Oh babe, I thought we entered the phase where we can just go slow and do a lot of cock-warming.” He made sure he had a comfortable hold, “Here I was thinking how our relationship matured incredibly…” He pulled his cock out, let you take a breath, and entered you again. “But you are still the cock hungry slut.” 
You whined at the delicious way he filled you. “But Tae…” You opposed sweetly. “You are filling me up so well. You are giving me– ah baby– everything I need…” Taehyung pumped into you at a slow tempo.
“Do I?” He grinned down at you. Oh, you were stroking his ego so well. 
“Mhmmhm… You are the best lover…Doing the all work for me– ah– just letting me enjoy your nice dick.” You bit down your lip to keep it quiet. 
Taehyung’s growl filled your ears, he was always terrible at taking compliments. Taehyung’s voice was deep, low and his lips were right next to your ear. All this meant, his loose slutty mouth was going to make you cum with his words. “Yes, the fuck. You are still the same, Y/N. You are still my uni crush who begged me to pound her before her presentation. You are still a whore for me baby…” He let out a pathetic whine. “Fuck, I am still so desperate for you too… How did you make me fall in love with you this hard?” Taehyung’s lips attached you your neck as he stopped his hips. He didn’t want to cum yet. He wanted to savour you more.  
You giggled through your nose as Taehyung hid on your neck, “I remember how you fucked me before my presentation at the student submit, right in your Toyota Echo.” You ran your hand in his hair. “You weren’t this big back then…” You mumbled as he ached your core while he stayed planted in your core. You needed him to move.
Taehyung understood that by the strong clenches, “It’s because I wasn’t this good at giving dick back then.” Taehyung had learnt sex with you. He learnt how to get better at things you liked, and tried new ways to tease you. He researched a lot. He listened to bits of advice and he practised them on you. You gave him a huge smile when he started to move his hips and serve your dick slowly. “Yeah, you progressively got better at dicking me down. F-fuuc-k, you turned into a sex machine…” Your moans and giggles filled Taehyung’s ears while he went back to steadily pull and push himself in. 
“Yes, baby. You had me as your little fan and turned me into your husband…” He whispered solely because he was breathless. 
“My husband…” You moaned out. The word especially felt good when he started to aim for your sweet spots. “My hubby…” Your delirious moan and calling him husband made Taehyung go harder, “Yes, I am your husband, baby. I am– ah jeez– I am the owner of this juicy, sweet cunt.” Taehyung spread his knees to get deeper. 
Your moans immediately change into warning ones. You were about to cum so Taehyung spoke more filth. “I am the one who fucked you full and knocked you up. I got you so pregnant with my kid. You carried my child– fuck. Everyone knows I fucked you…” Taehyung’s own words affected him.
“I did, yes, yes, baby… Tae–” You called his name on the edge of your orgasm. 
Taehyung slightly pushed your one shoulder down so that you didn’t shy away from your orgasm. He knew you would do that. “Because you are my wife. You are mine… Ah– Everything about you is mine… Oh my sweet love… You are gonna cum on your husband’s dick? Are you gonna make me the happiest man on Earth? Come on, do it for me. Let me see how much of a whore you can be for me? Please, cum for me…” 
Taehyung’s hips worked harmoniously to his words. He always knew how to punctuate his words with his long dick. You were so weak for his dirty comments. 
“Babe– I am gonna c-” You called him and he went even harder on the talking. “Come for me so I can finally fill you up again… Ghhm– Fill you up again with our second child…” Taehyung stopped feeling his dick a second later as you violently cum and squirt all over him. Your messy cunt became flooded with your sweet juices. Taehyung let himself lose in your hot cunt and helplessly empty himself inside you. 
“F-fuck… Oh-” His hips weakly thrust a few times to fully empty himself. You continued to heavily breathe along with him. You felt his sweat evaporate and cool you off. You couldn’t reach for the duvet. “Oh my god…” Taehyung whispered a minute after your joined orgasm. His butt was cramping terribly but your racing heart and needy whimpers were worth it all the cramps in the world. 
“Let me catch my breath…” He whispered into your skin as he laid on you completely. Your eyes went to the baby phone. Your son was still sleeping. You nodded as he rubbed his face to your breasts. You know that he had been avoiding them since they could leak anytime. Taehyung felt guilty of stealing his son’s food so he made sure he and his favourite girls had some time off, but this didn’t mean he couldn’t kiss them a little. 
When you felt Taehyung’s wet mouth on your warm skin, you shivered. Taehyung felt how you loosely clench on him. He pulled himself off when he heard you hiss in pain. No titties for him some more time, he thought and returned to his favourite place on your neck. 
He nuzzled, lips giving you a few lazy kisses before you got pulled into slumber even though you had a grown-ass man on top of you with his soft dick struggling inside you. Nevertheless, Taehyung was able to power nap for around five minutes before he got up to clean you. 
You thanked him half asleep as Taehyung completed his most important duty. When he finished, he dressed you scarcely. He knew you would appreciate having some clothes on if you woke up to a crying baby at night. Then, he laid next to your sleeping figure. 
With a tender smile playing on his lips, Taehyung's gaze caressed every delicate feature of your face. As he watched you sleep, his mind replayed the cherished memories, from the exhilarating moments of their first meeting to the vows they exchanged on their wedding day, each memory was etched in his heart with a profound sense of love and tenderness. Gently, Taehyung's fingers traced the delicate curve of your cheek, savouring the softness of your skin beneath his touch. The intimacy you and he had shared moments ago still lingered, your souls entwined in a dance of love and passion. He couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the deep connection. Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung whispered words of adoration into the silence of the room, his voice a soft caress against your asleep state. 
"You are my everything," he murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of awe and admiration. With a tender smile, Taehyung pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering against your skin. In this quiet moment, he felt a profound sense of responsibility—to protect and cherish their love, to create a life filled with joy and happiness for their family. As the night carried them into dreams, Taehyung held you close, his heart overflowing with gratitude for the soulmate he had found in you.
If you like this, you will LOVE Norway, and you will like i’m mad and Spoiled. Check out my masterlist.
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toasttt11 · 8 months
awaited questions
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December 13, 2023
Carter walked out of her apartment with Cooper walking next to her with her duffle bag and purse in her other hand she put her key into Quinn’s apartment walking in see Quinn sitting at the kitchen counter on his phone before looking up at the sound of the door.
Carter undid Coopers leash letting him run right to Quinn, who quickly pet him.
“You heading out?” Quinn questioned knowing Carter was heading down to Seattle for a two days, to spend some time with someone special to her.
“Yeah gonna leave now. Thank you for watching coop for me.” Carter walked over pulling her brother in a hug resting her head on his shoulder.
“Of course Cart.” Quinn smiled hugging her back, “Now go and go have fun with Connor yeah?” Quinn smiled seeing how exicted his little sister looked and the red on her cheeks.
Carter smiled nodding at her brother before kneeling down in front of her dog, Cooper. “I’ll be come for a bit okay buddy but Quinny is gonna watch you okay.” She pressed a kiss to the top of his golden curls before standing up and walking to the door waving at Quinn as she grabbed her bags and walked out the door.
She headed into the Elevator heading to the parking garage, she walked over to ther olive green mercades g wagon, she opened the back door throwing her duffle bag on the seat before hopping in the front seat throwing her purse on the passenger seat. She plugged her phone in clicking on her hours long Taylor Swift Playlist and put her phone on her phone stand before pulling out of the parking spot and out of the garage.
Carter drove down the street towards the drive thru coffee shop she love and waited in line before getting the chocolate crossing and an ice vanilla latte before she started the two hour car drive to Seattle.
Carter tapped her fingers to the beat of Taylor Swift blasting through her car, as she drove down the highway.
Before she knew it she had drove the two hours and was pulling into the hotel parking lot, she knew he would be most likely be back from his morning skate and he already told her what room he was in and Connor happened to be alone this weekend which was perfect for them.
She grabbed her purse slipping it on her shoulder before getting out the car opening the back grabbing her duffle bag and locking her car. Carter walked up to the hotel and through the lobby and headed to the elevators and clicking the floor level. Carter waited for elevator to go up and then walked through the doors and down the hallway towards Connor’s room. She knocked on the door four times waiting for it to open.
Carter heard Connor’s footsteps coming towards the door and him quickly opening the door, Connor smiled seeing his favorite girl, for the first time in a while.
“Hi Connie.” Carter smiled dropping her bag in the doorway and putting her arms around his neck and burying her head into the side of his neck, feeling his arms come around her waist pulling her close to him.
“Hi Roo.” Connor mumbled kissing the top of her head, breathing out a sigh of relief holding his best friend in his arms again.
They both reluctantly pulled away from each other after a few minutes, Connor grabbed her duffle bag she dropped on the floor before putting a hand on her back and guiding her into his hotel closing the door behind him.
Connor set her bag on the desk and grabbing her purse from her and setting it next to her bag before pulling her towards the bed and gently pushing her on the bed making Carter laugh. Connor layed down next to her burying his face into her side humming contently as her hand softly brushed through his hair.
It was silent in the hotel room as the two cuddled together, the silence was comfortable for both of them, peacefully for the two.
“I missed you.” Connor mumbled into Carter’s side his hand resting on her hip, his thumb gently brushing her hip bone softly.
“I missed you too.” Carter whispered back gently kissing the top of his head.
Truthfully the two have been so use to seeing each other so often for the a few years that Carter leaving to NHL was an an adjustment for both of them and now Connor is playing in the NHL they can see each other a little more.
Carter and Connor slowly relaxed more and more cuddled together and slowly fell asleep.
Two hours later and Connor slowly stirred from where he was cuddled into Carters side, he looked at his watch seeing it was alreadly 3:00 PM and they have been sleeping for a few hours.
Connor softly slid up the bed leaning onto the pillows and Carter in her sleep shuffled closer to Connor, their legs intertwined and her arm around his stomach and his arm around her. Connor softly brushed her hair behind her ear admiring the peaceful look Carter has when she sleeps. He gently kissed her forehead and continued to admire her softly.
Carter gently grumbled cuddling her head into his side, her eyes slowly opening. Connors hand gently play with the ends of her hair as she woke up.
“Hi.” Connor smiled down at his sleepy girl.
“Hi.” Carter mumbled back still waking up.
“You want to go get something to eat?” Connor softly questioned hoping she yes and he can ask the question he should have asked a while ago.
“Do i have to change.” Carter rested her chin on his chest looking at him, pouting slightly not wanting to get changed being comfy.
“Of course not.” Connor shook his head with fond smile, not even thinking she should change, adoring what she’s wearing now, just a pair of olive green sweatpants and his grey Lululemon crew neck she stole a few months ago.
“Then yes.” Carter smiled nodding.
“Good, then let’s go.” Connor gently got up as Carter got off of him, they both got off the bed and slipped on their shoes. Carter grabbed her phone slipping into her pocket, before following Connor out of the room and into the elevator.
“So where are we going?” Carter looked at Connor for an answer.
Connor smirked slighty, “It’s a surprise Roo.”
“Oh cmon.” Carter playfully groaned following Connor out of the elevator and towards the hotel doors, “Can i get a hint.”
“Nope.” Connor shook his head throwing an arm over her shoulder and starting the walk towards where they are going.
“No hint?” Carter pouted slighty looking at her best friend.
“Nope we are onto a few minutes away anyways.”
“Fine.” Carter playfully groaned, enjoying the slightly cold breeze and the warmth coming from Connor as they continued to walk to somewhere.
Connor led them to a small dinner he found online, he opened the door letting Carter in first and following her in. They got led by a waitress to a booth in the corner of the dinner, a dinner that’s pretty calm not many people.
Carter slid into the booth and Conor slid in next to her, use to always sitting to Carter that he rather sit next to her than across the table.
Connor opened the menu scanning it, “They have french toast.” He smiled when he heard the exicted gasp Carter let out.
“I won’t tell if you won’t.” Carter smiled holding her pinky towards Connor making him smile and link his pinky with her, something they have done for awhile especially when they have cheat meats and promsie not to two anyone.
They quickly talked about everything and anything wanting to catch up even though they facetime almost every night.
The food was given to them and they quickly ate their delicious french toast.
Connor quickly grabbed the check before Carter could reach it, “Hey! i was gonna pay.” Carter complained softy hitting him gently in the arm.
“No it’s my treat.” Connor smiled putting the money down and hopping out of the booth and extending a hand down to Carter. Carter grabbed his hand and got out of the booth. They walked out of the dinner seeing the sun started to set and sunset looking really beautiful. They walked back the way to the hotel when Connor stopped and quickly jogged across the street towards a floral stand, Carter looked confused as Connor quickly jogged away.
Connor quickly bought a bouquet of pink tulips, Carter’s favorite flowers. Carter smiled softly seeing Connor jog back across the street with flowers in his hands.
“For you Roo.” Connor smiled handing her the flowers.
“Thank you Connie.” Carter leaned up kissing him on the cheek close to his lips.
“Always.” Connor smiled with the blood rushing to his cheeks, they continued to their walk back into the hotel and through the elevator back into his room.
Connor put his hand on her back leading her through his room to the balcony he has, She set her flowers on the desk as she walked through the room before she leaned against the rail looking at the sunset.
Connor had grabbed a small box as they walked across the room and stood behind her resting his chin on her shoulder, “Close you eyes for me.” Carter gently closed her eyes feeling Connor gently gather her hair pulling the to one side of her neck, and she could feel a cold chain come around her neck and something hanging from the chain resting on her chest as Connor clipped the necklace.
“Open your eyes.” Connor gently spoke seemingly slightly nervous.
Carter looked down at the necklace seeing a small flat silver circle with a C engraved in it, She looked at it before looking back at him, “C for…”
“C for Connor.” Connor nervously answered seeing Carters eyes widen and flash with an emotion he couldn’t place, Carter turned around fully her back againt the railing and Connors arms around her resting on the railing, “I know we agreed not to talk about what happened our draft nights, and the times we kissed, i know we’ve both been to busy to talk about us, but Carter i love you.” Connor took a deep breath cupping her face, “I loved you since the moment i laid my eyes on you, i had no idea i was already falling for you since the day we meet. You’re my best friend and the person i want to spend the rest of my life, living out our dreams together. And i know your nervous about our friendship if something’s bad happens between us but i am more than willingly to take that risk, i want to be your boyfriend and i want you to be my girlfriend.” Connor softly spoke looking directly down at Carter.
Carter could feel her face soften as listens to Connor speak, she could see Connor was hopefully waiting for an answer, “Yes yes yes of course.” Carter rapidly nodded cupping Connor’s face and pulling it down to her pressing her lips to his softly putting all the emotions she didn’t say into the kiss.
They pulled back panting heavily as their foreheads leaned againt each other, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Carter nodded smiling knowing she couldn’t live in fear anymore, she wanted to be with Connor.
Connor smiled resting his head in her neck laying a gently kiss on her neck. Carter hand came to the back of his head gently holding his head in her palm.
The two stayed out on the balcony holding each other until the sun was completed gone and the weather was getting even colder, Connor could feel Carter getting cold and shivering slightly, he lifted his head off her neck, “Why don’t we go inside warm up and get changed and stay in bed the rest of the night?”
“Please.” Carter nodded following Connor back into the hotel, slipping off her shoes and setting her phone on the nightstand.
Connor gently tossed a pair of grey sweatpants and a black blackhawk’s long sleeve towards her, “Here.”
Carter caught the clothes, “You know i brought clothes right?”
“Yeah so.” Connor replied back with a smile knowing Carter loves wearing his clothes.
Carter just smiled walking to Connor kissing him softly on the lips before heading to the bathroom to get changed.
Connor shook his head with a lovesick smile before getting changed into a pair of black sweats and a blackhawk’s shirt.
He got under the covers clicking on the tv, when he heard the door click open and Carter come out with her hair in a long braid and in his clothes. Connor smiled admiring her in his clothes always loving her in his clothew.
“What?” Carter questioned looking over at Connor feeling his eyes on her.
“You look beautiful.” Connor truthfully anwsered looking at her with a soft smile.
“Shut up.” Carter mumbled her face heating up, she walked to the bed and slid under the covers, cuddling up to him.
“What i can’t compliment my girlfriend?” Connor smiled looking down at her, Carter hiding her blushing face in the crook of Connor’s neck.
“I like that.” Carter mumbled grabbing one of his hands intertwining it with her hand.
“What?” Connor brushed her hair behind her ear.
“You calling me your girlfriend.” Carter whispered hiding her smile against his neck.
“Yeah? I like it too.” Connor agreed with a smile kissing the top of her head.
December 14, 2023
Connor slowly woke up to the beeping of his alarm, he stretched his arm over shutting it off. He looked down at saw Carter still cuddled into a side, he smiled looking at one of his favorite versions of Carter, her sleeping.
Connor knew he had only had a few minutes before he need to get up so he gently played with ends of Carter’s hair just watching his now girlfriend.
Connor reluctantly started to get up, he slowly moved over letting Carter lean against the pillow and he quielty got out of the bed before leaning over making sure the covers were over her good and kissing her forehead. He headed to bathroom quickly getting ready, throwing on some work out clothes and grabbing his phone. He quickly wrote a note and left it by her phone knowing she would be up before he came back from the morning practice he had. Connor walked to the door and gently closed it behind him.
Carter slowly woke up the feeling of the spot next to her still warm but Connor not there anymore, she knew she probably just missed him leaving. She slowly sat up in the bed rubbing her face yawning, she checked the time and saw it just 8:00 and she knew she had a few hours until Connor would be back. Carter hopped out of bed grabbing a lululemon workout set and heading to the bathroom to change and brush her teeth.
Carter walked out of the bathroom throwing her hair up in her regular messy bun before grabbing her nike running shoes and slipping them on with a pair of socks, she grabbed her green air-pod maxes and walked across the room to grab her phone but picked up the piece of paper on top of her phone, she smiled seeing the sweet note from Connor. Carter grabbed her phone and headed out of the room towards the hotel gym.
Carter did her workout for an hour before wiping the sweat off her forehead and heading down to the breakfast the hotel had and quickly ate a big breakfast before she walked back to the room, she walked in grabbing her toiletries and headed to the bathroom taking a long shower.
Thirty minutes later she was done and checked the time seeing it was already 9:50. She slipped on one of the robes and did her skincare routine and decided to style her hair for once, Carter always would rather throw it into a braid or bun rather than doing her curly hair routine but knows Connor absolutely loves her curly hair.
Carter sat in the bathroom for at least forty minutes doing her hair before she grabbed a pair of Connor’s sweatpants and a hoodie slipping it on.
She sat down on the bed leaning against the headboard going on her phone, responding to all of Quinn’s text, snapping back to Luke, and doing her round of game pigeon with Jack.
She heard the door click and it open seeing Connor walk in looking freshly showered and she saw him smile once he saw her.
“Your hair.” Connor grinned quickly setting his stuff down and walking right to Carter, he curled one of his fingers around her curls before cupping her face gently and softly pressing his lips to her, feeling her smile into the kiss. Connor slowly leaned back kissing her cheek, “It looks beautiful Roo.”
Carter felt her cheeks go red, “Thanks Connie.”
Carter opened up her arms towards Connor making him smile and quickly slip off his shoes and get into bed resting his head on her chest and throwing his arm around her waist, Carter pressed a kiss to the top off his head before beginning to run her finger through his hair.
Carter feel Connor slowly began to relax and knew it wouldn’t be long before he fell asleep, knowing both of them love to take a pre game nap.
Connor breath slowly evened out and fell fast asleep, Carter picked up her phone going on it for the next hour as Connor took a nap.
Carter checked the time seeing it was already 12:00 and she slowly started rubbing Connor’s back to wake him up, “Con you got to get up.” She pressed a soft kiss to his forehead as his eyes slowly fluttered opened, “Hi.”
“Hi.” Connor mumbling with a sleepy smile. He slowly woke to the feeling of Carter’s fingers in his hair, he gently got off and Carter and got out of bed grabbing his suit and heading to the bathroom. He put on his all black suit and slipped on his socks, running a wet hand through his hair before heading out of the bathroom.
Carter looked up from the bed smiling at Connor before noticing him holding his tie in his hand, something he use to always ask her to do, she fondly rolled her eyes smiling, she stood up walking to Connor and grabbing the tie beginning to wrap it around his neck and started to tie.
“What?” Carter laughed slighty as she felt Connor’s eyes on her, just as she was tying his tie.
Connor hands were rested on her lower back admiring his girlfriend, “Nothing your just beautiful.” He grinned seeing the red bloom on her cheeks and the shy smile she tried to hide. Connor lifted her chin to see her face, “You are my love.” Connor smiled softly kissing Carter’s nose making it scrunched up.
“Stop it you dork.” Carter gently smacked his arm after finishing his tie, “I’ll see you soon yeah?” Carter smiled at him, Connor nodded leaning down and placing a gently peck to her lips before her forehead.
“Soon.” Connor agreed grabbing his phone and AirPods before heading out of the hotel.
Carter grabbed her makeup back sitting at the desk and deciding to start and take her time, about an hour later she was finally done as she may of been distracted by facetiming Quinn, telling him all about yesterday and Connor asking her to be his girlfriend. She finished her red lip stick before getting up and grabbing her outfit getting changed.
She zipped up her heeled boats before looking in the mirror looking at her outift, A long sleeve tight all black dress, black tights, a red trench coat, and black knee high heeled boots, she fixed her C necklace, spraying her perfume before grabbing her phone, wallet, lipstick and car keys. Carter headed out for the room and out of the hotel getting into to her car and driving to the Kraken stadium.
She parked in the parking garage for players and family members before heading through the lot. Carter scanned her ticket before getting into the stadium.
Carter having got tickets from Vince, who once found out she was planning on going to the game got everything set up for her. Carter took the elevator to the suite levels not surprised Vince got her a suite.
She walked to the one that had Dunn on the door and saw only one person in the suite, Daniella Vince’s girlfriend.
Daniella turned around at the door opening smiling at Carter, “Hi Carter.” She walked over pulling the younger girl into a gentle hug.
“Hi Dani.” Carter smiled gently hugging her back, having met her many times now because of Vince, “Is anyone else sitting here with us”Carter asked as they pulled apart.
“Nope just us, Vince made sure.” Daniella shook her head with a fond look, knowing Vince enjoys spoiling the ones he cares for and he would rather they be safe and more comfortable in a suite alone.
“Of course.” Carter fondly shook her head looking around the suite smiling when she noticed Vince had picked out some of their favorite foods. Carter looked up at the sound of cheers seeing the Blackhawks coming out for warming up and the Krakens behind them.
Carter sat on the barstool seat liking the view from that seat and the table in front of her. She looked around the ice looking for her boy, smiling when she found 98 who was already looking at her sending her a smile and a wave, Carter fondly chuckled and gently waved back.
Daniella smiled watching Carter and Connor and is honestly still surprised by how many people don’t realize the two are in love, it was obvious with the way they look at each other and the smiles they have in each others present.
Daniella gently nudged her shoulder to Carter, “So has anything more happened there?”
“He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday.” Carter softly admitted to someone who’s felt like an older sister since they met.
Daniella gasped excitedly shaking Carter’s arm, “Tell me everything!”
And Carter did. Well until the game started and her focus was immediately stuck on the ice, having always loved to watch Connor play.
1-7 Blackhawk lost.
Carter winced slighty at the end of the game knowing Connor will be down a bit, but she still enjoyed being able to watch Connor play, even if she would of done anything to be on the ice playing with Connor.
Daniella linked arms with Carter leading her down towards where the locker rooms are, and they can wait for the boys to come out.
“Hello Carter!” Lukas Reichel called out, as Lukas and Kevin Korchinski were the first ones to walk out, and now they realized why Connor has been in such a good mood the last few days, Connor knew Carter was coming and He’s been spending time with Carter.
“Hello boys.” Carter smiled fist bumping the two when they got to her, having met a lot of Connor’s team when she visited him in Chicago during the summer.
“So your the reason why our boy’s been so happy the last few days.” Alex Vlasic smirked as he walked out of the locker room raising a teasing eyebrow at Carter.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Carter sassed back with an innocent smile.
“Oh i’m sure.” Alex smirked teasingly first bumping Carter standing next to Kevin.
Most of the Kraken and Blackhawk players walked out for the locker room by the time Connor came out, who saw his three of his teammates chatting with his girlfriend.
Connor walked over to them immediately ganning their attention as he stood behind Carter and just rested a hand slighty on her hip, both of them not liking PDA.
Carter relaxed slighty feeling his hand before gently hitting her foot to his foot and sending him a soft smile before turning back to the conversation with the three boys and Daniella.
Anthony Beauvillier and Nick Foligno walked out the locker room talking to each other, before noticing the younger players standing around talking and walked over wondering what they were doing before realizing who was standing with them, Carter.
“Now they wouldn’t be little huggy bear would it.” Anthony smirked as he walked right over to Carter.
Carter spun around at the sound of her old teammates voice smiling at him quickly pulling him into a hug, “B!” Anthony gently hugged her back having missed one of his favorite teammate.
“I didn’t know you were coming to the game?” Anthony asked as they pulled apart.
“Ahh this one begged me too.” Carter sent a teasing smile to Connor, who just fondly rolled his eyes not denying anything.
“Ah of course.” Anthony had a knowing look knowing Carter and Connor have been best friends for years, especially since they were teammates for so long, the two always reminding Anthony of him and Matt.
“Hi Nick.” Carter send a smile and nod towards one of the people that she knew has really helped Connor in Chicago, and Nick who made Connor bring Carter over for dinner when she was in town.
“Hey Carter.” Nick smiled at the girl who was easy to adore, especially his kids quickly grew to love Carter when they met her.
“Are you going with the bus?” Nick questioned Connor who seemed happy even after the brutal loss sticking right next to Carter, leading Nick to think that him and his wife may be right about the two.
“No, i told couch i had a ride.” Connor shook his head sending a soft look to Carter who was already looking at him.
Nick nodded and Anthony, Lukas, Kevin and Alex all said their good byes to Carter before continuing their walk to with the bus was waiting.
Vince was finally coming out of the locker room.
“Took you long enough.” Carter called out as Vince was finally walking over to them.
“It takes time to look this good, dear spitfire.” Vince sassed back with a smirk running a hand through his hair.
“I’m sure.” Carter deadpanned as Vince reached them before laughing as Vince yanked her into a hug, “Thank you V.”
“Course.” Vince murmured back knowing Connor is very important to Carter and was glad he could make things easier for her to see him, “Now get back to the hotel and spend some time with your boy.” Usually Vince would be using this time to spend some time with Carter, but he knew how much Carter has been missing Connor.
“I’ll see you soon.” Carter pulled back from the hug giving Vince a smile before hugging Daniella. Carter smiled once more at the couple before walking away with Connor.
A lot of the Arena was pretty quiet as most fans were gone already and most left were just employees.
Carter felt Connor slip his hand into hers, she looked over seeing Connor look at her with a soft smile before looking forward, Carter felt her cheeks her pink and smiled looking forward. They walked to the parking garage to her car, Connor opened the door for Carter to get in before walking around to the Passenger seat.
Carter slipped her phone out of her pocket handing it to Connor knowing he likes to choose from her music. He smiled at her lock screen seeing the photo of the two of them at the beach with them facing the ocean and the picture was from behind.
Connor looked up from her phone looking at Carter with a fond smile, “Did i tell you look beautiful today?”
Carter blushed looking at Connor with a shy smirk, “You did.”
Connor smiled softly, “Good because you do.” Carter smiled leaning over pressing a gently kiss to Connor’s cheek leaving behind red lip stick on his cheek.
Carter started driving them to the hotel as Connor put on their playlist and held onto one of Carter’s hand as she drove.
They pulled into the hotel parking lot, parking and shutting the car off, Connor got out of the car first walking around opening the driver door for Carter and taking her hand as they walked into the quiet hotel as it already late at night, before getting into the elevator and heading the their floor. Connor unlocked the hotel door before letting Carter walk in first.
She sat on the edge of bed going to unzip her boots when Connor grabbed her hand stopping her and kneeling in front of her. Connor gently unzipped her heeled boots, before standing up and holding a hand out for Carter to take. Carter grabbed Connor’s hand standing up, her arm wrapped around his neck, her fingers playing with the bottom of his hair.
Connor just smiled admiring his girlfriend, he gently brushed her hair behind her ear and cupping her cheek. His thumb gently brushed over the tiny scar that you could barely see on Carter’s cheek bone. He pressed a gently kiss to her scar remembering how he saw her get hit and all the blood on the ice. Connor pressed a kiss to her other cheek and then her nose, and her forehead and then gently connected his lips with hers.
Carter gently pulled away first and couldn’t help but chuckle as she look at the Connor.
Connor was just looking at her with a fond smile, “What?”
Carter giggled, “My lipstick is all over your mouth.” She went to go wipe it off but Connor gently grabbed her hand giving her a sad look not wanting it off yet. Carter smiled leaning up and pressing a kiss on every inch of Connor’s face enjoying seeing her red lip stick get all over his face.
“There.” Carter proudly smiled as she pulled back barely any lipstick even left on her lips.
Connor just chuckled fondly pressing a kiss to the top of her head before reluctantly pulling bald and walking over to his bags grabbing pajamas for both of them and wrapping an arm around her waist picking Carter up with one arm and carrying her to the bathroom as she laughed.
“What are you doing!” Carter giggled as she watched Connor carry her to the bathroom letting her stand and hand her pajamas.
“Change first.” Connor smiled before walking out of the bathroom closing the door behind him so he could change in the room.
Carter just smiled watching him walk out of the bathroom before listening and getting changed into his clothes.
Connor knocked on the door heading Carter say come in, he opened the door just looking at the girl who’s made his heart flutter since the second he saw her.
Connor pushed off the door waking in front Carter and putting his hands on her waist easily picking her up and setting her onto the bathroom counter.
“Really.” Carter fondly quipped to her boyfriend, Connor just smiled shrugging before grabbing her toiletry bag and grabbing her skin care out, setting it onto the counter. He grabbed the makeup remover wipes and took one out before turning bakc to Carter, who was curious watching him. Connor gently whipped the wipe across Carter’s face removing all the makeup. He grabbed her moisturizer gently rubbing it into her face, before grabbing her under eye serum and rubbed under her eyes. He grabbed the chapstick he knows she loves to go to sleep with it on and put it onto her lips.
Carter lovingly watch Connor do her nighttime skin care for her, before she put her hand on his bicep when he was done pulling him towards her, she pulled him to stand between her legs as she reached over grabbing another makeup remover wipe and began wiping away all of the red lip stick on Connor’s face, she set the wipe on the counter when she finished.
“Bed?” Connor asked her, getting a nod. He gently picked her up off the counter letting her stand up as they walked to the bed. He grabbed the covers pulling them back on her side letting her get in as he pulled out as phone walking around the bed, he set an alarm for early in the mourning knowing she had to leave pretty early to drive home as she was leaving for a roadie tomorrow afternoon.
Connor set his phone in the night stand before sliding into the bed wrapping an arm around Carter, who she closer, burying her head into his chest and inhaled.
She missed Connors scent. She missed him. She hates falling asleep in a cold bed alone so use to spending so many nights sleeping in the same bed as Connor. Carter knew she would be seeing Connor in a few days because they would finally be playing against each other in the NHL but she still couldn’t help but be sad knowing she’s still gonna miss him. She always missing him whenever they aren’t together.
Connor looked down sensing something off with Carter, “What’s wrong Roo.” He hummed gently putting his hand under her chin that was hiding in his chest and pushed it up making her look at him.
“I’m just gonna miss you.” Carter softly mumbled.
Connor felt his face soften even more, he pressed a long and soft kiss to her forehead, “I’m gonna miss you too baby.” Carter looked at him with sad eyes before burying her head back into his chest.
“I hate not seeing you everyday anymore.” Carter finally confessed how much she hated not seeing him everyday since she got drafted a year and a half ago, “I hate it Con. I just miss seeing my best friend everyday.”
Connor felt his lip form into a frown, understanding exactly how she felt, “I know, trust me i know. I hate it too.” He rested his face against the top of her hair breathing in her comforting scent.
Carter and Connor slowly fell asleep holding each other.
December 15, 2023
Connor eyes opened hearing his alarm he reached an arm over quickly shutting it off before it could wake Carter up. He looked at Carter who was still cuddle in his chest and her arm wrapped around his waist. Connor smiled kissing the top of her head before reaching for the hotel phone having checked what they have for room service so he could get Carter breakfast before she left to drive home. He quietly order the food through the phome before setting the phone down and resting his cheek against the top of Carter’s head enjoying the time he has been able to spend with her the last two days.
He slowly rubbed her back knowing it will slowly wake her up. Carter started moving more before her eyes seem to softly flutter open.
Connor lifted his head off of Carters leaning back against the pillow, He brushed her curl from her face smiling at her, as she looked up at him with sleepy eyes. “Hello Beautiful.”
“Hi.” Carter mumbled still half asleep as she looked up at Connor.
Carter slowly woke up as she rested her head on his chest staring up at him for a long while before a knock was at the door.
Connor slowly started to get up making Carter whine, “I’ll be back in just a second.” Connor promsie pressing a kiss on the top of her head. He walked over to the door taking the room service, thanking the employee before shutting the door begin him. He walked the tray over to the bed setting it on the bed before slipping back into bed next to Carter.
Carter looked at the tray filled with food and drinks, she slowly sat up sliding against the head board sitting next to Connor who grabbed the tray putting it on their laps.
Carter turned her head pressing a soft and long kiss to Connor’s cheek, “Thank you.”
“Of course.” Connor smiled back.
Carter smiled seeing the cup of coffee and seeing the creamer on the side, she quickly grabbed the creamer and pour some into the coffee before grabbing the coffee and holding it in her hands before taking a sip.
The two slowly began to eat the food on the tray together before Carter had to reluctantly get up to brush her teeth and pack up her bag. She headed the bathroom doing what she needs to in there before grabbing anything of her’s in the bathroom and taking it into the room and putting it into her duffel bag before grabbing her boots putting them into the bag, before she grabbed one of her Canuck’s hoodie she had washed and sprayed with her perfume before setting it on top of Connor suitcase for him. She grabbed her ugg slippers before zipping up her bag and setting her purse on to of the bag. Carter grabbed her flowers from Connor setting it with her bags before she slipped on her slippers and walking over grabbing her phone seeing Connor slip on his shoes and throw on a hoodie.
Carter quickly caught the hoodie Connor threw at her and gave him a look, “What it’s cold Roo, and you only have on a long sleeve.” Connor just smiled.
Carter put on the hoodie and Connor grabbed her duffle bag, purse and flowers before Carter could.
Connor opened the door letting Carter walk through first before they headed into the elevator and heading through the lobby out to the parking lot as they walked to her car. Carter grabbed her keys from her purse Connor had unlocking her car and starting it from her key so it warm up, She opened her back door letting Connor set her duffle bag there before shutting the door and opening her drivers setting her phone in the cup holder and Connor set her purse and flowers on the passengers seat.
Carter closed the drivers door and looked towards Connor with sad eyes, Connor quickly pulled her into a hug they both needed. They held each other tightly for at least five minutes.
They reluctantly pulled away from each other resting their foreheads together.
“I’ll see you in a few days baby.” Connor cupped her face pressing a soft kiss to her nose.
“I know.” Carter took a deep breath nudging her nose to his, “I love you Connie.” She smiled softly at her soulmate.
“I love you too Roo.” Connor gently pulled back from her squeezing her hand before letting go and watching Carter look at him once more before getting into her car and starting it.
Carter sent him one more smile before driving away, as Connor watched her leave.
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The Babysitter (4)
Parks And Puppies
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Wanda Maximoff X Reader
Summary: In need of money and a way to escape the problems at home, you get a job babysitting two lovely boys named Billy and Tommy Maximoff. What happens when you start to feel things you shouldn't for their mother? Will it bloom into love or leave you heartbroken?
A/N- I would just like to say that there will be some sensitive issues in this story such as alcoholism, homophobia, anxiety as well as more mature content such as smut so, if you continue to read this, please consider this warning.
The Babysitter Master list | General Master List
Chapter 4- W/c 2.3k
Parks And Puppies
A loud ringing noise startles you awake, your hand shooting out of the comfort of your duvet to reach the device, eyes squinting as you see Natasha's name flash on the screen.
"Hey," your voice raspy from just waking up, your hand moving to cover your yawn as you flop back onto the bed, leaving your phone on speaker as you talk to your best friend.
"Hey Y/n, my best, best friend," her tone is too sweet, her words too complimentary making you groan.
"What do you want, Nat?" you grumble, only just looking at the time and realising she's woken you up at nine on a Saturday.
"Who says I want anything?" she answers back, you push your face against your pillow, wishing you could be swallowed up by sleep again and be left to bask in the warmth of your bed.
"It's nine in the morning Nat, tell me what you want now otherwise I'm going back to bed," you can hear her chuckle at your moody and tired tone.
"Well, Yelena is currently out for some school trip that's lasting the weekend and I'm in charge of looking after Fanny," you laugh at the dog's name as always, Natasha groaning at your childishness. "Really Y/n? Every time," you hear her mutter something else in Russian before continuing, "Any chance you would walk her with me? I don't want to go alone and, well, you practically love that dog more than me."
"Are you jealous, Romanov?" you tease, reluctantly sitting up in bed, back cracking in a satisfying way when you stretch a little. "I'll come on one condition; you pick me up to go to the park."
"Deal," she says, "What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"Ten?" you hear her agree to that and a bark in the background, "Tell my favourite resident of the Romanov household I love her, and I'll see her soon."
"Cyka," she mutters before saying goodbye, leaving you to get ready before meeting her.
Around an hour later, you've showered and gotten dressed into a simple outfit, pulling a hoodie on to keep you warm from the slight chill of outside. You check the living room to see your mum still on the sofa, not even bothering to wake her up and tell her you're going out. You do, however, grab a quick snack from the kitchen, only a breakfast bar as you're hoping to persuade Natasha to go with you to get food somewhere else, and start to head outside the apartment block, looking for your best friend and her car.
"Are you ready?" she calls out when you approach her car, confusing her as you walk towards the backseats with a grin on your face.
"Yeah," you answer, not wanting to ignore her and climb into the back where Fanny sits, Natasha rolling her eyes in the rear mirror as you hug the American Akita, ruffling her fur before making contact with Nat's green eyes in the mirror.
"Why don't I get a greeting like this?" she grumbles playfully, unable to hide her smile as you decide to move to sit next to her in the front.
"I can always do that to you," your hand jokingly goes to her hair, face pulling up into disgust and a grimace as you try to ruffle her red locks. "Oh, aren't you a good girl," you put on the voice people do when they talk to their pets, voice slightly higher than normal.
"Go away," she huffs out, fixing her appearance while you sit back into the passenger seat, a giggle escaping you, especially when Fanny decides to try and lick your face from the back of the car.
"You're the one who invited me," you retorted, her shaking her head at your antics before putting the car in reverse and starting the journey towards the park.
"Just so you know, as much as I love her, I'm not picking her shit up this time," you make clear, looking over towards your best friend as you see Fanny starting to sniff around a certain patch of grass.
"Fair enough," she mumbles, watching closely as the dog decides to walk away from that area and come back to you two, your hand instinctively scratching her side while her tongue sticks out, hot pants of breath showing in the cold air.
The three of you casually stroll around the park, Fanny wandering off occasionally to play with other dogs and coming back when called, you and Natasha talking about everything and anything. You can't stop the laugh that escapes you when you see a child fall over, Natasha hitting you softly on the back of your head as the child's parents look at you with annoyed looks.
"How on earth are you a babysitter?" she says in disbelief, walking away with you to evade the angry parents for your reaction.
"Oh, come on, that was funny," another chuckle leaves your lips as you replay the small child falling over, the way their face slowly changed from happiness to a confused and sad expression. "And, for your information, I'm great with kids, that's how I'm a babysitter."
"Doesn't seem like it," she mocks, bumping your shoulder to hers in fake annoyance as you continue to walk around.
"Y/n!" you hear voices scream your name, turning around only to feel two bodies crash into your legs, Natasha's arm stopping you from falling over.
"Mini Maximoffs!" your tone playful as you hug the two boys, looking up to see Wanda strolling up towards you with a smile on her face. Your breath hitches slightly, the sight of her making you speechless as she wears a long beige coat with a white shirt underneath, black high waist jeans accentuating her curves and long legs. Her hair frames her face perfectly as you peer up at her, now standing in front of you.
"Hello Y/n, sweetheart," she greets, your cheeks tinting pink that you're definitely blaming on the cold weather, not the older woman.
"Wanda," you manage out, giving her a shy smile while the twins notice the dog running up to you.
"Oh my god!" Tommy exclaims while Fanny sits by Natasha's side, looking up expectantly as she wants a treat. "A puppy!" Both twins move closer to the dog, looking back at their mother for permission who nods her head.
"Can we stroke it?" Billy asks Natasha who hands Fanny a treat.
"Of course, you can," she replies, crouching down and petting the dog herself. "She likes it like this," she shows the boys how to scratch the dog in her favourite way, her fur on her head being messed up slightly by the twins' small fingers.
"What's her name?" Wanda asks you as the twins busy themselves with the dog, you look back at the older woman and ignore the smirk your friend gives you.
"She's called Fanny," you say embarrassedly, Wanda's eyes widening and brows raising at the name. Her laughter makes you smile, the sound something you could listen to forever, her hand raising to cover her smile while you let out your own laugh. "I did not name her by the way, Yelena did," you clarify.
"Is that Yelena?" she asks, motioning to the redhead currently talking to her children, an indecipherable look in her eyes.
"Oh no, that's Natasha, Yelena's sister," you say before calling her name again. "Natasha," she stands up and makes her way over to you two, giving you an insinuating look before moving her gaze to the other woman, "This is Wanda, Wanda this is Natasha." They share a smile before Natasha starts to smirk, making you tempted to clamp your hand over her mouth to prevent whatever was about to come out.
"It's nice to finally meet you," she starts off, "I've heard so much about you." You want the ground to swallow you up, your blush darkening as Wanda looks to you with a teasing smile.
"Oh really?" Natasha hums in response, "I hope it's all been good things."
"Oh, it's all been good Miss Maximoff," she smiles at you while you scowl at your friend, quickly switching to a smile when Wanda looks over you.
"Why don't you show the boys the trick Fanny can do with the tennis ball?" you say to Natasha in a fake sweet voice, noticing how she's enjoying making you suffer. She raises her brow at you in a challenging way, the only reason she gives in is because of the way the boys practically buzz with excitement.
"Sorry about her," you say when the boys run off, Natasha throwing the tennis ball so Fanny can catch it in her mouth, cheers coming from the twins as they chase her playfully.
"There's no need to apologise dear," she chuckles out, walking with you to a nearby bench and sitting down, motioning for you to take the other seat by moving her head. "Billy has a present for you the next time you come over by the way," she says while a smile tugs at her lips at the way your face brightens.
"Really?" your voice shocked, teeth showing as you smile while looking at the boy currently trying to throw the tennis ball further than his brother could.
"Yeah, he's been drawing a lot lately and he said it's thanks to you," her voice is grateful, thankful that you've helped her son find something he enjoys doing.
"Not really," you try to dismiss, "I just told him whatever Vision said to him earlier was wrong." Wanda's face turns to confusion, tearing her gaze away from the twins to look at you, eyes scanning your features briefly before speaking up.
"What did Vision say to him?" there's a little coldness in her tone, you turning to look to your side, her green eyes swirling with curiosity.
"Billy didn't tell you?" She shakes her head, clearly unaware of the false information her husband had been saying, "Vision told him he should like science stuff or sports instead of art, calling it a waste of time." Her jaw clenches and you curse yourself internally for finding the action attractive.
"He really said that?" you nod your head, feeling sympathetic when you see the defeated look take over her. Fingers push her hair back, her auburn locks falling backwards as she lets out a sigh. "He didn't even tell me," her voice is barely a whisper, but you still hear it, "Billy didn't even tell me, his mother."
"Hey," you say softly but she just bites her bottom lip, a worried expression on her face as she ignores your words.
"Am I a bad mother?" you blink in response to her question, eyebrows furrowing in confusion.
"What? No," your quick to answer her, "The twins absolutely adore you Wanda, honestly, all they do when they talk about you is say how amazing you are." You watch her reaction closely, doubt still in her eyes, "It's 'my mom is so good at this' or 'Y/n did you know my mom is so cool when she does this?' all the time." A small smile tugs at her lips as you continue to tell her about how much her children love her. When you finish there's a small period of silence, Wanda letting the information sink in for a minute.
"Thank you," she murmurs, finger playing with her wedding ring, "It's just Vis would say..." Before she can finish her sentence, the boys come sprinting over, Fanny following behind and sitting at your feet.
"Mom, please can we get a dog?" Tommy asks, Natahsa following with a sheepish look.
"Please," Billy adds, both of them hugging the dog while giving their mother puppy eyes.
"I'm sorry Dorogies," she says, your eyes widening at her use of another language, "But your father is allergic to dogs." They both pout and decide to shower Fanny in affection, while Natasha looks at Wanda curiously.
"Are you Russian?" she asks, knowing that dorogies was the masculine version of darlings, you also interested in knowing the answer.
"Sovokian," she answers, you then accidentally speaking without thinking.
"You don't have an accent though?" luckily for you, the question doesn't seem to bother her.
"When I moved to America, I learnt to hide my accent, now I'm just used to it, sometimes it slips out though," she explains, and you wish you could hear her normal voice. You were about to ask another question but Natasha's phone rings, telling you it's Melina and moving away to talk to her mother.
"You don't have to hide your accent with me," you say a little shyly, not wanting to sound weird. Wanda simply smiles softly at you before moving forwards, wrapping you in an embrace that has you melting against her body. Her lips press against your forehead before she pulls back to whisper.
"Thank you Detka," your cheeks flush at the sound of her voice, her accent causing a slight rasp to her words before she pulls away, Natasha returning with a shit eating grin on her face.
"I'm sorry to break this up," you glare at her, "But Melina is inviting you over for lunch Y/n, if we're going, we need to start heading back now."
"Yeah, I can do lunch," you say, trying to think straight and calm your body down from the way Wanda's arms felt wrapped around your waist.
"It was lovely seeing you two," Wanda's words break you from your thoughts, the boys saying goodbye to Fanny.
"Bye Fluffy!" They both hug her one last time, you raise your eyebrow at Natasha while she swiftly hooks the lead on the dog and starts to walk away with you after you say goodbye to Wanda and the twins.
"Fluffy?" your voice teasing while Natasha rolls her eyes at you, groaning at your mocking tone.
"I wasn't going to have them screaming Fanny in a park and I also didn't want them to ask me what a fanny was either," laughter spills from your lips at her answer, her pushing your shoulder to move you away.
"I would have paid to see you try and deal with that," you chuckle out, wrapping your arm around her shoulders and walking back to the car with her, unaware of the set of green eyes watching you laugh and joke with Natasha, a disheartened look in them.
I used Google translate for the translations so if anything is wrong, please correct me (:
I hope you enjoyed :)
Please leave any thoughts/comments/votes <3 I really appreciate them!
Ao3- LoveIsAnImaginaryDagger
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cumikering · 8 months
Werewolf Keegan x reader 3
2.3k | fluff The fighter and the handkerchief in his pocket (part 1) (part 4)
How the turns have tabled. You took a selfie with the dude from the woods and sent it to your group chat ‘just in case’, but a few hours later you hopped in his car for dinner.
Yes, Keegan was unsmiling the first time you met, unsettling when coupled with the fact that you were lost and just had a huge wolf sniff you. But that day, with a little smile, he was dashing with his intense blue eyes and short black hair, striking against his creamy skin. He was funny even that he didn’t speak much, which was a shame because that voice.
But if people brought strangers home on the regular, you were allowed to be a little adventurous too, especially after a long week. And it was just a burger dinner, nothing more would stem out of it. At best, he’d be your hiking buddy, and you weren’t going to say no to that. It didn’t hurt that Raider was adorable too.
When Keegan took his jacket off as you waited to be served, you tried not to stare at his solid arms as he leaned back, or the way his strong neck flexed when he turned his head. His eyes piercing as the chuckle rumbled in his chest.
Over dinner, he revealed that he was military which explained the theme of his sleeve tattoo. You wished he’d roll up the sleeve of his t-shirt and lay his left arm across the table so you could see the art in its entirety. Maybe even let you run your fingers down the dips and curves of his arm too, if he was generous.
The chance you took proved to be fruitful because one dinner turned into two, and three. And after a few innocent ‘I think you’d like this place’s from him and a handful of unassuming ‘there’s this place I want to try’s from you, dinner became a regular occurrence when he was in town.
You found yourself looking forward to each meeting, including that day, the last weekend before his next deployment. He said he would be gone for about two weeks, and even thinking of how much you were going to miss him felt embarrassing and clingy.
Oh, but why were you so on edge about it? It’s not like he’d disappear, right? Even when he was away, albeit on short missions, he was steady with his replies at the end of the day, sometimes even called when the time allowed. Those nights his voice would be tired and hushed, but so much richer. The gentleness in it always made you smile as you imagined him far in the middle of nowhere, but looking up the same moon as you. It was selfish of you to not tell him to rest up, so you did, but he always stayed a little longer.
One of you was yet to address what it was between you. It hadn’t even been two months after all – you weren’t supposed to be overthinking it, especially when he was more reciprocating than some of the men who rushed into exclusivity. So was this gift you brought a bit much, presumptuous even?
He took you to a small park at the other end of town for lunch. He’d said he’d take care of the food, promising there would be more than PB sandwiches. You laughed. You wouldn’t mind either way.
Under the clear sky, the both of you sat under a tree and you watched as he unpacked the sub sandwiches and of course some of his favourite treats. You made lemonade and brownies for dessert.
In the distance, Raider ran among other dogs as you ate. You glanced at Keegan, a small smile on his lips as he looked ahead. The trees swayed, the soft rays of the sun shining through the leaves danced on his face. His hair was tousled from the breeze, unusually fluffy that day, tempting you to run your fingers in it.
You couldn’t look away fast enough when he turned to you. He scooted closer, his tattooed arm pressed against yours.
“The subs were great. I can see why the deli is your favourite,” you said, putting the wrappers away. If you were honest, you liked his sandwiches a touch better for the simple reason that he made them.
“I’ll take you there next time. You’ll love their cubano.”
His gaze and soft smile made your heart flutter. You averted your gaze. “I got something for you.” You pulled out your gift and held it out to him. “It’s not perfect but-“
He took the folded handkerchief from you, his smile wide. “It’s perfect.” He ran his finger over the corner, a German Shepherd wearing a helmet you spent too many hours hand embroidering. “I love it, really. Thank you so much.”
He pulled you into a tight hug, the longest one he’d given. His pretty smile remained when he pulled away, so you braved yourself to kiss him on the cheek, the quiet Marine with the odd penchant for peanut butter.
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The simmer in Keegan’s chest after the first dinner with you felt foreign, but he knew he wanted to see you again. He’d asked for the selfie you took on top of the trail and found himself looking at it a lot – at you, not him. You were the pretty one and he didn’t like how he looked in photos.
It didn’t take him very long to figure out that he, in fact, maybe, kind of liked you. So he texted and texted, and maybe you didn’t mind that he did because the conversations often lasted well into the night.
He had been busier the past month, and between missions, he preferred to spend the weekends he had taking you to new places in the city while holding hands instead of holing up in the cabin. With a social life and someone he genuinely wanted to talk to at the end of the day, he felt more human than he’d been in a very long time.
He shifted less and less, nowadays the idea of being human was far more appealing than rolling around on the rug as a wolf when he could be seeing or texting you. The thought of the scent never crossed his mind again.
He let himself enjoy your company without the labels – less mess in the future. It always ended the same after all. You just needed a few months to understand why it wouldn’t work out.
But as he sat on the plane taking him thousands of miles away from you, your gift he loved beyond words tucked in his pocket, he wondered if maybe he’d break this time. If maybe he’d give in to his silly daydreams and allow himself to feel more than this, even if only for a short while. Even if when he started he wouldn’t be able to stop himself.
His deployment ensued like any other. He’d text you when he got back to the safehouse at the end of the day, and if the time allowed, he’d go outside for some privacy for a call. By then you’d typically be comfy in bed and would tell him to get some rest, but how could he - it was his favourite time to speak to you. He wanted to imagine that he was next to you a little longer before he had to come back to the reality of his cold mattress next to the snoring Ajax.
A week into his mission, Keegan woke up agitated. It wasn’t unusual - some days he would be from anticipation, but it was nothing a little run before leaving the safehouse couldn’t fix. That day, though, the jitters didn’t leave completely.
With their silenced rifles, he and Merrick lay prone behind the bushes, yet the faintest buzz remained in the back of his mind - so faint that it made him question if he was just imagining it. Under the starless sky, they had waited for what felt like hours, but the guards wouldn’t disperse.
It wouldn’t have been a problem on a regular day, but that day was far from good. Once again Keegan closed his eyes as he exhaled, chanting in his head to keep still, his nails digging painfully into his palms, but the urge to strike consumed him.
As a Ghost, he’d been in worse situations with less. He knew he could take down the group with no issue, but he went against protocol. The frown Merrick wore and the deep huffs of breath he took as they proceeded to gather intel told more than enough that he fucked up.
He did. He risked the operation for a compulsion, uncharacteristic of him, an anomaly as a sniper. Keegan was not impulsive.
The captain was wordless the whole ride back. Kick shot a concerned look at Keegan from the rear-view mirror, but he couldn’t meet his gaze. He had spent enough years with Merrick to know that it was the calm before the storm, but he didn’t expect it to strike as soon as the door to the safehouse closed.
Merrick turned to him. “What the fuck was that, Keegan!” he yelled in his face. “You’re a fucking Ghost. You don’t make hair-trigger mistakes, blazing guns when you’re supposed to maintain stealth!”
He grabbed Keegan by his vest and slammed him back against the door, knocking the air out of his lungs. He held his breath, seemingly as shocked by his action as Keegan was. He stepped backwards.
“I deserved that.” The sergeant gritted his teeth.
He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. “Just… Don’t let it happen again.”
With his hair still damp from his shower, Keegan groaned loudly into his pillow, but it was cut short. His pillow smelt different, light and pleasant. He lifted his head, looking at the handkerchief he just buried his nose in. He’d fallen asleep clutching it the past days, the only physical reminder of you as he smiled, remembering your voice while waiting for sleep to fall upon him.
The simmer in him halted. He picked it up, inhaling it. It was nowhere as strong as when he was a wolf, but the scent was there even if just a hint. The tension in his muscles melted away, his weight sinking into the mattress. His breathing slowed, and he fell asleep with it over his face.
The buzzing ceased. He kept your handkerchief in his chest pocket in the field. The rest of the mission went as planned and before he knew it, he was back on the plane. Merrick didn’t mention the incident again.
Freshly showered, Keegan headed straight to your place from the base. It was past dinner time, but he wasn’t willing to wait another night without seeing you.
You swung the door open with a smile and he took no time at all to pull you in a bone-crushing hug, making you laugh. He buried his face in your hair, trying not to make it obvious that he was inhaling you. The hug was curiously long to take place in the doorway, but you smiled when he pulled away.
“Smells great here. Did you cook?”
You tugged at his hand, leading him to the dining table where you’d set. “I did. I figured you’d be hungry.”
He always was. “You know me,” he said as he sat.
“I was too hungry so I ate a bit.” You brought the pan of lasagna out of the oven and took the seat across him.
He’d mentioned in passing how his mum always made the dish when he visited. “You really didn’t have to wait up, let alone cook for me.”
“I wanted to.”
His heart raced as you cut squares and served the both of you. With a home cooked meal and a satisfying hug to welcome him home, being back never felt this satiating. He didn’t deserve this.
You looked up, pushing the plate towards him. “Dig in.”
He gripped your hand. “Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened, amplifying the thumping in his chest. He was digging his own grave knowing this would inevitably end like any other, but he couldn’t help it.
You gave him a small nod as your eyes went to your hands, chewing on your lip.
Keegan shot up, his chair skidded behind him. He knelt next to you, a hand on your knee, the other on the back of your seat. Leaning into your neck, he wasn’t shy about inhaling you anymore, before trailing kisses along your jaw. With your arms around his neck and that bashful smile, his breath caught in his throat.
His eyes shut, finally pressing himself against your lips, savouring how soft they were and how perfect they were between his. He let out a content sigh into your mouth. You giggled, cupping his cheek and he lingered, trying to commit to memory the shape of your lips. He pulled your soft body flush against him, his fingers gripping your waist.
You pulled away, smile supressed, not quite meeting his eyes. “Have your dinner, Keegan. It’s going to get cold.”
“Don’t care.” He couldn’t hide his grin when he brought your hand to his lips, internally screaming that he finally kissed you. He just hoped his lips weren’t too chapped.
Keegan fought a losing battle. He should have accepted that he’d already lost when you laughed at his lame jokes over greasy burgers, when the thoughts of you started plaguing his mind.
Always a fighter. This time he wanted to be a lover.
More Keegan: second chance, fake dating
@sofasoap @tiredmetalenthusiast @shadofireshinobi @keegansshark @two-gh0sts @rowanyaboats @mangoguy @astraluminaaa @fiadh-bell @desire-in-the-present
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