#and discussing with in isatcord some people trew this into my face how Sif doesnt deserve love and forgivness
eldritch-araneae · 4 months
You know what's painful about ISAT (but also it's best feature)? It's the fact the story so niche that it appeals and understood to specific people! People who are exactly like Siffrin! Even the timelooping can be an easy metaphor for being stuck in same mental illness without any help will lead to degradation. So it's very upsetting seeing people who didn't like the ending, believing that Sif should be forgiven or the ending is too happy, or how Sif didn't earn it... just wow.
Because if people think this about Siffrin, what they would think about me then? Should I be thrown away into garbage pile for making a mistake and hurting loved one and the apologizing for what I did??? Should I just die? Should I cut my limbs or do other forms of self-harm to "earn" my happiness?? Should I suddenly be cured from my mental illness bc loved ones showed love and hugged me???
Like it's wild how just people cannot grasp the story and criticize it, but then I just have to accept it that a lot of people WONT understand, bc they never been there. They never had an mental illness rotting their mind to the point of violence and rage. They never felt so overwhelmingly alone and so filled with self-hatred that would force you to play a perfect role for you loved ones to love you and if you slip once, it's over! They never had loved ones who forgave them for mistakes and supported them when they needed it the most. Like it's complex story that I can pick it apart all week and still never getting all details and how all this resonates with me. Yet some people overlook it and make false conclusions.
Which tbh, makes me feel more alone, knowing people out there who seem decent, yet won't understand me or show a little compassion, wgo who I must appear perfect to be even remotely accepted.
But I guess it's like part of life andf I gotta cope with this fact. There are a lot of people who understands, which is good. So that helps at least.
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