#and clove is able to climb it!!!! i got it just for her actually
swagging-back-to · 6 months
just (as in since 2pm. its now 9) deep cleaned the ladies tank. cleaned the pee off their platforms and bridges. and then i cleaned out the aquarium completely bc the last fish finally died and it was starting to stink so so bad.
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sekhisadventures · 2 years
Zhan-Min's Elemental Brews
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Zhan Min is a shaman who uses the elements for beer making as much as combat. By imbuing elemental energies into the keg-maces he uses as weapons, filled with hops and barely and other such ingredients, he creates unique brews that are not only flavorful and strong, but actually magical in nature!
Some of his more successful flavors are as follows:
Earthshaker Stout
A deep brown liquor with a lot of foam, bottles of it seem to tremble slightly every so often.
"One of my earlier experiments, imbuing my brew with the ol' Rockbiter trick. Earthshaker is right though, a few swigs of this and you'd swear you're in an earthquake with how hard it is to stand up! Though once the dizziness fades I find that I'm a lot sturdier than before. My tummy is iron normally, but after a mug of this its solid steel! Come at me and see what I mean!"
Flamebreath Ale
A reddish liquid that seems to glow, bottles are always warm to the touch, even if left packed in snow.
"Fire went into this one, if the name wasn't a hint. Its a spicy thing, tastes like cloves and peppers, and it'll burn your throat a bit going down, but it warms you right up! I could dance naked in Northrend after a mug of this... actually, I may have... I dunno, hard to remember my early experiments with this one. Come to think of it that whole week is kind of a blur until I woke up near Xuen's temple with a bucket on my head. Either way, it puts a literal fire in my belly. Cold and ice don't do squat to me after a drink of this!"
Hurricane Brew
A clear liquid with a bluish tint, the drink seems to always swirl around in a bottle or cup, even if left sitting for several minutes.
"Whoof! Knocks you right over on the first drink, but you'll be a dynamo on this one! It'll fill you full of electricity and leave you wired for a week! More like a really strong coffee than a beer, like REALLY strong, you'll be climbing the walls like a mad hozen on this stuff. I couldn't sleep for two days! Still, its great when you need a lot of energy in one go, but not so good for getting a buzz otherwise."
Icemist Reserve
A deep cerulean with lines of white mixed through it, almost like snow suspended in the ale. It mists slightly when exposed to air.
"After I worked out my Flamebreath recipe I wanted to do the opposite, a drink so cool and refreshing that it was like a mouthful of snow! Icemist seems to do the trick. It'll chill you down to the bone but has a great minty aftertaste and is great if you just got the ol' hozen 'grook the dooker' treatment. Numbs you all over, so any bruises and such hurt a lot less... actually sell this stuff to the Stormwind military as painkillers."
Spirits with Spirit?
"Ehhh, still workin' on that one actually. I nailed the four big elements, but Spirit... well, its hard to nail that one down. I've tried a few tricks, but so far no luck. Still, gives me something to work towards eh?"
Xuen's Fangs
Stored in small quantities only in a wooden flask (wood is non-conductive.) Sometimes the flask will shake and an audible roll of thunder can be heard from inside it.
"Oof... I really don't like talkin' bout this one ya'll. That one wound up going bad inna really really REALLY big way." "Basically... I got a tiiiiiiiiiny bit overconfident in my talents 'n decided to try something really special. I was there when us adventurers took down Raszageth 'n I managed to snag a few o' th' girl's scales! Tried one in a brew but th' drink it made was the most potent booze I'd ever SEEN! I was actually freakin' afraid to taste it!"
"... soooooo I gave it to Jaie. Told 'er ta only take a sip at most, but... things got outta hand. That bitch Dissonantia showed up 'n Jaie got caught by her 'n Ed's imp tried to help her by giving her th' drink fer a power boost... 'cept the dopey varmint poured th' whole dang bottle down her throat!"
"... damn near killed th' poor girl. Sekhi 'n I were able to put it right, channeled all th' lightning in her back up inta th' sky. I still got a few o' th' scales... but they seem less potent now. Sekhi seemed ta think we actually freed Raszageth's spirit somehow, but... I dunno. Imma hold onto 'em if only 'cause I'm afraid o' what someone else might do if they get their mitts on 'em!"
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princessjungeun · 4 years
Cat Ladies: Lisa X Reader
Request: may i please request one where the reader doesn’t like cats but she’s lisa’s girlfriend and lisa is determined to show the reader that cats aren’t scary so she takes her to a shelter and they volunteer with kittens and weeks pass and eventually the reader ends up adopting a cat that she got attached to 🥺
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It was absolutely no secret that Lisa loved cats and kittens. She was literally a cat lady, have four of her own. Everytime she saw you she had a new picture of Leo or Lily to show you, or a video of Louis and Luca.
The one thing was, you absolutely hated cats. It all stemmed from one bad experience with a cat as a child, and you’ve never quite recovered from it.
You were about six years old when your neighbor asked you and your older sister to cat sit while she was on vacation. You were in charge of changing the litter box, your older sister tricking you by saying that it was like a treasure hunt. I mean she wasn’t exactly wrong...it was just a really gross one.
You had been in the bedroom where the litter boxes were all by yourself. Your sister keeping the one kitten busy with toys while you sifted through mountains of kitty litter. A low purr resonated through the silent room, coming from right next to the bed. You knew the older cat was grumpy and actually quite mean. Your neighbor went telling you not to mess with him for too long.
On their first day you realized maybe the old cat wasn’t as fun as the little kitten, especially after he hissed at you when you tried to pet him.
Nevertheless the stepped closer to the bed, looking for the old grumpy ass cat. As you wondered if he was hiding by the pillows you felt something sharp scratch your foot underneath the bed.
You didn’t give it a second thought, running out of the room with the small bag of litter box waste in one hand. As you cried loudly, your older sister threw away the bag in your hand, trying to get you to tell her what happened. When she found out, she just laughed in your face. After all you were perfectly fine, it was just a small scratch, even a bandaid would be over dramatic.
Since then you have sworn that you’d never be in the presence of a cat by choice. When you met Lisa and she told you she had cats, you were actually considering telling her that the relationship wouldn’t work out. But she wasn’t the type of person to let that happen.
So she would always put her cats away in whatever room when you came over. After about three times you felt bad, especially hearing Lily’s soft meows from the other side of the door.
As a result, you told her to just come over to your place. The only pet you had was a little turtle so it wasn’t like you had to lock her up somewhere.
It had been Lisa’s goal from day one to get you over your fear of cats, or at least kittens. Which is exactly why your girlfriend brought you to an animal shelter that focuses on caring for abandoned and abused cats and kittens.
“Lisa where are you making me drive to?” You asked, not taking your eyes off the road.
Your girlfriend replied, “stop asking questions and drive.”
You told her, “I swear Pranpriya ‘Lalisa’ Manoban if this address is another fricking cat café- I will literally bust your knee caps.”
She threw her head back in laughter as she remembers the time she’d dragged you to a cat cafe. You sat outside the cafe as she was inside enjoying herself surrounded by cats.
She put her hand on your clothes thigh, “it’s not. So don’t worry.”
When you arrived and read the sign above the door you told her, “I better be reading the sign wrong. If I walk in there and there’s a bunch of cats...Lisa I swear to God you know I can’t do cats.”
She could tell by the tone in your voice that you were actually scared and not mad at her. She told you, “this is my favorite place to come when I can. It’s a shelter for cats and kittens that have been victims of some sort of mistreatment or abuse. All of the animals here are so sweet. To be honest...unfortunately most of them will probably be more afraid of you than you are of them.”
You nodded, “alright...but if I don’t like it I’m gonna come back and sit in the car and wait for you.”
Lisa nodded and said “alright are you ready?”
You nodded and followed her out of the car, her hand in yours as you walked into the building.
“Hi Mrs. Kang!” Lisa chirped to the woman behind the desk.
The older woman smiled, “ahhh Lalisa! It’s so good to see you, and I see you brought someone along this time.”
Lisa nodded and said, “this is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N this is director and owner of the shelter Mrs. Kang.”
You smiled and bowed, the woman doing the same for you.
She told Lisa, “we got two new kittens early this morning. One is at the vet right now but the other is in a pen by herself. She’s still very small, but very friendly already. Other than that you can go on back and play with the older cats. A few litter boxes might need to be cleaned as well.”
Lisa nodded and put on an apron, handing one to you as well. The second she walked through the large doors that opened to the back of the shelter, you felt your hesrt sink in fear. There were so many cats of all breeds and sizes.
Your girlfriend pulled you to her side, lets go find the baby hmm?”
No nervously nodded and followed her, stopping at a small pen where the sleeping kitten was. The name plate over the pen reading:
Clove: Russian Blue (pink)
Delta: Russian Blue (purple)
Lisa looked at the hot pink collar around the kitten’s neck, “hmm Delta must be the one that’s away right now then.”
She opened the pen and picked up the other kitten gently, immediately she curled into the warmth of her body. Your girlfriend cooed and rubbed the kitten’s head, almost dying of cuteness.
“Do you wanna pet her?” Lisa asked, moving closer to you. You hesitated but then decided one little pat couldn’t hurt.
It was less of a pat and more of a poke, right on the side of the little kitten’s head. She let out a soft meow and your heart instantly melted.
Lisa handed you the towel she was wrapped in before passing her to you. You held the small kitten in your arms and mumbled to her softly, “you’re not so scary after all huh?”
Your girlfriend pointed you to a chair and made sure you were set before moving around to do whatever work Mrs. Kang threw at her. Lisa worked quickly, as if she actually did work here full time. She knew the other people and volunteers that worked there and they knew her. They cracked jokes as if they’d been friends for years and worked well together like colleagues.
At the end of the day you were sitting outside, the kitten still in your arms. Lisa came and sat next to you.
Your girlfriend asked, “soooo...kittens aren’t so scary huh?”
You shook your head and said “no, not at all. I like this one. She’s cute.”
Lisa replied, “well it’s time to say goodbye, we have to head home now. I’m glad you had fun with Clove today though. And i’m very proud of you, you came a long way in 8 hours.”You nodded, smiling as you still looked down at the little kitten in your arms.
Weeks passed and you found yourself going to the shelter to volunteer a few times a week. Each time you went you made sure to visit Clove and Delta for a bit. The kitten’s both took a liking to you, and you quite frankly adored them.
You brought up adopting Clove and Delta to Mrs. Kang a few times and she was more than happy to help you with that process. It wasn’t until you saw someone come and take a look at the two kittens that you realized you needed to adopt them.
So you did, and no, you did not tell Lisa.
You called you girlfriend over the day you adopted them, not able to contain your happiness any more. When she walked through your apartment door she walked straight past Delta and Clove, not noticing them at all.
Until she heard a soft meow, and felt a tail brush her ankle. She looked down then up at you, “oh my god, YOU STOLE CLOVE AND DELTA?!”
You sighed and said, “Lisa- I- You- NO! I didn’t steal the babies, I adopted them dummy.”
She exhaled and said “oh...well that’s less fun. WAIT- You actually adopted them? They’re yours now?!”
You nodded happily as Clove climbed up onto the couch and into your arms, Delta settling in Lisa’s. Your girlfriend stated, “I guess we’re both cat ladies now huh?”
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ineffably-good · 7 years
Rule 114 - Stay Out Of The Doctor's Pockets
They were out watching the fireworks on Quintillion Six, sitting together legs swinging on a rock waiting for the show to begin.
"You know, Pond," the Doctor said, "these aren't your average Earth fireworks. They're actually shot down towards the planet's surface from an extremely low orbiting moon. The effect is quite dramatic."
Amy grinned. "They're coming right at you?"
"In a manner of speaking, yes," he said, clearly settling into lecture mode. "Although of course, the geothermal properties of the planet's atmosphere make it impossible for the..." He oomphed as Amy jostled him solidly in the ribs with her elbow.
"Don't destroy the magic of it for me. I want to experience it without knowing for sure that it's perfectly safe, okay? More fun that way." she said.
"Fine, fine, Pond. Whatever you need." He smiled and leaned back on his elbows, peering up into the darkening sky.
Finally the show started, and even the Doctor had to admit that the sight of a firework coming down from far up in the sky and exploding overhead was both beautiful and utterly alarming. The crowd around them ooohed, aaahed, and ducked appreciatively.
Amy, dressed as always in the shortest allowable skirt, shivered as a cool breeze picked up. She burrowed in closer to the Doctor, her head nuzzled into his shoulder.
"Here," he said, shrugging off his tweed jacket. "Wear this."
Amy snuggled into it happily, breathing in the jacket's inimitably great smell - tweed and cloves and a tiny bit of something akin to motor oil and something she couldn't identify at all. Space? Does space have a smell? Anyways, it was a happy smell and she was hit with a wave of contentment. She crammed her hands deep into its pockets, and then leapt to her feet with a shriek.
"What?" the Doctor cried, hopping to his feet with sonic in hand and glancing around them in a wide circle. "What happened?"
"Something bit me! In your pocket!"
"Shhhh!" said a voice from behind them. "Get down! You're ruining the view!"
The Doctor pulled Amy back down to the rock face. "Amy, quiet down," he murmured in a low voice. "You're going to start a riot. I absolutely promise you that nothing in my pocket is capable of biting you."
Amy leaned over and poked him in the chest. "I know a bite when I feel one, Mister. What have you got in there, a gerbil?"
The Doctor pointedly ignored her and stared up at the sky. "Watch the show, Amy."
"You do! You do have some kind of rodent in there!"
He turned and gazed at her steadily. "Can we just put a pin in this for now? Please hush up." He kept eye contact with her for a few moments to make sure she heard him. Finally she flopped down beside him (this time with her hands nowhere near the jacket) and tried to enjoy the show. Which wasn't easy thinking about what might be climbing around inside her borrowed coat.
"Ok, Doctor," Amy said a few hours later as they unlocked the door of the TARDIS and stumbled in. "Spill it."
He blinked at her innocently. "Spill what?"
"What," she said menacingly, "is living in your coat?"
"Amy, Amy, Amy..." he put on his best persecuted look. "Nothing."
"So you won't mind if I have a look then?"
"Be my guest! Well you already are my guest," he said, stopping to consider that for a moment. "That doesn't make any sense, really. But help yourself! Mi jacket es su jacket, as they say," the Doctor called as he disappeared into the library.
Undeterred, Amy plopped down cross-legged on the console room floor and tentatively reached into the pocket on the left. At first the usual things one might expect - well the usual things for a Time Lord, maybe - came out.
Two older, nonfunctioning models of the sonic screw driver.
A jammy dodger or two.
Bubble gum.
Kitchen twine.
Safety scissors.
Batteries. Lots of batteries.
The Doctor wandered out to see how she was doing. "I'm going to start a movie, do you want to join me?" he called.
"Nope," Amy called, "This is way too interesting."
Amy found herself feeling bolder as nothing with teeth emerged and started digging more forcefully.
An umbrella.
A Darth Vader pez dispenser.
One of those weird frisbee things from Tron.
A vial full of sparkling bead-like pollen.
Fourteen handkerchiefs.
Four extra red bow ties.
Clown shoes and a nose.
A small green book entitled "Poisons and You! How to Avoid Them."
A collapsible digging shovel.
"This is getting ridiculous," Amy muttered. "I haven't even gotten to the second pocket yet."
A small bicycle, possibly sized for a monkey.
Three large, interlocking hoops.
One half of the kind of box a magician saws through, with no lady inside.
Something that looked a lot like a mandolin.
A VHS exercise tape.
Allen wrenches of all shapes and sizes, stuck together with a rubber band.
An inflatable bath toy.
Silver polish.
Eleven golf balls, bright yellow.
Two hours later the Doctor returned to find Amy centered in a small clearing surrounded by the most bewildering pile of things.
"Are you still at this?" he asked. "Honestly, Pond. Go to bed."
"I hardly need to," she joked. "I'm sure I'll find a blanket and a pillow in here eventually."
"Yes, well, this is all well and good fun, but I'm afraid I simply have to put an end to this science project of yours," the Doctor replied primly. "You're messing up my filing system quite badly. Organization is important."
Amy blinked up at him for a beat or two.
"You have an organization system for this?"
"Of course! How else do you think one could manage infinite pockets? Everything is alphabetized and sorted into it's own quantum container. Cross indexed and referenced in the central computer and in the sonic." He flopped down on the jump seat. "And that is why I always know where something is when I need it."
"Except for the correct date and time," Amy pointed out.
"Ah! Ah ha." He agreed. "Yes, well, there's no way to store that in a pocket."
Amy rolled her eyes as she stood up, surveying the mess she'd made. She gently picked up the coat with a thumb and forefinger, still a little wary of it, and handed it back to the Doctor. "Here. I give up."
"So you admit you were wrong about wild beasts living in there?" he asked.
"I admit no such thing. But if there is, god knows you would have it indexed under some planet I can't even spell, cross referenced by it's DNA code." She tossed her hair back over her shoulder. "Well, good night!"
"Hey!" he called after her rapidly retreating form. "Hey! What about all of this mess?"
Amy gave a quick little wave and blew a kiss as she disappeared down the corridor. Undoubtedly to take a bath or some such nonsense, he thought. Humans and their baths.
He took a moment to survey all of the things in the pile on the floor before picking it up and stuffing it back into the larger of his coat pockets. Indexing system? Cross referencing? As if. It wasn't a complete lie, he had always intended to install that kind of system. Instead he preferred to just reach in wildly and let fate or the universe provide whatever it thought he needed. It had always worked so far.
Except for the rodent, of course. Some mischievous child had once shoved a small animal in his coat, several years ago, and he had never once been able to locate it. There was almost no chance it was still alive, was there? Surely it couldn't have found a food source and somehow survived for two years without ever letting him know it was there? Surely it couldn't have reproduced?
He stopped and pondered it for a moment.
Naaaaaaah, not possible.
Still, he made a mental note to mix a small dose of antibiotics into Amy's morning tea tomorrow. Just in case she really did get a bite.
Better safe than sorry.
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365-money-diary · 4 years
DAYS 36-42
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8:30 AM - Make a chemex and get to work.
10:00 AM - Pineapple!
12:45 PM - Heat up cheesy red lentil soup for lunch with a La Croix. 
4:00 PM - Do a 10-minute Peloton ride and a barre class. Barre class gets interrupted as I get text updates for the grocery order. I kind of end up half-assing it toward the end but I’m glad I got it done. 
5:45 PM - Prep the kitchen for the grocery order – incoming of bread, greens, tomatoes, onions, garlic, tempeh, tofu, tortillas, tortilla chips, pretzels, apples, jalapenos, lemons, limes, cabbage, cilantro, vegan sour cream, rice, chickpeas, pinto beans, frozen burritos, bell peppers, eggs, parsley, ginger, BBQ sauce, buffalo sauce, grapes, sprouts, brussels sprouts, green beans, miso, cloves, frozen pizzas, hamburger buns, plant yogurt, cucumber, carrots, chipotle seitan sausages, tomato paste, broccoli, bananas, celery, potatoes, clementines, hashbrowns, red lentil pasta, dijon, seltzer, pineapple, dark chocolate, strawberry jam, vegetable bouillon, zucchini, mushrooms, dried oregano, radish, & snap peas. $342.39
7:00 PM - roast potatoes and make veggie sandwiches. Drink a hibiscus mezcal cocktail too. MAX RELAX for the rest of the eve. It’s Friday baby!
 DAY THIRTY-SIX: $342.39
9:30 AM - Slept in weird vibes. Feel tingly when I stand which means blood pressure is bad. We are seeing friends today and I don’t want to power through it so I just drink some soy sauce. It does wonders and I’m feeling better within 30 minutes. Make a Chemex and watch an episode of dessert person.
10:30 AM - Head out to our pals’ house (If you read my last diary series, they’re the people we used to go to Suns games with) in uptown Phoenix for an outside hang. We meet their new baby and he is super cute. Hang out 10 feet apart and it feels so normal and chill. I also find out that I apparently qualify for the vaccine because I work to facilitate education, so I need to look into that.
2:45 PM - K and I haven’t eaten today and we’re starving. We split a Daiya pizza and eat snack on chips and salsa while we wait. I also eat a clementine. 
5:30 PM - Feel my body starting to fade and I’m kind of barred out. Decide to walk to the lake. I do a bad job of getting my HR up but I still enjoy my time outside. 
8:00 PM - I’m not hungry at all from all the salt. Decide to eat a small bowl of cheesy lentil soup for dinner but mostly just pound the water while working on a post for oil-free Greek dressing.
8:30 PM - I notice someone posts a sample sale for Splits 59 which is one of my favorite workout brands. I’m hitting 250 Pure Barre classes this week and use it as an excuse to celebrate. Buy 2 pairs of leggings and a cute tank. $70
10:00 PM - Definitely at that point in the day where I feel like I’m just passing time.
8:45 AM - Spend some time in bed adjusting my fantasy bball team. Still set to be undefeated in the more competitive league. Eventually make a chemex and post my oil-free greek dressing around the web. 
10:30 AM - I listen to a session on Mined, cook brunch (tofu/egg tacos with soyrizo) and and frantically get ready for M’s baby’s 1st bday. 
1:05 PM - Arrive at the party… what I thought was going to be just me, M, his wife, his mom, and his kid is actually them plus 6 other people hanging in the backyard. Not my favorite thing I’ve had to deal with this pandemic. Everyone is outside/masked. I learn that 2-3 of them have already been vaxxed but it’s still kind of a weird situation for me. I know if K was with me it would be bad news, so I am grateful he stayed behind today.
2:00 PM - Hightail it outta there once 4 more people show up. Listen to music really loud in the car and scream some lyrics on my way home. Feels good man.
2:45 PM - Continue listening to tunes at home, digging thru my Spotify discover weekly for the first time in a while and building a set that I want to record sometime next week.
3:15 PM - K’s brother and wife stop by and we do an outside masked hang with them for about an hour and a half. We haven’t seen them since December of 2019 so this is really really great.
6:00 PM - K and I keep talking about getting takeout but nothing sounds good so we just decide to do veggie sandwiches and potatoes. Drink wine.
7:00 PM - I decide to work on my tax stuff all evening instead of exercising. It takes 2 hours but I get all of my stuff together and send it to the guy. Pour myself a celebratory glass of wine after.
10:00 PM - K and I watch Beverly Hills Ninja in bed. I’d never seen it before and it was so good.
8:00 AM - Chemex. Pure barre weekly charge. $15
10:00 AM - A local bar down the street has been closed since March and a pal posts a GFM on their behalf. I donate to it. Eat a banana and a clementine $50
11:30 AM - Prep salad for the week - greens, gochujang tempeh, miso dressing, soba noodles, snap peas, carrots, and cucumber. Finish about 2 minutes before a call and I’m scrambling to appear composed.
5:30 PM - Do a pure barre livestream while K runs to go pick up dinner from a local vegan spot. K gets a fried chicken seitan sandwich and I get a burger. It’s really really delicious and I’m super stuffed after.
8:30 AM - Chemex. Work is still kind of wild but I make a lot of progress on my report this AM so I’m feelin’ good there.
9:30 AM - Banana and clementine.
12:00 PM - Salad.
4:30 PM - Try to do a PB live stream (my 250th class) but Zoom’s server is being weird so I do a 30 min Peloton ride instead with a 5 min stretch.
6:00 PM - Veggie sandwiches with potatoes for din again. 
8:00 PM - A friend from highschool, N, and I chat and it’s really really great. I drink 2 glasses of wine while we catch up. 
8:30 AM - Oof my quads are sore. Make a chemex.
10:00 AM - Eat a banana.
11:00 AM - We’ve been dragging on the KN95 thing but decide to go for it today. Buy a pack of 50 in assorted colors, some Healthy Blood iron from Garden of Life, and poop bags for the dog. (Counting this expense as “home”) $98.04
12:00 PM - Spend time doing an analysis that doesn’t really tell me much but it was worth looking into. Eat gochujang tempeh salad
2:00 PM - I have a zoom scheduled with a work pal who I haven’t seen in forever. She tells me (much like the few others) that we qualify for the vaccine. I decide to make the appointment based on her feedback and after 40 minutes of messing with the system was able to get in on Feb 19.
5:00 PM - Take my 250th Pure Barre class! I am sweaty and it’s great.
6:45 PM - K isn’t really hungry so I eat the last of the red lentil soup.
7:30 PM - We have plans to see a friend in town from Ohio. Meet up with him at his hotel and sit on the front patio masked up for a while. I am mostly cold and have to pee.
9:45 PM - We arrive back home. I snack on a few pretzels, drink a glass of wine, eat some grapes and some dark chocolate.
8:30 AM - Chemex. My allergies are bad this AM. Send emails out - looks like my tax return is going to give me $1200 but then I owe $200 on my state. I always owe on state. One day… Also send a note to the loan guy who says I’m definitely going to close tomorrow at 8AM so we shall see.
10:30 AM - Tax invoice comes in. $220
11:00 AM - Boil some more soba noodles for salads. I’m basically going to be in meetings until 4:30 PM today so I’m trying to get ahead of all my stuff. Also do a check for all of the house painting things that came over the past week. Looks like it’s all here and I can start painting this weekend!
12:00 PM - Make salad in between calls and crack open a La Croix.
4:30 PM - My calls are done, do a 10 minute Peloton climb ride and then do a Pure Barre stream.
8:00 PM - Eat the last of the veggie sandwiches for dinner. Drink 2 glasses of wine and some dark chocolate. Something about tonight is off in my brain. I don’t have the capacity to be productive so I just watch episodes of The Challenge on my laptop while K plays Rocket League.
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My Generation
My Generation It really is the little things. I know it can’t be helped because the kids today don’t have anything to compare, but it makes me rather sad when I think about it. So, what got me to thinking about it? I reached up for a box of cereal and I noticed that I was being directed to grab my smart phone and go to a website for offers and to get merchandise. Of course it is all fine and good, and yes, I am proud that my grandkids can manipulate a computer straight from the womb, but they really are missing out on some of the little things in life because of it. When we were kids we would have to wait our turn for the prize in the box of cereal. That really was a big deal. There were games, puzzles, and stories on the backs of those boxes. I even got some 45 records off the backs of them. Sugar Sugar by the Archies was one of them. The pleasure we got from a box of cereal was more than just a bowl of sugary sweet crunchy goodness. It was something to be looked forward to each morning. Cracker Jacks had a prize and we would wait with anticipation as we opened the box, digging down through the caramel coated popcorn, pushing aside the peanuts, finally seeing that prize that was in every box, not having a clue as to what it could be. My favorite, and I got one only two or three times was the plastic magnifying glass. How awesome was that for a little girl who could take it out and make everything in her world get larger with no fear of it breaking because it was plastic? Bazooka gum had little comics inside them. I had several friends who collected them. Speaking of gum, we would take the wrappers off our Wrigley’s gum and make them into chains. Those chains could be hung in the doorway to look really cool, like a set of beads. They could be made into bracelets or necklaces. What kid do you know nowadays who would do that? On the subject of comics, we all had to get taken by the ads in the back of the comic book of choice on at least one occasion. Everybody knew somebody who bought the x-ray vision glasses that could be used to see through clothes, but nobody could ever give you the name of that elusive friend. We all bought that hot gum to trick our friends, but it was actually clove gum and did we ever have fun with it! I always wanted to buy those seahorses that just had to be added to water and ta dah! - they would come to life. We live and learn. And, so many other wonderful gadgets we all wanted were there for just a few dollars and the price of a stamp. I know that even though I wouldn’t get anything from it, I would spend time pouring over the Sears catalog when it came in the mail. I would see the beautiful clothes, the shoes, and coats that we couldn’t afford. The toys Sears sold were a dream come true. I think kids are missing out a lot on being able to sit and turn pages, looking at items, making that “wish list”. I have seen the pages on Facebook and other sites that put it out there about how life was when we were kids, but really, it is the little things. Watching an old video not too long back brought it back even then, a generation later. Seeing my two kids climbing trees. When did you last see kids climbing trees, playing around? My nephew looked so content playing with toy cars on the patio, he and his brother playing with dinosaurs and soldiers as a game. Kids don’t do that anymore. For fun the girls were dancing around, being silly.  I don’t think that my children’s generation was that far removed from my generation, but my grandchildren just don’t know what they and all the other kids their ages are missing. Life for them is too structured and planned. And for that, I will repeat myself, I am truly saddened. 
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